#Illona Andrews
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Fae books are some of my favorite, so in honor of my favorite Irish poet, let's have a quick round-up of books with Fae!
OR Melling's The Chronicles of Faerie Series, which includes The Hunter's Moon, The Summer King, The Light Bearer's Daughter, and The Book of Dreams
Literally 99% of everything Juliet Marillier has ever written, with Dreamer's Pool and Wildwood Dancing being my favorites
Brittany N. Williams's That Self-Same Metal
Not one of my favorites, but Holly Black's The Cruel Prince has a metric ton of fae
Terri Windling's The Raven Queen (and the rest of the Voyage of the Basset Series)
Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl and The Fowl Twins series
CE Murphy's Walker Papers series and Negotiator Trilogy
Illona Andrews's Magic Bites
Olivia Atwater's Regency Faerie Tales trilogy
Herbie Brennan's The Faerie Wars Chronicles
Gail Carson Levine's books, including Ella Enchanted, The Two Princesses of Bamarre, and The Princess Tales volumes 1 and 2
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Book 1 only for all of these.
Humans are weird, I have the data by Betty Adams
Clean Sweep by Illona Andrews . This is a complicated one genre wise, because there are vampires and werewolves and witches, but they're from alien planets, werewolves are the result of genetic modification, vampires have advanced tech, etc. So fantasy would make sense too?
Cluster by Piers Anthony
Proxima by stephen baxter
Prime Suspects: A Clone Detective Mystery by Jim Bernheimer
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Nova Express William Burroughs,
Famous Men Who Never Lived by K Chess
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer
Reset by Sarina Dahlan
Omnitopia dawn by Diane Duane
The Dreaming Void by peter Hamilton
Valor's Choice (Huff, Tanya)
Eye to Eye (Jinks, Catherine)
Revan (Karpyshyn, Drew)
Babel (Kuang, R.F.)
The Wandering Earth (Liu, Cixin)
The Merchant of Death (MacHale, D.J.)
Maybe Next Time (Major, Cesca)
The Host (Meyer, Stephenie)
Cloud Atlas (Mitchell, David)
Wild Massive (Moore, Scotto)
Nyxia (Reintgen, Scott )
Revelation Space (Reynolds, Alastair)
Robots vs. Fairies (Parisien, Dominik)
We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Taylor, Dennis E.)
Spin (Wilson, Robert Charles)
Artifice (Woolfson, Alex)
Androne (Worrell, Dwain)
hello! many of these are queued.
the following are in formats or genres that I’m not currently accepting for this blog:
Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others is a collection of (very good) non-linked short fiction.
R.F. Kuang’s Babel is fantasy.
Robots vs. Fairies (ed. Parisien and Wolfe) is a collection of non-linked short fiction.
Alex Woolfson’s Artifice is a graphic novel.
and I had questions about the following:
Olivia Blake’s The Atlas Six appears to be fantasy — is there something in later books that would make it science fiction?
William S. Burroughs, Nova Express — you said book 1 only, but Nova Express is book 2 of The Nova Trilogy. did you want Nova Express specifically or did you want book 1, The Soft Machine?
Liu Cixin, The Wandering Earth — this appears to be the title of a short fiction collection containing the title story. has the story itself been published in standalone format (outside of a magazine/similar)? if so, could you or someone else point me towards it?
D.J. MacHale, The Merchant of Death — while parallel worlds are integral to the Pendragon books, my impression is that the handling of them (and of travel between them) is primarily fantastic rather than scientific/science-fictional. could you, or someone else, clarify the extent of the science fiction aspects of the series?
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zhauric · 1 year
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Last Song: This Is by Ella Mai
Currently Reading: Sapphire Flames by Illona Andrews from the Hidden Legacy series.
Currently Watching: All over the place, heh. Warrior from Max, Star Trek on Paramount, Foundation on Apple have been the ones taking up most of my time lately. Just finish Jack Ryan on Amazon and Secret Invasion on Disney.
Current Obsession: Other than playing out my military fantasies in Call of Duty I would say focusing on my writing and getting started on that path. Think I'll start with urban fantasy since suspense, fantasy and science fiction would be bigger projects and take a bit more time. Feel that if I start with something shorter it'll get the engine revved, so to say, to get the momentum started and building from there.
Of course I could also be completely wrong and out of my mind, heh. The fun is in figure the shit out. And sorry but werewolves > vampires. I said what I said.
I guess I would also say working out and trying to maintain my six day a week workout split of lifting. Consistency is the difficulty especially on those days I feel worn out from work or Dad duties.
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny @xmimiteh @astarmaux My thanks for it.
Edit - Tagged by: @sundered-souls Sorry didn't get the original notification. My thanks for it.
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chocsbookblog · 2 months
Book Review: Sanctuary
Title: Sanctuary (Roman’s Chronicles, #1)
Author: Illona Andrews
Narrator: Chris Brinkley
Rating: 4/5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for allowing me a copy of this audio book in return for an honest review.
Roman the Black Volhv to Chernobog, God of Destruction, Darkness and Death, is just settling down to his annual day off when he finds a teenage boy and a puppy in his yard. The boy begs sanctuary, not something usually requested by the servants of Chernobog. Next thing he knows, mercenaries are on his doorstep wanting the boy and his dog, and they are not taking no for an answer.
Chris Brinkley, oh my, that voice, swoon! I really hope there’s more stories coming soon because he was a dream!
What I liked: I always like Roman’s team ups with Kate Daniels so it was such a treat to be able to experience a Roman-centric novella!  I loved his wit and angst, his love of his pets, and the pets themselves.  Great introduction to a potential love interest too, and it was especially fun to see more of the Slavic side to Kate’s world.
What didn’t work for me: Not much, it just didn’t ping the extra box I reserve for 5 star reviews. 
Final thoughts: A good solid novella which further examines the world of Kate Daniels.
Who would enjoy this book: Existing fans of Ilona Andrews especially those familiar with the Kate Daniels novels, though this could be read alone as it doesn’t seem to give any spoilers away for the main books.
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dandelionfunky · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
I was tagged by @ninthfeather. Sorry it took me so long to do this, I honestly didn’t see the @ until yesterday!
Relationship status: Single as a Pringle!
Favorite color: Turquoise and Golden Yellow.
Favorite foods: Velveeta mac and cheese.
Song stuck in your head:  🤼‍♀️ (:women_wrestling:) by Jamie Page ft. Gumi V6
Last thing you Googled: I was googling some Kaomojis.
Time: 12:00 Noon!
Dream trip: I’d love to go to Japan someday.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: No bake cookies!
Last thing you read: The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen...It was not good.
Last book you enjoyed reading: I’m currently reading “What Angels Fear” by C.S. Harris. I’ve only read the first couple chapters, but I really like it so far.
If you mean an actual completed book, then “Blood Heir” by Illona Andrews.
Favorite craft to do in your free time: I don’t really do that much craft stuff anymore, but I do really like calligraphy. At some point I’d like to get skilled in more than one font and be able to have all sorts of colors of ink to utilize, but right now I just have the one.
Most niche dislike: I know I have some sort of interesting dislike, but I can’t think of it at the moment. I guess...the fact I hate raspberries?
Opinion on circuses: I’m fine with them as long as the animals are treated well. I love clowns and acrobatic displays, too!
Do you have a sense of direction: ...No.
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I think Percy Jackson gave me unrealistic expectations for romance and Kate daniels gave me unrealistic expectations for myself
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Me after finishing Emerald Blaze:
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kaminaepicwin · 4 years
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What should I be doing? My master’s thesis in Rhetoric and Professional Communication.  What am I doing? Trying to replicate Ghastek and Rowena’s beautiful masterpiece of communication from Magic Shifts by Illona Andrews
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0-no-friends-0 · 6 years
“If you come, you better come in force because I have I will kill every single one of you. My hand won’t shake, my aim won’t falter. My face will be the last thing you’ll see before you die.” I jammed my knife into the table and walked out
Kate Daniels
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katjohnson · 6 years
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Here's a quote from one of my all time favorite book series...#KateDaniels by #IlonaAndrews.  I'm not crazy but I wish I had a side kick like Derek.
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
Going to give Fated Blades a 10/10. Great for my leftovers coma reading.
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thelivebookproject · 3 years
Talking Books With @whydoyoucareaboutmyusername!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Mahi, she/her; country: India; three adjectives to describe her: quiet, calm & lazy /end]
1. What is a book that makes you happy?
Hmm I think the Percy Jackson and The Olympians🔱 series makes me happiest out of all the books I've read. I have very dear feelings attached to it, and it also opened me up to a whole new world of books. They never fail to make me feel nostalgic in a happy way!!🥰 
These books also introduced me to fandom culture, so yay🥳
[The PJo books and every other series Rick Riordan has ever written are such a delight!]
2. Last romance book you've read?
The last romance I read was Beach Read by Emily Henry. It totally lived up to the hype, and imo was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I loved loved loved how the romance came about, and how much they came to respect each other. I really enjoyed the peek we got into the publishing world. I also like how the whole issue with her father wasn't brushed off for the sake of romance.
[I agree!!!! Beach Read was SUCH a wonderful book. You can actually read my review here!]
3. Do you follow authors on social media (twitter, tumblr, etc.)?
Yes absolutely! I love following authors on twitter and tumblr, though I'm not that involved with their instagrams. On Tumblr, I tend to follow only those who are actually occasionally active on their accounts, like Susan Dennard and Cassie Clare. Twitter is also fun, since you kinda sometimes get a glimpse of an author's thoughts on things other than books.
4. Top three favourite tropes?
1. Enemies to Lovers romance
2. Strong female friendships (this is so rare i can cry)
3. Redemption of a villainous character (but this should be done well, and not rushed. And shouldn't happen due to romance. My fav example of this would probably be zuko from ATLA)
5. Who is an author you want/wish to meet in person?
Since I can't choose one I'll say, 
1. Susan Dennard, cause she's super friendly and i love Truthwitch,
2. Illona Andrews, this author duo have some of the best urban fantasies.
3. Hiromu Arakawa, a manga author, who wrote one of the best shonen series (imo) Fullmetal Alchemist.
4. Rick Riordan, his books helped me get into reading once again when I was 14, I would just like to thank him.
You can follow her at @whydoyoucareaboutmyusername, on Goodreads, and on Twitter. 
Thank you, Mahi! I loved chatting with you.
Next interview: Wednesday, 7th of April
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chaos-goblin-time · 3 years
so 🏫,🌼,📖, ?
- >:')
🏫 Are you in school, what grade
yeah I’m actually answering this in math class
📖 Fave book
uhhh I’ve been reading mostly fanfic recently but the Kate Daniels series by Illona andrews is amazingly well done
🌼 Fave flower
i like wither roses from Minecraft :)
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sorrelchestnut · 3 years
Are you an Illona Andrews fan? If yes, have you read Julie's new book and what did you think of it?
I have and I loved it! It wasn't anything like I expected it to be back when I finished Kate's series and wondered about what would happen to Julie, but that's pretty great because I got to be surprised by it all over again. I really loved the additional worldbuilding about other forms of post-apocalyptic government, what is and isn't working, and Julie was of course a delight. I think my favorite was getting to see the ridiculous madcap cast of characters she's pulled together into a new family: she is very like Kate, in all the best ways, and yet she's also very much herself, which is a tricky thing to master after so many goddamn books of buildup. She felt like a grown-up version of herself, which I honestly didn't entirely believe until I saw it. Strengths, quirks, and all.
I've always enjoyed their particular brand of bringing relatable little twinges of humanity - pettiness, temper, pride, etc - to cosmically powerful characters that keep them feeling like real people even as they keep climbing the power curve due to rising narrative stakes. That's always a problem with serial urban fantasy, and I've seen authors handle it exceptionally well (Mercy Thompson's power-ups were usually just 'and then I made another friend' and it's delightful) and others handle it exceptionally poorly (Anita Blake..... nuff said), and Illona Andrews, while leaning perhaps slightly too hard into rule of cool, I would place solidly upper-middle. (Their cool is in fact usually very cool so they get extra credit there.)
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booksociety · 4 years
do you know any books that include vampire? Thank you!
Hi, here you go! We hope you find something you like 😊
A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1) by Deborah Harkness (Isabel)
A Hunger Like No Other (Immortals After Dark #1) by Kresley Cole
A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire #1) by Bella Forrest
Bloodlines (Bloodlines #1) by Richelle Mead (Gina & Ania)
Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu (Marisa & Sari)
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (Hazel)
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) by Cassandra Clare (Franzi)
Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #1) by Illona Andrews (Isabel & Vee)
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse #1) by Charlaine Harris (Ania)
Dracula by Bram Stoker (Vee)
Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children #2) by Seanan McGuire (Hazel & Lu) [companion novel to Every Heart a Doorway; it is not necessary to read the books in order]
Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires #1) by Rachel Caine (Gina)
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (Vee)
Marked (House of Night #1) by P.C. Cast (Franzi)
Secret Vampire (Night World #1) by L.J. Smith (Gina)
Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires #1) by Chloe Neill (Isabel)
The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries #1) by L. J. Smith (Hazel, Vee, & Ania)
The Beautiful (The Beautiful #1) by Renée Ahdieh (Franzi)
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black (Franzi & Vee)
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie Kagawa (Ania & Sage)
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix (Sage)
The Strain (The Strain Trilogy #1) by Guillermo del Toro & Chuck Hogan (Vee)
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1) by Richelle Mead
- Alex
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Things I need from Illona Andrews :
- A Bern and Runa centric book/series
- A Penelope and Hart centric book/series (with scenes from their respective romantic pasts)
- A book for Rogan's parents
- A book/series about the formation of the State and National Assemblies
- An Augustine centric book (I have theories about the potential ship)
- A Leon centric series
- A book/series about Nevada and Rogan's progeny
- A book/novella about the Baylors before Penelope gets married, including more on Leon's mom (whose name escapes me at the moment)
- Not much, really, just a detailed history of the worl since the creation of the Osiris serum...
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