#Idk xd questions(???
zerozeroren · 5 months
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Well this was fun to do XD
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spaciebabie · 4 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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pixlokita · 5 months
Did y’all ever woke up one day being absolutely tired and never stopped being tired afterwards :Tc did you ever get that energy back?
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seven-thewanderer · 9 months
Is it just me, or do snails kinda give a bunny kinda vibe?
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sentientstump · 2 years
is halloween near or something
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the mantho ray appears!
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walkingstackofbooks · 15 days
DS9 ask game: return question edition!
Optional Bonus Content! If you get asked, write your reply as normal, but before posting, find the corresponding question (under the read-more) to add at the end of your reply for the original Asker to answer! Obviously you may look at the follow-up questions before, but I think the element of surprise could be quite fun, I hope! <3
⚾ Which character should have had YOUR favourite sport [or hobby] as a core part of their personality?
🧨 You must make 'diplomatic' small talk with a villain for the next hour to distract them from your colleagues' plan to undermine them. Which villain would make this most difficult for you and how?
🪱 If you were a Trill in dire straits, which character would you pick to be your emergency next host? How might your memories change their personality?
⚔️ Which character would you most like to fight over something they did in the series? What was it that they did?
💉 If you could gentically enhance a character, who would it be, when in their life would you do it, and what would you change?
🪣 Which character should Odo have had to (imperfectly) impersonate for an episode? Would it have a hijinks-vibe or be incredibly tense and important?
🔨 O'Brien must suffer. What new tragedy will you cause to rain down upon him?
💰 If you had to bribe [asker's choice] into doing something they refused to do in the series, what would it be, and what would you attempt to bribe them with?
☠️ If you had to choose one of the 8 main characters to be assassinated during the series, who would it be and how would it be done?
✨You're trapped in a turbolift along with your least-favourite (non-villainous) character. Who is it, and what are they doing to make the experience unbearable for you?
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS BELOW: Only look if you've finished writing your reply... unless you want spoilers, of course :P I'm not your boss.
⚾ How would this new sport/hobby have a dramatic impact on a season finale?
🧨 Is the mission a failure or success, and by how close a margin?
🪱 Which of this character's major decisions do you think this would change?
⚔️ No fighting! Let's take this to court instead... If you were the character's lawyer, what defense would you make of their actions?
💉 How would this improve the character? Why would this be a Bad Idea™️?
🪣 What would he learn about that character during his impersonation that would make most of an impact on him?
🔨 What is the comic B-plot to this episode?
💰 Which other DS9 character do you think would have the most chance of effectively bribing this character? What method would they use?
☠️ What would be the in-universe explanation for the assassination?
✨ How does this character surprise them and turn the wait into something that's actually alright!?
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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Nurse Pixel: I'm going to examine you!
Kazin: ...Eh!?
Usually if friends of mine are not feeling well or are sick I send them my best wishes and they get better in the next few days. (or they tell me their symptoms and I get inspired by it somehow lol)
But with Kazin, I found out she's had bloating and stomachaches for almost a year multiple times a month and hasn’t gotten any better. She didn't seem to know what was wrong with her.
So I did a full examination. (aka asking questions and taking a guess from my knowledge)
My final diagnosis: She has IBS-C
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...and yet she probably still won't resist the urges to fill herself with caffeine and junkfood... xD
(your funeral bestie haha i tried)
but yeah I doodled our lil’ sonas for funsies
I gave hers a coffee color scheme ☕
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raycatz · 4 months
Thank you for giving me an excuse to write this all out. I've written a rambly essay about wings, brief timeline thoughts, and dreamfasting!
I've been thinking way too much about gelfling wings. I like the headcanon that Hyrule is trans ftm so he gets wings (since gelfling born as girls have wings and boys do not)! I don't think he minds them at all. But it's got me thinking about other trans gelfling or how wings relate to gender for gelfling, if at all, and their utility. I've watched the original movie, the netflix series, and have read The Power of The Dark Crystal. I've skimmed Beneath The Dark Crystal and it seems like the flying troops and ground troops are split mostly between those with and without wings. One of the significant side-characters is trans and has a set of wings which are attached to like, a corset, wrap, thing. She gifts them to Kensho and he flies with them. There is a comment that "the council wants a winged leader anyways" which speaks back to the matriarchal society of Age of Resistance, but Kensho does not change anything gender-wise and still becomes leader pretty sure so like, leaders being women is what has been done traditionally but isn't required. But also like, are the worn wings magic? Can they fly on their own? In the movie Kira can't fly with her wings but only glide. Do different wings have different function, have they changed over time? I did a google search and came up with a quote from the novelization that it's the latter, that gelfling have lost the ability to fly. But then they get it back by PoTDC. Was it a symptom of the darkening, then?
BUT ANYWAYS- how does this apply to LU? Also I haven't read any of the other comics or books so I'm making a lot of this up. BUT LIKE wings seem like they'd serve a great utility. Especially for warriors even if they cannot fly but at least to glide (in the situation where the worn wings aren't magic). Maybe wing harnesses that can be worn? So Wild and Sky would get a pair as gliders. Four and Legend get a pair in place of the roc's cape and feather. I swear I saw a picture of the puppets once where it's shown Jen or Rian maybe have the outline of wings on their backs but I could also completely be making this up. But like, is the emergence of wings a coming of age thing? And if male gelfling do have vestigial wings what if there's gender affirmation surgery for trans mtf gelfling? Would it be for gender affirmation and presentation? Would it be for fashion? Utility? Would the wings have function? For gliding? What about full or partial flight? Genderfluid Wild where he's had the surgery and has some flight capability yet his wings are too small on their own so she still keeps a separate full pair which clip on and are then secured with a harness which allow for full flight. And they can swap between depending on how they feel like presenting or for utility. Legend also has a worn pair. He wears them to dress more effeminately, sometimes for gender, sometimes vibes, or as a fashion statement. (Wars too) He might also have a pair of wings that emerged but never developed to flight. There's a lot of interesting things to be done with the headcanon! (worn wings with different shapes to telegraph their function? Legend would have so many pairs, then!)
Would the worn wings be fabricated or something inherited from a passed family member, warrior, donated? There is Onica who has lost her wings so I don't think they grow back. I think Aughra would be miffed but proud of the gelfling's ingenuity: "Gave gelfling binaries to make things simple! Easier to understand! And yet they choose to listen to Thra anyways! Find their way back! PAH! What marvelous creatures! Seems they don't need Mother Aughra after all! PAH" and all the gelfling are like oh stop we do love you.
(and you know what? we can redirect Legend's righteous god-hating anger towards the Skeksis. This man would get along with Mother Aughra like a house on fire. Maybe she gives him too many quests, and maybe he resents her somewhat, but he's too fond of her as well. Aughra is Thra, after all. Maybe he just stops listening for a while. OoooOO internal conflict that has consequences in the world!!! >:D )
aaAAA Happy Pride?! Gender affirmation surgery for gelfling!
I've also been thinking about where to place these guys on the timeline. I think it'd be a shame to take them out of the same reality as the series as the preexisting cast has so much lore. Which I am not as versed in as I could be. But Age of Resistance is what sparked this so probably somewhere in that time or nearby. There's literally a great tree which bestows a vision unto Deet to leave home and save Thra but I don't want Hyrule to replace her... hmmm... I know I want them to be facing the darkening and that the crystal calls them (or calls their Zeldas). From there, idk. I mostly have ideas for some encounters for these guys with the creatures of Thra and general designs and how they're living taking the AoR clans as inspiration. (Currently I've placed them in Thra. I could also apply Thra to Hyrule. I need to weave in more Zelda elements.)
Wind would be Sifa. atm Hyrule is Grottan though that may change. I think Legend would be Sifa and Spriton, spending the harvest and planting seasons with the Spriton, and at sea the rest, but spends most of his time now traveling after an incident at sea. (He does not trust dreamfasting. OH GOD THE POTENTIAL ANGST FOR DREAMFASTING. Dreamfasting has been shown to share experienced memories- I'm unsure about actual dreams or imaginative things. Are the voiceovers in the shows shared through the dreamfast or are the gelfling speaking aloud, I'm not sure. I think that the great tree and probably Aughra might be the only characters shown to share visions? Can you imagine Legend refusing to dreamfast because he doesn't want to find out if Koholint is something he experienced in person or only dreamed of??? You also cannot pass on someone else's dreamfast and it's believed madness can be transmitted through dreamfast so there's that as well. Would there even be a way for him to tell? What if he can share it but is convinced its madness that he willed into memory? Wild's regained memories on the other hand can be eerily confirmed through dreamfast. Though that means I need to find a place earlier on the timeline to place him where something traumatic happens.) (THOUGH THE DARKENING SICKNESS- it manifests in various ways- in Power Of it grows on the gelfling and needs to be burned off with fire or purified by the crystal. It's how Kensho got his scars! It could be how Wild got his scars!) (there are lots of potential little ties to malice, gloom, and the triforce)
Wolfie is very big and has lots of teeth. I want him to be a much scarier creature to gelfling than a wolf is to a Hylian. Currently with six legs and amphibious.
That's all I've got for now. Props if you read everything! 'xD Thank you for asking!
Here are the downfall duo again!
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cuddlebugmonster · 8 months
Hemlo bugs! I'm really curious about your TAH au, is there any more info about it? I just thought that there's a really funny sailor moon meme that could fit your Au in it. Specifically
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With the Usati fam. What do you think ?👀👀
Oh well my TAH AU is basically the love story of Leo and usagi, enemies to lovers trope. This doesn’t happen in my au but it would be a very funny side story XD Leo being freaked out while usagi just embraces it, I would love to see them both meet pyonpyon while their still friends so pyonpyon tries to get them together XD
She would be so baffled that her dad’s weren’t madly in love from the first time they met
TAH is basically one part of my brain that i wanted to get out XD if you have a more specific question about my AU i would be happy to answer
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wndaswife · 2 months
what's it like being a philosophy major?
it's pretty fun! it's soooooooooo much thinking soooo much dissecting analyzing and trying to understand, and so much reading... i suppose that applies to everything but since philosophy is what it is, it's just thought but in many many different forms and in many subjects, all you do is think and wonder (and ofc you build the practical and important intellectual skills in logic and critical thinking etc... philosophy majors must take logic courses for example)
also im double majoring in philosophy and political science, and to ME i personally think philosophy has to be paired with something else but that's not to say philosophy is useless. for example taking only political science would lead my career in a totally different direction and it wouldn't be something i'd like lol and i wouldn't know or be passionate about nearly half of the things i am right now
are u thinking of majoring in philosophy or starting to get into it?
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edenpoise · 4 months
the fact that eve would be canonically older than most if - not all of the goetia family is wild.
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pixlokita · 9 months
Hey Pix, how do you think 3 star Vanessa and Gregory see each other? Does Gregory think of Vanessa as a big sister, auntie or parental figure and vice versa for her?
they are
-drum roll-
Found family babeyyyy!!!
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year
Dazai and Chuuya: *done with a discussion topic*
Dazai, quietly: Beau
Chuuya: What?
Dazai: Beau.
Dazai, smilling after a moment of silence: It means "Beautiful" in French right?
Chuuya, nervous and also smiling: Yeah...it does. Pretty, beautiful...
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why grocery so expensive 😭
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fairysteve · 1 year
@papermachedragons The second part of answering your ask!
Are there any features to him that are always there in the corner of your eyes but which the human mind willingly ignore in order to conserve sanity and willful ignorance? Like he smiles and his teeth are always a little too sharp? Or he doesn’t have a shadow? Or his eyes change color (which I do know you posted about at one point)? His hands are like claws and even though they sometimes look like hands, they aren’t and if you touch them even when they look like hands you’d feel a claw? I know he mostly doesn't care and doesn’t bother to hide everything behind a human facade, but how inhuman are we talking about? 
Okay, it’s already established that his looks are everchanging, including his eyes going through a spectrum of shades during a week. And that he’s not trying too hard at being a convincing mortal. But let’s go through the questions one by one! 
Features that are always there in the corner of your eye? Not exactly. His eyes might appear black if you’re not looking at him directly; they are black still, underneath the disguise, and the corner of your eye is often where you see through the most magic. But that’s so easy to wave away as a play of the light. (And it’s only his eyes that you might be able to see through – they're the windows to the soul after all.) 
Teeth are always a little too sharp? His canines are definitely a bit longer and sharper than could pass as human, falling more in line with other mortal creatures. (And it took him a while to figure out the right amount of teeth; too many and his mouth felt crowded, too few and it looked wrong. And wisdom teeth only made it all the more confusing.) 
Doesn’t have a shadow? He has one, but it flickers. Magic doesn’t cast a shadow by itself, and he is magic, but he has a solid shape, can be touched, so he does block out the sun. Still, his solidity flickers like his looks, leaving his shadow to do the same. It looks like static sometimes, sunshine filtering through him in pinpricks. 
Eyes change colour? Well, we’ve gone over the spectrum of shades and them looking black. They do change colour completely sometimes; he sees a colour he likes and it bleeds into his eyes for a second, before his disguise rights itself. The part of the eye differs, though the pupil and iris happen more often than the sclera. 
Hands are like claws? No, he has always preferred using his teeth where others would use claws. His hands are maybe the most human thing about him. With that said, his nails might draw some attention. He likes the idea of them being coloured but doesn’t understand nail polish, so he simply changes the nail itself. You’d notice if you were to look at them closely, or touch them, that something isn’t right. (He approaches makeup the same way he does nail polish, making it part of his form instead of the addition it’s supposed to be.) 
How inhuman are we talking about? Oh, nothing about him is human, is barely mortal for whatever that means. A shape – a disguise – can only do so much, especially when he barely tries to contain himself. If you open him up, his insides will not look right. He has tried putting muscles and blood veins and lungs the way they should be after looking in books and on operation tables, but he doesn’t bleed red if he bleeds at all, and he doesn’t breathe unless he consciously inhales or exhales. His muscles work right – he likes the burn from overexertion, so he put more thought into it. He has bones; the body doesn’t feel right without them. But nerves? A stomach? Anything else that makes up a body? Magic fills those spaces for him. 
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