#white haired anime pretty boys are always sus
hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Thank you for such an in depth response, I feel honored by it and that I was able to inspire you about the concepts and I agree. I had similar thoughts about the theming of Sora’s name and him being the void of space. Even had musings of how in primordial myths the heavens (sky) and the earth are considered the couple that brings about the first forms existence. Gaia and Ouranos and on the Egyptian mythos there was a love story of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) although interesting enough geb and nut are kept separated by Ra (the sun).
But regardless, I’d say nomura is quite interesting and impressive to consistently yet subtly equate riku to that of deity so easily. Yes, I believe in riku being a dia in some sort. Probably kingdom hearts sending out an avatar to grow, or the king to kh reincarnated, or some other thing I can’t quite grasp right now but overall with the ending of the series hopefully not too much farther in our lifespan. This is why I enjoy reading and interacting with metas and theories especially about sora and riku and soriku because I said in a comment in a YouTube video that discussed the sleeping real theory and I said it feels like we have the right answers but just not forced into the right shape (a key perhaps 🫣) to unlock the final gate.
Riku has always had all those "subtle" visual shorthands used to denote super special celestia mystery powers (etc) but, like the Subtly OP antics of the Disneytowners (e.g. Donald casually casting the Boss-level spell 'Flare', Goofy tanking hits from Literal Deities with 1 shield & no apparent magic of his own), Riku looking "anime" gets brushed off as "standard JRPG aesthetic".
Naturally silver-haired youths in anime tend to be Plot-Relevant, typically having ☆Super Special Bloodlines☆, typically being Secret Royalty &/or related to Angels or Spirits.
(and it WAS suspiciously easy for Riku to just... BECOME Sora's Dream Eater, especially given what we know of the Chirithy spirits, their abilities to act as psychopomps, & whatever the Dream Eater crafting system in DDD may imply about Dream Eaters as a whole)
From what I can recall, the only naturally silver-haired characters original to KH are:
Xehanort (confirmed descendant of Ephemer)
Xemnas (Terranort)
Ienzo (taken in by the Always Sus Ansem the Wise, origins unknown)
From the Final Fantasy side of the crossovers, we have Setzer (who only appears in the DATA Daybreak Town, not the "real" one) and... Sephiroth.
For being such an "anime" JRPG, Kingdom Hearts is pretty sparing in its use of Anime Hair Colours. Aqua & Isa's blue hair aside, the colour palette is fairly "natural": pale blonds & yellows, oranges & pinks amongst the reds, browns & blacks. There aren't many characters old enough to have "grey" hair but the ones that do are ALSO fairly mysterious: Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Master Yen Sid, Zeus... Kairi's Mysteriously Knowledgable Grandmother (who i am, like, 75% convinced was a retired Princess of Heart). Even the "silver/white" House of Duck are all Very Suspicious: Donald is, canonically, the most powerful Black Mage of the FF franchise; Scrooge & Donald's Nephews casually worldhop for fun & profit as if they were Moogles or something.
So, yeah, even Riku's "anime boy" aesthetic is itself pretty Telling of Riku being Plot-Relevant. He's canonically part-spirit, after DDD, but his ability to do that at all IS unprecedented (just like his ability to Balance Light & Darkness within himself, like his Light being equated with the Sun, like his easy grasp on using Darkness...). Whatever the KH-universe equivalent of an "angel" may be, Ephemer & Riku seem closest to it. That Riku met JOSHUA (himself a kind of Gay Angel) in DDD does not seem at all a coincidence.
oh! there's also that whole [terra] sigil thing! Riku's costume/keyblade designs imcorporate it (i forget how) & THAT sigil is probably the in-universe namesake for Terra, the character. Rather than [earth] or [land], the [terra] sigil seems older & is likely referencing an "[original/first] earth" or mean "[land of origin]".
It makes me wonder whether Riku's parent/s were themselves Aware of Other Worlds? If he's a relative of Xehanort, it's plausible that Xehanort's Skuld-resembling mother learned about Xehanort's ending up at the Destiny Islands & their family possibly moving to the World in hopes of a reunion. Which... would mean they weren't just AWARE of Other Worlds but ALSO capable of traveling between them. This is probably going to Come Up in Missing Link.
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marygodwin-bsd · 1 year
Rating members of the ADA based on nothing but my own vibes (I haven't seen all of season 3)
I'll post a part 2 with the port mafia and a part 3 with the guild
Dazai Osamu
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8/10 for looks. 4/10 for the chuuya abuse. 6/10 for the fact everytime i hear his english voice it reminds me of hendrickson from SDS bc that is the VA. overall 7/10 character but I would not wanna be his friend in real life. follow his instagram at most.
Kunikida Doppo
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Y'ALL ALREADY KNOW hotness 10/10, 6/10 for the possible terrorist backstory that would be oh so fantastic character building, 8/10 for the fact i ALSO happen to be overly obsessed with my own schedule, 4/10 for the fact someone called his hair a deceased pikachu wig and I laughed, 7/10 for the fact his english VA is Griamore from sds and that was weird for a few scenes. OVERALL 9/10 solid gold good man deserves a white picket dream (the remaining 1/10 is for the fact they couldnt help themselves with his spiky hair sticking out, so now it is effectively a mullet instead of just long hair)
Rampo Edogawa
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7/10 on looks in general i have no strong opinions about his ensemble except that he looks like a lil detective and the IRL Rampo wrote "Boy Detectives Club" and i think its adorable. 8/10 for the fact his brain is awesome and the cockiness. 7/10 for the rivalry with poe because i like it but i havent seen enough of it to be super into their thing yet overall 7/10 I dont have much to say hes just a good boy
Yosano Akiko
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5/10 for the design im sorry i hate that the skirt is that low she can have a long skirt but it looks way awk at the hips though that may just be because the skirt goes out instead of just downward like a maxi. the gold hair clip is good i like it. 9/10 for the way she snatched that mans hand and almost took it off, 7/10 for the scenes that make this anime look way sus to my parents (YOU KNOW WHICH ONES I MEAN!) overall 8/10 for everything except that damn skirt
Kenji Miyazawa
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Team baby!! 10/10 for team baby and YES hes the team baby even though kyouka is ALSO the team baby but i'll get to that. 8/10 for being Finny from Black Butler without my issues from black butler. 7/10 for his morals on cows. 8/10 for his everything about his personality. im not rating on attractiveness bc he is fourteen >:1 idk why i wasted y'alls time explaining hes 10/10 for team baby
Kyouka Izumi
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Ok she was going to be the team baby but then i reevaluated and decided no shes just ATSUSHI'S BABY. 8/10 for how adorable her jellyfish cut is. 10/10 for sad backstory. 6/10 for the fact people ship her with atsushi and the show seems to lean that way as well (I was so happy when Lucy arrived for this reason). 7/10 overall for second team baby
Atsushi Nakajima
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6/10 for the fact my phone always autocorrects him to At Sushi. 7/10 for that haircut. 10/10 for awful father figure. 9/10 for the headcannon about his parents engaging in cannibalism that sounded so in-line with the show i thought it was real and not a headcannon. I'm sorry 6/10 for the fact the va uses the same voice for atsushi that he uses for Harlequin in SDS and it trips me up. 8/10 for the fact his eyes cant decide what color to be. 7/10 for the fact it feels weird to see smut with him in it because he is also, effectively, team baby.
These two
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This poor guy got NERFED by his own story bro this author wasn't into all this.... sister stuff... but apparently his book character was! Gimme a minute to yak anyways designs are 7/10 pretty basic but do their job effectively and Naomi's appearance actually supports the headcannon shes not real and shes just a product of his ability which i like. The sibling... "relationship" gets 0/10 for EW but kunikida gets 10/10 for telling atsushi to ignore it but then still yelling at them after he gets 7/10 for his general personality, honestly if his devotion to his sister wasnt related to the weird incest stuff i would find it a really great plot device (being devoted to protecting and taking care of your only family left) overall naomi gets 6/10 for being okay and looking properly suited for her environment unless shes around Junchiro Junchiro gets 8/10 for having a sick matrix ability and looking basic but not boring
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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GOOD OL' CAT LOVING GRANDPA HIMSELF. 3/10 for the fact he knows mori, 10/10 for how he looks after everyone. also 7/10 for the fact im realizing how kunikidas hairstyle might be because he is COPYING FUKUZAWA... anyways. I don't personally find him all that attractive but to be fair he doesn't show up a lot? 8/10 for being a badass. 9/10 because I feel sad that he didnt get to pet the kitty in Wan. Overall, 8/10
Pt 2 will go here Pt 3 will go here pt 4 is here
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papirouge · 7 months
akira toriyama saying he had never seen a black person before designing his black characters is sus. like he'd never seen an international baseball game (baseball is popular in jpn) or basketball or the olympics at least. what about a famous artist like michael jackson? he did redesign some like staff officer black (yeah, he named one of his black characters black).
i remember soul eater had a few black characters. they gave the black nurse blue eyes for some reason, and the black teacher became a zombie when the series started so he stayed blue for the rest of the series. i remember they were promoting this anime made by a black man and his main female protagonist had dark skin but blonde hair and blue eyes. I dont know the obssesion with doing that, specially to brown and black female characters, but it's specially bizarre when it comes from a black person themselves.
i also recall eyeshield 21 also had a black character nicknamed black panther (or just panther), he appeared when an american team came to play with a japanese one and the white coach didnt let him play even though he was the best player because he was black and the coach wanted an all-white team because he was racist (to everyone who wasn't white, as he also looked down the japanese team). he was drawn quite differently to the rest, but so were the white characters, so i don't know if he'd be considered a caricature...
also, papi, have you noticed how characters in anime are getting like paper white, specially female ones? I'm talking they seem to be using the almost literal white color to color their skins, it's so uncanny. the other day I was watching azumanga daioh and the characters had darker tones even though they were still pale, and they actually had different tones between each other. then I watched lucky star and the characters started having that extremely pale skin, but you still had characters with darker tones like konata herself. then there's k-on and literally every single character has the same skin tone except mugi, whos paler since shes supposedly of european descent, and finally I checked bocchi the rock and EVERY single character had that same pale skin color, literally no variation. I think it's interesting how you can see this change with slice of life anime so clearly
this is stupid but something that has always bothered me its when anime and manga authors decide to make a foreign character, they always choose europeans or americans or any other white country, if not they choose a brown country and make them the lightest brown they can manage. like when pretty cure featured international cures, the only ones that werent european or northamerican were the indian ones, and the designed them SO fucking pale like they were applying too much whitening cream, what were they thinking??? then they had cure soleil, a spanish pretty cure, whose skin is literally orange. she looks like she spent too much time at the solareum more than actually being from spain. i think it's kinda funny how pretty cure has featured a boy cure now before a brown or black female cure but whatever.
but yeah, japan doesn't have the best history when it comes to black and brown characters, I guess western animation is better in that regard? i'm guessing french cartoons are better too due to france's multicultural background.
Honestly anon you would gain inner peace to not have any expectation when it comes to a decent representation of Black people from japanese mangaka lol
I grew up watching "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia", and as much it was nice to see a character looking like me, homegirl had blue eyes with non textured hair... The original storyline is she believing she was from AFRICA (when she's actually the king of some Atlantis king but whatever) so it was weird Hideaki Anno thought designing Nadia like that was conclusive in assuming she *might* come from Africa🤔
It doesn't stop me from applauding when Black characters are being done justice
I think the biggest glo up was in Street Fighter : from Elena (SF3) who's supposed to come from KENYA (???) and is a light skinned blue eyed white haired woman
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(she looks like a mixed breed south american - not African, idc)
... to Kimberley who looks like an actual West African woman (I LOVE how they clocked the big forehead which is very Bantu lol i'm obsessed)
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(and lmaoooo at Manon nose - they did France dirty lmao but it's true french people can have HUGE noses - look at Macron who is quintessentially so french in the face 💀)
The difference? Japanese team finally reaching out a (Black) consultant to pull out a compelling design.
I also checked her in game and I was relieved she was absolutely cute and feminine, and not brash, masculine or aggressive like most Black characters are depicted in pop media.
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ii. Fun Facts About The Cast | Actor Au | Obey Me
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Request: Its not, I love this AU tho
Word Count: 2303 words
Page Count: 6.5 pages
A.N. Hope you guys all like this! Fun facts about the cast lmao
[ Actor AU Masterlist ]
Fun Facts
Benjamin ( Lucifer )
- Is the dad of the cast.
- In any scenes with Dmitri ( Luke ), he makes sure to know if he is alright, and often will stop scenes to ask.
- He also is an overall joker, so he has trouble filming most of his scenes, will often start laughing in the middle of filming and can break character the easiest.
- Best with kids overall, probably due to having his own, keeps their lives private tho.
- His hair was white for a past show, but the directors liked the look, so that's why he has white tips.
- One of the few male characters who cannot do those diets to accentuate his abs- so that's why his character is always covered up.
- He's in shape! But, he likes the fat that protects his muscle, he says he needs to stay soft to hug his kids.
- Known diabetic, so there's a table full of foods so his sugars are stable, the cast has glucagon shots all over the sets to be safe.
- Is in his early thirties, but people say he can pull off early twenties- he just snorts at this.
Avery ( Mammon ) 
- Takes the job seriously, and his scenes are easiest to film.
- Dark humor and often is the "Lucifer" of the cast.
- Seeing him switch from Avery to Mammon leaves the rest of the cast and crew fucking s h o o k.
- Will always be seen looking his finest.
- No, no one has seen him in public in sweatpants or anything like that. His image is very serious.
- Is a sweetheart when with the rest of the cast tho.
- His eyes are actually that blue.
- No one is sure if his hair is actually white or not, the way he speaks about it is vague, and fans are always theorizing.
- Watching over Benji ( Lucifer ), and is usually the one to tell him to check his sugars, since the other is quite forgetful.
- Is an immigrant from Turkey, so he has an accent, makes people thirst for him more.
- Helps aspiring actors and directors get into the field, and goes on hard work and talent, not who tries to pay him off.
Jackson ( Leviathan )
- Is the resident fuckboi.
- Always with males and females hanging off him, at this point the pop gave up, no- they aren't his partner.
- Flexes a shit ton.
- Wearing chains, a Rolex, and anything designer.
- Donates half of his salary to ocean reserves and protection funds, he has the money for it, and the show pays him well.
- Always at the beach, or near lake houses and shit, the one ( 1 ) thing he likes about his character.
- Hates the fringe he wears with a passion.
- His hair is actually a light shade of brown, his eyes are a darker shade, but still pretty light.
- First generation, his parents are Korean, so you can pick up hints of their accent in his speech patterns. Gets heavy when he's sleepy. 
Ross ( Satan )
- Is a stoner.
- Goes on Instagram lives with either MC and gets high, talking about the dumbest shit or he's alone in his room and his cats join in.
- "So, if you think about- oH MY GOD PRINCESS. YES, COME TO DADDY."
- Has a kitten curled up on him, purrs loud as hell because mf is so warm, and the lives turn into purring ASMR sessions.
- Into self care, has a line of vitamins, face masks, and everything you can think of.
- Calls his fans his SaStans.
- Dmitri ( Luke ) is his younger brother.
- Will never let him out of his sight, and they love to be as mean as they can to each other, they love each other but love to bully one another.
- Is from the Bronx, so his accent is what Avery ( Mammon ) mimics for his character, often just records Avery's lines and sends them to him so he can practice.
- Owns an animal shelter he funds.
- "Carol Baskin? Who's that?"
- The REAL tiger king.
- Gets all his cats dyed to look like tigers.
Micheal ( Asmodeus )
- Chill as fuck.
- Has like 5+ kids, so the role fits him perfectly, and now it's an on running joke among fans that they are all his illegitimate children.
- You know why Asmodeus on the show wears so much makeup? 
- His eldest daughter is one of the makeup artists, and she loves to try new looks on him, and the producers think it would fit the character well.
- People speculate his age, looks young but is in his late 30's.
- His first child was born when he was 16, so he likes to support safe heavens and things like that for struggling youths- from being kicked out to needing assistance with mental health.
- Tired af.
- Always in sweatpants, him and Ross ( Satan ) are the trademark bums of the cast.
- Thinks it would be hilarious that when Micheal is revealed, in the show, that he plays the character.
- Is a writer as well, TSL is a real series and he writes it, so they let him use it in the show.
- Vlogs in his car, in a Wendy's parking lot, eating a shit ton of food and talking about the most random shit.
- Half asleep in all interviews, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, it's gotten to the point where everyone memes it too.
James ( Beelzebub )
- Himbo.
- One of the few cast members closest to their character.
- Absolute sweetheart.
- He's 20 years old.
- But how is he so fucking big???
- Comes from a big ass family, the middle child, he's baby 4 out of 9.
- All his siblings are redheads too.
- Very playful tho, with the cast always going along with his antics, making for the best bloopers.
- The contacts he wears make him blind af, which doesn't help since he's so tall, and will bump his head on the doorways and such.
- Can speak Scottish-Gaelic, and even has an accent to top it off.
- He is an absolute unit, and one of the characters who does the stupid diet to show off his form.
- Literally on the verge of passing out sometimes, so he needs to rest with Benjamin ( Lucifer ).
- All pictures, shirtless scenes, and such are filmed first so he can rest after and go back to a normal diet.
- Quiet guy, but loves talking about sports and his siblings tho.
- Is always carrying MC and Dmitri ( Luke ) around, now there are many off-guard photos posted to the casts shared twitter+instagram accounts
- Still pretty new to acting, but is amazing at emotional scenes, to the point fans actually think he's having a breakdown.
- Nah, he's just thinking about being alone, without his family- and it gets him bawling for said scenes.
Conner ( Belphegor )
- Crackhead 
- Will not stay still, either for filming or just when everyone is chilling.
- Scenes where he's asleep? He's usually turned away from the camera, cause the idiot is smiling and giggling.
- Has tripped over his tail multiple times.
- Comes from a farm-life, literal cowboy, his southern accent just hits hard.
- He hides it very well, but it comes out at times or with certain words.
- Sees Benjamin ( Lucifer ) as a mentor, he's in his early twenties and new to the scene, but they are best friends.
- Benjamin ( Lucifer ) has now acquired a new child.
- A living meme.
- You know how Tom Holland can't keep a secret?
- Yeah, he's worse.
- Rest of the cast have all had to physically stop him from talking at one point.
- The cow pillow? It's actually his, when he got the role his father has sewn it himself, so he will bring it with him.
- It's basically free promo for the show and comforts him in the city space.
- Gets overwhelmed in large crowds, so he usually makes sure to have another cast member close by, or he will literally leave to a less crowded place to take a breath.
- Apologized to MC after the scene in which he kills them.
- His mama raised him right, so he takes MC to his house for a movie, in which they cuddle and relax for the night.
- Felt really bad for like... a whole week.
- "Country boy I love you~"
Thomas ( Barbatos )
- Brat.
- This is one cocky man, he's smooth as hell, and one whisper can make you weak in the knees.
- Grew out the one side of his hair, but he slicks his hair back or will pin it back, dyes it himself when it's time to film.
- Loves to piss Alex ( Simeon ) off.
- Has a true crime podcast with Roman ( Diavolo ), Alex ( Simeon ), and Benjamin ( Lucifer ), because they're all old friends.
- Donates to the cold case foundation because he knows what it's like to lose someone and not know what happened to them.
- He has a twin who is his stunt double, they love to fuck with the rest of the cast, both of them are little shits.
- Is the motherfucker who makes a channel and reads the crackhead fanfics
- Loves every word of it tho.
- Responds to every fans dms. Every. One. As a whole account for this shit.
- Walks with a bit of a limp, so he wears a brace to help even himself, but during wide-shot scenes you can catch it sometimes.
- Took actual classes to be a butler for the role.
Roman ( Diavolo )
- Himbo 2.0
- Catch this man tweeting what he's trying to search up at 2 in the morning.
- Leaves them because it's hilarious, makes videos where he reads them out sometimes, it's all in good fun.
- He has a set of triplets at home, so that dad energy radiates into the show too.
- You know how Diavolo seems sus at points of the game? Yeah, he's still like that IRL.
- The rest of the cast was put off at first, but that's how he is, and everyone eased up pretty quickly.
- Makes jokes that he has family in the Italian mob, but needed to stop once his father called him, saying that there were too many eyes on the family now.
- Man was s h o o k.
- Has sensitive skin, so all his makeup and body paints need to be specially made, made with all natural products.
- The bags under his eyes are baby bags.
- Will bring his kids on set, to which everyone will gush over, and watch them when they aren't filming.
- Very private with his kids ( to the public ), doesn't post about them much, and only the cast really sees them.
- Wine dad.
- Catch him bringing the whole cast out for "family trips"
- People nicknamed him Caesar
- So many JoJo references now
- "Please, no."
Dmitri ( Luke )
- Is actually 12.
- Quotes vines, tiktoks, and other memes.
- Is one of the few people that Alex ( Simeon ) is openly nice too.
- Also has an accent, but since he's young and is learning, can now mimic every other cast member's accent.
- Wear earplugs for certain scenes, because of how raunchy and dark the scenes can get, so Simeon and Barbatos are always conveniently in the way, hiding the plugs.
- Is Ross' ( Satan ) younger brother, and if he isn't hanging off of him he's with James ( Beelzebub ), Benjamin ( Lucifer ), or MC.
- They know there are some sick fucks in Hollywood so he has an adult with him at all times.
- Posts pictures of him cuddling up to his brother and the kittens, new foods he is trying, and some pictures with family.
- He often is considered the new Gordon Ramsay.
- Had a collaboration with him.
- It was amazing.
- Best boy, catch him taking a nap in his ( and Ross' ) trailer, surrounded by tiger kittens.
Alex ( Simeon )
- Avatar of wrath who?
- The embodiment of "No talk me, I angy"
- Jkjk, though he does have a temper, he only loses it with Benjamin ( Lucifer ), Roman ( Diavolo ), and Thomas ( Barbatos ).
- A sweetheart with all children though, like you know Simeon on the show? 
- Yeah, he's only like that with kids.
- And respectable adults.
- Mama raised him well 2.0
- Grew up in NY
- Born in Gucci and Balenciaga.
- Was a child model and slowly expanded to acting.
- Dark humor galore.
- If Simeon met Alex, he'd probably have a stroke, cause THOSE WORDS are coming out of HIS mouth.
- Says the weirdest shit too.
- "Put your hand on my ass and call me a virgin."
- Bro are you okay???
- He is fluent in five languages and has a high IQ.
- Speaks: English, French, Italian, Arabic, and Mandarin
- Has a support system for children who struggle to learn conventionally, with trained tutors who are affordable, he knows what it's like to need certain needs met to learn, and he wants every kid to get that chance.
- Rough around the edges but has a heart of gold.
Derek ( Solomon )
- Loves to smoke with Ross ( Satan )
- He is more aloof than chill.
- One of the more awkward members, doesn't know how to socialize well, and is very shy.
- Watch out for Dmitri ( Luke ) on the down low.
- Didn't have the best life growing up, so he is a lot more street smart than book smart.
- Doesn't have a big social media influence.
- Very nice to fans, gives full hugs to them, and everyone feels so appreciated.
- Has a husky named Blue.
- Also has an owl, who he took in when he found it on his porch with a broken wing, and nursed it to health.
- He set it free, but she comes back often, and has a nest in the tree closest to his house.
- Named her Lovely.
- Animal person, so he helps Ross out with his animal shelters.
- Uses Blue as a living pillow, and only sleeps in his boxers when Blue is on his bed, because goddamn does that dog radiate heat.
- Him and MC live together, having grown up together, and made their livings together. 
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cortanaaq · 4 years
A/N: This came in later than I expected,it’s really long but I hope you enjoy it.
This is for the anon who requested nct or tbz spending Halloween with you. So I did nct 127 ;’) sorry for waiting 
**also thanks to @365nct, i used one of their incorrect quotes for the jaehyun one haha hope they don’t mind
  NCT 127 – Spending Halloween with you
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-He was not really used to celebrating Halloween if it wasn’t for the SM Halloween party
-So this year you got him unprepared
-but he doesn’t mind celebrating as long as it is with you
-he came with the idea to have a couple costume and that was ,,,,
-yup you guessed it
-Beauty and the Beast
-but this time he was the beast and you ofc,the beauty
-because he can’t repeat the incident from 2017 where he was dragged to dress up as Belle and winwin was the beast- anyways
-he glares at you every time you bring it up lol
-this time he pulled the uno reverse card tho
-because he definitely treats you like a prince/princess all the time,he went shopping for costumes with you
-he bought everything you wished for,even the crazy unnecessary decorations like a stupid flying skeleton or a witch dressed as a hooker
-like what even is that?? He wondered but laughed when you gave him puppy eyes
-“it’s funny tho,it would look good at the entrance “
-he snorted
-obvs taeil couldn’t resist those eyes and the pouty lips that he kissed in the end
-spends the whole night eating the candies you’ve got
-he likes to take a loooot of selfies so be ready to be bombarded with funny filters
-after you both get tired of all the dress up thingy,you too decided to watch a horror movie
-classic but he knows what he’s doing
-whenever you cling onto his arm or squeeze his hand he smirks and hums into your ear
-you know he’s teasing and he chose that movie on purpose so you occasionally punch his arm when he tickles you with teasing small pecks on your cheeks and neck
-but you secretly enjoy it don’t lie
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 -Oh johnny boy 
-I think for sure Halloween is his fave celebration because he always plans to visit Chicago in that period
-for this and for Christmas of course 
-he likes to celebrate it in the US cause the traditions are kept alive there 
-so he’s excited to take you trick or treating 
-You chose Corpse bride for costumes
-you were so excited to do his make up as Victor and he was excited to see you dressed for a wedding lmao
-While doing his make up before leaving for treating,he kept looking at you being so concentrated 
-“you look so beautiful like this babe”
-“johnny I look dead“
-he laughed and kissed you when he got the opportunity 
-and ofc he couldn’t contain himself from making cheeky remarks  either
-and you get mad at him for talking and smudging his make up by accident
-“you distracted me !!”
-but you like his annoying ass and would never be actually mad at him
 -plus he looked good even with smudged make up
-you think maybe it’s too smudged but he lifts you up and kisses you harder that before
-…and now you’re both smudged  but you don’t really mind as you kiss him one more time
-after all,you leave for trick or treating but realize you’re a bit old for this 
-he will not go home without corn candies tho so you’ll have to force him to do so -but because he looks around and sees mostly children,
-he suggests going to a party in the neighborhood 
-it was a party thrown by his friends ofc 
-and you were more than happy to show everyone the power couple you make together
 -he drives there,one hand on the steering wheel,one hand on your leg
 -occasionally caresses your skin and you blush a little 
-he knows your weaknesses tho
-you arrive at the party,everyone is in awe,,,he can’t really stop bragging about you
 -and you have a great time meeting his American friends for the first time
-seeing you tired after a while of being there,he comes closer to you and hugs you from behind
 -whispers in your ear how gorgeous you looked and how everyone loved you 
-and how he’s gonna take you home and spend more time as real ‘groom and bride’;;))
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 -this cute baby couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween with you
-and not to baby him even more but his idea for the costumes was to dress up as among us characters
-yes,,among us characters
-specifically black and pink
-can you guess who’s who?
-he went full shopping mode with you and dragged you through  the stores only to find the perfect match
-and you did ofc
-you came with the idea to throw a party and invite the rest of your friends
-he checked the list of things you needed to buy for Halloween
-and you teased him saying he stressed too much and we should have fun instead of worrying
-“but baby you know if we throw a party,we need to have enough drinks and food”
-puppy eyes: checked
-speaking in tiny: checked
-how could you say no lmao
-and after you bought everything necessary (and unnecessary),,
-you came home to decorate and to put your costumes on
-tried to kiss but you forgot you had the helmets on lmfao
-you both giggled like two kids
-he looked so cute when he put his science goggles on his head
-and you made sure to capture every single angle of his cuteness
-too many pics ,,
-too many
-you had a lot of fun especially that you organized a costume contest
-and you didn’t win because you were the hosts pfff..
-it’s not like everyone voted you for having the coolest couple costume
-kinda sus if you ask me
-n ee ways
-the party was a success and everyone had fun
-you ended up eating so many sweets  
-even tho tyong told you to slow down
-he took care of you and bathed you in kisses and cuddles after everyone left
-“you eat too many sweets every Halloween,,do you even learn?” says as he caresses your cheeks and gives you a long forehead kiss
-“but I can’t help myself,,too good and sweet”
-‘”you’re too good and sweet”
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 -It was the morning of 31st October
-the only thing in your mind was the Halloween party at sm you and yuta were going to attend
-and ofc you didn’t want a lame costume,you wanted something cute
-but powerful
-and not to be a cliché but you asked yuta if he wanted to be dressed as anime characters
-man did he give you a look
-he chuckled lightly at your request but couldn’t say no
-“baby the fact that you’re Japanese makes it 1000x better”
-you cup his cheeks in between your hands and he laughs holding you on his lap
-after all he agrees and you go shopping for costumes
-as you thought,you didn’t want to be the basic anime characters so you chose a cute and powerful couple
-Kagome and inuyasha
-When you saw yuta wearing that long white hair-wig,your heart did a flip
-he smiled so large when he saw you wearing that pretty school uniform
-you made him take you in his arms immediately only to start smooching your face
-“baby my make up”
-you were pouting,but he was smirking coming closer to your ear
-“ I will make up for this later,promise”
- he said that biting your ear lobe softly
-oh boy you wanted to forget about the party only for yuta to “make up” for you but
-you could’ve handled that later that night
-you had a great time partying with the members and other idols at sm
-yuta held onto you the whole night feeling so proud to have such a gorgeous s/o only for himself
-but what you had planned after the party was much more exciting ;;)
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-This little sh
-that you loved to the moon and back 
-was a bit skeptic about partying for Halloween 
-for your sake tho,he prepared a horror movie marathon for both of you
 -he also suggested cooking something thematic 
-you actually caught him few days ago watching an instagram video of ‘how to make eyeball lollipops”
-You were like ???
-“I want to make these for Halloween because you don’t need to bake anything you know”
-“so we won’t burn the kitchen down? Ok!”
-you agreed faster than he thought
 -and that made him doubt his cooking skills for a bit but anyways 
-you too didn’t really have anything planned for a costume but you decided to surprise him
-with a bunny costume
-not an onesie,no
 -bunny ears and a bunny tail 
 -while he was concentrated on cooking,
-you showed up wearing a cute lingerie and that bunny costume on you 
-“ hey bunny,wanna snuggle?”
-you leaned on the door frame while trying not laugh
-in that moment he was tasting the jam
-but when he turned around and saw you LIKE THAT 
-he snorted and dropped the spoon full of raspberries 
-he was absolutely sure you wanted to give him a heart
-attack somehow
 -but he came to his senses and approached you with a smirk on his face
 -you couldn’t even think for a bit because in the next second he lifted you up to kiss you 
-“you made me drop the food and make a mess,,do you think I’ll let you go with that?”
-you blushed harder than you thought and suggested to help him clean up the mess 
-but he cut you off mid-sentence with a deepened kiss only to tell you with a low tone
-“those raspberries can wait,the bunny wants snuggles doesn’t it?”
-you tried so hard to keep your cool but who can blame you?? 
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 -Another Halloween enthusiast
-he couldn’t wait to dress up as Gomez and Morticia Addams
-you even helped him with the make-up,drawing a mustache on his face
-“haha very funny’’,
-he responds sarcastically every time you look at him and try not to laugh
-but damn the costume was pure gold
-you both looked amazing and he even managed to kiss your hand,up to your arm and neck
-just like Gomez kissed his wife every time he had the opportunity
-you both went trick or treating,along with johnny,mark and other members
-then came back to the dorms and ate so many candies
-jaehyun couldn’t help but stare at you every time he had the chance
-and you knew this costume was a perfect match because you could show him how sexy and elegant you were
-taeyong prepared some food for you all and you had few drinks
-told a lot of horror stories and felt like kids again but jaehyun was waiting to go home only to spend more time with you
-“ the food is too hot,I can’t eat it ::( ’’
-you complained while the others turned their heads to look at you especially taeyong who was about to apologize for the food being too hot
-jaehyun: ‘’you’re hot but I’d still eat-“
--he was cut off mid-sentence by taeyong who slammed his hand down on the table
-you all started laughing and looked at jaehyun only to see him grinning like a little bitch he is
-you knew how cheeky he can be so you got up and came closer to him to wrap your arms around his neck
-closer to his ear so you can whisper nonsense, that apparently got him happier that you intended
-he was one lucky guy for sure
-and the Halloween was once again one of his favorite holidays
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 -Jungwoo wanted something cute this year
-he was very excited to show you what costumes he prepared for you both
- he kept saying it was a surprise and told you not to prepare anything cause he will handle it
- so while you were preparing the candies for the kids, he snuck up on you and covered your eyes
- you could’ve sworn you felt something fluffy covering your face
- you touched his arms and tried to feel it
- and realized he was wearing paws
- ???
- “babe what are you-“
- he cut you off and turned you around to face him
- he was wearing a big Snoopy costume,with a red bowtie as well
- you felt yourself dying of cuteness
- because now you had THE actual snoopy as your boyfriend
- a bit weird but CUTE ok cute
- “do you like it?? the red bowtie is part of the costume so we could match”
- you looked at him all smiles
- his eyes were sparkling just like a puppy’s :,(
- He grabbed your hand and took you to your bedroom to show your costume
- it was the same snoopy costume but you had a red ribbon on top of your head
- you were excited to try it on
- and when you showed him the costume, he gently approached you to kiss your forehead
- “aren’t we the cutest?”
- after that, he helped you give sweets to trick-or-treaters and so many kids were in awe when they saw you two
- you took pictures to send to his family
- and in the end, you two ended up falling asleep
- cuddling on the couch surrounded by the candies left because you weren’t very active this year
- but still had a great time
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 -This year mark wanted it different
-he didn’t only wanted to crave pumpkins or go trick or treating
-he needed a break from every exhausting activity because being and idol
-and well,,
-being mOrk
-he was tired and needed an escape from that solicitant lifestyle
-he surprised you one day with a small trip to an orchard outside of Seoul
-you were so excited because you knew the weather was going to be in your favor
-plus you knew mark was a nonconformist and he wanted to make the time spent w you very special
-like every time
-such a cutie oml pls-
-you two took the train till there,admiring the view from the empty cabin you were in
-he was holding you close and your hand all the time
- occasionally he kissed the top of it
-but you always turned to give him a quick peck on his sweet lips
-you liked to see him all giggly and shy,rubbing his hand behind his head
-when you arrived there,you were accompanied by a guide
-showing you around the orchard
-you were so excited while looking around,looking at the different colors of the apples
-mark grabbed two baskets and offered to help you pick few red and beautiful apples
-you were picking them and from time to time you felt mark’s gaze on your body and smiled
-while he was distracted, you snuck up behind him only to see him startle
-you giggled when he picked you up,spinning you around
-only to leave a sweet kiss on your nose and lips
-after the apple picking,you went to a café that was only few miles away from the orchard
-ate apples on the way because you were a bit tired and very hungry lol
-at this cute café,you two spent some time chatting and just staring at each other
-because you were both cute little hopeless romantics <333
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 -Haechan was actually going to lazy around that day but nope
-you dragged him out of the bed
-telling him you want to crave pumpkins because otherwise
-you will bite his ass
-he gave you the most shocked look
-then managed to laugh
-“I wouldn’t mind,just bite the corner,,just a small bite”
-you rolled your eyes and puffed air from your nose pretending to get mad
-you walked out of the room and grabbed your coat and the car keys
-“yeah right then I’m going to buy the pumpkins myself”
-he came after you giggling and insisting it was a joke
-but you knew and were obvs trying not to smile
-he was a sucker for your pouty face so he loved pissing you off
-little cute shit
-you finally arrived at the local market and bought two big pumpkins
-so orange and tasty
-haechan took a tiny pumpkin and said he’s going to make it your child
-“haechan I’m not gonna shove a knife into our kid,don’t name it!”
-he knew if he names an object and something bad happens to it
-you get attached to it and get sad
-so in the end he didn’t name it but still got it home
-at home,you tried to look on pinterest for craving ideas
-and haechan laughed cause that was silly
-“cmon babe are you seriously looking that on the internet? Just do- *stabs the pumpkin in the middle and cuts out the lid* -this”
-he looks at you with a smile on his face and you just stand there
-like “I’m really dating a gemini huh”
-you try to cut your pumpkin but the skin was too hard
-and managed to drop the knife out of your hands with a loud bump on the floor
-haechan literally jumped thinking you cut yourself but you were just standing there,,
-bbq sauce on your tidd-
-jk jk
-you were standing there looking at the guts spilled all over the floor
-you sighed but haechan gave you a hug
-“you clumsy baby,gotta be careful. Let me do it for you,,you just scoop what’s left from the inside”
-and you did as he said a bit disappointed that he took the hard work
-even tho you wanted to show him you don’t need help
-but he knew you were an independent person anyway
-that’s what he loved about you actually
-after you were done with cravings,it was the tiny pumpkin’s turn to be cut
-you and haechan just turned to look at each other and he saw you giving him a trembling bottom lip
-“we can’t cut it baaabeee…” you whined
-“okay then just ..let’s draw a cool face on it,no harm”
-you agreed because obvs you couldn’t cut the child you had with him pff
-you took the marker and drew a caricature of your bf on it
-before showing it to him,you covered his eyes and suggested him to sit on the couch for few moments
-he was wondering what you were doing
-after a while you led him,eyes still closed,to the fireplace where you placed the pumpkins
-he opened his eyes and saw the tiny pumpkin standing between the bigger ones
-“see,these two are us and the tiny one is the kid”
-he gave you a look,his eyebrows rised but then laughed
-he hugged you and gave you a small kiss
-he then looked at the bigger pumpkins and stated nodding
-“damn we’re kinda ugly ngl”
taglist: @peachyhan​  --(who wants to be in the tag list,lmk!!)
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honestlyhufflepuff · 4 years
Rambling reactions to “Bismuth Casual,” the healing balm to every Connverse shipper in the land
The song Connie is singing is called "Can't Hold Me." Oh no.
"Keep skating in circles. You're doing great." Sour Cream, I want everything good and pure for you in this life.
Yep, let's casually joke about your alien trauma to be relatable to human strangers. Great plan, Steven!
Steven acknowledged he missed out on a lot of human stuff. He's so awkward around them that I screamed into my hands with secondhand embarrassment.
Hijab representation, yess!! Wait, so religion does exist in the SU world? Because I know there's been some debate around that with the lack of familiar holidays and such.
Steven is still 16?? My timeline was way off...
"I bet if they were enemy gems we'd be best friends by now." BOIII, THAT IS NOT A HEALTHY EXAMPLE TO MODEL FRIENDSHIPS AFTER.
Can I just ship Pearl with every adult in the show? Because damn, she's a player.
She has a fan club.
Pearl makes friends with all the punk vandals in town and pulls toilet paper out of her gem as her ice breaker??
Pearl, you beautiful idiot, Bismuth didn't go out to make friends with humans.
How many rolls of tp is Pearl keeping in there?
Connie is trying so hard to get Steven to accept her help. Just swallow your pride and take it, boy! Leaning on a girl while she helps you learn to skate is a pretty adorable move in my book.
Steven, you are right and you have forgotten how to talk to humans, but if you give one of them another roll of toilet paper I will come across the multiverse and slap you.
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Whoa, hol' up, Bismuth gets eyelash animation when she talks about Pearl. That's serious, guys. They're gonna get married.
Things were easier when Steven and Connie were fighting the war, but now they're living separate lives!?!? Ahhh, I've written so much fic about this concept and it's so satisfying to hear canon acknowledge it!!
"I wonder if I'm even her best friend anymore." Oof.
He doesn't want to hold her back. He doesn't know how to do human stuff. But she's never expected or wanted him to be a normal human. I hope he knows that now.
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Oh my stars, STEVONNIE?? That. Scene. Was. Everything.
Let’s break down the song lyrics Stevonnie danced to:
In the middle of the day
I call you over, but you always hesitate
You used to tell me we should leave it up to fate
Now that I know that I don’t ever have to wait.
Close my eyes, let down my hair,
I’m thinking ‘bout what I want, wanna take me there?
Turn the dial on the stereo
I’m thinking ‘bout who I want and I won’t let go.
You can’t hold me now, only I can do that.
You can’t hold me now, only I can do that...
Lyric interpretation: They don’t have to leave things up to fate. They don’t have to hang out because they’re fighting a war. They can just hang out because they want to. They can each have their own journeys and goals, but still be each other’s cheerleaders in those pursuits.
And they unfused with one skate each and just held hands the rest of the night and still skated as one person unfused??? It's illegal to be this cute.
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Human teen: The only thing I get from my mom’s side of the family is stressed out!
Steven: Haha, same!
Me: See Steven, you can still find common ground with humans! You’re just rusty! When in doubt with teenagers just complain about authority figures and you’ll probably fit right in.
Ok, Bismuth HAD to have put mascara on for that night, right guys? Maybe it's Mabeline.
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HER. Who is she???
White Diamond is gonna watch Bismuth’s makeup tutorials on TubeTube now.
Seriously, Bismuth/Pearl is even better than Pearl/Volleyball (imo). They’ve got the history. Bismuth is the more beefy looking character, but Pearl is the dominant personality between then. Bismuth is actually shy and awkward in new situations. Bismuth has probably held a flame for Pearl for thousands of years, but Pearl never would have noticed with Rose around and now...*sigh*
It’s just too pure. Too wholesome. I can’t.
Kinda salty there was no Mystery Girl, but also glad she wasn’t there to mess up Bismuth’s funky flow with Pearl.
Guys, this has got to be my favorite episode of SUF. There’s been a lot of great moments, but this one just hit it out of the park. I knew the Crewniverse would send us off strong. <3
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homunculusalphonse · 4 years
Okay, I wasn’t expecting that post on the Cool Kids and Steven to get so much attention... and now that I’m here, I really want to talk more about them, and how the human characters were treated in the end. Because the more I think about it, the more disappointed I feel.
Again, I loved SUF, I think Steven’s arc was done really well. But. I hate how the humans were pushed aside after Little Graduation. I’m aware I’m possibly one of the few people in the fandom that enjoy the “townie/filler episodes” (except the Onion episodes tho), but the human side of the show has always been vital to Steven. Despite every gem power he has, Steven is still half-human. He gets along with almost the entire human cast and I honestly love those relationships - especially with Connie, the Cool Kids and Lars. I’m going to talk about Lars another day, though, because I’d have a lot to cover, lmao.
Anyway, I love the Cool Kids. I love how they parallel the Crystal Gems, and yet they have their own thing going on. I really enjoy that they had their own friendship with Steven after Lars and the Cool Kids, yet I feel like they don’t get enough love - both from the fandom and the show itself.
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Joy Ride has become one of my favorite SU episodes of all time, because the Cool Kids are amazing friends. They notice that Steven feels pressured and stressed after the events of The Return and Jailbreak, and they offer him some time to loosen up and have fun. Their relationship is genuine, honest and healthy.
This episode (already underrated) tends to be remembered by the scene when Steven expresses his identity issues and his belief that the gems “blame him for his mother not being around”, whilst the Cool Kids are like holy shit, what? (which is reasonable, because it’s a hilariously tragic scene).
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(ignore Steven’s hair in this shot, it’s an animation error, lol)
But my favorite part of this episode, that doesn’t get enough attention? It’s when the Cool Kids stand up to the Crystal Gems when they start guilt-tripping Steven for not immediately telling them about Peridot’s escape pod. It’s such a great scene, because no one up until this point has ever called them out on their dismissive behavior. As great as the gems are, they do tend to neglect Steven’s emotional needs throughout the show. They forget that despite everything, Steven is a young, human boy who has been through deadly situations and begins to see the awful reality of Homeworld’s system and his mother’s legacy.
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And I mean it, the Cool Kids are, as far as I’m concerned, legitimately the first people that confront the gems about it. At this point in the series, Greg doesn’t actually involve himself in Steven’s life other than giving some good old Dad advice every now and then, and Connie hasn’t known his family long enough to do it, either. So while their criticism is not on the same level as, say, Connie’s speech in SUF, the Cool Kids manage to respect the gems but at the same time wanting them to recognize that Steven is still a kid, and that he shouldn’t deal with so much responsibility at once:
Sour Cream: We just wanted Steven to have some fun. I don't know what's going on with aliens trying to abduct him, and him being his own mom. But it sounds like he's got a lot on his mind.
Jenny: I'm sure whatever you're having him do is important, but everyone needs a break once in a while.
Buck: He’s just a kid.
Gosh, I love these guys.
With all of this in mind, it really saddens me that we didn’t have more moments like these in SU and SUF with them, nor with other human characters (considering the gems don’t pay attention to his mental health). We only see someone standing up for Steven again at the very end of SUF - and I find yet another issue with that, because the only person that actually helps Steven is Connie. A fourteen-year-old girl, if I’m not mistaken, who’s definitely got trauma of her own (e.g. White Diamond taking Steven’s gem out of his body, the Gem experiments from Nightmare Hospital, Connie almost drowning in Bubble Buddies and Ocean Gem, and so on), even though the show doesn’t address that.
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Connie is the one who gets Steven to the doctor, she’s the one who calls Greg, she gets everyone else together in Everything’s Fine, and in the end calls the gems out on them not doing anything to help Steven other than swallowing in their own sorrows. Don’t get me wrong, I loved her speech in I Am My Monster, but why is she the only voice of reason? Why is she the adult to a bunch of “superpowered children”?
Listen, I get the lesson and point of Little Graduation - that friends come and go with their own lives, and that Steven has been feeling left out due to his traumatic experiences -, but I don’t like how the human characters were handled. I hate how Steven’s emotional support system was reduced to pretty much gems and Greg and Connie, when there are a lot more people who care about him as well. The Cool Kids are his friends, Lars is his friend, as is Sadie and everyone else. So, why does it feel like they aren’t friends in this episode? Yeah, they’re not close like before, but I’ve realized that no one notices something is off about Steven’s behavior at all; except maybe for Lars, who consoles him by the end of the episode.
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They’re not forced to read him, of course, but isn’t it unfair that, again, Connie is the only one who does something? Everyone else leaves and has very small cameos and/or mentions in the next episodes. IMO, their farewell to Steven in The Future doesn’t feel... satisfying, for someone who’s changed their lives so much; not to mention that Steven might not come back to Beach City in a long time. Even if he must’ve had more closure with them before leaving (considering he told everyone in Beach City he was going away), we don’t see any of it.
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Okay, this is a more subjective point of view, so I’m not saying SUF is terrible for not doing this or that. Many people were wholeheartedly satisfied with SUF’s ending, and I don’t have a problem with that. Regardless, I really wish we could've had more closure with the human characters. I loved the human side of the show, I loved Steven’s human relationships and their genuine moments like what we got from Joy Ride. For these not to get the recognition they deserved in the end was so disappointing to me.
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
SU Movie Liveblog
I had this open in one tab and the movie in another and wrote down my thoughts, let’s go! so sorry to people on mobile.
Yeah, makes sense that two years still isn’t really enough to sway them from thinking he’s still pink in some way- especially considering even the crystal gems had that problem after thirteen years.
his big grin when connie kisses his cheek.... SO good
steven getting a song about being proud of himself and knowing he’s grown into a good person is also SO GOOD
and pearl! pearl’s part! also so great!
oooh, they’re all getting a piece!
garnet referring to her first fusion with terms like parents talk about a baby is PRECIOUS
AAAAA FIRST GLIMPSE AT BBY AMETHYST.... and she comes out with weird limbs like one of those drawing pose dolls, what a nice touch!
DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE THE BETAS THERE.... but no jasper, hmm....
maybe it’s because I know what’s coming but making a song called ‘happily ever after’ is just asking for disaster, honey...
Steven Regrets Tempting Fate
steven looks younger when spinel asks who he is and that HAS to be by design.
hmm... is the gem drill connected to her form somehow, with how she formed her hand and it came out?
oooh boy, I’m gonna guess.... spurned member of pink’s court?
and ‘other friends’? yeah, definitely part of pink’s former court.
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuuuck
‘holy s-he really got everybody!’ the boy is 16 greg, he can hear A Swear
well, THIS is uncomfortable, but it is always nice to hear pearl sing
the expressions seem... idk, extra cartoony here? pearl’s face is so round and everyone’s eyes look extra big. idk if it fits, but it’s probably meant to be a bit unsettling.
huh. someone smarter than me at analysis will have to talk about amethyst’s mimicking.
damn, they really did try to pacify pink with gifts of gems, didn’t they? I can already see so clearly what happened.
‘it took me MONTHS to stop trying to kill steven!’ peridot is so good
and then bismuth and lapis just build on it, NICE
that pose, with him having a hand on his face and looking back at the injector.... I swear either him or greg have had that EXACT pose in some other episode.
okay, pink was hyper and childish, but even she would have gotten bored and annoyed with spinel. I bet spinel was commissioned specifically by blue, but the pink that blue thought she knew, not the one that actually existed.
wow, about fourteen minutes. pretty short turnaround time for a ‘well shit that went bad fast’ reprise.
spinel’s little squeaky shoes during the reprise is... wow
‘hijinks will ensue’
if I was new!garnet I’d be scared and confused too... cmon, steven. she clearly looks really disjointed rn.
the first time I actually said ‘oh my GOD’ out loud in this movie was pearl rolling out the stairs and the red carpet
oh geez. boy do I think I know exactly why pink ditched her.
okay, we are.... about halfway through the movie. I do admit I didn’t think this would take this long.
also sandals as tap shoes?
the comic timing of amethyst opening her eyes and look over made me wheeze with laughter.
‘I’m back, you dip.’
also having amethyst be the first to come back was probably a good call.
holy shit is that ACTUAL BLOOD
‘you’re going to die ANYWAY’ gee thanks peridot
oh hey, rebecca as an extra, I think!
I love seeing how sadie’s letting her hair grow out the dye- it makes such a cool effect. and yeah that was how service jobs felt.
steven is just ‘what did I do to deserve this...’
geez, even years after he’s accepted things, steven’s still got a bit of a tight spot regarding rose. not surprised, though.
I love how easy it is, same as it was for smoky the first time. steven fuses easiest with his family.
okay who the hell is that voice, I checked on imdb and it’s probably either chance the rapper or gallant since those are the unlisted named ones
yeah.... I don’t like his design. this is the first fusion I really didn’t like that of. ugh.
d’awww, garnet’s wearing steven’s jacket
they threw in the pilot design again!
OPAL SINGING, and admittedly, I do like the steven and greg fusion’s voice
ooooh boy heading for that ocean of poison ain’t gonna do him any favors
pink.... she recreated that garden, made it her sanctuary on earth. she didn’t have only bad memories of it- she must not have realized how much she mattered to spinel like she didn’t realize she mattered to the other diamonds.
the distorted almost circus-like music....
A SONG FROM PINK HOLY COW. wait... that voice sounds really different. is that the same voice actress?
yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. geez I see the reasoning here, holy COW.
‘actually, I can totally believe it’ yeah, as much as I like pink, boy did she fuck up a few times
okay, we got 24 minutes left, this can’t work, right? although spinel only cracked somewhat recently, it sounds like. so really, she’s not that far gone- and considering what we know, probably didn’t fully understand the consequences of her actions.
greg. greg. gross.
I... dunno really how to feel about the su movie being.... basically what everyone who misinterprets su says it is. spinel was made to be redeemed in twenty minutes. her backstory makes it almost shockingly easy. she’s technically the only villain to actually fall like that- like it’s been pointed out, peridot took months, bismuth was already sympathetic, and the diamonds took multiple episodes and still aren’t fully there yet.
I did kinda call that it wasn’t going to be that easy, but whoof. I don’t blame steven though, kid’s under a lot of pressure and is possibly literally dying.
wait.... we haven’t seen alexandrite yet, wasn’t she in the trailer....? and they’re all hugging...
the little crack in his voice between ‘please’ and ‘hurry’...
I love how spinny and magic fusions and gem reformations are in the movie....
wow, BOY did the song sound different when it was released out of context
he sounds so.... adult. I know it’s just that zach is 21 years old now and his voice has changed, but steven really has grown up.
‘well, I changed white diamond’s mind with a single absolutely raw insult so you can’t blame a guy for trying’
if this is how they fix it I’m gonna be a little annoyed, not gonna lie
I just realized spinel reacted to steg so much because it jumpstarted part of her memories- her friend left to become a ‘fusion’.
white being passive-aggressive, I see. 15000 year old habits die hard.
steven: thanks for insulting my home five minutes after getting here, grandma. bitch.
haha, diamond ex machina
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rational-mastermind · 5 years
Okay, so yeah, this is another post that’ll be dissecting THAT scene from the SU finale.
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But I’ll save my ranting for under the cut. Nothing too big, just an interesting perspective I picked up on.
Still with me? Cool. So, not long after screaming over the finale, my husband decided to do poke at the plot holes with me. An infamous tick of his, it seems.
One of which was Steven’s quote here in the scene
“It’s me. It’s always been me.”
Now hold your torches and pitchforks. His problem with it was his reoccurring trips down memory lane through the eyes of Pink Diamond.
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And not to mention this little...hesitation before Gem!Steven showed up.
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How the gem first forms Pink, and then Rose, and then Steven. I can’t blame him for questioning where the hell Pink or Rose even went if it’s “just been Steven”.
Well here’s the simple solution.
For the dreams, Steven’s an empath. (Not empathetic, but empathic). It’s pretty damn obvious. Don’t think people will argue with me but for the sake of the post, I’ll list why just the same.
There are six types of Empaths and I’m glad that Steven has actually demonstrated each one and here’s how.
1. Emotional Empath
The emotional empath is one of the most common types of empaths. It’s literally feeling what others feel. Picking up on other’s emotions, having those emotions influence you, or understanding on a deeper level what it’s like, even if you’ve never experienced it.
Such as being able to tell when somethng’s wrong with the CGs and figuring out how to best fix it. Feeling the Cluster’s need to form to a point that it physically overwhelmed him. Reaching out to Blue’s depression when she visited Pink’s grave-site (notice how Blue Pearl wasn’t crying then) and crying tears with her.
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2. Physical/Medical Empath
Now, technically this is supposed to be about intuitively knowing what’s hurting another person physically and knowing how to heal them, but for the sake of a cartoon about a magic alien boy, we get healing spit. Heals Connie’s eyes. Heals Greg’s leg. Heals cracked gems. Now if only Steven could bottle this as the cure for cancer. XD
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3. Plant Empath
Basically having a green thumb. Understanding what plants need and such. Sometimes even feel as though the plants may guide you. Or in Steven’s case, being able to grant them sentience. (I mean, healing spit, why not?) We’ve seen it a dozen times, and even Rose/Pink had it. The flowers, the bushes, the rose insignia on her shield. It wasn’t prominent, except for the watermelons and Pumpkin, but it was there.
4. Animal Empath
Hm, an connection with animals, eh? Liiiiike zombie lions? Corrupted gems? Half-blind kitties? Honestly when you spend enough time around any creature, you start to see they’re not too different from humans.
5. Claircognizant/Intuitive Empath
This is basically where an empath can be confused for a lie-detector. Intuition can be used for knowing that someone is bullshitting, skirting around the issue, or trying to bury something. Steven’s whole adventure in digging through his mom’s past is a great example. Connie trying not to talk about hurting the kid in school. Pearl hiding Rose’s identity. Calling out White for being childish. I wouldn’t say he’s the most intuitive, but it’s there. Something more intuitive would likely be, having a somewhat sub-conscious understanding of something, mostly something that will bring harm. Like moving the glass from the ledge, knowing when today just won’t go right and it isn’t pessimism, or one particular box catching your eye more than others of the same variety. That I would say is more related to Garnet than Steven.
Finally the last piece.
6. Geomantic Empath
Geomantic empathy is sometimes called place or environmental empathy. Those with this ability have are more in tune to the physical landscape and their surroundings.
Such as when Stevonnie landed on the planet where Pink and Yellow were talking. It wasn’t Steven, literally remembering what Pink remembered. It was him refeeling what was left behind here. It’s like walking into an old colonial house and getting that feel of how different life was or what people used to live like. Except for Steven, this is much more acute. Especially while harboring the exact same gem.
Oh. And that dream with the caterpillar and Pink Pearl and this?
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Yeah geez.. This is called stress. I’m sure a lot of us are familiar with it.
When you’re under a lot of stress, but don’t allow yourself to show it, it’s easy for that to manifest in your dreams. It’ll seem hyper realistic, but speaking from experience, it’s just a dream and yeah, will often involve recent events or people who specifically stress you out a lot.
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Ever since arriving on home world, Steven’s been trying to be patient and courteous, been holding himself together, been trying to understand what it was his mom used to do. This stress, kinda seems to clash with his geomantic empathy and thus the hair, Pink Pearl, and seeming to predict what Blue was about to say. So that all settled, then why did the gem first become Pink? Why Pink or Rose? Why not just automatically shift to Steven? Well it is still Pink Diamond’s gem. The gem itself is still a pink diamond and therefore will know it is. But the thing about how it’s “always been Steven” is that when White took away the gem, Steven’s gem...was poofed.
And we know when gems poof, they reform and change their looks.
(for a small example... ;D)
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The gem needed to regenerate a new physical form. And that’s the interesting perspective.
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Pink had shape-shifted into a rose-quartz for so long. This whole war had just been her shape-shifting and keeping everyone guessing. But we know a gem can’t hold the shape for long. She couldn’t be Rose Quartz 24/7.
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So when Pearl “shattered” her, she was essentially poofed, and took on the new form. She permanently took on Rose Quartz’s form.
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She wouldn’t have to shape-shift anymore, this was just her form. Like when Amethyst tried making her form better. Bigger, stronger, more like Pearl. (no gif provided but we all remember that episode, right?) But she would’ve kept that if she didn’t keep getting poofed, and same with Rose.
And then...
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Rose met Greg.
And we’re all pretty much in agreement that Rose must’ve shape-shifted for as long as she could, to have Steven.
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But, if a gem shape-shifts for too long, it does take a toll. And the gem either stops or, likely, poofs.
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And took on its new form. The form the gem wanted to have.
So yeah, Pink Diamond’s gone. The gem won’t reform into her anymore, even if it’s supposed to. It’s supposed to be Pink, who wanted to be Rose, who wanted to be Steven, who wanted to be Rose or Pink...but in the end, it’s who he’s supposed to be. Who he’s meant to be.
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TLDR; Steven never saw his mom’s memories, he empathically connected with the past or stressed out. The gem’s poofed more times than any diamond and the new and permanent form is Steven. Not Rose. Not Pink.
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
((SO. This AU has gotten way more off-canon and hectic than I intended waay back when I first started this blog, so under the cut is a crash-course for this AU and how it differs from canon and other things to take note of for folks that are new and/or who don’t keep up with every single little post. Confused? This should have answers :3c))
FIRST OFF, AN IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE Is that this AU has been going since just after Chapter Two, and a lot of it was planned between chapters two and three. Also, this blog PREDATES and TOTALLY AVOIDS canon. There Is No Bad Ending. Only Happy Times(tm).
It’s heavily implied the studio is in New York in-canon, but I can confirm here that the studio is indeed in New York in this AU.
The toons are really Joey’s creations, they’re in no way stolen from anyone else.
I made and characterized my Joey before we got his first log in chapter three, and for me, voices need to sync to their characters. As such, my Joey doesn’t at all sound like he does in the game. I haven’t found who the voice belongs to, but I’ll update this when I do. Joey’s the only character in the AU with a voice different here than in-canon. (For anyone curious, he’s actually in the realm of sounding like a slightly more masculine Blue Diamond from SU xD it’s very light and gentle like that)
Joey’s a bit out of his mind in this AU, but he’s not uncaring. He’s still into rituals and the occult, but he’d never harm his employees or the toons.
He thinks of the toons as his children, and they think of him as their Papa Drew. They’re a very cute oddball family.
Joey has no (human) family of his own, he lives in an apartment in the studio with the toons. It’s right behind his office.
Henry has not been with the studio since it started. Joey started the studio on his own, and only met Henry later. He was too young to hire at the time, so it was several years before Henry actually got to join the studio staff. Henry and Joey stayed in close contact, though.
Speaking of Henry, he’s more Joey’s apprentice and surrogate son than business partner or anything else canon implies.
Henry’s wife is actually named Dianne here, because I accidentally made him a wife before we knew anything about Linda. Linda still exists somewhere in the city though, she’s just an ex. She broke up with him because of his work habits.
And speaking of Family, I don’t have a lot of family headcanons but here’s what I’ve got in a list: Joey just has the toons, Henry has a wife and a baby, Sammy’s an only child, Susie’s got an oldest brother and an older sister, Wally’s got six other siblings, Norman has five kids (and something like 20 grandkids iirc), shawn’s got a wife and two kids, and thomas had a wife and a kid but she left him and took the kid with her (now he only has his dog, poppy - she is his everything). susie and sammy go on to get married in a year and end up having twin boys, Stephen and Stanley Lawrence, in late 1940.
The toons were made in the first half of 1936, making them all around two years old as of when this was posted. They were made as-is so they were never babies, and they only age mentally. They were “born” with incredibly limited knowledge and experience, and with the way they learn at about the same pace regular human kids would they all have a tendency to act like small children. 
Naturally they do get smarter and wiser as time goes on, but they still act pretty childish and toony even 100 years from now.
The toons weren’t made by individual human sacrifices. Joey bonded his soul to the ink machine so it could produce possessed ink, which can then take on the form and personality of a toon in a ritual. The rituals still need blood, but Joey uses his own.
Speaking of that, that means Joey lacks a soul. This has had subtle influences on him as a person, both physically and mentally, but they’re very subtle.
Also, The Ink can manipulate things that already exist, people and objects included. Even inhaling too many fumes from it can cause one to act goofy. Physical contact or consumption of The Ink will lead to anything from toonish (childish/goofy) behavior to going full toon or ink monster, depending on quantity. explains why wally’s such a darn goofball, with how much of that stuff he cleans up all the time... this boy has inhaled Too Many Ink Fumes
Related to the above, but if The Ink gets into your system and deems you “incompatible”... it’s rare, but it’ll just outright kill you with ink poisoning instead of trying to do something Fun to you. it’s rare, and it hasn’t happened yet, but it can happen. Joey is the only one that knows this.
A handful of items in the studio are possessed by now after coming in contact with The Ink from leaking pipes or other spills.
The toons are ink all the way through, unlike their canon counterparts that have bones and organs. If you tried you could literally punch straight through them, and it wouldn’t hurt them all that much. It’d heal right back up as soon as you moved your arm. In fact, the only things that can harm them are water, religious symbols, and types of paint thinner (acetone, turpentine, etc etc. bleach will probably do it too.)
Because ink can take on the physical properties of other materials, that means the toons don’t just feel like ink - hair and fur still feels soft, fabric feels like fabric, etc etc... but everything’s got a subtle chalky texture to it, especially skin.
The toons have a lot of toon-superpowers, including but not limited to: shapeshifting, toon physics, hammerspace, consuming ridiculous amounts of food, teleporting through ink puddles... If it’s Classic Cartoon Slapstick(tm), they can probably do it.
Toons only really need to drink possessed ink to survive in day-to-day life, they need it much like humans need water. They can (and do) eat food for enjoyment but they don’t have to. They can also eat things that aren’t actually food, for some reason. Bendy’s really the only one that does this. the worst offender is pens, don’t leave your nice pens laying around he will eat them
The toons are all technically imperfect for in-universe unknown reasons. Bendy has a tail, Boris also has a tail and is fluffier than his cartoon counterpart, and Alice’s horns are just bits of hair that stick up. She also has holes all the way through her hands, and a longer dress. (The meta reasoning for this is just that I found it more fun to draw them these ways, they make them a little more my own ;P) (plus we didn’t know what alice looked like from the waist down until ch3 so uhhhhhh I Winged It)
This AU parallels Disney heavily, also they are technically Disney so that means they’re producing a lot of non-bendy related things alongside the Bendy cartoons. This includes full animated feature films that are more or less just like their disney counterparts. Yes, they did a snow white.
Studio never bankrupts in this timeline, it mirrors Disney’s success as well.
This also means that the theme park that was being worked on in-canon actually doesn’t exist for another 20 or so years, as Disney got to their first theme park in the 1950s.
Blog progresses in real-time, minus 80 years. There are slight tweaks to the exact time of day and the studio’s hours of operation exclusively for the ask-blog feature, however. this is why sometimes characters are answering asks at 9PM, when everyone is actually home in-universe
This is more meta but it’s a fun-fact, I try to simulate the ‘late 1930s’ vibe as well as I can, I do a loooot of research. More than I should, given this is a silly AU ask blog. I find history fascinating though so I go overboard.
The studio uses a mix of the current in-game layout, and the pre-ch4 updates layout. For example, there’s that new animation room behind henry’s desk here, but the ink machine and it’s room are still relatively undramatic.
Regardless of what I end up doing with Allison, she will not replace Susie as Alice’s voice. Susie is still and always will be Alice’s voice actress.
Susie’s also not nearly as... insane as her canon-counterpart, but that can be said for just about everyone here.
Alice was actually modeled after Susie. Joey was inspired by her incredible voice talent and general personality, so he made Alice as a character not long after Susie started working at the studio.
The studio was founded in February 1928, and they released the first Bendy cartoon in August 1928.
This will be updated as time goes on, and I’ll put those updates below this note so folks can find them easier instead of trying to remember what changed! c:
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Su/Lovecraft au (fighting)
N/A: Venus is back and Oh boy she has a problem to solve now.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
Venus is the first creation of Zaorva, well, maybe the first Herald, not even Zaorva knew what was her first creation anymore. Venus was supposed to aid Zaorva in her chores, however, the woman is anything but a fighter and Cthulu's herald knew that and in the end, Venus was useless. In the end, Venus has no other chore to do.
Why HIM didn´t eat her? Venus doesn´t know and never dare to ask. Therefore, as much Venus is not a warrior, the red hair arrives in Earth easily, in flames and in the blood(somehow, it makes her think of her own creation, Zaorva  did pluck her out of the fire and her own blood) in the sand on a beach, again, this is very similar to her own creation.
It´s ironic she landed in a beach.
The animals in this planet, or to be more exact, all the species originated from this planet, noticed the woman covered in fire and lava, her primary skin and the humans are screaming in panic.
Easy to remedy this situation, at least. Changing her primary skin for the secondary, and now Venus is just a red hair wearing a loose white dress that is not hiding much. Suddenly, the panic turns into wolf whistle, much to her dismay.
(You hair is pretty, it looks like fire, the words of her master still ring in her mind. Is such a nice contrast with the water, I like it. Zaorva was never a fan of water, how ironic that she is crystal blue, well...she was.)
"Humans, don´t fear me, I came here to only bring the doomsday" some many don´t seem to register the situation or her words "Bring me the X-men"
"I´m the X-men" someone shout and it was copied by others.
"Oh, silly humans, I´m not here for games" rising her hand high she craft a small rain, a small rain of fire. "Let´s try this again, where is the X-men? Where is Kitty Pryde?"
Now the panic resurges as everyone runs away from Venus leaving the beach uninhabited as Venus begins to walk(the salt water touches her feet and the woman only shivers at that, maybe Venus never liked water either)
Fire follows her like a shadow as Venus is aimless looking and waiting for her big mission. Heralds of Zaorva, in general, avoid water at any cost, so, of course, Kitty Pryde is not here.
The West Coast Avengers show up back up by the regular Avengers. Venus only shakes her head, why waste time fighting, the end is closer, is better spent time with your loved ones.
America tries to fly and land a punch, however, Venus merely blocks her powers.
"Child, stay with your friends, stay with your girlfriend. The end is near" Venus replied as America is glued to the ground. Patsy and She-Hulk tried to attack as well. Pantsy was petrified and She-Hulk was thrown to the other side of the city.
Scarlet Witch tries her unfamous hex, it did cause some damage, moreover, the damage was quickly healed as the red hair gaze upon the Scarlet Witch.
" You knew this day would come, the end of everything, stop fighting Wanda, stay with your brother, with your sons and niece, stay with the man you love enough to bring him back. He is just a human now, stay with him...make the last days on earth pleasant, don´t make this a battlefield" Venus instructed as Wanda is no longer flying. "The end is here"
"Are you one of his Herald?" Wanda asks not daring to say his name, she may have used dark magic to bring Vision back(and making him human) but, not even this would qualify Wanda to speak the name of this Elderly God.
"No, count your blessings, If I was...you all would be dead" the Venus looks into Wanda´s mind and smiles pleased "I knew, a true herald of her wouldn´t be near water"
And with a snap of her fingers, Venus leaves the place untouched as the great heroines are defeated and impossible to counterattack. ___________________________________ Venus is not the one to be subtle, especially in this occasion, Storm sends a violent rain, and Venus admits, it´s a pain in the ass, and it made the mood sour as Venus makes a fire rain punish the weather witch(not killing) for the travesty.
"Why waste time fighting? Please, stop and enjoy the life you all have" Venus instructed as the other X-men didn´t seem to listen. "All I want to is to meet the one called Kitty Pryde," Venus asked one more time as a petite woman jumps from her hidden location and decides to attack her with the spells she knows causing little no damage.
Venus watches the woman as studying her spells. It´s a different aura in this woman, not a regular Herald, not even a half crafted one. The woman is not what Venus was expecting.
(I like that my creations are spontaneous, if I make always the same thing, it would be boring)
"Kitty Pryde!" Venus tries to speak as Kitty is using another spell, attacking, with blue eyes...the hue is a bit familiar. The spells did help her friends to take the new students to the safer house leaving Kitty and Venus alone.
"I´m here, the Avengers told us you are looking for me, are you one of his...servants??"
"God, why everyone thinks that?" Venus shakes her head"No, I serve" then she chuckles humourless "served a much greater deity, anyway, I´m here to see if you are a herald of her too, but, you don´t have the same aura as mine or the others"
"Herald? Why I would be a herald? Are you here to destroy earth too?" Kitty asked with her glowing eyes and hands and Venus steps back as this scene is too similar to be ignored.
(I´ll protect this planet, Venus, I like this one, I want to see how they will carry on)
"No, I could ever destroy a creation of Zoarva, however, HIM wants to destroy this planet and no one dares to fight HIM" Venus explained not minding if she sounds cowardly or not. No one who faces him is alive to tell how it went.
Venus didn´t realize she is shivering, until, Kitty brought it up, as the woman falls on the ground.
"I have to take you to him, he asked me and...please, don´t make go back there with empty hands" Venus pleaded. Kitty comes closer and sits next to her.
"Ok, let´s talk, I´d feel there´s something missing here, so, first tell me why,"Kitty almost used his name but no one likes when she does that, "HIM, wants to destroy the planet"
"Because...Zaorva is killed by Chtulu and HIM being the supreme leader of the intergalactic court, ruler of the Outer Gods, ordered this planet´s execution, it was here that Zaorva was killed" Venus is crying, hot tears evaporate as soon it dwell on her eyes.
"I don´t really believe in that story," Kitty said looking at Venus as she is a small toddler, it´s odd how a minute ago she is ready to fight this woman and now she wants to ease her pain. Maybe, just maybe, Bobby is right and Kitty is the big mom friend."How can anyone be sure she was killed here? Where is her body?"
"She vanishes into thin air...but she maybe didn´t die here, but, Chtuly did murder her and this planet was in the equation" Venus explained. Kitty hummed silently at that.
"And why HIM wants me?" Kitty asked and now Venus laughs weakly.
"It must be a misunderstood, he thought you were his Herald or one of his creations, but, since you don´t have the same aura as mine nor of the Elder Bairns...you are just a witch with a new set of powers, nothing more than that" Venus explained hugging herself to calm her hot tears. Kitty gaze upon Venus and then summons something.
"Is because of this?" Venus jumps into the air looking at the shield like never saw one before, and judging by the particular shield she is watching that may be true.
"You have her shield? How? where did you get it? Why did she give to you? Are you really a herald? Maybe an unfinished project...but you are so different from my aura"
"Calm down, I have questions too, ok, first, this shield is mine, I never take from any place, when my magic manifest...the shield appears as well, I was 4 years old with a shield that could be bigger than my family´s car or be at the size of my back-pack" Kitty answers "I have no clue this once belong to Zaorva, again, the shield obeys me and only me. Now, I have no clue about the Herald thing, I don´t think I´m...no one tells me what to do"Kitty jokes.
"Then how can you have her shield? When she dies the shield vanishes into thin air..."Venus explained confused at the mere sight of the shield present to her eyes.
"As I said, I don´t think she was killed here, and those little details, do matter, do the Outer Gods have trials?"
"Yes, but...HIM is the one who judges, he is scary" Venus said and Kitty nods.
"You don´t need to be afraid, in fact, you seem to be a very dedicated Herald and does not wish to destroy this planet, how about we try to solve this out?" Kitty suggested, "HIM is scary, but, the man is in love with Zaorva and sure he does not wishes to punish the wrong planet over the real culprits, right?"
(Are you afraid, Venus? Yes Don´t be, I´m with you)
"The Pheonix told us a funny story...but the Pheonix is always wrong" Venus speaks not giving more details to Kitty "be aware, you may talk to him but there´s no guarantee you may return...he´s manipulative at the best"
"I know, I saw him more than once, guess what? He does not frighten me" Then Kitty offers her hand to Venus to rose up.
"I can see what she liked this planet so much, everyone here is unique"
(Why you like earth so much? Because, everyone on this planet, is unique and special in their own way, that´s very precious to me, Venus)
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andrewmoocow · 6 years
Steven Universe Secret Wars chapter 9: The Masters of Evil (originally posted on August 27, 2018)
AN: And we're back everyone! Oh boy oh boy Heart of the Crystal Gems is going to be (or at the time I would post this, was) a wild ride that I can't wait to take part in with my fellow SU fans. But now it's time we return to Earth-2013 for a bit to see how our heroes will win out against evil and save the universe. Please note that some scenes may be a bit disturbing, so reader discretion is advised.
"So these Crystal Gems, they call themselves, could they be mutants or perhaps aliens?" US Senator Robert Kelly asked while he, along with a few other political and military figures, held a secret meeting to discuss the Crystal Gems.
"Based off of what this young Ronaldo chap said on his blog, they are indeed aliens but where did they come from? Why are they here? What is their purpose?" government agent Everett Ross answered with questions of his own. "Any input Thunderbolt?"
"I fear they are not to be trusted!" General Thaddeus Ross declared pounding his fist on the table. "If what this blogger says is true, then they were responsible for the monster attacks, the disappearance of the ocean, the giant hand, the earthquakes, that Chitauri invasion and Thanos! We must take action immediately!"
"Calm yourself sir, might I recommend we wait until the time is right to act?" Ross's subordinate Glenn Talbot suggested. "Talbot is right gentlemen, maybe these so-called Gems could be of use to us." President Matthew Ellis, who organized the meeting, stated. "I especially see promise in their young sidekick with the shield. Reminds me a lot of Captain America."
"What is this about gemstones I hear?" another man with silvery white hair, blue eyes, a dark blue suit and a red tie announced stepping into the room. "It seems we have quite a collection of government powers in just one room."
"Secretary of defense Truman Marsh?! We thought you died!" Kelly exclaimed aghast at the sight of Marsh appearing before them after he had seemingly perished. "I guess reports of my demise were greatly exaggerated." Truman commented with a shrug before he sat down with the men. "So tell me my friends, what brings us all together here?"
"We're not telling you until you tell us how you're alive and well Truman, if that is your real name!" General Ross shouted. "Now, when were you born, when did you die and how?"
"I was born on July 10, 1968 in Jackson, Missouri and died on May 1, 2015 in quite a nasty car accident." the former secretary of defense answered putting up a charismatic facade, but they all knew something was up with him. "Now then, about these Crystal Gems gentlemen."
President Ellis finally gave up and began explaining. "Recently, there was a large spike in alien activity originating from a town in Delmarva called Beach City, which is home to a group of odd women known as the Crystal Gems. This spike rose higher when the alien warlord Thanos invaded the town and utterly clobbered the Gems."
"Oh really, and who else was present that time?" Marsh pressed for more questions.
"Aside from those Gems, others that were present were the Avengers and those Guardian weirdos." the president continued. "Among the Avengers were Captain Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Dr. Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, former S.H.I.E.L.D agents Natasha Romanoff & Clint Barton, Captain Carol Danvers, King T'Challa of Wakanda, Dr. Stephen Strange, Spider-Man, Dr. Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne."
Marsh's eyebrows perked when he heard Ellis mention Stark, Banner & Pym. "Well, I think I might know how to handle these Gems." he stated. "But I require that you play along with my ideas."
"Hear me, and rejoice! You have the privilege of being purged by the Great Titan." Ebony Maw, one of Thanos's minions, declared as he and the Black Order stood before the champions of Earth on Battleworld. "You may think this is suffering. No, it is salvation!" he continued on as the champions prepared to fight. The Crystal Gems & the Avengers were ready to put an end to Thanos's reign of terror while Jasper plotted on taking revenge on him for her late superior Pink Diamond. "The universal scales tip toward balance because of your fate. Smile, for even in death you have become children of Thanos."
"This is our plan everyone, we just mow them down, take on whatever else Thanos throws at us, then we blow his planet to bits and go home." Iron Man commanded.
"Hulk, Tony the Tiger, you go after Black Dwarf." he said to Hulk & Jasper. "Oscar, you and I knock Ebony Maw down a peg." he then turned to Peridot. "Nat & Woody Woodpecker go against Corvus, Danvers & LSP with Proxima Midnight and finally Garnet & Cap versus Supergiant. Are we clear on that?"
"I have one question." Pearl piped in. "Did you seriously just call me a woodpecker?!" she shouted in the billionaire's face. "Metal man got point, pointy woman kinda look like bird." Banner commented pointing at her nose before she covered it in embarrassment. "And who is this Tony the Tiger?" Jasper added. "Cereal mascot, his Frosted Flakes are just great!" Spider-Man answered. "But we don't have time to discuss food right now."
"Yes, now we fight." Garnet declared before leaping up and charging at Supergiant, who retaliated with an energy barrier while Ebony Maw summoned more Chitauri & Outriders with a snap of his fingers using his telepathy and the battle commenced.
It was at that first attack that the final battle for the fate of not just Earth, not just the human race, but all life in the universe has begun.
"Your abilities are inconsequential compared to ours!" Maw boasted tossing a crystal spire at Stark, who deflected it with a blast from his repulsors. "Yeah well I've got an alien kicking ass with me!" the armored genius responded punching him in the face. "Now Peri!"
"Just a fair warning, I'm still pretty rusty with these." Peridot cautioned aiming her plasma cannon at the minion of Thanos and fired, though she kind of missed as the energy ball bounced across the area before smacking Maw. "Hey, least you tried kid."
Elsewhere, Hulk, Jasper and Black Dwarf went all out against each other. "HULK SMASH DWARFIE, HULK HATE DWARFIE!" Bruce roared smashing as he always would while Dwarf slashed at the gamma beast's arm with his axe. "Surrender yourself monster! Thanos is almighty and his forces just as so!" Black Dwarf boasted. "Quit your bragging Dwarf and come and fight me!" Jasper challenged him. "Let me handle this Hulk, I've known him for far longer! Thousands of years even!"
"What makes you think you can best me like when we fought during the Rebellion?" Black Dwarf asked. The quartz simply responded by wordlessly grabbing him by the arm, smashing him into the ground, standing him up and then finishing it off by punching straight through his chest and grasped his literal heart in her large hand.
"You utter animal!" Black Dwarf gasped his final words before collapsing over dead. "Seems he's gotten weaker since we last fought." Jasper commented dropping her now deceased opponent's heart to the ground and stepping on it, much to the horror of everyone else present, even the remainder of the Black Order. "Jasper, what did you do?!" Steven cried in alarm. "That guy may have been evil, but deep down they were still-"
"Don't give me another about how all life is precious Rose!" Jasper interrupted the boy. "When you're faced with Thanos, it's either kill or be killed!" She then got an idea as she turned her attention to Ebony Maw. "Speaking of which..."
"Oh no, everybody retreat! Thanos is letting us die!" the Maw cried out before Jasper pounced him and hoisted him by the neck. "Uh, anyone not pissing themselves in fear wanna stop her?!" Hawkeye asked. "Allow me." Doctor Strange declared summoning a Crimson Chain of Cyttorak and wrapping it around Jasper's neck trying to pull her away. "No one try and stop me! Thanos has to pay!"
"Please great and powerful Thanos, spare my life!" Ebony Maw screamed for his master before his fear turned into rage. "So that I may exact my reven-" He didn't have enough time to swear revenge before Jasper snapped his neck before casually dropping his corpse to her feet. "By Odin's beard, she actually did it." Thor gasped. "Jasper may be violent, but not this violent." Lapis added. "I wonder if it has to do with Thanos."
Speaking of Thanos, he was too busy reveling in Jasper murdering his minions to even care. "It seems I have a potential new second in command." he muttered gleefully. "I suppose you find this satisfying as well my bride?" Lady Death only replied with a small grin. It may not have been any words out of her mouth, but it was something. "Yes, very satisfying milord." Mephisto stated. "But what of the others now?"
"Please Jasper, just stop! The Black Order don't matter now, Thanos might come down any moment!" Garnet warned Jasper. "Zip it fusion and let me exact my revenge!" the Gem warrior screamed before launching a spin attack straight at the remaining servants of the Mad Titan. "Quickly everyone, back to the moon!" Corvus ordered his surviving comrades and they made a run for it. Well, two of them did.
Before she even realized it, Supergiant was caught in the path of Jasper's attack and slammed into some nearby rubble, almost grinding her into nothing until her blood coated the Gem's hair. "Ah, feels like old times!" Jasper shouted with a sadistic grin. "Now go along you two, run back to your master. But tell him I'm coming."
The remains of the Black Order did as they were told before running off and were teleported away, presumably to Thanos's moon castle. Jasper's psycho smile then turned into a firm frown before turning back to her situational allies. "What are you all looking at?!"
"We've seen many lives taken during the war, but none as gruesome as this." Pearl mused. "And I never seen her this bloodhungry before." Amethyst added. "It seems she shares the same vitriol towards Thanos as we do, but prefers to vent it in a more physical manner." Black Panther deduced. "But what matters now is that we all work together to stop him."
"It seems the carnage has stopped for now your holiness." Mephisto deduced as the three deities watched the champions settle down from the tussle with the Black Order when suddenly, they heard Corvus and Proxima teleport into the temple, Corvus being especially furious over their master's betrayal.
"How could you Thanos?! You simply dropped us down there to be game for that Quartz!" he shouted at the titan who just rolled his eyes. "You two are supposed to be arch-enemies and now it seems you want her to become one of your new minions!"
Before the leader of the Black Order could speak any further, Thanos grabbed him by the neck and held him high in the air. "Perhaps you should think twice before speaking out against a tyrant like myself."
The Reality, Time & Soul Stones on the Infinity Gauntlet began to glow and before Corvus knew it, he found himself disappearing into dust. "What are you doing with me?!" he cried in terror. "Balancing the universe for my beloved, what else?" Thanos gave one last snide remark as his late second in command vanished with a loud scream and his glaive clattered onto the ground.
"No! No no no no no no no!" Proxima cried for her husband and picking up his weapon. "What did you do to him you monster?!" she screamed with nothing but sorrow and rage filling her eyes. "I suppose you would like to join him Midnight?" Thanos offered her preparing to disintegrate her just like Corvus. "Mephisto did say Hell is quite roomy."
Proxima Midnight simply said nothing before she plunged her late husband's namesake weapon into her chest & out her back and then, she finally collapsed dead on the floor before her master. Thanos gazed at her body before looking towards an Outrider. "Take her away." he simply commanded the alien soldier and it complied, picking her up and carrying her out.
"I suppose that pleased you as well my dear?" Thanos asked Death, but she gave no answer. "I shall take that as a yes." he answered for her before stepping outside his temple and gazing down upon the champions. "Now then, unleash the Masters of Evil!"
"Wait master, stop!" Mephisto cried interrupting his commands. "What is it that you want now Mephisto?" the Mad Titan inquired. "I have detected an unknown vessel headed straight for Battleworld, specifically the champions' current location!"
The alliance between the Avengers & the Crystal Gems had little time to rest before they spotted a familiar spaceship soaring towards them blasting "Cherry Bomb" by the Runaways. Both teams knew exactly who it was by the music alone, the Guardians of the Galaxy have come for them.
"What even is that horrible noise?" Jasper shouted covering her ears in disgust. "That's not noise, that's 70s punk rock!" Steven exclaimed. "And there's only one spaceship that could make an entrance with that." Pearl remarked.
"HERE WE COME TO SAVE THE DAA-AAY!" Star-Lord heroically declared flying the Milano downward. "How did we even manage to detect them so fast?!" Connie wondered standing next to him. "I don't know, maybe the author just wanted to introduce us faster." She-Hulk quipped before Wolverine glared at her again. "What did we say Jen?"
"Okay I'll stop the gag for good. Besides, Deadpool might appear someday too." Jen replied and Logan just responded to that with a facepalm. "That's exactly what I dread." he groaned. "We can banter later guys, look!" Wasp exclaimed pointing straight toward the group. "Excellent, let's touch down." Rocket said preparing for landing.
The Milano finally touched down and out of it came their cavalry. "Guys!" the Guardians exclaimed rushing toward their fellow heroes. "Steven!" Connie shouted running up to her best friend and hugging him. "We were all so worried for you!"
"And it seems the gang's all here! Hank, Jan, Parker, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, even Bucky!" Tony commented. "Good to see you're still alive Steve." Bucky greeted his old friend with a handshake followed by a hug. "Nice to see you too sergeant."
"I am Groot!" Groot shouted hugging Lapis and Peridot in his arms. "Groot, we missed you too!" the green Gem responded wrapping her metallic arms around the tree alien's neck. "I am Groot?" he wondered curious about his friend's new form. "Oh, these are just limb enhancers like the ones I had before I joined the Crystal Gems."
"So, you must be Jasper correct?" Rocket inquired to Jasper. "What kind of freak are you supposed to be?" the larger quartz wondered with a sneer. "Freak?! I ain't just a freak, I'm a one of a kind maniac! There ain't nobody else in this universe like me except me!"
"So how did you guys manage to find us?" Steven asked Spider-Man. "Why you can thank Scarlet Witch for tracking you down and Wolvy & Bucky for bringing us all together." the webslinger answered. "You're welcome kid, but let's stop being all heartfelt reunion-y with each other." Logan stated. "We still got a certain purple madman to take care of."
"Indeed my combatants. With the arrival of our new challengers, it's time we up the ante a bit." Thanos boomed from his moon and the champions were all surrounded in beams of light. "What's happening to us now?!" Ant-Man exclaimed. "Damn you foolish beacons, you cannot contain Drax!" Drax screamed trying to break free before he vanished along with Steven, Thor & Doctor Strange.
"Steven!" Pearl cried out before she vanished along with Carol, Natasha & Gamora, followed by Garnet, Amethyst, Bucky & Wasp, Spidey, Lapis, Mantis & Kamala, Connie, Hulk, Groot & Wolverine, Cap, Bismuth, Star-Lord & T'Challa and Stark, Peridot, Rocket & Pietro.
Next to vanish were Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Hank & Falcon and finally Jasper, Hawkeye, Yondu, Lion and She-Hulk.
"The game has been set and our warriors assembled." Thanos declared reclining in his throne with a devious smirk. "Let the Secret Wars begin."
The first to reappear were Connie's team in the middle of an abandoned gladiatorial arena. "Where the hell are we?" Wolverine wondered. "Hulk know this place." Banner stated. "Hulk's enemies sent him here long time ago. Hulk then become a gladiator and lead rebellion against red man alongside rock thing and bug."
"Speaking of red man, is he the one?" Connie asked pointing to a red-skinned male wearing a gold war-suit standing before them. "Well if it isn't my traitorous champion." the man calmly stated unsheathing his sword. "And it seems you have a few plus-ones."
"Who are you supposed to be?!" Connie exclaimed pulling out her own sword. "So this little morsel with her own sword doesn't know who I am? How very quaint." the war-suit clad man smirked. "I am Angmo-Asan II, deposed ruler of the planet Sakaar. But you may refer to me as the Red King." he introduced himself. "Now then, shall we engage in combat?"
"Don't take red man lightly, that war-suit is strong. But still not as strong as Hulk." Banner cautioned the smaller girl. "Well what are we waitin' for bub? Let's do it to it!" Logan exclaimed popping his claws and charging at the Red King, who reacted with a blast of flames from the palms of his war-suit. "Your claws are nothing to me miniscule lifeform! I only want the girl with the pink sword!"
"You mean me?" Connie asked. "Yes child, I have a feeling you might be gifted in the art of swordsmanship so that is why I choose you to face me!" Angmo-Asan stated. "Do you accept my challenge young one?" he offered pointing his weapon at her. Connie hesitantly looked back & forth between the fallen king and her blade before she finally put on a brave face and pointed it at Asan. "I accept your challenge!"
"I am Groot!" Groot cried out for her before Hulk shoved him aside. "No, we only step in if little girl is in trouble." he said in a surprisingly calm and rational tone. "Otherwise, this her fight."
"Are you ready yet young one?" the Red King asked Connie, who was busy repeating "Keep my stance wide, keep my body lowered." to herself before taking a fighting stance. "Okay, come at me!" she exclaimed and the two charged at one another. Angmo made the first move with a mighty thrust that Connie quickly dodged before parrying.
"You most certainly have good form, but I've had many years of training while you are simply a novice!" the former ruler of Sakaar bragged making another attack. "Well I trained under a professional who actually fought in a war!" Connie replied preparing to block, but failed and received a cut on her arm, dropping her sword. "Well it seems this teacher didn't train you enough. Now on your knees."
Connie was then forced to kneel before the Red King who then brought his blade to her neck, pretty much preparing to execute her. "Once I'm done here with you, the other fools here will be next and then the rest of your friends will fall to Thanos!" he shouted. "Any last requests?"
"Yeah," the girl said looking up at a large figure stepping behind her executioner with a smirk. "look behind you." she declared. Angmo was reluctant to comply until he turned to discover the Hulk, looking as furious as usual, standing right behind him before he roared. "HULK HATE WHEN BAD PEOPLE HURT KIDS!" he screamed. "NOW HULK GONNA SMASH YOU AGAIN, CAUSE HULK STRONGEST THERE IS!"
"Not if I smash you first!" the Red King shouted firing missiles out of his mechanical arms at Hulk before he was suddenly torn out of his war-suit and punched downward by the radioactive beast. Wolverine & Groot then took their turn pummeling him before the tyrant had his vacant mechanical armor tipped over by a still-injured Connie right on top of him, killing him off.
"Heh heh, now little king squashed." Hulk declared chuckling before he felt a sudden pain in his chest and regressed back into Bruce Banner. "Oh my gosh, Mr. Banner!" Connie exclaimed rushing to his side. "Are you alright? Steven has healing spit that'll help you!"
"You're worrying too much kid, it's just chest pains. And please call me Bruce." Banner said. "But speaking of which, let's get that scratch on your arm checked out." He then grabbed her by the limb and closely examined the wound given to her by the late ex-ruler of Sakaar. "Doesn't seem too severe, but we're gonna need some gauze just in case."
"So I suppose you're gonna need my help Bruce?" Logan asked. "That's exactly what I was gonna say. Use your claws to cut off a bit of my pants for her." The mutant complied, carefully slicing out a portion of Bruce's purple jeans with his metal claws and handed it to Groot, who neatly tied it around the wound. "There we go, just let it sit until we can find the others and you'll be right as rain."
"Thanks Bruce." Connie gratefully said before Groot walked over to the abandoned war-suit and started looking at it. "I am Groot!" he exclaimed pointing at the machine. "What is it Groot?" the gamma radiation genius asked. "I think he's trying to say that the Red King's suit might be of use to us somehow." Connie stated. "But how?"
"Well, let's just take it and camp out here until someone finds us." Wolverine suggested putting the suit back in an upright position before they all realized Angmo-Asan was suddenly missing. "What the?! Where did that scarlet sissy off too?!" Logan cursed in frustration. "He wouldn't be able to run off like a baby so what happened?!"
Unbeknownst to them, ashes were floating around the arena before they simply decided to brush it off and find somewhere to rest while being watched by an unknown figure in a black coat.
In a wasteland covered in black sludge, Spider-Man, Lapis Lazuli, Mantis and Ms. Marvel appeared out of beams of light before examining their surroundings. "Where are we guys?" Lapis wondered. "Judging by the fact we're in space and surrounded by black goo." Peter began before Kamala started speaking in unison with him. "We must be in symbiote territory!"
"Symbiotes? Aren't they those slime creatures that go searching for hosts?" Mantis asked her teammates. "Oh you bet they are Mantis! In fact, there's actually a few of them on Earth." Kamala stated. "Like Carnage, Toxin, Anti-Venom and the big man himself, Venom!"
"Speaking of which, I think I can see one that looks a lot like him." Peter shushed them all and they patiently waited for someone to appear. "And my Spider-Sense can't track this guy. Be on your guard everyone."
It wasn't long before the symbiote leaped from out of nowhere and let out a mighty roar. "Wait a minute, you too Venom?!" Peter exclaimed in shock. "You are indeed correct human, I am indeed similar to the symbiote on Earth that you are familiar with, but in reality I am not him!" the alien explained. "When Thanos arrived on Klyntar, he ordered that we bring him one of our own, which turned out to be me before he destroyed our planet and used its remains as part of Battleworld!"
"Enough talk, we came here to kick your butt!" Ms. Marvel cried enlarging her hands. "Embiggen!" She used her Inhuman powers to try and restrain the symbiote but sadly failed. "You are insignificant to me child, I only want someone who has suffered great pain to make myself stronger!" the symbiote exclaimed slithering out of her grasp. "And I think I know just the one."
Examining each of his other opponents, Venom used telepathy to take note of whatever they've been through. Reading Peter's mind, he discovered that he was still grieving the loved ones he's lost like his parents and his uncle. For Mantis, he learned she was taken from her home and used by a powerful being who lied about how she was destined for something greater.
But for Lapis, he was hit with a tsunami of trauma. Getting caught in the Rebellion, sealed in the mirror & interrogated after being mistaken for a Crystal Gem, left behind on Earth, taken by Pearl & being forgotten for thousands of years, eventually being released & returning to her home planet only to be imprisoned once again, trapping Jasper in Malachite & torturing her for revenge and finally leaving Earth with the barn thinking the Diamonds would attack.
"Oh yes, so much pain! Negativity is maximum!" Venom screeched leaping toward Lapis and latching onto her. "Hey, what are you doing?!" the Gem cried trying to flee from the symbiote's grasp. "Gaining more power! Our abilities combined would make us unstoppable!"
"No please, let me go!" Lapis screamed in terror, not wanting to relive Malachite all over again. "I've already suffered enough!" she continued struggling but to no avail. "Don't worry Lapis, I'll save you!" Peter called out firing a web-line to stop Venom, only for the ooze creature to latch himself onto it. "Oh, walked right into that one!"
"A Gem combined with Spider-Man, this has to be a dream!" Venom cheered as he prepared to possess the two of them. "Uh guys, could use a little help here!" the webslinger exclaimed to Kamala & Mantis. "I can't keep him contained, he'll just slip out!" the young NuHuman said before she turned to the Guardian. "Wait a minute! Mantis, what can you do?"
"Well I can do lots of things like feeling the emotions of people I touch and put others to sleep." Mantis stated. "And symbiotes have a weakness to sonic frequencies, I think we got it!" Kamala declared. "I'm gonna need you to make it go to sleep Manty, but it's gonna be risky! That thing loves taking other's bodies, and it doesn't have any money to buy them dinner!"
"But what if he has money?" Mantis asked. "It's a figure of speech, now get him!" Ms. Marvel shouted and the alien obeyed with a nod, racing toward the symbiote with her hands out. "Another one wants to join I see! Well there's always enough room for everyone!"
"Don't worry you guys, I'll save you!" Mantis cried placing her hands on the symbiote's gooey form and briefly felt herself about to become one with him before she prepared to unleash her powers. "Go...to..." she muttered while her antennae glowed and Venom felt an odd sensation before he realized what was going to happen. "Oh no." he cried before Mantis let her abilities loose. "SLEEEEEP!"
The alien screamed in pain as he accidentally freed Lapis & Spidey from his grasp, wincing at the soundwaves making him tremble. "Now's our chance!" Lapis exclaimed forming Venom's liquid form into a ball before Spider-Man covered it with his webs. "Go Kamala!"
"You got it!" Ms. Marvel exclaimed tossing her enlarged fist back before giving the balled-up Venom a devastating punch, sending him off to parts unknown. "I will return!" he screamed before he became nothing but another star in the sky.
"Woohoo, we did it!" Peter cried hugging Lapis in celebration. "Yeah, you did it. I was nothing but some damsel in distress like in some of those movies." the ocean Gem said solemnly. "It was all thanks to you three that I wasn't made the slave of some goo monster."
"Aw don't feel like that buddy, I loved how you squished Venom into a little ball long enough for Peter to web him up." Kamala reassured her. "Yes, you don't have to keep being so hard on yourself. Maybe someday you can become a Crystal Gem and fight alongside your friends, especially Peridot." Mantis added. "Speaking of which, we all make a pretty good team."
"You're right Mantis. Which one of you was struck with a bolt of brilliance to find out Venom's weakness?" Spider-Man asked. "It was thanks to my extensive knowledge of supers combined with Mantis's powers that saved your asses." Ms. Marvel bragged. "But what do we do now? Seems like the others might still be fighting."
"I suggest we just camp out here until someone finds us." Lapis suggested sitting down. "At least we won't have to worry about that thing menacing us now."
"That sounds like a great idea. Too bad we don't have marshmallows and a campfire." Peter snarked and the four of them laughed, while a figure in a black cloak watched over them.
Next up was Pearl, Gamora, Black Widow and Captain Marvel appearing in the middle of a futuristic city. "Where are we?" Pearl wondered examining her surroundings before bringing forth her spear. "I recognize this place. This is obviously Hala, the home planet of the Kree race." Carol explained. "Though given the lack of wars and general unrest around here, I'd say Thanos put them on the snapping block too."
"Indeed he has!" a blue-skinned woman in green armor declared from on top of a building. Jumping down, Gamora immediately recognized their opponent. "Hala the Accuser. Who would've guessed Thanos would make you one of his minions?"
"Thanos promised that he would lock the Kree in an eternal war in exchange for my services." Hala declared pointing her staff at the four women. "But why would you want one when Thanos basically got rid of your army?!" Pearl exclaimed preparing for combat. "Sounds a bit counter-productive, I must say."
"Enough talk, fight me!" Hala exclaimed charging at them, staff at the ready. Tossing it like a javelin, Pearl narrowly avoided it before stabbing Hala in the torso, puncturing her armor. "Now girls!"
Natasha then fired her pistols before following up with a high kick that sent the Kree Accuser flying into a building. And speaking of flying, Captain Marvel charged at the villainess at high speeds, tackling Hala and pushing her through several buildings before dropping her to the ground, where she was greeted with Gamora socking her in the face and disarming her with her sword.
"It's over Hala. We've won." the former minion of Thanos declared pointing at their defeated opponent with her own staff. "No, you don't understand! If I dare lose to you, Thanos will unleash a power unlike any other!" the Accuser cried begging for mercy before she realized that her hand was already turning to dust, followed by the rest of her arm and then her entire being.
"So if his minions lose to us, they're disintegrated?!" Pearl cried out in horror. "Even if Hala was a criminal wanted across tons of galaxies, she definitely didn't deserve to end up like nothing." Danvers responded picking up her staff. There was a brief moment of silence between the four women for their fallen opponent before they split up to investigate the city while a black-covered figure watched them from high above.
Iron Man, Peridot, Rocket and Quicksilver reappeared on what looked like the Great Wall of China, but it was surrounded by rather futuristic architecture and heaps of metal near it. "So, who we fightin' now?" Rocket inquired before they heard a faint rumbling noise followed by a loud roar. Suddenly, a large green Chinese-esque dragon wearing purple made an entrance before the group, roaring once again to strike fear into them.
"Oh, hey Fin Fang Foom." Tony casually greeted the beast who glared at him in response. "A Makluan?! We gotta run!" Peridot screamed running as fast as her limb enhancers could. "You have no idea what you're up against Stark, that thing is an absolute monster!"
"What are you so scared about Dottie? I've faced this guy tons of times before, I can handle him." the Armored Avenger declared before the alien dragon swiped at him, but Tony managed to blast off at the right moment and joined Peridot in hiding.
"Oh I see, this is the classic scenario where the knight in shining armor and his trusted companions have to guard the princess from the fearsome dragon." Quicksilver snarked. "I'll provide cover while you guys think of a plan. I've known him longer so that oughta distract him longer." Tony decided before flying toward the Makluan. "Hey Godzilla, you missed me?!"
"How could I not Stark?" Fin Fang Foom growled launching a wave of fire at the Avenger. "Thanks to Thanos, I have grown so much stronger than you!" he boasted striking his human nemesis down with a knife block, but Stark responded with one last repulsor blast before he crashed down at Rocket's paws. "Anything guys?"
"Well, while you were nearly digging your own grave, Pietro, Rocket and I have decided on one plan that can take him down." Peridot explained. "And that's build a giant laser cannon!" Rocket exclaimed laughing madly. "We're just gonna need tons of scrap metal lying around to help us here."
"Oh look at that, we're practically surrounded by all the junk we need!" Quicksilver exclaimed spreading his arms out to get the others to notice the materials they required. "Okay, while you guys work on the thing I'll go and distract him next."
"Good plan Sonic." Tony answered before he began getting to work on gathering the metal. Meanwhile Peridot worked together with Rocket on the schematics of the cannon. "So we're going to need a static engine for this one? You got any P?" the raccoon stated. "I'm sure my limb enhancers could provide a good substitute. To wit, if you can help me take them off."
"Well how does that work anyway?" Rocket asked jiggling at the Gem's metallic foot. "I think you might need to press the yellow diamond on the knees and elbows." Peridot suggested while demonstrating how to do so with her left limb. "See?"
"Uh guys, any minute now!" Pietro cried continuing to run from Fin Fang Foom. "Give it time Gonzales, never rush genius you know!" Peridot shouted before Tony finally returned with the scraps they needed. "Got 'em all gang! Let's get to work!"
While the three geniuses got to work on constructing the laser cannon, Quicksilver on the other hand was running for his life away from the dragon alien who continued to launch fire from his mouth. "Why am I running like this?! I ain't no coward!" he said to himself. "I'm a damned Avenger, and ain't no one is going to bring me down!"
Just as he made his bold declaration, time suddenly skidded to a halt. Everything was completely frozen in place except for the speedster himself who took advantage of this to further inflict damage on the Makluan beast. Pietro sped forward with a strong uppercut before kicking him in the eye. He then finished it off with a punch to the dragon's privates with a giggle just as time returned to normal.
Fin Fang Foom collapsed howling in pain from the mutant's attack before getting up and glaring furiously at him. "IGNORANT WHELP!" he screamed preparing to finish things once and for all before he was met with a laser blast to the face.
Turning around, Foom discovered Iron Man now with a large cannon attached to his arm made up of various metals including Peridot's limb enhancers. "How do you like them apples Ord?!" Tony shouted charging it up again before firing at will, this time sending it straight for the Makluan's mouth. "I hope you're hungry!"
"I've had enough of this! DIE!" Fin Fang Foom finally snapped preparing to kill them all before he suddenly froze, falling flat on his face and revealing a figure in a black coat behind him. "Uh, what just happened? Who are you?" Rocket asked as the dragon faded away and the figure descended to the ground, extending his hand in lieu of speaking.
In a facsimile of the planet Xandar, Captain America, Bismuth, Star-Lord and Black Panther were next to spawn. "Geez, seems like they get attacked every other month or something!" Peter quipped. "You think this is where Thanos got his first Infinity Stone?"
"We have no time, look alive!" Bismuth shouted shoving the leading Guardian out of the path of an attack from their old enemy Titus. "Star-Lord, it's about time we faced each other again."
"Oh hey big guy, how's being put on trial by Homeworld for kidnapping a high-ranking Gem doing?" Star-Lord exclaimed cheerfully, though in actuality it was just an insult. "For your information you rapscallion, your Ravager partner had made that all up to stain my reputation! If he were here instead of you, I'd be even happier to annihilate him." Titus shouted. "Now lay down and face my vengeance."
"Leave him alone cat man!" Bismuth shouted smacking the ex-Nova Corpsman in the face with her hammer hand. "You have no right to assault an officer of the law like that you Bismuth!" Titus yelled before he felt his head being smacked by Captain America's shield. "You're no law enforcement, you're just as much of a criminal as the ones you claim to hunt down!"
"You are a disgrace to the Nova Corps if you think your mangled view of justice is cool!" Bismuth shouted preparing to engage him. "I may go to great lengths to do what I think is right, but I'm crossing the line at punishing those who look at me funny!"
"I like her." Quill commented. "Me too, I admire her passion." Rogers added as the fight between the blacksmith and the ex-Supernova continued on. "Shouldn't we try assisting her?" T'Challa suggested. "She may be strong, but I believe her alone won't be enough."
"Way ahead of you Sylvester!" Star-Lord shouted flying over to Titus and tackling him from behind. "Get off me you rat!" Titus screamed trying to toss the Guardian off his back before he was met with Black Panther slashing his face and damaging his cybernetic eye. "Again?!"
"Now!" Bismuth shouted before the captain charged at Titus & backed up his laser cannon with his famous shield. Titus tried to fight back by firing from his mechanical limb, but the shield's Vibranium construct combined with the amount of built-up energy caused a massive explosion that destroyed the arm.
"Good work everyone. Now then, let's signal the others and find someone to converge." Cap stated before they heard Titus whimpering in fear. "No, please! I can't die like this!" he cried out beginning to collapse into dust. "Thanos promised that I would regain my status in exchange for serving him, but he never told me about this part of the deal!"
"Wait, deal?" Bismuth shouted just as Titus finally faded away for good. "It's possible that all the villains Thanos has recruited might've also asked for something in exchange for their services but if they failed him, they would be eliminated." the king of Wakanda deduced. "But now we must ask, where do we go from here?"
Unknown to Black Panther, his question would be answered in the form of a mysterious figure in a black coat watching them from atop a building.
Next up were the team consisting of Jasper, Hawkeye, Yondu, Lion & She-Hulk along with War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Ant-Man and Falcon on a landscape that proved to be familiar to the Ravager. "Skrullos?! Seems like we're facing the queen and her lackey now."
"Oh goody, those two again." Jennifer flatly added. "I can only assume you faced them before?" Jasper asked the jade giantess. "You bet. They held a big secret invasion of Earth where they replaced tons of people, including me!" Pym explained. "That was a very humiliating experience for myself."
Suddenly the aforementioned shapeshifters appeared before the eight of them, the Skrull queen Veranke and her minion Kl'rt, the Super-Skrull. "Now doesn't this seem unfair? Eight of them against just the two of us." the Skrull commented before his master shushed him. "No matter my most loyal servant. We shall find a way to take advantage of this."
Lion quietly snarled at the green aliens before stepping to Hank's side. "So what are your reasons for siding with Thanos?" the scientist wondered. "Simple. If we destroy you here, Thanos will reward us with changing the timeline so that our invasion was successful." the Super-Skrull answered preparing for a fight. "And we refuse to let you get in our way!"
"That's what you think." Jasper challenged him cracking her knuckles and charging toward Kl'rt. The Skrull stretched his arms and grabbed her mid-charge, tossing the Gem around a bit before smashing her on the ground. "Don't think I can go down that easily!"
With that, the rest of the party charged toward Veranke who retaliated by ordering tons of turrets & droids at her beck and call. "Terminate them my machines!" she cried before they all fired at will. The seven of them fought back with all their might against the Skrull queen's mechanical minions.
"Remember, Veranke herself is our current objective!" Hank commanded growing larger and stepping on a platoon of robots. "You got that right doc!" Jen replied crushing another between her thighs before she saw Jasper grab the Super-Skrull by the arm and toss him around like a toy. "And I like her style!"
"Never thought I'd hear a human praising me." Jasper mused taking notice of the heroine's compliments. "But no matter, after I take down these two Thanos will be mine!" She then landed the finishing blow, tossing Kl'rt into an array of turrets, putting him in their path and eliminating him.
"Nice throw there Jasper!" Rhodey called before firing at will at the machines. Meanwhile with Vision and Wanda, they were standing back to back while Sam soared overhead and Yondu rode on Lion's back sending his Yaka arrow flying towards more turrets. "All right Vis, what's our next move?" the witch asked her lover. "I suggest that I phase through them while you mind control them into attacking one another, giving me enough time to sneak attack them."
"Good plan there my dear." Vision agreed and he faded away, leaving his beloved to curse the machines into attacking one another. As the robots began fighting amongst themselves, a large laser beam appeared from out of nowhere and reduced them all to scrap metal, its owner revealing himself as Vision.
As for Falcon, he flew straight for Veranke guns blazing and letting out a war cry, but she simply dodged them all before being tackled by Jasper. "Do you yield your highness?!" the quartz snarled gripping her arms before she began fading away into dust. "What?!"
"My queen, no!" Kl'rt screamed for his master as he disintegrated as well. "Could this be what happens to Thanos's minions when they fail him?" Hank wondered. "Because this definitely has Infinity Stones written all over it."
"It most likely is." Jasper concurred. "But one has to ask what did the Skrulls ask for in return." Just then, a figure dressed in all black appeared before them, emitting a mysterious air around him.
Next up were Garnet, Amethyst, Bucky and Wasp. "So which one are we gonna face now? Annihilus, Blastaar, maybe even Galactus?!" the small Gem asked excitedly. "None of the above Amethyst." Bucky answered, much to her disappointment. "But speaking of Galactus..."
The old soldier pointed upward to a humanoid male figure on what looked like a surfboard hovering down to them, a male that Bucky and Janet recognized very well. "The Silver Surfer?!" Wasp cried in shock. "How did Thanos find a way to brainwash him?!"
"It is simple mortal! When Thanos discovered me, he brought me under his control as one of his most powerful lackeys with the Mind Stone! And I stand here today as the Dark Surfer, your personal executioner!"
"A herald of Galactus? Impossible." Garnet muttered in fear of what someone with the Power Cosmic could do. "We have to break Thanos's control over the Surfer, he could help us out against him!"
"Roger wilco G!" Amethyst shouted tying the Surfer down with her whips. The herald struggled to free himself before he was met with a stinger blast from Janet in his emerald eyes. "What is the meaning of this?! Let me go!" the Dark Surfer screamed before becoming trapped in a headlock by Garnet. She then discovered an odd orange bulb growing on the back of his head. "That must be what's controlling him!"
"What, that little thing? Doesn't seem too hard. Just pop it and we'll be done here." Amethyst remarked just as the Dark Surfer finally broke free and flew off. "Aw dang it!"
"We got to time it just right and shoot the damn thing!" Bucky stated loading his gun. "I only got one shot at this." He carefully aimed his rifle at the bulb on the Surfer's back, making sure he had a clear view of it before finally firing. The bullet sailed skyward toward the bulb and pierced straight into it, making the bulb burst and splatter all over the Surfer's head as he reverted to his more recognizable silver coloring and crashed into the ground. "Target eliminated!"
"Must...reach...Strange..." the Silver Surfer muttered slowly regaining control of his mind. "What is he talking about?" Amethyst wondered. "He must be talking about the doctor, probably wanting to find him and talk about Thanos." Garnet deduced. "Please Surfer, tell us your business!"
"I wanted...to warn him." Norrin Rad groaned in pain. "Great danger, coming this way. Must be stopped!" The Surfer then began screaming in terror. "His arrival could herald the end of the universe! THANOS IS COMING!"
"Uh newsflash Bender, we already kinda got the message." Amethyst snarked before the herald grabbed her shoulders. "They're all dying! Billions upon billions of souls are blinking out of existence! Horrible, not a one knew what struck them!" the Surfer continued his rant before Garnet finally silenced him. "We know! Thanos has brought us all here to fight his minions and stop him! Tell us, how did he brainwash you?"
"Apologies for panicking my friends." the Silver Surfer apologized sitting down on his board. "The last thing I remember before Thanos found me was flying down to Earth to warn Doctor Strange about the Mad Titan's reign of terror before the Black Order captured me and used one of the Infinity Stones to make me his puppet. Since I was the only soul among his Masters of Evil that didn't make a deal with him, that must mean I won't be disintegrated like the others."
"That's good to know buddy, but how do we get out of here?" Janet wondered sitting down next to Silver. "I think I may know someone. Look."
The Surfer pointed toward a figure in black standing before them and smiled at him.
The final group to spawn were Steven, Thor, Doctor Strange and Drax in a locale that looked insanely familiar to the young Gem. "Is this Homeworld?" he wondered looking around at the architecture, including the large white statue in the distance. "By Odin's beard, did Thanos strike here as well?" Thor gasped in astonishment. "Indeed he did brother."
Loki suddenly appeared with a dastardly smirk on his face ready to face the four of them. "Loki, you're with Thanos too?!" Steven cried summoning his shield. "Of course I am child. But I'm not the only one." the God of Mischief replied gesturing upward to a large pillar of light that collapsed to reveal none other than Yellow and Blue Diamond.
"The Diamonds!" Steven cried in alarm. "My God." Strange added in amazement. "As I live and breathe. I've only heard stories about how my father participated in the Rebellion, but I never thought I'd be facing two of the Diamonds today." Thor stated beginning to reminisce on tales of days long past. "I still remember the story of how he lost his eye that day."
In the heat of the great war between the Crystal Gems & their newfound allies against both the Gem Homeworld and Thanos, the Allfather Odin stood back to back with Rose Quartz against an army of Topazes.
"Seems like we've bitten off more than we can chew." the leader of the Crystal Gems commented. "Do not fret my comrade! You've shown great vigor in recruiting us to your cause along with Wakanda, Atlantis, the Vishanti, the Inhumans, En Sabah Nur & K'un-L'un and we shall show that same vigor here today!" Odin declared spotting the first foe within his sight. "I suppose that white light must be their leader."
"White light?" Rose stuttered turning back to Odin in fear. "Odin, you have no idea what you're getting into! That's-" she tried to warn him but her words fell on deaf ears. "A chance for me to show these Homeworlders what I've got!" the Allfather boomed running away from his pink comrade. "For the Nine Realms!"
Roaring like an animal as he plowed through Homeworld Gems and Thanos's forces, Odin saw the white light get closer to him. "Come and fight me you filthy Diamond!" he screamed jumping high into the air with Gungnir at the ready, tossing it straight at the light.
Only for it to come flying back towards him and striking him in his right eye. The Asgardian king screamed in pain as he fell to the ground with his beloved queen Frigga being the first to rush to his side.
"I remember that man quite well." Yellow Diamond commented. "He was quite loud and foolhardy back in the day, but I assumed he wised up a bit after he lost his eye to White. But back on the subject at hand, now all of you will have to meet the same fate, especially Rose."
"For the last time, I'm not Rose!" Steven cried trying to correct the monarch before Doctor Strange shushed him. "Stand down Steven, you are quite strong on your own, but are nothing compared to two Diamonds." he stated. "Well what if they're nothing compared to me?!" Drax hollered running toward the two Gems with his daggers prepared and laughing like a madman. "Come and face me giant women!"
"No." Blue Diamond simply said striking him down with just a finger before glaring at the remaining three. "And as for all of you." she snarled just as the Sorcerer Supreme stepped forth. "I've faced quite a lot of galactic menaces, but I never knew I'd face two Diamonds." he declared summoning forth a pair of glowing red bands and flying forward. "By the Crimson Chains of Cyttorak!"
Strange tossed his arm out and entangled Yellow with the chains, but she freed herself by touching them with an electric shock, leaving the doctor open for Blue to attack next. Strange created a portal that brought him a short distance away to break his fall and prepared another spell. "By the Bolts of Balthakk!"
"Get him my Diamond!" Yellow Pearl cried from the stands with Blue Pearl sitting next to her. "What she said."
As the fight between Strange and the Diamonds raged on, Thor and Loki began locking horns once more. "What do you seek to gain from siding with Thanos again brother?!" the thunder god asked striking his adoptive brother in the face with Mjolnir. "Surely you realize that failing him with only result in horrific punishment!"
"He would've spared my life if I didn't fail him here like last time." Loki explained. "And even because of that, I still won't go easy on you regardless!" He jabbed at his adoptive brother with his spear and knocked him out cold with his magic.
Meanwhile, Steven was trying to sneak across the battlefield away from the Diamonds before he suddenly came across Drax lying down on the ground after being attacked by Blue Diamond. "Are you okay Drax?" the boy asked the destroyer as he got up. "I am very okay, for I am alive!" Drax declared proudly. "Ha-ha-ha-ha, screw you giant women!"
"I wouldn't say that if I were you Drax." Steven winced as the destroyer's insult caught Yellow's attention and she charged toward the two, preparing to assault the boy before she was stopped by Thor. "What?!" she shouted clashing with the Asgardian. "Stop this Odinson, the brat is mine!"
"What are you doing Thor?! You just abandoned me so you can save a simple child!" Loki whined. "Please everyone, stop fighting and listen to me!" Steven urged everyone. "Thanos is using the three of you as his puppets, and if you fail him, who knows what he could do!"
"Don't try and brainwash me Rose!" Yellow screamed shoving Thor out of the way and nearly stomping on Steven once and for all before she was halted by Loki of all people. "This boy is right. The Mad Titan has played us all for fools and I suppose we all know what happens when we lose."
"Loki is right, Thanos would destroy us." Blue Diamond agreed with the trickster god. "Although we naturally oppose one another, he's a greater threat to everyone." she stated and Yellow just facepalmed in exasperation. "I can't believe I'm going to do this." she muttered before turning to Steven. "Okay little one, how about this? We join forces to defeat Thanos once and for all. But this is only temporary, since you are a Crystal Gem."
"Very well then. But we need a place to stay and make plans." Strange stated before they all spotted a black cloaked male appearing out of nowhere and gesturing toward a futuristic metropolis. "Well, speak of the devil."
Meanwhile Thanos was watching everything play out from his moon shrine and looking very furious. "First the Surfer and now them?!" he roared raising his Gauntlet to the air. "They all will pay!"
"Wait master!" Mephisto cried breaking his blind rage. "I have a solution to this. Why don't I settle things myself?" he offered with a smug grin which Thanos returned. "Very well then Mephisto. You may depart, and make sure not to fail me like all the others."
"Duly noted oh great and powerful Mad Titan." the Prince of Devils replied kneeling before the dark lord. "My humble personage bows before your grandeur." The demon then disappeared from the palace, leaving Thanos smirking and Lady Death still stood motionless by his side.
Journeying their way to the metropolis, Steven attempted to make small talk with the cloaked figure. "Uh, excuse me sir but I have a few questions." he said. "Who are you, what do you want with us, where are we going?"
The figure gave no answer and continued floating forward. "And why does nobody answer when I ask important questions?" Steven mumbled before they heard a rumbling sound followed by a mad cackle. "That laugh." Loki gasped just as Mephisto appeared before the group. "So what do we have here?! The boy, his little defenders and a couple of traitors too!"
"Mephisto! You're gonna pay for scaring the Gems back on Titan!" Steven shouted preparing his shield. "Oh I'm not interested in you for the moment boy. I only want the Diamonds." Mephisto stated turning to the two monarchs. "Look at you! You're supposed to be among the most powerful beings in the cosmos and yet here you are subservient to someone you could crush underfoot!"
"Insult us all you want demon, but perhaps we could do the same to you." Yellow said preparing to strike Mephisto down before Thanos suddenly appeared. "That is what you think Yellow." the Titan declared appearing out of a portal behind the demon. "I'd like to have a word with you Mephisto."
"Why master, couldn't you arrive until after I terminated them?" Mephisto asked before he was grabbed by the neck and pulled up to Thanos's gaze. "I know you have something planned for me demon. Tell me what it is and I promise your humiliation will be less painful!" he threatened. "I refuse Thanos! Was this your own plan for me, to obliterate me when you realized my endgame?!" the devil cried fearfully.
Thanos only answered by punching him skyward with the Gauntlet and forcing him down with the Reality Stone, making sure to smash him deep into the ground. "Do you yield Mephisto. Or do you fall?"
Mephisto gave out a frightened yelp before he vanished into thin air, leaving Thanos disappointed and everyone else aghast. "Keep in mind that this is only a preview of what I can do with the Infinity Gauntlet. If I decided to, I could wipe out all of you and everyone else on this planet with just the snap of a finger. But that's for later. As for now, I'm watching you."
Thanos turned his back and began to walk away before stopping for a moment to gaze at the cloaked man. "And I'm also watching you in particular." he stated getting back to walking and then he slowly vanished. "What did he mean by that?" Steven asked glancing at their mysterious rescuer before they continued onward to the metropolis.
"There, this should last us for a while!" Connie declared rubbing some pieces of wood together given to her by Groot to make a fire. "Thanks for giving me the wood Groot."
"I am Groot." Groot replied before Rocket spoke up. "So, the gang's pretty much all here!" he stated reclining on Bismuth's shoulder. "We're all a bunch of jackasses around a campfire brought back together by some jackass we don't know about who thinks he's all mysterious by dressing in clothes that completely hide him and not speak at all!"
"Hey, speaking of the gang being all here, there's still someone missing." Amethyst remarked. "What about Steven?" she asked. "That's right. We're still missing Steven, Point Break, Dumbledore and Tattoos." Iron Man answered. Just then they heard a familiar voice. "Hey guys!"
"Oh speak of the devil and he shall appear." Hawkeye snarked as Steven finally reunited with the other heroes. "Steven!" the Crystal Gems cried rushing to hug the child. "We were all so worried for you Steven!" Pearl exclaimed. "Who were you up against, how'd you do, what happened after that?" Amethyst asked. "We're just happy you're all right if you can't tell." Garnet calmly remarked. "And it's good to see the rest of you as well."
"Thank you Garnet. I can assure all of you fought well today." Thor proclaimed. "Actually my friends, it's not just us four that came here." Doctor Strange nervously stated turning around and gesturing something forward, that something being Loki, the Diamonds and their Pearls. "Surprise!" Loki exclaimed with a mischievous grin on his face while Yellow just face-palmed.
Everybody present was completely at a loss for words at the sight of three of their enemies before them, especially Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Hulk, Bismuth, Pearl and Lapis.
"I'm sorry, am I dreaming or are the Diamonds standing right in front of us and not wanting us dead?!" the blacksmith exclaimed trying to comprehend what's going on. "Aw geez, for the record miss, we didn't capture her because there was this big guy trying to kill us." Rocket groaned. "And I suppose you also heard about how he "kidnapped" one of your own."
"T-the Diamonds?! Steven, are you crazy?!" Lapis began to panic and tried to fly away before she felt her ankle entangled in a string of web. "Lapis, wait!" Spider-Man cried out trying to pull her down. "Man, you're tough! Can someone give me a hand?"
"I got this long-legs." Rocket stated firing an electric net launcher that managed to bring Lapis back to the ground. "Look Tidal, I know you're kinda afraid of Homeworld and you don't wanna do anything with them, but I don't think you would abandon everyone else all willy-nilly!"
"I know Rocket, but you've met them before. Why aren't you as afraid?" Lapis asked beginning to calm down. "Because trust me blue, I've met far worse people than those two." the mercenary stated before Spidey decided to speak. "And I know what it's like to run away. You remember how I mentioned how many times I was like Spider-Man no more, right?"
"Yeah. Can you give me one reason you quit one time?" Lapis asked. "It was because I lost someone close to me one faithful night. This someone was the only girl I ever loved and this villain just took her away from me." Peter answered. "She got much better and became a crimefighter in her own right, but that night still haunts me even today."
"Who was this girl?" Lapis asked again, but Peter started to get a bit teary-eyed under his mask and dodged the question. "That's not important! But what's important is that you don't always have to run away thinking that can instantly solve your problems. You gotta face them head on." he said bringing the Gem in for a hug, who returned it with a smile. "Thanks Pete."
"Okay, it was fun being sentimental and all that, but let's just discuss the REALLY big elephant in the room." Star-Lord exclaimed. "Just who, the hell, are you?!" he exclaimed to the cloaked figure, who simply sighed and actually said a full sentence. "Well, you got me."
The man finally ditched the cloak to reveal his red hair & red and white bodysuit under a brown leather jacket. Out of everyone, this man caught the eyes of the Avengers and Steven. "Don't you just hate it when you have to not talk to keep being mysterious?" the man snarked. "Bet you all didn't see me coming."
"Eros?" Cap gasped in astonishment. "I'm sorry, who?" Amethyst said. "I remember him. Thanos made him appear in my dream." Steven said. "Are you Thanos's brother?"
"Of course I am sport. What's your name?" Eros asked Steven. "My name is Steven Universe, and these are all my friends the Crystal Gems." the boy introduced himself and the Gems. "Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Connie, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli and Bismuth. And there's also Jasper and Yellow & Blue Diamond."
"You got a whole harem of Gems? Oh baby, why couldn't I have your life?!" Eros exclaimed before trying to make his move on Garnet. "Hey there sweetheart, name's Eros, but the ladies call me Starfox!" he purred sensually. "You know among all the types of babes I usually fall for, the strong silent types are usually among my faves."
"Say another word or I'll make sure you're physically incapable of talking." Garnet calmly threatened Starfox, who nervously backed away in response. "Okay, I'll cut it out! Sheesh, can't please everyone."
"Tell us Eros, why have you assembled us all here? Not just us, but some of our enemies as well!" Thor asked the Eternal. "Funny story Goldilocks. In fact, the Gems here are the very reason I assembled y'all here today." Starfox explained before apologizing to Steven. "And I sincerely apologize for calling them your harem kid, I didn't realize it was kind of a touchy subject and I won't bring it up again. Capiche?"
"So he and Thanos are brothers?" Lapis wondered. "I seriously don't get why there are so many siblings that look nothing like one another." she deadpanned much to Loki's chagrin. "I told you back on Asgard, I'm adopted!"
"Okay so gather round ladies and germs, it'll be like telling stories around the fire!" Starfox coaxed them all into sitting with him around Connie's impromptu campfire. "So you all know Thanos, right? Big scary guy that wants to wipe out half of the universe because some lady told him everything was getting too big which somehow turned him on? Well what if I told you-"
"That it was because he was ostracized by his people for looking different?" Steven interrupted the Eternal's explanation. "Correctamundo squirt!" Eros applauded him before getting back to his story. "Anyway, when our peaceful little planet of Titan was doomed due to some ecological crisis, Thanos had the bright idea of killing off half of its population to save the rest. And to them, it was a big no-no and they kicked him out!"
"So being shunned by his people, then exiled because his way of solving a problem was too drastic?" Connie wondered. "You know now that you tell us, I can actually understand where he's coming from."
"Nice assumption there sweetheart. Moving on, Thanos thought he was finally lost until he heard of Lady Death, who also thought that the universe was getting too big and a match made in Hell was born." Starfox continued telling his story. "She gave him his own army to carry out her wishes and the first thing he did? Kill off half the people of Titan before that crisis could call dibs."
The Eternal continued on before Steven tapped Gamora on the back. "Uh Gamora, there's something Pearl and I want to tell you." he said to the Zenwhoberi. "Yondu, Cap and Bucky need to hear this as well."
"Why, is something the matter kid?" Bucky asked while the two Gems led them somewhere hidden from the rest of the party. "Something is the matter, and I couldn't stand not telling you." Steven continued before letting out a solemn sigh. "It's about Rose."
"Why, what about Rose?" Rogers wondered before the boy motioned for Pearl to speak. "Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond." she revealed to the four of them, to their absolute shock and confusion. "What the?!" Yondu gasped turning his head back & forth between the two rebels and the Diamonds. "You mean to tell me I was helping one of them all those years back?"
"Exactly. Which begs the question, how did you get involved with Rose? You should be like really old right about now." Steven wondered. "As a matter of fact kid, I often forget when I first met her and Pearl." Yondu explained scratching his chin. "Maybe it was thousands of years ago or maybe on my way to fetch Quill for his pappy, I don't know."
"As for me, I have a much clearer answer: time travel." Gamora stated. "Among the various training regiments he put his children through were sending us to the distant past to assist his younger self. And yet somehow this didn't alter the timeline. It's just as nonsensical as it sounds."
"So a tyrant was helping us fight tyrants. Talk about cruel irony." Bucky muttered before turning to his best friend. "What are your thoughts Steve? You seem awfully quiet."
The captain let out a sigh and finally began to speak. "Listen, I want to be mad, I want to feel betrayed but I just can't because I've been through this before." Steve stated before looking at Bucky and then at Tony in the distance. "Sometimes when you've hidden a secret for so long, it can have disastrous consequences when it gets out. Does anyone else know yet?"
"No, just me and Pearl for now. Maybe we should break it to the other Gems when all is said and done." Steven answered before he felt his idol's hands touch his shoulders. "Trust me Steven, no matter how they feel about it, I'm sure things will turn out fine nonetheless." he confirmed with a warm smile. "Now come on, let's go rejoin the others."
The six rejoined everyone else around the fire as Starfox's story ended. "Hey guys, where were you? Y'all missed the best part!" he exclaimed. "I was on my feet against Thanos, like a man-"
"I think we've heard enough you." Yellow Diamond interrupted him. "Now then, how about we rest up and think of a plan?" she suggested. "That's good big lady, but let's leave the plan making to me." Stark cockily stated much to her frustration. "I'm a natural leader and strategist here! Leave this to a professional!"
"Big talk coming from someone with such a long neck!" Tony insulted the monarch. "Speaking of which, how's the weather up there?!" he continued jeering. "If we weren't on the same side, I'd kill you on the spot." Yellow growled and the two continued arguing. It was about to reach a boiling point before Star-Lord interrupted them both. "Guys guys, calm down! Why don't we let me do the planning? After all, there'd be less risk of being murdered by giant women or your dignity tainted by someone with an ego huger than his mansion?"
There was dead silence between the Homeworld monarch and the armored human before Tony simply said "Wow."
The next morning, the champions had awakened and assembled before Captain America. "Okay everyone, today we finish this." the captain declared. "We've been under Thanos's thumb for far too long and it's about time we make him pay. Now we may be naturally opposed to one another, but today we stand together as one against a common threat. As Gems, as gods, as heroes, as humans, as-"
"As my prey." Thanos boomed appearing seemingly out of nowhere to everyone's alarm. "Were you spying on us the whole time?!" Garnet exclaimed as they all geared up for battle. "You could say that my dear Garnet." the Mad Titan answered. "I could just wipe all of you out with just my fingers, but I'd rather extinguish you all one at a time. Starting with you brother."
"Long time no see Big T, when's the last time we ever clashed?" Starfox asked, his voice now more serious yet still keeping a laid-back tone. "Been about like 500 years ago? Lost count after another hundred." The Eternal cracked his knuckles and prepared for a rematch years in the making and zooming forward with cosmic energy surrounding his hands before Thanos punched him in the face, sending him flying across the city.
However, Eros got up with only a few bruises and stated "Is that the best you got?" He let out a mighty yell charging at his brother again and unleashed a mighty uppercut that sent him sky high. "Get out while you still can guys!"
"But what about you?" Peridot exclaimed preparing to flee. "I'll be alright, I can take Thanos!" Starfox said. As for Thanos himself, he was descending back towards the ground when he noticed his trusted stasis gun falling with him. Seeing this as an opportunity to please Death, he grabbed it and aimed at the fleeing champions. "I've got you in my sights!"
Thanos pulled the trigger and fired a bolt at Connie, who didn't notice it until she heard someone scream in pain. That someone was Hawkeye, putting himself in harm's way all for the life of a fellow skilled human in a world of superpowered beings.
"Clint!" the other five main Avengers cried out for their teammate rushing to their side. "Are you okay Clint?! Please speak to us!" Natasha shouted shaking her partner's unconscious form. "I'm okay guys, just a serious concussion." the archer groaned. "And I'm feeling a bit numb in my shooting arm."
Just then, Eros was tossed back to the ragtag band of saviors by Thanos who was looking rather furious. "You've gotten soft brother! I demand a real challenge!" the titan boomed. "I'd like to take that offer." Jasper declared stepping forward. "Are you nuts Jasper?! You know how strong Thanos is!" Amethyst cried to her fellow quartz. "I know runt, but if I die here then I'm going to die settling things with Thanos once and for all."
"Very well then Jasper. I've been waiting for that rematch for the past thousands of years." Thanos stated removing his armor and getting into a fighting stance. "Go ahead, give me all you got."
"With pleasure titan. But first," Jasper said before she turned to Steven and the others. "all of you outta here, now!" she commanded. "Why Jasper?!" Steven exclaimed before he was cut off by a loud "GOOO!"
"Well, you heard the big lady." Tony commanded leading everyone else away from the city. "Is there a place where we can recover?" he asked. "Let's go back to Earth! Well, the fake Earth really, but you know what I mean." Steven suggested as he and Connie hopped on Lion's back. The boy only looked back at Jasper as her final showdown with the Mad Titan began and he only said "Not right now Steven, not right now."
The two brutes screamed at one another as their fists locked together. They struggled to push each other down until Jasper gave in, collapsing to the ground before Thanos leapt high into the air. "Is that all you got?!" the soldier roared spindashing straight toward him. "Because I've got more for you!"
"Come on!" Thanos boomed opening himself up and catching Jasper in his arms, holding her in a bear hug. "Don't underestimate me monster!" she howled giving her arch-rival a mighty headbutt, freeing her from his grasp and the two fell back down to the ground. "I have to say Jasper, you haven't gotten rusty one bit."
"Ditto Thanos. But when I'm done, your precious Gauntlet will be nothing but rust!" Jasper cried charging towards the dark lord again, but she was knocked down with a single punch that sent her flying into a nearby building, making it topple to the ground.
When she finally came to amongst the rubble, Jasper pulled her hair from her eyes to find a familiar face that she thought was long gone. "M-my Diamond?" she stuttered at the very sight at her late superior Pink Diamond standing before her. "I can't believe it, you're here! You were never shattered! I am just so happy to see you again!" Jasper began crying before taking a knee. "Tell me, what are your orders?"
Pink Diamond opened her mouth and began to speak, but she was interrupted by Thanos's large hand striking her in the torso where her gem was and smashed it in his hands, killing her. "I know what it is like to lose my dearest Jasper." the titan said cupping her chin and budging her head to meet his gaze. "To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail all the same."
"You-you monster! You couldn't!" Jasper screamed before she spotted some teal spikes growing on her arm. "No, no! I can't go through this again!" she cried. "The mind is a fickle thing, isn't it? One moment you're seeing things, and the next you feel like you're going mad." Thanos continued revealing the glowing Mind & Reality Stones in his gauntlet. "And reality can often be mundane as well. But not anyone with these stones, one of which I used to heal your corruption. Sadly, it seems to be wearing off."
"Sadly?! SADLY?! The only thing that's sad is that you used my greatest failure against me!" Jasper howled as her corruption worsened. "And yet here you are kicking back as millions die under your thumb! I may be a brute, but I know where to cross the line!"
"But the universe and its resources are finite my friend. If those are left unchecked, life will simply cease to exist. At least, that is what Death made me believe when we first met." Thanos continued without a care for his opponent's condition. "I must ask you my friend, any final wishes?"
"Please...tell me what really happened to her." Jasper gasped finally giving up hope. With a smug grin on his purple face, Thanos gave no answer. "Y-you, you insane bastard!" were the quartz's final words before she fully became corrupted once more, a quadrupedal beast with spikes adorning her form, a lack of eyes and sharp teeth.
"I am truly sorry." Thanos muttered with a hint of actual regret in his tone before he grabbed Jasper's gem and ripped it from her face, poofing her. "You were a mighty opponent Jasper, but alas. There must always be a clear winner." he commended his inactive foe before dropping the gem on the ground and stepping on it, shattering her once and for all. Without a word, he turned the other way and stepped through a portal back to his shrine to Death.
However in the distance, the Silver Surfer remained behind to spectate on the fight and with a solemn bow of his head, he returned to the others.
Upon finally arriving at the facsimile of Beach City, the group took a moment to catch their breath. "That was just intense! Felt like we were gonna die there!" Amethyst exclaimed falling flat on her back. "Indeed, half of the time I felt like we were going to be crushed by debris." Pearl added sitting down on the deck. "Hey wait a minute, aren't we missing someone?"
"Yeah, where the hell did Silver Bells go?" Wolverine asked when just then, Norrin returned to them. "Where were you big boy?" Starfox asked him. "And what happened to the big lady?"
The ex-herald of Galactus was silent for a moment before finally giving an answer. "She's dead." This proved to be a great shock to our champions as they took a moment of silence to honor Jasper's sacrifice against Thanos.
"What now?" Thor asked breaking the silence. "Well normally I would have something made to kick his ass, but we got nothing right now." Tony replied before Groot spoke up. "I am Groot!" he exclaimed pointing at Pearl's gem. "Oh that's right, you gave me the Red King's warsuit in case we needed it." she stated. "So we're going to need your help Stark."
"Good idea big guy, but we need to buy some time in case Thanos tries to show his ugly mug at us." Tony remarked. "Seems like we're gonna need all the help we can get here. Rocket, Thor, Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth, you're gonna help us make a godkiller. The rest of you go take him on until we're ready."
"But who's gonna lead us against him?" Connie asked before looking at her best friend. "Me? But I'm not ready yet!" Steven exclaimed before Garnet calmed him down. "Then consider this your first leadership training exercise." she benignly declared. "Garnet's right Steven, you were born to lead the Gems just like your mother before you." Captain America stated. "Don't feel so scared right now, we'll all be with you every step of the way."
"As Gems." Yellow Diamond added. "As gods." Thor followed up. "As humans." Connie said holding her friend's hand. "As heroes." Spider-Man declared. "As champions." Pearl said. With those words of encouragement, Steven turned to face the horizon before them with his shield raised up high. "Thank you everyone." he thanked them all before letting out a battle cry of "Ultimate Alliance, assemble!"
This was a day unlike any other where the forces of good and evil were forced to band together under a common threat. Although their conflicting alignments prove to be a problem, they knew they had to set their differences aside for the final battle. On that day, the Ultimate Alliance was born.
And that was it for The Masters of Evil! Sorry to keep you waiting everyone, but hopefully this was all worth it! Join us next time for the final battle with Thanos in Forever Fight as One. But for now, I think I'm going to take a load off and maybe get back on a smaller story. That's right, we are really truly going back to the clash between One Punch Man's Saitama and Villainous's Black Hat in Black Fist! Until then, catch ya later.
Dedicated to Steve Ditko
November 2, 1927-June 29, 2018
Without your strange mind, we wouldn't have gotten such spectacular characters.
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keinart · 6 years
Helio Character Introduction
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Another Monday another update. This time I’ll focus on the second most voted character of the poll: Helio. This young, healthy, honest, and optimistic guy taking the second ranking position was a surprise to me personally, but I guess his design is interesting and cool, right? He even carries a sword everywhere with him but do not worry he’s not a bad person, the opposite, he aims to become a hero.
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Once again Naguri did a great job designing Helio. At first we were really doubtful about making him wear a cape or not. It fits really well with his character, but at the same time it would have been too much considering the rest of the cast and the general weather during the game. We wanted to give him a bit of a chuuni and main character from a shonen aura, but without going too far either to avoid making him stand too much. He’s a bit shy and reserved, so despite he wanting to be special it wouldn’t have fit his personality going so far.
Helio mixes very well this early XXs feel together with some small chuuni elements like the sword or the gloves. At the same time however his honest and pure expression and his hair, especially his ahoge, make him look a lot like a possible protagonist, right? This was the main concept behind Helio’s character creation: he’s a main character, the protagonist from your usual novels, anime, or manga, but with a twist into it.
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His flower is the Heliotrope, but we wanted to make him a bit more strong and passionate so we went for red as the main color since other characters already had these colors and we wanted some variety. This way also it fits better with his determination to save everyone, resolve the incident... and become a hero.
Helio main trait as a character is his dream to become a hero. He’s just a normal guy, a nice guy to boot, someone who was tired of his old life and that finds a bit exciting all the events that are happening around him. All of this is probably due to the influence of his geeky ways, a guy with a Peter Pan complex that wishes he could live a different life -- like that from his video games, books, and movies.
Despite all this, or maybe precisely because of the current situation, he keeps the optimism and hope around the group always high, trying to help whenever he can and always looking for possible solutions to the incident. In desperate situations like this, naive people like him are key, and without realizing it he may be more important to the group that he thinks.
All this creates a contradiction in his character however. His previous life was boring and always wanted to become a hero, but at what price? He doubts himself about his aspirations and feelings, but tries to hide it always behind his always radiant smile.
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Helio is a bit childish in that sense, he’s like our own teenager self. He’s naive, gullible, honest, pure. It is pretty impressive he has managed to survive in this game for so long.
Where this childish attitude becomes more obvious is around girls. He blushes a lot around all the girls in the castle, and becomes a bit shy with them. He can’t really handle women and his white knight features are obvious. Something Violet uses continuously to tease him, but always in a good sense of course.
This may be particularly true with you, Cinque. He truly looks eager to help you and spend time with you despite this particular social anxiety of him. How would you react to that I wonder? Well, that’s will be up to you once you play the game!
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Helio is a really interesting character but a bit painful to write. Good guys are generally bad for writers, because good guys are predictable and are usually only useful to act as the straight man during comedy segments.
Helio however is special.
He sometimes looks dejected, his internal conflict feels realistic and his attitude is based in a younger me making him probably the most believable character of the bunch. I think this was the main reason why it was painful, because he represents a precious internal part of me, and his evolution and development through the game is complex.
Nice guys are usually boring in stories. They work in heroic stories and epic, but we respect heroes in the first place because they fight evil. What would happen if there’s no evil though? Helio will have a lot of internal strifes during the game, making him a rich character narrative speaking. I wanted to break the conventions about all these “main-characters” we all know, love and find usually in media.
His story is about heroism, meaning, psyque, responsibility, slavery, and destiny. This honest boy will surely break your expectations in more ways than one. Look forward to it, I hope you all enjoy that little part of me present on him and maybe see reflected yourselves on him too.
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Otro lunes otra actualización. Esta vez voy a centrarme en el segundo personaje más votado de la encuesta: Helio. Este joven, sano, honesto y chico optimista me ha sorprendido tomando la segunda posición, pero supongo que su diseño es bastante interesante, ¿verdad? Lleva incluso una espada a todas partes, pero no te preocupes porque no es una mala persona, lo contrario, Helio intenta convertirse en un héroe.
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Naguri hizo una vez más un gran trabajo diseñando a Helio. Al comienzo dudamos mucho respecto a hacer que llevase una capa o no. Encaja muy bien con su personaje pero al mismo tiempo habría sido demasiado considerando al resto de personajes y el clima durante el juego. Queríamos que tuviera un pequeño aire chuuni y de personaje principal de shonen, aunque sin pasarse ya que no queríamos que destacase demasiado respecto al resto del grupo. Es un poco tímido y cortado, así que a pesar de que a él le gustaría destacar no encajaría demasiado con su actitud llegar tan lejos.
El estilo de Helio mezcla este estilo de comienzos de siglo junto con algunos elementos chuuni como los guantes y la espada. Al mismo tiempo esa expresión honesta y pura junto con su pelo, en especial el ahoge, le hace parece como un personaje protagonista, ¿no es así? Esta era la idea principal detrás de su concepto: que pareciese un protagonista, igual que el protagonista habitual de tus novelas, anime o manga, pero con un giro respecto a él que personalmente no he visto en otros medios y creo que encontraréis interesante.
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Su flor es el Heliotropo, pero quisimos que pareciese un poco más fuerte y pasional así que usamos el rojo como su color principal ya que otros personajes ya presentaban colores como el de la flor y queríamos algo de variedad. Además de esta forma encaja mucho mejor con esa determinación y actitud de querer salvarlos a todos, resolver el incidente... y convertirse en un héroe.
Su principal característica como personaje es su sueño de convertirse en héroe. No es nada más que un chico normal, un buen chico de hecho, una persona que estaba cansado de su antigua vida y encuentra incluso un poco emocionante todos los eventos que están ocurriendo en torno a él. Todo esto se debe más que probablemente a lo friki que es. Helio sufre de un complejo de Peter Pan en el que desearía vivir una vida mucho más acorde a sus videojuegos, libros y películas.
A pesar de todo esto, o quizás precisamente por ello, Helio siempre mantiene su entusiasmo y optimismo altos en torno al grupo, intentando ayudar y buscar por soluciones. En situaciones desesperadas como estas, gete con cierta inocencia pueden ser clave, y sin darse cuenta puede que sea mucho más importante para el grupo de lo que piensa.
Todo esto crea una contradicción consigo mismo sin embargo. Su vida anterior era aburrida y siempre quiso convertirse en un héroe, ¿pero a qué precio? Helio duda sobre sí mismo, sus aspiraciones y sus sentimientos, pero siempre intenta esconderlos detrás de su radiante sonrisa.
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Helio puede resultar un poco infantil en ese sentido, como nuestro yo adolescente. Es inocente, ingenuo, honesto, puro. Es bastante increíble que haya sobrevivido en un juego como este tanto tiempo.
Donde puede comprobarse mejor esta faceta infantil suya es respecto a las chicas. Helio tiende a ruborizarse constantemente en torno a las chicas del castillo, volviéndose tímido. No lleva muy bien el tratar con mujeres, y su complejo de caballero blanco son muy obvias. Algo por lo que Violet le está constantemente tomando el pelo, aunque en el buen sentido por supuesto.
Esto último puede que sea particularmente cierto respecto a ti, Cinque. Ya que Helio siempre parece dispuesto a ayudarte y a pasar tiempo contigo a pesar de esta ansiedad social. ¿Cómo vas a reaccionar a esos avances cuando llegue el momento? Bueno, eso dependerá de ti una vez juegues el juego.
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Helio es un personaje interesante pero que me ha costado escribirlo. Gente buena como él son generalmente algo malo para un escritor, porque los chicos buenos son predecibles y no suelen servir para mucho más aparte de hacer de la voz de la razón durante segmentos de comedia.
Helio sin embargo es especial.
Helio a veces parece deprimido, sus conflictos internos son realistas y su actitud están basados en una versión más joven de mí mismo convirtiéndolo probablemente en el personaje más verosímil del grupo. Creo que este es el motivo principal por el que me ha costado, porque representar sus conflictos internos era representar una parte de mí, y su evolución y desarrollo durante el juego son complejos.
La gente buena en las historias son aburridos. Funcionan durante épicas heroicas, pero respetamos a los héroes ya que luchan contra el mal. ¿Qué es lo que pasaría si no existe ningún mal sin embargo? Helio es un personaje con toda clase de tribulaciones internas durante el juego lo que lo convierte en un personaje muy rico a nivel de narrativa. Con él quería romper las convenciones respecto a estos “protagonistas” que todos conocemos, queremos, y estamos acostumbrados.
Su historia es una de heroísmo, significado, psique, responsabilidad, esclavitud, y destino. El chico inocente y honesto romperá vuestras expectativas de diversas formas. Espero que disfrutéis con esa pequeña parte de mí, y puede incluso que os veáis reflejados en él también.
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Well, Sh*t, Diana
I’m not a fan of the DCEU. I think they make capeflicks the wrong way. Sure, i absolutely understand there is artistic merit in he creation process and i do love a different interpretation of a character but there are certain elements that absolutely have to hit in order to make your version of the character, true to the core character. Spider-Man is a geek, Iron Man is an arrogant asshole with a heart of gold, and cap is a roided out boy scout. Unless the character has some nebulous history, like Donna Troy or Captain Marvel, the blue print for creating the characters is right there. Someone needs to be in charge to make sure you follow the plan. someone needs to be the one to reel you in when you stray too far from what’s been established before you go from Batman to Rorschach I know it sounds like i don’t like DC but that’s not true. I love them. Not as much as Marvel but i still dig their stories. Mostly. Hell, The Dark Knight is one of my all-time favorite films. I’m not saying they need to be as good as that but at least give me recognizable version of the characters, especially when there are excellent adaptions like this out there for comparison. Just because you CALL your movie a Superman movie, doesn’t mean it IS a Superman movie, ya dig? With that in mind, here’s hat i thought of Wonder Woman 1984.
The Good
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman hits it out of the ark. This is the best I've ever seen her act in her short career. Look, i know she’s been doing it for a while now, but it's be honest; Wonder Woman is literally the strongest role she’s had to date. The emotional complexity of Diana Prince is easily the most nuanced character Gadot has ever played to this point and it took a while for her to really nail that as a reality. WW84 really demonstrates how Gadot has finally found a happy medium between her acting ability and the strengths of the character. I was a little sus when she was cast originally but immediately got on board when it turned out that she as the best thing about BvS. Since then, shes continued to grow with the character and seeing the ultimate version of her interpretation was a joy to watch.
Chris Pine as Steve Trevor was Chris Pine. Look, he’s great at his job. Dude knows his range and he stays in that lane perfectly. This makes his characters kind of same-t, you’d be hard-pressed to tell me the difference between Trevor and his version of Kirk, but I'm not mad either way. It’s always a delight seeing he show up to steal a few scenes then disappearing before overstaying his welcome.
I legitimately love the chemistry between Gadot and Pine. They are great together onscreen and it really lends a bit of authenticity to their relationship in the film. The way Trevor returns is wonky as f*ck and I'll get into that in a minute, but it was good to see him up there with Diana, for sure.
Pedro Pascal as this version of Maxwell Lord was pretty okay. I generally enjoy Pascal’s work, specifically on The Mandalorian and GoT, and he executes here to that inspired degree. He does an able job being a different kind of foil to Diana’s different kind of hero and it all works. Even if this version of the character does not.
Kristen Wiig’s Barbara Minerva was delightful. Look, i love Wiig, man. She’s great in everything she’s in. There is a charisma to her that only the very best SNL alumni can claim to have and it makes it really difficult not to root for Wiig in her projects. I mean, i paid money to see her version of Ghostbusters! Legit disappointed with that nonsense but i went because i like Wiig and she was the star. I was not disappointed in her performance as Minerva. No, she was exceptional as that character. I was, however, put off by her version of Cheetah but I'll get to that, too...
This movie is gorgeous. I’m an Eighties baby so seeing that whole aesthetic is always fun. Takes me back to when i was young. Part of the reason i love Stranger Things is because of that nostalgia. WW84 doesn’t execute as thoroughly as that show in their Reagan era retro run, but it’s serviceable. Big hair, big shoulders, big colors; It’s all there and it’s fantastic.
The effects are a little hit or miss but, overall, they’re okay. Certain aspects of this film’s super abilities, that fantastical sh*t which makes this a capeflick, could have been visualized better but i get why they weren’t. Most of my gripes with this type of stuff are nitpicks and you get over them pretty quickly. Most, not all.
Patty Jenkins is getting more and more comfortable behind the camera in films like this. The action in WW84 is much more detailed, much better shot, than in it’s predecessor. Free from Snyder’s grimdark influence, we have a relatively bright, relatively light, take on Wondy akin to the old camp from the Seventies show and i kind of dig it. It’ a choice and i commend Jenkins for making it.
The score is great. I mean, it’s Hans Zimmer, man. When does he ever drop the ball on sh*t like this? His score is actually incredibly important to this flick. There’s not a lot of action in it, thing is almost a character study or morality parable dressed up as a capeflick, so you need that extra impact to get you over the expository hump. Simmer delivers this with a delicate and powerful companion soundtrack. One could make the argument that this score is the best thing about Wonder Woman 84. I’m not, but one could.
The Monkey's Paw effect was executed pretty well in this flick. I was surprised by the level of escalation and how it all kind of made sense. I'd say that the writing was great because of that but it really isn't, just this one aspect.
That Lynda Carter cameo, tho.
The Bad
I hate this plot so much, man. The overall narrative is goddamn convoluted and a little inept. The primary conflict seems incredibly forced and the absolute hurdles this thing had to do in order to shoehorn Trevor back into the story is f*cking disappointing. It’s effectively Heaven Can Wait with Amazons, magic wishes, furry nudity, and Eighties excess. This sounds like a dope ass anime but it’s not. It’s a wonky, uneven, adequate time spent with contrived nonsense.
This is easily some of the weakest dialogue I've ever heard in my life. I cannot stress enough that I absolutely understand this is a capeflick so I'm not expecting Shakespeare but at least give me something better than this.
I hate this version of Maxwell Lord. Look, in the book, this dude was evil Batman. He bested the entire Justice league, every last one of them, with his sheer brilliance and terrifying capability. He achieved absolute victory over DC’s heroes prompting Diana to literally break his neck to rob him of his triumph. It’s wild to see. She actually thinks about it. Wonder Woman pauses, contemplates her options, and them murders Lord in cold blood, in front of Superman, and just walks away from dude’s corpse! It was brutal and understand. Maxwell Lord was a f*cking problem and he was only going to get worse. WW84′s version is not a problem and could have been much, much, better.
Full-blown Cheetah is gross looking. The effects for her wholly CG body are f*cking terrible, man. Obviously, they frame this “fight” at night to hide all of that but it’s still really, really, bad. I understand that there’s a budget that you have to hit but, f*ck, you couldn’t give me Rebirth version of Cheetah with two hundred million dollars? Word? I shouldn’t be surprised about this, all of the DCEU CG villains look like sh*t, but how hard is it to execute Cheetah properly? The Mortal Kombat guys did it for a game but you can’t do it for a movie? Really?
This feels like a throwback capeflick and i have a real issue with that. Of course, i like the old versions of superhero movies. Donner’s Superman and Burton’s Batman will always mean a great deal to me but we are beyond that now. We have a better understanding of how to do this now. It’s a legitimate film genre with prestige pieces and everything. Why the f*ck are we looking back instead of forward with this movie? I imagine the cartoonish nature of this movie was a conscious choice by Jenkins but it definitely feels like a miscalculation on her part.
There are a great many plot holes and loose threads left unexplored. Why didn't Barbara lose her powers when Maxwell lost his? That convoy really didn't see them f*cking kids in the road? How and why did she go full Cheetah for that matter? Why does Steve look like himself to Diana when he doesn't even look like himself to himself? How the f*ck did Barbara just walk into the whole ass White House like that? While on the the subject of Barbara, what the f*ck was the cost of her wish? Was the the Cheetah thing? None of that was very clear. Will Stagg get out of prison for the tax fraud thing in the beginning? I get that I shouldn't b e analyzing this movie to the extent that I am but it's so loose with its own internal logic, I can't help it.
Two and a half hours is a real big ask, man. This flick did not need this run time. You could easily trim thirty to forty minutes off this thing and still have a really compelling watch. As it is, there's too much time for the pacing to get dumb and, boy, does it get dumb.
The Verdict
Wonder Woman 1984 isn’t a Wondy flick. It’s a generic superhero vehicle that happens to have Diana slotted in the pole position. You could have put any character and their main love interest in these roles and it would have worked out fine with little to no tweaking. This sequel feels uninspired in a lot of ways. It’s completely devoid of the emotional weight that first run carried. I can’t say it’s terrible, though, because i know what else is in the catalog to this point. WW84 is still one of the best in the DCEU and that says way more about the franchise than it does this flick. It’s not all bad, however. I did enjoy Gadot as Wondy. She’s come a long way and you can see just how comfortable she is as Diana. Chris Pine is going to Chris Pine. His Steve Trevor is, once again, the best thing about this movie. Rather, his and Gadot’s chemistry is the best thing about this movie. The newcomers are pretty okay as well.
I always enjoy Pedro Pascal and this version of Maxwell Lord ain’t terrible but it is way too different from the core character for me to really get on board Just write a different character, you know? Nothing on the page about this version of Lord, come anywhere near the violent mastermind from the books and i think that’s a very real missed opportunity. I was a little sus of the Kristen Wiig casting for Barbara Minerva but she pulled it off. I really enjoyed her as Cheetah literally until she actually be Cheetah. i was curious why the marketing refused to show her in full-blown Cheetara mode and, when i saw it, i understood. They should have let those effects cook a little longer. That’s the theme of this entire flick, though, wen i think about it; Sh*t should have cooked a little longer.
WW84 is a decent watch, if a little long in the tooth. It;s mad campy, saccharine sweet at points, and is definitely a capeflick envisioned through the eyes of a woman. It’s not bad, mind you, it’s just not that good, either. Everything seems almost but not quite. The villains are almost compelling but not quite. Diana’s entire arc in this seems almost cathartic but not quite. The necessity of Steve Trevor seems justified but not quite. This thing just misses the mark and yet, somehow, it’s still one of the best in the DCEU catalog. hat sh*t just boggles my mind, man. If you know your Amazonian lore like i do, this film can be frustrating at time. If you’re a fan of the DCEU, you’ll probably enjoy this flick. If you’re a fan of this version of the Wondy myths, then 84 is definitely for you. There is enough other stuff here to entertain and distract so it’s an okay time overall. The first one is still the best out of the lot, though.
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platinumjeon · 7 years
Be Patient - Hospital Patient!Yoongi//Chapter 2
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Summary: You’re a new intern at St. Mathis General Hospital and Min Yoongi is your first and most annoying patient.
Comedy/Angst/Fluff/Smut (later on)
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Length: 2249
Click for Chapter 1 here
                                                      CHAPTER 2
The next morning was a total blur. Katy The Nurse™ had found you once again the day before just to hand you more yellow folders and to send you right back to the conference room with the big mahogany table. After she left you, you stuck your middle finger up at the door, wishing she knew how much you already hated her.
As it turns out, you can’t change your first patient, and you were lucky enough to get stuck with the infant-like man child that was Min Yoongi. “An attractive..man child, I guess,” you mutter, walking into the building again that morning. You had lied awake all night wondering why a gorgeous boy, who you thought was familiar looking, was admitted to a hospital. You also thought the friend of Min Yoongi’s that you so awkwardly ran into like a bulldozer was so familiar as well, but brushed it off as being paranoid.
Walking up to the front desk, you’ve decided that it’s time to get serious. “Min Soo, I need my files.” You say, your nose in the air but glancing down at the young secretary (who was honestly, probably your age anyway, but she didn’t need to know that). Min Soo just glared up at you, and slapped the yellow folder on the desk that you already knew oh so well.
“Your first patient’s file has been updated, don’t go around asking what’s wrong with him this time. He told one of the nurses.” Min Soo said plainly, going back to her phone conversation. Your lip snagged between your teeth to prevent a growl that threatened to come out thanks to Min Soo’s attitude, and you snatched the folder before flipping it open to read the contents.
The file listed his basic information, and also doted what must be an old photograph of Min Yoongi with bright, mint colored hair and a rosy pink blush settled on his cheeks. He looked so happy, with a gummy smile spread across his face as if someone just told a joke so bad it was funny. The curiosity you had for this boy only grew as your eyes floated down to the information below the basics.
“Min Yoongi is an idol,” you said to yourself, eyebrows scrunched in confusion, “Alright then.” The file closes with a snap and you lock the folder under your arm, deciding that you were gonna be sassy to Min Yoongi right back. Just like yesterday, a surge of confidence pooled in your chest and you knew today was going to be better than yesterday, it just had to be.
You arrive at the room where Min Yoongi resides, and the room is full of light and the black haired boy’s incessant and intolerable hollering. The TV was on full blast, the scorekeepers shouts echoed around the plain, white room. You see the flowers that Pretty Boy came in with yesterday, the ones you had knocked from his hands and awkwardly handed back before running off. Maybe Pretty Boy will visit again today, and decide that’s what you hope to get out of visiting Min Yoongi this time around.
In the middle of one of his chants, you saunter into the room, the files gripped in a fist.
“You don’t look so exhausted to me.”
Yoongi rips his eyes from the TV to look you up and down, scrutinizing your scrubs and the hand on your hip. His eyes catch on the yellow folder, staring at his name written across the top in now clear, black Sharpie. ‘What are you doing, Y/N? Keep yourself together, breathe, this is where you become the one in charge,’ you say to yourself as butterflies seemed to rise up in your stomach and flow through your veins like electricity.
Yoongi drops his hardened gaze and looks back to the TV, seemingly uncaring. “And you don’t look like a doctor, so get out.”
His response is cold and it makes you want to apologize. “Look, Mr. Min Yoongi, I-” You begin, but stop yourself and think about what you’re doing. ‘Don’t be a weak bitch, come on.’ The devil on your shoulder says, and you urge the words to finally come out of your mouth. “-I am an intern and I’m assigned to your room. I’ve already tried to switch, but the hospital has you and I on lock so we’re stuck with each other whether you like it or not. So get used to it.”
With that, you spin around with one last glance to his face and walk towards the door, proud of yourself for-
“What’s your name?”
His words stun you, making you stop in your tracks as if you were an animal being hunted. Your body turns involuntarily while your mind screams at you to stop and walk out; to stand your ground and attend to the other things you had to do, rather than entertain Min Yoongi any longer.
But your heart stopped you from walking out; it pumped so fast and you were sure you were going to have to be admitted to the hospital soon yourself. His eyes were icy as he stared at you, waiting for an answer to come from your lips.
“Ms. Y/N Y/L/N to the ER,” You hear Katy’s monotonous voice come over the loudspeaker, which was highly unnecessary thanks to the pager you got ahold of the day before. But at this moment you were utterly thankful and remembered to try and be a little nicer to Katy after she practically saved you from answering to Min Yoongi this time around.
You look back at the boy sitting cross legged in the hospital bed, who is still analyzing your face and waiting for a reply. He arches his eyebrow when you hike your thumb over your back and say, “Looks like I’m being paged.” And disappear from his sight.
You felt like telling him your name would open a door you didn’t even dare to think about, like forming an actual kind, intelligent intern-to-patient relationship and...yeah, okay, you thought about that door a lot actually.
Apparently everyone on the first floor adored Yoongi. You were in the break room, stirring cream into the awful coffee someone had made earlier that morning. You were always the last to get the coffee because of your status, but somehow, you began to not mind as much as you used to. It was your third day at St. Mathis General Hospital, and things were slowly looking up.
You didn’t return to Min Yoongi’s room the day before. You feigned the extreme urge to go to the bathroom, and since you just had to go, Cecilia offered to go check on Yoongi instead. Ceci was one of the nicest nurses you had ever met - one of the nicest people you had ever met - and albeit a few years old than you, you hoped that she would become your friend. God knows you needed one in this place.
Since Yoongi wasn’t a “first priority patient,” as Katy called them, your days never started out with going to see Min Yoongi. As soon as your shift started you’d be called to Pediatrics to calm a screaming child for a flu shot, or to the ER to help transfer patients between the ambulance and the OR. This is what you wanted - pure and raw experience in the medical field.
Sipping on your almost-cold coffee, you sat in chair closest to the sink. Nurses, doctors and technicians sat around you, laughing and cutting the pale yellow coffee cake that sat on the table. The room itself was decorated like all the hospital rooms - pure and plain white, but this room had colorful furniture to brighten it.
“Yeah, it’s just crazy how he’s really an idol. He’s a rapper, and my nieces go insane over him. They like the other boys too, but I can’t tell them that he’s here.” Ji Su said sadly, lifting a cookie to her mouth and biting down, making crumbs fling everywhere.
Ceci turned to look at you as you were slumped down in your chair, hurriedly drinking the coffee before your shift started in ten minutes. You were preparing to go to Yoongi’s room, take his damn vitals, and flit away again like a bird on a branch. He was attractive, despite his sour personality, and the other patients you had assisted sometimes had a similar attitude. Maybe it was just the environment of the hospital itself, but Yoongi was just different. You were drawn to him although you never wanted to admit it.
“Min Yoongi was asking about you yesterday, Y/N,” Ceci said, a kind smile across her lips as she set her own coffee cup down on the table. “He said that he wanted you to come back.”
You sat up quickly at her words and the coffee traveling from the cup to your mouth got caught in the wrong tube, making you cough and hack until all the eyes in the room were on you. “What?” You croak.
“He’s not all that bad, really. He’s Dr. Ganz’ patient, so I don’t know a lot about him besides what I read on the internet. But he was so sweet to me when I was in there, asking how I was before asking about you.” Ceci said. The alarm on your pager went off, signalling that break time was over and it was now time to face Yoongi. Ceci gave you a wink before you opened the door and left with a huff, unsure of what to do.
‘He doesn’t even know my name. If I could still change patients, I would. I didn’t come here to crush on the patients,’ you said, hoping you could trick yourself into believing that lie. You let out a bitter laugh at the thought. ‘Ah, fuck.’
You walk into Min Yoongi’s room with determination. You found him under the sheets, head against the numerous pillows that he had stacked up under him. His phone was in his hands, scrolling through what looked like an endless string of tweets.
“My name is Y/N.” You uttered, your hands dropping from your hips and looking up at Yoongi, who had only turned to look at you, swallowed, and went back to scrolling through his phone.
Well, I didn’t think this would happen.
“Um, I’m just going to check your vitals. Okay?” You asked, settling into the routine you had established for yourself whenever you went to a patient’s room to check on them. Something you noticed was different about the situation was that Min Yoongi was now hooked to an IV drip, the needle taped to his inner elbow. Grabbing his clipboard, you went to the side that Yoongi was facing and stood in front of his face.
It was only then that you noticed the purple-grey bags under his eyes, and the expression of something you couldn’t quite pin on his pretty face. Flipping the sheet up, there was much more scribbling than the day before, this time the handwriting neat and readable.
UPDATE: “March 4th, Patient #653 Min Yoongi refused to eat the day before, refused all medications and was severely dehydrated. Dr. Ganz was called in at 6:43 AM this morning to prescribe fluids and insert IV.”
You looked back up at Yoongi, who had put his phone down and now had his eyes closed, breathing deeply with each intake. You wondered what he was going through to make him refuse all medication and be dehydrated to the point where they had to put him on a drip.
“Are you okay?” You asked, realizing two seconds later how dumb that was. Because he was already in the hospital, of course, he’s not okay.
Yoongi cracked one eye open to look at you, “Yes.”
In this moment, all you wanted to do was sit down next to him and brush the black strands of hair from his face, to comfort him in any way possible. His face was contorted in an odd look as he closed his eyes again, this time moving his hand out of the sheets to rest on the pillow under his head.
You sighed and put the clipboard on the table beside you, and stared down at his hand. Is he really okay? I don’t think so, I mean, why is he acting like this? You can usually hear the TV on from down the hallway.
Your brain must have went grey for a second because on an impulse, you leaned down and placed your hand on top of his. It was hot - too hot, so you moved your other hand to rest on his forehead. He was burning up.
“What are you doing,” he muttered, opening his eyes and looking from your hand connected with his to your face. You were focused on the fact that Min Yoongi was burning up from a previously undetected fever, a slight anger rushing through you along with worry flooding your bones. You figured he would have immediately knocked your hand away from his, but he didn’t, and the fact that he didn’t register in your mind until you had pressed the emergency button for a nurse and pulled your hand off of his.
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Evil baby sitters
But mom I don't need someone to take care of me please, just - I said almost crying to the cellphone, Jannice took the phone from my hand robbing me of the last hope I had. I fell on my knees, naked, completely hairless from the nose to my toes and surrounded by giggling little girls. But let me start from the beginning.
My name is Aaron am 14 years old, am white but not pale, brown hair, am not fat or thin either, I do some swimming but am just not fat that's all and am shorter than other guys my age a fact that my tormentors used at their pleasure, well the story begins this way.
I go to a new school yesterday this because my Mother had a new job and we had to move to a new city, during the time I was at the new school I met this 2 teens Brenda and Jannice, they were bullies I noticed this because Jannice, really tall with black hair and slim body, took the money of a kid by force and Brenda kinda fat, tanned skin, blonde, put a goth looking girl  inside a trash can, both girls were taller than me, they noticed this pretty fast because anytime I saw them they made comments like: why there was a little kid in highschool, and if I was lost and needed to go back to kinder and stuff like that. Almost after the day was over they approached me and said that all of the teasing was in good fun and that if I wanted to take selfie with them to show that we were friends, I guessed at the moment that if they were playing then there was no problem. I lifted my phone and both of them hugged me in a really sexy manner, Brenda on lifted her knee and touched my crotch with it and Brenda put her hand and my chest rubbing my left nipple both grabbed my butt, this got me a little turned on, but after the photo was taken Brenda took my phone and made the pic default when so when everytime I unblock the phone I'll see us together she said, after all this was done and they left I noticed they stole my wallet. Well that was monday, during the rest of the week I got to know that they lived near my house and that my Mother would need to leave for a few days she talked to me about this and said that maybe she should get a nanny for me or something because she was leaving for at least a week and didn't wanted me to be alone. I told her several times that I didn't need a babysitter, but she didn't care.
So its friday now I been to this new school for a week am back from it and as soon I enter my house I see my mom talking to Brenda and Jannice she is apparently talking the last points of the house and taking care of me, like if I was a little kid! Anyway to continue, my mother ended her conversation with this pair. Then she told me that she trusted me, but didn't wanted me to be all alone for 10 days (I didn't knew it was going to be so long). She hugged me and told me she loved me, and if we had any problem we could call her, then she left.
Not even 3 minutes had passed and a group of 5 girls knocked on the door Brenda opened the door and the little  girls got inside my house, then Brenda presented each and every girl to me, Gina for a 10 year old girl she was kinda fat, blonde like Brenda and tanned skin, Frances was tanned to but she was thin was taller, Charlene short brown hair she had a bugger under her nose, Bea chubby but I guess normal for a girl her age she looked like Frances but in shirt and fat and Lisa she didn't looked remarkable only had black long hair,  Gina and Bea wore dresses the other shorts and shirts all wore sandals, each girl was around 10 - 11 years old and they were a little shorter than me, a fact that Gina said she seemed like the leader of the group, I asked Brenda why were this girls here?
she explained - Well Jannice and I had a thing later today and this girls my little sisters and cousins sometimes help me with the care of other kids we babysat so today they will take care of you. She said this with a smile the girls they all clapped to this. I objected to this, and said.
- You can't do this to me and if you don't want to be there I can take care of myself - I said this with some desperation. She interrupted me and said
- Your mom said that we had complete control over you and we can use anything necessary to keep you in linet and now that we're not gonna be here and they are, they are the ones that for now have control over you, dont worry they have done this before is not their first time. Then she said we all should go to my room we could talk about some rules I didn't understood why but I went with them anyway, they were leaving me behind and I didn't wanted a bunch of girls in my room alone. When we got there I sat on a side of my bed ready to keep telling her that I could be alone until tomorrow, but she didn't heard me, she asked the girls what were the rules or things that their mothers told them to do when taking care of an younger kid. The first thing Gina said was that her mother always said that naked boys behave better, this made Brenda and Jannice sport a evil grin, what's next she asked, well taking away his toys if he misbehaves and give them back if he helps with stuff in the house, said Frances. I didn't liked what they were saying I was about to say something but Jannice stopped me and ordered me to shut up, and to make room on the bed that I should sit in the middle of it, she was really authoritarian, I didn't wanted to stir more problems and I kinda got scared so I did this without thinking it twice.
What else said Jannice, Bea said that spankings and time out were useful and Lisa said that little kids always had to be helped with their baths and had to go to sleep early. Brenda then smiled again and said - ok girls you seem to know the basics so I want to ask you to help us you help us take care of Aaron here, all the girls laughed at this, Bea even said - why? Cant he do it himself?- I was about to answer but Gina interrupted saying - maybe He isnt as old as we believe, maybe that's why he look just a little bit taller than us- and now all the girls looked at me differently and laughed again. Then Lisa said- yeah he must be a little kid maybe he is a tall 10 year old. They even laughed loudly, Brenda stopped them and said - well girls it seems to me and Jannice that you understand very well the rules, so it is time to begin, but first what's the first rule? All the girls were thinking some looked confused until Frances said, that little kids behave better when stripped naked? Yes you just said it- said Brenda, all the girls stopped looked straight at her confused and then Brenda said- you are taking care of him, and he is still dressed. All the little girls looked at me for a second and before I could move they all jumped on me they didn't give me any chance Jannice cheered them and told them to not stop until they could see the pink of my buttocks. Meanwhile Brenda and Jannice began to talk.
- Look how easy it is for them - said Jannice
- Yeah is because he is very short hahaha- responded Brenda and continued- do you think everything else is that short or tinier? they both laughed and cheered the girls.
- yeah unbutton that shirt he doesn't needs it, now go for the pants.
For every piece of clothes that was torn away from me, I felt more  helpless. Jannice was still giving instructions on how to strip me.
- Yeah! keep going now the socks, yes, c'mon yeah the undershirt too, very good. Then Jannice shouted.
- hahaha he is only wearing boxers! While they pulled my undershirt they had to let go of my hands I sued this opportunity to run outside the room, this time I was only in underwear but that was enough I left my phone in the kitchen charging, so the first thing I did after getting out of my room was go through the TV room take a pillow to cover myself, then run to the kitchen and call mom, but when I got to the kitchen, Brenda was there already and Jannice was disarming my phone. I wasn't gonna end like this, I tried to run back to the living room to hide but back came the girls so my only option was getting inside my room again. I did try to lock the door but they were fast and pushed it before I could do it I jumped to my bed, trying to keep some modesty  was useless.when the girls entered my room Bea asked- why does he has so much hair on his legs? And arms and chest? Does he has it everywhere?- then Brenda said I don't know probably is fake you wanna see if he has it everywhere? I asked, no begged Brenda to stop, that I will behave but please don't do this. she approached me like an animal about to kill its prey she jumped at me we were face to face, and then she put her hands on my underwear and said, remember rule 1 and she pulled them off my legs, I could feel the fabric rubbing against my legs, feeling the cool air hit my dick, I felt the underwear moving down my knees and then flying away from me with the other things I wasn't allowed to use anymore.
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