littledigits · 5 months
Not sure if this is going to makes sense..... but
How does one approach studying Timing and Spacing in animation ?
Like, how would you go about taking notes/
Or observing and studying Spacing and Timing of an animated scene mindfully, so you could apply it to your own work.
Do people just watch an scene they like on something like youtube, and go frame by frame, noting down how many frames have past between each keyframe as well as the spacing by thumbnailing them down ?
I'm honestly kinda overwhelmed, and frustrated cause I have a hard time nailing down the kind of timing I want (specificlly getting that 'snap' kinda feel)...
I don't like how 'floaty' or 'smooth(?)' things tend to turn out when i try to animate ;-;
IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. My friend I give you big support vibes cuz I had such a hard time understanding timing and spacing. It comes easier for some but not others and thats ok. I had to learn how to be boring with it before I got comfortable enough to experiment and I can still easily get stuck in my box. I would say that reference is a HUGE PART of making animation work. Over time you can build up your mental library and you may not need as much and just go off of your own thought process but thats something you build up to. And most people when they start will find things either can be jittery or too even, and thats just part of training your eye! Snappy animation can be tough too ! but thats why learning from it is GREAT. Gosh theres so much you can learn from frame by framing things - especially classic hand drawn stuff. So i 100% would recommend finding some ref of the style you want to emulate and just try it out and 100% -figure out how many frames in between , seeing just how much they manipulate the pose, anything really! Its not about getting it all right, its just about breaking it down and learning a few things at a time and going 'OH maybe ill try that out next time' I think you going ' hey this feels too floaty and isint the vibe' is you exactly describing what the problem is. Your in-betweens are probably very evenly spaced out- but thats a really common problem when people first start. But the solution is just as you said - REF. And in animation that is more of a part of the job then anything honestly, same with storyboard. and learning a lot from eachother. I FEEL YOU THOUGH. I was there too, and it took me longer then others to be able to get what I want. But you're on the right track , just dive in to doing that good good frame by frame and then trying it out yourself ! here are some links that you may find useful as well ! https://gingercatsneeze.tumblr.com/post/145037677357/1-ah-fai-was-a-chief-animator-for
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thesharktanksdriver · 2 years
a Magical Girl and the justice league 1 (platonic)
Part 1 part 2 part 3
Tagged: @harpy-space @mxtokko @viviyene
I shall make a part 2 sometime for the other members is just cause this already took me long enough lol
Also I’ll probably make one but for the light
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It’s about a month after your initial adoption by Bruce that he knocks at your door one day
After you welcome him in your now adoptive father pokes his head in, a once empty storage room now full of personality and life
It makes him smile, especially as you you breathed a new sense of life not only here but also across the manor
As it turns out Superman, has practically been begging Bruce to bring you to the next Justice league meeting
And while Bruce wasn’t demanding you to go, he asked if you’d join (only if you were comfortable with it though) in the next few days
Safe to say you didn’t hesitate to say yes
Like fuck yeah your going, your not missing the opportunity to meet Wonder Woman…oh and the other ones
(Across the world several hero’s felt a chill go down their spine yet didn’t know why)
Each day you get more excited, your practically buzzing with excitement throughout the day and into the night
It gets to the pint that everyone kinda notices especially since your usually kinda stoic in the sense you control your emotions
It truly makes you seem like your age for once, bustling with energy and having a bright smile that makes your cheeks hurt after awhile
When he does take you (the others tried to convince him to let them come along he denied them) your extremely ecstatic
Your hand is slipped into Bruce’s, magical girl outfit practically sparkling in contrast to his grim and dark uniform
Safe to say it’s a culture shock to the rest of the league when the doors open to reveal you and Bruce
Y’all have the complete opposite aesthetic of the entire Batfam
You sit down, scooting your chair to a more comfortable distance near Bruce who hides a smile at the sight
Though the entire league is talking about serious stuff it’s obvious what their actually paying attention to
Your lightly kicking your feet under the table, Rigel curled around your neck and furiously taking note about what everyone says (lol)
You even colour code the entire transcript of the meeting
When the entire meeting is over and things have been discussed, Bruce is like “oh yeah this is my new kid. Say hi y/n” “hi” “let’s get this over with”
And then you have several adults crowding you looking at you with awe
Clark aka superman is the first to introduce himself, he reminds you of a golden retriever with how bright his smile seems to shine
He’s friendly and gentle, a certain enthusiasm in his voice as he lightly hovers above you till you use your powers to do the same
Bruce is brewing in misery as you, him, Hal and Martian man Hunter form a hovering squad
As he talks to you he kinda sends some slightly passive aggressive jabs at Bruce
Kinda salty his best friend didn’t fucking tell him how he adopted again, and that he didn’t respond for the 15th time to bring the family to his farm
He’s really happy the Wayne household has someone who’s as calm and level minded as you
God knows the amount of times he’s lost sleep wondering how Alfred keeps that house afloat
Thinks your outfits really fun and adorable, especially finds it cool that you can magically change it at will
He has a soft spot for small animals (he secretly befriended a few possums when he was a kid) so he loves Rigel
You haven’t told him that Rigel is an inter-dimensional god yet and your not sure he’d believe you
Definitely tries to convince you to meet his son and visit much to the chagrin of Bruce
Listen, Bruce likes Clark but he can be a bit overbearing for his and most of his families nature
100% will offer you a slice of his apple pie that Lois packed for him
Half the league doubles takes cause he’s never done that before and the last time flash ate it he was brooding in the corner
No matter the situation if he sees you he’ll give a polite little wave and smile even if it’s during a battle
Like once he and Luther were going at it but then you casually strolled by, both stopped gave you a hello and then right back into their fight
His wallet has pictures of Jon, Connor and Kara, and he’ll spend an hour talking about them
For April fools you buy him green rock candy as a joke and he eats it in front of lex
That leads to Luthor having a fucking panic attack now thinking the ONE thing that could seemingly kill him was now basically nothing to him
He finds it really funny if you change your outfit to look like a mini him cause it makes everyone (but especially Bruce) poute
When you find out that the only thing that separates his identities is a pair of glasses you end up not believing it
Until green arrow chimes in and is like “yeah that’s it”
Your silently wondering if people in metropolis just know he’s superman but don’t acknowledge it
Your betting on it with Flash and Aquaman
As a joke you begin calling him overpowered and a “Gary stu”. He’s so confused but doesn’t say anything
You sometimes go to him for writing tips for essays since he’s a reporter
And he absolutely helps you get an A without any effort
Lois and the rest of the family really want to meet you and he makes his fact very apparent
When your class trip went to metropolis he definitely does a fly by for fun
It makes you smile at how he makes the class erupt with cheers
Is definitely concerned for your safety but also your mental health because of the amount of stress you have over being the only one able to kill the “shadowmites”
He’s definitely glad Bruce has taken you under his wing and your basically safe wherever you go since you have some inate ability to befriend literally everyone by accident
He doesn’t really like you being friends with certain villains but as long as their not hurting you then he’s not complaining
Wonder Woman aka Diana Aka your favourite definitely catches on that she’s the favourite
And not to brag, she’s totally lowkey happy about it lol
She’s been your favourite hero since you were a kid since she was one of the only female ones
She reminded you of the magical girl cartoons you’d watch for your only bit of joy in the day
Thus you have a lot of respect for her
She finds it really cute that you look up to her so much
Especially since your such an amazing young mind with a kind heart
She doesn’t need her lasso to get that your telling the truth when you talk about basically abandoning your life to save others
100% tells you about themyscira and the Amazon’s whom she calls sisters
Definitely like everyone else finds your outfits really cute especially when she’s surprised by something new each time
Like the others she’s silently worried for your mental health but is at least happy you now have Bruce and his kids to help you as best they can
Maybe started a bet about what other villains you’ll end up befriending
Her bets are on Klarion since she has a feeling you’ll work whatever magic you did on Damien who’s similar in the fact that he’s a chaotic ball of anger
While meeting her you kinda inched your chair closer to her, she noticed and thought it was sweet
Bruce definitely pulls her aside as your talking to the others and explains that yeah “your the favourite” which makes her laugh at his kinda sour expression
At some point she places her tiara on you and takes a photo cause your super happy
She might be testing the idea of maybe taking you back home for a weekend cause she knows everyone would be really happy to meet you
Since she’s kinda immortal you go to her sometimes for history projects
She’s always happy to help especially since she really enjoys talking of all the change she’s seen over the years
It kinda makes her feel fuzzy that someone is interested since she kinda assumes most people find history boring
Definitely lightly teases you about using her as a source for your project lol
One day you show up with your magical girl outfit somewhat resembling hers and she’s gonna treat you like your her mini me for the day
And all Bruce can do is watch with the expression of “this is my life now. My kid is getting adopted by others now as well”
He is content though with how happy you are and how you don’t seem to ever not be able to bring a smile to others as well
She’s kinda iffy on you being friends with villains but after seeing them full on pause as you pass by she’s a little better with dealing with it
But she does worry that you might be influenced by their behaviour
Also she 100% can tell Rigel isn’t a normal Ferret and is the only one of the league to actually believe you
She’s not sure where he’s from but she trusts the white fur ball enough we’re she knows they’ll protect you
Flash/Barry Allen is sliding near you at the justice league table and leaving little post it notes with doodles and making funny face when no one’s looking
What can he say?, he’s good with kids and your not an exception to that either
He’s kinda like a fun uncle
The one who’ll pick you up and place you on his shoulders before running around base
Out the then all he’s kinda the most laid back of the bunch
Sure he can still get serious when the time calls for it but on the other hand he’s a chill guy
He’s also the most in touch with stuff than the others so when you reference something he’s like “I get it!”
While the others stare at him in confusion as you high-five him
Sometimes you like asking hims questions about his powers and y’all try to test it out
Bruce has had to stop him many times and put him in the figurative time out corner
He finds it fucking hilarious when he once walked In on your practicing and you had a giant battle axe as your magical girl weapon
Gives you several nicknames like “sailor moon” or “madoka”
Y’all definitely watch anime on your phone when no one’s watching
He likes messing up your hair only to see it go back into being perfect about a second later
Kinda is now tempted to go to the future and see what you do later on in your life
So he can then tease you about while your looking at him confused
You like to joke that he does shit too fast and he jokes back that your just two slow
By god Bruce is gonna kill him if he begs one more time for permission to gift you knockoff merch of your persona for the 50th time this week-
Pranks…just gonna say be careful cause he’s already on thin ice after the last time he pulled one
He likes telling you stories about his nephew and how proud of him he is
He finds your outfit pretty neat especially since you can change it by will whenever you want
Please be warned though that having anything yellow and red themed may be a bit iffy for him
Bruce probably warns about that beforehand along with not bringing up Barry’s mom
Probably finds it funny that your hanging out with villains n shit
Like especially since your kinda bow just like a neutral ground/entity
Finds it hilarious the juxtaposition of your aesthetic and personality vs big bad Bruce
Rigel is his lil buddy and likes curling up on his shoulder
Kinda gets cosmic vibes from the ferret though
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mirai-e-jump · 5 months
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TV Guide Dan Vol.51, April 2024 Issue ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Cast Members Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki Interview (translations below)
Publication: April 5, 2024
"Please tell us about the other person's role in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger."
Iuchi: Ishiro Meita, played by Yuki-kun, may look cool at first glance, but that's just him hiding his true character. Whenever I play the role of Taiya Hando, he's a character that makes me think, "Ishiro trusts Taiya." Going forward, we'll gradually get to see his cute side.
Hayama: It's true that Ishiro has a wide range of emotions (laughs). My impression of Taiya is that he values his intuition. So far, there aren't that many scenes in the show where the two of them talk together, so we don't know what led to their relationship of trusting each other, but I have a vague idea of what part of Taiya made Ishiro fall for him.
"Can you name some similarities between your roles and each other?"
Hayama: This isn't just me, as other cast members and Director Nakazawa Shojiro have also mentioned it, but Haruhi's personality is getting closer to Taiya's day after day. At first I thought I was the only one who thought that way, but when I told everyone, it seems like they think so too. I feel like he was chosen because he was the one meant to be Taiya.
Iuchi: That makes me happy (he's embarrassed). I didn't know you were talking about that.
Hayama: Taiya's a character who works quietly by himself, and Haruhi's the same way on set. During break time or when he's with the cast, he's always in a talkative mood, but before filming, he reads the script quietly by himself.
Iuchi: Now that you mention it, I think I may be like that. I like to spend time with others, but I'm also the type of person who values alone time. Yuki-kun is…
Hayama: (leaning towards him) I'm cool, just like Ishiro, right?
Iuchi: Uh, y-yeah (laughs). But, to tell you the truth, I feel that both Ishiro and Yuki-kun have a gap. They look cool at first glance, but in reality, they're cute…
Hayama: Isn't that just gap moe?! (*being attracted to the gap between one's appearance and personality)
Iuchi: That's right (laughs). In particular, I was amused by the fact that Yuki-kun recently won a figure and tote bag in a lottery for his favorite anime, and he's been carrying the tote bag with him all the time. He even takes it when moving from the waiting room, where you normally don't have to take anything with you. Seeing him do things like that, even though he's older, I think Yuki-kun is so cute that it's unfair.
"How did you become friends?"
Hayama: My hobbies are to go ramen hopping and going to saunas. When I mentioned this, Haruhi said, "I'm interested!" From there, we started going together for awhile.
Iuchi: Right! I was interested in both and wanted to get into them, but I had just moved to Tokyo and didn't know the city at all…Now, I've started to follow Yuki-kun's example, and made a photo folder with just ramen.
"What kind of ramen do you like?"
Hayama: Basically, I like everything, but I especially love Chinese soba with a soy sauce base. What kind of flavor do you like Haruhi?
Iuchi: Originally I was a soy sauce person, and liked thin, hard noodles, but recently, Yuki-kun took me to a restaurant similar to "Jiro" and I became addicted.
Hayama: It might've been a bad thing that I told you about it (laughs). The next time we have a day off from filming, us four guys, including Saito Ryu-kun and Soma Satoru-kun, should go together.
Iuchi: Yeah! It can be like alittle treat for us.
"To begin with, are you two outdoor or indoor people?"
Hayama: I'm a total indoor person. My hobbies are watching anime and reading manga.
Iuchi: We're the same. I also watch anime, movies, dramas, and have recently gotten into reading, I also play the guitar as a hobby.
Hayama: Well, if we were going to spend time together indoors, Haruhi should play the guitar as background music while I read manga. That way we can enjoy each other's hobbies.
Iuchi: Ah~ I see. But, if we were to spend time together, I'd like to go to Akihabara. I don't really go out if I'm alone, so I'd like to look around at the things we share a similar interest in.
Hayama: Alright! Come to think of it, it might be fun since we have so many things we like in common. The other three main cast members of Boonboomger are outdoor people, so it's good to have people like that by our side!
"What's something you'd like to ask each other?"
Iuchi: Ummm…when you were a student, were you smart?
Hayama: So suddenly?! why?
Iuchi: Yuki-kun, you seem like a smart guy. However, when I thought you were cool, you turned out to be surprisingly different.
Hayama: I see (laughs). I think my grade level was above half? It was alittle above the average score, but it wasn't really that high…wait, Haruhi! Are you trying to ruin my image with this interview?!
Iuchi: No, no! I'm not! (laughs).
Hayama: (laughs). This is going to be a serious question, but as I mentioned earlier, I feel that in a very short period of time, Haruhi has become more and more like Taiya, and that everyone views him as such. I read the script and make a certain plan before going to the set, but once I saw the way that Haruhi played Taiya after I got there, I changed my plans. When acting, do you do anything in addition to reading the script?
Iuchi: Hmmm…If I had to say so, I'd say that at random moments during my daily life, I think to myself, "Taiya would make a move like this right now." For example, I've always been the type of person who looks down while walking fast, but I think that Taiya would straighten his posture and walk slowly, so I've been trying to do that.
Hayama: Heh~. So, Taiya's character is taken from daily life?
Iuchi: Yeah. Otherwise, even though I'm playing the role of Taiya, I feel like I'd inadvertently come off as Iuchi Haruhi…As an extension of that, from the moment I read the script, I try to read it while keeping in mind that, "I'm Taiya Hando."
Hayama: Amazing. I'd love to learn from you!
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loudlittleecho · 3 months
Too Late to Save Them: Frozen in Time.
Part 3
Paul had moved the Ice Growler into a shed. He had needed that field, after all. The ice had repaired itself from the previous chips, but never grew larger or smaller. It was just one of those things one keeps in a shed. Out of sight, out of mind, unless you need something.
It had been a year. Two, maybe? From Paul’s estimates, when his son found it. His kids visited every so often. Becks, his oldest, worked as a librarian. His son, Nathaniel, was a. . . stock broker? Banker? Paul was never sure what his son did, but Nathan was always talking about his ‘next big break’. Paul loved his kids, and he and Sara had made sure the two had a decent enough education, and that their wills were fair between the two. Especially when Sara’s cancer diagnosis revealed itself.
Well, Nathan was fit to be tied about the ice in the shed.
“Dad! Do you know what this means?”
Paul added another helping of green beans to his plate. This was a ‘dedicated meal’. Sara had made the kids promise- you will visit your father once a season- this was one of those meals.
Rebecca– Becks- visited more often, though Nathan typically visited only the four times a year.
Nathan continued. “This could be my big break! Ice that never melts?? Dad, I could compete against the Stanley and Yeti brand- I could sell it to medical companies- I could sell it to anyone! I– we could make millions! Why did you not tell me earlier?”
Paul took a swig of sweet tea. Nathan always got very animated when he got a new idea. That’s what he was, an idea man. Becks had a concerned look on her face.
“Dad, have you checked if it's safe, though? What if it’s dangerous?”
Paul loved his children. Becks, the overthinker, and Nathan, the optimistic.
“Bits of it have been in the fridge for a few months now. Nothin’s gone bad. Fridge hasn’t been plugged in for awhile.”
Becks placed the spoonful of corn down. The little family shared who brought what to their dedicated meals. Paul had supplied the iced tea, corn and green beans. (this year he hadn’t managed to shuck and peel like he used to. These were from cans, but he had made sure to rinse and season them thoroughly) Becks had brought the ham and mashed potatoes, and Nathan brought Bluebell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and store bought brownies. (the brownies had a discounted sticker from the grocery bakery. Paul was just glad Nathan was there).
“Dad. . .” Becks said worriedly, while Nathan jumped up. “The fridge! Really!”
The rest of the evening had a different pace from previous dinners. Nathan was on the phone with different “investors”, while Becks was on theirs researching about unmelting ice and effects of low levels of radiation in humans. Paul thought Becks had finally mastered Sara’s tater recipe. It was the butter. For a few years Becks had tried a ‘fat free’ healthier butter. It seemed to Paul that this year Becks had finally admitted that regular butter (and a heaping spoonful of it) made the best mashed potatoes.
. . .
It had been two weeks. Becks had bought him a new fridge and had brought replacements for everything he had in his other fridge. She told him she loved him and was just worried about the untested ice. (He mentioned twice about paying her; Becks just shook their head both times with a “Dad, I don’t need your money. I just want you".)
Nathan had asked him to borrow the ice. Have it tested. Have his investors look at it. Of course, Paul agreed. He wasn’t getting any younger, and if this really was something Nathan saw as helping people, “of course dad! Think of the diabetics!” Well, who was he to stop progress?
. . .
Nathan had asked his dad to give him the ice. Paul wasn’t sure. If what Nathan said was right, this could make Nathan a lot. . . and he needed to be fair between his two children. Nathan snapped at him. “Give me the ice. Becca can have the farm.” Paul still gave Becks a call. Becks had murmured something he couldn’t hear, but did say: “If you want to change your will that’s your choice dad. If Nathan’s plan doesn’t work. . . I’ll make sure Nathan’s ok. Don’t you worry.”
Paul trusted his children. The overthinker and the optimist.
He updated his will.
Part 4
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achillesmonochrome · 5 days
Ranting about the end of mha, almost two months later; because why not.
This is in regards to you-know-who losing you-know-what.
I imagine people know by now but in case somebody is scrolling to the tag, spoilers about the end of MHA.
So, for reasons that nobody really cares about; I stopped reading the manga for awhile, and came back for the ending.
Reading that Midoriya didn't have OFA was sad, but I thought that surely, there was a good reason for this, truly, this was the only way. So even if I felt was a bit contrived he getting a suit at the end that basically gives him his powers back; it had his friends paying back the kindness Izuku has shown to them, and he kept his dream so, it was just a minor hiccup on the ending.
Because my country is a fucking shit shot and I needed something to take my mind off things, I ended up rewatching the my hero academia anime, watching for the first time the seasons I missed, and ended up reading the manga bits that I had neglected all this time.
And with that insight in mind...holy shit what was the point?
Izuku giving OFA in order to somehow "break into Tenko's core" just feel completely contrived? Like okay, they made Shiggy too powerful, I can get that much.
But the fact that "the only way" to defeat him was to attack this core with the quirks? The idea of somehow throwing a quirk strongly enough (how does that even made sense)? Why Izuku needed to reach this core in the first place?
What was all of that?
"Duh! He wanted to reach the little boy crying!"
I'm sorry, was I dumb to think that was a metaphor for Shigaraki deserving saving, even if he was a villain who Midoriya couldn't forgive, and not somehow looking like Shigaraki had DID and Izuku wanted to reach a specific identity stuck deeply in the mind for some reason?
Was this really, the only way he could do this? Let me remind me you the idea of being a core, and that the core needed the users to break it for some reason, were all new things introduced not long before Izuku had one of the past users give him this idea.
This isn't like the vestiges, who appear as early as the Sports Festival, this came out of the blue; and truly, Horikoshi could had come up with another ending.
This didn't save Shigaraki, Izuku didn't even attempt to talk to Shigaraki and save him honestly; so why did we need this? Why did it had to end this way?
This rubs me the wrong way specially with Izuku getting the suit; because we had this nonsensical reason for him to give up OFA, just to end the story with him basically having that back.
Sure, the suit isn't OFA, and I think it would be a neat idea exploring how the suit may need things like maintenance, being careful not to break it, and things like being taken by surprise making him more vulnerable than other heroes.
But this is the end and the story doesn't explore any of that.
And look, as much as I love the idea that class 1A and Bakugo specially, wanting Deku back as a hero, enough to fund this project even if Izuku seemed content with his life, I just feel we took the little stakes we got at the end, just to be like naaaaaah.
I was willing to let that go, because I thought there was surely, a good reason to give up OFA.
But knowing how things actually went down...what was the point, again?
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 11 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Enjoy the fluff...because the angst is coming soon *evil cackles*
Warnings: Steddie related smut and fluff, nothing too dramatic here. Just feels.
Word Count: 3181
You grinned as you sat on the back porch watching Dylan kick a ball around with his sister. Aurora was a few months shy of 3 and you felt like time was flying by. The more she grew the more she took on Eddie’s features. Her hair was wavy just like his and she preferred like her father to have it long. Every time she laughed, she cackled like he did which always made you laugh harder. 
She was definitely a daddy’s girl, always becoming excited when Steve or Eddie walked in the door. Of course, she didn’t understand that her parental situation was much different than the other children but she did grasp that they were both her dad. Ro seemed to come up with her own system of getting their attention if she wanted one more than the other. 
You three figured out that when she called for daddy, or “Da-ee” as she pronounced it, she was referring to Eddie. When she wanted Steve, she would say dada or dad. Dylan’s name she always struggled with but seemed to settle on Din for the time being. 
Things were going a lot smoother at home now that Steve had finally graduated. A few months ago, he started teaching social studies at Hawkins Middle school right down the street from the high school you worked at. Since he was so close, you two were able to have lunch together and your son was able to catch a ride with him since he was going there as well. 
The day he started sixth grade you felt like you wanted to curl up in bed and cry all day. 
“Mom! Calm down. It’s just middle school. I’m not going off to college yet.”
“Yet! Stop growing! I hate it. I feel old.”
He laughs as he gives you a big hug and you kiss the top of his head. 
You loved knowing that Steve would be able to keep an eye on him but he promised Dylan he wouldn’t embarrass him. 
“You don’t have to talk to me or anything if you don’t want to. I’ll just sob at my desk after you walk by.”
“Dad! Seriously! Oh my god. Why are you guys acting like things are going to be any different?”
Scott, the owner of the mechanic shop, DID pass it to Eddie and true to his word was able to be home a lot more. With his new income level, he had started setting money side for different things that made you fall for him even more. 
“Ok, so this is for Dylan and this one is for Ro.” He slides some papers across the table for you and Steve to look at. “Every month these accounts will take a certain amount until they graduate high school. They can use these funds for college or whatever they want to do.”
You and the other man exchange a look as you beam at each other. 
“Nothing. Just…all of our children are growing up!”, Steve teases as Eddie sticks out his tongue.
“Daddy!”, Ro shouts as she waddles towards the porch. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” Eddie lifts her into his arms, giving her a hug as he comes to sit beside you. “Baby.”, he grins giving you a kiss. “What are you three doing out here?”
“Din ball.”
“You’re playing ball with Dylan? You wild animal.” She giggles as he kisses her cheek before placing her back on her feet so she can continuing having fun. “What about you, mama?”
“Oh, you know. Just drinkin’ booze waiting for my rockstar and professor to come home.”
“Well shit, Y/N. You’re going to be waiting awhile then because neither of the men you love are there yet.” You smile as you lean into him and he wraps his arm around you. “Steve and I have a surprise for you tomorrow night.”
“Please, no.”, you playfully whine. “Every time we have a surprise, I always end up crying or pregnant!”
“Don’t worry, baby. You’ll love this one. I promise.”
Since Kierra had a date, Robin was babysitter tonight, donning a huge smile as Steve invited her in. 
“Hey Robin!”
“Hey, kid. You ready for me to kick your butt at video games tonight?”
“Pfft, like that will ever happen.”, he grins as he throws his backpack over his shoulders. 
“Here. Give this mommy.”, Steve whispers to Ro who takes a box from him and runs to your side. 
“Mommy! Dada…” She hands you the gift and turns to point at her father.
“Hm. Is this from dada?” Aurora claps at your understanding and nods. 
“Well, from dad and daddy.”, he winks.
“Do you want to help me open it?” The toddler giggles as you both tear into the present. 
“Dress!”, she exclaims as you lift the beautiful green garment up to inspect it. “Purty.”
“Guys… you didn’t have to—”
“We know.”, Eddie chuckles. “Go put it on, princess.”
You kiss and hug the kids before running upstairs to change and do your hair. It had been a while since the three of you went out anywhere especially anywhere in a date like setting. As you descended back to them, your breath catches when you find both men dressed up as well in black suits. 
“Oh wow. You two look amazing.”
“Us? Goddamn that dress looks beautiful on you.”, Eddie grins as he takes your hand. 
“Did I miss something? An important date or did YOU miss something.”
“No, honey.”, Steve laughs. “We wanted to do something special for our anniversary.”
“That’s next weekend though.”
“That is correct, sweetheart. But Dylan has a game Saturday afternoon and Ro has that birthday party she was invited to. With this being our 5-year mark of us getting married, we didn’t think it would be fitting to just celebrate at home.”
You beam at them as you link your arm through theirs. 
They took you to an expensive restaurant just outside of Hawkins, insisting you get whatever you wanted and chuckling when they saw the apprehensive look on your face. 
“On day you’re going to understand you DO deserve all this. I don’t know what we have to do but we will figure it out.”, Steve grins. 
“I just…it’s too much…and I feel like I don’t do enough of this stuff for you guys!”
“Sweetheart, you married us, took our last names, and gave us two beautiful kids. I think you’ve done more than enough.”
“Aw, Eddie. That was disgustingly cute.”
He laughs as he playfully grabs your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss. As the meal progress and the wine flows you three take the opportunity to really talk about things that you feel like you haven’t been able to due to your busy lives. 
“How are the kids treating you, Mr. Harrington? Is it better than dealing with customers at Family Video?”, Eddie asks.
“Eh. I deal with a different set of customers.”, he laughs. “I love teaching. Seriously, the kids are great but some of these parents, man. Fucking hell. One mom wouldn’t return my calls about her daughter struggling until the report card was sent home. She yelled at me saying I didn’t try to notify her enough.”
“Sounds about right.”, you grin. “I’ve gotten a few of those.”
Steve clears his throat as he brings the wine glass to his lips. “Ironically, it’s the same girl our son has a crush on.”
“No! Steven Harrington are you serious?! How do you know he likes her?”
“Are you kidding? He sits with her at lunch, walks her to her classes, and I overheard him offer to help her study.”
“Ha-ha! Kid has game.”, Eddie says with a huge smile. “Now all he has to do is play the guitar for her and she’ll be totally smitten.”
“Oh my god.”, you cringe. “My baby is growing up too fast.”
“Definitely come a long way from the little boy who knocked on our door and called us ‘Mister’.”
You grin at the memory. You had no idea how much that one interaction would change your life forever.
“What about you, Munson?”
“I, unfortunately, have nothing as exciting as you, sir. Work wise anyway.”
“What do you mean? Is your mom bugging you again?”, you ask him.
“Uh, not exactly. I actually wanted to tell you guys about this but…”, he sighs. “My dad has been sending me letters.”
“What?”, you and Steve say at the same time. 
“Yeah, I haven’t opened them mostly because I already know what he wants and there’s nothing he can say that would make me want to testify on his behalf. Wayne went over there last year and commanded he leave me and my family alone. Seems only my mother listened.”
“Eddie, baby.” You scoot your chair closer as you intertwine your fingers with his.  “Maybe…maybe we can go down there and talk to him.”
“Hey, no. No. Promise me you won’t go down there, Y/N.” His fingers lifted your chin to face. “Promise me.”
“I promise, Eddie.”
The man releases a heavy breath as he kisses your forehead. “What about you, babe? Still nothing from your mother?”
You shake your head. “And that’s fine. I’m more upset with how I explain to Aurora why her grandma doesn’t like us but… It was hard even talking with Dylan about it. Half of the family he grew up with doesn’t talk to him anymore.”
“He hasn’t mentioned Charlie at all. Not to me anyway.”, Steve sighed. 
“Me either.”, Eddie followed. “I’m kind of surprised Charlie hasn’t tried to call or anything. He just kind of gave up.”
“My son told me what happened when you went to pick him up after he took him. I genuinely believe that him calling you dad shook something inside of him and now he thinks Dylan doesn’t want to have anything to do with him which isn’t true. I don’t know.”, you shake your head. “I haven’t found the courage to tell him Vivian is pregnant. I feel like Charlie should tell him… I don’t want him to feel like he’s being replaced.”
“Never a dull moment in the Munson-Harrington household.”, Steve replies holding up his glass of wine. 
The three of you giggle drunkenly as you stumble into the child free house. 
“Oh my god, it’s so quiet. I love it.”, you slur as you sit at the bottom of the stairs. 
“It is pleasant but it feels weird.” Eddie leans forward, placing feathery kisses along your neck.
Steve crawls past you two on his hands up the stairs and into the bedroom. You and the metalhead grin when you find him on the floor on his back. 
“I’m fine! I just need a little break.”
After tossing your shoes to the side, you grab a pillow and place it under his head as you fall beside him, curling up to his chest. Eddie comes down with you, covering you with his suit jacket before placing his head on your tummy and closing his eyes. 
Your eyes startle open as Steve’s watch beeps at 7am, reaching over to quickly quiet the device. Both boys were still knocked out so you carefully tried to reach above you to grab your purse so you could look at your phone to make sure Robin hadn’t tried to call you guys but you misjudged how far it was, spilling its contents on to Steve.
“Jesus Christ.” 
“Baby, oh my god. Are you ok?”, you giggle as he groggily smiled. “I’m so sorry. I was trying to get my phone.”
Eddie’s arm suddenly moved to search his pockets before producing it in his hand. “You asked me to hold it for you.”
You thanked him as you snapped it open and scrolled through your messages. 
“Dylan still beat Robin at video games and Aurora threw a tantrum because she wanted to stay up late with Viki.”
Steve rubbed his eyes before taking your phone to look at the pictures she had sent. 
“Seems like she’s going to be a night owl like Eddie.”
“That’s my girl.”, the metalhead laughs. He pulls himself up into a sitting position as you do the same, leaning against the bed. 
“Well, we still have four hours before we need to pick them up. What ever could we do in that amount of time?”
You smile as Steve’s arm grabs your own lifting you on to his lap. “I’m sure we can figure something out.” His lips connect to yours as you slide your tongue along his own. As your hips grind against his, his fingers delicately trail down your shoulders bringing the straps of your dress along with them. 
You moan as he licks down your chest to your tits, open mouth kissing your nipple as his tongue plays with the bud. Turning your head towards Eddie, you reach for him and he scoots closer to encapsulate your lips with his own. 
As you crawl over to him, Steve brings your dress down your legs and tosses it above him onto the bed. Eddie’s strong arms hold you to him as you rub yourself against his pant covered groin. 
“Fuck…I still think you two are so sexy in suits like this.”
“Yeah? You want to make yourself cum while we’re still wearing them?”
His palms slid down to your ass as he guides your movements. A stuttered breath left Steve’s lips and you both turned to find him stroking his cock as his lust filled eyes watch you intently. 
“There you go, sweetheart. Cum on my lap.”
You whimper as you cling to his neck, pressing your lips to his so he can swallow your moans as you cum. 
“Come here, honey.” Steve reaches for you, helping you to your feet before placing his hands on your ass, guiding you forward as his head dips between your legs. 
His tongue eagerly glides between your folds as you run your hands through his hair. Eddie leans over the boy’s lap, taking him into his mouth, and bobbing around him just the way he knows Steve likes. 
His moans vibrate against your clit, driving you crazy. “Yes, baby. Just like that. Your mouth feels so good.” 
You mewled at the sounds of the metalhead gagging behind you as he took the man as far into his throat as he could. 
“Fuck me.”, Steve groaned as his head tipped back. “Stop. Stop, stop, stop. I’m going to fucking cum if you keep doing that.”
Eddie wipes his mouth as he moves out of the way, allow you to descend on to Steve’s cock. The man brushes your hair from your face with his hands as you grind and bounce against him. 
“I love you, Y/N. Still fucking beautiful—mmm—God…” His lips passionately kissed yours as your hands roamed his chest, absently unbuttoning his shirt so you could feel his warm skin. Steve’s arms wrapped around your back, lifting you up and placing you on the floor underneath him. 
Hastily, he removed his suit jacket with his shirt, tossing it to the side as he thrust his hips against yours, placing his palms on either side of you for leverage. Eddie tenderly reaches for his face, bringing his lips to his own. 
Your pussy clenches at the sight, reaching your fingers between you two to rub your clit. Your free had reaches up to caress the metalhead’s cheek and he turns into it, gently kissing your fingers before leaning down to kiss your lips as well. 
“Fuck…I’m…Steve…baby, please.”, you beg. His chest falls to yours and your arms wrap around his shoulders as he roughly rolls his hips into yours. You whimper his name repeatedly in his ear as you come undone around him.
“Yes, honey. Oh my god.”, he mewls as his breath and pants warm your skin. He chases his high till a few moments later you feel his hips sputter, clinging your legs tighter to him, as he pumps his spend deep into your body. 
As soon as he pulled out of you, you watched with hooded eyes as Eddie fully slid his pants off and took the other boys place between your legs. You both moaned as he guided his dick into your entrance, watching himself as he slowly pumped his cock in and out to the tip.
His hands grasped your thighs, opening them as wide as they would allow as he smirked up at you. “Princess, I could watch myself disappear inside of you all day. Fuck… you feel so fucking good gripping me.”
Eddie’s strokes were precise, pushing himself deep into your cunt making your toes curl. Steve leaned towards the other man, placing gentle kisses down his chest, along his stomach, to your bundle of nerves. You moaned as his tongue flicked rapidly against your nub while the metalhead ran his fingers through his hair and pressed him harder against you. 
“Yes! Fuck! Don’t…don’t stop.”
Eddie’s pace picked up as Steve continued to play with your clit, his mouth making obscene smacking sounds that made your eyes roll even as you tried to watch them. Your body began to shake as you came, screaming Eddie’s name till your orgasm stopped coursing through you. 
You lazily tugged on the man’s head, silently begging him to stop. His lips detached from you long enough to find your own. You hummed at the taste of yourself as the other boy hovered over you both as his hips smacked against yours. 
“I love hearing you cum, sweetheart. Mmm—one of my favorite fucking sounds.” Eddie’s rhythm faltered as he came inside of you.
Both men continued to kiss along your neck until the metalhead gradually pulled out of you and fell to your side. 
“Do you want to take a bath?”, Steve whispered, chuckling as you aggressively shook your head. 
“Tired. Cuddle.”
“And food, dude. I’m kind of hung over but also kind of hungry.”
“Excuse me. I am not the fucking butler. I will take care of the lady and you can go get us some food.”
You and Eddie laughed as the boy crawled towards the door before rising to his feet and heading downstairs. 
Steve lifted you onto the bed, disappearing into the bathroom, and returning with a rag as he cleaned you. 
“Thank you…for tonight. I had a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, honey. It was nice for it to just be us three.”
You nod as the other boy reappears with leftovers from dinner. “It was nice. I mean the kids are great but hot damn are they exhausting sometimes.”
“And clingy.”, you add. “I hope you know I’m very proud of you both and love you so much.”
They grin as they kiss your cheeks at the same time.
“We love you to, babe.”
“Here’s hoping we don’t kill each other in the next five years so we can do this again.”, Eddie raises his cup of water, flinching when you smack his arm. “What?! What did I do?”
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wakacreations · 2 months
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Author's Note:
My contribution to the Doni fandom. Thanks to @falcatamandarina for inspiring the piece.
Doni: I Will See You Again Soon!
Word Count: 1703
Doni writes a letter to his father recapping of all that has happened to him so far.
It's been awhile since I wrote to you. A lot has happened in just a short amount of time but I just wanted to let you know I'm safe and sound. I made it to Baldur’s Gate just like we promised to each other. The other tieflings from Elturel took me in as a part of their family. You know how I wished for a big brother or sister? I got both! 
There is Rolan who is a famous wizard. Can you believe a tiefling could own a big tower? There is Lia who is the head of a team of flaming fists. She could beat all the fists in an archery match! I once saw her run after a thief on the roof tops and caught them midair. There is Cal who runs a fun orphanage. Everytime I visit the other kids he's planning a secret surprise. Last time the secret surprise was fireworks from Rolan’s tower and we got to eat some yummy food Cal made.
Alfira has been helping me learn how to sing again. I know how much you loved watching and hearing me sing back in Elturel. It's been hard because sometimes my voice doesn't want to come out when I want it to. Lakrissa has been cheering for me everytime during practice. I feel shy sometimes when she does it because I don't feel like I'm doing a good job. I know I can sing really good like you've told me. I just don't sing as good as I used to now. Alfira believes I'm still a good singer but it just takes time to sing like before. She said that I'm a better singer than Lakrissa. She once summoned a pack of worgs to come using her voice alone. I believed her because when Lakrissa started singing we heard howling in the distance. Our lessons had to end early that day. I got to eat some nice cinnamon rolls that Lakrissa paid for. 
Sometimes I visited Dammon’s forge even when I'm not supposed to. He said that I should send him a letter first so he can finish his work early. I try to write to him ahead of time but I would forget. He would be too busy to talk but I liked watching him work on the forge. Mama K would take me on an outing if that was the case. I would help her with the groceries and we would go around visiting the new shops that just opened. I helped her pick out a new shirt for Dammon to wear. Mama K said he can always use some more. It'll eventually become a rag with how many shirts he goes through, she joked. Dammon has a lot of neat projects he's working on. A customer requested to make them a giant warhammer! The hammer was bigger than I was! Dammon, let me wrap the handle with leather. He gave me a lollipop for a job well done. He asked me if I would like to work at the desk while he worked on the forge. I told him I would love to but only when I visit. 
So, Dad when you come to Baldur’s Gate I can treat you to a meal. I have two jobs that pay well. I work at Dammon’s and Rolan’s shops. Don't worry, they said I can stop working for the day when I get tired. I can come into work whenever I want to. I can go restock the shelves or work the desk for the day, it was up to me. You don't have to worry about me spending my earned money on you. Zevlor gives me an allowance and extra pocket money to spend on myself. I sometimes use that money to give him flowers. The Commander would always smile when I handed them to him. It's nice to see him smile because he used to not smile often but I think that's changing now. Tilses said Zevlor’s been making more friends and opening up to people. Hearing that makes me happy. I sometimes worry that he would be lonely in his garden.
He has a big garden with flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. Zevlor even has those fancy hedges that look like little animals. He asked me what animal he should make. I watched him make a cute bunny. They were called “topiary artwork” , he said. Sometimes we would have a picnic in the garden for just the two of us. Other times, which is most of the time, Cal would bring the kids over to have lunch there. 
Zevlor was the host for the outdoor parties whenever there was a celebration for a tiefling from Elturel. The last party was for Lia's promotion. Everyone was so happy it was nice. Even grumpy Rolan smiled. When I went inside to use the toilet, I heard Rolan crying alone. He said he was so proud of his sister and something about the suffering he endured was worth it. I didn't know what he meant by that. I did give him a hug after I found him again. He asked me why I was hugging him. I kept on hugging him. He didn't push me away but hugged back tighter. When he let go, I walked off. Lia noticed the hug and made a comment about if he was crying. Rolan said it was his allergies. His sister said that my hugs were tear worthy and wished that I would hug her too. I gave her the biggest of hugs and then everyone wanted a hug too.
Dad, I'm not as lonely as I used to be back in Elturel. I've been making more friends. Today, I got to play with Arabella, Umi and Xan. Arabella showed me the new powers she got from studying the weave. She said she wanted to be peepaw Wither's apprentice but he kept telling her no. So, Rolan and Gale became her wizard teachers instead. Gale told her she could enroll at Blackstaff Academy and he would put in a good word in for her should she accept. 
Arabella said she didn't want to be far away from everyone again. "Who knows how rude those kids would be there anyways”, she told us. So, she is staying in Baldur’s Gate. Rolan and Gale had set up a portal that connects the two towers just for her lessons. They tried using a scrying eyes for their shared lessons but creating the portals was a better solution. They showed her the new set up for her lessons. The scrying eye would accidentally broadcast whatever the other was doing, Rolan explains to her why the sudden change. Arabella said she saw Rolan and Gale shiver but he didn't explain what they had seen through the eye. 
Umi and Xan described what it was like to live at Wyrm's Rock Fortress with the Duke and Wyll. Umi said it was strange having so many people waiting for you to say something. You had servants that would bring you everything you needed. He felt bad asking them for anything. Umi didn't want to be a bother to them. Wyll said the staff liked him and always mentioned how adorable he was. Umi was happy he didn't need to learn how to wield a sword anymore. He got to learn how to ballroom dance instead. Wyll said the next best thing to dancing in battle would be dancing on the dance floor. Umi said I could join in their dance lessons with Wyll.
Xan explained how Sa'Varsh Lae'zel (his mother) was away on her campaign to tackle the crèche strongholds that still pledged allegiance to Vlaakith. His Sa'Varsh insisted he was to stay at the fortress till she summoned for him. In the meantime he should diligently complete his combat training and learn all he could about Faerun. He enjoyed speaking with the guards that patrolled the fortress. Seeing all the nobles that entered the premises bewildered him. All the flashy jewelry, layered furs and silks looked cumbersome to move. Xan made a face when he mentioned all the perfumes that assaulted his lungs that made him cough and the smells that made his nose hurt from sneezing. As part of his training Xan had insisted to Varsh Wyll he would join in their ballroom dancing lessons. He showed us the steps had learned with Umi from his training.
We spent the whole day playing at the park. We played hide and seek. Arabella and Xan were too good at it. Next game we played was Simon says. Xan was too good at that game. So, we decided to prank him. He got embarrassed when we asked him to say "Faerun" during the game. He wasn't too mad at us for embarrassing him since it was a part of the game. We asked him if there were any githyanki words for friends. He told us it was k’chakhi ra’stil (Wyll later told us that meant idiot ally or dumb friend). There was a patch of grass that had a lot of dandelions. Arabella said we should make flower crowns but she didn't know how. Umi shyly told us he knew how and taught us how to make them. I made you a picture to show you what it looked like.
I think I would train to be bard again, Dad. I missed singing so much. Who knows, maybe you'll be in the audience once again. I don't know if I will only become a bard. I'm still unsure if I want to learn how to be a ranger or a cleric. I'll one day travel around again to find you wherever you are Dad when I'm all grown up like you. I want to let you know I am happy with the life I live now but my life doesn't feel complete without you. I miss you dad. So, write to me when you have the time. I hope you've been receiving my letters even if you can't write to me back. I'll continue to write to you till I'm old and grey. 
I'll write to you again soon! I love you dad. 
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Ooo ooo! I just got an idea that I can’t stop thinking about! What about Wanderer / Scara x Reader who’s shorter than him.
Like- imagine.
His ego would be fired up, occasionally teasing her about her height, and in bed he manhandles her to make sure she knows her place 😩
- ✨ anon <3
Hello, my lovely❤️ I really wanted to write something little. I am shorter than Scara, since he is like Five four and I..I am five two lol I have no shame in admitting that. I really wanted to have some fun with this purely just for me lol I hope it helps you think to write something like this. I hope you enjoy. Now here's the pitch ❤️
Scaramouche x fem!reader who is shorter than he is. Some smut just because.
The fact that you were shorter than he was was a total ego boost for Scaramouche. It was the first thing he noticed about you. He didn't even feel annoyed that Childe has gotten to talk to you first. He was transfixed on how Childe towered over you. You had to crane your head up to look at him when you introduced yourself.
Okay, now you were smiling. Imagine how startled he was when he thought 'I wish you stop smiling at him like that. It's annoying."
Let's call him prone to quick infatuation. Don't hold it against him, he'd always been very observant on how people behaved. Plus, you were shorter than him. He would never confuse infatuation with love like stupid humans would. He didn't. He knew the difference. He hated that he did.
You were the first person aside from children to be smaller than him. You certainly wouldn't blame him for being a little in love at first sight.
Scaramouche would struggle with the fact that he started looking for ways to suck up your time and attention. He told you and himself it was because you were lazy (you weren't, you were hard working) and it was a pain in the ass for him to have always watch you so you don't mess up. (You rarely ever messed up)
This man's mental gymnastics were Olympic Gold Medalist level.
Oh and he quickly started hating it, not only because he was falling you more and more as weeks turned into months, but his eyebrows always twitched in irritation when you paid attention to an animal more than him.
Occasionally, he really enjoyed teasing you about your height. He would always reply with a snide comment of course.
"Oh, it's gonna rain today," you said, sniffing the air quietly.
"Well, when it does, you'll be the last to know. And quit that, you sound weird (cute)."
He loved to put his hat on your head at random, just to bat it off your head a short awhile later, scoffing when he said that he couldn't see you anymore under his hat.
He would always smirk when he said these things.
It took him almost two years to accept the fact that he was in love with you. He felt almost complete the instant he finally put his hands on you intimately.
In bed, he would egg you on so you would moan louder for him or so you would dig your fingernails further into his skin, using your height to do it. He would sometimes glare you at you the whole time he was fucking you. When he has these fits, he borders on manhandling you. You loved that.
"You know, it's like your height dictates that you submit so easily to me. (He loved you were like that) I know you aren't meek and mild, now scream for me, slut. I'll always make sure you know your place."
All and all, your height was at the top of the list of what he loved about you.
a/n: help omg I'm sorry. I got carried away and this turned out longer than I thought it would..
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xdaddysprincessxx · 1 year
The Cabin in the Woods ll
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/ dead dove, again Dave is mean (he’s a bad guy) also I made him bi in this 🏳️‍🌈, death, sprinkle of angst, sad backstory, the cabin description is sooo self indulgent, Dave pov, female and male masturbation, cum eating, like 1 threat, dirty talk, food & drink, uh I think that’s it.
Summary: it’s been days since you almost escaped from the mystery man. Too bad you failed and he threw you in the basement.
A/n: Here’s part 2 babes!!! Thank you so much for all the kind words and support you’ve given on part 1. It means the world to me. This is lightly edited, I gave it a once over but I’m feeling a lot more confident with this one(:
You can’t help but close your eyes as you look up and let the sun wash over you, warming up your whole body. You’ve always loved the feeling of the sun on your face. The smell of fresh cut grass, the fragrant flowers your mom always planted every spring, the sound of kids running and playing. Being outside in your own little world has always been your favorite place to be. Just as you feel your whole body relax you notice how quiet it got and how quickly the sun has gone and instead been replaced by dark, nasty storm clouds rolling in. The smell of water flooding your nose. You open your eyes to see an empty field. The sun is gone, no sign of life anywhere. And there’s that horrible sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
The sound of rain hitting the small basement windows is what wakes you this time. Shivering, you slowly open your eyes. The basement. The mystery man. You sigh as you remember you’ve been kidnapped and after trying to escape, being thrown in this dark, damp basement. It’s been two, no three days since the mystery man chained you up down here. Honestly your not even sure how long it’s been. Even with the little sunlight you get from the windows, time has escaped you entirely. What you do know is that your starving, thirsty and you feel gross. You are in desperate need of a shower and a 5 course meal asap. Your thoughts are rudely interrupted a few seconds later by heavy footsteps right above your head followed by the chain link being unlocked to the basement door.
It’s been 3 days since Dave took you and brought you to his cabin. 3 days since he touched you and you bit his dick. Dave is no angel, he’s had plenty of partners over the years. Men and women alike and a few have tried to blow him and scrapped their teeth but never has he had someone bite his dick. At first he was surprised at how well you were responding to him and his touch. He had done his research on you of course. Dave knew all about you before he grabbed you. Had to know who he was dealing with. And yes he did expect you to try to escape but he never expected you to actually get away from him. As bad as his dick hurt, that chase was almost worth it. Something primal about hunting your own prey out in the wild and taking them on the cold, hard ground like a wild animal. He hasn’t came that hard in years.
Dave is pulled from his thoughts quickly when he realizes he should bring you some food and water. It has been awhile and I’m sure she’s starving by now. Maybe she’s learned her lesson, dave thinks as he grabs a plate out of the cabinet and gets to work making you a pb&j and a glass of water.
You hear the door creak open and you can’t help but wince at the sound of the man’s foot hitting the first step. You do your best to curl into yourself and be as little as possible. You have no idea what he’s gonna do to you and you know there’s a really good chance he hates you. You squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can, wishing yourself away when the man hits the bottom of the stairs and makes his way to stand in front of you.
Dave clears his throat, “Wake up princess. I brought you something to eat and some water.”
What? He did what? You literally don’t even believe it, your eyes snap open and look up at the man. Holy fucking shit, he really did bring me food and water! You uncurl from yourself, keeping your eyes down, unsure if you should reach out to grab the plate and cup or wait for him to put it down on the ground.
“Are you gonna grab the plate or just sit there? Here.” He says as he shoves the sandwich in your direction.
You don’t need to be told twice, you grab the plate and cup from the mystery man and begin demolishing the pb&j as if your life depended on it. Which it kinda does since one does need food and water to live.
The man just stands there, staring at you while you eat like a rabid animal. A look on his face, half in awe and the other half in disgust? Or maybe he feels bad for starving you and it’s pity? Your not sure.
“Thank you.” You whispered, barely able to get the words out. Your throat feels so sore but after a huge gulp of water, you managed to use your manners.
It almost no time your finishing your sandwich, already wishing you hadn’t ate so fast. “How long will I be down here?” you manage to ask the mystery man.
“I guess it depends. I already told you, if you can be a good girl for me the better this will all be for you.” the mystery man replies to you as he looks away.
“May I take a shower please? And more water? Maybe a blanket? It’s cold down here.” you start to beg already, hoping for a little mercy. “I’ll be good I promise. I’ll do whatever you want. Please I just- I’m dirty and cold and hungry. I’ll do anything.”
The man continues to stand there, contemplating your plea, “Yea but you listen to me. No running away from me, you have to be in my line of sight at all times. If you try anything, I’ll shoot you dead.” he finally answers.
Your eyes grow even wider, looking up at him like a deer in the headlights, “Yes of course I won’t try anything. I’ll be good. I promise.” You replied with a quickness, eager for a shower, food and a warm blanket.
“Alright come on” dave says as he grabs the key from his back pocket to unlock your chains.
Quickly you push your legs out in front of you so the man can get to the chains to unleash you. As soon as your ankles are unchained the man grabs you by your upper arm roughly to help you stand up and before you can get your footing he’s practically dragging you up the stairs.
Once upstairs, you see that the whole cabin is almost like one big room. To the left of the basement door is the kitchen, complete with a little island with a flat top grill. The kitchen then opens up into the living room except it’s not much of a living room. There is an L shaped black leather couch and a big flat screen tv on the wall but no family pictures or decorations. This mystery man is either horrible at home decor or he keeps it minimal for a reason. And the reason you think why scares you even more.
The two of you walk over towards the other side of the living room towards the back where the bedroom was. You didn’t notice it before but there is a door right next to the bedroom door. The man opens it up and flips a light switch to illuminate the most gorgeous bathroom you’ve ever seen. A deep jacuzzi tub sits in the corner directly in front of the door as you walk in, to the right is the toilet and sink. The walls are a beautiful marble gray and the wall behind the tub is a white and gray brick. This cabin is incredible. Maybe in another lifetime you could’ve met him under different circumstances and fallen in love and shared this cabin. Fucking each other everywhere like wild animals.
The man roughly shoves you into the bathroom causing you to stumble. “Ouch” you said quietly under your breath.
“Take your clothes off, soaps on the shelf next to the tub. You can take a bath.” He barks out at you.
“Um okay,” you say as you look around kind of sheepishly, waiting for him to leave or at least turn around so you can undress.
“Go on. Take. Off. Your. Clothes. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Dave tells you.
You can’t help but rolls your eyes at the man. He terrifies you but the whole macho man act he has going on is an absolute joke to you. Do you think he could snap your neck with one hand? Yes. Do you really believe he’s all grr? Partially yes but you really feel like he is soft under all these layers. At the end of the day he’s just a man. And men aren’t indestructible.
You just huff and turn around to start taking off your dirty dress and shoes. Once your naked you bend over to run the water. As you bend over you can’t help but remember how good his cock felt pounding into you. As scared as you were, the mystery man gave you the best fuck of your life. You decide to give him a little show and bend down a little more than necessary, arching your back a little, knowing he can see your pussy on full display this way.
Watching you undress and bend over has Dave already hardening in his pants. He notices the way you arch your back, almost like your purposefully putting on a show for him. He gets an idea that makes him smirk. And as long as you do what he says, the both of you will be satisfied.
After starting the water, Dave watches you walk over to the shelf and look at the different bubble baths, salts and body washes he has to offer. Originally this cabin was for him and his family. Loving wife and two beautiful daughters. They deserved a good life, much better than Dave. It was his fault they lost their lives. A few years back, dave and his men took a job and it went bad fast. The guy they were sent to kill just so happened to also be an assassin. The guy found out about Dave’s family and cut the brakes on the family van. His wife and girls died in a tragic car accident. It should have been him.
By this point, Dave realizes you were already sitting in the bath, surrounded by sweet, vanilla scented bubbles. With your head laying against the headrest in the jacuzzi tub and your eyes closed, Dave couldn’t help but notice how peaceful you looked. You weren’t a bad person. Definitely not an assassin. But you came too close to exposing him and his men and he couldn’t risk another job gone bad. That’s why he had to take you and save his ass.
Dave saunters over to the edge of the tub and crouch’s down. Looking down at your body, thoughts of taking you right here and now flood his mind. Instead he pushes a button causing the jets to go off. Immediately you shoot up, eyes shooting open, half scared, half confused at what just happened.
Dave starts chuckling at your reaction, “ Calm down sweetheart. It’s just the jets. Help you relax since you will be here for awhile. Might as well get used to this place.”
“How long will I be here?” you ask him, your sweet voice fills his ears. Wishing he was hearing your moans instead.
Dave grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks, making your face squish up and pulls you towards him, “For however long I say little girl.” he responds sternly, “For now I need you to be my good girl and listen to me.”
With a hold still on your face, he moves his so his mouth is right by your ear, “Now get on your knees and face me until you feel the jet on your pussy.” he whispers, his hot breath sending chills down your body despite the warm water.
You were stunned. The way he grabbed your face and then had the balls to whisper that in your ear, your pussy’s wet. The bitch is wet and not because your sitting in water either. You should not be turned on. The way his voice chills you to the bone. The way his touch is like an electrical shock to your system. This man is a killer. You can tell he’s done shit like this before and here you are ready to bend over and take his cock the very second he whips it out.
Speechless, you do as he says and you get on your knees in the tub, facing him. Almost immediately you feel the jet. The pressure of the water hits your clit in such a way you can’t help but let out a soft moan. Through half lidded eyes, you watch the man’s face soften as he watches you.
“Mm I see you found it. It must feel good huh princess?” he asks knowing damn well it does feel good.
“Uh huh” you nod as you shift around to get the jet to hit your pussy just right.
“That’s it pretty girl. Now touch yourself. Put a finger in that pretty pussy for me.” the mystery man said in a deep, guttural tone.
In a flash your hand moves down to your pussy and immediately you plunge two fingers into yourself, trying to get the best angle to hit your sweet spot.
The man finally lets go of your face as he stands up, the front of his lower body directly staring you in the face. He’s quick to unbutton his jeans and pull his thick cock out, already weeping precum. The sight of that alone has you licking your lips.
“Aht. I can see right through you princess. After your little stunt, it’ll be a long time before you get my cock back in that pretty little mouth of yours.” the man says, shutting down any thoughts you had of tasting him again. You did enjoy the feel of his cock in your mouth, enjoyed the taste and how heavy he was before you bit him.
Dave starts stroking his cock in front of your face. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more turned on, the man starts moaning and rolling his eyes to the back of his head as he’s stroking himself.
Holding out his hand towards you, “Spit”, he orders. And spit you do. You spit as best you can onto his hand and watch him lube up his cock with it.
Between the jet putting constant pressure on your clit and your fingers curled up deep inside, you already feel yourself getting close. And from the looks of it, the man’s close too. Without even thinking you look up at him with your best doe eyes and stick your tongue out for him.
“Oh fuck, yea? You want my cum princess? Such a fucking whore, sticking your tongue out hoping I’ll cum all over this pretty fucking face.” he growls, “fuck nngh keep that tongue out baby I’m close fuck”
You fingers start to go into overdrive, plunging in and out of your pussy. You can’t help but go over the edge just from his words. Holy fuck you just wanna be his little slut, he is right you do want him to cum all over your face so bad.
Moaning out loud, you cum hard just as he starts to cum. Rope after rope hits you in the face. Both of you breathing hard as you come down from your high, you take your fingers out of your pussy and bring them up to your face and wipe his cum off only to stick the cum covered fingers in your mouth.
“Mmm” you can’t help but let out a satisfied sigh as you taste him and yourself. Maybe it’s the endorphins from coming but you like this. Something about this man is bringing out this little vixen that’s been laying dormant inside of you for too long.
Dave just stares at you in disbelief. Did she really just do that? And already he can tell he’s fucked. Ever since the first night he took her, there’s something about her that has him wanting more. More of what he’s not exactly sure.
“Come on, finish up. When your done I’ll give you fresh clothes and some blankets.” Dave says flatly as he puts himself back into his jeans. He’s gonna pretend this little performance didn’t happen, for now at least.
Confused by this sudden cold shoulder of sorts, you finish washing your body and hair and reach to grab your towel to dry off as you step out of the bathtub. Once your dried off, you wrap the towel around you and look back at the man to lead you to the next stop.
Once he sees your ready to go, he grabs your arm again but this time not as rough but still has a tight grip and he leads you to the bedroom next door. As you walk in he stops you next to the bed and walks over to the dresser to pull out a old, used tshirt and an old pair of boxers.
“Here, put these on. I don’t have much here but this will do for now.” the mystery man states in a monotone. You move to grab the clothes from him and begin dressing. Once your all dressed you look back up at him for your next directions. Swiftly he grabs your arm once again and leads you out the bedroom. Going towards the basement door he stops at what seems to be a closet in the living room and pulls out a huge comforter and a quilt. Ever the silent type, he wordlessly hands you the blankets and continues on towards the basement door.
Once settled back downstairs, Dave chains you back up and leaves you alone in the dark. You manage to make a little pallet on the floor and curl up under the quilt he gave you. And of course it smells like him. You can’t help but breath the scent in deep as you drift off to sleep.
A/n: !!!! I’m so happy so many of you enjoyed part 1! I really hope part 2 lives up to any expectations you guys have! Thank you so so so much for all the kind words and love you’ve shown my little story!
Tagging a few of you that showed interest: @toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @neverwheremoonchild @bonezone44 @cool-iguana @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @ennema @pr0ximamidnight @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @outfirewithgasoline @walkintotheriveranddisappear @axshadows @oldenoughtoknowbetterstuff let me know if you don’t want tagged(:
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 11 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 88... You have been warned...! 👌
We had to wait a month and a half for this chapter, and I think that it DELIVERED!! 😁 So let's talk about it, shall we...? 😊
This chapter begins with a plot line that's been brewing since Mission 61...
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And it only took 27 chapters for Damian to accomplish this...!! 😌 I honestly just love how Endo does stuff like this, where he brings something back up a bunch of chapters later (even if it's the smallest detail imaginable...!! 😊)
But moving on, we get something that I did not expect to see...:
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This is one of the best and funniest things I've ever seen in Spy X Family, and I honestly can't wait until THIS gets animated...!! 😆
After spotting his dream girl from afar, Damian tries to give her the cakes that he promised, but...
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There is just too many people around for him to give Anya the goods...! And with Anya overhearing his thoughts about giving her the cakes (but not fully understanding why Damian wants to give them to her in secret), she devises a plan to meet with Damian in the courtyard...!
And after receiving a seemingly bloody message from Anya, Damian agrees to head to the courtyard with her...
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But as you can see, Becky, Emile and Ewen decided to follow them...!! 😅 So Damian and Anya decide to BOOK IT, while the others follow suit!!! 😆
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After getting chased around for awhile, Damian determines that he's done with this shit and ultimately decides to just throw away the cakes (which Anya hears), and then...:
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Honestly though, this whole page is just so adorable (even if Anya is only doing this for the cakes...!! 💗😄💗)
Anyway, because they were so wrapped up this cake situation, Damian and Anya didn't realize that a wild Henderson has appeared to scold them for missing the the bell...!
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Now the two of them have to stay after school, but it isn't all bad...:
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After finishing writing their apologies, THE G.O.A.T., Mr. Henderson, offers to have some tea and cakes with Damian and Anya...!! 😁
Then, Mr. Henderson asks Damian about the cakes, and get this little flashback...:
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This flashback just makes me continue to be suspicious of Melinda... 😤
But, anyway... To end things off, Damian questions why Anya wanted to meet with him in the first place, and well...:
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And that was Mission 88, a really fun chapter to get us back into the swing of things...!! 😆
I'm pretty sure a lot of us were expecting something big to happen this chapter (like how I was hoping for Yor's full backstory because season 2 of the anime started), but it didn't, and I'm okay with that...! I'm just glad that we finally got another chapter of this amazing series to talk about...!! 😊 And though that month and a half long break was killing me (I mean, I had Undead Unluck to read in meantime), I just hope that Endo got some well deserved rest!! 💗🤗💗
Also, that flashback with Melinda is just giving me red flags all over the place...!! 😵 I don't know if Donovan is the one telling her to do these things or if she's doing this to get to Anya herself, but everything that Melinda has done thus far has made me feel constantly uneasy... I just hope that she didn't do anything to those cakes that will harm Anya or her powers in any way...!! 😡
Well, that's pretty much all that I wanted say about this chapter, and like always, I can't wait for the next one!! 😆 So, until the next Mission... Take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATER!! 👋😄
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noemilivv · 7 months
Omg I love you Hazbin matchups!! If I could get one I'd be blessed. Pun intended.
About me!
My name is Venus, and I'm a single/teen(18-19) mom. I'm 5'2 and really punky. I've got lots of piercings including an eyebrow, my septum, a nostril, and 00g ears. I plan on getting more and I hope to devour my arms in tattoos. I've been reading since I was 8 as a form of escapism till I left my parents house and got into a safe and healthy environment and now use it just as a hobby. I'm a woman, or fem/leaning enby using mostly she/they pronouns. I am Demisexual and pansexual. I was diagnosed with PTSD and Tourrests syndrome with Echolalia and coperalia. I was diagnosed with depression ages ago but has successfully overcome it and was taken off my antidepressants. I went to 5 middle schools and I've lived in 8-14 diffrent places. I lost count.
Some of my unique traits include
Charisma and people skills (which I don't like people but like- I can't be a menace to society no matter now much I wanna.
Passion for all things animal. I'm in school to be a vet and I also live on a farm and hunt!
I'm a practicing pagan(witchcraft) and I use alot of nature related things
Sometimes I go into a "god complex state" and just think I'm God's greatest gift (narcissistic I know)
I'm piss poor with sarcasm and yet I try to use it constantly and just look like an idiot.
I do Dino arms when I get exited. I also snort when I laugh and my eyebrows flex when I'm talking passionately.
I bought 50 dollars worth of jelly beans not too long ago by accident and I don't even wanna explain how that happened.
My daughter is the most important thing in my life.
My favorite colour is olive green and forest green. one of my favorite foods is chicken. I drink an absurd amount of peach tea from cracker barrel. (You can buy it by the half gallon) I take a special interest in rocks and collect them. I also love to garden! Art is one of my passions. I make playlists for every mood and I even have a special playlist that I dace to with my 6 month old daughter.
Blue ppl avatar and avatar the last Airbender are litterslly Fandom that have absorbed me. Avatar was one if my big escapism places.
Horse riding, Cow calf care, and goats that break into my car.
My favorite animals are a wolf, lions, longhorns, most well bread dogs/cats, and snakes
I love photography and the mountains!
I'm very much not a people person. I have a hard time tolerating 80% of people and the people I do enjoy my company with took awhile to get used to. It takes persistence. I've also got a bone to pick with people who I relate to to much and tend to veer away from them. Sometimes I stg I have a "I can fix them" complex which I do not like. I've got a fear of needles.
this was a hard call, but in the end, i went with…
Alastor !!
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Alastor admires your charisma and people skills, despite the fact that you hate people, which he gets it, he’s like that too
He can see how much your daughter means to you so as much as he’s not too into kids he will defend her whether he admits it or not and he does try to have a bond with her
Without a doubt, he enjoys the fact that you practice witchcraft, he wouldn’t mind learning a thing or two from you, and he definitely asks you a couple questions here and there
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Sojourn Cinematic Analysis
Ok, there are going to be a few things I want to talk about so this is just a basic analysis with just my thoughts on the cinematic itself, along with some details I noticed on my first viewing. More Analyses are going to come out cause there are a few things I want to look at in more detail.
So let's get started.
First of all, I appreciate that they didn't dramatize Sojourn. What I mean is that a lot of her appeal to me is that, compared to all the other heroes, she's normal. Just a regular, grounded person. Though to us her being completely cybernetic is cool, in the Overwatch universe that's normal. Hell she didn't even get cybernetics for battle, she got them for her heath and to make living her life easier.
I think a big factor about this for me is the beginning few shots when she's getting coffee;
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Both of them have cybernetics and both of them had them either fitted or altered to fit they're occupation. This is a normal thing and I love that!
Not only that but it also disproved what I personally thought and that is Sojourn didn't do any vigilante work and just quietly retired, and though it seems like that was the initial idea, it didn't stay that way. At the very least when Sojourn heard Null Sector was up to something she started to step in, do her own research, collect her own data.
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Does that sound familiar?
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She is doing the same thing Jack is, but I don't think this make them parallels. I think this makes them foils.
Jack has been gathering data on Talon in order to fuel his crusade, a crusade which multiple people call out as an unhealthy obsession. Sojourn on the other hand gathered this data out of necessity, she knew something bad was going on and she knew that the regular law enforcement wouldn't be able to handle it, so she took matters into her own hands.
Now let's talk about Sojourns guilt about testifying and how the public seemed to react to it. It seems that some people saw Sojourn testifying as inspirational. Meanwhile Sojourn herself sees it as a sacrifice, something she needed to do. A necessity.
Sojourn is one of the three characters we see who join the new Overwatch who were disillusioned from the organisation long before it's fall, the other two being Cassidy and Angela. One of which also testified against Overwatch. All three of them believe that the original Overwatch lost it's way but only two of them needed to be talked back into joining.
Despite everything Sojourn is re-joining without any outside influence, yes, she initially refused the call but as we see in the cinematic, she get quarterly visits from the police. It wouldn't be smart to accept the initial recall because she knows she's being monitored. Again that theme of necessity.
I haven't read her book yet so I might update on this theme after in it's own post but now let's get back into what I thought of the cinematic itself.
As always the lighting, animation and colours were beautiful. I think it functioned really well as a "calm before the storm" type video, meant to show how quickly Null Sector acted while also showing the little seeds of trouble that were brewing beforehand. I was honestly hoping we would see Pharah's dad but that was more of a me thing.
The set up showing that Sojourn knew they were coming for her after what she the night before was amazing. It was a fantastic set up!
Anyway, stay tuned cause there are a few more things I want to talk about because of this cinematic but they might take awhile. So I hope this was enjoyable and I can't wait to continue this analysis in future posts!
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vanillasn0w · 6 days
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Very happy to see the response of the blurb I did for this. Here is the first chapter. Warnings: there is quite a bit of blood drinking. Mention of body parts and a dead body. Overall dark theme. Next chapter I'll try not to make it so dark.
Reader is a ghost who falls in love with vampire Rafe just as a killing fest is about to begin by an evil woman. But he will go to hell and back before he lets her lay a hand on the woman he has come to love. Rafe's POV.
Chapter 1: Blood and gore
There was blood in the air tonight, it smelled as strong death. Nobody would have guessed it that's what it was, Topper had covered up the scent, so the humans wouldn't find it. To him, It was raw and real and everything that a vampire could want. It was the blood that made his night's worth it. The sweet lusciousness of it took away from the grief of loving his fiancee. He craved it, craved it so much he couldn't stand it. The blood was an addiction; a pure, visceral addiction. And he couldn't escape it.
He never asked to like blood. He never asked to be a vampire, in fact. Rafe never got a say in the matter. His mother was a vampire and when she gave birth to a stillborn, she turned him so he could live. So he was born loving blood. He was born craving it. He was born with it being the only thing on his mind most of the time. It was a sad existence. One that would be made right.
There would be so much blood shed on the path to his life being made right, he thought, sighing to himself.
"Are you sure I am getting the right supply tonight?" He asked, calling the anonymous supplier.
"It's from the head this time. But from the same animal as usual."
"The head? I asked for the leg, what is wrong with you?"
"Don't blame me, asshole. My dad sent me the wrong part."
"Tell your dad to send it back. I don't want it."
"You'll get what is supplied."
"Listen, fucker, I asked for the leg. "When someone like me asks-
"Don't call me that. Talk to my dad or you'll just have to deal with what was supplied."
"Talk to your dad? You're the supplier!"
She hung up before he continued.
When he got to the place, it was a complete bloodbath, body parts all over the place. He took a picture of it and sent it to his supplier, completely disgusted.
As violent as he was, he wasn't putting up with this. This was just inhumane. Surprisingly, he found himself calling the cops and rushing out of there without any blood. Rafe never messed with cops, but this was just...this was just awful. And the cops....they dealt with awful. Not him, not this type of awful. He did end up taking the head with him though. That was why it smelled, because of the extra....the extra blood. Thinking back, it was strange that it smelled so strongly, but now he knew why it did. The head was cut open and..well, it was a vampire's dream. That all you need to know.
Rafe was satisfied when he took a sip. The most satisfied he'd been in awhile. No, it wasn't what he ordered, but he didn't mind it now that he had his first sip. Suddenly, he saw something out of the corner of his eyes, something clear. He didn't stick around to find out what it was. He didn't have to. It stopped.
"Hey, you, are you the vampire?" Said an extremely beautiful woman with pale, almost translucent skin, and brown hair, with freckles around her nose. Her eyes were as blue as they came. He didn't know why she looked so pale and ghostly, but she was so beautiful he didn't care.
Rafe nods.
"Yeah, are you my supplier?"
She nods and backs away.
"Can you put that away?" It grosses me out."
"You're the supplier."
"I have a thing with heads...just put it away."
He looked at her like she was crazy, but did as she asked.
"You look sick."
"I always look sick. Just comes with the earthly body."
He nods, not understanding what she means. Rafe doesn't bother asking.
"What's your name?"
"Y/N. And you're Rafe. Rafe Cameron. Everybody has heard of you."
Even with this being said, somehow, nobody knew he was a vampire. They only knew about how he killed a woman a couple of years ago.
"There's a truck with the logo on your shirt just down the road from us. You moved in down the street?"
She nods.
You two walk on in the hot, hot heat of the night, the animals croaking. He sucks from the head, blood dripping onto his shoes. Rafe doesn’t much care where the blood goes as long as it goes into him. He suddenly sees a black necklace on the ground and picks it up. It is his mother’s. Figures. She probably killed them all. This necklace, it always brings him back to his rebirth.
It was a dark, windy night, with the frogs croaking in the distance, blood in the air. Inside, it was even darker. There were no lights on and something terrible was brewing inside of Baby Rafe. He felt something in his body that he didn’t expect to feel, something was calling him from the outside. He lusted for it. It wasn’t a sexual need, but something he needed to survive, he felt. It was a craving beyond anything he thought he would feel as a child. Adrenaline rushed through his small body as he crawled with super speed across the floor. He felt strong, stronger than any baby boy should. He also shouldn’t be crawling at this point. Baby Rafe also craved death. He wanted someone to die, he wanted death more than anything. But he wouldn’t, and he couldn’t. His flesh glowed bright red, and he wondered why. Why should a baby’s body glow red? That isn’t natural. None of how he was feeling was natural. But he didn’t mind any of it. His thirst though, was extreme, he could drink an entire lagoon and it still wouldn’t be enough. His whole body craved a drink, a drink for something he didn’t know the name of yet. This craving, it was like a wildfire in him. Extreme thirst was one of the signs of diabetes, maybe he had that. At the sight of the blood in his mother’s hand, who was coming into the room, he leapt off the floor, flying into the air and into his mother’s arms, quickly snatching the blood. When he first drank it, he nearly spit it out. The taste was bitter and gross, but when it went down his throat, he felt a burning fire within him. That was the only way to describe the way that first drink felt. He drank in revelry, in complete and utter delight.
“Darling, don’t drink like that.”
She took it away from him and his teeth sunk angrily down into her skin in retaliation and revenge.
“Ow! You naughty boy!”
He thrashed in her arms until she gave it back to him but only a little bit was given to him. He had to take it in slow amounts or else he would get very, very sick. He cried and cried and cried when he realized he wouldn’t be getting anymore. She sang him a lullaby until he fell asleep in her arms. He only woke up when his soul realized there was a dead man lying next to him.
“So, what’s it like being a vampire?”
“What’s it like being so pale?” He teased.
She scoffs.
“It’s not a life I would recommend.”
She nods and there is a moment of silence
“Far too much blood.” Rafe says sadly.
“Why are you here?”
“I have to wait for the police to come.”
Rafe nods. A giant rat scurries by them, scaring Y/N. She jumps, then returns to normal. Rafe thinks about going after it, this blood, although completely satisfying, it wasn’t enough for him. He thinks against it. She’d be grossed out. And so would he. Drinking Rat blood is like drinking stale pee. But it would quench his thirst, that’s for sure.
“Do you drink from them?”
“Only if I am extremely thirsty and there is nothing else. Their blood is disgusting, tastes like piss.”
“Oh, gross.”
He nods. “Their meat isn’t bad though. You’d think it would be, but it’s not. My friend tricked me into eating it. I threw it up after figuring out what it was, but it never tasted bad-
“Stop-that’s disgusting. What caveman gave you that?”
“A guy named Topper.”
She nods. They soon head back to their houses, even though Rafe would have liked to talk more. He’ll call her tomorrow, he thinks. Yes, that would be a great idea. He catches his mother as he walks in the door. The one being he couldn’t stand was her, yes he loved her, but at the same time, he couldn’t stand her. She was a murderer, who drank only to kill. There was a dead man on the floor in the distance.
“Shit, mom!”
You can’t just leave dead guys around the house like that!”
“What can I say, he wouldn’t move.” She said jokingly.
“Is that supposed to be funny?”
She smiles. “C’mon, you use to love my sense of humor.”
“That was before I knew you were a psychopath.”
“Now, I remember you killed too.”
“That was two times.” That’s it. And the second time was self defense. Sure, label me as a killer, but you’re the real murderer. Or do you want me to use a different word? Because I could.”
“You’d never call your mother that.”
“What? A female dog? Because that’s what you are. Nothing but that. And you deserve that title.”
She grabs him by the collar and presses him up against the wall. “Listen, you little prick, don’t you ever talk to me like that again. You should be grateful that you’re still on this planet. I didn’t have to raise you back to life, you know.”
As cold as his heart was, Rafe Cameron couldn’t bring himself to fight back against her. He was, in fact, so completely terrified of her. She released him and told him to bury the body. He got to digging in the yard, the stench absolutely revolting. For humans, the smell wouldn’t have started yet, but the dead always smelled to vampires, in no matter what state of decomposition. Enough, Rafe. He told himself. Just thinking about it in his head was making him feel like he was going to throw up. And then, he did, heaving his guts all over the ground. Suddenly, he felt himself collapse onto the ground. Someone had poisoned the body. And it wasn’t his mother.
When he came to, on the couch, he found that the grave had been dug. And there was a pitcher of fresh blood on the table. There was a note on the table next to the couch.
“Found your mother and you collapsed when I came to giver her her supply of blood. Fixed your problem with the dead man. I won’t tell. I know you didn’t do it.” Oh and don’t worry about your mother. My father took care of her. Come by later if you want to find out where she went. - Y/N/.
For the first time in awhile, Rafe smiled. It was a genuine, happy smile, nothing fake. What a terrible, horrible thing for that girl to do, but in a dark way, it made him happy. Of course, he felt guilty for her having to do that. It made him feel sick. But he was happy, nevertheless. He dialed her number and left a message since she didn’t answer.
“Hey, Y/N/. Thanks for doing something so completely awful. I really can’t thank you enough. Thanks for taking care of me and my mother. I should be over later today. Can’t wait to see what’s happened to my mother.”
He drank his fill of blood, then fell asleep on the couch, having collapsed late that night. The only thing he remembers was the stench of that dead man. Rafe wonders who could have poisoned him and his mother. He’d been hearing some stories of a vicious werewolf lately, but he didn’t think that type of creature would poison a vampire. What purpose would they have? As he left the couch and got up, a strange smell wafted into his nostrils. It was a scent familiar to him as a child, one he had only smelled once and never again. It was the scent of musk, mercury, and vanilla. It smelled good and bad at the same time. That was the point, he was told of the smell. It was supposed to drag you in and then leave you wanting nothing to do with it. He was told humans would do anything to smell it, they loved the scent, but for vampires, it was often too strong, even if they did like it. Most couldn’t stomach it and had to plug their noses. He couldn’t remember what type of creature or being the smell belonged to. Rafe really didn’t want to know, anyway.
As he walked on and on, the smell only got stronger and stronger. A bloody scratch mark was on the wall at the foot of the stairs. He went up the stairs and by this time, the smell was so strong, he had to plug his nose. There was only so much vanilla, musk and mercury a vampire could take.
By the time he got to his room, he was about to throw up. Then, before he could, he found some salts and stuck them under his nose. He just couldn’t take anymore of the smell.
“Ah, much better.” He said.
All of a sudden, he felt his hand touch something bloody. He turned around and saw a purple fang sitting in red liquid on a coaster. He didn’t bother picking it up. He was taught that a purple fang signified one thing; death. And lots of it, too. When he called his father to let him know what he found, his father was by his side in an instant, looking at the fang.
“Son, this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
“That’s not the first poisoning that is going to happen.”
“No, I can’t imagine it will be, now that I’ve seen this fang.” Rafe said.
“Whoever did this expects a bloodbath. Both for humans and for vampires. The only thing that is different between the humans and the vampires, is that the humans will go on living.”
“What are you talking about?” Did you have a vision?”
His father had been plagued by horrible, nasty visions depicting gore and violence and lots of other not so nice things since he had been a child.
“Yes, I did.” But it wasn’t what I saw, it was who I saw that made me know there is going to be a bloodbath.”
There was a moment of silence.
Rafe’s mouth dropped.
Medina was the worst of the worst, a legend from long ago. She’d killed thousands of humans and caused a loss of the vampire species all together. Her blood was a virus. A terrible, terrible virus for any vampire that drank too much of it. First, a vampire would get a fever, than, boils would come all over their bodies. These boils would burn like a fire. Then, they’d get delirious and eventually turn to dust. Nobody knew what Medina was, but she wasn’t just a vampire. No, she couldn’t be. Not with what she did.
“And that girl next door? She will be caught in the crossfire.”
Rafe’s dead heart burst to life in his chest and caught in his throat. He stopped all movement.
“Not if I have a say in it.”
And he would have a say in it. Medina wasn’t going to lay a hand on her, Rafe decided. He was going to kill her before she did that.
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Jack the Ripper x (fem)! Reader
🍬Rukia’s 4K event 🍬
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, blow job, lingerie, sugar baby x sugar daddy relationship.
Setting: modern au
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“Oh dear, that is not a chew toy.”
The voice of a sophisticated British gentleman gently spoke as he swiftly took his blood red steampunk top hat away from a newborn baby girl that was chewing on the rim of the hat, instead replacing it with a soft teddy bear.
The baby was his sugar baby’s sister and was currently on baby sitting duty as she took her college exams. The man’s house was certainly big enough for the three of them, the man even gave his sugar baby’s baby sister a room of her own with toys.
However, most of the time the man wasnt home as he had work. What that work consisted of no one was for sure.
“Oh my, you’re definitely teething. (Name) didn’t tell me that.”
Upon (Name)’s return that day she informed her sugar daddy that she believed her college exams went well and that she believed she passed them, much to his delight. Although, as (Name) was coming back home Jack, her sugar daddy, informed her he was off to work as he handed over her baby sister.
However, that didn’t play out as the baby sister cried when she realized Jack was leaving. To soothe her, Jack held for a bit while talking with (Name) and when he thought she was calm he would hand her over to (Name) again only for when his hand reached the door knob to leave she would cry again.
This repeated for awhile until Jack spoke saying that “Well, I can’t upset a young lady can I?” And so Jack stayed at home with (Name) and her baby sister. Even when (Name) told Jack that she was spoiling her, Jack only responded with “I spoil you as well, my lady.” Which seemed to make (Name)‘s heart a flutter, something Jack liked to see as it was a beautiful color.
Typically, Jack was away working and didn’t have much time to relax. Rather, his idea of relaxing was having tea and reading the newspaper which (Name) found to be old fashioned as she would rather catch up on the news by social media.
So, while relaxing Jack read the newspaper in (Name)’s room while her baby sister was chewing on another stuffed animal. Until she decided to crawl which Jack was well aware she could do, and once she crawled under their bed Jack let her play for a little while.
(Name) was currently taking a shower and after a long day of college exams Jack was certain she would be in the shower for awhile, like always Jack left her monthly allowance on her night stand. Cash only, old fashioned. While reading the newspaper Jack heard a rustling sound from underneath the bed, the sound of wrapping paper being rustled.
“Oh dear, what have you gotten into now?”
Finally standing up, Jack walked over to the bed only to see the infant crawl out and wrapped around her foot was what Jack thought was a bra at first but the more she crawled it was actually lingerie set. Fixing his monocle his eyes weren’t deceiving him, making “Tsk, Tsk” sound Jack followed it up by saying, “You found something interesting there.” Rewarding her by picking her up and handing her another stuffed animal.
All things considered, Jack was pleased and so he waited for the right opportunity.
“That’s not mine!”
“My dear, it was underneath your bed. Surely, you don’t think this is mine.”
Once (Name)’s baby sister was asleep, Jack decided to confront (Name) about the lingerie. Bashful about the whole ordeal Jack didn’t need to use his powers to know how she was feeling, finding out (Name) was actually saving it for a special day.
Valentine’s Day.
“How very sweet that you thought of me for such a special occasion. Now, my love. wear it.”
Jack placed the lingerie in (Name)’s hands then smiled a sweet yet cunning smile while gently grabbing her chin with his left hand.
“Please, my dear. Wear it.”
Coaxing his desire was a easy task for the handsome gentleman and when he was able to see his beloved in the said lingerie he clapped his hands together while praising (Name) while sitting on their bed. “A goddess.” And “Magnificent.” Left his lips as he motioned for (Name) to “Come hither.” With his index finger his smile only growing as she crawled on her hands and knees to him, thankful Jack chose their bed for her crawl on.
“Now, if you would be so kind.”
Jack’s voice was soft in tone but also a bit direct as he pointed with his finger to his erect cock, catching on to what Jack was saying (Name) gladly did so. Jack wanting blowjobs were frequent and in no time (Name) had seemingly mastered it. As the clothes came off, because Jack didn’t want to wrinkle his clothes, (Name) started giving Jack what he wanted as he slowly tilted his head back and enjoyed the amazing feel of (Name)’s tongue, one of the best blow jobs in his life, if not the best, as she licked and teased his cock knowing the spots where Jack liked the most like the back of her hand.
Of course, massaging his sensitive balls wasn’t out the question and with the feel of (Name)’s tongue and hands made the gentleman see stars as he loved the feel a bit too much as his hand rested on the back of her head pushing his cock further inside her wet mouth.
As lust started to take over the well behaved gentleman movements became rougher as he made (Name) take more of his cock that was now beginning to hit the back of her throat. Jack didn’t just have a well endowed cock but he was also wide as well and talking all of his cock was always a bit of a problem.
No matter how many times (Name) had gave Jack a blow job.
“Love, you’re doing amazing work. Truly exceptional.”
Grabbing her hair while chanting the words, “More, lick more.” Jack wasn’t shy with his words or his wants as he made the very clear. Praise was something his lover seemed to enjoy a lot as well, the compliments made her hot and bothered it was a tactic Jack used a lot whenever his sweet sugar baby pleased his cock.
Licking the slit of his cock, his weakness, his Achilles heel, Jack had his eyes rolling back with his head tilted back and his hands roaming about in (Name)’s hair as his moans and whimpers were becoming louder and longer. Licking the underside of his cock to his slit was the path (Name) chose to make her lover say her name as she wanted to hear those words from him and even kissing the tip of his cock to hear those words from Jack.
Yet, quiet enough to not disturb the sleeping baby.
Licking, sucking, teasing.
(Name) did all those things as she also gently pumped the parts of Jack’s cock with her soft hands that she couldn’t reach with her mouth, thinking to herself Jack was close to his climax as his words were becoming more lewd and his cock twitched in her mouth a few times.
As her jaw was becoming sore (Name) was hoping her sugar daddy was about to reach his end soon and as luck would have it Jack soon reached his euphoric orgasm as his cock twitched excitedly inside his sugar babies mouth as she swallowed all of his cum, as she did so Jack muttered the words, “Good girl.” Over and over again while gently rubbing her head.
Jack heard a little moan escape his sweet love as he looked down at her knowing when he called her a good girl was her weakness, as her lips were still around his cock the moan making Jack’s cock twitch again. Jack always knew what to say to get her heart a flame along with another part of her body.
“Now then…”
Pulling her up to his level by hair and coming face to face with her sugar daddy (Name) could tell Jack lust was only beginning as his lips had turned into a smile and his eyes gleamed with what (Name) was certain lust and her hunch was right as Jack gently placed his index finger on her lips.
“…Let’s proceed with the second part.”
(Name) was certain her night had just begun and that she was going to be on Jack’s cock for awhile as he always mixed pleasure with teasing. Always edging her just right before giving her the bliss she wanted desperately.
Always, in the morning Jack was gone.
However, he always left a note saying he wished his beloved sugar baby a good day and that he left a little extra money on her bedside table. Adding in, spoiling her was his calling and he would answer that call anytime.
Luckily, (Name) would never know his line of work that paid well. Running a crime organization was no place for a lady and would his reputation with his sugar baby and so he always made sure no one told his sugar baby of his thriving criminal business.
Jack was a gentleman after all.
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diorleclerc · 2 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳 - 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐣𝐫
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since you keep giving me baby fever, make me auntie c already 🙄 @libraryofloveletters
you and carlos had been trying for a baby for awhile now
while he was away for a race, you started to feel a bit sick
carlos was worried when you told him this but you assured him it was probably just a cold
but when your period was late, you realized that it probably wasn’t just a cold
you take a few tests to confirm your suspicions
when all the tests come back positive, you can’t wait to tell carlos the good news
you come up with a whole plan to surprise him when he gets home
you had balloons filling the bedroom and carlos thought you just missed him a lot and wanted to surprise him
“i could get used to coming home to surprises like this,” he says, trying to get you in bed but you stop him
you hand him a box that held the pregnancy test in and he gives you a confused look but opens it when you tell him to
it took him a few seconds to process what he was looking at as he held the pregnancy test in his hands
once he finally realized that the test was positive, he pulled you in for a big hug, kissing all over your face
he was soooo happy and excited
he’d bend down so he was level with your stomach and leave a few kisses there, whispering how happy he was and how he was so excited to meet the baby
he’s the best husband ever throughout your entire pregnancy
he’d try to come to every doctor’s appointment with you if he could
he would buy those pregnancy books and read them to make sure he’s prepared for everything
and he’d be spoiling the baby before they’re even born
any time he passed by a baby store or saw stuffed animals, he would have to stop by and buy something
the nursery ends up being filled with all of his gifts instead of things you actually need
his love language is for sure physical touch so he’s always been touchy with you
and now that you’re pregnant, he just gets ten times more touchy
he always has a hand on your stomach or he’s laying between your legs and leaving kisses on it
omg he gets so excited when the baby kicks the first time
and he talks to the baby a lot too!!
he would be updating the baby about everything
and most of the time he’d be doing this at night right when you’re about to fall asleep
“the baby’s asleep and i’m trying to sleep too. you can talk tomorrow,” you say, turning away from him
“no, no, come back. i’ll stop talking. just let me say goodnight to the baby first,” he’d turn you right back to face him
he kisses your bump and hear him whisper a “goodnight princess” before he’s laying by your side again
“how do you know it’s gonna be a girl?” you ask
“i just have a feeling.”
you guys bet on whether it’s a boy or girl
and he’d end up winning because #girldad
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Things I LOVED about NATLA Episode 8 - Legends
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
The Aang Gaang working together in the fight!!!!
Honestly it felt so natural to have all three of them taking out the Fire Nation ship that I completely forgot it didn't happen like that in the animated show!
In the animated version, Aang took out the ship while Katara and Sokka just stood on the ice wall - showing them in battle together and working with synergy was phenomenal
Aang doing AOE damage, Katara taking out soldiers with precision, and Sokka shouting battle plans and taking out the command center - really great way to SHOW the roles each play in battle
The Gaang complementing each other was soo cuutteee!!
"Lu Ten would have been proud to have you as his father" 😭😭😭
Then the Iroh hug!!! 😭😭😭
"I'd say it's 50/50! …. 60/40 😬"
Lol oh Sokka, you're so bad at optimism
Let's go Katara!!!! Going to even the odds!!!
The war balloon showing up early!!!
The entire battle of the North was sooo intense!
I really felt a lot more of the danger and panic than in the animated version
LOVE that Pakku's change to allow women in battle came here, with Katara and the other women standing up to him
The animated show doesn't even have any women helping at all in the battle - we don't even see them healing the wounded. To me, the live-action actually addressed the systemic issue of the sexism in the North rather than just having Katara be the token woman who wanted to fight
"You KNOW we can make a difference!" "We?"
The shot of all the women standing there in traditional clothing was super powerful to me
I know some people think it's 'virtue signaling' or whatever and complain about the shot of all the women heroes in Endgame or Captain Marvel's 'standing up after being knocked down' montage, but call me a stupid woman, those scenes actually mean a lot to me. Why is animated Katara railing against Sokka because she has to do the laundry seen as the height of feminism and yet a group of indigenous women standing up and backing one of their sisters in her bid to make systemic change actually the opposite of feminism? It makes no sense to me.
I LOVE Yagoda backing Katara!!
Katara isn't some 'outsider coming in to change a culture's savage ways' - she's simply the catalyst for the people WITHIN that culture to stand up and say 'yeah, now is our time, change needs to happen and we've known it for awhile'
Yue wanting to be out there helping her people 😭😭
Her father's talk with her really reminds me of Eowyn and Theoden from The Return of the King - even if you want to help defend your home, if you're in a position of leadership, staying alive so you can lead in a fallen chief's place is an important role to play, too
Sokka and Hahn's ….tension as he promises to take care of Yue 👀
The student calling Katara 'master'!!!! 😭😭😭
In my in-depth analysis, I go into why I think it's a title she's completely earned despite her lack of formal training but suffice it to say that if you have an issue with them calling Katara master, then shut the fuck up
Ooohh adding a time-table for the Fire Nation attack with the Ice Moon caveat!
I like adding to the depth and lore of the world which makes it make a whole lot more sense that the Fire Nation would attack the WATER TRIBE during a full moon
I like the Fire Sage actually knowing spiritual stuff and finding value in it - even though he's using it to help Zhao hurt them
Yes, Iroh. Zhao is most definitely planning on tampering with the spirit world 😬
Avatar Kuruk coming to Aang!!!!
I really like that concept - like on the Lionturtle, the past Avatars can appear as a mirage to give warnings
And connecting Kuruk's battle against the evil spirits to the Fire Nation twisting the weapons of defense into a weapon to harm - soooo goooood
"Killing the ocean spirit would deprive people all over the world of their lives!!! I'm not a monster!!" 🙃
Aahhh, twisted logic at its finest: after all, what's the point in ruling the world if there's no one to rule
Oooohhhhh and Kuruk's voice beginning to layer with the other Avatars as he talks about how Zhao can't be allowed to meddle with the primal forces of nature!!
Such a great use of the voice alteration that happens when they go into the Avatar state!
Hero Momo!!!!!
Omg I was SO WORRIED they actually killed Momo!!!!
Sokka and Momo's relationship is so cute how they developed it 😭
I like Yue telling her story this way better than in the animated series
Here, the story is connected to what's happening directly: she's saving Momo's life the same way her life was saved and letting us know the spirit oasis water has healing properties beyond regular healing
Zuko and him fire blasting out from beneath the ice - cool in every adaptation!
"How do you know that?" "Because I helped design the thing" 😔
Love that we're getting a direct tie from the war balloon to Sokka - just like with Kuruk's spirit knife and like Sokka said all the way back in Omashu: the Fire Nation can turn anything into a weapon
Though Iroh won't fully stand against Zhao yet, he's totally stalling as much as he can
"This is about you and me!" aawww classic Zuko - walking into a massive thing and thinking it's still just about him capturing Aang 😅
We've got bigger fish to fry, buddy - oh, shit. No. Oh god. Why'd I use that turn of phrase?? Too soon! Too soon!
Love the full circle moment here with Katara and Zuko's showdown
Aang is now letting her fight while he goes off to another task, trusting that she'll be ok
"Go easy, enough people have been hurt already." "I don't care. "I wasn't talking to you 😏"
Damn right, Aang! Putting respect on Katara!!!
Also, Zuko's face as he realizes Aang doesn't see him as the most important thing here 😬 that's gotta hurt
Love that they're getting a rematch so we can see just how far Katara has come in her combat/waterbending training!
The bending is GORGEOUS!
You can see every move each of them are making and watch the respective elements respond to their movements perfectly.
"You little peasant!!" Oh Zuko, you silly, angry boi "You've found a master, haven't you?"
"Yes, you're looking at her" - DAMN STRAIGHT!
Despite Pakku not agreeing to train her, she's taught herself. She clawed tooth and nail to learn everything she could from every source she had available - she observed other benders and created a waterbending version of the move, she practiced in every spare moment, she grappled with her emotional and spiritual trauma and came out the other side with a more holistic view of bending despite the world telling her to stop - so yeah, she IS her own master.
While I do love the "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" line, I'm ok with the siege lasting only a day instead of several like in the animated series.
Zuko's little field trip with Aang takes an entire day with nothing really going on in the battle, it's just a few minutes of screen time until we can get back to night again so we can see the moon being killed.
Streamlining it and having Aang seek council before the battle starts rather than in the middle of it I think was a good move. We didn't need a cliffhanger mid-episode like we did in the animated series since it's all a single episode.
Zhao's plan revealed is such great character work - he's just as egotistical as the animated version, down to wanting to be declared 'the moon slayer', but there's so much more depth in the live-action version
He's so ambitious that he actually believes he could become Fire Lord and doesn't take Iroh's threats seriously at all - his pride ensuring his downfall.
LOVE that they kept the blood-red moon as the moon spirit is captured!!
Aang trying to talk down his enemies yet again 😞
No matter how clear their antagonistic motives, he truly believes the best in people and always wants to give them the chance to do the right thing
Oof Zhao cutting to Aang's fear without knowing it: Zhao thinks the Avatar doesn't matter on its face - Aang is afraid he's not good enough as an Avatar TO matter
This sets up Aang's decision to give himself to the ocean spirit - he accepts that he isn't good enough - he doesn't matter, but the ocean spirit does
Iroh shot first!!
In the animated show, Iroh only attacks after Zhao kills the moon spirit, here, he's trying to help the Gaang by distracting Zhao enough for them to save the spirit
But they're too late
They kept the black and white shading where only things bathed in fire or the ocean spirit's blue light have any colors!
I think this entire battle sequence was amazingly done
You can FEEL the terror, you can SEE the cost of such an attack
It's not gratuitous violence - it's showing the realities of war without showing gruesome injuries
I love how Hahn and the other Norther Water Tribe Warriors got to have a heroic stand even without waterbending. Despite their best resource being taken from them, they aren't going down without a fight.
Iroh unleashing on the soldiers and Zhao running like a little bitch!!!!
I love Aang's speech here - he's "following" the advice of past Avatars by putting the world's needs above his own, but it's out of despair, not balance
He's surrendering to a power greater than him because he doesn’t feel like he's succeeded in being the Avatar (which unfortunately, through no fault of his own, is true) and so he's willing to fully lose himself to another power to save the world.
It's WILD that this happens only HALFWAY through the episode!! They really let this sequence breathe and gave so much room for all the character moments to happen
Iroh hugging Zuko while he just stares at the giant koi fish 🤣😭
"Uncle, what is that?" "That, that is wrath" - CHILLS
Zuko ready to fight that monster fish to get the Avatar 😭😭😭😭😭
He really is a crazy dude
"He's a small man who's going to meet a small end"
So right you are, Iroh
Zuko v Zhao!!!
LOVE how the live-action made Zhao a cerebral rather than physical antagonist for Zuko
Even though Zuko beats him physically, Zhao destroys Zuko mentally by revealing all the truths about the royal family dynamic
"You were the fire in which her iron was forged"
Love how each adaptation has Zhao die in a different way 🤣
Honestly, I like all the ways ppl have decided to kill him
The ocean spirit taking him, waterbenders drowning him, and now Iroh killing him for attacking Zuko
I do think I like the animated death the best, but Iroh killing him to protect Zuko is also a nice way to end him - Iroh isn't about this 'give them infinite chances', he's a soldier who's not afraid to get his hands bloody.
The entire attack by the ocean spirit is phenomenal - beautifully shot and you can now feel the terror from the fire nation soldiers
Yue getting the agency to realize she can save the moon and sacrificing herself was a good change
"It's worth it to be alive, even just for a night"
"The world needs you. I need you" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I think it was a really good choice to move Katara talking Aang down from the Avatar state and telling him they're family to the final episode rather than way at the beginning like it happened in the animated series.
That declaration holds a lot more truth as we've SEEN them become a family
Seeing the actual loss from the battle was heart wrenching, but I think it was really needed
Poor Hahn and the young waterbender
I love that Sokka didn't fight in the big battle - his place was being there to support someone else and provide comfort in a terrifying moment for her. His heart is what was needed in this battle, not his combat skills
And Pakku giving Katara her due - she EMBODIES change and growth, always finding a way no matter how many people tell her no
And she got her spirit water!!
"I'm tired" "Then you should get some rest. A man needs his rest" 😭😭😭😭😭
"How do I do this without causing so much pain?"
Oh Aang, that's a question you're going to be grappling with for awhile.
It's such a wonderful way to sum up his character - he doesn't want to cause pain, even to the point of giving people chances they don't deserve - but that quest to find an answer is the reason the world is saved and Aang cements his own legacy within the Avatar line.
Closing with another lesson from Gyatzo!!!! 😭😭
"Let go of your past, or you'll never have a future" - thesis statement right there
Let's not misinterpret this line to say 'forget the past' - this is a Buddhist version of 'letting go' which is to say 'don't cling to the past so much you cannot take steps into your future'
The Gaang's banter over Sokka always thinking about food!!!! So cute!!
I love the scenes here at the end with the Fire Nation
Ozai still holding out hope that Zuko will surprise them with some 'hidden' reserve of strength, but still willing to let him fall so 'the strong' can rise
Azula taking over Omashu!!!
And the comet!
Makes sense that they didn't give a time-table as kids grow fast and we can't just draw them the same age: Gordon is a growing boy so we need to give some space for how much he grows through the filming process
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