#Ignore the weirdness lol
risibledeer · 1 month
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lookkk it's a me!!!! On the official fbm vids chanenel Or well if it's my art but same difference lol
Tysmmm @k-kaez for telling me!!!!
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sauleline2 · 1 month
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hi the mechanisms fandom have this gif i made while ignoring a problem.
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archivebottles · 11 months
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testing out some background brushes with link
[IMG ID: A drawing of Link from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom standing in a tall grassy field at night. He is reaching out to catch a bright falling star fragment that is shining. /END ID]
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holyantenna · 11 months
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gloomy-prince · 4 months
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I posted these reddie and benverly outfits a while ago, but I realized I never posted the rest... I've done several attempts at Mike's outfits but I'm just not satisfied with enough of them to share them, so it's just Bill and Stan. Hopefully I'll have them improved by his next appearance...
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if you met an alternate reality version of yourself that was better than you in every single way would that be fucked up or what lol
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daily-odile · 3 months
time loops going on for years scare the hell out of me to the point i cant get into ISAT, but i am very attracted to odile, so thank you for running this blog so i get to stare at her without playing/watching the game <3
luckily for us odile's too good to get stuck in a timeloop
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funnier a6se version:
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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always an angel, never a god
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winter-seance · 2 months
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Broadchurch | 1.07
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sad-leon · 10 months
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just moved an i'm about to start school, so have some comfy, cuddly bois
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solradguy · 5 months
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Bill Clinton's famous catchphrase. Now in ultra HD
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goldenkenku · 1 year
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- (Don't tag as ship btw)
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inkskinned · 1 year
this is sort of pathetic, but when you were younger, you were sort of puzzled by the cartoon representations of fathers: how a kid would be outside with a mitt, waiting to play catch.
it's not that your father never played catch with you, but you also didn't like when he did. something about a hard ball coming quickly towards your face doesn't seem exciting. not that you'd ever say you don't trust him. you trust him, right?
it's not like he never tried to teach you anything. or never tried to parent. on rare days, a strange person would walk in your father's skin. bright, happy, magnificent. this version of your father was so cheerful and charismatic that you would do anything to keep him. and this is the version of your father that would laugh and gently coax you try again. this is the version of your father that would break down the small elements of a problem and point them out so you have an easier time with them.
as a kid, those days happened more often. but somewhere around 11, you started being too much of a person, and he was often cross about it. when he'd try to sit you down to learn something, you spent the whole time with your shoulders around your ears, nervous, uncertain. terrified because you didn't immediately understand how to navigate something. worried you will run out of his goodwill and then you will have the Other Father back, and you will have ruined a good day for your entire family. something about you being visibly afraid - it just made him angry. he would accuse you of not wanting to learn and storm away.
on tv, it's not like there's a lot of versions of men-who-are-mostly-fathers. they can be good dads, but usually their stories are not told in the household. so it's normal that your father is there, but he's never around. you know he was in the house, somewhere, it's just not that you guys ever... "hung out". he just seemed to get kind of bored of you, annoyed you weren't made in his perfect image. frustrated with how much energy it took to raise a kid. over time, you kind of adopt a bittersweet band around your throat - he knows nothing about me. he says at least i never abandoned my family.
and it's technically - technically - true. he was there for you. sometimes he even made an effort and made it to the big moments; the graduations and the dance recitals. he grins and tells everyone that he taught you. it almost erases the days in between, where he complains because you need a ride to school. the weeks that go by where he doesn't actually ever speak to you. the times you say i am struggling and he says figure it out on your own. i can't help you.
and that's fine! that's all fine. you can call him if you are having a problem with your car. or if you need a ride to the hospital. he loves playing hero, he just doesn't like the actual work that comes with being a father. and you've kind of made your peace with that; because you had to, because you don't want to live your life like he does; the whole world at a managed distance, a little rotating and controlled orb he can witness and take credit for but never truly love.
as an adult, you are rewatching some dumb cartoon - and again, the child standing in the rain, with a mitt, waiting for their father to come play catch. as an adult, there's this strange creeping dread - this little thing? this little thing, and their dad can't even show up for that? oh god, holyshit, it's not about the mitt, is it. oh god, holyshit, your father spent most of your life leaving you hanging.
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robotsafari · 2 months
i had a dream where something was off with riku’s shadow…
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(this art is so sucks i made this when i was tired and less experienced which ended up making riku look so much skinnier than how i normally draw him post-kh2 can you stop engaging it with pretty pweeease)
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chrisbangz · 1 year
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"I see the universe in your eyes."
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blueskittlesart · 30 days
what do you think about zora design? about past and current designs? how would you change it? actually!!! what are the zora (and other races) like in your sword of fate au???
got distracted by the second question. look at my little guys:
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these are some of the current (working) designs!! from left to right it's sheikah, zora, hylian, goron, and gerudo! these aren't necessarily the average builds/designs for each race but they're the most important character from each race lol. sword of fate takes place really early-on in the timeline, so the culture and separation of races is still kind of loose especially among the humanoid races. the current generation of zora is basically the first generation to call themselves zora and attempt to establish a government or hold any authority alongside the other races of hyrule, and because they're kind of a young race i imagine they're less fishy and more invertebrate-like in this stage, hence my jellyfish princess! (her dad is a giant squid lol.) the sheikah are descendants of the original surface humans, whereas the hylians and gerudo are two seperate sects that both originally came from skyloft. the hylians built a few villages which each have their own distinct vibe while the gerudo took a more nomadic approach and roam the desert in small independently governed groups. The gorons are the most well-established race at this point, having been on the surface a lot longer than basically everyone else, and so they have a much stronger culture and shared identity than a lot of the other races that are still kind of getting their footing.
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