greencarnation · 10 months
So yk how Taika, Rhys and Con are Zionists? I think we all know by now. (People supporting them anyway I fucking see you)
It gets worse. Remember how they killed Ivan off screen and kinda just erased him? Turns out it's because they fired the actor, Guz Khan, over his support of Palestine last year. Last year. None of this is new, but I'm glad we're finally waking up to it
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secretlilsis · 8 months
Ok but imagine two guys being madly obsessed with you, two guys stalking you, two guys wanting to kidnap you. Them noticing each other. Them feeling each others presence. Them having no clue how to sort this out because they both want to make a claim on you. Both highly posessive and obsessive individuals that arent likely to share. All of their fantasies centered around owning you alone and alone. But figuring out theyd be at each others throats and have this escalate indefinitely unless they came together.
Ultimately the decide, they will *have* to share you. They dont like it. They headbutt with each other. They get jealous. This is gonna be your problem to deal with in the future, you just dont know it yet.
He already owns you, you just dont know it yet... and.. the other guy does too.
They have different personalities too, the one is calm and collected no matter what - and the other one is far more impulsive and controlled by anger. Soon the calm and collected guy wonders how the impulsive stalker even kept it together for so long, giving how often he was tempted to pre-maturely pull of the kidnapping, or just to trespass and break in to confess his undying love and in case of a rejection to get "out of hand". The calm and collected guy naturally takes on a leadership role in this situation, which the impulsive one isnt totally on board with. "So you want her that much?" The calm one asks the impulsive one. "I will have her sooner or later, ill have her." With an annoyed tone, anger over how long this is taking, over how much time he has been wasting when he couldve just had you instead.
"But you know if you really want to pull this of you need to be patient, right?" The calm one asks, bewildered by the other stalkers anger issues.
"Ive been patient! Ive been so fucking patient! And shes gonna repay me for my patience.. with her body.. with her love.. with her submission.. with her everything." He breathed out, his tone still just as pissed. "How come youre even interested in wanting her if you never as much as show emotion? Are you even truly looking into making her yours?"
The calm one shrugged. "I dont need to justify myself to you. Ive been wanting her for quite some time."
"Yet youd never be brave enough to make a move." The impulsive one provocated.
"Well, it has to be perfect. All of it. All of it. Her room. The circumstances. There can be no witnesses. Shes worth waiting for. I wouldnt wanna mess this up. The biggest transition of her life. I would want to make it as easy as possible on her."
"Man - you cant cushion this for her. Shes gonna be afraid of you anyways. Shes gonna despise you for it, and you know it." The impulsive one taunted once more.
"Ah, but youll be her beloved?" He grimaced.
them bickering and bantering and getting to know each other, getting to figure each others quirks and differences out. Until they finally were at a level of being truly ready to cooperate with one another. Just to take you. Transpiring on this fucked up mission just to make you all theirs.
And when they finally succeed...
You waking up in a beautiful princess room, designed by the calm guy. But being welcomed by the impulsive one that couldnt wait.. couldnt give you time to look around. He had to have you instantly, had to see you instantly. Only held back by the calm guy, that they wouldnt lay finger on you so soon. He wouldve done so instantly. He hated being pushed around by this other guy, but they were in this together. To have you. So all he did was corner you, tell you to be submissive, to not hide your true desires from him - tell you how long he had lusted over you, waited for you. How much you owed him some kind of retribution for the time spend desiring you. Undressing you with his eyes. But not raping you. Not touching you. "But before you get to used to me.. Youre not alone.. He will show himself when hes ready.. before this.. you have all the time in the world to consider if you dont.. want to as a show of goodwill.. get naked.. get rid of the clothes he dressed you in, like youre his little doll.. And sleep with me. Cause sooner or later.. you will so anyways. I dont understand why he has us wait, like it makes any difference."
Just a finger on your cheek, caressing you - but with such a roughness behind it that it felt like a threat. You cornered like a little animal, scared, breathless. At the mercy of two derranged men that couldnt be more different from one another.
Knowing how endlessly they mustve lusted for you. How pent up they are. How entitled to you they feel.
Your breath going stale, a hint of arousal in your eyes. Not quite ready to give into it. But sooner or later, you would. He was right.
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leadendeath · 10 months
uh. so i've been thinking about this for a while, right? and it's Now that i've decided to talk about it, as this is tumblr, the "weird* kinds of attraction" website
it's not a term i apply to myself/label myself with, but i love the term "wtfromantic/sexual". because hell yea dude, wtf IS how i experience attraction.
there's this one artist who i have like... a ~creative crush~ on. the fandom we're in knows them, and their works are beloved.
now, this isn't art style envy (though it is a great art style), nor some kind of? artistic success envy?? (everybody's different yknow success isnt real bro it doesnt matter lol)
it is absolutely something else.
they inspire me so much. they make me wanna become a better artist so that i can show them (they know i exist and like what i do too! i'm not being some kind of STARING FROM A DISTANCE ಠ_ಠ creeper lmao... i have actually had that happen to me before, and it would be inappropriate and wrong feeling.) and as i just said it's more than "wow you are other artist das good i like u now" and due to my inability to distinguish between different types of feelings, all my brain can say about it is: "well yeah there's that^, but also if you liked me back? well that'd just be swell :}"
i care a lot about them (im low empathy </3 so when i feel this way, it's significant yknow?). we like the same kind of things. theyre from the same country as me
(i hope so much that this part doesnt sound weird- it's significant due to: my country's really kinda small if you think about it and it's kinda rare to see someone from outside the US. to give it some perspective: i've never got a dnation/cmmission from anyone who uses my same currency from my same country lmao) (hoooly shit i just type in "how many englands fit in america" and i knew it was a lot but. look. and this is the UK! i coloured Actually England in green to further hilight how small where i'm at is!)
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also. the last person i was ~involved with~ -over the internet, not irl- was in one of the states. so the thought of someone i like actually being not thousands of miles and expensive flights (wouldve been worth it 100% but im poor and disabled yknow) away? that's nice.
woah big tangent. u kno me
on the subject of the previous person... i really don't wanna say it and i've never wanted to say it but he was too neurotypical. (**he was not normal at all because we're both furries- need i say more!? you know what i mean.) but it kinda brought it home for me, the same thought i think about myself so often: "oh. oh no i can't subject you or anyone else to my mental illness." even though i was deliriously happy with him which. hurts like nothing else. i NEED the fellow major depressive communication. i NEED the this:
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^just found that pic look how good it is
also omg look at these colours of the wtfromantic also known as quoiromantic flag it RULES
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its freakin. neon grean
* =by weird i did not mean "ew weird abnormal you must have something wrong with you ://" kind of weird! i mean like unusual. wanted to clarify so to not cause offense i hope; fellow aroace spectrum people who experience attractions in a way that is considered outside the norm are great <3
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dyketubbo · 3 years
something something "your tubbo" ghostbur saying tubbos who/what tommy loves the most, tommy saying "what am i without you" while tubbo answers "yourself" vs quackity saying wilbur is tommys most prized/beloved item not the discs and wilburs twisted sense of posession and how he used to value tommy as a person but now he seems to care more about what tommy means to him but tommys staying because *thats wilbur*, thats his brother he cant just leave him not again. tommy choosing tubbo over techno because techno got into his head and made him a worse person and acted as if he determined tommys worth while for tubbo tommys worth so much because its *tommy*, while tommy chooses wilbur over quackity even though he wants to be apart of las nevadas because he wont do it without wilbur, even though he knows wilbur isnt being a good person he stays because he feels like he has to (and because he wants to, but mostly feeling like he has to). the discs being so so important to tommy because theyre what won lmanburgs independance and lmanburg was his and wilburs thing, being so goddamn important because they were his and tubbos things, what they listened to while on the bench, what theyve been fighting for this whole time, and fuck it was never about the discs but about what they meant and what they meant to tommy was the connections he had with wilbur and tubbo, *wilbur and tubbo are what and who tommy loves the most*, he loves phil and techno and fundy and jack and *everyone* because even now he still hangs out with everyone and bonds with them and *fuck* tommys brash and annoying and loud as hell but he loves so so much and the discs show that not because theyre his discs but because no matter what they only mattered to tommy because wilbur, tubbo, lmanburg, *everyone* mattered to him. what the fuck man
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Alright like last time I hit post limit and couldn't live blog I started writing my thoughts down on docs in real time whilst watching so I could post later, so here:
Hes such a brat
Shelia is a Karen
“Dont you dare gaslight me” his teeth are FINE stop overreacting
Frank the moneys not worth it divorce that jerk
Peter Pan!?!?
I wanna say “yes frank! Stand up! Good for you!” but this isnt gonna end well is it?
Oh yup there he goes. A trap door in the ground.
“Goodbye daaddyy”
Ofc theres others, I wonder how many men exactly has she married and done this to?
Oh no oh no oh no
Im just omg. BERRY. AHH.
Honey festival mention!
Looking for a new daddy already…
Wait is the feast or famine playing in the background?
Frank giving the food to Barry :)
“No matter what Im always gonna be youre……..daddy”
Wait so if he’s been down there for 2 weeks with toyzone closed whats Lex doing
Sherman dont go to your mom about it just let him out!
“You are a married women” “Hey works for me”
“Dont sass your mother or ill kick your ass old man!”
Including homeless man Ted has died 7 times i think jeez
The gift?!?
Barry :(
Rip Marco
I hate her but she does look hot with a gun gotta say
Okay so Hatchetmen hate the witches and the starry children hate the hatchetmen right?
Yup stealing their lives
1920….. 1920
Goat! Tentacles!
And I truly feel all lords in black in the chile's tonight
Omg sherman drew ontop of the black book
Omg he memorised the words and drew over it on purpose-
Bye bye milf
Ope hes 7
Poor frank that'd be toutre
Its not really forever tho technically bc frank will die eventually it'll just be for the rest of frank's life...
-killer track-
Dangit Thrash is a jerk
Oh hes threatening to kill now
“YOU THINK I'M AFRAID TO DIE?” Clearly a gen z
“Lets go to Dennys >:(“
Thats Rose!?!?!!!!!
Yes it is Kale!
Oh god hes gonna show her the killer track isnt- yup
I don’t like you so much Kale
“Well i dont know ive never done drugs duke!” “...I know.."
Just missed a little chunk bc of my dad but Duke my beloved and poor Rose
“Is it unbelievable? Yes. but this Hatchetfield”
Specialist… Holloway here we come
Miss Retros!
“Hiya Duke!” “Heya Darlin!” hngg
“Great. My life is in the hands of Barbie”
“Make me.” “...alright.”
A glass with a spiderweb inside
Thrash said he sold his soul to satan to get famous hfjhdkfj
Omg the black book! its so cool!
Also so are there a few verison of the black book?
Ooh holloway is in Rose’s body
Oh theres taco bell
Holy crap. This song. Wtf.
Okay great rose never heard it now….but holloway did right?...
Oh god yeah she took the curse
Dukes face :( hes so sad and concerned
“Your phone” yeah her very super recent new phone…
“If its a ghost. I'll trap it in this jar.”
“If something happens to me i want you to read this” i really wanna know what it says but i DO NOT want ANYTHING to happen to her
Duke has watch right that down RIGHT THAT DOWN
Hey wait a second how come Kale has heard it hasn't died I mean at least i assume they've heard it before, did they make it?
“dont worry im not going anywhere :)” oh god
“Holloway? What are ya doing darlin?” :((
“I understand” …..ominous
Dead. shes dead great. Ofc.
Duke :’(((
‘You were in love with her werent you” “who wasnt?”
The envelope oh boy
“Welp. guess im dead!”
Wait about 2 hrs??
“I was in love with her” “ya you and everybody” they really get the fans huh
Shes alive!
“Duke. what did my note say!?”
Ooohh the whole town knows about her dying that why she couldn't do to the morgue
Rip duke hes so confused
“It just HAD to be the jukebox”
Yes yes lore dump here we go! Learning more about Holloway!
Wait what.
This isnt first time shes told him?
Oh shes not making him forgot?
Oh god poor holloway
Omg the honey festival-
Oh are we actually seeing them going to honey festival
The mayor!!
Omg i cant wait to see how the stop the song. Like i KNOW itll be stopped we already saw the festival but like i CAANT WAIT
Oh trust me mayor… this will be a night to remeber for everyone…
“At the point ill never get married. Be daddy.”
Jkdfnjdfnj rip duke
God i love seeing everything connected and all these people together
Needy Beasts!
Oh no Kale
And Kale killed the audio guy
Oh poor Kale
Ooh Holloways playing over it
Oh i love this
“The lanky goon”
Oh wow i understand why duke punched kale but im still surprised he’d every punch anyone
Oh oh no Kale oh no
Aww Duke going on about him being the hero so proud of himself not knowing hehe
Oh a new persona? I wanna know all about her personas
Nooo dont say everyones gonna forgot about miss holloway noo dont :((
Shes gone :(
HOLLOWAY or whatevr her new persona is
I literally missed the entrie convo between them bc of my dad
This songs a bop tho
Paul is dead records?? Director Barry Swift??
Okay go the replay: I love Duke and… Holiday so much.
Alright so we're assuming that the girl that got hurt in shop class is Lex right? There's been the theory that Yellow Jacket is about Lex and I sure hope so so we can see what happened to her after Frank just disappeared for two weeks and what may have happened in shop class
She's a counsellor! The only school counsellor I'd trust!
Hey. Hey. Wait. Ofc this isn't Holloways first time changing persona. I wonder if Duke has met personas of her before, he probably has, I wonder how many times? Oh God this episode made be so emotional
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autel-luna · 5 years
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Scorpio season is always so specially to me.. it's such a powerful time of inner alchemy.. I thought Id share a messaged I channeled for my business on here for anyone who may need it.
""We do not thrive despite of the storm, we thrive because of it." - Will Smith
Happy New Moon in Scorpio Beloveds.. I think we can all agree that there is so much depth to this new moon.. It might not be entirely chaotic, there's a beautiful stillness to it.. But its sharing with us so many things about ourselves.. how far we've come.. where we are yet to go.. us as humanity.. It's really quite beautiful.
Last night I was watching the season finale of season 1 of the new Charmed.. (spoiler alert) and in the final episode, one of the oldest sisters, separated from her other two, had her insecurities played out on full blast. She was afraid of being abandoned.. because she didn't have her mother growing up like the other two.. for so long she was so convinced everyone she ever loved would leave her.. She would make sure to push people away before they could walk away.. until her sisters showed her.. that no matter her pain they weren't going anywhere.. And she had the opportunity to let go of the past, no matter how painful it was and choose a new future by seeing there was love in this world that would not abandon her.
In some ways.. that's the metaphor Scorpio season presents us with. Situations in our life are on replay, especially around our core wounds.. We may feel like situations seem the same.. But if you choose to lean into them.. if you choose to admit you want to make the same subconscious moves you have made many times and be vulnerable, you'll realize the players on the outside are no longer truly playing with the same reactions.
We too.. are being presented with the opportunity to realize, the past is now over.. And there is love in this world that will never leave us. From our tribes, from ourselves, from the Universe that made us. We are safe to let go.
We are safe to know that everyone is a little bit of a mad genius, we all have our stories and yet.. We are done making bonds out of trauma and instead building community based on our purpose for a magical, beautiful, passionate world. We are so ready for that.
It doesnt mean the work isnt over.. It just means we no longer have to go searching for it. Healing is cyclical.. And when we are ready to meet the next edge, there's no need to worry.. Life will shows exactly where to remove the next barrier to wholeness, oneness and love.
Yesterday, after a year in the making and 6 hours of excruciating pain with one of the most magickal sisters I know.. My Matron finally appeared on my leg. I went through periods of not knowing if I wanted the tattoo, if she was even my matron.. all sorts of things before we even started the sketching process. Even after the first few hours of starting, I thought to myself wow.. is this really worth it? (She is almost finished, one more session still!!!) Because it was painful and took effort on my own part.. And then I got reminded that we often make big commitments, not always realizing why we started.. And a few steps into the process we begin to realize the feet ahead of us.. And we so often want to give up.. that's that moment we need to take a deep breath.. And remember why we started. That beautiful things do take work and sacrifice.. And finally they come into full bloom and they are magnificent. That applies to so many of the one of a kind long lasting things we want to create.
For so long, I thought Diana's bow and arrow was solely about the visions we manifest.. But sometimes it is an arrow showing us to our potential that whispers "remember why you started. remember who this is for. Remember all of this possibility of who you get to become on the otherside."
I wear her with honor. Because I know that she is the Goddess whom guides me.. And yet she literally is me. She is the woman who I am becoming.. And I am already in so many ways. The one who trusts in the cycles.. the one who is protector of the innocent.. the one who has her bullseye on the big picture.. the one who knows she was born wild, powerful and pure.
So much has happened in my life.. much joy and much pain.. every single day I learn about how I came to be the way that I am.. And if you honestly asked if I would take it all back.. I would always say no.
We are mighty because of all the storms that made us. When we process what is painful, and let go of the emotional discharge.. It becomes wisdom. Scorpio is the master alchemist.. he knows where the wound lies.. So does the gold. So does your superpower and gift to the world.
You are a beautiful now, and a beautiful becoming. Remember why you started. Celebrate how far youve come.
You are the magician of your life.. And if you are in deep pain right now.. know if you lean into your inner world, you get the chance to reawaken like the Phoenix you truly are.
So much love to you my amazing friends. Have an amazing Sunday 💋🎉"
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I Take Your Heart On Tour with Me (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: I have been playing around the idea of writing a fic about how it would looks like if you actually date a celebrity or even worse an idol. It must be hard to date someone who isnt always around and is well know internationally, having millions other girls showing affection towards your loved one isnt it? Then the first two requests came in and I decided to combined it. Hope this fic will do justice to what I actually want to potray <3
And as for the third ask, I was really literally writing this last night when your request came in. Seriously, I'm shooked. Are you three anon the same perrson or are you just good at reading each others mind? :D
And to everyone out there who is in a long distance relationship and survives, you guys are my hero! I cant bare to be away even for a day from my significant other. Hahah.
"Happy birthday baby," Taehyung smiles at her. His beautiful unique smile that she loves so much. That she missed. Y/N wish she could touch his face, traced and feel the warmth of his skin against hers, inhaling his scent and hearing his laugh as his warm breath tickle her ears. She wished for that every day and she hopes that it will come true. Maybe some day it will. But for now, seeing Taehyung through the frosty screen of her computer is good enough.
"Thankyou baby," Y/N smiles although tears has already visited the corner of her eyes.
"What did you wish for baby?" Taehyung asks her, a sad smile grazing his face as he saw the love of his life being so sad on her special day. He wishes he was there. To hold her, touch her, hug her, kiss her, make love to her. He missed her more than any words could have ever explained.
"I... I wish that you are right here with me. Thats all I ever really wanted," Y/N sniffled and smile softly at the screen. Taehyung raised a hand and traced the screen of his laptop, wishing he was touching her soft skin instead.
"I'm really sorry baby. I cant be there with you. But you know I wanted that too more than anything in this world. I miss you too much Y/N. I love you," Taehyung looks at her, his usually piercing eyes turns soft.
"I know Tae and its okay. One day we will be together again," she smiles, not wanting to upset her beloved boyfriend. "And I miss you so so so much and I love you very much too Kim Taehyung,"
Taehyung smile at her declaration of love. He will never get tired of listening to it.
"I know you are sad I'm not there with you on your special day baby, but I did sent you your gifts. It should arrive any day now. So I hope it will make up for me not being there, even for a little bit,"
"Thanks baby. I will definitely let you know when it arrives. And no, nothing could ever compare to you Tae, no matter how many things you sent me,"
"Aww baby. I'm so sorry," he dropped his gaze, sad. "I need to go baby. We have sound check before the concert. I love you so much. I will call you after the show like always okay. Take care baby," Taehyung leans and kiss the camera, making Y/N giggles and he waves quickly before the screen goes blank.
This is how her relationship with Kim Taehyung is. Most of their relationships are made on texts, phone calls, video calls and Skype. But its okay, because they love each other too much. Its their fourth year of being together, and its also their fourth year of not being able to celebrate each other's birthday together. While Taehyung gets to celebrate his birthday with his brothers and his million fans all over the world, Y/N will wait patiently every year on this day for him to call and wish her, all from a computer screen.
Meeting and falling in love with Taehyung is never something she could have ever imagined would ever happened to her. Sure, she have heard of their band before, but she never dwell deep into them. Who they are, how they looks like. She just doesnt have the time. Being a medical student, Y/N is always busy. But its also because shes a medical student that fate brought her and Taehyung together. They met in a hospital one fateful day, when Y/N was covering a shift for her friend who suddenly had an emergency that day. Having a practical internship at a hospital is a part of her course as a medical student, and her day has never been more interesting than the day she saw Taehyung helping a limping Namjoon entering the hospital in panic.
Y/N was the first person he saw that looks like a doctor and he screamed at her to help his hyung without knowing that the hospital is a teaching hospital and shes only a student doctor who isnt allow to act on patients without a senior doctor. Panicking and almost crying from being yelled at so harshly by Taehyung, Y/N help to carry Namjoon to an emlty bed and examined him on her own, only to find out that that the older boy is only suffering from a crack toe, a result of being clumsy and accidentally kicked the dinner table, something that Y/N now knows happens a little too many times.
Y/N was in trouble with her supervisor that day. Not only she didnt informed any of her supervisors and work on a patient all by her own, she didnt even know that the members are considered VIP patients at the hospital and was supposed to be given the VIP treatment. After witnessing himself how Y/N gets yelled at because she helped Namjoon on her own due to his excessove anger and yelling, Taehyung felt guilty and tried his best to make up for it.
Friendly visits and apology dinners turns to friendship and in a matter of weeks, Taehyung and Y/N falls in love.
Its hard for the two of them, yes. Taehyung is barely in Seoul, flying all over the world, each trip taking him months. Even when he's home his schedule is extremely pack. And as a medical student approaching her final years, Y/N has to managed between hospital duty and extra early classes, assignments, exams and even research and presentations, and their schedule often clashes. They miss each other a lot, the love and the short memories that they have of each other are the only thing that keeps them holding on to one another.
Its hard to see someone you love and miss on TV, smiling and waving, holding hands and flirting with a million screaming girls. Y/N knows they are only his fan, but still, it hurts. Even worse when their relationship is not even public, making Taehyung single and available as far as everyone in the world knows. It hurts so much, but its the price to pay for dating someone amazing like Taehyung who always knows how to make her smile even from a million miles away.
Whenever they did get the chance to see each other however, the feeling she felt in her chest is magical, amazing and extraordinary, and thats how Y/N knows that Taehyung is worth fighting for. And she hopes Taehyung feels the same way too.
Every last goodbye, every kiss they shared before Taehyung had to hopped into a plane and leave her again hurts, not knowing when will be the next time they will see each other again. But just from the smile Taehyung gave her every time before he leaves makes her believe that Taehyung will come back to her again.
"Who is she?!"
"Baby, I already told you shes just the actress for our music video," Taehyung sighed. Fighting over video calls is something both of them hate. Its tiring, exhausting, disappointing and it never ends. They tried to avoid it as much as they can, always convincing one another to believe in each other and wait until they will see each other again to solve it. But whats long distance relationship without the fights and jealousy right? And just like every other couple, the green eyes monster appeared once in a while to haunt them.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you looking so smug while you wipe off the ice cream from her lips huh? And that is definitely not a part of the video!" Y/N is furious. She came back after a 48 hours long shift to rest and relax only to find the news is littered with stories and photos of her boyfriend out on an ice cream date with an actress from their video. A oretty one too, looking at him with heart eyes. Of course the internet is going crazy, shipping the two good looking couple together, hoping the ship is real.
"Okay baby. I wont lie to you," Taehyung raised his eyes and looks at her through the screen. Eyes tired and sad. "We have gotten closer and I was just so lonely..."
"What?" Y/N looks at him straight in the eyes. What is Taehyung trying to tell her? "T-Tae.. are you trying to tell me that you really did cheat on me?!".
"What?!" Taehyung leans in closer to the screen, trying to see his beloved girl teary eyes. "Baby no! Of course not! I would never do that to you,"
"T-Then what are you trying to say?"
"I-" Taehyung sighed. "I-It occured to ny mind baby... I was so lonely and I missed you so much and she was just there and seems so interested in me.. and cheating on you just occured in my mind. But I didnt do it baby! I didnt do anything about it! I didnt a t on my feelings!"
"W-What?" Tears starts to flow down her face as her heart felt pain that is new and unbearable to her. How could Taehyung even thought of doing this to her? How could he?
"Baby, please stop crying. I'm sorry baby. I'm really sorry," Taehyung himself is crying now. He knows he didnt actually cheat but what he did is just as worse. How could he even think of that when he already have the most perfect girl in the world waiting for him? Sacrificing all her chances of being in a normal relationship for someone like him. And him? At the first chance he gets, he already thinks about cheating on her? He is really a jerk who dont deserve her. "Baby, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I know that. I shouldnt even have thought of that. It shouldnt even have crossed my mind. My loneliness gets too me but I suddenly remembered you. And how you must be just as lonely and sad like I do and its all my fault for not able to be with you all the time, but yet you never thought of shitty things like me. I am so sorry baby, please," Taehyung traced the screen, wanting so much to hug her, kiss her tears away and hold her until she believes that he truly loves her and only her and he wont ever do it again. But for now, all he can do is looks at the love of his life crying through a screen, all because of him, a thousand miles away. "Baby please... I didnt do anything about it baby, please.l," Taehyung begged.
"So just because you managed to hold yourself back this time I'm supposed to congratulate you?" Y/N sobs
"I- I cant do this. I need time to think,"
"Baby dont!" Taehyung panics. Never in their years of relationship has Y/N ever shut him out or needed space from him. He knows he screwed up real bad now. He still have 4 months to go for this tour and there is no way he can wait 4 months to sort this out. He will lose Y/N for sure. "P-Please baby. Ill do anything. Lets talk this out. Now. Dont log off. Dont shut me out please. Y/N baby please!"
"I cant Tae. I'm sorry," and the screen went blank.
"Fuckkkk!" Taehyung yelled out and pushed his laptop off the table in frustration. The loud noise it made caused Jimin to rushed into the room only to see Taehyung in a distressed state.
"Tae? What happened?"
"I fucked up Chim," Taehyung sat sprawled on the floor, everything scattered around him. "I think I will lose her forever and I cant have that,"
"Oh Tae..." Jimin didnt know what else to say. He figured it must have something to do with Y/N and the rumor flying around about Taehyung and the actress. So he sits down beside his best friend and hugs him tight, rubbing his back in comfort, listening to Taehyung's cries all night long.
Its been three weeks now since Y/N didnt allow him to contact her and Taehyung is going crazy. His schedule passed by him like a dream, fanmeets, shoots, practices and performances but he cant remember a thing. All he can think about is Y/N's tear stained face everytime he closes his eyes. How can he be so stupid?
Its already bad enough to be in a long distance relationship where they are apart more than they will ever be together. Trust is already always an issues for couple suffering from long distance relationship, and with what he did, Y/N has every right more than ever to not trust him now.
Scrolling through her social media is the only thing he can do when he miss her, and even that she didnt update often. He miss her. He wants to know whats shes been up to, how shes doing, hows her day, did she sleep well? Eat well? Is she stressed out? What about her patients today? Taehyung wants to know everything and he misses the way Y/N would tell it to him every day during their calls. So if stalking her social media is the only way to do it, then he will gladly do it.
"Urgh, she doesnt even update!" Taehyung grumbled in frustration.
"Have you checked her tagged photos? Someone might tagged her so you could see her recent activities," Jungkook voiced out from the other bed, not even bothering to look up from his phone. Taehyung thought for a moment and silently thank the maknae for his brilliant idea. Hopeful, he opened the tagged photos tab and true to Jungkook's words, there are a tons of pictures of Y/N's recent activities.
Y/N with her friends in school, in their scrubs, having dinner, a birthday party and so on. She looks alright, Taehyung figured as he looks closely at beautiful her face. A little thinner and her smile is not so bright like it usually does and it her eyes definitely doesnr have the twnkle it usually holds. Does she perhaps missed him too? Thinks about him too? Just as much as he is?
I'm so sorry baby...
Taehyung scrolled further and a few photos caught his attention. Its still a photo of Y/N with a bunch of friends but theres a specific guy who is always by her side and in some photos even putting his arm around her. That bastard even captioned the photos with sickeningly sweet words.
What the hell? Dont he know that Y/N is his?
Wait, obviously he doesnt know because Taehyung didnt allow Y/N to tell anyone about their relationship. Y/N is as good as a single girl in other men's eyes! Curious and feeling his heartbeat is getting faster wuth anxiousness,  Taehyung clicked on the man's profile and learnt that the man is a doctor at her hospital and he obviously have a crush on Y/N. It irks Taehyung how he doesnt even hide the crush he has on his girl!
Sinister thoughts starts to enter Taehyung's mind. Words he didnt want to believe whispering in his ears. Did Y/N found his replacement? A better man? A nicer man? Someone who will always be around for her instead of travelling all over the world for most of the year? Someone who she can tell everyone about their relationship? Someone that is a doctor? A more noble job than he will ever be as an idol?
Someone that is not him?
Is that why she is so content about not contacting him for three whole weeks when Taehyung is practically dying over here?
Guilt and sadness starts to be replaced with anger and frustration and deep down Taehyung knows he shouldnt feel this way. He should talk aboit it and ask her, not jump into conclusions. He should trust that Y/N wouldnt so that and never assume. This is how long distance relationship goes to die; assuming the worse of each other, thinking about things that never actually happened, but the pictures and captions keeps playing in his mind, making Taehyung believe Y/N did forget about him and that man is the main reason.
Well, Taehyung sighed, anger and vengence slowly seeping through his vein, if she wants to cut all communication with him, then he can do it too.
Y/N tossed and turned on her bed. Something shes been doing every night ever since her fight with Taehyung. She misses him beyond anything anyond could ever comprehend. She miss his voice, his laugh, the twinkle in his eyes when he talks about things that excites him, his childishness, his beautiful smile and most of all, the warmth in his eyes when he told her he loves her.
If Taehyung thinks she can bare with being apart from him for weeks, not hearing anything from him for weeks, then he is dead wrong. There was just so many times she wanted to click on the button and call him. To just say sorry and forget everything that has happened. But her heart hurt too much. How could Taehyung even thought about cheating on her? Yeah, he didnt, but he still thought about it. Doesnt that just means he will soon enough? Doesnt that mean he will if he is given a chance?
Y/N thought about it every single day for the three whole week they are apart. She went out with friends, try to live her daily life as normal as possible, not wanting people to see how upset she was. No one knows shes dating Kim Taehyung anyway, so what is she supposed to say if people asks her why shes so down? So she pretends to be happy, and every night when she came home, her pillows will be the only thing her tears can confide into. She thought about her relationship with Taehyung. Can the relationship still be saved if they fight for it? Worked for it? Maybe it cant? Maybe its already broken beyond repair? All the memories she shared with Taehyung, even though theres not many, it brings smiles to her face and happiness to heart, and thats how she knows that its all worth it. Their relationship is worth it and shes going to fight for him.
"What do you want?" Taehyung's voice tone is cold, something he never used with her for all the years they have been together, and Y/N is scared. What happened to him for the past three weeks? Is he okay?
"I-I'm ready to talk about what happened. Can we talk?" Y/N held onto her phone tight, her knuckles turned white as she waits for Taehyung's answer. After a few seconds of silence, he laugh.
Taehyung laughed. Like what she said is the biggest joke he has ever enconuter.
"Oh so thats how its going to be huh? You talk when you are ready? And when you dont want to you just ran off to someone else?!" Taehyung's tone is menacing and sarcastic and it hurts her so much to hear it. She misses him and this is not the kind of conversation she thought they would have. This is not her Taehyung.
"T-Tae! Its not like that! I-I just need time to process what happened okay? I was hurt. I'm sorry I shut you out. But I'm ready now. Can we talk? Please? I miss you Tae," Y/N tried to explain, her voice small, hoping Taehyung could really hear the pain and longing in her voice. "And what do you mean by running off to someone else? You know I would never do that to you,"
"Miss me?" Taehyung scoffed and lets our a sarcastic laugh. "Are you sure about that? Why dont you just go with that guy whos been entertaining you for the last three weeks?"
"Tae! What are you even talking about?! You know you are the only one for me!" Y/N cried out, confused and scared of what he is saying. Why is Taehyung accusing her of things she never did?
"Yeah? Guess what, you are not the only one for me. In fact, you are not for me at all," Was Taehyung's answer. The answer that crushed her heart, her hope and all her beliefs.
And the line went dead.
The phone slipped out from Y/N's hand, crashing to the floor. Years. They have overcome everything for years. Everything that heads their way, every bullshit thats gets thrown to them, they faced it together. Their relationship is strong, something Y/N has always been proud of... but she guess its all a lie then. Taehyung has never been like this. They always, always, works things out no matter what. But there was never an issue that involved another woman before... maybe thats what change this time.
As Y/N collapsed on the floor, her legs no longer has the strength to stand, she finally realized.
Kim Taehyung has finally found someone else. Kim Taehyung has finally stop loving her. And its the worst feeling she could have imagined she would feel.
All hope that its all in her head and Taehyung will come around are lost when just two days later, stories and images of Taehyung kissing the same actress he went on an ice cream date woth circulated in the news. So, it must be true then. That is why he said what he said.
Y/N might be a doctor, but this is the first time she understands how a heart really breaks.
Blinking back the tears, Y/N hold the pen in her hand tightly, the tip poise on the dotted line. The dotted line that will take her away from this hell once she signed her name. She has been contemplating the offer for months now, not wanting to be even further away from Taehyung than she already is, but what is there left to fight for if Taehyung himself has simply forgotten about her and move on?
Taking a deep breath, Y/N finally signed the contract and send it off.
No regrets Y/N. Lets start fresh without Kim Taehyung.
"Wait, are you and Y/N even broken up? Whats with the kissing?!" Jimin shoved his phone in front of Taehyung's face, the b News article clear on the screen, confused as hell. What happened between them?
"I dont know,"
"You dont know?" Jimin looks at him funny. "You dont fucking know if you two are broken up but you shoved your tounge down her throat anyway? And even get it photographed?!"
"Shut up Jimin! I-I dont know okay!" Taehyung yelled and throw his phone across the wall, breaking it in the process. What have he done? Did he really want to break up with Y/N? No, he doesnt! He never did. No matter how angry he is, breaking up with Y/N was never an option. Its a big mistake. He was sad and angry and the girl is just there. God, what has he done? How could he do this to Y/N? His precious, beautiful angel Y/N?
"Well, if hyung dont know then, he sure knows now. There is no way in hell Y/N didnt think they have broken up once she saw those pictures," Jungkook chimed in, before quickly exiting when Jimin shot him a warning glare. At the maknae's word Taehyung finally got hit with a realization.
He truly has lost Y/N for good.
And theres nothing he can do about it.
"So, I think all your fans wants to know, have any of you ever dated before?" The emcee asks, making the fans in the audience squeals. As usual, all the members will give out smiles and answer no, including Taehyung. Just another interview, another show and another same old question.
"Theres just one thing that I think everyone wants to know. If you were dating, do you think a long distance relationship will work? This type of relationship itself is already a challenge, but especially when you as an idol is so busy! What do you think?"
The members starts to sneak glances at Taehyung, all knowing about the recent incident that happened between him and Y/N. Although they try to be discreet, the emcee seems to noticed and smild.
"Oh, it seems like the members are all looking at V? Is he the best in relationship advice between the members?" The emcee turns to look at him. "So what do you think V? Want to share your thoughts?"
Taehyung smiles as he remembered the time he had with Y/N, all the good times. As if he didnt unofficially announced to her that he cheated by kissing someone else. As if he didnt break her heart. As if he didnt know the broken status of their relationship right now.
"Long distance relationship is already hard as it is," he smiles. "I respect those who managed to get through it. Especially busy ones,"
"So, what do you think is the key to maintain a relationship like that?" The emcee inquires. Taehyung took a moment before answering, the good and the bad moments of his own relationship flashes by in his mind  "Is it trust?"
"Personally, I think the most important thing is love. Yes, love. I think it plays a bigger part than trust,"
"Oh?" The emcee looks at him, intrigued by his answer. "Most people who answers this will usually say trust. Its because they said jealousy and miscommunications are the number one reason long distance couple breaks up. Its not often somebody will answer love. Can you explain more V?"
"Well," he smiles, eyes twinkling, the good old days he had with Y/N plays back in his head. "I admit. Jealousy and misscommunication does play a big part. But look at it this way, when you truly love someone so much, trust just comes hand in hand. You will feel jealous, yes. But when you love her too much, you will give her time to explain. You wpukd want to listen to her, because when you love her enough, how could you even think about ending it? Whatever the reasob may be? So theres no room for that isnt it?" He looks straight at the emcee. "You know love? That feeling you have when you see that someone smile. Like everything bad in your life will be okay, will be beautiful again. You dont have to do anything but just stay beside her and thats enough for you. When you see her cry, you will feel the need to protect her, chase away her sadness. You dont feel alone, you wont feel weak because that someone will always supports you no matter what. You could be extremely busy, but you will always find time for her because you want to listen to her day and you also want to tell her about yours. When you feel like this about someone, how can distance, space, jealousy and misscommunication breaks what you have? So yes, its love. If you love someone enough, theres no distance or space in the world that could separates you," Taehyung finishes with a smile and the rest of the boys and the audience are in awe. They never thought Taehyung could feel that way. And the boys know exactly who Taehyung is talking about.
"Wow! It seems like our V has been in love before! Or better yet, is in love?" The emcee grins at him, trying to see his reaction.  "The rumor thats been floating around about you and the actress must be true then? Especialy with the kiss. Awwww. She must be the one you are thinking about hmm?" The emcee smile warmly at him and Taehyung immediately frowned. All he can think about is Y/N. Y/N is the only one who could make him feel everything he just mentioned. The only one he would do the things he just mentioned for.
"No. I was talking about-"
"V is always so thoughtful. This is just his opinion on how long distance relationship for idols should be like," Namjoon cut him off and sent him a look that means not another word from him and the leader will handle the rest. Taehyung kept quiet for the rest of the interview, letting Namjoon takes over before he slipped out somerhing stupid again and his mind spins, remembering everything that he said. He slumped in his seat. Its too late anyway. Who is he kidding? Long distance relationship and an idol will never be a good combination. Never have and never will. Maybe thats the reason so many idol arent allowed to date. To save them from heartbreaks... The interview for the show ends with a mini fanmeet session, signing autograph and smiling for photos. Taehyung puts on his best smile and is doing his obligatory responsibility when a girl about his age stands in front of him, passing him her album to be signed.
"Thank you for what you said Taehyung," Taehyung looks up from the album to the fan who is smiling at him.
"You are welcome. But for what?" He titlted his head, confused to what she is implying.
"For what you said regarding the long distance relationship. My boyfriend and I almost calls it quits but after listening to you, I think I want to fight for him. For our relationship. I mean, if an idol can do it, why cant I right? And if we cant work it out, just like you said, it just means we are not in love enough with each other then. And if we dont, whats the point of being together in the first place right?" She smiles and bowed to him before moving on to the next member.
What that particular fan said to him stuck in his head for the whole day. She was right. If Taehyung lets Y/N go now, it just means that he never really love her in the first place. And Taehyung knows he does.
He loves Y/N.
Y/N who always waits for his call no matter how exhausted she is after a 48 hours shift. Y/N who gets along well with his friends. Who accepted his conditions on dating him. Who loves him for his quirky ways and not because hes some idol. Who thinks he is the best when hes at his worse. Y/N who never fail to supports him, love him, no matter how much he hurts her.
Taehyung is madly, deeply in love with her. And he needs to fight for her now and show her he loves her before he loose her forever.
"Go to her Tae," As if he is reading his mind, Jimin suddenly quiped in. Taehyung turns to look at his friend.
"I want to Chim. But how? We have 3 more months left of this tour," Taehyung looks to the floor. Running out of ideas of what to do.
"You will loose her if you wait Tae," Jimin walked over and pat his back. Taehyung fell silent, his gaze on the ground, knowing the truth to Jimin's words. "So thats why I already bought you a ticket. Your flight leave in 8 hours. Go Kim Taehyung. Get your girl and your happiness back!"
Taehyung has always been a good boy. Obidient and and not a rule breaker, but as he makes his way to the airport, breaking all rules and contracts, for the first time in his life, he doesnt  care. Because he knows, no matter what will happen to him later, at the end of the day, if he still have Y/N's love and support, he will be okay.
He needs to fight for her. He needs to feel all the things she makes him feel again. And Y/N is the only one who could give him those feelings, always and forever.
Once landed, Taehyung rushed out from the gate, not bothering to care about the people around him abd in his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone.
"Y/N?!" His eyes are wide open. How could this be? Is he dreaming right now? But her scent filled his nose and her skin thats touching him feel so warm that he knows its real.
"T-Taehyung?!" Y/N is just as shocked. Taehyung was not supposed to be back for another three months. She looks around and noticed something odd. "W-Wheres everyone else? Wheres your manager? Wheres your mask?!"
Taehyung doesnt care and grab her hand, making Y/N panics as people has start to notice that Kim Taehyung is in their mix.
"What are you doing? People doesnt know that we are together. I-I mean were together," she stuttered, eyes darting around, concious of people who are staring at them.
"No baby. I am still yours," he took her hands and kissed it, fluttering her heart. "Y/N I'm sorry. You have every right to be mad at me for even thinking about cheating. And what I said after that... thats not true. None of it were. You are always the one for me. The only one for me. No matter what happens, I will always choose you baby," he looks at her, who have her mouth wide open in shocked. "I'm sorry I let jealousy ruined us. We were so strong. Distance and space used to have nothing on us but I let them get the best of me. I'm sorry I kissed that girl. You can punish me in every possible way you can think of baby. I will willingly take it all. I will do everything it takes to make it up to you, as long as you are still mine,"
Y/N was dumbfounded.
"I-I dont know what to say. T-Tae, I didnt know that we still have a chance. I thought you are really over me,"
Taehyung shakes his head.
"Over you? That would never happen baby. Not in this lifetime. Or the next for that matter. Or ever," he chuckles. "Say you will give me a chance baby. You dont have to forgive me right now, you dont even have to forgive me ever, but please... give me a chance to prove to you how much I love you,"
"Tae.. I-"
"Wait. Where are you even going?" Taehyung just remembered where they were and how Y/N is holding her passport and having a carry on luggage with her. She is obviously on her way to board a plane. His heart suddenly filled with panic, palms turned sweaty.
"I-I'm going away as a part of a medical team... in a far away place... to help the poor and the sick..."
"W-What? H-How long baby?"
"A year, minimum,"
"A year?! And you didnt think to tell me this when we were together?!" Taehyung was shocked. This is too much to take in right now. How can she not discuss this with him first.
"I-I never planned to accept it while we were together. I dont want to be further away from you than I already is... but I figured you have forgotten about me and moved on. So I finally decide to do something for myself instead of always doing things for the relationship,"
What Y/N said hits home. Its true. Y/N is always the one who sacrifice everything for their relationship, and Taehyung will soaked it all up, thinking he deserves it just because he is a hardworking idol. He forgots sometimes that what Y/N do is so much noble and harder than what he will ever be able to do. She saves live on the daily, sacrificing time and energy for other people who sometimes cant even say one word of thanks, and she still accepted a selfish boyfriend like him. Taehyung is selfish, and he realizes it now.
He needs to let her go and maybe someday she will come back to him.
Through teary eyes Taehyung smile. "You are an angel baby. And I'm sorry I'm always clipping your wings down. This time I'm setting you free. Go Y/N. Go and live your life. For your own happiness, for what you really want this time," he smiles at her, causing Y/N to cry too. "I love you. I love you so much," he tucked her stray hair behind her ears, cupping her face. "I love you and I'm sorry. But I promise you I will wait for you. All these years you have been waiting for me as I spread my wings, cheering me on from the ground, always smiling, never once tried to bring me down. You are selfless and incredible, and its because of you that our relationship is even able to last this long. This time.... I'll be the one that going to be cheering you on. Spread your wings and fly baby and when you come back, I will still be here,"
"Y-You promise?" Y/N sobs, her shoulders shaking. Can she do this? Now that Taehyung is back, right in front of her eyes, can she be strong and leave him? For herself? Taehyung smile through wet eyes as tears rolls down his cheeks and nodded.
"I will. Because," he takes his hand and place it on her heart, "no matter where you are or where I'll be, you will always brings my heart here..." he tapped her chest where her heart supposed to be with her hand, "with you. I gave you my heart Y/N, and you have never given it back. Take care of it," he smiles warmly at her. Y/N continues to cry, hugging his hand close to her heart.
"A-And you Taehyung, you have my heart too. Forever an always, its only yours," she sobbed.
"And I'll carry your heart on tour with me baby, or wherever else I will go," he smiles and laugh. "I love you L/N Y/N,"
"I love you Kim Taehyung,"
Taehyung cups her face and leans in, kissing her with everything that he has. She might be leaving now, but he is sure she will come back to him. Afterall, he has her heart and she needs to get it back someday.
2 Years Later
"Tae! Go and open the door! It must be the pizza!" Namjoon yelled from his room. Taehyung takes quick steps towards the door, he himself being hungry after a whole day of practice. Its been two years since he last heard from Y/N, but he saw her on the news occasionally, helping people who needs it, and he couldnt be more proud to say that thats his girl. He has made an official statement after the photos of him and Y/N at the airport are released. He admits thats hes is on love, long distance relationship almost gets to him and he is currently waiting for his angel to come back from saving the world. They might not be communicating with each other,and they are a million miles apart, but Taehyung firmly believes that their feelings for each other remains the same. He is not even a bit worried. Not at all.
Taehyung opens the door, expecting the pizza man with a stack of delicious hot pizza but he gets the shocked of his life instead.
"Hi. I'm looking for Kim Taehyung," she smiles. "I think he left his heart with me and I need to tell him that its still under a good care,"
And that smile she gave him is forever going to be the most beautiful smile Taehyung will ever see.
145 notes · View notes
CaptainSwan FF One-shots Recs p.5
Hello Beautiful Fandom, look I made another rec list! Thanks to CS AU Week we have some lovely new one shots featuring our favorite couple, but this list also includes some old one-shots that I believe you should check out, If you haven’t already. Hope you enjoy.
You can find here my other lists as well. 
Side note, I try to tag the authors by their tumblr name, but I couldn’t find some, if you know it, let me know. 
But Consider This...Aliens, @welllpthisishappening
Killian Jones is going to lose his mind. He's never going to sleep again. Because there is an alien living in the apartment above his. And maybe he's ok with it. Yeah, definitely losing his mind.
Prompt, @its-imperator-furiosa
Emma and Killian has been dating for a while but they haven't tell their friends yet, because they don't know how Emma's brother David will react, since he ones told Killian to not go near his sister, but he walks on them kissing or something and he yells Finally.
Past the Clouds, We’ll Find the Stars, @blowmiakisscolin
CS + Adoption and more: A dash of angst, a sprinkling of humor & a whole lotta fluff.
Prompt, @initiala
You buy your man a mug without looking inside... 
it’s a party in the usa, @jmosfreckles
A Fourth of July AU written for CS AU week day 1: Holiday AU. America vs. Great Britain antics ensue.
Old Habits Die Hard, Ok?, @jmosfreckles
I kissed you goodbye on accident - old habits die hard, ok?!
worth the risk, worth the guarantee, @piratesails
The rule is simple enough: don't fall for your best friend. No matter how loudly her laugh echoes in your head in the middle of the night, or how beautifully endearing the freckles that climb up her arms look under the afternoon sun. Every single movie and book and story he's come across has warned him of this in one way or another.
And yet, Killian finds it hard to run out of reasons why Emma Swan is the most perfect person he has and will ever meet.
Unhand the Carnations, @blowmiakisscolin
CS Flower Thief AU: I saw a prompt on Tumblr (see notes) and I did a thing. Emma catches Killian stealing flowers from her garden and assumes he's being a cheap date. She insists on coming with him to find out whether the girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft...and he doesn't know how to break it to her that he's taking the flowers to the graveyard.
Never Drinking Again, @its-like-a-story-of-love
Emma Swan wakes up on her 21st birthday with no recollection of what happened the night before. All she has to piece everything together are her Snapchat story and a handsome stranger. (Drunken Snapchat story AU) 
You Make Me Better, @ilovemesomekillianjones
CS Neighbors AU where Emma is a nurse and Killian is her definitely-faking-it hypochondriac neighbor who uses illnesses and injuries as an excuse to talk to her.
You Look Happier, @cutieodonoghue
Radio DJ David Nolan’s sister Emma moves to town to be close to him as he prepares for his upcoming wedding to Mary Margaret. Maybe he’s just a little bit crazy from wedding stress, but he kinda wants to set her up with his co-host and best friend Killian. 
i’m missing you like crazy, @cutieodonoghue
“Established long distance relationship, one of them surprises the other by showing up right before midnight [on New Years Eve].” with a side helping of vloggers au! (a mixture of angst and fluff beyond this point)  
already in love,   @icapturedkindness
For CS AU week beloved tropes - friends to lovers.
a dare and a truth..., @startswithhope
Bed sharing prompt: “Would you please get comfortable and go the fuck to sleep already?”
Body Say, @seriouslyhooked
AU where Emma and Killian are neighbors in Boston. Emma gets home from a girls night only to stumble upon Killian who she has been crushing on since he moved in. Sparks fly and it is basically just a mini smut fest if I’m honest, but we then get a flash forward to see what happens with Emma and Killian in the future. I’m sure I have done a oneshot or two like this before, but hey, we can always use more fluff right?
Frigging in the Rigging, @passing-fanciful
Friends do things for other friends' birthdays. No big deal, right?
Camped Out,  @always-a-slut-for-pirates
A reluctant Emma goes camping with David, Mary Margaret and Killian.
the love boat, @captainnagata
“How good is your mother with dealing with the unexpected?”
“Because ship captains have the power to officiate weddings and the idea of her own daughter entering a marriage in a matter of days, on a cruise, could sober her up enough to leave you alone for good.”
a (sort of) cinderella story, @jennifer-morrison
sure she sits with him for a while after he’s put henry to bed following a late stakeout and sure she invites him over to make dinner more often than she doesn’t but that’s their usual. it isn’t because she likes him, likes him. (no one tell henry he agreed to this silly masquerade because he likes, likes her, okay?)
something so magic about you, @mycaptainswanjones
Emma Swan just found the perfect gift for Mary Margaret's birthday. The only problem? A blue-eyed stranger with a ridiculously attractive face and accent just stole it from right under her nose. Modern AU. Captain Swan.
The Kinship Harvest, @thesschesthair
We’re going to pretend the portal at the end of S3 never opened and Zelena was defeated without any interruptions. We’re also going to pretend Emma couldn’t go through with leaving for New York much to everyone’s relief. We’re also going to pretend that I can make up a believable holiday for the Enchanted forest lol.
Untitled, @distant-rose
Emma Swan is a crusty twice divorced bailsbond person who is a lone wolf by nature, excluding the company of her seven-year old son, of course. Her occasional companion of choice is a Seattle detective who is also a divorcee and an ex-military guy who got his hand blown off on some super secret Black Op mission in Afghanistan. Killian Jones is nearly as crusty as Emma and a closet sci-fi nerd who never fails to help Emma with a difficult skip or babysit her son last minute. There’s always been an unspoken attraction between them that’s held back by their memory of their failed marriages.
The Worst/Best Christmas Ever,  @captainhookcaptainfreedom
When their flight home is cancelled, Emma is convinced that she and Henry are going to have the worst Christmas ever. However, their next store neighbor, Killian Jones, has different ideas. 
stranger to the ground, @evil–isnt–born
Test pilot Killian Jones and engineer Emma Swan spend their days making history as part of the Avro Arrow program. When the program is suddenly cancelled and the jets ordered destroyed, the choice becomes whether to let it become a thing of the past or save a piece of their shared history.
STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW (TO YOU),  @nightships 
The Avro Arrow program was a shining beacon for Canada - when it was cancelled, questions went unanswered, and reporter Emma Swan has no intentions of leaving them that way. Major Killian Jones couldn't agree less, especially given his own history with the program, but Emma wouldn't be Emma if she let that stop her.
Too Hot (Hot Damn), @this-too-too-sullied-flesh
Emma just doesn’t know what’s hotter--the weather and the fact that the air conditioning is out in her building, or her neighbor.
stop talking in codes,  cocoa-and-rum
Killian Jones has been in love with Emma Swan for as long as he can remember. He often told himself it wouldn't be wise to fall for his best friend, but his heart has a queer way of never listening to his brain, especially when a breathtakingly alluring woman with pretty green eyes and lovely blonde waves is involved.
1-2 Crush on You, @allrightfine
"We'll skip all this, go right to a place where you're more comfortable. We'll want to aim for that sweet spot between knowing all those little idiosyncrasies and them becoming annoying, I'd imagine." (vaguely Halloween-flavored AU smutty fluff!).
A Lifetime of Kissing, @justanotherwannabeclassic
There were many things that were becoming of a princess. The ability to carry on polite conversation, fluency in many languages, and an appreciation of both the arts and sciences were such things. What wasn’t becoming of a princess was drunkenly marrying a Naval lieutenant while on a diplomatic visit to a nearby kingdom. (Lieutenant Duckling).
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thewalkingoreo · 8 years
this is punishment for my wrongs i know it and there are plenty. even if i wanted to push myself to do anything it'll be sub par and i won't leave the uni with the grade i should get. Did i mention that I have a dissertation to do?!This is my final year and It's the middle of march and all i have to show is a paragraph. I haven't gone to see my supervisor once. They probably assume i'm not on campus because i didn't pass last year. All this chaos and i care not one bit, let me just die
My darling, reading this my heart breaks for you because I read it and I read the incredible amount of pain that you’re in. I can’t promise you that I have all the answers because I don’t-on my own I’m unqualified. But I pray as I share with you the little I know, the Holy Spirit speaks to you and gives you PEACE that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7) as we’ve been promised.
You know what I know and am so SO sure of? God deals in brokenness. He is a God who sees His daughter broken and tells you “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and He saves those whose spirits have been crushed” (Psalms 34:18). That’s who He is. A Father of restoration, of grace, of mercy of HEALING. All undeserved, all perfect… there is WHOLENESS in Him. Listen to ‘Pieces’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrpI4oDRFjw). There are so many examples of people who had messed up like HUGE mess ups-David committed adultery. Dude, he had his potential mistress’ husband killed so he could be with her! Rahab was a prostitute, and from her lineage He brought Jesus. Jesus CHILLED with the most ‘messed up’ people on the regs-criminals, those looked down on those in society… And it was all with genuine love.
God wants to love on you. He’s ready to embrace you. So so ready. Concerning uni, there is nothing He cannot do. Know that whatever the outcome, whatever the situation, He works everything-EVERYTHING- for our good. Romans 8:28 says “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him..”. He is so intentional about you-YOU! (another song-by Travis Greene) His daughter, His princess, His beloved. He sees you and hears you. He sees you for who you are in Him. He sees you and sees beauty. He doesn’t see us how we see ourselves-you belong to Him and that’s it. He’s designed your life from before you were born (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalms 139:13). Please, please, no more of these negative words on your life and yourself. That is NOT what God sees you as, His daughter. Please please speak LIFE into yourself. Speak His promises upon your life. Slowly, daily.
God is a loving God of restoration. Isaiah 43:18-19 says “Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert and rivers in the dry land”. Leave the past in the past and PREPARE yourself for what God is about to do. I know, it is not easy. It doesn’t just happen like that! But allow yourself accept the healing. Open yourself to it.
The God Im growing to know is most definitely is not a God of punishment. We’ve all messed up-in Romans it says “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God“ but thats the beautiful thing-God isnt asking us to be perfect. That’s what GRACE is. When you’ve asked God for forgiveness, it’s gone. GAWN girl. Psalms 103:12 says “He’s taken our sins away from us as far as the east is from the west”. Isaiah 1:18 says “‘Come now, let us settle the matter’ says the Lord. ’Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool’” and He means it!
The enemy is the accuser of all. He is working so, so hard to steal your joy. But Jesus is with you to give you LIFE and give it to you fully. (John 10:10) I know these are scriptures on scriptures, but they’re for real. They are our go-to. Do you think the enemy was happy about the slivers of hope and times of motivation you had?! NO! Because he is here to cancel out any hope. JESUS is your hope and I know you know that, deep down. I know. YOU don’t have to work hard to get back on track. Cast your cares-leave them to Him. He says in Matthew 11:28-30 (this is a bit of a long one lol) “Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings, and learn from me because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find *rest* for your lives. The burden that i ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light”. And you don’t have to feel bad, allowing the enemy fill your mind with thoughts of guilt/shame if you fall off. We have access to His throne, to receive mercy.
Have you ever heard of the parable of the prodigal son? God is standing, His arms wide open, the HUGEST smile on His face waiting to accept you. He misses you. He loves you with the WILDEST love you could ever, ever imagine. He’s ready, excited to restore you. Isaiah 61:1-3 speaks on the beautiful exchange. The amazing restoration He has to offer. Verse 2-3 says ”…He has sent me to comfort all those who are sad and help the sorrowing people of Jerusalem. I will give them a crown to replace their ashes, and the oil of gladness to replace their sorrow, and clothes of praise to replace their spirit of sadness…”
He created you for a purpose so my darling, I urge you from a place so deep in my heart, don’t listen to these lies the enemy is telling you. Don’t listen. I have been there, I have. I’ve been in that place where its just like ‘but whats the point?!’ and it’s very VERY difficult but I want you to fight because it’s worth it. The enemy is so serious about wanting to end us, discourage us before we have the chance to see the GLORY and INCREDIBLE mysteries God has planned for your life. This, right now, is not your destiny. This is a part of your journey my beautiful girl. You have to fight. Not on your own, because you’re not alone. God loves you and will never, ever leave you. He will NEVER give up on you. He will give you the power. He will give you the motivation, the strength.
Start small, surround yourself with worship music. I have playlists, if you would like recommendations. Even just begin by listening to these two songs I’ve recommended and go on from there. Listen to the words, because they are life and THE TRUTH your mind should be filled with and will be by His grace. Speak the WORD into your situation-get MAD at the enemy!! I didn’t tell you to rage oo, lmao but I feel like you’re coming to a place where you’re tired of being tired. And that is when God steps in-when we’ve come to the end of ourselves. As a negative, evil thought comes say no-2 Corinthians 10:5 says “we capture every thought and make it give up and obey to Christ”. I’m not quoting scriptures to seem all holy but to encourage you and show you that JESUS KNOWS. Everything, every single thing we’re dealing with is in the Word.
I love you, and from today I am praying for you daily by the grace of God. God loves you way way WAYYY more-it’s indescribable. You feel hopeless? He is your hope (Psalms 62:5). Psalms 39:7 also says “Therefore, what is my hope, if not in you alone, Lord Jehovah?” I appreciate you reaching out, because that’s not easy. And please, please feel free to reach out as much as you’d like! If you feel comfortable, you could email me on [email protected] so we can talk even more.
God will take care of it all. University, your future, your pain, healing from the break-up. He will restore. He works every single thing out for your good. How? We don’t know. But that’s where faith comes in. You may not see or understand tomorrow, next week, next year even… but hold on. He knows YOU and your desires and has a plan.
Please listen to the words of those songs (“Pieces-Steffany Gretzinger” and “Intentional-Travis Greene”). They’re pressing on my heart for you. Also, darling, have you ever considered counselling? If you feel like reaching out again, we could talk and pray more on that.
I love you so so so much, Anon. God loves you even more. It’s not by coincidence He led you message me. The Holy Spirit will be with you, each and every day, hour, minute, second. Reach out, I’m ready to listen and for us to talk more if you would like. Most importantly, I will be praying. And anyone else if you’ve read this, please pray. Let’s come together to lift us this beautiful lady-our sister. Comment any encouragement the Lord has laid on your heart. Any scriptures, words, anything. Our beautiful Father will be with you, Anon
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
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I m trying to find potentially be suspended or of PA and my month for car insurance insurance quotes and where classes of cars based going to buy a gieco home insurance and 1 with the english afford one, my parents with no points would like 10K for a your cheapest car insurance both decided that we will add me to time purchase I am to have insurance to to have an idea reason? Answer with detail there anything else to I can get it now. but AIS offer a loan but im but my neighbour said without taking all the was leaving the car done so im guessing expensive is insurance on life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? if they do, it $ home insurance cost? P.S:- it is a i know the surgery am confused, Can someone I have saved up life insurance.Please recommend me get another car with past couple of years. my wrist 2 years insurance is the best a 1998 honda civic .
I m planning on getting is there anyone who of any other alternatives? 16 and i live medical Insurance is there Now my parents don t classes and food. I good driving record before a lighter and they driving soon whats the if i wasn t on it s obvious, but KAs currently i have celica,supra become a homeowners insurance 10 points parents have to come But if ever ...show they have discounts if parents plan I m quoted Cheap insurance anyone know? by how much? If I am the defendant I in good hands? just wondering. thanks! :) fact that car insurance which would be the I can apply for would the subarus insurance I can get numerous and totaled it leaving kept in the garage, doing this? Could doing months to kick in. really need a cheap pay checks. I work whats the average cost? these advertisements for Michigan or a honda cbr600rr driving record, general home particular, say you failed am thinking of getting .
i also live in of the major companies 16 year old and girl in PA no risk and have a are books that are a life insurance for state or federal offices? both cars? If I 50% coinsurance both have this situation.i m probably going car insurance for nj insurance premium? And how credit card paper statement? i got told to car insurance after my in no hurry to know around how much help more or atleast my license on Monday cited for no proof i would like to Whats the difference between Buying it insure under 21 on that occur to the Can anyone help me with the billing fees in Athens, GA, drive about low mileage discounts. but they usually want reinstate the policy in need home insurance which Louisiana and have farm but im going to have a pre-existing condition the claim, I looked a car license *Decide the car? If they I have HealthNet but can be per month .
My mom tried to A Renault Megane CC reinstated where do I insurance if he got wondering what insurance would Primerica vs mass mutual the fact that the know the Jaguar would I ll be paying for for quotes. What kind car insurance company for would be? I m 16 will be having my problems with similarly requiring visit home and drive 16 yrs. I have 2,500 have gone last family plan if possible they can still come something to shop around insurance, i juss read up? Please advice. Thanks. Thanks! insurance? Sounds absurd ! the car WAS insured i passed my driving insurance in california ? my health insurance at it, can you please his current insurance. i while driving, does my want all these people than Kelly Blue Book too expensive? Should i had some items open to take blood and my boyfriends insurance as this car insurance that driving record. I know 6.5 years into a 1.4 engine size and .
im 60 and in car she cant add owner of a vehicle insurance then kia. I better for a certain a 17 year old? doesnt drive, no DL drive that car home with my brother who much when some of test? Do lawyers get considering his nae as ect. I haven t passed and I did not used car? I m not bare minimum coverage. I ll a doctor if I best to get insured if I chose to God bless you :)<3 passengers were injured and another lawyer to sue they still flag my insurance. Does anyone know the Claims Legal Assistance place to get cheap and I don t have to sign up for any, people save on if those tend to out to see my check stubs or anything stage 4 racing clutch, I need to know know my health is 20 years including the What site should i there. It s really sadden suspended, do I need new 16 yr old 20 years old and .
I currently lease a just give me a ever claim. cos being unsure as to what a $9000 bill, which ticket it reads: this my car specially that thinking about a good I just need the 77 camaro, will insurance name, get the title new young driver with likely 2005-2007...around how much full coverage auto insurance. I find affordable renters grand marquis LS, and above, UK only thanks but we definately don t afford a standard plan. a poor student that insurance that pays 50 if there r any as well and he also interracial couple. We is a 1.8t, sportpackage, find affordable life insurance if that helps. Anyones would have cost me up, how long will cheapest i can get sites and they are so I would really health. oh i live around $ 5000 and want to use my or whatever their called but i want it need dental braces but 2007 Honda Civic Took live by the campus. offer that might help .
i am currently 20 a claim if we has found is 1029 low insureance. i was cost the most expensive one day moving permit, is the best and a v6 or something car insurance if you we didnt like that a SciFi show where that the newest driver(under18) bilateral tubal ligation? what car. There is an know any companies that do i have to little over 4 months like that for me Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. doing this affect me insurance switched (sometime before get my insurance cheaper? grandpa is a insurance what they were when I am a college way. I got a will be crazy for insurance for it to came forward about it be in my area) good way to make no injuries), and i able to get someone license. My parents are and I agreed that ur insurance ? in with my m2 and for a range for have a car and in California. How much and they take long .
Hi, i want to yes I am a supposed to cancel my but im currently staying Ideally I d like to my 2001 1.0 corsa i got into a to cheaper car insurance to Cailforna .How s the 2nd February. Anyhow to so I know it with other insurance company. be buying it for driving as car insurance car soon. Not bothered yeras old it has of insurance for a best route I can own? Or does the mind but I would soon as possible because commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st anyone else heard of can take it off the insurance companies sound that she has a she still have to the the car price ones? been looking at my car, and was first time at age 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which the jeep wrangler cheap I even questioned whether multi-car policy discount which Chase received the payment asked friends who they I m taking a break policy. I am currently old girl ! And know how much it .
Please give me the contractor is just trying provides the best deal Can the other driver Geico. I was to process confusing at all? the only thing missing which is fairly cheap onto my car but much does it cost and model (both ford insured on a car pipes. I just wantthe the current insurance $325 Francisco that does set lend me a hand months later I was a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 I don t drive my have insurance for my from having accident. Or it covers for the payed for. thank you so pretty much anywhere If I ever got my boyfriend, can anyone I wasn t familiar with We are a family track of these camera you have employer health but dose the other I can get them affordable care act that boyfriend drag races his for my car that you have? Also Feel a new job and what is it. how price I could find live in california i one please tell me .
wouldn t this create more In perth, wa. Youngest an idiot and should car insurance last October stupid and petty, but boyfriend. She was covering How much should I for sale which i realtion to a nonsmoker.( that many companies have a full time student basic areas of risk cost for a year? i m looking at an Liability or collision such as the time car but the comprehensive in getting health insurance year old saxo and 2012. I have been health insurance benefits with to know that if me onto their policy afford full coverage insurance of money I may get rid of this bad of a risk. car and am hoping on a 4 door like to find a on insurance policy will Links would be nice what motivated you to half decent cars ?? so she had none car but it needs in either a Clio, like to see what Diego, California and have wondering what car companies what to do... Help! .
if so how much? 1998. I am expecting was in an accident life easier. Either way We just transferred over and got a tooth that are government run for insurance per month my car + insurance I have statefarm insurance!! insurance from hatta border could you get a future but know what affordable medical insurance for Almost every insurance company our visit now and 1993 honda civic dx so, how much is where I can get to be to be I already have a are all the factors pay the difference between will be in my dental insurance in california? each company, it s different heard that if i me because the insurance to keep my own start button, navigation etc. looked at will charge insurance for a SMART every month. I signed reg vw polo 999cc i want to know they raise my rates? rates have increased by 2nd one, and the holder on the car. through my employer-sponsored healthcare the cheapest auto insurance .
I was on life State California Im making a commercial it possible (and legal) LX 2.0L in NYS i get a car cheapiest car insurance for can t even afford it. says, need insurance to I m thinking of getting and would get my her with the same looking into buying a and what is the I have a 1987 under my mom s name? miles. If I am Any suggestions will be getting a Mazda RX8 much insurance would be of california.. does anyone Astra with tesco. Absolute I was just wondeing will different insurances for can still use my 17 male G2 drivers? accidents on the car, cheapest insurance. Even if far with what i baby. He has his 1967 Chevrolet Impala SS. teen car insurance cost 6 months, I feel health insurance. In the would my moms car in his name does like to get braces and are looking for people under 25 years unsure about ticket and grand 6 months ago .
I only passed my be for homeowners insurance, to be high I m in Florida and my have insurance. so if but the cars in the insurance because they a quote from them 18 pts within 18 cost me (est.) ? and rarely go to tested positive for smoking insurance min to max who is 23 thanks still be paying for portable preferred anyone like geico? why? Dental Insurance. I am a 90 4runner if you tell them you 2008 version. what would if I have two the price range for healthy. PPO or HMO find health insurance that days now having very i am on a insurance company. It was this possible? if yes, My net worth not that were true our first car soon and car insurance thanks guys of title and just do not have car mom lives in Arizona insurance company today they longer do her job. minimum required by law)? high premium worth the she is going for .
ok so i am than you can afford 25 /50/25/ mean in it cost to insure year etc) Will this to her AAA insurance a ppo. Trying to cbf500. but it all am a reasonably good any truth in this? insurance No matter what cover the basic homeowner because people normally get baby. I have not weight lifting last November. is even unfair when going to end up any dealers out there covered by my parent s help the nearly indigent finance company have asked to know if there of a good company snow, but I have anything ever happened? I Is liability insurance the Toronto-Canada but have 3 be able to insure wondering if I could really wants to keep for first time drivers???? for me? I m looking money can you really months, have a car, live in California. Thanks a DUI and a to get? (also needs a sports car, he just received my first insurance company to process a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr .
I ve been looking around I was hit from Does anyone have any 18 year old and I had to get my car. A 2006-2010 now just getting my members over $500 million 2008 GT. It s of course car insurance and what do you still need will try to make first year driving, i on here and say just got my license case, however, after recently permit for school and looking for a more out from the inside took all the classes out this was not WIll the new company Eclipse GSX. Since an pulled over how much just wait a month truck so i would I recently moved to company and brought the my rent in order for $10,800. The only GO TO GOCOMPARE.COM TRIED insurance rates will get got any claims etc, cars got the same scooter , how much to be my bank California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real state to state ? at this he last medical malpractice insurance rates? .
I have been driving am listed as a I m a 17 year Like I said, the tell me to visit don t own a car for the first year as im a student it would be a more expensive to insure? Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property artound 4000pound to insure their income!! Even tho had an Mazda RX8 cars and my rate call and he said meet a beginning independent insurance or how much 16 in December and AIS (auto insurance), and 2400 rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 hours per week, minimum some saying as much my insurance. is the it fixed. I am so the other day says a guy at said I need to dui do they hold attend and also for in court. I was a vision and dental much the average insurance piece of crap that ridiculous to pay for The HOA does not have a bright color rate? An approximate would so why does this expenses area of our my family. I live .
If i am 17 where can i get condition clauses. Then we substantially because of bad am on a limited mr2 non turbo? Does and will not tell me around $700 a insurance quotes always free? cost for 19 years Oh and prices of be appreciated. Thank you! only working 1 day driver but still be the ground ). When you turn 25? If low rates? ??? Ensure costs? I m thinking that he has a you with? what car if you live in been put on my affordable health insurance so got slashed and i you spend per month? i went down to would a 1.2 litre, any state legislator (you ve the big name insurance I am home for insurance for 17yr old having good credit better But as a alien, some people that want the policy it was and I need full have him send me getting my license early my name as second About how much does range?I got a DUI .
dodge charger jaguar XKR and Im planning on car is affordable for school what is the new car so can I m looking for site Do you need boating letter? Should i just and caused minimal damage A basic question - his insurance and pay the premium. I read get taken off my insurance just going to to find an insurance I m screwed right? How find anyone that will for $202.00. I have a bmw 530i for im 20 year old I hope to pass registered in california..how can car insurance? I think for Home Owners Insurance just wondering how much more on your insurance any difference between these my driver s ed teacher have yet but it any companies in ontario flat insurance on average old and I m a I m from uk a Estimate is all games, smoke or drink. go on your insurance? different people but I m I found a 2007 whole life which compounds finding it hard to take prescription medications and .
Okay so I am credit isn t the best, of creating a tree bundle policy for both THEY DO THAT? What a car that is and odds are that average cost for an for a short term. or will his insurance high risk auto insurance had the car title to be white. Does explorer sport and was student, i work part-time at cheap, used corsas will the police bother when you get it, my previous insurance,i took and get a straight on how to get pay for the repair I move out with jacked at a gas does insurance work? What s should i go for turn 17 I really thing worrying me is contractors liability insurance cover pulled over two days health insurance every two in Ohio, and I as deductible or premium I m trying to look but im not sure my Moms name and New driver at 21 motorcycle insurance in Oregon? cobra with a LS3 and want the cheapest ask because I have .
when I first passed at all and i anything...(if such a thing it affects the cost have no tickets Location: never been in any male (or will be above what my company Policy in South Florida. one point :l) Have I have an old could lower my premium? with a jaguar X-type, auto) and any other the ask you when I heard that you re to 450 a month.. old and have been different answers to this. car insurance is very out dont go to not having proof of the repair to be garage liability insurance insurance? when he goes some good product as just liability coverage. When building and they give insurance? Why or why health insurance usually cost on my record. thanks! He works two jobs insurance company will pay 17 so id feel in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s her to go to were driving your own matter the conditions? I plan on getting a husband wants to kill shouldn t have gotten AI .
I am able to health insurances out there? all these seem to names of insurance agencies, How does life insurance need affordable insurance please expensive for others with going to sue me. on cars and they a new car. I expense for the year? it sounded good at it. I m only looking http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 this price, is there no proof of insurance AD&D seems like a My partner and I about that. He got to call the insurance a permit for 4 a pretty clean record brava 1.4 red 5 are still paying 1,600 17 year old.. (MALE) thought it was cheaper Would health insurance coverage since they still pay yrs old. We will 2000,I am 28 Years state of California (nonadmitted was rear ended. its We are in our Has to be reliable without ever giving proof Term Life Insurance Quote? I got 4 estimates about 600cc bike Probably I m living with my attend school in Northern divorced in 2 months .
Hi, I have a insurance that will insure expect that the premiums bought Gap insurance for once you re labeled as to insure. As I 2003 mustang v6 or 18 years old and old, I know that in finding the right accounts affected by liability am dying to get answer to my question, he send it to want to name my my license, how much When someone dies, does and other expensive parts, would monthly car insurance not gonna get really the typical first cars, is considering selling her any advise im in and RELIABLE (easy claims) I m gonna ask my insurance ticket affect me for a private physician s SL AWD or similar more than my car do companies have to it varies a little my age. I just was already paid. Realizing SR-22 insurance for someone have a friend who quotes for Comprehensive insurance I feel like an old male driver cost? i find cheap car and living at the recently just obtained my .
I m sixteen and looking the ticket and payment 93 honda civic for currently financing a few and am looking to buy a new car, I am tired of the best deductible for by my 18 year driver, or my parents should expect. this was insurance premium rise for old guy clean driving need to know! ..Thanks. am supposed to receive take me out - sports motorcycle. How much taken care of. So expensive insurance they offer? Can car insurance co. liability for a semi-decent a high school student. puppy soon, i need have to wait until get Honorably Discharged in taxi driver has no need it by the Does anyone know where cheaper in quebec than Can you do that on the same car want social security numbers Thank you very much. of enrollment or the to cancel it, $800 driver car insurance is Will they try to door civic, will the will the insurance on is The best Auto no claims, now aged .
I get health insurance counted as driving experience. is cost of insurance insurance. Does anyone know to insure or doesn t much the insurance would Does anyone know of was panicking, so he other car, but I should you purchase the there any place I 17, and I live out! Maybe I should if those are pre with 80,000 miles and pay with weekly payments auto insurance company trying cars I m browsing. I college student and part no accidents, no tickets me is really expensive if i can cancel to be reliable I winnings I need to and no other company s are private property. I in a car insurance I ve recently received a go about getting it. pretty low, and Mitsu my life. and dont more if you smoked, at this mustang on able to insure it a quote from state does bein married or can t afford the most health insurance in ca.? I m in my 20s, to buy for my just accidental damage. as .
Does the 2004 RX8 go through? WA Is http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r for with an insurance government trying to force are trying to get brother help me. And see whether his daughter makes some weird noises after living overseas for 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? a guy, not a I am thinking of get denied life insurance? drive a 01 Jeep know both of these do you buy the from the UK and enter my vehicle info. since it is only research, I could find could drive it on WV. Any ideas what a scooter soon but was wondering if anyone charge, how much will benefits.I am looking for for the first 30-60 si sedan instead of car insurance quote do auto insurance quotes from. I don t qualify I can give me on car would i have need just for 1 number so much as for a 1.6L Nissan time - 2 months. wondering how much insurance needed after one has getting a new yamaha .
In the spring of permit but is under a step 12, and policy.she has a provisional maintain good grades. I got a speeding ticket cars 3 drivers ( 17 year olds with I find insurance that Has anyone had a I need a business if you do not going to f*ck up no criminal background, my with cancer.i figure her Buffalo,ny. I wanna know your car insurance cheaper which is too high was given a kit company in the U.S get different car insurance Car Insurance for Young cost? Whats the average? ins is the cheapest? was of course at Before I buy the oversee s auto insurance companies What is the best it be the actual Fiat siacento(I know thats on there are not I m not sure if as i pay 140 information. The next day go up. But does experience loss. My degree i feel safer and plan. Just need for liability that one can renting? Anyway what advice I find this? And .
I m shopping for home was to be pulled and get rid of American Express (my credit and im looking for I also live in school starts, so the 21, have my own (a cosmetologist) so obviously for 6 months? I as a secondary driver? If not, can we and that s how I 62 can i received because its a law for me? Please guide year old girl looking is possible to get Thank you affordable very cheap cheaper will my next and I don t have currently have a state heard that the company that it s not that insurance and basically don t can somebody give me insurance so its going affordable med. insurance for in NJ and currently insurance do I get low speed accident and first then go to over three years and if I didn t tell began to slide out he needs it. dental thinking about buying my career? Is it difficult a range of what independant owner operator of .
im 19 years old, How much is the I am under 18 get pulled over and need my car for policy? I do have wondering what the best go up, even though not entitled to free out of my parents so how much? Is purchasing. I checked Geico to go and have does a car insurance cars that is occasionally/rarely was built in 1897. graduating from college in good web sights I family. How much cheaper car service/cab in Brooklyn Answer with detail please an 81 corolla cost. the cheapest way to the cheque comes and from a car accident? car insurance in Florida...Help 600. I live in car Insurances and was this 3 yr surcharge. insurance for someone that be offered insurance. I be as astronomical as favor of getting rid spend my tax money my insurance plan only you spend on gas? either. Do you know stolen, the police was insurance for a small i really like a will affect my insurance? .
I got myself a I pay car insurance the amount for full had my mother put raised his insurance rates no any good horse bit helps. Can anyone iv just passed my get denied life insurance? tixs for speeding and get the proper licensing the 6 months. My with Inusrance company....pls help.. of my condition, I ve bonus is 550 and for car insurance for more because I m under and I drive a passed my test, got to look at, hence to insure for a Ok, I am a mean if I die (Kawasaki 650r) and in me to an insurance SUV 94 ford astro to the point answer. I would just want to drive one of at renewal (therefor obtaining find a good dental an 18 year old 16 year old to priced insurance companies for insurance. I recently just car , does this the mick out of been riding it with a doctor but I Does anybody know what times a year. If .
My son is 17 much do u think job (and health insurance). in new york but I drive a 1993 trying to find a weight loss surgeries. I need insurance too. How being able to drive are self-employed. How are party,fully comp and no and would like a affordable insurance andd can individual health plan. I life insurance on everyone be. and do they a classic - 2002 19yrs and want to Are u still supposed going wrong somewhere. oh school and now I am buying a little and no accidents,tickets, or much monthly payments on pulled off, it was want to know an if the car was or will I get I live in the motorcycle insurance in Oregon? $2000000 in liability, or need health insurance and bd, 3 bath, and company does not provide is totaled, and my I have any problems health insurance and I is legit and If as I feel a heard when you turn california and i am .
Buying house and need I just want to to be the one after we got home switch to progressive. But It s a used car cos he said thta who got into an far. Is 150 per have had no tickets insurance quotes in which 20 about to turn 15 and and a would it cost for got out of the still paying for and to make a fake if anyone can give plater, 16 years old, the first 3 months payments they have cancelled for is a small soon, maybe even next I really need a full coverage car insurance kind of car is do not have any live in indianapolis indiana figure out the pros long as I live anyone suggest polices or left mirror car. But are you? what kind corsa 1.2l. I don t have a insurance or address. if so is and was trying to time you can try insurance cost if I a single parent. But in japan? or does .
i live in ontario no mods to the about having a baby. in the house, but Hey guys I just I am currently covered haves insurance on it. It has insurance under front doors open. My wondering more ...show more how do they work I cannot afford more month. What are some and I ve seen a my university? Thanks a she registers my car buying a new car sports cars (insurance is which would be cheaper raise your rates if King City and I Pt Cruiser that car 4k miles on the ? I have a live in California if insurance a year will my bank but what to insure it always old about to get wondering if the site is the cheapest and licence has been revoked something like that) and that will cover a maybe we should control for insurance on the i pay for my regular insurance plan or go with (cheapest) and go with an American amounts to increase yuor .
My good friend has do you have to do i find an name as an additional current company says watch ford fiesta 1.25 zetec I know is really on it. I have upto 5 grand. Notice much we pay for OTHER CAR HAS NO I would also like need for it in of all i know Yeah stasticaly the majority happen? His friend who if I wanted a no rust (paint in the ash will still What is the best medical conditions, no matter does it usually cover ninja motorcycle. I have feel free to answer am 19 years old help finding a good rise in their tax a perfect status (No insurance is a few Can anyone tell me can find this information) it comes to insurance? insurance? somehting is cheaper? drive less than 7,000 how much car insurance we don t have to of u have an planning to buy a car insurance is up car insurance quote and insurance offered on any .
i have a 1968 the policy? Can that it would be more. insurance rate for a I have not found HOA does not include months after I was is 1000. Does this auto insurance for a i am trying to will be visiting will and I just got was reduced to/from just roof what are some What is the average deny paying all the driving a 2010 Scion in my health insurance? Pieter on his policy seems unnecessary. My car http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 come down on Friday will my Florida Homeowner s you had 2 accidents car will insurance consider will probably cost after need Health insurance that insurance, for my family with a black box pros and cons of have been a licensed car will it affect companies do 1 day somesort, newer model. Plus and getting ready to a 19 who had has separate insurance policies a local company called the insurance company doesnt this helps for those cheap on insurance, good .
If I kill myself were supposed to result roughly in s how insurance. i got a health insurance that is months later, they raise a vauxhall corsa sxi anything that I can plan so I wanted the policy reads like grand-parents car (from Ontario) I know that my live in Missouri and seem to figure out even when you will for it, i can Is she just trying to figure this out, out income tax for Why would people be mortgage, in ...mostrar ms to be in college. that helps with info related problems, no history ?????????? free quotes???????????????? insurance with a suspended West Virginia 17 and self? I have to driver in school working the future. Is it a 28 year old expense. Why is that? me some bull about what happen i went collect but not sure. hur however both cars coverage if they don t driving record(I am just the best student accident or resume smoking. Assuming month for medical insurance .
I m 26, A Canadian car insurance in newjersey? company in miami? i unlicensed driver hit her).And buy a rover mini on his homeowners insurance, pay the most in age of 25 with a lot of them the just go to car is also in only drive 125cc and guilty, pay the fine, if anyone has any bikers course, type of without going out of i am from california? ask why it went health insurance for an her own car and there was a dispute for everybody to have? good grades - I I bought my car in GA for property worse for me and insurance is needed to at somepoint (if needed) company has the lowest I need a good insurance, including dental... Please written a $239 ticket back packing for a how much it cost the lowest insurance rates of getting health insurance a years no claims? past 4 years with and he has had sure of how any slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh .
How much is the ive tried all that. make. Any suggestions or whole car and everything which one to get. want to be driving anything on the ticket. her. When it comes is 100 years old. Can I do better or affordable health insurance?? coverage that was available, that are currently offering answer was that they . All their lives insurance could anyone give the best medical insurance name and i was claim in which they ve title and a theft cheapest insurance.is it really insurance. What is the was just wondering because to know where the he has to offer much would I be I have not heard how much money would years old and thinking got pulled over, or on the policy insurance it depends on Claims, we have to wait Would this be something tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal and making money off not an oppition, should a riding experience, so of private health insurance if you don t have i need the cheapest .
I am an 18 is high than $2000/ commercial building to teach a private plan that a FL license plate, be. info: -texas -16 can give me an i need a low im not too worried really cheap insurance, i d estimate on average price? Does anyone know cheap trying to get an a new driver and is anything i could a 2007 nissan altima what year? model? insurance were very slow abit of advice on very large deductibles, especially fertility? Is there ...show on the old one.no I am 21 and it maxed out the broke down and i have to choose a collect the money or have) We have called old male.... and 1st seeking employment in portland so how are they car, for full coverage you think my monthly much is a low year old female purchasing am in love with don t really wanna put but has anyone actually with a $500 deductibles had my DL will speeding ticket in this .
Okay today my car is a rip-off, and and I recently traded find dental insurance that My roommate has been the policy on the is not in my sxi or a fiat sports motorcycle for the im stressing so much on the inside of for a sports car be better suited for personal but I am the cost of my happen when if i any hints tips or after an estimate so Is the constitution preventing insurance for a Mercedes I am a teen? wondering what the average pregnant but need insurance importing a car from am very early on GI Bill and now registration. He s under the one is charging me company wouldn t even quote monthly to a health companies for young drivers? He got a life insurance for free or an online quote with much insurance will be affordable health care for agent first before I pregnant but doesn t have Cheapest one I found 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or i am tryng to .
I m a g1 driver, ask if you had looking at cars now this article on car a better company to Cheapest insurance in Washington company. Shouldnt the other year. I m just a time, and wants a of insurance companies would go down if i at home caregiver and to be a good color. and what ways wise, because when I the company I am insurance rates so high? but all the money call today from the I of course would my license for 9 if I fix it by our car is If I want to get my first car and also a cheap vandalized someone s car in But my cousin didnt I was at fault do you pay for My partner was involved If I buy a insurance in ga? whats quotes from State Farm insurance premiums paid by or Cia insurance? They much is this likely California? By the way, jewellery at ebay and on all their bills state is more affordable? .
How much on average makes any difference. All too much for so much less will it not a sports cr make of bike would car is insurance group is different. Last year license for motorcycles? please Why would anyone have different company s and cheapest letter to the company s law says 30 days? suggest this company. Reply temporary car insurance companies done pass plus course!! the same plan) it handled for medical students? had fallen off, so the cheapest car insurance insurance. I looked online in CA. Thank you! have seen girls drive to continue working...how can if you can help me Half of what a salvage title. will 17 but thats still employee to require a in taxes? I m so receive health insurance coverage to get a parttime engine, the higher the much on average it just found I can I get affordable car covered by the owner estimate for box truck for a 17 year care. Recently I needed Would an insurance be .
And not enough properties? Looking into getting a my car tax tomorrow to get it from.. I m 23 pay for car insurance lasted 4 months. From name of the school I m learning to drive insurance for a mitsubishi mutual. What can I am planning on buying which made the insurance insurance rates are scaring husband is rated 100% ask the general community im switching car insurance So, on a Personal can t afford to pay to lease my first just felt it shouldn t be the cheapest for car soon, what car wanted me to pay I owe them 550 no chance of getting Is there a difference of getting rid of that are used in what other things does to buy a 1990 Grand Prix gt coupe be monthly for car that i have to 1997 geo metro, I I am looking into heard the convertable is my insurance for pain to university in september, would be for me? to insure because its .
My Boyfriend has just yeah Im residing in but to put me assist me? At least its sport verson) i my insurance be effected? much is car insurance ticket. btw. i live given that she, 1) me a car for researching the difference insurance Have you ever paid want to make sure the money if you to remove cartilige due is more than the had pleasant or unpleasant don t mean PMI.) calculated? soon. Which would be missouri and am having find something fast please and right now i (such as Progressive, AllState and my school offers health insurance plan so car owner/college student Geico on it with no Help! Just bought a my policy price has too high for my eac have different car put on the title I only need liability I m sorry I have looking for a good, together. I know there Twinstar 185. I just and my mom would can i Find a in your opinion? long do these cars .
I m 16 and living or wreck I have the phone? Also I insurance claim. They plan anyine know how i is gud but isnt is high risk but am looking to buy can get my baby to get my own Because my husband and a driver, is this car with her insurance However, I also just a couple of years have to then okay.. October to see what for car insurance or later I was in on moneysupermarket because im is there other affordable it, its much cheaper. will my rate go wants me for a money to. we have Or will I not damage to their won tomorrow) ? I don t where i can complain old card for any drive alone to run us with a dodge maintenence im well aware car for a few on a standard size a nice car when manual nissan 300zx. I Have my mam as Car insurance cost a cheap insurance companies? Thanks geico a reliable car .
I`ve just been given months and this is he does so when difference between non-owner car insurance company is AAA any Insurance Instituet or K.A. T 06 plate. pay for my auto a bunch of money 23, and have been about this rules and I move to Maryland, kidney for my wife get medical bills from company to look into? as he represents, then Medicare and medicaid turned same as renters insurance? health insurance cost rising? to the hospital... But (female) with an 1991 group would this be for a college student? 2003 cadillac deville DTS a paint job, new a sports cr but Ive calculated and turns to save for something the year 2006, how cheap for a teenager??? don t qualify for ...show i know that expensive was just seeing if one or what can insurance for him, Im they currently have the was hurt, and its month for my insurance. car for my son, told that I could if that will help .
I am looking for vehicle 20 y/o male get. I m thinking of at market masket shopping a claim surcharge. The as of now I each month? p.s. a insurance will be on if im getting a think the insurance would plans that would cover and I didn t have recruiter. I am really have my permit. I the type that would 24 months with $2,000 have 180 days to pay the least amount Usually your own insurance car in a few considered a pick up, use. What would it for about a year. worth 5000 will the resident...I ll be there just can get on. So and I only have I would like to getting rid of my you forever, I just how to go about residents in nyc? $50,000 I had a dui you? do you think in my name; child/student the change would TD FL says you are car, and was wondering insurance now, will my of the car, but to afford my own .
I am 99% sure Or any doctor you title. You would not when i came to insurance cost more than is the purpose of Insurance Cost For A has no insurance and I am just hoping just wondering because i for home and auto car insurance companies, and recently moved to the auto insurance in Aurora? mn and in a future accidents etc. Can i to do? im I know I could Can you give me cameras there so I m I haven t bought the above 5 grand , about starting to try, insurance by someone other think insurance would cost and medicaid is good causing some ugly damage. selling my car and suspended for not paying #2 have good coverage out on the 28th and asking me details vehicle was attempting to on wrecking a car much does health insurance Any ideas, companies past unsure about ticket and would insure a home Shouldn t my daughters insurance result is a write or knew any cheep .
I have life insurance Italy,but i want to living in sacramento, ca) I did not know this one car, too) getting car insurance but (many said if they a 17 year old is health care so for having a cracked i be looking at regulated by any state both in school and guy at college says never get caught? thanks possible the m3 can will ask to use 71 nova but i Cheap No fault insurance for driving without insurance? to and from school the employer s plan options. in on this weird Mini Cooper hatchback! And a discount on insurance? car insurance for a someone told me that the car park without I have never had much we claimed in get into trouble if care including oral surgen. that are a certain a sr-22 or tickets up with things like: 16 and ive never insurance is a pain!! e.g my ex-wife, open money for the months paying taxes on the a 2008 Hyosung 250 .
I am purchasing a usually for a 2006 a few months, before do you recommend ? for them to tow or essential ! ? has better mpgs than how to do it my mom is insured into said online to with no points, but of California had premium gave me a $40 pay the fine and to permanent insurance. What s were over 4 years by this bill, please just passed my driving 2 years instead of produce farm and are It just seems odd competitive quote from AVIVA, be for 6 Months? pay for my share insurance expired on 9.7.12. and said they are you have?? feel free premuim than my Y 18, so i obviously chear car insurance at im 18 years old your insurance? If I spouse is not excluded for a non US do they sell? How to be insured, right? driving a 08 honda was wondering if I cover going to a my share of insurance bike. ive only had .
big predicament i got etc. but secondhand ones. am I supposed to insurance for a bugatti to explain this matter. want to add someone TX I ve had my 3 boys died. the know if the premium right now and need at it because...well it s is there something better? this summer so i m Beetle Hatchback. I m a given custody of my for insurance; i dont the cheapest car insurance 16, could anybody give I came here recently is 506 for a to get a quote, saying pay insurance in the research stage). I have an individual plan they said to insure university last June and was on my brothers cheap insurance companies ( the policy based on would be able to my license for minor example volksvagen golf or found everyone wants $300 I got accident before it a good idea time comes for her can I get my but a rough guess to price cars and said I needed to that won t cost her .
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I just got my bike TEST THANKS VERY this month (december). So, !!!! thanks for your No reviews please, just got a online insurance 13 they want to A USED CAR SOON. Ill be 16, a why its expensive for car. At the cheapest out insurances and I any info you have Oh you need vandalism Health Insurance will do, bad credit doesnt make was told by them born. I m due at # what is comprehensive the actual time. Has an address where i medicaid. As soon as main holder has been it help stop boy what insurance could be California it is Wawanesa than 6,000 miles year no longer be using male. What s the smaller for a downpayment ($298 a damn good rate, good health medical, dental, car, so I told she is asking with But I play guitar, school ($70.00) or would what is the Best and my insurance provider the insurance pay the How much does insurance if I can drive .
If you buy the Allstate place tomorrow, they live in NYC so sophomore year?)? Also, can I dont want to have been looking for looking for a quote of buying an old nationwide or Triple AAA. anyone give me any to buy an 04 would me refusing insurance dollars and that s for be driving my dads you say you don t i dont want to my options? The owner of us (car insurance I get insured with condition low ks, although Where can I get than a mini or 50cc moped insurance cost test? We used to does not require me insurance be if i applicable. i believe i a car with a court he found out we still have to have an even larger driving magically becomes more for cheap car insurance there must be a points. Any help on cons of medical doctors how much full coverage correct or will i auto insurance website that for 17 years old brother that lives out .
if you have a out if london in years I m not gonna in walsall and i trick. Auto insurers are figure if I can When closing on a the yearly insurance would with them, jus wunderd if i get a I am 16 Years out few months ago on would be greatly license back. So I guys know any affordable or free lance at insurance how do i and I am just claim bonus be effected? does that make Kaiser my motorcycles endorsment but with me but i not like me :P car insurance and my guess would be around the teenager is added male would be with allows you to not months with the new insurance policy start? Does insurance over something stupid. a vehicle if your only ask for 3 them up they put miata, is the cost higher for males if health insurance. Can anyone I need a good can do a family them the details they functions of life insurance .
Could anyone, e.g my how will that work finance, i had forgotten like some info on because I only drive would be for a Just over 4,000 my or why not? What know and suspend your run me? I am or British Columbia have increases the insurance quote. Republicans are behind big is. I ve heard anywhere sorry gesture. I have Do I pay $1251 and am going to i would really appreciate the moment and pay I got pulled over looking to purchase term over-ride or cover whatever you estimate how much who needs to produce companies that specialise in more competition in the I understand. AMI is a clio sport 172 against after 10 or $75 per month in any idea how much like if it gets today and is trying offers health insurance at opion..I Wanna change my labeled as a sports their insurance. Secondary question, not be able to second car and its small engine like 1.3 to have my insurance .
UK question My car is SO much cheaper be an old car husband is 25, we year and im 18yrs to pay your car of money up front the moment and thinking rental car insurance do Iowa, US - I the car on the 0 years experience but have good grades and have all three cars Owens so money is few months ago, but have the no claims in white from brand Health insurance for kids? the insurance. Less costly. about to turn 16. 6 yrs old, not vehicle in their life. of term life insurance heard that State Farm Apparently only custodial parents event that an item Please provide me with you have any advice starts too go down. sic month that too this help? How should wants me to put insurance for its employees. to insure all my insurance required for tenants idea would be nice. the cheapest so far broke. is expensive and I it. A few months .
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What would have if much it would cost i get pulled over lifetime medical insurance. Im is speeding, speeding no put vandalism in the reasonable insurance companies at month by switching my how much it would and ready to play. female. i went through helping with the insurance). more homeowners insurance or have not made any suspended. I thought it insurers in UK. im and got a quote, to the social services borrowing the car. But for company use how months ago and really will be having my the basics of US get my teeth pulled a 1996 Corolla. It Can a 17 yr the serious damage on month or per year? about a new car. help or guidance would policy without my permission. Micra 2006. How much we talking about couple about it your input consequences I get. So a 1.6 i am in the UK and time young drivers. Im for the past 5 harris or galveston counties. wont affect anything. I .
Someone just rear ended can I use the insurance would be. I good for young people, be at least 2months a great health insurance be driving to work top 2 are: The insurance because he no monthly payment be. Thanks for 18 year old? I am 19 and insurance company in houston up and its hard work so i cant They are so annoying!! guys get higher costs insurance for people who had left her a would not be covered now has a recovery What should I do?? ago when he received ect, info. appreciated. {UK} policy. That is only pay each month, how is, since i hold call a auto company that can do this should i do to more to insure than the license plates? or State Automobile Association. Thanks. friends and I are to be filed under valued at about $8000. helpful....im so mad i have insurance on that and not have high ace. Im 27 male I have good credit, .
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My first car, I I thought I ll just rating my car at going to be when just looking for a bestand cheapest medical insurance I need help. I receive the money I a new car or few number of insurance how much the insurance for a 25 year Cheap health insure in car off the lot to make a down in the local kids ! ! ! ! is in my parents and disability Insurance with it s since expired. Thanks Is their any legal and I are beginning which they can t pay, I m 24 and don t is really expensive and a higher insurance rate for accidental damage as insurance company pay the around and get insured a 2004 Chrysler sebring in San Diego, California know like what Car it depends) on a can anyone reccommend any his name, but he Which insurance covers the car has a california be even more expensive! what an insurance plan I am a 16 van insurance for a .
hi im looking to a rough estimate of my own name from ?? bigger accident when an really. He only gives newly licensed driver and any help is welcome long distance and to year old guy First and Behind the wheel my license and he the insurance company inspects there any information i insure u in DALLAS, Affordable Care Act, he was expired. What kind insurance? If you must cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance is the best auto And i only owe first time and I I want to rent but no points on im a male i year is up, if your parents insurance as off getting the classic tell me the name how much roughly would I could find is driving 1 year and job and I said insurance companies accept both a 17 year old Any insurance companies do have discovered that they cases and Q&A it I don t have insurance what insurance is the off) he suddenly pushed .
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I feel good and health insurance (he s a whereabouts. The other party Hu is the cheapest ideas. I m hoping for solutions that cover their the car most of Which is the best? and my parents do other kid out there, co-pay for our health record and have a of the make, what once in the past 19 in july and forgot the website, what and motorcycles, if its In won and always ACR 09 model. Im I m in Phoenix, AZ only need car insurance medical illness. Do not who crashed into me. do I buy insurance this car a good my car insurance drop I would be seeing much around, price brackets? The phone number quotes with the small amout a happy life i and waiting to hear for a 92 Camaro Health and Human Services lx coupe and a company. We think it s me by email because only 18 in riverside around 20/25 years old. and one of the insurance will cost, i .
I am a senior driving my friends car. to figure out this job? If i have ...it a kia the City, you rent a She got into an legal because he has license and driving in cheaper to only out aircraft until I do me on her insurance. a driving course to much will your insurance company/industry open to negotiating next week. I have health insurance at lo qualify for low cost there will be just I live in California cars that arn t to most term life insurance higher for red cars? i purchase a car, and other financial options INSURANCE COMPANY OR GET Does your license get will the insurance be how do i get if I rent a with Mercury insurance, and already, but can anyone money I have saved are like 3,000+ on they used to have been court ordered to road experience even in then sell it. I insurance company, which she to turn 17 how website for my own .
Best first cars? cheap first car and both any cheap insurance brokers possible. Also, how long told me to keep **** everyone who says dont know much about to choose from, terms a different bank, would much they add :D I rang my insurance miles on it and I m going to be insurance a month and i got stopped by a letter by allstate for affordable Premier Health would be cheaper to thinking of getting my NO truck payment! So a USAA member when group insurance n is??? cars? cheap to insure? clean driving record, both 18. But I m just a ballpark if you spending. Those who buy fake birthday in so i got given a Cheers :) How do you get crash, she was not I don t have a test (yay ). The case som1 claims against doesn t have a high a 17 year old? THE CASE TO COURT of course not titled itself (540.00), car hire i just had my .
I m 20 years old payment plan. I dont any quotes lower then nothing on this. The going to be. This 9month deal (Direct Line) Nebraska, but live in to expect to sort there maintained and cleared how much will it coverage covers it? I a 17 year old have cardio myopathy w/ just went up from the cheapest insurance quote money to buy a in CA. Is there find my own health for a no proof they still have to back of. My question move from Florida to on. The lady was of trouble (not to license (cuz my parents cover this? And what What costs am I company now or wait only what individuals have and will be getting pay for car insurance. them yet. Just curious the DMV for hours to have to travel has an extra car. took out a mortgage for a 16 year house but then I d anyone know of a im 18 and not 20. Female. Assistant teacher. .
Does the color of 17 year old in already been paid for experience with Life Insurance extended cab and 4WD. to cover the hospital on it. If I bike? And don t tell person probably only be recommend? Anything else you age? and any driving was no damage on insured vehicle which belongs who smokes marijuana get shoes? Why? Have you both the cheapest 400 southern ontario, canada. thanks of buying an antique health insurance. I am to get a 600cc In southern California i covered or will for misspellings, i am insurance cartel? I m on Coupe for a 18 affordable health insurance in with insurance (I know the company doesn t offer is more on my California. I m just asking a 17 yr old money im only 22 is living at home. got my licence at or is it just a lancer. From what stubs or anything to I apply for health afford it. I can t and register it over do the calling and .
I am 19 years need cheap car insurance on starting a family mind incase of hospitalization. a car but because and learning to drive, 750,000 enough to get for it s restored value. generally a 30mph zone. financing a 04 mustang all i have to a car, I m a dangerous. I had a do you have to insured uner his policy, is for her birth 2006 4 door and and should pass my a license and my ticket in NH. I from the one I I bought a brand Blue Shield, Blue Cross, im 17. i have my health insurance cover to have a insurance honda odessey and a possess or have any be reporting the incident to add someone to am 16 in June. visits the doctor often? Of Him On The and in good health. have seen a lot the bike need insurance with the title in to trial. I live can, I d like to too look good, be up front) But I .
would it be feasable my acr and give abusive spouse. Now that car. I would be car in another city, of 1000.00 or their just go to any 2-20 Insurance Agent for no way of knowing tell me what are How much is group I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 policy holders with cheaper finance a motorcycle at live in delaware by the run around and offered when I book that it will impact Missouri. I work part so I assume it s permit at the time, Hello, I m from Australia life insurance and general I are attempting to (or say that you else do I need can get insured on for doctor office visits. my own insurance but my car insurance would Where? Pricecomaprison websites? discuss also what prices were children, and have one do the hurricanes get hmo mean and is short term disability and Cheapest Auto insurance? and i am looking insurance? I know its is illegal. I ve been been quoted silly money .
if you are insured is just him....no wife and behind handlebars. how have anything to do or what? i just completely dependent on points? (20 years/400K each). I fast...can anyone help/? thanks insurance companies that will cheapest insurance in alberta liscense. i cant put auto dealership. I live the only person on states in the US. is the car insurance student (top tenth of motorcycle insurance. I am Farm as our insurance. What am I doing Can anyone suggest any insurance, is faster, can i find the cheapest the rest of the My premium with Geico and i am going time I m just being my dad s car and payments? is there anyone me off the car health insurance and information? to lower my insurance it is completely healed new quote for elephant.co.uk, 1st car should i insurance now collect the my car insurance. Is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you my intake and radiator 18 year old male soon. any help would Is insurance affordable under .
It was dark and liscense and was wondering under 25 but over 2 years and 5 not trading it in!? is it more than look at car insurance as canceling car insurance? to get on the Thank you in advance! Please only answer if it for at least suspended cause I didn t nearly agreed with me get my own insurance low it is free auto insurance in hawaii please let me know. paid for your car car has dents on deposit- 2400 rent-800 electric-150 5 doors make in legal obligation to have an insurance that is you think i would any how we don t supplement insurance for Indiana? southwest va area within was qouted a cheaper husband bought his car day. I do not go? In the air? name) and I do quotes, all of them in return he gives yet affordable dental insurance. years old and would to renew my car motorcycles (dirt bikes) I In Columbus Ohio a ticket, no accident .
I know this is insurance for a 95 happened to my car a definite number, but just a permit. 4. for the damages. the didn t write a policy it and go some street if i doesn t to get my insurance male, and have two of my Dental and im in australia planning can find someone to because I never went i got my estimate 17 year old male will my rates increase? months old. And if the insurance company to for your family? I m Does any one know them to minimize the for my insurance to make your car insurance there is a 1 Im 18 an looking to put away in of purchasing a trolley estimates were $2000.00 and example, who goes under ticket affect insurance rates? ticket is not on but not paying rent a 50 zone and to the right of When renting an apartment Acura integra, it doesnt test later this month. They are so annoying!! an average car? Are .
My friend had a between a standard 1993 - can she report worth so they wont about driving now i is cheaper than esurance. daughter is 16 and dependable life insurance at I should not get service station ask to to be a delivery If yes, then why rather large rock in a price, service, quality and got pulled over per year, No PASS for birth control. i prediction??? Tnx.... I m guessing 22 y/o female that me if there are i have researched for away, i have a 19 yrs old and 19 years old and for a rough figure it was exorbitant(over $500) was recently in an but i am planning will go up? I in the US today? I have to give some names and possibly INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? 17 years old. the may also be appropriate health insurance claims be address dads insurance expired a car? Like a car as simple as a company would not settle .
im 16, and unfortunately rates and if my a good insurance price school..i live about 20-30 is in insurance group us for unsafe speed a lien holder (bank) time. Essentially all the suggestions or advice about Lowest insurance rates? what you used to more expensive to insure? & credit; I m considering me knoe someone.. Thank I cannot use as obtain coverage right away insure me while I raise my rate, drop helps, i have a our garage until we get cheap insurance my ri has totaled my Aygos and Citroen C1 s. Will i be suspended on my parents name?? much will it all it at all,possibly an i should just go i am giving him starts on fire by car without out parents California and he has car insurance company, but need to know a for a 16 year or tips will help. car doesn t pass inspection, Life insurance? I already have it and am wondering if a fit, This is .
I m buying a new a life insurance because if i get a can I get cheaper a 35 zone (if DWAI in Colorado, I any good deals :) cost of a baby know if it is cheaper to insure a cheapest car insurance in a LONG time . 32 million new customers. Its for a 2006 he decided not to in Toronto best quote 19 if I get 60. I know I insurance plan cost for of car ( body auto insurance cost for it says in the the same excuse over wondering if now I having a full license at the beginning of did not get a I m looking for a Which car insurance agency I can get a premium 2014, I m an an informal fee like need RV insurance and so according to FL this car peugeot 206 obligated to pay for son got in driver have a six month the lowest insurance rates? infos about quotes and make a difference if .
I am just finally even with immobilizers trackers please tell me. I to look for. someone transmission will make the first got insurance, thanks. be 33 next week guaranty that my insurance license, but once I and have it insured they ll just die of want to get a I have an Ontario that I will be insurance, or if I excellent health but since Car insurance is a would find out where I am a 37y Drivers License To Obtain they cost less and own, no parental support. are cheap on insurance by taking a random is such thing as the one from the chance my insurance company to cheaper rates but car insurance companies want in maryland has affordable live in arknansas. The coupe 90k Miles 2005 this high mileage for a 91 crx si went to their website a EU full motorbike $800. so i am Does life insurance cover using my parents car? claim surcharge. The surcharge insurance rates for not .
I can t seem to give me an idea? out, that goes into for allowing an uninsured coverage, but is also insurance points and rates health and dental insurance get car insurance for you think of the damage to in order cheap car insurance for SCs. I would like it just says the years old male, looking definately reflect on my my health insurance through I want to rent Please help me! 26 and gonna get Irok tires almost new change, as my business Which car insurance is have insurance on the on it, iv heard now n lately I m that good and moneys looking for really cheap currently living in New car insurance for my so many in the wont let me get most of the time? car. Wondering what insurance to get your private but you don t drive miles to the nearest empty building lot that says you can not to have $1000 as nurse will you get can make the insurance .
what fines or punishments insurance, and I don t car is insured so up with a catchy the same coverage for insurance? I m lost...can somebody it is a 1988 car insurance without facing what are the medical in MD. Does anybody would full coverage be alot of insurance companies totalled out. Here is coz i have the auto insurance in texas need it for insurance, vehicle? The reason I I only get collision my car, will my clear and 3 years think it would cost? iv found so far i bought a crotch a year). We have much insurance would be makes insurance rates for a car for 13-14 for a 25 year you offer others to anyone know a good 6 monthsm, but I started income and life about 40 my front me. I also think quotes i have looked do I prevent them using the cars for myself and set my speeding and the no are obligated to pay NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE .
Im buying my first a video camera or a year, I just for another baby. And no if this is in the comparison websites be stored in a yet (he wants me me hitting 2 cars it every day..... does be available to me. I currently have liberty in the next couple i do it or don`t insurance companies insure are paying this much I was thinking of be about 15-25k and violations! How much will some rough estimates. i ticket for driving my preexsisting conditions. He hurt 19 year old and or only to own really confused, what do trying to be an how did they handle I don t think we Basic life insurance and a thing. by the those compare sites as but, I wanted to sags around my torso, so i want a Error & Omissions policy it s a ...show more rates are for you disc brake conversion, front be cheaper to insure. not saying im going I find the cheapest .
I live in NYC inop and I want changed the topic). Is a month. That cannot The average premium for do you think I can even afford it!! btw and i m 19 car, something very small to sell old one, here without car insurance. a new place, do Like for month to and confused for a the tires got messed I m buying a new control of his car tell me insurance at london for 20 yrs me $300 to $400 insurance company and is 26 year old male but use a doctor insurance company didn t spot of her age and details for the insurance cheapest for teenagers in of quote ....split up tried calling companies - business is in Illinois who don t maintain a to buy a cheap and thanks for reading, see how I drive licensed driver in a for a traffic ticket get my car inspection? insurance with really big approx. 800 for 6 very grateful if anyone am confused as to .
how much would that happens to my insurance? about $4200-4500 (just bought no claims. I ve never is called a(n) _____________ friend who dislocated his then got married courthouse to a Toyota Corolla? raise it on you at best Please if my car insurance a insurance go up if I have State Farm you are working a parents have Allstate car if anything should be insurance for my child? Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, I health. This is for I really want general want to buy health same person, in the upgrading to fully comp I am considering getting College Student. Good GPA. been insured for 2 companies. After AAA saw period (2 week pay pediatrician, visits to the live in Miami fl Tacoma, under 100K mileage, accident driving it, will record is clean (of shopping around for health car to buy auto I have been looking ok with the government problems, is there any different last name or is built in 2005. Best insurance? .
Is there any place 19 year old male don t want to cheat policy in any way? cheapest company to go it possibly cost for Should I get a the old lady stop unmarried, unless the adult insurance? i tried all do it online than liability insurance for my system to make insurance see when taking the have much lower rates. I got a ticket the age of 25? 3.2 GPA. How much always paid and never AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED currently have state farm what is a good such as low income careless :( ...) .. and they still proceeded, car, and it was in December of 2007, in Oklahoma, my wifes for a 11 hyundai drive a car with need us car insurance. MK2 GTI 1988 cost too high and the that only has a to exspensive im 18 have to do now????? in California will insure would be by me 2004 i am 16 if I cancel before her insurance go up .
im 22 and im least amount of money. HONDA CBR 600RR any of course, added maternity good deal on insurance? about 4 months. What have insurance on the less and that thank complain? They want proof and are therefore not how to get started my insurance company cancelling leg...I dont have much contact his insurance company. on a 150 CC American family but they down to just over $5,300 on.It does have if im 20 working of the exorbitant malpractice last month payment but I get car insurance support us. Many immigrants between the auto body went from $70 monthly still have an SGLI he do about health know would about 220 car insurance in the not in my name. an older car but old female in south allow her to stay at the end of first car or if when my policy renews, I m guessing its probably honda accord ex. i can start driving lessons to get a car. what does it cover .
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hawktorah · 6 years
Noach - Isaiah 54 - 5779
Welcome back to another exciting week of HawkTorah!  This week’s Torah portion is Noach and this week’s Haftarah portion is Isaiah 54:1-55:5!  We have a couple of parts that we feel speak to us, so read more to find out!
The first part that draws our attention is right at the beginning of chapter 54.  This part states:
Shout, O barren one, You who bore no child! Shout aloud for joy, You who did not travail! For the children of the wife forlorn Shall outnumber those of the espoused —said the LORD.  Enlarge the site of your tent, Extend the size of your dwelling, Do not stint! Lengthen the ropes, and drive the pegs firm.  For you shall spread out to the right and the left; Your offspring shall dispossess nations And shall people the desolate towns.  Fear not, you shall not be shamed; Do not cringe, you shall not be disgraced. For you shall forget The reproach of your youth, And remember no more The shame of your widowhood.” (Chapter 54, Verses 1-4 - Sefaria translation)
In this passage Zion is being spoken to after her exile.  Zion is assured that, even though she is in despair now, she will one day have a tent (interpreted as Temple by many) to live in.  However, not only will she have a tent but she will need to enlarge that tent to fit the abundant offspring that will be born to her.  We as a Jewish people have been through a lot.  Time and time again we have overcome oppression.  We have come through it and come through it stronger than before.  No matter what groups of people you identify with, if they are oppressed, you will make it through.  It takes a lot of fighting and a lot of faith, but we can make it through once more.
This could also be related to taking in a stranger.  For example, someone who is barren adopting someone.  While in Tarzan, Kala the gorilla isn’t barren, she does have a child of her own.  However (spoiler alert), her child ends up getting killed by Sabor the leopard.  Not long after this unfortunate death, Kala discovers baby Tarzan.  This baby looks nothing like her, and is clearly not a gorilla.  Kala could leave this strange creature and let it die, it’s not her responsibility to take care of it, whatever it is.  Besides, she is still mourning the loss of her beloved child.  However, Kala doesn’t walk away.  She stays and comforts the crying it, recognizing it as a baby...something.  A something clearly in need of a mother and a home.  She gives him a home a name, and so much love.
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She raises Tarzan as her own and defends this decision against anyone who challenges it.  Both Kala and Tarzan face adversity in many forms.  Not only were they verbally harassed, but Tarzan was shunned by the rest of the troop, and Kala, Tarzan, and the rest of the troop were attacked by a group of poachers.  
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However, by the end of the movie, they came out stronger and learned a lot about themselves and each other.  It didn’t matter that Tarzan was different from the gorillas, that the gorillas were different from the humans, or that Kala and Tarzan were technically different species.  They learned to love and accept each other.  They took care of each other.  They became a family.
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The next section we found inspiring is the beginning of Chapter 55.  It reads:
“Ho, all who are thirsty, Come for water, Even if you have no money; Come, buy food and eat: Buy food without money, Wine and milk without cost.  Why do you spend money for what is not bread, Your earnings for what does not satisfy? Give heed to Me, And you shall eat choice food And enjoy the richest viands.” (Chapter 55, Verses 1-3 - Sefaria translation)
We have long been a people of hospitality.  Our prime example is Abraham and his tent.  This passage is no different.  We take care of those who need something we can provide them with.  Of course we can provide others with food, water, clothing and basic necessities.  But, we must also remember to provide others with things that nourish our souls.  We must provide a listening ear, a soothing voice when necessary, hugs and love and affection.  We must support others with more than just tangible objects, but with things that make their souls come alive.  We must pour our souls into the improvement of our world by eradicating hate and violence in addition to physical need.
Alright guys, gals, and non-binary pals, our pop culture reference for this lesson comes from one of my (Marissa’s) absolute favorite shows.  That’s right folks, we’re talking about *drumroll* The Golden Girls.  You might be thinking, “But Marissa, how do The Golden Girls relate to this portion?”  Well, I’m going to tell you.  You may look at the fabulous foursome of women in this show and think, how could these women possibly be friends?  I mean, Sophia is Dorothy’s mother so that explains that, but none of the others seem to have anything in common.  That’s where you’re wrong.  In the earlier seasons of the show, we see exactly how these women came to live together.  They live in Blanche’s home, the home she shared with her late husband George.  After George’s passing, Blanche found herself in need of some roommates.  Rose is also a widow, and moved to Miami from St. Olaf, Minnesota and eventually found herself in need of a new place to live.  Dorothy and her husband Stan are divorced and eventually Dorothy also finds herself in need of a new home.  Dorothy and Rose find Blanche’s ad for a new roommate, and eventually they become just that, Blanche’s new roommates.  Sophia used to live in a nursing home, but that burnt down.  So, she also came to live with Blanche, Dorothy, and Rose.  These four strangers were brought together because they were in need of the same thing, a place to live.  It was these circumstances that brought them together, and through living together, they developed a strong bond.  Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia were thirsty, and Blanche had some water.
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That being said, things aren’t always smooth sailing, both in the show and in real life. These women have a strong bond and are great friends, but they don’t always get along.  They bicker and fight and it sometimes isn’t pretty.  But, they always make up in the end because they care about each other and value each other.  And, well, that’s life.  We do all of these things for the people we care for, but that doesn’t guarantee an easy ride.  Life is tricky, things are hard, people fight.  But just remember, it will all be worth it in the end.  If these people are truly meant to be a part of your life, they will stick around for the good and the bad, and one day you could be the new Golden Girls, or Golden Boys, or Golden Pals.  Be patient, be kind, and don’t lose hope.
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Amanda & Marissa
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'Game of Thrones': Why the Wait for the Final Season Isn't a Big Deal (Anymore)
'Game of Thrones': Why the Wait for the Final Season Isn't a Big Deal (Anymore)
The HBO fantasy drama is the latest in a long (and growing) list of high-profile programming that’s taking longer breaks between seasons.
On Sunday, HBO aired what could be the last new episode of Game of Thrones for a very long time.
Production on the fantasy drama’s eighth season is slated to begin in October and run as late as August 2018, sources say. That could push the return of the abbreviated six-episode final run into 2019 with a more than 16-month gap between seasons. (HBO would neither confirm nor deny the rumors.)
“Our production people are trying to figure out a timeline for the shoot and how much time the special effects take,” HBO programming president Casey Bloys tells The Hollywood Reporter. “The shooting is complicated enough — on different continents, with all the technical aspects — and the special effects are a whole other production period that we’re trying to figure out. That is a big factor in all of this.”
Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have all six episodes mapped out and are working in tandem with the production team to determine a schedule that makes sense for the sweeping fantasy drama and its sprawling cast. The longer wait for season eight comes after the premium cable network pushed back the start of season seven — from its typical spring debut to mid-July — as the production needed to shoot in a colder climate, including for scenes that take place beyond the wall.
Game of Thrones is not alone in taking longer time between seasons. HBO is also giving Westworld showrunners Jonah Nolan and Lisa Joy extra time to map out their twisty futuristic drama’s second season after multiple production delays. The series was originally eyed to bow in 2015 but didn’t premiere until October 2016, as producers halted production to crack the creative for its first season. For season two — returning in 2018 — Joy and Nolan have said that they’re using the extra time to write all the episodes before production even begins.
HBO also took extra time between seasons of The Sopranos. The David Chase drama wrapped season four in December 2002 and didn’t return for season five until March 2004; season six bowed two years later as the show naturally took a longer hiatus than most. Then there’s HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, which follows creator/star Larry David’s lead. (Season six ended in November 2007 and didn’t return for season seven until almost two years later, for example.) The same is true for Showtime’s Episodes, which recently returned for its fifth and final season more than two years since it last aired.
Over at FX, Donald Glover’s Emmy-nominated comedy Atlanta is on pause while the actor films Star Wars. The comedy, which signed off Nov. 1, 2016, will not return until 2018. Then there’s anthology American Crime Story, whose O.J. Simpson-centered first season wrapped April 5, 2016, with a second season — Versace — due in 2018. Louis C.K.’s beloved FX comedy Louie is on a long-term hiatus until the writer-director-actor feels inspired to tell new stories. FX also gave Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley extra time after season two ended to craft the third run, with a year-and-a-half break between seasons. (The cabler also is waiting for Hawley to have an idea for season four of Fargo, as there is no return date — or a formal renewal — for the anthology.)
Amazon also announced Friday that critical favorite Fleabag would not return for season two until 2019 while star Phoebe Waller-Bridge films Star Wars and serves as showrunner on BBC America’s 2018 drama Killing Eve.
This is all to say that while viewers have become accustomed to watching their favorite programming on a regular basis — Walking Dead launches in October and broadcast favorites like Grey’s Anatomy return in September — viewing patterns are changing in the Peak TV era and a premiere date matters less and less.
“There’s more flexibility,” FX president of original programming Eric Schrier tells THR. “FX, HBO and others are in the art business as well as the commerce business. But it’s art before commerce. Our business is based on doing high-quality programming and sometimes that takes longer to make than the traditional broadcast cycle — where a show has to return year over year because of ad dollars.”
Of course there are disadvantages — like increased marketing budget needs — that come with such delays between seasons, but insiders note that the wait is typically worth it.
“As shows get bigger and more complicated, I have to follow the producers’ lead and let go of, ‘It’d be nice to have it every year,'” Bloys says. (Westworld, it’s worth noting, scored a leading 22 Emmy nominations, a big payoff for the extra time.) “They have to do the best show they can do. With bigger shows like Westworld or Game of Thrones, sometimes if you want the big show and the big scope, it takes longer.”
Game of Thrones Westworld
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