#Ienzo Theory
radiantgardenprince · 4 months
*sits bolt upright*
my theory about braig be related to eraqus distantly could be true now!
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gulava · 5 months
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We can't be sure of anything yet, but it's definitely an interesting piece of information.
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Wait, hold on, wait a minute, I—
What if the reason that Ansem the Wise/DiZ hates Nobodies so much and thinks them completely incapable of human emotion is because Zexion is completely unrecognizable to him? He can’t see even see the slightest glimmer of little, sweet Ienzo in Xemnas’s No. VI, The Cloaked Schemer. They made his son into a monster.
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chenoehi · 5 months
been thinking thoughts about KH3, MoM theories, etc a lot lately and this is my current brain rot:
All the Org XIII ancient keyblade wielders seem to treat Sora with either derision or kindness.
Eg. Marluxia and Luxord are friendly to Sora when they’re fading away. Marluxia thanks him and Luxord gives him a card to help him. Luxord was arguably never unkind to Sora prior but he was still antagonistic. Larxene isn’t kind per se but she shows a different side briefly and even smiles at him in the end, which for her actually seemed genuine.
Meanwhile you have Xigbar/Luxu and Demyx. Both of which are, frankly, bastards (affectionately! I love them your honor) to Sora in KH2, DDD, and KH3 even when they don’t need to be. Like, just thinking about Xigbar antagonizing the shit out of Sora in KH2/Radiant Garden and like Cardi B I’m wondering what was tf reason.
Based on what we know of him now, we can make educated guesses as to why he acts that way — his character file is illuminating and offers a lot of insight as to why he may feel differently about Sora, in addition to how nosey af we know Luxu is.
Demyx initially acts friendly but that’s really just him addressing Roxas imo which he makes pretty obvious by speaking directly to Roxas in KH2. And while he was objectively terrible to Roxas in terms of ditching him on missions in Days, he was never actually rude or unkind to him that I remember. For the most part he’s friendly with him both in game and in comics (that I know of). And he seemed alright with Xion.
Sora? Nah. He’s sarcastic as shit and while I love me some barbs, I tend to agree with the opinion that sarcasm is veiled contempt.
In fact contempt is the word I feel fits best for how both Xigbar and Demyx act/feel toward Sora.
But Riku? Demyx calls out to him in Remind and starts talking like they’re besties, he smiles at him softly — which is not at all weird or like his soft smile for Ienzo, no not similar in the slightest — and he gets up in his personal space, which, while not entirely unusual for Demyx, is in contrast to his interactions with Sora. It’s made a little creepy by the odd familiarity with which he’s treating someone he’s supposedly just met — and not even properly. (it’s actually crazy to me but rn I’m realizing the org members almost never introduce themselves to anyone lol Sora has no idea who these people are, like he literally doesn’t know what to call them so he just says “it’s org 13” bc names? what’s a name?)
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And this single solitary interaction between Riku-Demyx for me is all just so strange because there’s few people on record in the games that Demyx is actually friendly toward. Xigbar, Ienzo, Roxas, maybe Xion, now Riku. That’s an ..interesting mix. I’m not counting Vexen because dude was finding every excuse to walk away from science boy in RG before getting sucked into the scheme via manipulation (and arguably his own ego, cause you know, he’s the only one who could pull it off bc no one would suspect him). He literally claims himself that he had no real friends outside of Xigbar and we know that association alone is 👀 At one point Axel speaks somewhat kindly of him, but then Demyx was saying how much quieter it was and how he’s glad the loudmouths were unalived in Castle Oblivion. Not very neighborly of him, but then again Axel and Zexion were friendly enough to bet on who’d die next only for Axel to axe (aheh) him so a lot of that backstabbing shit went on. So maybe he was cool with Axel but clearly not enough to be friends with him, even though he apparently wanted friends. (On another note, I still find it super odd Axel chose to defend Demyx to Roxas instead of piling on, we never even saw them interact. It’s weird.)
It’s unfortunate we don’t get to see Xigbar/Luxu interact with Riku on his own but, like with Demyx, I think he would be less bastardly than he is with Sora. Maybe it’s a keyblade master thing, maybe Riku’s just earned more respect, or maybe he just can’t stand that Sora is the ‘hero’ putting others (Riku et al) in danger constantly by needing to be rescued or protected — at least from Xigbar/Luxu’s perspective.
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firestorm09890 · 11 months
in honor of missing link not being fucking cancelled here are my two favorite unhinged ienzo theories
so the memories of his childhood are "extremely hazy" but his memories of his "time in that radiant garden" are "beautiful and vivid". 🤨 is it because he was too young to remember? is it because of the trauma of losing his parents? NO he got hit by the time travel memory loss beam just like all the others. we're gonna see victorian orphan ienzo in khml
"yeah I know every book. personally *pulls out the book of prophecies*"
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phenixa · 3 months
Twilight - an Even&Ienzo drabble
Something was amiss this evening. The twilight was unusually pink. Like pink pink, not some kind of pinkish shades that faded into shades of purple then indigo. No this twilight, the sky was pink. And maybe there was problem.
Ienzo went to Even, as if the man would have a clue of what was happening. But Ienzo went to him nonetheless. Even was his source material, his guide and mentor. The blond was his father figure. He had reluctantly been these last ten years. Even had been the father he had lost, when Ansem the Wise was absent.
Well, the young man had this habit to go for Even when something was amiss. And this pink twilight was more than amiss. It was purely and simply strange.
The shades of pink colouring the sky were not usual, that he had theories himself, he knew that. But biology wasn't his forte, it was Even's.
"something's not right."
"And what could that be, boy ?"
He thought of just blurting that the sky was pink, but, at that moment, Ienzo felt stupid. Though, he decided that looking stupid was worth it. His curiosity got the best of him.
"The sky is pink. Why is that ?"
Even looked at his adopted son, a surprised air on his face.
"A pink twilight ? It is quite rare indeed."
"And what does that mean ? A good day for tomorrow ?"
Even smiled. A rare and sweet smile that he had reserved for Ienzo when he was a child. The young man hadn't seen that smile in a long time. Maybe Even smiled like that a few more times when Ienzo wasn't looking. He was a proud dad after all, a reluctant dad, but proud nonetheless. But that, Ienzo didn't need to know that.
"Pink twilights happen when two souls that are destined meet. This is a good omen for all souls that experience this kind of Twilight."
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cielomist · 1 year
[thinks about the "vexen's weapon being a shield is a manifestation of even's desire (and ultimate failure) to protect ienzo" theory]
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ephemeralflower · 2 years
my little theory about his future plot importance aside, i want to see kingdom hearts explore the effects of ienzo having become a nobody at a young age. during his most formative years, he was raised being told he was incapable of feeling emotion. due to his role in the organization, he is also likely desensitized to violence. 
now that he’s human again, will he have trouble processing strong emotions? how much guilt does he feel, and does it eat away at him? in the words of ansem, he was just a boy. he really didn’t know better, and realistically speaking it would normally take him awhile to unlearn what he grew up believing. there’s room for an interesting character arc here.
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Thank you for such an in depth response, I feel honored by it and that I was able to inspire you about the concepts and I agree. I had similar thoughts about the theming of Sora’s name and him being the void of space. Even had musings of how in primordial myths the heavens (sky) and the earth are considered the couple that brings about the first forms existence. Gaia and Ouranos and on the Egyptian mythos there was a love story of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) although interesting enough geb and nut are kept separated by Ra (the sun).
But regardless, I’d say nomura is quite interesting and impressive to consistently yet subtly equate riku to that of deity so easily. Yes, I believe in riku being a dia in some sort. Probably kingdom hearts sending out an avatar to grow, or the king to kh reincarnated, or some other thing I can’t quite grasp right now but overall with the ending of the series hopefully not too much farther in our lifespan. This is why I enjoy reading and interacting with metas and theories especially about sora and riku and soriku because I said in a comment in a YouTube video that discussed the sleeping real theory and I said it feels like we have the right answers but just not forced into the right shape (a key perhaps 🫣) to unlock the final gate.
Riku has always had all those "subtle" visual shorthands used to denote super special celestia mystery powers (etc) but, like the Subtly OP antics of the Disneytowners (e.g. Donald casually casting the Boss-level spell 'Flare', Goofy tanking hits from Literal Deities with 1 shield & no apparent magic of his own), Riku looking "anime" gets brushed off as "standard JRPG aesthetic".
Naturally silver-haired youths in anime tend to be Plot-Relevant, typically having ☆Super Special Bloodlines☆, typically being Secret Royalty &/or related to Angels or Spirits.
(and it WAS suspiciously easy for Riku to just... BECOME Sora's Dream Eater, especially given what we know of the Chirithy spirits, their abilities to act as psychopomps, & whatever the Dream Eater crafting system in DDD may imply about Dream Eaters as a whole)
From what I can recall, the only naturally silver-haired characters original to KH are:
Xehanort (confirmed descendant of Ephemer)
Xemnas (Terranort)
Ienzo (taken in by the Always Sus Ansem the Wise, origins unknown)
From the Final Fantasy side of the crossovers, we have Setzer (who only appears in the DATA Daybreak Town, not the "real" one) and... Sephiroth.
For being such an "anime" JRPG, Kingdom Hearts is pretty sparing in its use of Anime Hair Colours. Aqua & Isa's blue hair aside, the colour palette is fairly "natural": pale blonds & yellows, oranges & pinks amongst the reds, browns & blacks. There aren't many characters old enough to have "grey" hair but the ones that do are ALSO fairly mysterious: Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Master Yen Sid, Zeus... Kairi's Mysteriously Knowledgable Grandmother (who i am, like, 75% convinced was a retired Princess of Heart). Even the "silver/white" House of Duck are all Very Suspicious: Donald is, canonically, the most powerful Black Mage of the FF franchise; Scrooge & Donald's Nephews casually worldhop for fun & profit as if they were Moogles or something.
So, yeah, even Riku's "anime boy" aesthetic is itself pretty Telling of Riku being Plot-Relevant. He's canonically part-spirit, after DDD, but his ability to do that at all IS unprecedented (just like his ability to Balance Light & Darkness within himself, like his Light being equated with the Sun, like his easy grasp on using Darkness...). Whatever the KH-universe equivalent of an "angel" may be, Ephemer & Riku seem closest to it. That Riku met JOSHUA (himself a kind of Gay Angel) in DDD does not seem at all a coincidence.
oh! there's also that whole [terra] sigil thing! Riku's costume/keyblade designs imcorporate it (i forget how) & THAT sigil is probably the in-universe namesake for Terra, the character. Rather than [earth] or [land], the [terra] sigil seems older & is likely referencing an "[original/first] earth" or mean "[land of origin]".
It makes me wonder whether Riku's parent/s were themselves Aware of Other Worlds? If he's a relative of Xehanort, it's plausible that Xehanort's Skuld-resembling mother learned about Xehanort's ending up at the Destiny Islands & their family possibly moving to the World in hopes of a reunion. Which... would mean they weren't just AWARE of Other Worlds but ALSO capable of traveling between them. This is probably going to Come Up in Missing Link.
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corishadowfang · 9 months
12 Days of Fic Recs - Day 7
Skuld as Subject X is one of my favorite theories, and there are some absolutely fantastic fics about it. One of the newest additions is An Unlikely Friend by CharmanderQueen1 (@cq-studios).
The story takes the premise, "What would happen in Skuld had another friend when she was held captive?" and runs with it, with Ienzo being the person in question. While still early into the story, it already provides a nice look into Skuld's psyche while trapped, and her conflicting feelings on a child helping with the experiments on her--and how much he's actually responsible for things. The dynamic between her, Lea, and Isa is also very sweet, for anyone who loves the Celestial Trio. Take the time to check it out if you're also a "Skuld is Subject X" fan!
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winter-spark · 11 months
CitoIta and Kingdom Hearts Headcanons
Because I like Kingdom Hearts and I like them and they are gamers
(I say CitoIta but honestly, it’s just because it’s about Citron & Itaru, the ship is kinda vague here lol. Like it’s probably optional to read it that way at this point)
(There’s an attempted bonus section about Banri at the end, that’s why I tagged him.)
{Opening in new tab is strongly advised. I used bullet points with sub bullet points. UPDATE: I personally struggled with opening this in a new tab on the blog where all the subpoints are properly formatted, so I pinned it so you can go right to my blog and find it easily if you want. Also I moved the Intro below the Keep Reading link for space.}
Keep Reading (I manually put this one so it would hopefully always open in a new properly formatted tab)
In this post, scientifically backed by my memory, understanding of the characters and other things (eg: feelings, unlisted headcanons, & my understanding of types of people in fanbases/the kh fandom, minus shippers, I’m not touching that... here, I might consider it in the future, probably not but maybe), I will go over basics like how many games they’ve played and their fave games, trios, characters by groups, and moments. Also, there are conversations and little tidbits about how it fits into their world. I tried to pick a favorite battle but note that they probably have more than one those are just notable ones that I thought were worth mentioning. There will be KH spoilers if you’re someone unfamiliar/not caught up with it. 
Has not played every game but has looked into the story and watched playthroughs of some of the other games.
Hasn’t played the games he has played in order, 
Might not have caught up on the story in order but if so that’d be more because he was looking for specific characters and info
Has definitely played BBS, Days, CoM, UX, & Dark Road. 
Might’ve played (one, two or all three of the following, idk) DDD, Re:Coded, KH
Has definitely not played KH2,
Likes to find/delve into theories
Read the Sleeping Realm Theory 
to Itaru, because he thought it sorta sounded interesting but told Citron he wasn’t reading all that.
I don’t know any other names of long theories besides SRT but you can bet your bottom dollar that Citron has read(or listened to) them for sure
Wants very much to try Sea Salt ice cream
Considering figuring out how to make Wayfinders
UX Union:
and has never switched unions
Game: Birth By Sleep
Trio: Keyblade Knights
Lost Trio is a close second
Character from each group:
Destiny: Sora
Sea Salt: Axel
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Hayner
Lost Trio: Namine
but Vanitas is a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Xemnas, Zexion/Ienzo or Demyx(probably depends on the day)
Foretellers: Luxu
Xkids: Brain
& He gets bonus points for dressing up his Chirithy
DR Underclassmen: Vor
DR Upperclassmen: Vidar
Xehanort: Xemnas (?)
I know I listed Xemnas as one of his faves in Organization 13 but genuinely I feel it’s a v love hate relationship, where the love is that he can and definitely would(is like two seconds away from it) do an analysis on Xemnas’s actions/behaviors/character
Boss Battle(that he definitely 100% played): 
BBS Aqua ft. Terra vs Terranort
Birth by Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage
Involving Fave Trio:
All three:
Terra gaining control and saving Aqua and Ven
Doing her job but still standing up for Stitch
Giving up everything to try and save Terra
BBS 0.2
Knowingly chasing after illusions of her friends because she misses them so much.
Gaining hope from meeting Cinderella
Standing against Eraqus to protect Ven
Running away with Stitch, lowkey being a space criminal
Putting his armor on Sora to protect him from the darkness 
Involving someone other than Fave Trio:
Kairi protecting Sora/saving him from being a Heartless
that Sora just subconsciously gave some of his memories to Xion because she didn’t have any
Neku telling Joshua Shibuya is his home too
Sora going off to thank the Dreameaters
Commonly Quoted(? idk what else to call these, i specifically mean the ones you find in compilations and stuff) Lines from the English Translation: “[’Me? I’m already half Xehanort'] ‘That’s nuts...’”
Bracketed the first part bcuz I think he uses the second part as a reaction sometimes, same infliction and everything
It’s at the point that Tsuzuru’s familiar with it, against his wishes(If Citron says the first part Tsuzuru might accidentally properly respond, that’s how deep in he is, he’s not even sure who Xehanort is(but he does think that’s nuts))
Final things of note: 
Is excited for Atlantis in KH2
Enjoys the attractions in KH3:
Loves that Dark Aqua could be beat w/ a pirate ship 
Loves that there was a roller coaster in the Keyblade Graveyard
Favorite Summons:
KH: Tinkerbell & Bambi
KH2: Stitch
KH3: Ariel & Meowwow
Often forgets he has items but has gotten really good at blocking and healing because of it
Very good with magic
Has played just about every game in release date order, 
with just about 100% completion on all of them
Is (lowkey, but acts highkey) appalled Citron hasn’t played the games in order, currently planning time for them to play through all the games together
Has read the manga and maybe some of the light novels
Does look at theories sometimes, might even have a few of his own, definitely has his own headcanons
Secretly wishes he could share a Paopu Fruit w/ someone
UX Union:
There’s a possibility he might’ve tried the other unions at some point but Vulpeus is his main and current union
Game: KH2
Trio: Sea Salt
Character from each group:
Destiny: Currently Riku, 
Wants it to be Kairi, but it’s just not, is always excited and ready for Kairi news tho
Was Sora for awhile
Sea Salt: Roxas, 
It really is, but he would absolutely main Xion if given the chance
Keyblade Knights: Aqua
Twilight Town: Roxas  Olette 
though he somewhat feels guilty to Pence as feels like he spent more time with Pence but that Olette is just a tad bit cooler
Lost Trio: Rep,
but Namine’s a close second 
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Currently Saïx/Isa, but it’s kind of a love hate relationship
There’s also a lean towards Larxene
Foretellers: Ava
Xkids: Skuld
DR underclassmen: Baldr
DR Upperclassmen: Hoder
Yes he cried over their story, no he won’t openly admit it
Chikage did witness it tho
Xehanort: Ansem SoD
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
Days Roxas v Xion
not because KH2 is his favorite game but rather it adds to why KH2 is his favorite game
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Their whole battle/reunion
to clarify the Lea Isa scene is a part of that
The scene around the Riku vs Roxas battle
Roxas v Sora scene
(I debated between this and the DDD scene. Also I feel like his list of favorite Roxas moment is longer than this but)
The seashell in the opening... for Xion
Xion getting her own answers and spending time with Namine and Riku
Xion leaving all those seashells for Roxas
Letting Namine go
Sacrificing himself to save Sora
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Sora and Riku in RoD
(Data-)Riku reaching for the moon
Ephemer and Skuld saving Player|Star(light)/bringing them to the new version of the world
KH3 Re: Mind
Playing as Kairi in that boss battle
The fact that Kairi throws her keyblade because she trained with Axel
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Roxas, that’s a stick.”
Final things of note:
Has found all 101 Dalmatians
Has read fanfiction longer than the Sleeping Realm Theory
(which is actually really easy to do, I looked it up and the docs word count is 31,265)
Has his Data-bosses battles on his channel
Proud it only took a couple of tries to beat Yozora (he recorded each try to put his win on his channel)
Uses items all the time, knows when the best time to effectively use items for maximum item usage
“Actual" conversations:
Fave Games:
Itaru: *rambling about some KH2-related topic &/or how he can’t believe Citron hasn’t played 2*
Citron: ooo! Itaru, are you one of those guys who feels Kingdom Hearts peaked at 2?
Itaru: Kingdom Hearts 2 is just an objectively good game, the other games are good too though. KH2 is just, objectively speaking, great. Is it my favorite? Yes, but it’s completely warranted as...
Citron: *smiling as Itaru starts rambling knowing that he’s point two seconds away from going into a 2hr spiel about how KH2 is great*
Itaru: *clears throat catching himself early* A-Anyway, which one’s your favorite?
Citron: Birth by Sleep! I love the ice cream rhythm game :3
Itaru: *understanding that there’s definitely a lot deeper of a reason to that being Citron’s fave* Oh, that’s a good pick. Actually sorta seems on brand for you. Ice Cream Beat is pretty fun.
[Then they boot up Itaru’s copy of BBS and play Ice Cream Beat]
Play Order:
Itaru: So it’s a little late for you to get the full proper experience but we’re gonna play the games in order because it’s really the best way to experience the games.
Citron: Ok, speaking of order and since we’ll get to Birth By Sleep eventually, we both agree that the best way to play the first time is Aqua Terra Ven, yes?
Itaru [has played each route and in varying order, does not quite remember which order he played the game in the first time but is pretty sure it was Terra Ven Aqua]: ...Ven makes a lot of sense to play last...
Citron: Then I am glad we are in agreement. ^^
Itaru: Most people play Aqua last tho--
Citron: Sure chronologically she left Land of Departure last, but story telling-wise *starts talking about why Aqua, Terra, Ven is the best order*
Twewy: (I could do a whole other post on headcanons regarding them playing twewy, it’d maybe be shorter, tho maybe I won’t bcuz I feel like they know more than me lol(I say like Itaru doesn’t know more about KH than me *cries*). If I refer to twewy’s og name wrong here I’m sorry)
Citron: It’s cool that the twewy characters were in DDD. :)
Itaru: Yea. Oh you played subaseka before you met the cast in 3D right?
Citron: :)
Itaru: Right?
[Citron refuses to answer because he thinks leaving Itaru hanging is funnier than a yes or no ever could be]
Ansem SoD as Itaru’s Fave Xehanort:
Citron *three seconds after finding out*: So, is he your favorite because nostalgia as he was the first one you battled or because you think he’s hot?
Itaru: *chokes on being immediately found out because it’s both*
Bonus: Banri & KH Headcanons for no reason other than he also plays games
(With some obligatory Citron and Itaru mentions below because this is their post lol Banri’s not a part of CitoIta. Just to clarify)
Probably has not played all the games
Stares at Itaru whenever he starts talking about secret bosses or hard-to-find treasure chests/secret reports typically until he stops, lists a specific Banri is familiar with or Banri finds a way to shift the conversation. It’s not that he hasn’t come across them he just
doesn’t know which bosses are secret and which aren’t
doesn’t go out of his way to look for treasure chests
Partakes in the memes
Can quote more games than he played honestly, loves those “out of context”/”lines I quote” videos
Has memes saved to his phone
Azami and Taichi borrowed his phone once for picture reasons and Azami was appalled by the Aqua Cinderella meme & the Terra memes (ifykyk)
Probably had Xion’s scream from Days as Sakyo’s someone’s ringtone as a joke (can people set ringtones and ringback tones anymore?) but then he recieved a call from that person in public and was lowkey highkey embarassed so he unset it
He and Citron:
have done a Goofy rendition of Bring Me to Life one time
though Banri sorta begrudgingly participated
At least one Mankai member who was there said he’s not going Karaoke w/ them anymore
are quick to point out or send pictures of “Lucky Emblems” when they see them, it’s almost a contest at this point
Sakyo has asked them to stop sending “lOOk!! a LuCKy emBlem!” in the main chat with a picture of three connected circles, Itaru eggs them on tho
Itaru participates too but he doesn’t have the same luck in seeing them, he is the reason they started tho as in person he pointed one out so later Citron sent a picture of one to show him, so Banri just had to too but he sent two as he already had the pictures and was gonna show them later, so Citron had to find two more to be in the lead and after he found just one more, Banri caught on that they were competing and they spiraled from there
I know logically they don’t appear that often irl but I also know in my heart that it’s happened enough that Taichi, then Kazu and Kumon participated. Now,  the rest of Mankai keeps an eye out for them
Between Tsumugi’s picture of flower bulbs leaning together captioned “Does this count as a lucky emblem?” Izumi asking how many points she gets for a random spot on the ground that sorta looks like a lucky emblem & Omi sending a picture of at lighting set up from work saying “ at this angle this sorta looks like a lucky emblem right?” Sakyo’s feeling a little betrayed because each of those were during times when people weren’t actively mentioning them in the chat.
Winter Troupe is the first troupe to all find at least one “Lucky Emblem”
Autumn troupe (jokingly) blame Sakyo for them not being first
UX Union:
Has probably been in a couple, Ursus or Vulpeus most recently
Game: Dream Drop Distance
but would rather tell you he “hasn’t thought about it, maybe 2″
Trio: Destiny, 
but might not correct you if you guessed Sea Salt,
Character from each group:
Destiny: Riku
He honestly sorta relates in ways. I’m not gonna get too into it but like yea he feels.
Sea Salt: Roxas
Keyblade Knights: Terra, 
but he makes jokes that rag on him a lot so unless you know Banri you would probably think he hates him or just likes to make fun of him. He really does like Terra as a character tho. Feels for him too. But as we know bullying is his love language
Twilight Town: Seifer Pence
Seifer’s a joke fave because of the undeniable proof [they] totally owned [those] lamers (if ykyk)
Lost Trio: Vanitas, 
but Rep’s a close second
Organization 13(minus Sea Salt): Larxene & Xigbar
Foretellers: Luxu (?)
Xkids: Player|Star(light)
DR Underclassmen: Xehanort, “but Bragi’s kinda cool, I guess.”
DR Upperclassmen: *hasn’t actually caught up yet, but he likes Helgi’s design*
Xehanort: Young Master Xehanort(YMX)
Itaru says it’s because they’re both brats
Boss Battle (that he definitely 100% played): 
KH2 Sora v Sephiroth or DDD Riku v YMX [I couldn’t decide which one to list]
Involving Fave Trio:
All Three:
Kairi “calling Riku tf out” ultimately leading to the reunion
Riku talking with Rep on the beach, Kairi and Sora sees him sitting there by himself
Sora giving his goofy smile before plunging a keyblade into his chest
Sora dropping down to protect Riku from Dark Aqua in the nick of time
That Riku just subconsciously became a dream eater
Riku taking a stand against the heartless despite just about all hope being lost
Kairi(and Namine) preparing to fight Saix and the berserker nobodies with their bare hands
KH3 Re:Mind
Kairi getting a surprise attack in on Xemnas
Involving someone other than Fave Trio: 
Yeetus Vanitas
Woody roasting YMX
YMX & Vanitas spouting “nonsense” at Sora
Lea showing up and Donald & Goofy dropping from the sky, ultimately coming to the rescue
Star ready to square up with the Foretellers
mainly in reference to the Star v Ira speech/scene/fight but the Aced one too
Commonly Quoted(?) Lines from the English Translation: “Mickey it’s Riku, they put bugs in him!” & “Thank you Sora’s heart”
Final things of note:
Always plays on proud mode from the get-go
Not really a completion-ist but does have just about every trophy earned on DDD
Didn’t know you could lose to Yozora in the battle against him
Probably actually more of a Final Fantasy fan than KH, or at least got into KH because the Final Fantasy appearances
Bonus Convos:
Itaru: Yea, I can’t figure out Luxord, for Demyx I’ve seen people guess his name as Myde.
Banri: lol I like the theory that his name is Demyx and he just wandered into the Organization 
Citron: That one is funny, but as far as likelyness goes I like to think his name is Demy and they just slapped an x at the end.
Banri: The laziest naming.
Citron: Exactly!
[and then Banri and Citron start talking about Demyx and it somehow leads them to talking about Goofy’s “death” in KH2 and now they’re talking about KH memes and jokes and Itaru just wanted to know if they had any thoughts on Luxord’s name.]
Vanitas vs Aqua:
Banri: *(possibly somewhat jokingly) insinuates Vanitas is as strong but probably stronger than Aqua*
Citron: *gasp* No!! He is not.
Banri: Really? Then how come he almost took Aqua out?
Citron[genuinely loves Vanitas]: He is a rat! He cannot beat Aqua in a fair fight!
Itaru: I believe he means brat.
Citron: No!! I mean rat, feral ferret child! Can only beat Aqua after biting her and giving her rabies! And even then, she still has at least a week to destroy him.
Itaru: lol that’s quite the metaphor.
Banri: I... *got lost* ???
Itaru: He’s saying Vanitas can only use dirty tricks to even get close to beating Aqua.
Banri: ???
Citron: If Vanitas could beat her he wouldn’t have to result to tricks like firing at Ven, which she was already off her A-game then mind you. But honestly, if Vanitas can’t even get close to beating Terra what hope does he have to actually beat Aqua. I can vouch that he can’t beat Terra. I beat the Terra v Xehanort and Vanitas battle by whacking Vanitas around. It was really easy. Vanitas has only beaten Ven in a fair fight. He’s not nearly as strong as Terra and Aqua. It’s demonstrated through their elements, really. Vanitas is fire...
Banri: *stressed, wasn’t expecting a whole lecture, looks to Itaru for help*
Itaru: *nodding along listening to what Citron has to say*
So yeah those are some of my headcanons involving KH and CitoIta (and Banri with minor Mankai mentions.) If anyone wants to do Taichi(who idk could play already, while I haven’t picked any out I know what type of moments would be his faves, I just can’t figure out yet if he prefers characters he relates to or characters he thinks are cool/want to be like) or Kumon (who I’d feel would want to start after seeing them enjoy it, bet Banri and Citron would have him play chronologically by timeline rather than release order “for science”) or any other characters, really, I’d gladly read it. I can see Taichi & Kumon playing KH but I don’t feel like I know them well enough to do this with them lol. I’m not even sure I know Banri well even to this with him but I attempted it lol. If there’s any questions about my decisions I might answer them, some are easier to put into words than others though. 
Anywho, I dunno how to end this post tbh. Ship CitoIta, Play Kingdom Hearts. idk. 
Thanks for reading all of my nonsense lol.
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ngc-5194 · 1 year
👀👀 i am Looking
omg,, hi kat <33333333
now ok stop me if i get too wild here but. kingdom hearts. a series i happen to enjoy. crazy i know. that but. in au form.
now exactly which one of my aus for this series i am talking about is a great question. so. heres the thing. i like skuld. she is very dear to me. therefore i enjoy the theory that she is subject x. another character i like is ienzo. so i am shoving them forcefully into the same room and letting them bounce off the walls.
in more normal terms: imagine you are like 8 year old ienzo. you are explicitly prohibited from entering the radiant garden castle's prison thing in the basement. you are also however 8 years old and full of childlike and autistic wonder and curiosity. so obviously one night when you are in the middle of sneaking down to the kitchen to get yourself a cup of water and maybe a chocolate if you don't get caught, you decide to check out the basement instead since you are now at no risk of getting caught and stopped. this is your first mistake. your second is following the three voices you can faintly hear after you are thoroughly lost until you find a girl down there in one of the cells next to the others filled with moving, crawling, rustling, breathing darkness. your third is coming back to visit her again the next night.
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gulava · 6 months
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if the mom is demyx theory pans out like ppl suggest then he interrupts atw and ienzos reconciliation bc it made him want to see ava again even more so he wants them to get started asap. then he goes to get her replica himself bc hes TIRED of waiting and im. thats so sweet yall if true. ava was told by luxu that mom was the traitor like ienzo was told by xehanort that he was abandoned by atw and it fits remarkably well. ive always deeply adored ava and moms connection. he believed in her so much and wanted her to avoid fighting which is pretty easy to read as that it was so she wouldnt get hurt
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
First 358/2 Days playthrough thoughts...
(Day 26 in game)
Catch me trying to create a code to figure out the names of the original forms of the Nobodies before they get revealed to me.
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I've been using the names of the five Org. XIII founder 'Ansem's-Interns-Gone-Rogue' Nobodies as implied by KH2's Secret Ansem Report 3 as a reference (Xigbar = Braig, Xaldin = Dilan, Vexen = Even, Zexion = Ienzo, Lexaus = Aeleus), and so far I've got:
1st letter of real name = 4th letter of Nobody's name (5/5), except ROXAS breaks the pattern, so eh. Maybe that one only applies to the founding members.
...and that's it. I'm usually better at code-cracking than this. Maybe there is no code. Well, here's my crack at predicting the other guys based off that. I like some of them, and others are *screaming noises*
Larxene = Eranel
(I wanted "Ranele.")
Marluxia = Aralumi
(I think "Lumiara" sounds beautiful, though.)
Axel = Lea
(I would like "Ale" pronounced like "Olly," but this seems cute, and is according to format.)
Luxord = Dorul
(Don't like this one either; Not fitting for him)
Saïx = Ïsa
("Ïsa me, Saïx! Wahoo!")
Demyx = Ymed???
(This man is giving me a stroke. Yemd? Ymed?? Ydem??? Ymed, if I had to pick one. I would like "Medy" since it sounds kind of like "Melody" and gives him a music motif, but alas, doesn't fit my code.)
Xion = Nio
(I have more faith in this one, since Nio/Neo can mean anything from "new," "bright," "bridge," all which seems like potentially thematic things I could see popping into this game and giving Xion relevance. Where I'm at, it's just been revealed Xion can wield the keyblade too, after all (And for the record, I CALLED it- thought it was super suspicious she was only casting magic before she picked that bad boy up). I'm getting Special vibes from her. She's either linked to Sora, Kairi, or Riku as Keyblade wielders, but assuming that she truly is a Nobody (I've no reason to doubt it), and Riku's never lost his heart, it's got to be one of the two former, then. So, Kairi then, because girl? Or Sora then, anyway, since Sora kinda sorta created Naminé, too? Probably a mix of them, then. Why would either of them have two Nobodies, though? The only thing I could think of is that Sora for *plot* reasons has an extra heart and when he released Kairi's heart and created Roxas (Sora's 100% Nobody) and Naminé (Kairi's Nobody but only because the unique state of her heart being within Sora's heart in KH1 allowed the necessary darkness to exist within the creation process that would otherwise be impossible for a princess of heart), Xion was also created from that hypothetical other heart?
Anyway, this is all a filler post that I can look back on and laugh at later (I expect to be horribly incorrect), before I finish writing my social cognitive theory-based post regarding Organization XIII's construction which will... hopefully be interesting?🤞
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
zexion importance conspiracy theory 2!! the squeakuel
(like the first one, don’t take it too seriously i know this is ridiculous i just need to get the brainworms out or i’ll die)
so you know how Union Cross had those medals of characters? and some of them were taken from official key art? yeah so with this one
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a handful of characters got medals from it! on the top half you’ve got both images from Sora- one medal was released in late 2016, the other in early 2017
And then on the bottom half, you know who got medals from this art? You fucking know who??????
Xemnas (kh2 final boss, org leader, major nort, etc.) in 2016
Axel (Axel) in 2017
Marluxia (CoM final boss, relevant khux character) also in 2017
aaaaaaand that’s right babey it’s Zexion, who is none of the above! In the year of our lord 2020
It’s not like they were running out of renders to use as medals or anything so it’s like. hello my man what are you doing here
it’s just very interesting because back in the pre-DDD, pre- BBS Volume 2 cancellation days we got lots of hints that Zexion was important! Xemnas’s secret, his grave being destroyed in the Proof of Existence, him showing up in that one 358/2 Days scene despite being dead (although that might’ve just been because something something Riku memories)... but plans change, and they absolutely change all the time in Kingdom Hearts, so it might be moot. Ienzo might just be a guy now, and I personally don’t see Zexion coming back. But this shit’s from 2020, just like with the thing from Melody of Memory. Is he important, or does someone on the dev team just like him a lot, or am I just going insane I’m trying my best to ward off the confirmation bias but I can’t tell
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guidingkeyrp · 2 months
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This is a POST - KH3 / RE:MIND server that follows the theory that Quadratum is an alternate reality -- "Fictional", in the kingdom hearts world. Conversely, the Kingdom Hearts world is seen as fictional to the alternate reality as well. All characters are 19 or older. Navigate through their daily life online and offline and build friendships, relationships or rivalries and even enemies. Enjoy a low-stress environment with fun bi-monthly events and weekly activities to promote interactivity and character bonding! Choose what your character has been up two for the past two years -- how they've grown, how they've changed, what's still the same -- and where they are now. There will also be the occasional server-wide plotline thrown your way to keep things exciting and allow everyone to make pivotal choices for their characters.
AVAILABLE CHARACTERS: Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Xion, Axel/Lea, Aqua, Terra, Isa, Ienzo, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Cloud, Tifa, Leon, Aerith, Tifa, Namine, Lauriam, Strelitzia, Yozora, Neku, Rhyme, Joshua, and plenty more!
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