#BUT 24 hours of flu-like symptoms is better than the flu!
Me @ my immune system: "okay gang, this vaccine contains a blueprint of what I want you to be prepared to fight off this year, so if you could-"
My immune system: "BURN IT TO THE GROUND"
Me: "oh, I mean, you don't have to-"
My immune system: "SCORCHED EARTH"
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mdanon027 · 9 months
Back in his arms | Spencer Reid x FemaleReader
Back in his arms | Spencer Reid x FemaleReader
Summary | Three times Spencer Spencer Reid seeks for physical affection (Inspired by some of the Prompts from the list seeking out physical affection by @creativepromptsforwriting )
Word Count | 3095.
Warnings | I don’t think there’s any warning, if you found something triggering, please let me know.
Side Note: I don’t own any of Criminal Minds characters, words, or narrative. This is only a reinterpretation and fiction based on the Criminal Minds Universe they continue to develop. Also no repost is allowed. If you ever see this on another website, please let me know.
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1. acting like they're cold to have an excuse to cuddle or share clothes or blankets
After a long case, the team was exhausted. The flight back to Quantico will take at least 8 hours, so they decided to travel back immediately after they ended the work. 
The flight was at night time. Close to the winter season, the weather is changing. So what better opportunity to get close to the person he was enchanted with, than get warm while getting close on the big couch of the plane? 
“Why are you so cold?” JJ asked Y/N.
“I really don't know, probably the warm weather before getting to the plane and the air conditioner here it's giving me chills.” She said while warming her arms.
“Did you know the average temperature in planes is about 22 to 24 degrees? That's because while we are flying the temperature outside is about -60 degrees…” He started to talk, until she interrupted him.
“So… I should be grateful?” She asked him while getting on the seats.
“They leave the temperature that way to have the average one on land, it is supposed to make you comfortable.” He said while passing her his own sweater.
“I was planning on saying no to your sweater, but I'm going to say yes because I'm really cold.” She told him while putting the sweater on.
They took their seats, and the flight began.
“Go Pretty Boy, it's the perfect time for a snuggle.” Said Derek passing by with a coffee, giving him a smirk.
“I don't know what you mean.” He decided to play it cool. 
“Don't play dumb.” Rossi told him from his seat.
“What are you talking about?” He knew perfectly what they were talking about, but he knew that if he admitted it, the teasing would have no end. 
“Leave him alone, if Reid doesnt what to make another move, then he won't.” Hotch said.
“Another move?” He asks now, curious.
“I mean, giving up your sweater even when you never ever take it off on a daily basis? For me it was a move.” Now Hotch was profiling him. 
“You are joining them?” He couldn't believe that the man was joining the fun.
“It's not that I'm joining, but if you want to make a move, you should start doing something.” Ended Hotch getting back to his report while smiling. 
After two hours of flight, everyone already had a quick dinner and some of them were almost ready to fall asleep. But Y/N was still cold, so he finally decided to use his knowledge to his advantage. 
“You may not say anything, but I can see you are getting colder, we can share the blanket.” He said while looking at her while she trembled.
“I think it’s a great idea.” She stood up from her seat and got close to him on the couch.
Spencer makes a space for her, and covers her up with the blanket.
“High stress levels can cause flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cold, nausea, and body aches. There's a high possibility you are about to get sick.” He said while looking down at her.
“Probably. This case was a mess, thankfully we resolved it.” She said while shivering.
“Layering clothes to get warm could prevent the colds. But right now, the clothes are limited, I can give you a hug, if you want to.” He said while feeling his face getting warm. He took the chance to have her in his arms. At that moment he could hear some laughs from the seats, apparently the interaction wasn’t as private as he thought.  He looked around to see his teammates giving him thumps ups while Emily said “Nice one!”.
He wasn’t sure on how to act properly on how to start a romantic “relationship ”. The few times he had experienced, were either brief and the closest he had, ended up in a tragedy. 
Thankfully he was learning to live with it, with a new hope of finding someone to spend his life with. But he was wheeling to take a try.
2. fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
He was an expert talking for audiences. He usually did not get nervous about it, after conferences, seminars or even giving classes at college, it was easy peasy. 
But it was the first time Y/N was going to talk to an audience giving a class of her expertise. 
She was good at talking to the press when needed, or even to groups to calm the masses in times of fear. But it was different to try to explain situations to people in dangerous situations than teaching young people how to act as a mediator in dangerous situations. 
She knew how to react, but one thing was doing it and another different to explain it.
Rossi invited Hotch and Y/N to give a lecture on how to act on situations that involve firearms and detonation objects. The team knew she was one of the best ones in that field, with no mistake shots, amazing disarmament skills and extraordinary knowledge on bombs (just like Derek teached  her on her Academy days).
They spend several late nights together (sometimes with the other members joining) practicing her lecture. It had anything and everything that could possibly happen, and she was ready for any possible question. 
All the team was there to support her. 
“I’m nervous.” Y/N said while fixing her hair looking through the window reflection.
“Garcia is inside getting ready with your slides. Take a deep breath, you're going to do great.” Hotch told her.
“Yeah, you practiced a lot and if anything happens, you just need to talk about the heroic job you do every day.” Said Rossi, while getting close to the door of the exhibition room. “Hotch and I are going to start, and then you will proceed.”
“A brief introduction and you will continue.” Said Hotch, entering the room.
“You will be doing fine! If anything happens, we are going to be inside, just look for us if you get really nervous.” Said Emily, while Derek and JJ get inside the room.
“You are going to do just fine, just like we practice, remember it's more a talk than a class. They want to know how it's going to be in their future work field.” Spencer told her while opening the door for her.
“You are right, in that room we are the only ones that know how things actually work.” She took a deep breath.
“Let me fix the final details from your hair.” Spencer told her before Rossi and Hotch started to talk. “All done. You can do it. If you get nervous, just look for me and start talking to me.” He winked, while getting to his seat.
Rossi and Hotch started the talk with certain facts and background about de BAU, and proceeded to let Y/N start explaining.
At one point of the lecture she got so passionate about it, that she started to pass her fingers through her hair thanks to the constant hair interrupting her view. While brushing it, she didn’t notice it was beginning to get disheveled. For sure her attendants didn’t care about it, they were deep into the information the expert was giving them for their future work field.
By the end of the lecture, the students were ecstatic with the knowledge they received, even asking for her contact info for future references related to their courses, some of them asking their professor if they could invite Y/N again in the future. 
Rossi was right to invite her.
The first one to arrive was Spencer.
“Let me fix your hair.” He said while brushing his fingers through her hair.
“Again?” She said surprised.
“It's kind of untidy over here.” He continued,
“Was like this all the time?” She said with little worry in her voice.
“For about more than half of your presentation.” He answered.
“Really? Why didn't you tell me something?” She asked him.
“That could be distracting for you.”He finished fixing her hair. “All done!”
“You could make me a sign.” Y/N told him.
“You didn't even look at us, and your hair gets that way when you start to talk really excited about the things that fascinates you, it always blocks your vision and you start to adjust your hair.” Spencer commented on that fact.
“Why haven't you ever told me that?” Now she was curious.
“Because you look cute that way.” He answered her. “Now come here, let me congratulate you.” He proceeds to give her a hugh, she is back into his arms. “You did marvelous over there! A natural instructor.”
“Thanks for helping me rehearse over 20 times.” She couldn't express how grateful she was with him.
“Actually, it was 34 times.” All he could hear was her laugh. “Not that I was counting.” He was in fact counting. She just smiled looking up at him.
The next one to approach was the team.
“Come here.” Penelope said while hugging her really tight. “You did amazing, my friend!.”
“You think so?”
“Yes! The presentation was amazing, really to the point and with the details that needed to be exposed.” Said Emily while joining the hug.
“Of course Y/LN.” Said Hotch while giving her a smile. 
“You were outstanding, I made a good decision to bring you with me today.” Said Rossi. “Whenever you want to come back and give another class, we can arrange you a spot.”
“And not forgetting that I teached you the basics back in your days.” Said Derek giving her a big hug. 
“You should give a class together.” Said JJ, getting close to congratulate her dear friend.
“Thank you, every single one of you for helping me get prepared for this.” Y/N with a big smile on her face. “Especially Spencer, thanks for listening to my lecture 34 times.” She said while giving him a hug.
“This deserves a celebration! Dinner at my house tonight!” Said Rossi from behind.
Everyone started to walk away, to finally celebrate another accomplishment that one of their teammates got.
3. reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it
Spencer knew the basics of dancing. Really the basics, it took him time, but Derek and Penelope helped him during their free times. 
You may ask, why?
Rossi was doing his annual Christmas Celebration, only with the BAU team. It wasn’t a big deal of a party, but for sure a ball in small proportions. An attempt of dancing was another opportunity to be close (at least even more close than what they already are) to Y/N, and he was taking a chance. The team kept teasing him, but later he realized they were just trying to help him to get with her, and he was willing to take their support.
“Pretty Boy, it’s time.” Said Derek.
“I don’t know, we only took a few lessons.” Said Spencer unsure.
“Believe me, you will want to hold her close for a while.” Said Penelope.
“What do you mean?”
“You will know soon.” Ended Derek.
From afar, he could see Y/N and Emily talking, they were really into the conversation while JJ and Will made comments, they were really into it.
The music started to sound in the background and Rossi, as the extra person he was, made an invitation so they could start to dance while the turntable was in the works of preparation. 
Derek and Penelope were the ones who opened the dance floor, following behind Hotch and Beth, and JJ with Will.
Hotch gave him a look and a nod pointing to Y/N’s table. It was time.
He built up courage, got closer to the table and reached his hand so she could take it. Without hesitation, she took it. He started to walk to the dance floor.
He held her close. Was like a dream. And they started to dance.
“I didn’t know you could dance.” She said to him, in a low voice.
“You don’t know a lot of things about me.” Spencer told her.
“Well, I know a lot about you, but this one specifically wasn’t in my radar.” She ended.
They kept slow dancing for several songs, making small conversations between some comfortable silence moments. It wasn’t weird, they could almost talk through their eyes.
Until she decided to talk again.
“I’m probably leaving.” She said really low and slow.
“What do you mean? You can’t leave.” He wasn't expecting this type of news.
“It’s only for a time.” She wasn't looking at him.
“Why?” He was confused, wasn’t she happy with the team?
“Emily recommended me to the Interpol for a special training. Apparently one of the asistans from the lecture I gave, it’s interested in me teaching their team on explosive objects. Derek also sent a letter, endorsing my knowledge in the topic.” She finished.
“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” He really wanted to know, they were supposed to be close.
“I didn’t knew. They just told me this morning. I’m still thinking about it. Hotch and Rossi already knew, and are encouraging me to take it. But first I wanted to ask you, what did you think about ir.” Oh, that was it.
“Is my opinion that important?” Maybe they were more than close friends. 
“You are the closest friend I have, in my personal and professional life. Most of the time, you are my teammate.” She spoke. 
The next few songs were danced in silence, she kept her head close to his body listening to his heartbeat. What could he tell her? It was a great chance for her. He wasn't going to stop her professional growth.
“You should take it.” He finally spoke his mind.
“Really?” She finally looked at him.
“You are amazing at doing your work. It would be a waste of your talent not taking this opportunity.” It was the truth. 
“But it's a long time, and I'm going to be away from home and alone, and without you.” It sounded like she wouldn't take the chance of being far away trying new things.
“It's only two months, even though I’m not a big fan of technology, we can video call each other whenever you want. You already know I have a non average sleep schedule or even we can message all day.” 
He promised, now they were close, he took one more chance to hold her back in his arms as close as possible for the time they had before her departure.
+1 turning their cheek to get the other one to give them a peck
After being gone for more than two months, thanks to the fact that she was required for a special task outside the country (by Emily's and Derek's recommendation), she was finally back with the team.
He was waiting, with her favorite coffee, pastry and a flower plushie (he knew she was allergic to them, or at least the ones of this season). 
They talked every single day since she was gone. He knew all the things she did overseas. But he wanted to know about them again, even if he repeated them in his thoughts every time after they ended talking, he needed  to see her face in real life while talking and to get lost in her eyes. 
He couldn’t explain how he felt about her. She was more than a colleague, more than a teammate, more than a friend and he believed more than her soulmate. 
During this time afar, he realized what truly was to care for a person, even when they were not physically together. It was the same feeling he had for his mother, there was no day he didn’t speak to her, and the same thing happened with Y/N. 
While growing up, he was used to either getting ignored or being made fun of.
But she always listened to every single fact he had to say, when he talked fast about something he is passionate about, or only listened and talked to him about his thoughts.
For sure he was in love with her.
She arrived at the office, while everyone was there to welcome her back. She passed by a line of hugs and warm words. She was missed in the team.
After all the greetings,she started to look for him, she was wearing one of his sweaters he lent her for the trip, and proceeded to give him a hug. He had never received a hug as tight as the one he was experiencing. 
“I missed you so much, Spencer.” She said with an almost inaudible voice while burying her face in his sweater while catching his scent.
“I missed you even more.” He told her, while topping her head.
“Even if we talked every single day I was gone?” She looked directly into his eyes.
“It’s not the same, a screen can’t take a chance than talking to your pretty face.” He was smiling.
“Oh, Spencer.” She whispered close to his cheek ready to give him a peck, she was the only one allowed to do it.
It was now or never.
He turned around.
It was a small peck. And he looked delighted.
“I'm so sorry Spencer.” She said, astonished. While looking at him with those beautiful startled eyes.
“I'm not.” He said back, getting another peck from her. This time she was also smiling, but stayed silent. “If you want me to stop, please tell me something,”
She shut him down with a proper kiss. 
“The kid finally did it.” Rossi muttered to Hotch.
“He took his time.” He said while smiling. Everyone knew they eventually ended up together.
From the other side of the room, their teammates were giggling at the young ones.
“Well, it’s sad I have to break it to you, but we have a case. To the round table.” Said Hotch from his office, getting close to Spencer while giving him a palm to his back.
“Oh, come on Hotch, let the love birds have a little more time.” Said Derek getting close to Spencer and giving a small side hug to the both of them.
“Come on, we have work to do.” Spencer said, giving her a last small kiss, and started to hold her hand while starting walking. “You are never ever leaving my side, ok?”
“Ok.” She couldn't believe it. She was amazed with what just happened. 
There was no better welcome back.
Back in his arms. 
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Autor’s Note: Hello Again! As I told you before, I'm in my Criminal Minds Era, so this is the second time Im writting about this!I wanted to post if before my +10 hours flight to my Holiday Vacation! Its probably the last thing I'm writting/posting this year related to an original work. I was feeling inspired this days. I hope you like it!
If any of the authors I read ever read this, to let you know I always go as anon (thanks that this is my side blog) and I always sign as -MD💜 or -MDanon027💜 (@mdanon027). Thanks for the inspiration!
Also, please be honest if you like it or nah. Any comment will help for future personal writing skills. And if you see any misspelling, I’m sorry, I already reread it several times, and English it’s not my first language. Please don’t mind on telling me to correct anything.
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Also preserved on our archive
By Fionnula Hainey
Feeling achey and 'bruised' and 'completely weak' are among the symptoms people who have tested positive for Covid have described in recent weeks.
It comes as a new strain of the virus is spreading across the UK and other countries. Expert have suggested the new variant, named XEC, will soon become the dominant strain, causing a new wave of infections over the autumn.
XEC is understood to have emerged from Omicron subvariants and experts believe vaccines will be effective against the new strain, although some have suggested it may have a 'transmission advantage' over the current dominant strains.
On social media, people who have tested positive for Covid in recent weeks have been describing their symptoms, with some claiming they have 'never been this sick'. Feeling weak, struggling to move and suffering from a fever are among the symptoms that Covid patients have detailed.
On X, formerly Twitter, one person, who tested positive for Covid on September 11 after avoiding it for three years, said: "This new variant is taking no prisoners. I’ve never been this sick in my entire life." Another said Covid had left them "completely weak" and "unable to move for multiple days".
A third person echoed the sentiment saying they struggled to walk after testing positive for the virus. "I tested positive for Covid on Wednesday," they wrote. "Yesterday, I woke up with an achy back. Today I cannot walk. Read that again. I CANNOT WALK. Of the five times I’ve had Covid, this was never a symptom. We are in for a long winter with these mutations."
Another person who said Covid was "kicking my a*s" described being "the most sick I’ve been in years" two days after their positive test. They added: "Must be a super strain."
Feeling weak and achey were common symptoms among people saying they had tested positive, while others reported feeling feverish or suffering headaches.
"Last night felt achy and couldn't get warm, tested positive," one person wrote. "Couldn't sleep at all last night. Woke up with a splitting headache, no fever, but my body feels like one big bruise." Another said: "My lungs are suffering. I am weak and I hurt all over. Covid positive."
Another person said they had "a sore scratchy throat, head and body aches and a fever".
Because widespread testing is no longer taking place as it was during the pandemic, it is difficult to determine just how prevalent Covid is in the UK currently. The NHS recommends that anyone who is suffering from Covid symptoms should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
The NHS has not released a specific list of symptoms associated with the XEC variant but experts say symptoms are similar to the common symptoms associated with previous dominant variants.
According to the NHS website, the most common Covid symptoms are:
a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste shortness of breath feeling tired or exhausted an aching body a headache a sore throat a blocked or runny nose loss of appetite diarrhoea feeling sick or being sick The NHS says symptoms are similar to that of a flu or the common cold and people will usually feel better within a few weeks, but some people may experience symptoms for longer.
People are no longer required to take a lateral flow test if they have symptoms of Covid, but tests can be bought at pharmacies for people who want to get tested.
If you or your child does test positive the NHS advises that you stay home and isolate. Children should isolate for three days, while adults are advised to isolate for five days.
In addition, it is recommended that you do not meet up with people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as the elderly or people with a weakened immune system, for at least 10 days after a positive test.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
pitiful little guy
for @steddielovemonth prompt ‘taking care of them when they’re sick’
rated t | 514 words | cw: flu and all its glorious symptoms (vomiting, fever, aches, etc) | tags: established relationship, sick fic, hurt/comfort, Eddie is a baby when he’s sick
The cold washcloth against the back of his neck was refreshing, but it was only a temporary relief from the raging fever and sweat and nausea he’d been fighting for more than 24 hours now.
Eddie was maybe dying, a delayed reaction to the bat bites or the general funk of the Upside Down. He’d never been this sick. If he had, he’d blocked out the memory.
Steve’s hand was rubbing his back slowly, not saying anything because the last time he’d tried to comfort him, Eddie snapped at him. Eddie didn’t deserve any of his care.
“You wanna try some water again?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head.
“Baby, you’re gonna get dehydrated. It’ll just make you feel worse.”
Yeah, obviously. But he’d just thrown up the four sips of water he’d taken a few minutes before and he wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of it happening again.
“Maybe I’ll pass out and sleep through it,” Eddie finally said.
“Don’t,” Eddie felt the saliva gathering in his mouth again. “Not again.”
But apparently his body still had something to expel.
When he was done, he felt lightheaded, a little dizzy, and the cool cloth on his neck was no longer refreshing.
“Bed?” He rasped.
“C’mon, love,” Steve wrapped an arm around his waist to help him up, managing most of his weight as they walked into the bedroom. “You can take more Tylenol now. But you have to try to drink some water with it.”
Eddie groaned.
“I know you don’t want to, but I’m not giving you a choice.”
Eddie pouted.
“That’s not gonna work on me and you know it.”
Eddie whined.
“That was pitiful.”
“I’m a pitiful little guy, what can I say?”
Steve snorted. “You can take the medicine and go back to sleep.”
And after the last 24 hours of being beyond miserable and making Steve deal with the worst of him, he figured he could suck it up and do one thing Steve asked of him. Maybe it would actually help this time.
Steve got a new cool cloth for his forehead as he settled in the bed after taking his medicine.
“You want me to put your hair up again?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head, but immediately regretted the head rush it brought.
“You want a massage?”
“Please don’t touch me,” Eddie sighed. “I want one, but everything hurts too much and I might throw up.”
“Mkay.” Steve sat on the edge of the bed, being careful not to touch him. “I love you, you pitiful guy.”
“Love you. Sorry I’m…like this,” Eddie’s eyes were closed, but he could tell Steve was smiling at him.
“It’s alright. Just know you’re doing all the laundry when you’re better.”
It took two more days for Eddie to be able to eat more than a cracker, and another day after that to meet Steve at the door when he got home from work and wrap him up on his arms.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” he said against his neck.
“Always will, baby.”
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
Tiny Dancer
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Summary: You’re sick during the night and your mama looks after you
Word count: 665
Parings: Little/Kid Reader x Mama Natasha Romanoff (mention of Bruce)
Warnings: Mention of throwing up
“MOMMY!” your little voice mustered up all the noice it could make “MAMA!” Natasha came running to your bedroom, hearing her daughters screams. “Y/n baby?” She called. She threw open the door and her 5 year old came crashing into her arms. “MOMMY!” You continued to cry. “Mommy’s here baby, what’s wrong?” She said as she lifted you up in her embrace. “Can you tell mommy what’s wrong?” You pointed over to your bed and Natasha walked over to investigate. She pulled back the duvet to find the remains of your dinner that you had just thrown up.
“‘M sorry mama” you hiccuped as you clutched onto your mommy’s sweatshirt. Your tummy flipping and tumbling all around. “Oh sweetheart it’s ok, you don’t have to be sorry y/n/n. Are you sick tiny dancer?” You nodded and pointed to your stomach “tum tum all icky” your tear stained cheeks broke Natasha’s heart, how had she not noticed you had gotten sick. Granted, your energy had dropped the last 24 hours but Natasha just put it down to you not sleeping right. Come to think of it, maybe you weren’t sleeping right because you were sick.
“Let’s get you some medicine, yeah baby girl?” You burrowed into your mamas neck and shook your head “taste gross” you whined. “I know sweetheart but it’ll make you feel better I promise, come on baby” Natasha said as she carried you into the main bathroom of your mini apartment Tony had designed on a lower floor of the tower. She grabbed the medicine and headed to the kitchen to make a glass of water and a hot water bottle. “Ewy ewy!” You complained as you swallowed the medicine. “I know y/n/n. Here have some more water to get rid of the taste”
After wrapping the hot water bottle in a thick tea towel to avoid you getting hurt, Natasha brought you both to the couch and swaddled you up in her arms. She rocked you gently with the hot water bottle resting on your tummy. She hummed a soft tune as she wiped away your stray tears. “Widow bear mommy” you whispered. “You want Widow bear? Shall we go and get her?” You spoke a quiet ‘yes’ and Natasha scooped you up of the couch and headed back to your bedroom. You made little grabby hands out to widow bear, a light brown teddy bear dressed in a black widow suit - your mommy gave her to you the day you were born.
“You ready to go back to sleep beautiful?” You had called for your mommy at 2am, it was now 4am, Natasha suspected you would be doing lots of sleeping until you were better, you looked exhausted. “You can come sleep in mama’s, I’ll get yours cleaned up in the morning” you loved sleeping in mommy’s bed, as proved by your sleepy “yay” Natasha sadly laughed at your adorable yet sick state, she grabbed your paci and carried you to her bedroom. As soon as she set you down on the bed you crawled right up to her side, inhaling the scent of your mama on the pillow.
Natasha climbed in on the other side and smothered you in a tight cuddle. “How does your tummy feel now baby?” She asked. “Still icky but less than before” you mumbled out, eyes already closed. “Get some rest y/n, you’ll feel better soon I promise” Natasha said as she reached over to turn of one of the nightlights (you still needed at least one on) “I love you mommy” you spoke as you drifted off into dream land. “I love you more” was the last thing you heard from your mama as you fell asleep.
The next day you were much worse. You refused to eat and spent more than 3 hours over the toilet. Natasha took you to see Bruce at the first chance, you had been crying all morning and Natasha knew this was more than just a tummy bug. “It looks like the flu” Bruce diagnosed. “It’s most likely to get worse today and tomorrow but after that the symptoms should start to clear up” Natasha’s heart was shattered, you’d had the occasional coughs and colds but never the flu and she knew you felt terrible. She was devastated you would have to go through this for even longer.
When you were finally asleep, Natasha called Fury who immediately gave her all the time she needed to be with you. She spent the next three days by your side every second of every minute. She made you your favourite dino nuggets when you had more of an appetite. She sang you sweet lullaby’s while you were curled up in her arms with widow bear. Together you watched every barbie film imaginable and spent endless hours in the bathroom. You couldn’t wait to get better, but you were so happy to have your mommy with you through all of it.
You tried your best to return the favour a few days later when your mama wound up sick, until auntie Wanda took over. You gave Natasha widow bear to make her feel better and delivered her tons of drawings. “Thank you tiny dancer”
Thank you for reading :))))
This is the first little piece in a series of short stories I’m writing about Natasha and her daughter
Widow bear was an idea from another writer which I really wanted to include in this so if you know the origami creator please let me know so I can give credit<3
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toshootforthestars · 7 months
From the report by Beth Mole, posted 29 Feb 2024:
In a lengthy background document, the agency laid out its rationale for consolidating COVID-19 guidance into general guidance for respiratory viruses—including influenza, RSV, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, and others, though specifically not measles. The agency also noted the guidance does not apply to health care settings and outbreak scenarios. "COVID-19 remains an important public health threat, but it is no longer the emergency that it once was, and its health impacts increasingly resemble those of other respiratory viral illnesses, including influenza and RSV," the agency wrote. The most notable change in the new guidance is the previously reported decision to no longer recommend a minimum five-day isolation period for those infected with the pandemic coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Instead, the new isolation guidance is based on symptoms, which matches long-standing isolation guidance for other respiratory viruses, including influenza. "The updated Respiratory Virus Guidance recommends people with respiratory virus symptoms that are not better explained by another cause stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both resolution of fever AND overall symptom are getting better," the document states. "This recommendation addresses the period of greatest infectiousness and highest viral load for most people, which is typically in the first few days of illness and when symptoms, including fever, are worst." The CDC acknowledged that the eased isolation guidance will create "residual risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission," and that most people are no longer infectious only after 8 to 10 days. As such, the agency urged people to follow additional interventions—including masking, testing, distancing, hygiene, and improving air quality—for five additional days after their isolation period. "Today’s announcement reflects the progress we have made in protecting against severe illness from COVID-19," CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen said in a statement. "However, we still must use the commonsense solutions we know work to protect ourselves and others from serious illness from respiratory viruses—this includes vaccination, treatment, and staying home when we get sick." Overall, the agency argued that a shorter isolation period would be inconsequential. Other countries and states that have similarly abandoned fixed isolation times did not see jumps in COVID-19 emergency department visits or hospitalizations, the CDC pointed out. And most people who have COVID-19 don't know they have it anyway, making COVID-19-specific guidance moot, the agency argued. In a recent CDC survey, less than half of people said they would test for SARS-CoV-2 if they had a cough or cold symptoms, and less than 10 percent said they would go to a pharmacy or health care provider to get tested. Meanwhile, "The overall sensitivity of COVID-19 antigen tests is relatively low and even lower in individuals with only mild symptoms," the agency said. The CDC also raised practical concerns for isolation, including a lack of paid sick leave for many, social isolation, and "societal costs." The points are likely to land poorly with critics. “The CDC is again prioritizing short-term business interests over our health by caving to employer pressure on COVID guidelines. This is a pattern we’ve seen throughout the pandemic,” Lara Jirmanus, Clinical Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, said in a press release last month after the news first broke of the CDC's planned isolation update. Jirmanus is a member of the People's CDC, a group that advocates for more aggressive COVID-19 policies, which put out the press release. Another member of the group, Sam Friedman, a professor of population health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, also blasted the CDC's stance last month. The guidance will "make workplaces and public spaces even more unsafe for everyone, particularly for people who are high-risk for COVID complications," he said.
But, the CDC argues that the threat of COVID-19 is fading. Hospitalizations, deaths, prevalence of long COVID, and COVID-19 complications in children (MIS-C) are all down. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing severe disease, death, and to some extent, long COVID—we just need more people to get them. Over 95% of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 in the 2023–2024 respiratory season had no record of receiving the seasonal booster dose, the agency noted. Only 22% of adults got the latest shot, including only 42% of people ages 65 and older. In contrast, 48% of adults got the latest flu shot, including 73% of people ages 65 and older. But even with the crummy vaccination rates for COVID-19, a mix of past infection and shots have led to a substantial protection in the overall population. The CDC even went as far as arguing that COVID-19 deaths have fallen to a level that is similar to what's seen with flu. "Reported deaths involving COVID-19 are several-fold greater than those reported to involve influenza and RSV. However, influenza and likely RSV are often underreported as causes of death," the CDC said. In the 2022–2023 respiratory virus season, there were nearly 90,000 reported COVID-19 deaths. For flu, there were 9,559 reported deaths, but the CDC estimates the true number to be between 18,000 and 97,000. In the current season, there have been 32,949 reported COVID-19 deaths to date and 5,854 reported flu deaths, but the agency estimates the real flu deaths are between 17,000 and 50,000. "Total COVID-19 deaths, accounting for underreporting, are likely to be higher than, but of the same order of magnitude as, total influenza deaths," the agency concluded.
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(say no to raw dough: CDC)
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What the ongoing egg crisis really means for Las Vegas locals
Vegas citizens are struggling to acess eggs, a staple food for families across the city
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A half empty dairy and egg isle at Target Credit: Dulce Pixabaj
Bird flu, shipping problems, inflation, the pandemic, all of these are excuses given for the recent egg crisis. But what is really happening? What does it say about how Las Vegas treats its businesses over the people? 
The last few months in Las Vegas regular citizens have reported having a difficult time finding eggs. When they do, they are grossly overpriced. 
Once reliable local grocers; Walmart, Target, Smiths, La Bonita and others can’t seem to keep eggs in stock. Bird flu and inflation have been cited as the main causes for the crisis, but some doubt that as the truth. 
Bird flu, or avian influenza is a disease that primarily affects birds but can also infect humans. 
The disease spreads from their bodily fluids and can infect humans if they make enough unprotected contact. In poultry the symptoms can range from minimal to deadly and it can spread to an entire flock in 24 hours. It was this that caused it to spread quickly across farms in the US, killing over 50 million birds, cutting short the supply of eggs. 
This shortage in turn caused the inflation in the price of eggs. Inflation is when goods and services in an economy vastly increase in price over a short period. CNBC says the price of eggs has increased over 70% in the last year. What was once three dollars is now seven.
In reality what this recent situation has revealed to the people of Vegas is special treatment given to the major businesses and a lack of care for local citizens. 
“This crisis will go on for a while. I don’t think it’s going to get better. Businesses will abuse this excuse to charge high prices for eggs. I’m going to buy them anyway, because I need them” said Bertha Perez, a single mother of six living in Las Vegas. 
Her economic situation has varied greatly, from enough to buy her own home to living on food stamps. As such she knows a lot about how the treatment given to everyday citizens from the city actually affects them. 
Perez has lost a lot to the pandemic. Having lost her husband to COVID-19 a year prior her world turned upside down, she’s learned how to do what she has to to survive. Doing that and taking care of her children starts with eggs. 
She has had to go to several stores regularly just to find eggs like Walmart, Savers, Costco, Smart and Final, and La Bonita. Though she notes she has not yet tried Business Costco. 
 With her kids and all their different breakfast schedules, she relies heavily on them for a quick and easy meal. It is a staple of everything she cooks. For bigger families, it’s easier to buy in bulk. 
That’s become harder and harder to do. That is because Vegas doesn’t care about its people. It cares about businesses, they get major preference. 
On average they spend more money than regular people, having to buy in bulk and stay well supplied at all times. They give these businesses that rely on eggs many ways to keep bread on the table. 
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The back wall of local restaurant EGGcellent, with a large logo just beyond the breakfast wall Credit: Dulce Pixabaj
This is supported by Carlos Benitez, son of the owners of local breakfast restaurant Eggscellent. “Businesses are definitely getting preference. The city has provided options for us and been very favorable." He would know better than anyone, with his family running a successful egg based business. 
Eggs are the foundation of everything they are at Eggscellent. He says “It comes down to how manufacturers make money. They make more money off of businesses, not people." 
The citizens of Vegas may not like to admit it, but this is the truth. It is a common sentiment expressed by many, including Perez. “Business Costcos are more important. They buy more, so they pay less." She assumes the city treats business retailers better than grocery stores like Walmart. The amount they buy makes a difference. 
“We buy in bulk, so it’s been hard to notice the egg shortage,” said Benitiz. “Business got better after the pandemic” because fewer restaurants were open. These closures and shortages actually benefit many businesses. 
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An example of the food served at EGGscellent, a breakfast themed restaurant. It includes eggs benedict and potato hash Credit: Dulce Pixabaj
According to an article on Squareup.com called ‘Direct to Consumer v. Wholesale: Pros, Cons, and How to Balance Both’ it depends more on the kind of business whether customers or wholesale buyers matter more to them. Regardless, there can be many cons to both. 
We don’t know for sure how Costco, or Walmart, or any other bigger business in Vegas really feels about the egg crisis. They like to make money, and this crisis gives them a good way to do that. 
These businesses can charge as much as they like for eggs with the excuse of a shortage and spreading bird flu. Even when supply begins to return to normal, which it has already begun to do, they were given a reason to have high prices, and why would any profitable business want to change that? 
That is a fact. So why wouldn’t they care more about businesses in a shortage of supply? This benefits them. To the point that rumors are spreading the crisis was artificially created to charge higher prices for eggs. 
Perez claims she’s seen videos saying the government has provided a kind of food that changes egg production. 
She and some others, like many videos across TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook are saying that it is the government’s fault for manufacturing the shortage. Sources CBS, USAToday, and Politifact say otherwise. 
Though there is some real conversation around the idea that it is not a government conspiracy, but simply the improper conditions that can be found in many egg farms around the US. The most frequent example for this given by users across the internet is insufficient and low quality chicken feed provided by the government. 
Regardless of who’s causing it, and who makes more money, it is affecting everyone in the city. It is hurting people and it’s just going to keep going. 
“This crisis is going to go on for a while. I don’t think it’s going to get better. Everything is going to increase” says Perez.
#economy #lasvegaslocals #foodshortage #eggcrisis #foodsecurity
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kamryn1963 · 19 days
Chicago PD fanfic: Al, Hank & Trudy
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Chicago PD (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Alvin Olinsky, Hank Voight, Trudy Platt Additional Tags: Sicktember, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Vomiting, Illnesses, Delirium, Caretaking, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Trudy Platt supremacy, Just Trudy and Hank taking care of Alvin, Sick Alvin Olinsky Summary: Right now Trudy had two choices. Ignore Hank's call and carry on with her peaceful evening, or answer and spend the night in an urgent care with her two idiots of friends.
Of course she picked the second option.
Sicktember 2024- Day 24: Tales From the Waiting Room
Trudy had been home for fifteen whole minutes when she got the call. She’d changed and settled on her couch with a glass of wine and was currently searching for a movie to watch and thinking about what she wanted for dinner, when her phone began ringing. 
Trudy turned, seeing Hank’s name flash on the screen. She put her glass down and leaned against the couch letting out a deep sigh. She had a choice to make now. 
Either Trudy ignored the call and carried on with her relaxing peaceful night that was much deserved, or she answered and probably would end up spending her night in an urgent care with her two idiots of friends. 
Usually Trudy would be concerned about anyone, especially Hank, calling this late at night. But she knew what this call was about. 
Trudy had been around Alvin for enough years to know the signs of him being sick. She had seen his flushed cheeks and the way he kept blowing his nose and coughing, and had been for the last two days. Her and Hank had been keeping a close eye on him but Alvin seemed quite content to just ignore his symptoms. 
Hank calling now meant Alvin was too sick for him to ignore anymore, or for Hank to ignore which was the more likely option, and Hank wanted her to meet them at urgent care while they waited. It was probably going to be packed due to it being flu season and Trudy had no interest being around sniffling adults and gross children for hours. 
Not when she could drink her wine and watch some cheesy romance movie instead. Trudy’s phone had stopped ringing at that point, but she knew it was a matter of minutes before Hank called again or started texting. 
Sure enough a minute later Hank called again and against her better judgment, Trudy answered, putting the phone on speaker as she stood up to get her jacket and her shoes. 
“Where are you guys?” Trudy asked, skipping the greeting as she pulled her jacket on and made sure she had her wallet and keys.
“The urgent care near my place. I’ll send you the address”. Hank replied not asking how she knew. She could hear Alvin mutter something incoherent in the background that both her and Hank ignored. 
“How is he?” Trudy questioned as she headed out to her car and began driving once Hank had sent the address. 
“Sick, running a high fever and is pretty out of it. He almost fell down the stairs at the district which is why we're here. Despite the fact Al keeps protesting that it was just a dizzy spell”. Hank responded. 
“Is it busy there?” 
“Packed. It’ll be a while before they can see him but he needs to be checked out and we are not leaving until he does”. Hank responded firmly and Trudy knew Hank was saying that more to Alvin than to her. 
“You think it’s the flu he has?”
“I’m almost certain it is”. 
“Alright. I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Try to keep him in line until than”. Trudy said with a smirk as she stopped at a red light. 
“I’ll see what I can do”. 
They talked for a couple more minutes before Hank hung up and Trudy continued driving focused on getting to her friends. 
Ten minutes later she was searching the busy parking lot of the urgent care, for a parking spot. She soon found one near Hank’s car and headed inside. It surprisingly didn’t take long to find Hank and Alvin. They were near the back sitting side by side in chairs with their jackets in an empty chair clearly saved for her. 
Trudy headed over, Hank looking up at her footsteps and giving a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you for coming”. Hank said as he stood up. 
“Not sure why I did”. Trudy said sarcastically as she looked at a clearly out of it Alvin who was leaning back in his chair and staring at the roof. 
“I think his fever is causing some delirium but he seems content like that”. Hank explained as Trudy moved Hank and Alvin’s jackets and sat down in the now free chair. 
“Content is good”. Trudy replied as she turned her chair so she could reach Alvin. 
“Hey, how are you feeling, idiot?” Trudy asked as she set a hand on Alvin’s arm causing him to look up at her with wide and glazed over eyes. 
“Sick… and I’m not an idiot”. Alvin grumbled as he pulled away and pouted. Not like Alvin would ever admit he pouted. 
“Uh huh. If you're not an idiot then why did it take me practically dragging you to get you to get medical care?” Hank asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Alvin only gave him a weak glare and muttered something incoherent before going back to looking at the roof again. 
The three of them sat in silence for another twenty minutes just watching as people came in and out. Alvin occasionally coughed or sneezed but other than that the trio didn’t say or do much. 
Until Alvin started complaining about how cold he was. Hank and Trudy both sighed but instantly jumped into action. Helping Alvin get his jacket back on didn’t seem to do much and eventually Hank came up with an idea that would hopefully work. 
Soon they had manovered their chairs so Alvin was leaning against Hank’s chest, their legs a tangled mess on the other chair. The goal was hoping Hank’s body heat would help warm Alvin up. And Alvin was pretty touchy when sick anyway so they hoped this would help with that too. . 
Trudy was holding Alvin’s hand, frowning at how sick her best friend was. “You know we could’ve avoided all this if you had just stayed home to rest and not pushed yourself this far”. Trudy teased softly. 
“That’s not fun”. Alvin mumbled, but he was smiling as he looked at her through half lidded eyes. 
Trudy was about to respond, when Alvin suddenly moaned, sitting up suddenly and clutching his stomach. His face was pale as he moved away from Hank and got to his shaky feet. 
“I’m going to be sick”. Alvin moaned. 
“This is all you, Hank. I don’t do vomit”. Trudy replied looking at Hank who sighed as he stood up and wrapped an arm around Alvin’s waist to keep him standing. 
“Thanks for the help”. Hank said sarcastically but there was no heat in his words as he looked around for the bathroom. 
“Anytime”. Trudy said back, chuckling as Hank flipped her off as he finally located a bathroom and quickly led Alvin to it. 
Trudy checked her messages, only looking up when Hank led a barely conscious Alvin back to his seat. Alvin instantly curled up on the two chairs and that’s when Trudy noticed the vomit on Hank’s shirt and his jeans. 
“You were supposed to get him to the toilet”. Trudy stated as she placed a hand on Alvin’s forehead, finding he was still burning up. 
“Thanks tips. They were all taken and I didn’t get him to a sink quick enough”. Hank explained, looking at disgust at his clothes. “I’m going to run home and change. Alvin needs a sweater too, apparently”. 
“He’s wearing a sweater”. 
“Alvin’s convinced he’s not and I’m not arguing with him”. Hank responded as he grabbed his jacket and made sure his keys and phone were still in the pockets. 
Trudy just shook her head with a fond look. “You go change, I’ll make sure he stays alive and update you if anything changes”. Trudy responded, getting a grateful nod before Hank left. 
“How are you feeling?” Trudy asked as she turned to Alvin who looked absolutely miserable. 
“Like shit. My head hurts, every part of my body aches, everything's spinning, I’m so cold one moment and then hot the next”. Alvin complained and Trudy sighed as she grabbed his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. 
“They should be able to see you soon, and you’ll feel better”. Trudy reassured. Over the last hour they’d been here, the waiting room had started emptying and it wasn’t as rushed and busy as it had been. 
“Will you stay?” Alvin asked and Trudy hadn’t heard him that vulnerable in a long time. 
Fifteen minutes later a nurse came over to them and with her help, Trudy was able to get a barely responsive and cooperative Alvin to a room.
The nurse was setting up an IV for fluids, when Alvin threw up again this time without warning. All over himself. 
Trudy texted Hank that Alvin needed more than just another sweater now. 
The doctor confirmed it was the flu and after Alvin had received a bag of fluids and got some medication, Hank and Trudy had dragged him to the bathroom and were currently trying to get Alvin out of his vomit stained clothes and into the fresh ones Hank had brought when he came back. 
While they were in the handicap stall, there wasn’t a lot of room for three adults and neither Trudy or Hank wanted to be in there long and leave others waiting. Unfortunately Alvin could barely keep his eyes open at this point let alone lift his arms or get sweatpants on. 
“Come on, Al. Just a couple more minutes than will get you back to my place and resting”. Hank urged as he tapped Alvin’s face to keep his eyes open. 
Alvin looked around blankly not really seeing them as he groaned but listened the best he could. 
After longer than Hank or Trudy care to admit, Alvin was changed and his vomit stained clothes were thrown in the bag to be dealt with later. Hank had lifted Alvin up and led him out of the stall while Trudy grabbed a wheelchair and waited outside the bathroom, helping Hank get Alvin settled once they made it out of the bathroom. 
Alvin was asleep by the time they made it to the car, and it was easy getting him in and buckled. Hank got in the driver's seat while Trudy went to her own car and they headed to Hank’s. 
It hadn’t been discussed that they were going back to Hank’s, but it didn’t need to be. Hank’s house was the biggest and the one Alvin and Trudy had always felt the most at home with. Their apartments never felt the same as Hank’s house did. 
Trudy parked beside Hank in the driveway, opening the front door so Hank could carry Alvin in and get him upstairs. 
“We might as well put him in my bed. It’s bigger than the spare room and with the bathroom in my room it’s easier”. Hank said, shifting Alvin’s dead weight in his arms as he spoke to Trudy. 
Trudy nodded and headed in first to turn the light on and pull the covers back so Hank could set Alvin down. After he was settled, they headed downstairs. Trudy collapsed on Hank’s couch while Hank went to the kitchen. 
“Beer?” Hank called. 
“Yes please”. Trudy replied as Hank entered the room with a beer for each of them. They sat in silence for a bit, just sipping their beers and taking in the silence, before Hank spoke. 
“Another normal Friday”. Hank commented and Trudy rolled her eyes as she leaned her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes exhausted. 
“You’d think he’d learn”. 
“You’d think but we both know it’s not going to happen. It’s been almost thirty years and Al still doesn’t tell us when he’s sick”. Hank replied with a sigh. 
“A girl can dream”. Trudy responded. Hank smirked as he finished his beer. 
Soon they both headed back upstairs and to Hank’s room. Trudy changed into a pair of pajama pants Hank had given her, and both got into Hank’s bed on either side of Alvin who stirred. 
“Hank…Trudy?” Alvin whispered as he looked at them, snuggling into Hank’s side. 
“Go back to sleep, Alvin. We're here”. Hank reassured, his voice gentle as it always was when dealing with a sick and out of it Al. 
“Gonna get you guys sick”. Alvin mumbled but he made no move to move them or himself away. 
“I think that ship has already sailed”. Trudy joked as she tucked the blanket around him. 
“I love you guys”. Alvin muttered as his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side. 
“We love you too Alvin”. Trudy muttered as she kissed his forehead and settled into the bed herself, Hank doing the same. 
Despite still craving that glass of wine and a peaceful evening, Trudy wouldn’t trade this for anything. These idiots were her best friends and that wasn’t going to change and Trudy didn’t want it to.
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0daytrick0 · 7 months
Life update
Well... It's been a while since I wrote personally on here. Safe to say, as per usual, alot has indeed happened.
The new year has begun, and in doing so, my biggest highlight so far (and most recent) and being hospitalized...
I have never really had any reason to go to a hospital other than when my siblings were born and that one time my pop was in there due to health reasons. Other than that, never had any reason to go to them. So, to all of a sudden be hospitalized myself, it was a little scary to say the least.
A week back I ended up catching the flu off my partner. He had it pretty bad, had to take a week off work and still was in recovery the week after with a bad cough and sweats. But I happened to get it towards the end of his first week back at work. And it was intense.
I remember waking up Wednesday morning for work and I almost couldn't get out of bed. Everything ached and I just felt really damn off. I shrugged it off as having bad sleep and went to work. As the day progresses however, I started feeling worse. Dizzy, light headed, sore and a mad migraine. Towards lunch after I had something to eat I felt a lot better. But it wasn't until I went home and laid in bed I crashed. It was so sudden and abrupt. But I could no longer get out of bed without the world spinning. I had no choice but to call in sick to work the next day and again on Friday. Everything ached. I couldn't get comfortable. I was sweating despite shivering. It's currently summer and we have the aircon running 24/7 but I was so cold I turned it off. My partner came home late and he freaked out as it was just so damn hot that I could of died from heatstroke. But I felt so damn cold. The weekend sucked and it wasn't until Tuesday I started feeling a little better but still very ill.
It's such a hard thing to describe how I felt once the flu did pass. Obviously with the flu you have your headaches, aching bones, nausea ect. But how I felt Tuesday. It was none of those symptoms but I felt so Ill. So Ill in fact that I would go for a hot bath and almost couldn't get out on my own. I still couldn't eat and had no appetite whatsoever.I would be coughing constantly and would find majority off the time I couldn't breath. I couldn't take a full breath without coughing my lungs up. So I was constantly trying to breath on shallow fast breaths. I ended up losing my voice a couple of days prior when I had the flu and just tossed it down to coughing too much and straining my vocal cords.
It wasn't until Wednesday around lunch time when my partner was at work and I was attempting to have a conversation with my friend that she rocked up at my house and rushed me to ED. As soon as I got there I was admitted immediately due to having low saturation levels with my oxygen and was put onto oxygen straight away.
After getting an x-ray and having the doctors listen to my chest I ended up having bronchitis. My immune system was so weak from the virus that I ended up getting a bacterial infection in my lungs and it was why I couldn't breath. Because I couldn't breath I wasn't getting enough oxygen in my blood which led me to feel like death itself even after the flu went away.
They kept me over night in ED (which is the noisiest place ever) on the hope they could discharge me the next day. I stayed in oxygen all night and only ended up sleeping for two hours. Which didn't help my case for recovering.
Throughout the night they took my stats and they were not looking good. High heart rate, low saturation levels, high temperature. I ended up staying in ED all day and it was around 9pm that night they sent me up to medical ward and I was officially admitted into the hospital.
What was weird is that once I was up there they didn't give me any oxygen. Which was the whole reason I couldn't go home yet (as I depended on it too much). So it was very weird. By that point I was exhausted and finally being in a dark quiet room I feel asleep instantly. Around 5am I was awoken by a nurse to take my stats and they did not look pretty.
My temperature was high and my heart rate was still sitting close to 100 despite being in rest. But my saturation level was worst of all sitting at 89. Now, with your saturation levels, being a young healthy woman like myself, it should be sitting above 98. I was sitting at 89... Which is not good at all apparently. The nurse immediately put me on oxygen and upped the percentage of oxygen I get pretty high. I was sitting at a 4. Which was already higher than what I was sitting on when I was in ED. I was then pumped full of antibodies through an IV and had to take tablets throughout the day. I still didn't have much if an appatite, so just chose not to eat. Instead I drank lots of water to make up for it.
Nurse would come to take my stats about every 4 hours and they just were not getting better.
When the doctors came they made me go for a walk with the stat machine and my levels dropped so quick. They made me walk back to bed and go straight back on the oxygen.
In between all this my partner would visit me as much as he could. It sucked as I was in a room with 4 other woman with meerly a curtain seperating me. There was no chair in my little space so my partner would have to squeeze in the bed with me. I had no window and was restricted to just enough space for my bed. The three woman in my room were all basicly bed bound and had at least 50 years on me minimum. So I kept to myself. These woman were also very cranky individuals and would often yell at the nurses and not allow them to do their jobs. So I felt very uncomfortable majority of the time.
What made matters worse was the bathrooms. There was only one bathroom that was shared with everyone. It had 3 toilet stalls and 2 showers. From the hallway you had a clear view of the bathroom itself. The toilet stall doors were very high off the ground and had massive gaps on either sides of the door. So people could easily see you if they looked. The showers had curtains that were very short. So you definitely couldn't put your stuff on the floor and bend down to grab it without showing full cheeks.
It felt very uncomfortable and inhumain when I had diarrhoea from the antibiotics and had an old woman taking a shower with the curtain open and an old man in the toilet stall in the middle.
I had no privacy and felt like I was in a mental asylum. To be derived of basic rights. And being the youngest woman on the ward did not make me feel any better. I didn't do much as feel 'unsafe' but more 'uncomfortable' and 'gross'.
There was one bathroom that was private. It had a shower and toilet in it and the door couldn't easily be unlocked from the outside. But the room was more for bed bound patients that had to be transfered to a "bath bed" so that they could be washed. I didn't want to be that person with diarrhoea taking up the main bathroom the nurses use for patients just so I could have a little privacy.
Anyway, to steer the story back on track, it wasn't until Sunday that my stats looked a little better. They slowly weened me off the oxygen to the point I didn't need it anymore. And they noticed that if I took deep breaths through my nose when they did my stats, my saturations levels and heart rate wasn't so bad. Still not great. But not terrible. My temperature ended up going back to normal not long after I was dumped in surgical ward. And upon doing my walk with the doctors on Sunday, my stats weren't plumiting like they were. They were definitely still sitting low, but upon going back to my bed and breathing deep, I was able to bring it back up to a satisfying level without the need of oxygen up my nose. My heart rate was still shooting for the stars going to 180 just from walking. But I could also bring it back down upon focusing on my breathing. They ended up testing my heart to make sure it was healthy. Then I did an MRI.
Can I just say, coming from a person who has never had one before. THEY SUCK. I'm not a claustrophobic person. But needing to lay very still on that bed and having them osub you into this spinning skinny contraption. It's scary. I ended up having to close my eyes and focus on my breathing. On top of that they inject you with something that makes you feel like your peeing your pants. And you get this aweful taste at the back of your throat. All while being in this massive, cramped, loud contraption. It was just aweful.
I was so glad when it was over.
I had to wait a couple of hours but finally one of the doctors came in and told me to go home. They were worried that there would be blood clots in my lungs upon seeing the MRI but I just had an excess amount of fluid buildup. Which can be removed through antibiotics. They said I was healthy enough to go home but had to take it easy for the next 7 days to allow my lungs to recover. I wouldn't be fit for work and would have to see my gp before returning to work.
It being Wednesday, I am already feeling 10x better. I still can't do all my normal things like cleaning and cooking without being out of breath. But the doctors did they it could take up to 6 weeks to recover fully from the bronchitis. I don't feel out of breath from getting up and walking to the toilet or to get a drink. But do find if I try and clean I will start to feel weird and have to sit down to focus on my breathing.
It's been tough. And I never again want to stay in a hospital ever again. But I go through it. And I really got to see my partners and best friend's true colours. My partner did everything while I was in hospital. Cleaning the house, feeding the dogs, washing clothes, bringing me food and fresh clothes. He went above and beyond for me. And this was inbetween his studies for Tafe (which have been intense to say the least). Even after coming home he is still doing everything and doesn't expect me to do a thing. Despite having a whole week off and him lucky to have an hour for himself, he still going above and beyond for me. He even found time to buy me chocolates for Valentine's Day today despite us having nothing planned. He's just so sweet and has proved just how right he is for me.
My friend on the other hand forced me to go to the hospital as she just knew something wasnt right. And she was right. She stuck by my side once I was admitted until my partner could come. Then would constantly text me to see how I'm doing. Upon being discharged she helped drive me around town to get my medication and even bought me sushi before dropping me home.
To have these two people in my life go above and beyond for me when I need it most. To help me no questions ask. No debts to be repaid. To be there for me more than my family ever has or ever could... I am just so damn greatful for them. For them to drop everything when there is trouble. To look after me. To just be there. I never thought I could ever have anything like this. Especially when I couldn't have it with my own family. But to have it with my partner. To have it with my best friend. To finally have people that would literally take a bullet for me. It's literally all anyone needs in life. You can get through anything knowing you have someone that has your back. Through thick and thin. To be graced with not just an amazing loving partner but a dedicated friend. I could go through hell and back as long as I have them by my side. Shannon, Sophie. You pair are my rocks. You tie my soul to this plane and push me to reach my potential. To push me to WANT to reach my full potential. To be able to have someone to fall back on when all else fails. Nothing in the world can beat it. On-top of it all, they are just both genuinely awesome people. My partner is one of the most dedicated and motivated people I know. Anything he wants he will get. He will push himself to have it. To achieve it. It's never a matter of 'how' but meerly an issue of 'when'. When will he achieve it? He is so loving and thoughtful. So clearminded and focused. He's very level headed and intelligent. He's got all the street smarts. And just by introducing himself to a person he can already tell what type of person they are. What type of people they hang out with. Their personalities and morals. It's honestly a super power.
My best friend, she is the strongest yet kindest person I know. She's one to always say sorry but doesn't let people fuck her around. She too is very clear minded knowing what she wants. And for her it's the same as my partner. It's not an issue of 'how' but a matter of 'when'. She is patient and thoughtful. And will drop everything for the people she cares about. She is selfless and caring. And above all else can be a hot head at times but can be really quiet. She can be at both ends of a spectrum at the same time and never ceases to amaze me with her talents and ideas.
I tend to be an introvert and can tire of people very easily. Often being disgusted by them if I'm around them for too long. But these two individuals. I never can get enough of them. I honestly cannot picture my life without them nor do I ever want to.
Long story short, this year has been quite a ride already. And it's only February. But once again my friend and partner has proven themselves to be worth more than a thousand galaxies. I've had a shit run so far but these two have really made it so much more easier.
Shannon. I want to marry you one day. I want to start a family with you and grow old with you.
Sophie. I want to never move too far away from you. I want our kids to be best friends and I want to be those two crazy grannies on a front porch screaming at the youngins.
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sobercentre · 10 months
How 3 Months No Alcohol Rule Can Transform Your Life?
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Have you noticed bad physical and mental health lately? Do you ever consider excessive alcohol usage the culprit behind your health issue? Well, if you do, then it's time to stay clean and forbid alcohol usage for the time being. Sounds complicated, right? But once you hear the benefits of giving up on alcohol for 3 months, you'll give it a shot. You must be wondering to know how abandoning alcohol can transform your life. This article will explore all the health benefits you can achieve with 3 months no alcohol challenge. Let's delve into it!
Why Alcohol Is Your Biggest Enemy?
Alcohol is your biggest enemy. It will destroy your physical health and ruin your mental and social peace. We all know it's easy to wake up one day and quit drinking instantly, but you do it gradually. You must be shocked that your bad habits are destroying your liver, heart, lungs, and brain. It only affects your cognitive ability, emotional, and sleep disturbance. Over time, your condition will even get worse. That is why you must consider stopping alcohol. Here, we have enlisted a few severe health conditions from excessive alcohol usage. - Alcoholic hepatitis - Anxiety - Arrhythmia - Cancer - Cirrhosis - Dementia - Depression - Digestive symptoms - Fibrosis - Hearing loss - High blood pressure - Pancreatitis - Sexually transmitted infections - Stroke
Benefits Of 3 Months No Alcohol Challenge
Let's delve into the benefits of 3 months no alcohol challenge for your body transformation. 1. Better Sleep One common issue that every heavy drinker goes through is poor sleep. Poor sleep can cause many significant issues in your daily routine. You may feel drowsy or tired the whole day, and you'll be unable to perform daily chores. The first benefit you'll observe after quitting alcohol is better sleep at night. Research showed that 2 weeks after quitting alcohol can improve your sleep-wake cycle. With excessive usage of alcohol, you can develop habits like snoring and sleep apnea, which can be improved by quitting alcohol. 2. Reduced Heart Disease Risk People who drink alcohol are twice as vulnerable to getting a cardiovascular disease than an ordinary person with 24 hours of usage. If you have begun to drink and only a week has passed, even then, you can have six times more risk of getting into cardiovascular events. Alcohol is one of the most significant contributors to increased risks of heart attacks. You can go through Atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, or even a heart attack. People above 45 years of age have a significant risk of having strokes due to alcohol. 3. Lower Cancer Risk Cancer is a life-threatening condition, and we all know its disastrous impacts on our bodies. Alcohol is openly marked as carcinogenic. The more you have alcohol, the more your body will be prone to developing cancer. If you are a woman and drinking alcohol every day, then you have a high chance of developing breast cancer quickly. Other types of cancer that can happen due to alcohol usage are Colon and rectal, Esophageal, Laryngeal, Liver, Oral, and Throat cancer. However, if you stop drinking alcohol long, your chances of getting cancer will lessen. 3 months no alcohol is indeed worth giving a chance! 4. Improve Immune System What if we tell you you can increase your immunity just by quitting alcohol consumption for 3 months? When you keep on drinking alcohol, it means it is tough for your body to make new white blood cells to fight germs and foreign bodies. As a result, you'll have a weaker immune system. A weak immune system will likely make you suffer from conditions like tuberculosis, pneumonia, and frequent infections. However, when you quit alcohol consumption, your body will return to its standard mechanism. Your immunity will increase back to normal. Many people reported that they experienced fewer colds, flu, and other illnesses after 3 months no alcohol consumption. 5. Better Nutrition Every person is well aware of the benefits of proper nutrition. A well-nourished body can make you stay active and alive for a long time. However, alcohol consumption can be a significant barrier to getting proper nutrients. If you fulfill your meal requirements by drinking instead of eating food, then you won't be able to get nutrients like protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals. All these nutrients are essential for our body. Without them, your body won't be able to function well for an extended period. People with drinking addiction often complain about digestive issues. If you want to fight against malnourishment, stop using alcohol immediately. 6. Regain Mental Function People who smoke weed and drink alcohol are often victims of mental illnesses like emotional damage and abuse. Moreover, there have been more cases of abuse, suicide, and divorce due to alcohol consumption. However, if you bid goodbye to alcohol today, you'll see a significant transformation in your attitude because your mental health will improve. Common mental health problems like poor memory, slow reflexes, and cognition can be regained by cutting alcohol from your life. If you think that this won't make a significant difference, then try the no alcohol 3-month rule, and you'll get to see a clear picture. Many psychiatrists reported that after 1 month of no alcohol, they noted a visible change, and patients sounded more significant and clear in their heads about their lives.
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Final Verdict If you are noticing any changes in your body physically or mentally, don't take that lightly. Alcohol can be a reason behind these drastic changes that can ruin your life and put a stop to it. Alcohol secretly destroys your body, which you're unaware of. From the lungs to the brain, it can affect every part of your body. However, by now, you must be clear in your head why you need to stop drinking. What are you waiting for? Begin your 3 months no alcohol journey today and see how your body transforms within days. It's time to achieve a healthy body and soul! Read the full article
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theboardwalkbody · 2 years
I have been dealing with intense nausea for almost a week now. It's worst in the mornings and at night.
On top of that I have been in horrible pain from cramps on and off (but more frequently the last two days) for a week (aunt flow coming any day) with bleeding from the really strong ones.
I've been able to eat regular food on and off but during the really bad nausea episodes I've only managed to have some toast and soup (and last night couldn't even stomach that). I was feeling alright this afternoon and had cereal but the milk was a mistake. I might try to sip some soup and ginger ale for dinner.
I was off work because it was way too bad last week. But I'm due back for a 12hr shift tomorrow morning and I really can't call out again because not only will I be in trouble with them but also financially I can not miss any more pay.
I don't know what it is. It's making me scared.
On and off (more on than off) nausea, severe spike in my depression, severe cramps and bleeding before my period, fatigue, on and off appetite, chills, low fever (up to 99.6F), body aches, frequently in the bathroom....
I had my second injection of Taltz on Friday AM which doc says could cause "flu like" symptoms for 24 to 48 hours. But wouldn't I be feeling better by now? I know it's probably a shitty combo of PMS and post injection reaction. But I just feel so shitty I've run through the WEBMD catalog of everything from appendicitis to cancer to endometriosis to pregnancy (I have paraguard so highly unlikely) to ruptured ovarian cyst (I actually have an appointment with that doc in a couple weeks because I didn't want to go while on my period). Maybe I'm dying and need the hospital.
I just took some anti-nausea meds (prescription left over from a previous illness) but it's been an hour and I still feel nauseous so I don't think it helped.
I feel so alone and helpless and sick.
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lipstickstainedred · 3 years
Hey hun! Okay, I just tested positive for COVID (I'm fully vaccinated, so no need to panic just yet, only have mild symptoms so far), and I was hoping you could do a Loki X sick!reader fic? Like, reader has a cold/flu and Loki is being, like, the sweetest and best caretaker ever, with an amazing bedside manner?
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: less than 500? It's a drabble folks.
Warnings: mentions of illness (just a cold), this is literally all fluff.
A/N: Sorry to hear you are sick darling. I hope you have mild symptoms and recover quickly. I know quarantining can be so lonely so hopefully soft!Loki will get you through it.
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Cold. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt so cold. Shivers wracked through your aching body as you pulled the fur throws and blankets that dressed your bed tighter around yourself. You weren’t sure how you had gotten sick, but it didn’t matter at this point. It came on fast and hard. You felt miserable. It started with a simple runny nose, but within 24 hours you were now stuffy, achy and bed ridden. There was no denying it, you had a cold.
“My darling, why didn’t you send for me?” Loki stormed into your bedroom chamber as the door slammed shut behind him.
“You are clearly unwell.” He surmised sympathetically as took in your weak form.
“I didn’t want to worry you, my prince.” You spoke shakily before bursting into a fit of coughs. Loki instantly drew closer, sitting himself on the edge of your bed. His soft hand reached out to caress your sweaty forehead causing you to shiver from his cool fingers.
“You are burning up, darling.” He observed with a deep frown.
“L-Loki, you will get sick.” You whimpered, as you attempted to swat his hand away from you. In response he gently pushed your hands aside before placing both of his hands on your cheeks.
“I don’t care about that. I only care about you getting better.” He whispered.
He held your face in his large palms, looking deeply into your eyes. Prior to this moment you were unsure of what your relationship with the man that sat before you was. Were you friends? Lovers? Perhaps both?
You were unsure if his attention toward you was purely physical or if it meant something to him as well. But as you stared up at him, you realized that you no longer had to question your importance to the Prince of Asgard. His icy blue eyes held nothing but love and affection as he placed his forehead against your clammy one.
Loki was by your side for the rest of your recovery. He had servants bring in soup and broth, which he insisted he spoon feed to you. Cold cloths were dabbed on your forehead whenever your fever would spike and your brows were sweaty. The prince even read to you from your favorite book as you would drift in and out of sleep, snuggled up next to him.
After a week you no longer had symptoms of your illness. And your cold was not the only illness to be cured by Loki’s attentive caretaking. Your lovesick heart had been cured as well.
@blithecapricorn @marvelfansworld @ashpeace888 @violetmoon74 @eralen @stupendouslovegardener @jevans2 @sweetdreams25 @notafknbadger
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lazyyogi · 2 years
Should everyone be vaccinated and which one did you choose if you don't mind me asking? I had a horrendous time with covid / not vaccinated, I was hospitalised, lost so much weight but again there are horror stories in regards to some people who did get vaccinated 🙏
First thing’s first: Talk to your doctor. Everyone is different and it is important to have an informed discussion with someone who is familiar with your medical history.
Every medical intervention deserves a discussion of the risks and the benefits. The evidence has shown that vaccination reduces hospitalization and severity of illness for covid, but that it does not reduce transmission. Only masks and similar precautions reduce transmission.
If the vaccine did reduce transmission, I think this would be a different discussion. But because it doesn’t, it really is just your own life in your hands and not so much the lives of others. So if you decide not to be vaccinated, it will mostly just be you who suffers the consequences.
I will say that the most severe cases I saw in the hospital were unvaccinated individuals, but all I can offer here is anecdotal evidence.
Not everyone can get vaccinated due to certain health conditions. And for some people, there are a range of adverse affects from the vaccine.
Since I am a doctor and work in a hospital, literally everyone I work with has been mandated to get vaccinated. Not one of them has had a serious side affect other than some including myself who experienced 24-48 hours of flu-like symptoms.
I had the Pfizer vaccine x2 and then I think the Moderna booster but I don’t quite recall. I know there are more vaccines in development and testing stages that don’t use mRNA.
It appears that covid, like the flu, is here to stay. Covid doesn’t behave in ways we fully understand but overall it appears to have mutated to become less severe. Hopefully that trend continues.
I am so sorry to hear of your hospitalization, brother. I hope that you are doing much better now. May you and all beings be blessed with health, freedom, peace, and happiness.
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macgyvermedical · 3 years
Hi! I'd just like to ask if you know anything about the covid vaccine and its efficiency, given that you're in the medical field. My mother asked me if she should get it, since it's offered to them at her workplace, but I honestly don't know what to say to her. The opinions are kind of divided here (middle-Europe) but I don't want her to get infected. Could you give any advice or insight on the topic?
I know this one was from a while ago, and while I don't normally provide medical advice, I would absolutely recommend any of the COVID-19 vaccines that have so far been approved (I'm in the US, and our approval process is generally kinda crap compared to Europe's, so I'd generally assume anything approved in your country has undergone at least as much testing as ours has). I would also recommend your mother talk to her medical provider if she feels she may have a reason not to get it that is specific to her (allergy to an ingedient, etc..) or may have to get additional doses (immunocompromised, etc...).
The COVID-19 vaccines are some of the most thoroughly studied and scrutinized vaccines in history at this point, and while they do have a higher level of side effects (plan to take the day after a dose off because you may feel pretty craptastic), than, say, the flu shot, they are extremely effective at significantly reducing hospital admissions and deaths related to COVID-19- especially in those who are at high risk of infection.
They have some limits (for example, they are far, far better at preventing severe illness and death than they are infection, especially since many vaccines are only maximally effective at preventing transmission if a high percentage of people are vaccinated). Common side effects include fatigue, body aches, headache, fever, and pain and swelling at the injection site. These usually go away within 24-48 hours.
IMO, way, way better to have this than potentially weeks worth of illness, a hospital admission, and symptoms or disability that lasts the rest of your life.
The only "common" severe side effects (anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) and blood clots) are both extremely rare. 2-5 people per million vaccinated experienced anaphylaxis, about the same rate as any other medication or vaccine. The blood clotting disorder generally only occurred in women 50 and younger, and that occurred in 7 out of 1 million people (48 total cases reported in the US). Other severe side effects, such as myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle or sac surrounding the heart) and guillain barre syndrome) are also rare but reported side effects. There have been no long-term side effects reported at this time (as of 11/05/2021 M/D/Y).
The actual mRNA in many versions of the vaccine (the instructions the body uses to be able to recognize SARS-CoV-2 in the future and create immunity) is flushed out of the body in a few days to a week. The rest of the ingredients are salts, sugars, and adjuvants that stabilize the mRNA (a fragile substance) and make it easier for the body to get a useful immune response from.
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theyoutubedork · 3 years
“I’m always gonna worry about you, I love you too much not too,”
The one where you get the vaccine, and boyfriend!Harry comforts you when you get really bad side effects.
Trigger warning: COVID times, pain, mentions of needles, and LOTS AND LOTS OF FLUFF
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A/N: ok, so I haven’t written anything for tumblr in a while, I’ve been writing on wattpad a little, but I’m lacking inspiration on that front, so I’ve been flocking to Tumblr once again. Instead of finding inspiration for the story I’m writing on wattpad, I’m gonna just completely procrastinate and write something entirely new instead. Obviously my brain has the best ideas so here we are.
this is based off of my personal experience with getting the jenssen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccine, which is what inspired me to write this story. I had a very tough go with the side effects of the vaccine. I’m fine now and I am not saying that you shouldn’t get this vaccine. Obviously this is a slightly dramatized version so that it is easier for you guys to understand. These side effects only lasted for a few hours within the first 24 hour period of getting this vaccine, which is very common and likely to happen. It just knocked me for a bit of a loop, that’s all. The amount of pain I experienced was something that I was willing to go through so I can get vaccinated. It is was very much worth it. Please get vaccinated, and please be safe.
As soon as you walk through the door, you see Harry’s head spring up from behind the couch. His hair is slightly messy, evidence of one of his random, mid-day naps. His eyes immediately soften, looking at your face, which is twisted from the small discomfort you felt in your arm. You had to go alone because the vaccination site had told you so, and you didn’t want Harry to wait for you in the heat for god knows how long. Harry immediately gets up and gives you a tight embrace as soon as you put your belongings onto the kitchen counter. He lets out a quick sigh of content, being a bit more touch-starved lately, which he doesn’t really know the reason for. He finally brings his head from the crook of your neck, and melts at the sight of your adorable puppy-eyed stare.
“How did it go? I was so worried about you love, wish I could’ve been there to hold your hand,” he coos. His hand pets your head, trying to soothe you from any remaining nervousness, which admittedly, you still were. He knew that you severely disliked needles, especially when getting shots. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a flu shot or blood work, you always had to have your head turned away. Thankfully you aren’t nearly as bad as you used to be. When your were younger, you would scream and cry. There was even one time when you were super young, that an extra nurse had to hold you down like a stereotypical psycho-medical horror film. Screaming bloody murder just for protection against measles. Eventually you grew out of that phase, only having to have your mother rub her hand on your back to try and distract you.
Your mother did that a lot actually. Whenever you were upset, she would always give some sort of physical contact to remind you that she was there. Her most common ways of this type of affection was either rubbing your back or circling her thumb on the back of your palm. However, if you would get hysterical, she would even put her hand on your head and scratch your scalp or even run her finger along the bridge of your nose. She learned this from one of you day-care teachers, who used this tactic to make you finally fall sleep during nap time. Upon reflection, it definitely could seem strange to others, but for some reason your mother always calmed you down with these methods, even when you became an adult. Obviously she doesn’t do this nearly as often, given that you can control your emotions better than you could when you were a kid, and the fact you didn’t live with her anymore.
You are pulled out of your thoughts when Harry wraps his arm around your side to bring you closer. You immediately wince as his arm wrapped around your left arm, squeezing it tightly, making the arm already more sore.
“Harry, my arm,” you mutter, and he quickly lets go, scanning over your features quickly to make sure you weren’t in pain. After you give him a goofy smile, he chuckles and gives you a small peck on the lips.
“Sorry love, didn’t mean to hurt you.” He murmurs, pinching your cheek before grabbing your hand.
“Well now that you’re home, we can finally start that show you wanted to watch. I already went to the store and got you some stuff, just in case you get any side effects.” He rambles excitedly, plopping onto the couch before dragging you down towards him, your limbs already entangled with his. He adjusts slowly, making sure your left arm isn’t pressing up against anything too harshly. He pulls a blanket hanging on the backside of the couch over the two of you. You don’t let this distract you from giving him a narrow-eyed look due to his last statement. He sighs, noticing this,
“I know-“ he starts but you interrupt him,
“It’s very sweet that you went out and got stuff for me, but you know I don’t like if when you go out by yourself.” You say, tracing your fingers over his anchor tattoo as you continue, “But, you are an independent young man, who can do whatever he wants, so just text me before you go out and do that stuff ok? Don’t want anything bad happening to you,” you say softly, looking up at him with a worried look. He lets out a small “aww” as he grabs your hand, bringing it up to his lips, peppering small kisses on your knuckles before he looks at you with loving eyes.
“I know, you’re right, but you don’t have to worry about me love,” he says, wrapping his hand lightly around your neck, pulling your head closer so he could give you a small kiss on the forehead. You rest your head on his chest, facing towards the tv. You pick up the remote off the coffee table, turning on the TV to start scrolling though Netflix.
“I’m always gonna worry about you, I love you too much not to,” you say somewhat absentmindedly, since this was something you say to Harry all the time. He constantly begged you not to worry about him, and you always say there is no possible way you could not worry about him. Not just because he’s your celebrity boyfriend, but because obviously you will always worry about the people you love. People may see that as a bad thing, but it just means that you always want the best for the people you care about, and that you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to them.
You feel Harry’s ring-less hand, (he must’ve taken them off when he went out so he wouldn’t face any more risk of recognition; people are way too observant for their own good) find it’s way into your hair, lightly sifting through it.
‘Harry’s hands are surprisingly soft for someone who plays instruments as often as he does,’ you thought.
Ever since he found out about your mom playing with your hair, and other types of physical affection whenever you got upset, which he found adorable by the way, he had started to do the same, except at any given moment, not just when you got upset. You didn’t comment on it, but you secretly revel in it. He always was touchy-feely, but this was much more personal and intimate, and the way he pays extra attention to you makes you feel like nothing in the world could hurt you.
“You still shouldn’t worry about me so much,” he says, knowing full well that he will never be able to stop you. He knows that you worry about him for the obvious reasons, and that you would honestly be a bad girlfriend if you didn’t. He is one of the most famous people in the world, at least according to famousbirthdays.com.
After a few minutes of silence you hear Harry speak again,
“You know you’re the best girlfriend in the world right?” Harry says cutely, curling a strand of your hair around his fingers.
You let out a small laugh. He asked you this all the time, as if he never asked you the question before. You always brush off this comment, and this time is no different.
“No I am not,” you scoff, selecting play on the screen, the Netflix logo filling the screen. You feel Harry tug on your hair enough so he could make you look at him. This action makes your face heat up like the surface of the sun, making you try to look away from him.
“Look at me, love,” he whispers and you reluctantly comply. You see him with a tight lipped smile that rested below the apples in his cheeks. His eyes were slightly closed from how much he was smiling.
“I mean it, I know I tell you all the time, but you really are the best girlfriend in the world, you’re always so worried about me, making sure I’m ok,” he firmly states, scooping your stray baby hairs out of your face, “you’re like my bodyguard,” he chuckles. You raise a teasing eyebrow and he begins to laugh a little harder at your expression.
“Hey! You are like, the cutest bodyguard I’ve ever had,” you let out a small giggle at this, making Harry smile even wider.
“Damn right, I’ll kick everybody’s ass just for you babe,” you chuckle, air-punching the air aimlessly. Harry laughs loudly at this, giving you a peck on the head.
“I know you will, lovie,”
Later on in the evening, Harry had finished making dinner, and you were sprawled out on the couch. You usually would be in the kitchen with him, but for some reason you just didn’t want to move. Harry didn’t pay any mind, knowing that the vaccine you got was a single shot, meaning it was going to be a more potent dose. This also meant that you would probably be experiencing more severe symptoms than he did when he had gotten his two shot vaccine. He wanted you to get the same one as him, but he knew that the place you were setting up your appointment only had the single shot doses, and that you didn’t want to have to go through two rounds of needles.
He was only away for 25 minutes, so when he rounded the corner to enter the living room, to say that he was concerned was an understatement. He saw you, sprawled on the couch, your face scrunched together in pain as you tried to get comfortable. Your chest was heaving up and down at a not so steady pace. He set the plates in his hands on the coffee table before crouching down to make his face level with yours.
“You ok lovie? Dinner’s ready,” he said in a hushed tone, placing his hand on your forehead to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. However, when his hand reached your forehead, he noticed that the hair was glued to it, your forehead slightly slick with sweat. You let out a small groan of pain as your response. He immediately placed the back of his palm against your skin, not caring about your sweat. Not a fever, but not too far from one.
“Baby why didn’t you change into something a bit lighter?”
“I was going to but then I just didn’t want to get up. Or...move.” You whined. Harry’s face softened when he saw your cute little pout that you do whenever you get lazy or tired. Or both.
“Okay well do you wanna have dinner then get changed, or get changed and then have dinner?” He says.
“I wanna move as little as possible, so let’s eat dinner and then I’ll change.”
“Ok lovie...now eat before it gets cold.”
You were barely able to keep yourself up by the time you finished eating, and Harry immediately sprung into action. He quickly cleaned up the kitchen and put everything somewhat away before he rushed back to you. He had to catch you slightly since you were trying to make it to the bedroom before he came back.
He gingerly helped you out of your clothes and tucked you into your bed. Quickly shedding his clothes, and slowly getting into bed, trying not to dip the bed drastically. You immediately curled into his arms after he turn out the lights, and you let out small groans every once and a while.
“It’s alright angel, you probably won’t sleep super well tonight but I’ll be right next to you if you need anything. Okay lovie?” He murmurs, bringing his left arm around your waist to slowly trace circles at the bottom of your spine, soothing you greatly. You let out a small hum of understanding before nuzzling into his chest more, letting out a small sigh.
“You know you’re the best boyfriend in the world right?”
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kalimagik · 4 years
Fred Weasley x Pregnant!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Requested by @coffee-wihtout-caffeine​ - “Can I request Fred x reader where it’s throughout her pregnancy with supportive Weasley family? Like the entire pregnancy just bits through each month and dealing with the symptoms. Tia”
A/N: I had SO much fun writing this. I was so excited the whole time (i love babies and think pregnancy is beautiful, so I may have gotten carried away). It’s super fluffy, has something for each month, and a whole lot of cute Fred and a supportive Weasley family! It’s not my usual writing style, but still so fun. Feedback is always welcome! Comment, like, reblog! Happy Reading <3 (also, I got too excited to wait til tonight to post it, so its coming early)
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Month 1
It had to be the stomach flu, what else could it be? Fred left you in bed that morning after you spent most of the night with your head over the toilet. You racked your mind, trying to figure out where you would have caught the stomach flu. That’s when it hit you. Running to the nearest convenience store, you bought the tests, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
You looked at the pregnancy test again and the other 3 that sat on the vanity, all positive. No, you and Fred weren’t trying for a baby, but you weren’t not trying either. A baby…you were going to have a baby, Fred’s baby.
The butterflies in your stomach were going to have a roommate. The thought made your lips curl into a grin as you looked into the mirror. A baby! Now you just had to tell Fred. Knowing you had a few hours, you rushed around the house like a mad woman. The rest of the day consisted of picking up, making dinner, and making yourself look presentable and not like you had spent most of the day in bed. The day also included throwing up every now and then, but you were actually kind of excited each time because it was just a reminder of the little boy or girl growing in your stomach.
When Fred walked through the door, you had your favorite “Love Songs” playlist playing, the dinner table set, and candles lit throughout the entire flat. “Is someone feeling better?” Fred called out above the music.
“Freddie! I’m in here,” you sang, still cleaning up pots and pans from dinner.
“What is all of this?” Fred asked, eyes widening at the sight laid out in front of him. “Did I forget an anniversary or something?” he chuckled, knowing very well that he didn’t. “This is wonderful, love. But, what did I do to deserve this?”
“Just sit down and you’ll find out!” You beamed, bringing Fred’s favorite food to the table, his mother’s meatballs with onion sauce with a treacle tart and cream puffs on the side for dessert.
“24 hour stomach flu pass?”
“Uhhh, for the most part,” you skirted around the subject a bit. You had a plan to tell him about the baby.
Dinner went by with your usual conversations about the day, the shop, and how George and the rest of the Weasleys were doing. When tart had been dished out, you stood up from your seat and went behind the couch to get your little gift.
“Okay, what is going on?” Fred asked, now confused as to why he got his favorite dinner, dessert, and now a present. “Did you do something I should be angry about? Did someone else do something that I should be taking credit for?”
“No, silly,” you giggle, sitting the present in front of him. “Just open this!” You watch him intently while standing as he takes the tissue paper out of the bag and unwraps the first little gift. The white tissue paper fell to the floor as he unfolded a little white onesie that read “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”
“What’s this for? I’m not going to be an uncle or something am I? Is George around here trying to punk me?”
You just shook your head, an amused, close lipped smile set on your face. “Open the next one.”
Fred stuck his hand back into the small, blue bag and pulled out the long box that had probably once held a bracelet. When he pulled the lid off, there was the 4th and final positive pregnancy test that you had taken earlier in the day. Fred looked up at you, eyes wide. The hand not holding the box with the test reached for the onesie as he put two and two together.
“Are you- Is this? Does this mean-” You just nodded as he stumbled over his words.
“I’m pregnant,” you told him with a laugh/cry. Honestly, you weren’t sure what the noise was, but it was a happy one. Fred flew out of his seat so quickly to embrace you that his chair fell to the floor with a loud clatter.
“You’re pregnant?” he asked again once he finally let you go and stopped kissing your face. You could only nod as the happy tears streamed down your face. “Oh, I guess I shouldn’t hug you so hard. Wouldn’t want to hurt the little lad or gal would I?”
“I think the little Weasley will be okay,” you smirk, hugging Fred a little tighter.
“So when can I tell George?”
You laugh as you kiss Fred’s cheek. “Not just yet, darling. Let’s see a doctor first”
Month 2
“So I can tell Georgie right after this right?” Fred asked as you sat in a room at St. Mungo’s waiting for the doctor.
“I enjoy you pretending to wait for my permission when I know you already told him,” you laugh, squeezing Fred’s hand while he helps you onto the chair for the mothers to be. “He was not very subtle when I came by the shop the other day. He was talking about inventing baby friendly products for the shop.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically at the memory.
“Okay, I may have apparated to our little flat above the shop where he was at the time after you fell asleep the night that you told me.” He pouted, looking for forgiveness from you.
You had to stifle your giggles when the doctor knocked on the door to let you know that she was entering.
“Good afternoon Y/N,” she smiled at you as she pulled out the contraption for looking at the baby’s growing form. “I see you have Fred Weasley with you again.”
The last appointment, he may or may not have dropped a dung bomb that made its way into his jacket pocket accidentally on their way out.
“Hello there, Dr. Woodson,” Fred grimaced. “Good to see you again. Don’t worry, I double checked my pockets before coming this time.”
“Very good,” your doctor nodded curtly. “Well then, let’s get started, shall we?”
Your doctor talked you through the images that you and Fred saw on the screen. “Your baby is now about the size of a pomegranate seed since you’re in the 6th week,” she finished. You sat and watched in awe. The baby was so much bigger than just a few weeks ago when you were in for the first visit that confirmed your pregnancy. “Do you have any questions for me?” Dr. Woodson asked at the end of the appointment.
You shook your head, already having read all about it in the pregnancy books you had bought a few weeks earlier. Fred was the one to pipe up. “So, my brother’s wife was pregnant a year ago or so, and she got really, really cranky. Is my wife going to do that too?”
“Fred?!” you scoffed, playfully slapping him in the arm.
“You see, it’s already starting a little bit and I was just wondering how bad it will actually get.” He continued ignoring you.
Your doctor chuckled slightly before she stood up with your charts in hand. “It was good to see you both again. Y/N, you can schedule your next appointment at the front desk on your way out. Send me an owl if you have any questions or concerns.”
After saying goodbye, Fred helped you off the chair, even though he didn’t have to, and you dressed back into your clothes that were not yet maternity wear, but starting to get a little snug in some areas.
“All ready, love?” he asked after you dressed.
“Let’s go.”
Month 3
“Are you ready?” Fred asked as you stood at the door of his childhood home. He was grinning from ear to ear. Today was the day that the two of you had decided to tell his family about the baby. You told your parents a few days earlier and they couldn’t be happier, but that was two people. Now it was time to face Fred’s parents, six siblings, and all of their significant others.
“Very ready,” you smiled back. Fred had been sitting on the edge of his seat for nearly a month whenever you visited. It was the end of your third month and therefore an appropriate time to start telling the family.
“Mum! We’re here!” Fred called out as he opened the door.
“OHHH! Y/N, Fred! Welcome. I’m so happy you both could make it!”
“We always come for Sunday night dinner, Mrs. Weasley,” you laughed while being buried into one of her notorious bear hugs.
“Woah there, mum. Don’t want to crush Y/N and our-” Fred cut himself off before he let the word ‘baby’ slip. Luckily, Molly was a blur around the house that she hadn’t even noticed. After giving Fred a quick hug, she called up to the rest of the family and feet began stampeding down the stairs.
“Wow, it is getting a little crowded in here,” you laughed as you hugged Ginny, Hermione, George, Ron, Harry and then Bill, Charlie, Fleur and little Victoire. “Even Teddy is here!” you smiled as you hugged the 3 year old with bright blue hair.
“The more the merrier is our motto!” Arthur Weasley boomed as he came into the kitchen as well.
“It’s a good thing that you think that way, dad!” Fred beamed, sharing a quick glance with George. At this rate, the family was going to learn the news before everyone even sat down for dinner.
Pre-dinner chats ensued and then Mrs. Weasley called them all from the living room to the table. That’s when she started handing out the wine. She had decided it was a special occasion because EVERYONE was at dinner. Bill and Fleur were in France the previous week and Charlie was back from Romania for a period of time. Even Percy managed to pull himself away from his busy work life. You looked at Fred with a small, close lipped smile, letting him know that it’s time to spill the news. Everyone would find out soon enough when you refused the wine.
You took your seat next to Fred with Ginny on your other side, leaning into Fred as he wrapped his arm around you and kissed your temple. Then, he cleared his throat to get the 12 other people’s attention.
“I’d like to make a toast,” he announced, raising his glass. “I can’t imagine this night being any better. Spending time with my amazing family, the extensions included,” he nodded to Harry, Hermione, and Fleur. “It’s a big family, but it’s about to get a little bigger. Currently a plum size bigger.” You nudged Fred slightly. He had been making fun of you for announcing which food your baby’s size matched each week.
“Oi, cut to the chase down there. I can’t hold it in for much longer! I’m bursting at the seams over here!” George hollered from the other end of the table.
Your smile grew as you made eye contact with Molly. You could tell she already knew what Fred was going to say, but was letting him break the news.
“Y/N and I are pregnant!” Fred’s signature grin was plastered on his face and you didn’t think that he’d been wiping it off anytime soon.
“This is brilliant!” Ginny cheered as she wrapped an arm around you. “I get to be an aunt, again!” she smiled at Victoire.
“Victoire,” Fleur got the little girl’s attention. “Yoo are going to be a couzin to a ittle boy or girl. Eesn’t zis exciting?”
“Ronald and I can babysit whenever you need a break,” Hermione offered, Ron nodding along, even though he wasn’t too sure if he wanted to be with a baby around his fiancé just yet.
The congratulations and excitement lasted all through dinner. By the end, Bill and Fleur offered you Victoire’s baby clothes if you had a girl, Arthur said he could fix up the cradle they used for all their children, Molly had already started knitting a little hat and bootie set. It was crazy and chaotic, but you loved every second of it. This was your wild family now and the wild family that your baby would get to grow up with.
Month 4
You paced around your flat with a hand on your forehead and one on your stomach. You had just gotten back from your appointment, the high of telling the Weasley family about the pregnancy two nights ago still lingering. Of course, once you went to see Dr. Woodson, the feeling changed.
“Oh, that’s interesting,” Dr. Woodson had said as she ran her wand over your stomach to look at the baby.
“What?” you asked. She’d never said anything like that before.
“It seems we may have missed something.” She pulled an image up. “Normally we would catch this earlier, but see that there.” She pointed and you nodded. “Well, there appears to be a second fetus and a second heartbeat that I must have missed before. Y/N Weasley, you are having twins!”
Laying down on the couch, you thought about what having twins would mean. Two of everything really. Fred and George’s shop was doing great again and they were acquiring Zonko’s in Hogsmeade too, so money wouldn’t technically be an issue. But, twins! They could be a little Fred and George exactly and that would be a handful. The doctor never said that they were identical necessarily, so you could have a boy and a girl.
“Honey! I’m hoooome!” Fred sang opening the door.
“With your favorite brother-in-law!” George sang after him.
Both twins sat grocery bags on the table. “What’s all this?” you asked, mind still focused on the news you got earlier in the day.
“We have decided to cook you dinner!” George said triumphantly.
You looked at the identical faces that stood before you, both grinning at you. “Fred, we’re having twins!” you blurted out at them, not able to hold it in any longer. Fred dropped the bag he was still holding, apples and oranges rolling all over the floor.
“Twins.” He said, eyes glazed over, looking past you and at the wall, where the onesie that you gave him the day you told him you were pregnant was hanging.
“You’re going to have a mini Fred and I?!” George squealed in excitement. He shook Fred’s shoulders, bringing him back to the present.
“That we are!” you smiled, appreciating the enthusiasm. “Well maybe, we could have girls, or a girl and a boy. We won’t know until the end of next month,” you explained, rambling.
That’s when Fred went into total care mode. “Do you need to sit down? You should be sitting down. Mum always complained about what Georgie and I did to her body and how hard carrying twins was.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Freddie,” you giggled, “maybe YOU should sit down!”
“Yes, perhaps I shall, love.” Fred plopped down onto the couch as you went into the kitchen to grab him a cup of water. “Twins, wow.” You heard him breathe out in the living room.
“He is happy about it, just processing,” George whispered to you as he started to put your groceries away.
“I know,” you smiled, “he is going to make a great dad!”
Month 5
Your stomach was really bulging at this point. Two little ones growing in there. You were beyond excited as you slid on a maternity dress with sunflowers plastered all over it. It had become your favorite dress, comfortable, stretchy, it had pockets. But, today, you put it on for your gender reveal party. Originally, you and Fred were going to wait and be surprised by the sex of the babies, but Molly and even George changed your minds.
They agreed that once they received the news, Dr. Woodson would write the genders on pieces of paper, seal them in an envelope, and send them with an owl to Molly. Now, you were getting ready for that party. You were more going along with Fred when you originally said you’d wait to find out the sexes, but now you were giddy!
“Love, are you ready? Everyone is downstairs,” Fred knocked on his childhood door as he opened to take in the room that hadn’t changed in years. You followed Fred down the stairs, him holding your hand the whole way to ensure that you didn’t trip down the stairs. He may be loud, boisterous, and reckless usually, but since he learned about the twins, he treated you as if you were a china doll, it was so sweet.
“Surprise!” a hoard of people called when you exited the Burrow. The Weasleys had completely decked out their yard on the spring evening. Twinkle lights flooded the area with light as the sun set to the west. Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom had brought in tons of flowers that surrounded the tables. All the pinks and blues were bright as can be, signifying the news that was about to be shared with everyone, even the parents.
“Merlin! It’s beautiful! Thank you,” you beamed, taking in as much of the yard at once as possible.
The party was a blast. Blue and pink food. Cute little presents left out with yellows and greens. Tons of little Gryffindor attire, even though you’d be okay with your children being in any of the houses. But the time for the reveal drew closer.
“Y/N, Fred. Stand here,” Molly ordered them. “George is out back setting everything up.”
You were shaking with excitement. Your family and Fred’s family all held sparklers that lit the darkness. The colors reflected off of your and Fred’s skin. He glanced over at you and whispered, “You’ve been glowing this whole time, but you’re really glowing now,” before leaning down and kissing your cheek.
“Everyone ready?” George called from behind the hedge. “3…2…1!”
The sky exploded with fireworks of blue and pink. Your hand flew to your mouth as you took in the sight. “We’re getting a little boy AND a little girl, Freddie,” you laughed, happy to now know. Fred hugged you tightly, leaving just enough room for your protruding belly.
“We’re having a boy and a girl,” he repeated, grinning ear to ear. Everyone let the two of you have your moment before flooding you with hugs and congratulations.
Month 6
“Psssst, Freddie.” You whispered, peaking at the clock quickly. It read 1:30 AM…oops.
“Yes, love,” Fred whispered as he yawned before turning over and lazily slinging an arm over your body.
“I’m hungry…” you said, big, pouty, pleading eyes already in place as Fred opened one of his. “Will you pleeeeease get me some chocolate covered strawberries and the cheesiest nachos you can find?”
“That is the strangest combination that I have ever heard.” Fred grunted as he pushed the blankets down. “You sure you can eat both of those things?”
So far, you had found that you could no longer even look at any kind of fish, tuna was WAY out of the question, the smell of tomatoes made you gag, and turkey was a big no go. In fact, most meat was starting to make you queasy and you could only eat it sometimes.
“It’s what I’m craving, so I think so?”
“Sounds good, love. I’ll be right back.” Fred threw on some pants and a jacket and apparated out of the flat. You laid back in your bed, feeling extremely content as you pulled the blankets up to your chin just to throw them off. You’d been going from freezing to feeling like a million degrees every few minutes.
That familiar pop could be heard as Fred brought the food to you in bed. “Nachos and chocolate covered strawberries for my beautiful, glowing wife. We can never go back to the Spanish restaurant on the corner or the market next to it ever again. You don’t want to know how angry the owners were when I woke them up.”
You had already dug into the food before Fred could undress and get back into bed again. “Are you going to save me any?” he chuckled, sliding back into the sheets.
“Yes, you can have some.” You told him, mouth full and chocolate dribbling down your chin.
“Let me run to the loo before I go to bed again,” Fred told you, getting up once more. By the time he walked back into the room, you were there fast asleep, box of chocolate covered strawberries on one side and box of nachos on the other. Fred couldn’t stop laughing as he picked up the open food and wiped off your face before kissing your forehead and pulling you close to him.
Month 7
“FRED!! It’s so hot!” you complained. You could feel the sweat sliding down every inch of your body and you felt disgusting. You felt huge and being pregnant was not fun anymore. You were big, couldn’t move easily, and your ankles had swollen to three times their normal size.
In the July heat, you just felt terrible.
“Let me get you another fan and some lemonade.” Fred offered.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so cranky with you,” you apologized to Fred when he came to sit back down next to you, handing you a glass of lemonade.
“You have every right to be cranky with me,” he smiled, kissing the side of your head as he had been doing so often now. “You’re carrying my babies. Speaking of which, we should come up with some names. It could be fun!”
You took a deep breath, trying to relax on the couch. “Yes, let’s do that!” Fred had already begun preparing the nursery and Molly and Fleur had sent over hordes of clothes. Planning was tiring you out, as fun and cute as it was, so maybe brainstorming names would be a blast.
“Now, George thinks we should name at least one of them after him. If we did that, we should name the girl Georgia because I think George would throw a fit if the girl was actually named after him. And then the boy could be Fred Jr.”
You looked dead eyed at Fred, not thinking his ‘joke’ was funny. “We are not making, no excuse me, forcing our twins to be mini-yous. Nope, not happening. Veto, next.”
“Okay, geez,” Fred chuckled as he took your hand in his own, knowing you would complain about being hot if he put his arm fully around you.
“Mhmmmm,” you thought out loud. “What about Andrew for the boy. You know, for my brother? I’d like to honor him after losing him 2 years ago in the war.”
“I think that would be nice,” Fred smiled softly at you. “Andrew it is. Andrew Weasley has a good ring to it. We can call him Drew for short too.”
“I think so too,” you agreed.
“Now, for a girl, this is a serious suggestion,” Fred prepared you. “Olivia. I’ve always liked that name.” he played with your fingers.
“Andrew and Olivia Weasley. I think it could work. That was much easier than I thought it was!” You laughed with joy.
“Fred, Y/N, Andrew, and Olivia. Our little family. You like your new names, kids?” Fred spoke to your stomach.
Month 8
“Nope, do not get out of bed!” Fred ordered after you tried to get out of bed. “Doctor’s orders. Plus, Mum is already here.”
Molly Weasley had been coming to your flat nearly every other day to help you and Fred around the house. Dr. Woodson placed you on bed rest the previous week and it was complete AGONY.
“But, Freddie, there is so much we still have to do. I can help.”
“Nope, George and I have it covered. Plus you know the rest of the family will help with whatever we need. You just sit here and rest. Liv and Drew are still growing in there.”
“Yes they are,” you giggled, rubbing your stomach. “I swear they were wrestling in there last night! They were being so active! Kicking and moving around. If these two fight during their entire childhoods, we will be in for some rough years!”
“I bet they will be best friends,” Fred smiled. “Look at Georgie and I! And, if they have any younger siblings in the future, they can team up against them.”
“I should hope not!” you scoffed. Your banter settled as Molly hurried into the room with a breakfast tray.
“Mum will take good care of you today and Ginny mentioned stopping by later, okay?” Fred told you as he kissed you goodbye. “I won’t be too late tonight. Everyone on Diagon Alley seems to know that you’re expecting, so even though business is booming, the shop is ready to be closed at closing!
“Sounds good, dear.” You replied, pushing the eggs to the side. You forgot to tell Molly that you weren’t eating those now because of the babies.
“I’ll take those for you,” Fred chuckled, eating your eggs, sipping some water, and kissing you one more time before leaving. “Have a good day!”
“Bye, hun,” you giggled again as she left. At least you had the company of all the Weasley guests throughout the days when he was gone.
Month 9
“They’re due any day, Freddie!” You squealed. You had attempted to jump a little, but that just made you have to pee, so you stopped that immediately. “When they get here, we can hold them all the time and I’ll be able to move freely!”
You had secretly begun doing the things that you hoped would speed along the delivery date. You were eating spicy foods, walking around when no one was watching you and forcing you back to bed, drinking raspberry tea, everything! Well, not everything. You had try to convince Fred to have sex with you the night before, but he refused. Said it was weird with two babies in there, even though you looked beautiful and he would love to.
You had just rolled your eyes at him in response, but you did try!
“You going to come out soon, little ones?” You asked your stomach. “At least one perk of being so large is that I can sit the box of chocolate covered strawberries on my stomach.” You hummed happily, eating another one of the treats that had been your favorites during your pregnancy.
You had eaten them so many times that Molly just started making them regularly for you so that Fred didn’t have to go buy them at all hours of the day randomly.
“Can I come to Diagon Alley with you today?” you asked hopefully. “I need to get out of this house. Everything is ready and I’ve been cooped up for too long.”
Fred stood there thinking, but you pleaded some more, getting him to finally give in. “Only if you promise to not walk around too much.”
“I promise! I’ll sit at Florean’s the whole time!” You drew and X over your heart to seal the promise.
You breathed in the air deeply as you took in the atmosphere of the Alley. The newer owners of the ice cream shop brought you more ice cream each time that you asked for some and whenever you tried to pay, they refused. Yet another perk of being pregnant.
Numerous people had walked by and chatted with you while Fred was at the shop and he came by every so often to check on you. It was a pleasant day. That was until an excruciating pain occurred in your stomach.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,” you whined, hands immediately holding your stomach. “Excuse me,” you pulled one of the waiters aside. “Would you run down to the joke shop and get my husband, please?”
The trip to St. Mungo’s was a blur. Fred was holding your hand the entire way, helping you into your hospital gown, and just being an overall sweetheart as per usual. Molly Weasley and your mum filtered in and out of the room. It wasn’t until Dr. Woodson announced that just those going into the delivery room could stay that the chaos slowed. Even if it was just you and Fred in the room, you knew that every single Weasley and Y/L/N was in the waiting room and would be until your two children entered the world.
Four hours later, you had finished pushing, you had finished working your body to exhaustion. Four hours later, you held two little babies in your arms and they were beautiful. Fred’s smile was so wide and he was so proud as he took Andrew from you and then Olivia.
“You did beautifully, darling,” he whispered, looking at the two children in his arms. The tears were still streaming down your face, stupid post-birth hormones. “Are you ready for the family? They’ll come back in small groups.” You nodded laying your head back on the pillows. It was September 8th. The day your little family had its first addition of many.
You could see the little heads of Olivia and Drew peaking over the blankets as different family members held them. Their hair was strawberry red, just like your favorite snack.
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