#which makes the symbolism gut-wrenching
sealrock · 4 months
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the major arcana, shuffled: 9/??
THE HANGED MAN; ⤉ martyrdom, lack of direction, perspective, contemplation ⤈ stagnation, impulsiveness, needless sacrifice, detachment 
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moetartart · 17 days
:*Trigger Warning for Abuse:** An analysis of the nuanced depiction of abuse dynamics in *Baldur's Gate 3*. Please skip if you’re uncomfortable with this topic or you hate long rants (this tumbler page as truly just became about one of my special interests and if I don't info dump I'll explode 😂)
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**Cazador at the Head of the Table, and His Forced Family, with Astarion as the Scapegoat**
Cazador is one of the best-written abusers in fiction, showcasing how abusers systematically break down their victims in a way that is thoughtful and non-voyeuristic.
Astarion often receives criticism for his behavior. While I don’t seek to excuse his actions as if he were a real person, I aim to understand how his experiences shape his character and a depiction of a non perfect victim.
One of the most compelling aspects of Astarion's story is the depiction of the "scapegoat" abuse tactic. This is where a caregiver selects one child as the primary target of ridicule and abuse. Astarion says, "He took a special pleasure in my pain. He said my screams sounded sweetest!" Often, the scapegoat is the child who most reminds the abuser of themselves when they were vulnerable. The abuser uses this child to demonstrate the consequences of disobedience, bonding the other children against the scapegoat. They will also inflict the trauma they were exposed to in a twisted way to re-gain their own power and autonomy, and to inflict their internalised negative self talk on others.
Cazador's tactics of infantilization are particularly gut-wrenching. He calls Astarion a "stupid little boy" and forces him to call him "father," undermining his belief in his ability to make adult decisions on his own while simultaneously also forcing him into adult work. A way to break down his self esteem and take away his autonomy. This adds another level to Cazador's twisted, intimate abuse.
It's evident when you ask if Astarion called Cazador "master" in the bedroom, and he reacts negatively. It is also implied in the dialogue, "One final thrust... and I'll be rid of you..." as Astarion stands over Cazador, ready to stab him with a phalic symbol and Cazador in a submissive position.
In a Shadowheart playthrough, we see how Astarion seeks someone to follow because he doesn’t know how to think for himself. Auntie Ethel remarks that he misses his chains, and he admits he doesn't know how to make his own decisions. In Astarion's dream, you learn one of Cazador's rules is that Astarion must stay by his side unless told otherwise. We also see that Cazador regularly dined with Astarion, serving him putrid rats. He says "I have spent two centuries with You, and that should be punishment enough," which is quite an intimate insult. In non of these are the other spawn mentioned. He also mentions his sarcasm and jokes, something you wouldn't really think Cazador would permit. This suggesting an intense, twisted co-dependency. A lot of time spent alone together. As what? His child? His slave? His lover? It's sickening. Cazador seemed to want to fill every potential key roll in Astarions life. This is actually pretty common in adults relationships.
The extent of physical abuse is further revealed when Astarion sees the mad doctor in the House of Healing and remarks, "he's just like Cazador." The narrator says, "If you're late, he will flay you... again," and Astarion states, "Sometimes he would have us submit to torture. Other times he would have us torture ourselves."
So, why does Cazador do all this? Beyond sadistic pleasure and rituals off higher power, I believe it's driven by a fear of abandonment. His goal is to strip Astarion of any autonomy so he would return even if freed. When speaking to Cazador alone, he's convinced Astarion will come back because he cannot think for himself. Cazador wants to be the center of Astarion's life, and truly believes he is. A narcissist needing to see himself reflected in others, he required Astarion by his side to validate his awful existence. If Astarion leaves, Cazador feels he's losing an extension of himself. That Astarion is his and his alone to kill.
I also believe he genuinely wants to play house. That he wants a picture perfect family. We don't know much about Cazador before the game, only that he was from a vampire family. That his niece refused to partake. It's quite clear he felt like he was missing something in his family. We know his master committed acts of cruelty far beyond what he did to his own spawn, impaling him for ten years and draining his friend Infront of him. Surly a year of solitude is like being sent to your bedroom without supper compared to that? By Cazadors logic, he's far kinder than he was ever treated. He's been kinder and more loving than his own family. His children should be grateful that he protected them from what he went through. He believes his children are spoiled and if anything he has been to soft. After all, he gave thim his families birth right far above their station, eternal life. He gave them a family that will never abandon them. What more could they want?
And if course, we as plays see this cycle continues with AA, who says he will be a far kinder master he'd never make his dear lover eat rats. They wouldn't be his child, more a pampered pet. Compared to how Astarion was treated, what more could they want?
And how very true to live that an abuser will preach about how much worse they had things and how lucky their victims are. How soft they must be to complain.
This gives us a clear picture of Astarion at the start: someone with a fragile sense of self, preferring to see others tortured rather than be the one in the chair, and looking for someone to follow. He'll fake a smile to keep them around. While this doesn't excuse his cruelty, it explains it; Astarion is free for less than a day when you meet him. There are no perfect victims, and unlearning brainwashing takes time. Reducing Astarion to "evil" or "good" overlooks the complexity of a character who could become either an abuser or a liberator.
What I appreciate most is that Astarion's past doesn't vanish when Cazador dies; he still carries the scars, but in a positive playthrough, there is hope. Astarion has the chance to do better, starts making his own choices, and sometimes gets it wrong.
Crucially, the abuse is never voyeuristic. It is always shown from the survivor's perspective, focusing on its effects on their lives. It's always clear when a player choice disrespects his growth and autonomy. Cazador and Astarion are never framed to titillate or as a mind of grousome special to the viewer, unlike in shows like *13 Reasons Why* or Ramsey Bolton in *Game of Thrones*. The game handles the topic with a lot of care. Infact the only time we see Cazador in person is when we have the chance to stop him. We never see Astarion subjected to something we can alter in some way.
Also, we do hear of Astarions bravery in trying to defy his master and save people. Unfortunately as in the game and real life, people don't always have a choice. Still, in a good ending Astarion can choose to try and help others who have been hurt and use what he has learned to make real change.
The reasons why Cazador is the way he is are another rant entirely. But while I hate him as a person, I adore him as an antagonist. How can a character be written to be pathetic and terrifying at once?
**TL;DR:** *Baldur's Gate 3* presents a complex, nuanced abuse narrative, executed beautifully. Many people overlook or disregard Astarion as an excellent depiction of survival in my opinion.
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yandere--stuck · 22 days
no need/pressure to respond to this, but with all the intestine stuff that keeps getting posted... along with stuff about ford (drool)... (all really good btw)... and maybe this is too gross/weird in which case DEFINITELY feel free to ignore this,, but i keep thinking about bill keeping you two alive while you pull each other's guts out, and then stuff the other person's guts inside of you... switching intestines... and then being sewn back together, permanently having a part of the other inside you now <3 very good to me. maybe ford is bigger than you so your belly bulges ever so slightly... - zag gore anon
God, that is genuinely so horrifying. I love it!!!
Imagine lying on your back as you recover - well, technically speaking. The scarring only hurts in a way that's sickeningly pleasurable, and Bill has (hopefully) made it so any wrong movements don't cause your Ford's guts to spill out of you.
You try to focus on anything else. The symbols carved along the roof and walls of the Fearamid, the muffled sound of music from the other room where all the Henchmaniacs have gathered to party, the feel of Ford nuzzling against you and pressing soft kisses to your face.
"Isn't this wonderful?" He asks, voice gruff. "I can feel you inside of me. Can you feel me?"
One of his hands brushes against your stomach and you resist the urge to gag building at the back of your throat. Suddenly, it's all you can focus on. The image of you puking out the intrusive organs flashes into your mind. You can't ignore the feeling of squirming and wriggling inside you and whether it's phantom or not doesn't matter because Ford's intestines are inside you, and it's disgusting. It feels like there's something alien nesting inside you, and any sudden movement will cause it to burst out of you. You want to rip your skin off, you want to puke them out or rip the intestines out of you through the scarring. But then again, Bill would probably like that, wouldn't he?
You can at least excuse Ford's behavior. Over thirty years of being on the run through so many different dimensions, only to return home and suddenly having any sense of stability being just as quickly wrenched away from him by the one being who had hurt him most. You want to believe this is Ford giving into the madness and losing himself to it, to the idea that maybe, if he gave in to Bill's whims, it'd be easier. And maybe he's right.
But you're not there, yet. And you pray you never will.
All you can do is manage a nod as your whole body quakes under Ford's touch.
"Awww, if it isn't my two favorite fleshbags," Bill's voice suddenly booms, making you jump. "You two are so cute together! I'm so glad this brought you two even closer together. Say, I was thinking for next time, how does a heart transplant sound?"
Your eyes widen and your teeth clack together. You dare to take a glance at Ford's expression. He meets your gaze, eyes crinkling with excitement behind his glasses as he beams at you with utter joy.
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amymbona · 11 days
Challengers - the band
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Among equally famous Arctic Monkeys or Gorillaz, fans have got nuts over the quickly rising indie band formed in 2006. Challengers consists of three uniquely charismatic members, each one equally as genuine, and yet they all fit together like pieces of puzzle, creating a what fans appreciate as the trio of the decade.
Fitting into the genre of pure english indie, the trio doesn't fear to bounce into the world of rock or deliver a heart-touching ballad, so versatile that it appears unbelievable to many. The critics deem Challengers as an immortal piece of music that will continue to live on and be appreciated decades into the future. Even the thirsty fans seem to agree.
Tashi Duncan
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The frontman - in this case the front lady - carries the aesthetic part, providing a gentle caress with each of her smiles, known widely by her fair amount of dark toned lipsticks and pairs of leather pants. As the main vocalist, her voice is heard in most of the songs, and she is essentially the voice of the band.
The gorgeous grace with which she carries herself can hardly he matched, and by many, Tashi is often refered to as the bitch, which takes away from the beauty of her soul. Contrary to a popular belief, Tashi Duncan is a gentle human - a fact supported by all the fans that have met her - as she never misses an opportunity to hug a fan or sign a paper.
A sex symbol, often compared to Amy Winehouse or Fiona Apple, she's often reduced fo a pretty face - much to her fans' disappointment. The talent she possesses is nothing short of a gift, given to her by gods above, and certain female singers have expressed both their jealousy towards and support to the star.
Art Donaldson
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Known as the people's sweetheart, the most one could spot of Art Donaldson is the messy mop of his curls peeking from behind the drum set. With often admired set of muscles - which many female fans attempt to grasp once the drummer ventures in public - it's no issue for him to be pounding into the drums and cymbals all night.
His steady beats offer a stable background to all of the band's songs, resembling the rhythm of our heartbeats. But the man who's been named as the best drummer of the current music wave is much more than that.
It's no secret that Art Donaldson does most of the songwriting, providing his fans an insight to his soul, which doesn't resemble the harshness of his clothing style at all. Upon further observation, it's clear that most of the lyrics are centered around love, affection, eroticism and gut-wrenching feelings. This gentle compassion, paired with a cute smile, makes Art the most wholesome face of the genre of indie.
Patrick Zweig
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This man is not famous just for his pretty face, though it is the feature he is the most recognized for. With the electric guitar constantly glued to his hands and the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old, Patrick Zweig jumps from one side of the stage to another. Some might say he is a bad influence, supported by the handful amount of evidence of nicotine and alcohol induced behaviour.
Known for his unrealistically swiftly executed guitar riffs, Patrick is the one to transform the ideas into music, as the band itself has mentioned. Most of the early hits were made purely under his supervision, which helped set the initial direction the band would evolve in. Perhaps he is the one we should thank for having Challengers become real.
It was particularly Patrick who stole the hearts of many young ladies, successfully earning himself the title of the womanizer. Multiple women were spotted leaving the Zweig residence over the last few months, wearing evidently less clothing that they entered the luxurious villa in. As the most extroverted and publically followed member, Patrick Zweig might as well be the loudest element of the three-man band.
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shiviwrites07 · 1 month
Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : It all takes a turn after the symbol of peace dissapears…
TW: Major Character Death, just pure angst.
Word Count: 1.8k words
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Waking up to your beautiful face in the morning was Izuku’s favourite thing. He loved seeing your peaceful face, with a content smile on your face, snuggled into his chest as the sunlight peaked through the curtains and presented a majestic glow on your body. He slowly reached out his hand and tucked the small hairs behind your ears that had fallen out of place. As you slowly stirred awake and looked at him with the most beautiful smile and doe eyes filled with love, he felt the most content. He chuckled as he watched you snuggle closer to him and fall back asleep. He reluctantly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up. 
                                                      As you stirred awake from your dream, you reached for the person on your side and frowned when you realised he wasn’t there. But the smell of toast and eggs tingled your senses and you smiled at the fact that Izuku was making your breakfast. As you head towards the kitchen, you sit down on the table and look at the view of the city from the glass wall of your penthouse as Izuku slides you your cup of coffee. You thank him with a kiss and sit down together to eat. You make small talk and Izuku informs you how sad he felt at the fact that he would have to leave you alone on your free day cause he has to work on a new case that has been a mystery the past few days. You reach for his cheek and he melts into your palm as you tell him, “Come back home safe okay Izu?” 
                                                  As he leaves the house bidding you goodbye and that he would come home soon, you hug him and tell him to stay safe and have a good day. But your gut told you that something bad was going to happen. You where sitting on the couch finishing some paperwork from your last mission as the TV played in the background. “REPORTING LIVE FROM MUSTAFU! PRO HERO DEKU IN A GUT WRENCHING FIGHT WITH MYSTERY VILLAIN VENGEANCE! WHO WILL WIN?” You look up at the screen and gasp when you see what state Izuku was in. You rush towards your bedroom and get changed into your hero gear as you bolt out of your penthouse. You run as fast as you can towards the scene and land a damaging blow on the villain as you stand infront of Izuku. “Ah the wife is here to save his husband huh? Too bad you’ll fail!” Said the villain as he launched his attack. ‘He’s fast’ You think as you barely dodge his attack. You see Shouto and Dynamight reach for Deku, and feel relived when they take him to a safe place. You exchange a blow after blow until the villain lies on the floor and you raise you arm in victory as you hold your bleeding side. You were in the middle of getting patched up when you saw the commotion outside, the villain screamed “You think you’ve won H/N? But you lost! Hahahaha” As he ditches the police. You don’t understand what he’d said until your sidekick rushes into the ambulance and says that Deku is gone.
The next few days went by in a blur as you buried yourself in the task of finding your husband. After 20 days, there was still no sign of Izuku. You slowly started to give up hope as crime rates started increasing as villains started terrorising the civilians in the absence of the symbol of peace. As you sat on the couch looking through papers, the front door slammed open. Your eyes widened as a bloodied form of Deku stumbles in. You rush to hold him as he passes out in your arms. 
After a few minutes of cleaning and patching him up, you examine his features, relieved at the fact that he wasn’t too harmed. You set him down on the bed and head to the kitchen to prepare his favourite Katsudon, a recipe you had learned from Inko as you call Katsuki and inform him about Izuku’s reappearance. Katsuki sounds relieved but it is immediately followed by a sense of suspicion which he doesn’t make much out of. (now he thinks he should have)
As you finish frying the meat and cooking the rice, you notice two arms that come and snake around your face. You turn to look back at him and tears well up in your eyes as you look at his beautiful bruised face smiling down at you. “Did you miss me my love?” He says as he hugs you while you turn around and burry your face in his chest, weeping at the thought that you had nearly lost him. He cradles your face and wipes away your tears with his thumbs and says, “It’s okay baby, you don’t have to worry anymore. I’m sorry I disappeared suddenly. I was under Anesthesia when the villain must have kidnapped me. When I woke up I was in a basement, I had no idea where I was but I knew I had to make it back to you. So I somehow managed to escape. I’m so glad I did.” He helps you set the table and you both sit and talk about how the situation has been while he was away as you both eat. As you lay in bed, cradling each other in your arms, you manage to fall asleep after a long time. 
You wake up in darkness, surrounded by an abyss. You panic at your situation and fail to notice the light coming from the opposite direction. As the light gets brighter, you notice a figure, bloodied and bruised, tied on a chair as it thrashes around. As you walk towards it, the figure of Vengeance suddenly appears and says “Peek-a-boo!” 
You wake up in cold sweat, as you look around yourself and notice you’re back at your apartment as Izuku sleeps peacefully beside you. You calm yourself down and head to the kitchen for a glass of water and think about how it was surprising that Izuku suddenly appeared after a long time. But you brushed the thought aside and headed back to bed.
As the days went by, the crime rate went down as Deku was back at work but you couldn’t help but notice the slight changes about him. He started coming back home later than usual and left before you woke up. Even though you both worked at the same agency, you barely saw him and when you did, he was always buried in paperwork, like he was searching for something. When you decided to confront him about it, he brushed off your concerns and said that he was working twice as hard to pick up where he had left. 
Months passed by and you felt yourself drifting apart from him. Others noticed the changes in him too, but they never put much thought into it. 
On 26th September, Vengeance made a reappearance in Mustafu. He had brought an army of villains from Tartarus and all of the heroes were confused as to how they managed to break free. He called out, “WHERE ARE YOU H/N? Come out, come out wherever you are~” They were manic, as they started destroying everything around them. Vengeance looked up with a smile when he saw Izuku and you standing on a rooftop and fighting other villains. “My dearest Y/N~” You turned around and received a nasty punch to your abdomen and blew back a few feet. You looked down at your wound, you must’ve broken a few ribs. You looked up to see Izuku fighting the other villains and rushed in to the fight head first.
A few hours later, you looked around you and saw all the destruction that had taken place. Many heroes and villains alike were gravely injured. You weren’t in a good condition either. As you and Vengeance stand face to face, he calls out, “Deku! It’s your turn now!” You’re caught of guard as black whip grabs you and throws you across the roof onto another building. You roll on the floor and when you look up from the ground you see Deku standing there with a look of such hatred, that it rattles you to your core. “You know I never loved you right? You were Almight’s goddaughter and I knew that if I had you, I would have him in the palm of my hands too. I wanted to get rid of you before, but then I realised that I needed to keep you for the future. I cheated on you with my sidekick too, but you were so naive and trusting, you never suspected that did you?” Each word was like a knife being stabbed into your heart and you didn’t even realise that he had backed you up to the edge of the roof. You noticed the helicopters flying above your head, recording all of it. “No! That can’t be true. My Izuku loves me, he respects uncle Toshi and he would do anything to protect anyone he loves!” You shout, trying to grapple the fact that this couldn’t be the guy you fell in love with. 
“Well how kind of you! But you never even realised, I’m not him.” He whispers into your ear as he pushes you back. In a state of shock, you freeze and fall off the building.
As you’re falling down, you reminisce about all the moments you spent with everyone you loved and the second before your death, Izuku’s smile flashes before your eyes and you smile at the fact that you were right about Izuku, because that villain was not him. 
As your body crashes onto the ground and blood pools around your body, the clone reveals his true from and is taken away by the police who identify him as Vengeance’s brother. They are both arrested and admit in the police custody that they were obsessed with you and since you couldn’t be theirs, you can’t be anyone’s. 
Meanwhile, Locked in a dark room as he looks at your falling body on the TV and the events that follow, the real Izuku thrashes and weeps in the chair he’s tied in, hating the fact that he couldn’t protect you, the only one he truly loved and that you must’ve thought that he was the one who killed you and betrayed you. He looks towards the TV with lifeless eyes, regretting that he beer got the chance to make your wear that ring hidden the the lower right corner of your safe. As he sat limp in his chair, it finally realised hit him that you were falling, and he wasn’t there to catch you. 
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hikarry · 2 months
I was rewatching season 1 with that friend with whom im gonna eat crepes cosplaying as the Ineffables to get some referencea and you know what just fucking hit me?
When I heard Crowley say, "That's the point. No nightingales," for the first time, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Like a slap in the face. I had to stop and think – how did Crowley and Aziraphale know about the nightingale singing in Berkeley Square? As viewers, we’re clued in by God’s narration. Plus, we hear Tori Amos' version of "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" during the end credits of Season 1. But how the fuck do they know?
I always thought that song during the credits was just for us, the audience, not something the characters were aware of. I mean, Crowley is away from all the Queen songs the Bentley plays, which is very much implied, but this song?
For us, the audience, "No nightingales," is a gut-wrenching moment. A punch. But Crowley and Aziraphale never acknowledged the bird in Season 1 nor Season 2 until the very end. They never mentioned it was special.
Oh, but it definitely is.
Ive seen some people confused by Crowley's line. The thing is, he wasn't just talking about the literal bird. If you rewatch Season 1, Episode 6, you’ll notice that when they sit down at the Ritz, there’s a pianist playing "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" This isn't background music for us; it’s in the scene – both Crowley and Aziraphale can hear it.
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This makes "No nightingales" even more heartbreaking. It’s their equivalent of Beelzebub and Gabriel’s "Everyday." Crowley’s line hints that this song was their song. You know, like couples usually have? Aziraphale’s face says it all – he knows what Crowley is talking about.
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And this becomes crystal clear when Crowley turns on the Bentley's radio, and "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" plays. That song was their song. It’s the song that symbolized their bond, just like "Everyday" did for Gabriel and Beelzebub.
He was so ready to just take Aziraphale and their song back to the Ritz, but instead, he watches as the angel he has been in love with for centuries leaves and the Nightingales now hurt.
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
It’s very amusing that Condal clearly wants to adapt AFFC, and how people eat it up despite it not being earned. AFFC was the fourth book of the series, after the beheading of Ned, Winterfell falling, Jaime losing his hand, the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding. All the reasons for why the War of the Five Kings is over, all those people are either dead or scattered to the wind, and yet the war rages on. It’s a pointless war that characters we have grown to know and love undergo intense changes in, notably Jaime and Brienne as they wander through the Riverlands, Arya in Braavos, Sam on the edge of despair as he journeys south. Frankly? Considering that the Dance hasn’t even properly started yet and no one cares about the deaths that have occurs (Luke, Jaehaerys, Rhaenys) the sheer fatalism feels unearned bc no one has gone through gut wrenching tragedy yet. “War is pointless.” Great, but we got another two seasons of this and if the characters think this story is dumb and pointless and are just going through the motions, why should we watch? It’s frankly just too early for everyone to lose their shit bc they haven’t even begin to truly lose everything yet. The characters themselves thinking it’s pointless robs them of motivations bc we still got more than half the story to go! Criston’s monologue in the finale is good but that’s because it’s directly cribbed from Jaime’s “honor is mist” speech but it’s not nearly as earned bc we don’t have any idea how or why he started sleeping with Alicent or even why he became a kingsguard in the first place! Daemon’s Harrenhal arc ended with him somehow obsessed with a prophecy and connecting it back to Rhaenyra without him coming to terms with Viserys not trusting him with the prophecy which is what he was mad about in the first place!
We never actually see anyone react to anything, and the limping plodding along of character development happening off screen so we never see how or why anyone changes is not good! Episode 7 actually gave me some hope bc Rhaenyra seemed to be embracing her role as a leader of there’s dragonriders the gods have given her, but in the next episode she’s literally saying the exact same lines “what would you have me do” and “who will pay the price” which she said at the start of the season! Even Alicent’s about face is unearned bc we don’t actually see her truly fight with her children about anything, really. She just lets them talk in her face and then limps away to camp in a scene that’s “all about rebirth bc baptism and water” without ever getting to the core of anything. It’s a beautiful show full of empty symbolism without a narrative actually underpinning it, borrowing from a better story without understanding what makes that story so good.
You said it more eloquently than I could at the moment. It's not just one or two badly executed points, nothing gets built up, nothing gets resolved or even discussed, we just skip past A TON of vital characterisational changes and are expected to "fill in the gaps". No, they're just bad at writing. You wouldn't be reading a book or watching a show that is so bad at these elements - people are watching because it's ASOIAF.
Why is Alicent so mad? Aegon has barely done anything as king, he's actually tried to help the smallfolk in his audiences! Aemond dismissed her from the Council, sure, which I found a dumb political plot hole, but she hasn't done much to address it? And what exactly has Criston Cole done all season that he is the most reprehensible male character on the show? He didn't vote for Alicent and called her by her name. Does he deserve to die for that? Has Alicent ever been portrayed as the type of character who would react so disproportionately? That's Aemond-level writing. Is Alicent = Aemond now? (She isn't even shown being mad at Criston for sending Arryk after Rhaenyra!)
What Alicent is shown to have a problem with is Aemond burning Aegon. But then again why abandon Aegon to be executed by Rhaenyra? Just overdose him on milk of the poppy and let him die, ffs. Alicent also suspects Criston is not telling her about Aemond's crime, but they part on okay terms? She gives him her favour? How do you go from that to dooming him by revealing his coordinates?
I would really like to pile on-to the AFFC copycat accusations* with Succession rip-offs (my followers are probably tired of hearing me mention it, but it's truly what prestige television should be and it's what we should be comparing HotD to!). First it was teenage!Aegon wanking in the window à la Roman Roy, then Alicent suddenly gets water symbolism this season like Kendall and "I do not wish to hear it"? Do they think they're being cute here?
*not just with Criston, but with Rhaena, too, although you could at least argue there that GRRM himself is also mirroring Jaime and Sansa there
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moongothic · 9 months
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That is exactly something I've been wondering.
'Cause. Like if Whitebeard managed to hit Crocodile hard enough (=with Haki) to cut his whole hand off, then surely he would've done more damage than just leave a cut on Croc's face, right. Like his head should've ended up in two pieces. And I mean it's not impossible WB could be the cause of both wounds (like for example WB could've first just scratched Crocodile's face and then, when he was in shock, taken that left hand, or something, there's like a million ways this action scene could play out), it is entirely possible still. But it would ALSO be entirely plausible if Crocodile got his scar and lost his hand due to different people.
Also if Dragon is a former Marine then he could know the Rokushiki, and like I dunno about y'all but to me Crocodile's scar looks to me like it could've been caused by a Rankyaku to the face (or if Dragon is a Wind Wind Fruit user as many speculate, his attacks could very much be like wind-slashes similar to Rankyaku, any cutting attacks or even Croc's own Spada-attacks). Like the way his scar goes across his whole face, ear-to-ear, it looks like it could've been caused by a cut that hit him straight-on (but didn't cut through his whole head). As opposed to a cutting motion from a blade that'd go from like one side of the face to another (where I feel like it shouldn't go ear-to-ear, and instead, at most, like, ear-to-cheek, y'know? 'Cause the face would curve away from a blade etc? But also this is a manga and shit like this doesn't have to make sense, it just needs to look cool and be symbolic and shit)
(There is also the forbidden option that WB could've given Crocodile the scar and it was Dragon that took Crocodile's hand. And not in the romantic way 🥁)
In any case, if Dragon did attack Crocodile out of instinct because he couldn't recognize the strange, imposing man with a baby who showed up at the secret location at a secret meeting time when he was supposed to reunite with his wife and meet his child... Oh yeah. Dragon could've assumed the worst, thought that they had been found out, that his beloved had been taken out and baby kidnapped. Or something. And thus attacked. And boy howdy would this be one absolutely gut-wrenching way to cause a divorce, eh
((Only thing is that for Dragon to hurt Crocodile, either Dragon would've had to have gone in with the Haki right away, which is viabe but makes me question how Crocodile even survived to begin with, or the attack would've had to been moisturized ahead of time for some reason. Unless Dragon can add moisture to his attacks by default, or unless it was raining, it'd make no sense how Dragon could've cut Croc's face up. But hey we know Crocodile doesn't really like the rain, now does he))
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The team of My Beautiful Man has done it again and delivered another sublime season of Hira and Kiyo’s love story. It all comes down to the fact that even after 3 years Hira is still Hira and Kiyoi is still Kiyoi and the show, despite its short running time, is wonderful at showing that personalities are deeply ingrained and not something that changes overnight or over a course of a few months. They have both made baby steps over the years at overcoming their shortcomings, Kiyoi has become more daring, trying hard to curb his own shyness and the resulting arrogant and cold behaviour, while Hira has dared to come out of his shell a little bit more, even his stammer has reduced, proving that they are indeed good for each other despite their flaws and insecurities. However, Hira’s tendency of self-loathing and inferiority complex is something he’s had for 20+ years and is an inherent part of him, it’s not something that would just miraculously disappear with the power of love. And My Beautiful Man portrays this painstakingly slow process and journey to change in a very realistic and authentic way. 
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The beautiful thing is that Kiyoi doesn't even want Hira to change, he loves him the way he is which is really what the first episode was all about, that he sees past Hira’s awkwardness and sees how gorgeous Hira truly is, appreciates him and adores everything about him. 
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He just wants to be loved by him, only by him, he is fine being worshipped by everyone else, and even though that worship had been what made him attracted to Hira, for a long time now, he has wanted to be Hira’s equal, giving Hira the time and space to slowly gain the confidence while he was trying to make himself more emotionally available and became softer so Hira would feel more comfortable with him. He’s been hoping for it with every fibre of his being for years and witnessing all his hopes dashed literally shatters him.
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The confrontation scene in episode three is really a direct parallel to the emotional argument in season 1, two scenes which set up the climax of each season. All those little disappointments Kiyoi has been bottling up over time come to a breaking point.
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It hurts even more because he's had expectations, the hope when Hira mentions he hated calling him ‘his friend’ lits up his whole face, expecting to finally get to hear from Hira what he's always desired and craved for so long, a love confession where he would admit them being lovers, equals, only to be disappointed and feeling gut-wrenching pain as the result. 
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He swallows it at first despite the excruciating pain, like he must have done many times before, but Hira denying him to be part of his life, cutting him away from his parents, who Hira obviously loves in his own weird way judging from his story about the shrimp croquettes, which Kiyoi knows, it truly breaks him his heart, revealing that HE DOESN’T WANT TO MERELY BE HIRA’S LOVER, HE WANTS TO BE HIS FAMILY; something enduring and lasting, something eternal, wishing to gain what he had lost as a child and was robbed of when his mother found a new family and neglected him. 
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He wants to by tied to Hira for life because whether you like ir not, family ties are unbreakable connections. He’s being seeking it for most of his life but Hira’s words make him realise Hira has been denying him that very thing and there is a part of Hira’s life he can’t be a part of; he feels sheer horror and heartache when he finds him he is still on the pedestal, stuck on the very same place where Hira had placed him 5 years ago and which he hates so much. Not a lover, not a spouse, not family member, only an untouchable rock, but rocks don’t have a heart to break nor do they weep like a willow when it’s shattering. 
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And yet despite his words, in a beautifully symbolic gesture, Hira tries to touch his star and tries to wipe away his tears only for him to push him away now.
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Finally, the director of My Beautiful Man is truly awesome at portraying all these emotionally-charged scenes and making them 100% authentic, it’s unreal how raw, intense and realistic everything feels, almost like a documentary where the audience is allowed a voyeuristic peek at a couple’s most intimate moments. 
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There is no distracting music to destroy the moment, which is where most of Thai BL dramas usually fail and ruin the scene, here, the director lets the script and the actors do the talking and the result is simply beautiful.
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sukithebean · 3 months
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My thoughts on Crosshair's Hand
So I wanna talk about something that used to really bug me about the season 3 finale that I have now come to appreciate: the controversial chopping of Crosshair's hand.
Why it Bugged me originally:
It felt like a lost sub plot. There had been so much emphasis on his tremor throughout the season and I was waiting for a moment in which he'd be able to overcome it. We got the meditation, his face off with CX-2, the lost chance when he missed planting the tracker on the ship to Tantiss, and I was really hoping for retribution. Then they just lopped it off. They fucking cut his hand off before anything else could be done. I thought 'Wtf? What was all this focus on his hand for then?' It kind of felt like they stopped trying to make a moment happen, which was dissatisfying to watch.
What I thought his tremor represented:
In its most basic sense, Crosshair's tremor was directly related to his trauma, and the lingering effects of his time on Tantiss, as pointed out by AZ. It was a device for the usually stand-offish character to open up and receive some well-deserved comfort. You could also view it as a consequence of his actions in previous seasons; he turned on his family and actively hunted them down and he was now paying for that.
When you look at it that way, the expectation that he will get over it by the end of the season is paramount to his character development. And when that didn't happen, it left his arc feeling somewhat incomplete. Which made me go grrr at the screen when credits rolled.
What I think it represents now:
After thinking about it some more, I realised how silly it was to think that he could just 'get over' what was probably the most traumatic event of his entire life. PTSD doesn't go away because your little sister meditates with you and holds your hand. Tremors don't fade because you removed yourself from the stressful environment. They come and go like bad thoughts, and you have to constantly work on them, potentially for the rest of your life. And yes, this is a cartoon, but it's TBB we're talking about. Filoni loves to put his audience through this type of gut-wrenching realness.
I came to realise that maybe Crosshair's tremor wasn't about consequences or living with trauma, it was representative of being torn between one life and the next: Being a soldier for the Empire, and being on Pabu with his family.
Why the limb lopping works for me now:
Crosshair losing his hand became almost symbolic of him finally deciding which life he wanted. He even said it himself before storming the facility, "we're not that team anymore". He was ready to put the soldier away and everything that came with it. He didn't need to be the top sniper anymore. He just needed to be there for Omega.
While his tremor was never sorted, losing his hand is what effectively cost him his career as a marksman. But it didn't matter because he had already made the choice to move on. What I once thought of as sloppy storytelling and an inconclusive ending for such a fantastically layered character became a great moment and a new beginning.
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i-like-media · 9 months
Ok I've said before food as a love language is incredibly important to the plot and character relationships in Broadchurch, but I'd LOVE to specifically unpack S1 Ellie and Alec's relationship more when it comes to this. (excuse the image quality)
Ellie and Alec are at odds with each other from the start. Ellie is incredibly connected with the community hurt by Danny's death and very openly caring, while Alec is standoffish and with very little connection to the community.
This great divide is best seen with this love language!
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Ellie especially at the start will offer food and drinks, which Alec ends up declining one way or the other. It creates a big disconnect between the two as they still are getting to know each other and further shows Alec's standoffish character and disconnect from the community.
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In fact, Ellie even gets a bit offended when Alec doesn't naturally offer the same service (getting/making a drink for someone) when he's making tea. I'd even say, Alec doesn't take great care of himself the first season when it comes to food.
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He often neglects his basic need for sustenance (adding once again to his distant personality) Which to Ellie might seem especially foreign. Still, no matter how many times he shoots down her offers (or accepts it but doesn't eat it), she keeps on coming with more food just as a base level of care.
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To Ellie, giving food to others is basically second nature, even if she doesn't like them. Though giving food to Alec is a service only for those he respects and values, a love that needs to be earned.
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You could even say at the start, food is to Alec as much release as his medicine are for survival. To get through the day and focus on other more dire things.
But these are just small interactions. He knows how to handle a cup of tea, but he doesn't know how to place himself when he's invited over for dinner. It's an platonic intimacy he hasn't had the pleasure of enjoying in a while.
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And because food to Alec is such high tier level of friendship, he feels like he has to give the same kind of appreciation back to the Miller for inviting him...... By going overboard and buying flowers, chocolate AND wine.
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and still as he's eating dinner he can't help but interrogate Joe a bit and not fully let his guard down. Because honestly, besides his job he doesn't have any Outside Of Work pleasantries going on. That guard is the most stable thing he's got
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But he starts to warm up more and more, making toast for himself on the job, which surprises Ellie too. But as his heart problems and worries catch up to him he feels forced to still deprave himself from joy
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But you can tell he's grown more connected to the community as a whole and his colleagues, with him even offering to pay for a round of drinks while not even present. Unknowingly, taking on some traits from Ellie, while Ellie slowly becomes more serious and straight to the point like Alec.
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Then as Alec finally collapses fully and the true nature of his condition is revealed, Ellie of course becomes angry he didn't tell her. She says she hoped he'd choke on the grape seeds but in reality this is her being worried for him and showing she cares.
Then you have the reveal, and food as a love language takes on a whole different meaning
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Where her love had previously filled her stomach, the breaking of her heart throws it all out again. Her vomiting at the revelation is honestly the perfect way for her character to show her world has been turned upside down. it's gut wrenching.
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And don't think I didn't notice the bright yellow mug behind the picture of her family, as she packs up her stuff to leave the case and sleep in a hotel. The security of her life, her love, stolen from her by the action of someone she trusted.
The symbolism of it all just in S1 is insane.. .i can't get enough of it.
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olive-main · 1 year
Two Heads of Hydra
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Pairing: Bucky Barns x Fem!Reader
Summary: A secret promise they made to each other, vowing to escape HYDRA and leave their lives as weapons behind. Even when they’d wipe Bucky’s mind, Y/N stuck by him, making that promise again and again. Their shared dream of freedom and a life beyond HYDRA had become their driving force.
Wc: 530
My first fanfic….? More of a background for a potential series…? Its simply experimental to get my writing brain working. I have many ideas, but while I’m working on this my requests are open! Don’t be shy and ask away ;)
When Y/N turned 20, Hydra put her on a mission with the infamous Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes. The two spent their days training together, fighting side by side, and rarely leaving each other's sight. The efficiency with which they operated together swayed Hydra’s decision to keep them as a team.
As their missions continued, Y/N couldn't help but notice the torment that Hydra put Bucky through. Usually it wouldn’t phase her, but with Bucky it was different. It caused an anger to build within her, a protectiveness she couldn't explain but couldn't deny. Bucky had felt the same way about Y/N. Whenever she was hit or “disciplined” by Hydra's members, he would rush to her protection, holding back from killing anyone who laid a hand on Y/N, and she’d reciprocate without hesitation. The punishments for either of their acts or defiance were brutal – brainwiping and torture – so they both decided that it was better to suffer in silence for each other's sake.
In Y/N’s determination to save Bucky from his tormented existence, she found ways to prevent Hydra from wiping his memory. Y/N claimed that he held information for future missions, and surprisingly, it worked, at least for a while. Bucky would always question why she was helping him, he couldn’t believe someone would show him any kindness. Y/N’s response had always been the same, "We only have each other in this hell hole, and I need you conscious for when we escape."
Feelings had begun to grow on both sides. How could they not, but they both knew that acknowledging them was a luxury neither of them could afford. It was the unspoken kindness and care that was shared that kept them going in their prisons, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.
However, when the time came for their escape, Hydra had already grown suspicious of their relationship. They searched Bucky's room and found his journal, a precious collection of his thoughts and memories. Despite the desperation Y/N felt trying to make sure they both got out, it had been too late. Bucky told her to leave, to get out of Hydra and save herself. It was a gut-wrenching decision, and she had no choice but to follow his orders. Y/N knew if she didn’t get out, they’d both be stuck.
Against her heart screaming at her to stay with Bucky, she made her esparce. Determined to keep the promise she had made to Bucky before they parted – to get him out. Before leaving Y/N managed to steal his journal, the only link to his past and his true self. She knew it would be essential for him when the time came to set him free.
Y/N had stepped foot in the outside world, finally free. But her mind was consumed with thoughts of Bucky and the day they’d reunite. She was dedicated to finding a way to rescue him from Hydra’s grasp, and the stolen journal became a symbol of Y/N’s unwavering commitment to the man who had become her partner, her protector, and her silent source of strength in the darkest of times.
Thank you beauties ~Olive ♡
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
Ask game #25?
mcytblr writer ask game
25.) What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
OH MAN..... GODS OKAY well this is about to become me gushing about my friends, but i think everyone and their mother should be reading @raichett, @droidofmay, @good-chimes, @sillyfairygarden, @sisyphean-writes, @renardroi's writing. Like holy shit i know some incredible authors. Grim in particular went and fully changed my brain chemistry with his fic Total Apogee of the Heart, which i do believe i described to him as "like reading an oil painting," and "like you've taken an axe to my chest and deftly split it down the middle to show me the inner workings of my heart," which is truly the palest of terms i can use to describe something that ended up feeling so soul-shocking to me /pos. The skillful way he twists words to layer these rich, saturated themes into his stories makes me INSAAAAAAANE, its pretty much the epitome of how i want to write when it comes to thematic elements and imbuing my narratives with symbolism. I genuinely dont know how to describe it, but the way he crafts sentences and weaves in references to other media is like reading a fairytale, and it leaves me feeling like ive just resurfaced from a dream every time.
And, ofc, my very good and dear friend Raichett with their ACP-verse-- oh my gods what an incredible read. Reincarnation fic with modern minecraft worldbuilding FUCKING SIGN ME UP..... i think this might be my favorite fic in the fandom because truly you can just feel the heart-wrench of how long Grian has been waiting, of all those words left unsaid during his and Scar's initial conversation that we the reader happen to be privy to. AND THE SEQUEL!!! THEE SEQUELLLLL THE ONGOING SEQUEL RAAAAAAAHH okay im normal im normal im normal <- lying. It just manages to hit every fucking trope i love all at once so i start frothing at the mouth whenever it gets updated or they send me snippets. I could read Raichett's writing for hours and hours and just feel so warm within it, truly beautiful prose and characterization :]
And ohhhh Sisyphean my beloved..... if you havent been reading their anonymous scarian fic series then please please do so, especially Bread and Butterflies, a fic they gifted me that made me simultaneously want to cry and also curl up into for the rest of my life. Something about the atmosphere in their fics, along with the juxtaposition of their unique form of humor, really just knocks it out of the park for me. And, of course, the gut-wrenching wing scene-- trust me, you need to read this fic. The reveal is so incredibly well done that it feels like a gauze being lifted from your eyes so you can finally see more than the lurking silhouette of what's been hinted at. Beautiful fic and evocative writing, i dont feel like i can do it justice you're just gonna have to go read it for yourself >:]
Sorry i told you this was gonna be me gushing so i am going to gush can we talk about Droid's fucking fics please. Can we talk about those. I've always been captivated by their writing, worldbuilding, and the way they so deftly weave implications into their prose to present a fic that feels so neatly-woven it practically breathes. Every work i've ever read from them, regardless of fandom, is some of the most engaging writing ive ever read before. Not to promo a fic inspired by hunger au, but im especially enamoured with their gift will the curse be reversed if you say it backwards. Reading that was like getting kicked in the chest a billion times until it ached, and the way they portrayed the two Grian's dynamics brought me perilously close to tears multiple times while reading, which is admittedly very hard to do. Also i think reading that fic is the closest ive ever gotten to what yall experience whenever i upload a new hunger au chapter-- i stg the dread i felt as the fic progressed had me HOLLERING in their dms like "IS THIS WHAT THATS LIKE. OH MY GODS" truly just a phenomenal fic all around
Thello, oh Thello, my beloved friend, her fic you are here to risk your heart had ME heartbroken in the best of ways when i first read it, and every reread since has only solidified it as a stunning cross-section into 3L!scarian's dynamic. Thello's writing in general is always so deeply elegant and refined-- reading it feels a lot like shoving the world's richest, gooiest, most delicately-layered cake into my mouth to melt on my tongue. She just gets intimacy in a way i rarely see done, highlighting the fragile way people can come together while straining to stay apart. Her writing is so deeply, utterly human in the details she chooses to focus on, and that level of groundedness paired with her fantastical prose makes me feel like what im reading is both very real and also the whisps of a beautiful, colourful dream.
And, last but very much not least, my wonderful friend Telk. Telk's writing is so utterly unique, bursting at the seams with both humor and a quiet rawness that punches me right in the ribs every single fucking time. They're also so deeply, insanely skilled at being able to say so so much in a story while dancing around the actual core of it, drawing you into understanding whats really going on below the surface like an event horizon. Their fic A Certain Je Ne Sais What is, in my mind, a particularly good example of the subtle and skillful way they weave implications into their work-- im perpetually in awe of how meticulously they poured Grian's cognitive dissonance between how he really feels about Scar, and how he wants to feel about Scar, into the narrative. That, and their characterization is genuinely flawless, im not sure ive ever read better character voices that capture the inherent humor of their owners than in Telk's writing.
Gods i have so much more to say about so many more of my friends and their fics but i'll stop here otherwise i will never shut up. Local guy loves his friends so fucking much i will shout it to the sky any chance i can take<3
And as a bonus, here's the hermit/trafficshipping collection i run on ao3, affectionately nicknamed The Body Count!! Its chock-full of incredible authors and writing, all of whom are my close friends, and its recently expanded to contain 60+ fics!! 60+!!!! INSANE. MY FRIENDS ARE INSANE AND I LOVE THEM PLEASE GO READ AND COMMENT ON THEIR WORKS BC THEY DESERVE THE ATTENTION :] THANKS FOR THE ASK AAAAAAAAAA OKAY BYE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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my-cabbages-gorl · 7 months
fave zukaang moment from the show? or top 3?
WOOO I am so sorry it took me forever to get to this, veggie!!!! but hiii thank you for this ask I will take any excuse I can get to talk about these two.
There are SO many haunting, gorgeous moments of connection between these two in the show I could choose! There are the obvious ones; fighting to protect each other's lives in the Blue Spirit episode, the "do you think we could have been friends?" moment, all the times Aang chose to spare Zuko's life, or when Zuko begs Aang to let him join their group and says "you know I have good in me" (that one is.. just ouch it's so gut-wrenching). But, I live for the moments when their irrevocable entanglement gets hit with a spotlight.
There are so many little scenes throughout the show that highlight how they are fated to be in relationship with one another. They're circling each other like Tui and La. Whether people ship them or not, their platonic relationship is arguably the core of the show. In the Seige of the North, Part 2- I think it's so symbolic that Koh the face stealer delivers his monologue about the moon and ocean spirit while in the real world, Aang (the incarnation of hope and good) is literally in bondage as Zuko (the physical manifestation of the war between good and evil) is choosing evil and risking the fate of the whole world just to save whatever shred of his own ego he has left.
When Aang asks about the moon and ocean spirits, Koh says: "Their spirit names are Tui and La, push and pull. And that has been the nature of their relationship for all time." Then later in the conversation he continues, "Tui and La, your moon and ocean, have always circled each other in an eternal dance. They balance each other, push and pull, life and death, good and evil, yin and yang." The fact that Zhao is attempting to capture and kill the moon spirit in order to make a name for himself, the same way that Zuko tries to kidnap Aang to deliver him to death (or at least torture and captivity) at the hands of his father to try and make a name for himself is a really nice parallel for what's being explored in their dynamic. It feels so clear (at least to me) that Aang and Zuko are a spiritual metaphor for this eternal dance- their past lives and ancestors disrupted the balance of harmony because of their broken relationship. And, now they're circling one another, mirroring one another, chasing one another in order to redeem the arc of their history- which the future of the world has always depended on. And, only when they enter into balance and harmony with one another will there be any hope for righting the world. That was SUCH a long winded way to talk about one of my favorite moments lol. And, I get that it might be a stretch but I live for the deep, convoluted metaphors of story. And Zukaang has plentyyyy of content for that sort of thing. Which is probably why I can never get over them hahaha. Honorable mention: in the final battle when Aang, the "enemy" that Ozai and his predecessors fought so hard to eradicate, spares Ozai's life when he redirects his lightning. It's so symbolic because he's using the technique that his OWN son- whom he abused and betrayed for choosing to nurture the shred of good in him- had a hand in bringing him down in the way that embodies the ultimate, humiliating antithesis to his character; 1) deep relationship and intimacy with the Avatar (the personification of good and hope) and 2) mercy.
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Musical Theatre Song Contest: Round Two C
Submitter’s propaganda under the cut
All You Wanna Do
Deeper symbolism, catchy pop that reflects characters and gut wrenching lyrics and dance symbolism. As well as in one version she didn’t stop weeping after her head was cut off.
It's catchy and fun but also really sad and just. Very well done. Especially the live version where she sobs at the end
This song was mindblowing the first time I heard it. It lures you in with a catchy beat, then slowly, you start realizing how deeply fucked Katherine's story is and how disturbing the song is. It's amazing.
A really upbeat peppy song that makes you sympathize with the protagonist but simultaneously makes you feel murderous
The way the chorus gradually changes from boasting about how men want to sleep with her to despair that that’s all they want is just so
Your Fault/Last Midnight
(spoilers for itw..) the entirety of the show lies in this song and the following two ones (no one is alone and no more), but these are the ones i love the most. the characters cannot accept their consequences and set into a patter song to throw the entirety of what is happening onto other people when the blame is shared equally. last midnight is a beautiful solo where the ""villain"" of the story gets sick of all this, of how the "heroes" act in ways that are not heroic and says alright then, do it by yourselves if thats what you want. and fucking leaves them. everything is now in their hands alone!!! and theyre both bops and bernadette peters is god on earth
one of the big moral points of the show; none of these characters are good people and they refuse to see that, ironically it’s the witch who directly tells them this whole also failing to see how she’s also flawed as well. also a BANGER on both ends I love women!!! "but it isn’t MY fault I was given THOSE beans you persuaded me to trade away my cow FOR beans and without THOSE beans there’d have been NO stalk to get up to the giants in the FIRST place! WAITAMINUTE maGIC beans for a cow SO old that you hadtotellalietosellit - WHICH YOU TOLD - WERETHeyworthLESS beans were they oVERsold ohandtelluswhopersuadedyoyto steal THAT gold??"
Be honest with yourself: you've tried to sing every single part in Your Fault at once. And Last Midnight, whooooof what a number!
These two is squished together into one song on the soundtrack, and while 'Your Fault' is very fun, I'm nominating this because I randomly break into bits of 'Last Midnight' at the slightest provocation. The witch is the best part of ITW, and this is her at her most witchy-ness.
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miztrixx · 1 year
Hopes for YTTD: Chapter 3-2
Not sure if anyone else has made this sort of blogpost yet, but this is essentially going to be a master compilation of all the specific things I hope we get to see in Chapter 3-2: - Sara facing her simulation self, perhaps in a battle or just in a small confrontational discussion: This (alongside possibly her memories of Joe being restored in the Logic Route) would serve as an amazing end and send-off to the character of Sara Chidouin. Having her face down her greatest insecurities, all the things that she thought were true about herself until she met Joe, and beat them? And not only that, coming to term with Joe's death and moving forward in life? It would be such a great way to show how far Sara has grown, all the way back since that fateful night stroll...
 - An epilogue scene: It doesn't matter how far into the future it is, could be one week after the events of the game or 10 years (though I'm hoping for the latter, imagine how bittersweet and emotionally gut-wrenching it would be to see Kanna and Gin all grown up...my heart will melt), just a scene showing us how the survivors are adjusting back to regular life. After all the pain and hardships they went through, seeing so many people die including some of their loved ones and having their lives put on the chopping block so many times, just seeing them live life normally and try to move on from all that has happened would be....bittersweet...so so bittersweet. I can imagine that the survivors would heavily value life and try to make the very most of their experience as humans after such a traumatic experience, but I can also imagine the survivors trying to live a peaceful and relaxing life after this as well. I'd also think it'd be heartbreaking but also uplifting to see the survivors honoring the memories of everyone that died. Contacting their friends and family and letting them know what happened to them, holding a huge memorial for all of them, making sure that their final wishes were realized (like Nao wanting to paint that picture of Mishima). All in all, I'd think it make for a pretty banger ending.
- "Shin" abandons the scarf: This one is pretty self-explanatory, Shin abandons the red scarf which is/was the symbol of Midori's control/influence over him, what drove him to become "Sou Hiyori" alongside the Four Papers and what drove him to do all the malicious and manipulative things he did. It goes without saying that if Shin ever gets a redemption arc as the final conclusion of his character, which I definitely see happening, he will have to break free of Midori's influence over him and this includes ditching the scarf. But he can't just put the blue scarf back on, he can't just return to the innocent and frail man that Shin Tsukimi was before the Death Game, he watched his sister die in front of him and had to bear all the pain and angst that came with it, his existence in the Death Game was filled with anger and malice, Yes. But it was also filled with fleeting moments of concern and connection, something Shin will have to do in order to fully get over Kanna's death: It may take years, but he will live and survive because that's what Kanna wanted for him. He will abandon the red scarf but I don't see him putting the blue scarf back on: Either he will move on from both and not adorn a scarf at all or he will adorn a purple scarf, a combination of both.
- On the note of Midori....he gets briefly revived before dying again, similar to how Rio Ranger (or Rio Laizer, I suppose) was: This sort of ties back into the previous hope, having Midori come back and having him interact with Shin would be incredibly satisfying and seeing them get to talk about everything that went on between him and maybe even Shin killing Midori this time, it would be amazing. It could also clear up a few minor plot details such as his participant status. Was he a candidate or a non-candidate? And also...
- Fake Hinako's backstory or info pertaining to her: This one I don't mind not happening because we'll probably get it in her minisode but just to talk about it... Kai had a lot of his character and backstory revealed to us post-mortem because the surviving characters were driven to doubt him and uncover his motives. The very same may happen to the Fake Hinako, perhaps it's revealed that Fake Hinako had a much bigger hand in interfering with the events of the Murderer Sub-Game, perhaps there's a function on the Dummies that she changed because she harbored rebellious thoughts, there's a lot of ways we can go with this due to how much of a mystery the Fake Hinako really is. Another hope I have that I'm going to bundle in with this one is for a Real Hinako face reveal and possibly even a wish reveal, if Fake Hinako is heavily linked to Real Hinako then this may be a possibility? I don't think it's very likely (unfortunately) but it'd be nice to have some more info on these girls who we barely know nothing about.
- Speaking of black-haired girls who died in the First Trial and weren't revived in the Dummies, one thing that may happen in the Emotions Route is that we get to see Kugie's victim video, not for any plot-related reasons but....yup, you guessed it....CHARACTER reasons!! Particularly, Kanna's: Unlike with what I talked about Shin and Sara, I see this sort of moment being more of a send-off or a testament to Kanna's character since chapter 1-1. She's grown so much, from the sad little crying child to a determined girl who's lost everything and wants to move forward with hope. Having her watch Kugie's victim video, and not even flinch and cry would be so...empowering for her? Not sure if that's the right word, but whatever. Oh, and there's one more black-haired girl who died in the First Trial too...
- Megumi Sasahara will become plot relevant in the final chapter: I'm not saying that she'll be given a fleshed character and a sad backstory, just that she will hold some sort of plot relevance in this chapter. Perhaps it will be revealed that she was unknowingly helping ASU-NARO by accepting bribes from them, perhaps there is information about the Hades Incident that she knows about and that we will find out through talking to her A.I. That latter seems pretty likely to me, especially since we still have the mystery of "Shinobu Gokujo" to figure out.
- Hayasaka, Kurumada and Mai's wishes (or perhaps for Mai, her special info which wasn't revealed): Hayasaka especially here considering how he cursed out Sara's name in his victim video, there is definitely information that he knows that we may draw out with the lantern and it could be related to his ASU-NARO vow wish. For Kurumada, there is a possibility that he was the one who wished Sara into the Death Game. Perhaps his wish was something like "I want to fight someone stronger then me" and Sara did have the highest percentage after all. For Mai, perhaps her secret info relates to some function of the dolls that we don't yet know about, I can't see how her wish would be relevant though.
Before I end this, I'd like to say that I'm not going to go into 3-2 with all these insanely high expectations, these are just hopes after all. In reality, I will be okay with any outcome we get, as long as the ending is satisfying and makes sense (simulation theory is one of the ones I don't want to happen) but it'd be nice if a few of these were to happen in 3-2!!
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