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ace-dodo · 5 months
I'm in my "take me to see the gardens one last time" era
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bookscorpion73 · 10 months
guys I’m doing it!!!
ok *deep breathe* if this post gets 7,300 notes I will tell my parents I’ve been writing this story (my sci fi story) and ask if I can get it published by next Christmas also if this does end up getting that insane number of notes I may have to take my word back on the “finish and publish on wattpad or ao3 all four of my wips by next new years” because the sci fi one is obviously going to need a lot more attention but I will finish the drafts for my other 3 wips by next Christmas as well (the summer rom com, the Christmas rom com and the sapphic vampire heist one)
Update: it’s already at 1,000 and I’m dying
Update: shit shit shit how is it at 4,000???
Update: 6,000 notes??? Why guys why 😭😭😭😭😭
Update: 7,300 notes… well shit
Update: thank you all <33333333
Update: guys you can rest now no need to keep reblogging and commenting so much it’s hit the goal
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blu-ish · 8 months
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he's there for emotional support💖
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justcommander · 9 months
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And that's why Michael got cool shades in this AU.
That feeling when you're just a teenager and already got cataract. Amongst the other things that damn possession and truck accident caused you But John is doing his best all on his own...!
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Noir is 100% comfortable with the queer community. HC that he, at some point, got the tar beaten out of him and was found/stitched up by drag queens. From then on he helps out protecting performers at their speakeasy and checks in on them regularly. Maybe gotten some makeup done once or twice.
Despite this, he doesn’t know any modern terminology or norms at all, which causes the other spiders to assume the man simply doesn’t know what a gay person is.
He has repeatedly called the LGBTQ+ community the L-Hee-Bee-Gee-Bee-Ts.
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releasing this from the hj discord dungeon because the public populace was in agreement also i'm chronically offline on tumblr and need to fix that for my chronically online ahh
#hand jumper#webtoon#sayeon lee#she couldn't even enjoy herself once she gets into the decent university because she got sent to the corps sayeon lee my giiirl#SHE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO BASK IN THE GLORY OF VALEDICTORIAN BECAUSE SHE WAS CONSCRIPTED 😭#bro she's built like those kids in school who dump social interaction the moment exam season comes around#she's built like and earned that first honours fr.#but the corps said nah so she did the one thing those kids do make life even HARDER for themselves#even if in context it's no even hard it's just a matter of survival in the corps so success is the only option lest you die#hj reminds me of kaiji a lot with how they handle this but they're like two different genres but i digress#so she created TWO short term goals that forced her to hammer down her if not reinforce her previous values/beliefs#and if you read fp or wait until this tuesday lemme tell you rn it gets worse#which force her back into her shell and wall she's built#which is fucked up bc juni's wall is coming down when cell 4 didn't die as quick as she'd thought and surpassed her expectations#sayeon try not to be any characters narrative foil/parallel challenge fail 1000% speedrun#this only gets worse in fp and while this was in my drafts since the morning#i will say i literally just had a conversation abt this with my g bigbrainmanyvibes before prematurely leaving for lunch#but i set an alarm to actually post all the memes i made here so imma do this one now then the rest later#JOIN THE HJ DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WAY EASIER TO USE!!!!![to me......]#PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#that's it for my obligatory plug for the hj discord you can stop reading now i you haven't already stopped because i make this thing a diar#anw GLORY TO SAYJIN NATION!!!!!!!!!
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padawansuggest · 4 months
Sometimes I remember that Lukas’s own headcanon is that Vader’s power was finally unsuppressed and became a full fledged 40k (meaning that 28k was supposed to be a suppressed number somehow no idk how I just know it’s his own thoughts on it and I accept that because that’s a boss idea okay, it lives in my brain) and therefore when Obi-Wan beat the shit outta Vader by throwing rocks at him he literally beat up one of the most powerful beings to ever exist and I’m like 👁️👄👁️
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slavhew · 5 months
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Stroiders + hannibal jackman
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books-and-catears · 7 months
They really released a fucking Solomon card AGAIN when I have 0 pulls. Ah fuck my life. Anyone who has the card please kindly just tell me the summary if you can. No screenshots required, one little para will do. Imma go cry now.
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Hannibal: I wanna take u on a date to art museums in Italy 😘🤭
Will: ur soup sucks
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toxooz · 28 days
Feel free to not answer this if its too invasive but what do you do for work? how do you manage your time to still create such awesome things while working? sorry if this comes off as weird I just want to find a way to work while still having time for my art
hoo boi ok i went into the job field hellbent on getting a more heavy duty job like welding and just do art as i please and preserve my passion for it so i dont get burnt out from an art job, but bröther ive realized the hard way my body just don't have the energy to balance working my ever sweatin ass off all day and Also have the energy to draw. I used to have a factory job building coolers but the management went to pure shit, all my good coworkers got fired or quit, and i was beginning to not trust myself holding a framing gun sOOO as of rn i '''technically''' don't have a job, my patreons payin the bills (and then some praise the lorTTTT) rn plus i got that mural gig that came at the most perfect time but im currently perfecting my craft at tattooing so i can get into that field eventually 🤙 i worked my ass off and drew my ass off for a while but my lack of energy made me crash and burn so i may not be the person to give advice on that AHHAAaa
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I feel like this moment is gonna be written down in queer history 😍
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mamamittens · 2 months
Idk if it's just that time for me but I had a thought.
What if Ace was like, a little more well adjusted? Like, emotionally level even if it's not in a way that would have a licensed therapist nodding their head like "No note, you can scrap our next session!"
What if he didn't quite live in his father's shadow as he did in the show?
What if the death of his parents weighed on him differently?
What if he was more upset at their passing and the future that was stolen from him than anything else.
(dead ass had more thoughts but roomie put clothes in the dryer and it's fucking screeching like a dog whistle it is ALMOST ELEVEN AT NIGHT WOMAN I THOUGHT WE ALL AGREED IT WAS A BAD IDEA TO DO LAUNDRY AFTER NINE ITS SO FUCKING LOUD!?!)
Anyway, what I was really wondering was what if Ace genuinely just wanted to see what Whitebeard was like and had no interest in joining his crew. And eventually after being pestered to shit about it, Ace explains that he can't bring himself to form an attachment with someone who clearly doesn't expect to live another five years.
That he's lost enough and couldn't handle finally having a good parental figure just to have them die on him again. Only this time he could watch it happen and remember for the rest of his life instead of just knowing.
That he can't put his heart in the hands of someone who's actively drinking themselves to death. How can he trust someone to care for him and support him if they can't even care enough to do everything in their power to stay.
That a ship full of possible siblings did not sweeten the pot because that was just a ship full of people who saw nothing wrong with someone in such a dangerous line of work actively making it worse (or not doing anything productive about it). He couldn't stay with Shanks, same issue only Shanks intends to drink himself to death for at least a couple more decades.
Ace expresses that he can't possibly join because he's already seen how badly loss wrecked people he loves and can't imagine signing up for that knowingly.
It's kind of juvenile.
It's awfully, heartbreakingly mature.
It's not born out of anger but sheer empathy for what they all must know on some level. And Ace is acknowledging that.
"Losing him is going to hurt you all. And I can't handle being hurt on top of seeing that too."
How do you convince someone to join your crew after that?
Could Whitebeard even bring himself to try? Or would he look at his precious booze and ask himself (perhaps not for the first time) of his vice was worth it.
I like to imagine Ace is dropped off with his crew shortly after with very long, teary hugs from several members.
I like to imagine even more that not long after that, Whitebeard starts refusing to drink. Not all at once. But slowly it goes from every meal and while relaxing to once before bed. To once a week. After a long week. A long month.
Until one day he's been sober for a whole year and his nurses and children are sobbing as his medications are finally working fully as intended. No more side effects from drinking.
And then they meet Ace again and Whitebeard asks if he would reconsider his answer. If Whitebeard could have the honor of calling him 'son'?
And Ace... Oh, Ace's heart aches. Leaving hurt so bad because he could tell it would be a good, if short, live on the Moby with such a large family. He wanted it so bad with every step he took that day as he left.
But more than anything, he wanted just one thing.
Someone that chooses to stay.
So many people left him, for reasons within and outside their control. And they died. One by one. All gone and leaving him alone with a desperate boy who'd rather die than be alone. Just like Ace would rather die than choose to blindly trust nothing bad would ever happen again.
And finally.
Someone chooses to stay.
And now Ace can too.
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falldogbombsthemoon · 4 months
Ok. Imma need to ramble a bit. Today, my school had that monthly talking class, where the whole class basically sits down and talks about how they feel in school and if they wanna change anything. Great idea. Problem is; I get a better view of what shit my classmates are talking.
Today. We finished like class talking and our teacher suggested that we could talk about politics, since the wars and the coming up Europe elections.
And people were like "naaah, not politics" or "AFD!!!" (AFD is the German outer right wing party that basically wants to get Nazi-Germany back. I could rage about them for hours, but i do not have energy for that rn.) One of the guys said it was a joke (jokes are meant to be funny. That's not funny, but ok).
And now, what completely made me lose faith. A girl (who is also lowkey transphobic. She reposted like only 2 Genders shit) justified her liking for that party by saying they wanna keep allowing combustion vehicles. Bc they sound better. This is soo fucked up on so many levels;
1. You justify worsening your environment, bc you'd rather have a louder car than an electronic one.
2. You trade human rights for a loud car. But ofc that's fine. Bc they won't fuck over your rights, just the ones of every single minority.
Give up your 'right' to have a combustion vehicle and protect others rights to fucking live. And it's not even like you won't be bothered by what that party will do. Your friends might need to leave the county bc of them bitches. But no. Believe their lies and be part of the thrid that dangers the democracy. Great job.
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eloise175 · 11 months
If I don’t see Callisto wearing blue/black clothes to match the dress he gifted to Penelope I will cry blood.
Also Derrick in white is odd—he just is. Reynold looks like he’d actually be responsible for once and the Duke is the Duke. What do you want me to say, another man that doesn’t change his clothes, at least he’s serving ig😭
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Like wdym it’s your own birthday and that’s not a occasion meaningful enough to get the bling on. To impress Penelope at least, since he’s a minimalist, and SPOILER: since he wants to propose—like wdym you want to propose to the woman you’re infatuated with but don’t even step up to dress accordingly
If he does end up wearing a white uniform that we saw in the past, you’ll hear me scream from all corners of the world, I’ll be seen on the news dragged away kicking and screaming—I WILL START A RIOT AAAAAA
I can excuse the white outfit only if it looks different from what we’ve seen up until this point. That’s the only condition. It needs to be like those typical ‘Crown Prince’ outfits that get everyone like “oh so that’s what a Crown Prince looks like” with multiple gold accessories and stuff, punch in the eye ‘I demand attention’ kind of fit.
We’re doomed I’ll prepare the bottles for everyone so we can drink our sorrows away 😔
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