#Im just really fucking proud of it XD
So, I've heard some voices here and there lamenting how little Gabe content - especially new Gabe content - there was and you know what? I completely agree, so I thought why not, I can try to add my little droplet into this tiny sea of Gabe appreciation we have here on tumblr.
Summary: Elena visits Gabe in his house for the first time and learns something new about his past.
Word count: 1937
AN: just some friendly fluff really, headcanon heavy, from Elena's POV but Gabe centric
"Oh, watch out, the first step is-" Gabe turned around just in time to catch Elena when she started to fall backwards. "-loose."
"Thanks for the warning." Elena shot him a glare when she regained her balance. In response Gabe only sent her an unapologetic grin and pulled her up on the next step.
"Everyone's so used to it by now that we keep forgetting to fix it with my dad," he explained as they finally reached the first floor.
The stairs led to a narrow corridor, with the same room placement as the bakery beneath it. Two doors on the right, one on the left and a wide opening to the living room at the end. In a few brisk steps Gabe opened the door on the left and invited Elena in with a courteous gesture.
"Welcome to my humble abode, your highness."
Her highness graced him with a nod and slipped by him, into the small room. Elena gave it a quick one over. It was indeed small - in fact, there probably wasn't much more space than what each guard got at the barracks - and the decor wasn't much fancier either. Cream colored walls, a thin bed by the window, a wardrobe opposite of it, one wall taken up by a bookshelf and a small cabinet by another made up basically all the furnishing of the room.
"Humble is a good word." She nodded solemnly, earning herself an eye roll from her friend. They both chuckled.
"Hey, it's your room that's out of the norm, you know?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Elena retorted, thinking about how three or even four such rooms would fit into hers. She walked over to the cabinet and picked up some trinket. "But it's nice to finally see where you grew up."
Gabe couldn't stop a fond smile sneaking onto his lips when he noticed the badge she was examining.
"Yeah and I didn't really get to change much here in the past five years. For example this thing I got back when-"
"Gabriel!" He was interrupted by his mother's voice from the bakery.
"I'll tell you in a moment," he sighed. "Make yourself at home!" He added from the doors and quickly ran downstairs to his parents.
Elena took another look around the room. It wasn't entirely empty, she had to admit that, and the poster of Antonio Agama on the inner side of the door confirmed that Gabe didn't change the decor much since he moved out.
She moved to the bookshelf and moved her hand across the titles - though there weren't that many of them to count. The lower shelves were taken up by some boxes and bags and what could've been a neatly packaged tent. Then finally a whole shelf dedicated to the whole collection of Antonio Agama's books. Elena chuckled to herself when she read some of the more dramatic titles and noticed even one that wasn't in Avaloran. On the next shelf, between other various travel books and biographies, was only one book by señor Agama, titled simply 'The Gecko's Tale'. Driven by a hunch she took it out and couldn't help but laugh when she read the blurb on the back. Although that explained how the whole kingdom found out that she's a bit adventurous too.
Finally her gaze got to the plant on top of the mantle. Hidden so deep in the room, it extended its ivy like stalks towards the sun, climbing a string helpfully hung between the bookshelf and the window.
Down on the windowsill two other plants looked out on the little cobbled square behind the house. Elena leaned in to smell the orchid and noticed something half hidden behind the pot. Slowly, so as not to accidentally damage the plant, she reached for trinket and retrieved it into the light. It turned out to be a wooden doll, painted to resemble a familiar navy and maroon uniform...
"Is this you?" She turned to Gabe as soon as he entered the room and showed him the figurine with a wide smile.
Gabe stopped for a moment. Furrowed his brows as he tried to see what Elena was even holding, and then furrowed his brows even more when he recognised it.
"Of course not," he grumbled, closing the small distance between them. "It's just an old thing anyway."
"It does look a bit like you though." She jumped away from him at the last moment.
Gabe gasped. Elen giggled and moved her hand away when he tried to reach her.
"Why would I even have a figurine of myself?"
For a moment they circled each other, like two lions judging if it's worthy to fight the opponent for a steak, except the steak was now wooden and 15 centimetres high. They both hunched subconsciously and made their steps in the fencing manner.
"I don't know, why does Esteban have a whole wall of his own portraits?" A sly grin slid on her face. "But I see you've decided to match his collection."
"Oh now you've done it." Gabe shook his head to hide his smile and in the split of a second was right by her. Feigning to go right for the prize, he swiped her legs out from under her.
Elena waved her hands in the air giving Gabe just the opportunity he was waiting for. He swiftly yanked the figurine from her hands, giving her the last push to fall backwards completely. He turned his head with a victorious grin, just in time to see her legs rising at the height of his knees. And suddenly the ground was much closer than before.
He folded his arms to his chest, protecting the figurine with his body and rolled on the floor. Though he didn't have to roll far, of which he was promptly reminded by his head crushing into the cupboard.
He groaned loudly and let his body fall limply to the floor.
His pained complaint was answered by Elena's laughter from the bed.
"I'm getting too old for this," he mumbled and Elena's laughter only got louder.
Finally he sat up and lifted the figurine to his face. He carefully examined it for any cracks or splinters, checked if the joints in the limbs didn't fall out and most importantly if the head was still on firm. Finally when he made sure the trinket didn't get damaged, he let out a relieved sigh.
"You're lucky it's still whole," he grumbled, rising to his feet.
"Hey, I was being careful." Elena now sat up too and sent him a playful smirk. "All the way until you decided to trip me like that."
Gabe rolled his eyes again and huffed in pretended annoyance.
"So if it's not a limited edition General Nuñez action figure," Elena continued. "What is it?"
Gabe sat down next to her and thought of an answer for a moment. He changed the position of the little soldier's arms and reached for a pin to put into his hand as a sword.
"It's really just an old toy," he said finally. "But you know, it has sentimental value."
He finally passed Elena the figurine, so she could take a look at it herself. It wasn't as old as she thought at first. The paint was faded, but still held onto the uneven surface of the wood and as she moved her fingers across it, she realized that it must've been all whittled by hand, by someone who put great care in it, but wasn't a professional.
Still the amount of details was impressive, especially in the construction of the thing. She moved the tiny soldier into the proper fencing position and to her delight found out that it fits flawlessly, the wire on the joints creaked quietly, as if it had been waiting for an opportunity to shine for ages.
She glanced between the figurine and Gabe on her left for comparison. The uniform, despite the familiar colours, was a tad different, it resembles more what she remembered from her childhood, than the uniform Gabe was wearing at the moment.
"I got it from my first fencing teacher," he continued.
"The same one who threw coconuts at you driving training?" Elena raised a brow, earning herself a chuckle.
"Yeah, the same one." A sad smile reached the corners of his eyes as old memories resurfaced in his memory. "He was a tough man and always talked about how big an annoyance I am, but -" he gestured to the figurine and shrugged.
"Well, that explains why it looks like you," Elena bumped him with her shoulder. "I'm sure he could've already seen that you'll be a great guard."
"Oh, I don't think he even wanted me to be a guard," Gabe laughed again. "But you know, the situation was a bit different." He pondered something for a moment before continuing. "And to be fair, I didn't even realize that it was supposed to be a guard at the time, I was pretty sure he just came up with the design by himself. I only really connected the dots a few years ago, when I found this old thing again."
Elena nodded silently and put a comforting hand on his arm. She could see that this topic wasn't easy for him.
"Though maybe what you said was the point." He straightened suddenly and his gaze went back to the figurine. "Maybe he wasn't completely against me joining the guard, just... joining the right one."
His smile became wider and it was like his whole face lit up. Elena raised the little soldier's arms to make it cheer. They both laughed at how expressive this piece of wood was.
"So where is your coach now?" Elena asked, caressing the wooden toy one more time.
He only sighed at first and for a moment his gaze became clouded again, before he shook his head to cast the memories away.
"I wish I knew," he sent her a sad smile. "One day he just... disappeared. A few trinkets and one letter is all the proof I have that he wasn't just my hallucination."
Elena's lips twitched in a matching sad smile, but before she could say anything, they both heard a voice from downstairs, calling the unmistakable word 'dinner!'
Gabe clapped his hands on his knees and sprung up to his feet.
"Ah, just in time", he extended his hand to Elena. "I think eating is a much more fun topic than discussing the weird things I did in my childhood."
Elena examined his face for a moment more, but gave up on asking all the questions that pushed to the tip of her tongue. She sent him a smile instead and accepted his hand.
"Oh, you mean you did more weird things?" She made the little figurine gasp.
"I feel like I shouldn't have started this topic," Gabe laughed.
"Oh no, you won't escape now." She poked him in the chest and put the little soldier in his hand. "I gotta know all the crazy stories."
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you something," Gabe raised his hands in defeat. "But you can't mention it to my parents, please, they'll never stop until they tell you my whole life story."
Elena made a theatrical gesture of tapping her lips in thought as she backed out of the room.
"I'll consider it," she sent him a wide grin and in a second turned and ran towards the stairs.
"Hey- wait!" Gabe called out, running right after her to save what was left of his reputation.
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sideblogdotjpeg · 4 months
feeling like. ep 60 was such a fantastic arc finale battle ep. and auugh. like so many things. LIKE .
the slow build up of tension over the ep felt really good and perfect, as it escalates from alexandrite being silly and goofy to. gargantuan cyberflesh horror. and how the dice were UNCANNILY perfect for it all. like. the nat 1 vs nat 20 roll for the town and suddenly the entire mood shifts and the stakes are so much realer, and personal. followed up by the nat 20 for the town! followed up by TWO callie crits and her dealing 130 DAMAGE like each turn!!!! like!!!!! AUGH... the. just the beats of it all was soo good and.
tying to that .. the character moments for this ep were so good !!! every character got their moment to shine in the battle. already discussed callie absolutely whomping fucking ass, but of course the smaller moments as well. offering to go and defend calders town. seeing the faewild sky and "i think i needed to leave to become worthy of it" - like and as the culmination of callies arc. from someone who was so scared and running away to. staying, standing, fighting, protecting. AND ITS GOOD.
then of course theres calder. i mean also the . ARC. of the only thing he wanted was not to be overprotected. wanting to be useful - like his brothers, people who had strength and value in the eyes of their people, big enough to defend their town. and he has come all the way here. he changes the tides of the battlefield in the town - and he does it with the attachments of his friends and the love of his family. and like... god. really crystalising his ethos in a way that is foiled so well against gowan. gowan who was too proud to ask for help. vs "i cant do it without you" "but damn does it feel good when your friends have your back" ... !!!! AYYEARGH. like. hes becoming the protector of his home! but maybe now, his home is so much bigger than the ice knife, and hes not fighting alone .... YOU KNOW.
AND SOL!!!!! sol to my knowledge only deals 30 damage this battle but. as a resident sol enjoyer i !!! am VERY MUCH CLAPPING AND CHEERING!! at the deeply supportive role he took on for this fight. like hes the first to get the ice knife away from alexandrite, he gives callie an extra smite, silvery barbs.... ! like the short rest realisation of how different the battle wouldve gone without that silvery barbs is .... ! SO ITS GOOD. and at the end that he was the one to get the final blow on alexandrite and it was for swag is ...
and! that part was obviously a joke! as is the entire "keep em guessing haha alexandrite cant predict what were doing!!!" thing. HOWEVER. relistening to the ezry arc, and their first interaction w alexandrite as we now know her ... i just. REALLY feel like this is the spiritual successor to "were duck team and were messy and were friends and we do everything together and we absolutely suck shit all day long and all night baby". theyre so fucking stupid is the thing. and theyre messy and stupid and constantly saying things that are weird and make no sense and completely and utterly baffling .... and thats DUCK TEAM!!! (theres also a point here where im overreading somewhat. but the part about Keepin em Guessin... one could POSSIBLY argue it interacts in a MAYBE DEEPLY INTERESTIGN WAY with . the idea of the calculated certainty of the AI, the calm and cold prediction of the diviners, and the wild freedom of the peregrines. idk!!! maybe!!! maybe you cld even say that what lies at the heart of duck team is their messiness and outofplaceness and love and care and refusal of the tragedy!!! even!! maybe!! but YEAH. lol random XD ! keep em guessin!)
also the thing that made me write all this which is like. ! the final victory lap scene is just. so wonderfully cathartic, esp with how tense this entire arc has been. its just. fuck yeah we won and all our friends and family are here and safe and riding on mammoths!!! i mean. FUCKING ALBINS BACK!!!! GREGORS HERE AND KICKIN ASS!!! THE MA GOBLIN BRIGADE!!! A WIN. and ... that bit of callie just sitting on the roof playing a guitar as she stares into the fae wild sky is ... its good.. its good..
and all that is maybe. half the reasons why ep 60 is so good. i didnt even get around to talking about the fucking EMILY AXFORD SONG WHICH IVE BEEN PLAYING NONSTOP ALL DAY SO. yeah. so i like this ep i guess
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a-soft-hornytiny · 1 year
I just did my nails and since my brain is always in the gutter and thinking about ateez I thought- what would be ateez's reaction to their significant other getting their nails done for them and who's mlt ruin them 😏
- 🍓
Reaction: Getting your nails done for them.
Requested by 🍓 anon
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive
Pairing: Ateez x reader with pretty nails (neutral)
Warnings: none
Notes: Okay this format is a bit weird and new but it works I guess haha reaction and mtl in one
I added some details about what kinda designa you would get for them but im horrible with nail designs so it’s probably bs. Hope its what you wanted hehe
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
all day, all tease
“ohhhh you like me so much???” a lot of sighing
he is happy inside but he gotta do his job and annoy you
and he’s most likely to ruin them because he wants to. kinda wants to prove something. probably what an amazing lover he is xD
But he would pay for the replacement.
and because you knew that you had gotten a simple black design with his initials and some of his lines in their songs
he would notice immediately but wouldn’t say anything because.. idk why tbh
similar to Yeosang you would get frustrated abt it but he’d be like “yeah nah I noticed” .-.
but as he noticed it upsets you he’d be really sweet and shower you in compliments, he just has a hard time putting the gesture in context of importance
that is until he googles how much getting your nails done costs
even if its just a purple sky design like you did for him
when it comes to ruining them tho- that man is probably an absolutely beast in bed.. i assume. they wouldn’t survive for long.
puppy eyes, puppy design (or smth blue)
“for me?🥺 really?🥺” i CANT
takes your hands all the time to kiss your nails
cute as fuck but also kinda too much
which may ruin them
and listen: that man will be most likely be ruining them by making you grab the bedsheet to hard if you get what I mean
“are those for me?” you deny it at first to tease him
“oh come on they gotta beeee” whiny man
really full of himself as soon as you admit it, which is why you didn’t at first
maybe some kind of combination of a princess theme with his favourite colour… cement colour.. (i swear he is such a man)
wants to get matching nails 100%
if he ruins them, it was an accident. but since he is clumsy af it may happen xD
happiest bean, so excited
why do I feel like one half of your nails would be like super serious, beautiful gold black designs and the other half is like.. san memes
like a literal mountain or the muscly cat yk
would be careful not to ruin them at first but as the time goes on he wouldn’t have the control to care haha
wouldn’t notice at first and you’re kinda upset you had to say something
“Your beauty is so distracting y/n, im sorry I didnt see your nails” ironie and shade
but appreciates it, even tho he has a hard time saying it
he’d be proud that you chose a doberman design instead of a maltese one tho (yes i needa be cliche)
would he ruin them? maybe, maybe not. depends on the position👀
admires them when you don’t look
he‘s unsure if you really did it for him but as soon as he finds out he is all blushy and happy
definitely either a sakura, strawberry or star design
and he‘s to careful and tidy to ruin them
only if he’s normal hwa tho, horny hwa wouldn’t give a shit
he would adore it SO much
would go on and on about how your nails are perfect and that he feels honoured that he was the inspiration to get them done
i think for him you‘d get like a sunflower or music sheet design and he’d definitely want to get some inspired by you too
also least likely to ruin them because they are just too precious to him
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives @cheollipop @yeosangsbiceps @euphoric-emily16 @anyamaris @shinestarhwaa @seomisaho @starillusion13 @taemdivez
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shen-mu · 3 months
What's the one piece of your art that you're the most proud of?
ohhh....that's a hard one right there! i can't just show you one because im proud of multiple- so here they are and some comments for them:
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i drew this art back in summer 2023 when me and my friend were reading Song of Achilles. I was tired from working but i managed to finish this one! I love the background but not the pose xD
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This one!! I still love it even though it seems very....easy. I was sleepy and it was purg1...i miss them and i still think it looks cool as fuck xD
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IM VERY FUCKING PROUD OF THIS ONE IM GOING FERAL EVERYTIME WHEN SOMEONE REBLONGS IT!!!!!!! like damn look at this atmosphere....i was into something surely
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and this is the last one im very proud of. i really thought im going to die before i finish this but!! I DID IT!! i think my art improved with drawing so many people in one piece. maybe.
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rhythmicjester · 7 months
💜💜🥳🥳🥳🥳 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIDGET!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳💜💜
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(this was meant to post yesterday actually during their bday but tumblr shat itself ARRRGHHHH… alas..)
edited floaty gidget and me being stupidly sappy n rambley under the cut..
okay so I started playing our wonderland like a year ago now and safe to say its like totally taken over my life 🥹 and gidget. aagh. gidget. aagh. aaagh!!!!
im really bad at articulating stuff (probably on account of my mental impairment but… YKNWO… XD) and there is lots of feelings and thoughts and agh gidget. GIDGETTT!!!! i will try my best to word
our wonderland as a whole has grown to mean a shit ton to me (but ill talk more abt that at length in a later post) and i love all the characters so so fucking much and especially gidget and iggy. especially gidget, oh gidget has thieved away with this aching heart of mine. or something.
im always extremely drawn to n obsessed w characters and storylines around like… a self suppression, muting, coiling up into some unreal ideal and reality so deeply it becomes some 'new reality', until you can barely see yourself anymore…. im crazy abt that shit. it rules. and gidget is all that. and also just a silly illy billy booly looly who i want to put in my mouth and chew up like a wad of paper. uh
i think about them like all the time 24/7 366 (cause its a leap year!) and im always like. thinking on new angles and perspectives and little intricacies and probably a solid 80% of it is just all in my head but god. i love them sm they are so awesome n well written n silly n WAAAAAAAAAAAGH
i love gidget so much. i love our wonderland so much. thankyou carrot so much for your wonderful phenomenal storytelling, characters and art, im like consistently entranced and blown away by it istg.
again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIDGET!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳💜💜💜🥹 and i hope all of you have very fantastic days. i luv this game n fandom n gidget so much. life may be very stormy and dark and scary but oh it truly is joyous i think. but maybe thats a little too sappy even for me
i eep now
goodnight !
(oh and heres the floaty gidget. im really proud of how it turned out. i keep on flying around the print out of it and saying 'look they have smelled some delicious pie…' i am a very predictable and simple person.)
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
new episode time which means its time for me to talk about it LETS GOOOO!!!
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okay out of all people to see three be with they picked Boopkins the one he hates the most xD perfect and he has a date this is gonna be good. wonder who this famous girl is cant wait to see her!
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the fact this is natural smg3 (going off my color theory) i love he is just helping boopkins for money and gives no other shits
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AHHHHHH OH GOD WHAT IS THAT FACE SMG3 NOOOO im dying from laughter what is this xD the rizzler will haunt my dreams
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he does not have that drawing oh my god Boopkins what is your fan fiction we can trade ideas
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OH! i get it now....i get it now okay guess i need to get my im a simp for smg3 card its a no wonder SMG4 fell in love with the man xD Now lets see who this date is shall we?
my man got a date with his dream girl WHAAAT
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playing the best character he can for this tv date
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ah yes my fav vocaloid michael xD SMG3 may have the rizz but he is the worst wingman he can not for the life of him give good advice
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never change three never change
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i would say proud dad moment but its more of a "FUCK YEAH! im going to make so much money off of this."
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facts its always best to be yourself even more when it comes to romance you want that person to love the real you but i think your telling that to the wrong guy...wait is Boopkins dating miku now?!
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KJFHDSJKSFJK im dying never change three never change im so glad my wish of SMG3 hanging out with the crew is really happening i hope the other episodes is him with Meggy, tari and such it be great to see!
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k1ngj0ve · 2 years
Had a long convo about Bisexual Pickles(the drummer), gonna edit it to be readable
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(initially this was a convo about how Murderface would be into Semen Retention and claiming being with women is gay, and pickles doesnt get involved because hes had sex with men before)
Friend: I feel like one interpretation of Pickles could be that he doesn't think it's "gay" to have sex with men. so he thinks he's "straight" and that fucking the same gender occasionally is a thing EVERYONE DOES Me: pickles doesnt strike me as a 'has thought deeply about his sexual identity' or 'has done research on terminology'. if he has any terminology at all its some rare 80s term that was thrown around casually in 1 district of LA during a 2 year period. hes like 'oh im just what they used to call a butter nutter' and no one has any idea what that is
Friend: he's from the generation where "bisexual" means a girl fucking two men in porn or something, he never considered it's a label that can apply to real people
Me: this all came out because he was accidentally being interviewed by an lgbt magazine and didnt know it, having a great time with dudes that understand him and can relate to big gender-weird sex parties
and then the article comes out and its front page like 'pickles is bisexual' And hes SO MAD and he spends half the episode making a big deal about it, until someone finally defines it for him (i think swkisgaar wouldve been trying but wouldve reached a language barrier, hes getting so pissed)
until finally someone explains it to pickles and hes forced to deflate like "..oh. i guess that is.. what i .. am.. then… '. Hes so upset to have a label though. He wants himself to be UNLABELLED. he liked the mystery
Friend: Like a younger version of creed https://youtu.be/2JO3oJybBTw
Me: Thats funny XD "im not offended by gay people" and then relates about how he fucked this dude 15 times over a 3 day bender and how it was some of the best sex he ever had and they met up every saturday night for the entire summer until that dude came out to him as gay and pickles had to end it which always bummed him out because they had a real connection you know
Friend: the poor guy thought they were gay dating out and proud and it turns out Pickles didn't realize kissing another man in the mouth and holding his hand while getting ice cream is gay
Me: pickles talks about it in a way that strongly implies he was in love and wanted to spend the rest of his life with this dude, they bought a puppy together "but then i found out he was gay so i had to break up move out"
Friend: RIP
Me: in that dethklok way where youre just like "what the fuck goes on in your head, how do you think anything works"
Friend: he thought they would have to get a little purse dog and both of them would become hairdressers
Me: 'i dont wanna be a wedding planner'
Friend: "I don't want to move to San Francisco :("
Me: i am really pleased by my mental image of skwisgaar like yelling at pickles trying to explain that bisexuality is fine and normal but not having the language to do so. just fully not in english, and the parts in english Can Not Be PArsed. he means well and keeps trying to help and he just gets angrier every time
Finally screaming like 'SITS DOWN, SHUTS UP, YOUS GONNA LISTENS SHJSJFHEHSJAN' and then a plain looking person next to him clears their through slightly and goes "Skwisgaar says "Please sit down and be quiet, I have hired a swedish interpreter to help communicate" then gives this really heartfelt and informative speech telling pickles its okay to be who he is
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
All right so theres two things
1. Two years ago i had this friend (lets call him xyz lol) and we were pretty close and shit but like in a very buddy buddy way (good to add im biologicaly a woman and back then i was discovering my gender and sexuality so i was very feminine presenting and now i use he/they xd). And there was a situation that he pushed or hitted me (i dont remember ) and after that i was like fuck it im not gonna be friends with him anymore. Well in like june (or july) somewhere holiday season anyway, he texted me that he liked me yk romaticaly. Not really proud of my respose bcz i wants the nices however today (after 2 years just gonna say) (again) he apologized and stuff and now I don't know if i want to be in contact with him again cause well the situation happened and it was pretty shit for me back then. Yeah here im just asking for advice bcz he havem't really changed from what i know but he was nice while textinggggg😔 (and also if i remember good he was pretty shit and kept insultingg everybody) but like. I need a new friend so maybeeee
2. This one is actually funny for me so yeah. Basically theres my very insicure ex in my year and shes now a "new woman" basicaly decided that shes hetero and is an active christian. I have nothing against it bcz like, cool, nice youve finally found yourself but you dont have to act like you are better then everyone bfr. On the other side we have this girl who i was best friends for 4 fucking years since shes annoying as hell now and when someone has a different opinion she decides that they are wrong, just living with this mindset for years. Nobody wanted to be friends with her so i decided like "alright maybe shes nice" she was till she met my ex. Now they are church bestis which, again, fine HOWEVER im a freaking saint paul compared to them. And im a marauders fan with is speaking for itself (the gayness) (and an active rosekiller shipper just on the side note soooo). Its just funny to me for some reason bcz they are trying to push me and my other friend down even tho i won't have them in my life like in a month or so lol.
Damn i really need to find new friends.
Uh yeah thats all have a nice day/night/mars occupation : D
Okay for the first part: I mean…I’m iffy on this one. You said he gives okay vibes now? Does he respect you? Your gender? If so, you could give him a chance, but I would do so hesitantly. Keep your guard up, you know?
For the second part: Yeah, sounds like two judgmental people found each other, lol. I would look for new friends as well.(Go Rosekiller!)
(Naming you mars anon)
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kaaragen · 7 months
YES IM SO GLAD YOU REBLOGGED THE ASK GAME! 😍 I’d like to know ❤️💕🦋🦈💘🚦📚🎨
❤️ Argh! this is the one I was hoping I wouldn't be asked because I remember having a line I was very proud of but I can't remember what the damn thing was now! XD
Of the lines I remember liking, I'd say this one is one I'm very pleased with looking back, as sentimental as it is. Ignore the fact that I'm cheating because there's more than one, but the context of the previous line is necessary:
"Because you, and millions of others, have fought and suffered through a war that’s killed billions, wrought by the most sophisticated minds of the age.
"So maybe childish, naïve and idealistic is worth a try."
💕 It has to be And if we Fell Together, which I think is also the best thing I've written. It honestly still boggles my mind how popular that became, and especially when I think about how close I was to never actually writing or posting it. But I'm very glad I did, and reading it back gives me so much joy. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank the people who read it enough, or convey how much it meant to me, not least for the confidence boost it gave me when I was at a really low point.
🦋Oof, that's actually a tough one...I like writing Ahsoka and Barriss for different reasons; mainly because they are interesting foils in how they hide their insecurities. Barriss presents with a lot of poise and decorum, but internally she's a hot screaming mess; whereas Ahsoka outwardly projects confidence, but is very insecure and almost uses 'running headfirst at things' to stop herself from thinking and being paralysed.
But lately, I'm really enjoying teenage Tatooine Leia and pre-fuck-up-with-the-Duchess Sabine. Both are quite fun to unpick and work backwards from their canon characters and think 'okay, but if they were in this environment and didn't have that what would they be like?' without removing their essential natures as characters.
🦈 It used to be Luminara, as I really struggled to get a handle on her. After her confrontation with Barriss, where she loses her poise, it became a lot easier as it clicked that she's devoutly committed to the Jedi Order and the spiritual ideals of the Force, but is also using them to mask her uncertainties about what to do in situations.
As of now, it's probably Seventh Sister - who is fun to write, but also needs care as she is a mess and it's easy for her characterisation to split too far too soon and there's less in canon to anchor with.
(The Spectres as a whole are tricky, because you have to give each of them something to do, and also have them react in ways that fit each character, without that becoming a litany of reciting. God knows how Tamsyn Muir manages to do it so effortlessly in The Locked Tomb...)
💘It will surprise no one when I say angst XD My brain just seems to be wired for it (and I like to think I do it pretty well). But I maintain that angst makes the fluff worth it/better when it comes. So there!
🚦I've changed on this one. I used to think I was more of a 'bad' ending person, but perhaps years of reading Grim Dark stuff has worn me down. Or, writing has made me realise I'm more sentimental than I thought. Either way, I like plausible happily ever afters or ambiguity tinged with hope.
📚Ooo, that's a good question. I couldn't narrow down to just one, so I'll say that The Padawans (by someone you may not have heard of, called JediMasterBailey :P) and The Erosion of the Spirit by @425599167 are different, brilliant, takes on canon-compliant Barriss redemption arcs; Down to my Knees (Up en Pointe) by @cafffine is the best Inquisitor Barriss fic I've ever read, with Tomorrow, She'll see the Sky Again by @thevalaxy being the best post-Inquisitor Barriss fic I've read. Then there's Where I've Always Been and Coming Home to You by Gabby (Kirahsoka), which are amazing and made a sceptic of modern-world AUs and fantasy-world AUs like me rethink my scepticism.
Special shout-out goes to Pity and Reforging by @mylordshesacactus, which were the first Barrisoka fics I read and Jesus Christ, I think they fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and will haunt me until my dying day.
🎨Well, someone (not naming because I don't know if they want to be) very nicely asked if they could do fanart inspired by And if we Fell Together, which was about the happiest day of my life! I've seen some drafts and it looks incredible and I'm incredibly excited to see the finished version!
If there were to be a specific scene, I'd go for Ahsoka and Anakin's starfighter duel as I really like the imagery in that one! Oh, and also the first kiss!
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coiled-dragon · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Omg big tag game :D thanks for the tag @thetentaclecommander ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
146.... 146!!!!!!! Its taken me 12 years to get that many...
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
468,189...... 8D and 1/4th of that... was all from Last Year, 2023, the year of Dracfield
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well if I list all of the ones I have written for, its a pretty big list. But like... The Passenger, Renfield/Dracula media in general, Dead by Daylight, Stranger Things, Rise of the Guardians, Encanto, Gravity Falls, Pokemon... Lots of other misc horror media, too~
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
GOD can I skip this?? Because its a fast way for everyone to look at me and condemn me because the one thing all these fics have in common are problematic ships around One Type of Problematic and im anxious but like. Fuck it.
Living with Max - Camp Camp, MaxVid longfic, abandoned (For now) - 1893 Kudos When Dealing With Demons - Gravity Falls, BillDip Longfic - 1116 Kudos Late Night Visits - Gravity Falls, BillDip - 875 Kudos Keeping Secrets - Gravity Falls, BillDip - 798 Kudos A Sort of Welcome Distraction - Gravity Falls, BillDip - 754 Kudos
I aint linking them and if you go find them mind the content lmfao
5. Do you respond to comments?
I usually try to!! Sometimes! To at least half of them ;w; sometimes I just dunno what to say...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
HAHA..OH BOY... that would be Si Tú No Estás Aquí an Encanto fic with double main character death so like. Heads Up if you read it. Proud of it but man it hurts
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
God I have to think uhhhh.. Probably Father's Day, a DBD AU fic that's tooth rottingly sweet, imo. I know Babies Ever After isn't for every character but I really do hold it close to my heart for Evan and Meg ;3;
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in a while, but it's not uncommon. I write everything from Incest to underage to bestiality to snuff to necro... so it usually sets people off. Doesnt happen as often as it used to though
9. Do you write smut?
Looks at 85 of my 146 fics being marked Explicit
10. Do you write crossovers? 
Sometimes! But it has to be an idea that reeeeally grabs me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yep, have had some translated to Chinese, Russian, and Spanish
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yep, at least one published, partially finished long fic
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Thats a cruel thing to ask a bitch with ADHD
but I think it'd be BlackIce (Jack Frost x Black Ice) from Rise of the Guardians
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have dozens that are half done or just a line in a document... Id love to finish them, but most will never see the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
God. idk. Tell me what my strengths are??
I'd like to say 'capturing characters voices'. I think im good at that...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably writing action. I can see it so cool in my head but writing it down?? uggghghhghh
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't usually write dialogue in other languages BUT I have done it for Encanto fics! I usually try to find someone who speaks the language if I'm not confident in writing it but with Spanish I know my way around it enough to feel relatively confident.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Harry Potter waaaaay back 2011-ish? on FF.Net lol. Always loved Drarry and Snarry, you can see even back then I had my Tastes figured out XD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? 
idk man, I really don't. I've written a lot I enjoyed at this part, fics Ive gone back and read more than once! But I just cant make myself Pick one or even a top three.... So you'll JUST have to read all 146 and figure out which one YOU guys like (just avoid the ones that make you wanna die inside I wont blame you!)
I! AM not gonna tag anyone! Do this whole questionnaire if you want!! I love you guys! Thank you TTC I love you too!!!!!
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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buddiebuffer · 6 months
S7 E1 live reactions! (Except I cram it in one post cause I'm lazy)
Big props to whoever put a big dramatic abc logo in the flashback exactly one minute into the first episode airing on abc XD "abc presents a world television premiere" indeed
Damn I missed this show, I'm cracking up already at the therapist being all 🤨 at her movie trauma
Congrats to the national guard pilot pockets being more secure than the plane itself
NGL I really thought that plane would end up hitting the ship
No one from the national guard was able to match the arrival speed of the firefighters??
Oh hey, another Eddie disarming an explosive scene! Throwback 😊
SGAKFHD I looooove the joke of someone giving bumb disarming instructions badly
Awwww I feel a lil bad for pilot Joe but he's the one who volunteered bomb disarming instructions
And there's the parallel between the crew and the case, which is still one of my favorite elements of this show
Honeymoon phase to Athena and Bobby was a good transition
Man, Angela Bassett is gorgeous 😍
So many callbacks in one episode, this is great
The cruise has assigned seating? Wild
👀 what's up with Julian, why is Lola making faces like that
Rent bicycles? On a cruise ship?
Athena's anxiety is so fair, their life is chaotic, easy to be afraid of the slowdown
NGL, a date spreadsheet would be enjoyable to me
"where does Chris get it from" Buck maybe? 👀
Oh Athena has that found a case face XD
Okay I saw posts about the AA scene being funny and y'all weren't lying 🤣
Okay sure Eddie ASMR to make her vagina unclench, why not, this show is so fucking weird sometimes
Not a fan of the womanizer Chris logic being that his mom left. What about his grandma? His aunt? The best babysitter? There have been women in his life who didn't leave him. Idk, it's a weird mix of I can see it And it feels like a stretch
👀 what the fuck is happening on this cruise
Chim 🤝 Bobby: list of dates
I really hate Julian's voice
There's no way that's Lola, not with that hat!!!!
Chimney helping fish a passed out, penis stuck man out of a hot tub and then getting his own hot tub is wild
That's where it ends?? Okay fine guess we'll see how all that goes next time lol
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
weasel i am about to give you the biggest compliment i’ve ever given anyone:
ok so before i had the spoonmoment119 account, i would look at all your posts and just sit. in awe. of like how good you could draw. and i thought that when i got better at art, i wanted to draw just like you. you were my favorite artist. by a long shot.
and when i did make the spoonmoment119 account and started posting a bit of art, i had a few milestones in mind, obviously the simple ones like the 50 followers, 100 followers, 1k followers, but by far the biggest in my mind, was how long it would take for weasel to even so much as like one of my posts.
and as you know, that goal was achieved on my second post. the mumbo body pillow. never in a million years would i have thought of you even just looking at my art. but you did :]
and now to just regularly interact with you and other insanely good artists on a daily basis, is insane,, and to have people looking up to me,, even more insane.
and i would just like to stop by for a bit and thank you for how much you’ve done for me, and how much you’ve helped :]
and you don’t have to reply btw,, i just wanted you to know that :3 okokok goobye <3
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I’m. Forever touched like I have no idea what to say like I’m honored you would even go out of your way to write all this I’m,,, I’m just a little guy!!!! I’m just!!! I just draw my little guys!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭thank you so much! Your favorite artist,,, OTL IT MAKES ME WANT TO MAKE YOU PROUD WAAAAAA THANKYOUUUU
I have, a lot of aspirations like I eventually want to create a cartoon, or potentially work on a video game or like a ton of other stuff whatever my life leads me to but all of them stem from my desire to inspire people, since it’s just this amazing feeling, the most rewarding fulfilling thing I think I can do as an artist. So like. Yeah XD I’m. really really thrilled to hear you say all this, like I actually did something with my art besides… draw boys ahdhagdhs like you’ve touched so many people with your art and I’m so happy I could at least encourage you to start posting it :) we’re all happier when we see a spoon post floating around <3
I’m very happy you’ve gotten the reach that you have :) from all that we’ve interacted you seem incredibly kind and deserving of all the attention you’ve gotten 😌not even just for your kindness but your art seriously, is so pleasing to look at both your creatures and more finished work, it’s all so lovely and your humor is so XD perfect 👌like that weird sort of deadpan sometimes is👌👌👌👌 BUT AHDHAHD WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS ITS AWESOME TO INTERACT WITH YOU TOO AND YOURE SUCH A GREAT PERSON THAT IM JUST AS EXCITED TO BE MUTUALS WITH YOU TOO!!
You’re a dear<3 you’re the best <3 goodbye<3333
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 18
parsley wakes up and is dumped by zen since zen is responsible lol. zen kneels down to try and help parsley up but he just wants to lay on the ground. parsley realizes hes in a library and just keeps laying there. zen tells him teya is researching the feywilds. teya learns that time passes differently in the feywilds.
back by wheatley hes still taking potshots on the range with senna watching. it does quite a bit of damage. fuckin lazers man. senna claps cause it looks cool. she notices its overheating and she calls out to him to cease firing so it wont explode lol. he giggles hes so happy lol.
back to parsley, he wants to go shopping! so he fucks off. zen tells teya to stay here and he goes after parsley. parsley goes up in the air trying to find his bearings. he doesnt notice anything xD he gets beamed by a lazer and zen yells at him to get down. anti air defense! big guns aiming at him lol. he quickly gets the fuck back down like wtf. zen says their for emergencies. parsley isnt registered so no flying. zen says he will escort him to the blacksmith.
senna and wheatley saw parsley get shot and hurry over there and meet up like wtf. wheatley heals parsley a bit. he says hes banned from flying and zen explains the guns. parsley says he needs new pants since it got wrecked. senna says they met a nice robot that made them some clothes. zen is taking parsley to the blacksmith first. senna points out wheatleys cool lazer gun to parsley, but zen says to not get too close cause its radioactive. wheatley freaks out and backs away.
zen reminds everyone they couldve used the tokens at anytime. it can do lots of stuff. map, lightsource, storage, shopping. senna tells wheatley he can store the lazer until its needed. thank god right? XD
wheatley tries to hold parsleys wrist and hes like "uhh no, im fine stop that." "worry is my default state of being." parsley keeps saying hes fine.
good ol smith! parsley wants a new dagger! he just gets an ordinary dagger no plus 1 for him. he then asked for a whip but smith doesnt really work with leather. check a leather worker! parsley changes his mind tho cause i dunno. as we go to leave smith says he misses his shop awwww. time to get teya!
teya however wandered off goddamn. now we have to go find her. shes getting surrounded by robots asking her stuff lol. their so excited to go back outside! teya is a little anxious getting mobbed like this. theyve never seen an organic like teya before! one of the robots notices teya is nervous and tells the other bots to back up. just in time we arrive to the rescue!
zen crosses his arms and scolds teya for leaving. she claims to have no memory of this. wheatley grabs her and says he was worried about her. zen gets the robots to leave. wheatley says they are just lonely. zen says android is waiting for us its time to go.
back to the soul jar! ANDROID GOT AN UPGRADE AND HES WEARING CLOTHES! he looks more like zen in structure now! less arms and smaller xD android says he took some steps moving forward awww. he says he doesnt like the clothes but only belts would look weird. wheatley agrees, clothes are weird xD he has a rapier and a pistol and rifle instead of just spawning weapons.
parsley is a dick and trying not to laugh. zen gives him a big hug awww. hes so proud of him. senna just says he looks nice. he thanks her??? holy shit. senna doesnt make a big deal out of it. sadly everyone else did lol. 'wow i didnt know you could say that.' senna sucker punches parsley in the shoulder. android calls him an idiot.
wheatley says goodbye to lil bro. SP also says goodbye awww. group hug for them awww. teya recalls to herself more fey facts that fey see other humanoids beneath them. entertaining but not equals.
zen sets down a portal and out we go! adventure! still by that temple and parsleys big pile of firewood. hes fucking taking the wood and putting it in the storage unit. wheatley says he thought parsley liked chopping firewood? he uh misunderstood lol.
wheatley holds sennas hand and wraps his tail around her. he just wants a pal :3 senna and teya message each other and teya is excited to sleep again :3 parsley suddenly notices wheatley is in a dress xD
as were walking we hear screaming! a small town and some bodies that got smashed! senna runs toward the screaming as parsley flies into the air to see what it is. parsley sees people running from giant...things. senna sees a giant iron golem chasing a dude. senna lobs some acid at it! hits! everyone is hurrying over to senna.
the acid begins to corrode it a bit and it turns toward senna, lumbering over. shes luring it over to the rest of the gang. parsley flies behind its head to slice it but its sword bounces off cause its METAL PARSLEY! wheatley casts branding smite!
wheatley shoots it with his pistol. the golem attacks parsley! (IT GOT A 31 WTF RAZ) parsley manages to block the attack with his shield but he still took a lot of damage and knocks him into the ground. parsley enters a rage and wild surges. a pixie appears by the golem and then parsley attacks with his handaxe. bounces off again. then the pixie explodes! senna uses spiritual weapon and summons a floating hammer and it crits! then acid splash again! teya curses it to wis save everyturn or he cant do anything.
wheatley again! heat metal! now the golem is glowing hot and its repairing itself since its melted. senna yells at wheatley for healing it. another golem shows up fucks sake. android shoots it and it lumbers toward him. good boy. zen trips it nice job. androids rapier floats in the air stabbing away. raz stop making them cool i cant NOT fuck them-
the golem were fighting failed his save so he does nothing. parsley drops his rage and tries to reduce the golem. it doesnt work its immune. another pixie appears and blows up. senna does acid again and the floating hammer force. teya vampiric touches it cause shes nuts. wheatley leaves cause parsley told him to find and rescue survivors.
oh no the golem succeeded. it fuckin sends teya flying back but her curse still sticks good. parsley casts fairyfire and the golem gets outlined with blue light and our attacks have advantage.
cutting to wheatley fast hes mostly finding smashed people. he starts running into intact buildings and yelling at people to flee. people are trapped! their afraid of wheatley though. he tries to calm them but their scared badly. they say the golems got turned against them? robots that look just like wheatley!? he keeps trying to get them to flee and then leaves. time for the next house! they all do the same thing.
senna yet again acids and hammers pog. a piece of the golem fell off nice. teya misses vampiric touch darn. then she casts hidden step sneaky. golem got loose again goddamn. smacks parsley to the ground again and he loses the fairyfire. then he smacks parsley again he broke his ribs! he chugs a potion and tries to distract the golem lol. senna lobs acid and hammers again. teya vampiric touches again and does big nice. the golem is slowing down. she hidden steps again.
golem once more cant move! parsley disengages and goes to find wheatley. senna misses the acid and hammer darn. teya also misses vampiric touch again. fuck the golem got loose and attacks senna. smacks her shield and impacts it fuck. second attack misses ha!
cutting to parsley he epically fails the invs roll while screaming for wheatley and coughing up blood. he starts going in buildings and trying to make people leave. he gives the guy a healing potion and leaves. they warn him of wheatley and parsley calls him an idiot and goes. he also drinks more potions.
back to the fight! senna lobs acid and hammers once again. it collapses again! senna immediately whips around to help zen and android! teya comes too! she misses lol. zen was astral punching it but he does look a bit beat up. the golem goes after teya lol. fuck that has to hurt but it misses the second attack.
android calls the golem a thoughtless metal can and tries to get its attention. he keeps shooting it. zen keeps punching but his attacks are low. senna once more acids and hammers pog. teya curses it pog! the golem breaks loose tho lol. its going for teya! teya is dropped to 1 holy shit her arm shouldnt be bent like that.
cutting to parsley he finds wheatley yay! wheatley looks exhausted lol and he goes to another building. parsley yells out to him and grabs him. wheatley hugs him that hurts xD parsley tells him to go back and help while he helps the people.
back to the fight! android missed every shot wtf. zen epic failed. senna healing words teya then hammers again. teya misses the vampire again then hidden steps lol. the golem goes for senna fuck. that hurts. missed the second attack again. android jumps on its back and shoots it in the head.
senna immediately begins healing teya again. wheatley just missed the fight lol. he goes about healing senna and she also heals herself. senna heals teya to full shes just sore. senna asks where parsley is. wheatley says robots that looked like him did this. senna messages teya to look after wheatley and senna goes to get parsley. wheatley tells teya the villagers tried to attack him so he cant ask for info. teya hugs him the poor guy.
parsley keeps doing what hes doing and trying to drag people out of their houses. not smart. they aint wanna go outside. parsley sighs and says he'll go with him he has experience fighting this kind of stuff. 'you think its gonna get bored and go away?' parsley is done with this guy lol. he finally agrees and leaves lol. as they exit senna runs over to parsley and tells him they did it. senna heals parsley a bit nice.
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justarandomsimp77 · 8 months
*Kenny rushes back home and avoids his sister and brother who were in the living room sitting on the torn up couch and watching Terrance and Philip*
*he went into his room and sat down on his torn up stained white mattress that was on the floor*
*he looks around before he texts a text*
*Confused, Kenny opens his messages. Kyle has texted him*
Kyle: "Kenny, did u get Karen her gift?"
*before he could answer Kenny's phone vibrates again*
*Stan texted*
Stan: "COULD you even get her a anything?"
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*Kenny rolls his eyes and texts back*
Kenny: "Mhm. Yeah I'll tell you all more when we meet up for Karen's surprise birthday party!"
*Kenny sends the message with a proud grin*
Cartman: "Did you even get any cake?"
Kyle: "Shut up Fatboy the party isn't about you! They don't need the cake! You just WANT cake!"
Cartman: "Oh shut up your stupid Jew!"
Kyle: "God damn it Cartman I have been telling you for years now, STOP TALKING ABOUT MY PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!"
*Kenny rolls his eyes. Kyle and Cartman never get along but they are arguing over text too?*
*Tolkien, trying to change the topic sends the message*
Tolkien: "Yeah! Like Kenny said before, I will be over to meet up at Cartman's house soon! We are hanging out downstairs correct?"
Cartman: "yeah yeah we are meeting up there.."
Kenny: "Great! So, I'll see you all soon?"
Tweek: "Yeah sure! I'll come!"
Craig: "as long as there are drugs later on, im in."
Stan: "Hah! I agree with Craig. XD"
Clyde: "Alr see y'all there!!"
Tolkien: "See you there! :)"
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*Kenny smiles and gets up from his mattress*
*Kenny sneaks out of his window before rushing towards Cartman's house having Karen's present in a small box he had out in his bag*
*Kenny ran up to Cartman's door and softly knocked the door*
*Cartman's mom opens the door*
*Cartman's mother smiles and lets Kenny in. Kenny walks in and sees that the whole town was there so it was really crowded*
*Butters sheepishly motions for Kenny to come into the basement and he dose*
*Kenny follows Butters and sees that Butters was being slightly jittery so he gave Butters a soft hug*
Butters: "thank you Kenny.."
*Butters mutters softly, and Kenny pulls away*
*they both go downstairs and Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Clyde, Tolkien, Tweek, and Craig*
*Tweek like always was jittering and shaking*
Tweek: "AGH!!! O-oh hello Kenny..!"
*Kenny smiles and sits next to the group and Butters follows smiling softly*
Kenny: "So, what did you all get for her birthday?"
Tolkien: "I got her a phone."
Kyle: "I got her a Terrence and Phillip plush!"
*and everyone lists what they got Karen*
Kenny: "Yeah I got a cute music box from a place called 'Shinnys Shop'."
Craig: "where?"
Kenny: "Shinny shop..?"
Craig: "No I heard that but I have never heard of that damn shop before."
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Craig: "Tweek-"
Tweek: "OH GOD!! There might be some demons!! NO THERE PROBABLY WILL BE!! AGH!! AND, AND, AND-"
*Tweek was cut off by Craig giving him a tight hug*
*Tweek calms down slightly and nuzzles up into Craig's shoulder*
Cartman: "Hah, are you two fags gonna fuck yet?"
*Craig flips Cartman off*
*Cartman rolls his eyes because of what Craig did*
Craig: "no, I can't care for my boyfriend now?"
*he says very clearly pissed off*
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Okay guys!! So I'm going to have to go to school very soon so I won't be able to fully finish the pilot comic yet! So this is like post 2 of maybe 3 different posts I'm going to make for this comic! I'm so happy for all of you guys supporting me and I will post very soon!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Have a request? Read me!
Okay so ive been running this shit for about a year and a halfish i think its time to talk about how i work. though before we start i just wanted to say im thankful for everyone who supports me or just reads a work of mine. it means the world to me and i enjoy being able to share my writings with a bunch silly and lovely people like y’all !!! 
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General Rules for my blog!
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Please don’t ask me for any personals information lol
like actually
this includes stuff like my age, where im from, etc. 
i share what i want on my own private time sooo like
dont ask teehee
Please dont make SA jokes in the comments of my stuff xD
i wish i was joking.
i understand some people use humor to cope
but thats no excuse to be joking about bringing out the rape whistle when a unpopular background character is staring at you
like i really wish i was joking but yeah
Don’t be rude in general in the comments of my stuff lmaoo
like its genuinely annoying.
it’s 10000% okay to not agree with my vision for how a story goes or how a character should react
but if that’s something you want to tell me, do not be rude about it lmaoo like where are your manners
like if you dont agree, you dont agree but neither of our word is law soo...
also dont fucking shame requesters or commenters if they’re actually doing nothing wrong
i’ve had way too many people complain or shade other’s completely reasonable requests like wtf???
but yeah practice some self-awareness before you speak your mind sometimes? 
you are not the only person in the room
okay rant over teehee
Some of the stuff on my blog contains sexual material
I really try to give warnings ahead of time
but don’t be afraid to point out if there's something else that probably needs a forewarning
also my words are not gospel
shit can be dramatized (im whore)  or romanticized for convenience of storytelling (im lazy) so if youre using this stuff to learn about sex uhhh
maybe dont?
Some of the stuff on my blog contains some dark themes
i also try to be transparent about those things as well
but for the record im in no way glorifying these dark themes
though as someone who is both creative and has seen/gone through so shit i do explore and work through some of these topics to myself as a person and as a writer!
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Request Rules and Guidelines
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i’ll write anything!! (within reason)
i think you guys can guess a bit about what “within reason” means
and i know the fact that i dont have a “NO LIST” can be inconvenient
but if you’re unsure if ill write something you want? just ask!
you can always ask in dms or in my inbox! either is fine  
that means i have the right to deny anything too, of course
long story short, y’all dont pay me LMAOO
i usually wont deny something but i will if it’s...
one: requested while my requests are closed (im sorry but no more means nomore!!!)
two: goes against what i believe in some way (i doubt anyone is going to request something political or bigoted so im talking shit like the fact that i will never write anything that takes place in the state of New Jersey USA because  i hate that place so much WHHAHAHAHA
three: you were mean to me AHAHAHAHAHAH
yeah this list isn’t long and very hard to get but i did want to make this transparent
before anyone starts requesting some new jersey aus..........
be respectful !!
not only am i human, im truly am doing this for free (for now, at least) and on my own time
though you should treat people who charge for their work with respect too.
its hard out there for us lil creators lmao
sometimes, less is better.
Super detailed requests can be tricky to navigate.
Again, im doing this on my free time and i average around 1K-2k words depending on what my life is looking like at the moment.
sometimes a super detailed requests require multiple parts that might not be released for a long time.
Or i struggle with getting a story im proud of putting my name while trying to respect the request.
If you want specific details to make the experience more personal to you, go for it
but do you really need to tell me what your request is in 11 full-length  sentences? do you really HAHAHAH
also if i aske you to explain something, please be able to explain it bc im not a mind reader and this guess and check thing is kinda stressful
try not to rush me lol
Im checking my blog everyday.
I see your requests and i promise im (most likely) not ignoring you.
i have other hobbies, and a life too, and possibly 20 requests ahead of you.
i try to get everything out asap but sometimes that’s like 2 or more months
BUT if you’re scared that your request may not have made it through the hellsite, send another one asking if i got the request! 
i’ll respond to that one if i have!
like actually teehee
It stresses me when i just get a request and all that's included is the situation the requester wants and the character’s first name. Give me the full name or tell me where they’re from before i scour every single series i write for to check for repeat names
its not that big of a deal but im scared of fucking up for you guys aaaaaa
If you send me a weird or rude request as anon, im just going to delete it from my inbox for both of our sake
and im not gonna specify what i mean by “weird” beyond that just because it’s very much a random situation
im not naming anons but just kinda think ahead of time what you’re asking me (a stranger) to do and publish for you
maybe uhhh...check my masterlist before requesting?
i know its daunting
i know i have a lot on there
but there might literally be exactly what you’re looking for on there HAHA
if not though, absolutely go forward with requesting !!!!!!!
even if what you want is something similar to what i’ve already written, a few changes make a huge difference!
but when in doubt about characters or stories i’ve written before?
if have the right to change the way i write a request (unless specifically stated otherwise)
all this means is that every request (unless a HC is specifically asked for) will start off as being written as a full length average Mania™ fic
if for any reason i decide it would be better in a different format, then i will change it (ex: fic  => hc)
then ill keep true to that format no matter what happens 
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but yeah ! that’s it for now at least. ill update this post if theres more hehe. also if you have questions, just dm me or put it in my inbox :)
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