Forcing myself to experience queer joy vicariously by watching transgenders, sapphics, and transgender sapphics on say yes to the dress.
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most perfect video on planet earth
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kaustic · 2 years
bro i think i need to be chronically offline and like. hike or smth cause at least in the real world if someone says something outrageously fucking dumb i can cause them severe mental or physical harm
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Quick Pro-Life Responses
Keep in mind: the fundamental disagreement between pro-life and pro-choice is on whether a fetus is being formed into a person, or if the fetus is already a person and is simply developing.
Confidently assert, “you say that because you think a fetus is not a person yet.”
They may concede fetuses are people in word, but still not conceptualize them as full people worthy of equal consideration.
“I have the right to bodily autonomy.”
Abortion is literally suffocation, poisoning, or dismemberment of a living human organism.
Abortion induces fetal demise by depriving a human of oxygen, blood, or vital function.
Bodily autonomy does not justify abuse of power and excessive force over a helpless person.
Abortion, a disproportionately brutal response to a passive threat, is aggressive violence.
“No one has the right to use my body.”
Correct. But, a prenatal person does not use a pregnant person’s body. They have no agency.
A pregnant person’s body takes care of the prenate. This care is ordinary and healthy.
Abortion is not like refusing care to a dying person, it is like murdering a healthy captive.
No one has the right to murder someone who they caused to be dependent on them.
“I have the right to revoke my consent.”
When you give consent, you agree to accept the foreseeable outcomes and risks of an action.
The creation of a bodily dependent is a foreseeable outcome of consensual intercourse.
You cannot revoke consent to outcomes. You can revoke consent to actions.
You may not violently sacrifice a helpless person to “mitigate” a risk of a consensual action.
“Anything dependent on my body is a parasite.”
If you make parasites, then you’re a parasite; it’s misogynist to suggest women are parasites.
The female body would not actively try to make pregnancy happen if it were parasitic.
Prenates never directly cause pregnant people harm; they are not aggressors or parasites.
Using developmental dependency to justify murder is simultaneously ageist and ableist.
“An embryo is just a clump of cells.”
Human embryos meet NASA’s criteria for the characteristics of distinct living organisms.
Human embryos are self-directed and their development follows a body plan.
Human embryos are organized and individual. They already have inherited capacities.
Tumors and gametes do not follow an organized body plan.
“Early humans have no cognitive capacities.”
By week 3, the embryo has a spine and is developing a nervous system.
By week 5, the embryo has a rudimentary brain that controls their pulse.
By week 8, the embryo has pain reflexes and can move their limbs.
It’s incredibly ableist to use the cognitive inabilities of a human being to justify their murder.
“If a fetus is a person, so is a brain-dead human.”
A brain-dead human is, obviously, dead. It’s an oxygenated corpse, the remains of a person.
Death occurs when human organisms stop resisting entropy and lose organic integration.
Preborn people actively resist entropy (decay) and have organic integration (unity).
An early human organism isn’t dependent on a mature brain to organize her vital functioning.
“Later abortions only happen for medical reasons.”
According to two studies by pro-abortion researcher at UCSF Katrina Kimport, this is untrue.
Kimport’s studies found that the reasons for later abortions are similar to early abortions.
Later abortions aren’t euthanasia; infants are stabbed with lethal injections and dismembered.
Perinatal hospice and palliative care relieve suffering. Dying babies deserve love, not murder.
“What about rape and incest?”
Abortion is not evidence-based treatment for sexual trauma. Abortion is traumatic as well.
A preborn child should not be condemned to the death penalty for their father’s crime.
It is safe for most menstruating children to carry pregnancies to viability with sufficient prenatal care.
Children conceived in incest are likely to have disabilities; that’s not reason to murder them.
“What about health of the mother?”
Every abortion ban in the US has exceptions for if the mother’s life or body is in grave danger.
We are not against tragic cases of triage. We are against elective induced abortion.
Some procedures coded medically as abortions aren’t legally or ethically defined as abortions.
Pro-life doctors report that the bans have not impeded their ability to treat their patients.
Your Core Arguments
There is no sound evidence or consistent logic that proves the preborn are the only class of human beings exceptional to the rule that humans are people with equal rights.
If a being is in the dynamic process of bonding with us as kin, then that being is a whole actual person by the manner of actively and inherently relating to our collective humanity.
Embryonic humans are full and equal people like us because they latently embody our same capacities and are manifesting them as we are, on account of sharing our nature.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 16, Unaccompanied - Pt. 4
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, allusions to sexy stuff, a long overdue conversation with Steve.
Word Count: 2.4k
Previously On...: You went to Tony for answers about how Carthage ended up on the Quinjet; he asks you to attend his annual shareholder gala on Saturday. You, vomiting, + a bunch of stuffy rich people. What could go wrong?
A/N: Quick note about how text messages are written herein: Outgoing messages (in this instance, from Pocket to Bucky) will be indicated by ">>" in front of them. Incoming messages are labeled with the contact name the phone owner has for that person in their phone. In this instance, Pocket has Bucky saved in her phone as "Magic Dick🍆🦾" lol
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Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
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The gala had barely begun and you were already exhausted. Your stomach bug hadn’t let up, and you’d been vomiting for the last two days. Fortunately, you were able to get an injection of an anti-nausea medication from one of the interns down in the med bay, so even though you didn’t currently have to worry about puking your guts out on some obscenely wealthy financier, you just had to deal with the constant exhaustion you’d been feeling from your illness. 
Just a few more hours, you told yourself as you brushed off the advances of yet another man old enough to be your father. Not once had anyone actually wanted to discuss the Crisis Prediction Algorithm System. It seemed you were being viewed more as potential arm candy than Stark Industries’ CTO. That alone was enough to leave you longing for an early night in your bed. 
You did look amazing, though, you had to admit, even if you’d had to go a little heavy on the makeup to mask your pallor. When you asked Tony for a new dress, you’d anticipated taking the girls on a shopping trip. Tony, however, had other ideas and had sent a designer from one of the city’s top fashion houses to the Tower to collect your measurements, and then, the following day, a garment bag appeared in your room containing a striking dress in shimmering Iron Man-red. The bodice was form fitting and strapless, with an asymmetric neckline, and the skirt was full and came down to just below your ankles. 
It was gorgeous, and when your hair and makeup had been completed, you looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale. You’d sent a picture to Bucky and he’d immediately sent you back a series of panting emojis that had you laughing. The following string of text that described exactly what he wanted to do to you in the dress then had you panting, yourself. Fuck your parameters, apparently.
But now, you couldn’t wait to get out of it for an entirely different reason. The call of your pajamas was so alluring. Not only were you physically tired, but you were bored out of your mind. As this was a Stark Industries party, and not an official Avengers gathering, most of your friends had opted not to come. Rhodey was here, now almost fully recovered from his gunshot wounds, but Tony wouldn’t leave his side, so he was constantly being surrounded by people and you couldn’t really find an opening to go talk to him.
When you’d asked Nat and Wanda if they wanted to come with you, Wanda had politely declined, letting you know that she and Vision already had plans to go out of town for the weekend, while Nat just scoffed at you. “I would literally rather swallow broken glass, Pocket,” she’d said. “Those things are boring as fuck and there is not enough money you could possibly pay me to go to one, sorry.” She’d ended up going bar hopping with Clint and Sam, instead.
So, there you were, all by yourself, not even able to distract yourself with the elaborate spread of food that Tony had provided, as the thought of eating still turned your stomach, when you felt a hand at your elbow.
“Hey,” Steve said softly. His presence took you by surprise– you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d truly spoken to one another, aside from clipped conversations about work and missions. “That’s a lovely dress.” A slight blush tinted his cheeks. “How are you feeling, by the way?”
“Steve, hi. Um, I’m good, thank you. Just really tired. Not quite in the right headspace to schmooze, you know?” you asked him, trying to fight off the awkwardness you were feeling at speaking to him again after so long. “You look very dashing tonight.” And he did, with his dark navy suit and cream button-up. 
He smiled, then held out a hand. “Would you care to dance?” he asked. You thought about it for a second. You didn’t want to lead him on, let him think you had any interest beyond the platonic relationship you’d always shared, but you were so fucking bored. One dance couldn’t hurt.
“I’d love to,” you said, taking his hand and letting him lead you to the dance floor.
He was surprisingly light on his feet, given his hulking frame, and he led you through the steps with ease. You somehow managed to only step on his toes twice, which gave you both a good laugh.
“I must have forgotten all my finishing school lessons,” you teased.
“Nah, you’re doing great.” Steve sent you out for a spin, but as he twirled you back into his arms, you were overcome with a wave of dizziness and stumbled. You felt your knees give out and your body begin to collapse in its exhaustion.
“Whoa,” said Steve, using his super soldier reflexes to grab you before you could fall and hold you steady. “I got you. You wanna sit down? Rest a bit?”
You nodded and he led you over to a quiet corner where some couches had been arranged for that very purpose. He guided you down to sit, then placed himself next to you, concern clouding his features.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “Just, you know, between the nausea and the vomiting, I haven’t really been able to keep a lot of food down over the last two days. It’s got me so tired. I think I overdid it with a dance number.”
Steve chuckled, then stood up. “Let me go get you something to drink,” he said. “It’s important that you stay hydrated.” You nodded, and he was off.
With a sigh, you reached into your clutch and pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to Bucky, but knowing that, due to the time difference, he was probably sleeping.
>> I miss you.
You were quite surprised, then, when you saw the three dots appear almost immediately.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: Not that I don’t miss you too, because I desperately do.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: But aren’t you supposed to be livin' it up like Cinderella at the ball?
You chuckled at that before responding.
>> This Cinderella is tired and bored and would much rather be snuggled up in bed with her metal-armed Prince Charming watching a movie or literally any other activity aside from being at this ball unaccompanied. 
Magic Dick🍆🦾: You better be talking ‘bout me, doll. 
>> How many other metal-armed men do I have in my life, dipshit? 
>> Why are you even awake, anyway?
Magic Dick🍆🦾: I’m just teasin’ you, smart ass ;) 
Magic Dick🍆🦾: I’d much rather be curled up in bed with you doin any variety of bedly activities, too >:) 
Magic Dick🍆🦾: And I’m up because we’re getting ready to act on our intel and raid the communications office we were sent to find. 
Magic Dick🍆🦾: Hit 'em at dawn when they’re least suspectin’ it, ya know?
>> Jesus Christ, baby! Be careful! 
Maybe it wasn’t a good thing you hadn’t gone on the mission– you didn’t even have the energy to imagine yourself having the energy to conduct a raid in your current state.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: Always, doll. Gotta get back to my best girl, don’t I?
>> You absolutely do. Cause if I found out you died, I will kill you.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: I have no doubt that if someone were to find a way to murder me from beyond my grave, it would be you.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: Shit. Sorry sweets, I gotta go.
Magic Dick🍆🦾: Try to have fun. I love you.
>> I love you too, Buckaroo.
You stared at the screen for a moment longer, but there was no further reply. Wonderful. Now you would be spending what little energy you absolutely did not have to spare worrying about Bucky’s safety.
Steve returned then, handing you a cold glass dripping with condensation. “It’s lemonade,” he said as you took a sip. “I know how much you like lemons.”
You smiled in thanks, but it came out more like a grimace. Steve noticed immediately.
“Are you alright? Does it not taste good? I could go get you something else…”
You put a reassuring hand on his arm. “No, Steve, the lemonade’s fine. Thank you for getting it for me; that was very thoughtful. It’s just,” you sighed, “I was texting Bucky. He and Carthage are running a raid on a communications office as we speak, and now I’m just nervous and worried about him.”
Steve’s brow creased. “Oh,” he said, though you could tell there was more behind the word than the single syllable would imply. “I didn’t realize the two of you had gotten back together.”
Fuck. You were by far too tired to be having this conversation. Squeezing your eyes shut for a moment, you decided it was time to confront the giant elephant that had been sitting between you and the Captain for far too long. “We haven’t, not officially, anyway, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t still love each other, in spite of everything that’s happened. We’re just working on building trust. Or rather, he’s working on building trust, and I’m working on determining if I can trust him again. It’s a process.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged, the movement so minute you would have missed it if you hadn’t been watching him so closely in the moment. You took a deep breath before you continued.
“Look, Steve,” you began, “I know about your feelings for me.” His eyes shot up to meet yours, and he opened his mouth to protest, but you gently held a hand up to stop him from speaking. You needed to get everything you had to say out while you still had the energy to do so. “I’ve known for a bit, and while I’m truly flattered, and honored, that you care for me, I’m also so sorry that I don’t feel the same way about you. You’re a good man. A wonderful man, and I know most people would tell me I’m an idiot for not reciprocating, but I just don’t share those feelings.”
“It’s because of Berlin, isn’t it?” he asked softly, not meeting your gaze, and for a moment, you could see the small, shy boy Bucky had told you about from his youth.
“Berlin altered our relationship, it’s true,” you told him, “but the nature of my feelings for you were cemented long before that. You’re my family, and do I love you, but I love you as a member of that family. The way I love Tony, and Nat, and Thor, but maybe a little better than I love Clint.” Steve chuckled softly at that, and you smiled, glad you could make him laugh even a little. “I’m sorry this isn’t the answer you want to hear, and I’m sorry that you’ve had to watch me be with your best friend. None of it was ever done with the intention of deliberately causing you pain, but at the same time, I need to do what’s going to make me happy, and I hope you can accept that, as my friend and a member of my family.”
Steve looked like he was going to argue with you for a moment, but he kept his mouth shut and just nodded. “Yeah,” he said eventually. “I can accept that. It hurts,” he chuckled humorously, “but I want both you and Bucky to be happy.”
“Thanks, Stevie,” you said, suppressing a yawn. “Holy shit, I’m tired. I think I’m going to call it a night. I put in enough time to fulfill my obligation to Tony.” You stood, but immediately stumbled, the motion of standing enough to make you dizzy.
Steve was instantly on his feet, an arm out to steady you. “I got you,” he said. He put a hand to your forehead, checking your temperature. “You don’t seem to have a fever, but I’m getting worried about you, Pocket. I should escort you down to med bay.”
You waved the suggestion off. “No, it’s fine. The last thing I want is a bunch of doctors poking and prodding at me all night. I’ll be fine, I just need to sleep.”
“You can barely even stand up on your own,” Steve protested. “Let me at least walk you back to your room. Make sure you get there without falling over.” You were going to tell him you’d be fine on your own when a wave of nausea overtook you.
“Yeah, okay,” you said, clutching tightly to his arm for support. You had planned on going over to Tony and Pepper to say a proper goodbye, but given the way you were currently feeling, an Irish one was going to have to do, instead. 
Steve put a hand to your back and led you out of the banquet hall. You had to stop more than once to steady yourself, and you were grateful for Steve’s assistance. By the time he’d walked you to your door, you were running on fumes.
“Do you need help getting inside?” he asked, looking worried.
“No,” you assured him. “I’ll be okay. I am literally just going to collapse into my bed. Might not even bother taking the dress off, to be honest.”
Steve blushed, and you regretted putting the idea of you getting out of your clothes into his head. “Well, if you’re sure,” he said, running a hand behind his neck, the movement so similar to Bucky that it threw you for a moment. “If there’s anything you need in the night, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me, alright?”
“Sure, Steve,” you said as he placed a gentle kiss to the crown of your head. You were grateful for his help, but you knew that, even if you were suddenly dying, you would not, in fact, be calling him. “Thanks for your help.”
You wished each other a goodnight, and soon you were once again within the sanctuary of your room. Managing to summon the will from somewhere, you shimmied out of the dress, draping it over your vanity chair; it was, after all, probably far too expensive to either sleep in or leave in a puddle on the floor overnight. You debated whether or not to take the time to remove your face full of makeup but, God, your bed was just so inviting, you’d deal with the consequences in the morning.
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webslinger-holland · 2 months
The Countdown | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: When Hunter faces Hemlock for the first time, he gets put into a situation that he can't get out of.
Warning: mentions of death and injuries, medical assistance given in the form of painkillers, needles mentioned, gunshot wound and blood, traumatic read (be warned)
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k words
Type: Oneshot
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Nothing had gone to plan. In an attempted rescue mission on Eriadu, Tech bravely sacrificed himself for the safety of the rest of the group with Plan 99. Now, back on Ord Mantell, the remaining members were left to deal with the aftermath.
Each of them sporting their own injuries after the railway car crash. All of them left to bear the weight of grief that consumed their every waking thought. None of them strong enough to push on any longer, especially being down a member.
In one of the booths, AZ was given the task of tending to some of Y/n's wounds. He injected a shot of a fast acting painkiller into the meat of her thigh, ignoring the way she winced at the feeling of a needle piercing her skin. He proceeded to wrap some gauze around an open wound which had already been disinfected.
In the background, Wrecker was perched on one of the stools at the bar. He kept his movements to a minimal given the extent of his injuries. He wore a brace around his neck which he managed to sprain in the crash.
"Here. This one's on the house," Cid spoke quietly. She slid him a drink.
"It won't help," Wrecker sighed, sparing a brief glance down into the cup.
"I'm sorry about Goggles," Cid confessed. "I always liked him."
"Yeah," Wrecker agreed. "Me too."
What drew Y/n back to her own reality was the feeling of AZ swiftly tugging and tying the gauze around her bicep. He swiveled back to glance over his work, coming to the conclusion that she was now fully attended to.
"You will need to rest if you are to recover quickly. That being said: all of your injuries are now accounted for and tended to," AZ said rather factually.
"Thanks," Y/n mumbled almost too quiet to hear.
The droid left her alone in the booth, heading into the backroom to check up on his other patients. Now, the three of them were all that remained in the front of the house.
In the midst of the grief stricken silence, Cid seemed to appear on edge. Her arms were crossed over her chest, but her claw like finger was tapping rapidly on her arm. It was like she was anxious about something. And Wrecker noticed it.
"What's with you?" Wrecker questioned.
"You know, I tried to look out for you boys. But you got too much heat on you. And you brought it here to my place of business," Cid tried to explain herself. "I had to make the best of a bad situation," Cid claimed.
Wrecker sat up a little straighter. "What did you do?" He growled.
"Sorry Muscles," Cid apologized in advance.
At this point, it was too late to do anything in retaliation. The front door opened to reveal a group of clone commandos with their blasters drawn. They tried to stun him, but he was able to put up a fight before being taken down.
By the time Wrecker's knees hit the ground, Y/n jumped out of her seat and yanked her own blaster out. She raised it to fire two shots at the troopers, striking one of them directly in the chest. Only problem was that it wasn't enough to take them down. They quickly stunned her too, but not before she was able to call out:
In the back office, Hunter had heard the fight his brother was putting up. He moved quickly in an attempt to get Omega to safety. He instructed her to leave the establishment through the tunnel system and to find Echo as soon as she could.
It was only when he heard his name being called that he felt his blood run cold and a chilled shiver dropped down his spine. He drew his own blaster, ready to put up the fight of his life despite his injuries.
With great caution, Hunter exited the back office with his blaster raised. He rounded the corner half expecting there to be more clone troopers headed his way. His steps were silent.
Upon rounding the last corner, Hunter caught sight of the scene laid out before him. There were ten clone commandoes standing behind Wrecker and Y/n with their blasters pointed directly at their heads. They were both kneeling on the floor in handcuffs. And Dr Hemlock took center stage.
"That's not very strategic, Hunter. You don't need to use your enhanced senses to know you're outnumbered," Dr Hemlock commented calmly.
The enhanced clone took a couple steps further in the room with his blaster still targeted. The surroundings clones kept their own blasters raised in defense, waiting for one wrong move for permission to fire.
"The Empire thanks you for your assistance," Dr Hemlock spoke to the trandoshan beside him whilst handing her a case of credits.
She took the case from him, but she avoided the glares coming from the two clones. She kept her head low and felt the strong sense of guilt weighing heavy on her shoulders.
"Our business is done. Leave," Dr Hemlock ordered. She obeyed immediately.
Hunter could only glare at her retreating figure before directing his gaze back towards the man in front of him. He refused to lower his blaster.
"Please. Consider your next move very carefully," Dr Hemlock directed. He threw a brief glance over his shoulder. "I would hate for this to end poorly for both of you."
"Hunter," Y/n spoke up in a tone of desperation. His ears perked up and his gaze shifted down to her. "Whatever he says, don't listen to--"
She was quickly silenced as a mechanical device was placed over her mouth by one of the clone commandos. She tried to protest in the process, but it muffled her words. It locked around the backside of her head, silencing her completely.
Now Hunter could practically hear the blood beginning to boil in his veins. His jaw tightened at the sight of those other clones putting their hands on her and he readjusted the grip he held on his blaster.
"Here is how this is going to go: You will lower your blaster and hand over Omega. And I will allow you to keep breathing," Dr Hemlock explained rather calmly.
"Omega's not going anywhere with you," Hunter claimed.
"Oh," Dr Hemlock sighed. He tipped his head to the side as if observing something odd. "Well, who knew clones were so paternal?"
Hunter's demeanor seemed to soften slightly.
"Fascinating," Dr Hemlock commented to himself.
Despite Hunter's orders to leave, Omega crawled through the vent system above the establishment with the droid trailing directly behind her. She came to the open vent, peering through the metal slats to watch everything unfold in front of her.
"I was saddened to learn of your friend's demise," Omega overheard Dr Hemlock. "What was his name? Oh yes...Tech," Dr Hemlock smirked.
Hearing that name only caused Wrecker to growl in pure anger. He struggled against the bonds around his wrists, but the clone commandos pressed the tips of their blasters into his sides. He ultimately forced himself to remain composed.
Dr Hemlock lifted his hand. One of the commandos proceeded to hand him a pair of broken goggles that unmistakably belonged to their beloved deceased brother.
"I'm afraid this was all I could salvage," Dr Hemlock ran his thumb over the broken lens. "Consider it a gift," he added.
Rather recklessly, Dr Hemlock tossed the pair of damaged goggles and the goggles clattered across the floor. They landed right in front of their leader's feet to which he only briefly glanced down at them.
"To lose one of your own, it must weigh heavily on you as their leader," Dr Hemlock was able to read him like a book. He knew exactly what his weakness was and he was going to keep pressing it until it broke him.
The clone commandoes roughly shoved their pointed blasters into the sides of the two kneeling on the floor. While Wrecker grumbled and growled at them, Y/n let out a soft whimper of pain since they pressed against the wound on her arm. The little sound she made was enough for Hunter's heart to clench.
"And if you don't lower the blaster now, you will lose yet another," Dr Hemlock gave him no other choice.
When Hunter directed their gaze towards them, Wrecker tried to shake his head as if to say 'no.' She glanced up at him with tears gathering in her eyes.
With some hesitation, Hunter began to lower his blaster in a slow manner. He raised his other hand in defense, lowering himself to the kneel on the ground. He placed the blaster down and reached for his brother's goggles, overridden with grief over his loss.
"Wise decision," Dr Hemlock complimented.
Now, two clone commandoes came around the two sides of him. They quickly brought his two hands in front of him, placing a secure pair of handcuffs around his wrists. The commandoes pulled him to his feet and kept him stationed there.
Another clone commando had gone into the back office in search of the young clone. He would return momentarily to report his findings to the doctor in charge. He stood at attention.
"Sir, the girl's not in the office."
"She's long gone," Hunter finally spoke up. "Like I said, Omega's not going anywhere with you."
"We'll see," Dr Hemlock said calmly and with a slight crooked smile on his face.
When Hemlock lifted his hand, a clone commando swiftly placed a small hand blaster into his grasp. He lowered his gaze to observe the weapon with care, tilting it from one side to the other. He clicked the safety on the side, removing the stun which caused Hunter to tense under the commandoes hold.
"You are going to tell me where Omega has gone or..." Hemlock's voice trailed off.
As if on cue, two more clone commandos quickly dragged the muffled hostage into the center of the room. They stepped back into line. The doctor pressed the tip of the blaster into the side of her head, forcing her to squeeze her eyes shut in fear.
In that exact moment, Hunter felt his whole world come to a screeching halt. The cold hand of fear began to grip at his chest, squeezing at his heart until it felt like he couldn't breath anymore. It made him seize up because there was nothing he could do to stop him right now.
"She dies," Hemlock explained plainly. "You have ten seconds."
He heard his own blood pumping through his veins, muffling any sound coming through his ears and leaving a sharp ringing sound in place. His gaze drifted down to stare into those helpless eyes, which were begging him to save her and also begging him to not say anything.
"One," Hemlock began. He refused to lower his blaster.
In response, Hunter forced himself to swallow the heavy lump lingering at the back of his throat. He didn't know what to do and he didn't know what to say. He ran through the possible outcomes if he played his cards right.
All the while, Hemlock only seemed to study his posture under a watchful eye. He could tell by his stance alone that he was trying to come up with a solution. From the way his throat bobbed, to how a single bead of sweat slid down his face, to how his hands shook slightly. All of that told him he was panicking on the inside.
"Two," Hemlock pressed. He enjoyed watching him squirm.
When Hunter glanced down at his blaster on the ground, one of the clone commandos took initiative to kick it far away from him. He was running out of options and he was running out of time.
"Hey," Hunter spoke to get her attention. He looked directly into her worried gaze. "It's gonna be okay. I'm going to get you out of this, do you understand?"
Despite her soft whimpers and tears running down her cheeks, she nodded her head understandingly. It pained him even more to hear how rapidly her heart was beating and how shallow her breathing had become. He sent her a weak smile.
"Three," Dr Hemlock was growing impatient.
"Listen," Hunter addressed him by shifting his gaze. "Talk to me. We can talk. Just put the blaster down. I won't negotiate like this," Hunter explained with a shake of the head.
"That's your choice," Dr Hemlock shrugged. He wouldn't relent. "Four."
A brief flash of fear overtook his senses. His mouth parted ever so slightly. He came to another solution. "Listen. S--She's already gone. I told her to go to Coruscant. It's a big enough city for her to hide in. You'll never find her ther--"
"She's not headed to Coruscant. Five," Hemlock easily called his bluff.
In response, Hunter jolted forward in his place in an attempt to lash out. The commandoes beside him were quick to retain him, holding onto his arms tightly. He glared at the man standing in front of him, feeling that strong sense of anger rising.
Now Y/n had to close her eyes because she couldn't stand to see him acting to reckless. She wasn't sure how this was all going to play out and she cursed to herself for feeling even the smallest amount of fear. The blaster pressed against the side of her head remained there.
"If you do this--" Hunter's voice trailed off. He was seething at this point. He clenched his hands into tight fists. "If kill her, you get nothing from me--"
"Six," Hemlock interrupted him.
"Listen to me," Hunter ordered roughly. He started to threaten him, which was another mistake. "The only way you're going to get what you want is if you listen to--"
But Hunter was unable to finish his sentence. The doctor quickly lowered his blaster to point it at her leg. He fired a single shot that went directly through the meat of her thigh. She let out a muffled scream and keened over slightly in her place, feeling the pain streaming through her leg almost instantly.
"No!" Hunter screamed and flinched upon hearing the loud blaster shot ring out. He jolted forward again, but was held back by the commandoes.
In the vents, Omega had to slap her hands over her mouth to stop herself from gasping too loudly. She didn't realize how she'd been shaking too, fearful of how this was going to play out.
"Seven," Hemlock counted calmly. He repeated it. "Seven."
The doctor knew exactly what he wanted and he wasn't going to change his mind about how he was going to attain that information anytime soon.
The room fell silent once again. The only thing that could be heard was the soft muffled sobs coming from her. She squeezed her eyes shut in hopes of blocking out the pulsing pain in her leg. A few loose tears slipped down the sides of her face. She tried to keep her breathing steadily, but it was becoming harder and harder with each second.
"Honey?" Hunter called out to her softly. "Honey, look at me."
She weakly lifted her head up to look at him. The loose strands of hair fell to frame her pained face. Her eyes were puffy and red from the crying. Her weakened state shown in her expression. She was loosing blood and would likely pass out soon if she didn't get help.
He blatantly ignored the doctor, which only seemed to irritate him more. Right now, Hunter tried to make it clear to her that it was just the two of them.
"That's my girl," Hunter sighed with a weak smile. He stared deeply into her eyes as if trying to communicate something silently. "You're going to be okay. I know it hurts. But I'm going to get you out of this."
"That's a bold promise to make, Hunter. I hope you can keep it for her sake. Eight," Hemlock reminded him of what little time he had left. He kept his blaster trained to the side of her head.
Realizing he was nearly out of options, Hunter squeezed his eyes shut as if he was trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare. He swallowed thickly, opening his eyes once again. He looked towards the doctor, silently pleading with him.
"Please," Hunter began to beg. "Don't do this. Let her go."
"Nine," Hemlock stood his ground.
Hearing this only made her start panicking. She could no longer control her breathing, beginning the initial stages of hyperventilating. Her heart was beating so loud that it blocked the noises coming from the room. The fear that she felt overtook her senses and bled directly into her thoughts.
And Hunter could tell she was panicking. So he had no other choice but to cave in.
"She's gone," Hunter confessed. "She's long gone. I told her to get out of here. I--I don't know where she went, but I am telling you the truth."
There was a beat of silence between them. The doctor studied him carefully as if trying to determine if he was telling the truth or not.
"Please," Hunter's voice cracked which showed his desperation and brokenness. His hands lifted in defense. "Don't hurt her. She's everything to me."
She smiled weakly upon hearing his words.
For a brief moment, Dr Hemlock contemplated his words carefully. He tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes to study him further. He slowly began to lower his blaster, which sent a wave of relief through the sergeant.
Hemlock lifted the blaster once again. "Ten."
The fatal shot rang through the entire establishment.
"NO!" Hunter's scream was louder than the sound of the body hitting the floor. He collapsed to his knees, keeping his eyes trained on the lifeless form in front of him.
In the vents, Omega had jumped back from the opening she had been peering through. Her hands shot up to cover her mouth once again. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the sight she had just witnessed. The tears flowed freely from her as the reality began to settle in. She'd lost another member of her squad.
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just-some-sorta-person · 11 months
Nagi's "Hidden Path"/ Loophole
*featuring Isagi, Bachira, and Rin analysis*
I've been thinking a lot about how Nagi represents a "hidden path" in Bluelock, and the ways in which it seems the main manga and episode Nagi disagree on whether he should succeed- the key issue being his relationship with Reo. He plays soccer for their collective dream in a manga where depending on another character for your motivation is treated as soccer suicide, which should doom him, but his own manga starts with the statement that his genius is shaped by Reo - framed as a good thing.
I've said in the past that maybe Nagi will succeed by Episode Nagi's standards, but fail by Blue Lock standards, and I still think that would be an interesting path to take, but rn I wanna discuss the alternative that Nagi succeeds by both standards, even if to a lesser extent in the main manga since Isagi is the MC. And we're assuming here that his relationship with Reo isn't permanently severed in a way that makes him more similar to every other Bllk character bc that would make him much less interesting and also remove the "hidden path" aspect that we're expecting here.
So for him to succeed by both standards, I think what essentially needs to happen is that Nagi represents a loophole or caveat in Blue Lock's philosophy. And to understand why that would be the case, we'd have to understand WHY playing for anyone but yourself is a bad thing in Blue Lock. And there are plenty of examples to draw from.
Isagi and "All for One"
We can start with the "One for all, all for one" team Isagi was in- the most extremely dependent soccer we see. I'll be drawing from Isagi's Light Novel for this, because it really just spells it out. First, let's look at the reasoning for that "all for one" given in response to Isagi's request to shoot more:
“Up until now, You could have won matches with your individual skills, but high school isn’t a piece of cake... We win together, and become stronger together! If you do that, then you'll have double the joy! And half the sorrow!”
The reasoning given here isn't that the resulting soccer is better at winning games - rather there is an emphasis on safety. "the world is tough", "If we stick together, there's half the sorrow". And within that emphasis, is the implication that the individual isn't enough.
We can also see complacency in this ideaology. When Ichinan loses, the coach says
“You fought well. It’s frustrating, but this is what Ichinan is capable of now. The third years are leaving after this… and some of you might quit soccer after today but you can be proud of the days you fought together as a team." "To me, Ichinan’s soccer team…is the best team in Japan!!!��
Within this dream doping that Ego rants about later on, we can again see the acceptance on the individual not being enough - "You fought well... but this is what Ichinan is capable of now." We also see within the dream doping the injection of safety and lack of perceived agency. Because we are one unit, there is no blame, no frustration, no need for improvement. The point is the team, not to win, so be proud.
Most damning is the way we see this reflected in Isagi
There’s no need to take a risky battle. If they lose, it will be his fault and he will feel bad for the team. He makes an exquisite pass to Tada's feet. A perfect last pass.
What's emphasized here is the risk in making an egotistical decision for the whole team in believing himself good enough to make that shot himself. What essentially happens here is a devaluing of the self - " I'm not good enough on my own, its safer to trust others, trust the system, not your instincts" And that forces Isagi to not live up to his fullest potential, to chase what he wants. Until Blue Lock that is.
Bachira and the Monster
Bachira is probably the character most directly "punished" in the narrative for playing for someone else. Though I feel like punish is the wrong word because this problem with his ego reared its head and was resolved in the same game - once he realized the problem, Bachira resolved to solve it
According to Bachira's explanation
"...Until now, I was afraid of playing soccer by myself. I guess I wanted you to come save me. But, once I tried fighting on my own, like I'd done as a kid, I realized...
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And so the problem with his habit of looking for another player when playing instead of focusing on himself was again the perceived lack of agency, and devaluing of the self. Longing for someone to play soccer with led to a dependency that negatively impacted his decisions on the field
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So that's why his moment of growth was breaking through all on his own to steak back Isagi and win - ignoring the idea that he should wait for someone else to help him. He needed to believe in his own agency/value to prove himself on the field and achieve his goals.
Rin and Sae
I recently took a look at Rin's Light Novel and there was a line that stood out as kinda similar to Bachira's old habit of passing to an imaginary monster before coming to Blue Lock
he understood why things were not going well. Neither their coach nor his other teammates have the slightest idea of Rin’s image of play in his head. (If it was Nii-chan, he would have made a pass here……) he thought so many times during today's practice. He jumped out in front of the goal to a position where I said, “Here!” but his teammates were like, “Huh?” “There?”
So whether you're passing or shooting, a reliance can develop, huh...
(How do Bachirin shippers feel about this parallel? haha. And what does this say about what Rin says to Bachira "But afraid of fighting alone. It is a soccer looking for someone. That luke-warm ego won't make my heart dance". Cus it seems Rin is criticizing Bachira for doing the same thing he did. What does this mean about how Rin feels about himself? (I mean.. he did already call himself lukewarm later but was he thinking about himself in that moment?))
In the light novel, I think it becomes clear one reason why Sae is so against Rin using him as his reason for soccer - it definitely affects how Rin plays when Sae is away. And since Sae becomes aware of the competition outside Japan during his time abroad, he knows that Rin's mentality as it was wouldn't be enough and thus wanted to spare him the suffering and have him give up. And this is in combination with the idea of "I've found out, that I'm not strong enough to hold you up. If you rely on me you'll fail" At least, this is my interpretation of it - but moving on-
With Rin’s last pass, they score a shot. If his Nii-chan had been there, he would have passed the ball to him in front of the goal and he would have scored it directly….. He stopped thinking. No pass is coming. That is now the reality. Anyway, the team won for the first time in a long time.
We see a lack of agency and a reliance on others once again - "If only Nii-chan was here". Like with Bachira, Rin is waiting for someone to "save" him, which limits what he chooses to attempt and stifles his potential because of how it limits his perceived agency.
We can also see this limitation in how he wants to be 2nd best after Sae - not best (de-valuing). It causes Rin to seal off his ego in order to catch up to Sae, by being more similar to Sae instead of developing according to his own unique talents/ego.
In order to catch up with his Nii-chan he saw off at the airport, he has to make the team’s victory his top priority. To do so, he must hold himself back. Hold back the you who was trying to steal the goal with everything you have using that sense of smell for the goal and assemble an attack as a team play.
Even after Sae's return he's always on Rin's mind, and this still limits his soccer. It's only after Rin declares himself lukewarm and rejects the stories others create through their relationship with him that he is able to go all out by embracing his own personal style, rather than focusing on others.
Back on Topic!
So in summary, what is wrong with depending on others? What causes Blue Lock to default to individualism? Ultimately it seems like its the resulting lack of perceived agency - the idea that you can't do things without other people present. By constraining yourself into a narrative with other people, you limit what you can do, and you limit what you think you can do by molding yourself to their vision. Thus, your potential is stifled.
How can Nagi and Reo become an exception to this reasoning? Well, maybe Nagi's decision to leave Reo during 2nd selection is part of the key.
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We know from Episode Nagi and Manshine that Nagi wants to improve for the sake of his and Reo's collective dream. And he (correctly) identifies following soccer that challenges/excites him as the proper way to improve.
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Here, Reo identifies them playing together as a must, but Nagi corrects him and saying that them being the best in the world together is a must, saying (in his head T-T) that he likes being with him, but that in order to protect their dream, Nagi needs to change.
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It's actually pretty much spelled out here. Nagi says he's fine with Reo playing with other people, but insists that Reo stay with him till the end. Its ok to play soccer with others, but keep me in your heart always. In other words, I don't mind not playing together, but you and our end goal is always in my heart.
This is different from Isagi, Bachira, or Rin's situation because in those cases, the team/monster/Sae were considered as key to success. However, in Nagi's case, success is key to Reo. It's completely reversed. It's that nuance of "I play soccer to play soccer with you, to win with you" vs. "I play soccer for you, I win for you". Because "playing together" is not a requirement for winning, it no longer acts as a constraint that restricts agency. Nagi's concept of being together separate from playing soccer together saves their partnership from being the same as the others and frees him to (for example) join Isagi to improve.
You can see more of this in epinagi
The Tag Game
You might say this is a bad example because Nagi relies on Reo to get him un-eliminated, but by Nagi's "I figured you'd do that, Reo..." we can guess that this was more from laziness than a belief that he needed Reo's help. Indeed, when Reo's in danger of being eliminated himself, when their dream is in any real danger, Nagi takes it upon himself to solve the issue
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They didn't solve the problem relying on teamwork/partnership or anything. Nagi solved the problem because they're partners.
Playing Against Barou
The next time their dream is "Challenged" is when Barou says "Becoming the world's best striker means you'll be alone until you die", essentially a challenge to the viability of Nagi and Reo's dream. Nagi's response to that is to run off and instigate a 1v1 with Barou
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So again, rather than deny Nagi options, his partnership with Reo provided the motivation to act out on his own.
Playing against Team Z
Even when they play against team Z, we see this in action. Nagi plays a more reliant soccer, his dream/Reo is challenged when he sees Reo's face, and Nagi decides to act out on his own.
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Nagi will rely on Reo for the sake of laziness, but when it comes to their dream, there's this pattern of deciding to rely less on Reo, take destiny into his own hands, and make an effort. It's really that nuance of doing something to be with someone vs. doing something for someone.
Beyond 1st/2nd Selection
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Brief mention here of Nagi's eyes shining when Reo says "But it's not enough" when Nagi praises him. I think this might be Nagi thinking its a sign that Reo in fact has not forgotten their promise and is also working to achieve it - consistent with the idea of being together without necessarily playing together (Whereas Reo is thinking the other way round - improving for the sake of playing together because that's the only way to be together)
So, where this theory hits its roadblock is the Manshine City Arc, where Nagi asks for Reo's help. But because of all the ominous foreshadowing afterwards, in addition to Ego's words that Nagi's deep ego (implied by timing of skull imagery +all the scenes I just listed to be Reo/dream-centric) is about to be tested, I think their dynamic is bound to change in some direction within the next game. So, their relationship is still in development and the theory isn't necessarily debunked.
**edited in addition** I think the key is that regardless of their behavior, the core of their partnership (ie their internal feelings) isn't dependency, but rather reciprocated faith and commitment, though especially with Nagi's communication and introspection issues, it may take some time for them to figure that out because Reo has no idea the faith that Nagi has in him. Reo actually assumes that their partnership can't exist without dependence - assumes its over when that dependence fades because Nagi will have no reason to stay with him, but this is him insecurely misinterpreting Nagi's intentions. They also can't really flourish until Nagi figures out his ego/motivation, though that's luckily foreshadowed to be addressed. I think with how Reo misinterprets Nagi's motivations on a shallow level in 207, and how Nagi's motivation is foreshadowed to be addressed soon, we will get nagireo communication soon timeline wise (not real life lol). And hopefully with that communication, Reo's insecurity + Nagi's motivation can be addressed and they can begin to figure out a functional partnership within Blue Lock. But really the key here is that faith and devotion don't necessitate playing with only each other in mind, while dependence/reliance does.
In terms of what will happen, I think we might finally get a confirmation of what Nagi's ego is - it certainly fits with their conversation in 207, where Reo tries to give a substitute that doesn't really fit. I'm not sure what would happen once Nagi and Reo have the clarity of understanding what Nagi's ego is though...
In Any Case!
I'm running out of fuel but just to let ya'll know I was thinking really hard about what the difference was between Nagi and Reo's dynamic in comparison to partnerships or teamwork criticized by the main manga and I did not expect the difference I came up with to be the difference between reliance and devotion. "I am not enough by myself" vs. "I will make myself enough for you". I still wonder if I'm just biased?
Plz lmk ur thoughts
link to a continuation of these thoughts - Hiori's Words, Reo's Insecurity, Nagi's Enforced Indifference
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8um8le · 1 year
I love your art lots and I love hearing people talk about their art so I'm asking some of dca artists a bunch of fun art questions, no obligation of course
What is the art piece you are proudest of?
2. What is the art piece you've spent the most effort/time on?
3. What art did you spend the least amount of effort on?
4. What art piece/pieces has crazy lore that you could spend days explaining?
5. What piece is so completely different from your usual style?
Answers in order, and explain action under the cut :ppp
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I’m only the proudest of this one cuz I was going through some intense art block when I drew this, and it kick-started the whole cyberpunk au thing
I spent the most time on this one cuz I was an idiot and used the wrong canvas size so I had to make it bigger and add more detail 💀
This just happens to be a drawing that I spent the least amount of time on, but it still looks like a drawing
Well, this one shows how Sun and Moon refuel by directly injecting it into their systems, it also shows it’s normal to see robots roaming amongst humans. They even sell “robot food” like they would human foods (in vendors, restaurants, fast “food” restaurants), also it shows how violence is normal in the city, and it showcases Sun and Moon’s inspector gadget-like augmentations.
I never shade cuz I’m a complete lazy ass omg, when it comes to art and drawing I have a fucking goldfish brain, like subway-surfer gameplay on the corner of the screen type shit, I’m so impatient and cannot let my pen hover over the canvas for longer than 5 minutes or I’ll fall asleep or go insane idk ahvjdknffn but yeah, I’ll definitely try doing more shading.
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blow-me-a-kis · 2 years
Piracy in ofmd is actually already a culture departed from cis het neurotypical society and Izzy is actually a representation of that. I think if ppl would stop treating Stede like he's injecting neurodiversity and queerness into piracy, and instead as the beneficiary of that society, they could see it, too.
I just feel like ppl who don't perceive Izzy as autistic don't really have close friendships with a lot of autistic or neurodiverse ppl IRL. That or they are still doing a lot of masking in relationships and expecting others to masks. But some of us can't.
Most ppl who interact with me IRL probably think I'm mean or rude or even stupid. I'm partially non verbal, I can't smile at strangers/on command, I can't laugh at jokes I don't find funny, I get snippy and irritable if I'm overstimulated. If you ask me how I'm doing, know that me asking you back is like pushing a boulder up a hill for me.
When I do speak it may come out slowly or come off as crytic/weird/inappropriate, and also I may say it too loud or too quiet or too late or with an inappropriate inflection or with a facial expression that doesn't match. My most embarrassing trait is that I get shouty when I'm having a meltdown and I cant help it.
On top of all that I'm Black, so ppl read me as aggressive/negative no matter how I present
I also have autistic and neurodiverse friends who are very similar to me. I have friends who are downright grating in personality, real Izzy's, who I take comfort in because I know its okay if they find me grating. They don't care if I take a long time to respond or don't respond at all when asked a question, they don't mind if I get snippy or they'll tell me directly if I hurt their feelings instead of holding it against me.
I am actually at a point in my life where I am reevaluating friendships where masking has been a requirement, where I feel the need to perform to be liked. I just want to be allowed to be boring or in a bad mood or tired or slow and inflexible, or a Bitch, because I am, and being Pleasant is just not accessible to me. I'll be 33 this year, and I'm exhausted of trying to be anything but myself.
Even the ways a lot of folks like Stede leave out his less palatable autistic traits. Like the fact that almost everyone who meets him in canon does not like him and he has to grow on most ppl. He's hard headed, annoying, presumptuous, obnoxious. This is apart of his autism as well, and why piracy suits him, FREES him.
Izzy is right at home as a pirate because of these very things also. He doesn't have to mask as a neurodiverse person or as a queer man.
I think it's safe to say a lot of ppl's classist views on piracy are reflected in their negative/unfair views of Izzy. The idea that pirates should be softer or nicer or more pleasant or even that a failure to take on these values is Toxic Masculinity (taking this phrase from fandom and putting it on a high shelf until you learn that upperclass white cis het neurotypical masculinity is not the norm and white women learn to question their motivation in normalizing the idea of systemic harm they can't participate in) neglects what Oluwande spoke about in episode one, that piracy is a culture built by people who did not have a choice to do anything but survive.
I hope in s2 we will see Stede get a taste of what that struggle is really like and abandon his classist, romantic notions of piracy.
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friendliestanon · 1 month
I NEED whatever is technologically advanced enough to inject media directly into my bloodstream. IMMEDIATELY
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borg5of9 · 2 years
Construction Drone
I lay on the conveyor belt, strapped to it. In preparation for this journey, we had been stripped naked, and all of our hair had been removed by some gel-like substance. And even when washed off, the gel gave our skin a strange unearthly sheen. Then, they injected us with some chemicals. What it was, we didn’t know. But I felt like I was starting to enter a trance-like state.
With a sharp jerk, the belt began to move. Staring straight upwards, motionless, I could only see the lights overhead, and the beams of the cold industrial interior passing by. We stopped at the first station, and the robotic arms mounted at it whirred to life. I felt, distantly, something being done to my limbs. I was only vaguely aware of any sensations. Mostly, I only felt the feeling in my shoulder that my arm was moving. We proceeded to the next station, and I felt similar sensations in my hip. I rotated my head slowly to see what might have been done.
If I hadn’t been sedated, I would’ve said it was a shock. My left arm ended above the elbow, ending in a shiny metallic port. By the feeling, I could tell they had done the same to the right. The next few stations worked on my four limb’s ports, machinery plugging in and detaching, twisting, fusing machinery together. Every now and then there was a spark.
An eyepiece came down and was pressed against my face, attaching to the nodes which had formed around my eye. It sealed with a click, and the curved domed interior perfectly cupped the surface of my eye. It was cold, like the feeling when you first put eyedrops in. It then painlessly penetrated the pupil and made contact directly with the optic nerve. When the eyepiece powered on, it was like my human vision blinked out of existence- replaced with something larger and more detailed. Enhanced. I felt a helmet cup my head, sealing itself. Circular dome-like pieces went over the ears and filled them, and I heard a sound as the earpiece’s surprisingly-soft (silicone?) mechanism brushed against the eardrum. It was all so tight. A robotic arm swiveled around and welded the eyepiece and earpieces to the helmet.
We stopped at the last station. There were strange sensations in my crotch although it was almost completely numb; Pressure, as I could tell there were changes being made there. This continued for some time. A little bit of fear broke through my trance state. After the machines withdrew, I looked to see what had been done: There was a big silver port that seemed to go a couple inches into me. The connector I assume was for not just connecting the waste collection system, but for both reading and stimulating nerve impulses for pleasure.
The conveyor belt started rotating downward so that I was in almost a standing pose, a few feet off of the ground. A heavy mechanized exoskeleton stood, ready for its occupant, the shoulder and chest plating open to allow me to fit inside. I was lowered into it, slowly. It was soft inside, and I sunk into the nanofabric. There were clicking and whirring sounds as the port above my knees docked with the leg port inside the exoskeleton. A couple seconds later, the same occurred with my elbow ports.
The suit’s soft interior then began to inflate until it was tight, like a blood pressure machine but squeezing my entire body. After it was frighteningly tight for a few seconds, it suddenly relaxed so that I was held in the suit but not uncomfortable. 
I stood in the suit, a couple feet higher than I did before I was modified as the double-jointed legs were longer than a human’s. The armor surrounding me was boxy, yellow, and made of cold thick steel. It had various panels and warnings written in writing and illustrations: Warning: “Keep minimum 12 foot radius clearance while unit is in operation”. Cautionary symbols for the chemicals contained in the unit. The company logo was emblazoned on the side in a stark, simple font which the company thought might look futuristic. Black caution stripes lined some parts of the limbs. The two arms were equally large and bulky: suitable for a construction mech. One ended in a large clamp-like robotic hand, and the other an array of tools. The legs were double-jointed with thick shock absorbers and large pistons. Thick hydraulic hoses connected all of these limbs, gasketed to the back of my new robot body. The abdomen was made up of reinforced darker-colored overlapping and segmented metal strips. All kinds of heavy support servos hid beneath them. Something akin to a rollbar was welded to my frame, right above where my backpack-like structure was mounted.
Two workers approached and connected hoses to the side of my abdomen. For each one, they would place the metal ring of the tube’s end against my jack, then twist, locking it into place. Sometimes they would give it a tug to make sure it is secure. I then heard gurgling sounds as my various fluid storage tanks were filled for the first time. Hisses as the oxygen tanks filled. One worker swung up the crotch-plating, its metal cylindrical connector docking with my crotch jack as it swung upwards and inside, loudly clamping into place. It made the necessary connections. I gasped. It felt.. good. It then swung the buttplating closed, which also latched to the rest of the exoskeleton. It penetrated me, sealing me into the suit. I would have no need to leave it.
One of the workers swung down the shoulder guards while the other swung the chestplating up. They all clamped together, locking around me with loud clacking sounds, one at a time, spaced at about two a second. Now for the last two pieces.
The worker raised the mouthpiece that was attached to the suit in front of me, and I opened my mouth. He inserted it, and I bit down. It fed its tube down my throat, and with a hiss the oxygen mask activated. Then the other inserted a large tube going from the exoskeleton into the jack on the back of my head. As he inserted it, it felt like it went into my mind. I felt like my entire visual and audio glitched a few times. I had the sensation of a system booting up inside me, and inside my suit. One of the workers inserted a fuel cell into my backpack. It opened an adjacent panel and flipped the switch inside, then latched it shut again. When he hit the switch, I instantly felt a jolt in the exoskeleton. Then, a few seconds later, I could feel dull vibrations around me as the suit powered on and came to life.
I walked forward a few steps. Large, lumbering. With each step, I could feel the crotch and butt implants inside of me. I felt detached; removed. Most of my body could not feel much encased in this soft nanofabric, the world on the other side of inches of heavy steel. Each step made a loud but dull thump as the heavy rubber soles slammed against the floor, being driven into the surface by a two ton cyborg drone.
I stopped in the middle of the room. Two arms lowered from the ceiling and grabbed onto either side of my rollbar, and began to lift me straight up. It then began moving me forward, along a track, my heavy cybernetic body dangling awkwardly, limp. Eventually, we came to a small room packed with other construction cyborgs, just inches from each other’s heavy-duty mechanical bodies. It appeared to be some kind of shipping container. I was lowered down into the one remaining slot. My feet slid into place and were clamped down so that we wouldn’t move during the journey. 
Then my hydraulic systems shut off, the motors winding down, the limbs rigidly locking into place. The only system still running were the vitals. 
And then they lowered the lid onto the shipping container we were in. The light disappeared. Soft mechanical clicking and hissing noises of the life support system buried deep inside each mech were the only noises we could now hear. We were ready to be shipped out and activated for our first assignment.
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icu-fetish · 1 year
Test subject Gloria. Part 4.
I still obediently fulfill the role assigned to me as a test subject. I am like a doll that is washed, changed, turned from one side to another. Some tubes and needles are taken out of my body so that others can be installed in their place. They even replace the breathing tube holders on my face. I just lie obediently and can do absolutely nothing.
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Nurses and doctors rarely talk to me, so I can't understand what awaits me in the future. I'm still unable to move because of the paralyzing drugs, but I can feel the tubes and sensors that connect me to life support systems.
Maybe in a few months I will be able to move and even breathe without the help of a ventilator. However, this will only be possible if they do not start injecting me with paralytics again.
By now I'm used to the breathing tube, the tube holder and the rhythmic noise of the ventilator at my bedside. Of course, I want all these experiments to stop. But if the life support systems will turned off, I will simply die.
The nurse said that tomorrow I will have another surgery. A breathing tube will be inserted directly into my trachea. This means that I will remain connected to the ventilator for a long time. Maybe it's more comfortable than having a tube in my mouth... Either way, I don't have a choice.
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The surgery was successful. I can only faintly feel this new tube in my body. At least the tube holder was removed from my face. Other than that, nothing has changed. My condition is stable. I will be completely paralyzed and dependent on medical devices for a long time. Perhaps the experiments on me are just beginning...
But I have to hope that soon it will all stop and I can go back to my old life.
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kivaember · 10 months
AC Old Gen Headcanons (for APV)
Here're how the Old Gens work in APV. It's pretty rough since i'm writing this while dozing off from my painkillers but this is a good summary of how they work in my fic and the differences between them:
Gen One:
Since this was their first foray into augmenting humans after Gen Zero (Walter’s mother, which was the proof of concept), the survival rate was abysmally low and they were mostly fucking around and finding out. Most of the work was done on the brain and spinal cord, with a lot of invasive implants and heavy Coral injections, and they were directly connected to their C-Weapon or AC via a port connected directly to their spine. Majority of patients died from Coral poisoning or infection/rejection of implants. 
Gen Two:
Implementing lessons learned from Gen One, they decided to go light on the implants and heavier on the Coral injections. They screened for suitable candidates by selecting those with natural high tolerance for Coral (coincidentally a lot of these were native Rubiconians or descendants of Rubiconians), and initially the results were very promising. Several deaths occurred from Coral poisoning, but the patients were otherwise stable and recovering well. They also focused on remote connection to C-Weapon and ACs, which remained stable so long as they were in close proximity. As they were expected to be in the cockpit when connecting, this was deemed a non-issue.
Eventually, though, many began to succumb to ‘Coral Burn’, where the Coral within their organic tissue, without the implants ‘controlling’ its desire to propagate and expand, began to crystallise within organic tissue, most notably the grey matter and along the spinal cord. While Gen Two’s enjoyed inhuman levels of mental acuity, processing and photographic memories, the Coral Burn gradually began to counteract this by causing symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. Inevitably, Coral Burn resulted in death. 
Gen Three:
Realising that Coral in high doses was lethal without sufficient control measures in place, Gen Three was very conservative in comparison to the previous two generations. Using considerably less Coral, Gen Threes had many implants embedded along the nervous system and in the brain, creating little ‘control nodes’. While this caused death by implant rejection to spike, the overall death toll was incredibly low compared to Gen One and Gen Two. Gen Threes lacked the Coral to reliably remote connect to C-Weapons or ACs, and instead connected via the control nodes embedded along their arms, legs and spine. 
However, while this generation is considered highly stable, the minimal use of Coral meant the implants only gave slight advantages compared to Gen One and Gen Two. Gen Threes enjoyed heightened mental acuity and fast reflexes, but overall were well within human limits. As a result, Gen Three was deemed a failure, as it didn’t achieving the ‘breaking human limits’ effects that the augmentations were meant to achieve. 
Gen Four (Protoype):
They went back to Gen One where they did a considerable amount of work on the brain and spinal cord with far more sophisticated implants and control measures. Combining all they learned from the previous generations, the Gen Four ‘Prototypes’ had a high death rate and a mostly unstable product, but served to gradually refine the process as they learned how to balance the implants and Coral to gain the effect they want. 
This was also when they introduced the ‘synchro-port’, which was a port that connected directly to the human’s cerebellum. This allowed the C-Weapon or AC to become the human’s ‘new’ nervous system, rerouting all signals emitting from the cerebellum to the C-Weapon or AC instead. This had the side effect of causing depersonalisation or proprioceptive issues. 
Additionally, Gen Fours presented a new problem: a considerable amount of them began to suffer symptoms similar to Gen Zero, that being hallucinations, obsession with Coral, heavily abstracted thinking and dissociation, etc. 
Gen Four (Stabilised):
After tweaking the right amount of implant and Coral, the Gen Four were ‘completed’ and deemed a resounding success. While carrying a moderate failure rate (30%), most that survived suffered from only minimal side effects that were rigorously mitigated by the Coral Cerebral Control Implant. However, these ‘stabilised’ versions still, on occasion, suffered from auditory hallucinations around heavy concentrations of Coral, which was attributed to a sympathetic response with the Coral in the Gen Four’s nervous system. It was put down as a ‘known issue, harmless’.
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djarins-cyare · 3 months
I just finished “Be-All And Endor” … Jem. holy shit. I have never read something - in 15 years of multiple fandoms - as well-researched and BEAUTIFUL as this. I also think it may be the longest fan work I have ever read. I want you to teach me Mando’a, I want to see a film adaptation, I want to shoot this story directly into my veins. your prose is stunning, your story is BEYOND engaging, and your talent is undeniable. THANK YOU for sharing such a phenomenal story!!!
Dev! Wow, what a review... thank you! 😊
I’m overjoyed to have written something that impressed you this much, and honoured that you took the time to read it.
I'm always happy to offer Mando’a tips! Sadly, I suspect Lucasfilm might not be on board with a direct film adaptation, given the smut (although I could always tone it down if they’re interested lol). And, of course, humanity is so far disappointingly lacking a prose-to-veins delivery system, which is frankly a shame because I’ve read so many fics that I just know would heal the sick and injured if they could be converted into injectable elixirs.
Thank you for considering Be-All And Endor to possess such magical medicinal properties 🙏🏻💖 I’m really glad you enjoyed it!!
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wanderingblindly · 8 months
Yay tag game time!!!! Thank you @borntogayz and @ravenrage27 <3333
what color are your eyes?
Medium brown?
tell me about your pets. or your dream pet.
THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MY TEENY TINY LITTLE CAT HONEY!!!! She's a total coward, I love her more than anything in the world. I adopted her at six months old <3333
share some interesting fact about yourself.
My go-to fun fact is that I won a FIFA medal when I was in my teens, but a vaguely more recent fun fact is that I was almost deported from Japan during my study abroad after being PROFILED AS A DRUG DEALER????
what was the first fandom you were a part of?
Visual Kei in like, 2011? After that was Dan and Phil (shame, shame)
do you have any phobias?
Not a phobia per se, but I couldn't touch cardboard for most of my life; I still can't bring myself to touch Styrofoam and Sherpa. Oh, and the national alarm systems/automated alarm voices make me cry/physically ill.
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?
Not really! I'll try anything once, at least. But, unfortunately, most nigiri or sashimi -- the texture of raw fish doesn't work for me.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time? or one after another?
One after another, but the fries are going in a milkshake whenever possible.
winter or summer?
Winter!!!! I'm too sweaty for summer and it sucks!!!!
what fanfiction tropes are your favorite?
SWEET FLUFFY STUPID AUS!!! Coffee shop AUs? Bookstore related AUs? College/University AUs? Inject them directly into my bloodstream.
are you studying or working? what did you study, what is your job?
I work full time! I'm a data analyst/UI sort of mess.
what is the last country you visited?
Italy, 2018 (jesus christ has it really been that long?? changing this asap)
what country would you want to move to after retiring?
Hmmm maybe somewhere in Scandinavia? I haven't thought much about this.
who was your first crush?
I think Bill Kaulitz when I was like, 11. Strong start.
how did you get into f1 fandom?
I looked up f1 tags on AO3 as a """""""joke""""""" one time, then realized f1blr existed after devouring all the sebchal available to me. And now I'm here, thriving.
Idk who hasn't been tagged!!! maybe @ocontraire, @jennarations, @albonoooo, @creabirds???
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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(Long ah post) Re-did my monster taxonomy again, now with more ranks and specificity. I shall now go into more detail about everything on there. Some taxons are grouped together for lack of anything differentiating them. Things in italics and parentheses are out of universe notes, everything else is information known to the monsters. Also yes this does mean the scientific names for the old monstiary pages are almost all inaccurate again.
Monsters are under the domain Monstra. To be put in the domain you need to be sapient and capable of breeding, some exceptions may be made for certain monsters that are clearly monsters but can’t breed. (The chart is nearly the same as the ones that are used in the modern day monster world, but the exact arrangements of species may be changed as some “monsters” aren’t even monsters but most don’t know that nor have a way to find out. Divina was added after the Wubbox were discovered, thus the addition of the last part of the previous in-world sentence as they can’t breed)
(This was added after the original document was written) Divina is where the monster species made directly by gods go, a semi-waste bin taxa. The name “Divina” goes down to the genus allowing for unique species names. They seem to be immortal, and possess great power over their elements. The two monsters under the ranks are Divina mechana (Wubbox) and Divina simiservice (Enchantling). Organica contains the ordinary monsters made of living organic matter. They have living cells, can breed, and most of them need to eat, but that’s not a requirement. Inorganica contains the ordinary monsters that are made of primarily inorganic/non living matter while they are alive. They can breed, and none of them need to eat. They run entirely off of their lifeforce, but they eat sometimes for enjoyment.
Beastia or beasts are critter-like monsters. Mondragora contains plant-like monsters (Mushrooms are plants in this universe, but there are true fungus like molds and yeasts, they just are barely researched). Reanimata or reanimated monsters are similar to the undead from ancient stories. These monsters are made of cells, but dead ones. Constructa are mainly made of non cellular materials.
Classes (not element classes those are different)
Segmenta or segmented monsters have an segmented exoskeleton composed of chitin, a nervous system primarily on their ventral side, hemolymph, a heart that is on the dorsal side, and molt to grow. Jellatina (through that to jellatidae) or jellatinous monsters are a very broad classification, a semi-wastebin taxon. Basically they don’t have a spinal cord, but aren’t segmented. Chordata or chordates have spines of some sort, even if they are very small and simple as in the inkfish(Atrapicidae). They have blood, and internal mineralized bones. Fungi (to Sporalis) or mushroom monsters have no leaves, are consumers, and aren’t like critters. They are actually a network of mycelium and what looks like their bodies are actually just puppets that are made for interacting with other monsters, and maybe aiding in breaking down food. They can shortly detach these and animate them for a bit while not connected to their mycelium, this behavior is most commonly seen in Sporalis sadisticus (Squot), but the others can do it too. Plantae (to Florales) or plant-like monsters are, well, plant-like monsters. They have chloroplasts and are autotrophs, and can absorb nutrients from soil through special membranes mostly on their feet, but some other monsters can do this too so it’s not a requirement. Instead of activating muscles with muscle fibers, they use hydraulics. They inject and retract water from special absorbent tissues that expand and shrink depending on how much water is in them. For transporting materials through their bodies they use xylem. Phantasma (to Phantidae) or phantoms are ghost-like monsters. They have no organs and instead use a special fluid called ectoplasm that does all their bodily functions like digestion, material transport, and movement. Speaking of movement ectoplasm can stay suspended mid air allowing them to float. Skelleosis (to Skelidae) or skeleton monsters are mostly made of calcified bones. They don’t need to eat, sleep, or do anything a living organism needs to do. Constructa(the class, to Mechina) are monsters that construct their bodies. They often start out by their egg morphing into their first form, and then as they gain more lifeforce as they grow they can support a larger body and add on to their forms. Incramentids (to Goleformes) are inorganic monsters that grow like an organic one rather than building themselves.
Arachnids ( to Vasucta) are segmented monsters that eat by liquifying their food with their digestive juices by injecting it into their food with fangs. Insectiformes are the segmented monsters that eat by chewing or sucking up already liquid food. Synapsids (to Mammalidae) have solid skulls with three holes in each side, differentiated teeth, warm blood, and are the only organic monsters that can have fur. Amphibians (to Amphibidae) are monsters with skin they can breathe through when wet, and solid skulls. Sauropids have solid skulls with five holes in them, and undifferentiated teeth. Piciformes or piscine monsters have skulls with multiple parts, undifferentiated teeth, and partial thermal regulation. Most have gills and lungs.
Crustacean (to Crustata) monsters are Insectoid monsters that have filamentous gills that they use to breathe. Insect monsters are Insectoid monsters that breathe through spiracles. Reptilidae or reptilian monsters are cold blooded and are primarily covered in scales. Avidae or avian monsters are warm blooded sauropsids. Ossipicidae or ossipicids are piscine monsters with calcified bones. Cartelpicidae or cartelpicids are piscine monsters with cartilage bones. Atrapicidae (to Suctipedes) or inkfish are piscine monsters with beaks, very underdeveloped spines that are one or two bones. Herboceae or herbal monsters are plant-like monsters with no bark on them and instead have soft stems. Arboraceae or tree monsters are monsters with bark. Miniralidae (to Geologica) are monsters made of minerals, they typically eat the minerals that they are made of and they are then heated in a special organ called a kiln, the molten rock is then gradually pushed to the surface to cool and harden into the new surface plates of rock. How they move has been theorized to be magic based. Articinidae (to Artinzina)or artisan monsters are made of materials like wood, fabric, or other crafts materials. They grow and do everything in a magic based way.
Insectidae - Dronsecta or dronesects are insect monsters that can open portals with their wings. Larvasa are neotonus insectoids that stay in their larval states for their entire lives. Colomu means colored wings and Colomu have colored wings instead of the clear ones other insectoids have. Insectidae is just a wastebin-taxon where the rest of the insect monsters go.
Jellatidae - Membrana have membranes around their fluid insides. Fluidum have part of their bodies as uncontained fluids, the only monster in this genus are Fluidum _____ (haven’t named the species yet) (Whimsies), wich boil the fluid to fill a sack they make to contain it, which allows them to float. Molluscus is a wastebin-taxon that contains the rest of the soft bodied monsters.
Mammalidae - Ferrae are carnivorous monsters that actively hunt things and have sharp teeth. Ruminanta are monsters that have more than 4 stomachs and eat grasses and other tough things that require a lot of digestion. Humammalia are bipedal omnivorous monsters with mostly flat teeth. Psudoreptillia are semi-cold blooded monsters with calcified skin that resemble scales. Thumpidae are monsters that share a morphological resemblance to or are Thumpidae thumpus (Thumpies), which means they have no ribs and primarily move with spring loaded bones retracted by muscles. Cabutoris exists to contain the species Cabutoris maw (Maws), which fit nowhere else.
Amphibidae - Anura have no tails, Squamosis have calcified lumps beneath their skin that make them look like they have scales.
Reptilidae - Lizardae have flat-tipped tongues. Dracoda have forked tongues. Dinodae have non-splayed-out limbs.
Avidae - Pluma have beaks and most are flighted. Humavia are bipedal and don’t have beaks, have bird-like feet, and no fur.
Ossipicedae - Squamifer have scales, Lenis don’t.
Cartelpicedae - Rayta have ray-like cartilage in their limbs, Serrata have serrated teeth which are mineralized.
Herboceae - Herbosa have proper leaves that are fairly thin, Suculata have thick leaves and store a lot of water.
Arboraceae - Ambularborae have no bark covered trunk, Trunka as the name implies, do
Phantidae - Banshee contains Banshee banshee (Whisps), and Banshee talona (Withurs). Felaspira contains Felaspira furrus (Ghatz) Felaspira serpenta (Xysters).
Skelidae - Carossis have some non-bone tissue, ossa are all bone.
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