#If one good thing came out of this game it was definitely the fan music.
cowboybarzy · 7 months
unexpected with baby’s first all star game? 🥹
loving the baby myla requests!! I have another one coming soon!!!
wc: 1.1k
cw: mentions of sex, lowkey hating on Justin Bieber (sorry not sorry), babies
part of the unexpected series
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"How much do you want to bet Mat is going to change his wallpaper from Myla to that picture of him and Justin hugging?," Liana asked you as you walked back to your hotel after the NHL All Star Draft. Mat got elected to play for team Matthews, which Justin Bieber was the coach for. And Mat was a big fan of his. He hadn't shut up about him being there for days and contemplated for weeks about what he'd say to him if he met him.
"He better not," you replied, kissing your daughter's head who was fast asleep in her carrier. "$50."
She laughed and accepted the bet. At the hotel, you put Myla to bed, who would be spending the night with her grandparents while you, Liana, and Mat spent the night at the after party.
"There he is." Mat's eyes lit up in excitement when he saw you and threw his arms around you, kissing your cheek with a lot of force.
"I'm on his fucking team," Mat yelled over the loud music, his arms still tight around your middle as he lifted you in the air. You shook your head with laughter and embraced the kiss he pressed to your lips.
The night consisted of some good music, some fun people, and you and Mat enjoying a rare night out. And Mat showed how much he loved that time with you, as he never let go of you. Not once did his hand leave your back, your hand, your shoulder, whichever body part he was holding on to, not to go get a drink, to chat with his friends, and definitely not when he pulled you into a dance. That high continued throughout the night and into the very early morning. You couldn't waste those precious moments the two of you had alone and in a fancy hotel room like this one the NHL had set you up in, oh things got spicy.
But as much as you had loved spending the night enjoying jut each others company, you were both over the moon when you picked Myla up from her grandparents' room the next morning and brought her back to your bed for a slow morning before Mat had to get back hockey.
"Hi, baby girl." Mat's morning voice was deep and raspy and made you want to bring your baby right back to her grandparents to slip back under the covers with him. But cuddling with your baby under the sheets was a different kind of satisfaction that you loved just as much.
Mat pressed kissed to her cheeks that had gotten a lot chubbier when she started eating solid food a couple of months ago, making her laugh uncontrollably. She loved to eat. Anything you cooked her she'd eat. And tons of it. Just like her dad. But you were also still breastfeeding her, a sweet bonding moment for the two of you.
The room service Mat had ordered while you were off getting Myla came soon after while you were feeding her, so Mat set up the trays for you in bed. Though eating breakfast in bed with an 8 months old turned out to be more of a hassle than the slow morning you'd envisioned. She was crawling all over the huge bed, trying to throw herself off the mattress every couple of minutes or getting her little fingers in your food, dirtying the sheets. But you live and you learn and you definitely learned that what had once been your favorite way to spend the morning may have to be delayed until she was older.
"Here, do you want some avocado?" You handed your daughter a slice of avocado which you picked from your toast, when Mat finally pulled her into his lap. She accepted gladly, shoving it into her mouth. As you continued eating, you watched Mat interact with Myla, who was making silly faces and noises to make her laugh. But he was the one to laugh when she held up that chewed up piece of avocado to his lips. He made a disgusted face, but he could resist her offer of sharing and bit off a piece of the slice, swallowing quickly.
The rest of the morning was over a lot sooner than you wanted and before you knew it Mat was back at the rink and you barely saw him for the rest of the day. You cheered him on during the skills competition for as long as you could before Myla was over it and you took her back to the hotel room.
The next day was basically a repeat of the previous day, only really seeing Mat when he got back from the game. He slipped under the sheets with you, gladly letting you congratulate him for the amazing weekend he had.
When you were cuddling watching TV a bit later and Mat reached for his phone, something caught your eye. "Mathew." You practically ripped his phone out of his hands and locked it to inspect his lock screen. Your jaw dropped in disbelief and you jumped to your knees. "Mathew!"
"What?," he asked confused then yelped when you lightly slapped his naked chest. He threw his arms up in confusion, so you turned the phone around to face him to show him his lock screen. You could not believe it. You couldn't believe that he had actually changed his wallpaper from a sweet picture of baby Myla to one of him and Justin Bieber.
"What?," he asked again, but this time grinning. "So cool, right?"
"No! You abandoned your daughter for him?" Needless to say you weren't Justin's biggest fan. His music was alright but as a person you weren't a fan of him.
"I did not abandon her! You're so dramatic." He rolled his eyes laughing at you and took his phone back. "It's just a picture and I'll change it back in a few days."
"You better pay me those $50," you said pointing at him, before laying back down beside him.
"What $50?"
"Liana bet me $50 that that is exactly what you would do. That you'd change your wallpaper to that picture. But I had faith in you!" Mat laughed beside you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"You're so dramatic," he chuckled. "I'll change it back."
Once you felt like he'd kissed and sweet talked you enough to make up for it, you grabbed your phone to text Liana.
You: I owe you $50
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sweetiepoison · 5 months
Famous Baby blurb
(The Leafs Game)
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A/n: I’m actually really struggling writing the next part so a throwback! Italics indicate a flashback
“Try going up one note” You suggest standing across from Justin at the piano.
Your friend asked you to come over to help out with some new music he was working on. You also were trying to write an album of your own and figured the afternoon spent working would help you as well. Justin sang the previous verse over again but higher like you suggested.
“Yeah I like that.” He commented going straight into the next verse. You hummed along joining in on certain verses creating a harmony.
“How would you feel about this song being the first I release off the new album?” Your jaw dropped at Justin’s question.
“For real?” You gasped. Justin’s return to music had been long anticipated by both fans and the media alike. And for him to want the song you collaborated on to be his intro back into the music industry was appreciated.
“Of course!” Justin exclaimed scooting back from the piano. “(y/n), you are one of the biggest names in the industry right now if not the biggest” he said putting an emphasis on the word the.
You were like a little sister to Justin, originally signing onto the same label when you were 16 and starting your career. Justin knew what it was like to be so young and in the spotlight so he looked out for you. Despite you switching labels and Justin taking a step back from music, you remained close. There was no one else he trusted more to debut his new album with.
“You’re still Justin Bieber.” You reminded him. “You don’t need my name attached for this to be successful.”
You continued practicing until the afternoon slowly turned into the evening and Hailey came downstairs with a leafs jersey on and an extra in her hands.
“Cult meeting tonight?” You asked as she handed the jersey to Justin.
“Yeah, do you want to come?” She offered.
You laughed at the thought, “Hell no.”
“C’mon, (y/n) please.”
“Come support our friend with us.” They both wore the same pouty expression.
“Auston is not my friend.”
“But we are,” Justin cut in before you could go on a rant. “And would you rather hang out with your friends or stay in by yourself tonight?”
“I’m fine with staying in.”
“C’mon everyone’s going, and it’ll be a fun night and we can go out after-“
“Fine.” You give in. “But I’m not wearing a jersey.”
It wasn’t enough for you to just not wear a maple leafs jersey. You knew one thing would piss off Auston even more. So once you all settled into your seats you grabbed your best friends hand and dragged her down to the gift shop.
“You don’t even like hockey.” She reminded you as you searched through the jerseys. “Why waste money on something you’re never gonna wear again?”
“Because, Auston will hate it.”
“And why do you care what he thinks?”
“I don’t.” You immediately snapped. “But I definitely don’t want him to think I came willingly. Plus we’re from here so why not support the hometown team.” You shrugged continuing your search.
Once you finally settled on a jersey you liked you didn’t wait for a bag and instead immediately pulled it on over your shirt. The jersey may have been petty, but you knew it would get the job done and that’s what mattered.
Justin groaned and rolled his eyes once he saw you return to your seat, “I’m not even gonna say anything.”
“Good choice.” You said sitting down next to Shawn with a satisfied smirk, actually looking forward to the start of the game.
“The arena is packed tonight. And we are not short of celebrity guests. Up in the stands we have Justin and Hailey Bieber, Shawn Mendes, and (y/f/n) (y/l/n)” The crowd cheered loudly following the announcement and the excitement only grew as your section was featured on the Jumbotron. You waved and smiled for the camera.
“It looks like there’s a rivalry going on up there.” The other announcer commented on the oppsoing jerseys you were wearing. You adjusted in your seat making it very known that you had a Kings jersey on.
“I would love to hear the trash talking that’s going on up there between Justin and (y/n)”
Once again the crowd went wild as Auston scored a goal. The group around you excitedly jumped up cheering along with others. You remained stoic looking down at your phone to check the time.
“At least pretend to be happy.” Justin leaned down to whisper his back facing the ice. “The cameras are on us.”
“Excitement for Auston is just something I can’t fake.” You finalized with a shrug of your shoulders, but the pleading look on Justin’s face was too hard to ignore. So you forced a smile throwing in a few claps.
“I’ll take it.” Justin said satisfied.
Once everyone calmed down you went back to your phone showing Shawn pictures from the vacation your family took recently. You were so absorbed in telling various stories from the trip you didn’t notice the time out that was called.
Shawn’s song, Fallin’ All in You began playing. You absentmindedly hummed along and looked up to see the Jumbotron started back up and this time with the kiss cam.
The camera suddenly panned on your section and was featuring Justin and Hailey. All of your friends instantly began cheering the couple on. And when they gave in and the crowd erupted.
Your excitement was fleeting though as the camera moved off of them and onto you and Shawn.
“Oh God.” You mumbled with a smile on your face trying to cover up any discomfort you were feeling.
You thought your immediate hesitation would be enough of an indication that you didn’t want to kiss your ex, but they persisted refusing to move the camera.
“They aren’t going to move on till we kiss.” Shawn whispered.
“Fine.” You conceded leaning back and looking over at him. “You make the first move.”
“Like our first kiss all over again.” He laughed before leaning over and kissing you. It was gentle and sweet, but had the whole arena booming with excitement.
You immediately covered your face laughing along with him as the camera stayed on you two to get the aftermath. Shawn kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders and kissed the side of your head. “Give it a second they’ll move on…And we’re good.”
You were relieved when you looked up and it wasn’t your face you were seeing on the screen. The breakup took place seven years ago and you stayed true to your word remaining friends after the split.
While there were no longer romantic feelings, Shawn was a comforting piece of your foundation. He not only maintained a good relationship with you, but your family as well. You knew he would be a part of your life for the rest of your life.
“Good job guys, no matter what happens with this game, that’s all anyone’s going to be talking about.” Justin reached over to fist bump Shawn.
“So we need to know are you guys back together.” Your best friend held out her water bottle as a fake microphone to you.
“Yeah, that kiss seemed pretty intimate.” Your other friend, Mason joined in also holding out a water bottle.
“Shut up.” You giggled pushing the water bottle away. “If any of you say we’re together I will end you.”
“Not the threats.” Mason joked, “I’m for sure telling TMZ that when they call me.”
Following the kiss cam the intensity seemed to go up for both teams, especially for one player in particular.
Auston wasn’t sure why seeing you on the kiss cam annoyed him so much, but it did. Everyone was supposed to be here to watch a hockey game and you turned it into a joke.
“Fuck.” He angrily slammed his stick against the boards breaking it before taking a seat on the bench.
“Dude, take a breather.” Mitch encouraged sitting down next to him.
“I’m fine.” Auston insisted taking a long swig from his water bottle.
“You sure because you’ve seemed tense?”
“Yeah I just want to win.” Mitch knew that wasn’t the reason, but he also knew not to push so he let it go.
Following your kiss he began playing harder. His hits were more forceful, his trash talking more heated, and his need to score at an all time. The intensity in the arena extended beyond the ice. As the game drew closer to ending fans of both teams started getting more aggressive.
“Matthews sucks. Anytime anyone gets near him he’s crying and acting like a little bitch.” A man sitting in front of you screamed at the glass. You had watched him down four beers already and become progressively drunk as the game went on.
“He’s talented, but selfish with the puck and a show off. The talent won’t last forever.” His friend next to him chimed in. They were both wearing Kings jerseys similar to the one you had on.
The way they were talking about Auston didn’t sit right with you. Any other day you would agree and probably even say those things yourself, but today was not that day.
You may have not known much about hockey, but you knew Auston was good (you would never admit that to him). And two middle aged men saying otherwise annoyed you.
“(Y/n), don’t.” Your best friend wrapped her hand around your wrist. You looked down now noticing that your hands were clenched and tapping against your leg.
“I’m not going to do anything.” You reassured her, trying to take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
“Are you sure? Because you have this crazy look in your eye and your extremely stiff right now.”
“I’m fine.” You seethed through clenched teeth.
“He’s overrated and overpaid.”
You took it upon yourself to tap on one of the men’s shoulder. As they turned around you cleared your throat and plastered on a tight smile. “Don’t you think this is the type of conversation you can have in your car on the ride home or maybe not even at all?”
“I can talk about whatever and whoever I want, when I want to.” The man on the right replied his beer sloshing around in his glass.
“You are two grown men talking about another grown man, be realistic.” You bit back, your attempt at being nice slowly fading away.
“You’re right we are grown men and allowed to have whatever opinion we want.” The second man replied raising his voice.
“Yeah maybe just don’t have it so loudly.” You suggested shrugging your shoulders and leaning back in your seat.
“You don’t know anything about hockey.”
“I know that right now the leafs are beating the kings.”
“Games not over yet.”
“And Matthews has scored two of their four goals.”
Despite your best attempts to keep the conversation cordial. The raised voices started gaining the attention of others around you. You knew a disagreement was one thing, but a full blown fight wouldn’t be a good look for you. As far as the public were concerned you weren’t the type of girl to be aggressive. And you would have maintained that look had one of the men not stood up so he was towering over you.
“He sucks the same way you probably get on your knees every night and suck his dick.” Any thought of being passive for your public image was out the window as you also stood not backing down.
“Excuse me.”
“You heard me.”
“No say it again I want you to hear yourself and how stupid you sound.” Image be damned. You didn’t want someone talking about Auston like that and you definitely weren’t going to allow them to talk about you like that.
“You’re nothing more than one of his sluts.” He threw his arms in the air, but before anything further could happen security was closing in on you quickly. You realized you hadn’t only caught the attention of the people around you but the whole arena as you looked up and could see yourself on the Jumbotron.
“And you’re a pathetic excuse of a human being. People pay to watch him, you’re running your mouth for free.” You had the final say as security pulled him away kicking both man out of the game. The crowd cheered watching them get escorted out, still fighting with anyone they could.
Watching them leave, however didn’t make you feel any better. You quickly picked up your bag and began climbing up the stairs before anyone could stop you. You were embarrassed that someone spoke to you like that especially in front of a crowd. You ran into the nearest bathroom locking yourself in a stall. You cursed yourself for letting your anger get the best of you. You knew this was going to be everywhere in a matter of hours. The string of texts coming into your phone from your publicist let you know that word already got to her.
“Fuck.” You groaned letting your head fall against the stall wall.
“(Y/n)?” You knew your best friend would find you. She stopped in front of the stall you were in, “I know you’re in there. I can see your feet.”
You groaned stomping your foot on the ground,“Go away.” There was no way you were opening the door.
“A security guard came over to us, Auston’s asking to see you.”
“No.” You flat out refused.
“Please.” You didn’t need to open the door to know she was biting down on her lip, a nervous habit she picked up from you. “He’s refusing to go back on the ice until he talks to you and they kinda need him.”
“Oh my god, he’s so dramatic.” You exclaimed opening the door. You usually were against giving into tantrums, but this needed to be resolved.
You begrudgingly followed security as they took you down to the tunnel where Auston was waiting.
“Are you crazy?” Auston screamed as soon as he saw you walking towards him.
Auston was confused as both teams were forced back to their benches in the middle of the game. Nothing happened on the ice to justify this, but as the crowd started to get loud and the Jumbotron featured the stands he realized it wasn’t because of what was happening on the ice, but rather off of it.
He watched as two people stood toe to toe yelling back and forth, neither backing down. But once he looked closer he realized he recognized the people around the two and then realized one of the people standing was you.
“So fucking stupid.” He mumbled, anger starting to flare up in his eyes. He continued to watch until the man raised his arm and that’s when Auston started moving before he could think. He didn’t get very far though, before multiple people were holding him back.
“Get off me.” He growled fighting against Mo, John, and Willy.
“You’re not going over there, this isn’t our arena and those aren’t our fans.” John kept his arms on Auston’s shoulders.
He continued watching as security closed in on the altercation separating you two, “fuck this.” He snapped breaking free from the hold on himself and moving towards the tunnel. “Someone get her down here.”
“Are you?” You shot back, “your holding up a whole game for this!” You motioned your hand between the two of you.
“I wouldn’t have to if you would’ve just sat down and stayed quiet!” He was pissed and didn’t care about who could possibly hear him.
“Oh yeah because I wanted a grown man yelling in my face.” You sarcastically let out, your voice going up an octave as you also got louder.
You watched as Auston shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. He had a concentrated look on his face, a look you’d seen before. This was the look Auston wore when he was trying to figure something out. But unlike before, the look didn’t go away, he was still frustrated.
“What the hell were you thinking?” He huffed pacing back and forth.
“I wasn’t, I was defending you!” You flung your arms in the air voice strained. “And based on how you’re treating me right now, I shouldn’t have.”
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Auston didn’t hold back, “people say shit all the time. You included.”
“But they weren’t me and no one besides me should say those things about you.” Your pulse was racing and it took a generous amount of self control to bring your voice back down to a reasonable level.
It felt like an eternity of silence before Auston finally replied, his voice much softer and more worn out, “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“But I didn’t.” You watched as he leaned against the the wall hunched over. You realized that this was effecting him more than you. You were worried about your image, but Auston was worried about you. If anything would’ve happened to you, he would’ve never forgave himself. That’s not because he had any feelings for you, but because his parents raised him right (or at least that’s what he told himself when he flew off the ice and down the tunnel demanding to see you.)
“Hey, Auston.” You timidly touched his cheek forcing him to look at you. “I’m fine. Okay?” You searched his eyes for any confirmation that your words were getting through. “Plus I didn’t totally disagree with them, they did call you a little bitch.” The smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth and the deep chuckle confirmed that he was fine.
“A little bitch, huh? Not very original.”
“They also called me a dumb bitch so we have that in common.” You shrugged taking a step back.
Auston was amused, “Who would’ve thought that would be what we have in common.”
You smiled crossing your arms over your chest. You both took a second to really look at each other. You may have disliked each other, but you shared common ground when it came to dealing with hate. Auston didn’t deserve it any more than you did.
“This color looks terrible on you by the way.” Auston broke the silence lightly tugging at the jersey you wore.
“Really? You looked down at your outfit, “I think it’s sleek and flattering.”
“You’d look better in blue.” Auston stood to his full height.
“Win this game and I might consider it.” You offered side stepping to allow him to get closer to the entrance.
“No.” You shook your head, “but I do actually need you to win now. That fight can’t be for nothing.”
“This next goals for you, then.” He smirked.
“Don’t miss it like the last one.” You teased.
“Don’t get into anymore fights.” He retorted walking away and you watched as he returned from where he came.
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luchitohamilton · 1 year
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lewis being interview by margot laffite for canal+ at the qatar gp '23
I act like a kid all the time. I’m not embarrassed about it; I love having fun. So that’s why, you know, I’m always skydiving, surfing or I’m skiing or I’m riding my bike or whatever might be, that’s me being a kid. And that’s something I refuse to ever let go.
transcript below :-)
So Lewis. I don't want today to talk about the World champion, the Formula 1 driver, I would like to talk about Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton, if you don’t mind. Can you describe the kind of kid you were at home and at school? What kind of kid were you?
[Smiling] Did you ever had a show called Dennis the Menace?
Oh yes of course.
You did?
Of that kind, yeah. Denis la Malice.
I was like Dennis the Menace 2.0. [laughs] I was climbing trees, I was just always riding my bike down the fastest hill. Naturally super competitive in everything that I did and, uhm, my dad helped me concentrate that energy into racing and that’s where stability came.
We know you were a huge fan of Ayrton Senna, but did you watch like every single F1 race, documentaries about F1?
No, when I was a kid I only watched documentaries on Ayrton Senna, read his books. Anything to do with Ayrton I would have it, whether it was a coffee mug or, not that I drink coffee as a kid, but I was watching Gran Prix from like since I was like 4 with my dad on the weekends. Yeah, Sunday sitting with my dad watching races was one of the best times, I remember.
If you could go back in time, where and when would it be?
It would probably be when I was living with my mum, before I was 8, so, yeah.
You are running the world so, how difficult is it to build friendships?
Yeah, it’s definitely not the easiest I would say. My two closest friends are from school, yeah, they are my brothers. Places where I’ve found good friendships are obviously on my job, and then when I’m doing music, when I’m working with musicians, it’s just like a different realm and there I’ve built some incredible relationships also.
What does being a grown up mean to you? Is it like tiresome to be more conscious of the impact you have on things and people, rather than the pleasant innocence of being a child?
I act like a kid all the time. I’m not embarrassed about it; I love having fun. So that’s why, you know, I’m always skydiving, surfing or I’m skiing or I’m riding my bike or whatever might be, that’s me being a kid. And that’s something I refuse to ever let go.
When you play a game with some children, maybe your family, nieces and nephews, do you let them win?
No, I try to win! I just [laughs] and they are good, they are getting good, so I have to get my wins while I can. But, my dad never let me win anything when I was a kid. I think is good to learn how to lose anyways, so [laughs]
Are you always on time or sometimes you’re late?
No, I’m always late. The only time I’m ever on time is when I’m getting in the car to race. But like if I’m going for a flight, I’m always late. I don’t know, I like the limit, yeah. [jokingly] I like getting there around the limit, I like the rush.
What are your thoughts and feelings about Max Verstappen? The man he is, the kind of champion.
He’s done an exceptional job. I think the team has done an amazing job. Collectively they truly deserve the success. Max has been faultless this year, he’s not made any mistakes. I only hope that there’s a time when I’ll be able to put up a fight for him.
When you quit F1 would you still want race like Dakar or the 24 Hours of Le Mans?
I currently don't really have any, like, zero, like, feelings to do those things. I love motorbikes, I’ve always loved Moto GP, still love it today. I have 2 super bikes. I think I probably always just gonna take my bikes out. I won’t compete professionally in anything ever again. It takes 10,000 hours to be, you know, a master of something else. I wanna spend that 10,000 hours on being the best dad or something like that, you know, or running my businesses in the best way I can. Where all my energy and focus will go to. For now, I’ll continue to skydive, I’ll continue to surf, those are probably the, riding the bikes, surfing and skydiving, those are the 3 fun things that I’ll make sure I always do.
Merci Beaucoup, Lewis.
It was a pleasure as always. Thank you.
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formulatrash · 7 months
I was working on gaining experience in motorsport but now I don't want to anymore due to the news. I have been torn up about this since it was announced. Am I even safe working in this industry? Is it only a matter of time?
I think there are two things to take from this: even in an organisation as closed-ranks as Red Bull, this was investigated. And although it's depressing to see many people either expressing disbelief or seeking to discredit the victim, there are a much larger number of people outraged. Not just that it happened but with the entire process, including the way it is being played as a political trophy within Red Bull as an organisation and the wider reaction of Formula 1 and the FIA.
In every industry, there are imbalances in power that lead to exploitation. Ableism, racism, sexism and homophobia go hand in hand with unfairnesses like nepotism and favouritism. Some industries, especially those that people really want to work in and where there are limited opportunities, have it worse - you see it in acting, in games, in music, in motorsport.
Nowhere is safe from the structural inequalities that frame the world. In any job you'll be in some level of danger. That's not intended as a blanket scare or as some way to minimise or dismiss the specific (and extremely unpleasant) case being brought this week.
I definitely have experienced sexism and outright attempts at exploitation/abuse in motorsport. A man who's still a popular pundit spent several years lying to me and even though I'm really not this naiive, somehow convincing me to exchange lewds. Another one who's in a senior editorial position routinely sends me obscene messages. Men from teams and championships and heritage programmes have tried to get me to fuck them and I'm not young or hot or particularly desirable - it's just that I was there and a woman and so it's almost seen as obligatory that they do it, so they can dismiss you as a slut.
I wrote a little about this when the Mazepin thing came out a few years ago. It resonated with a painful number of women across motorsport, I got hundreds of messages after it was posted.
But. This is being taken seriously. There is a clear level of discomfort within the wider paddock about Horner's presence - some of that is political, it is in the teams' interests for there to be disruption at Red Bull. But a lot is clearly pretty visceral horror and anger at both the reputational damage to the sport and what's happened.
Do not let the fact that there are gross people out there deter you from a dream. Do let yourself be angry about it and mould that anger into a toolkit to address it. Look out for the people around you, try to promote positive workplace cultures, call out unpleasant behaviours, especially in scenarios where you are relatively unaffected. (eg: if you're a straight woman and someone says something gross about a gay man, if you're a white person and someone says something racist, etc)
Motorsport needs good people to work in it to change. It needs you far more than you need it. Don't let it reverse or exploit that and you will have a level of power that constitutes safety because you won't let it damage you for the sake of getting something it isn't offering. (If someone is behaving exploitatively then they are not giving you anything, they are trying to see what they can take)
It's been a shit week. I feel awful for the woman who's been doxxed, robbed of compensation and had her career ruined. Who's being discussed and discredited by the paddock, by journalists, by the most toxic fans. In a just world, people would be protecting her but that would need the population of all those groups to change significantly.
So don't let it put you off. Let it make you keener to displace them.
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Twenty Years Later: Joel Miller x F!Reader - One Shot #1
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The Little Things
Plot: Joel and Y/n reminisce on life before Cordyceps
Word Count: 913
Warnings: language, loss of a child (16+)
A/N: Welcome back, folks! I feel like I’m stretching my Rosebud/Joel muscles after a long break, but hopefully this is a good way to dive back in 🏊🏻‍♀️ I’ve always thought that in an apocalyptic setting, eventually your mind would have to drift to wondering what things in the world you’d missed out on!
These one shots/chapter will vary in length, but the majority of them will be set in Jackson. I’m planning a few flashbacks (where to, I’m keeping a secret 🤫) but it will mostly be Rose, Joel and Ellie adjusting to life together. I’m excited to keep this lil’ world going 💜 Enjoy, my loves!
“Big Macs.”
“Why ‘ugh?’”
“Because Big Macs were disgusting.”
“Says you.”
Joel and Y/n were laid in their bed, one elbow bent towards the ceiling, their hands intertwined. It was late, they both knew they should have been asleep an hour ago.
“Whoppers were better,” Y/n mused, sticking to her fast food opinions long after the chains were gone.
Joel scoffed, “Okay…”
“What was the name of that place by the fire station?” Y/n asked, lightly slapping her flattened palm against Joel’s.
“Mmm,” he thought for a second, “Mimi’s?”
“Yeah,” Y/n nodded, “That place was good too.”
“It was,” Joel smoothed his hand against Y/n’s before threading his fingers through the gaps between hers.
In the two weeks since they’d been married, both officially and unofficially, Joel and Y/n’s excitement to share a bed hadn’t wavered. Neither one of them could get home fast enough to one another after their mutual shifts in various parts of Jackson. Retiring to each other’s arms at the end of a long day of work was the sweetest reward to be earned.
“I’ve got a stupid one,” Y/n spoke up.
“There’s no stupid ones,” Joel offered back, his eyes were closed in relaxation.
“No, you’ll definitely think this one’s stupid.”
Joel smiled, “Hit me.”
Y/n inhaled deeply, sighing as she released the breath, “We never found out how Star Wars ended.”
To his credit, Joel tried to contain the laughter bubbling in his throat. But the pressure became too great to suppress and he snorted, rolling on his side and pressing his face to Y/n’s shoulder.
“You asshole,” Y/n joined in on her husband’s laughter.
“It’s not stupid,” Joel said with a contradicting smile, “It’s just that we already knew how it ended.”
“But we didn’t know how we got there,” Y/n gestured with her free hand to the ceiling, “We’ll also never know how Friends ended or if there would have been another Pirates of the Caribbean movie…”
Joel snickered into Y/n’s shoulder once more. Where Y/n would have once jokingly pushed him away, she let him stay. After two decades apart, no intimacy between them was ever rejected.
“I miss music shops,” Joel added once his laughter had ceased, “Can still remember the smell of all the guitars and the polishes.”
Y/n hummed, nudging her head closer to Joel’s till the tips of his curls were tickling her face.
“Maybe it’s just the playin’ I miss,” Joel continued, getting settled in Jackson was their top priority, but he was itching to find a guitar.
“I miss that perfume I used to wear,” Y/n added another entry to their game.
Joel’s head tilted in attention, “The lilac one?”
“How do you even remember that?” Y/n chuckled, their hands had separated and she was absentmindedly combing her fingers through Joel’s hair.
“I bought it for you for Christmas,” Joel replied, the heat of his breath fanning Y/n’s shoulder, “‘Member?”
The memories came flooding back from the dusty attic she’d hidden them in. “Right,” Y/n recalled.
“You said it was too expensive,” Joel added to the memory.
“Because it was.”
“You said you only bought yourself a bottle every few years,” Joel continued.
“I did.”
Just like every other time they talked about the little parts of life they missed, the conversation would inevitably hit a stopping point. A space where the memories of what once was began to press down on their chests, sometimes out of sadness, sometimes out of anger.
Joel could distinctly remember the scent of the perfume Y/n wore, how it would linger on his sheets long after she rose in the morning. All of Y/n’s memories of getting ready for date night involved spritzing the floral spray on her neck and wrists. It was the trivial things like it that represented a chapter of their lives they could never go back to.
The silence took over and Y/n’s fingers stopped their soothing motions. Joel craned his neck to look up at her, his emotions mirroring hers perfectly. Melancholia mixed with nostalgia and resignation.
This was the part of the night where they settled into each other’s arms and drew comfort from their mutual presence. It was all still so new, despite their history, and the simple act of holding one another was something for muscle memory to recall. But it was better to have the sting of what was lost soothed than to yearn in solitude.
Y/n dug her nose into Joel’s chest. Reminiscing on the past had once been a choking stab, now it was more like an ache. Ever present and ever painful, but bearable. Joel was making everything feel decent again.
Joel settled his chin on top of Y/n’s head, inhaling the scent of the simple soap they both used. Only upon Y/n and Ellie’s entrance into his life had Joel began to truly remember his past, both consciously and unconsciously. It was a whole new world to navigate, balancing his memories and building the future he thought he’d lost. But, much like Sarah’s memory, they were beginning to morph into something he could handle. He could even smile at most of them. And the ones that left him feeling hollow were filled by the embrace of his wife.
They were learning, Joel and Y/n, learning how to function as one again. If one stumbled, the other was there to pick them up. If one broke, the other was there to put them back together. It was beautiful and battle-scarred and above all else…it was safe.
TYL Taglist: @bachiracore @stolenxkissess @kayleezra @the-wistful-reader @allthesesonsofbitches @goth-detectives365 @trippovert @rh1nestonecowg1rl @emiliaserpe @khaleesihavilliard @frietiemeloen @gracie7209 @dorck26 @thegirlnextdoorssister @alanis-altair @mariwinns16 @whosscruffylooking @endofthexline @alexiaricciardo @eonnyx @pedrosmexicangf @scarlettequinn @ao-sleepy @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @deanlovescassie @turmoil-ash @sorrowjunky @kpopslur @xxlilyxx90 @midgetpottermills @presidential-facts @scoopsnini @tubble-wubble @jamesdeerest @burninggracesandbridges @star-wars-lover @lucyhotchner @cococola-cocaine @witheringhqarts @fall-writes @alwaysdjarin @xxmoonn @emilia-the-artist @wand-erer5 @boneyarrd @lizard-zombie @themultifandomofmadness @cassidylea123 @paleepeaches @mxltifxnd0m @kettlekatie @ultimate-cinephile @gloryekaterina @caramelkatsukis-bitch @whovianayesha @memeorydotcom @deadunicorn159 @get0ut0fmyr00m @siriuslymooned @emmyeed @superbreadsoul @hellu-people1 @ourautumn86 @inas-thing @noraapple05 @givemylovetoall @luvwanda (tags cont. in comments)
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skepsiss · 5 months
For Steddie prompts -- I'm always a fan of older Steve and Eddie, like them in the 90's and still pining type of nonsense
That or them as camp councilors, for Summertime for us Northern Hemispherers ♥️✨
Pining in the 90s.... hmmm, as in they're not together yet? I'm going to take this in a rather AU way, hope you like it! Ooops, it's almost 2,000 words.... but whatever. (Anyone can send me a prompt! Please do) --
Eddie hoisted his guitar up his shoulder, grunting as he picking up his duffle and staggered away from the bus. It was a mild summer day, and he was pleased he had gotten in early to camp, even if he missed getting the extra sleep.
Eddie wasn't exactly 'a morning person,' but mornings came with their perks as Eddie took in the familiar sight of Camp Callingwood. He had never frequented the camp as a kid, but he had started as a seasonal camp counsellor in the late 80s as a last-ditch effort to not be homeless for the summer. It turned out to be one of the best decisions of his life because he had met some of the best people in the world. It was 'one of those perks' and Eddie couldn't help but look around to try and catch a glimpse of the guy he was looking for.
Like a sunbeam on a cloudy day, Eddie caught sight of Steve Harrington making his way down the dirt path toward the bus drop-off. He was talking to a younger woman who was also wearing the counsellor uniform, but Eddie didn't waste time waving Steve over. It took a beat, but Steve smiled wide when he saw Eddie.
"Hey!" Steve called over before saying something quickly to the young woman and then trotting up to Eddie. "Hey, man. I wasn't sure if you'd be coming around this summer."
"Wouldn't miss it," Eddie said cheerfully, letting Steve grab his duffle bag so they could start walking toward the cabins.
"No big break yet then, huh?" Steve asked, saying a few quick hellos to the other counsellors that had just been dropped off.
"You seen my name in the tabloids?" Eddie joked, only feeling a small pinch of embarrassment over Steve's comment. He hadn't made it big despite how much he talked up his music. He knew he was good, but there wasn't always an agent who could see that in the music biz. Still, he was nearly 26 now, and without a break soon, he feared he wouldn't make it at all.
"I guess not," Steve laughed, talking easily with Eddie along the quiet forest path. "Definitely would have taken notice to seeing you. You still selling songs?"
"Yeah, doing pretty good there," Eddie admitted, shyly glancing at Steve as he tried to gauge his attitude toward all of this.
Eddie was doing well in the 'selling songs' department; he could churn out hits for anyone, but it wasn't the music he wanted to play. It sucked that metal didn't seem to be in fashion right now, but no part of him wanted to change his whole personality to fit what was 'popular.'
"Wrote one for Whitney Houston recently," Eddie proclaimed, feeling a bit proud of that sell.
"No shit?" Steve asked, sounding surprised before he bumped his shoulder into Eddie's. "Good for you, man. Cool."
Eddie smiled stupidly, liking the roughness and how boyishly charming it was. When he had first gotten to Camp Callingwood all those years ago, Steve had already been a seasoned veteran at the game. From what Eddie knew, he ran the site year-round now, and maintained the grounds during the off-season too. Eddie was only a temp, but Steve seemed so pleased to see him every year. And every year… Eddie always tentatively sussed out whether or not Steve was still single.
"Any interesting changes?" Eddie asked, glancing at Steve from under his lashes, trying to keep things casual. "No… well, I got a dog," Steve smiled, opening the door to Eddie's cabin for him. "Pepper--she's great company during the winter. It can get pretty lonely up here by yourself."
"New dog, but no lady?" Eddie joked lightly, hoping the answer was no.
"No, no lady," Steve laughed, dropping Eddie's bag on the bunk bed. "They tend not to be great company in the winter when they have to rough it--in my experience."
Eddie laughed lightly, unable to hold back the little bloom of heat in his chest. Steve really was 'one of those perks' and Eddie could hardly wait for camping season to begin so he could sign up as a counsellor again. He liked the kids, and he had fun teaching everyone how to play the guitar, or hosting the 'in-door activities' for the kids that didn't quite fit in with the others, but the real reason he kept coming back was Steve. He wished it wasn't just a temporary thing, but he chickened out asking for more every year he was here.
"Don't get too comfortable," Steve offered, swaying and leaning on the pole of the bunk bed, looking casual as could be. "We've got a lot of kids these first few weeks so I might need to move you into the big house. You don't mind dogs, right?"
The big house was Steve's permanent residence, and it was a proper home rather than the bunk rooms the counsellors and kids usually slept in.
"No--yeah, dogs are fine," Eddie said quickly, "wouldn't mind meeting Pepper though--if you're not up to anything else right now?"
"Sure, I'll see if I can find her. She's probably running around somewhere. She's a bear dog, you know? Well, not for like attacking bears or whatever, but she does a good job of keeping them away," Steve explained, motioning for Eddie to follow him.
Eddie put his guitar down on the bed and followed Steve out, not sure if he knew what Steve meant by 'bear-dog.'
Almost as soon as they got outside Steve was yelling Pepper's name and whistling as he walked toward the mess hall.
"Did you get some new tattoos?" Steve asked as they continued to walk around the camp. Other counsellors were moving about and setting things up or settling into their cabins, the site a hive of activity.
"Yeah, one on my arm and one on my thigh," Eddie said, twisting to show off his new ink. That was another thing he liked about Steve: he didn't seem bothered at all that Eddie had tattoos, even though they were still considered quite scandalous to most employers.
"One more too on my chest, but I'll save that one for later," Eddie joked lightly, pleased to be asked about his ink.
"Later for sure," Steve retorted with a smile, and Eddie blinked at him as he tried to decipher what he meant by that. Later how?
Eddie didn't get the chance to dwell on that thought though as Steve hollered Pepper's name again and Eddie watched as a large white mass bounded toward them through the trees.
"There she is," Steve said pleasantly, crouching down to greet the dog.
Pepper was a Great Pyrenees and far too big for Steve to be crouching down for.
She bounded into him and turned happily, letting Steve rough her up with pets and scratches. He was cooing and making pleasant sounds of affection at her as she wagged her tall and rubbed her head under his chin.
"She's still a puppy, only a little over one year old," Steve explained as he stood back up and Pepper turned her attention to Eddie.
"She's big," Eddie said, a little surprised by the dog's size as she bumped into his hip, looking for attention. He gave her a few good scratches, unable to stop himself from smiling.
"She's friendly--might try and sleep with you," Steve joked lightly, motioning for Pepper to sit.
She obeyed quickly and Eddie grinned as he watched her pant happily, looking for more commands.
"So this is her first summer with the kids?" Eddie asked, crouching down like Steve had before and scratching and rubbing Pepper's neck.
"Yeah, well, in this amount. We get some winter scouts and groups like that, so she has been around kids and she's great with them, but she'll probably be excited to have so many people to spoil her."
Eddie laughed, charmed by how in love Steve was with his dog. If Steve was still single, and he was pouring all of his affection in to a dog… Eddie couldn't see why shooting his shot would hurt. He had backed off every year since he met Steve, but he was feeling determined to at least confirm that Steve wasn't interested in him. They were pals, and sometimes they wrote to one another during the year, but Eddie really wasn't sure how receptive Steve was to the whole… queer thing. He did know that they'd had queer kids at camp before, and Steve had always been gentle and accepting of them, so his attitude couldn't be all negative.
"Let's go grab your keys," Steve said suddenly, and Eddie stood up to follow him. "I'll just give you a master this year, easier that way. It opens all the bunk houses and the utility rooms--and the big house. Easier than trying to sort out all the rings."
Eddie nodded, feeling a small flush creep up his cheeks. It felt rather intimate to be given a key to Steve's house, even if it technically was part of camp property.
Steve handed him the kitschy keychain and Eddie quickly added it to his own keyring.
"Don't lose it," Steve said, sounding only moderately strict. "I only have three of those. You and me are the only ones that'll have them, I don't want to hand out the spare."
"Oh," Eddie frowned, glancing up at Steve. "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"
"Yeah, I trust you, man. Plus, I don't mind you letting yourself in whenever," Steve grinned, walking over to his desk and rooting around the papers there.
Eddie pinched his brow in with confusion, not sure how to react to that. What did he mean by 'letting yourself in whenever'? It sounded so off-handed, but Eddie had no clue if he was supposed to take that seriously or… flirtatiously.
Steve had always been friendly, but this felt like it went a bit beyond friendly.
Eddie swallowed lightly, mustering the courage to speak as Steve turned back around with a clipboard in his hand.
"I could move my stuff into your place now, if you want," Eddie asked, idly picking his nail polish. "Easier than having to do it later. Just… make it my spot for the summer."
It was Steve's turn to stare as they stood there quietly for a beat, before Steve seemed to shake himself from his astonishment.
"Yeah! For sure---that's cool, let's do that," Steve agreed quickly, smiling again but not making a move toward the door.
"You want to show me the room I'll be staying in?" Eddie asked, feeling his confidence grow a bit.
"Yes--yeah," Steve waffled, sounding pleased but a bit surprised for some reason. "Follow me."
Eddie chewed his lip lightly and looped his arms behind his back as he followed Steve out of the cabin. He wasn't certain, but Steve had seemed sort of… flustered by the prospect of them actually sharing a living space. The idea of that encouraged Eddie, and he grinned privately to himself as he thought about retiring for the evening with Steve in his little cabin in the woods. It felt… romantic and it really did set Eddie up to succeed.
Eddie was going to make this summer the summer he asked Steve on a date. He wasn't going to chicken out again.
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nnnyxie · 11 months
More Fan!Izuku because it’s sO good-
Imagine Fan!izu x Streamer!Reader..basing this off of myself shamelessly🤭 basically reader is like a singer or something…like does choir(me🤭)and sings in bands(also me🤞) and musical theater(surprise, me‼️)..also plays an instrument…but something fancy like harp yk?(I Play the harp💅) And they do like cosy lil streams of just singing and playing their instrument and Izu as the busy lil hero he is just likes their voice it somehow enchants him??? Helps him relax and calm down and he just loves hearing it and rewinding to it after a long day and reader ofcourse a loyal Deku fan but because reader is ✨shy✨ they don’t show their face while streaming (I just love any kind of reveals of identity idk) and they also keep their background minimal to not give away anything about them but one das they just have a little fangirling moment showing off their new favorite Deku Figurine and hearing praise from them drives Izu insane(in a good way) and yeah idk hope that gives you a good baseeee
#𖢥 izuku anon
omg choir twinsies !!
(also i love the harp??? i have NO CLUE how to play but it’s just so!!!! ahhh!!!! it’s so pretty look and sound wise)
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so yk that one artist that does the omnichord songs?? so like— that’s what you do EXCEPT!!
it’s not the omnichord!! it’s the harp!!!
rn i’m a teensy bit obsessed with lana del ray and mitski so!!! you mainly perform their songs <3
i wholeheartedly believe izuku is ‘i bet on losing dogs’ by mitski and ‘dark paradise’ by lana del ray personified!!! (lowkey projecting?)
our dear boy loves when you perform their songs. he’s tried listening to the original artists but— your covers just hit different yk?? your covers are just so pretty!!
he found you thanks to ochako and mina!! one day they were talking about streamers and youtubers they watch (because mina games obvi) and ochako talked about your streams and your channel!! she talked about how your musical talent was amazing and how soft your voice was!! izuku loves trying out things his friends like so he decided to give you a shot!!!
and he just fell in love— the moment you said ‘hi’, he felt like fainting.
from then on, he started falling asleep to your videos, and tuning into your streams when he had the free time.
from time to time you’ll do asmr streams. like whispering and talking about your day!! talking about some of the new things you’ve gotten or some of your favorite heroes!!
when you do these asmr streams they always somehow lead to you ranting about pro hero deku!!
izuku usually isn’t around when you do these asmr streams but today??? this night??? right now??? he can!! and he most definitely will!! he was lucky enough to have today off and spent the majority of the day binging your videos while catching up on sleep.
he was cooking dinner (i like to think that he cooks dinner for his mom when he visits) when he heard a ‘ting’ (he keeps his sound notifs on for work!!)
he went to check it andddd it was a twitch notif from your channel!! the title being:
asmr chat pt.15 ; p.o. box
he’s quick to open the app, immediately pressing on your streaming clip.
“hello everyone!” you whispered. only your desk showed. it had various bags and wrapped boxes on top. “i was sent gifts through my p.o. box and i’ve decided to open them on stream.” you ran your hands over a box. “we’ll open this one first!”
as you sifted through each gift, you grew increasingly excited. your fans knew you well— as they all had gotten you some form of pro hero deku merch!!
when it came to your last box, it was a sweatshirt. the fabric was soft and the perfect texture. the design— the design was your favorite. it was black with small, thin green writing of his hero name on the forearms. the upper left front of the jacket had a green outline of his hero helmet. the sweatshirt also had green accents— his signature green on all of this, of course.
“i really appreciate all of these! you all know me so well! ah! i’m seriously in awe of all of these!!” you smiled behind the camera. “i love deku, he’s my favorite hero. ever since he started out, i knew he’d be the best. he’s always saving everyone with a smile, and god— it’s amazing! he’s amazing! i don’t know him personally but i’m sure that he’s just as kind on tv as he is in real life.” you ran your hand over the outline on the sweatshirt. “i bet he’s just as cute too,” you laughed along with the chat. they knew about your big crush on the pro hero and would tease you about it during small talks like this. izuku’s face flushed and it grew hotter as he read through the comments.
oilspill.in.a.cup : manifesting the love of ur life for you bae!!!
veianna.sausagezzz : ur in love w/ him atp just find him nd kiss him
pinky✔︎ : wiggles eyebrows
you laughed as you read through these. “i’ll have to agree with nylie, here. no matter how pretty his lips are, i wouldn’t do that.”
izuku typed out a comment— not sure whether to send it or not. you two have developed a sort of parasocial relationship with one another, a one-sided admiration. though, now it isn’t exactly one-sided.
he decides to send it though. ignoring the absolute anxiety he’s feeling as he waits for your reaction.
midoriya.izuku✔︎ : i dunno, i wouldn’t mind one!
carpool.toenail : AYO!?
vieanna.sausagezzz : SEEEEEEE SEEEEE @/nylie.kei
oilspill.in.a.cup : MANIFESTED 😩🤌
pinky✔︎ : IZUKU??????
“oh— uhm. oh.” you were flustered. honestly, you couldn’t speak. you were both extremely embarrassed and very flattered. and very happy that he watches your streams. “uhm i gotta go clean up— see you all later!”
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omg i forgot to add an end note????
ANYWAYS!! had fun writing this heheheh
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twopoppies · 1 month
"I would like Harry to be remembered for his great songwriting skills, his voice and the great performer he is, but everything is so overshadowed by the rest that in 20, 30 years I don't know if he will be remembered as one of the greatest of our generation (and he deserves it so much). I just think there's too much noise overshadowing his music"
I'm the say ranting anon as yesterday and I was gonna leave it at that but I saw this and I think is an interesting topic so I'm gonna rant a little bit more (sorry in advance).
It's impossible for anyone to know how is Harry gonna be remembered 30 years from now but what we can do is trying to compare him with the artist we consider legends today.
Lets take Elton John, Freddy Mercury, Prince, George Michael, Madonna, Whitney Houston and David Bowie for example... Each and every single one of them is considered a legend, the most successful in their field, the ones current artist use as inspiration and what they aspire to be. You know what else they have in common? Careers full of rumors, cheating scandals, drugs scandals, gay scandals, failed marriages, fake marriages, money problems, etc, etc, etc.
But those are no the things they're remember for, at the end their music and their art is soo good and made such an impact that all the "noise" sorrounding their careers just take a passive role.
I mean, as a fan, leaving through the rumors and all the nonsense is annoying as fuck and I would love if when I spoke about Harry people ONLY asked me about his music because he is so much more than his supposed girlfriends but what can I do?
And of course it is possible to be successful in the industry without playing the game, I wasn't trying to imply Zayn isn't but there's levels to that success, at least in the eyes of the general public.
Like let's be honest, all 5 of the boys has had a successful solo career so far but which one of them is more likely to achieve the legend status your anon is talking about??? Everyone under the sun knows the answer is Harry.
And why is that? It's not because he's has a powerful voice or because he's an excellent lyricist or because he's and incredible performer. Of course he's all that. But the reason he has achieved so much and is probably get the legend status someday is because how his team has marketed him. I'm sorry but without Columbia and the azzoffs Harry wouldn't be where he is today 🤷‍♀️ They're horrible people but they sure as hell know what they're doing and Harry is happy with their job and where his career is going so...
Yep. Marketing really does make a difference.
There’s something unquantifiable about the artists you mention, though. Take Madonna, for example. Cyndi Lauper came out at the same time. She had a much better voice. Her singles were huge. She had a great look. She definitely had fans (still does), but Madonna had that extra something that drew the masses in and kept them there (and oh my god did she have scandals and gossip galore—some of them very purposely manufactured).
And I agree with you about the Azoffs/Sony/Harry’s team. They’re taking him where he wants to go.
In reference to this
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lover-222 · 1 year
What Could've Been (Joao Felix)
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I saw you had a baby Did you use any of the names we liked? And is your brother doing okay? Is he still getting out of fights?
he watched her life in pictures, joão missed her very much. she didn't know but joão never stopped looking at her instagram pictures. he let tears shed from his brown doe eyes, she looked beautiful. he once dreamed about having babies with her, and she was...but not with him. she looked incredibly beautiful, she was glowing. her baby bump was more noticeable in her pictures, she looked happy you could see it in her smile.
the couple was laying on the grass while looking up at the sky and pointing out the different cloud shapes.
"do you want babies joão ?" she said as she was still looking at the blue sky.
joão turned his head slightly to look at her, "of course i want to have babies especially with you".
y/n smiled at him, "mmm do you have any preference, girl or boy?".
"well i don't really mind but...i really want a girl i hope she'll have your eyes" joão smiled then gently stroked her cheek.
"yeah i see i that, she'd definitely be a daddy's girl" y/n chuckled.
"i have a couple of names ready actually" the boy shyly said.
"really??" she said surprised but still found it cute.
"yeah if it's a girl, i thought of adriana, alexandra, and marina. if it's a boy, santiago, matias, and aron" joão stated while looking at her.
"mmm i love them, wow you came up with really good ones. if i come up with names i'll let you know bebe, but we'll most likely end up choosing one of your names" y/n chuckled.
joão had a good relationship with y/n's brother, marco. funny enough her brother got along with joão very well. they would play fifa together and he would accompany y/n to joão's games, since he was also a football fan. marco noticed how much joão loved y/n, and the longer he was in their house; the more both of the boys got comfortable with each other.
"hello?" joão answered the phone still a bit groggy since it was 3am.
"joão can you please come pick me up i'm at the bar close to your house" marco said drunkenly.
the other boy heard how drunk the boy was, joão quickly got dressed and headed his way to the bar. once he stepped in, the ambience was crazy. people were fighting in the back while music was playing in the background.
joão was scanning the room for marco, but he was nowhere to be seen. that was until he approached the fight that was happening, it was marco. his nose was bleeding and had a cut on his cheek.
joão did what he had to do he separated the fight, trying his best to get the other boy. they finally got out of the place, the boys sighed in relief. 
"c'mon let's get you inside" joão said as he had one arm under marcos waist to hold him up, after all the adrenaline left his body his drunkenness came back.
marco stumble a couple of time in the living room, which caused a picture frame to fall, and him almost falling.
"i don't know what i would do without you brother" marco laughed, joão jokingly shook his head.
"get some sleep,  i'll come by in the afternoon to see you and y/n" joão told him.
"especially me" marco laughed, while joão nodded and smiled.
the siblings: marco & y/n
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They say bitter ends turn sweet in time Is that true of yours and mine?
the couple had split up 3 years ago, it might have not seem like a lot of time but to joão it was a lifetime. it was the pressure of him trying to be the best at football and y/n studying to become a doctor. both professions took time out of their life, they tried their best to make it work.
it did work in the beginning, they made time to be with each other and go on dates, but as soon as things started to pile up on them; it was a disaster. joão would come home tired from training and y/n would be tired from university. at times they wouldn't even see each other, since joão would be at football matches and y/n would be at school.
although after time went by, being far away from each other and not being together anymore; it haunted them. they didn't hate each other, they had no resentments for each other; at least y/n didn't. she respect joão and his profession.
'Cause if you're lonely in Chicago You can call me baby Has it been long enough that you can forgive me?
late at night he regretted his choices and what he had done. even though there was no bad blood between them, joão hoped that y/n would forgive him for not trying hard enough and fighting for the relationship. he knew that if y/n needed him at any time of the day, he would drop everything for her. it's been long enough and he still missed her. he craved for the day that his phone would light up and it'd be her on the other line, he missed her voice.
Just because it didn't work Doesn't mean it's meaningless to me It just wasn't meant to be
he doesn't regret anything in their relationship prior to the breakup. joão enjoyed every single day waking up next to her, every kiss, every embrace. after their breakup, he craved her touch, her lips, her. y/n felt the same, she could barely sleep, she missed his warmth next to her. everything reminded her of him, his favorite ice cream that was still in her freezer and the collection of teddy bears that joão had given her for every anniversary.
"i'm sorry joão, i love you but our schedules are too hectic and it's hard" she said with tears in her eyes.
he grasped onto her hands, "i love you too, just know that i will always love you; maybe it wasn't meant to be but know that i really did, and will love you forever".
y/n smiled weakly, "joão te amo, siempre te amaré, you were my first on many things, i know you'll do great things as a person and a football player. i believe in you joão, take care of yourself" she said and kissed him passionately.
they kissed, their last kiss, they both wished it had lasted forever but it didn't. their relationship was not in vain, they thought it was the best for them to end things, and with no contact to make it easier to move on; although it was the complete opposite.
Have you seen how my life's been going? 'Cause I've been wondering what you'd say Would you have told me to keep going Or would you say to walk away?
y/n had seen joão many times on tv, she noticed how he had gotten way better. not that he wasn't good at the time but he had definitely developed his athletic skills even more. every goal she had seen made by joão made her smile.
she couldn't just sit there and not cheer for him. she was proud of him, she knew he'd make it big. her words really lingered on him, she was proud of him and told him he could do it. her positive energy made him keep going.
she also saw the world cup, y/n saw how devastated he was. he looked defeated, his hair was messy, all she wanted to do was hug him tight and tell him that everything was going to be okay, but she couldn't.
You always made me feel much better And I'll always be grateful for that
"you did amazing joão, you did the best you could do" she smiled at him while she lifted his chin.
he didn't play as good as he thought he did but he was being hard on himself. y/n saw the determination and perseverance every time she saw him play. to joão it meant the world to have her support, he loved how she was so supportive and was always proud of him no matter what.
I didn't have to search 'cause I still know your number I bet sometimes you still like to wear my jumper
joão never deleted her phone number, he couldn't bring himself to do it. he missed her essence and her lovely self , he remembered their late facetime calls and how they'd talk for hours. he missed y/n wearing his jerseys, shirts, hoodies, and sometimes sweatpants.
"are you wearing my clothes anjo?" he chuckled as he looked at her up and down.
she was wearing his portugal jersey and his sweatpants, the clothes were baggy on her but she felt so comfortable. it was like being embraced by joão, his clothes smelled like him.
she twirled around, "yes i am do you like it?, i'm sorry i just didn't bring any of my clothes and i wanted to take a shower".
"it's okay bebe, you look way better in my clothes they look good on you" he said as he pulled her towards him and kissed her.
joão and y/n believed that in another universe they did end up together. they beated the odds and had a wonderful relationship. the couple had gotten married, had two kids, and lived in a wonderful home with floki. when they laid on their separate beds in total separate locations, they dreamed about what could've been if they had stayed together, probably wonderful things.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── a/n:
JOAO ANGST JOAO ANGST JOAO ANGST this was fun to write lmaoo i also saw louis last week and i still miss him aaaaa post concert depression is real!!!
anyways hope y'all enjoyed i posted this oneshot on here first bc why not d <3
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Is there a life after IwtV Season 2?
So, Interview with the Vampire Season 2 is over, you have already rewatched it a dozen times and don’t know what to do with yourself?
Here’s a list of suggestions!
Read the books
I might be biased because I have been a fan since the early 2000s, but they are genuinely worth a read. A lot of people struggle especially with the first book, which I understand – but you can absolutely skip it and start right away with The Vampire Lestat! Especially The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned are a great read and they are what is coming up next in the show. A lot of the plot of QotD happens at the same time as The Vampire Lestat, so I expect that material from both books will come up in the next season.
If you have a brain that enjoys audio books, they are actually available for free on youtube (though the narrator pronounces Louis’ name wrong). The version on the commercial audio book platforms read by Simon Vance is better though, if that’s an option for you. :)
The books after that are very much a mixed bag, but they all have some great and some downright crazy stuff in them, because Anne Rice’s writing was pretty unhinged at times. It’s a ride, but imho one worth taking.
Watch reaction videos on YouTube
I think I have by now watched all reactions that are available. For me it really brings a lot of joy to relive the experience of a first-time watch by proxy. Some are frustrating because people talk over important dialogue, some hold genuine galaxy brain moments by people who know nothing of the material. I will not recommend anyone, because vibes vary for everyone, but I’m sure there’s a reactor out there that YOU will vibe with.
Watch other shows/movies with the actors
Did you know that “Talk Radio”, written by and starring Eric Bogosian is available in full on youtube? I haven’t watched it yet, but I hear it’s really good.
For Sam Reid, I can’t recommend “Lambs of God” highly enough, and I hear great things about The Newsreader, which I sadly can’t get my hands on at the moment. “Belle” is also a beautiful movie, but his part is rather small as far as I remember.
Then of course there’s Hotel Portofino for Assad (but I’m not yet that desperate).
I actually haven’t watched anything with Jacob Anderson except Game of Thrones, which I will NOT rewatch, so I’m happy for suggestions there!
Watch the movies that have been namedropped by Rolin Jones
Hedwig and the Angry Inch – a phenomenal movie and stage show in its own right. It’s fun, it’s beautiful, it’s queer as fuck, the music is excellent and it’s an absolute must-watch.
Rocky Horror Picture Show – honestly, if you have never seen this movie, what are you waiting for?
The Dirt – Rolin Jones has mentioned the book, but there was actually a pretty decent movie made about Mötley Crüe a few years ago, that I really enjoyed.
Also, I have seen Amadeus mentioned several times, I’m not sure if that came up in an interview but it’s an excellent movie and the parallels to the relationship between Lestat and Armand are definitely there.
Honorary mention: Fight Club, not because anyone has mentioned it but… the parallels warrant an essay that I might one day have to write. (Themes: Queerness of male on male violence, imaginary boyfriends, idealization of toxic masculinity)
Read the books from Rolin Jones' reading list
I have now spent 10 minutes googling for that interview where he lists the books he’s reading for Season 3, but can’t find it. Someone please drop it in the comments?
Learn French
Want to feel closer to your favorite actors? Why not go through the same hell as them and get bullied by the Duolingo owl while at it? ❤
Discord servers
I’m not active there right now, but I have found several fandom servers that seem like great communities.
Read Fanfic
Honestly the reason this is down here is because it’s so obvious. :)
Get creative
Write fanfic, draw fan art, roleplay, edit videos, make unhinged memes!
And always: Support the content creators!
Everytime I scroll the tag I see new creators entering the fandom and let me tell you, after almost 20 years of drought, I am overjoyed. Same goes for fic writers, youtube reactors and reviewers! Leave them a like, a comment or whatever is available on the platform they are using.
Watch the musical!
I completely forgot! There’s a Lestat musical by Elton John. Yes, you read that right. This lovely YouTube account has full bootlegs for you to enjoy some camp broadway fun!
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Sally Face lore from the Sally Face: Strange Nightmares Kickstarter
I haven’t seen anyone do this yet (as far as I can tell!) and I’ve always admired the sally face community. With how lovely the community continues to be and with the revitalization it’s been given due to the sally face kickstarter; I’ve decided to come out of my shell and give back to the community I admire! I’ve gone through every single scrap of info through the entirety of the kickstarter (streams, lore given to backers, and some questions he answered on twitter!) to put all the lore revealed by Steve Gabry himself into one place for everyone to use however they wish! If anyone would like to watch the streams then please go to:
Beneeta_K (Twitch Streamer)’s 2 streams they did with Steve Gabry:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1739974869  (Where they play the board game from the kickstarter)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1752120791  (The kick off Q&A they did at the start of the kickstarter)
And the 4 streams on Steve Gabry (Portable Moose)’s youtube channel will be located under the ‘Live’ tab. Here’s a link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PortableMoose/streams
This is made with love from a sally face fan who’s been around since chapter one came out all those years ago, thanks for making such a wonderful game Steve! I hope you all enjoy! <3 (Sorry it's so late!)
Pink is Steve Gabry answering questions and Black is the Questions!
-THE STREAM LORE-       (in no particular order)
:Q: “Are any of the gang in a band?”
A: “They tried to start a band together at some point, but they didn't do much with that.”
Q: “What instrument does each character play?”
A: “Sal plays the guitar, Todd plays the keyboard,Larry plays the drums, Ash sings and plays bass.” Steve at the end says, ‘By the way, I didn’t say they play well. They loved it though.’
Q: “What kind of music did the band make and what were they named?”
A: “They would have played grunge rock with a 90’s vibe with the keyboard.” 
(Steve says in the stream that they did not pick a band name, he would imagine that they would have a long piece of paper with a lot of band names on them, some crossed out some not, but they wouldn’t have been able to pick one lol.)
Q: “What song would Sal absolutely love?”
A: “Before he met Larry, he was mostly into rock, grunge, and punk, And then when he met Larry he started really getting into metal.”
Q: “What is Sal's favorite baked good?”
A: “You know what, let’s make it cinnamon rolls.”
Q: “Is Gizmo okay?”
A: “Gizmo is fine, he’s doing good.”
Q: “What is the story about the homeless man on floor 5?”
A: “Well he’s a man, he is homeless, he is on floor 5, sometimes he’s not on floor 5; how ‘bout that?”
Q: “Who was the intended person for Travis’s note?”
A: “I’ve answered this question many times, but people don’t like the answer, so they keep asking. So the answer is, I have someone in mind, but I purposely left it open for you guys to think about who you want it to be.”
Q: “What is Sal’s ideal date night?”
A: “Having a date.”
A: “I think he would enjoy doing something in nature, he would also enjoy just going to see a horror movie, playing video games, going to a concert, something like that.” 
Q: “What is Larry’s ideal date?”
A: “Definitely listening to metal, in some form, going to a metal concert, getting some pizza.”
Q: “What is Travis’s ideal date?”
A: “I feel like getting far away from Nockfell and doing something outside the city, getting away from his parents and school. Just a place where he doesn’t have to be around people he knows.”  
Q: “What is Ashley’s ideal date?”
A: “She probably would like to go to an art museum or some sort of art exhibit or maybe going to see a play.”
Q: “Todd’s ideal date?”
A: “Definitely going to some sort of science center, going to see some kind of new technology, some educational thing you would enjoy doing or going to a paranormal convention.”
Q: “Did the four horsemen have sleepovers?”
A: “Oh yeah, 100%, all the time.”
Q:“What is the story between Janice and Ray?”
A: “They’re Todd’s parents, they are a little bit ‘burned out’, you know? They’re very loving, open-minded, and kind hearted. They’re a little bit ‘burned out’, they’re spacy, Janice is a little more ‘burned out’ than Ray you may have noticed. She gets ‘burned out’ and forgets what she’s talking about a lot.”
Q: “Is Ash emo?”
A: “No, I mean you have to remember when they're in high school it’s like the 90’s it wasn’t really, you know… there’s Daria hahaha.”
Q: “If Travis survived from the hole,what do you think he’d be up too?”
A: “What do you think he’d be up to?”  
Q: “What are the kiddo’s favorite colors?”
A: “Sal’s is blue or pink, Larry is red or black, Ash is purple, Todd is green, Travis likes black.”
Q: “Why did Jim’s puzzlebox turn into a rubix cube?”
A: “Why did that happen?”
Q: “Where did Gizmo get all those stickers from?”
A: “Where does anyone get stickers from?”
Q: “Is Gizmo a salmon guy or chicken guy?”
A: “He loves both, Gizmo just likes to eat.”
Q: “What is Larry’s love language?”
A: “Larry’s is physical touch.”
Q: “What is Sal’s love language?”
A: “Sal’s love language is definitely quality time.”
Q: “Does Sal have a game cube?”
A: “Yeah, he has a game cube.”
Q: “What flavor is Addison Tea?”
A: “It’s Addison flavor.”
Q: “What is the vending machine’s love language?”
A: “Physical touch.”
Q: “What is the homeless guy on floor 5’ love language?”
A: “Here’s the thing with the homeless guy, before it would have been giving gifts, before the way he is now.”
Q: “How often does Travis cry?”
A: “I think he probably cries frequently but secretly and intensely.”
Q: “Is Todd autistic?”
A: “You know he might be on the spectrum, he’s very socially allowed and very blunt. He doesn’t have a lot of social cases.”
Q: “What was Todd and Neil’s first date?”
A: “They met in the library, their first date, probably would have just been going for a walk somewhere and talking.”
~Backer Bonus Lore Given~
-Waiting for Chocolate: In episode two, chug is downstairs waiting for the vending machine guy to come and refill it with delicious snacks. He usually comes every other Saturday and Chug is always there to greet him. However, this time, the vendor does not show up. I originally had a side story planned about the vending machine guy going missing and Chug being very concerned about that. Even though that story didn't make it into the game, the detail is still there. The vending machine guy is gone and his machine remains empty for the rest of the game.
-The Open Road: Ash's dad, Adam Campbell, was a mechanic and always had some project going on in the garage. One of his prized possessions was eventually passed down to Ashley, once she was old enough. It was something she had her eye on for a long time: his motorcycle. Adam even taught Ash to to ride at a young age. So she was already comfortable riding it by the time she was legally allowed to. It became second nature to her. Sometimes she goes out riding, just to clear her head. Ash loves the freedom of the open road.
-Nutmeg: Grieving Mrs.Gibson recives an unwanted gift from a relative. It's a little brown rabbit. Somehow this animal is meant to fill the hole left by her late husband. The rabbit was seen as a burden to Mrs.Gibson, just another thing to take care of. She was too old for this. She didn't even bother to name it at first. Then, slowly, she found herself growing attached to the little critter. When the rabbit was one year old, Gibson made a special meal for her and finally gave her a name. She decided to call her Nutmeg. A nickname that Gibson's husband used to call her.
-Twitter Spontaneous AMA-
Q: Did Travis know about the Devourers of God and Kenneth's involvement in it, or was he kept in the dark about it until he joined?
A: He didn't know when he was younger.
Q: Did the characters come first or were they designed after you came up with the concept for the game?
A: Sal came first, then Larry with the basic idea, then the story and other characters came at the same time.
Q: Two very important questions: Would you consider making it possible to pet gizmo in sally face two (if he's still alive) and do you have this wedding photograph in higher quality?
A: Maybe! And it was drawn at that small scale, so this is the in-game asset is as high res as it gets-
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Q: When is the next video game coming?
A: I'm HOPING to release a small project with Wither Studios (nothing SF related) MAYBE towards the end of this year. These things are very hard to predict in advance. Which is why games are always being delayed. So I try not to make promises until I know for sure.
Q: Will we get the $250k stretch goal on the Kickstarter even if we don't reach it?
A: I think we'll definitely pass that goal (The goal at the end was $306,947!)
Q: Is Sal legally allowed to drive since he is missing an eye?
A: Yes!
Q: Did you write and sing all of the Sanity's Fall songs?
A: Yeah, I did all the music including everything for the SF songs.
Q: What program did you use to make the sally face art?
A: I used Photoshop and a Wacom drawing tablet.
Q: Why were Chug and Soda dull when cleansing the apartment?
A: You can actually find this answer in the game! If you play close attention during that part.
Q: 1) Why does Sal grab his pigtails in Packerton's apartment when he thinks they're about to get caught? Is that something he does for comfort? 2) When did Sal first start expressing himself with his hair, and what did Henry initially think?
A: 1) It's a nervous response. Just like someone may cover their face or mouth when scared. 2) Once his mom die, he let his hair grow out. Soon after it got long enough, he started with the pigtails. Henry thought it was a little odd at first but was fine with it.
Q: Did it ever cross your mind to add voice acting to the game? Recently watched Featherfall studio's fan-dub and the game looks even more interesting with voices.
A: It's something that I've thought about but I would be SO picky about getting the right voices. So idk. Plus it'd be a big pain to add retroactively. Maybe more likely in the second game, if I decide to add voices.
Q: We know Travis and Todd are gay, but what about the other characters? Do you have any idea?
A: I will say that Sal is purposely left ambiguous so that players can project their own feelings onto him. Though I have my own ideas about him too.
Q: What was your favorite part about developing Sally Face (Or making the board game)?
A: I love creating the world and seeing it come to life. It's also something truly special to see people connect with my work on an emotional level.
Q: One of my favorite Youtubers just finished the game, ad i was wondering when the second Sally Face is going to come out because it did say it'll be continued.
A: It's very early in development, so I don't have any timelines right now. If you're interested, I made a retrospective of the development history and some more insight here; https://youtu.be/JZPOx2jMLxE?si=r-N4mcDZC40MrtJr
Q: Is there a reason why Sal has long hair instead of short hair?
A: Because he likes it long.
Q: If I were to make a video playing the game Sally Face would you take down the video for copyright?
A: I'm always happy to see people playing Sally Face. I wouldn't copyright strike any content creators for playing or streaming the game.
Q: Why were there so many empty letters addressed to Sal?
A: They may not be so empty after all.
Q: What's in Addison's Tea?
A: You don't wanna know.
Q: Is Lisa Johnson a Latina?
A: Her family is mostly from Spain and Italy.
Q: Do you think some people would actually believe Sal on trail since it was close to the satanic panic era, or the satanic panic era was already dead then?
A: There might be some people out there who believe him.
Q: Are you planning on adding more official language translations into the game, and what ethnicity is Travis intended to be, if he has any?
A: I don't have any concrete plans right now, it just takes a lot of time and effort. But I'd like to add some more language support in the future, if possible. And Travis is multiracial.
Q: What are the SF character's favorite IRL songs?
A: Larry's favorite song is a Sanity's Fall on you haven't heard yet.
Q: How and when did Todd and Neil meet?
A: They met in the library.
Q: What was the idea behind different art styles in the game?
A: I've been obsessed with the idea of alternate realities since I was in high school (before all the cool kids were doing it lol) and for a long time I've wanted to make a game with multiple art styles, revolving around this idea of different realities.
Q: Since Lisa's family is from Spain, does Larry speak or know any Spanish?
A: He knows some but isn't fluent.
Q: Will the second part of the game be released in episodes like the first.
A: Still debating on this. I'm curious to see what fans think, I'll make poll! (He did create a poll, staggered episodes was what won the poll on twitter.)
Thank you very much for reading this post! Have a Great Day or Night!
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conflictofthemind · 6 months
Not saying this means anything especially since TBSOAS (the book) only came out in 2020, more of a “hey this is weird” post but:
I’ve always thought these two looked / were similar as two wavy blond haired blue eyed men, and it definitely helps that they both premiered (in the case of film Corio) within one year of each other . But there’s like, more than that? And some of it is very strange?
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First off, they are two characters who since the start of their chronological stories teeter between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ with a lot of forces in their life, including their evil scientist mentor, pushing them towards the dark side by use of manipulation tactics. Henry is much more of a direct victim to this than Corio is though, and the latter also does have more good influences in his life.
“Fueled with the terror of becoming Prey, see how quickly we become Predator?” - Dr. Gaul
“I could restore balance to a broken world… a predator, but for good” - Henry Creel / 001
Also, can I mention how both TBOSAS and TFS are set in the same exact time period? The Hunger Games uses retro futurism since the entire story is set centuries from now, but the era is clearly inspired by the late 50s to early 60s, especially given that it takes place 60 years before the main series.
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Now here’s the actual weird part that had me making this post.
Both of their origin stories center on a romance with a female co-lead that ends with them killing her (heavy question mark). That’s not the weird part. It’s the way that the plots of both of these origin stories and said female characters are based off of old European folk-songs that were popular in Appalachia. TFS is based off of ‘The Tale of Barbara Allen’ and TBOSAS is based off of ‘The Ballad of Lucy Gray’ - Stranger Things just bothered to change her name to Patty Newby. Barbara Allen (Patty) appears as a covey sister of Lucy Gray in TBSOAS. Naturally, both of these characters are singers which plays a role in their respective stories.
I just have to say, it’s a very obscure source of inspiration to happen twice like this. There is a little part of me that thinks Kate Trefry and the writing crew on TFS might have been fans of The Hunger Games. But who knows.
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Suzanne Collins wrote the TBOSAS prequel to answer the question of ‘nature vs nurture’ and how much choice villains have in becoming their future selves - which is the exact same question that is actively being posed by Stranger Things in regards to Henry.
And then how I got started on this line of thinking again today - the older adult versions of these characters both kidnap the respective sweet boy love interests and hijack them against the main characters. For strategic reasons and, in the case of Peeta, emotionally torturing the main character so she gives up. Will and Peeta are just both so similar as characters; soft and sensitive, traumatized, painters, both the poor underdogs with (seemingly) unrequited love for the protagonist though Mike isn’t really the protagonist.
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I’m not sure if there’s actual inspiration being taken here. I typically assume not on the basis that I’m someone who can find connections between any pieces of media I enjoy. But the whole Appalachian folktale angle of it all is strange to me.
While I don’t think Henry was conceived with this in mind, it’s possible the inspiration sprang up during the further fleshing out of his backstory and into writing The First Shadow. Maybe it will even have an impact on the final season.
One of the things I liked about TBOSAS was the theme of the past coming back to haunt Snow in the future through Katniss and the music Lucy Gray created living on through her. If this was in any way inspiration, I’d love to see Vecna haunted by how similar Will is to him and especially the ways that he is different and able to do better.
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pidgefudge · 4 months
SO. i have listened to @gooboogy 's wonderful green album. and i wrote down my thoughts on each song. and now i am putting them here!!
"thoughts" being actually somewhat coherent comments that devolve into What Would This Be In A Video Game because this is me we're working with after all
and you reading this. yes you. go listen to it
verdant: oooough blorpy,,,, very cool i like. good beat it's quite foot tappable. also the name itself might be a new vocal stim. verdant. vvvverrrrrdant.
halls: much noises!! the instrumence in this scratch my brain in a good way. feels a bit like im 7 years old watchinf my brother play 2d mario stages and reimagining the music
agua: oooohh arpeggio action and a SICK beat. once again the Noises are lovely. big fan of all 3 so far but this one in particular methinks. however i have many more songs to go (!!)
doot doot: very fun i also like this one a lot :3 and coming to you from my one-track autistic mind: this album would be a fantastic game soundtrack
side note i know im writing less for some of these but thats bc im experiencing them in shapes and colors more than expressable words. trust me they're stirring the brain stew
going for a walk: i know the title is about a walk but im envisioning this as the soundtrack to a sort of road trip montage animation thing. specifically my road trip with family from san francisco to la. oh yes this ending is us finally getting to the hotel and me flopping onto the bed
forward: im liking the melody here a lot <33 this album is making me want to boot up lmms again and try my hand at original music,,, ive only ever attempted remixes (i tried to do aquarium park from sonic colors a few years ago and gave up but now i kinda wanna go back to it,,, i wonder if i was cooking) ok yes back to the actual song whoops this one is soo cool one of my faves so far
snag: i like these opening chords!! i dont know what you actually call them but the like. buildup parts?? you know?? those bits??? big fan OOH and a uh. build down (lol) bit too! also liking the sparkly chimey instrumence
blazen: OHHH YESSS this would be the theme for my favorite antagonist in the hypothetical game that i am apparently going to be referencing multiple times (dimentio and mr L came to mind immediately) absolutely jamming
beep boop: fuck yeah man it sure does OH SPOOKY NOTES OH OH COOL BEAT ASWELL i am in for a fun time this is. also the theme of my favorite antagonist. but the battle theme i think. oh hell yeah the orchestra hits. yes yes definitely battle theme. sorry for putting all these in a vgm context shfjdkfkssghf i just listen to a lot of it so thats how my brain parses instrumentals
hunt: strimgs :3 wohhh this is so cool. buzzy in a good way. golden brown triangles and other spiky shapes. that's kinda meaningless to anyone but me but. oh nice more Noises always love the Noises
overwhelm: theme for when i have a project due the next day and am swamped with other homework shdjdksfjdh
VERDANT!: once more with gusto!! loving the faster tempo. constellationy crystally instrument is particularly pleasing. oooughh so gooddddd
creepin': spacey!! im watching a crew set out in their little shuttle, oblivious to the horrors awaiting them on their station
envy: this is a boss fight that's emotionally heavy for the protagonists. perhaps fighting a former friend or mentor or team member
whomp whomp: quite a tricksy track!! some sort of haunted place,,,, maybe the place where the previous battle takes place. maybe it's actually a ghost (especially if the protagonist had some role in their death and feels crushing guilt) (bonus points if the ghost openly expresses resentment for the protag)
gromulous: the word ever. final boss' lair for sureee. yeah this song sure is gromulous. idk how else to describe it you hit the nail on the head
largemouth: oooh a bit silly but also cool guy. im thinking some sort of underground secret society/lab thing they have to infiltrate that's hiding a Sinister Secret (the big plot twist of the game) doesn't even have to physically be underground it could be a moon base situation. maybe i should just make this whole thing into a scifi space rpg
a way out: i can see this as the final boss music and as you get further in the fight it ramps up. i know i already assigned songs to the main antagonist but shhhhh. (or i can always pull a super paper mario in terms of antagonists)
under over: oh!! i love this one!! hometown theme. chill and familiar but still upbeat rather than sleepy. and it has a very strong nostalgia factor,,,,, in love with this song it might be my favorite. but there are still 3 more so!
float: this beginning is very cool im loving the vibe. dire dire docks but make it just after sunset and watch the ocean come alive with bioluminescent lights and fish raves. i guess it isnt a space game anymore. or maybe dream sequence beach episode?? WOAHHH OCEAN MAGICANT i might be cooking with this one Hold On. yesyesyes ok some sort of trip/dream where theyre shrunk down marinauts (whatever ocean prefix) as opposed to astronauts and exploring a cool coral reef/ocean floor area and talking to the sea life and woahhhhhh this would look gorgeous in pixel art. tbh this one could be in its own game considering how vivid the imagery is
outside: post-final-boss world returning to normal/person being rescued or uncorrupted/whatever magical thing happening. very fond of the bird chirps too <33 OH MUSIC BOX SOUNDS i also adore this one. i think the ending of this game is kinda bittersweet. we saved the world/person/whatever but At A Cost. this is sooooo pretty. would also transition well into credits
Green: and roll credits!! this would be the kind of credits theme i sway in my seat and contemplate the game to. the entire album is fantastic and these last few especially have been so lovely
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sinshinelennypops · 6 months
Omg I lobe your headcannons sm, if you accept request please do more! Specifically a little more about Btian and Tim, also toby m🙏
Tumblr media
Of course! Here's more creepypasta stuff, Tim Toby and Brian addition!
Let's doit differently though. I'm gonna list a bunch of personal headcanons under each of their names rather than in a random order starting with..
-Brian Thomas, 27 years old -Resident therapist, a ray of sunshine in a very gloomy place -Often overworks himself, much like Tim, but is better about hiding it -Cinephile, since he was a film student -College came in handy because he can cook a few good and nutritious meals that don't take a lot of prep time -Loves musicals, even the bad ones -My headcanoned birthday for him is March 26th, making him an aries(?) -Favorite food: Chicken alfredo, he loves his pasta and protein -Sexuality: definitely questioning, maybe bi-curious?
-Tim Wright, 28 years old -Scruffy and tired, no nonsense kinda guy, very fatherly to a select few residents -While scruffy, takes no shit, he is generally pleasant, polite, and overall helpful when adjusting to the manor -Despite his size (5'7") he can, will, and has broken up fights between the residents in the manor -Everyone just seems to forget Tim is like.. Fast, strong, and a serial killer?? So I think he has the highest body count out of everyone due to the fact that people underestimate him. Even higher than Jeff, and maybe even EJ -Cannot cook without instructions, he will burn something -Headcanoned birthday: May 7th Favorite food: Pineapple pizza, or really any variation of pizza -Sexuality: Definitely demisexual
-Toby Erin Rogers, 22 years old -Loud, chaotic, goofy nerd guy (if you ignore his many, many disorders) -Adores competitive video games, a Smash Bros and Mario Kart champion -Longs to play guitar, his dream finally comes true on his 21st birthday when he is gifted a bright red electric guitar and amp -His tics keep him from doing a lot of things but he gets encouragement from Nina and Natalie -Avid Lady Gaga fan -Consistently loses first in Monopoly -A DC comics fanboy -Has brought an opossum into the manor at least once -Voice claim: Charlie Slimecicle -Headcanoned birthday: September 4th -Favorite food: Obviously waffles, but enjoys a good pancake here and there -Sexuality: Heterosexual panromantic
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dominustempori · 11 months
Alright Ghostheads, I'm writing all this down now, so I won't forget all these thoughts and observations I'm having JUST a few hours after this awesome teaser for the "Afterlife sequel" has dropped.
I'm sure I'm missing some bits here, so comments are duly welcome, just don't go all negative energy on me =)
Definitely felt a similar vibe to when the first trailer for "Afterlife" came out like 2 years ago now. Normal summer day, good background music, then...sh*t happens. Even worse than that burst of PK energy from the mine shaft. And yeah, I saw bits of "Day After Tomorrow," I'd be lying if I didn't get JUST a little hint of that, but only because, you know, massive storm system overwhelming the south shore of Manhattan. But anyway.
2. I SWEAR that one building shot from the side is 55 Central Park West, aka Spook Central. Probably not significant plot wise this time, just a nod to the original movie. And considering I toured some of the filming sites on my trip to NYC this past summer, SURE looks like it!
3. Deadly icicles ripping up the streets? Like the earthquake tearing up the asphalt in the original movie only BETTER!
4. The discourse is already happening about details...I know some people like Ecto 1-A from GB2, and some fans are still angry about "they ignored it in Afterlife! It's so canon! WTF Jason Reitman?" Yeah...missing the point? [They're not DELIBERATELY ignoring GB2! I LIKED GB2! A lot! Not perfect but still I LIKE IT! Probably a lot more than other fans! The film only had so much time to focus on the past to keep the story moving, so only put in so much of the lore to help a new audience along. That's my theory I'm sticking to it.]
ANYWAY...yes the car IS the original Ecto 1, NOT the 1-A (which was WAY too busy for its own good, just sayin'). I saw the plate on a freeze frame, it's Ecto 1, the original.
5. Enter the exposition cut scenes. or whatever you want to call them. Swear to God that Patton Oswalt, Kumail Nanjiani, Dan, McKenna, and Logan are NOT at Ray's Occult Books...I mean come on look at those glass cases! It's GOTTA be the NY Public Library (throwback!) Patton's character is most likely a staff member, probably a librarian (related to Alice? God I hope so!) [GBs do their research yo! If that's one thing I love about the IDW comics, is how Ray and Egon and Kylie RESEARCH.]
That one bit with the frozen dude with the eyepatch? Looks like a flashback. Like, maybe Manhattan in the...late 1800s? Recurring hauntings is def a thing in the GB universe. Another secret society? Which, yeah, they did to death (sorry) with the Gozer thing, especially in the video game.
6. Liking all the concerned closeups. Paul Rudd still looking good, and I REALLY hope Carrie Coon as Callie has full on dropped the baggage about not having her Dad in her life. Well, mostly. Turned me off from her QUITE a bit in Afterlife, but that's just me. Finn's hair lookin' good short, love how McKenna still rocks the OshKosh look, and Logan with the retro vibe.
7. James Acaster HAS TO BE an adult Oscar. I WILL fight people on this =) Not Louis' kid, not Janine's... (well, maybe?) Peter and Dana are OFFICIALLY still a couple, what's to stop Peter from adopting the boy he saved in GB2? Or at least, maybe they have their own kid later on...? Damn I hope he's Oscar. I mean come on, this is still "Ghostbusters: the Next Generation" in my mind.
8. HAUNTED LION STATUE!!! (Yeah, that's right from Real Ghostbusters...kinda) It's the Library! And on another freeze frame...it's going after Ray (GASP!) That little elevator? Maybe they're going to...Special Collections? Remember the video game? Maybe? Squee?
9. DUDE, it's attacking GBHQ! Blew the freakin' doors off! It's gonna...NO NOT LUCKY! Dude she (they?) is getting the short end of the stick again...first she gets possessed by Zuul and now...please don't kill off Lucky, Gil! Also OGBs FTW!!! yeah Winston! bad ass mf as always! And man does Pete look proper scared. Go Bill Murray!
10. I'm presuming that the big bad/entity was originally trapped and stored in the ECU, hence the blinking red light in the post credits scene from Afterlife. And it's whatever's pushing out the cinder blocks this time around...and freezing Lucky in the basement of HQ? And it's the...thing pushing its demon horns in...(so far others are calling it a minotaur - totally NOT. this guy is so reaching, i mean an old obscure RGB comic reference from a wiki page? dude, just...no. a cross between a White Walker and Slenderman? yeah THOSE I get. I'm personally thinking some ancient demon from a summoning gone wrong...or maybe right in this case.) any case, DUDE with those icy blue staring eyes and 20 feet tall...f*ck yeah.
11. Also F*CK yeah Paul and Carrie in the jumpsuits! YES!!!
12. Alright, I can sort of buy a hidden room in Kumail's character's (presumably?) apartment, secret door at the back of a kitchen pantry with some pretty lead/silver tiling...but, what's with the horn? (SUMMONING HORN! Read the Bartimaeus Trilogy people!) and the shackles? the bells? well, yeah noise to drive away evil spirits...or not? again... SECRET SOCIETY! Or maybe Lucky and Trevor have their own place now? Nah, maybe not...wait and see I guess.
13. Dude...Paul Rudd is TALL, boy! Would like to see if they've actually gone and married...or, too soon? Nah, romantic/life partners is good.
15. Also, Paul's reaction...SO my own after watching this. He is still fanboy-ing out and I LOVE IT.
Holy hell that was a long post. First genuine reactions on the day. Online journaling. All good.
OK peeps, let me have it. What are y'all thinking?
Until March 29!
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onion-ring-17 · 2 months
Eminem as a boy dad hcs
before baby is born
All he would care about is the baby’s health, boy or girl doesn’t matter
But once he knows he’s having a son, he would be so happy. He would be so excited for the birthday and would be already planning things to do with his boy
He would spend as much time with his son as he could, doesn’t matter if he misses work, or pisses off the fans. Family comes first
Baby boy would be spoiled rotten by his dad sometimes
would announce that he’s dad for the 4th time.
probably a few months or a year after the baby is born. He might not share baby boys name but would share the first name at most, and there is no way in hell anyone is getting pictures of his son out of him.
growing up
He would prioritize his son having good manners, since he knows how boys can be.
would definitely stress about setting a good example. He didn’t have one growing and he doesn’t want his son to feel like he did
As long as his son is responsible and respectful and does good in school, he is pretty lenient. He wants his boy to feel safe at home.
I feel like his son might on the shy side
If his son, or any of his kids for that matter are getting bullied, he will lose his shit. That school ain’t safe for anyone.
If his son is a theater kid, in a band, playing sports, or in an art show, he will always support and be the proudest parent in the room.
teen years 😬😬😬
If he catches his son disrespecting his mom or sisters, that boy is in BIG trouble
he will make sure his son respects women by setting and example and being respectful of his daughters and baby’s mama no matter what
I think if his son came out as gay/bi/pan/other it would be interesting. He wouldn’t be mad and he would always accept any of his kids no matter what but he wouldn’t really know what to say.
would definitely bring him to the studio once he gets older
if his son ever gets into rap music he’ll be so fucking happy.
or music in general! I have a feeling his son would be an indie boy or a nirvana kid (me core)
he definitely has to do “the talk” with his son
The “no swearing” rule is definitely still in place
I have a feeling they would have a swear jar in the house
annnd it would get full pretty frequently
He loves his son more than anything and will support him no matter what he decides to do with his life
Would call his son bud/buddy, kid, junior, kiddo, dude, little man, monster, bro. He would also call him nicknames based on his boys name (for example my name is river but people call me riv 🦕)
would get his sons name tattooed on him, or something to symbolize him
Marshall would teach his son to play basketball or football but he would be even more thrilled is his son enjoyed it
if his boy has a temper like him and ends up blowing up, he will try his best to let him blow off steam and cool down before the have a talk
If his son is into gaming I think he would teach his dad how to play (and let him win)
they would definitely wake up at the crack ass of dawn on Mother’s Day to make breakfast in bed
His son would be protective of his sisters just like dad. Son would probably get into trouble at school when a kid made a comment about his sister and he punched him.
Marshall would create a mamas boy
that’s all I got😭😭 my first attempt at headcannons
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