#Im sorry about that
bleudinosaur 2 years
I lost access to my art account on tumblr but I'll share this work anyways. Have some sad star wars art everyone 馃ゲ
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findinghomesomehow 2 years
KimChay fic prompt idea :
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This same exact scene but as Kim walks to the car he hears the cries of Chay. Stops for a moment, visible tears in his eyes but Kim being Kim, he can't afford to cry. As he is getting in the car, chay's cries get louder and that finally breaks Kim. He gets back running towards his baby and falls own beside chay and hugs him.
Slowly he makes Chay get up and walks them to his room in the main house (pls make them hold hands here or just any form of physical touch). As they get to Kim's room, he makes Chay sit on the bed or something and hugs him tight. While chay keeps crying in his arms, Kim also sheds a tear or two.
Slowly Chay stops crying and gets more in his senses as to who he is with and pushes Kim away yelling "GO AWAY & LEAVE ME ALONE. Why did you come back? You said you never loved me and had just used me for you information, then why did you come back!! " And constantly hits him on the chest lr something (Ok this is a very bad dialogue delivery but you get the point)
Kim hears all of the yelling silently and only after Chay has calmed down, he goes closer and cups Chay's face (wiping down the tears with his thumbs and whispers "baby when did I ever say I don't love you", which makes chay look at him.
Then Kim goes on to explaining why he did what he did and how he actually had just planned on using Chay's crush on him to get info but eventually fell in love and how he thought he didn't deserve Chay and pushed him away to keep him safe.
Chay's hears everything and literally just slaps Kim straight across the face. Says "I can't believe you. You. The person I had a crush for the longest time, the person I loved and adored for ever. YOU FUCKING USED MY FEELINGS TO GET INFORMATION ABOUT MY BROTHER. You know you were right about one thing .. YOU DON'T DESERVE ME" (C'mon he's being raised by Tankhun now) and walks away, while Kim tries to stop him but this time, chay leaves.
Enter tankhun coz he heard yelling from Kim's room. Now just let the younger one get his walls down in front of his brother and cry and tell everything. Hearing which, tankhun hits him on the head with a tray (idk where the tray came from but yes) and hugs him. Tells Kim what he did wrong and makes him understand how he should be approaching chay and that Kim doesn't need to be scared of falling in love.
Kim hears everything and goes to porchay the next day. After all kimlock had to go to that monk to continue his whatever. Seeing him Chay immediately asks him to leave but Kim doesn't budge. And after a bit of chay asking him to leave and Kim asking chay to just hear him out, Kim falls to his knees in front of Chay (this is exactly where this entire idea generated from) and begs for forgiveness. He goes on to tell how much he loves chay and wants to be with him and is sorry for whatever he did. Chay at some point kneels in front of him and hugs him. Let them take their guards down and hug and cry and confess. But after that Kim says that even though he wants to be with Chay, he cannot. He cannot until he has solved the mystery with chay's parents and his dad because he cannot have a relationship that began with lies and not feelings. So if chay is willing to wait, he is ready to prove his love. But then again he keeps the doors open if porchay wants to leave and move on.
And porchay being tankhun's baby now just goes "the proof better be good, I ain't waiting for just anything" which both of them laugh. And idk hug now and Kim kisses him on the forehead and they cuddle and take a nap.
So like basically they don't get together but they know they will, something of that sort.
I'm sorry that this got so detailed and long.
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5s-missing-eye 1 year
Small rant about Lorien Legacies and stuff bc I wanna get it off my chest
I first heard about this series in like 2015 when I watched the movie with my dad and brother. I really liked the plot but I didn't know the books existed so I just kinda forgot about it.
Fast forward to 2017/2018 when I watched the movie again and I loved it sm but I didn't look it up any further bc I was stupid.
Then a few months later I was at my local library searching the science fiction section for something to read. And what do I see there? The mf ian4 book. I immediately remembered the movie and thought "well if I liked the movie I will love the book." I was right bc my 12 year old self was so happy with it. That book was my escape from all of the other bullshit that was happening in my life. My childhood best friend had just moved away to Germany and my friend group fell apart, leaving me lonelier than ever. Adding to that, my parents never took me seriously so I couldn't talk to them about any of that.
After reading ian4 in less than a week I borrowed po6 and fell in love with the series even more. The books made me feel special. And they made me feel like I'm not alone. Like there are people in the world just waiting to meet me and be my friends. I always felt like an outsider at my school and this series made it feel like a blessing rather than a curse. Marina and Six meeting up felt like a sign that someone is eventually going to save me from everything like Six "saved" Marina.
When I went back to the library to borrow ro9 I found out that it wasn't translated to my language. That made me a little sad but I knew I would find a way to read it. I didn't really know about pirating back then so when I found pirating sites it was like I was discovering a whole new part of the Internet. I would've ordered the books online but most of the time they're sent from the USA and the shipping is wayyyyyy too expensive. My english wasn't the best back then but I was fluent enough to read the books.
I remember thinking we would meet all of the Garde while reading ro9. I was so excited for Five bc that was my favourite number at the time. So ofc I was a little disappointed when I finished the book and Five was nowhere to be found. But that's what made him even better for me.
It felt like he was left out of everything interesting and he was missing out on bonding with the rest of the Garde. Then I looked him up and got Eight's death spoiled. I didn't really know how to feel about that so I just went to read the next book to finally meet Five.
Tfo5 made me hate Sam bc his pov is so annoying. He always has something to say even if it was uncalled for. He was so rude to Five for no reason (just like everyone else). Five is so awkward in this book and that made me fall in love with him. I love awkward characters bc they remind me of me. Five stood out to me even more than anyone else tho. It is so obvious that the authors wanted us to hate Five but he was so relatable to me that I couldn't hate him. I sometimes feel like we're the same person. I felt awful when Eight died obviously but I felt even worse for Five. He was manipulated and he was brainwashed. It wasn't his fault. He never wanted anyone to get hurt he literally wanted to protect them. But in the end it seems like anything he does just hurts others more.
I don't really have anything interesting to say about the other books. I hated how everyone treated Five with 0 sympathy. He deserved better. It was kinda obvious in Fugitive Six that it was him working with Einar. I was glad to see him actually having friends and hanging out with people the way he was supposed to with the Garde.
It's sad that he always knew he wouldn't get along with the Garde. It must've been horrible to see his worst fear coming to life. I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is gonna be okay :((
I don't know what to say about rtz. The authors didn't even bother to write about the Garde getting a new scar after his death. Nor did they give us any hints that he might be alive. It's like they just wanted to get rid of him so they don't have to write about him anymore.
I think I read the novellas after the main series. I read Five's Legacy first (obviously). It just made me love him even more. He's literally perfect in every way. I just wish he was a little more appreciated in the series.
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berisims 1 year
I usually don't give a damn, but I just found out one of my favorite creators has me blocked and I'm just...???? Like, we never even interacted and we like the same things?? I just??? wanted to keep??? liking their stuff and show my support???
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scribomaniac 2 years
Well, we'll, we'll, look who's writing again...
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daftmooncretin 5 months
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spock鈥檚 room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.
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for reference jim鈥檚 room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing
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the-gayest-sky-kid 6 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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he transitioned, it's hatsune mike now
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stil-lindigo 1 year
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hobie motherfuckin' brown!!!!!!
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cainternn 8 months
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the fnaf movie was silly
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corruptimles 10 months
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MikuAllWeeku Day 4: Five Nights at Freddy's
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bugstung 11 months
He's genderfluid, he's a transman, he's transfem, he's actually cis and gnc, he's a transwoman but look the exact same as in canon, he's transmasc and wears feminine clothes, he's nonbinary
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loverboybreakdowns 1 month
ily dropouts ily ppl getting their ged ily ppl who arent even getting a ged ily homeschooled ppl ily ppl who have to take breaks or leave the school system or who got held back i love everyone with a nonlinear or short school journey with my whole heart. btw.
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hansoeii 9 months
when 2022 me thought it would be fun to draw stede with a beard and a silly little curled up mustache and start calling him steard for the fun of it
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callisteios 10 months
Hi, feel free to take my new uquiz to discover what kind of vampire you are!
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girlfictions 8 months
palestine is in a complete and utter blackout with israel launching hundreds of its heaviest airstrikes so far across gaza. this is a mass slaughter and we won't even know the extent of the casualties until it's over; israel have cut off telecommunications so they can commit their atrocities in the dark. there is a genocide happening right in front of our eyes and every person who has ever defended israel's "right to defend itself" has the blood of palestinians on their hands. we cannot ignore what is one of the most devastating massacres in human history.
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