#IZuku is quirkless and needs protecting but he's out here PROTECTING OTHERS
sweet-honey-tears · 8 months
▪️I am Your Safety▪️
Villain Deku x Quikless!Fem!Reader
OverView: Villain Deku with a quirkless reader who ends up calling on him for help.
Warning: Swearing, kidnapping if you squint
Inspiration: I recommend watching this short! Give them some love! It’s very good.
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It was a mistake, a rookie, quirkless mistake. One that could leave you dead, hurt, or worse. To leave the safety of your home for a pointless ingredient for dinner, one you could easily go without but stubbornly won't. Ginger root, a simple ingredient for stir fry, had led you here. Barely 5 minutes from your home, yet in a completely new area.
Hidden behind your cozie apparent laid a maze of buildings, dark alleys weaving between their roads. It wasn't the best part of the city. But with what you could afford, it was the best for you and closest to your work. It was lucky you even found housing in the bustling city of Musutafu. Tho, with the constant casualties, maybe not so much. It seemed the city took an odd turn when pro-heroes DynaMight and Deku left hero society. Intern, causing considerable other heroes from their graduating year to also leave. The news turning many of the streets, especially yours, into less-than-stellar areas.
"You shouldn't live there; I could pay for you to be where the stars are." Izuku had told you, his green eyes shining against his dark circle.
"I'll be fine Izuku! Plus, I know you'll be there to protect me!" you had cooed. It was dangerous, both to live in that area but talk to the leader of the 'New Age' with such a teasing tone. Anyone else would be dead, but not you. Izuku signed, placing his hands on your sides and looking down at you. He searched your face, trying to find any possible crack he could talk you into his idea.
You'll be the death of me, doll." he groaned dramacitly. His wild green eyes glanced back down at you. "Just don't leave the house at night, okay, doll? Promise me." "I promise ZooZoo!" you had so gleefully said, finger fixing his red suit tie.
The old conversation rang in your head; that was before you both got into a heated fight. One that caused you to leave the house in despair.
He had called you weak, and a joking argument turned heated quickly. "I'm not helpless, Izuku!" "buy you are!" It'd been a lonely few days at your small apartment. Sitting on the decrepit couch that had begun to seem too big. Maybe it was your depressed stupor that led to this rooky mistake.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" you whispered. What was the point of getting an ingredient for a dish if you'd never get to even make it back home? You had been too stubborn, and it was only dusk at the time. You had time to run down to the store and grab it before it turned dark, you debated. You had managed to grab the ginger, quickly cashing out and beginning your trek to your apartment. “Come on… come on…” you whispered, begging the sun to go slower. "C'mon!" your feet picked up their base.
"Hey, pretty!" a voice called from the ally.
"Crap". Your feet picked up their pace.
"Come on! We just wanna talk." you waited for the sound of Izuku's voice to help you, to tell them you're both busy, and flash his neon eyes, but there was only silence. Right, he was gone.
"Sorry, I need to go. Have someone waiting for me." it was a lie, but a hopeful one. Maybe if they knew you were expected somewhere they leave, you'd have someone looking for you; you weren't worth the trouble. You were wrong.
"Oh, cmon I'm sure they can wait a bit."
Your eyes squeezed shut as you pressed your hand to the brick wall. In your panic, you had lost track of where you were, instead ending up in a place you knew nothing about, in an ally with a dead end. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" you cried, palm slamming on the wall as you slowly slid down. Tears burned your eyes as you sat on the ground, watching the predators creep ever closer to its prey.
The scruffy ally light above you barely made the two men visbale. You watched one's arms turn sharp as skin-colored blades as he inched closed with a sickening grin. The others, you couldn't tell what their quirk was, if they had one at all, but he held a gun tightly. That was deadly enough to a quirkless user civilian like you.
"Now come on pretty, just come with us peacefully, and ya won't get hurt. I'm sure your family will pay to get you back." "and if they don't, well, take great care of you." you had long dropped your canvas bag and, ironically, the ginger root you ventured out for. Yet they hadn't stopped for the bag, and considering neither held it, their intentions had never been to get the bag. Your body shook, and Li quivered, face becoming hot with fear and horror. You watched as they inched to you, your body caving in more. "Izuku…" you whispered as though a small prayer.b "Izuku!"
You screamed, your throat raw from tears and its pitch. The men seemed to pause at your sudden outburst before appearing to become angered at your choice to yell. "Fucking whore- shut it!" "Izuku!" you wailed, body caving as you waited for pain. "IZUKU," you flinched as you heard a loud pop and felt something small shower your body. The dingy ally light shattering as something sharp and quick hit it. Another boom sounded, a shriek leaving your lips at his proximity to your head. Green light slammed into the wall behind you, sending cracks up the foundation. "Doll…" "Zoo-coo" you rasped out. You opened your eyes, staring at the ground below you, watching it light up with the lumination of green flicker lighting. Slowly, your body sat up, your tears blurring the gory sight before you. He stood there, dressed in a suit vest and shoes, green hair not even out of place. He seemed more displeased and worried than angered.
"I-km sorry! You were right!" you shuffled, body caving again as tears raked your body. Fear still gripping every bone. "I should have listened! I'm sorry I left! I'm sorry I yelled!" you cried. The realization of how helpless you were fully settled itself upon you.
"Sh shh, Dolly, it's okay."
His body bent forward as he effortlessly picked you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you squished yourself closer. "I've got you." he calmly coded, kicking a limp arm out of his path as he walked you both out of the ally. "You're moving in with me tonight." it was firm, a demand, no room to argue, not that you could or would. Your tearful state leaving you in hiccups. "I need to keep my doll safe, and you're only safe with me."
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viburnt · 9 months
Part 1
Tagging the babes: @shonen-brainrot @dabislittlemouse @angelshimaa and @shionancientsblog
Remember I'm still working on this AU so feedback is appreciated
Deku + Maltipoo
• Maltipoo is a hybrid breed resulting from the mix of a Maltese and a Poodle. And who was born quirkless but got a Quirk transferred? Deku! Which to some extent makes him a hybrid too. Both are highly intelligent and friendly breeds, which suits Izuku very well!
• Izuku radiates Crusty white dog energy, there's no way to deny it, and this breed is part of that group. He has a sweet, caring and friendly personality, but he is also VERY emotional. Cries a lot, he can't help it. Maltipoos also have very fluffy fur, which matches Izuku's green hair.
• This puppy boy was practically protected and pampered by his mom; Inko always brushed his fur after baths! However, just like any other Maltipoo, Izuku adapts easily to any environment and challenge. He also has quite the intelligence and memory, making him the perfect puppy boy for almost any task. Appropriate, considering Izuku is progressively learning to control all his powers and molding himself to the needs of his missions.
• Did I mention Maltipoo puppies befriend practically anyone? *ehem* Just like Izuku befriended [insert list of pretty much any student at U. A]
• Oh, you want to put a doggie collar around his neck? Go ahead! Even when the skin of his cheeks and ears get all red with embarrassment, he loves it. Push a little further, and you'll even be able to hear him whine for attention.
• Needy, so, so needy. Pet his ears and he'll be melting! Play with his hair and he'll fall asleep on your lap.
“Are we gonna hang out today?” Izuku asked, tail wagging effusively at the promise of an evening by your side. You smiled apologetically, excusing yourself. “Sorry, Izu, today I have some work left to do. Maybe another day?”
The puppy in front of you pouted, begging with a pleading face. “Please, please, please! I- I brought my favorite All Might DVD,” Izuku said, his hands gently tugging your shirt. Sighing, you gave up; how were you supposed to win against someone that could quite literally pull puppy eyes on you? “Maybe we can binge-watch it while I work.”
Izuku's lips stretched in content, yapping a sweet “Thank you!” as he walked by your side. “We can lay on the couch, and I'll make sure to recap everything you missed while you weren't paying attention!”
Todoroki + Siberian husky
• I had some trouble deciding which of these breeds fitted Shoto more. On one hand, he could be a Doberman like Dabi, after all, they come from the same dad (like it or not). Enji would've cut his ears and tail too to make him more imposing, and dominant-looking (trying to mold him to his image), leading to Rei burning his face and, well, Todoroki trauma. On the other hand, Siberian huskies already have plenty of traits in common with Shoto.
• Siberian huskies have a stern and serious aura around them, specially at first glance. Their deep gaze and icy blue/light gray eyes manage to allure anyone, not to mention is one of the breeds that has more common cases of heterochromia. We all know how Shoto debuted as a “I'm not here to make friends” character but, in the end– just like this breed –Shoto proves to be friendly and silly with the right people.
• He has very soft big furry ears, and a fluffy tail curled upwards; the fur is white and brown/reddish and matches his hair almost too perfectly. Shoto also has massive canines that he tends to bare when he is truly pissed off or stressed.
• Like many huskies, he is smart and has a lot of stamina. You need to keep this particular puppy mentally/physically stimulated by either showing him new tricks (e.g. Simple science experiments or DIY tutorials) or burning that energy (e.g. Teach him how to play Just dance!)
• Sheds, a lot. Help him brush his fur because otherwise you'll be dealing with random dog hairs in your room. Oh, he also has trouble communicating in general! Which is funny considering how Huskies don't bark like normal dogs, they kind of howl and cry.
• Shoto is a very odd puppy, but a great listener if you ever need to talk.
“And you're supposed to put your left hand on a red circle. Like this!” You said, bending and twisting into a rather uncomfortable position over the Twister mat. Shoto had been aching to play with you for a while, begging - in his odd way (which was standing in front of your bed until you noticed him) — to learn. “I see, so the cardboard thing dictates which limb you move and where you put it.” He said, kneeling to your level as you plopped on the mat.
“Yes, exactly! The last one standing is the winner,” Shoto heard you add, nodding at tour words with seriousness. “Just make sure to keep your tail tucked, we don't want another sneezing accident…"
Shoto unconsciously whined, dropping his ears like a scolded puppy. “Sorry, I didn't mean to make everyone fall with my fur.” The first time he had tried to play, his tail and ears tickled everyone's nose, making the complex knot everyone was tangled in collapse. “It's OK, Sho, it happens.” You smiled sympathetically.
Shigaraki + Rottweiler
• It was suggested that Shiggy could be a Corgi by the lovely @shionancientsblog , and while it would be a cute idea (specially when he had one as a kid), I think Shigaraki's evolution as a person makes him fall under the category of a “problematic breed”. Rotties are great family dogs in the right environment, they are friendly, caring, and playful; sadly, we all know this puppy boy didn't have a good family. Shiggy was neglected and abused as a baby, and he eventually bit the hand that was supposed to take care of him! So, like many dogs when they bite, he was cast away and tagged as a danger. A kind puppy turned into a crazed dog by the hand of the wrong handlers.
• He has short floppy ears with black fur, matching his original hair color. The tail is black as well, but it was cut by his father to “avoid accidents”. Shiggy's fur, however, changed in color the same way his hair did.
• Wears a spiked collar, a gift granted by A.F.O to avoid using his quirk on the skin of his neck. He doesn't like it, but knows it's for the best.
• Rottweilers are also known for acting on impulse and being childish (borderline being messy or confused as aggressive) when they have no guidance. Shiggy had the same behavior when he first started his villain life, but with the right training, he learned to focus his energy on a specific target. Trained to bite on command.
• When he gets involved with you, however, you slowly but surely start filling that emotional void he had. It took a lot of trial and error, specially when he growled at you with those large canines of his, but patience turned out to be enough to ease him.
• Much like Dabi, Shiggy grants you scary dog privileges, but he is less controlled about it and will target anyone who may be “trying to take away his owner”. He won't call you owner, by the way, but in his heart you are part of the very reduced group he likes and follows.
“I don't like the way he is looking at you!” Shigaraki growled, unconsciously trying to hide you from Dabi's gaze. The latter had been sending you cocky smirks here and there, pissing Shiggy off. “Calm down, he isn't doing anything,” you assured him, allowing your hand to pat his head. The frown on Tomura's face softened, but he still didn't like the idea of another person laying eyes on you. “What, you like him better?”
You knew that the child inside him was speaking, so you indulged. “No, Shiggy is my favorite.” Tomura heard you say, feeling the warmth of your lips on his cheek. “W-what was that?!" He yelped, “Are you trying to embarrass me?” You shook your head. “Just making sure you know how much I like you”.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You were a 5 year old cute adorable shy little girl but wasn't afraid to protect your loved ones. You were going to the playground to practice using your quirk which by the way, was Nuclear Explosion. you were about to play on the swing and just then, you saw a certain green broccoli haired boy getting bullied by a loud angry ash blonde who suspiciously, looked like a rat or a hedgehog on crack
''Face it Deku! I'm better than you and you're just a quirkless pathetic waste of space who will NEVER surpass me and don't waste your time aiming to be a hero'' snarled the blonde as the green haired kid looked like as if he was about to cry. The blonde haired boy pushed him and he fell and that's what made your blood boil in anger.
''Hey! Stop bullying him you big meanie!'' you yelled and stuck your tongue at him. ''What did you say to me you damn extra?'' shouted the blonde kid. You fired your nuclear explosions at him and his 3 goons and they left in a hurry after that. "I'll get you for this you damn extra, whatever the hell your name is!'' he shouted. ''I have a NAME and it's Y/N you big moron!'' You helped the green haired kid get up and he had some tears in his eyes and was clutching an all might figurine, someone who you were fond of as well
''Are you all right?'' you asked the green haired kid as he nodded and stuttered that he was fine. He introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya and the blonde who bullied him was Kaachan or Katsuki bakugou. ''Come on, I'll help you clean up, you have a pretty big bruise there on your knee'' and led him towards a park bench. You patched it up with a band-aid as Izuku saw your tiny soft magical hands at work. He turned red whenever you touched him and his face was becoming flushed and his heart beat faster than ever. ''Are you okay? Do you have a fever?'' you asked him and touched his forehead and he shook his head vigorously. You both became best friends after that and you stood up for him whenever Katsuki bullied him. Little did you know, even Katsuki had grown feelings towards you. Fast forward to where you guys are in middle school cuz, I'm too lazy (lol)
Izuku's POV: Here I am, waiting for Y/N chan in front of her house so we can go to school together. I really LOVE and enjoy having her around. She always helps me when Kaachan bullies me and she's really kind and caring. But... why does my chest hurt so much when she talks to other people and gives them her attention? I hate it when Y/N spends her precious time with someone else.... They don't deserve her. They don't deserve her attention. I wish I could be strong so I could protect her just like a knight in shining armor and all that. 
''Izuku!'' chirped a cheerful and yet soft female voice snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Y/N looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Shall we get going?'' she asked me. "S-sure'' I stuttered. We were on the way to our middle school and we witnessed a fight between our idol All Might and a villain. ''Oh my gods, LOOK!'' gasped Y/N and clutched my arm looking nervous. Of course, I turned pink but she didn't see it, thank goodness. We were watching the fight and finally All Might won. I wanted to talk to him and I asked Y/N to go on without me even though I was reluctant to leave her alone. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her but..... I needed to talk to All Might alone. "All Might, do-d- do you think I could still become a hero without a quirk?'' and when All Might gave me his answer, it shattered my heart into a million pieces. He said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk and I was devastated! All my hopes and dreams crushed within less than a second! I went to school feeling like garbage since that's exactly how I felt right now. Maybe Kaachan was right..... maybe I shouldn't be a hero..... I'm just a pathetic quirkless nobody. I went to school and when our homeroom teacher announced that me, Y/N and Kaachan wanted to get into the UA, people started snickering at us. Well, at me mostly. Y/N asked them to shut up and then got into a heated argument with Katsuki and finally ended up in detention, along with him. I have to admit, Y/N gotten bolder and it's really cute and adorable. 
But I wasn't going to let MY darling Y/N chan be ALONE with Kaachan for an ENTIRE hour. Who knows what he's going to do to her? So, in order for her not to be lonely and to keep an eye on Kaachan to make sure he doesn't try anything with my puppy, I NEED to get detention too. So, I purposefully looked like as if I wasn't paying attention to the teacher and what do you know? I got detention as well.... 
The bell finally rang and soon, it was time for detention. Y/N headed out and told me she'd wait for me at the detention room. I was about to follow her when Kaachan pulled me back by my collar and hissed, ''Stay the HELL away from Y/N. She's MINE and I LOVE her, you understand, you DAMN nerd?'' and burned my wrists a little. ''Kaachan stop it, I love her too'' I said and that's how burns decorated my body yet again. ''Just stay away from her and why not take a swan dive off a roof? If you're lucky you'll wake up with a quirk in your NEXT life'' and burned  my hero analysis notebook to ash. Y/N chan comforted me during detention and swore that she'd pulverize him to death but I shook my head. Soon, it was time for us to go home but I didn't go home. No. I went somewhere and met someone who changed my life forever and made me see things in a different perspective..... That day had completely changed me and no doubt, my darling Y/N chan would certainly have tears in her eyes but I'll wipe them off and comfort her.... After all... I'm the ONLY one she needs.....
Y/N's POV: It' been 2 years since my best friend Izuku went missing. I never liked calling him 'Deku' since it meant useless and it was given to him by that hot headed hedgehog Katsuki. I swore to myself that I'd gain my pro hero licence and the second I do, I would do WHATEVER I could to find him and get him back. His mother was out of her mind with worry every single day and I would comfort her before going to the UA, the most prestigious school in Japan for upcoming heroes. Unfortunately, even Kaachan got in too. I went to Mrs. Midoriya's house and comforted her and went to the UA. Seeing the building always made me have glistening tears in my eyes since it was our dream to be in the UA together and now.... that was all just a mirage. I made my way to class 1a and while Katsuki was glad that Izuku didn't come to the UA, I told him to shut up. ''This all your fault. You always used to bully him and its because of you he's.... he's gone'' I said angrily as Katsuki replied, ''Tch... why do you even care about that quirkless nerd?'' ''He was my FRIEND!'' I shouted and by now, everyone in class 1a turned to stare at us but I didn't care 
Classes dragged on as usual and when we went to the grounds for hero training, we heard the school's security's alarms blaring loudly. ''Quick! Everyone, stay in the classrooms! The pro heroes will ensure you're safe! There are villains attacking!'' yelled Present Mic over the speakers and just as we were about to make a run for it, a purple portal opened up in front of us and out came a buff well built looking guy with a green mask, with a blue haired crusty looking person and a blonde haired girl wearing a school uniform 
The green haired guy removed his mask and I recognized his freckles along with his emerald eyes and his green hair. Slowly it was starting to hit me.... Izuku, my dear friend was a.... villain!!?? 
''Izuku?'' I whispered and looked shocked as hell and so did Katsuki. "What the HELL you DAMN nerd?'' ''Ah.... an old reunion among childhood friends. How sweet'' said Izuku smiling sickly. ''Stay back'' threatened Aizawa. '' Izuku, why did you become a.... a villain?'' I asked him with tears in my eyes. '' Ah... my darling Y/N chan. Sweetheart, who wouldn't become one after they've been let down by their idol and on top of that being bullied for being quirkless? That arrogant ego filled jerk KATSUKI bullied me till NO ENDS!! And heck! Even my own MOM gave up on me after she found out I was quirkless! But Y/N... you were the only one who gave me hope.... You made me happy, you always supported me, cheered me on.... Join me Y/N... Join me and I'll make sure to treat you like the princess that you deserve to be treated. To hell with this corrupted tainted hero society!'' he roared but I shook my head and ran away from him. ''Y/N chan, love, You can't escape me~'' and released some purple fog all around us. Then, I felt something hit my head and pretty soon, the only only thing I could sense was people yelling and shouting as my consciousness slowly drifted.....  
3rd Person POV: You woke up on a surprisingly comfortable bed but your hands were chained to the bed's headboard. You started hollering through your gag, making muffled noises. Soon a blue haired man and your friend Izuku appeared. ''Ask you girlfriend to join us or die.'' said the crusty looking man, as he removed your gag and you yelled, "I'm NEVER joining the LOV! Izuku, this ISN'T YOU! Why are you doing this!? How could you?'' you screamed at him with tears in your eyes. You couldn't use your quirk since he had placed a quirk canceling collar on you
He unchained you and rubbed your back in a somewhat soothing manner, waiting for you to calm down. ''Do... do you have any idea how WORRIED your mom was'' you asked him, as he quickly kissed you on your lips in order to shut you up. You tried fighting him, but gave in to him in the end. He broke the kiss and cuddled you and whispered hoarsely.... '' I love you Y/N my precious doll.... your MINE and ONLY MINE, no one else's..... And you will learn to love me at some point.....
BONUS SCENE: Toga: Uhh.... Dabi, you Do realize that if you're planning to flirt with Y/N Deku's gonna murder you, right?
Dabi: Yeah you stab queen, I figured that out, but I'm not going to lie, she was pretty good looking
Shigaraki: You're all idiots. 
Izuku: What. the HELL. did you say about MY Y/N?? 
Dabi: Uhhh....n-nothing. She's absolutely PERFECT for you and she's like my little sister. (Chuckles nervously)
Izuku: (smiles in a way no creepy serial psychotic serial killer would) Good to know.
P.S: This convo takes place AFTER you're nicely sleeping on DEKU's bed, END OF STORY
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serxinns · 3 months
Hello! :3 so I have yandere platonic another sibling request so how about Izuku having a older sister who is protective I mean protective of him and would always glare at anyone who is mean to him and plus she is a platonic yandere, so when she learn about students who make fun of him in junior school let’s just say those students got put in the hospital for bad burns, and Izuku’s older sister would be friendly to class 1-a and kinda friendly to bakugou because she almost burned him after she hear that he was bullying Izuku, also here’s a scenario so her and Izuku and he accidentally talked about the training island arc and how there was no teachers on the island and when she heard that she went to nezu office and started screaming at him and almost burned his office if it wasn’t for class 1-a holding her back, so if you want to add any another reader oc maybe Izuku’s cousin?
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You were always protective of Izuku, ever since you found out Izuku was quirkless you swore that you would protect him no matter what, whenever bakugo tried to mess up and tease Izuku about not being quirkless you would call off his bluff and you ended up turning and into a yelling match between the two of you, if it wasn't for izuku excusing "kaccha's" words saying he was just teasing him the two of you would've been in the hospital
Izuku admired his older sibling ever since then he thought that you were all might 2.0! He would glare at any student who dared to talk to his sibling or drag you away making excuses saying he needed help with some of his homework or wanted to show off his new all might figure as the years grew izuku grew more attached to you way too attached to the point where you can't even be alone with him but you brushed it off as it was your job as the older sibling to protect plus you even admired how he was protecting his younger cousin Izumi!
But ever since he suddenly got this Powerful quirk and went to Ua your stress levels and protective levels went to the chain, giving you a heart attack every time a new scar was on his or Izumi's body, your mom crying finding out about The USJ incident and the and endless hospital trips was giving you a gray hair you even begged for your mother to just pull him and Izumi put of UA already 😭
You just wanted your little brother and cousin to be safe why can't they realized it yet!?
One day when you izuku and Izumi were talking to One another izuku accidentally mentioned the camp and you went BALLISTIC pressuring both of them to tell what happened Izumi spat out everything every single detail while Izuku was sweating bullets from seeking your frown turned into a deadly glare
Nezu was busy doing some school paperwork it was 5 pm he was happily drinking his tea and humming to some sweet classical music until he heard a bang and some yelling "Y/N SAN PLEASE!!" "NO WHAT WERE THEY THINKING THOSE BASTARDS" He heard him turn down his music a bit to listen to Cleary of what the commotion was about not even a 1 min later he saw a raging h/c you fire coming out of your mouth and with what seems to be ripped tape around their body like someone was trying to restraint them and izuku and Izumi and other of his classmates trying to hold you down
"Y/N MIDORIYA THIS IS NOT A APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR AS CLASS REP I ORDER YOU TO STOP THIS AT ONCE" Iida yelled while grabbing into one of your arms while Kirishima held the other "Wow Izuku I didn't know your sibling was that strong" Kirishima said as he tried to pinned the other arm "Y/N PLEASE THEY ALREADY HANDLED IT I SWEAR IM FIN-" "BULLSHIT THIS WOULDNT HAD HAPPEN IF THIEE TEACHERS DIDNT DO THEIR FUCKING JOB" you said shaking and squirming around trying to get iida and kirishima off you so you can kill the rat
While all this is happening next looks so done just sipping his tea with a "😐" face and signs "4th destroying office incident this week" he thought as he sipped his tea once again and decided it was enough watching this tomfoolery "Right everyone let's y/n go I'll have a private chat with them" everyone including izuku and Izumi hesitated but let go praying you wouldn't kill the principal
After the whole conversation, you both agreed that the staff and teachers would be extra careful with you and make sure to watch out for Izuku and Izumi more (especially Izuku) in the condition that you get a week of house arrest cause you interfere with his quiet time and ruined almost half of his paperwork lol
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mha-grievances · 1 year
All Might’s Final Fight with AFO:
So recently, All Might’s taken up arms and is fighting against AFO. Though All Might’s unable to use his quirk, he’s been fitted with a power suit.
Why am I dedicating a blog post to this? Well, it’s because I find it to be one of the best written parts of the manga. For starters, we get more backstory on All Might, who he was before he got his quirk and why he desired to be a hero in the first place. Even without a quirk, All Might still wanted to help out. Armed with nothing but a makeshift weapon, he began patrolling his neighborhood to fight against people who abused their power. His dream of being a Symbol of Peace was a result of him wanting to do good. Even when Nana tells him that he’d be extremely limited in how much he can contribute without a quirk, he still doesn’t waver, in fact claiming that normal people are “protecting their three meters area” and that he feels obligated to do so himself. This line of thinking is very similar to how Izuku feels as well, which further emphasizes the point on why All Might chose him as the next successor of OFA. We also get a great fight scene where All Might is able to damage AFO significantly using only his grit, determination, and support gear, which finally grants the audience on an answer regarding whether a quirkless person can be a hero. Sure, All Might’s power suit is probably expensive as hell, but the fact that he’s able to damage AFO, the guy who literally pulls quirks out of his ass to adapt to whatever Hori needs him to do, is a great showing. The line that All Might says about “protecting his 3 meters” also tells us that the quirkless can still function as underground heroes if need be. Finally, at the end of the day, this is meant to show how All Might’s answer regarding his signature “everyone can be a hero” line has come full circle. Prior to getting OFA, his answer would’ve been “yes”, claiming that even though they might not be able to handle certain threats, they could still protect people at a street level. After meeting AFO, the man who killed his mentor and crippled him for life, he loses sight of the bigger picture, how someone can still be a hero even though they can’t fight someone as powerful as AFO. Now, we see that with the aid of technology and having allies (Stain serving this purpose here), he can still stand up against AFO while remembering his humble roots.
Another thing I like about this chapter is that we see the true extent of All Might’s willpower. We see how he was still willing to fight even when he was bloodied and unable to use his lower body. He’s the (former) Number 1 hero for many reasons, and it’s not just because of his power. Here we see that on full display.
Now, I do have a nitpick about this chapter and it’s one that kinda ties into an issue I have with MHA as a whole. During the fight, All Might’s power suit “mimics” the abilities of 1-A’s quirks. This is meant to be seen as a fact that 1-A has inspired All Might to keep fighting. On paper, this would seem like a nice nod in showing how both 1-A (kids beginning their hero journeys) and All Might (who has technically ended his) have caused each other to grow. The issue I have is that we don’t really see 1-A and All Might have a heart to heart moment. All Might has really only consistently interacted with two of the students, Izuku (his mentee) and Katsuki (ew). Obviously he’s going to have a lot more moments with Izuku due to OFA, but there’s never really a scene where All Might gets to bond with 1-A. It’s kind of just implied. In a similar vein, Shota’s supposedly very attached to 1-A, but this isn’t something we see all too much. He has one real moment of teaching, which is when he and Izuku talk during the Overhaul Arc, but outside of that, we get almost nothing. Yeah, Ms. Joke mentions how he didn’t expel all of them like he did with his previous classes, but Hori goes on to retcon that by stating he only suspended his previous classes, making this moment feel out of place. Basically what I’m getting at here is that the relationships between the students and teachers are touted as this “big thing” but we get little to no showings as to why this is. In the instance of the reveal that All Might “copied” his students quirks, it’s nowhere near as emotional as it could’ve been. I’m not saying that a lot of time needs to be spent on developing said relationships, but one or two instances where Hori actually shows us the teachers bonding with the students instead of telling us about their bond would’ve elevated this scene to be much more impactful than it is now. Also, when I mean “show”, I mean actually show us in present tense, not in flashbacks that happen right before/after something happens. Flashbacks are a great tool when used properly but good god does Hori abuse flashbacks more than he has Katsuki abuse Izuku.
In conclusion, while it could’ve been more emotionally powerful if Hori developed the relationship between 1-A and the teachers more, quirkless All Might vs AFO is another Hori W, easily being one of the best written moments to come out of MHA.
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sugolara · 6 months
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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“Is Nezu going to tell Denki about this?” Shoto asked Hanta, unsure of how things go when someone dies.
Hanta let out a sigh as he, Shoto and F/n headed towards the weaponry—well the two males followed the girl as she took the lead, “Nezu personally tells the family. He does it because he's the leader, but a part of me thinks he also does it because he feels guilty. Most of the people who died were killed by Tomura, with their families watching.”
“As for Aizawa?” Shoto asked again, “Is there a…funeral? I’ve seen burials behind the farm.”
“Yeah, they tell both him and his daughters along with Yagi.” He placed his hand on his nape, “And we do funerals. We do them when everyone is back from scavenging so they all get their last say. If the families wish for the loved ones to be burned or buried, then Nezu allows it.
“But since Denki and Aizawa aren’t here, he makes the call. We also write down their names in a book so we don’t forget them and then place it in a church by the farm.” He finished off with a sad sigh. He too was saddened by their deaths. He spent years with them, so for them to die right in front of him, made him severely upset. He would grieve later, in his bedroom.
“I’ve seen it.” Shoto remembered the white wooden church. He had gone there before he heard the commotion. Despite the church's wooden floors creaking underneath his foot, it was relatively nice and big inside. It was also very quiet, he almost felt like he could hear his mind. He also saw the book of names, a lot being on the list, “When do funerals usually happen?”
“During sundowns.” When they arrived at the weaponry, Hanta was the last to enter, “The shade of orange makes people feel comforted. Not really sure why.”
“Sunsets are nice to look a-” Shoto let out a small grunt as F/n shoved him a pistol. He had to admit that it kind of hurt, “What do I need this for?”
She gave him a look while passing one to Hanta, “You’ve seen what just happened. You really want that for yourself, because I don’t.”
“You’re being paranoid.” Hanta had to say it as he willingly took the gun. 
“Seriously?” She glared at him, “I’m just trying to make sure that you can protect yourselves, alright. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about Katsuki and Izuku.”
“Wait.” Shoto said, eying the pistol, “Don’t they take inventory? They’ll know that someone took it.”
“Yeah, he's right, F/n.” Hanta added.
She rolled her eyes and placed one in her jacket, “You guys are so stupid. With how quickly Mirio and that other guy went to grab the guns, they didn't have time to do inventory. I saw they added a bunch of guns; rifles and pistols. They’ll just add the ones we're taking to them.”
“I’m not stupid.” Shoto said, slightly glaring at her, “Don’t you think they’ll know which guns they took even with how quickly they went?”
“Watch that face.” She returned the glare, “Even if they remember, I doubt they’ll go asking questions. They’re terrified of Tomura and his group.”
“She’s also right.” Hanta then began to head out, feeling awkward, “I’m gonna go home and wait for Denki and Eijiro. Feel free to come.”
When the door shut, Shoto’s glare disappeared while her’s still stayed as she grabbed a box of ammo, “Here. Make sure to only use it when necessary, alright. And make sure to shoot this time.”
He scoffed as he sat on the stool that Gunhead previously sat on, “Right.”
“I’m done here, anyways.” She said and looked at him, “You wanna go home?”
“Yeah.”  Home. That sounded nice to him. He then thought about tonight's dinner, “You mind if we make soba tonight?”
“Sure.” She nodded, “Don’t know how to make that.”
“I can make it.” He smiled as they both exited the building and then made their way towards the food house. Making a meal for F/n, honestly made him feel intimate. Almost like she was actually his, and he would be preparing her meals, waking her up and doing what any partner would do.
He would obviously be different from his father, though he hoped, from what he heard, that she too would be different from her father. But the sad thing is, he could already tell just who she was becoming and if he had to cherish what little days he had with her, then that was exactly what he was going to do. 
“You’re just in luck.” Tamaki said as handed Shoto the last few packs of noodles, “We’re still opening the packed food that you guys had brought. It’s a lot…so thank you.”
Seiji also nodded as he was in the back opening a box of cereal to place on the shelves, “Yeah, no kidding. If it weren’t for them we would have supplies that would last for at least a few months.”
“Maybe Katsuki and Izuku will bring back enough.” F/n said, letting Tamaki help Shoto with the rest, “Though I highly doubt it.”
“Who knows what's out there.” Seiji said, a box of chips in hand, “The community is just glad that you were able to risk your life for us.”
She had playfully scoffed, “We didn’t exactly risk our life. More like sitting on our ass for the most of it.”
When he let out a short laugh, she was able to get a good look at him. He kind of looked like Hitoshi. When she had asked Hanta for his whereabouts, the male had told him that he had died a long while back, since the beginning. To think her good friend, her best friend died really hurt her. 
She couldn’t help but think that he was weak. But she understood that Hitoshi and her were on different levels, so of course it was evident that he would die. As long as he wasn’t suffering anymore, that was all that mattered. 
From Shoto’s view, he began to get a little jealous as he watched her interact with Seiji. He couldn’t hear their conversation clearly, but it must've been good if she managed to make the male laugh. How come she didn’t make him laugh when they first met? 
“We’re done.” Shoto said and grabbed her arm.
“What?” She said.
“We’re done.” He guided her, “Let’s go home.”
“Okay.” She was confused but didn’t say anything. She looked at the basket he held, “So you got all the ingredients.”
He nodded, “Most of it, but I’ll think of something.”
While Shoto began to make dinner, F/n headed to shower. After she returned to her room and looked out her window. She could slightly see outside the walls. All she could see were destroyed homes since the community was surrounded by it. She couldn’t see a few rotters, but only a few. 
The people who took watch did a great job at getting rid of them. Maybe she should talk to Nezu and get placed there instead. She’d be using a gun and that sounded much more fun than cleaning one. She didn’t want to get soft like everyone else. She’d be a great asset with her experience anyways. 
“Damn, this is really good.” She said as she chewed on the noodles, “Had I known you were such a great cook I definitely would have talked to you in high school. You and Izuku. Don’t know much about Katsuki.”
“Thanks.” A faint blush coated his cheeks, “I was thinking, since I don’t have much work with Momo in the gardening, that I’d come help you in the weaponry room. Get experience on what you have.”
She listened, spinning her chopsticks, “Yeah, sure. I can teach you, I was planning on doing so anyways. If you want to survive then you gotta know your weapons and know how to shoot. Not that I'm saying you don’t, just more of being careful.”
She would have mentioned teaching Izuku and Katsuki, but chose not to as she wanted to enjoy the time with him. Just him and her.
Her saying that she was going to help him made him have a smile. He’s never felt this way about anyone and to feel it, it felt so good. Even if the relationship was one-sided or if she was still trying to process it, Shoto should let her know.
..He should let her know…right? 
Now that it's just them, he should tell her what he's truly feeling, before Izuku and Katsuki have the chance. If she were to say yes then he’d be ecstatic, but if she were to say no…he didn’t even want to think about it. But he has to let her know before something were to happen to him.
He continued to stare at her. He was nervous and his body heating up didn’t help, “...F/n..”
She hummed, “Yeah?
“I..” Say it, Shoto.
“You…?” She stared confusingly at him, her fingers holding onto the chopsticks mid air.
“..I.” Just say it, Shoto.
“Are you feeling okay?” She noted that his cheeks were red.
His eyes stared at her beautiful eyes, his brows were furrowed and he noted that she did the same. No, he couldn’t say it. Not yet at least, so for now he’ll contain his feelings and scoff at himself as he stared at the confused girl, “I’m tired. I think I’ll be heading to bed.”
“Uh,” She watched as he stood up, placed his half eaten soba in the sink and left for his bedroom, “...Okay.”
Had she said something to upset him? She hoped not, though she did want to hear what he had to say.
She now sat alone in the kitchen, unsure of what to do. The silence was loud as she looked to where he previously sat. She could hear him walking, though his footsteps soon quieted down. 
She slurped the last noodle and placed her plate away before entering her room. The gun she had to take, she tucked it away under her bed where a floorboard was coming out. She had grabbed a few bullets and tucked those away as well. 
She changed into comfortable clothing, mentally wishing Shoto a good night as she laid on her bed, where sleep consumed her. Unknowingly, the male doing the same as he stared at the ceiling, a letter resting next to him that could change his whole life.
The candles and lamp were the only ones that lighted Nezu’s office. His pet rat had gone asleep a while ago, so it was just him, Shota and Toshinori in his room. They had come back after their long month run, bringing what they could find as well as a family. 
After the family had gotten settled in their new home, Shota and Toshinori reported back to Sorston’s leader. They had informed the shorter male about the cities they’ve come across. A few towns that were still gated, but no energy or utility source. They wanted to expand Sortson, but with how things were going, they had to put the plan on pause. 
Shota and Toshinori had to sit down after hearing their friend's death. “I am sorry.”
Of course Shota was mad, he was furious but he displayed it with a sadden look as he had his hands on his face, “...Has he been buried?”
Nezu nodded, “Yes.”
Toshinori let out a soft sigh, as always putting his students first, “How is Denki doing?”
“They are to return tomorrow morning. I dispatched them before the signal could get lost.” Nezu said as he fixed a paper in front of him, “He and Eijirio brought back a group of your students; Katsuki, Izuku, Shoto and F/n.”
“They made it?” Toshinori was glad to hear that they were alive, “How far were they?”
“A day away.” Nezu said, “The funeral will hap-”
“Nezu.” Shota removed his hands from his face and looked at the male in front of them. They should have called a council meeting, but Shota didn’t want to wait. He didn’t want to wait for the rest to only deny, “We can’t keep doing this. Giving them what we find and in return they kill one of us. What kind of play is that?”
Nezu blinked, “I hope you’re not suggesting we do something.”
“I am.” Shota narrowed his eyes, or one of them at least. Due to Tomura’s antics the male had lost his right eye, “Countless of our people are dying because of him. Both my daughters could be next, anybody could be next.”
Toshinori knew where this was heading, “We need to call a meeting, Shot-” 
“No. This stays between us, we make a call on this.” Shota then eyed Nezu, “We can’t let them keep doing this to us, Nezu. We have to put an end to it even if I or some of us have to die doing it.”
“Shota!” Toshinori couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
Nezu wanted  to disagree, he knows it's a bad idea.. It could all backfire and Sorston would be in an even more trouble than they are now. But, if everything went right, if Shota managed to pull this off, then Sorston would be free. Sorston would no longer have to be in fear and work until they die to please Tomura’s group; All For One.
All they needed to do was wait until he found a better solution, but, as much as he wanted to deny, what else could he do? This wasn’t the best plan, and all the plans Nexu had thought of only ended in bloodshed. But he had to take some control, let his people, his community feel safer, even if some had to die trying to make it better.
The smaller male looked back down to his desk, papers of written names from Sorston’s people. He hasn’t managed to interview Katsuki, Izuku, Shoto and F/n, but when he spoke with Hanta, he had written some information about his cousin. 
He had to put his fear for the people behind, “I will gather some people to help you out, including myself.”
“No.” Shota said, placing his hand out to stop him, “You won’t be in this fight.”
“Shota, I am the leader, these people count on me to do the right thing.” He then added, “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. To avenge our fallen comrades.”
“And that is the reason why you can not come.” The raven-haired male said, “If we bring you and  things go bad Sorston won’t have a leader. This place needs one.”
“I agree.” Toshinori said as he looked at Nezu, “And with all due respect sir, you'll only be holding us back. So please, stay here.”
Nezu let a low sigh come from his nose, he had already chosen who was to lead next incase something were to happen to him and the council team knew it, yet they still refuse to believe it. He closed his eyes for a short moment before looking at the two in front, “I understand. Shota, you will be the lead for this operation. Toshinori you follow after.”
“Thank you, sir.” The two male say and bow their heads. 
Nezu nodded as he shuffled through the papers on his desk, “I will have a group of people ready so that they can come with you. You can take your time with this, but I’ll have you know that Tomura is to return next week.”
“We’ll be ready before next week.” Shota then stood up, “And about the people, I hope you don’t mind that I pick and choose.”
“Not at all.” Nezu stood up to grab a folder that held all the names and information of the community's people, “I haven’t had the chance to add your students. F/n was never yours, but she knows how to handle a weapon, same as Hanta, so please, have her come with you.”
Once again Shota bowed before he and Toshinori left the room, “Thank you, sir.”
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So sick of hearing bs from dudebros that minimise Katsuki's importance to the plot.
Katsuki IS the central plot.
I'm not kidding. This is an enemy to lovers romance set in a superhero world.
And our hero doesn't have to be conciously aware of they're in a romance story with their antagonist from the beginning. They in fact, typically, don't get it.
Now any half-serious writer knows about 'The Hero's Journey'. A guide to plotting out the narrative and developing the protoganist.
Every hero has to follow this. A writer may wiggle some things around to spice it up, but this is the blueprint they have to cover. It sets the entire plot direction. The purpose of our hero's story.
What's unusual is that the plot in MHA is deliberately misdirected by a dream to be a hero, and an eventual showdown with AFO. But I'm going to tell you the central plot is:
Protect/Save Katsuki.
He must win over Katsuki, be equal to Katsuki, and ultimately save Katsuki.
Our protagonist refuses to voice this desire, but he is very aware (now). He does reach a moment of clarity and self-honesty (after lying about why blackwhip was activated), and from that moment on, we lose all narrated insight of his thoughts about Katsuki.
The story moves forward as though it's something else, but still critically revolves around the two of them. Everything else that happens is a sub-plot for other character development, or a plot-driver for their relationship.
What steps are in The Hero's Journey that make me think this?:
Introduction -Ordinary World
Call to Action/Adventure
Refusal of Call
Meet The Mentor
Accepting the Call/Crossing the Threshold
Let's have a look:
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First we have an Introduction: Ordinary World. The world as it is in the beginning for our protoganist, inlcuding our first insights into their existing problems and inadequacies. Things they will need to overcome by the end of the story.
And here's Izuku's Ordinary World:
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Izuku's ordinary world is introduced with his terrible relationship with Katsuki, and his quirkless inadequacy that feeds into this. He is not born equal to others, and most critically, not equal to Katsuki.
Next is Call to Action (Adventure). The hero is compelled to rise to meet the crisis.
Izuku's Call to Action:
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Someone is being killed. Smothered. It's Izuku's fault.
He accidentilly released the sludge villain while begging to become a hero to All Might. Izuku knows someone has to act right now, the kid is suffocating just like he was when he was attacked by the same villain earlier. His actions caused this, and he doesn't move. He tells himself he can't do anything.
All hero's narratively have to reject the first Call to Action.
Refusing The Call:
He doesn't act, he waits for a hero. Without a quirk, he can't do anything.
You'll notice on our Hero's Journey wheel what is supposed to happen next is Meet The Mentor.. But this step has happened already. We know Izuku meets All Might before any of this happens. What the?..
Yes. Horikoshi subverted the Hero's Journey by having Izuku meet All Might BEFORE The Call to Action. And All Might REJECTS him.
It allows Deku to go straight from clearly Refusing The Call to Avtion, to Accepting The Call (or Crossing The Threshold), which a Hero only does because something critical has changed to move them into action.
Accepting The Cal/Crossing The Threshold:
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Despite resolving to give up on his dream to save people, accepting he will never be equal to Katsuki, Izuku answers The Call by saving Kacchan, *BECAUSE* it's Kacchan.
Kacchan is Deku's critical motivator, our turning point. The Call turned out to Katsuki, and it changes everything. He answers this time without hesitation.
Some are going to argue that it's because of his 'save me' eyes, and it could have been anyone needing saving. If that's true, then Horikoshi could have made it anyone else. But he didn't, because it had to be Katsuki to set and drive the plot.
Narration: There were any number of reasons [one of is simply "Kacchan"]. But at that moment...
"You look like you needed saving."
The first "You.." in a bubble all on it's own, is not an accident. There are no accidents in storytelling. It's the answer.
"There were any number of reasons. But in that moment... You..."
The Call is not becoming a hero, because Izuku never refused to be a hero. He has PURSUED being a hero his whole life. Aggressively. Painfully. Dellusionally.
He is ALREADY a schoolyard hero -even getting beaten to defend others. It's a huge dream, and Izuku will wreck himself over it, but it's not The Call.
It serves as his growth journey to become worthy and equal, and it's a high-stakes commonality to develop the relationship with Katsuki. There's plenty of subplot, explosions, noise and badassery here to enjoy as well. It also decoys and distracts the angsty-gay-romance adverse very nicely.
Just like in a romance novel where the main character is driven to be the greatest pole vaulter, etc, 'pole vaulting hero' is not THE central plot point, or The Call -even if she has self-doubts at any point about pole-vaulting.
The central plot is the relationship. Always. Pole-vaulting is shared high-pressure to grow as a person, and critically develop the bond with her sexy, amazing, but unreasonably angry, rival, pole vaulter. It's a vehicle. It could just as easily be professional dancer, marketing executive, whatever. As long as it drives the relationship.
Back to Izuku. He may have been heroic "saving" Katsuki, but it was also kind of pathetic. He doesn't "win" Katsuki over, or prove he is equal. Katsuki rejects him immediately.
No hero wins without a boatload of growth and suffering first.
Then we get a do-over of Meet The Mentor. And this time All Might accepts him, praising him as worthy of his dream, because Izuku had already fulfilled Answering The Call.
He gets to be a hero. Most importantly, he gets to go to UA with Katsuki. I don't mean to undermine his growth as a hero, but this career's main point is to drive the physical and emotional stakes skyhigh.
So with the acceptance of The Call, our journey to equality and saving Katsuki, has officially begun...
Katsuki of course, continues to aggressively reject him, but Izuku won't let him go his own way, or back down.
Even as their relationship develops, they won't stop emotionally tormenting each other, even though it's unintentional. Relationship conflict and saving Katsuki is the whole point. Finding their EQUAL place beside each other will be the resolution.
And that's exactly how it's playing out now. They are both in a crisis phsyically and emotionally. Katsuki is at death's door, and emotionally has gone too far in his view of their respective worths, now viewing Izuku as his superior (ref apology). Not equal.
Izuku is making desperate decisions to save Katsuki, like fighting on the ground to keep Katsuki out of the battlefield. He is also aggressively fighting his feelings, because he doesn't believe their feelings are the same.
Saving Katsuki and equality of worth, feelings, and abiliity, will have to be resolved for the story's climax. So I expect we are waiting for below:
*Izuku must save Katsuki.
* Izuku reveals he has been very flawed. Not superior. Eg. Lying. His secret feelings. Losing control. Leaving Katsuki vulnerable. He apologises. They both accept they are both flawed and have hurt each other, but remain each others' hero.
*They realise their romantic feelings are the same. Katsuki will ultimately bridge the gap.
* Katsuki will also need to save Izuku to restore equality.
* They will win the war because they work together, equally important to the victory.
* Enjoy peace and working together dor bright future side by side.
I'm rambling now, but...
There is a strong secondary plot arc, and sub plots. They are ultimately pot-stirrers to our central plot which really is: Protect/Save Katsuki. It is.
Protect/Save Katsuki is why the audeince has akways felt such a sense of unease about Katsuki's vulnerability and safety, despite the rough exterior, because it's the plot. You're supposed to be invested like this.
And Horikoshi continues to naturally progress the narrative along, by repeatedly putting Katsuki in increasing levels of stakes/danger (insulted, kidnapped, speared, "dead").
It's why Izuku had to fail repeatedly to save him, he narratively MUST fail until our climax.
It's why Izuku is increasingly torn up inside, and out of control in his heart to protect Katsuki, because Katsuki is his goal. He had to become increasingly emotionally obsessed with Katsuki as progression to match the increasing stakes to Katsuki's life.
It's also why Katsuki had to grow to love Izuku over time, and then goes too far in his respect/guilt over him as the climax draws near (superior/inferior). He reverses Izuku always chasing him, and instead longs to catch up to Izuku. To be equal, narratively, he should have extreme, tumultuous feelings and experiences to match Izuku's own, so he does.
He is concurrently responding to the same increasing stakes against Izuku's life. He develops a desperate need to also save Izuku. Equal. Equal. Equal.
As clearly identified in our introduction, Normal World, Izuku will need to have fully developed self-worth, and be equal in ALL respects to finally protect Katsuki. Katsuki must equally grow and reciprocate all of it.
MHA is ultimately:
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145 notes · View notes
imagineanime2022 · 3 months
A Reason To Hate Me.
No Pairing
Character of focus is Katsuki Bakugo
Word Count: 2072
Requested: @supernerdycookietrashblrr
Request: Original Request
Warnings: Bullying, Parent Death, Bakugo hate, bad interpretation of a devil fruit
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You should have known that you couldn’t continue under the radar for too long. Your quirk wasn’t something that made you outwardly strong, in the world that you lived in you were practically quirkless. Your quirk needed to be activated by eating a certain type of mushroom, something you coined as the wakeshroom. It soon became apparent to you that you were the only person that seemed to be able to eat these mushrooms but it still had an effect on you, so when you were a child your parents kept you away from them.
That was why you sat in this classroom with your head down cycling through things that you had read 1000 times in attempts to keep attention off of you. You knew that you had failed when you felt the shadow crawl over your shoulder “What are in here you useless nerd?” Someone asked. “Nothing.” You answered softly, trying to make yourself smaller in the chair and shrink away from Bakugo. You remember a time when he didn’t even see you but you made the mistake of sticking up for Izuku one day and that turned his attention to you. Izuku often apologised but you always told him that it wasn’t his fault. “Then you're just taking up space in here?” He asked harshly as he took the paper that you had been looking at. “Still don’t get this dumbass?” “I understand-” “If you understood you won’t be hiding in here-” “Kacchan that’s enough.” Izuku’s voice sounded from the door, Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Losers flock together I guess.” He smirked before using his quirk to burn the paper that he was holding with a smirked before barging past Izuku and leaving the room. “Are you o-” “I’m fine Izuku, thanks for the help.” You mumbled as you looked out the window. “You should tell someone what’s happening.” Izuku suggested. “You mean like you did?” You asked, Izuku sighed as he stood up, he wanted to fight what you said but instead he left you be, after all what you said had hurt him a little bit.
Their descent into madness started slowly, the first thing being the death of your parents after they got caught in a villain attack and you were left alone. You attempted to continue your life applying for the hero schools around and trying to do something that would make your parents proud but when you got to the entrance exam you came across someone you wished that you would never have to see again “what the hell are you doing here?” Bakugo asked. You didn’t say anything “you know that you aren’t good enough to get into this school.” “Hey dude, that's not nice.” Someone said from somewhere in the crowd. “Mind your own business!” Bakugo yelled back. “Can’t even fight for yourself how are you supposed to protect anyone.” You shouldn’t have let it get to you, if you were able to prove him wrong then you could do anything but of course, you didn’t the moment that the exam actually started Bakugo seemed to make it his mission to take every point that you could have got and by the end you were sure that you weren’t getting into UA.
After not being accepted on any hero course, you were still accepted into UA for normal schooling, the government gave you somewhere to stay now that your parents were gone and even offered you a part time job that would help you pay for rent, food and bills. You still saw Izuku sometimes but for the most part you stayed away because that meant that you stayed away from Bakugo too. “Told you, you wouldn’t make it. At least you're where you belong with all the other extras.” You don’t know how he kept finding you, whether he was looking for you at this point. You stayed quiet but that only seemed to give him space to continue “bet your parents are real proud of you now.” You bit down on your lip hands clenching at your side, “bet they tell that lie everyday, anyone ever tell you that parents lie too?” You were sure that he didn’t know that your parents had been killed. Why would he? But that was what started a downward spiral, with no one to stop you, you started spending more time in the world that you quirk created for you, eating the wakeshroom to keep yourself there. You don’t know if the school ever noticed that you stopped attending or if anyone came looking for you because you don’t remember a lot of what happened outside of your little world until Stains grand speech and you joining the League Of Villains.
On the day that you showed up they seemed to have a healthy amount of people already following the cause but the power and atmosphere that followed you gave Shigaraki enough reason to accept you into his group. “You're the only other person my age here.” A soft female voice sounded from next to you. “So?” You asked. “I think we should be friends. My name's Himiko Toga.” She introduced herself. “(Y/N) (L/N).” You answered after a moment. “What’s your quirk, mine lets me change into anyone who’s blood I drink, obviously the more I drink the longer I can pretend to be them.” She shrugged. “My quirk allows me to make a world all of my own and the songs there help me to control what happens there.” You answered. “Woah that’s cool, can you show me?” She asked. “Maybe when we go on our first mission.” You answered.
You were kept away from the Bakugo capture mission, on your own request, admitting that he and some of the teacher may recognise you and make the mission much harder for them, you were proven right when he got back. “Hey loser, what are you doing with these guys?” He asked, you glanced at him for a second. “Is he the one that hurt you?” Toga asked. “Oh you’ve got them doing your dirty work then!?” He asked. “You being here has nothing to do with me, in fact if I was asked my opinion I would have suggested killing you.” You answered, you don’t even know where the sentence had come from but it seemed that the effects of the shrooms that you had been eating in preparation for a fight were taking effect. You watched as Bakugo’s eyes widened allowing them the chance to properly chain him to the chair, you stood from where you were sitting walking over to him slowly, knee leant on the chair between his legs as your hand latched around his throat making him look at you. “You should thank Shigaraki for what he wants to offer you, otherwise I might have indulged in my own fantasy.” “You're crazy!” He growled. “And who made me that way?” You asked softly, pushing his head back roughly as you walked away “I won’t be controlled by you anymore.”
It would be months before you see Bakugo again, he escaped the clutches of the villains with the help of All Might and the other heroes and your group never crossed paths with him for a long while. When finally did come into contact with them was during the Jaku city incident which would ultimately earn you the fear that you deserved. “(Y/N)? What are you doing!?” Bakugo asked. “Me!?” You asked “I’m protecting the only people that have ever made me feel like I’m worth something, you think that using my name would make me change my mind!?” “What about Izuku? I thought you were friends!” Bakugo yelled “Shigaraki wants to kill him!” “I know what Shigaraki wants and honestly it never bothered me, Izuku stopped caring about me a long time ago! Every opportunity he got he saved you, every time he rescues you, so many people make excuses for you, you should never have been given the chance to be a hero! You loved hurting people everywhere that you went but for some reason I was always your target. I don’t know what I did to you but you can be sure that what I do to you will give you a reason to hate me.” You promised as you glanced back at the others, with an unconscious Shigaraki there was no way to win this fight so now they needed to leave. “What are you doing, little illusionist?” Compress asked. “Make sure that you find Toga okay?” You asked. “Of course.” He nodded. “Good then you’ll know when but you have to move quickly all of you.” You ordered, it only took a second for your quirk to take effect stopping all heroes in their track as the dark song took hold of their mind long enough for them to get away, they all seemed to turn on you then, Todoroki and Bakugo being the closest to you, you hummed to the song softly as you dodged the hit moving towards Machia where you sat with your back against his shoulder “Me and you Machia, we’ll be the sacrifices today.”
“(Y/N)!” Izuku shouted, you looked over at him, an almost dead look in your eyes. “What… What are you doing?” He asked. “You know Izuku, I am happy for you, I’m happy that you got to be the hero that you always wanted but it destroyed you, your broken and battered just trying to protect everyone, to protect him the one that made everything a living hell.” You said softly as you leaned back. “Everything needs to change.” “Change?” Izuku asked. “Did I ever tell you what my quirk was capable of doing, I could rewrite the world and make it everything that I want, I never told Shgaraki about that part, I wanted to use it for one purpose.” You explained flicking your hand and knocking back Shoto and Bakugo and freezing them in place. “What are you planning?” Bakugo asked, you looked at him and smirked, you seemed to disappear, reappearing next to his frozen body. “I plan to erase you from existence, I don’t want you in the new world.” You explained “No matter how fun it would be to torture you for the rest of your miserable life.” “You think dying scares me?” Bakugo asked. “Honestly no but I just don’t care. You won’t even get the chance to be an extra.” You smirked as you pulled your arm back, a knife appearing in your hand “once I’m done with you I’ll rewrite the world.” You plunged your hand down but before it could make contact you were knocked away. “I can’t let you hurt him (Y/N).” Izuku said, your eyes widened as you looked between them. “How!? How do you keep taking everything from me!” You yelled the world around you becoming unstable as you pressed the heel of your palm against your head. “I know it’s been hard, I know things have changed but there’s still time to-” “Time to what!? Go back to the way things were, you don’t understand I don’t want to go back to the way things were, I hated it being afraid of even making a noise because he might look over and decide that I’ve annoyed him.” You interrupted. “I can’t go back to that, I can’t.” The bright world about them was starting to become darker as you curled in on yourself. “I can’t, I can’t.” You were so tightly curled that you didn’t notice the deactivation of your quirk. In fact the only thing that you felt was the sharp hit to the back of your neck as you were knocked out swiftly.
Izuku watched as you fell forward into Mirio’s arms as he easily lifted you, the villains had successfully gotten away but they had managed to stop you, maybe even getting you away from them could help you to heal. “I didn’t think that it would have made them this way.” Bakugo muttered. “That’s the problem Bakugo, back then you didn’t think and now it might be too late to fix it.” Izuku explained. “Deku-” “Kacchan, this is something that we may not be able to undo but if that’s the case does that mean that we should punish them for it?” Izuku asked. “This is just as much our fault as it was theirs.”
Request Here!!
9 notes · View notes
justatalkingface · 2 years
Oh I am EXCITED to hear your thoughts about the war arc and the post-war arc because that's when everything went from decent to shit.
From random ass characters getting introduced and killed off
To the HORRIBLE confrontation of 1-A vs Izuku where it feels like Middle School all over again where everyone gangs up on him.
The mistreatment of Izuku where he's treated to be in the wrong for leaving even though it was to protect everyone.
To everyone basically gaslighting him.
To the HORRIBLE apology Bakugou gave which was more justifying his actions and victim blaming.
And not to mention the rushed Aoyama Traitor reveal and Izuku refusing to connect or relate to him because as we know as soon as he got a quirk, his quirkless past was erased!
You know, between how big this ended up being, and all the things I had to do, this response came later than I would have like. Hopefully it lives up.
Ah, The War Arc.
Also known as 'The point where everything went to shit'. Oh, those were the days. It's even worse because, as it was building up, The War Arc seemed like it was going to be awesome. It was where a bunch of plot threads, from Shigaraki to Hawks to Dabi's 'surprise' were all lining up to collide, and oh I, and probably others, were so excited to see it all go down.
Such naivety. Honestly, I think I blocked out so much of this beyond pure scorn that I had to reread it just to do this justice. If I seem particularly biting or sarcastic... that's probably why. This is basiclly me rereading and commenting as I go along, so it'll probably be a bit all over the place, before I move onto the post-war arcs which are still fresh in my mind.
Where to start, where to start.... well, the beginning works, I guess.
The LOV, after absorbing the MLA in a... kind of shoehorned way (Re-Destro basically ceased being a person after Shigaraki beat him, but for all that it's shown as, 'Wow he's so cool let's follow him!', I wonder if he surrendered just so his movement and army wouldn't be annihilated more than anything, and how he feels about all this, since he has no legs and seems generally depressed even though his stress has 'disappeared'. And wow, isn't funny that, if you just give up on everything you ever stood for or care about and your will to live, your sheer crippling depression would probably get rid of your stress temporarily?) becomes the PLF (so many acronyms!) and an army large enough to need a serious intervention, and so an army is needed to oppose them.
Thankfully, they get information from Aizawa's friend from the spin off manga to help figure out where everything is! Thank god they gave us flashbacks as this was happening to explain to anyone who didn't read it what the fuck was going on!
Sigh. Introduce your shit better, Hori, especially when it's some illegal move beyond science you're trying to sell us.
Anyways, that, combined with Hawks's information (back in those days where his arc was great), lets them get a grasp on the PLF and launch a two pronged attack on them, while also dealing with moles. All of this? All of this was actually pretty great, Kurogiri as the exception. Like I said, that build up was great.
Also, can I just add that Present Mic losing his shit was actually pretty awesome and hilarious? 10/10, would watch Crazed Mic again.
Anyways, here's one of the first things that, and maybe it's just me, is just kind of off: the fact that Garaki can duplicate Quirks. Not with a Quirk, or even with multiple Quirks, but just with science, somehow? I know that he's in the best position to do it, with AFO and vast resources to support him, but still; the closest to 'manipulating' Quirks like this, beyond OFA and Garaki himself, that we've seen in this manga? Is fucking Endeavor with his Quirk marriage. Quirks, in this story, are some black box bullshit that no one understands, and attempts to control them are on the level of Mendel and his peas, and often prone to failure to even get a 'basic' change happen (like, Bakugou was another 'basic' pairing, but he easily could have gotten something useless for heroics if he wasn't born lucky), and yet this fucker is just... so far beyond them it's OOC for the setting.
Everyone else is mashing lego pieces they can't see together to see if they fit, but this guy has copied Quirks, hundreds of them, and they just sit in jars everywhere? How? How?! In retrospect (and I'm kind of afraid of how many times I may say that here), his existence is just set up for the massive escalation that's about to come at us like a truck. How are there multiple AFOs active? How is Shigaraki's new body so strong? Where does the retroactively impossible rare old age Quirk come from, that was never a big deal before now because AFO had decades to hunt one down?
All of it? All of it is this guy. He's actually kind of interesting as a character, and a mad scientist fits AFO's organization to a T, but his purpose in the story is to hand out deus ex machinas for the villains on demand, and I honestly kind of hate him for it.
Meanwhile, Mirko bursts into the lab with Tomura in it and, ah, Mirko. In retrospect (seriously, someone count this and get back to me) this is the start of Hori just... ripping off all her body parts off like she's a cheap toy that he wants to see how much it'll take to break. At the time, I didn't think much of it, at worst it was a cheap way to prove how Serious Shit Was(TM) without killing off anyone named, but once it started happening again, while it just continued to focus on her in fetishy ways as she fights, it started to be a disturbing trend.
I've got some mixed feeling about her in general, because she's.... basiclly Bakugou? But with better limits on her behavior? Like, she's what the fanfic versions of Bakugou tend to end up as, somewhat cruel and crude and definitely violent but channeling it towards acceptable targets rather than, like, everyone around her. I actually like Blood Knight characters, but in this setting, as a hero, it just doesn't fit right, you know?
Still, she's a cool character and definitely deserved better than than being turned into a human stick for whatever kicks Hori seems to be getting out of it.
While I'm at it, let me mention that it's hard to take 'Super Strength Quirks' as a whole seriously sometimes if 'Rabbit' is enough for her to tear through the Semi-High Ends with some early Full Cowl level feats, and Endeavor can be punted through buildings and shake it off. In retrospect (fucking sigh) Endeavour vs the High End and Mirko's big Nomu fight were warnings that, yup, we're going all in on the power levels now, and it's kind of frustrating when, early on, they were trying to take the 'physicality' of Quirks seriously, that they were just human bodies plus this one specific thing, and now Hori's taking the seriousness of his own setting so loosely, just to make BIGGER, more DRAMATIC fights that last a lot longer than they should.
But I digress.
On a different note, while it was nice to see 1A given a time to shine, the fact that they're in this fight, the fact that some of them were essential members of this attack, is just wow. This, making so many of the adult heroes seem so useless that the need to depend on literal high schoolers, is in retrospect a big warning sign of just how accelerated the timeline became. In a more 'normal' situation for something like this, these big, dramatic fights would have happened years later, giving 1A the chance to grow up and make it all less... child soldier-y. There's plenty of shonen settings that have this kind of thing happen, sure, but they're always generally dystopian hellholes in the first place. Naruto the sixteen year old being important is a lot less of a reach when they put ten year olds in life or death situations on the regular anyways. MHA, though, is a modern setting, and they're in an actual, semi-normal school, where they get, like diplomas and shit and learn normal school things, rather than some military academy focused on pumping out ninjas or sorcerers or whatever to fight and die and kill for the cause. Which, UA kinda actually does anyways, but UA and how it doesn't actually make sense as a whole is really getting off topic.
So. Anyways....
OK, fine, Re-Destro being, like, the 'This is Fine' meme as a person is both iconic and deeply understandable and I wish we had more focus on that, but I need to focus back up on this!
Midnight's actual combat tool is a non-combat fan that exists just to fan the air. It kind of makes sense with her power but it's just so... shallow seeming, just playing to her fetishy theme, and I honestly think her doing this, fanning the air dramatically, is one of her more impressive showings in canon? I already know Hori has never taken Midnight seriously but still.
I've already talked about how wonderfully horrible the whole Twice Hawks thing was, so we're just going to ignore that and try to save some space....
Now I think it's time, so let's talk about one of the biggest issues of this arc: Shigaraki.
I've said it before, but him powering up makes sense, especially when he starts taking on the mantle of AFO's replacement. The problem is how much he powers up, and we can lay that at the feet of Garaki, Doctor Power Up, you jerk. He was always going to be one of the top beings in the setting once he got one of the most broken Quirks in the setting, but the fact that he can walk around without a Quirk active, blatantly ignoring all the people actively trying to murder him, refusing to simply kill Endeavor because his character is too important to write off yet, still incomplete and still be so dangerous...; in other words, the fact he effectively has several Quirks even without having a Quick is way too far. The heroes nerfing his development was an elegant solution to this problem, something that was handled a lot better than AFO, both as a person and as the Quirk itself, was. Even with Shigaraki escaping at the end of this, and making the 'final confrontation' energy of this arc fall completely flat*, the fact that he was permanently damaged by this still makes it have more meaning... you know. Until they tossed that out to fix him up anyways, somehow.
*This, actually, is one of the things that made the war so bad for me, actually: the build up was so... This Is It. There was all this hype for this being the Ultimate Fight, because if they don't win here, they'll have no way to meaningfully counter Shigaraki, he'd just be too hard to fight. Maybe if it was later, if Izuku was stronger, them losing could work: there would be a somewhat reasonable way out if they lost, involving a (probably bullshit) power up/training arc with Izuku frantically trying to even begin to match Shigaraki somewhere on his level as a 'transcendent one beyond humanity' before it was Too Late.... but him reaching his full potential at this point was years away, far too late to stop Shigaraki. It didn't sit right, because it was too early, but the way it was set up this was the do or die moment. Then the heroes lost, and that was the moment the story just... went to shit because Hori decided to solve the problem of Shigaraki being too strong by just making everyone else stronger as well.
And sure, a lot of it (most of it) is just Izuku, just Deku getting power up after power up, mastering them all near instantly when before each level of strength he gained was hard fought, requiring time and practice to being able to use them well, even with the new, largely out of nowhere addition of Black Whip, but it's also all the super moves everyone starts breaking out left and right in the final arc. It's Endeavour somehow beating AFO. It's all the big, increasingly dramatic and flashy attacks, all of them being no-selled by SFO because they're not allowed to be a meaningful threat. It's the one scratch on SFO by Bakugou (of fucking course) being, not because he's that strong (thank fuck) but because of some weird PTSD flashback on AFO's end. It's Deku, The Main Character, finally showing up and being the only person able to anything. That moment, in retrospect, is the moment when the power levels became the most important thing for a character above anything else, beyond strategy and planning, beyond how a power even works; any of it, all of it, they all paled before how strong is this character, how hard can they hit, how much damage can they take. It takes the idea of everyone being a hero, of the lesson Izuku had started to reject from the very beginning of the story, that people aren't born equal, being proved right all along, despite how the story trying to tell us otherwise.
That Izuku was only ever special because All Might graced him with his Quirk, and nothing else.
Oh. I can't believe I didn't mention that one second later retcon of Shigaraki awakening 'because of his hatred' instead of the far more reasonable electricity zapping him. With the delicious irony of it only happening because a hero was doing the 'heroic' thing of not minding his own business, no less; that would have been the cherry on top of the sundae of him coming back, as the perfect symbolism of how the heroes keep creating the villains they fight.
Don't get me wrong, his awakening itself is epic, you can almost hear the epic dark chorus singing in the background as he destroys everything, but... it's flashiness for the sake of flashiness, the way he officially wakes up. Not for any logical reason, but because his hatred is so immense it breaks reality, just like Izuku magically defies Nighteye's prediction, even though MHA pretends it's 'grounded' and that all it's super powers are biologic instead of anything more metaphysical that would help explain that off. It's just empty hype just for the sake of hype, no matter how little sense it makes. In this situation, it's relatively harmless, sure, but it's easy for it to become less harmless, like, perhaps, power ups just to make Shigaraki, Izuku, Bakugou, or whoever else is in focus at the moment look better, even if it doesn't make sense for them to actually happen. Or dramatic, meaningless 'deaths' and equally dramatic and ridiculous 'resurrections' that couldn't possibly result in a drastic increase in a person's abilities.
*looks meaningfully at the final arc's bullshit*
But surely, surely, Hori wouldn't do that, right? Right?
But anyways, back to the War Arc and... 'booty incoming'. Really. Really? Must we? Must we do this? Can't we have a woman on screen for five minutes without something sexual being referenced?
And then Bakugou's back, still speaking to everyone he can like they're trash, and still with people surprised by this, somehow, like this isn't a long established character trait for him, or that he would actually have any respect for old people. And then everything's being Dusted, people are panicked, and the heroes are full in crisis mode and yet his comment on the situation is "I'll wreck him". Not something about teamwork, not something about saving people, not even that he'll stop him, which has connotations of protection, but wreck, which screams aggressiveness and destruction. And it's just... so completely ignoring the seriousness of the situation, where everyone else is concerned about the city vanishing into dust, and Bakugou just wants to crush the enemy just to crush them.
It has all the energy of someone slapping their edgy OC into a scene by saying a meaningless line that can be somewhat reasonably ignored by the actual characters because it's so out of place. And then next chapter he just screams about killing Izuku instead of the actual threat when Izuku wonders why he's even there. Look, I get that, for some god forsaken reason, that Hori wants to play Bakugou's violent, abusive tendencies as 'comedy', but even if it was comedy, actually comedy and not thinly painted over abuse, there is a time and place for comedy, and this situation is not that time.
And, oh look, Eraserhead is finally fulfilling his true purpose: not being a teacher, but desperately acting as a bandaid to try and salvage the plot after Shigaraki contracted Madara Syndrome! And yet we still get shit like, 'The worst case is losing the teacher who watched over us all this time!' You know, the person who 'watched over you' by systematically destroying your ability to trust that anything he says or does isn't just another lie 'logical ruse', instead of the already unstoppable villain being even more unstoppable, because that is the context of the worst case scenario here, just so we're all clear: losing Aizawa would be worse than Shigaraki getting OFA.
(I mean, you could make a case that losing Erasure, the Quirk, is worse than him getting OFA, because Erasure can counter OFA so in that respect, Shigaraki getting it wouldn't change Aizawa's utility, but that's not the argument that's happening here; it's not Eraserhead, the tactical asset, the would be a loss, it's Aizawa the asshole of a person, who would be a tragic loss worse than OFA, the only hope anyone in this story has.)
Hori, if you could just throttle down the overhype of your Kakashi proxy and the angry fan favorite for five minutes while the shit gets real that would be great, thanks.
"If we can't stop one person, what is the point of this hero-saturated society?" You know what... Burning(?), that's a great question; I'm just going to leave this quote here on it's own merits.
And then Midnight is merced off screen by a meaningless mook, basiclly never to be mentioned again. You know, I didn't like how hollow her characterization was, but the answer to that is not to just off her and move on.
Meanwhile, Gran Torino is torn into by Shigaraki, but still manages to shrug it off. And, while we're on this topic...
Momo: is a genius.
Also Momo: makes a drug that is administered by injection instead of in a gas form.
Still Momo: doesn't think to make anyone else some extra knock out vial... things.
Still Momo: the sleep drug she makes take so long to take effect that this entire exercise is almost pointless.
Ashido: has the toss.
Also Ashido: fumbles the toss at the last minute out of surprise so that a man can do it for her, in a reversal of a situation that she had handled better before than he did, as an excuse to show his growth at her expense.
Classic Hori. Why let a woman actually be helpful when they can just try and fail to meaningfully improve the situation for the better?
And, ah yes. After just going on, with all apparently seriousness, about how he'll fight Izuku if he dares question why he's following him around, 'Bakugou Rises', and 'has his body move on it's own'. You know, heroically. Even though by all accounts he did and still does think and act on his instinct to just attack other people. And his dramatic 'sacrifice' is just going to be shrugged off and he's still going to be able to fight in anther couple of minutes. And, despite how it's presented like he comes to a big realization, he still acts exactly the same after this.
Riiiight, I buy that. Oh, and the person to notice something off about All Might's notes? Who was that again? Was it Izuku, who started off the series by analyzing Quirks a lot, and took the notes seriously, or is it Bakugou, who instantly insulted everyone in the notes off a surface level impression of them?
...Well. Now that the Bakugou simping portion of the war is finally past us, let us continue with Hori writing off one of his most interesting villains, just to replace him with the one he's refused to develop, just so we can start undoing all his wonderful development.
Thankfully, we come to one of the few parts I like about this mess: Dabi's Dance. Fucking glorious it is; the man is just vibing about the mayhem he's causes, the wonderful little psychopath. And let me tell you, 'The Past Never Dies' hits a lot harder than anything AFO has ever said.
Say what you want about him being a crazed murderer, beyond all hope of redemption, or blindingly insane? I'm not going to argue with you (though the story might, the way things are going) but you can't disagree with me about this: for all of his many, many flaws, the man understands Megamind's lesson about Presentation.
Oh. And Lemillion's back, I guess. If I seem unenthusiastic about it, well, that's about as much enthusiasm as Hori seems to have about that, so don't blame me.
Wait, the Bakugou simping is back on, or should I say, the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite simping is back on. Fuck, Hori, remember what I said about a time and a place for comedy? Remember that?
Sigh... And the perfect place to end this clusterfuck of an arc off: 'You look like you needed saving', in reference to one of the greatest villains in the series, a mass murder who has spent the last five minutes trying to kill you, Izuku, what the fuck. But, it's over, right? Now that the War Arc is over, it can only get better, right?! Ha, if only!
Welcome to Post War, suckers: AKA, the point where Hori just stops giving a shit.
You see, for all the many, many, many flaws of the War Arc, Hori at least spent time on them, fleshed out dramatic moments, character reactions, and the lead up to those moments. But after? Hori has a checklist, somewhere, of all the major points he wants to do before the manga ends and he's checking things off, sure, but that's all he's doing: checking off the major plot points, one after the other. We've reached speedrun manga hell, where no character gets time actually think about anything anymore, or hold a conversation with someone that doesn't involve violence, or even break down in a proper hysterical cry.
Oh, look, a new character! What's that, an interesting character with deep ties to previously untouched worldbuilding you've been curious about? You want to know more about the corruption of the heroic society, or a country that isn't Japan for once?
Well, too bad, because they're gone. Where we're going, we don't have time for the current characters, much less new ones. If you see someone you've never seen before, enjoy your handful of chapters before they're thrown away like trash.
What's this? Izuku is finally getting some new character development? He's doing something new, different, and exciting, with potential to make him think about his future and heroism? WRONG! Class 1A can't have that! They're going to hunt him down like a dog for daring to leave them, and beat the living shit out of him to prove their friendship.
Just like Bakugou does! Good thing he's leading them, just like the old days in Aldera! And wow, that's some top tier Karma Houdini bullshit there, isn't it?
Pop Quiz: according to Bakugou, what does Deku mean?
Useless, you got it!
Next question: what does Bakugou still call Izuku, the same way he has since they were young, young children up to the present?
How about this? How long has All Might actually interacted with Izuku?
Oh, maybe two years or so, you say? That's right!
During this time, has he ever once called Izuku either useless or Deku, beyond as his hero name?
Not once, correct!
So, taking all of this into account, final question: if Izuku considers himself Dek- I'm sorry, useless, what one person is the most reponsible for that?
All Might!
Hmm. Hmmm. Something seems wrong with that last answer. Gee, I wonder what seems wrong about that last answer, I'm so confused.
So, yeah, after Izuku leaves, not runs away, mind you, leaves, because UA isn't a prison and he has every right to leave, Bakugou explains how Izuku's complete lack of self respect is All Might's fault, before whipping all his classmates into a frenzy to go hunt him down.
Then, after finding him, already exhausted from constantly fighting for his life, all of them gang up on him, attack, try to knock him out, and after he gives up on making his own choices against the sheer amount of peer pressure being thrown his way, Bakugou apologizes.
For what? Well, if we didn't read the manga, we sure wouldn't know, because Bakugou didn't want to talk about that! No, it's just how Izuku, weak, helpless Izuku who idolized him, and had no Quirk, somehow made him feel inferior, and that's why he was so angry all the time. How dare Izuku have hopes and dreams?! And then we end it up with the absolutely touching message that this won't change anything.
Wow, Great Explosion God Dynamite. I'm moved. You truly are beyond us mere mortals, to know how an apology can only be truly sincere when you explain how utterly worthless it is! Brilliant! Truly, this is that Post War quality we know and love!
Oh, and the Traitor arc. Think back, everyone, back to the days where this manga was about being in a school, and think about the traitor that ratted out the class to AFO. Remember that? Well, it's Aoyama. What, the last chapter made you think it was someone else? Psych!
Anyways, Aoyama was actually the traitor the whole time, and it just... never came up again; AFO never saw a use for someone inside UA since they attacked the summer camp, I guess, and there's no possible way he could have used that asset again, no sir. Well, now that we've all yelled at him a bit, I guess we're all fine with that now; let's use him to ambush AFO! With loopholes to get around his lie detector Quirk! Surely, after giving him one Quirk to help him infiltrate one of the most important places in Japan, there's no way AFO could have planted, say, a second Quirk in Aoyama, as a way to deal with possible treachery; no we've never seen him do that recently. Or just observe him, or really do anything to make sure he stays loyal.
Oh wait, he was Quirkless? A dark mirror to Izuku, you say, both of which got a Quirk from two of the most important characters in the series, in a way that drastically changed their lives and tied them together antagonistically?! What does Izuku think about that? Don't you know better than to ask that kind of question; we don't have time to reflect on things, much less Izuku's Quirkless past that has basiclly been retconned out of existence at this point.
Was any of that too fast for you? Maybe too confusing? Did you want me to maybe break up that last section a little more, spend some more time on each major plot twist as it happened, how people felt about it? Well, congratulations, that's exactly what it feels like to read MHA Post War.
*screams in fury forever*
Hori. Hori, why did you do this to me? This story started off so good. What the fuck is all this?
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Talk about how BK stans are wierd about Izu. But lets talk how Izu's abuse was deliberate on Hori's part (again, this is not "random guy pressing many buttoms" he sit down and wrote this shit) and how people, mostly BK's stans ignore in favor of fanon bkdk
Izu's dad is mia (In Japan some families use actors to pretend to be the kid dad's. Like wow ) and we dont even know his job.
Inko is a beglectful mom, thanks to how Hori wrote her. (For those reading, neglectful doesnt need to always be "she ignored how her kid is starving" Inko never bother to know her own son or do anything)
Why Izu accepts he is useless? Not victim blaming here but....this is smth I don't get why Izu nods and accept he is useless. "A lesson in hopeless" which could explain but...that would have to apply to others students who were abused by BK. And they seem fine.
(Also the lil shit Izu saved from Bk and turns against Izu later...why? I get kids can be assholes! But while the lil shit doesnt need to be Izu's bff...why try to please BK?)
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Both Bakugou stans and Hori (to a lesser extent) are horrible when it comes to Izuku, they both seem to treat Izuku as the cheerleader / supporting act to Bakugou.
Bakugou's /BkDk stans (mostly) tend to write what they wish to see - an asshole with a heart of gold who redeems himself and proves himself worthy of being Izuku's partner. While seemingly unknowingly writing him as abusive - screaming at his partner, still calling him a "Shitty Deku" but fondly or doing worse like causing Izuku to try and kill himself or dumping Izuku via text while Izuku is in hospital...
All the while Hori neglects Izuku and his family sidelining him for the Todoroki's (no hate to the Todofam) but...
Where's Midoriya Hisashi? If he's AFO you would think Hori would build up to this moment / give Izu deja vu when he sees AFO - anything? Or is Hisashi a random asshole civilian who upped and left his family or tragically died?
Why does Midoriya Inko act so neglectful yet worried? How Hori writes Inko is pretty poor honestly. In canon, she's not an evil, mean mum nor is she supermum like I've seen the most common fandom perceptions be - She's just there. A true background character. She's just stood there not doing anything while her quirkless son gets violently beaten up for ten years and does nothing. (She had to have had some idea what was going on, no four year old could hide being exploded.) Yet U.A post Kamino she threatens to pull Izu out - now Izu has a quirk, why this change in attitude now Izu has a quirk? Hori never shows her actively doing things for Izuku like a mother should; she cries and worries but thats all she does - while Izuku comforts her! At least other shonen parents have the excuse of being dead so therefore being unable to protect their kids...
Izuku seemingly accepting himself as useless... It began with the acceptance of the hero name 'Deku' to me it felt like someone, who had been bullied for their disability, making their hero name "Spaz" just because a new friend at UA called them once that - 'but in a nice way.' So that "makes it ok now!" When really it doesn't - certainly not like how MHA showed, in real life moments like reclaiming the insult (especially with a history attached like Izuku's does) has to take a lot of work. It felt like whiplash to have Izuku suddenly "be ok with it." And honestly... I don't think he is truly, he still thinks of himself as useless and thats reinforced by 1) everyone around him calling him "Deku" still - including Bakugou. Izuku's internal monologue even supports that he still thinks of himself as useless which is just SAD at this point. 2) Izuku rarely (if ever) getting any rightful praise. 3) Izuku getting shared blame for shit that is Bakugou's fault alone. House arrest should have been just Bakugou's punishment and Izu should have kicked his ass to the moon.
And for your final point, that is true that kid is a little asshole and you would think that in a school where most people are aspiring to be heroes there would be some (other than Izu) trying to stand up for people being bullied against Bakugou...
But at the same time it's realistic for a class to be afraid of the violent loud mouth bully who is strong and unafraid to throw a punch. Imagine that but throwing explosions, burns and explosive punches - yikes.
Either way, Bakugou's popularity should have tanked with his 'garbage personality' when he got into U.A but Hori wants to wank him off.
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talyns-fanfics · 6 months
My Hero Fantasy
Chapter Three
Content Warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive
Notes: Deku is Quirkless and no one speaks medieval.
Bakugo and Ojiro were currently heading to the camp, but also needed to take a detour. “What are we doing here?” Bakugo impatiently asks Ojiro, who was busy inspecting a set of footprints. “This dirt has been touched by acid. We must be getting close. Stay close, Bakugo.” Ojiro says in a hushed tone, following the path of the footprints. Bakugo begrudgingly follows.
After a while of tracking the prints, Bakugo trips a wire and the two were caught in a net suspended by trees. A group of seven individuals circle around them, all in hoods to cover their faces and identities. “Who are these punks?! I’ll kill them!” Bakugo yells, gripping tightly onto the net, trying to pry it open.
“Don’t try it.” One of the hooded figures says, the voice being feminine. She lifts up her hand, acid pouring from it. “I have good aim. Wanna see which Quirk is more affective? Yours or mine?”
Mina Ashido
(Quirk: Acid): This special power allows her to create corrosive liquid from her skin, with it being naturally resistant to the acid she produces.
With that threat, Bakugo backs down. “Mina, guys! It’s me! Please put us down.” Ojiro calls out to the group, who immediately shift moods. “Why didn’t you say so?” Ashido and most of the other hooded people pull off their hoods.
Eijiro Kirashima
(Quirk: Hardening): This special power gives him the power to harden any part of his body. The Quirk protects him from most physical threats.
Koji Koda
(Quirk: Anivoice): This special power allows him to communicate with and command animals through speech.
Rikido Sato
(Quirk: Sugar Rush): This special power allows him to multiply his strength five-fold for three minutes for every ten grams of sugar he ingests.
Mezo Shoji
(Quirk: Dupli-Arms): This special power grants him a set of arm-like tentacles adjacent to his arms that can transform into duplicates of his other body parts.
Hanta Sero
(Quirk: Tape): This special power allows him to eject adhesive tape from openings located on both of his elbows.
The last hooded figure uncovers a shred of fabric covering his stomach before a beam shoots out from it, cutting a rope of the net and now freeing Ojiro and Bakugo. “Glad to be of assistance, mon ami.” He finally takes off his hood.
Yugo Ayoyama
(Quirk: Navel Laser): This power gives him the ability to fire sparkly twinkling laser beams from his navel.
Ojiro brushes the leaves off of himself while Bakugo silently complains about a ‘broken’ arm. “How far is the camp from here?” Ojiro asks the group. “Not too far from here, bro!” Kirashima points a thumb behind him showing a makeshift path. “If we hurry, we can make it before nightfall.” The group put their hoods back up before guiding the two through the forest.
Izuku and the coven had already made it to the camp. Yauyorozu and Uraraka were busy setting up tents, Hagakure, Asui, and Jiro were searching for food, Izuku and Hirosa were setting up a fire in the center.
“Hirosa, can I ask you a question?” Izuku asks her, looking over to her. The two were carrying piles of wood to the campsite. “You just did, but go ahead.” She smirks to herself. “Well, you said that All Might is like a father to you. What’s he like? Like, actually like?” The two stop at the center of the campsite. “He’s awesome, almost exactly how he is when he’s out saving everyone. Even now that he’s-” she catches herself, looking over to Izuku, who was listening with interest.
“If I tell you something, can you promise me to keep it quiet? I’m only gonna tell you because he trusts me and I trust you.” Hirosa asks Izuku. “Not even my sister or Mother knows about it.” Izuku nods his head, curious. “He can’t use his power as much as he used to. He got into a fight five years ago with a dangerous villain.”
His power is anything but natural, he wasn’t born with it. It’s a sacred torch passed down from person to person. One person cultivates the power, and then passes it on to another. The next refines it and passes it on again. In this way, those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts link to form a crystalline network of power. It’s his true power.
“He’s currently been in search of a successor to pass his power to, but that how the villains got him.” Hirosa explains to Izuku as they continue their way to the campsite. “He had his guard down.” After a moment of silence, Izuku speaks up. “Why didn’t he give you the power?” That question got Hirosa to chuckle. “My Quirk is incompatible with it. It would rip my body and break my mind. He also said that his Quirk with my Quirk would decrease my lifespan. He’s protecting me, I know that. Also, I don’t need it. I’ve made it here with my own Quirk.” Izuku smiles at Hirosa’s response. He didn’t see her Quirk firsthand, but knew it must be a powerful Quirk if it was incompatible with All Mights.
“Now, I have a question for you, Izuku.” The two lay the firewood in the center of the clearing before starting to light it. “I’ve never seen your Quirk. It wasn’t on your Provisional License. What is it?” Izuku’s face drops. I forgot to tell her I’m Quirkless. If she knew, she’d probably kick me out and send me home. Even worse, I might never see her again. What do I do?! “Izuku? Are you ok?” Hirosa waves her hand in front of his face.
“I’m completely fine! I don’t know why I paused like that! Holy smokes, we don’t have any food! I’m just gonna go over there and find some food for us! Thank you! Bye!” Izuku frantically yells before he runs out of Hirosa’s sight. “Where’s he going?” Hirosa hears Jiro from behind her. Turning, she sees Jiro with a dead boar. “I don’t know, but I hope he comes back soon. It’s getting dark.” Hirosa tells Jiro as the two set up the fire so the boar was cooking over it.
Izuku was only a few feet away from the camp, but he was far enough away from Hirosa. He lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry, Hirosa.” He says quietly, hoping she doesn’t hear him. “I don’t want to look worthless to you.”
When you asked me and Kacchan to join you on your adventure to save your father, I knew I had to help you. I didn’t know you were saving All Might. I just wanted to help you. I spoke without even thinking. Now, with spending more time with you, I realize just how much your approval means to me. I want to be a Pro. Not just for me, but so I can always be by your side.
“Hey, Deku!” Izuku hears a familiar voice further into the forest. “Ah! Kacchan?! How did you get here?!” Izuku sees Bakugo and Ojiro with seven people he didn’t know.
“We guided him here.” Ashido says, pulling her hood down. “Now, we’re gonna help Kairi and Kyoka with dinner.” Ashido, along with Ojiro, Sero, Kirashima, Shijo, Ayoyama, and Sato, started making their way to the camp, helping the coven with dinner or to set up tents.
“So, what are you on about this time, Deku?” Bakugo was quieter than normal, but his tone was very evident. Izuku takes a breath before explaining. “I don’t know how to tell Hirosa I’m Quirkless. I want to help her find her dad, but I don’t know what might happen if-” “Deku, I don’t think she cares.” Bakugo cuts him off.
“Look, I didn’t tell her anything and I won’t. But you need to get over it. She doesn’t seem like the person to discriminate on someone because they’re Quirkless. So shut your mouth and let’s help her out.” With that, Bakugo heads to the camp, leaving Izuku alone. Well, almost alone. Koda was staring at him. “Woah! Sorry! I thought I was alone!” Izuku’s freak out lead to Koda freaking out.
Later that evening, everyone was sitting around the campfire, sharing dinner and talking about whatever came to mind. “So you can make explosions from your sweat?” Sero asks Bakugo, who responds by simply staring at him and showing off his Quirk. “Woah! So cool!” Sero gazed in aww.
“Momo, can I have a towel? I need to-” Hirosa starts, only to get interrupted by Momo creating one and handing it to her. “Here you go. Be careful. You never know what could be out there.” Hirosa takes the towel before heading into the forest. “Thank you, Momo.”
“We haven’t seen him in a while.” Hagakure says to Jiro. “Any news on him?” Jiro side-eyes Hagakure. “Well actually-” Jiro was cut off by the sound of rustling leaves. Jiro’s eyes narrow and everyone adverts their attention to the source of the noise. “You might as well come out. We know you’re there.” Jiro says aloud. After a moment, another young man walks out from the forest. “Sorry, haven’t seen you guys in a minute. Hopefully I’m not intruding.”
Denki Kaminari
Quirk: Electrification
This special power gives him the ability to charge in electricity and emit it out of his body as a sort of protective aura that electrocutes anyone through contact.
“Wait.” Uraraka’s eyes narrow. “If you’re here, than where’s-” Uraraka was cut off by a loud screech in the direction of where Hirosa had left. “Is she in trouble?!” Izuku shot up from his seat. “Oh no, she’s fine.” Ashido explains. “He might not be.”
After a few moments, Hirosa (wrapped up in the towel that Yaoyorozu gave her) holding a much shorter guy by an ankle. “Kaminari! Put a leash on your friend!” She glares at Kaminari. The guy in her hold starts thrashing against her hand. “I will not apologize for getting a sneak peek of your bo-"
Minoru Mineta
Quirk: Pop Off
This special power allows him to produce sticky spheres from his head that he can pluck painlessly.
“You shut up right now, Mineta!” Hirosa drops him to the ground before retreating into her tent to change. “You’re disgusting, man.” Kaminari’s eyes narrowed at Mineta. “You had to do that to All Might’s daughter? We made a deal not to mess with her.” “Trick Shot is All Might’s kid?!” Bakugo’s voice cut through a the campsite, even startling Hirosa in her tent.
“Kacchan, you didn’t know.” Izuku looks over to Bakugo, as well was everyone else. “So, you mean to tell me that we’re going to save All Might of all people?” Everyone slowly nods their heads. “Well damn! Maybe should have told me that beforehand, Teach!” Hirosa exits her tent, tying her dress back together.
After a while of everyone talking amongst each other, the group hears a yell in the distance. “Someone’s in trouble. Everybody, grab your weapons. We’ve prepared for this.” Yaoyorozu says to the group, who all quickly reacted. With weapons in hand the group head up the mountain where they heard the sound.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For the ask game: how about an au where ofa doesn't exist, so all Might helps izuku become a hero with another transferable power; MONEY
Funniest worded prompt so far
1- ok since OfA doesn't exist, but Toshi is still All Might and I've done quirkless all might already so. Toshinori's quirk here is that he has as much strength as he does money. So obviously not a whole ton as a kid or teen, and he was assumed to be quirkless. his parents had money, but he sure didn't, and their neglect made him appreciate Nana's offer to train him all the more. Then one day they die and suddenly he's got a lot of money and is punching through the training bags.
2- Nana actually realizes what's happening and takes Toshi in so other, worse relatives won't. She also puts him in her will, plus sets it up so he will get some sizable life insurance for her. This is only semi legal but so was her tampering of Kotaro's family registration so who cares. Nana does what she must to protect her boys. (Wait oh no no OfA. Why did she need to give up her son. Um ok let's say Nana had the deep misfortune to marry AfO's ex... employee and he doesn't take two weeks notice gracefully)
3- so Toshinori is even stronger as he goes to college and also hates this, grieving deeply. He double majors in physics and economics
4- Toshinori is able to really figure out how to commercialize his heroics, though he refuses to underpay others to do so his products are often more expensive than others. Still, high demand, high profits, and All Might is ridiculously strong and also rich. Unfortunately, being able to punch harder does not translate to bring impervious to, say, getting his stomach ripped out. These days half his power is just keeping him alive, and he's been losing money anyway, organizing it more for charity, so he really can't use as much strength every day as he could before
5- when Izuku asks if he can be a hero without a quirk, Toshinori thinks about it, and tells him that he's more satisfied with the good he did with his money than he was with the combat part. Rescue, sure, he's done great things... But he is going to die before he runs out of money, and it can do more good. He offers Izuku the chance to have his money instead, and keep acting a hero in some part. Izuku accepts, even if he isn't totally sold on the concept at first, and Toshi starts an econ and training fusion combo for him.
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jujutsukgojo · 7 months
Heat of the Island Chapter 3
chapter one+ chapter two
Summary: Izuku calls out for him repeatedly. All of them, really. No one looks back other than the subtle glances from Kirishima. Even though they are willing to let you die, you call for them too. For their common sense and patience, and life.  
an: I may come back to this idk yet. It's almost over tho!
Shouto and you are out of the plane only to see everyone standing in front of you. They’re soaking wet and are in the sheer blue light. It covers the area so much that you could swear the vibrant blue sky touched it.  Except for you. Even Shouto has a faint tint of the menacing and frequently occurring blue shade on him. When he makes eye contact with you, you quickly look away. You don't know why since he has never made you nervous or anything. Even when he was in his icy emo phase. 
Excitedly, you call out to the group. “You guys, the monitors are working! The radio work-”  
“We know, L/n. We always knew. It was too convenient that nothing was working despite the plane looking fine.” Kirishima crosses his large arms. “Convenient?”  
“Don’t act dumber than you are, Quirkless.” Bakugou huffs. Never has he made fun of you for that. In his first year, he grew to get over his prejudice. “Stop it Kaachan.” Midoriya moves in front of you along with Shouto. They take a protective stance, one that you didn't expect since you've been here. Mina rolls her eyes.  
“If you two don’t move as God as my witness, you’ll get the beat down of a lifetime.”  
Much to your surprise, Koda moves in front of you too. With a surprisingly loud voice, he yells, “I’ve been trying to tell you that Denki witnessed everything not working! You won’t listen!”  
  Are they serious right now? Do these people who you’ve known for years really think that you were in control of this? How dare they. How could they believe that you would trap people here! How in the hell did they come up with the audacity to think that you want to be trapped with them?
Bakugou throws his hands in the air then tugs on his hair roughly. “How are you not mad?! All of this is suspicious! We crashed because of her. Her stories don’t add up. How are you not see her villainy?”  
“(Y/n) is not a liar or a villain. You know this. If anyone is, it’s you.” Shouto stands firm in defending you. Kirishima scoffs. “Ha! Midoriya told us about the whole ‘blue light’ thing. And how she won’t accept that it’s the heat. That it is clearly in her head.”  
“Because Midoriya and I are the only ones that see it!” You peek over Shouto’s shoulder. You notice the way Bakugou looks at Shouto. He's like a deer in headlights as Shouto slices through his ego, his pride. Bakugou went through so much with the League. He never thought of the villain's brother to say anything since Shouto carried so much guilt. They've been friends for so long that even you weren't expecting it. A part of you sympathizes with Bakugou. But it goes out the window the longer you look at him. 
“He can barely see it! It’s the heat, (L/n). The fact that you keep telling him these lies is making him anxious-all of us anxious! You’re doing this on purpose.” Ashido stomps her foot.  
“How?!” You are so tired of this. As you begin to get to your wits end, you notice Shouto’s heavy breathing. He tenses up, eyes as cold as before.  
   Bakugou slowly walks towards you. “Funny how you knew where the water was, that the monitor magically started working at the time you killed Ochako-”  
“Bakugou, enough! You fucking know she didn’t do that!” Shouto takes steps towards the blond. Bakugou scoffs. “Hell, she probably jinxed the storm! And for all we know you helped.”  
“Wouldn’t surprise me.” Pipes Asui. Where is all of this coming from? These accusations are extremely delusional. He just said it: you’re quirkless. How is it that you can do all of these things that would honestly need a quirk. They’re changing and not for the better. It is a matter of time before they turn on each other once you die. There would no longer be a common enemy. Except for maybe Shouto? The comment of how he must've 'helped' is showing the terrible colors they wear.
  Shouto begins to get angry. You can tell without even being the reason for his anger. “If you people do not shut the fuck up .”  
He’s always had a foul mouth. Anyone who knows him knows that he’s rude and gets away with it by acting clueless. But he isn’t one to just push it out like this. That is more of Bakugou’s speed.   
“Hm, you aren’t one to talk, Todoroki. You’re too close to her. Too infatuated. Too bitter. A spitting image of Dabi. ”  
“Tsu...” She quickly corrects you about using her last name. Midoriya reaches his hand out to you from behind. It clasps around yours. His thick fingers rub your palm. “Enough, everyone. The heat, the island, is obviously messing with everyone. The plane is almost done so it won’t be for much longer. Just be patient.”  
  “Ha, we’re not waiting for her.” The blond walks to the left and points to a simple boat that will not hold every single person. In fact, it looks like you’d be left behind. It would not be surprising if the those who stand for you right now would turn their back for a chance to get on. “That is going to get us somewhere. Waiting for her will take even more time.”  
   Leaning in, he snarls, “We ain’t waiting for that lying, vicious, killing, thing like you .”   He looks up at Shouto. "And you." 
And to think the two of you used to be close. You were the first one to give Bakugou a smore that you made of the stove top. He was weary of it saying that ‘it looks too sweet’ but once he had one, he always came to you for it. He was the one to encourage you in the roughest ways and the one who always came to you for weather reports. At the most random times he’d call for an ‘accurate report because he doesn’t trust these fleabags.’ Meaning news reporters and Hawks. Still, he'd never bad mouth Shouto's tragic story. Why start now? 
You want to cry again. Do you even have any more tears?  
Even if it was for Momo? One of the sweetest people. She loved visiting the support course and only trusted you with her costume. It took a couple of alterations, but by her third year you managed to make a costume she could use that was a little more modest. Momo mainly uses it in the winter since she no longer worries about how she looks. Momo...so uplifting, so kind and gentle. How many cups of tea has she given you? Will you ever have them anymore? No, you don't want to.
Ashido, your laugh buddy and giddiest friend. Asui, the one who taught you how to do the basic swim moves. The first one to help you in case you needed saving at a pool. Hell, she would stay by your side the entire time. And Ochako, your cherub face friend who has left too soon.   You stop before you can continue going through the list of friends you have lost in just a span of a few days. There is no need to dwell on it; not when there is a chance of survival that they will take from you. The love you had, and you got from them is gone. You've decided. There are no more tears to shed. You've done enough for a lifetime. 
The rain stops in the middle of the argument. The clouds are still grey and the air atrociously thick with conflict. What could have been a peaceful island has turned into nothing but a nightmare. Cool, crystal clear, water. White sand that is warm and toasty. The luscious trees and greens that inhabit the island in the most beautiful way stand so tall and broad. Every pretty detail is deceptive. Your past friends fit right in with the island’s lies.  
  This whole thing was a mistake. You should have taken a different plane. You never should have answered their phone call for the favor.  
“Give us the brat.”   
  You gasp at the demand. What could they want with you? 
“No, Kaachan.” You’re about to die right now. Bakugou glares at you and ignores his childhood friend. 
  Kirishima throws his hands in the air. “It’s all her fault! Why are you defending her?” You push your way through the two huge bodies in front of you. “I made mistakes, we all know that. Just how is it all my fault?”  
   He stares at you as if you’ve grown two heads. He moves his soaked red bangs out of his face. “You crashed the plane, won’t fix it or the radio-”  
“The radio worked. We heard Shouta on it. So, that point is ruled out! And, how come Momo won’t make one? Why pin this whole thing on me?” What’s happening to you? Snap out of it!  
“She can’t, L/n!”  
You scoff and kick the sand that circles around your feet. “Says who? You? Her? I don’t know guys, I'm suspicious.” You throw their words and tone back in their face. Kirishima's face becomes as red as his hair. He looks like a bull. With venom, he says, "More useless than I am, and yet you act all high and mighty."
   He starts to growl and come towards you. Sick of being the weak one, you pick up some of the sand and throw it at him. “I’m so done with you people! Nagging, blaming, whining, with absolutely no input on how to actually get off the island. No! What you care about is-is-breaking us up! What the hell is wrong with you?!”  
 Bakugou wipes his face of sweat. “ You are. You crashed us down and killed Jay. We’re stuck on an island with a villain,” He huffs and smirks at you with the most wicked gleam. “Just wait, Y/n L/n. Wait until we get off of here and fry your ass.”  
You gasp, wondering what he’s talking about and yet knowing full well what it means. “I am not a villain nor did I kill my friend, Jay. I don’t know how, or why, he died. I don’t know. I pray for his soul more than you will ever know,”  
You take bold steps towards the man. “You can never tell me that you care what happened to him. Bakugou, you would always call him a nuisance and wouldn’t like when he came with me to events. I remember that. I'm not blaming you, any of you, for his death. No, never. But I’ll tell you this once and once only,”  
 Finally up to him, looking up at the man who has fought wars and demons, taken on every challenge and holding his fist in victory, the man with a scar on his face from his fight with Tomura, when he had died at the age of sixteen for the people without hesitation. He had achieved your respect. Now, he has lost it, a precious, fragile, and rare thing.  
  “Leave Jay’s name out of your fucking mouth, Katsuki Bakugou.” You place your hand on his chest, feeling his beating heart. You back away from him slowly, not turning your back to them. When you reach to the people that believe you, that have obtained some form of their natural selves, the ones that lay in front glare.   
  “Not taking escape seriously, huh? Well, damn, (L/n)! Looks like you haven’t been paying attention!” Yells echo to the all-knowing sky. Random things, unimportant nothings that no one will even remember. All useless and truly not worth noting. The swings and holds that each of them do is out of character. You stay out of the fights and observe how they could fall so greatly and so hard. 
"Stop." Just a simple word from you gains their attention. The blue layer covers them all now, and you feel exhausted. Not because you did anything, hell no you stayed out of the way, but the emotional toll it's taking is too much. The island...it has to be. There is no other way.
 “Whatever, (L/n). Come on you guys.”  
  Momo leaves the face off and heads towards what you feared this whole time other than death at the hands of man, a boat. A boat that won’t carry everyone here. A boat that was meant to leave you stranded at this God forsaken island of mystery and running out of food, safety, and water.   
  These heroes mean for you to die alone, to die by the wrath of nature.    What could be scarier than the unknown of the island? The heroes that hate you get on the boat except for other: Denki. Kirishima looks at him expectingly, continuously gesturing to the boat. “Denki!”  
“I don’t know guys. I just have this feeling, y’know? In my gut and it’s saying to not get on it. That we need to stick together and with the plane.”  
“Fucking Dunce-face!”  
  He puts his hands up. “I know, I know! Just listen, please! I don’t understand it either but it’s there. So get off of it!”  
“Fuck you.”  Bakugou says with finality.
“Deku, Shouto, you coming?” Ashido reluctantly asks. Her leg bounces as she waits for their answer.
“What about Koda?” You yell. Are they considering leaving him behind? Thunder rings above you once again. It startles you back to the safety of Izuku and Shouto.  
   Kirishima’s eyes are blank. There is nothing there. They don't think much of Koda, do they? Momo boards the boat once again. When Bakugou sees that his childhood friend isn’t coming, he sucks his teeth and pushes the boat to the water. That is the last time he looks back.  
Izuku calls out for him repeatedly. All of them, really. No one looks back other than the subtle glances from Kirishima. Even though they are willing to let you die, you call for them too. For their common sense and patience, and life.  
“Guys! It’s a storm you have to come back! Please!” Just like you thought, the storm came back. Those few minutes without it were just a short break. You walk to the shore, being slightly pushed back by the wind. The rain hits your face harder and harder, no longer being sprinkles. Lighting crashes down in the distance.   
“Come back!” Each of you scream. Nothing is going right. They aren’t coming back, nor do they want to. Ever since you came to this island, since the plane was mysteriously pulled down, there has been nothing right. It is like everything is the opposite or confusing. It doesn’t affect you much, but it is starting to.  You guys can’t leave yet. Not with this storm looming over your heads. Giving up on the boat that is getting farther and farther away, you head to the plane for shelter. The more you thought about them leaving, the more you question. Should they have left? The island can be home. To just lay down now and survive-
“What are you doing? They-”  
You snap out of it. Shaking your head you say, “I know Izuku. They're not coming back. We have to find shelter!” Not wanting to argue anymore or think about your previous thoughts, you enter Betsy.  
The leaves on the trees sway back and forth. The wind becomes even more fierce. The water splashes from the storm. Looking outside the window, you see how strong the waves are getting. They get closer and closer, becoming more vicious by the minute. Every storm that the island faced was miniscule compared to this one. It is as if God is angry at the island, at the people that have turned on each other for stupid reasons.  
    Once you see it, the air is taken from your lungs. Huge waves beat against every rock they meet. The shore is getting smaller as the water gets closer. The island, as strange as it is, seems to be breaking by the weight. You run out to tell everybody to get inside. Thankfully, it isn’t needed. The first one in is Denki, then Koda. Shouto is next with a reluctant Izuku.  
“We have to find them!” Izuku shouts over the noise. You roll your eyes. “Betsy isn’t ready yet and the storm is strong.”  
“You’ve flown through worse, (Y/n).” He’s right. When Gichi Shigaraki, All For One, had wreaked havoc outside Tomura’s body, he somehow got ahold of NIne’s quirk. How he did that, you don’t know but you fought against everything he and Tomura had to offer to evacuate the people.   
   You remind yourself of the wrath and hatred you faced with the most villainous people in the world. Compared to them, this storm is nothing. But you’re strangely confused about it and scared. Like it’s your first time flying all over again. These jitters, this anxiety flowing through your body with every rock of the wind. This is nothing compared to your strength. You must remember that.  
“I crashed the plane.” You did. Betsy, of all planes, is down. You're a failure of a pilot and dangerous. Why are you in the chair? You, out of everyone, deserves to stay on the island. 
  “I believe you. What you said about it being pulled. All of it. You might be a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them. I think there is something wrong too.” Shouto says.  
  For the second time since you’ve landed, someone said those words: I believe you. Everyone has shaded you, has treated you like a villain this entire time and for someone, Shouto, a hero , to say that he believes you means everything. Ochako was the last person to have shared some of that belief. To the very end she was a hero and kind.  
  “Please help us. The waves will sweep everything away.” Izuku’s right. The waves are bigger and are crashing against the land. Betsy is rocking and will be pulled away soon. She may not be able to float right now. “I can do this...”  
“It’s now or never. We won’t make it till the morning.” Izuku has hopeful eyes. He speaks the truth. It just feels like it. It looks like it. This is the end of the road. Betsy will get swept up in the storm if she stays, if she sits in the sand and is left out on the sea.  
With how the storm is looking, it isn’t natural in your eyes. Something is wrong, off, odd.   
“We have friends to save, (Y/n). Please save us.” Shouto comes closer to you and places his hands on your shoulders.   
“Betsy is going to get swept up. This island is not safe. We need to go.”   
“I know.” It’s high time anyway.   
Suddenly, the storm somehow misses Betsy and curves to the left. It strikes the trees and rocks further inward. You blink several times to make sure that it's not just you seeing things. The blue haze glazes over it. Embedded in its structure. The way the storm is behaving is not of God. Against God you tremble, against the world you stand tall. You fought the demon kings in order to evacuate and save people. You can do this. Just aim high.
“Let’s roll. Everyone buckle up! Denki you’re with me.”  
  He screams. “ In front?!”   
You nod at the electric bastard. Comical tears stream down his face. Denki slowly makes his way to the front. You roll your eyes at the man and push him. No one has time right now. This surge of confidence and energy you have may fade away.  
  “Come on Betsy.” Sitting in your beloved chair, you flip the switches. “Denki, juice her up with everything you got.”  
“Right here?!”  
“Yep. Touch the dash and give her life, right now.” It is not practical. In reality, he needs to be at the engine and guts. But now is not the time for technicalities. He turns his head to you. “That’s the Pilot I remember. Nice to see you again.”  
  “I t’s good to be back.”  
  Denki shocks her and lo and behold, she starts. You push her wheels out and further into the island. Like you’ve before in desperate situation, you turn her quickly. You give her as much speed as you can, dodging the water that reaches closer and the blue tint that wants her, all of you.   
When she’s ready, you pull her up.  
And off you go.   
“I’m pretty sure planes aren’t normally like this!”  
“Of course they aren’t! A teenager built this. Nothing on it is normal!” It isn’t. Not a single feature that resembles a normal plane. Who cares? She’s the best there is, and so are you.  
 Gone is the lost and confused (Y/n).    
Before God you will cry, plead, beg, and be fearful. But this island and storm remind you too much of man. Something everyone can beat. Including a quirkless child like yourself.  
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acerathia · 6 months
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The Lament of Erebus || Chapter 2: The silent plea
They appeared in the dead of night, ripping people out of their homes and lives, only leaving scattered clothes fluttering in the wind. There was nothing else left of the missing people.  OR Midoriya Izuku is quirkless, despite his protests, despite the feeling churning in his insides. It seems like fate has a cruel way to show its affection, as this lead to a social death sentence. And he has lived like that all his life. That is until society began to shift, creatures of the night swallowing people residing in the dark. The question is, what is the connection between them and Izuku?
Wordcount: 3.5k
Read it on AO3 || Masterlist
Minor Characters Death, Abuse of Power (Government), Censorship, Isolation, Alternative Universe, Kidnapping, Witness Protection, slightly illegal activities, Midoriya has a quirk, Panic attack
I know i said i'm on break, but i posted it on ao3 days ago and i just remembered to post it here oops, anyway, enjoy lolol
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Sometimes people think everything might be their fault, that the consequences of their actions finally caught up to them. I reckon Izuku was such a person. After all, he was considered the weird, quirkless Deku. Yes, like his hero idolisation the name Deku seems like a fixture in every possible variation of himself. Due to his so-called weirdness, his uncanny vibes, people blamed him for everything, he brings bad karma, the spirits follow him or any other variation of the same spiel. A try to explain whatever was going on. Poor Izuku didn't have any other choice but to accept these baseless accusations, taking the blame for everything and everyone. Even if whatever was about to come, was not his fault, no, he was just unfortunate enough to be there at the wrong time.
Now, enough with that, we need to focus on Izuku, to understand the story properly.
There was something going on, Izuku knew, but he had no idea what exactly. The government just implemented that nightly lockdown, no one was allowed to step outside if the sun had set, unless they were accompanied by a hero. But even then, they would get a hefty fine, for allegedly obstructing justice. Which didn't make sense to him, after all the heroes were supposed to help people! Especially if it was true that the nightly crime rates really have been rising. And this reason didn't make sense either. If the crime rate really got that high to be a risk to the population, there would have been any kind of early indication or any kind of statistics. But Izuku didn't encounter any of this in all his nightly deep dives into the forums and, sue him, the police archives.
No one could blame him for distrusting the information they had been given. There was something else going on and he wanted to know what. But every question and answer to this particular topic vanished from every forum, even in the ones specifically for conspiracies. He knew, because he looked and dug, but everything was gone. Even if he finally found someone wondering and asking the same thing, he couldn't do anything but watch as the question got deleted in front of his eyes.
He groaned with frustration as it happened again. Once again he lost some discussion about the current events. He even forgot to note the name of these people in hopes to contact them later on again. The need to bang his head against the table slowly grew with each post lost. Was this how losing the library of Alexandria felt like?
But he didn't have time to despair just yet, his mother was calling him for breakfast, and who was he to ignore her? So he shut his laptop down, softly closing it before emerging from his room, almost forgetting his bag.
Letting his schoolbag lean against the table he took a seat. In front of him a plate with toast and jelly and peanut had been put, with some orange juice to the side. With a bright smile he thanked his wonderful mother before digging in. He allowed for the crunch and the sweetness to distract him from his conspiracies for at least a moment. Of course he wouldn't call them conspiracies, but we all know they were, as none of them were even close to the truth.
After finishing his quick meal, he slung his back over his shoulders and gave his mother a goodbye kiss. He didn't let his weariness show until he was out of the door and turned at least once around a corner. He slowly grew tired of his middle school, the whispers and isolation starting to take a bigger toll on him than he would have anticipated. Some tiny sliver of hope told him to wait for something to happen, for something to turn his life around. And he grabbed that hope with desperate hands, with all the weights of his shadow. Maybe that was a reason for him to go looking for some kind of explanation or possible future events, even if it meant filling his brain with baseless rumors and conspiracies. Like that one about undergro-
Something pushed his shoulder, taking his balance away, leaving him stumbling. But he didn't fall down. Probably due to his increased agility or because he started working out the tiniest bit. In truth the shadows hung deep over his ankles, grounding him. But that was something he wasn't supposed to know yet, so his reasoning had to suffice.
He turned around to look for the perpetrator, but they had already left the scene. He should've expected that. People loved to push him, acting as if he wasn't just there, as if he didn't exist for them at all. That was why he was so accustomed to living on the edge, to barely exist. He was only protecting his body, if he couldn't even shield his mind from that silent torment.
With a soundless sigh he turned, almost slithering into his classroom, trying to avoid getting noticed. Before anyone could even raise their heads, he already sat in his place, pulling his notebook out of his bag. In this universe he never had to worry about his belongings getting taken away, his bubble too big for any bully to dare walking up to him, he was too unnerving for no reason, his existence in their periphery already sending shivers down their throats.
He opened the book to his new entry, 'The change of Hero Society'. A little dramatic, but for Izuku everything about heroes represented a far away world, every little change seemed like a myth.
With nimble fingers he took notes in bullet point form, trying to put everything from that one lost post before he could even dare to forget it. The possibility of the boogeyman returning, the strengthening of the yakuza and if there was any power struggle wrangling underneath society. Any of these possibilities had some kind of potential to unleash havoc upon them, in multiple ways and forms. But even if he put down every reason the current events could be connected to any of these reasons, he felt like missing something. Something was pulling him, whispering to him, wrong, wrong, wrong. So even if everything made sense, nothing clicked for him. He felt almost like pulling on loose, interconnected strings, like trying to grasp into delusive shadows.
He almost missed the start of the lesson, but even if he didn't pay attention, the teacher would not warn him. They barely managed to talk to him, so keen on ignoring him. He had in fact to teach himself the subjects, his questions receiving no answers from the teacher. At least they didn't grade him unfairly, and he supposed they were too afraid of repercussions if he failed due to their incompetence. And studying the subjects on his own turned out to be pretty fun, as long as he had time to look into everything as much as he liked.
Still, he tried to pay attention to class, to show some respect to his elders, and to know what the next topic could be. At least he looked like listening. Yet, his thoughts were still trying to dig into the dark, into this feeling of wrongness he has been getting lately.
Before he knew it, the day was over, without anyone even calling his name, even batting an eye at him. And he packed his bag, his notebooks heavy in them, filled with wrong knowledge and yet.
His way home turned out to be unspectacular, even if he felt like his feet floated over the ground. The whispers urged him forward, run, run, run. And for some reason he resisted. There was no reason for him to run, was there? His home would be where it had been that morning, it wouldn't move. His mother worked, maybe at home, didn't she? Yes, today was her usual home office day. So everything should be in order.
Still, for some reason he couldn't help but hurry, the usual weight on his ankles gone for this one moment, the shadows trying to push him, and yet.
And yet it wasn't enough. It never would have been enough.
He stopped in front of the door. Standing ajar, jarring him to the darkness of his bones. His mother would never allow the door to stay open, there was no reason for that but to invite unwanted shadows and guests in.
His breath got caught in the depth of his lungs, choking him for a moment. There was something wrong, wrong, wrong, and he should have been faster, run, run, run.
Hesitancy made his fingers tremble pushing the door open. But he didn't dare to look into his home yet. There was no reason not to, everything was fine, wasn't it?
Yes, everything was going the way it was supposed to, but that didn't necessarily mean it was fine. Eventually, everything would be fine, but everything needed to lead there first.
He finally stepped into the space he once occupied with his mother. Or at least that was what it was supposed to be. His recognition of the simplest thing failed and he didn't dare take another step.
The blue vase, mother's favorite, had shattered, its corpse laying in dust on every corner of the place.
For some reason he grabbed his phone, dialing the police. He didn't understand why either. He just pressed the phone to his ears, letting it ring and echo in his head. The moment the line clicked and someone asked him about what happened, he started babbling.
"My… my mother's vase, it broke. I- I don't know how…", his voice creaked and a gasp fled his lips, allowing for the sobs to lodge free.
The person on the other side didn't belittle him, rather they calmly asked for his address, staying on the line with him until someone arrived. And even then, they talked with him, trying to distract him from the state of the place, from the state of his mind. They only bid goodbye to him once they were sure he wasn't alone anymore.
A hand had been put onto his shoulder, bringing his attention to the crouching police officer in front of him.
"Hey buddy. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Do you mind coming to the police station to explain everything to you?", he asked with a soft voice, almost like talking to a frightened animal.
And maybe he was, his whole body felt jittery, almost like it wanted him to bolt immediately. But the heaviness had returned, grounding him somewhat. So he nodded, taking the offered hand to stand up and follow him to the car.
He didn't speak, didn't dare to even think about what could have happened. He just stayed silent, counting every blue car on the way to the station.
Arriving at the station meant to sit and wait. To sit with something to drink between his too cold fingers, and to wait for the adults to finally talk to him, to explain the situation properly for him. Because for Izuku, it didn't feel real, not until someone saw the same thing and mentioned him. He was refusing to accept the possibilities until someone confirmed it with him. But what kind of adult would tell a child, barely a teenager, the harsh truth? No officer wanted to lay it down on him, but he deserved the truth, as much as it was going to hurt him.
A police officer with black hair and simple features, no mutations, his mind supplied, crouched in front of him.
"Hello Midoriya, my name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, I will be the lead detective in this case. And you might be wondering what case I'm talking about, well…", he took a deep breath, "you mother seems to have been kidnapped and we don't know the reasons or who the perpetrator could be. And while we investigate you would have to be put into witness protection…"
He talked more, but Izuku couldn't listen to him anymore, couldn't process anything he said. His dear mother, gone? And someone ruthlessly took her? He couldn't even protect his own mother, he was a weakling, a Deku. A whimper escaped him and the tears already stained his sleeves once again. He won't ever be enough, couldn't even save his own mother.
He felt the arms of the officer around his twitching shoulders, letting him cry his pain out, leaving an aching hole in his lungs. He already missed her so much, his bones creaking her name.
After he was empty, Tsukaushi-san repeated the latter part, the part he missed while drowning. They were going to put him into witness protection, he was going to live with a hero. The thought should have been exciting, he was going to live with a real hero! He could learn so many things from them. And yet it wasn't enough. Maybe heroes would never be enough if his mother wasn't by his side.
In the end he didn't have any choice but to agree with whatever they were planning with him. A police officer would once again return with him to the apartment, it wasn't his home anymore, no, to collect some of his stuff, if unscathed. That was how he had to return once again, driven by a police officer, and he could have been the same one, but he didn't remember and he didn't care.
In front of the steps, he hesitated for a small moment, not wanting to crush the shards of the vase any further. To avoid breaking them, he calculated his steps, only looking at his feet until he stopped in front of the door of his room. What used to be his room. He peeked inside, nothing out of order. A stark contrast to the living room. No broken vases, no shards. Almost like a limbo, unchanging, stuck in time.
He was scared everything would rupture once he stepped inside, but he had no other choice. His feet slowly dragged him into the room, the air stale, he forgot to open a window before leaving. He didn't open one now either. Just grabbed the first bag he found and filled it with anything. Some things were not necessary but some things? To some things he had emotional attachments. And in this situation he needed those more than anything.
After ensuring that he had packed truly everything, especially his identifying papers and cards, he joined the officer outside. Even if the police would take those for safekeeping, he would rather have them on his person, at least until they hand him his new, shiny identity.
Once again he climbed into the police car. He began to grow weary of traveling with the car. At least the officer wasn't driving him back to the station, but rather to the first available hero. He wondered if he was going to get passed around in shifts, or if he was staying at one place with the same hero. Either way, he was stuck. They were taking his freedom away and it was for his safety. Because he couldn't do it himself, he was too useless, too weak, too weird.
Before he knew it, they had arrived. Hopefully for the last time he climbed out of the car. In front of him was a big building, resembling a luxurious hotel of some sort. Everything was clean, shiny and bright, and apparently safe. There was even someone to greet them at the entrance.
They didn't enter yet, they weren't allowed to do so, the hero had to pick Izuku up. So he waited while the officer made whatever call needed to get rid of him at last. He understood that sentiment, that was how everyone treated him, everyone but his mother. But that was over. He had to get accustomed to never having that sort of comfort ever again. Even from the people supposed to give him safety and comfort.
They both were lucky. The hero didn't take long to come down, looked like he had been in his home at that moment. And even if Izuku's feelings towards heroes were slightly numbed, he couldn't help himself but get a little excited. Because even if his hair wasn't in that complicated hairdo, he recognized the haircolor and of course the glasses.
Out of any choices, he couldn't believe he hit the jackpot. Present Mic was one of the few heroes to vocally support quirkless and mutated people, despite the discrimination many of them face, even by heroes (most of them didn't comment on such topics, too afraid of any backlash).
He hoped with the depth of his soul that Present Mic wouldn't be put off by him, he didn't know if he could handle such a rejection. So he immediately bowed.
"Good morning, my name is Midoriya Izuku, thank you for having me!", he exclaimed, nervousness and excitement tinting his voice.
"Hello, Midoriya-kun! It's nice to meet you.", Present Mic smiled and bowed slightly, before turning to the officer to discuss some details.
He saw how a package had been exchanged and he was aware what the contents could be. His temporary papers, his new identity. They were going to put some costume on him, acting like it was so easy to get rid of his life, as if the last years were nothing but an act, which could be changed at all times.
He grabbed his green locks, picking on them and letting their color shine in front of his eyes. Were they going to make him change it? Get rid of whatever feature of his mother etched into his very being? He hated that thought. Wasn't losing his mother already enough? Was dusting him of any remains necessary? He scratched his scalp, trying to remind himself that nothing is permanent, yes, once they found his mother everything would go back how it once used to be. He was not stuck with their shallow whims.
A hand on his shoulder brought him back to the person opposite of him, and he wished they would stop touching him like that. Still, he smiled at Present Mic, noticing the absence of the officer.
"Ah! You're back! Let's go inside, Imma explain how this place works.", he grinned and led him inside the building. He seemed so unaffected by him, a stark contrast to everyone else, it surprised him.
Inside he told the portier to allow him in, unless stated otherwise, before striding to the lifts. Izuku was struggling to keep up with his long steps, especially with the added heaviness to his own. But he listened nonetheless. The hero explained the concept of these apartments. The way the security worked and how their privacy was protected. No one could enter without permission and no names exist at the entrance, lest someone sneak a glance at them. He told him how he doubted anyone truly knew everyone living in this complex.
Finally arriving at his apartment, after making sure Izuku had memorized the way just fine, he showed him around. The kitchen, the soon to be shared bathroom, and the guest room, well his room now. Present Mic allowed him to 'go ham' with the decorations and the way he wanted the room to look like. At that moment it only had blue sheets, and bare walls. And he still was thankful for those.
He put his bag onto the bed and followed Yamada-san, the hero told him to use his name (and he tried to comply to his wishes, even if Izuku felt the need to continue calling the man by his hero one) into the living room, sitting on the edge of the couch, burying his feet into the dark underneath.
For some time there was nothing but silence, and then Yamada-san dropped the information, their plan for his safety. He handed him his new identification, his new name, explaining his transfer to a new school, close to his workplace, related to UA. That way they could be there at a moment's notice, as fast as the shadows at night.
He didn't mind the change, still harboring the hope of some friends, or at least classmates who talk to him. And if the school was close to UA, that meant he had the possibility to meet more heroes!
After the hero finished telling him his worktimes and giving him his number, with a new phone of course, he asked what his favorite food was and who his favorite heroes were.
The second question led to a tangent and an in-depth analysis of his top five heroes, which Present Mic belonged to. Said hero didn't seem to mind, rather enjoyed his talking and only interrupted him to ask questions, give him input or when his delivered food arrived.
Digging into the take-out he thought that maybe, maybe this wasn't as bad as he thought it could be. Nothing could replace his mother, of course, but he didn't have to suffer without her, some people still cared, somewhat.
And the same way his heart got a bit lighter, the shadows let go of him, solely dragging his soles, rather than ground his ankles.
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piedpiperart · 2 years
All Might can suck it, in ur Monster AU comic! >:(
Heck yeah!!
He can also suck it in a few other comics too lol, not that I hate all might but,,, he’s just not,, the best,, person. There’s just so much of his shady actions in canon to use as groundwork here.
Granted he’s a great hero, most of the time. He’s really only good at being the big muscle for villains that can take a punch. He’s not great at the smaller parts of his job, like investigating and calling ambulances and working with the police.
Not to mention he’s a bad teacher/parent. Not saying he doesn’t care but he clearly values hero work over teaching and parenting. You can see he doesn’t really understand what the kids actually need of him until later. It’s why the class was so thrown off by all might giving actual good advise (via the book in his pocket). So he’s not bad and he wants to do the right thing and he doesn’t actually commit to learning how to do the right thing until later.
But! I often portray him as though he has no want/need to understand, and only thinks of heroism and crime in black and white. You can draw a lot of parallels to Batman and Superman here. For example, Superman is usually called for big over the top fights. He’s a heavy hitter, that’s his specialty. I have never ever seen him actually try to mentor anyone until he actually gets Jon (and Kon kinda). He starts out pretty bad with Kon in most versions, and often with other heroes because his views on things and people are usually set in a black and white view.
Batman on the other hand is very much good with kids. (Most of the time) (im ignoring the times where he’s abusive or whatever) (think Wayne family adventures version) He values the safety of kids and knows the intricacies of crime, much like Aizawa and underground heroes. You don’t always call them for heavy hitters, you call them for intel gathering, deep rooted and systematic issues like drug rings and trafficking. Stuff Superman wouldn’t get too into because his focus is on defeating the clearly evil alien invasions, etc.
So I think All Might has potential to be good in more ways than just being a heavy hitter, but in my comics I always see Aizawa as more of a parental role for kids because he’s not a black and white person. He deals with kids daily as a teacher and cares about making sure they can protect themselves. Stuff all might doesnt have experience with (but he learns later) and in my comics thats just how I think All Might would be to an extreme black and white perspective.
With the quirk thing, you can always see in the anime and manga that All Might values strength most. He thinks the more power you have the better off you are. That’s why he thinks Quirkless can’t be a hero, he overlooks other types of quirks in trainings and focuses on strength to win battles rather than smarts. He encourages Izuku to stop thinking and just punch stuff. No idea how to teach kids.
So in my Monster comic All Might is played up to where he views not only crime but also quirks in that black and white vision. Scary villain quirks are bad, weak quirks are useless, strength quirks are heroic, mutant quirks are creepy and scary and villainous, etc. So of course Monster quirk Izuku is seeing the brunt of that type of viewpoint and discrimination.
All might thinks he’s doing the kid a favor by telling him to hide his quirk and not cause trouble. Still sees himself as a hero and one giving solid advice on life. He’s very much wrong but he doesn’t see it.
Anyways sorry that got super long, hope this was at least interesting to read or helped in some way to explain😅
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
so yesterday when you posted about Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34 i immediately read it and i loved it and so i read a few of their other fics and loved them and so i was wondering if you have any more fic recs that you’d like to share? it could be reader insert, oc or neither tbh i just trust your judgement in fics so i’m sure anything you recommend will be great! (also i love your writing so much i stumbled upon it multiple times in a03 and then tumblr just to realize it was yours before i decided to follow you (i tend to be really picky on who i follow idk why) because i went through your masterlist an read everything and then re-read everything)
Ahhh hello my love, I am honored by your follow!! You're literally so sweet and I can't tell you how much it means to me that I made the cut lol. Please don't feel pressure though, I'm always happy with just an occasional visit too!!
I definitely recommend anything in my fic recs tag - the fics I recommend here on tumblr are generally character x reader or character x OC and they range from smutty to fluffy lol.
My guilty pleasure though, and the majority of my fave fics are gen or ship fics!! I actually hardly ever read x reader fic--absolutely no idea why I am this way--but if you're up for some gen or ship fic, I'm happy to rec a couple others.
I'm not sure what you're into at the moment but I will give you some of my faves!!
Don't Ask Don't Tell by Ms_Chunks Bakugou/Uraraka. I probably don’t even need to describe this one since this is the flagship Kacchako fic lol. But Bakugou and Uraraka explore the compatibility of their quirks and create a pair combat style, and fall in love along the way. I fucking love the way the author uses the chemistry of their quirks to parallel the compatibility of their personalities, and Uraraka is such a bad ass in this one ughghgh I love it.
who lives, who dies, who tells your story by aloneintherain Todoroki/Midoriya, though mostly gen. Examines Toshinori’s life post-retirement and the exploits of class 1-A post-graduation, through narrative and social media blurbs. I’ve never read anything that manages to be so bittersweet, so hopeful, and so funny all at once.
Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle Todoroki/Midoriya. This is a pro hero Shouto/quirkless science nerd Deku fic that is one of my all time faves. This is the type of shit my fics wish they were doing. This author is out here peddling the slightly-sugar-daddy-but-also-slightly-a-little-bit-of-a-shit Shouto agenda and it is absolute perfection. I routinely reread for comfort.
Slow to Start (But Quick to Burn) by mousapelli Kirishima/Bakugou. It's an ABO AU where omega Bakugou slowly figures out how to manage his relationship to alpha Kirishima, while Kirishima is predictably kind, patient, and understanding. This fic is totally stuffed full of domesticity--lounging around doing laundry and homework together, baking together, and napping together. Actually my all-time fave comfort fic, I have read this probably a million times.
journey to the past by aloneintherain Gen fic. A time travel fic where the members of Class 1-A go back in time to protect Izuku during the various stages of his life, as villains with a time travel quirk attempt to target the future number one hero while he's still a kid. It's so good and sweet and heartfelt and lovely and the author does an amazing job exploring Izuku's relationship with several of the major characters.
And probably a fic rec closest to the Rule 34 rec would be:
A Demolition Boy & his Cryptid BF by kewltie Bakugou/Midoriya. This is a social media fic similar in style to Class 1-A vs The Curse of Rule 34--it’s a youtuber AU where bkdk are youtubers in different genres, and the internet has a conspiracy theory that they’re together. Another really good send up of fandom and fandom culture, and another one of my faves.
I hope at least one of these is something you're in the mood for!! And please send some of your faves my way!! I'm a slow reader but literally always open to more recs!! 💕💕💕
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