multicarinata · 2 years
satan Luella and I by hmltd and pink moon by tash sultana!
satan, luella & i: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
THOUGHT it was going to be more of a narrative song than it was... really enjoyed it after picking up in tempo & the later lyrics. saving it for playlists in the future but probably an occasional thing to listen to
pink moon: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
ahhh I DO really like this one as well :-) again paced more slow than I'd listen to frequently but it's sweet and minimal in a way that gets me. will definitely check out more from the artist they seem neat
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immunotoday · 2 years
Covid vaccines protect people who are HIV-positive.
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Studies have shown that the Sars-Cov-2 vaccines protect healthy people from severe Covid-19 pretty well. It hasn't been clear until now if this is also true for people with acquired immunodeficiency. The research team led by Ingo Schmitz and Dr. Anja Potthoff from the Walk in Ruhr (WIR) Zentrum für Sexuelle Gesundheit und Medizin at the university hospital of Ruhr University Bochum did a study with 71 HIV-positive people who were getting antiretroviral therapy. Also, 20 people who did not have HIV but were used as controls took part in the study. After each person got the Biontech/Pfizer mRNA vaccine for the first, second, and third time, their immune response was looked at.
Ingo Schmitz says, "We found that the vaccination causes this group to make antibodies, but not as well as healthy people do." "Because this difference got smaller after the third shot, we think that booster shots should be recommended."
Researchers were surprised to find that T-helper cells had the same effect on the immune system in HIV-positive and HIV-negative people. "This is true even though it is these T-helper cells that are attacked by the HIV virus and have fewer of them in people with HIV," says Ingo Schmitz. Since T-helper cells live longer than antibodies, this could mean that the vaccine protects people with HIV for about as long as it protects people without HIV.
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paranormalactivity · 2 years
what’s your favourite food?
Absolutely cake! Love it so much I could eat it every single day. Also love most of junky food
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qutventures · 22 days
Immuno 150 Reviews: What Are Customers Saying?
When it comes to enhancing overall health and boosting immunity, Immuno 150 has emerged as a popular choice among wellness enthusiasts. This supplement, offered by the reputable brand Qutventures, combines 150 essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients designed to support your body's natural defenses and overall vitality. But what do real users think about it? Let’s explore some comprehensive Immuno 150 reviews to understand why this product is making a mark.
Positive Experiences Highlighted in Immuno 150 Reviews
Many Immuno 150 reviews reflect a high level of satisfaction among users. Customers have reported notable improvements in their energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being after integrating Immuno 150 into their daily health routine. One common theme in these reviews is the noticeable enhancement in immune resilience. Users have shared that they feel more robust and less susceptible to seasonal illnesses, which they attribute to the potent blend of nutrients in Immuno 150.
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Reviewers often praise the supplement for its effectiveness in supporting their immune system during high-stress periods or when facing environmental challenges. Many users who previously struggled with frequent colds or seasonal allergies have reported fewer incidences of such issues after using Immuno 150. The supplement’s ability to maintain a balanced and healthy immune system is a recurring highlight in the reviews.
The Impact of QUT Ventures on Immuno 150’s Reputation
A significant factor contributing to the positive feedback on Immuno 150 is the brand behind it. Customers constantly mention their trust in the brand’s commitment to quality and transparency. Qutventures is known for its rigorous testing processes and adherence to international health standards, which reassures customers about the safety and efficacy of their products.
Several reviews specifically mention the brand's dedication to using high-quality, globally sourced ingredients. This transparency and adherence to stringent quality control measures have earned qutventures a strong reputation in the wellness industry. Users appreciate knowing that the supplement they are taking has been tested extensively and is backed by a brand known for its reliability and integrity.
Ease of Incorporation and User Experience
Another positive aspect highlighted in Immuno 150 reviews is the ease of incorporating the supplement into daily life. Many users find that Immuno 150 fits seamlessly into their routine, thanks to its convenient form and minimal side effects. Reviewers often note that the supplement does not interfere with their daily activities or cause any digestive discomfort, making it a practical choice for maintaining health.
The effectiveness of Immuno 150 is also attributed to its well-balanced formulation. Users appreciate that the supplement provides comprehensive support without the need for multiple different products. This convenience is particularly valued by those with busy lifestyles who are looking for a straightforward solution to enhance their health.
Comparisons and Alternatives
In addition to positive reviews, some users compare Immuno 150 with other similar supplements. While there are many options available in the market, Immuno 150 stands out due to its unique formulation and the reputable brand behind it. Customers often note that, unlike some competitors, Immuno 150 delivers consistent results and maintains a high standard of quality.
Conclusion: Is Immuno 150 Worth Trying?
Based on the numerous Immuno 150 reviews, it is evident that this supplement has made a positive impact on many users’ lives. The combination of a scientifically backed formulation, high-quality ingredients, and the trusted name of qutventures contributes to its strong reputation. Whether you are looking to bolster your immune system, increase your energy levels, or simply support your overall health, Immuno 150 offers a promising option.
The positive experiences shared by users highlight the effectiveness and reliability of Immuno 150. With the assurance of quality and transparency from qutventures, this supplement is worth considering for anyone aiming to enhance their health and well-being.
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drgauravseth01 · 23 days
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younes-13promax · 7 months
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صفة الله
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immunobiz · 7 months
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Dans notre quête de préservation de la jeunesse, le nom 'glutathion' revient souvent. Cette molécule, connue comme le maître antioxydant, se dresse au centre de la scène du processus de vieillissement. Elle sert de bouclier protecteur à nos cellules contre les agressions dues aux radicaux libres, ralentissant ainsi les effets du temps sur notre organisme.
Mais alors, comment maintenir des niveaux optimaux de glutathion ? Je vous présente Immunocal, un avancé notoire dans la nutrition. Ce n'est pas une potion magique, mais un complément alimentaire qui fournit la cystéine nécessaire pour soutenir la production naturelle de glutathion par notre corps.
L'intégration d'Immunocal dans une routine de santé proactive est un investissement dans notre capital vitalité. Il favorise un vieillissement sain, permettant à notre corps de fonctionner à son meilleur potentiel, aussi bien aujourd'hui que demain. C'est une forme de sagesse moderne, anticiper pour mieux prospérer.
Considérez alors l'ajout d'Immunocal comme l'acte d'entretenir une machine bien huilée : notre corps. Comme toute mécanique de précision, elle a besoin de soins constants pour rester performante et élégante face au tic-tac incessant du temps.
Pour conclure, si nous envisageons de naviguer avec agilité sur les eaux parfois tumultueuses de l'existence, l'intégration d'Immunocal à notre régime quotidien pourrait s’avérer être une voile propulsive essentielle. Il s'agit de prendre les bonnes décisions, celles qui nous permettront de demeurer dynamiques et éclatants, qu'importe le nombre de printemps que compte notre voyage. ☀️
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yasinaraphat · 9 months
Which is Better Immuno 150 vs Balance of Nature?
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Sunday night. Trying to understand antigen presentation. MCH class I and II.
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weekdaysbasketball · 2 years
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長いシーズン戦を闘い抜き、勝ち残った7チーム中の2チームはFuture Bound Classic という高校生の大会の大舞台。彼らのオールスターゲームの前座試合で行われた。
WNBAで現在もプレイしている、Betnijah Laney が両チームを鼓舞してどちらのチームもそれに反応し、残り僅かまで大接戦の素晴らしい試合だった。
MVP はYuuki が受賞した。
S/O adidas Tokyo and immuno!
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martialgodz · 2 years
This is so ungodly embarrassing but my 14th song was "Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)" from the Rio soundtrack 😭
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These are my favorite lyrics from it!
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howgalling · 1 year
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ARMORED TALI!! as requested hehe. honestly i adore the geth influence in her me1 design. hm. or the way that quarians made the geth look like themselves- it's visible in the armor that tali is wearing. or is tali wearing the armor of geth she's taken out? very fun either way. her fits in 2+3 were cute but imo there was a certain charm to her mass effect 1 design <3 as is my humble duty i bulked up her gear. she's still dinky under it all but I like to think with the resources shepard has access to, she wouln't allow tali on the field without souping her armor way the hell up!!
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The pandemic has truly shown that a big majority of self proclaimed leftists are performative as fuck.
The minute their supposed morals require them to do something that is so MILDLY inconvenient to the them (i.e. wear a mask), it all suddenly goes out the window. This is why us disabled people get left out of the conversation when it comes to leftism.
The beginning of the pandemic, as awful as it was, there was at least some glimmer of hope in regards to disabled rights. For once I saw people I know posting about protecting our lives and the importance of staying home and masking. I was getting tons of support opening up about being disabled and chronically ill.
The thing is though, that this was because they had no other choice! They had to stay home, they had to mask, because it was a mandate! So it was easy for them to think to themselves “wow, I’m so brilliant, I’m doing so much for disabled people”.
When we finally got to go back in person in university, I was so glad to see most people masking. Imagine how gullible I felt the day I walked into the lab when they had removed the mandate the night before, to see not a single person in a mask. Just for some context which makes this even worse; this was a biochemistry/ immunology lab. Our professors were quite literally the ones developing the vaccines in Ireland. Not even they could be bothered to mask.
For the first while my friends would always mask around me because I asked them to. Then it became less and less. They’d pull the ole “omg I’m so sorry I left it at home” shit. Then eventually they stopped giving excuses and just expected me to be ok with them endangering me.
I remember everyone posted about getting vaccinated the first time around. Now as each booster comes out you hear less and less about it, less people getting boosted.
And the pièce de résistance!! Leftist circles… this is the most disheartening. At every leftist gathering/ protest I’ve been to, no one is masking. There’s always this one awkward performative moment where they say some shit about “being mindful of the space you’re occupying”, and they direct people to a box of masks they brought… I’ve never seen one fucker take one. Self proclaimed socialists and communists who “protect the rights of minorities”, don’t give a fuck about disabled people.
They’ll talk the talk, but their actions are so weak. Can’t even wear a piece of fucking fabric on their faces to protect us.
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qutventures · 2 months
Discover the Power of IMMUNO 150: Your Ultimate Health Companion
What if I told you that a single supplement could revolutionize your health routine? Meet IMMUNO 150, the powerhouse that’s making waves in the wellness community. Packed with essential nutrients, IMMUNO 150 is designed to enhance your immune system and overall well-being. Let’s dive into the magic behind this incredible supplement and see how it can transform your health.
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The Nutrient-Rich Formula of IMMUNO 150
IMMUNO 150 isn’t just another supplement on the market. It’s a carefully crafted blend of 150 vital nutrients. Yes, you read that right—150! These include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements your body needs to function at its best.
Vitamins: The Building Blocks of Health
IMMUNO 150 is rich in essential vitamins. From Vitamin A to Zinc, each capsule is a treasure trove of nutrients. Vitamin C, for instance, is known for its immune-boosting properties. It helps protect your body against illnesses and supports the health of your skin and tissues. Meanwhile, Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health and regulating the immune system.
Minerals: The Unsung Heroes
Minerals are just as important as vitamins, and IMMUNO 150 is loaded with them. Calcium, magnesium, and iron are just a few of the minerals included. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Magnesium helps with muscle function and energy production. Iron is crucial for blood production and carrying oxygen throughout the body. Each mineral in IMMUNO 150 is there for a reason, working synergistically to keep you healthy.
Trace Elements: The Secret Sauce
Trace elements might be needed in smaller amounts, but their impact is huge. Think of selenium, copper, and manganese. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, protecting your cells from damage. Copper helps with the formation of red blood cells and maintaining healthy bones and nerves. Manganese supports bone formation and nutrient absorption. IMMUNO 150 ensures you get these often-overlooked nutrients in your daily diet.
Real-Life Stories of Transformation
Let’s take a look at how IMMUNO 150 has changed lives. 
Jane's Journey to Wellness
Jane was always tired and felt like she was constantly battling colds. She tried various supplements, but nothing seemed to work. Then she discovered IMMUNO 150. After just a few weeks, she noticed a significant difference. Her energy levels were higher, and she wasn't getting sick as often. Jane felt like she had her life back.
Mike’s Miracle Recovery
Mike, a fitness enthusiast, was struggling with recovery after workouts. His muscles were sore, and he lacked the stamina to keep up with his routine. A friend recommended IMMUNO 150. Mike was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try. The results were amazing. His recovery times improved, and he felt more energized during workouts. IMMUNO 150 became his secret weapon for maintaining peak performance.
Why Choose IMMUNO 150?
With so many supplements out there, why should you choose IMMUNO 150? The answer is simple. It’s comprehensive, convenient, and effective, so get it from the most authentic source QUTventures.
Comprehensive Health Support
IMMUNO 150 covers all bases. You’re not just getting a handful of vitamins or minerals; you’re getting a complete package. This means you don’t need multiple supplements cluttering your counter. IMMUNO 150 simplifies your routine and ensures you’re covered.
Convenient and Easy to Use
One of the best things about IMMUNO 150 is its convenience. Just take the recommended dose, and you’re good to go. No need to worry about mixing powders or swallowing large  
Effective Results
The real proof of IMMUNO 150's effectiveness is in the results. Users consistently report better energy levels, improved immune function, and overall better health. The carefully balanced formula ensures your body gets exactly what it needs.
How to Get the Most Out of IMMUNO 150
To reap the full benefits of IMMUNO 150, consistency is key. Make it a part of your daily routine. Pair it with a balanced diet and regular exercise for optimal results. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. Your body will thank you.
IMMUNO 150 is more than just a supplement; it’s a game-changer for your health. With its rich blend of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, it provides comprehensive support for your body. Whether you’re looking to boost your immune system, improve energy levels, or just feel better overall, IMMUNO 150 is the answer. Don’t just take our word for it—try it for yourself and experience the transformation. Join the countless others who have made IMMUNO 150 a staple in their health routine. Feel the difference, live the difference, with IMMUNO 150. Your journey to better health starts now.
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hamletthedane · 1 month
*narrowing eyes suspiciously at my own physical health* why are you suddenly super fatigued?what’s going on??
Body: *starts fatiguing faster like a cat chewing on plastic once caught*
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younes-13promax · 7 months
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