#Image Source : The Diamond Club
eahsayswhat · 1 year
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Courtly put the EAH girls through a ridiculous trial, and she was presumably put through one in turn after her scheme was exposed. Here's how it might've gone. Courtly's exaggerated British accent is fun to write and I hope to inflict it on my audience again.
Also, first post in the new uploader! Weird interface.
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plasticfashiondotpng · 5 months
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Ever After High Playing Cards
Image sources:
Queen of hearts
King of clubs
Ace of spades
Jack of diamonds
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I made myself a Fire Emblem theme for my solitaire game
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Deets under the cut
Base theme: Fable Deck: Solitaire Celebrates Effect: Stars
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Ace of Diamonds: Hoshido/Birthright
Ace of Spades: Mark of Naga/Brand of the Exalt
Ace of Hearts: Valla/Revelation
Ace of Clubs: Nohr/Conquest
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King of Diamonds: Lewyn
King of Spades: Alm
King of Hearts: Eltshan
King of Clubs: Eliwood
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Queen of Diamonds: Mikoto
Queen of Spades: Edelgard
Queen of Hearts: Tiki
Queen of Clubs: Michaiah
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Jack of Diamonds: Forde
Jack of Spades: Inigo
Jack of Hearts: Seliph
Jack of Clubs: Leo
Background: Here
Card backing: Here
Aces: The French Wikipages for Awakening and Fates
Face cards: Heroes and official art [Inigo specifically here]
The face cards did not align this way naturally. All of them had to be zoomed in at least twice, most four, and a few had to be scooted over a little to avoid being cropped in the wrong places or to fix general alignment issues
The game doesn't properly support transparent images, so I had to give each face card a background; really all I did was colour drop the deck's base colour and use that as the background so it would match
Each face card was shrunk to the card's base dimensions [422x562] with the background being twice that size [844x1124] to allow for easier placement without running into a black background because of said transparency issues
I didn't make any changes to the playing background. I just set it and left it as is
The card backing isn't quite aligned in the center, but I have no motivation to try and fix that right now
The backing border was completely unintentional. I chose that deck to build off of simply because of the gold rim around the face-up cards. I didn't realise it would come with a backing border, but hey it works
I chose Fable as the base theme to build off of for two reasons: 1. Aesthetic™, and 2. The background music is the closest to Fire Emblem music the game has [I really wish you could choose your own in-game ambience instead of having to use a preset theme first]
The stars effect has no real impact on the theme, I just like it
I initially wanted Ferdinand to be the Jack of Diamonds, but I didn't want to use his pre-skip design, which is all Heroes had, so Forde was chosen instead
Takumi was briefly considered for Jack of Diamonds and King of Clubs before those roles went to Forde and Eliwood
Ishtar was going to be the Queen of Clubs, but I decided three Genealogy characters was enough, so Michaiah took this spot
Other candidates for Queen of Clubs were Cherche, Celica, Seiros, and Eirika
I went with the Chrom!Inigo edit instead of normal Inigo or Lazward simply because Chrom!Inigo is best Inigo and you cannot change my mind
Alm, Michaiah, and Forde are the only ones who use official art instead of Heroes art. I preferred Alm and Michaiah's official art while Forde isn't even in the game yet [get on that, IS]
I originally wanted to use Edelgard's official post-skip art as I didn't [and still don't] like how her Heroes art sharply cuts off, but it ultimately clashed badly when trying to align it, so I had to use her Legendary alt [her pre-skip and Three Hopes designs were out of the question from the get-go]. I aligned the cutoff with the edge of the card as best I could and I'm surprised it worked
The only set in stone characters from the very beginning were Eltshan, Seliph, and Inigo. The rest I decided as I went on
Tiki was completely spur of the moment. As soon as I remembered she existed, I was like "Oh yeah, adult Tiki would be a perfect Queen of Hearts". I saw her Brave alt and didn't look back
I briefly considered using Eltshan's performance alt, but decided against it
While I knew I wanted Seliph as the Jack of Hearts, I initially wasn't sure which version to use, but I ultimately went with the version I liked the most, which was his Brave alt
Lewyn was a toss-up as to which version I wanted to use, but I went with his festival alt as I liked it more than his normal version
Other characters I considered but with no solid placement were Sigurd, Arvis, Lucina, Ayra, Soleil, Dorothea, Olivia, Deirdre, Say'ri, Elincia, Ryouma, Innes, Tana, Ephraim, Felix, and Constance
Inigo and the aces required some additional editing to remove their white backgrounds before setting up the off-white backgrounds they were supposed to have for this set. I worked on Inigo's for so long trying to edit out lossy pixels around the edges of his art that the editor crashed on me. Hurray for autorecovery
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szallejhscorner · 1 year
Goodbye, my Friend
This one is for @vesta-ro. They requested a scenario based on the CiaD-Y/N, where they and Kyuuma had been really close in the real life and they get a chance to say goodbye before the end of the King of Clubs game. Which doesn’t please Chishiya at all :D
It was really fun to work on something a bit different this time!
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Leaving the camp and all your friends still feels wrong somehow. The Witch Hunt has caused so many deaths and the survivors just found together again, only for you to scoot away with Chishiya early in the morning. Has Kuina been mad when waking up and noticing you weren’t there anymore, or wasn’t she surprised at all? Will they be fine? What games will they choose to play, and who will survive till the end?
What games will you play?
Everything about the second stage is uncertain. It is obviously much more dangerous and difficult than what you went through these last weeks, and it scares you. Having Chishiya on your side is only a mild comfort in that, since he will most likely chase every single Diamonds game he can find and you can’t tell what feels worse – knowing he could die in one of them or being left alone since you definitely won’t accompany him into one. 
On top of that, what if Chishiya decides your presence has been enough? That man really has a talent to leave unnoticed at every occasion, and there’s always a chance of waking up one morning without him next to you. It is a frightening thought, that he might leave you and die in a game, and you’d never know what happened to him, but this is the way games are played in this world. 
So many deaths. Quick ones, slow ones. The trauma it caused the survivors is never to be forgotten. And still… up to this day, none of the deceased ones has been close to you. There have been a couple of faces you recognized from real life; people you had sometimes passed in stores and cafés or something, but none you’d call an acquaintance or even friend.
The more you think about it, the less you want to see an old friend here. The chance of them dying is far too big, and you’re not sure that’s a pain you would be able to handle. 
The fear of losing Chishiya is already enough, and the same goes for the new friends you have made since arriving here – the ones that are still alive after all.
You gulp when the image of Ichika’s lifeless body emerges from your memories, shot dead by Niragi who has mercilessly hunted down anyone in the Beach to find the Witch. Just another reminder that Death never makes fair choices but ones a simple human will never comprehend.
The dark thoughts make you completely unobservant to your surroundings, and only the sound of a loud Gong! causes you to flinch and finally look up from the splintered concrete beneath your feet. You frantically look around to find its source, until Chishiya nods towards a clock tower in the distance, announcing the time as 12AM. Right above the clock face you notice two stag heads bumping their antlers against each other, twelve times in total. 
“Twelve times…” you mutter, and Chishiya hums, understanding your thoughts. “…twelve games. The start signal.”
Further away, the echo of shots bounces off the walls around you, making you shiver. A sniper, most likely, and you suppose they belong to one of the games. The second stage has begun and already people are dying. 
“Chishiya…” you begin, your voice merely more than a whisper, “I know you’ll want to participate in one of the Diamonds games. But… can we keep on walking, for just a bit longer? The fresh air helps to clear my mind, and I don’t think all three Diamonds games will be cleared that fast.”
His grunt is more than enough proof that he doesn’t like that idea too much, but he doesn’t keep you from heading towards the river. You reach for his hand, glad that he accompanies you anyway. A bit more of peace is all you want before diving head first into new games, and you have a feeling that the water will be the perfect place to provide that to you. 
The buildings around you get smaller and the river comes in sight, its water so clear and unpolluted that life has found its way back into the flowing cold. Fish scales are glinting under the surface, uncaring for your presence as you let your hand slide into the river. 
Humans aren’t a threat anymore here in this world. It should make you happy for nature, but somehow it’s more a sad thought; a reminder that humans aren’t really important and humanity isn’t meant to last. 
Lost in thought, you merely keep track of time passing. It must have been at least an hour since Chishiya or you both spoke a word, with the sound of your footsteps on the ground being the only thing that fills the silence, and you’re not entirely sure if it’s comfortable or not. 
You follow the river until it meets the ocean, the never-ending blue that is both so fascinating and incredibly dangerous. 
“I wonder what’s on the other side”, you ponder while watching the waves, “if there is a world outside of Tokyo.”
Chishiya follows your glance and hums, his lips curled up into the tiniest smirk. “Hatter tried to send out players using sailboats. They never came back, but red lasers were seen somewhere out there.”
“So if you try to run away, you’ll die?”
He nods, continuing to walk further along the harbor site. Not far in the distance, hundreds if not thousands of containers are stacked upon each other, creating a labyrinth of metal that will never sail the seven seas again. A sad yet fascinating thought, and something pulls you towards the containers, an unexplainable urge to go there and read the signs that you won’t understand anyway. Numbers and letters representing countries and companies, and yet you’ll never know what contents they carried – from yellow bath ducks to the most expensive luxury furniture. 
Chishiya doesn’t question why you’re heading towards that part of the harbor despite the King of Clubs blimp hovering in the air just above the metal labyrinth. This is a game venue, but you don’t want to participate. Now that you’re almost there, you spot a narrow path next to the containers, only a few inches of concrete between metal and the sea; a pathway that doesn’t seem to belong to the game. 
“Are you sure-“ Chishiya starts, but you don’t let him finish. 
Without a word, you squeeze past the first container, the sound of untamable shores right next to your feet. The noise of the blimp isn’t as loud as you’d expect being so close to it, and the huge banner with the King of Clubs on it moves gently with the wind. No noise comes from the other side of the metal wall, and you wonder if something happened there already. The second stage has just started, so maybe the game hasn’t even begun. 
The blonde huffs behind you, not exactly happy with the way you chose for your walk. You must be careful not to lose your footing, otherwise you’ll end up soaked in salt water, and the same goes for Chishiya. Although the thought of the blonde tumbling into the ocean makes you giggle. It would be cute seeing him helpless and out of control just for once, as long as it’s a benign situation. 
“Someone’s there”, you hear his muttering voice, and it makes you look up from the floor. Immediately, you spot an opening in the container wall, and a lone man is standing there, hands stretched out and face lifted towards the sky.
While being completely naked.
But that is not what makes you halt in an instant. It’s not the fact that you can see the bare and amazingly well-built man in all his glory. It’s not his shoulder-long hair waving in the wind, not the thoughtful look on his face. Not the metal bracelet around his wrist. 
It is the fact that you know exactly who this man is that causes you to inhale sharply. 
“Ginji…?” you whisper, not sure if you can believe what your eyes are showing you. 
The man turns as soon as he hears your voice, his expression as startled as yours. Once you can see his face, there is not a single doubt left: this is Kyuuma Ginji. Nudist, band leader, first love of your life. 
He’s here, in the Borderlands. And if there is one thing you know, then that this can never be a good thing. 
The way Kyuuma mutters your name makes you feel things you never thought you’d ever feel again. A familiarity is in his voice, a kindness that has been the center of your life for a long time until your ways had parted. Both of you had been young, and life moved on, with either of you choosing different directions to follow. Years had passed where you barely thought about him, but now, everything returns. 
Before you realize, you find yourself in a tight hug, not at all embarrassed by the fact that Kyuuma is still entirely nude. A lot more muscles than you remember move under his sun-warmed skin, and he’s taller than when you last met. But his eyes, the soulfulness and kindness in them, haven’t changed a bit. 
Kyuuma grabs your shoulder with one hand, pushing you away just a bit so he can see your face. With the other hand, he grabs your wrist, scanning it for something. Probably a bracelet of the kind he is wearing. “How?” he wonders, “how did you enter the game?”
You swallow. That Kyuuma is participating in such a high game doesn’t feel right. Until now you hadn’t even known that he’s here in the Borderlands, but you don’t want anything bad to happen to him. “I didn’t”, you answer honestly. “We were taking a walk, and I must have found some kind of loophole. But… what about you? How come you’re here, too? And why are you participating in this game? The King of Clubs, on top of that!”
A shadow covers his eyes, a sadness that feels heavy on your shoulder where his hand still remains. “Because I am the King.”
“That’s… no way. Stop kidding, Ginji! This isn’t the place for jokes right now.”
Sometimes, silence gives away more about the truth than a thousand words, and when he doesn’t answer, you take a few steps back while shaking your head. “No. No, no, no!” 
You’re no fool. If Kyuuma is truly a citizen – and you know him well enough to tell when he’s lying and when not – then it’s obvious that one of you won’t survive the end of this stage. Either the players will win, or the citizens. The Borderlands leave no space for something in between. 
Tears well up in your eyes, blurring the image of your dear friend and the wonderful sight of the ocean to your right. “That can’t be. It’s not fair, I-… I just found you!”
Kyuuma laughs, and the sound of it breaks your heart. He is always so gentle and genuine, despite the circumstances. “Would it have been any different if you’d found me earlier?” He asks, not expecting you to answer at all. His hand finds the way back to your shoulder and squeezes tightly, a familiar gesture of comfort. “We are winning the game. It is impossible for the player team to collect any more points now, so all that’s left is wait. Which means for now I’m not dead, and neither are you.”
“You’re… winning?” you whisper, not sure if that’s a good thing. On one hand, it’d mean Kyuuma’s survival for the moment, but on the other… 
Shaking your head, you place your hand on top of Kyuuma’s. The act is caused by a lack of words, although your old friend understands anyway. “Don’t worry too much. You always do that.”
“And you never worry at all.”
Kyuuma spreads his arms out again, as if he wants to hug the entire world. “Why should I? Life is wonderful. It’ll still be once we die. Death is nothing that could scare me, I’m ready to accept whatever outcome there will be for me. Shitara saw that too, and the rest of the band are on my side no matter what happens.”
The image of Kyuuma’s band fills your mind, and you remember the many evenings you had spent listening to their songs in garages and cellars. “They’re all here with you”, you conclude, not even a question. 
“They are, and no matter what, we’ll live or die together. You, though…” He tilts his head, a sad grin on his lips. 
Whatever happens to them, it’ll most likely be the opposite for you. And since you somehow managed to sneak into the area of a running game, this might be the last time to see Kyuuma alive. “We… should say farewell, then.”
The good-looking nudist wipes a single tear from your cheek before he pulls you into one last hug. Right here, right now, you could forget the dark world around you and pretend that you both’d be teenagers again, desperately in love and blind for the mystery around them. 
“Farewell, my friend”, Kyuuma breathes into your hair. 
You don’t want to let go. You don’t want to leave your friend behind, knowing that you will never meet again. Once you step back, everything will be said and done, and you are not ready for that to happen. But when Chishiya clears his throat behind you, you accept that there’s no use prolonging the inevitable. 
Taking a deep breath, you look Kyuuma deep in the eyes, feeling only a little bit of remorse that you entirely forgot about Chishiya’s presence for a while. 
“The game is about to end”, says the blonde in a stone-cold voice, “and we shouldn’t be in the area when that happens.” The icy tone is enough to tell you how much he despises seeing you and Kyuuma like this.
With a nod, you both agree to Chishiya and tell Kyuuma everything that words could never truly describe. That you won’t forget him if you’re the one to survive this, and that Kyuuma Ginji will always be dear to your heart, no matter what. He nods back, signaling that the same goes for him. The connection between the both of you has always been special, no matter for how long you’d lost contact in the past. Kyuuma might not be the love of your life any longer - that spot is likely to be replaced by a certain blonde and very arrogant surgeon - but he’ll always be the first you ever loved, your first kiss and your first heartbreak. 
The more you think about it, the more it feels like a gift that you were allowed to see Kyuuma one last time. Not as an enemy in a game, but as a friend. 
You take one last deep breath before turning around and walking away side by side with Chishiya. He doesn’t react when you reach out to hold his hand, since he’s probably sour about the scene he just witnessed. Not that you could blame him, although you won’t apologize, either. 
Together, you leave the containers behind and with them the game area. As you dare to throw a look over your shoulders, you notice just in time how a red laser cuts through the sky, crashing right into the spot where Kyuuma has been. Only seconds after, the blimp hovering high above the metal labyrinth explodes into thousands of burning pieces falling to the ground. You don’t watch it long enough to see the banner burn to ashes. 
Kyuuma has been sure that this game would count for the citizens, but somehow, the players have found a way to win in the end. But knowing your friend, it is clear that he didn’t regret a single thing before he died. Kyuuma left in peace with the world and with himself, and surprisingly you feel part of that peace too, despite new tears running down your cheeks. 
What comes even more surprising is that Chishiya eventually gives in and wraps his fingers around yours. He’ll never talk about what just happened, and you don’t want him to. It is enough to know that he’s still here. Maybe, just maybe, there’s even a tiny bit of satisfaction that he did feel something while watching you hug a naked, very good looking man. 
Love doesn’t come without a bit of teasing, after all. 
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remys-rockets · 1 year
L2 Certification Attempt
After obtaining my L1 attempt, I had originally planned to fly for an L2 attempt on the same rocket. However, I attended a VRA club night where a swap meet was being held and ended up with a Rocketry Warehouse (now Madcow) Broken Arrow 54. Sometimes a great deal is a great deal.
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This was a pretty big step up from the cardboard and plywood construction I was used to, being entirely filament-wound fibreglass. Its large diameter/length ratio combined with its small split fins also made it intimidating. This kit is also intended only for dual-deploy, which is something I had never done before. I decided it was a good opportunity to challenge myself.
The kit was pretty bare-bones, meaning I had to source a retainer and much of the hardware for it. I ordered a 38mm Aeropack retainer, and then I began the build.
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The process was relatively simple, with through-the-wall fins like all my previous builds. However, this time they did not fit into divots in the centering rings, so I 3D printed a fin jig to hold them in place while the epoxy cured.
Speaking of epoxy, I moved away from the 5-minute Araldite I had used for previous builds in favour of a more serious adhesive. I used JB Weld for anything motor-adjacent because of its thermal tolerance, and Epiglue for all other structural attachments and fin fillets. This was recommended to me by a friend in Perth who flies truly ridiculous rockets and has used it on flights of up to Mach 2. It is also available from a local marine supplier, meaning I didn't have to pay through my nose to get hold of Rocketpoxy or West Systems. I was very pleased with how nicely it went on and how strong it was.
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By this time I'd also nailed down my epoxy application and filleting methods - I use cheap silicone sculpting and grouting tools which can simply be cleaned with acetone after I'm done. For filleting, I also found that mixing the epoxy in a ziploc bag and piping it on like icing worked a treat.
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My work gets cleaner with every set of fillets I lay down. These ones don't look fantastic, and the split fins were something I had never dealt with before, but that didn't matter for reasons that became apparent shortly after the epoxy had set.
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The morning after I applied these fillets, I got up to continue working on the rocket when I noticed that something had shifted overnight. The motor mount tube was somehow at an angle, as shown in the image above. I know I installed it perfectly level, but I didn't secure it while it set so I think it slipped as it cured. In my defense, I was quite sick and not firing on all cylinders when I had completed all the work up until now, but the realisation of what I'd managed to do was pretty disappointing and a bit of a knock to my confidence. Some measurements and a bit of trig suggested that the offset was only a degree or two, but the image suggests otherwise. I consulted some friends who are far more experienced flyers than I, and the consensus was a mix between 'send it' and Do Not Fly That Rocket, with more in favour of flying it than not. I looked at my OpenRocket sim for stability characteristics, and read some old Rocketry Forum posts about this model, all which pointed to it being rather squirrelly. In hindsight, I feel like I made the right decision, as I just couldn't ignore my gut feeling. I decided to rip it apart and rebuild it completely.
I did not take photos during this phase due to being completely covered with fibreglass dust, but I ended up using a diamond Dremel cutting wheel to first cut the fin can off, then cleanly slice the fins out of the body. I cannibalised a small section of the avionics bay tube to use as a coupler to reattach the aft section. I was then able to epoxy the whole thing back together, sand it all down, and it looked no different - apart from the motor mount being at the correct angle of zero degrees. I re-filleted the fins with a larger radius than before, as I wasn't happy with how they looked initially. I was very pleased with this effort, and confident to a) present this rocket to an RSO and b) fly it safely.
I also took the opportunity during this rebuild to modify the rocket to be motor-eject capable, by removing the bulkhead to which the recovery harnessing would be attached. I cut a small divot in the forward centering ring and attached a looped piece of kevlar around the motor tube before reinstalling it. This 'leash' provides the anchor point for a longer recovery harness to be attached to. I am very glad I did this, as not long after I was informed that my university club possessed a grand total of two (2) grams of black powder. Traditional dual-deploy would no longer be an option. More on that later.
To finish off the construction, I 3D printed rail guides from ABS and bolted them to the body, with a bit of JB Weld in there for good measure. I drilled pressure relief holes in the forward and aft sections of the body, and another in the avionics bay for altimeter readings. I then drilled a more smaller holes and installed screws to pin the nosecone to the forward section, and the forward section to the avionics bay. Since the flight would no longer be traditional dual-deploy, the rocket would not need to separate at these points. Finally, I gave it a purple paintjob and the name of CRUNCHWRAP 3.
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At some point, Taco Bell might see these and send me a cease and desist. I am going to keep building and flying them until they do.
With a proper dual-deploy ejection now out of the question, I turned to my backup plan. My team calls it the 'poor-man's dual deploy', even though it's arguably actually more expensive than using black powder. This involves deploying a drogue with the motor charge, then using a JollyLogic chute release device to deploy the main at whatever altitude you have chosen. There is a substantial risk of the harnessing becoming tangled using this method, but I didn't really have a choice. I used a 4.5m nylon shock cord, tied to the anchored kevlar leash. I divided the cord into thirds, tying a loop at each third. I attached the drogue to the forward-most loop, and the main to the aft loop. Both chutes were on quick links and swivels to reduce the risk of tangling as much as possible. Each of these chutes were wrapped in their own nomex protector, and then placed in the aft section of the rocket with their harness. I used a 36' (91-ish cm) main chute from Loc Precision, and a 40cm 4-gore drogue which I sewed using Scott Bryce's fantastic Spherical Parachute Pattern Generator.
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Although it ended up not being needed, I decided to send the flight computer I got hold of along for the ride. I thought it would be cool to get an altitude reading to compare with the simulated apogee. A buddy of mine in the US was getting rid of a few bits and pieces, so I bought his RRC2+ off him with the intent of flying it for my L2 attempt. First, though, it needed somewhere to live.
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I found the supplied parts for the av-bay were a little lacking, so I added some modifications - the main one being drilled holes for two threaded rods to pass through. I used two for redundancy, since the idea of a single rod made me a little uneasy. I used wingnuts on these so I could fasten them nice and tight without the need for a spanner. It was also missing enough eye bolts, so I grabbed some from Bunnings.
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I then designed and 3D printed a sled to fit onto the threaded rods and provide a mount for the battery and the flight computer. A very simple setup. The sled looks objectively awful since the printer was having a bit of a sook at the time, but the actual functionality was not affected and it serves its purpose just fine.
With an unbelievably limited amount of motors available in Australia at the time of writing, I had to work with what I could get hold of. I was lucky enough to snag was a CTI J-316 (pink!!) through my university team, which is a 38mm 5 grain reloadable motor with an adjustable delay of up to 17 seconds. Unfortunately, we didn't have a 5-grain case so I made do with a 6-grain case and a spacer. I only became aware of that the night before the launch, so I had to very quickly revise my recovery packing technique to account for the now limited real estate inside the body.
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It provided an average thrust of roughly 316N, with a max of 450N, over a burn time of about 2.1sec, for a total impulse of roughly 650Ns. A pretty tame J motor, but still far more powerful than anything I'd ever flown before.
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After carefully weighing every single component of the rocket and entering them into OpenRocket, I simulated the flight on the motor above. The entire vehicle weighed 2.7kg, with a length of 1.41m. It was simulated to hit Mach 0.77, and fly to an apogee of 5191ft.
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Theoretically, the centre of pressure and centre of gravity would be 0.86m and 1m respectively from the tip of the nose cone. This would give a stability calibre of 2.44 at Mach 0.3 - however, this rocket is quite a bit faster than that. Also, the 'rule of thumb' which says a rocket's CG should be roughly 1.5 body diameters in front of the CP is not as helpful on rockets with a length/diameter ratio of over 10, such as this one (which is 24). Here, the CG should be roughly 10% of the overall length in front of the CP, which it was, almost (9.6%). The stability calibre off the rod was predicted to be only a little over 1.5 (6%), but given that it would be going 31m/s I was confident this would be fine as long as it didn't launch into a strong wind gust. At motor burnout, stability would be up near 3.8 (15%), which I was happy with.
I set the motor delay to the full 17 seconds for the simulations, as anything shorter would have the recovery devices deployed before apogee. This would a) cut the flight short and more importantly b) place a huge amount of strain on the harnessing and chutes due to a very high deployment speed. With the full delay, deployment would be at 11.3m/s, which the harness and drogue could handle easily. Ground hit was simulated to be a brisk but not destructive 6.8m/s.
As an aside, OpenRocket includes a little disclaimer about 'jagged edge fin predictions may not be accurate'. I bore this in mind through the whole process, but based on others I'd seen fly and forum posts I'd read online, I was comfortable with what I was doing.
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L2 certifications require passing a written exam with two sections - technical knowledge and the Tripoli safety code. I had already passed the exam (100%, don't mind if I do) at a previous date, so all I had to do was install my motor, altimeter, and recovery gear. I didn't even have to drill out a delay. After a quick field CG test and a visit to the RSO tent, I was ready to rack up.
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A few new recruits to our team came out to the launch day, so I enjoyed an opportunity to show them how to set up for flight, install an igniter, and test for continuity.
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After a small delay to clear the range and ensure the skies were clear overhead, the LCO hit the button.
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The rocket flew straight and fast on a frankly gorgeous purple flame, and almost instantly got high enough that we struggled to keep a visual on it. A puff of smoke indicated the ejection charge had blown, and then I was able to see the fluoro yellow gores of the drogue as it opened. The rocket began to drift slowly as it came down, as there was a fairly stiff breeze blowing at the time. I had programmed my chute release to 500ft, and it performed as intended. The main chute deployed and thankfully none of the recovery gear got tangled. I watched it gently descend, albeit with a decent drift going on, and set itself down in a field about 800m away. After a gentle stroll (read: powerwalk to warm up, it was freezing), we arrived at the rocket. It had been dragged a little and the chute had become tangled on the ground, but all was intact. One quick pitstop at the RSO tent later, I had my L2!
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Upon reflection....
Things to improve
Use a much smaller drogue. The one I flew was about twice as big as it needed to be, and it was far too windy for such a chute. I simply didn't have a smaller one, although making one would have only taken about an hour.
I didn't get any useful readings from my altimeter. I don't believe I set it up properly, so I need to make sure I learn to do that and fly it as a passenger on at least one more flight before I use it as a deployment computer. I am disappointed that I couldn't get a figure to compare with the simulation.
Use a proper stand to rest the rocket on, perfectly horizontally, during construction. This would have avoided the whole debacle of the motor mount slipping and me consequentially having to rip it apart and rebuild.
Things that went well:
Being absolutely prepared and packing my car the night before, and bringing spares of most components, made launch prep a breeze
That was the first flight of my homemade drogue, and upon inspection afterwards there was no damage. I can now be confident that others of the same design and similar construction that I have planned for bigger rockets will perform in a similar way.
The recovery technique worked as intended, with no tangling. This is probably not a viable option for rockets going any higher, but it's nice to have in the back pocket for projects of this scale if black powder and/or avionics access might be an issue
I am also extremely relieved that this certification only took me one shot, rather than the three that my L1 took. I think it reflects well on my progress.
Fly it again with proper dual deploy, if I can get my hands on some black powder
Scratch build of a rocket of similar scale
...... L3?
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zeynepsadik · 1 year
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.*・。゚ ━ ( melisa asli pamuk / cis woman / she/her) i think i just saw ZEYNEP SADIK on the subway.  the TWENTY-NINE year old PUBLICIST has been living on cornelia street for FOUR YEARS. zeynep’s friends know her to be perspicacious , zealous  &  vivacious , but she has a reputation on cornelia street for being devious , mercurial  &  imprudent. when i see zeynep , i can’t help but think of the well-planned coverup of a scandal , perfectly tailored designer clothing  &  the almost overwhelming need to protect a good thing  !  in  fact , i sometimes i think i hear LAVENDER HAZE when i see her walk by-
zeynep ayla sadik, just consider her cornelia street's tree paine.
born september 13, 1993 - we love virgos around here, okay?
the only child of the now former chairman and ceo of sony music and a one-hit-wonder pop star.
was really just faced with opulence and excess from the moment she was born. her silver spoon was probably diamond encrusted.
had the perks of a ridiculously wealthy father - her favorite popstar performed at her sweet sixteen, she had the nicest clothes, and the best vacations. she got into any event, party and club she wanted to.
but it wasn't all louboutins and good vibes. image was always very, very important to her father and he had no issue telling her exactly what she should be doing and made sure she did it.
she liked lacrosse growing up, but he wanted her to play tennis - she could do that at the country club and impress his friends. she preferred theater, he had her join the choir and take voice lessons. god forbid his daughter couldn't hold a note.
growing up, she never really felt like her own person, more just an extension of her father.
the first time she really felt like an individual was when it was time for college. she didn't just choose the school - columbia - but also her major - communications. standard for most, but a big deal for her.
it probably helped, though, that she knew what she wanted to do at that point. actual fame held little appeal to her, but she was fascinated by the business side. she'd see starlets - either friends she made or those contracted to sony - commit some debaucherous act right in front of her eyes. the next day, it'd be covered up entirely, twisted in the press or distracted from by some careful planned pap shots or a puff piece. she thought that was genius and wanted to be a publicist from then on out.
she was always a little sneaky and a step ahead of others, might as well make a career out of it.
freshly graduated, her dad pulled some strings to get her a job at a prestigious pr firm, giving her access to clients at a level most new hires never get the chance to represent.
so, yeah, nepotism got her in the door but she is really fucking good at her job. she's not afraid to play dirty (in fact, she thinks that's kinda fun), she has sources with people and tmz for all your puff piece needs, and has a knack for always knowing when a pap walk or publicity stunt is needed.
she's really managed to build a reputation of her own and her career is a great source of joy for her.
tbh, it's amazing to see someone so professionally successful and seemingly put together have such a messy personal life.
it's been one heartbreak after another for zey and she'd be hard-pressed to tell you exactly why. okay, sure, some of them were doomed from the start, obviously poorly matched paramours zeynep pursued in a kinda (totally) childish urge to rebel after her overbearing father criticized them.
but the rest? beats zey. she'd say she just has a broken picker, an issue no fault of her own and one that just can't be fixed. her friends would probably tell you that she's too impulsive when it comes to relationships, she feels that spark and is just ready to jump right in.
whatever the reason, no matter how meant to be she thinks they are, whether it's in two months or two years - it ends. and that's exactly why she wants to protect this new relationship she's in.
things feel good, really, really good and she's determined to shield this love from her less-than-charming family (especially the father who never approves of her partners), well-meaning but judgey friends, the stresses of the job and just the rest of the world. she doesn't want anything to taint it.
deep down, way down, zeynep realizes that's not exactly logical or realistic. they're gonna have to face the real world eventually. but she's also cool with just staying in that honeymoon phase for as long as they can and, honestly, doesn't have much of an idea or plan for how things will work once that ends.
wanted connections
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours aka muse b in lavender haze. the new love zey is so desperate to protect, she's all in on this.
it's nice to have a friend aka the besties. give me the fun, wild friends she can have a night out with but also the protective, logical ones who roll their eyes whenever she says 'it's different this time'.
i know i make the same mistakes every time aka the exes. zeynep has a history of failed relationships so a few of these would make sense.
clients. whether a public figure or a corporation, zey would be a great asset to have on the team.
anything and everything. she's a lifelong new yorker so there's plenty of time for run-ins, neighbors, former classmates, whatever.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Places to visit in Cullinan
The mining town of Cullinan is worthy of exploration. Situated just 30km east of Pretoria, it is a treasure trove of history, adventure and tranquility. Undoubtedly, the charming town beckons travellers to explore and engage with its offerings. Here are three of the best places to visit when in Cullinan: McHardy House Museum Image: Sourced (Gauteng Tourism Authority) Visit the McHardy House Museum to journey back in time. The building was the first to be erected in the town of Cullinan in the year 1903. It was the home of William McHardy, the general manager of the Cullinan Diamond Mine at the time. By visiting the house, you will get more context into Cullinan’s past. You’re also in for some interesting stories on the McHardy family. Cullinan Golf Club Picture: Sourced / Cullinan Golf Club Fancy a good game of golf? The Cullinan Golf Club is the place to visit. The prestigious club is steeped in history and stands as a testament of the game’s enduring appeal. Picture: Sourced / Cullinan Golf Club Cullinan Golf Club is known and loved for its top tier nine-hole course which is one of the oldest in South Africa. To enjoy a memorable golfing experience in picturesque surrounds, it is advisable to book in advance. Cullinan Diamond Mine Image: Sourced (Cullinan Mine Tours – Facebook) What’s a trip to Cullinan without visiting the Cullinan Diamond Mine? The mine is one of the most celebrated in the world and is the perfect place to  explore the origins of some of the world’s most exquisite diamonds. It is also known for its significant contribution to the history of mining and diamonds. As you embark on a tour of the mine, friendly and informed guides will walk you through a glimpse of the fascinating diamond mining process. For a distinctive jewellery shopping experience, make a stop at the Cullinan Diamond Mine market. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Source link via The Novum Times
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Mick Jagger, Baby Jane Holzer, Peggy Moffitt (reportedly, anyway), at an Andy Warhol party at Jane Holzer's apartment, NYC, c. winter 1965. 📸: David McCabe.
"The pictures with Mick were taken at a party that I had at my 955 Park Avenue apartment. I can tell by the Warhol "Flower" paintings on the wall. Andy really loved how I hung them. I had six "Flower" paintings and hung them all from their corners (like a diamond)."
-- JANE HOLZER (American art collector/film producer/former Warhol Superstar)
OVERVIEW: "Andy Warhol had met Jagger in 1963 when the band THE ROLLING STONES were not well known in the United States. No doubt with an eye for financial success, Warhol turned to the subject of Mick Jagger, now a celebrity friend and part of the New York club scene. National Gallery of Australia
"In 1964, David McCabe landed the commission of a lifetime, he just didn’t know it yet. A then-relatively unknown artist and illustrator named Andy Warhol was looking for a photographer he felt comfortable with to follow him for a year. The job fell to 24-year-old McCabe, an ex-arts student and photographer from Leicester, England. McCabe had recently moved to New York City at the encouragement – and funding – of his employer back home. McCabe’s own studio was a short walk from the now-infamous Silver Factory at 231 E 47th Street. Warhol, who had possibly seen the amateur’s images in magazines such as LIFE and Mademoiselle, liked his style – but McCabe was asking: "Who is Andy Warhol?""
-- PROUD GALLERIES, Ashleigh Kane for "Dazed"
Source: http://born-late.blogspot.com/2011/07/celebrity-encounter-baby-jane-meets.html.
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merlinband-archive · 1 year
The Merlin File
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Source: Melody Maker
Date: Late 1974
From my own collection
(Transcript Below)
EVOLUTION: Merlin’s manager, Derek Chick, and Allan Love decided in May 1973 to form a new London-based group that would incorporate three basic essentials: musicianship, image and stage presentation. After extensive auditions and rehearsals the band was gigging by July under the name Madrigal, which was changed in February 1974 to Merlin.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Jacob Magmusson (keyboards) left in October 1973 and Paul Taylor (bass) in September 1974.
ORIGIN OF NAME: Scully Wagon-Lit’s idea in the van going to a gig.
FIRST PUBLIC APPEARANCE: Zero 6, Southend, 17/July/1973.
FIRST BROADCAST: BBC Radio One David Hamilton Show and Radio Luxembourg Power Play consecutively in March 1974.
FIRST TELEVISION: Scottish TV’s Showcase in November 1973.
MANAGEMENT: Derek Chick, Chic’s Own Music and Management Ltd, 246/248 Great Portland Street, London W1 (01-381 6192/3).
AGENT: Barry Collings Agency Ltd, 15 Claremont Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex (0702-47343/43464).
RECORDING COMPANY: CBS Records Ltd, 28-30 Theobalds Road, London WC1 (01-242 9000).
RECORD PRODUCER: Roger Greenaway.
MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY: Shapiro, Bernstein and Co Ltd, 246/248 Great Portland Street, London W1 (01-387 6192) and Grenyoco Music Ltd, 108 Park Street, London W1 (01-493 6439).
FAN CLUB: Ling, 17 Gladstone Park Gardens, Cricklewood, London NW2.
BRITISH TOURS: 47 dates 1/March-28/April/1974 Top Rank ballrooms, clubs and colleges. Solo tour.
TRANSPORT: Ford DO607 3-ton truck for the equipment and Audi 100 for the group.
STAGE MANAGERS: Iain Ward (Sound Engineer), Chris Taylor (Lighting Engineer), “Speedy” (Stage Roadie), “Crystal” (Assistant Lighting Engineer).
SINGLES: “(Let Me) Put My Spell On You” c/w “Just ANother Fish On My Hook (CBS, 1/March/1974), "Alright” c/w “Pictures In My Mind” (CBS, 28/June/1974), “Wild Cat” c/w “Half A Man” (CBS, 1/Nov/1974).
ALBUMS: “Merlin” (CBS, 25/Oct/1974).
P.A.: 1400-watt JBL system comprising Kelsey 16-channel stereo custom mixer, 4 x DC3000 Crown amps, 4 x bass bins with 2 x 15 inch JBL speakers in each, 2 x mid range JBL horns, 2 x high-frequency JBL boxes with lens horns, two bullets. Microphones are 8 Sure Unidyne III 545, 2 AKG 190C, one AKG D12, 4 Calrec condensers, 4 Sims Watts condensers, 3 Sure Unisphere B. Binson Echorec and Mavis 3-way active stereo crossover with stage boxes, cables, etc. Lighting comprises 6 x 100 watt Strand Floods on stage, 30 x 200 watt Strand Floods on stage scaffolding, 3 x Strand 1,000-watt follow spots and stands, 2 x Strobes and a Strand dimmer board.
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ALAN LOVE: Vocalist
BORN: Hampsted, North West London. 13/Dec./1952.
EDUCATED: Challoner School, Finchley, North London.
MUSICAL CAREER: Has been professional for seven years, playing in Opal Butterfly from 1967 to 1969 with Simon King (Hawkwing) and Tom Doherty (Sting). Referendum from 1969 to 1973 and Madrigal/Merlin from 1973.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Mick Jagger, Joe Cocker, Little Richard.
COMPOSITIONS: “Half A Man,” “Space Raider” and co-wrote with Gary Hardwick “Getting Involved” all recorded by Merlin.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Something In The Air” (Thunderclap Newman), “McArthur Park” (Richard Harris).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Tapestry” (Carol King), “Court Of The Crimson King” (King Crimson), “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” (Simon and Garfunkel).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Paul McCartney, Steve Howe, Tom Doherty.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Cat Stevens, Carol King.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Joe Cocker, Neil Diamond.
RESIDENCE: Bachelor flat in Wandsworth, South West London.
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GARY ALICE STRANGE: Bass, vocals and guitar.
BORN: Hampsted, London. 26/Oct./1952.
EDUCATED: Whitefield School, Barnet.
MUSICAL TRAINING: Three classical guitar lessons and then self taught.
MUSICAL CAREER: Various semi-pro bands and wrote first song aged 16 featured on ATV programme “Come Here Often.” Former band with Dave Martin called March Hare and recorded LP for MAM. Group then changed to newly-formed Kinks Production Company, but after few months of touring with Kinks and recording, split up. Joined Merlin.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Director of La Starza Palace Studio.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Beatles, Stones, Free, Average White Band.
COMPOSITIONS: “Gipsy Rose Lee” and “Lay Me Down” for March Hare both issued as singles by MAM.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “I Am A Walrus” (Beatles), “Need Your Love So Bad” (Fleetwood Mac), “Little Bit Of Love” (Free), “Amoureuse” (Kiki Dee).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Elf” (Elf), “Sgt Pepper” (Beatles), “Talking Book” (Stevie Wonder).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Andy Fraser, David Martin, Peter Green, Liberace.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Holland, Dozier and Holland, Lional Bart and Paul Simon.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart.
RESIDENCE: Single and lives in Hampstead, North West London.
INSTRUMENTS: Fender Precision Bass with thin maple neck. Hagstrom six-string guitar with pick-up. Kemble baby grand piano. Rotosound Roundwound strings. Orange 120-watt amp with 2 x 15 inch reflex cabinets.
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JAMIE MOSES: Lead guitar and vocals.
BORN: Ipswich, Suffolk, 30/Aug/1955.
EDUCATED: Schools in America and Japan. Shirley High School and Redhill Technical College in Surrey.
MUSICAL CAREER: Given first guitar when ten, formed first band at 11. Formed the Inferno, 1969-71, in Japan, doing gigs, radio, TV. Came to England in 1971, worked with semi-pro bands and at a music shop in Croydon. Formed Angel with Scully 1972 and recorded LP of original material. Joined Madrigal July 1973.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Jimmy Page, Paul Kossoff, Beatles.
COMPOSITIONS: “Just Another Fish On My Hook”, “Gypsy”, and “He Thinks About You All The Time” all recorded by Merlin. Co-wrote “Angel” LP with Scully.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Livin’ For The City” (Stevie Wonder), “Can’t Get Enough” (Bad Company), “Joybringer” (Manfred Mann’s Earthband).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Foxtrot” by Genesis.
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Genesis, Steve Howe, Free, Scully Wagon-Lits.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Paul McCartney, Genesis, Stevie Wonder.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Peter Gabriel, Mario Lanza and David Coverdale.
RESIDENCE: Is single and lives with his parents at Sanderstead, Surrey.
INSTRUMENTS: White Les Paul Deluxe (1973) and black Les Paul Custom (1974), both with Rotosound ultra-light strings and Gibson plectrums. EKO 6-string acoustic guitar with La Bella strings. Hiwatt 100-watt amp fitted with half power switch for distortion and sustain at almost any volume. Two 2 x 15 Fender Dual Showman JBL Cabinets. A cheap Japanese fuzz box with a three-tone fuzz switch.
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SCULLY WAGON-LITS: Keyboards, guitar and vocals.
BORN: Balham, South West London, 20/Dec./1953.
EDUCATED: Henry Cavendish (Balham), Bec School (Tooting) and Archbishop Tennison (South Croydon).
MUSICAL TRAINING: Guitar lessons at night school for one year aged eight, cello at school for three years and double bass for two months, but is self-taught on keyboards.
MUSICAL CAREER: Played guitar in band in Balham (1964-65), joined Angel with Jamie (1972-1973) as semi-pros and recorded an album. Turned pro June 1973 with Big Wheel in South France. Joined Madrigal October 1973.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Organ salesman at Western Music and Selmer.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Harry Stoneham, Miller Anderson, Keith Emerson, Christian Vander.
COMPOSITIONS: “Marina,” “Takin’ Part,” “Pictures In My Mind,” etc.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: “Rock Man” (Elton John), “Space Oddity” (David Bowie).
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Tarkis” (ELP), “Fire And Water” (Free), “Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Keith Emerson, Tony Banks, Steve Howe.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Paul Rodgers, Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel, Greg Lake
RESIDENCE: Single and lives in Surrey.
INSTRUMENTS: Hamond RT3 with additional height plynth and customised guts driven through Hiwatt amps and put out through one Leslie 145 and two RSE 1 x 15 inch JBL bins and three custom-made Werlin Bat rotating horn units. Muri-Moog (modified) through Hiwatt 100-watt amp with JBL Showman Cabinet. Hagspiel grand piano, with scaffolding, miked through PA. Black Gibson SB Les Paul Junior (1960) plugged into Moog.
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DAVID WIGHTWICK: Drums and vocals.
BORN: Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 25/August/1950.
EDUCATED: Priory Secondary School, Dunstable.
MUSICAL CAREER: Former member of Madrigal from 1967 to 1973. The band split and was reformed with new members and retitled Merlin.
OTHER OCCUPATIONS: Varied from soldier to postman.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES: Beatles, The Move, Genesis.
FAVOURITE SINGLES: "Say You Don’t Mind” (Colin Blunstone), “Motet Overture” (Abors), “Eleanor Rigby” (Beatles)
FAVOURITE ALBUMS: “Dark Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd), "Erismore” (Colin Blunstone), “Tubular Bells” (Mike Oldfield), “Moving Waves” (Focus).
FAVOURITE MUSICIANS: Carl Palmer, Jon Bonham, Simon Kirke.
FAVOURITE SONGWRITERS: Lennon and McCartney, Colin Blunstone, Genesis.
FAVOURITE SINGERS: Ian Billan, Colin Blunstone, Karen Carpenter.
RESIDENCE: Flat in London.
INSTRUMENTS: Hayman see-through drumkit comprising 1 x 22 inch bass drum, 1 x 12 inch and 1 x 13 inch mounted tom-toms, 1 x 16 inch and 1 x 18 inch floor tom toms, 1 x 14 inch snare drum, Ludwig/Paiste 22 inch cymbal, 1 x 22 inch and 1 x 20 inch Zildjian ride cymbals, 1 x 18 inch Zildjian crash cymbal, 1 x 14 inch Zildjian hi-hat, Ludwig and Hayman accessories and Premier C and Selmer sticks.
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talesgreys · 2 years
Avakin life cheats 2016
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Avakin life cheats 2016 code#
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axxl-rose · 2 years
You’re Permanent
Eddie Munson x ofc 
Word Count: 1118
Warnings: mature language and fluff. 
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The summer sun was steaming like a frying pan, cooking everybody inside out, leaving the locals to flock to Hawkins Community Pool for relief. It was wall-to-wall with kids screaming and splashing in the water while their mothers worked on their tan, eying the young lifeguard striding around the edge of the pool.
Sunglasses-covered eyes scoured over a teen magazine, trying to figure out which '84 Hearthrob was her soulmate, praying for Kevin Bacon. And although the sun blistered her skin, Lucy could feel something else burning a hole right through her. "Get walking, Hargrove. Nothing for you here!" Lucy called, her eyes never straying from the pages.
Billy smirked as he strolled past the sunbathing girl, roaming eyes gazing at her bikini-clad figure. "Just checking, Luce." He shrugged, "Maybe one day you'll change your mind."
Scoffing, Lucy rolled her eyes but smiled to herself. The pair weren't friends, but they didn't hate each other either. Since his first day at Hawkins, the first day Lucy shot him down, their back and forth banter became a source of entertainment for the two.
Wiggling her warm toes, Lucy placed down her reading and huffed as she glanced at the large clock above the entrance.
"Looking for me," Eddie grumbled, startling Lucy. Shaking her head, Lucy ignored her boyfriend as he giggled to himself and laid kisses on her bare shoulder. "Lucy in the sky with diamonds," Eddie crooned, his wiry hair brushing against her clammy neck as he finally laid a firm kiss on her cheek.
Turning to face him, she pulled off her sunglasses and scowled at the smiling man as he lay on the sun lounge beside her, dirty white Reeboks gleaming proudly in the sun. "You're late." She stated.
Eddie reclined back in the chair, whistling a tune, arms crossed behind his head. "I got caught up doing something." He beamed at her, brown eyes glistening in the sunlight.
Raising her brows, Lucy frowned. "Caught up? You told me you had nothing planned."
Nodding as he observed the Hawkins residents around them, many scowling at the held-back high school student dressed in black and denim, Eddie thrummed his feet to an imaginary rhythm. "Something came up." He sung.
Growling, Lucy threw herself back on the recliner. "Well," she flung her hands in the air. "You won't tell me what you've done or where you've been, and your forty-five minutes late. Can we just go for a swim already? I'm boiling!" She fumed, refusing to look at her boyfriend, settling to stare at a smirking Billy Hargrove. Pulling a face, she gladly shot him the finger, which he laughed at.
"Is it from the sun..." Eddie sat up, taking off his denim vest. "Or anger?" He joked, shimmying out of his jeans and revealing black swim trunks with messy images of demons and drums scribbled on with white texter.
Forcing down a grin, Lucy eyed him. "I haven't decided yet."
Chortling, Eddie pulled up his 'Hellfire Club' shirt, exposing his pasty torso to the people of Hawkins. The Corroded Coffin member didn't get much sunlight between playing D&D, practicing the guitar, and sneaking into Lucy's bedroom, so he was practically glowing.
However, Lucy didn't mind. Her eyes appraised his figure, licking her lips at the sight of his snail trail and many little tattoos that her tongue had traced more than once, her anger slowly fading away. But, she paused... because staring back at her was her own name, black and slightly inflamed.
"Ed-Eddie..." she stuttered, rubbing her eyes and blinking rapidly. "Wh-what is that?" Her shaking hand pointed at the ink, right above his heart.
Eddie cocked his head, glancing at the spot before a beaming grin decorated his face. "My new tattoo." He cheered, puffing out his chest.
"TATTOO?!" She yelled, quickly slamming her hands over her mouth as people turned to stare, including Billy from the Lifeguards Chair. Looking around, Lucy grabbed Eddie by his hair and pulled him close, ignoring his whining. "What do you mean 'tattoo'?" She growled.
"Well," he moaned, his head kinked awkwardly, straining his neck. "While there is no formal definition, a tattoo is typically part of individual self-expression that often tells you something about the person."
Grumbling, Lucy let go of his hair and hunched forward, head between her hands. "That's not what I meant, and you know it." Her voice was muffled, but Eddie could hear her confusion.
Eddie huffed and puffed, twisting his neck with a satisfying crack. Looking over his cocooned girlfriend, he sighed and sat beside her, their bodies brushing as he draped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm Eddie 'the freak' Munson." He whispered, his lips tickling her ear. "The screw-up of Hawinks High, who couldn't pay to graduate even if he had the cash." He scoffed lowly, intensely staring into the shining water.
"You're not a screw-up." She muttered, burying her head into his chest.
Squeezing her tighter, Eddie chucked. "I am, and everyone knows it." Looking down at Lucy, he felt his heartbeat hum in his ears. "But, you make me better. Everything about you makes me want to be the best man I can be." He admitted, placing a kiss on her ear. "You are part of me, someone I want to keep by my side forever... and now, everywhere I go, and every time we're apart, I can think of the girl who changed my world."
Sniffling, Lucy looked up with wide, shining eyes. "You really think that about me?" She stammered, holding onto Eddie's ring-covered hand, twirling the massive steel skull.
Bobbing his head up and down, Eddie grasped onto her face, stroking her wet cheeks. "Of course I do!" He gushed, lighting up as a grin appeared on her face. Leaning his forehead on hers, the pair closed their eyes. "You're it for me, Lucy. You're permanent."
Lucy grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed their lips together, Eddie releasing a mewl. Warmth bloomed through their bodies, the taste of Lucy's cherry lipgloss was dizzying to Eddie, butterflies attacking his stomach.
Their heavily breathing danced together, merging into one as their tongues entwined, Eddie taking the lead and Lucy happy to follow.
His hand stroked up her bare sides, a moan escaping Lucy's parted lips. Tangling her hands into his hair, Lucy pulled them flush together, desperate to be one.
A whistle broke them from their stupor. "Keep it PG, you dorks. There are kids around," Billy chided, peeking over his sunglasses with a smirk as he did his laps around the poolside.
"Fuck off, Hargrove." Lucy smiled, gazing into Eddie's eyes, tentatively tracing the fresh ink as Eddie's soft lips met her forehead.
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Macne Nana and Petit's VOCALOID4 release was teased by three playing cards on a website hosted by the Macne Series developers. The cards were revealed one at a time every few days, and were meant to provide clues as to what the Macne Series had in store.
The first card is a four of clubs, likely alluding to VOCALOID4. The next card shows a "P of spades", and shows Petit drinking tea, likely meant to allude to Petit's VOCALOID4 release. The last card is an ace of diamonds with a yellow ring showing a cartoon sheep head in the center, which was the Twitter icon for AH Software's CEO, alluding to Macne Nana's move from YAMAHA to AH Software.
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(source (+ image source): Vocaloid News Network)
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glacier--freeze · 3 years
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[ID: image 1: A messy pile of black, red, and gold playing cards with only the backs showing. The center of each card has a poker chip illustration featuring the face of Quackity's Minecraft skin. Above that, written in cursive, are the words "Las Nevadas". Above the cursive is a small silhouette of a duck. An angular diamond, heart, spade, and club line the sides. The whole design is mirrored below the poker chip. image 2: A closed box of cards on a wooden table. On top of the box is one of the cards from the first image, the front of which is showing; it has a mirrored illustration of a duck wearing a crown with poker chips floating around its body. Cursive letter K's are in two corners of the card. A few cards are spread out in the background, alongside a bunch of grapes and a glass of dark liquid.
image 3: What seems to be a black, rectangular sleeve containing a collectible tag. Quackity’s Minecraft face is on it. The face is white and the scar is black and shiny. The sleeve is held up by a fake-looking hand that’s about the same shade of black as Quackity’s scar. image 4: Two stacks of the sleeves, one black and one maroon. On them is all caps text reading “made by Alex” and “quackity.shop” They're sitting next to dark red fabric (likely a stack of beanies).
image 5: Blueprints for the Las Nevadas casino with the Eiffel Tower next to it and the fountain partially visible in front of it. Behind it there seems to be a rollercoaster, and there’s a projection of a casino chip in the sky coming from the building's roof. Around the blueprint drawing are a bunch of the playing cards, a pencil, a ruler, some paper clips, an eraser with Quackity’s face drawn on it in blue ink, and eraser crumbs. image 6: The fake hand reaching into a pile of poker chips matching the ones on the cards. The hand is picking one up.
image 7: A maroon beanie with Quackity’s face embroidered on it in gold. image 8: A black cardboard box with the poker chip design next to the words "Las Nevadas made by Quackity". End ID.]
♦ ♥ Las Nevadas merch ♠ ♣
drops on 11/27/2021 at 2 PM PST --- source: PlanetDuckk, quackity4k, and Quackity on Twitter
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purelyutilitarian · 2 years
ok you said you want people to share history stuff with you, and i was researching for a fic and found a bunch of information that i won’t end up using, so here it is:
there was a flood in johnstown pennsylvania in 1889, because the dam broke after a lot of rain. thousands of people died and there was like 500 million dollars (in todays money) in damages. the aftermath of the flood was one of the first times the red cross was really utilized after it’s creation. also liability laws were changed because of this flood :) and there’s a tourist attraction for it that you can visit.
the more you know.
I did a little research because somehow I had never heard of this before?? I’m absolutely fascinated thank you so much for sharing this.
Okay so the dam was owned by a VERY elite fishing/hunting club. Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and a few other big-name steel/railroad barons were members of the club, and having as much money as they did, they basically owned it and made all of the decisions. When they bought the dam, they “modified it to their recreational interests,” which means they lowered it by three feet so they could fish, which was later determined to be the cause of the failure in 1889.
The flood was “as wide as the Mississippi River and three times more powerful than Niagara Falls” which is absolutely insane to me. Also, according to this article it was nearly $4.5 BILLION in damages in todays money. Holy fuck.
This is dark, so just a warning for flood-related death: “bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio—more than 400 miles away.” UM??!!!? 400 MILES IS A SEVEN HOUR DRIVE.
Clara Barton herself (founder and president of the Red Cross) stayed in Johnstown for five months and when she left, the people gave her “a gold pin and a locket, set in diamonds and amethysts, as a farewell present,” which is just a very sweet detail that I liked.
There’s lots of photography from the flood, and I encourage people to look it up, it’s breathtaking. The destruction is literally unfathomable. This image stood out to me though.
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The rail car, tilted off the mangled tracks, with the debris of the town behind it, is a really beautiful representation of the event, knowing that it was caused by careless, leisure-seeking railroad barons (who were not held legally responsible for this flood at all. Like you said, liability laws were shit and this case was very instrumental in fixing that).
What’s even more interesting is that the flood happened in the middle of a really nasty labor war in the American Northeast in which the working class realized that the upper class did not value workers’/the working class’ wellbeing at all. I can imagine news of the flood would serve to fuel that growing anger, which led to numerous successful workers rights movements in the 1890s-1910s.
Anyways thank you so much Mary. I can’t believe I didn’t know about this, I feel like it’s an important piece of the American historical narrative.
(here are my sources, please if anyone knows more about this or if I got anything wrong, lmk)
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artbykla · 2 years
Card Meanings for The Draw: Simply Meant To Be
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My charge with The Draw: Simply Meant To Be was to meld a couple's love of poker and the iconic film The Nightmare Before Christmas into a scene that also represented the two. The client selected the card spread, reflecting a once-in-a-lifetime draw for both players. The significance this arrangement holds inspired me to imbue equally symbolic meaning to the cards themselves. Each card reveals a fragment of the represented character's personality and growth (and by extension, the couple) that all combine together into a greater scene.
I dove into card research to begin. The resulting work mixes a history of playing cards, film lore, and my own interpretations to translate every card into a meaning aligned with the overall message in the scene.
Some Basic Card History & Design
I was also given a card design format to work within. These were to be single orientation, and coffin shaped, inspired by a limited edition run of Nightmare Before Christmas cards that are nigh impossible to acquire now. The coffin shape is certainly unique, yet the layout has come full circle to match early designs. For centuries, playing cards faced one direction only, the court presenting full figure images rather than the flippable portrait view we use now.
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With only two to three cards representing each suit, I felt the suits needed to stand out from each other as much as possible. In researching the suits themselves, I learned the pips (symbols) for each suit have transformed several times throughout history. Suits began with woodblock pips of items like batons, swords, coins, and cups. Sound familiar? That’s because our modern 52-card deck and Tarot cards derive from the same playing card origin! You may recognize these pips in the Minor Arcana as wands, swords, pentacles, and cups.
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15th century France came up with another recognizable system of pips based on Germany’s from a few decades before: clubs, diamonds, spades, hearts. These simplified symbols made card-stamping much easier, and this style spread to become the common international playing card design we use today. When forming my designs for this work, I looked to the French and German pips first for interpretation.
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There’s some interesting design behind the Court, or Face cards as well - the only card type shown in this work. All face cards represent actual historical figures: the King of Diamonds is Caesar, the Queen of Hearts Judith, and the Jack of Clubs Lancelot, for example. Modern cards employ other now-standard visual design choices too. For instance, three particular face cards form the “One-Eyed Royals”, being the only figures drawn in profile. I haven’t found any symbolic meaning for why this has been done (if anyone knows please tell me). Unfortunately, neither the visual standards nor historic reference held much emotional meaning, what I was really going for in this scene. I confess I chose not to reference these details in this work’s card design. If that sort of thing does interest you though, there’s a good article that links to more sources here.
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In the next segments, I talk about the design context for each card by suit.
Part 2 - Clubs - True Nature
Part 3 - Diamonds - Star-Struck
Part 4 - Spades - Call to Action
I’ll update this space with links to each post as they come out.
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