fefairys · 5 months
inspired by the poll asking if you would tell your best friend if you were in love with them
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xiiotro · 1 month
so i just realized something,
when adam first reveals that he's been stalking lawrence, he takes the photos out of the bag and kinda just.. throws them all around the bathroom
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and as we all see in 2, 3, 3D, and X, the bathroom is COMPLETELY empty after adam dies
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do you guys think lawrence took those photos and kept them because it's the only photo he has where he's not missing from the picture? or maybe because they still probably have adam's fingerprints on it?
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Will’s looking at him with those tragic eyes, this kid who’s almost as tall as Eddie but seems centuries younger, infinitely more fragile and breakable. And shit, Eddie is not at all prepared to be some kind of queer mentor. He’s barely keeping his head above water with Robin, who doesn’t expect him to be anything other than a peer with a little more experience in his pocket; he’s a piss-poor option for baby Byers, who desperately needs some kindly gay Gandalf in his life. A role model with like, a long-term boyfriend and a city job and one of those yappy purse dogs.
But Eddie’s the only one here, and what else can he do? So he takes a deep breath and prepares to say something really wise and mentor-y. He doesn’t know what it is yet, but it’ll definitely be both appropriate and profound.
“I mean, it worked out for you, right?” says Will.
“Uh,” says Eddie, thrown completely off track. “What?”
“With—” Will flushes, but continues in a low voice. “You know. With Steve, and all.”
“What,” says Eddie again.
“I mean, sorry if that’s…I know you guys haven’t exactly been telling people, but…you know you can tell me, right?”
“Ahahaha,” says Eddie. “What.”
“I think it’s nice, how you guys managed to move past all the high school stuff and find each other. It’s like—a happy ending, right?”
“Right. I mean, wrong. I mean, whatever you think is going on, it’s not. Jesus christ, Will the Wise, there’s absolutely no way anything would ever be—where are you even getting this? We’re not—we’re not.”
“Sure.” Will rolls his eyes, and Eddie is reluctantly reminded that this kid can be a catty bitch too sometimes. “That’s why he was wearing your Black Sabbath shirt last Tuesday, and why you keep Springsteen in your glove compartment, and why his car is parked in your driveway almost every night. Dude, Dustin doesn’t even bother calling Loch Nora when he’s trying to find Steve now, he just goes straight to your place.”
Laid out like that, it’s a little damning.
“That’s—all out of context,” says Eddie weakly. “And—and Steve is straight, anyway. So. Check and mate, Byers.”
Will lets out an annoyed breath. “I’m sixteen, you know. You don’t have to—look, sorry if I’m pushing too much with this, but…don’t lie to me, okay? Friends don’t lie.”
Eddie’s heard the kids say that last thing every so often, like a mantra or some godawful affirmation. He huffs, shaking his hair out of his face.
“Y’know, that little catchphrase you’ve got isn’t the worst rule in the world, but it’s not the most nuanced, either. Ever heard of discretion, kid?”
“Right,” says Will. “Discretion.” He winks at Eddie, squinching the whole side of his face up like he’s never actually tried winking before, and Eddie is momentarily struck dumb with how terrible the effort is.
Just then, Dustin barrels in talking a mile a minute about some idea he needs Will for immediately, yes right now, Eddie’ll still be here afterwards, come on.
As Eddie watches them go, he awards himself one Gay Gandalf point for effort, and negative five million points for the trouble he can smell coming down the line.
(eta: I am a god damn liar. continuation here.)
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starbuck · 2 years
Walt’s fucking magpie tendency of collecting little mementos from his victims (continuing to cut the crusts off sandwiches the way Domingo liked it, the Eye from flight 515, Gale’s poetry book, the watch from Jesse) that he insists on keeping close to him is such freak behavior and i am OBSESSED with it.
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riwooga · 5 months
Forever thinking about Winter being in love with the PC…
Winter slowly realizing he’s falling for the PC, not only someone so much younger than him, but one of his own students no less.
The probable months of denial, of forcing his gaze away, of suppressing the fond smiles, but for every new interaction, every time the PC shows up with a smile and some new mysteriously procured artifact, nodding along in interest when he explains its origin… for every time the PC helps promote the museum, every time he hears them play along in the historic role play so fervently, goodness especially if the PC helped Winter not only restore the museum but helped him get his dreamed of field office too?
Regardless of how wrong it is, Winter feeling his heart stir for the first time in probably so long.. But he knows he’s too old for the PC, the dynamic would be beyond improper, and he knows he can’t let those emotions actually take root. All rationality in his mind probably berating him, of how he has children older than the PC, he’s past the years of his prime, not to mention again the severe taboo such a relation would have.
.. but I can’t help but imagine him sometimes wistfully thinking about if he was young again, letting his mind indulge in thoughts of what could be in another lifetime. Something he wouldn’t dare fully allow himself in this one. How he’d probably love to turn into a full on little archeological duo, exploring all the unturned nooks and crannies of the town, and even beyond.. but he’s not young and spry anymore, and him indulging, would almost feel like robbing the PC of that youth for themselves.
Maybe him going to the temple is half an attempt at also getting someone else to tell him that his actions are right, that he’s right to shut those emotions down, shouldn’t indulge. But even if encouraged to pursue, he knows deep down he can’t, no matter how much his mind and heart might disagree, he’s holding his morals tight, because what else can you really do in a situation so doomed to fall empty?
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5w6 · 18 days
i actually do feel like ive been doing slightly better at this lately though.. like replying to peoples posts and trying to initiate conversations and dms and stuff... so i am winning a bit
#🎇#and i mean. i actually do know how to socialise. i am fine at it#i just experience the horrors constantly & dont like to burden people with my existence when its unwanted & say things uninvited & etc#i do want more people in my life im comfortable with so i dont feel these things talking to people all the time but man#ig it's hard because i don't blame people for not being that interested in talking to me when i don't make it easy to talk to me#and i struggle so much with like. when i bring up a topic and they dont really show interest & im like o. ok. and then i just never want to#bring up anything because it keeps happening and it's easier to just talk about things they like#but then that makes me boring and hard to talk to because i dont offer anything to the conversation but its because i feel like my existenc#is pointless to the conversations we have because nothing i say going to get a response so we may as well just talk about what u want#idk. i know its a personal problem of mine and i should be fine just saying whatever i want etc and i might be misinterpreting the signs#because im hypersensitive to it after the shit ive been through#but its something im conscious of at least and i do try to continue to bring things up and offer things to talk about and stuff anyway#ive been trying to do it more lately. and starting conversations even if i feel unwanted because i know its likely just me being#overly sensitive . and continuing to reply to peoples post even if they never reply because im probably oversensitive about that too. etc#i want to make friends arg
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blindinghope · 20 days
what do you mean there's 3 twd spin offs and one of them involves maggie and negan(?????) please note i dropped the show by the end of s7 or beginning of s8,, i'm not sure this new information will help me to continue
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dramarants · 8 months
Wanting more homoeroticism in the tension between the show’s leads as the narrative introduces greater intimacy and higher stakes between them, especially in a landscape that lacks queer representation who isn’t a villain or dies within one or two episodes, but also recognizing that core values/motivation for these characters lie in their relationships with one of two major female characters in an on screen sausage fest where the only other woman is a morally reprehensible femme fatale and erasing and/or vilifying female leads in favor of conventionally attractive males is a common practice observed in fandoms that’s rooted in misogyny and justified under the guise of rejecting heteronormativity, thinly veiled double standards, or claiming the woman is simply not interesting enough and not wanting to bolster that mindset
#the worst of evil#you know who’s not interesting enough? haeryeon!! bibi’s acting the hell out of her and slaying while doing it#but idk anything besides she’s willing to subvert her dad for dick and values money over everything else#and also she’s hot which is great for me!! but also the male gaze#and I also get it - we don’t know much about euijeong in her limited screen time besides her relationships to junmo/kicheol#but she is given so many traits that are silently conveyed like compassion and bravery and sacrifice#she brought a fucking gun to her date with kicheol like the conflicts and motivations here are SO JUICY#her exasperation guilt and despair with the investigation; esp after listening to the voicemails#what’s the self respecting thing to do; do I still love my husband if he loses himself; can I continue a game I never wanted to play#at the cost of my life or my family’s life?#even though a lot of her choices are for her marriage she’s using whatever agency she has in her own terms#kicheol works to be an honest man and make a difference partly bc of her#not trying to place the burden of fixing men on her but ignoring her impact in the boys’ lives is wild#ship whoever you want hate whoever you want but don’t deride a woman just cuz ‘she’s in the way’ ya know#all this being said; kicheol bringing junmo home after he RAMPAGED seemingly on his behalf - literally who else is doing it like them#the yearning all around - I get it now; we need gangster mob!throuple to get any shit done around here (and for all 3 to stay alive 🫣🙏)#but the reality next week is gonna be so so bitter
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peony-pearl · 1 year
Zuko mentions to Ursa he would like for his little siblings to come to the Fire Nation to enjoy the summer festival.
By saying ‘siblings’ she knows he’s talking about Chiyo and Katsu - Ozai’s children.
Ursa, Noren and Kiyi have taken residence at the Fire Nation palace for years now, ever since Ursa was discovered on the outskirts of Hira’a. Once Zuko got the information out of Ozai just over ten years ago where his mother had taken up residence, he was escorted there by Aang to reunite with her. Ursa did not hesitate to return to her children once Zuko lifted her banishment, and she was a key figure in Azula’s recovery.
When Ozai broke out of prison, Ursa was a driving force in trying to find him after he threatened Azula’s life. Knowing he was out there, free, for the past decade has haunted her.
And then, just two years ago, Zuko and Azula received news of his whereabouts... and they found him with the help of Aang, Katara and June.
And they let him keep his freedom.
Zuko’s explanation of the events sounded like a bad dream. Ursa listened to her boy, whom Ozai had savagely scarred as a child, defend his decision after seeing Ozai happy out in some Earth Kingdom farm with a new family.
She was speechless. Zuko had left children in the midst of this monster.
Azula was the one who was more critical of her father’s new life. She vented to Ursa about the pain of seeing him so happy with this naive, sheltered woman who decided to stay with Ozai even after learning about his past. Regardless, Azula would eventually begin receiving letters from both the woman, Niwa, and from her younger sister, Chiyo.
And then Zuko dropped the bombshell.
Chiyo was an Airbender.
Ursa spoke to Aang upon his return with Zuko and Azula. He seemed over the moon, to not only learn there was another Airbender in the world, but she was the descendant of one of Aang’s fellow Southern Air Temple residents, and this revelation gave him hope that there could be more Airbenders in waiting out in the world.
And yet, despite all of this... Ursa could only remember the man who who began denying her as a wife when his lust for the crown became stronger; the man who planted the seeds of lies to his daughter of her being a monster, seeds that blossomed into a beautiful, deadly flower. A flower that he ripped out of it’s garden bed and crushed under his boot when she was no longer useful. And Zuko, the son that he turned against and berated and scolded when all he ever did was his best, until the day he finally tried to step into more assertive shoes earned him a permanently damaged eye.
“So...” Zuko begins to speak. “I’ve thought about inviting dad and Niwa and the kids. I’ll make sure he doesn’t come around you, or Noren or Kiyi. But... he’s kept his end of his promise so far. I’ve thought it was only fair to extend a hand back to him.”
Ursa knew the promise: to write to Zuko and Azula, and to maintain a form of communication on a regular basis.
Zuko also regularly received letters from Niwa and Chiyo, and each one ensured truth to Ozai’s words. Even Azula, who often worried that Ozai was telling Chiyo what to write, would read her little sister’s letters that contained questions and thoughts only a seven year old could ask.
Ursa sighs as Zuko makes his case; he stumbles as he sees his mother’s unhappiness. “I-I can have them stay on the other side of the palace,” he says. Azula sits next to Ursa; Aang sits next to her.
Azula squeezes her mother’s hand. “Or we don’t have to invite him.”
Zuko nods, albeit reluctantly, to his sister’s suggestion. Azula becomes miffed.
“Why are you so adamant to see him here?”
“I’m not! I just-”
“You’ve asked every year since we found him if he can visit.”
“That’s only two years, Azula,” Zuko sighs. “Uncle’s been asking about him too.”
“Well, Uncle’s senile,” Azula crossed her arms.
“Azula,” Ursa gently admonished her daughter, who turned her gaze away as she pouted.
Aang touched Azula’s knee, but remained focused on Zuko. “Maybe just invite the kids?”
Zuko shook his head. “Katsu is only two, and to give up her kids so suddenly for a week may not be easy for Niwa.”
Aang grinned at Azula. “It would be good practice though.”
“Get your head out of those clouds; no kids until those vows are said,” Azula smirked.
“You keep declining my engagement!”
“This is a talk for another time,” Azula hissed quietly.
Ursa, having maintained her silence, wrings her hands together. “... Zuko, in the end, you are the Fire Lord. And this is your home.”
Zuko shakes his head. “Yeah, but-”
Ursa holds up her hand. “I admit. I am not keen on seeing him again. Ever again. But... I know this is something you’ve felt strongly about. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. I simply ask that you inform me of the decision so I can... make arrangements.”
Azula grinned. “Poison arrangements?” She asked, nudging her mother’s ribs. Ursa chuckled.
“If only I could be so lucky.”
“Guys,” Zuko said in exasperation. “Look... I’ll just invite them next y-”
“No, stop it.” Azula rolled her eyes. “Just tell them to come. Spirits, you’re such a downer, Zuzu.”
“Yeah, Zuzu,” Aang echoed his fiancee. Zuko shot him a tired look.
“I agree,” Ursa said. “Invite them. Besides; should anything go wrong, we have you three to keep him in his place; and Kiyi is becoming more proficient in her own bending.”
“Yeah; if he pulled anything we could take him!” Aang agreed.
Ursa could see the look on Zuko’s face though; but still, he nodded and watched as Aang and Azula decided to retire to bed. Ursa lingered, waiting to talk to her son in private.
“Zuko,” she said, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “You don’t owe him any-”
“This isn’t about owing him. I know where I stand on what dad did to me; to us.”
“And yet you’re so hopeful to see him again.”
“Is it wrong to hope for a new path? I found mine, mom. Outside of the Fire Nation. Away from him. I found my life, my meaning. And so has he. I saw it. I saw him experience a life he’d become fully invested in. I saw two happy kids; a beautiful home... And...”
“... And?” Ursa asked.
Zuko swallowed.
“... And I was so mad he found it without us. But you know what? I also found my path without Azula. And... she’ll always have that in her mind. But she’s forgiven me.”
“She could not control the struggles you faced.”
“As I couldn’t control hers; and I’ll always have dad’s favoritism to remember. We’ve all been subjected to lives we didn’t want. Dad was one of them. So were you.”
Ursa folded her arms in front of her, looking much like her daughter. Zuko pleaded to her, still not quite over the fact that he was so much taller, and yet he still spoke to her like she towered over him.
“Mom... The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But there’s a part of me that wants to see this through. He’s my father. And I’ve hated him, and part of me still hates him. But after everything I’ve learned... if Aang can forgive me for everything I allowed to happen to him and his friends... if Uncle can forgive me for turning away from him, I want to know I can reciprocate that.”
“You don’t have to forgive him.”
“Mom, I haven’t. I will never forgive him for what he did to me, or Azula, or you. But I feel like I have an obligation, as the Fire Lord, to make sure he’s not causing trouble. I called off the searches once I saw how much he’s changed. Others have done the same for me. Time goes on. He... He looked out for me back when we were looking for Chiyo. I was hurt and he stayed with me.”
Ursa’s eyes widened as Zuko recalled the event to her for the first time.
“When I told him we would find Chiyo he was thankful for me. I... Sometimes I think maybe now... Maybe now I could get to know my dad-”
“Zuko you don’t have to.”
“I know I don’t. But it’s my decision. I respect every bit of advice I get from you but this is something... something I need to do for myself. If Azula never wants to see him again after this, I will never invite him again.”
Ursa reached out to hold her son’s hand.
“And you’re not scared?” She asked. Zuko laughed.
“Mom, I’m terrified.”
Ursa’s face became one of determination.
“Then I will be right here with you.”
“I’m not scared that he’ll hurt me,” Zuko insisted. “Like you said, we can handle him if he were to become a threat.”
Ursa clasped Zuko’s hand tightly with both of hers. “But you’re still scared,” she said. “And I won’t let you be scared alone; not after I missed so many years.”
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lucky-draws · 8 months
does anyone remember outlast.
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Listen, am I happy that you now get to rule the world with your SO and be evil together? Of course, evil couple takeover for astarion and minthy romancers, especially when they egged you on to do so, makes much more sense. However do I miss the tragedy of a characters who thought they were finally free and powerful being ultimately betrayed by the one they loved? Having thier love become corrupted and warped into something cruel as thier lover perpetuates thier own cycle of violence and abuse? Yes absolutely
Also yes I know this change is old but I've been busy ok
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robotsafari · 4 months
god more i think about ansem in dream drop distance the more upset i get.
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years
Oh my god, Joe’s latest episode (ep31)
As thanks for Cleo helping him, he gives her 16 Royal Emeralds. She says “thank you for my excess Royal Emeralds, I do appreciate a good old representation of the king’s authority”, in a very flat manner that implies the opposite. Joe tells her to “use them anywhere you want. I’ve been using a lot of mine at Grian’s shops, because what’s he gonna do?” And Cleo responds “what’s he gonna do? Yeah he’s not gonna form a coup at all”, and Joe agrees with “yeah he’s not gonna resist anything. Also he sells concrete powder and that’s really hard to make”.
Between this, and Scar also purchasing from Grian’s shop while telling Grian that of course he hates the Royal Emeralds - it is not going to be Ren who drives Grian to despair, but rather the King’s Court. The King’s Court who are purposefully poking Grian to try to get him to resist…
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spinoff-antithesis · 1 year
(muth being music theory!)
#FUCK IT MY OWN EDITION OF THE ODDLY SPECIFIC POLLS BC THESE ARE FUN#me when i've been obsessed with space/time stuff since i was a KID its more an interest than hyperfixation rn but man.#media with any of those?? i am OBSESSED (star wars rottmnt movie etc etc) like i hyperfixated on dr who for a year in middle school#the skateboard one is so funny. in high school my guard instructor saw me with a friend's pennyboard & immediately said no.#me when i was notoriously clumsy in middle + high school so everyone i knew was like. “this is a bad idea” when i did anything#my first semester of college i bought a longboard off someone then 5months later i turned around & ate SHIT it was so funny in retrospect#anyway fun sage lore i have only ever heavily injured the left side of my body. my knee + elbow and the SAME FUCKING TOOTH. TWICE.#also i have a high pain tolerance. like idk how or when but in middle school it just got Really Strong. me when i injure myself and just#live with it for a year before it becomes a concern and i get told to get an xray (i will live with a fractured knee the rest of my life)#also when i fell off my skateboard and ate shit my first concern was “ah fuck my glasses did i break my nose” and#“nah my elbow isnt broken! my arm is just rly sore from how i landed on it” (readers. it was in fact fractured.)#like i literally went “no im fine we dont need to tell my mom or go to the er” and my friends said “call your mom and go to the er”#me spitting out my tooth and blood bc i also busted my lip: that hurt. time to hobble back to my dorm.#anyway hiding this one in the tags bc i will never not just ignore my issues LMAO did it with my ptsd dx and i will continue to do it#another incredibly hyperspecific thing: oh this doesnt seem normal! im gonna ignore it and hope it goes away#these symptoms match up to something? nah i'm sure it's not that! (proceeds to get dx'd with ptsd five months later)
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summoner-of-mist · 3 months
man im having a wanting to die kinda night again :(((((((((
im trying so fucking hard to make friends but i guess i just cant and just gotta die instead
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suashii · 7 months
oh. . . he’s kinda 👀
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