#If he happens to be in Ishgard
Your WoL's invisible and inaudible for a day! How do they choose to spend it? Pull pranks? Spy on someone or sneak in somewhere forbidden? Simply rest?
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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Scus the //blood I was having feeling and decided the best solution was to dump Sesame in blood
And also Hauchie sweeping him off his feet because oh no
(And Sesame charm for myself hehe, maybe)
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sealrock · 4 months
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the major arcana, shuffled: 9/??
THE HANGED MAN; ⤉ martyrdom, lack of direction, perspective, contemplation ⤈ stagnation, impulsiveness, needless sacrifice, detachment 
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wildstar25 · 6 months
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MiqoMarch Day 18 - Snow
When your partner has been trained to strike from behind, it's best not to loose sight of her.
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vihola · 5 months
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How do I get over this
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icewitcher · 11 months
Just realized it's been a week I didn't play FFXIV and that after I reach that Heavensward part.
The " A smile... better suits a hero." part in english.
And in french "But you... You have such a beautiful smile... Try to not forget mine...."
Definitively in my top 5/top 10 lines that hurt my soul deeply.
And Alphi and the others doesn't make things easier when they say "I didn't know you were so close/had such a relationship.". Like bitch... Are you trying to make me cry ? Like I don't need to know. I know that Haurchefant was flirty with the WoL but not sure I would be able to handle it if they were in a romantic relationship or a queerplatonic relation so deep that it hurts bc WoL reaction was already hurting me by dropping to the knees and holding so gently his hand with their own so adding this and make it canon ?
It's the killing blow.
Well done Yoshi-P, well fucking done. But also you goddamn bastard. How dare you hurt my feelings like this. Do you want to take away what's left of my tears that Honkai Impact 3rd chapter 25 of main story, "Everlasting Flames" animation, the end of the Kolosten arc, "Thus Spoke Apocalypse" animation and the whole Elysian realm arc hasn't take from me ?
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dainesanddaffodils · 6 months
me, making my How My WoL Feels About NPCS Post-Heavensward post: Cimorene, please just tell me how the fuck you feel about Estinien. It's changed like 5 times over the course of the expansion. Like, what are you two?
Cimorene: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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picturesofashe · 1 year
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Are you gonna eat that?
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
in a heap of eyrie and estinien feelings don’t mind me
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neriyon · 5 months
♡ - romantic headcanon
Hawu'li is very romantic person, and will happily drown his partner(s) in pda or very cheesy gestures if they so choose. He'll happily pen them love letters or cook romantic candlelit dinners for date nights, walk everywhere holding hands or cuddle under a blanket while watching sunset together.
However, he's pretty bad at noticing anyone flirting with him. Anything subtle and he'll just think you are being nice and friendly. It even took him a while to realize Haurchefant was into him, to give some perspective.
His love language is definitely physical touch, but he'll show his love in any way possible. Words, gifts, helping out, anything goes. He's not shy about showing he cares about someone.
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herohikara-wol · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 9
Fair - More Dravanian AU (takes place some time after Shed)
Hero’s siblings hadn’t all hatched at the same time.
This was normal for Dragons and Dravanians alike, when they had several eggs at once the children often hatched over time. It could take as little as a few moons or as many as a few years before the child in the egg had absorbed enough ambient aether to grow into a healthy child. Dravanians tended to have children who were born mostly man and manifested wings and scales as they grew. Dragons tended to have other dragons.
Hero had been found abandoned and adopted so young he didn’t recall anything about his birth parents, but of the seven eggs that Charibert’s mate had given him, only two hadn’t hatched by the time they found Hero. All beautiful children with a rainbow of hair colors. Some bright crimson, some pale white, some soft brown- but all eventually developed beautiful pearl white, teal and golden scales. All except for their little adopted Viera, with his dark black and blue hair and his crystal blue eyes. The only thing that made him look remotely like his sibling was his dark skin. Even then, he had freckles none of the others did.
This often meant, even though he had two younger siblings, Hero was treated as the baby of the entire family. Even the younger two were still taller than Hero, and had grown faster than him. More importantly, all seven of them had genders long before Hero knew what his body wanted to be. Three daughters, four sons, and until the summer prior- one question mark.
Which is why Hero was putting off returning to his family’s small manor as much as possible, none of his siblings have seen him since his gendering and all of them treated him like a fragile child instead of a grown adult. Despite him technically being older than most of them. He paced outside the door for the third time this bell, walking up to the knob and hesitating before leaving again and walking back out the gate and onto the street once more. “This doesn’t have to be so difficult. Not like you caused the bloody war. Ascians caused the bloody war and now half your siblings are enlisting because the whole bloody family is made of monsters with powers that feel more like direct descendants of Midgardsomr than some full blooded dragons.”
“Right? Especially your favorite brother, with flames so hot his grandfather used him to make glass panes after you broke a window learning dragonsong.” Hero flinched as he turned and let his eyes follow the sound, wondering how the fuck someone twice his size with wings longer than he was tall could possibly sneak up on him. Much less perch on top of the stone fence like a bloody gargoyle.
“I’m not in the mood for your bullshit right now, Dacien.” He hadn’t even made it in the front door and he was already getting shit from one of his siblings. “Don’t you have drills to do or a lance to take up?” That wasn’t entirely fair, technically there wasn’t a war yet. Aymeric had gone with a small honor guard to try to see what the Alliance made of Gridania’s actions. With luck, things would be resolved peacefully, it was all a misunderstanding, and there would be no problems.
“If you’d been home any time in the last year you’d know I use an axe for close quarters combat. Uncle Grinn’s been teaching me in his spare time.” The older man snorted flames and shifted his posture so he could lay lazily across the stonework instead, dozens of small crimson braids spilling down over his shoulders. Well, older was a stretch. Close as they could figure, Hero was around twenty-five summers old. Dacien was twenty five and a half.
“So Estinien shot you down then. Figures. Nidhogg’s son has all the recruits in the world to choose from. Why pick a snot-nosed ass like you?” His brother’s gold eyes flashed the way Charibert’s did when he was deciding what level of retribution to dole out, and Hero took his cue to run towards the front door just to lock his brother out.
He made it fifteen feet before being tackled to the ground.
The pair wrestled for a good while, Hero knew the rules. No wings, no hair pulling, no eye-poking, no biting, and no groin shots. Hero was smaller and lighter, this made him harder to keep pinned. Dacien controlled where they went, but Hero was slippery. Every time he thought he’d gotten his little brother into a headlock to grind a fist into the sensitive spot between his ears, Hero managed to slip out- elbowing his brother’s stomach in the process.
“What were you two thinking? Honestly! Daci. Hero gets home for the first time in moons and you decide to try to bury him in the mud in the front yard?”
“But Florie-”
“Shush.” Hero smirked as his sister raked their brother over the coals, only to turn on him almost immediately after, “and you! You spent four whole bells walking to the door and back again like some shady stalker and didn’t even have the balls to come inside on your own! You had to antagonize your bloody twin into making a fuss so someone would come save you instead of just opening a door!” Florie’s rich golden eyes and white made her look more fearsome when she was upset, even when she was feigning being gentle and passive. Florine looked the most like their dad and it showed in her eyes when she sneered. She spread her fan out and began waving it as if it would cool her temper.
“Is that a new fan, Florie?” Hero smiled innocently, trying to change the subject instead of sparking her fury even more. “It matches your scales, I like the mother of pearl with gold inlay you used for the guard, and the jade heart in the middle looks so perfect, it’s very beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?” She snapped the folding fan shut and clapped her hands, “It’s my most recent piece, I’m starting to take to Goldsmithing I think. I was worried it wouldn’t be my style, but detail work is so satisfying and I love-” A drop of mud fell from Hero’s ear to the floor and it seemed to snap her out of the spell. “Oh no you don’t! I’m still mad at you Rey.”
“Hero.” He fidgeted a bit, the first thing he’d done when joining the Adventurer’s guild was to change his name. It never felt right to be named after one of the saints of Ishgard, nevermind the one the bloody church was named after. “I changed my name from Reymanaud to Hero last year when I gendered. It was a placeholder name while I figured out a real one that sounded more Vieran? Well it kinda accidentally stuck when I joined the scions so I’m Hero now.”
“You literally named yourself Hero.” He nodded quietly as she unfolded her fan again, “you- the now Warrior of Light- Scion of the Seventh Dawn- Chosen of Hydaelyn-” fuck he didn’t even know his family knew that last one, “- literally named yourself Hero before you joined an adventuring guild.”
Dacien snorted a bit and looked away when Hero shot him a dirty look. He turned back to his sister with his most charming smile in place, “well when you put it like that, it sounds a little egocentric, don’t you think? It wasn’t supposed to become my title-”
Wrong thing to say.
His sister snapped her fan shut again and whapped him with it. “What.” Smack. “Were.” Smack. “You.” Smack. “Thinking?!” Smack-smack! She stopped only to shake the mud off her fan and frown at her brother. “You. Bath. Now. We’re not done talking about you and your poor life choices!”
“Yes Florine.” He hurried away before hearing whatever punishment Dacien had to endure. Home hadn’t changed a bit, and frankly? It was nice to be back. Even if he was in trouble.
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morganaux · 1 year
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After the loss of his beloved at the hands of the Basilisk, Ser Daniffen did what no dragoon had done before, charging blindly (quite literally) into battle against the beast who could turn men to stone with merely a glance. With only sound and his raging heart to guide him, he emerged victorious over his nemesis, and for putting an end to the wicked creature, he would be immortalized as a saint of valor in the Halonic faith.
Though most known for his bravery, it was said that Saint Daniffen was a sensitive, deeply caring man, having chosen to leave the Order of the Knights Dragoon behind to travel the realm helping those in need. According to legend, his emotions ran so deep that the very land itself wept with him when he mourned the loss of his lover, forever touched by his sorrow.
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vasheden · 1 year
I didn’t want to say this in the comments on that last post in case op hasn’t finished Shadowbringers, but that last sketch with the WoL eating in front of Ardbert reminded me. I hc that for a while, he’s still present as a distinct personality sharing her body, and Kaia 100% lets him out to eat something tasty the same way she let him say goodbye to Seto. He’s had a really shit century, and deserves a little treat.
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tovaicas · 1 year
I like Aymeric as a character a lot but if I could change one thing I wish he more directly acknowledged that he’s directly complicit in why Ishgard is so much of a shithole
Not just bc Ratatoskr, but bc he’s the Lord Commander of the Temple Knights, who are consistently one of the shittiest most abusive organizations in Ishgard (especially if you’re a Brume resident)
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ktisisphos · 11 hours
3:40pm barely awake from my nap because I ruined my sleep schedule to game with friends suddenly grabbed by the throat by a deranged fic concept that combines both my love of sid and rielle and aymeric and 'how does aymeric genuinely deal with his friend the wol becoming a heretic indulging in dark forbidden magics and siding with a known heretic slaughtering his knights in the streets and, worse still, how does he cope with knowing they're right to do it because his knights are corrupt and act with impunity and have done so long before he became their commander and will slaughter a 17 year old in the streets for the crimes of her parents and it is only the heretics who he cannot convince the high houses to accept that understand true justice' and now i'm laying here like i can't WRITE can my brain shut up
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
On a somewhat related note to that last post, I have yet to get an actual answer when I ask "so what would you have done instead?" when people call Aymeric stupid for the "throw the eyes into the abyss" line. I have never gotten an actual response, they just double down or change the subject.
Imagine for a second. You know dick all about what's happening in other cutscenes. You only know the politics of your own city. Your best friend has just been freed of possession by your nation's mortal enemy. Your allies have the means with which he was possessed in the first place in their hands. You have grown up in Ishgard and have grown up with the knowledge that the Sea of Clouds is impermeable and inhospitable ice aether. Surely no creature but the fish who dwell there could survive. It's close by. You are pumped up on adrenaline from fighting. You need to get those eyes as far away from everyone as possible.
If you aren't going to throw them off the bridge, what are you doing instead?
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