#Ike Barnes
trickster-kat · 1 year
Love Tangle Masterlist (2)
Part 1
Season 3 Coming Soon!
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Season 4 Coming Soon!
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Part 1
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Happy 10 years I guess
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troynabed · 12 days
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hes so in love it makes him act fucked up and weird
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theduckseeksduck · 26 days
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One of my first interactions(?) with Supernatural was when falcon and the winter soldier came out and someone made a “ they’re canon in the Spanish dub” joke about sambucky.
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fujobritta · 22 days
god its crazy how much troy sounds like a distressed maiden about to lose her lover during That epidemiology scene . he sounds more in love with abed than leia is with han in the star wars scene theyre referencing like its actually just crazy .
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
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feeling sooo normal about their return
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dump-troy-marry-me · 2 years
why don't you go watch 6 very different people in varying stages in life attend community college and form real, genuine human connections for the first time in their lives. maybe you'll. ok you probably won't calm down but you will Feel Things
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what’s the best halloween special of all time and why is it Community’s S2 halloween special Epidemiology
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dollvre · 1 year
my favorite cardan greenbriar quotes because I love him
spoilers for the folk of the air series
The Cruel Prince:
“Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often, it’s disgusting, and I can’t stop” (yes this is my only fav quote of cardan in the first book help)
The Wicked King:
“If you’re the sickness, I suppose you can’t also be the cure.”
“Kiss me. Kiss me until I'm sick of it”
"I want to tell you so many lies."
“I wasn't kind, Jude. Not to many people. Not to you. I wasn't sure if I wanted you or if I wanted you gone from my sight so that I would stop feeling as I did, which made me even more unkind. But when you were gone -truly gone beneath the waves- I hated myself as I never have before.”
“Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god.”
"Sweet Jude. You're my dearest punishment."
"Marry me. Become the queen of Elfhame."
“I will lie down. If you lie with me”
The Queen of Nothing:
“She is my wife. The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile.” (ICONIC)
“want you here by my side, as my queen”
“By you, I am forever undone”
“We have lived in our armor for so long, you and I. And now I am not sure if either of us knows how to remove it.”
“My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned.”
“It’s you I love,’ he says. ‘I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.’”
“Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must. Just come home.”
“And yet my heart is buried with you in the strange soil of the mortal world, as it was drowned with you in the cold waters of the Undersea. It was yours before I could admit it, and yours it shall ever remain.”
“I urge you: come be angry at a nearer distance.”
“I knew little else, but I always knew you.”
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bbyboybucket · 2 months
Do you guys think that Bucky and Steve have to take vitamin and mineral supplements? Bc most the general population is deficient of several vitamins in general and can’t get enough from food sources, but a super soldier with a much higher metabolism would need even higher than the amount for a normal person. So without supplements, they’d be pretty deficient right?
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trickster-kat · 1 year
Ike Barnes Preview
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I hate when people shit on trobed shippers for “not allowing men to have close platonic bonds” and “making everything gay” for a lot of reasons but one of them is their blatant ignorance of jeff and abed’s friendship. did you even watch the damn show. jeff and abed are a Great example of a really close and supportive male/male friendship with tons of platonic chemistry. just say you’re homophobic and move on jfc
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annie-isnt-0k · 1 year
The 'Mastermind' Girls
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“ You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.”
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“...she’s crazy smart and good at improvising. That’s what makes her deadly. Doesn’t matter whether she’s on land, in water, in the air, or in Tartarus.”
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“I'm not the glass ballerina," I said firmly. "I'm not going to shatter.”
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stampgwifeyera · 3 months
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so so I finally found words for it but there is no way Annie as a character is meant to be with Jeff,,, and yes this does come from a place of hate for anything even remotely related to JeffAnnie but it's also more than that and totally based on their behavior towards each other throughout the seasons but I just found the perfect moment that incapsulates it
and that is in 4x13 Advanced Intro to Finality wherein Jeff is ready to graduate and there's sorta paintball with the darkest timeline and all that (which just saying is such a cool fucking setup but this is not the post where I talk about it) and both the Annie's (from the normal and darkest timeline) are facing off against each other,,, what the evil Annie tries to persuade the normal Annie with is the fact that they (jeff and her) are sleeping together in this alternate future and normal Annie literally responds with, and I quote, "No-one is supposed to sleep with him. Not even me." let that sink in
Now does this seem like somebody who has a serious romantic crush/is in love with the guy? What it seems like to me is a case of admiration (as a person and a human being) which is further warped into her assuming it's love because that's what we're supposed to do and told to do by society... What is more she obviously views Britta as a woman who (might not be the smartest and I will always hate on how the show ruined her character) but is still recognised and acknowledged as a woman,, something that Annie feels alienated from since most people look at her and tend to infantilize her (which is also a part in her dynamic with Jeff which is just,, n o),,, so a lot of the tines she tends to look at britta's choice of partners to turn to, to fall in love with (obv this is something that I derived from the 6 seasons laid out before me but this is my opinion and yeah)
and yeah the question then becomes why didn't she do the same with Shirley,,, number 1. Shirley is obviously in a different place in her life with her husband and kids,,, number 2. Shirley and her also have quite a big age gap which is again only widened by number 1,,, and number 3, if you notice properly there are episodes wherein you can see her try to emulate Shirley,,, the easiest and most off the top of my head example being the one where they are the campus security together which does end with her professing that she wants to be a grown powerful woman like her.
Now, if we talk about her other main crush, talking about Troy here throughout the first few seasons,,, it's again based a lot on her admiration for him for being popular and again THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO AND WANT TO BE especially when you're literally at the sidelines of the high school hierarchy so much so that you would busy your ass to score good and do good but still never be known by anyone or acknowledged for anything you do,,, and she technically knew nothing about him which at most i can grant her being infatuated w him and yeah
and most of her attraction to anyone feels very surface level,, in the this-is-what-i've-seen-people-do-so-this-is-what-i-need-to-do-as-well,, instead of being properly attracted in a,,, i want to be romantically with you sense,,, she's essentially creating a fairytale of her life and idealising it and all the models she has for them are heterosexually inclined,, so this is the kind of behavior she ends up adopting and emulating,,
so a large part of Annie's behavior I do chalk up to heterosexual compulsivity (or comphet) because there are moments throughout wherein she shows more admiration and love for women than men in a i-want-to-be-with-you kind of way (and it would be really interesting to look at her struggle as a difficulty to differentiate btw I want to be her,,, and I want to be with her)
a large part of her character is also so interesting to me because of the fact that it feels like she gets away from the writers quite a bit,,, because a lot of the instances you can see how the writers want her to be perceived vs how she ends up being perceived by us (but that's true for most things related to media concerning the expected reception vs the actual reception)
i didn't know this was going to end up being a lesbian or at least queer Annie post either,, but apparently that's my truth and I stand by it
(also I do acknowledge the fact that the part of all this (the part about her being queer) can be chalked up to my own desires and biases and a little bit of projection but regardless,,, in any case, JeffAnnie is still weird and bad and doesn't really fit for their characters regardless (technically for both of theirs but this too long already) and I'm a firm believer of that (anti JeffAnnie till the day I die fr)
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her-soliloquies · 9 months
Have we seen this yet?
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A bit closer
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The quality sucks but still I–
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