#<- genocidal cunts
greencarnation · 10 months
So yk how Taika, Rhys and Con are Zionists? I think we all know by now. (People supporting them anyway I fucking see you)
It gets worse. Remember how they killed Ivan off screen and kinda just erased him? Turns out it's because they fired the actor, Guz Khan, over his support of Palestine last year. Last year. None of this is new, but I'm glad we're finally waking up to it
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xtruss · 7 months
Folks! Kick Genocidal Joe Biden, “The War Criminal, Demented and Complicit in Genocide in Gaza,” Out of Oval Office in 2024!
During U.S. primary elections this year, hundreds of thousands of voters have chosen "uncommitted" rather than endorse President Biden, who they say is complicit in genocide. Primary elections are used to determine the Democrat and Republican candidates for U.S. national elections. The grassroots movement began just a month before primary elections in Michigan - home to one of the largest Arab American populations - and quickly spread to other states.
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sergle · 3 months
this stupid fuckin youtube recommendation was specifically formulated in a lab to piss me off
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neechees · 11 months
Telling a Native American to "understand nuance" do you know who you're fucking talking to. I'm watching Israel taking notes out of Canada/America/Mexico's playbook when committing genocide against Indigenous populations & witnessing it all over again.
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the-gom-jabbar · 11 months
The Bene Gesserit: All these years of careful planning wasted. The Duke's child was meant to be a girl and marry Feyd-Ruatha, uniting the Houses of Harkonnen and Atriedes.
Feyd: yeah but like where's the problem?
Bene Gesserit:
Feyd: I mean I'm not gay but I'll fuck him if that will keep you all quiet for five minutes.
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totallyseiso · 4 months
If Israel really gave a shit about their national security, or whatever line they're using this month, they would stop the killing and allow a Palestinian state.
Oh, you need to be safe from the scary freedom fighters? So that's why you murder whole families, leaving the survivors with nothing but a desire to prevent this from happening to their neighbours?
The people willing to fight and die for freedom are just so threatening that you have to give them more of a reason to fight?
You're scared that there will be violence against you so that's why you walk away from the few truce talks you bother to show up to?
If national security really was their priority they would take peaceful steps to ensure future security, rather than ensuring they have generations of enemies.
They don't want security. They want supremecy, and violence is their only means to get it.
But they won't have it. Palestine will be free, and the world won't ever forget this.
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ahaura · 10 months
if your reaction to the release of palestinian "prisoners" (hostages who were kidnapped on either entirely false or exaggerated charges which are often followed by torture and solitary confinement) getting released and reuniting with their families and their people - often times, for the first time in years, or since they were children and are either still children or have gotten older while imprisoned - and your response is "israel shouldn't release criminals" 1) fuck you 2) you're getting blocked 3) i hope YOU are never put in a position where your entire existence and the mere instance of you existing on your own historical land is criminalized and you are so dehumanized to the point where your oppressor not only seeks to demonize you and condemn and mock and ridicule every facet of your life and your struggle and your desire to live free of oppression but to also erase you entirely from the historical, human record of existence.
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bitchfitch · 4 months
this is a vent post it's not meant to be actionable I just need to get some shit off my chest.
Tldr I come from an Exceptionally poor border town. The sort of place where you grow up with permanent lung damage from the mold growing in the school rooms bc there's no money to fix it. the sort of place that has no clean water but does have a Coca-Cola factory sitting on the other side of the river from us draining the one water resource in this fucking desert so they can sell it back to us in bottles and cans bc you can't drink the water that comes out of the tap. the sort of place you have to drive three hours one way for medical care.
This is a town with an 80% Hispanic population. The 20% that's not is here because of the military base that's been leaving tanks outside my grandmother's house.
Trump fucking killed my home town with his war on the border. He's called it out as a place for the righteous gun loving white Americans to take their guns to to protect the free country from" Mexican drug dealers and rapists". while ignoring this shit hole of a town has been settled longer than it's been a part of the US. My aunt's have sent pictures of maga facists walking the street outside the fucking mold ridden elementary school with rifles because it happens to be the same street that connects up to the Mexican town on the other side of the river.
And no one does Anything about it bc the few police officers who are locals and actually give a shit about the insane crime and kidnapping rate are beholden to Border Control who are still loyal to trump because he upped their pay enough to make escaping this town a possibility for their families.
Biden is going to hell for his support and complicity in the ongoing Palestine genocide. but so far he's passed bills that are going to pay to get our school fixed. our water clean. People who were locked up by ice under trump are walking free because of reforms Biden passed. I'm terrified for my family every single day because of Trump's actions in naming our home as a seat of the fucking cartels. My cousins are going to get to grow up without their water coming out of the sink yellow bc of Biden.
it's been fucking Impossible to handle the cognitive dissonance of the "can't handle the trolley problem" website looking at these two and saying they're the same. and I know it's because no one ever actually gave a shit about the poor brown people in our own fucking country Trump wanted dead on top of all the brown people he wants dead globally. but still. it's just fucking irksome to spend four years as a leftist gotcha only to be dropped as soon as we became inconvenient to their narrative.
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hussyknee · 10 months
Yesterday I watched a video of a toddler in Gaza playing with a little red bicycle startle and cry at the sound of a bomb. Today I found the IOF had invaded their house, shot and killed the little boy in front of his mother and thrown them all into the street.
And it wasn't even the only child on my TL that had been killed the same way because the IOF are taking over all the houses still standing in Northern Gaza. They took over the school shelters, made the men hiding in them strip to their underwear in the freezing winter, lining them up and shooting them like dogs. They're ripping up hundreds of years old trees in groves. THEY'RE FLOODING GAZA WITH SEA WATER.
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xtruss · 8 months
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storm-of-feathers · 10 months
There aren't only three genocides happening. By the way. There's been at least ten ongoing. None of you cared about them until you could hate jews about it, though.
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aceofspades-sml · 11 months
Ice cold take but you should care about Gaza. Especially if you're from a western country actually, because you live in a place fully supporting Israel and the genocide. So take a minute to shut the fuck up about the World cup, whatever new movie just came out or the party you are throwing tonight and please just talk about palestinians getting murdered
And no I'm not apologizing for throwing this on your dash because if you don't care about this I don't even want you following me
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paradisekore · 11 months
I genuinely hate the ‘I don’t support Israel or Palestine … I’m for humanity ❤️” liberal dipshits mfs more than actual Zionists
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BREAKING| The Ministry of Health:
⭕️Israeli forces continue to transform Nasser Hospital into a military outpost, endangering the lives of patients and medical staff.
⭕️25 medical staff and 136 patients at Nasser Hospital are without electricity, water, food, oxygen, and without medical capabilities for severe cases.
⭕️The WHO's efforts continue to evacuate the remaining patients to other hospitals for treatment.
⭕️The Israeli army still refuses to allow medical and humanitarian aid into Nasser Hospital.
Source: Quds News Network.
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ahaura · 1 year
my support of colonized, oppressed people is not conditional. there is nothing, NOTHING, that justifies the implementation and enforcement of apartheid or genocide.
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postgameroutesix · 5 months
it just really makes u really really sick doesnt it
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