zillyeh · 1 year
the mind electric came up on my shuffle so i will, once again (as if i ever stopped) will begin being abnormal about voss
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blackbeautybaby · 6 months
I need you to free me it’s a prison inside my miiiind
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greentrickster · 1 year
The phaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is therrrrre... inside my miiiind...
(scribble scribble scribble)
The phaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is therrrrre... inside my fiiiic...
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radicallicious · 2 years
i watched the phantom of the opera (2004) the past sunday and hm. i liked it. i never could've guessed the phantom was gerard butler just by looking at him, he looks young and the phantom is a character that is difficult to associate with butler since he's known for staring mostly in action movies. anyways, i can't stop humming to the songs lol the phaaantom of the opera is thereee inside my miiiind 🎭🌹
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
(deep inhale)
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of the opera is theeerrrreeee!
Inside my miiiind!!!
(dramatic organ continues!!)
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galaxina-the-pyro · 4 years
Okay, I’m convinced that “Act Your Age” was just a poorly written fan fic Isabella wrote about her and Phineas in a form of self indulgence or something because as much as I love the episode, it was a REALLY bad episode.
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SERIOUSLY! No one claps at a romantic confession! Go away you freaks, stop taking credit for something y’all didn’t even contribute to! You had ten years to get these two together, and you waited till the last possible moment! TEN YEARS!
And Gretchen? They did you wrong, you look like you walked inside a taffy machine and then got crushed by a bulldozer! And why does Adyson look like she’s got three boyfriends? Holly is the only one who looks good among the Fireside Girls, I swear. And why does everyone look like toothpicks?! Except Buford but like...I dunno he looks off.
I could go on about how this episode manages to infuriate me while at the same time I find myself enjoying it (“What Might Have Been” is the best part of this episode, and I love all of its undertones and speculations and stuff that I’ll probably talk about sometime) but DAMMIT Phineas and Isabella deserved better!
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But yeah, “Act Your Age” was a fan fic Isabella wrote to self indulge. I am sticking by that. Y’all can’t change my miiiind.
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mal-warebytes · 4 years
A Day Out: Obey Me! Levi x Reader
*Knock* *knock* *knock*
You open the door to your room, 'no one's there', look around and lying on the floor is a brown box. "Yes! It's here!" You pick and the box and quickly shut your door. Walking over to plop down on your bed you start to open your package and pull off the tape holding it together. Sitting down you empty the box on the bed and start going through the contents of it. "Levi is going to be so surprised!" There's accessories, shoes, outfits and the main thing you were looking for... 2 tickets to the TSL convention in Tokyo. "Eeee! Now I just need to go find Asmo." You throw everything back in the box and head out to Asmo's room.
Once to his room you can barely hold your excitement and just waltz right in without knocking. "Asmooo dearrrr!" You hear a faint, "in the bathroom darling! You're lucky it's you and not one of my idiot brothers. Otherwise you'd be getting a stern talking to about just barging in like you own the damn place. Actually... I might just spank you so you learn a lesson." You walk around the corner, his in the tub. Nothing you haven't seen before so you just continue the conversation.
"Yea ok, maybe later you lusty little demon you, " you joke. "However, right now I need your beauty expertise." You toss a towel in his direction, he catches it before it hits the water.
"Oh, well in that case," he stands up and you turn away. "Oh darling, I get that you have this 'thing' for Levi but you could at least humor me every now and again. Don't be so shy!" He drapes the towel around his waist, "alright, alright head into the bedroom and I'll be right there." You walk on over to his bed and dump the box and lay everything out across the sheets. Asmo walks in dressed in a robe and sits down on the bed eyeing all the accessories and whatnot. "What is all this? Oh those are cute! Is that... NO! You didn't! Sweetie, is that? Is that... oh it is... You bought cosplay outfits! What fun!" Asmo picks up one of the outfits and holds it up to take a better look. "Honestly darling, they're... well ugly," he drops it on the bed. "You could find something... sexier?"
"They're The Lord of Shadow and Henry's outfits from TSL, and actually that's why I came to you," you pick up The Lord of Shadow's out fit and hold it up. "I need your help to alter this a bit for me."
He looks at you quizzically, "Oh? Well Levi is way better at alterations than I am, why don't you just ask him? I'm sure he'd love to..."
You cut him off, "I need you're help to make this one... um, slightly on the more sluttier side. Not like tooooo slutty but just enough to make a certain TSL fan.. yeaaaa. Let's just say I'm hoping this is going to be something Levi will never forget." You blush and hold the outfit up to your body. "I need you to make me completely irresistible, to even the shyest otaku."
Asmo, "Sweetie, I could dress you in sweats and have any man... err, demon for that matter, howling at you like a wolf to the moon. Now, strip down and let's get to work!"
A few hours later and Asmo is finally done. "Tada! Mmhm honey, I could eat you alive! I'll leave that to, well you know," he winks and pushes you in front of the mirror.
"It's perfect Asmo! Thank you!" you turn around and kiss him on the cheek, "do you have a jacket I could borrow? I don't want Levi to see me in this yet."
"I've got the perfect one!" He hands you the jacket and you throw it on, toss the rest of stuff in box and wave at him as you head out the door.
You walk down the hall heading towards Levi's room. 'Oh I better message Diavolo so Barbatos can meet us at the portal.' You love the fact that all you had to do was convince the future demon king that this trip was educational to learn about human pop-culture. He was so interested in what you had to tell him that he insisted you go. 'We'll be there in about 30 minutes. Thank you again!' Send. Now at the door of Levi's room, you knock.
*knock* *knock* "Levi! I got a present for you!" You hear a rustling of what sounds like Levi tripping over boxes, he more than likely purchased recently, as he scrambles to the door.
He throws the door open and eyes you suspiciously. "Why are you wearing a jacket? Are you going somewhere? Wait!? You said you had something for me?"
"Actually we're going somewhere..." you hand him the box. "You can't say no, Diavolo is having Barbatos meet us. Put this on and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."
"Wait! What!? Diavolo? Barbatos? You're not making sense! Why are we meeting..." you push him in his room and shut the door.
"15 minutes!" You yell through the door, "don't be late or else!"
Levi gulps and looks in the box. He starts to pick through the items and starts to realize, "wait a second... is this... it is! It's Henry's outfit! What is this?" He sees a note at the bottom of the box. 'Stop drooling, put on the clothes and let's go!' Slightly embarrassed he complies and semi-excitedly changes into the Henry cosplay. Not wanting anyone to see him, Levi grabs a jacket, throws it on, peeks out the door and takes off down the hall. You hear him coming around the corner.
"Great! You're here," you look him over, "you're wearing the outfit right?"
Levi, "Yeeess, of course... I didn't really want to find out what 'or else' was... so? Where are we going?" He looked around nervously, he wanted to make sure none of his brothers saw him leave his room.
You grab his hand and head toward the portal, "you'll see!" Barbatos was there waiting to escort you both through. He bowed to the two of you and simply stretched out his hand toward the portal. "Whenever you're ready."
Levi gulped, "where are we going!?" He looked at you with a uneasy smile.
You raise the tickets up next to your cheek, "probably the most nerve-wracking, scariest, make you want to crawl into a hole and die, 'wish I never left my room' place in the three realms, ooorrrrr an otaku heaven. Guess you'll see." You shrug your shoulders, grab his hand and jump into the portal. Levi screaming in your ear, "Nooooooooo I change my miiiind..." as you're both dragged up to the human world.
As the portal light fades, Levi is still squeezing your hand and his eyes shut tight. "What's that sound? It's so noisy, where are we?" He slowly opens his eyes, "Is that? Are we!? Are we in Akihabara? Tokyo? ARE WE IN TOKYO!?" His eyes dart everywhere, "We are! We are, we are, we are! Wait!? What were those tickets you held up?"
You wave the tickets in the air, "you mean theeeese? Oh nothing special." You feather them in front of his face, "just tickets to the TSL convention."
"Tickets.. to.. TSL.. conven...," he looks like he's going to faint. You stand slightly behind him as he starts to fall backwards and push him back up.
"Come on! I figured you'd feel right at home if we popped up in Akihabara. Let's hit up Mandarake to see if they have any figures your missing, one of the maid cafés for lunch and then head off to the convention!" You grab his hand and head off into the crowd. You spend a couple hours shopping and finally finish up at the café. Levi has at least twice as many bags as you do by this point. "Slow down with the shopping Levi, otherwise you won't have any money left to spend at the convention." You look up at one of the many flashing signs and find the time. "We better head off, the doors have already been open for a little over an hour now." You both finally make it to the convention, hand the tickets to the door guy and enter into a whole world of TSL.
Levi has already stripped off his jacket and tossed it into one of the bags. "Thank you so much for this! I really feel like Henry!" a huge smile spreads across his face as he looks toward you. "Aren't you going to take off your jacket? It's starting to get pretty warm in here."
"Oh, yea... um, could you hold the bags for a minute then while I take it off?" you hand him the bags, "oh, and could you turn around?" He gives you an odd look but shrugs it off and turns around. You take off the jacket and tosses it at the back of his head.
"Hey!" he catches the jacket and turns around to face you. His jaw practically falls off. His mouth agape he manages to stutter out, "Lord offfff Shadows," he gets down on one knee, "please allow me to devote myself to your service." His hand is quivering as it reaches up to take yours and gently places a kiss upon it.
"I'm guessing I look ok?," you shyly giggle as he stands up. "Asmo didn't alter this too much, did he?"
"Noooo, you look aamazinnng!" he stands up, you notice something starting to bulge in his pants. "Um... maybe, maybe you should put the jacket back on." He looks around and casually put his hand in his pocket to try to cover what's happening. He starts to notice others staring at you as they walk by. His eyes scan the main entrance, he spots a janitors closet, "actually come with me." He grabs your hand and takes off towards the closet. Checking to make sure no one is watching he opens the door and drags you inside. "Ok we should be safe in here."
"Levi.. why are we in a closet? We're going to miss all the booths and activi..." his mouth is upon yours before you can even finish the sentence. "Mmhmm," your hands drop down to your side and you feel his fingers interlocking with yours. His tongue slowly enters and massages yours, sending shivers down your spine. You feel his hands start to glide up your arms making their way up to your face, cupping it oh so gently as the kiss deepens. You can feel his bulge grow, pressing against you as he slowly backs you up against the wall.
His mouth parts away from yours, "I think we're going to have to go to the next convention." He backs away slightly, "we need to go back home." He runs his hands through your hair, "I'm not letting anyone else see you in that outfit." He buries his face in your neck and starts to leave a trail of soft kisses up to your jaw. "This conversation will continue in my room." He places your jacket back on you and drags you out of the convention center back to the portal.
"Farewell Tokyo, until next time."
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iamjessemartinz · 4 years
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It's #LPPSaturday! Let's celebrate the #Genius of #Prince and #TroyGua 'til the world stops spinning ~ Inspiration: Allen Beaulieu • Love this? Join the club - literally! Help power the project (AND GET BEHIND THE SCENES ACCESS and COOL STUFF!) by joining #ClubLPP 👉 patreon.com/clublpp • Here's another salute to the 80s master, Allen Beaulieu, and a nod to the future, which Prince always had his eye on. I don't know what he ended up painting on that bed, if anything, but 🎶this is what it looks like - in my miiiind's eye 🎶 😜 . From Allen Beaulieu's 'Prince : Before the Rain': Prince's fifth album was his first that did not include an image of the artist on the cover. Instead, Prince opted for a graphics-only approach for the front and back artwork of 1999. Inside, however, were two photos that would become iconic images of this period: one of a nude Prince snaking on a silk-sheeted bed and another of him in a shiny purple trench coat in front of a fog-drenched Revolution. Both photos were by Allen Beaulieu. . For the bed scene, Beaulieu created a futuristic, neon-saturated environment in his studio. "Prince told me to go see the movie Blade Runner," the photographer explained. "He said it was a lot of neon and a lot of smoke, so that's what I did. And he was running around naked in my little studio, so that was a first." . As was typical, the photo shoot took place late at night. "We started about 10:30 at night and I was back in my bed at noon the next day." . The initial setup was a lot of work for the photographer. Beaulieu got a neon fabricator to create the designs for the lights. He requested a heart shape (Prince would later take the neon heart on the 1999 tour) and some abstract designs. Each neon piece required its own transformer, and Beaulieu wasn't sure if his studio's electrical system could handle it. It did, and the result was a classic. • #Prince4ever #LePetitPrince #LPPisART #TroyGuaArt #Surrealism #Photography #Sculpture #StagedPhotography #OneSixthScale #Miniatures #PopArt #ArtImitatingLifeImitatingArt • 💜 x ∞ • ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ https://troygua.com/le-petit-prince https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiThbPlxRM/?igshid=1qpm97e1kpzc8
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jovialecho · 5 years
me: i’ve been alone with you inside myyyy miiiind me: and in my dreams i’ve kissed your lips a thousand times me sometimes i see ya paaaass outside my door me:*opens door to delivery guy with my food* me: HELLO. IS IT ME YOU’RE LOOKIN FOOOOORRRR?
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inazumafocus · 6 years
Something Simple
So this is my contribution (the first one from inside the fandom OMGS AMAZING) and I really really hope you’ll like it, maybe it’s a bit rushed but I worked on it all day despite having other things to do and procrastinating stdhejwk
(Also tagging someone hope you wont miiiind @ygreczed @funips @zibiremu @xxlovelyrose95xx )
“Slow dance with you, I just want to slow dance with you. I know all the other boys are though and smooth and I got the blues. I want to slow dance with you-“
Someone, one day, decided that nighttime was perfect for thinking things through, for collecting thoughts and clear the mind and him, between verses, began to look around. He looked and waited for that night to give him some kind of advice, he would’ve been satisfied even by the smallest clue but where should he have sought help? Among the stars, reminiscing lights of something long gone? In the reflection of the moon on the river, so fickle and unreliable yet ancient and beautiful? Or maybe he would’ve found the answer to his doubts whispered in the wind that blew through his hair?
But honestly, who cared.
Fudou sighed, humming quietly a refrain of the song that his fingers were singing loudly in his place.
How was he going to make him believe that his love went far beyond all their doubts, that his feelings were so strong and radicate that he would’ve even accepted death if it meant for those eyes to look at him once more-
Maybe because he was too wrapped up in his own mind he didn’t hear the sneaky, slightly insicure steps coming towards his direction, so he jumped when that one arm circled his waist, holding him tight and as he opened his eyes, the only person he truly wished for was there. Right beside him, with those lips parted in a whisper against his now reddening ear.
“Don’t stop, please”
And, as if that phrase wasn’t meant for something else, he obeyed, remembering to take a breath he didn’t know he was still holding. Bared red eyes were shining brighter than the milky way, making him shiver and held the guitar closer to his chest.
Did Kidou know what those eyes were capable of?
He cleared his throat, trying to remember how to play a song he knew by heart.
“I want to slow dance with you, I just want to slow dance with you. Why won’t you take the chance? I’ve got the moves, I’d like to prove, I want to slow dance with you”
How foolish of Kidou to think he had to separate from the other in order to relax. How could he have been so blind not to realise that his own, private heaven, his safe space, was right there, head on Fudou’s shoulder, glasses forgotten on the small pier somewhere and a sweet melody of words and heartbeats between them?
“This is a good song”
Kidou’s voice was shaky, his breath still uneven due to the day spent crying alone in his silent room. But now that he was able to breath again Fudou’s oxygen, all the pain and sorrow seemed distant memories.
He was cut short, startled by a sudden, feather-like kiss while Kidou’s hands took his red face in a delicate embrace and his eyes remained open, wishing to never stop looking at him his whole life.
Had Fudou his way that kiss would’ve never ended, those hands would’ve kept on caressing and moldening him as he wished.
“I’m going to try and be selfish, Akio, because even if I have duties towards my father and the company... I really like you. And these feelings couldn’t be wrong even in a million years-“
Fudou smiled with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Poor Kidou, he didn’t realise fast enough and as his brain slowly began to catch on, the wood pier was already creaking beneath the weight of their spontaneous laughter after Fudou brought them both down, hair laying messily on the soft grass.
“Don’t sweat it too much, I fell for the Absolute Leader of Overthinking, didn’t I? I wouldn’t have you any other way”
Fudou was just so happy to be right there, in that instant, as he got closer to the one person that meant everything to him, tangling their legs together under the stars. He let his thumb slowly stroke those lips before kissing them times and times again, never having enough of how soft they were at the touch.
Never having enough of Kidou Yuuto.
And the other couldn’t do anything if not oblige, tangling his fingers in Fudou’s hair, smiling and paying no mind to the faint sound of his googles falling in the water.
Nothing mattered that night, after his heart had been shaken by that “I fell”.
Fudou really liked him and he still couldn’t fully understand how or why and neither was he able to spit out the entirety of his own feelings. But he tried to anyway, with a smile that said “stay” and eyes that whispered “kiss me again”. Instead, Fudou flipped them so that Kidou was now towering over him, and smiled with a tenderness never shown before, slowly combing his dreads before letting his fingers travel across his face, caressing the cheeks and neck, until he was able to gird his neck, pulling him closer.
Inhaling his scent.
God he was never going to leave him-
That time was Kidou’s turn to change their position, gaining an adorable shout of surprise from a startled Fudou now watching him from beneath, their hands joined and their gazes entwined. In that comfortable silence only their fast heartbeats could be heard.
Kidou faltered, looking for the words in a dreadful game of awkward hide and seek and blushing under the light of that one single street lamp on the street above them.
“I have...just a question. Are we... dating now? You know like- are we boyfriends?”
For few seconds Fudou thought he might had misheard, watching the other with wide, incredulous eyes. Then something clicked in his head and his hands were all over Kidou’s face, holding him tight as he sat on the pier.
“Say it again. Say that word again”
Panic shone in those red eyes. Did he said something wrong? Was that not what Fudou wanted?
“If-if that’s not what you had in mind I-“
Fudou’s hold tightened, shaking both their heads.
“Just say the B-word again you smartass”
“God, yes we are!”
It was real, real as their breaths in each other’s mouth, real as their fingers tangled close. Real as their first kiss as something more. Or maybe as something they had been all along without even knowing.
Something as simple and necessary as oxygen.
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Full Of Surprises
Writer - Aingeal
Characters - Sam, Dean, Reader
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Summary/Request - After watching Y/N take out a demon that had both brother’s pinned down, Dean realizes he needs to tell Y/N the truth about how he feels sooner, rather than later. Back at the Bunker, after going their separate ways to unwind, Dean finds Y/N’s guitar in the WAR room.
Word Count - 1473
Warnings - Minor Language, Fluff, maybe a tiny bit of Angst? (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - Based on Brett Young’s In Case You Didn’t Know
A/N 2 - SSOOOOOO...Yea...HI! Yes, I’m still alive. Yes, I am *hopefully* still writing. I apologize immensely for the LOOOOONG, unannounced hiatus (and broken promises of posts/stories). I had so much happening, the my brain just kinda..shut down. BUT, my goal for this new year is to take things slow, and work on me, and get to where I need to be. Thank you for your patience, and understanding, and I hope you’ll stick around!
Story -
Sitting silently around the table, her mind was a mess. She almost lost the two people who meant more to her than anything else.
Sipping on her second glass of wine, her eyes glossed over. Not from the alcohol - it wasn’t enough to have an effect on her - but rather just from the images flashing in her head.
The sight of the boys, flat on their backs. The meat suit that the demon was using, holding her boys in place.
The consequences of what might happen if she failed, never crossed her mind. Her only thought, was saving Sam and Dean. Screw what might happen to her. The world needed the Winchesters, not some nobody-hunter side-character.
Sliding the empty glass away, she walked over to Sam and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. His eyes widening slightly at the unfamiliar act from her, but he subconsciously understood. He laid his hand upon her own and squeezed it briefly.
Making her way to Dean, she cupped his face gently, and placed a soft, quick-yet-lingering, desperate kiss on his lips. Her lips were gone before he could even register what she had done.
No words were ever exchanged.
Y/N made her way to her room, leaving the door cracked open so that they could check on her if they wanted. Subconsciously, maybe she wanted them too.
Sam sat still, his thoughts heavy as he thought of Y/N, and what she must have felt throughout the hunt… Before long, he made his way to the library to relax.
Dean grabbed the bottle of Jack from in front of him, and walked to the WAR room to sit in silence.
Each off on their own. Each processing the events that unfolded that day, in their own personal way.
Why can’t I just be man enough to tell her the damn truth? I fight monsters for god sake! But I can’t find the damn courage to tell Y/N I love her? What the hell is wrong with me?!
Sitting, elbows propped up on the table, with his head in his hands, he was a mess.
The feeling of her lips on his - still lingered. The feeling of her hands on his jaw; the warmth he felt throughout his whole body - still lingered.
He’d repeated the words he wanted to tell her, over and over in his head. Hell, he’d even written them down. Something inside of him just continued to stop him from saying them out-loud.
Lifting his head from his hands finally, he took the bottle and placed it to his lips, taking a swig before lowering it to the table again with a soft thunk. That was when his eyes spotted her guitar sitting on the table before him.
Picking it up, and holding it gently across his lap, he ran his fingers over the strings.It had been so long since he had held one, but he could feel the knowledge of how to play, coming back to him in an instant. Just like riding a bike.
He started to slowly play a tune. Nothing he had heard before, but rather just putting chords together. Playing what felt like the right thing to play.
Sam heard the music from the next room. Curiosity took its toll and, setting his book aside, he slowly walked toward the sound. Leaning against the wall, he watched silently as his brother strummed away.
“I can’t count the times, I almost said what’s on my miiiind. But I didn’t.” Dean began to sing.
If he couldn’t tell her the truth, he was at least going to get the words out to the empty room.
“Just the other day… I wrote down all the things I’d sayyy... But I couldn’t - I just couldn’t...”
Sam listened to his brother’s voice with an intrigued mix of awe and amusement.
“Baby, I knoow that you’ve been wonderin... Mmm, so here goes nothin...”
Sam’s foot twitched - he was tempted to go find Y/N so she would hear the words he knew Dean had longed to tell her… but instead he just stood there.
“In case you didn’t knoow… Baby, I’m crazy about ya... And I would be lyin if I said, that I could live this liife without you... Even though I don’t tell you all the time... You had my heart a long long tiiime ago... In case you didn’t know.”
Y/N stopped abruptly from the notebook in her lap and looked in the direction of the sound she knew fondly. Her guitar.
But who’s playing? I thought I was the only one who knew how?
Getting off her bed, she slowly followed the sound of the soft strums of her well-worn guitar. She could hear the faint sounds of a voice.
“The way you look tonight? That second glass of wiiine? That did it, mmm...”
Sam looked away from his brother, noticing a confused Y/N as she made her way down the hall. All he could do was smirk.
“There was somethin about that kiss… Giiirrl it did me iiin... Got me thinkin. I’m thinkin...”
With Sam standing in front of her, it was clear he wasn’t the source of the music. That left only one person.
Is he singing about… me?
As she got closer, she could make out every word he was singing.
“All of the things that I’ve been feelin... Mmm, it’s time you hear ‘em. In case you didn’t knoow... Baby, I’m crazy bout ya...”
Sam reached out to her, and pulled her into his side in a brotherly, one-armed embrace. Whispering into her ear so Dean wouldn’t hear them, he said, “He’s singing to you, ya know.”
“But why?” she whispered back, her brows furrowed.
“Just...listen.” Sam minutely rubbed her arm and nodded toward Dean.
“And I would be lyin if I said that I could live this liife without ya... Even though, I don’t tell you all the tiime... You haad my heart a long long time ago... In case you didn’t knooooow.”
She looked up at Sam, her jaw dropped, but Sam was just smiling.
“You’ve got all of me... I beloong to you... Yeah, you’re my everything...”
Sam released his grip on her, and made his way back to his seat in the library. This time, purposely walking as noisily as he could.
The sound of Sam walking away caused Dean to look up. Still strumming away, he spotted Y/N standing in the doorway, still in her awe.
Her eyes were soft, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there, but despite the knee-jerk reaction to stop and chuck the guitar away from himself… he knew he couldn't stop now.
His eyes never left her’s. She kept her’s locked on him as she started walking closer.
“In case you didn’t know, I’m crazy ‘bout ya... I would be lyin’ if I said that I could live this liiife without youu... Even though… I don’t tell you all the time, you had my heart a long long time ago. Yeaaah, you had my heart a long long tiime agooo... Mmm... In case you didn’t know... No, no. In case you didn’t knoooow...”
Slowly, his fingers left the strings of the guitar, and he set the instrument back on the table. Turning the chair to face Y/N, Dean reached out and took a firm yet gentle grip of her hands, pulling her to stand between his legs.
“I didn’t know you could do that?” she said, her voice soft and quiet.
“I’m full of surprises Y/N,” he murmured with his usual debonair small smirk.
“Is it all true? Do you really mean all that you said?”
The smirk became more genuine.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.”
“I don’t want to live this crazy… messed up life we live without you either, Dean.” She cupped his face in her hands and leaned down.
This time, Dean was ready. He returned the kiss immediately.
It was full of desire, that had been held in for so long. Full of both love and desperation.
When they finally separated to catch their breath, Dean stood from his chair. Grabbing Y/N near the tops of her thighs, he lifted her into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, they made their way toward the bedrooms.
Sam’s voice rang out from the other room as Dean walked down the hall.
“I’m happy for you two, and all... But keep it to the bedroom, will ya? Other people live here, and I’d rather not see you two loving each other on the tables and couches.”
“I make no promises, Sammy!” Dean hollered back as he kicked his door closed.
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Full Of Surprises
Characters - Sam, Dean, Reader
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Summary/Request - After watching Y/N take out a demon that had both brother’s pinned down, Dean realizes he needs to tell Y/N the truth about how he feels sooner, rather than later. Back at the Bunker, after going their separate ways to unwind, Dean finds Y/N’s guitar in the WAR room.
Word Count - 1473
Warnings - Minor Language, Fluff, maybe a tiny bit of Angst? (If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)
A/N - Based on Brett Young’s In Case You Didn’t Know
A/N 2 - SSOOOOOO...Yea...HI! Yes, I’m still alive. Yes, I am *hopefully* still writing. I apologize immensely for the LOOOOONG, unannounced hiatus. I had so much happening, the my brain just kinda..shut down. BUT, my goal for this new year is to take things slow, and work on me, and get to where I need to be. Thank you for your patience, and understanding, and I hope you’ll stick around!
Tags (Want on or off? Send a message/ask!) - PLEASE NOTE: I haven’t updated tag lists since, like, April of last year...SO, if you want off, just let me know!!! I promise, I won’t be upset :) @i-stare-sometimes @xfirespritex @big-to-beautiful @notnaturalanahi @thepalaceofmelanie @theimpossibleg1rl @lenaabs @jpadjackles @deathtonormalcy56 @impala-dreamer @jensen-jarpad
Story -
Sitting silently around the table, her mind was a mess. She almost lost the two people who meant more to her than anything else.
Sipping on her second glass of wine, her eyes glossed over. Not from the alcohol - it wasn’t enough to have an effect on her - but rather just from the images flashing in her head.
The sight of the boys, flat on their backs. The meat suit that the demon was using, holding her boys in place.
The consequences of what might happen if she failed, never crossed her mind. Her only thought, was saving Sam and Dean. Screw what might happen to her. The world needed the Winchesters, not some nobody-hunter side-character.
Sliding the empty glass away, she walked over to Sam and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. His eyes widening slightly at the unfamiliar act from her, but he subconsciously understood. He laid his hand upon her own and squeezed it briefly.
Making her way to Dean, she cupped his face gently, and placed a soft, quick-yet-lingering, desperate kiss on his lips. Her lips were gone before he could even register what she had done.
No words were ever exchanged.
Y/N made her way to her room, leaving the door cracked open so that they could check on her if they wanted. Subconsciously, maybe she wanted them too.
Sam sat still, his thoughts heavy as he thought of Y/N, and what she must have felt throughout the hunt… Before long, he made his way to the library to relax.
Dean grabbed the bottle of Jack from in front of him, and walked to the WAR room to sit in silence.
Each off on their own. Each processing the events that unfolded that day, in their own personal way.
Why can’t I just be man enough to tell her the damn truth? I fight monsters for god sake! But I can’t find the damn courage to tell Y/N I love her? What the hell is wrong with me?!
Sitting, elbows propped up on the table, with his head in his hands, he was a mess.
The feeling of her lips on his - still lingered. The feeling of her hands on his jaw; the warmth he felt throughout his whole body - still lingered.
He’d repeated the words he wanted to tell her, over and over in his head. Hell, he’d even written them down. Something inside of him just continued to stop him from saying them out-loud.
Lifting his head from his hands finally, he took the bottle and placed it to his lips, taking a swig before lowering it to the table again with a soft thunk. That was when his eyes spotted her guitar sitting on the table before him.
Picking it up, and holding it gently across his lap, he ran his fingers over the strings.It had been so long since he had held one, but he could feel the knowledge of how to play, coming back to him in an instant. Just like riding a bike.
He started to slowly play a tune. Nothing he had heard before, but rather just putting chords together. Playing what felt like the right thing to play.
Sam heard the music from the next room. Curiosity took its toll and, setting his book aside, he slowly walked toward the sound. Leaning against the wall, he watched silently as his brother strummed away.
“I can’t count the times, I almost said what’s on my miiiind. But I didn’t.” Dean began to sing.
If he couldn’t tell her the truth, he was at least going to get the words out to the empty room.
“Just the other day… I wrote down all the things I’d sayyy... But I couldn’t - I just couldn’t...”
Sam listened to his brother’s voice with an intrigued mix of awe and amusement.
“Baby, I knoow that you’ve been wonderin... Mmm, so here goes nothin...”
Sam’s foot twitched - he was tempted to go find Y/N so she would hear the words he knew Dean had longed to tell her… but instead he just stood there.
“In case you didn’t knoow… Baby, I’m crazy about ya... And I would be lyin if I said, that I could live this liife without you... Even though I don’t tell you all the time... You had my heart a long long tiiime ago... In case you didn’t know.”
Y/N stopped abruptly from the notebook in her lap and looked in the direction of the sound she knew fondly. Her guitar.
But who’s playing? I thought I was the only one who knew how?
Getting off her bed, she slowly followed the sound of the soft strums of her well-worn guitar. She could hear the faint sounds of a voice.
“The way you look tonight? That second glass of wiiine? That did it, mmm...”
Sam looked away from his brother, noticing a confused Y/N as she made her way down the hall. All he could do was smirk.
“There was somethin about that kiss… Giiirrl it did me iiin... Got me thinkin. I’m thinkin...”
With Sam standing in front of her, it was clear he wasn’t the source of the music. That left only one person.
Is he singing about… me?
As she got closer, she could make out every word he was singing.
“All of the things that I’ve been feelin... Mmm, it’s time you hear ‘em. In case you didn’t knoow... Baby, I’m crazy bout ya...”
Sam reached out to her, and pulled her into his side in a brotherly, one-armed embrace. Whispering into her ear so Dean wouldn’t hear them, he said, “He’s singing to you, ya know.”
“But why?” she whispered back, her brows furrowed.
“Just...listen.” Sam minutely rubbed her arm and nodded toward Dean.
“And I would be lyin if I said that I could live this liife without ya... Even though, I don’t tell you all the tiime... You haad my heart a long long time ago... In case you didn’t knooooow.”
She looked up at Sam, her jaw dropped, but Sam was just smiling.
“You’ve got all of me... I beloong to you... Yeah, you’re my everything...”
Sam released his grip on her, and made his way back to his seat in the library. This time, purposely walking as noisily as he could.
The sound of Sam walking away caused Dean to look up. Still strumming away, he spotted Y/N standing in the doorway, still in her awe.
Her eyes were soft, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there, but despite the knee-jerk reaction to stop and chuck the guitar away from himself… he knew he couldn't stop now.
His eyes never left her’s. She kept her’s locked on him as she started walking closer.
“In case you didn’t know, I’m crazy ‘bout ya... I would be lyin’ if I said that I could live this liiife without youu... Even though… I don’t tell you all the time, you had my heart a long long time ago. Yeaaah, you had my heart a long long tiime agooo... Mmm... In case you didn’t know... No, no. In case you didn’t knoooow...”
Slowly, his fingers left the strings of the guitar, and he set the instrument back on the table. Turning the chair to face Y/N, Dean reached out and took a firm yet gentle grip of her hands, pulling her to stand between his legs.
“I didn’t know you could do that?” she said, her voice soft and quiet.
“I’m full of surprises Y/N,” he murmured with his usual debonair small smirk.
“Is it all true? Do you really mean all that you said?”
The smirk became more genuine.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.”
“I don’t want to live this crazy… messed up life we live without you either, Dean.” She cupped his face in her hands and leaned down.
This time, Dean was ready. He returned the kiss immediately.
It was full of desire, that had been held in for so long. Full of both love and desperation.
When they finally separated to catch their breath, Dean stood from his chair. Grabbing Y/N near the tops of her thighs, he lifted her into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist, they made their way toward the bedrooms.
Sam’s voice rang out from the other room as Dean walked down the hall.
“I’m happy for you two, and all... But keep it to the bedroom, will ya? Other people live here, and I’d rather not see you two loving each other on the tables and couches.”
“I make no promises, Sammy!” Dean hollered back as he kicked his door closed.
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illlicit-affairs · 7 years
My name is whatever you deciiiiiiiide And I'm just gonna call you miiiiiiiiiine I'm insane, but I'm your baby your baaabbbyyy Echoes ~echoes~ of your name inside my miiiind Halo, hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daaaaaaaaaaaisy
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dystopianharry · 7 years
im sorry to bother u but
I CAN FEEL YOUR HAHT INSIDE OF MIIIiiNE /i fEEL it,,,i FEEl it/ I BEEN GOING OUT OF MY MIIiinD /i FEEL It, I FEEL it/ KNOW THAT IM JUST WAAAaaaSTIN TIIiMEE,, aaaaAAAANDDD IIIIIiii,,, [breath] hope that you don’t run from mee
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littleholmes · 7 years
Oh, ms Belieeeever my pretty sleeeeeper
your twisted miiiind
is like snow on the road
your shaking shoooulders prove that it's cooooolder
inside your head
than the winter of dead
0 notes
salamandertoast · 13 years
my parents invited me upstairs to watch Leverage
I come into the living room
and they're watching Phantom of the Opera
there is no escape
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