#Immune System Booster for Kids
nutritionproducts · 7 months
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How Human Milk Oligosaccharides Support Infant Health
Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) support infant health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, and protecting against pathogens.
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Me @ my immune system: "okay gang, this vaccine contains a blueprint of what I want you to be prepared to fight off this year, so if you could-"
My immune system: "BURN IT TO THE GROUND"
Me: "oh, I mean, you don't have to-"
My immune system: "SCORCHED EARTH"
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curaehealth · 2 years
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Order Immune Booster Supplement online to boost your immunity
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Ok but now I'm imagining selkie!Jason, when he was still Robin, having no choice but to go into the harbor (maybe he had to get away from villains or he got thrown in, who knows) and ends up sick, so Bruce stays with him until he's better, maybe in the waters in the batcave because maybe fresh clean water can help Jason recover quicker?
And then when Jason becomes Red Hood it happens all over again. Maybe he's still enemies with the batfam, maybe they're in that tense phase where it's less enemies but not quite tolerating each other yet, but with Jason sick from the harbor, maybe he takes his seal form and hides out in the pools of the cave because it made him feel better when he was a kid and old habits die hard.
And the batfam just finds him in seal form and whether they know its him or not, they take care of him.
I'm a sucker for hurt comfort, can you tell?
Dick and Bruce would deadass camp out in the caves.
Strange seal showing up, obviously sick? yeah, this one's not dying on their watch, no sir.
Bruce would go all out and pump additional minerals (and a very diluted immune system booster) into the water, Dick would set up a small island with cooked food from Alfred in case it really is a selkie and a bucket with fresh, sushi grade fish in case it isn't.
Tim would pull several all nighters contacting various zoos, reading every piece of literature on seal physiology and pathology, and eventually even consult Atlanteans.
Jason wants to say the obvious concern for his wellbeing isn't heartwarming in the least but-... he'd be lying.
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Also preserved on our archive
By Jessica Rendall
Pfizer's and Moderna's formulas have been the go-to on pharmacy shelves, but Novavax remains an important option.
We're on the cusp of the fall season, which means respiratory viruses like flu, RSV and COVID are expected to keep spreading as weather cools and more people gather indoors.
Luckily, we've got vaccines in stock to help prevent respiratory viruses from turning into severe illnesses. In addition to flu vaccines for the general public and RSV vaccines for older adults and pregnant people, new COVID vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Novavax are available this season to reduce the risk of hospitalization.
This means adults have a choice in which COVID vaccine they receive: an mRNA vaccine by Moderna or Pfizer, or Novavax, a protein-based vaccine that targets the virus in a more "traditional" way. All three have been authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration. While Moderna and Pfizer have been widely used over the last few years, the Novavax vaccine is building up a bit of a following.
Novavax, a protein-based vaccine, is an option for those who don't want or can't take an mRNA vaccine. Novavax may also be appealing to those wanting to experiment with the "mix-and-match" approach to COVID boosters as a way to potentially strengthen the immune response.
"Even though mRNA vaccines dominate the market for COVID vaccines, it remains important to have multiple different types of technologies against various pathogens because each may have specific use cases," Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert and senior scholar with Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said in an email.
Here's everything we know about Novavax this year.
How is Novavax different from Pfizer and Moderna? Novavax is a protein-based vaccine, which people have associated with a "traditional" approach to vaccination. This is compared with mRNA technology, which does not use dead or weakened virus as an ingredient in the vaccine but instead uses genetic code to instruct the recipient's immune system to respond.
However, Adalja said that calling Novavax traditional may be a "misnomer" because it brings its own innovation to the table. Novavax uses an insect virus that has been genetically engineered to express spike proteins, Adalja explained, which are then incorporated into the vaccine.
"The vaccine itself is coupled with an immune system booster, called an adjuvant, which increases its immunity," he said, referencing a component existing vaccines have also incorporated.
This year, there are also slight differences between Novavax and Pfizer and Moderna's updated vaccines. Both mRNA vaccines have been tweaked to target the KP.2 strain of COVID-19, which is a slightly more recent version of the virus than what Novavax targets, which is KP.2's "parent" JN.1. While the FDA ultimately decided KP.2 was preferred in vaccines, all of them are expected to help protect against severe disease and death.
Who should get Novavax? Does Novavax have different side effects? Novavax was authorized by the FDA for use in adults and children 12 and older, so younger kids can't get this vaccine. But for most adults, which COVID vaccine you should choose depends on your preference and what your neighborhood pharmacy has in stock.
People may opt for Novavax for different reasons, though. For people who do not want to take an mRNA vaccine, having a protein-based vaccine like Novavax available means they can still be vaccinated for the fall and winter season.
Other people may be interested in Novavax for its use in the "mix-and-match" approach to boosting, which in the past has been associated with a strong immune response.
There is some early research that suggests Novavax may have fewer short-term side effects, such as muscle fatigue and nausea, but "we can't say this for sure," Joshua Murdock, a pharmacist and pharmacy editor of GoodRx, said in an email.
"This isn't proven, and side effects do vary by person," Murdock said. He added the CDC doesn't recommend one vaccine over the other, even in people who are immunocompromised.
In general, mRNA vaccines have been found to be fairly "reactogenic" compared to other vaccines, Adalja said, noting that it also depends on the individual. But if someone had a bad experience with the mRNA vaccine, Adalja said, they "may fare better with the Novavax vaccine."
Some flu-like side effects can be expected post-vaccine, no matter which one you choose. This includes symptoms like headache, tiredness, a sore arm and even chills. Not experiencing symptoms doesn't mean your immune system isn't kicking in, but experiencing some side effects may signal that your immune system is responding to the jolt, so to speak.
In rare cases, myocarditis or heart inflammation problems have been associated with COVID vaccination, particularly in younger men and adolescents within the two weeks following vaccination. Research so far shows that Novavax, like mRNA vaccines, may also carry this rare side effect though.
Following high levels of COVID this summer in the US, more information will be needed to see how all vaccines and their freshly targeted formulas fare against the virus that's expected to continue to spread this fall and winter.
"There's no strong evidence that one vaccine is preferable to another in specific individuals, but that will be an important avenue to study for more precision-guided vaccine recommendations," Adalja said.
How to find a Novavax vaccine Novavax announced on Sept. 13 that doses of its vaccine will be available at the following pharmacies:
CVS Rite Aid Walgreens Costco Publix Sam's Club Kroger Meijer Other independent pharmacies or grocers
Novavax also has a vaccine finder on its website. To use it, type in your ZIP code in the small search box, and pharmacies nearby with the vaccine in stock will be displayed.
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whatifitwasgttho · 3 months
can we know more about omen & star? they’re so cute :3
OF COURSE?!?? ILL expand to the world (my fav btw) as well!!
Omen and Star are apart of the World Preservation organization Interspace, which is known as the last beacon of humanity in their post apocalyptic world!!
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Their unit, Group 0NE (previously known as ZERO) was sort of the organizations beta testing group, composed of five members; Omen, Phase, Stitch, Nightowl, and their leader, Riddle!
Stitch, their hacker, has a small relationship chart if you’d like an idea of their members even outside the first group!
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The planet Earth is in the 2800s, where the air and sea has polluted to a point where a mechanical organ known as "Cores" had to be invented. Cores are implanted at birth, and link to all major organs through blood and veins. They take the shape of an orb outside of the skin, and can be kept anywhere on your person after reaching the age of Ten.
These Cores keep humans alive against the dangerous environment, serving as a built in immune booster and healing regimen. Thanks to Cores, humanity is still able to thrive and live full lives.
A great catastrophe hit the technology of Cores, a bug in the system that was hacked by a villainous organization known as AGONI, to which gave them the ability to render humans as mind-controlled zombies, by finding the link between the brain and core.
Yet, as Interspace founded its safe dome, everyone soon came to discover there was one group of people immune to control.
Kids and Teenagers. With no fully developed brain, the link between the core and mind is far too thin to take control of without cutting off the link completely. No matter how cruel, if they wanted to ever leave the confines of Interspace again, they’d need to send child soldiers to complete that goal.
That is where the defensive unit comes in!! Deprived of a Computer Specialist, Mechanical Specialist, 3 Front-Lines Soldiers, and One Supportive Soldiers— these groups could, in theory, save our world.
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So how did Star come in?
Star, unlike most of humanity, refused to find sanctuary in Interspace, and instead stayed within the dangerous polluted city, exactly the one Team 0NE was investigating. Omen preferred doing his work in the darkest hours, keeping a secret of being not from Earth at all from his teammates.
He had crashed on Earths’ plains, and was rescued by the leaders of Interspace and nursed back to health despite being far too tall for any of their supplies. Feeling protective over the small people that decided to save him, he promised to do whatever he could to protect whatever of their world they had left.
This led him to be gifted a wristband by their Mechanics Specialist, Riddle, one that could alter his stature to that of a regular human being. On one of his outings as dutiful member of Team 0NE, he encountered Star, working as some sort of reckless vigilante.
She ran away whenever he spotted her, and for months, thats how they continued to run into one another. At some point, Omen was able to finally catch her, and after getting over her initial fear— they began to do their rounds together.
Omen wanted to help her, and despite her stubborn protests, she agreed to join Interspace under one condition, she could stay by Omen’s side.
Luckily, she was the perfect person to fill the spot of their 6th member, and Star joined their ranks.
Her and Omen bicker and argue like any siblings would, yet value and trust eachother with far more than eachothers lives <3 I love them so much
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
Carmilla is worried that Vaggie is a permaregressor so she gets her evaluated by a therapist!
Vaggie had been acting a bit younger lately. Whenever Carmilla would ask how old she was, she would always respond with “i’m big” and try to escape the conversation. At first, Carmilla let her avoid it, knowing it may be overwhelming for her to talk about. But as the days went on, she never seemed to actually age up. She would always act like a little kid. Not exactly a toddler but maybe a 5-6 year old. Her little lisp would sometimes show when she was talking, she would be mesmerized by the toy aisle whenever they go out and would ask to buy one, she would get extremely distressed if anything sexual was ever mentioned, she needed help getting dressed, and she constantly needed reassurance.
Carmilla finally decided that she needed to go get it checked out by a permaregressor therapist. It would help her figure out what mental age Vaggie usually was. If they figured that out, then Carmilla could know exactly how to accommodate her need.
On the day of her appointment, Carmilla got Vaggie dressed and fed before buckling her in her booster seat. Since Vaggie was so short, even when she was “big” she would still have to use the booster seat. Luckily, she wasn’t very embarrassed by it.
They made it to the building where the therapist was. She helped Vaggie out of her seat and held her hand as they walked through the parking lot and into the building. The little one skipped happily and made sure to step over all the cracks in the road. She didn’t want her mama to get hurt!
When they got to the waiting room, Vaggie sat on the floor.
“Mija, come sit in the chair, the floor isn’t very clean,” Carmilla patted the seat next to her.
“No! I like the floor!” Vaggie protested. The overlord just sighed.
“Alright, alright, but don’t be surprised if you catch something. Your body isn’t used to hells germs,” Carmilla said. Since heaven had barely any germs, Vaggie’s immune system wasn’t the best. It didn’t know how to fight off sicknesses. They already had to deal with Vaggie’s body not liking the food of hell, they didn’t need her to constantly catch illnesses. 
Vaggie played on Carmilla’s hellphone until she was called back. The therapist first spoke to Carmilla without Vaggie in the room. The little one didn’t like that and threatened to throw a tantrum but luckily, the talk wasn’t long enough to get her distraught. 
But she did start to throw a small fit when she needed to be evaluated without her mama being there. She finally calmed down when Carmilla promised that she would be just outside the door.
The therapist called Carmilla back in after about an hour.
“So, I’m just gonna get straight to point. Vaggie, here, is a permaregressor,” she told Carmilla. The overlord honestly kind of expected this. It wasn’t too much of a surprise. It was just good to know. However, Vaggie looked up with tears in her eyes.
“Is that bad?” she asked.
“No, sweetheart, it’s not, it just means you’re almost always in a regressed headspace,” Carmilla kneeled down to her.
“How old is she usually?” Carmilla asked the therapist.
“Well, she seems to be in the headspace of an older toddler to a young kid. Does she regress to this age often?” she asked.
“No, not really. She’s mainly a baby regressor,” Carmilla explained, sitting down in one of the chairs and hoisting Vaggie onto her lap.
“Okay, well she may regress to baby sometimes but her normal headspace would be about 4-7 years old,” the therapist says, “but this shouldn’t change too many things. Just treat her how you would when she regresses. Remind her to do things, help her with certain activities, and just show her love and affection,”
Carmilla bounced her little one on her knee as she processed the information. She was glad there wasn’t anything that was damaging to her mental health.
They left the building soon after and Carmilla had to explain in a little more detail what the evaluation was. Luckily, she took it pretty well and didn’t have a meltdown over it once she explained that nothing would change. Even though it didn’t change anything, it was still good to know.
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Star Wars IV: A New Hope liveblog transcript
Thread for Star Wars IV: A New Hope
"There will be no escape for the Princess this time." Someone give me ALL the almost-captureds she had prior to this movie?!
The marrieds are arguing.
Ya know, given Threepio's way of thinking, the fact he saw the transport and had hope implies to me that Alderaan treats their droids better than we see in so many examples elsewhere.
TELL ME ARTOO ISN'T FORCE SENSITIVE! He knew there was danger ahead. But he HAD TO GET TO BEN. And his way was through.
(Those Jawas would have been in for it if he'd had his boosters)
Okay, that must be the MOST observant Stormtrooper in the Empire. ("Look, sir, droids!")
I have a conundrum: Did Captain Antilles/Senator Organa instill a protocol that if Leia was captured, Threepio forgot what she looked like/could lie about her? Or was Threepio only aware the Princess traveled on the Tantive IV but somehow had no idea who she actually was? I think it is a 'if this/then that' protocol to explain that 'I don't know who she is'
"What about my theme?" "Mark, the main title is your theme"
Oh right, forgot to interject: When Threepio calls him Sir Luke, that is the most heavy-handed foreshadowing ever.
"C'mon, let's go have a look" IS NOT YOUR BEST IDEA. Gods, you are so Anakin's kid in this movie.
I know it's because of retconning, but wow this whole opening with Ben reads so HYSTERICALLY with Prequel and Clone Wars canon in place.
Alec's face as he's asked if he's related to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" is TRUE! Jedi did not own things. And Artoo was not OWNED anyway after TPM
brain inserts: and highly flammable after the "cunning warrior" comment
Ahh, Yularen.
Canon divergence moment - if Beru had managed to hide somewhere the Troopers missed.
wow such a heavy handed Force Compulsion use there. And then Mr Wanted in 12 systems is immune to the Kenobi Charm.
"Should I have?"
ALSO, LOL, Chewie is back there going "General Kenobi Got Old"
So thankful I have the Han Shot First edition
Tarkin - fierce and terrifying me - he's wearing fuzzy slippers Kinda like the scene in RotJ and knowing McDiarmid was having to scooch his chair around with tiny movements of his feet
Han reports it was totally blown away… and then argues the whole Fleet couldn't do that. This is why I love Han. He embodies contradictions
Fool or the fool that follows him? Ahsoka, GIGGLING HER HEAD off as she remembers her Master(s)
Also, Chewie is going oh shit, Luke figured out how to manipulate his cub
the detention center scene is a chaos fest worthy of Domino Squad
Also, Han's "he's the brains"
Threepio was SMOOTH
okay, but honestly, I am glad my suspension of disbelief is strong. Have worked with cardboard balers and trash compactors, I actually said 'all they needed was stay on top; there was enough waste that the compactor would not have been able to squish fully'.
Luke's FACE when Han is chastising Chewie. I bet that was ad-libbed
The stormtroopers: why are we running from one man?
"There's no lock." "That'll hold them for a while." "Find the controls" "I think I just blasted them."
This is SUCH a level 3-6 D&D campaign
Oh Luke. He's lost his family, he's lost his home, now he's lost the teacher he bonded with who KNEW ABOUT HIS DAD
Okay, but Artoo. He'd never been wiped. And while he might not have KNOWN the black suit menace was HIS JEDI, he likely did suspect it more than a little. So that scene was just as traumatic for him.
"Don't get cocky" LOL
You know, Leia hugging Chewie in the cockpit goes a long way to making up for her earlier trauma-induced insult to him. Because she initiated the hug
ya know, I actually LOVE all of the computer screen displays in this; it's nostalgic in the best ways
"Or they'd have a tighter defense" OR MAYBE they had a Saboteur designing it. (I do approve of the logic behind Rogue One 'explaining' that design)
Chewie: he's got a point Han: ain't having it Chewie: fine I will argue with you on the ship
hello first Folger's Kiss (on the cheek, but still). Given Luke had been wondering earlier if maybe…
I so very much LOVE the X-Wings
And the dog-fighting is so good
His former best friend (boyfriend?) and his future best friend as his wingmen is just… perfect
Oh Han
All the hugging
And Threepio being so worried
Big Gay Wedding now
First fandom forever. I still love this canon.
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joleneghoul · 1 year
Hey I followed to see that DC Disability public essay, so I’m new to this blog. It had me wondering what was your journey of discovering DC and it’s characters and what are your favorite comics, stories and characters?
Hi! Welcome and I'm sorry this blog is kinda my "put everything i think of" train of thought blog. But it's also my only blog lol! Thank you for being interested in the Essay. It's not near done as I'm still taking responses but we will get there. Rest is under cut because i accidentally rambled on.
As far as my journey with DC comics I feel like Dc has just been a part of my life forever- I've grown up in this world where caped stories are pop culture and everywhere and when i was growing up like EVERY cartoon about heroes was about the dc ones (brave and the bold, batman the animated series, justice league)
Actually my first memory I can recall is seeing an episode of justice league on the tv and seeing john stewart green lantern.
Though I wouldnt of called myself a fan really back then because my special interests for most of my life started with Sonic and then Transformers. But in my opinion the base of both of those universes and stories is the same as caped comics so it makes sense I eventually got into them fully.
I don't think I've told the story about how I started actually reading the comics but basically I was homeless at 17 and thats when my love for these comics started. I started reading old batman comics because around then I had met my boyfriend whos special interest was batman so that was my way of both distracting myself and bonding with him.
BUT through batman comics I got introduced to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold and I instantly shifted to reading the Blue beetle comics (sorry to booster i didnt read vol 1 until maybe a year later) specifically the 1986 solo about Ted Kord.
Like I mentioned I was homeless at the time and I hadn't even been diagnosed yet with any of my illnesses I had been suffering from for 5+ years at that time. But within those comics there are two very special stories that cemented my love for these comics and its.
1. Ted has an issue where he goes around the streets of Chicago at night because someone is killing homeless people. In other stories i'd read heroes would maybe briefly talk to the homeless if at all. But instead of that Ted the entire comic sits down with people and speaks to them and gets their stories. I remember reading it and feeling "oh, this is a hero who would actually care to sit down on the sidewalk with me. This is special".
2. There is another story in this run where Ted basically defends the life of this kid who ran away from home and has no immune system and sets out a way to help him. Not the best but I was relating to the kid at the time.
I ended up carrying around an issue relating to Ted in my backpack for most of that time just because it was special to me. Anyways its pretty much history from there I ended up getting into Booster Gold and other heroes as I looked further into these stories and learned more about teams and etc. But Ted Kord will always be special to me, especially since he also has a chronic condition.
As my condition progressed this became one of my outlets for expression and it still is. Through reading I found that a lot more of these heroes were disabled than I had previously thought because NOBODY talked about it. I remember at first not knowing Booster had lost an arm because it just wasn't something I saw mentioned (though back then like. Nobody was posting abt him or ted hardly. you'd be surprised it was like they had a lull in popularity for a bit which makes sense they were not in comics) so I kinda have made it so I talk about these things so they are in peoples minds more. At least a bit.
As far as my Favorite comics go I have to say my favorite comic is Justice Leagues Quarterly 10, but you'd probably want to know the JLI roster before reading it if you dont. JLQ has very fun collections of stories. I try to recc blue beetle 1986 to people too just because it's special to me same for booster gold 1986.
Speaking of essays, here is one I wrote about Booster Gold and his relationship with disability.
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nutritionproducts · 7 months
How Human Milk Oligosaccharides Support Infant Health?
Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) support infant health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, and protects against pathogens. They also help develop a healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health.
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jenroses · 2 years
In the past 30 days: I came down with covid and the flu simultaneously Devoting all my executive function to taking covid/flu meds religiously on time led me to be late on my ongoing antiviral once, by 6 hours, so I had a brief flare of both shingles AND cold sores. They calmed back down once i got back on track. And now I have a bladder infection.
You would think, with my history (rheumatoid arthritis and resulting immune suppression and steroid-induced diabetes, asthma, obesity, physical and mental health issues, EDS, fibro, clotting disorders, etc.) that coming down with four viruses and a bacteria in this period of time would be horrible.
But you know what? Modern medicine is a good thing. Antivirals are a good thing. Antibiotics are amazing. I took ONE dose of the antibiotic and my symptoms for the UTI are already loads better. I got over the flu in THREE FUCKING DAYS. The flu used to take me out for 2 weeks, sometimes 3 if I got a secondary infection, and that was when I wasn't on immune suppressants. Tamiflu plus elderberry, taken soon after symptoms start, work like magic. Covid was minor. Yes, I know it's minor for a lot of people but with my risk factors? And getting it with the flu? I took an anti-covid antiviral, and of course was already taking elderberry for the flu. I have a few minor lingering issues but they're basically issues I already have, just kicked from a 6 to a 6.5, ish. Like I used to hate black pepper and then I learned to tolerate it and now I can't tolerate it again. That kind of thing. Sensory stuff is more brittle than it was, suboptimal pants are not an option. But seriously, shingles used to be a mandatory 6 week excruciating ordeal. I noticed the tingle-itch-prickle in that nerve, took my not-today-satan pills (famcyclovir) and it never really managed to get going. Cold sore was a specific prickle and a single small bump, never even scabbed. My kid was diagnosed with both flu and strep today, and he's not very sick either, and I don't even have to get swabbed for strep because the UTI drug will also treat strep. (Cefdinir)
I caught Covid 2 weeks after the bivalent shot, went off my immune suppressing drug, and kicked it to the curb with the help of targeted meds and a little herbal knowledge. I've been miserable for days with this UTI and finally got the executive function to get us to the doctor and boom, better.
I am begging you. If you get sick, and you know you're sick, if you can, get tested quickly and treated quickly. Tamiflu is supposed to cut hours off the flu, but in my experience combined with elderberry, it has taken a 14 day illness and turned it into a 3 day illness, several times now. I've never had a flu shot. (I don't object to them in principle, but my body can have garbage reactions to immune provocation and by the time Covid happened the tamiflu/elderberry=3 days sick thing made the flu shot moot for me. The math on Covid works out well in favor of the covid shot.)
There's no benefit in suffering. Especially with Covid and the flu, which mutate constantly and can bork your immune system permanently (see: triggers for autoimmunity. I have 6 autoimmune conditions, fun times.) Covid, especially, can target the cells which remember Covid. Kick it to the curb, kick it hard, kick it fast, use the tools we have.
I didn't even catch bronchitis from all this, and I ALWAYS used to catch bronchitis. because CPAP.
FWIW elderberry also helps the immune system clear out post-vaccine yuck faster. Without, I had inflammatory flares for a month. A dose ended that cycle. Next immunizations I took elderberry sooner and didn't have anywhere near as bad a time. (It is not "just" an "immune booster", it specifically promotes the production/function of tumor necrosis factor and this makes it specifically good for things like influenza.) My reaction to the bivalent shot was a sore arm for a day and then a couple days of local pain. A minor RA flare, short lived, not severe.
Anyway. Wear a mask. Get your shots. If you get sick, have them swab you for both flu and covid, not just one or the other, and strep too, if you're getting a sore throat, because we are past the days of one or the other. Get the antivirals and take as directed. Hydrate. Rest, and rest an extra day on top of it, more if you can, to give your body a chance to really kick it all the way. Use the tools available to you.
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piglii · 1 year
quick personal thing (nothing bad, actually, for real)
I'm a little wired and having a hard time sleeping right now. just tonight I've tried magic mushrooms for the second time ever (at double the dose of last time, which was pleasant for sure but didn't particularly bestow any great realizations) and I feel like maybe two things have happened
1) I feel like I've literally unlocked the ability to just talk to people frankly. like I still feel apprehensive about a lot of things but I feel like the part of my brain that greatly fears asserting myself or talking in a frank, direct way has kind of faded away by a significant portion. like I'm still scared of doing a great many things and there are a certain few topics that still churn my stomach but I feel like there was a large part of me that was holding myself back from ever even approaching them. but I feel like I kind of can now, even if it's still scary to do so.
2) I had this really strong recurring thought while thinking about my past. Specifically, the way my absolutely psychotic dipshit brother treated me as a kid (and to an extent, my dad and stepdad too, though in different and mostly less severe ways.) And I was just thinking about how he would treat me like such absolute shit every single day and nobody would ever do anything about it. And I don't mean soft comments, I mean he would say shit like "you're literally such a fat, ugly piece of shit you should kill yourself" basically day after day, multiple times a day, basically from the time we grew up until he left when I was 14. Maybe not in that exact phrasing, but more or less that sentiment, in as many creative ways as he could think to verbalize it. And that's just the stuff he said, I don't even want to really get into the actual physical shit he would do.
But I had this conception tonight that, it was kind of like getting a vaccine, wasn't it? Like I'd get these little booster shots every single day, delivered by my brother. Enduring a whole fucking childhood of hearing and experiencing fucked up stupid shit that had me really truly doubting whether it was even okay for me to be alive, even up until very recently. And at the other end of it, I came out fine, as someone who still really wants to give a shit about other people. It feels like I've got this super immune system built up and it can bounce comments like that right off.
I guess I came out tonight feeling like I have an incredibly solid core that's me, and I don't really feel like it can be cracked. Like there's a little piece of me right in the center that has all my convictions and thoughts and feelings on everything, and it is just absolutely indomitable.
It's all tolerable. The whole world is tolerable. I would like to experience a great deal of it no matter which way my die rolls.
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boyduroy · 1 year
dumb family bullshit under the cut, I have no outlet elsewhere and I don't want to bother hubs as he's not feeling well
I love my mom, I know she means well and is trying to do things she thinks are helpful to us as we prepare for the boydling.
Sending us a paywall article from the epoch times about how "the NIH claims that COVID boosters during pregnancy are beneficial are part of a flawed study" is not helping. It's the opposite of help. I'm now stressed out for no reason.
We got pushback from her for requesting that EVERYONE be up to date on vaccinations this winter or no bub time allowed. She's "medically exempt" from all future COVID boosters because she kept getting shingles as a reaction. Her doctors and the CDC know this and agree she would not benefit from further immunization. We are fine with that. She's the only exception.
However, we (hubs and I) are still going to get vaccinated. I'm trying to wait as long as possible before bub is born to get my yearly shots because it gives his immune system a boost. I usually get mine later in the season but I want him to have the benefits before he's born. He's going to be a fresh potato and the most vulnerable to diseases during flu season/winter.
It's simple: get your seasonal vaccinations or you don't get to see bub. This is my first kid and I will draw a line in the sand over this, and I know members of my family will probably criticize me for this decision. Jokes on you, you don't get the right to hold my bub if you can't respect my wishes.
I'm tired of not sticking up for myself and being over backwards to please my family.
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Did I ever mention how much hives absolutely suck. And that you should really, really make sure you do boosters on your kids' MMR vaccines.
Like. There's not accurate enough words for that kinda funny wheezy feeling you get right before they come on and you're just like "fuuuuuuuuck" as you dash across the house to grab the Benadryl before the itching starts.
Itching, and pinchy, stabby pain. You can feel each hive as it appears. Pin-prick. Pin-prick. Pin-prick. And it. Doesn't. Stoooooooop.
Then you get the funny feeling as your system goes into allergy mode, flooding your body with histamines that give you a headache, makes all your joints (lymph nodes) hurt, and gives you a little bit of a fever. Sometimes with intermittent nausea.
And of course your nose is trying to run off your face and eyes want to cry themselves dry.
All of this because I touched a unwashed tomato for exactly 3 seconds.
Funnily enough I can eat them just fine. Same with squash. But I can't physically touch squash, tomatoes, melons, strawberries or potato plants at all. I can't touch or eat anything melon, not even cucumbers. Which is tragic because I love melons. I'm now hyper sensitive to strawberries too and must be very cautious of eating them.
I used to eat them all the time. I loved watermelon, and cantaloupe, and strawberries. I used to love climbing the trees outside and helping mom and grandpa pick tomatoes. And as most kids do, I absolutely adored going to the pumpkin patch to pick up pumpkins.
Then I got measles, when I was 6. All because my mom was too "busy" to take me back to the doctor for my booster shot when I was 2.
I was lucky. I had one shot. Mine was a rare breakthrough case, so I didn't get all the symptoms, and I didnt suffer too much damage to my immune system. But now I am allergic and sensitive to a lot of things I never was before then, like cedar. And mosquitoes, severely. And mold.
And because my immune system was compromised by measles, I suffer unusual flare ups whenever i get seriously sick.
I had H1N1 once, and it's the sickest I have ever been in my life. Two weeks of hell, with a nasty surprise at the end: I was now totally intolerant to bread. Bread of all things! And pork. And corn. Any and everything corn. And soy. My digestive system just screamed bloody, painful murder at the slightest suggestion of these things.
Living in a poor house really sucked for me at that time. Really, really sucked. Because guess what cheap American food is full of? Yeaaah. Corn. Wheat. And soy.
By trial, error, and a whole lot of puking, I managed to figure out wheat and bread. As long as it didnt have any mold inhibitors or preservatives my body would sorta kinda tolerate it. When it wanted to. But I blatantly refused to live in a world without bread, pasta, and cereal, so I didn't give my system a choice.
Corn is still a struggle, but less so. Soy is only tolerated if it's hydrolysed/isolated protein. And pork? Well. Suffice to say I only get to eat bacon once a year or so. Sparingly. Ham can be tolerated better, as long as it's cold and not fried in its own fat. Beef has developed the same issue - possibly due to Covid interference.
But today I touched a raw, fresh, unwashed tomato on the vine, and the sickness I am presently enduring has been a cruel reminder of how much impact that stupid virus could have had... And how grateful I am that I didn't have it worse.
If this is what a breakthrough can do, I dont want to think about first exposure infection. Vaccinate your damn kids, and don't skip appointments.
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stoned-ratpack · 2 years
I got a booster and my flu shot one in each arm today (by today I mean yesterday it’s 2 am) pray for me I have the immune system of a sickly upper class Victorian kid
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magimark1 · 1 month
Essential Kids’ Health Products Available in Kuwait
As parents, ensuring the health and well-being of our children is a top priority. In Kuwait, a wide range of kids’ health products is available to support your child’s growth, development, and overall wellness. From vitamins and supplements to skincare and hygiene products, finding the right options can help keep your little ones healthy and happy. In this blog, we’ll explore some essential kids health products kuwait available in Kuwait and how they contribute to your child’s health.
1. Multivitamins and Nutritional Supplements
Why They’re Important: Children have specific nutritional needs that are vital for their growth and development. Multivitamins and supplements can fill in the gaps in their diet, ensuring they get the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Popular Products: In Kuwait, you can find a variety of kid-friendly multivitamins, such as gummy vitamins with flavors that appeal to children. Omega-3 supplements, often available in chewable or liquid forms, are also popular for supporting brain health.
2. Probiotics
Benefits for Kids: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy digestive system. They can help prevent and manage digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Available Options: Probiotics for children in Kuwait often come in powder form, which can be mixed with food or drinks, or as chewable tablets. Look for products specifically designed for children’s digestive health.
3. Immune Boosters
Keeping Kids Healthy: Supporting your child’s immune system is crucial, especially during cold and flu season. Immune boosters like vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry syrup can help strengthen their natural defenses.
Kuwait’s Offerings: Many pharmacies and health stores in Kuwait offer immune-boosting products tailored for kids, including chewable tablets, syrups, and effervescent tablets that can be dissolved in water.
4. Skincare Products
Protecting Delicate Skin: Children’s skin is more sensitive than adults, making it important to use gentle, hypoallergenic skincare products. Sunscreen, moisturizers, and gentle cleansers can help protect and care for their skin.
Top Choices: Look for sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection that’s specifically formulated for children. Moisturizers with natural ingredients like aloe vera and oatmeal are also great for keeping their skin soft and hydrated.
5. Oral Health Products
Building Healthy Habits: Good oral hygiene starts early, and using the right products can make brushing and flossing more enjoyable for kids. Toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouthwash designed for children help protect against cavities and promote healthy gums.
What’s Available: In Kuwait, you can find a variety of children’s toothbrushes with fun designs, fluoride toothpaste in kid-friendly flavors, and gentle mouthwash. These products make it easier to encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene.
6. First Aid Essentials
Prepared for Minor Injuries: Accidents happen, and having a well-stocked first aid kit at home is essential. Kid-friendly bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers can help you manage minor injuries quickly and effectively.
Where to Buy: Pharmacies across Kuwait offer a range of first aid products designed for children, including colorful bandages and soothing ointments to make the healing process more comfortable.
Ensuring your child’s health requires a combination of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and the right health products. In Kuwait, there is a wide range of kids’ health products designed to support their unique needs, from vitamins and probiotics to skincare and oral health essentials. By incorporating these products into your child’s daily routine, you can help them grow up strong, healthy, and happy.
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