snowthedemonfox · 2 years
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after doing nothing but play pokemon for a week i wanted to draw this Creature as a small art warm up
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cadere-art · 7 months
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Unknown creature, with dots.
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pcktknife · 8 months
wait the craziest thing in bg3 is that dinosaurs just exist
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dino--draws · 1 month
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The main images that I painted/photomanipulated for the making of SCP-8007! All the base images are just scrounged up from wikimedia commons, and the assorted dragons were painted in by yours truly!
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jeviiarts · 7 months
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Erm .. what the scallop ….
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epicness1000 · 10 days
TW: Art featuring blood and mild body horror
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A velociraptor God haunted by her true heritage, the weight of expectations and fear forcing her down a path of bloodshed and cruelty.
But perhaps if the world had been kinder... she could've been kinder too.
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Oh that is a CREATURE please pat it on the head for me
I absolutely will! I'm not quite sure where the line is between creature and monster, and there's probably some overlap, but I feel like this one is definitely on the creature end of the scale lol
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komodocomics · 1 year
other drawings
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bibiana112 · 2 years
What is the earliest special interest/ hyperfixation you remember having? (Mine was Lilo and stitch which is probably not that surprising)
In media? Probably atla In general though I think it was wildlife? I think mostly big cats, sharks and turtles oh! And dinosaurs of course lol
#I know that I have a book about sharks and other sea creatures that have the pictures as puzzles it's from when I was so small#there was an incident way back when I still went to sunday school where I took my dinosaur fun fact magazine w me and got scolded#not because I was reading it instead of paying attention or anything that asshat just thought dinos were fake and unholy or something#man I can't really remember which tyle of animal I fixated on First but I sure did#I knew a lot of stuff I kind of miss that#I got so SO many turtle plushies at some point I am so sad my big one that has a pouch with eggs got mold in her like genuinely sad#mom: "oh yeah when you were six you were so talkative you'd tell a taxi driver about animals and stuff as well as if you were a grown up!''#me: ''....... that's that's because I was interested on that doesn't that strengthen my point?''#mom: ''no it proves you were actually great at communication and then something happened so can't be autism :)''#I remember being normal about finding nemo too bit less because of the actual movie and more because of the research they put into it#like I got the book from it that compared the real animals with how they are in the movie and watched the bonus features like a lot#especially the angler fish like it scared me at first but I got really into deep sea creatures at some point too#and lions and tigers and onças were just easy to find on wildlife channels#I got my turtle plushies from a conservation institute and I got a bunch of other stuff too#I might as well have bought one of each of everything in the gift shop lol#I used to be able to tell right away which species one was and knew exactly which ones could be found on national beaches#man......#I'm gonna stop for now lol#a tag for asks#no wait actually I have a couple more stories akdhkajs fuck ok#so like I vividly remember going to fairs about these regularly when I was really really small#like every year or so there'd be two events I liked a lot#one was the dinosaur one which would have skeleton replicas some videos about them being wiped out but my favorite part#was near the end where they'd have. buried some fake fossils on sand#and us kids were given proper brushes and everything to play paleontologist#I remember also some animatronics there literally just one in a box where you could input commands cause it was such high tech at the time#I got home with one of those egg things that would slowly dissolve on water and give you a surprise tiny dinosaur too#I saw them on regular street market fairs all the time but they were too expensive to get outside of the occasion#the other was a shark one where you could pet one! debatable ethically now that I'm grown but back then it was awesome!#I know the species and it was a calm bottom feeder one but I never learned it's name in english anyway thank u!!!! this was fun!
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worrysomegus · 2 months
I am going insane at how bad this park is in jurassic world like there's a ride where the attendees can control their own orb thing through a large amount of actual dinosaurs. and it doesn't have like a taking over the steering thing to bring them all back in in case of, I don't know, a dinosaur escaping?
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I can not concieve of a single scenario where letting untrained guests get this close to wild animals with zero veto power could possibly go wrong - the people that created this ride, apparently
they even IN THE MOVIE ride through a goddamn stampede or something, and we see that just the indominous rexes jaws can get through the glass, a triceratops could definitely get through if it tried hard enough, like maybe, perhaps, hypothetically, in some wild scenario, a rich tourist doesn't understand that maybe getting close to a large herbivores young offspring is a bad idea.
and seriously why is there no button that just.. recalls all of the balls
how does this ride even work how do they get through the line when they just tell guests okay bye go roam this grassy wonderland filled with large things that can kill you yet you have no concern for, people have definitely had sex in those things and people have definitely been gone for hours.
also the mosasaurus cage, hm maybe a second draft might be in order. maybe?
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okay. cool. sure. fine whatever, it's not like it does this multiple times daily surely there will be no issue here
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she is also shown breaching the barrier and getting onto the walkway in the fucking movie
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like the mosasaur is IN THIS BODY OF WATER HERE and that is a busy walkway that people are encouraged to sit and eat under, also sidenote that woman you see falling has like 5 minutes of screentime and half of it is an extremely gruesome death, like by far the worst in the movie. this movie has very normal opinions about women.
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okay so this one looks different to the other dinky barrier, somehow even more dinky, but still on a presumably busy walkway since this is on the end of a street where their very obvious sponsor pandora had set up shop (and a bunch of dino merch)
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and like yeah, shocker, massive powerful sea creature can leap out of the water and break the dinky fence, it could have done this at any time at all it is probably more powerful than the indominous rex which we SEE breaking much stronger barriers than the dinky glass one. also sidenote this screenshot is VERY funny
I could go on for years about how shit this movie is every other moment there is a massive plothole, very sorry about this post I am going insane.
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waywardsunlight · 27 days
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I was thinking about lil creature Hunter and I did some different versions but thought it might be cool to draw a Harpy form for him where his dna that leans more dino/aquatic got mixed with Flapjack who's obviously. a bird.
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thylacines-toybox · 3 months
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Major shelf shuffle! I decided to swap the long standing Dino Zone with my Australian animal collection, giving them more space to spread out, and changed a lot of displays on this half of the room.
Really happy to see the Aussie animals more on display, and it's nice to have them right under the thylacine shelves! It's funny how the Tassie devil corner is just a dark shadowy place too lol. Synapsid space is down below them! You may spot that one dinosaur managed to stay on this shelf, because she is Australian too.
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Since I also decided to get rid of my fish tank (don't worry, all fish had lived full lives and it was vacant for a while) I had more free space to the left side too. So I decided to move the little set of drawers up there (full of bones and such...) and make a nice skully naturey display on top. Not much of a theme to the animal figures in front, just a few I like!
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And off to the left of that, Pawface is getting to hang out by my galaxy projector light and some tiny drawers of rocks and trinkets. Ink (the black, one eyed creature) is out to play for the first time in a while too!
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The dinosaurs and other prehistoric guys are doing fine and only a few needed to be put away! They've got the two lower left shelves, and the lowest shelf even has a bit of a rainbow going on.
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
wooden dinos
aauthor's note. based off this absolutely adorable tiktok i saw :”) the second i was over with melting how cute it is (and considering sleeping on the highway) i knew i had to write it. with who? the answer was easy my friends >:)
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you let out a deep sigh when the part you were holding clearly didn’t fit in the spot. chan furrowed his brows, shifting his gaze towards you.
“it won’t fit” you pouted and he let out a soft giggle.
“lemme see” a hum left his mouth as he leaned over to you.
various wooden parts were scattered on your dining table. you two saw a dino set to assembly during your shopping spree. if you were hesitating for a second, the fact that it was moving made you grab two boxes in a blink of an eye. chan and you rushed home from the shopping faster than usual, the whole ride back filled with giggles of excitement.
“because it’s my part, silly” he said softly, handing you the right one after glancing at the manual “here, try now”
you followed the manual, successfully this time. the part satisfyingly went in with a pleasant click and you let out a little gasp.
“i did it!” you looked at dino with a grin. his features softened, small smile painting on his lips.
“good job, baby” he patted your head and you excitedly moved forward with your wooden dinosaur.
before doing the same chan watched you for a moment, heart melting at the sight of how invested you are.
“how are we gonna name them?” you hummed, putting together another part.
“well… we can see after we paint them. maybe that will give us some inspiration” chan said gently, his dino a couple of parts away from being finished.
“we’ll paint them?” you whispered with excitement and he met your eyes, filled with childish joy.
“of course we will” chan grunted with a boyish smirk and pointed at a piece of audio box “don’t forget about that”
“yes sir!” a huff followed by a giggle left your lips, fingers pressing a little harder on the side of the piece you were assembling.
you spent two hours assembling the wooden dinosaurs, chan peeking at you. from time to time he’d explain why a certain part necessarily needs to be in a specific spot.
once assembled, you put them next to each other. looking at your boyfriend excitedly, he let out a soft laugh and pecked your temple.
“the moment of truth” you breathed out and pressed the buttons on the dinos.
the little wooden creatures started walking stiffly, tails waggling due to the movement. the audio box worked too – they roared suddenly, caused you two to giggle.
“good job, baby! i’m proud!” he grinned and you two high fived, watching the dinos stroll on your dinner table.
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @jiwuu ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Good day Factual! Hope you're starting to feel a bit better- colds that just refuse to go away are the worst! Glad you've been having some fun playing and drawing Pokemon in the meantime though- and thanks a million for giving us all that great art of Grimace! Him and Sylvester definitely have a wholesome, brotherly bond, and it would be sweet to see some more of them someday, though as always, draw whatever you wish! In the meantime, as a little side Ask- could you tell us how you met them perhaps? Both in game and in "story"? Did you catch them like usual Pokemon, or did they join willingly?
And as for my main Ask- I thought I'd inquire about two of my favorite lesser known Mario enemies, and their places in your AU- starting with the fire spitting, three horned menaces, the Reznors!
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Despite them essentially just being chibified triceratops, I've always liked their designs, their pack mentality, and the goofy noises they make! Sadly, Nintendo hasn't used them for much other than a couple gimmicky mini bosses, but I figure if the Bowser of your AU had a few, he'd put them to much better use! Just spitballing here, but you've come up with some cool ideas of how the Koopas use various other creatures- what if they used tamed Reznors as battle mounts, like how humans have used elephants! Imagine the Koopas armoring them up, loading troops on to their backs, and then charging into battle, bullet bills a-blazing! ( Just my idea- what do you think? )
And then the other enemy I wanted to mention, is the rarely remembered, deadly dino from w 1-1 of Super Mario World- the Rex!
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They were powerful, speedy critters with a nasty bite- and while Nintendo rarely makes use of them nowadays, many fans still hold them and their lore implications close to their hearts- due to their uncanny resemblance to Yoshis... Because of this, many have theorized they share a common Ancestor- though others fear that perhaps a form of evil magic was involved- which, I think would be a perfect fit for your AU! Since your Kamek has showcased powerful, corruptive magics in the past- what if he created the Rexs, either by mutating captured Yoshis, or enchanting stolen Yoshi eggs before they hatched!? Either way, id imagine they would be just as large and aggressive as your yoshis- and serve the Koopas well as guard dogs, or perhaps as alternative mounts- being weaker, but more nimble and agile than a Reznor. But what's your take? Would either of these guys make the cut? Or not be included at all- ( which would be fine too, I just wanted to ask, and pitch some ideas! )
(Grimace and Sylvester art in question)
Hey there! Unfortunately I'm going downhill a bit, I think my cold is really startin to take me down. Which is just wonderful 🥲 at least I have Pokemon Scarlet to keep my mind busy!
Speaking of Pokemon, Grimace and Sylvester actually do have a story to them..
Starting with Grimace, I actually kinda got him on accident due to a 3 day long brain fart. Let me explain- <XD
So picture this. It's early in the game and I spot a Duskull. I think "Oh cool! Dusknoir is my favorite pokemon! I gotta catch one so he'll eventually evolve into a Dusknoir! :D" So I catch one and name him Dusty.
I ran around with Dusty, training him, loving him, feeding him sandwiches, the works, for 3 days or so. 3. Real life. Days.
It's only when I'm a about to go to bed and I'm thinking about him that I realized..
Dusty is a Gastly. Not a Duskull. He will eventually turn into a Gengar. Not a Dusknoir.
I still can't figure out how I looked at a Gastly and had my brain go "catch one! It'll turn into a Dusknoir! :DD"
So anyways, I didn't really want a Gengar.. but by the time I had noticed my mistake, I had already gotten attached to the big guy. So I accepted defeat, renamed him Grimace and gave up on my dreams of having a Dusknoir. I'll get a Dusknoir in legends Arceus anyways it's fine- <XD
Now Sylvester...
I knew right when I started the game that I wanted a female Sylveon. That was a big goal of mine. And I knew of a place early on in the game where there was a chance for Eevee to spawn. So I ate a sandwich that increased my normal type spawn rate and hunted for a while.
It was quite the drag since Eevees we're still a rare spawn.. but I was able to find some and catch them all. Though there was one peoblem. Every single Eevee I encountered was male! I wanted a female eevee!
It was a few hours into Eevee hunting that I went and Googled the female to male ratio on Eevees. Females have like a 12% spawn rate... Whoops. Looks like I'm not gonna find a female eevee this early on in the game....
But I still wanted a Sylveon.. 🥺
So I did some thinking. I imagined my trainer as a character. I picture them catching a male Eevee and loving him just the way he is. Saying that he doesn't have to evolve for them. Classic Eevee/trailer relationship. And I imagined the Eevee being so happy with this trainer and loving his team so much, that he evolved into a Sylveon. And he's not ashamed at all! His form is the ultimate expression of his love for his friends and his trainer!
I also pictured tweaking Sylvester's body type to make him apear more masculine. Changing the shape of his bows and ears to look sharper. Making his eyes a bit smaller and making his paws pointier.
Point is, the story I built in my head and all the drawing ideas this gave me... Plus my inability to catch a female eevee.. resulted in me adopting one of the male Eevees and evolving him into a Sylveon XD
Anyways XD as for your Mario questions...
I'm actually unfamiliar with those enemies <:0 though having a little more diversity in the Koopa kingdom would be good.. perhaps I could look into the Reznors a bit more and incorporate them somehow.. like you said, making them battle mounts or something similar..
Now the Rex, what an odd critter.. definitely haven't seen that guy before- :00 he really does look a lot like a Yoshi.. I'd have to look into those guys a bit too before I decided what to do with them.. but I'm liking your ideas! Kamek corrupting Yoshi eggs or something similar to make more mindless drones.. that's something he would do! 😅 But I'd probably takes away the Rex wings.. Yoshis can't fly! ☝️
Aaaanywho, thank you as always for the ask and interest! :}} This distraction came at a very good time 🥹💔
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cuckaracha · 21 days
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was bored so drew the kids
Axel Fontana (LEVIACE) (10 yrs old) -Made him as a fankid way before this. Kind of a mellowed out version -The older one so he helps around and shit -Lowkey imagines his brothers exploding constantly -The one to get a nightmare emo phase -Likes motorcycles. Still cant ride a bicycle without dying
Dino Matthews (XANACE) (6 yrs old) -ADHD nightmare -Gets hurt all the time and its extremely clingy -Eats his own boogers -Despite his name, he thinks dinosaurs are stupid because they're dead -Bed wetter extraordinaire
David Chiem the II (ACEVID) (1 yr old) -Full name is David Alexander Dimitrius Alfonso the Second -Appropiately nicknamed "David Baby" -Kind of a psycopath ngl -This thing teleports around when no one's looking -First word was "Kill" second word was "Yourself"
These creatures are not bound to the "bad ending" timeline, they're just silly fankids so if for some bizarre reason someone wants to draw them. Dont worry. Ace doesn't need to get triple teamed.
Follow up for this thing
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writeforfandoms · 3 months
Island 3
Find the series masterlist
You do your level best to make sure these four can survive the Island, if anything were to happen to you. Things don't always work out as planned.
Warnings: Violence, dinos, most everything is trying to kill people, dinos are hungry and people look tasty I guess, swearing, injury.
Word count: 2.1k
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The next days passed quietly. No drops in sight. No attacks. 
Just teaching. 
You took the group of them out to gather berries and plant fibers. You showed them how to weave baskets to the best of your ability - you were far from an expert, after all. 
You took them hunting again, a skill they already had mastered. But you made sure they all practiced getting cuts of meat. 
You made them all help you with cooking, too. Cooking was an essential skill, one they would need. 
Just in case. 
You weren't surprised when Price brought up taming again. 
“Taming.” He stood in front of you, arms crossed, head tipped to look down at you. 
You huffed in soft amusement. “It is week two,” you agreed. “Alright. I assume you want the hands on version.” 
That got you interested looks, Soap and Gaz lifting their heads and looking at you with blatant curiosity. 
“Right, okay.” You couldn't help but smile, amused. “Grab your weapons, I'll get Bessie.” 
It didn't take long before the group of you were headed down towards the beach. The hyaenadon had insisted on coming, and trotted happily between you and Gaz. 
“Think we could find another one like her?” Gaz motioned down at the hyaenadon. 
You shrugged. “They're around, though not so far down as the beach,” you mused. “But they're hard to start taming, you have to sneak up on them.” 
“Probably don't have ghillie laying about,” Gaz guessed with a little grin. 
“Funny you should mention that, actually.” Your lips twisted in a complicated mix of emotions. 
“What, really?” Gaz turned wide eyes on you. 
You shrugged, fingers twitching restlessly at your sides. “I have a set that more or less fits me, and two more sets. Plus some bits and pieces. It's one of the things that can be found in the drops.” 
Gaz nodded slowly. “I'd like to see that, and what else you have,” he said. “Later.” 
“Later,” you agreed, pausing at the tree line just at the edge of the shore. “Right. Who's volunteering to try this?” 
There was a moment of silence as the men all looked at you, clearly unwilling to volunteer to be the first. Until Price huffed and stepped forward. 
You nodded. “Right, good. Pick a dino. Anything you can see around here will be an easy tame.” 
Price turned a slow circle, taking in the beach, the various creatures walking around, and the sight of his men all huddled together like school children. He huffed. “What are the advantages to each?” 
You couldn't help your little smile at that. “Don't bother with dodos, they're not good for much but food. Trikes are good defenders and they can carry a lot of weight. Parasaurs can carry a fair bit too, and they're good watch towers.” You shaded your eyes to look around again, to see what else was around. “Let's see… that looks like an iguanodon, never had one before. If we can find one, gallimimus are pretty fast runners.” You shrugged, looking back to Price. 
His brow furrowed as he looked out at the iguanodon. This one was mostly green, with darker green stripes along its back and a lighter belly. Not a bad choice for a first tame. 
“That one, then.” Price looked back to you, shoulders straight and even. 
“Right.” You stood straight and looked at the other three. “I'm leaving you lot here with Bessie and the hyaenadon. Too much activity will spook the iguanodon. So I expect you lot to stay here and keep your eyes open. Yes?”
“Yes ma'am,” Gaz agreed easily, while Soap murmured an “Aye”. Ghost said nothing, but his chin dipped towards you, just enough acknowledgement that you took it as agreement. 
You grabbed the bag of berries from Bessie's saddle and handed it to Price, whistling for the two tames to stay put. The hyaenadon whined but sat next to Gaz. 
The walk towards the iguanodon was quiet, Price keeping pace with you. He stopped when you did, crouching next to you in the long grass. 
“Here, take these.” You handed him a bag of berries. “Start rolling berries towards it. You want to entice it closer until you can hand feed it.” 
Price gave you a bit of a side-eyed look but did as you instructed. The iguanodon slowly lumbered towards the two of you, eating berries along the way. You smiled, just a little.  So far, so good. 
The iguanodon stretched out its neck slowly, cautiously, until it could take a berry from Price’s hand. It was a little less shy the next time, until it didn't hesitate at all taking the berries from him. 
The look on his face was priceless, a bit shocked and a bit awed. 
The iguanodon lifted its head and lumbered away, not fast like it had been alarmed. Just like it was done eating. 
“Good,” you murmured, watching it go. “How do you feel?” 
He wiped his hand off on the grass, shrugging after a moment. “That was… interesting.” 
You laughed quietly. “Yeah, I remember. Okay. Think about it. How many more times do you think you need to feed the iguanodon?”
“Once.” He blinked after he spoke, like he hadn't quite meant to say that. 
You nodded knowingly. “See what I meant?”
He huffed, but his lips twitched in amusement. “I do see,” he agreed. “So, what now?” 
“Now we head back. Or, I suppose we could do a bit of hunting while we're out.” You stood up and stretched, working out some of the ache that had settled in your muscles while you waited. 
He stood with a little grunt, nodding for you to lead the way. 
“So? How'd it go?” Soap asked as soon as you two were close enough, clearly intensely curious. 
Leaving that one to Price, you simply rolled your eyes and tucked the bag of berries away again for now. Right. How best to divide the group of you…
“Gaz, you and I are going to gather berries. You three can hunt.” 
Gaz didn't even protest, just nodded once to you. 
By now, you trusted those three enough to not get themselves hurt while hunting, so you just whistled to the two tames and started looking for berry bushes. Gaz kept pace with you easily, glancing over at you every so often. 
“Think I could tame a hyaenadon?”
You snorted. “Sure,” you agreed with an easy shrug. “If you really want to, we'll figure it out.”
He grinned. “I'd like that.” 
You chuckled. “She is sweet,” you agreed, looking down at her. “We'll see if we can find you one to tame in a decent area.” 
“Thanks.” Gaz grabbed an empty bag and started picking berries. You stopped at the next bush down, focusing on not getting pricked. A soft curse from Gaz made you chuckle. 
“Thorns?” You asked, deceptively mild. 
“It was hiding,” he grouched, making you smile. 
Companionable silence fell between you as you focused on picking berries, moving around each other easily. 
“Think you'll make more of those biscuits?” Gaz couldn't quite keep the hopeful note from his voice. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head in amusement. “That fond of them, huh? Yeah, I'll make more. Although we'll need to find a supply drop soon, I'm getting low on some things.” 
“We'll find another one soon, I bet.” Gaz tied off his bag and went to get another, wandering off to find a different type of berry. You just watched him go, a little ache in your chest. 
They'd all learned fast, had taken to living here more easily than anyone else you'd seen. It was incredible, and heartening. 
Even if something happened to you, they'd be fine. 
The rest of berry gathering went quickly and quietly, and the two of you went back to see what progress the others had made with meat. 
Between you and Price, it didn't take long to get things packed up on Bessie. (Soap still eyed the dino with mistrust, but he was coming around.) Soap and Ghost took the lead, Soap chatting as they walked. Price walked next to Bessie, keeping an eye on the rear, leaving you and Gaz walking together in the middle of the group. 
Everything was fine. You didn't see any movement around you, didn't hear anything unusual. 
Soap shouted ahead of you, and a gun boomed through the relative quiet. You took off, swearing when you spotted the long body on the ground. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, skidding to a halt at Soap's side. “Did it bite you?”
“Aye,” Soap hissed, looking down at his leg. “Burns.” 
“Shit.” You dropped to your knees, leaning closer. Sure enough, blood seeped from the bite mark, punctures clear from the fangs. 
You didn't have anything for this at base. Not for a titanoboa bite. 
“Get on Bessie,” you ordered, pushing back to your feet. “Now.” 
“But–” Soap looked confused for a moment. Ghost, fortunately, didn't care, and bodily moved Soap to the trike. Price didn't ask, just helped shove the mohawked man up onto the dino. 
“We need to move.” You didn't look back at them, just started towards the base. Gaz kept pace with you, shooting worried looks towards you. But you didn't say another word the entire way back to base, too busy thinking of what needed to be done. 
This was not going to be easy. You felt like a fool for not having anything for a titanoboa bite. But you hadn't seen one for a long time, hadn't thought they came to this area… 
It was still your fault. You hadn't prepared them for all the dangers of this place. 
You hadn't been prepared for this. 
If Soap died… 
No. No, you weren't going to let that happen. 
You pulled the gate open and ushered the others in. “Get him inside,” you said, glancing at Soap, who had gone pale and sweaty already. 
“What can we do?” Price asked, even as he helped Ghost get Soap down from on top of Bessie. 
“Get everything else inside,” you answered, barely waiting for Soap to be out of the way before you started unloading bags. “Keep him cool. Do whatever you have to, but he will be running a fever.” 
“There must be something else,” Gaz pressed as he took some things from you. 
“No,” you snapped. “You all are staying here. I am getting the things I need for the antidote.” 
“One of us should go with you,” Price argued, even as he took things from you too. 
“No. I'm taking Ripper. Nothing else will keep up with him.” You pulled off one of the bags from Bessie's side, putting it aside and unloading the second bag. 
“Let us finish this,” Price ordered, coming back out with Gaz. “Do what you need to get ready.” 
You didn't bother arguing, just dropped everything and jogged over to Ripper's paddock. The raptor huffed at you, prancing in place a little. 
“I know,” you murmured. “Hold still.” It took a little longer than you liked to get his saddle on and fastened properly. It had been a while since you'd ridden Ripper. But you finished and led him out of his paddock. 
“How long will you be gone?” Gaz hovered nearby, shifting his weight as he watched you. 
“Don't know,” you admitted, glancing at him for only a moment before the guilt threatened to render you useless. “I'll be as fast as I can, I swear.” 
“Be safe.” Gaz stepped closer, taking your hand and squeezing it. “Okay? Come back safe.” 
“I'll bring back what we need,” you promised instead. It didn't matter if you were safe. Speed was more important than safety. It mattered that you saved Soap, nothing else. 
Gaz squeezed your hand again, but didn't press the issue. Instead he backed up, giving you and Ripper room. 
“Stay,” you told the hyaenadon finally, leading Ripper to the gate. “Keep him hydrated and cool,” you reiterated to Gaz. “Whatever it takes.” 
But you didn't give him time to respond. You pulled yourself up into the saddle and clicked your tongue at Ripper. Finally free to run, the raptor took off, long strides eating up distance much faster than any other tame you'd ever seen. Except maybe a horse. 
You knew where you needed to go. You knew what you needed to get. But you didn't know what you'd encounter along the way. 
But you wouldn't let Soap die. Not on your watch.
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