#Idk if considered shippy or not
virgilisspidey · 1 year
Fucken lmk au where wukong has the fourth ring of samadhi fire because he's impulsive and didn't want ao lie and his descendants to suffer because of his stupid mistake, took out the fourth ring somehow before ao lie dies and puts it in himself
All throughout season 3 Mei gets this visions of what truly happened whenever she gets in contact with a ring or whenever she just brushes up against Monkey King and everytime she hears a voice saying variations of this line:
"you don't have to do this alone"
And each time Monkey King seems to recoil away from her
The ritual happens, Wukong couldn't fight properly because the sudden pain in his chest, nezha and him get trapped in ice, macaque goes to the ritual site to activate the samadhi fire
Nezha frees them and when they both get there Wukong doesn't see Macaque strangling Mei, he sees him strangling Ao lie and he launches himself in the circle
The samadhi fire reforged
No one can calm Wukong down, he's going on and on about how he would fix things, about how he was sorry, and he doesn't call them by their names, he doesn't seem to recognise them, he calls them the names of his friends through the journey, like he was hallucinating. He even said sorry to Macaque but he wasn't looking at him properly, it's like he was speaking to a ghost, he doesn't believe he's alive again.
But he knows MK and whenever MK talks to him Wukong would talk as if it wasn't MK he was talking to.
He kept on going on and on about how the kid is probably mad at him, and that he deserves the kid being mad at him. He won't listen to reason.
Wukong kept on promising that this was the last time he would burden everyone anymore
He was so out of it
Until Mei speaks up.
With MK in front of her to protect her from the flames, both of them went into the line of fire despite everyone's protest.
Both of them trying to get Monkey King back from his self destructive thoughts
"I know you're upset! I am too!" Mei would shout. "But you're hurting everyone here! You're hurt my great great a thousand times grandfather! You're hurting MK! You're hurting me! AND ESPECIALLY YOU'RE HURTING YOURSELF! I know dealing with your mistakes is hard! I might not understand thousands of years worth of baggage but I know my family well enough to know my ancestor would forgive you!"
"I understand why you don't tell me things, Monkey King! I know you lost people that meant so much to you— whether by your own hand or by fate's design and that hurts!" MK would shout, slipping but Mei holds him up as they oush forward. "I understand! You're hurting for so long! You made mistakes and everything led to this moment and you crashed! I know it hurts, Monkey King, I know you were alone! But you're not anymore! We're here! I'm here!"
The fire dies down and they're left with two crying kids holding on to Wukong like a lifeline, and the great sage himself looking burnt and relatively unharmed, his golden eyes red, warm salty tears falling from his cheeks like a calm flowing river.
Ao lie was hugging him, Macaque was hugging him
Even though he felt only comfort...
He still felt he was burning
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Luffy not knowing about Zoro promising Sanji to kill him if he ever ends up losing himself makes me go feral because that's something they can only know about. Because Zoro's respect for life and death goes beyond anything, and Sanji knows he understands. Sanji knows that if somebody has to kill him, it's him.
And I don't even think it's because Sanji assumes Zoro's opinion of him is hatred and it would hurt less for him to do this, but because Sanji knows only Zoro would be able to treat the promise as it is. Because he would put Sanji's wishes before any feelings he has for him. It's not that Zoro doesn't care, but I think he respects people's ideals and decisions to the extent of being able to kill Sanji if he so desires.
That being said, he'd do it if there's no other way to fix it. If it's either dying or living as an emotionless machine, which is the same as dying for Sanji, Zoro would fulfill his promise. And there is just... Something about Luffy not knowing. Their captain. The man they're devoted to the most as if he were their God. Luffy doesn't know. It's something only the captain's wings are aware of and the thought of these two keeping this from Luffy until the end is just insane. Not even trying to make it romantic here, but the bond and respect these two have for each other is crazy.
Maybe it's the poetry of it all, too. Somebody like Zoro, who has looked at Death in her face multiple times and said "no", ending Sanji's life, who wants to give in to death to not experience a fate worse than death for him.
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basslinegrave · 1 year
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8.4.23 🍃🌿
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luxites · 4 months
btw I tagged the art I just finished/posted as a ship but it's nothing much!! they're just hugging 😭
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neonliights · 2 years
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constance was well-known among their hokey team, mainly as one of their player’s girlfriend. her boyfriend, jackson, was the troublemaker, womanizer, the guy who couldn’t keep a dick in his pants whenever they had a match in a different city. constance, the oblivious angel she was, always tried to show her support for the team ⎯ bringing them cupcakes, making banners, dressing as their biggest fan. it was cute, was it? a little redhead, waving from the crowd or visiting the locker to wish them luck. if she only knew what an asshole her boyfriend truly was, showing off her nudes, texting other girls behind her back like it was a sport of itself.
that evening constance showed up on the party wanting to celebrate their win, jackson already wasted making a fool of himself ⎯ per usual. constance was pretty tired of his rather annoying jokes, kind of making fun of her to prove something. just recently she started suspecting things are different than it seemed. she went straight to the only person she knew would be honest with her, the only person that actually warned her before her relationship even started. after finding asher outside she placed herself in front of him. “ be honest with me. “ she said knowing he wouldn’t hesitate to tell her the truth. / @neveraftcr​ 1/2
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inksword · 10 months
One thing I wish all communities of Worm (reddit, tumblr, the forum who must not be named, etc.) would do a bit more frequently is acknowledge Lisa's asexuality. Like, okay you can still ship her with all your favorite ladies but she could be ace about it ya know? This isn't even WoG aceness it's in the actual text of Ward from her own mouth. It's not totally unexpected just sort of a bummer that an extremely rare asexual character in a piece of media that I like gets almost uniformly cast as a lesbian without a nod to her canon sexuality.
She could still date girls! I personally think she's aro not just ace but since that wasn't explicitly mentioned she could still date girls within her canon characterization!
And before anyone throws a "Wildbow totally wrote her bi/lesbian he just doesn't know it, disregard canon statements of sexuality" like they do with Taylor:
Asexual people can have incredibly close friendships
Asexuals can make sex jokes or observations, sometimes certain jokes seem even more absurd or silly to us because we're asexual!
Asexuals can be hyper aware of how they are perceived in terms of affection
You know if Wildbow had confirmed her canon lesbianism in Ward people would cite that shit and not brush it off "because it's Ward and bad and I haven't read it" (okay some straight-dude spacebattles fanfic writers would ignore it but I don't think that's who I'm talking to here.)
IDK if I can remember every argument that people use to justify headcanoning her as lesbian but please please please just believe her own words and her own reflections on her life and feelings. Yes it's a Watsonian argument but I don't think there's a good Doylist reason to doubt her about it either.
I am not here to take away your ships just... venting a little I guess haha. Yes yes I know that technically every shippy drawing of her could technically be her being ace but when that's every shippy drawing with no acknowledgement it doesn't hit ya know? Like getting bi representation and seeing a character 99% shipped with one gender. I seriously don't want to dampen anyone's enjoyment of Tattletale or say you can't relate to her if you're not ace however!
Ughhh I totally feel like a wet blanket complaining considering I pretty much only contribute a drawing every four years to the fandom. I'll admit I don't voraciously read worm-fic so I may be totally off base and she gets acknowledged all the time in places I don't see. I guess anyone got any good explicitly ace Tattletale fics haha?
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I kinda understand “minors don’t interact” and similar things, but one thing I always laugh at is “don’t tag as [thing].” You know — the whole don’t tag posts with the word queer in them as q slur, don’t tag not-inherently-shippy art as ship, don’t tag character posts as kin, etc. First of all, what would you do if someone DOES tag it like that? Call the cops? Second of all, people are gonna tag things however they want, you’re gonna have to deal with that on a website like tumblr.
There’s a similar phenomenon on Twitter where people say “don’t quote retweet”/“don’t private quote retweet” (which is especially funny cuz everyone is gonna see that and go on their private accounts and quote retweet with nonsense to piss you off, lmao)
Like if you’re really SO FUCKING SCARED of your gay post being tagged as #q slur, your Death Note edit being tagged as #Lawlight, your fanart being tagged as #kin, you probably shouldn’t be on the internet. Do you have the right to not view queer as a slur, the right to not ship whatever, the right to not like fictionkin? Of course! But people also have the right to disagree with you and tag your post however the fuck they want. One time I saw someone tag one of my cosplays as [character] faceclaim, and I was a little bit weirded out, but overall it was harmless. I never once considered adding a banner saying not to tag my likeness as a faceclaim, because if I really want to prevent anyone from doing that, the solution will be for me to not show my face online.
Small tangent: When I was younger I used to have a private sideblog that was basically just a venting diary. No one had the password, and, because it was private, my URL wouldn’t show up in the notes if I reblogged something to that blog. Basically, no one knew the blog existed. And I remember sometimes I would see a cool post on my dash, or in tags, and it would be tagged as #dont reblog (this was before tumblr had the option to limit reblogs obviously). And if the post was cool (or edgy, because like I said… vent blog) and I was sad that I “couldn’t” reblog it, I’d reblog it to the side blog, where OP would never know 😭 Rebellious as hell wasn’t I?
That being said — and this might contradict everything I just wrote — I do think people that brag about not reading/not following DNIs are also a bit obnoxious. Not people who just make statements that they don’t read them, but people who make it known how much they hate their existence. It just seems kinda edgelord-y? Idk. Obviously it’s fine to not read them or like them but making it a huge statement is just like…ok? Congratulations? Should we throw you a party? Should we invite Elon Musk?
I have followers—and follow people—who have “Antis DNI” in their bio. I also have followers and follow people who have “Proshippers DNI” in their bio. No one will ever know what side I’m on 😜😜😜😜
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tenebrous-academic · 27 days
About the previous anon. I agree that we did get something but felt like we didn't get anything (?) to indicate their relationship status. I'm not wording this correctly. I mean we know they've been together for a while, *possibly* spending the night at eo's, but at the same time buck haven't talked about tommy apparently? (Idk if it's just bobby or the 118).
It feels like they're still in the testing things out/dating area and not boyfriends just yet, which is fine really.
But I'm hoping the hospital scene is gonna be a step for them getting closer, tommy being there for buck to relay on and get the support and comfort from him. It's gonna be a waste not to use this scene to advance their relationship.
I really hope next episode provides some solid information as to their canon status too! But buckle up because I’m about to overanalyze the fuck out of the scenes we did get:
Based off of this episode, I think it’s safe to say they’ve been seeing each other for at least a few months. During the award ceremony it was mentioned the cruise ship disaster happened “last March.” I didn’t see anything showing what month it current is, but based off the wording we can at least assume enough time has passed for it to be considered last year and not “this March.” That gives the relationship at least 3-5 months depending on how long it took Buck to work up to courage to call Tommy for the first tour of the harbour.
Buck and Tommy have also been together long enough for Tommy to feel comfortable enough to talk about how he was treated by Captain Gerrard and, likely, how he behaved around Chim and Hen back then. I wish we could have actually seen that, as well as the scenes between Tommy, Chim, and Hen hashing things out to make sure there’s no bad blood, but all we have are these new interactions showing all of them as friends now and the past firmly behind them.
But!!! What we did get this episode!
Buck softly signing when he sees Tommy getting his award and beaming like a proud partner.
Buck and Tommy being in sync as they walk around the station together.
Buck giving his bitchiest glare to Gerrard and putting his body between his man and that piece of filth (Chim is iconic for that new nickname).
We also get Buck shown as Tommy’s family/loved one during the ceremony. A clear pattern is established with Hen getting her medal and Karen and the kids clapping, Chimney getting his medal and Maddie clapping, and then Tommy getting his medal and the camera panning over to Buck as he breathes deeply and glows in pride for Tommy. (I also acknowledge that Eddie is shown after Buck gets his medal, but the show has established that Eddie and Chris are family to Buck so I don’t think there’s anything to shippy about it).
He hasn’t talked to Bobby about it, and we don’t know if he’s been talking to anyone else, but we do know that it’s not a secret. That hospital kiss was his announcement and maybe he’s happy with that being the extent of it. I think Buck is the kind of person to keep his happiness to his chest a little bit longer to make sure that it’s his and not everyone else’s. Which I know goes against his past relationships and how he’s always talked about them - but Tommy feels different, so the way Buck would treat their relationship would be different too. It’s something he was to protect and nurture and he doesn’t feel the need to ask his family about it because he already knows the answers.
So, yeah, definitely not as much as I would have liked, but the pieces of their relationship ship we did get were pretty indicative of something solid and meaningful being built between them. I’m crossing every finger the finale gives us more though. We’re being given scraps and I think we’re all going a little feral over the lack of anything truly substantial.
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alien-slushie · 1 month
My only "pet peeve" about Cat Like-Atsushi stories
I don't know if anyone else cares about it, but I care about it so imma talk about it.
Tigers cannot purr.
Basically Roaring and Purring are exclusive. Cats who can purr can not roar and cats who can roar can not purr. Tigers roar, they do not purr.
Now honestly, it doesn't bother me too much, as purring is adorable and Atsushi being able to purr while human can be explained away by "Oh human vocal cords aren't strong enough to roar, so when he's human he can purr instead", but i would like to see some roaring atsushi fics.
Like, maybe Dazai's teasing goes a little too far one day and he roars to warn Dazai to get out of his face, or Kyouka gets lost in a crowd and he roars to find her out of instinct, or if you wanna get shippy he roars as a way to get Akutagawa's attention.
I guess I just wish Tiger habits were explored more was apposed to him just being compared to a domestic cat.
That's all.
Edit: Unrelated, but you know how Snow Leopards carry their tails around in their mouths? I know tigers don't do it, but I kinda wanna see Atsushi do that. Like his tail pops out when he's nervous and he walks around with it in his mouth. Idk it just sounds cute.
Edit 2: Tigers are also very territorial, so some stories about Atsushi being oddly possessive over certain people/things would also be really interesting considering Atsushi has a pretty giving personality in general.
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laithraihan · 2 months
I really don't care about whatever someone ships or doesn't & I do believe you that it's not meant shippy & I think that's fine, because it's fiction so you can make up a bond between whoever you like however you like. But that goes for everyone else alike.
Art will be interpreted as soon as you look at it not after digging for the artist's own opinion, so I can't say I'm surprised that people look at it and think it's shippy first. Sure, some were annoying about it I grant you that, but I think it's because it simply comes of hypocritical to act like a ship interpretation is nuts when the art simply does look like that on first glance.
The average MP100 viewer will not interpret a familial bond between these two characters who canonically barely interacted, but you did. (& more power to you) Maybe your average follower will not interpret a romantic implication in your artworks, but others will. (& more power to them)
I really don't think people lack parental love to see it shippy, I think people simply expect parental love between, well, a parent and their child. Not someone you personally declared to be a "weird uncle" to a girl he barely knows. I didn't even want good night kisses from my actual "weird uncle" as a kid idk man.
Again, I don't see the slightest issue with the platonic relationship you make up for them. I just also get where the romantic interpretations are coming from.
Your uncle/niece interpretation sincerely is farther removed from canon than ship interpretations are from your artworks.
Interesting message so I'll answer this genuinely.
To start off: I Never once implied that it was crazy that other people would interpret this as romantic at first glance. I quite literally said that I understood the confusion because these two barely interacted in canon. Which is why Im always happy to explain my intentions. Experiences vary so what one considers normal may not be normal to someone else: I'm very much aware of this but y'all clearly aren't.
When it gets to the point where people say "this artist drew that AND said it wasn't shipping even though we can obviously tell theyre delusional and in denial", that's where the problem is. I provide an explanation, that explanation gets ignored, people either answer "lmao just admit it" or they treat me as if I'm the worst person alive and they refuse to accept they must've been wrong about their interpretations. They proceed to openly "discuss" this (by just mocking me repeatedly, nothing constructive) in a public space where they think I can't see it almost as if they forget I'm an actual person who can come across these messages at any time.
What others ship or don't ship is none of my concern, I stay away from circles I dislike. But when people constantly attempt to force me into "admitting" I'm into something that I have zero interest in out of malicious intent, then naturally it'll annoy me.
I'm sure you didn't really mean to imply that I was merely outraged at the thought of someone interpreting this as romantic if they didnt know every single thing about my headcanons which is why I'm answering you sincerely. So please forgive me for assuming the ones who compared a peck on the cheek to some nonsense like "platonic breastfeeding" have never experienced any sort of familial love growing up 💜
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theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
After learning how Dana was never gonna get into the Wittebro and Evelyn lore, it makes sense why they wasted their final two episodes on TC's redemption and Huntlow lol.
That's pretty horrific ngl.
It really does make you wonder how The Kiss in SAI was going to happen without ever showing us Philip's history with Caleb and Evelyn.
In SAI, they literally made King say, "skip to the finale because it's quite a payoff" over a whole ass Lunter kiss, but they were never going to get into Philip's backstory... that kiss was a thing that was on their minds and... idk man, I think we should be grateful TOH got canceled, considering how the canon couples played out lmao.
I thought that they had Caleb and Evelyn's story figured out and were gonna do a big reveal after the build-up they did in HM and TTT [plus, the grimwalker details hidden in the background in previous episodes]. But it's like... oh... no... they weren't ever gonna go there. They were only ever going to give us vague hints in the background, which will be missed by most people. It existed purely as theory fuel because they were never gonna give us shit LMAO. And hey man, I'll take these Caleb/Evelyn = Lunter hints - because Luz and Hunter getting together makes sense for the main story, but that doesn't mean the show should get pass for neglecting its main villain.
So, yeah, it's no wonder why Belos is completely absent in season 1 - he is not considered to be the most important piece to the story. That's why season 1 is Like That... they wanted a multi season show, but they didn't want to put alot of effort into into their main antagonistic force - the thing that actually drives the main conflict in a story.
That's - uh. hm.
So that's why Hunter doesn't show up until Season 2 - not for shippy reasons, but it's because of his history with Belos. Hunter is tied to Belos' backstory, but the writers didn't actually want to show us his backstory, so the lil man needed to get placed in limbo for a whole season. Without Hunter and Philip, they can continue to avoid the main plot for as long as they want to.
That's - hm... TOH getting cancelled really was a blessing all alone tbh
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VOTED O7 (although i would have done it anyway heheheh)
anyways idk what kind of stuff u prefer to write but either some rendoc or something season8!grumbo (yanno when mumbo ate his soul to preserve his humanity. that was fun) would b very cool <333
OK SO YOU ARE IN LUCK! have this little thing taken from one of my fics!!
Some season 8!Grumbo for your… soul :)
(ain't exactly very shippy cause at this point in time in the fic they're not together yet! Sorry! I'll try doing some rendoc too<3)
Remember, reblogs>likes
«"… By signing this you agree to me harvesting your… Soul? In an attempt to become human again,"» Grian read from the small print. «Why aren't you human?»
« Grian. Look at me. » Mumbo said to the other, looking at him through the glass.
He took off his mask, revealing his pig-like face.
« That's weird… » Grian said, as if it wasn't obvious already. « But…? Was that supposed to explain anything?»
Mumbo sighed, « Ok, you can't get there on your own, I overestimated you. » Grian let out an offended gasp as Mumbo smiled a bit.
« I'm a shapeshifter. » Mumbo said, avoiding the other's eyes.
Shapeshifters were usually accepted… but not the ones like him.
« Oh… » Grian said, quietly.
That was it, wasn't it? Grain was gonna be scared or disgusted - he didn't know which he'd prefer.
« Makes sense. You're one of the ones without souls right? » Grian said, calmly, as Mumbo looked up, hearing shuffling.
Grian was sitting on the ground, with his legs crossed.
He didn't seem upset.
Grian motioned for him to sit as well, and after a moment of hesitation, he did.
« So? »
Mumbo gave him a quick nod to answer his question.
« Hm, I wonder how I missed it? » Grain said, with his usual mischievous smile.
Mumbo would usually get out seeing that grin, knowing it meant trouble, but considering what could've been he was overjoyed seeing it.
« I'm good at keeping it a secret. » Mumbo answered, trying to stay positive.
« You can't control your shifting, right? » Grian asked, taking off his Elytra And pulling off his sweater, revealing his wings.
Mumbo hated how thin he was. He wasn't healthy and he hated not being able to help.
« Yes and no, As long as I don't eat too much of the same thing I don't shift… » He trailed off. He had been eating the same thing for the whole season.
« Do you know why you can't control it? » Grian asked, tilting his head.
Mumbo just shrugged « I was just born unlucky, there's no reason. »
« Wrong. » Grian said, humming a bit.
Mumbo tilted his head « What? »
« You're wrong. There is a reason. » Grian said, with a smile, and brought a hand to his chest, and motioned to grab something. He slowly moved it away, and cupped his hands, showing Mumbo whatever appeared in his hand.
It looked like a wisp sphere, glowing with a sky blue light, with small wings and a halo, both glowing with a light purple that melted with the other color.
Mumbo had never seen something so beautiful.
« Do you know what this is? » Grian asked, quietly, looking at the thing in his hand with a soft smile.
Mumbo shook his head.
« It's an old trick someone I once knew taught me, » Grian said, then looked up, holding it out to Mumbo « It's my soul. » he said, and the words echoed through Mumbo's mind.
He clenched his chest.
He knew he'd never have something like that.
« This little thing - or better, the lack of it - is why you can't control when you shift. » Grain explained, holding his soul close to his chest again, he cupped it like you'd do with a flame. « I'm not good at explaining, we both know that. But… I want to help you. » He said, and gripped the soul. His expression shifted,looking a bit pained.
« Grian, what are you doing… » Mumbo whispered, as he started getting up, not liking where this was going.
« I know you didn't really mean it when you said you wanted my soul. You wanted my help to turn you back. » Grian said, smiling wider now « And this is how I'm gonna do it! » He pulled at the wings.
Next thing Mumbo knew, he was thrown against a wall, and there was a blast of light.
When he looked up, Grian was on the other end of the room, leaning against the opposite wall holding…
Two halves of his own soul.
He looked up at Mumbo, with that stupid smile he always had.
Mumbo rushed towards him, breaking the glass that was between them.
Grian had gotten even paler than usual.
His legs gave in, and he sat down. « This should do… » he whispered, holding out one of the two halves « I can shift a little bit. A half should let you keep your powers but let you control them. »
« Grian, what?!- » Mumbo hissed, not accepting it.
« Mumbo, take it. » Grian insisted, yelping when Mumbo pushed his hand back « Don't do that! They'll fuse back together and I don't think I could handle it breaking again! » He said, doing his best to keep the two halves apart.
Mumbo just… stared. « Grian, you know I'm always up for crazy things but… I can't do this… » He murmured.
Grain took his hand, and placed one half in it, « You gotta, cause I'm not taking it back. » Grian said stubbornly, and moved the half he still had next to his chest. It disappeared again.
Mumbo moved the one in his hand closer, just to look at it.
The halo had stayed with Grian's half, but it had one wing.
Grian smiled « Come on, it's yours now. » He murmured.
Mumbo closed his eyes, and pressed it against his chest like he just saw Grian do.
It was a weird feeling. He shifted back to human, as usual, but it was… different, somehow.
A good different, but nothing like it had ever been before.
Grain chirped - as he often did - but he… understood him?
« Change! »
« I'm sorry? » He whispered, confused.
Grian ignored him. « You've changed! You don't look like usual! » He said.
« I- Grain? » Mumbo fiddled with his sleeves, « I think I understood that chirp… »
Grain blinked, then chirped again and tackled him in a hug.
« Yes! »
Grian started purring « Yes! You're flock! You can understand me too now! » He said, squeezing him.
« Geez- for having lost half a soul you're still pretty strong. » Mumbo said, smiling, and pet him on the head.
« Don't you get it?? You understand my flock! »
Mumbo smiled « I'm assuming it's good? »
Grain purred again « It's really good! I never thought it was possible but now- »
He put his forehead against the other, still smiling, and chirped again.
« You're family now! »
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thesilverlock · 2 months
What 96 got a redemption arc, what would it be?
Ooo, good question!
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I think realistically, if that was a goal they’d had in mind for Mist - they wouldn’t have shoved him into the pendant and forgotten about him for 51 episodes.😭 So Idk if it was ever in the cards for him, intention-wise.
Either the show would’ve had to squeeze in more Astral centric episodes (of which there are shockingly few) to give more time and depth to his enemyship with 96, which would have made room for 96’s skewered ideals to be challenged.
We’d have needed a ZEXAL III, where 96 could back with a fresh agenda, a fresh new storyline, and he could have the slow burn, carefully thought-out redemption he deserves.
now... I will say, if we’re talking about the 96 we all know As Per how he is in the show.... with CANON-as-possible accuracy;
[and ik the fellow shippy peeps will hate this, and trust i don’t like and am resigned about it too hgfg]
... I do not believe that a ‘new character’ or other person could have gotten through to Mist. Not in million years. Especially not a human.
96 never saw anyone else (especially and specifically humans) as equal to himself, and only deemed them in the worst regard. And everything we know about 96 would suggest he’d never give the time of day to someone he deemed inferior.
Think of how Mist treated Yuma. He did not even directly speak to the boy 90% of the time. Yuma was like a bug to him, and 96 was not about to listen to no bug lol.
Astral he at least begrudgingly had to admit was his equal. So if NOTHING else, Astral’d likely need to be the one who somehow starts 96 on the redemption trajectory. Say or prove something that shook the foundation of what Mist believed.
And EVEN THEn it’d probably take something really significant. Because even though Astral was the closest thing to a person Mist respected --- he still hated Astral Lol. Respect doesn’t mean he’d start just Listening to him.
But, other than that; I think there’s different ways people could spin it, and go into details with it! And I know different fandom peeps have posed certain ways or ideas in the past (myself included lol), and all have had their own merits!
But yeah, I think the above-mentioned staples would have to be considered, for it to truly like... work work. Lol
BUT THAT”S JUST my take and my perspective. And what’s that worth at the end of the day, eh? xDD
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ryuichirou · 13 days
More short ones today!
Anonymous asked:
Hii, I discovered your art for the first time on twitter a few months ago and I'd like to know how the battle to keep the account is going. Also I can't find the sfw account?? Like, it just vanished, did something happen?
P.S. : love your art style, it looks delectable
Hi Anon! Thank you for your support ❤️
The battle is still ongoing, well, we're sending appeals pretty regularly, but unfortunately no luck yet. The most difficult part is to get these people to actually reply :( It’s going to be over in a week, though, I’m tired of waiting.
There is no sfw account, but I can understand the confusion with our accounts right now...
@aoinoryush is just my super old personal account that we didn't really want to use to post art (other than that one time when we posted a FloIdi comic), so I created a new one.
@ryuichirou52622 is the new art account for both sfw and nsfw pieces, at least for the time being.
If you can't access either of them for some reason, please let me know!
Anonymous asked:
Did not realize I needed FloVil till this moment
It's how things always are with these two. You don't think of them, and then you see them, and boom... wow I needed that...
(Thank you ❤️)
Anonymous asked:
You once again got me barking at your art. Vil is just so.... UUUUUUUUUUGH he's so beautiful
Hehe thank you so much, Anon!! Barking is a very good reaction, I love it >:3
I am very happy I could draw Vil beautiful enough for this reaction...
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Anonymous asked:
Any context on the latest post?
There isn't any, to be honest; we were just in a FloVil mood, likely due to their interactions in the Playful Land event.
I guess Floyd was just feeling extra playful that day~
Anonymous asked:
U like ortho/Idia
Why not Jade/Floyd? Is it because ur highly against tops on tops?
We are not highly against it, Anon, but yes, we don't ship two characters that we consider tops together. It works both ways: their interactions don't feel shippy to us because they're tops; but at the same time they're tops because their interactions don't feel shippy to us. It's difficult to say which one is more true.
So yeah, we don't automatically ship every problematic ship just because it's problematic.
Funny enough, whenever I draw the Leech parents, they always look like just straight-up Floyd and Jade lol So maybe I am a hypocrite.
But then again, it's very difficult for us to picture Mama Leech and Papa Leech having sex... so maybe I am not a hypocrite....
Anonymous asked:
Your art made me look up the heights of Floyd and Vil, and it gave me a thought.
Cause Vil is taller than Floyd with heels, but shorter without. (183cm without, 196cm with, while Floyd is 191cm)
And I love myself a character that acts all tough until they get put in their place.
So Vil being taller than Floyd with his heels on, and he's acting all proper and like "you can't touch me" or something.
And then Floyd gets all smiley and immediately gets Vil off his high heels (bad joke), and now Vil's not so high-strung.
Plus, Floyd finally being able to look down at Vil instead of having to look up is probably something he would enjoy.
Idk. Just a thought :)
Anon! This is such a good point lol I've always wondered about Vil's height... Since he wears high heels pretty much all the time, he really should usually be about the Tweel's height or even taller... Much taller, if we consider Rook's info about his heels lengths as factual!
Floyd getting Vil off his high heels (great joke) is a very hot concept. Of course, heels or no heels, Vil won't lose his pride easily, but... what if this is only the beginning. 👀
In any case, Floyd would enjoy and probably tease him about it~
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inchidentally · 6 months
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(screencapped to stay out of the tags)
I'm going to be bundling my other tricky asks as always in one post under a cut but this one as actually a learning curve for me as someone who doesn't really follow Max stuff.
I genuinely hadn't realized just how much time Lando had spent with Max privately and non-F1 weekend related. I'm not esp a Max fan which would explain me missing a lot but I did know they had a pretty solid friendship that dated more closely to his friendship with George and Alex - but damn that's way more time spent with Max than any other driver this season!
what's funny too is that Max is actually super happy to be physically affectionate in a flirty way with other guys similar to how Lando is. Carlos is only like that with certain guys, namely Charles and guys his own age that he deems as "pretty". but as someone who pulled shippy shit from any car|ando interaction I can honestly say that the "ooh they touched in a sexy way!" stuff was just how Lando is with guys. Carlos firmly has Lando in the little brother/friend space and literally says he thinks Lando is "cute" and that it's weird when people ask them to kiss. and yes, they have dinner sometimes and travel on the same plane sometimes to the next race - but just this season Lando did that with Daniel and Oscar and Max as well.
so surely Max including Lando in all this personal life stuff and spending time together online and in Monaco during the winter break is a HUGE threat to car|ando? I genuinely can't and don't want to try and understand the larry mentality of RPF but if I had to guess then it's something as wild as them considering Max as already part of a major RPF ship (|estappen or maxtie|) that's supposedly ALSO taking place under cover of all these "fake" girlfriends? man I wish I could remove the terms "beard" and "escort" from these people's vocabulary.
I've also got an ask that apparently charlos causes rage for both |estappen and car|ando bc they have an agenda that Charles and Carlos hate each other but then keep getting infuriated when Charles mounts Carlos or Carlos won't stop touching Charles' thighs or they try to kiss for the millionth time. akgfsakfgaf how exhausting must it be keeping these theories going I caaaan't
but returning to your ask yea fact is that Lando is way closer and more of a friend outside F1 with Max than Carlos. they meet up probably the same amount during the drivers parades as car|ando and sometimes even get handsy. but I guess somehow that's different ?? even when Lando has teased that RB would be his only temptation away from McLaren and Christian Horner wants to en plein air fuck Lando ???
from what I can tell, Daniel was never considered a threat to car|ando which continues to be bizarre bc purely objectively again, I would say he's more of a friend outside F1 to Lando than Carlos. not by a whole lot but Daniel and Lando share road trips and private flights and Lando fits into Daniel's friend group really well. I guess maybe since Daniel's just widely loved in fandom in general there was less motive to try and tear down his relationship with Lando?
that's true, I also seem to recall starting to see this anti-landoscar BS starting around Japan/Oscar's contract extension. I suppose if I were trying to look at it through their angle then the Japan and Qatar double McLaren podiums coming right after Singapore - including Oscar's extension - would be seen as some kind of "insult" ? I guess Oscar went from being cute and non-threatening to suddenly cockblocking the Carlos back to McLaren pipe dream (that Carlos would literally only do as a fifth or sixth option and only if Ferrari gave him the boot lol). especially since Lando insisted on being crazy happy about the double podiums instead of I guess wistfully thinking of how much he wishes he could play second fiddle to Carlos getting the only non-RB win of the season instead of trying to idk help his team and himself in the standings.
then there was the crazy mood swing when Lando and Carlos went to dinner after Mexico and flew to Brazil together (with Rebecca) - to the rage when it turned out that Lando hanging out in Brazil for a day or two after the race wasn't car|ando bc Lando went to Cali almost immediately for sponsors meetings while Carlos and Rebecca both posted pics and video of their private holiday together that went right up until the day before the Vegas race. I definitely saw the uptick in car|ando agit prop after that whole shebang bc then Carlos wanted Rebecca at the "car|ando cup" and kept checking in on her. the hatred towards her truly took on a whole ugly and dark turn after that.
it is still so damn weird that Oscar/landoscar is the target that it is for them though. I have another ask where in some F1 group Christmas art the artist depicts Lando interacting with Carlos and not Oscar and ??? it's a drawing??? and I'm assuming they don't rate Lily's existence as security for car|ando since apparently any woman can be conveniently written off as a fake gf. but Oscar doesn't play gay with Lando and he didn't push for a bromance and generally keeps himself to himself unless Lando wants him around! he's a Lando fanboy but he's not even hardcore pushing content of him and Lando on his sm! the poor guy is literally just standing there catching strays bc of a mainstream bromance that has nothing to do with him
I'm sorry anon this went so wide of what you were saying but genuinely I used to spend so much of my time on car|ando accounts and it's slowly turning into a larry "they are looking to each other" edit type fandom ;__;
but fr why does Oscar get put in the "we hate the real life girlfriends" category ?????? I genuinely laugh bc it's so insane why isn't he like Max or Daniel why is he That Fake Bitch Standing In Our Ship's Way and they aren't is it bc he's prettier and serves natural cunt afglajfgalgfslafg
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ikaishere · 5 months
Favorite headcannon for each link?
omg, thats, such a hard question. but im gonna answer with like, popular headcanosn that I see going around the fandom! hyrule: the fairy thing. i eat it up every time. legend: uhh dating ravio. that's my fav headcanon about legend. ravioli. wild: non-verbal/selectively-mute wild for the win time: he lost his eye doing something just really stupid (I know jojo confirmed it was a bigger deal but I still love this idea) warriors: he does not realize time and mask are one person. the dots haven't connected yet. twilight: tbh idk if its a thing that is going around, but it lives in my brain. twilight would consider selling wild for like, a really good pumpkin. but it would have to be a really good one. four: same as with legend....something going on with shadow sky: again shippy.... groosexskyxsun my beloved wind: omg I actually dont know !!!! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... no. I'm sorry wind baby.....
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