baiboop · 1 year
guys is michael technically a furry?????
i mean people are animals (especially to someone like michael) and he is quite literally wearing adam…
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sarellathesphinx · 3 months
Both square enix and other players can take the idea that Cait has his own personality and sense of will separate from Reeve from my mummified hands
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grease-weasel · 7 months
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Adam is definitely an orange cat.
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cy-cyborg · 3 months
hey, do you know any good amputee accounts? its a struggle to find ones cause a lot of our tags are spam bots
Yeah I’ve noticed that here as well unfortunately, spam bots and content that’s well…about us but not for us, so I don’t really have any recommendations for people on tumblr unfortunately.
I can suggest some others from other platforms though, mainly Tik Tok lol.
The Ethical Panda (@ TheEthicalPanda on Tik Tok) - They’re a mutual of mine on Tik Tok who talks about superhero’s and star wars content usually who’s a leg amputee.
Kaze Kitsune (@ KazeKitsune_ on Tik Tok and instagram) - Another of my Tik Tok mutuals, Kaze is an artist and fursuiter who’s only got one leg, as does their main fursona.
Bandit (@ OneLeggedBanditVR on Tik Tok) - A furry VR content creator who’s customised his avatar to have the same amputation as him (above knee). Bandit’s content is most focused on furry fandom and vr stuff.
April Lockhart (spotify) - she’s not active anymore unfortunately but April was an (arm) amputee singer/guitarist back in the 2010’s. Her stuff is mostly covers but she does have a short album of her own still available on Spotify.
Briel Adams-Wheatley (@ no_limbs_ on Tik Tok) - Briel is a quadrilateral amputee who does makeup and general vlog-type content about their life as a trans amputee.
Harmony King (@ FullMetalHarmony on Tik Tok) - Harmony is an amputee cosplayer, and as their handle implies, does a lot of full metal alchemist cosplays, as well as other arm amputee characters.
Footless Jo (@ FootlessJo on Tik Tok) - Jo is a leg amputee and a lot of her content is centred around that, and more recently she’s been talking a lot about active prosthetic options in particular.
I actually had a few other recommendations but I can’t find their accounts now lol.
If you are having trouble finding amputee content creators, I’d also recommend using tags related to “limb difference” as they don’t tend to be filled with quite as much spam in my experience. It’s a much broader term though, so not everyone who uses it is an amputee.
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wackyrumble · 1 year
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Barry the Chopper v.s. Roommate
Barry the Chopper - Fullmetal Alchemist
Barry was a butcher turned serial killer, who as punishment had his soul bound to armor and let him keep his murder weapons in exchange for guarding a place. He agrees to not kill when meeting the main-ish cast because of a woman he's fallen for and doesn't want her mad at him. He remains comedically docile aside from jailbreaking a woman who shot him in the hand. Read more about Barry below.
Roommate - Diary of a Tourney Kid
A clone of Adam Ruins Everything that came out wrong. He debunks things in the same way as his original, but completely incorrectly. Bill Cipher turned him into a hand puppet and fused him with a clone of another character. Fought Walter White and his evil shadow self, Walter Black. Read more about Roommate below.
Full description of Barry:
"i really dont think theres ever been another character quite like him. hes so much. his backstory is that he was a butcher who decided to be a serial killer one day because chopping up animal meat wasnt doing it for him anymore and then when he got caught and sentenced to death the government instead had his soul bound to a suit of armor that looks like sans undertales fursona and let him keep the knives he used to kill people in exchange for guarding the lab they did it to him at. and then he spends the show as a comic relief character. like hes the funniest guy in the whole thing. after his first appearance the secondary "good guy" squad run into him and decide to make him their sidekick in exchange for intel, and because they have Some moral standards they tell him chopper no chopping and he agrees because one of them is a strong confident sniper lady hes decided hes in love with and he doesnt want her to be mad at him, and then he just sits in an apartment and has sitcom shenanigans for the next couple volumes. except for when he randomly decides to stage a jailbreak for a different lady who he met once and whose only interaction with him was shooting him in the hand. and then he goes back to playing chess with his roommate. he meets his own soulless body and his first instinct is to try and chop it into little pieces and assumes anyone else would do the same thing. said body later kills both of them on accident and after that hes never mentioned again. like theres just a comic relief serial killer for a while, who doesnt actually kill anyone after being told not to but is constantly bringing up how much he loves to chop people to death with a big knife, and everyone is like "classic barry" and then he dies and the narrative goes "well alright time to move on from that". hes scared of other souls in suits of armor despite being one himself. he has cat ears. jerma likes him"
Full description of Roommate:
so Roommate is, like, a WEIRD case. he's a clone of a TV personality version of a real guy(adam conover specifically the whole thing he does in, like, adam ruins everything), but is SPECIFICALLY STATED TO BE A SEPERATE CHARACTER IN LORE. LIKE. HES A WHOLE OTHER GUY. HE DOESNT EVEN ACT LIKE HIM. HES LIKE. THE SCOOBY DOO VILLAIN EQUIVALENT OF A MAN. all he does is run around and "Debunk" shit but hes getting it all totally WRONG. It's like, if someone who never watched adam ruins everything before took one look at its name, the blonde, glasses wearing combover having guy on the cover, and went. "oh, this guy is gonna be HORRIBLE, isnt he". and in the shows case thatd be wrong but in roommate's case, he's...he's so pathetic. he's not even the same guy at this point. (and also literally isn't. but)
He never even manages to intimidate anyone even once. not even mr beast and ninja fortnite, (part of a team called Dubious Duo) who he just. VERY much annoyed via "ruining" twitch. He also got turned into a meaty handpuppet and fused to another clone of a different character by BILL CIPHER, of all characters but then immediately fell into a hole. He got his shit beaten out of him by a 19 year old punk catboy JUST before this, too. the punk catboys name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BUT HE IS IN NO WAY RELATED TO THE REAL GUY. HES LITERALLY JUST. SOME RANDOM TEENAGER.
Also, extra fun facts about him include: during an event that happened on the discord, he canonically went ":3". He made his own ytp and posted it on the soundcloud account, too. he put a bunch of goofy wacky cartoon sounds in it. (his mashups use these sounds a lot outside of the ytp, too.) (incase you REALLY wanted to hear the ytp, though. here it is: https://soundcloud.com/doatk/ytpmv-02?in=doatk/sets/bonus )
P.S: extra information from a friend because they like to infodump this sort of thing & this isn't nescessary at all. but: He gets the fandom nickname of "Roommate" from his connection to Collegehumor & the Insane Clown Posse song In My Room, which he used in the tournament & is strongly associated with. He's so. He's so normal.
also: nobody in the fandom knows what his deal is, either. they literally just couldnt catch the real adam conover at first so they (In canon) just went "well! time to make a clone, i guess!" and then he came out WRONG."
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clawheld · 6 months
used to be that i saw raccoon furries as kinda bloggish in the same vein as opossum furries (not that there's anything wrong with that) but when i really think about it a number of raccoon fursonas belong to like , bdsm dominants. i follow a furry whose style and comic timing is very... imagine if 2016 adam ellis was a sexually empowered furry whose usual punchline was "and then i ate his ass"
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darthstitch · 2 years
Strange Things That Happened In History Class
Cryptid Teachers
Professor Gadling had to take a moment. He really did.
It was that or explode into hysterical laughter right that very second and that really wasn't going to help his cause now, was it?
The paper he was trying to grade was supposed to be an essay on the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf at Mayerling and its indirect effect on World War I. Instead, what he got was "Our Four Cryptid Teachers on Campus."
And a List, which deserved to be quoted in its entirety:
a. Professor Robert "Hob" Gadling - Probably knew Shakespeare IRL; explains why he has such a hate-boner for him
b. Professor Adam Pierson - has an actual motherfucking SWORD hidden somewhere in his clothes (maybe it's like Hammerspace?!!) and might possibly DUEL other immortals; maybe the OLDEST immortal because he talks about ancient EGYPT like he's been there, done that and worn the t-shirt
c. Professor Duncan Macleod - the OTHER sword-wielding immortal
d. Professor Nicholas Chevalier - VAMPIRE?!!! OMG?!!! Also, his Dad is legit creepy and we sincerely believe he's legit a vampire?!!!
Honestly, there was only one, sane, sensible way to respond to this.
Dustin, interesting essay choice there, lad, but I was rather expecting something about poor Crown Prince Rudolf and not speculations about my cryptid status. Incidentally, thank you for realizing that I'm not the Oldest Immortal around, yes, Professor Pierson wears his Ancient Egypt T-shirt with pride and yes, you'd do well to steer clear of Lucien Lacroix, that one gives me the willies.
You have a day to give me the right essay, so chop chop!
2. The Cat Thing
"So maybe his fursona is a cat, did ya ever think of that, genius?!"
"Ahahahaha, right, sure, Steve, he uses meows, purrs and trills like a legitimate language and the cats understand him - this is NOT a fursona thing my friend!"
"Also, Steve-o, I didn't think you knew about things like fursonas..."
"Eh, you've been around the Internet long enough, you pick up on some things, Wheeler."
"So Murphy speaks Cat like legitimately, actually speaks Cat, not just like us humans doing random meows."
"Score 1 for the Cryptid Candidacy! We're adding Murphy to the list."
"Actually, humanity knew how to speak feline once. The knowledge was lost, aeons ago. Isn't that right, Miette?"
"I could tell you that Story, if you've a mind to listen."
3. Typhoon Morpheus
First off, Isabel didn't really actually mean to eavesdrop.
She'd submitted the wrong paper for the classwork they'd done today and while it wasn't as spectacular a mistake as Dustin Henderson's Cryptid List - it was still, obviously, the wrong paper. So she was just hurrying to fix things, although she was a little nervous, because Professor G seemed to be in a bad mood the whole day.
She was just about to knock on the door when she heard:
"Look, Gadling, you gotta do something. Caw!"
That voice sounded oddly familiar.
"Oh, Christ, what now?"
"Whatever it is you two did, fix it, for the love of Murphy. Do you see these feathers, man? I am soaking wet - it's been raining in the Dreaming and it hasn't stopped. Lucienne's already got all the rest of us trying to save the books in the Library from the flooding."
"Yeah. The boss thinks you don't love him anymore. So, boom, cue the rain. Thunder and lightning. Sturm und Drang - the works, you know?"
"Wait. Hang on, he thinks we've broken up?!!"
"Duh? Yeah?!!"
"Oh for Chrissakes, it was just a silly, ridiculous argument - I'm - hey, Matthew, remind me to kiss the stupid out of that idiot. After I yell at him. And kiss him stupid again."
"Reminder set, Other-Boss. Can we go now?"
Isabel told herself she was never, ever, going to speak of this to anyone - even if the fact that she had witnessed Matthew talking was probably enough to confirm Murphy's Cryptid Status on Dustin's stupid list.
4. Stranger Things
"Run this by me again, love," Professor Gadling said, in obvious bewilderment. "You're a Dungeon Master? What is that?"
"Not anything kinky, Professor G! AHAHAHA!" Dustin Henderson said in overly cheerful tones.
Murphy slanted the boy a look of wry amusement. "I think he understands that already."
"He's our DM for Dungeons and Dragons, Professor," said Will Byers. "It's a storytelling game."
"Ah, of course, a storytelling game, why wouldn't His Darkness the Prince of Stories be interested in that?" Professor Gadling said wryly.
"He's the best DM ever," volunteered Iggy Pop. "Like, the way Eddie went down fighting the demobats with Metallica, that was like, truly epic."
Murphy inclined his head in a regal almost-bow. "I can only but inspire. And I rather enjoyed young Eddie's performance. Truly something only a Master Bard could do."
"I'm still dead though!"
"Relax, man, we'll bring you back in flashbacks or something. Or maybe make you into a vampire!"
"Hey, you'd better - because I am this close to writing the Love Song of Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington and posting it on AO3!"
Professor Gadling knew when to give in. "Fine, you can use The New Inn for your session tonight. Just try not to wreck the place while you're off trying to fight the forces of darkness or whatever."
Murphy leaned over to drop a kiss into his hair. "We'll put all the breakables away before we begin our quest anew, dearest."
Footnote the First: Shortly after Dustin compiled his List of Cryptid Teachers on Campus, a new Professor joined the faculty, having retired from his former tailoring job at Kingsman. His name? Michael Percival Archangelus.
Footnote the Second: Dream of the Endless is not quite sure how he ended up adopting Hob's students and joining their D&D group, but he is quite charmed at their imagination and creativity and thoroughly enjoyed the idea of designing a villain formidable enough to test them.
Footnote the Third: Look, Dream still hadn't quite gotten all the nuances of a healthy relationship but he's at least figured out that minor spats and squabbles do not equate to breaking up and ending things forever. Hob's made sure of that. The kisses definitely helped.
Did I also just crossover Forever Knight, Kingsman and Stranger Things into this ridiculousness? Yes, yes I did. Nobody tell Neil.
Also, the "Michael" in this story is the headcanon Michael I came up with for the Lucifer show. Except obviously, this Michael isn't an evil twin douchecanoe but is an actual legit good guy... who uh.... spent a few years with Kingsman.
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zipperqwerty · 5 months
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Adam's fursona and his bestie! We have the strawberry dresses irl! We bought them in a local store... they're similar to the real ones! (they're not original but maybe one day.....)
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strangeauthor · 2 months
if your book characters had fursonas, what would they be? :O
Nick: Bird (well, a phoenix)
Adam: Robin
Maria: Rabbit
Jacari: Owl (ooh noticing a theme)
Amandus: Cat
Abieyuwa: Also a cat
Akira: Akita if i wanted to use a pun for his name but on a serious note he'd be an eagle
Amy: Frog
Kanta: fox
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I apologize if you've talked about thus already but do you have any Adam Fantilli (or Fantilli family) thoughts that you're willing to share with the class after this summer? I feel like he did so much media with the draft and then he went on at least two podcasts
god bless empty netters for finally confirming that his government name is adamo. i half suspected that was something moyle told bardown just to fuck with them. i also absolutely love that mark citron called him the lion cub and was absolutely preposterous about it. should have known that the man who gave us the big dog, the jaguar, and the eagle wouldn't let adam escape the chicago steel without a fursona.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
so Adam’s like doing some computer things (I don’t remember what, this was like a month ago) and he realizes he’s an alternate. But instead of extreme pain he’s chill. this other alternate (who looks like N so just… imagine that dude) comes over and decides to kill Adam, but instead of giving him MAD he just sets the house on fire with Adam not inside, and Adam sees this and naturally is pissed but decided to go where he needs to go - a furry convention for some reason. Yes Adam was a furry and I still don’t know what his Fursona was. Anyways, Evelin ends up there too presumably to go find out where in the fuck Adam is. The alternate is there and decides to wear a Mario costume to blend in, and this actually works. So the Mario alternate finds Adam and tries to beat the shut out of him with the mask off, but Evelin comes in and they 2v1 it. I think Gabriel was there too but I can not remember for the life of me what happened.
Later I woke up and fell back asleep and the dream continued, and they were at Evelin’s house (which had a massive indoor track for no reason) and Sarah and the Mario Alternate were there, th e latter now in crutches connected by this weird blue semicircle thing. It’s still in the costume btw. Sarah said “don’t worry he won’t hurt you anymore”
And the dream ended completely there.
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dukeofbenrebay · 8 months
i like stepney and think of him in 3 flavors > in a world stepney already lives on sodor, him and harvey are bf's > stepney would probably. eventually move to sodor as much as bluebell is his home. hes as much a caged lion as the pacifics who call a branchline their retirement home but for him, he has a 2nd home he can get all the stimulation he needs > stepney on the bluebell and his boyfriends are Captain Baxter and Adams and he'd probably have a fursona tbh [and designed ones for both his bfs]
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stonyponyofficial · 9 months
What animal do u think Adam Sandlers fursona would be
AMAZING quesiton. i imagine him as like a tex avery wolf. really cartoony and exaggerated. he would do the awOOOOOga eyes and do lots of silly voices too. but he would also have a penchant for saying something horrible he thinks is funny and getting some cartoon violence doled his way and having a big lump grow out of his head.
now, personally, on the rercord. i think they could remake all his movies to star this cartoonish, wolfy adam and i would sit through them all AGAIN just to see wolf adam antics.
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blizzardsuplex · 5 months
AU ask game: fairytale au!! your choice on which fairytale and which characters
Hi, Vera! Five headcanons for a fairy tale AU, huh...its hard to pick one so I'll just give five fairy tales that I think would fit five different (groups of) people? Under the cut!:
The Frog Prince -> MJF the princess who becomes indebted to (insert Max Caster's fursona here) after he saves his Dynamite diamond ring from a well. You wouldn't even have to change very much, the abhorrent admirer angle is already built in.
The Fisherman and his Soul -> fun fact: the shadowboxverse actually started life as a vague AU for this (one of my fave fairy tales)! As such I am still attached to the idea of Adam Cole being involved in some way—perhaps as the mermaid for whom the fisherman willingly gives up his soul (and therefore forsakes God) for? Idk who the fisherman would be though (for reference, his soul becomes pissed and turns evil and tries to kill the fisherman for separating from it).
I mean, El and Poke and I already did a Little Mermaid AU, so: that! For a new headcanon though, I always thought Sabre the sea witch wasn't ALWAYS so powerful—to get there he had to give up something himself (probably something to do with "home"). To who or what though, I don't know.
The Snow Queen -> one of my other fave fairy tales! Honestly I think I'd really enjoy it if it was like...totally platonic Kai as Orange Cassidy and Gerda as Kris Stat. Probably Willow as the little robber girl (AKA the real ship with Gerda/Kris LMAO). The Snow Queen herself would be...IDK. OH—Snow Queen Julia, Kai as Skye Blue, Gerda as Willow, little robber girl as Kris. Yeah that works
I don't know how I can top that fourth one...so I won't try. There absolutely should be a Kolschei the Deathless AU in wrestling if there isn't one already.
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demhen · 6 months
For whom is Narnia? Humans or Narnians?
Logically it should be for the Narnians right? For the children of the messiah kitten.
But what if I were to tell you that Narnia is for the children of Adam and Eve, for the humans. Think about it, Narnia’s first King was some english cap driver by the name of Frank and his human wife was his queen. Was there ever a Narnian native monarch? I do not think so, it was always humans if it were English, telemarines or even the Calormen. Or for a short span of a one hundred years, it was not a human nor a native Narnian, it was Jadis a half Jinn and half giant.
So is Narnia for kids like the Pevensies, for Eustace, Jill Digory and Polly. A land for them to grow up to become more, to find Jesus fursona one might even suggest.
So, is Narnia for Narnians or for humans?
No idea.
But if it is really for humans then I have a question for our beloved messiah kitten. What is wrong with you?!
You crated an entire world for what? To teach some kids a lesson? What about your creation that are by all intention your children, so they must suffer just so some kids can be taught a lesson?! I am sorry what?! They are your creation your responsibility. And for the,” secret creator does things in a mysterious way” does not count, because the big Messiah kitten constantly interacts with his creation but only when there are humans involved.
Well, we have at best an absent father and at worst an abusive one.
But that is my opinion and if you have another one, comment, reblog, like and have fun.
Your book hoarding dragon,
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lithominium · 7 months
If you don't mind elaborating, what was the strange religious experience with your connection to cardinals?
Or if that's too personal, how about your fav Yang scene?
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Youve asked the yang scene, its when she grabs adams sword and goes “gotcha”
As for the religious experience, i had my cardinal fursona for a while, and i was struggling with gender identity. I went to a youth group meeting where they were talking about prophetic prayers and praying over each other and stuff. The most homophobic, anti furry, anti trans kid i know in the church saw a red cardinal in a green tree in his prayer. And i just. Theres no way for him to know about that! So it was a confirmation for me to know im trans.
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