#Impact on Spike
greensaplinggrace · 10 months
I think one of the biggest differences between bangel and spuffy is that angel isn’t a partner to buffy. he’s not even someone she knows that well. he’s not someone she’s ever familiar with, and he’s not someone she can ever fully rely on.
yeah their romance was big and grand and all the things a tragic fairytale romance is. but at the end of the day their relationship is so incredibly surface level. all there is is the idea of love, and not even the real thing.
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cloud-ya · 11 months
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the nonchalant
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raven-sng · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Bianka!
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suckishima · 6 months
haikyuu chapter 281 "pitons" & expectations
basically i wanna talk about how furudate crafts a Moment
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early in the chapter hinata rotates into the front row and the commentators remind us of how hinata is a known point getter for karasuno—an offensive asset for them. there's the air that anything can happen when hinata is in the front row, which is emphasized again by kindaichi commenting about how hinata just needs to do something
but the rotation moves quickly. the panels are cluttered and full of action with a lot going on—inarizaki is continually pulling out new tricks, even baiting karasuno into a reach-over violation. everything builds to feel fast paced and like karasuno is hanging on by a thread. and before we know it's a few pages later and hinata is already rotated into the back row. furudate takes the opportunity to acknowledge his position in the rotation again
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and just like how being in the front row comes with the expectation that hinata will do something, the opposite is true when he's in the back row. the expectation is that he won't contribute much to the team effort—he's their offensive wildcard after all, and he can't be as effective as a decoy in the back. so furudate has set the audience up not to expect much from him this rally.
the expectation of action switches instead to tsukki, who we have seen make several quick and decisive reads so far this match. and he continues doing so, making two more impressive reads of the ball and jumping to meet them both times as well—something that both the commentators and kuroo in the audience point out.
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he's on top of his game and furudate wants us to know it. everything is perfectly set up for him to block this spike from osamu. except, he's wrong. osamu doesn't spike it, he sets it to aran.
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inarizaki's cunning style of play is at an all time high, and karasuno's player who is arguably the best at reading the ball fell into their trap. aran slams the ball out of frame and it seems like it's over for this rally
but then
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we get this absolutely stunning full page spread of hinata perfectly receiving the ball.
amongst all the clutter and action furudate dedicates the entire page to these simple, clean, and elegantly detailed panels that feel like a breath of fresh air and hope as hinata is exactly where the team needs him to be.
hinata, who is arguably the worst on the team at making reads, read the play better than even tsukki did.
hinata, who the audience/reader had no expectation would do anything this rally—who is literally absent from every single page between the one where he rotates back and now.
he's been completely out of sight, out of mind for a page and a half, and now we're bombarded with these six cells depicting one action as hinata comes in and does what no one expected
but at the same time, it isn't unearned. hinata has spent months building up to this moment. practicing, studying, moving his body to match the path of the ball. furudate has been crafting the narrative to reach this moment for months and months, and that's what makes it so satisfying. we should know it's coming, everything has been leading to it, and yet furudate manages to keep us surprised when it does, by briefly focusing our attention elsewhere right before it happens
this is it, that page is the peak of hinata's major volleyball moment. but furudate doesn't end it there, they let us and the characters sit in it just a little bit longer
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we've seen the height of the action of the receive itself, we get to be still and in awe with the characters, and then furudate emphasizes it again by telling us the importance of the receive
before we begin to transition away from the peak of the action and into the high of the emotional impact as kageyama looks up at the arc of the ball
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and says "nice dig."
we finally get to see hinata's face and it confirms to the audience that yes, he felt it too. his teammates, the people watching back in miyagi, kageyama, hinata himself, and us as the reader, we all felt this moment together. we all earned it alongside him.
the months of buildup, the emphasis in this chapter of hinata's place in the rotation, then the misdirects of action—it all manipulates our expectations to be in the right mental state for the sudden harsh cut into slo motion as we get to float in the emotion along with everyone.
it's exceptionally well done.
and instead of letting it fade, furudate ends the chapter there, letting us all sit back and just soak in the catharsis
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hwatermelons-reacts · 8 months
every single one of my favorite male characters is someone i have to take a serious look at and ask "is he okay" every once in a while just to make sure he hasn't accidentally disintegrated under the crushing karma of his actions, succumbed to the pain of an irrevocable curse, gone insane through the curse of immortality, or otherwise fallen into one of the angst traps underneath the very thin ice of comfort from the other characters that he's walking on while i was busy reading fanfics about him slipping through the cracks into those very angst traps
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elviriel · 2 months
nobody asked but having seen the whole show, my least version of sp*ffy, BY FAR, is season 7. season 7 sp*ffy is unbearable to me in ways i can't unpack i just hate it, i hate it so much
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onikaavi · 2 years
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A “Six Fanarts” from this year! 🖤
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suncaptor · 5 months
I think that there's an idea of being expected to push yourself to get better for both physical and mental health issues even when the pushing yourself at hand is 1.) Impossible 2.) Unhealthy and will worsen the issues. Building more strength or energy should always be specific types of gradual, in control, and targetted helpful progress. but like pushing yourself too hard with BOTH can be detrimental.
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xochitai · 2 years
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when I first started playing, I thought the way they modeled her ponytails kinda looked like dragon fruit which lead to this
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yuughr · 1 year
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chickenparm · 2 years
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colorized video of me consuming my blorbo - August, 2022
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cherrysnax · 2 months
Chevys sim looks just like them fr and like just looking at them confuses my brain in a good way!!
#I think my sim self is too hot but Chevy says it’s accurate so I’ll believe them#im happy with my sim thought because I even got the hyperpigmentation on my cheeks and my dark circles n my acne spots#im ehh on my skin tone because im inside all the time and im starting to get really pale but I think it’s accurate??#I think I have cool undertones irl but idk abt in the sims#and Chevy has this beautiful brown skin tone that seems like it should have cool undertones but they actually have very warm undertones#and the way her nostrils poke up a bit was the part I wanted to do the most#I see a lot of ours ocs in us and well duh#but also our ocs have impacted the way we dress n shit#because of retro I have a buzzed head and lean towards more spikes chokers and bracelets even though I tend to prefer lacier accessories#Chevys locs have grown so much and I see a lot of Leo in the way they wanna style them#also the fingerless gloves#sorry thinking about our webcomic#when we first started dating I forgot how to draw because I was so happy#so to learn how to draw again I drew Chevy a lot#and even now when im bored I doodle a little chevy#i started drawing myself more when we started dating because we were long distance at first#so I wanted to draw us together. and now I can draw self portraits that actually look like me!! it’s crazy#and now we’re immortalized in the sims :’)#which is where so many of our show your spine characters were first made… crazy how things come full circle#im manifesting a show your spine game in the next 10 years on god
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cloud-ya · 2 years
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fish impact 3rd
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people are 16 and posting about their pregnancies and babies on tiktok and bragging it is truly over forever
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nando161mando · 6 months
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Every jerk CEO right now
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
just finished rewatching Cowboy Bebop (was making my dad watch it) and honestly it felt like I was watching it with a whole different set of eyes because I wasn't watching it immediately post-hysterectomy
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