#Im thinking of maybe playing around with her teen design next I like the idea of her not growing her quills out just yet so still short
galacticghoste · 5 months
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Still playing around with her older /adult design i think Im getting somewhere. Made it a while ago so ill just post it now
heres some old designs
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theaviskullguy · 3 years
Ink and Petals
@dapple-dualies-propaganda here's the au
Tattoo artist! Rider x Florist! Goggles
hope you enjoy!
When was it not busy at Squid ink?
It was one of the top Tattoo Parlors in Inkopolis. and it was also on a pretty busy street. So, it got a lot of customers. Also the fact that one of the artists was a famous turfer.
Rider hadn't formerly retired, but he had eased out of playing Turf Wars. He had found other interests outside of the sport: Theater, art, reviewing old movies online... He still did Turf from time to time, albeit the adult league. He was too old for the more popular teen division.
So, he found a job as a tattoo artist. And he rather loved it. Not only did most of his friends consult him for tattoo advice (from where the best places are to good designs), but he also knew some gossip. One of his regulars had beef with her neighbor because he has a pet raccoon who keeps stealing her trash and Rider could NOT wait to hear more about this story.
Another thing was, well, Rider had seen some shit. From people covered head to toe in tats, to people eagerly wanting their first tattoo, even to shyer folk who wanted one to defy controlling parents or to mark something important.
None of that prepared Rider for the news he got when tattooing one of the customers. More specifically, Gloves.
You see, Gloves had been coming in for the past few days. They had wanted a pretty complicated butterfly tat, so for the last 3 days Rider has been exchanging stories with the resident enby about... pretty much anything.
This is how this exchange happened;
"So you remember Goggles, right?" Gloves asked.
Rider rolled his eyes. "What, you think I'd forget the guy who kept pulling down my pants?"
"Oh ha ha. Anyways, apparently he works at that flower shop now."
"...He what?"
"You heard me!" They said. "I went there yesterday to get something for a project and there was Goggles! He misses you, 'ya know!"
Rider was just. quiet. He hadn't talked to his crush in a while, contact dwindled when Rider stopped doing Turf as much. Never once did he think Goggles would miss him, but that was probably the self hatred talking.
"...I'll think about it." Was all Rider said.
The conversation continued like nothing happen; Gloves saying multiple cursed things and Rider sharing interesting stories he heard on his job. Time flew by and soon, the tattoo was done; a butterfly with the bi colors on one wing and the nb colors on the other. Rider was quite proud of it, and Gloves seemed to like it. They waved, and left the store, humming to themselves.
Rider looked at the clock. His shift ended in just a few minutes. He knew he had no other appointments that day, so he took to watching old recorded matches in his phone.
Those were over a decade ago. Yet he still remembered everything. His favorite part was still learning he won a match by such a small margin. It was just... amazing.
He sighed. Rider missed those battles. But he has to say, he missed his crush a bit more.
He clocked out, saying goodbye to the other employee-Cherry (business relationships were easy to maintain when your coworkers were your siblings), and headed towards the flower shop for more reasons than one.
Army had a performance the next day. And yeah, Rider knew it was romantic, but platonically giving your best friend flowers was always nice. Plus, he wanted an excuse to see Goggles again.
He looked into the shop-the blue inkling was nowhere to be seen, but then again neither was the front desk. So, Rider shrugged and stepped in.
The floral scent was strong, but not overwhelming. Plenty of blossoms lined the stands, along with tags of what the flowers were and what they meant.
Rider looked around, trying to remember which flowers Army liked again, when he heard a familiar, youthful voice.
"Hi! Need any help?"
The inkling turned around. Goggles had definitely changed since Rider last saw him; his tentacles were longer and in an actual bun, for once. His blue eyes still had that clarity, and he still had that goofy smile. Though he didn't seem to recognize Rider.
"Uhh... I'll be fine. I'm just trying to remember what flower my friend likes the most." He said, hoping his accent didn't give him away; there weren't many in Inkopolis with an Australian accent.
But, Goggles didn't seem to notice or care. "Oh, okay!"
Rider internally breathed a sigh of relief. That would have been awkward if Goggles recognized him.
He looked around the shop, before spotting a bouquet of lilies. He knew Army liked lilies. If they weren't his favorite flower, it'd be close enough.
Rider took a few of the bigger ones, and a few white roses for variety, and took them to the counter.
Goggles smiled. "This a special occasion?"
"Not exactly. Just, my friend's doing a performance for a musical and I wanted to get him something for it." Rider explained.
"What musical?" Gogs asked, arranging the flowers with a sheer, white ribbon tying them together.
"Hadestown. He got Eurydice."
"Oh! I went to go see it last night! Army's amazing at that role. He's your friend, right?"
Rider internally panicked, but calmed down after remembering he wasn't Army's only friend. "Yeah. We've been friends for a while now."
"Well, tell him I said hi!" He handed the bouquet to Rider. "On me, alright? It's for a friend anyways!"
Rider nodded. "Thanks, mate."
"You're welcome!"
A few weeks went by. Rider occasionally stopped at the flower shop and got flowers for...well, no real reason. He'd use them to add color to his house, or give them to friends. He just wanted an excuse to see Goggles.
He'd talked to the blue inkling a bit more, too. He'd gotten into the business since, well, he really liked flowers, and he wanted a job where he could just...relax! He still did Turf, of course, but the Adult league was more serious than the teen one, and he just wanted to have fun instead of be expected to take a game seriously.
He still didn't recognize Rider. The yellow-green inkling was a bit hurt by this, to be honest.
Though, it was a bit startling when Goggles actually walked into Rider's work. And Rider was assigned to give Goggles his first tattoo: A blue jay on his shoulder, taking off from a branch.
This time, it was Goggles' turn to ask questions as Rider worked.
"Sooo.... you've been coming into my shop for a while and I still don't know your name!" The blue inkling stated. "I mean, you can probably recognize me though!"
Rider shrugged. "Well, who can forget Goggles of the Idiot Blue team?"
Goggles giggled. "You do know me! I still don't know you!!"
"...I can assure you, we've met before that day I got Army flowers." Rider said.
"Ooh! Can I try and guess who you are?"
"Ehh, why not."
"Okay! Umm..." Goggles thought for a moment. "Clams facemask?"
Rider shook his head. "Nope."
"Eging Jr?"
"Not even close there."
"Stealth Goggles?"
"Getting closer, I'll give you that."
"....Rider?" Goggles asked.
Rider chuckled. "Took you long enough, idiot."
Goggles smiled wide. "I finally found you! Hi Riri!"
"Hey, Gogs. It's been a while."
"Yeah! I'm a bit surprised I didn't recognize you, since we were pretty close!" Goggles stated.
Rider shrugged. "Well, I'm not the most memorable person anyways."
"Riderrrrr don't say that!" Goggles said. "You're still really popular!"
"To some people, maybe. Not everyone."
There was a tense silence, other than the hum of the tattoo needle as it made the drawing.
"....So." Goggles started again. "How's life?"
"It's...well, better than it was." Rider said. "Got my own place, for one. Though it gets a bit lonely.. You?"
"I'm still living in an apartment. I really want a roommate!" Goggles proclaimed. "Maybe we could move in together?"
"..I'll think about it, Gogs. Though it might be fun being your roommate."
"Really? Thanks Rider!" Goggled smiled.
The conversation grew more casual. Rider enjoyed it; turns out Goggles had his fair share of gossip. It was kinda cool.
And as the next few days passed, Rider looked forward to each of those sessions. His crush seemed to go from "this person would be fun to date i think" to "hOLY MOTHER OF THE GODS IM IN L O V E", and it didn't help that during those meetings, Goggles had to be shirtless.
The days turned into weeks and months. Goggles moved in with Rider, and the two became incredibly close friends.
And, it came to a head near valentines day. Goggles' shop was very busy, as expected. Luckily, Squid Ink wasn't as much.
So, on his day off, just before Valentines, Rider headed to the flower shop and got a bouquet of roses. Cliché to confess on Valentines day, Rider knew, but he's a pining gay cut him some slack.
And Rider came home right as Goggles was leaving for his shift. So, that left Rider with a good 3 hours to practice his confession.
"Alright, Rider. This has to be CASUAL. 'Hey, I've liked you for over a decade but just now had the confidence to confess!' No, too creepy sounding. 'Yo, Gogs. I really like you and maybe we could go out to dinner sometimes?' ...Too casual."
....Yeah, this went on for a while.
Rider groaned, collapsing his his bed. "I wish feelings were fucking easier...I should just call Army."
So, he grabbed his phone and selected the contact, Veronica Sawyer Kinnie
"C'mon, Army... pick up."
And not one ring later, "Rider, what is it?"
"...I need romantic help. Please." Rider asked.
"Look, just because I'm married to Aloha, doesn't mean I know how I ended up here."
"Yeah, I kinda know that." He stated. "Still. I really need some help."
Army sighed. "Who is it? It's totally that one person with the raccoon story-"
"Actually, no. It's, um.... It's Goggles."
The octoling on the other end of the line could be heard sighing. "Still a morosexual I see."
"OI! You're the one who married a fuckin himbo!"
".....Touché. Still, there's a difference."
Rider huffed. "Just... give me some advice. I wanna confess to him tomorrow but I've got no idea how. I'm giving him roses, but like, there's gotta be something more I could do, y'know?"
"Have you tried asking Prince?" Army suggested. "He is the one with the obsession with rom coms and romance novels."
"This is his exam period, Army. I'm not about to potentially interrupt a cram session by asking for romantic advice!"
"Fair enough. I'd say...well, just rip off the band aid. Like... 'Hey, Goggles, I really like you and was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend.'"
"...Thanks, Arm. I'll, uh, give it a try."
Rider couldn't sleep that well. Mainly out of anticipation.
He was gonna confess to his crush of...over a decade, at least. He didn't fuckin know what was gonna happen!
Like, would Goggles reciprocate? Would he hate Rider after it? WHAT THE FUCK WOULD HAPPEN-
He sighed. He needed to get his mind off this shit.
Rider looked over to his bedside clock: 5AM. 5 hours before his shift. 5 hours to get his shit together and plan for confessing to the world's cutest but also dumbest man later that night.
C'mon, Rider. Think. Army said to rip it off like a band aid, but Goggles might find that a little sudden and out of the blue. He could write a letter and leave it for Goggles when he went to his shift (The flower shop was closed on Valentines day). That would be a safe option.
Rider sat up, and got out a piece of paper and pencil, writing a note.
"Hey, Goggles.
There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I really, really like you. As in, a crush.
I totally get it if you don't like me back, or think I'm weird, but hey, I was wondering if you'd wanna go out to dinner or something. Probably not tonight cause of Valentine's day but maybe tomorrow night or something.
Quickly, he folded it and wrote Goggles' name, putting a little heart sticker on it. It was corny, but hey, Rider had to use up those stickers somehow.
Rider attached it to the roses, and kept it on his desk.
And so, the morning went as normal. He had breakfast, got out of his pjs, put his hair up... the usual.
But as Rider left to go to work, he left the note and rose on the table, and left the house quickly.
During the day, he nearly forgotten all about it; He caught up with the gossip-Apparently the neighbor with the raccoon and the regular were now dating. So that was a nice little end to the story.
Squid Ink wasn't AS busy-probably because it was Valentines day, people were spending it with their lovers, not getting inked up (unless they made the appointment when single)
And it was near the end of Rider's shift when he heard his name mentioned. Probably someone making an appointment before he heard the familiar voice of Goggles going "Okay!!"
The blue inkling walked over to his station. "Hi Ridey!!"
"...Hey, Gogs. Getting another tat?" Rider asked, trying to keep his cool.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"A'ight anything specific in mind or-"
"Can I get just a simple quote one?"
Rider nodded. "Where do you want it?"
Goggles pulled down the collar of his shirt slightly. "Right here, please!"
"Okay. Just try to keep holding that down so I don't mess up.
And so, tattoo conversations ensued.
The quote Goggles had wanted was a simple Pride one, that said "love is love". It was discreet, but a bit of it could be seen poking out if Goggles ever wore a v-neck.
"So, any plans for tonight?" Rider asked, trying to keep things subtle. Maybe Goggles hadn't read the note yet.
The blue inkling nodded. "Kinda! I had mental plans buuuuut nothing serious."
Rider raised an eyebrow. "Who with?"
"..I m-mean, I still have to ask him.." Goggles' face turned a shade of blue, and he averted his gaze.
"....Can I guess who he is?"
"If ya can!"
He smiled. "Does his name have an R in it?" Rider had a guess it was himself, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!"
"Got an accent?"
"Is he doing your tattoo?"
"....y-yeah?" Goggles sheepishly smiled. "I'm n-not that discreet, am I?"
Rider chuckled, but on the inside he was screeching. "Honestly? I had no clue myself."
"Really? I've been dropping the most obvious hints!"
"...Like what?" Rider asked, now a bit curious.
"Welllll I've been picking movies you like during movie night, I've made sure to get your drink on coffee runs, Oh! And I offered to cook dinner that one time!" Goggles stated.
"...Damn. I'm just oblivious then." The former dynamo user laughed, before turning off the needle. "There. It's all done." Rider held up a mirror for the blue boy.
Goggles' face lit up. "Whoa! It looks amazing!!! Thanks Riri!"
Rider smiled. "You're welcome. Now, uh, ...did you read my note?"
"..Y-yeah, I did. And, um...I like you too Rider!!" The blue man pressed a small, quick kiss to Rider's cheek.
Rider blushed. "S-so, you'll let me t-take you out?"
Goggles nodded. "Yeah!!!"
"I...thanks, Gogs."
"You're welcome Riri!!!"
but like. hope yall enjoy!
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
I’m here for the ‘swords not as pets’ agenda. Swords as cars: solid, get you from place to place, potentially dangerous, customizable, something people name. Wwx losing his license taking the fall for a mistake jc made (idk, dui maybe?) and just choosing to mod the hell out of a self-balancing scooter or segway or something so it goes dangerously fast. Alternatively: spending 3 months inventing the first functional actual levitating hoverboard, with an insane top speed. 3 months in the (1/2)
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sawdfert this is delightful!! i saw segway and i immediately started wheezing,, there was no time for laughing i went straight to the wheezing. i think it would make more sense if wwx lost his car and got a motorcycle? like hoverboards and segways are cool but motorcycles have that big reputation of being dangerous and there’s the whole ‘rebellious teen gets a motorcycle and becomes a delinquent’ thing? like motorcycles are fast and if you crash it’s so much worse than if you were in a car and there’s no airbags or anything. but also?? wwx rocking up to school on a segway while playing his flute like the shittiest entrance ever? iconic. but let’s stick with chenqing as a motorcycle/scooter (motorcycle-esque scooter not the ones that try and take out your ankles).
okay so all the major sects are super rich so in a modern au it would make sense for all the sect heirs to get cars. i’m not saying that jc and wwx complain about jzx being stuck-up bc he was given a porsche for his birthday even though they were also given cars for their birthdays,,, but i am. at first it would have been this major point of contention between yzy and jfm bc wwx isn’t even their son so why is he getting a car too but wwx is like ah it’s so i can drive jc and jyl to school! you wouldn’t want their cars being left outside the school all day would you? someone in my maths class had their car get keyed and it was super expensive to fix,, and yzy is like yes wwx may have a car only to protect my children from parking hassles,, also wwx must pay for his own parking. so wwx and jc both get given cars for their bdays.
now wwx gets bored easily,, so you could translate him being a cultivation genius to him being really good at driving. im talking that jc is still getting the hang of switching gears and wwx is out there casually drifting around corners. (this does mean he has to get new tyres really frequently but he’s friends with wen ning, whose family runs the mechanics that wwx likes to go to so he just helps around the shop for a bit and gets a discount (yes its the family discount)). anyway wwx really enjoys driving, also! he just rocks up to wen ning’s place one day and is like dude, i wanna pimp my ride, wanna help and wen ning is like heck yeah. so wwx pays for some upgrades with his own money and he spends hours doing some custom work to make it look cool,,
it’s all going well until wwx and jc go to wen chao’s party one night and jc gets absolutely sloshed,,, like completely hammered. wwx had walked in, grabbed a cup of lemonade or something and was gonna hang with his friends but lwj was there for some reason so he spent the entire night talking to him in the back garden. which means that when jc wanted to leave he saw wwx hanging out with lwj and went ew gross and just decided to drive home himself. he crashes and when wwx comes home the next day jc gets super pissed at him bc he was meant to be the designated driver and if he hadnt been screwing around with lwj jc wouldnt have tried to drive home and now his parents will be super pissed and wwx is like woah chill my grandmother is a mechanic and she can fix this up just give me a couple of days. 
so wwx goes to baoshan sanren mechanics (which is just the back entrance to the wen sibling’s mechanics) and spends the next three days getting rid of all of his customisations and mods so his car looks exactly like jc’s. does he cry when he has to spend like five mins spraying the inside of the car with axe body spray to get the jc stench going on? maybe a little. but he does it and returns the car to jc! and jc is like oh wow my car is fixed, your grandma is a miracle worker and wwx is like haha yeah (:
anyway wwx mysteriously and suddenly discovers a passion for public transport,, it’s a good way to stay humble jiang cheng, he says, also i used all my petrol money buying porn from nhs or whatever. anyway wwx is doing the whole pt to school thing but then one afternoon wen chao and wzh find him and idk maybe the party got too rowdy so the cops came and wc got in trouble with his dad? he assumes wwx called the cops on him so he shoves wwx into his car and drives him out to the middle of no where and dumps him in the burial mounds scrap metal recycling place or whatever. 
the train line isn’t running that day and there’s no phone service either so wwx is stuck there overnight. he gets super bored. so what does he do? he finds an abandoned scooter and starts scavenging for parts. he’s not expecting it to actually work but by the time the sun rises he’s found some actually decent parts and he thinks that he could get it working. tbh he kinda forgets to go back home and just walks into town to buy some food and then goes back and continues fiddling with the scooter. he doesnt live there for the three months but the people in yiling just accept that this random teenager has all but moved into their scrap heap and adopt him anyway. so he goes and visits the burial mounds every day after school so none of his friends or family really see him anymore. 
until! one day he rocks up to school on his scooter. scooters,, are kinda like sad pathetic motorcycles,, but wwx mods his scooter with like a powerful engine and new steering and everything so people see it and go oh! a motorcycle! even though it’s not actually (can you do that with a scooter? idk but suspend your disbelief pls). so lwj is like hnnngg wwx in a leather jacket on a motorcycle but also wei ying, stop riding a motorcycle, *enter statistics about motorcycle crashes here* and wwx is like no! you cant take chenqing away from me. and jc is pissed bc they were meant to be brothers and have matching cars and be able to work on them and give them cool paint jobs together! but now wwx has this bike which has been modded to hell and back and refuses to drive his car bc it’s not as cool as his bike. so we get to have the whole ‘everyone thinks wwx is doing something dumb and dangerous’ bc he has a motorcycle and why isnt he just driving his car anymore? but we also get to keep some of the nuance of the demonic cultivation bc yeah it’s more dangerous than driving in a car but wwx doesnt have a car anymore and scooters are a loottt safer than motorcycles (if my two seconds of research is correct).
so! wwx won’t abandon chenqing and he did most of his work using scrap parts so he goes back to the wens and is like wen ning my best bro check her out and he’s like oooooooh and they start modding chenqing together. wen qing doesnt know why wwx is constantly over at their shop all the time but jc keeps arguing with wwx and wwx grows more distant with his family and friends bc he’s making ~bad decisions~ and a motorcycle is a gateway to idk teen delinquent shenanigans like smoking and doing graffiti so he’s kinda ousted from respectable rich people society and wen qing is like i have two (2) brothers now and they’re adorable not that i’ll ever tell them that. and wwx modding chenqing got him a reputation in yiling like everyone saw him walk in one day and then drive out with this sexy sexy bike so people start coming to him for mods and stuff and wwx earns the title yiling patriarch and wen ning, his trusted best friend and helper, gets called the ghost general bc idk he helps a lot but the customers never meet him. so they become some dynamic duo for car and bike mods!
anyway,, yzy delivers him an ultimatum one day: the car or the bike (or more accurately: the family or the bike) but wwx can’t drive the car anymore so he just gets quietly disowned and drops out of school. (we’ll save jzxuan the suffering in this au he can keep his car). he goes to the wens and theyre like hey whats up? wait no you cant live in a scrap heap,, not even if you buy a tent,,, just live with us please. and then wwx gets adopted by the wens and idk i want them to have a happy ending so wwx and wn go off and do some actual mechanic and modding training with some expert (sqdcfgt imagine if it was the real baoshan sanren who just happened to be in the market for some apprentices and saw wwx and wn’s work and was like them and then later realised it was her grandson). so they get their apprenticeship and they disappear off somewhere for a year or two - when wwx had been disowned he’d deleted everyone’s contacts and was like if they text me i’ll add them back but im not gonna have a contact list cemetery. (no one contacts him). 
eventually the 13 years pass and wwx has been helping the wens raise their little nephew a-yuan who is showing a real aptitude for being a mechanic even though he’s just a kid and just generally enjoying the quiet life of being a mechanic while doing fun mods and lil baby projects. then one day lwj’s car breaks down while he’s driving through the area and he calls up the local mechanic and guess who rocks up? it’s wwx. and then we get to have them dance around each other and wwx being like lwj doesnt trust me, he’s just sitting here and watching me work all day ): and lwj is like dont let him go dont let him go dont let him go,, and eventually they get their romance but this is way too long already so im im gonna end this here
i didnt mean to make this an entire au but i adored your idea so much anon so i kinda had to!!
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gothammite · 5 years
zinda, helena, and charlie
favorite thing about them
i love my southern babey!!!!!! what a babe. i have so much love in my heart for her idk where to start. she’s super underrated. my favorite thing about her, in all honesty, is how fiercely loyal she is!!!!!!!!!! like bitch!!!!!! thats my fuckn… babey!!!!!!!!!!! when she comes back to the team after spy smasher’s bullshit……. god. and her strength, in her heart, is just so unparalleled. thats a legend right there
least favorite thing about them
her whole thing about not being told what to do is sometimes kinda annoying but at the same time too…. mood! men dont get within ten feet of me and immediately tell me what to do or ill kill you.
favorite line
i mean everything she says is basically. fuckin gold. but i mean the classic one is the ‘well butter my butt and call me a biscuit’ yknow
her friendship with babs and dinah…. 👌👌👌
HELENAZINDA PLEASE THANK YOU. also bardazinda is big valid
people ship her with guy. i hate that. and dont even fucking look at her @ killer shark
random headcanon
i would like to imagine that she has a crash course of piloting with all of the birds of prey (including barbara) and it just goes horribly wrong and she just gives up and they go out drinking instead 
unpopular opinion
i dont know if there is an unpopular opinion for her really since so many people just IGNORE HER but if there was an unpopular opinion to have ig it would be that shes an important part of the team since APPARENTLY everyone else is sleeping on her
song i associate with them
i feel like she deserves some gothic southern vibes so im feelin some brandi carlile, specifically raise hell (i love this song so im adding a link)  
favorite picture of them
i cant help it……… i love the otto schmidt design………….. shes so cute
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dsljkfn i make these too long so helena goes under here now 
favorite thing about them
a bitch gotta love a hard-headed, strong willed woman. ive grown to really like her rebirth iteration/her grayson(new 52) reboot……… i really liked seeing her sorta in charge in spyral because she’s usually portrayed as this hot-headed, spontaneous spitfire and that was super fun to see her being in charge!!!!!! but also i felt like the characterization was inconsistent between grayson into rebirth. and birds of prey rebirth…….. bleh.  but her spunk is just. undeniable !!!!!!!!!! legend!!!!!! shes so cool
least favorite thing about them
her temper is like. sometimes not the greatest thing in the world. just because of the fact that i feel like sometimes in bop everyone’s just staring at each other like >:-( all the time
favorite line
it’s stereotypical but i do love ‘the hunted becomes the huntress’ thing. i cant help it
her relationship with dick in grayson when theyre NOT being pushed romantically is nice! and i like her friendship with babs a lot. i feel like the respect there is really great
dinahhelena legend. also helenazinda is p great too. 
hmmmmmmm i dont love her with dick romantically. it feels really forced. also remember that time she was with penguin? sorry to remind you. 
random headcanon
anyone else feel like they could catch her yelling at an hgtv rerun of house hunters like: ‘are you fucking kidding me? a beach house with that budget? yeah sure uh huh’ and ‘ARE YOU JOKING??????? HOUSE 2??????? GET FUCKED TERRY AND AMY.’ 
unpopular opinion
stop shoving her with men and putting this weird emphasis on her sexuality……….. it’s annoying
song i associate with them
im feelin bury me face down by grandson………… i fuckin love that song. im linking that one too flkjsdnfjk
favorite picture of them
i love her super curly hair……. and ig dick is there too
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i fuckin….. love charlie
favorite thing about them
the time when charlie came around was like. fuckin dark. so for me personally my favorite thing about charlie is what a lot of people didnt like…… the fact that shes so fuckin peppy!!!!! barbara showed her stephanie’s fucking…… autopsy…… and she’s still out here doing her best. she’s unstoppable. i love her. she deserves to be brought back and i feel like she wouldve had a legit place in the new birds of prey lineup if dc wasnt like. yknow. cowards
least favorite thing about them
i will honestly say that sometimes her energy felt a little bit misplaced when standing next to the bop. however……………………… idc i love her (also her inexperience is a little like OOF sometimes)
favorite line
i dont really have any in my head that stick out but i know shes got some really good one liners 
i would really like to have her hang out with steph and cass :-( ALSO i could see her and duke getting along really well. especially as metas surrounded by nonmetas
i dont really have any ships for her! in my head she’s like. a whole child 
people shipping her with any of the bop…………… theyre like her moms……. maybe dont do that
random headcanon
she for sure plays dnd. i know it in my soul. i dont know who but i know she does. ALSO i really like the idea that shes huntress in the future. i know thats not a headcanon (since it was in teen titans) but it’s like. too good i love it 
unpopular opinion
people dont really have many opinions i think on charlie but like……. she should be in current continuity and be adopted by bruce. he sucks but like. she deserves a fambly and also see my notes above about duke
song i associate with them
RANDOM BUT fear by x ambassadors. maybe it’s because of its BOUNCE………… do you get the joke
favorite picture of them
I KNOW but she looks so cute
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maggotmouth · 6 years
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    hi i’m nora (23. gmt. she/her) and i’m going to play three (3) characters ! cos i hate myself. no 1 is bridget the angsty socialist leftie liberal who gets fucked at the pub and goes off on one about capitalism. very talkative. always in docs and a beret with an anarchist symbol painted on it. wears a long green trench coat covered in badges for alt punk rock bands or a red denim jacket that she hacked into a crop jacket with a pair of kitchen scissors. film nerd. got in on a partially subsidised scholarship and works in a bar and a fast food place to pay for her accomodation. here’s a pinboard !! everythin else is below this cut, like this post n i’ll (probably forget to) smash that im button for plots x
application template.
( cis-female ) haven’t seen BRIDGET MATUSIAK around in a while. the MARGARET QUALLEY lookalike has been known to be GARRULOUS & CANDID, but SHE can also be FICKLE & ERRATIC. The 21 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in FILM. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. 
thumb holes poked through the cuffs of your sleeves, roller blades, grazed knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
connection to tatiana & did they choose her name during the watershed?
knew each other from the cheer team in bridgets freshman year and tatiana’s sophomore year. had a competitive friendship to start with but then they got into a discussion about politics at a party one night, and maybe hooked up a few times after tatiana had jst broken up w someone. they were sort of seeing each other very casually for a bit, but…. they came from vastly different circles n it didn’t really work. they were in a bad partch at the time of the reaping so to speak, and bridget picked her name For A Giggle but now regrets it big time obviously
tw drugs, teen pregnancy, hypersexuality
bridget n her mum alice were more like sisters growing up, probably because of the closeness in age. alice should’ve known that you couldn’t have a thirteen-year-old-daughter at 27 without everyone knowing you’d been one of those girls who gave it away fast as a hot potato, and maybe bridget should have known that she’d inherit more than her mother’s wide eyes, that things had a way of circling back, that at fourteen she too would lose it on the floor of a swimming pool changing room, soggy back, poka-dot nylon pulled down to her ankles.
her parents met in high school. her mother alice was a roman catholic – uneducated in matters of safe sex, mother mary around her neck, bras hanging over wooden crucifixes – and willing to give it to the first boy who seemed interested enough, gift-wrapped or not.
i say they met in high school, bridget’s dad wasn’t actually in school, they met at the high school. he was the father to a girl down the road. alice knew nothing of the girl besides her name and the few encounters in the corridors facing a stoney stare that screamed homewrecker. it only happened once, but once was enough. soon the pitter patter of tiny feet sounded along the hall of the home for wayward women, alice’s parents having thrown her out as soon as they knew a child was growing in her womb.
gilly (referred to as junior) was born two years later, the son of a mechanic and handyman named gilbert “gilly” senior, who - while a slow-witted man – was likable enough. alice, gilly bridget & junior lived in a colorado trailer park and whenever she wasn’t at school bridget would be in gilly’s workshop doin her homework surrounded by parts of exhausts.  was raised in a workshop basically.
like her mother, bridget fell pregnant barely out of her gingham print dresses, hair in two plaits down her back, teddies still lining her bed. unlike her mum, she was not box-shipped out to a home for fallen women but rather booked into a clinic, given a pill, just like taking your vitamins.
her mother flaked out when bridget was around fifteen and junior was twelve, leaving gil to adopt the two as legal guardian and raise them in the forge. she’s lived with gilly ever since. they’re not sure where their mother went. some say she rededicated herself as a virgin and joined the convent in penance for her sins. some say she works in a las vegas strip club and sells pills to minors.
used to do sponsored silences and hunger strikes for kids in third world countries. was that kid in school who was always raising money something. i mean its kinda cute but also she just wanted the acclaim and attention so…. and most of the time it didn’t even make it to the disadvantaged kids she was raising it for cos her mom needed rent money or to buy the kids new shoes n they could barely afford much themselves
she’s a strident feminist, an activist for human rights and animal rights, a vocal vegetarian and an all-round soapbox sadie. catch her in the quad shouting about human rights through a megaphone.
aesthetic: cuffed jeans, thrifted or stolen. white converse, more grey tbh through years of wear. crop tops and plaid shirts tied round her waist. a long green trench coat with loads of badge pins for alt-rock bands and independent films. red denim jacket, also covered in badges n pins. smudged mascara. glitter smeared over cheekbones from the previous night. cigarette smoke shrouding you like a veil, the red string of a thong peaking out purposely from jeans, roller blades, cut knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, and piercing your own ears with a safety pin when your dad wouldn’t take you, kate moss posters lining the walls of a teenage bedroom, thumb holes poked through the cuffs of your sleeves, feet pounding the earth until your soles bleed crimson, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
an aspiring screenwriter. she has a very image-based view of memory and experience. always doing a screenplay or shooting film. her style has a lot of catholic iconography (think virgin suicides styler or baz luhrmann’s romeo + juliet if it was done on a super 8 camera) bcos catholicism is one of the few things she remembers about her mother. she’s never actually tried to find her mum / find out about her, jst…. occasionally channels that energy into her work.
hypersexual and kinda manic-depressive (though not diagnosed) probs bcos her upbringing was a bit unstable, she started life in a house that was literally designed to rehabilitate “fallen women” and she was a looked after child for a while when the adoption papers were still going through… struggles a lot with feeling unwanted, especially since her grandparents refuse to acknowledge her existence cos she was born outside of marriage….. so she craves feeling wanted,, like despite being a real women’s rights activist ad hating objectification, at the same time to bridge there’s nothing better than someone sizing you up with hunger in their eyes
she’s queer, but i guess she favours women, and is incredibly vocal in her support of the lgbt+ movement. often at rallies. has done a face-sitting protest. really is that bitch
there’s a degree of anger for anger’s sake in bridget. she likes passionate, angry music – particularly garage rock, punk and riot grrrl. she loves the slits and skinny girl diet. viv albertine inspired her to take up bass guitar.
working two jobs to pay for uni currently !! works at the bowling alley polishing the shoes and fixing the bowling lanes, and also is a burger flipper at mcdonalds. a lot of her time is spent in the record store, plugged into a set of headphones, head-banging in the corner to a scratched record. music, for birdie, is a form of escapism. that and dropping acid in parking lots lmao.
massive film buff. is majoring in film at uni also spends a lot of time at the movie theatre n probably has like a season ticket. is one of those pretentious film nerds who're like “what do u think of goddard’s work?” but also just really into shitty horror movies
she spends her evenings in downtown bars willing away her boredom, trying to find something that’ll jerk her out of apathetic lethargy. she toys with the idea of becoming a stripper — it certainly pays better than fixing bowling lanes — but she lacks the energy to dance for several hours a night.
she loves b movies and slasher flicks. at parties, she’ll occasionally try to make a horror of her own, on a super 8 camera in someone’s basement, very paranormal activity, but she’ll inevitably get bored, or too drunk and give up, like she does with most things in her life. she lacks drive and motivation. she’s bright but there’s no hunger in her.
writes shitty poems on the back of napkins and quotes dead philosophers she’s never read. romanticises herself a lot. like will be standing there in a ripped t-shirt and her undies smoking a cig like “hmmm… i bet someone is falling in love with me right now”
is vegetarian for environmental reasons but snorts coke at parties like that isn’t shit for the environment ?? sis, it don’t add up
loves dirt. ate a worm once because someone dared her too. shamelessly disgusting.
she’s slightly obsessed with true crime, up late watching documentaries on the manson family murders.
she’s fickle and enigmatic. one moment she could be your best friend, the next, she’ll behave like a total stranger. bridget’s unpredictable because she’s still unsure of her own identity, frequently flitting between different characters, like snake skins, before she grows bored of being bubbly and eager and becomes spiteful again. her core personality traits are probably forthright, impulsive, restless, thrill-seeking, selfish, melancholic.
this bitch HATES capitalism and LOVES karl marx
time isn’t real. nothing exists. the self is a social construct. finger guns.
an awful person, really
feel free to im me if u wanna plot, here are some plot ideas i stole, or, like this post and i’ll hit u with a message!
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angstalottle · 6 years
Voltron Pre-School
Sorry for the late birthday gift @foxyjoy-art
Part 1:
Ever since the summer began to end Keith dreaded one thing, and that was sending his little brother Shiro off to his first day of school.
After an accident that killed their parents two years ago, Keith had become Shiro's guardian and decided it would be best if he held off on sending the toddler to mainstream school just yet.
It wasn't that Keith didn't think Shiro couldn'tselect handle the work, after all he can read and write just fine, the problem however was that the accident had taken his arm along with their parents and Keith was hesitant to place him into a room of screaming toddlers that may latch onto his disability and tease him for it.
However Shiro was almost five and social services were breathing down Keith's neck, he knew he had to get Shiro into school as soon as he could or risk losing him forever.
This didn't stop him though from taking his time to pick the best possible school.
After a many a sleepless night Keef finally settles on a special needs school for disabled children, even if it was just for a year it would be a good way to slowly introduce Shiro into school life hopefully in a more gentle and understanding environment.
In the end Keith still needed his roomate Lotor to actually make the call for Shiro to have a taster day.
“It will be fine.” Lotor sighed as he leaned against the doorway of his room bouncing the half asleep Shiro on his hip. As a lounge singer that worked nights he rarely emerged from his bed until well past midday, today however he was fully dressed in casual jeans and shirt with his long white hair hanging over one shoulder in a neat plait.
“Hes sensitive though… maybe this was a bad idea?” Keith was nothing short of full panic mode. His hair stuck out in every direction and his attempt at dressing somewhat presentable with a white button down and red tie was ruined by the wrinkles at the bottom created by wringing the material nervously.
“It's not, now shut up, brush your hair, i'll be in the car.” Lotor rolled his eyes leaning down to grab Shiro’s backpack containing nothing more then some paper, crayons and his lion plushie affectionately named Black after the ribbon tied messily around her neck.
Keith watched as Lotor left their small two bedroom house and wondered what he did to deserve such a great roommate who could put things simply enough that even he had no choice but to listen to them.
Keith took an long slow breath as he looked in the mirror and smoothes his hair down. “It will be ok, he will be ok.” He muttered to himself.
He preferred to avoid mirrors since the accident, gaining a long scar across his face and neck wasn't the reason however. It was because he looked so painfully like his mom that it made his heart ache to see her eyes staring back at him.
“Dont worry mom… dad…. I'll look after him.”
Pulling up to the small preschool made Keith uneasy, he wanted nothing more then to tell Lotor to take them home where shiro was safe from all the children wandering the playground contained behind brightly coloured fences that barely came up to Keith's thigh.
“Out.” Lotor commanded leaning over and opening the door for Keith making the message clear.
Keith shot Lotor one last desperate look before he freed Shiro from the child seat and placed him down out of the car.
No sooner had the doors closed did Lotor speed off, even with the knowledge that he would be back in twenty minutes to pick Keith up, it still seemed like he was making a run for it.
“Keef?” Shiro pulled on his brothers sleeve.
“Y-yeah buddy?” He asked kneeling down as to be eye level.
“Where are we?”
Keith sighed, this was the moment he had been dreading. The moment where he would have to explain that Keith would be leaving him here for the day, everyday from now on.
“That is school, we’re here to see if you like it or not.” Keith tried his best to smile but judging from Shiro’s less than thrilled expression he hadn't quite managed it.
“Mr Kogane?”
Keith was thankful of the distraction “yeah that's me” he stood up and extended his hand to a tanned woman that could almost pass for the female version of his roomate.
“Pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Allura i run the school.” She shook his hand before offering it to Shiro who promptly hid behind Keith's legs.
“Sorry” Keith placed a hand on Shiro’s head “He’s shy.”
“It's quite alright, my son won't say a word around strangers but soon as he warms up to someone the trick is getting him to shut up.” She chuckled as she gestured for the two to follow.
Shiro looked up at Keith as if asking not to, Keith wished he could grant that request. Instead he had no choice but to take his little hand in his and follow Allura into the school.
“So we cater to a variety of disabilities here with facilities designed to accommodate them. We have a sensory room, a soft play area, a physio center and a top of the range class room.” Allura pointed out each of the locations as they walked through the brightly coloured halls.
Childrens artwork covered the walls and a small handrail about toddler height lined the hall on both sides.
“Shiro only really has his amputation and being behind a couple years to be honest.” Keith admitted as he peaked inside a room to see a group of children lying on the floor watching as colourful lights were projected onto the ceiling above them.
“Ah yes Lotor mentioned it on the phone, i've placed him in the physical disability class for those a couple years younger than him, but we can adjust that later on if he needs to be moved up or down.” Allura answered easily.
This place almost seemed too good to be true, a top of the range school that could really help Shiro, there had to be some kind of catch.
“About tuition. I don't think i can afford this place.” Keith admitted watching sadly as shiro peered around almost excited.
“There is no tuition.” Allura replied as a small girl came running out of a classroom holding a crudely drawn picture of a robot. Bright green hearing aids poked out through her hair. Allura smiled as he took the picture “thank you Pidge this is loverly.”
The girl squealed happily before running back into her class.
“What do you mean there's no tuition… A place this fell funded must be-”
Allura held up her hand “My father was the founder of the Voltron corporation and when he died he left me a very large inheritance. I spent most of my teen years wasting it on parties and travel. Then when i was twenty i was pregnant. My little boy changed my life and made me realise i wanted to help people. At first i planned on just opening a homeless shelter. But there was a fire and… i couldn't save my sons sight but i can make sure he has every opportunity to an education that an able child has.” Allura stopped in front of a blue doorway.
“Just because my son was born into money doesn't mean he deserves help while children without won't get any. There are no costs because i see no need to hoard money that could never be spent if i had a hundred lifetimes.”
Keith couldn't believe it. This woman was a literal angel on Earth. “I… i don't know what to say.”
“Why not goodbye? This is the classroom.” Allura jerked her head towards the door.
A weight seemed to settle in the pit of Keiths stomach as he realised it was time to leave his little brother all alone in a strange place with strange people.
Allura as if sensing his panic took Shiro’s empty hand and gently pulled him away from Keith.
“Hey Shiro, i heard you like lions right?”
Shiro nodded placing his thumb in his mouth after pulling his hand free from Allura.
“Well i know another little boy that loves them.” She slowly opened the door revealing a small playroom with six children all running around and playing while one boy with tanned skin and a blue shirt was sat in a corner surrounded by lion plushies.
“Whys he alone?” Shiro asked quietly.
“Well the other children don't really know how to play with him because he can't see.” Allura explained softly.
Shiro frowned as if he were solving a complex math problem “Then they should just talk to him!” Shiro declared with a nod.
Allura smiled as she shot a look up at Keith “well why don't you?”
Keith expected Shiro to refuse and come running to hide behind his big brother. However he again nodded and practically ran towards the other child.
“Works every time.” Allura grinned as he rose to her full height and placed her hands on her hips “Your little brother is a natural hero. He sees a problem and he fixes it, no better problem then a lonely child.”
“How do you know the other kid will be nice to him or even want to be his friend?” Keith asked nervously wondering if he could run past her.
“Because Mr Kogane that's my son Lance and you will be pressed to find a more gentle and loving child then him.
Shiro ignored the greetings from the other children as he plopped down on the cushions in front of Lance.
“Hey im Shiro i'm five.”
Lance lifted his head in the direction of the voice and smiled “Im Lance i'm four next month” he declared proudly as he felt around him eventually finding a small blue plushie and hugging it close to his chest.
“The nice lady said you can't see so im gonna talk to you so you don't feel lonely!” Shiro grinned scooting closer.
“I'm not lonely…” Lance spoke in a small voice rubbing his cheek against the soft fur of his toy. “do you want to play lions? This is Blue.”
Shiro nodded pulling black from his bag and began to describe every little detail of her to Lance with the biggest smile on his face.
As Keith watched from the doorway he smiled. He couldn't remember the last time Shiro had looked so carefree, like a child and not a patient.
“Shall i prepare the enrollment paperwork?” Allura asked.
Keith swallowed the lump in his throat “y-yeah… i think he will be very happy here.
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buzzfeedwheeze · 7 years
The New Teacher - Shyan fanfic
Sorry it took me so long to post the new chapter. I didn't know what to do with the fic (I blame the new Star Wars movie and the WiFi at my beach house), but I think I found my way again!
Hope you enjoy.
You can find it at AO3
Two months passed really fast and Shane got into a new routine. One that he actually enjoyed. Apart from having to give his son up two weeks a month, he was actually quite content. He would wake up earlier than what he used to, just so that he could have breakfast with his kid, generally milk and cereal because it was the fastest option and they were both lazy suckers. Then Shane would drop Andrew at school, go to work, banter with Ryan Bergara on Twitter and sometimes prepare a nice meal for Andrew and his boyfriend Steven. Yeah, somehow the new teacher became a part of his life, whether it was a conscious or unconscious decision of his. Usually at the lunch break he would find himself engaging of multiple discussions with Bergara about aliens, ghosts, movies and one time they even had a passionate debate about popcorn.
After one week of smiling like a teen after he received a new notification of @ryansbergara, he was forced to admit that there was more than simply bantering going on. Their fights didn’t feel real, or maybe they never were. When he took Andrew to school or went to pick him up he would wait to see Bergara arrive and then would tease him on twitter about how he looked ridiculous with his weird love for yellow clothes, especially one vest that he wore a lot. Ryan would always reply with a “stalker :)” and Shane would grin from ear to ear.
Now, he found it kind of hard to look at the man, that being the reason why he adopted the method of avoiding at all costs to get out the car near school grounds. Andrew reacted to this novelty with curiosity at first but now all he did was smirk when he got to the car, always making sure to mention the damn teacher. But although he wanted to avoid Bergara he couldn’t help but show up at the exact time he knew the teacher was about to arrive at school. He didn’t want to confront his feelings, but hey, he could still appreciate a nice body, with a great face, fantastic humor, amazing knowledge, sweet eyes... Ryan Bergara was the closest thing, for Shane, to proof of the existence of supernatural beings. Of course, he had flaws, Shane knew there was no such thing as perfection, but that man was pretty damn close to it.
But today was saturday.
Meaning no Bergara and no need to confront what was going on between them. The only thing planned for the day was a draft of a new cartoon he had to present for his superior on Monday and a dinner at the new restaurant that opened near his apartment. He was going to take Andrew and Steven and they were going to order enough food to make themselves ashamed on the next day.
A great plan. He had a cocky smile in place as he skimmed through the newspaper.
“Why are you smiling like that?” he looked up to find a very sleepy Andrew exiting his room. “It’s kinda creepy since you’re reading the Sports” the boy then rubbed his eyes.
Shane rolled his eyes. “Keep that attitude young boy and you won’t be having any pancakes today”
Andrew frowned. “You wouldn’t dare…” then his dad wiggled one eyebrow. “YOU WOULD! YOU SICK BASTARD!” Such a drama queen… I taught him so well. Shane smiled fondly as his son threw his hands in the air as he grunted on his way to the kitchen.
Shane got up quickly and took over his position on the stove. Andrew had already set up the table and was now resting his face on his hands as he watched his dad. Shane prepared the dough and after a few minutes, full of flips and a lot of cursing, the pancakes were ready.  Before placing them on the table he turned to Andrew.“Want me to cut them on Disney characters shapes?”
“What is the point of eating pancakes if they are not Disney themed pancakes?” he raised an eyebrow.
Shane had to blink a few times because he wasn’t seeing big grown up Andrew, there, right in front of him, was little Andrew with chubby cheeks and small hands. He quickly turned and focused on the task of cutting the pancakes into various shapes to make Andrew’s new favorite character from ‘Disney’. The sound of nervous fingers tapping on a screen and the rhythmically sound of the knife hitting the board helped Shane concentrate and suppress the treacherous tears. It was hard to get around the idea of Andrew no longer being his little boy. I’m becoming one of those dads.
Soon he placed an almost perfect, considering that it was made with pancake, BB-8 right in front of his son. Andrew gasped and stared at the plate he like used to do when he was a kid. “I was going to do a Kylo Ren. But since you are probably going to post it on Instagram, and I know you are not ready to share your obsession with Kylo, I thought it was better to play it safe. A good ol’ bot for ya.”
Andrew reached over the table and hugged his dad. “You are the best”. He snapped a photo and munched on his BB unit quite happily. Shane just ate his regular stacked pancakes but his heart was so warn that he felt like they were made of pure gold.
They ate in silence and after breakfast Andrew washed the dishes and left to meet Steven and head out to Matt’s place. Some other friends were going to be there as well, their friend Adam, Ashley and a girl called Jen. Apparently they were going to have a Harry Potter marathon and survive out of popcorn the whole day. They were living the dream. Shane tried to tag along and Andrew said that even though he was cool there was no chance he was going since he had a project to begin. Boo hoo adult life sucks.
Shane got all his stuff and found a comfortable spot on their dining table. Put on his ‘Thinking Cap ON” playlist and started to take notes of some ideas he had on the past few days. But as he jotted them down he felt like they weren’t exactly very creative or even original. No one would ever bother to invest on a cartoon like that. So he decided to start by designing the main character. It wasn’t how he normally worked but he had a deadline and he needed to present something to his boss. Anything. He opened his memos and found some notes from the briefing he had had last week about the new cartoon. The notes were kind of confusing but at least he managed to get some of the things his boss wanted.
“Supernatural. Two main characters. Diversity. Funny. Not too scary. A bit of sarcasm.” Shane wanted to throw his phone on the street so a car could smash it. “I’m so fucked right now.”
The hours flew by like minutes and he only had the sketches of the main characters done. He opted for two girls. One was blond with a big nose and thick glasses. He decided that she was going to be a bucket full of sarcasm and bad jokes. The other one was smaller, a mix of Asia and Latin America on her features. He didn’t know what to do with her. He stared at the page in front of him and tried to see what was behind those big beady eyes he drew. Maybe she was going to be more like a sidekick, always scared and hiding. Shane was about to to write that, but something stopped him. That wasn’t right. There was more to those characters and without a plot he couldn’t fully comprehend them. Especially the tiny girl. Shane shut the sketch book and decided to prepare his lunch.
After having lunch, Shane did no progress at all. All he had was two sketched and barely filled profile about the characters. He had longed abandoned the notion of having a plot or even having ideas for one. So until Andrew and Steven called for him to go pick them up, all he did was complain, play Disney Crossy Road and watch old episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine on TV. Their call would be a true blessing. He would finally be free of his responsibility and be able to go out and enjoy his weekend. Or at least his saturday night since he needed the damn project ready.
Then as if by magic his phone screen lit up. Shane turned his attention from the TV to the now vibrating phone. It wasn’t a phone call but a series of text messages from Andrew asking his dad if it was ok to pick them up an hour earlier and that he didn’t want to disturb him now that he was focused on a new project. Shane replied quickly with ‘im already on the car’ and a ‘FREEDOM’ followed by a series of gifs to illustrate his state of mind. He got up, collected the car keys and soon he was driving on his way to Matt’s house.
The traffic wasn’t that bad so he managed to arrive in less than 15 minutes at the fancy neighborhood that Andrew’s friend lived. The house was at the end of Capt. Hugo Vega Street, it was a huge modern mansion that even had some bushes cut in the shape of animals. There was a fucking crab and a flamingo, for fucks sake. Shane pulled over in front of the house and was about to honk when he saw that Andrew was waiting outside. He waved at him and watched as he began to tow Steven by his hand. Andrew sat by his side while Steven took the backseat. Shane watched through the mirror Steven laying down on the seat and chuckled. “So how wa...”
“Dad please drive!” Andrew interrupted him. “If we stay here longer I might have to go inside and kill Matt with my bare hands. Do you want me to go to jail?!” he looked exhausted.
“Let me guess.”
“You wouldn’t be able…”
“Matt’s idea of eating solemnly popcorn was a disaster and you had to deal with a very hungry Steven Lim complaining.” Andrew gasped and stared at him with wide eyes. “I had to travel with you two to a festival when you were little and I know some things don’t change.” with that he drove to the restaurant as fast as he was allowed to.
Steven practically ran inside the place when he smelled the aroma of hot meals being served. They checked their reservation and, thank god, got a great table. Soon a waiter with a fake smile kept on for pure obligation asked for their orders. Eyeing the kids barely keeping it together, staring at the basket of bread as if it was some sort of rare item, Shane picked up the menu and ordered an absurd amount of food. Lots of chicken wings dipped on spicy sauce, french fries with olive oil and herbs, one small pepperoni pizza, medium portion of quesadilla and a basket with a mix of different nacho flavors. It will do. When he finished listing almost all of the items on the menu one very scared, or maybe impressed, waiter left to go deliver his order to the kitchen.
“Food will get here soon, kids, don’t worry.” he looked at them reassuringly.
Steven looked up and his tired expression was replaced by a huge smile, which left Shane feeling pretty smug. He was capable of making those kids feel the joy of life again. Then he noticed Steven poking Andrew on the forehead, which only made the other one glare at him. But it was all he need, pointing at something behind them he whispered something for Andrew. Andrew perked up on his seat and managed a small smile when he saw whatever Steven asked him to look. Shane couldn’t hear what they were saying so he turned to look for whatever got them all so happy. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Ryan Bergara was there at the hall gesticulating like a maniac while talking with the maître. Shane of course still felt the urge to fight Bergara, but watching the other man arguing with someone, that wasn’t him, made some weird protection instinct kick in. It was almost like it was his duty to protect Ryan Bergara from all evil in the world. I’m so pathetic.
Deciding to ignore the situation was the best option for him, so he turned to look at the boys and noticed that Andrew wasn’t at his place anymore. Steven just shrugged and nodded his head in the direction of the teacher. I raised a snake. Shane thought bitterly as he watched Andrew talking with his teacher at the hall. Bergara was blushing and Andrew looked at him with one of his, perfected through the years, puppy eyes look and Shane rolled his eyes. Surely he was inviting Bergara to sit with them. There was one spare chair and Shane considered throwing it across the room for a second or maybe throwing himself across the room. Lost on his thoughts and still watching the chair squinting his eyes, Shane didn’t notice when Andrew got back to the table with the teacher.
“Hi, Shane… I mean Mr. Madej.” Bergara was blushing and stuttering and all of his previous thoughts of destroying the chair vanished. Boy, he was a handsome man.
“Hi. You can call me Shane Madej.” Stupid mouth. “I mean, Shane. Call me Shane” Shane got up awkwardly, bumping on the table and almost knocking down everything. He shaked Bergara’s extended hand vigorously. Then Shane helped Ryan sit, which obviously made things worse. Internally he was a mess, an eternal replay on his mind of Gordon Ramsay calling him an idiot sandwich.
Steven and Andrew were sat on VIP places to watch the show unroll in front of them. They kept snickering and whispering thing to each other, which left Shane no option but to make small talk with Ryan Fucking Bergara as they waited for the food. When the meal arrived he kicked Andrew on his shins and got the boys to talk with the teacher, who seemed to relax and appreciate better his meal.
After they ordered the dessert and were waiting for it to arrive, Shane noticed Andrew leaning in on Steven’s direction to whisper something then he got up abruptly and announced he was going to the bathroom. But before he left he winked to his dad, and Shane knew this was no teenage hook-up-on-the-bathroom plan. No. It was a masterplan to leave him alone with Begara. And his suspicions were soon confirmed when Steven giving him an apologetic smile left to go to the bathroom too.
When they left Ryan began to laugh which caused Shane to look at him with an arched eyebrow. “What?” he managed between giggles. “It’s just that no matter how many years have passed teenagers will always try the bathroom excuse to go make out.”
“Yeah. The ol’ bathroom excuse to make out” he said through gritted teeth.
“They even try that at school!” Ryan wheezed. “I just look at them with one raised eyebrow and say ‘really? I’ll tell you kid, I invented this excuse. Go back to your work’.”
Shane’s annoyance left just as soon as it arrived. He looked at Ryan with glinting eyes and in a malicious tone asked. “You’re telling me, you skipped class to make out with girls in the bathroom, Bergara? The shame”
Ryan gulped and stared at Shane mortified. And stuttering a bit he managed to spit out the words. “I-I supp-suppose at the time they were girls.” he sipped his cranberry lemonade and eyeing Shane by the corner of his eye said in a much clearer voice. “You can call me Ryan, you know.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s rude.” Shane’s heart was beating so fast that he felt like it was going to escape his chest. “Considering that people always assume I’m heterosexual or just deny my bisexuality, I should’ve known better.” he didn’t want to look at the man sat by his side. He knew the look of disgust people generally had on their faces when he admitted his sexuality.
“Bisexual? That’s nice.” Ryan’s voice was so sweet that Shane had to look up. He was looking at him with those gleaming eyes and soft mouth curved into a beautiful smile. Shane smiled back.
“I guess it is.”
Ryan sipped his drink again. Coughed a few times then turned to Shane. “So, Andrew was telling me some other day after class, that you work at Disney?” then after stealing one of his fries added. “Your son really loves you, he’s always talking about you.”
“Yeah, I do. I work at the animations studio.” he was torn between hugging Andrew and cutting his allowance. He’s basically selling me to his teacher as if I’m a cow.
“That’s so cool! I love Disney!” he now was turning his whole body on Shane’s direction. “You see, I have this friend, Helen, and we go every year to Disney together. It was where our friendship sort of began.”
“That’s really sweet. I, too, love Disney. Otherwise I wouldn’t work for them.” he also tuned his body. Their legs were touching.
Ryan looked at their legs, coughed a bit and blushing continued to make small talk. “Yeah, you don’t strike me as the type of man who would work at a place you hated.” his eyes followed Shane’s movements as he sipped on his green tea. Ryan shook his head. “Hmm… Working on any new projects? The new Moana maybe?”
Shane didn’t listen the question since he was too focused on studying those full lips moving. Quickly, he reached for his tea. When he noticed Ryan waiting for something, he apologized and asked him to repeat the question. Questions about his new projects always got him excited. He would feel like a secret agent when he asked for secrecy and judging by Ryan’s expression, he was probably into it. Shane and Ryan leaned on the direction of each other, and Ryan’s legs were now between Shane’s. They were whispering but sometimes, one of them would laugh too loud (Ryan) and other would smile like a stupid RomCom guy (Shane).
The kids got back to the table at some point, but the two of them barely acknowledged them. Their desserts were left untouched in front of their places. Shane had to admit that maybe Ryan had some great ideas. Well, and some not so great. “What if they are like the ghostbusters?! But they hunt sea creatures instead of ghosts.”
“Are you insane?” The boys would chuckle and Shane would just keep shooting questions at Ryan.
“You said you wanted two girls, right? What about two girls that investigate allegedly haunted locations around the world. The skeptic one could be a ghost that came back to have some fun at the cost of the other girl. Always pulling pranks and ordering other spirits to scare the believer who is obsessed with finding proof of ghosts existence.”
“Ryan Bergara, you are basically telling me to make a genderbent version of yourself.” Shane chuckled.
“Shut up, Shane. There’s more” he rolled his eyes. “The skeptic girl liked to scare the other girl at the beginning. But then they started to go to more dangerous places and she began to protect her and grew fond of the tiny scared, yet brave sometimes, human. I’m not saying there needs to be a romantic relationship, since they are teens, but they can be really good friends.”
“I like this. A lot. Even the romantic part.” then smirking a bit he added. “Now it definitely doesn’t seem like you are trying to be the smaller girl.”
“Well, for me it does sound like genderbent fanfiction of you two” Steven mumbled to Andrew
“What did you say, Steven?” Shane nervously asked as he eyed Ryan. I guess he didn’t hear it. But he’s blushing a bit.
“Nothing.” Andrew replied while glaring daggers at his sleepy boyfriend. “He just ate too much cake.”
“I guess we should be going.” Shane said as he started to look for the waiter to ask for their check.
“Yeah, it’s probably better. I need to take the bus home. We need to see how much I…” Ryan began but was cut off by Shane.
“No need. This dinner is on me. Would like a ride home?” Bergara shook his head. “Then I guess you should be going.” Shane added a bit off.
Ryan got up and said his goodbyes. Shane watched him walking out of the restaurant and something ached on his chest. He left his credit card for Andrew. “Meet me outside kiddo”. Just after he got out of the restaurant there was no sign of the man nearby, then Shane saw a small bus stop in the distance and a small figure walking in the direction of it. Shane ran.
The bus stop was close when he felt a hand touching his shoulder which startled him “Fuck, sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” a familiar voice made him relax and Ryan turned to stare at its owner.
“Hi. Again.”
“Yeah, I could’ve asked you on twitter, but I guess my brain thought it was a better idea to ran after you in the dark.” Shane was rambling. “And you have no clue of what I’m talking about and…” a small hand slapped his arm and Shane looked at Ryan half surprised and half in pain. “What…”
“Just spit it out, Shane”
He looked at Ryan and gaining back his non-justified confidence ‘spat it out’. “I was wondering if you you would like to meet me tomorrow at a coffee shop. It’s a small place, very intimate. We talk about my new cartoon and maybe other stuff.” I can’t believe I’m asking my son’s teacher on a date.
“Like a date?” Ryan’s voice was hopeful.
“No” Yes. “I mean, maybe.”
Ryan smirked and added before making a signal for the bus approaching the stop. “Then DM me the details for our date of Schrodinger, Madej”
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franeridart · 7 years
Ahhh if you ever do feel like drawing BakuSero I would just about die because I love that rare pair soooooo much and there is next to nothing for it
Holy shit I thought I was literally shipping that ship by myself, but here you are, amazing !!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway don’t worry I’ll definitely draw something for it sooner or later anon, I love it way too much to never give in haha
Anon said:my day started out terrible but your sero and kaminari saved the day (like most of your drawings do) ty ily
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad to hear that!!!!!!! I hope the rest of your day will be as amazing as it can be, anon!!!
Anon said:A) why isn't it franswers? B) Kaminari has a habit of just watching (unbreakable) things just fall if he fails to catch it or it slips out of his hands. like he doesn’t move to get it, he just watches it fall with a blank face
A) that’s a great question that would deserve an equally great answer which sadly I don’t have??? like, why isn’t it franswers??? it should definitely be franswers t b h - B) yes and also I feel Kaminari a lot. Like, mood and also same. As usual hahaha
Anon said:I have never seen a more pure kamisero than the spiderman kiss. I have fallen into the ship and i cant get up (i dont wanna get up) thank you 💖💖💖
Thank you!!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy I could make you ship it omfg!!!!!! They’re such a cute underrated ship aaahhhhhhhhhhhh tho I feel like it’s getting more popular lately, which is A+++ :D
Anon said:Sero 's hair looks so fluffy in that first panel, you can't un-convince me whoever his boyfriend (s) is (are) wouldn't mindlessly run their fingers through it from time to time.
I love this headcanon???? But also consider, if his boyfriend is Kaminari, Sero’s hair is always super staticky once he’s stopped petting it. Like, his hair just sticks in every direction, it looks super funny. Or, his boyfriend is Bakugou (or his girlfriend is Mina! same scenario plays out) and Sero has to wash his hair after Bakugou/Mina is done because their hands are dangerous and having flammable hair isn’t much fun, Neither is having acid very slowly corroding his scalp Poor boy, three out of four of my fav partners for him are dangerous for his hair haha
Anon said:Spidey Sero is good Sero also I still love your chibi style ^^
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokesss!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Right, so first off, I l o v e your art. And I'm kinda mad that only just found out about you? Anyways, I was wondering if I could draw one of your fusions (specifically, the Kacchadeku one)? They're super cool and i really want to draw them myself? I'll give credit you your for making the designs 'n all that. It's been quite a while since you drew it so i was wondering if I could draw 'em. Other than that, keep up the good work!
I would prefer it if you guys could ask me for this kind of stuff off anon, tbh aaahhhhhhhhh but I guess I never said that anywhere so it’s fine this time around - it’s good by me! As long as it links back to me/the original post then it’s okay~
Anon said:holy hell your art is a gift from God,,, i shall ascend to the astral realm after seeing all this,,, i have seen all i need and it was on this one blog,,,
YOU ARE!!!! TOO NICE!!!!!! OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much ( ;v;)
Anon said:it makes me really happy that you add mina into the bakusquad pics your draw thank you!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, it’s not like I always draw the whole squad, but when I feel strong enough to then it’d feel wrong not adding her in too! She’s part of it too, after all haha
Anon said:Im so happy your back! And you killed me with that last post. BAKUGO IS SO BEAUTIFUL! And your art is even better than before! Did I mention how beautiful Bakugo is? Love you and wish you full health mode
I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED HIM!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if I'm the only one but I really love how in bnha they emphasize the fact that the kids are really just kids. Like on multiple occasions All Might and Aizawa remind themselves or others that they really are just 15 y/o kids who are trying their best to become heroes and help others. Compared to e.g. Haikyuu I feel like they don't seem like young teens like bnha characters even tho they're the same age (or even older). Good for Horikoshi to remind the readers every now and then.
You’re not the only one!! That’s one of my favorite things out of bnha and also one of the reasons why I’m such a fan of the adults of the series - not all of them, but most of the guardians have a great grasp on what they should expect out of kids and what they can ask of them and what they should instead keep them away from, which I appreciate a lot. And some of them (Aizawa, Toshinori from some point on, Bakugou’s parents, Fatgum to say some) have a great understanding of the kids they’re responsible for and make decisions based on what’s right while at the same time accomodating the kids’ aspirations and dreams, which is super amazing because it doesn’t negate the fact that even if they’re just kids they’re still people, you know? They talk to them and understand them and act as guardians without clipping their wings, you never see this sort of things in media tbh so I appreciate it a lot
Anon said:ok so I just need to get this off my chest. during the quirk apprehension test when aizawa said whoever came in last would be expelled, I think he would of actually done it. I mean he has done it before. but I think he saw potential in Izuku and that made him change his mind but I believe if it where someone else besides Izuku he would've expelled them. so I just wanna say that it was Izuku himself who made himself not be expelled not because of a bluff. and I love aizawa. the end
Yeah I’m sure that’s how it went! Well, I was about to say that maybe even if Izuku hadn’t been the last one Aizawa would have let the last one stay anyway since 1A is a pretty impressive class, but the 19th place was Mineta that time so honestly who knows. Maybe we were one step away from not having Mineta in the class and Izuku ruined it for us. Who knows. (lol)
Anon said:Ur art is so sweet and wholesome, like. Its legit. A friend of mine was following you since you were posting haikyuu and she started watching bnha when you started, and she got me into it from there by sending me your adorable fanart. "Keep an eye out for these 3!!" Then she sends me a giant stream of your BakuKiriKami art. You're great, it's ur fault that they're my # 1 ship above all. Also - have ya read the kiribaku fanfic 2AM Knows All Secrets? I feel like you'd like that one if ya havent.
Holy heck thank you!!!!!! This is such a nice ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could make both you and your friend watch bnha, and I’m even more happy I could make you ship my ot3!!!! *O* and!!! yeah I’ve read it!!!!!! It’s such a cute fic tbh~ I loved it a lot
VERY!!!!!! I hope their game is more !!! than the Karasuno one tbh haha
Anon said:hey fran! i love how bakugou and sharkishima using sign language to communicate, and i was wondering if i could use that idea for my own mermaid au
Sure thing, I’m glad you liked the idea enough to want to do that! If you could mention where you got the insp for at the top of the fic when you post it that’d be neat~
Anon said:did you ever watch/read Ao no exorcist? its really good
I used to follow the manga! Like, a real long time ago? I think I got up to when we found out that Yukio’s a demon too and then I sorta... dropped it... cause I just... couldn’t stand Shiemi at all... sorry - my faves used to be Shima and Izumo tho!!! I used to love them so much and I still miss them so much that sometimes I seriously consider picking the manga up again just for them hahaha
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sharksfood · 7 years
so this thought just came into my head and i want to explore it.
in my life i’ve only seen 3 films so far that i read as books before they became movies. im not counting comic books/graphic novels that became movies bcs thats a little different, books that became tv shows, or plays that became movies. but its interesting to think about that.
i didnt read harry potter until well after the films (all of them lmao) were released, i’ve never read how to train your dragon, i’ve never read the hobbit/lotr, the animated alice in wonderland came out in the 50s, i have only recently read the last unicorn, i read World War Z after the movie came out (and ive never seen all of the movie), and i read the neverending story when i was cast in the play.
the books that i read before they came out in film are; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Warm Bodies, and Goosebumps.
Goosebumps kind of fits but it was made into a tv series first, and im not sure if i read the books or saw the shows first. i did both, i know that much.
I read Warm Bodies only bcs I wanted to see the movie but thought the book would be cool to read (its amazing and has a completely different feel from the movie), and Lion Witch Wardrobe was bcs my dad read it to me when I was younger. That and The Magician’s Nephew are the only Narnia books ive ever read.
I was going to try and read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children before the movie came out, but that work out for me.
if you want to count comics and graphic novels, then the list gets bigger. but comics already have the characters drawn out, so unlike books, you dont have an idea in your head on what the character looks like. that is so often changed in film, plus you loose so much detail and nuance when you go book to screenplay to film (this is also true with comics, but its still different)
However, and the biggest reason as to why I’m thinking about this, two movies will be coming out in the next few years, and both of them are based on my favorite books of all time (aside from the alice books of course). 
The first is Captain Underpants! I know that this is a book series with words and pictures, so technically its a graphic novel series, but they’re kids books! and those tend to have an awful lot of pictures. This series was my FAVORITE (other than the alice books) as a kid!! they were fun, hilarious, relatable, and just all around super great. So when i saw the trailer for the animated film that’s coming out this year based on the series i was ECSTATIC!! Were it live-action i would be bummed out since kids picture books usually fair better when animated (im not a fan of the diary of a wimpy kid movies....) but this animation is handled a lot like The Peanuts movie. The animation look like a color and 3D version of the exact art style!! its wonderful and im SO EXCITED
The other one, and this i am VERY VERY nervous about, is Ready Player One. that is my favorite sci-fi novel ever. i often say its my favorite book ever bc it deserves more love! and i do so much love it. ive reread it i dont even know how many times. and what do you know, they’re making it into a movie!! when i heard about this i had so many mixed feelings, and most of it has to do with the style of the book and the characters.
-Ready Player One Spoilers-
In Ready Player One the protagonist starts out as a dirt poor, fat, unattractive teen boy, and later he gets more physically fit/healthy and rich. he claims to still be unattractive at this point (mostly bcs he jues doesnt like how he looks and he looses all his body hair). this is very important to the character! i’m afraid that in this movie hollywood will do as they always do and make him a skinny conventionally attractive teen from the get-go. people will probably pull the Holes excuse of “the filmmakers didnt want to make the actor gain a bunch of weight and then loose it all” BULLSHIT they can cast a fat actor! and through his training and as they film the movie he can loose some weight or they can use movie magic (like when they made chris evans a scrawny little thing). its not that hard, people.
Another character, and this was super important to me and was a big subplot, is that Wade best friend, Aech, whom he only knows through the game (OASIS) plays as a white, straight, guy avatar, but they’re actually a black lesbian named Helen. And she plays this avatar to protect herself and to get a job and be taken seriously within OASIS. is super sad she has to do this, but its a big part of her character. she’s also fat as well, and im REALLY worried that in the movie she’s going to be a skinny straight white girl.
Two other characters who have important characteristics are Art3mis (Samantha) and the creator of OASIS James Halliday. Art3mis is Wade later love interest and GF. She is notable bcs her avatar is just like her, a chubby girl with black hair, but sans her port-wine birthmark. I know they’ll keep her birthmark, since its an intimate reveal, but they’ll probably make her skinny and i hate it. Now it’s only half canon in the books, but i’ve chosen to go with it, but at one point Wade talks about James Halliday’s childhood and his personality and all that, and mentions that he might have been autistic. Now, since it’s only he “might have been” in the books, the filmmakers will probably not make him autistic. That’s fucking sad to me, I mean, it would be amazing!! This character is one of the smartest, most famous, most prolific video game programmers/designers in history!! And he’s autistic! That is some wonderful representation and the filmmakers should jump on that opportunity. It’ll inspire so many autistic people who have a passion for video games to pursue their dreams. But, i have a hunch they wont go with it.
Two other characters, Daito and Shoto, are Japanese young guys who claim to be brothers (and their characters are) but are just friends in the real world. My initial hunch was that the filmmakers would keep them Japanese, but given the recent whitewashing of important Japanese characters, I have my doubts.
My few other concerns are that this movie won’t have 80s pop culture as the main style and focus of the era they book is set in, not to mention OASIS and most of people’s interests. It’s incredibly important to the novel, but so many dystopian movies choose to go with gritty, futuristic, edgy stuff. The other concern is how they will handle the real life vs OASIS look, since over half of the book takes place inside a VR video game. I’ve seen news that they are utilizing VR technology, but i havent read too much. I’m wondering if they’ll animate all of OASIS and the avatars and action and anything in the video game! That would be awesome.
So these are all my thoughts. I havent looks at who they’ve cast yet, so I’m going to do that right now. I do know that Steven Spielberg is directing it, which could be fantastic or terrible. Okay, cast time.
So the IMDB doesnt say who is cast as Daito and Shoto, but Wikipedia says that Win Morisaki of PrizmaX will play him, which is great! I hope that’s what happens.
Art3mis/Samantha will be played by Olivia Cooke, who in my opinion is way too old. She’s older than me! The character’s age (i think) isnt mentioned in the book, but she’s got to be 17-20, and Olivia Cooke looks older than that. She’s also not chubby, but hey, maybe they’ll fit that. She also doesnt have the birthmark, but that’s gonna be makeup. (wouldve been cool if they found an actress with a port-wine stain on her face...)
Parzival/Wade will be played by Ty Sheridan. He was Cyclops in X-Men Apocalypse. He’s the right age, but way too fit and attractive. DAMN IT Well, I guess there’s always makeup and special effects, but i’m 80% sure now they wont make Wade fat.....
Aech/Helen will be played by Lena Waithe who is almost PERFECT. She’s much older than Aech, who is around 18, but like Samantha i imagine they’ll have make up and acting to cover it. My biggest concern is that she’s not fat like Aech, which means they’ll use a body suit or effects or Lena will gain weight, or they wont do anything.....
T.J. Miller will be playing I-r0k, who is another OASIS player and a bigtime douchebag jerk. This is perfect. We don’t know his age, or really anything other than his personality and avatar, and T.J. Miller is hilarious so this/ll be great.
Mark Rylance will be playing James Halliday, witch is fine by me. He’s not quite what I imagined, but thats what makeup and wigs are for. He’s worked a lot with Steven Spielberg, so that makes sense as to why he’s cast here. I just hope he can portray an autistic character well and with respect.... (would be better if he IS autistic but ya know.....)
Simon Pegg will be playing Ogden Morrow, the co-creator of OASIS, and thats perfect. No complaints.
Nolan Sorrento (the antagonist of the book and head of operations at Innovative Online Industries) will be played by Ben Mendelsohn, who was Director Krennic in Rouge One. He is much older and not quite and slimy as I imagined him, but this can totally work. I pictured Nolan Sorrento as Andrew Scott in my head, since he seems like the perfect evil, charismatic, slimy, attractive but ugly inside business man.
So, after looking at the current casting choices im a little let down, but still excited! I’ll have to wait patienly for the trailer, since this thing is coming out in 2018. Dang, this turned into a Ready Player One post, but its been on my mind recently.
If you read through all of this, good job! let me know what you think! i probably dont talk about Ready Player One very often but thats bcs i dont know anyone in real life (other than my dad) who has read this book, and the online fandom seems nonexistent. Who knows?
But yeah, I guess I made this post bcs I wasn’t able to share the collective nervousness, complaints, and excitement of Harry Potter or LotR or Percy Jackson fans when their fav books became movies.
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