#and why is it suddenly bragging rights you are so young!!!!! having a child is such a big fucking deal why are you doing it at 16
people are 16 and posting about their pregnancies and babies on tiktok and bragging it is truly over forever
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Don't Touch Her - James Wilson x peds!reader
description: y/n will challenge whatever threat there is to her children, at any consequence to herself. James will always be there to pick up the pieces.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: sexual assault, child sexual assault, mentions of rape, yelling, angst
authors note: I've realised I'm great at writing angst!
REQUESTS OPEN - request here
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House’s pov
I stared at the test in front of me.
Everybody lies.
I held the DNA test in my hand, and I could feel it burn through my skin as I limped my way down to the office of my ‘sister-in-law’.
Knock knock.
“Is that Mrs Wilson in there? I can hear you caring.” I shouted through the wood in hopes of gaining access. The door was flung open. I was met by sunshine itself.
“Mrs Wilson? I thought that was you?” She jabbed. “What can I do for you, House?”
Her face was the picture of innocence, and the smile never left her face despite the witty comment. I worried about her reaction. Usually, I relished in the extent of human outbursts, wondering how far I could push them so long as the consequences never fell on me. But this didn’t feel right. This wasn’t going to be fun. I only prayed I could get to Wilson fast enough before these consequences ricocheted back on to her.
She widened her eyes in a silent question of why I was here. Her eyes flitted down to the piece of paper in my hand.
“Well come on, what medical supervillain are you going to brag about curing to me now?”
“Actually, this isn’t my patient. It’s yours.”
She scoffed at my ambiguity and proceeded to take the paper from my hands.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She giggled at the joke she assumed I was trying to make. But my face revealed the truth. When she received no further taunt or clever wordplay her smile dropped. Without much further thought she practically tore the paper trying to unfold it. Her eyes danced across the words on the page and each word took a little bit more life from her face each time.
In a flash she had exited her doorframe and had unceremoniously crashed into my shoulder. I couldn’t even bring myself to mock her for ‘injuring a cripple’ because as I watched her frame run further down the hospital hallway I had more important things on my mind. Primarily, protecting her from herself. And there was only one person I needed for that.
I limped down a few more doors and finally barged into the one office I needed. Wilson turned away from the new photo he was hanging on his wall. It was him and y/n at the beach.
“Please, come in. Have a seat. Thank you for knocking.” He mocked but I remained unmoved. “You’re not taunting back?” His brows furrowed at the abnormality. “Why are you here?”
I looked to my feet, suddenly afraid of my friend’s reaction.
“Your girlfriend is about to do something incredibly brave and incredibly stupid.”
Wilson carefully removed the nail and placed the picture neatly back on his desk. His eyes never met mine until he said.
“Where is she?”
Your pov
Flames burned my soul, and my heart was filled with anguish. I flew down the hallway. People jumped out of the way when they saw my sunny disposition replaced by hard stone. Normally, I didn’t like feeling like an imposition in the hospital. I would run towards a patients room when they’re seizing whilst simultaneously apologising to anyone who moved out of the way for me. Yet here I was, a torpedo through a sea of colleagues.
I made it. Room 309. The doors creaked at the weight of my push. A mother and father sit at their daughters bedside. 10 years old, in for a heart attack. The two parents turned towards me as their daughter remained peaceful and sedated. I was thankful, as the words that were about to spew out of my mouth were not for young ears. I held up the paper and presented it in front of them like a detective who just cracked the case.
“Three days ago, your daughter was brought in for a heart attack. Because of her extremely young age I decided to keep her in for observation so I could come up with a diagnosis for a myocardial infarction in a 10-year-old girl. I was coming up blank and eventually I was going to have to release her back into your care, but I was terrified. Terrified that if I let you go, I’d be dooming your daughter to a disease I missed. That was until today when I found out that your daughters heart attack was brought on by a short but severe onslaught of emotional distress.” At this point the two parents had closed in on me, eager to hear my findings. At this the mother became confused and sought answers amongst her tears. The father remained quiet.
“Emotional distress-I don’t—I don’t understand? Nothing happened before. We would---I would’ve known?”
I opened my mouth to speak but it just wouldn’t come out as my eyes fell on the little girls sleeping form. My eyes drew in and I decided to merely hand the mother the results which I had been given moments ago. She took them from me with shaky hands. I turned to face the man to the side of me.
“The police are on their way.” A loud shriek exploded from Mrs Hart as the words on the page resonated in her already fragile mind. I stared him down. “I don’t suggest running.”
I made my way to exit the room, preparing to actually call the police but also because, as selfish as it was, I couldn’t be subjected to that level of despair any longer. The screams of a mother learning about her child’s pain were enough. However, I was harshly ripped away from the door.
“What the fuck do you mean by that.” Mr Hart had my arm in an iron grip.
“I think you know. And now, so does your wife.” I tried to pry myself free, but he was too strong, and I was thrown up against the wall.
“What are you insinuating!”
“She had vaginal tearing, and her 10-year-old uterus was filled with semen. Semen that was just confirmed as having your DNA from a test which your wife is now holding the results of. Along with a comprehensive list of the injuries you subjected your daughter’s body to.”
I gained new strength and shoved the significantly taller male away from my body.
“My professional opinion is that when you crept into your daughters room that night and started subjecting her to your own examinations, the extreme emotional distress caused her body to shut down and brought on a heart attack. At least we now have the cure, no more playtime with daddy.”
He lunged for my throat but not before I fled the room. I should have ran; found James or House or anyone. That would have been the smart thing to do. But I just couldn’t. This man disgusted me, and he needed to feel it. I needed to say it. The police would deal with him later, but I needed to get a few shots in first. I turned back to face him.
“That little girl in there, she depends on you because she has no one else. She trusts you to take care of her and you treat her like that. Every day I take in children, and I work to save them and I work to protect them. Every day I do my job as best as I can only for there to be people like you who take the innocence of a child and control it for their own perverted needs.”
Now he was fuming, and he stalked towards me. A lion to its prey. My resolve began to crumble, my bravery slowly lacking. He towered over my body, and I suddenly felt the fear that his little girl felt every night when daddy came in to her room. His face was confident, but his body held an anger.
“You’re lying.” His face was now inches away from mine. His hot breath washed over my face, and I began to shrink into my body.
“I have the proof. I have medical proof.” I whispered, my eyes struggling to hold his firm gaze
“Papers can go missing. It happens.” As he spoke his tainted fingers found a new resting point in my hair as they slowly began to stroke through my locks. I shuddered at the action that I ordinarily found so much comfort in. I remembered the nights where I would lie on James’ chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. The memory couldn’t save me from the situation I currently found myself in. As I went to speak I could feel the words crawling back in my throat. ‘Don’t antagonise. Play along. Wait for someone. He’s stronger. He’s bigger.’ But these inner thoughts were overshadowed and my mind replayed the first moment that little girl walked into my care.
“Enjoy your last moments of freedom.”
“I’m not going to prison.” He smirked at this, concocting a plan of escape. I had to say it.
“Really? I hear it’s so much fun for kiddy touchers.” In my peripheral I saw his hands fly up to grip my neck. I gasped. But before I could even feel his icy touch around my throat, he was ripped away from me and his back hit the floor in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t ever touch her.” James stood over his body. Just looking at him I felt my racing heart slow. He wasn’t wearing his lab coat, only his shirt and tie with his sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He panted from the long run from his office. Once he composed himself his professional nature returned.
“Officers, please escort Mr Hart off the premises. I believe Dr Y/l/n and Dr House have the medical proof of the sexual assault of a minor along with the DNA evidence to prove Mr Harts involvement.” The two police officers, who had obviously been called, but not by me, held Mr Hart by his arms as they hoisted him up off the floor. They secured the handcuffs around his wrist whilst reading him his Miranda Rights. “Whilst you’re there you can also add the physical assault of Dr y/l/n to his list of accusations.”
As he spoke, James approached me. At this point, I realised I hadn’t moved since the confrontation. James noticed my thousand-yard stare and approached me like how one would handle a skittish horse. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of my lab coat and he saw the beginnings of a bruise where his hands had gripped me.
I uttered a less than believable, “I’m fine.” Despite the lump in my throat.
His arms eventually wrapped around me, and I sunk into his embrace. He placed a gentle kiss onto my hair. I allowed myself to sink into him more. My head rested on his heart and the gentle thud offered me a consistent beat to focus on.
“How did you know?” My once strong voice came out as a whimper. He only needed to utter the word.
“House.” I felt a warmth spread through my heart at that. He knew. Somehow, he’d known. And James had known. And he knew how to take care of me.
“I don’t need you to defend me.” I spoke, uncertainly, into his chest.
“I know.” James softly said as he stroked my hair and brushed his thumb against the exposed skin of my waist.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He punctuated his sentence with the lightest kiss to my lips. As he retreated, I leaned in to seek him out again and he answered with another, deeper kiss.
We stayed there for a while. Neither of us speaking but our breaths saying everything for us. In that moment, despite what my words said, I had needed him and now, more than ever, I needed him to save me from myself. From the spiralling thoughts that flooded my head ready to push me down further and further. Eventually we separated but our intertwined hands meant I could still make sure he was there, and he wasn’t going to leave. He led me down the corridor, in the direction of his office rather than mine.
“What did you tell the police, when you called them? I was so blinded; I couldn’t even think about following procedure.”
“I didn’t call them. House did. Seconds after he got the results.”
We made it to his office where I remained for the rest of the day. James explained what happened to Cuddy and she allowed me the rest of the day off. James offered to drive me home but, honestly, there was nowhere I wanted to be, nowhere I felt safer than in his arms. So, he sighed and pushed out his chair in a silent allowance. I curled up on his lap as he sat and filled out forms. His left hand wrote as his right gently ran up and down my thighs. We didn’t need to speak; we were just there.
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missmarveledsblog · 29 days
It's the middle ( Joel miller x reader)
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Summary: the town had their own theories to why y/n shell suddenly was opening more , only some took it as invitations and after she sets an asshole straight in the bar for his words on her and Ellie she is attacked . Some things are reveal and a darkness is coming back from the past
Warning: attempted sa , sort of heavy part not gonna lie
This is part two of its a start
They wondered how he did it , how the usually non social butterfly Joel miller got the surprisingly worse no social y/n well to talk . it wasn’t like she was new towns personality or anything but she was saying hello and actually answering people. They heard her voice albeit at first was almost a whisper but it was far from the short nods of acknowledgements which to be fair were also far and few inbetween . ellie also stop swearing keeping her word for a whole ten minutes before her mouth caught that missed out time up. But in the end they all wondered how he done it.
Something that didn’t end with the world was the gossip , each having their on theories of the matter from something bad happening she it was like a life is too short sort of thing to not so pg remarks that joel fucked her so hard she went into a factory reset those ones made him roll his eyes and scoff. She on other hand didn’t take notice of the rumours , ignored whispers about her as she walked learning to be open again was taking up more head space then grown adults acting like teenage girls. Which the little social interaction now open she notice men her age and older started talking to her some took her saying no as it was , some added weak jokes but again took her word and other well they didn’t take it so well like the very existence of her rejection was a threat to their male centred egos . she didn’t give them time of day which only made them more pissed like she was” little miss high and mighty” in their words. One in particular didn’t like it as much as the others , thought his shit didn’t stink and she was lucky to even have his attention .
Nigel Baker , he was attractive she’d give him that but it was everything else that was so ugly about him . the man was selfish , expected the best when he gave the bare minimum and serial womaniser . He bragged about how he took down a hoard of infected with just his hunting knife yet seemly everytime it was time for him to go on patrol he would have some form of injury that would make him useless for the task but for some reason or other he thought he desired everything he wanted and that included y/n .
“ he’s staring at you again , creepy fuck” ellie rolled her eyes as two sat at the bar of tipsy bison.
“ let him i ain’t bothered man like that is a child at best” she chuckled taking sip of her whiskey as ellie drank her water although she did try persuade them give her a glass of the “ hard stuff” .
“ i mean joel and tommy should be here soon , he usually stops when their around , going back to his fake ass tales” she snorted.
“ fake ass tales who would that be?” the sniffling voice asked behind them .
“ oh you know some kids and their tales , it’s cute but you can tell real one mile away” y/n barely looked at the man who was too well self absorbed to pick up the slight dig in her words.
“ ain’t it truth , they ain’t like us baby huh? Real survivors ” he took seat beside her.
“ why you talking like that aren’t you from chicago or something” ellie snorted at fake southern drawl he kept putting on .
“ ain’t you too young to be here , seems as though the miller bitches need to be taught their place, is that what you need baby , i mean fix her might make that one like men again huh? ” he shot back .
“Hey hey , so you fought off a hoard right that must of been scary when you do that” she asked batting her lashes fake smile like she wasn’t biting her tongue .
“ oh like six month ago easily” the smirk on his face one she seen in so many before him a mask of a monster, was the best way to describe it.
“ do you have it” she asked sweetly as ellie head watched in amusement , she may of not heard y/n speaking long but it was long enough to know she was playing with the man before her.
“ course ya can , see this is the one that did it” he held it up, anyone with weapons experience could tell it was a phoney ,thing wasn’t cutting anything but possibly the air. She took it from his hands and let out a loud laugh , louder than anyone possibly ever heard before including ellie.
“ this ain’t fighting anything but a hoard of butterflies never mind infected , i mean it’s good but it’s faker than your accent which could use a little work just saying” she snorted.
“ clearly don’t know anything about knives baby because look at it clearly been through it ” he scoffed although the blush on his face told a different story.
“ i know it a faux metal made probably what six months ago rust and pattern on knives ain't like that this ones got green flecks not the rust of the older ones would get , see it don’t even mark the wood so nigel my fake ass cowboy infected annihilator why the bullshit because my daddy used to make um before all this told me how to spot cheap ones from the real ones , i can see now why you don’t go on patrol wouldn’t want to break the show piece… oh and cowboy wanna be ain’t nothing needs to fixed with ellie just pissed she get more women than you do ” she laughed watching his smirk fall , that look in his eyes .
“ you’d wanna shut your mouth girl , just cause your joel millers plaything doesn’t mean i won’t put you in your place” he growled.
“ go ahead and you’ll see what a real knife is” she smiled holding it in her hand and his fake in her other . “ now leave before we have real problems” she handed it over .
“ watch yerself sweetheart old man can protect you all time” he hissed.
“ i can protect myself little man” she waved watching him storm out .
“ that was bad ass, the rust really go green ?” ellie chuckled .
“ the metal has a chemical reaction over time only thing that knife could do is spread butter on my toast i mean could take down one but even at that it would break easily” she shrugged.
“ hey there’s dina i’ll tell her to wait here til joel gets here incase he’s outside ” ellie smiled excitedly.
“ nah go ahead joel will show up he knows we’re here and bastard knows his place go on lover girl ” she smiled taking another swig .
“ ok tell him i’ll be home for curfew” she had a bashful smile while heading to the girl ones she’s expressed her interest in the last while seen as it wasn’t one side and two were close. Of course y/n wanted that , she wanted it with a man she could never have well in her mind could never have .
It was hours she sat waiting only too give up thinking maybe the meeting was in over time or joel already went home either way she was getting tired and her bed was definitely calling , a few good men offered to walk her home but she waved them off knowing it was a five minute walk back plus air was getting cooler hoping to catch the first of snowfall one tradition she always kept from her old life , the life of her family . ones who wanted her to be must of a child as she could be in a world falling apart. She stood out it was perfect sort of weather , her eyes on the sky watching waiting as she walked through the darkening streets of jackson . like on cue the first flake floated down from the sky as she smiled softly catching it on her finger tips , then another and then another. So concentrated on the connection to memories she didn’t register the figure sneaking up behind her til his hand was around her mouth and other dragging her off into the makeshift ally of the stores. Kicking and pushing trying to break the grip to no avail , being tired and drinks in her system didn’t have her as precise as before . she felt herself being slammed into the walls hitting her head against the brick but she could tell even in her daze vision she knew exactly who it was.
“ fucking bitch , what you gonna be a nasty little slut for , what is it i’m too young fer ya , like em old” nigel spat pinning her front to the cold wall . “ i’ll get you liking em you age again put manners on ya , stop you running your mouth” he laughed as she felt his hand going to her jean only for her to pull the knife out she could feel the blood heading into her eye . she felt his hand going for the button only for her knife to hit the skin cutting him making him get off of her with a hiss when she pushed him away . she ran yelling , screaming loudly as could hoping someone would hear her. She felt the arms wrapping around her making her slap and hit the person away.
“ darling stop it’s me , calm down” his voice , the man she wanted the panic setting as his scent hit her know . his voice calming that fight only for her to break in his arms it reminded him of the night she first let those walls come down . “ what happened” he asked softly.
“ nigel he tried to … tried”she said before crying again what she didn’t know was the men heard the commotion , was heading way as tommy and couple others headed to the alley .
“ take er home we’re going to pack his bags” tommy called as the men held nigel in their grips probably for his own safety from the look on joel’s face .
“ come on darling we get you home and cleaned up” joel lifted her up a her hang clung to him terrified like some how her mind made up the fact he was there and if she let go he would disappear. “ i cut him” she sniffled head buried in his neck. “ i hurt him to get away”.
“ only protecting yourself darling s’okay “ .
“ i pissed him off , provoked him joel i made everyone laugh at him i just wanted him leave me alone” she began crying again he could see it her torn clothes blood on her face the bruise on her cheek , the way she shook in his arms . it killed him , killed him to see her like this hell if she didn’t need him so much the bastard be dead before tommy and other even got the chance but she needed him and he promised her he always got him on her side.
He brought her to cleaned her up , gave her some clothes and gave her his bed for the night .
Ellie was late but moment she stepped in door she knew something was wrong, she could see he was tense more so than usual , she could see the bloody cloth and yet not scratch on him .
“ Y/N was attacked tommy and couple other taking him out of town , she’s sleep upstairs so be quiet” he said too tired mental and physically hating if wasn’t so close what the outcome would of been.
“ let me guess nigel” she asked .
“ yeah she told me about the bar man waited til she wasn’t looking , took her off guard cause prick knew she would of done worse if he confronted her straight on” he spatted hands gripping the chair knuckles bone white . “ lucky i ain’t out there now , she thought she done wrong , said she provoked him , she hurt him you believe that her heads busted open and bruised cheek and she thinks she done wrong i don’t care if she punched him in that bar a man don’t do that” he growled ready to grab his coat.
“ hey pretty girl you ok” ellie called looking to the stair snapping joel from rushing out the door.
“ i’m ok really urm i think i should get home” she smiled weakly.
“ yeah not happening in fact i’m putting you on house arrest til breakfast tomorrow” she joked hugging her tightly . “ i should of stayed” she could feel the shake in girls voice.
“ nah i already told him i’d show him real knife i got it don’t worry” she kissed her head softly probably only other person to have the affection from y/n . “ it’s no ones fault ellie he deserved what he got in the bar after what he said nothings more fragile than a monsters ego” she pulled back .
“ what he say in the bar?” joel asked.
“ bragging , said ellie needed fix , i was your plaything i mean lists goes on” she rolled her eyes yet winced at the sting in her cheek. “ i was biting my tongue and then he started with that so i well probably pushed too far but i’d do it again” she sat on sofa .
“ go get bed kid let you off this time coming home late” joel nodded his head at stair .
“ you better be here is morning , night you two” she called heading up the stairs .
“ i’ll take sofa” she looked up at him a smile on her face but he could tell it was put on , he could see it didn’t reach her eyes or did it convince anyone before he could say anything a knock was heard at door making her jump .
“ it probably tommy relax i’ll tell him come back in morning” he patted her shoulder hating how she tensed under he touch but he didn’t take it personal . he was right minute door open it was his brother only he didn’t wait for joel to speak letting himself in straight over to where y/n .
“ hey firecracker you ok” he asked going to reach out touch her face only she moved back . “ sorry sweetheart , you cracked him in the nose and his hand is fucked so good job” he smiled weakly .
“ i didn’t know i just swung and ran” she laughed dryly wishing she done worse .
“ he gone?” joel asked .
“ we had bring him to doc but guys are bringing him out now” he nodded . “ you ok though? He didn’t…hurt you?” tommy asked feeling guilty for not getting rid of the prick sooner.
“ he only got to touch my jeans before i sliced his hand” her voice cracked looking down at the sweats .
“ ok ok good he won’t bother you again i promise you that , couple of guys will double check in morning too but tonight it best you stay here ok ” .
“She is now let er rest , come back tomorrow” joel huffed holding door open .
“ yeah right sorry it’s late just needed to..” he said only to hugged her tightly. “ i’m glad your ok” he smiled pulling back heading out the door.
“ Course I am I not alone anymore I got you guys” she Called out .
“ ok ok hallmark you need rest I'll see you tomorrow And so will maria bring proper shit to cover the wound “ he chuckled calling Back .
she sat looking at her hand , she hated she let herself Get distracted it could of been so much worse and yet joel proved her right He was there when she needed him , she wasn't facing things alone .
“ come on go take my bed no one needs to take watch"he huffed sitting beside her keeping his distance but still being close.
“ I can sleep every time my eyes close I feel the wall , I can feel his breathe on my skin “ she sighed head falling back hating She felt so vulnerable It wasn't a emotion she'd felt in years and one she thought she never Feel again .
“ I can sit with you talk So you won't hear him , you hear me , hold yer hand so you can feel me whatever you need I got you I promised you that and I don't break those not to You” he said softly watching the way she relaxed to his words , how when he touched her hand she didn't tense or freak out. She held on tighter like she was afraid it was all part of her dream , joel would be gone And Nigel Would come back .
“ could You stay with me all night?” It was so low almost a whisper But even he heard her like not matter What he'd always Hear Her. He didn't say much just a nod of his head and keeping hold of her Hand bringing her up the stairs making sure to keep his promise.
The towns Men all glared as he was dragged towards the gate . Each one Of them wanted to hit the bastards Since some had women In their life some had daughters some had sister , some had experience of men Like him . Nigel knew he fucked up moment She ran and they showed up . He seen it on all their Faces like they Took it personal but the bitch needed manners , needed to be taught A lesson . He pleaded Said he'd make it up some how but was only told me like that don't changed . Bag on his back And out the gate he went .
“ I'll bring um out” mark called dragging him roughly along other probably sensing a beating coming But for a man like him , shit happened with wave of their hands stood waiting.
“ come on you” he growled as The other man gulped. Wondering if he could make some Sort of break for it.
“ just play along asshole” mark hissed. “ I'm helping you out here” those words Melt his fear away following man out dragging his steps to make it look good .
Once they were out of the hearing range mark let him go pulling a knife and gun out Handing them over. “ there's a camp couple Miles east leader is jonah , tell Him mark sent you from jackson And whatever you have on y/n and jackson , he'll set you up , don't tell um you touched er though he'll kill you on spot” mark spoke Quietly.
“ why y/n why should I believe All this?” Nigel eyes widened .
“ because jonah. Wants his wife back sent me here To do it but i needed get on their good side” he explain hastily . “ just tell him soon” he handed over gun and knife . Headed back into town as other waited . “ he’s gone , wont see that scum again” he smirked to the men and headed off to his house. Yeah he needed to get y/n back soon and now with nigel might be sooner than he thought lets hope the dipshit made it.
Part three
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I’m watching kardashians new season (i guess i dont have enough drama in my life💀) and i was thinking…
What about yandere family x reader BUT they have same kind of reality tv show?
I just think it would be interesting to see how they would act/how fans would like y/n and the family🤷🏻‍♀️
And the family can be as big/small you want.
Ps.i really love your stories. Keep up the good work🫶🏻
You. You don’t know how much I’ve been having a brainrot over Yandere rich family / Yandere platonic kardashians (mostly as a young teen). How dare you send an ask like this when I’ve moved on? How dare you-
TW/CW: Yandere and Toxic Family themes. Abuse/Neglect. My capitalisation Is EverywheRe. Horny Siblings. Stepcest(?) Adoptedcest(?) Pseudocest(?) transphobia (not from characters but from society)
The Qasem Clan was notorious to say the least. They used to be known for churning out talents, changers of society and the industries they so choose to venture into. Now they were just a bunch of hopeless, talentless folks with too much money in their hands.
All of them except you.
Granted, you’re an adopted child. The matriarch of the family thought you to be ‘too cute to be in an orphanage’ and stole you away during one of her various charity events she’d attend for the sake of face and bragging rights.
The paternal grandparents didn’t like you too much at the beginning. After realizing that they spoiled their children and grandchildren too much too late, they have grown to be tired and soulless creatures. Often throwing you to lessons because they were much to apathetic to bother with a child that wasn’t of their own blood. It was only when you excelled in literally every single class that they suddenly started pouring love and attention all over you. However the Yandere (and I mean the unhealthy part of it), comes when you realize that all this newfound attention will crumble the moment you fail — not to mention how creepy it is when they started to erase whatever made you look different from the family. The only people stopping them being the yan! matriarch who didn’t want them messing with the reason she adopted you in the first place.
but yeah because of them you’re known as the “qasem’s saving grace” and many people worship the group you walk on. it’s great and all. expectations of being completely perfect aside.
yan! siblings range from being horny to being absolute degenerates towards you. the eldest loves to grope you all over and absolutely despises it when your attention is not on them. but whenever it is, they’ll be off fucking some random stranger in front of you just to make you jealous. they’re completely in it for the chase, and get turned off when you show even the slightest hint of reciprocation. they’d be rich from the amount of sex tapes they have alone. though platonically speaking they’re pretty great actually. a lot of fans made compilations titled “[y/n] and [eldest name] being normal siblings for once” or [eldest name] being [y/n] biggest fan” for when you they show genuine love and interest in what you do.
middle child aka boyloser supreme here is the current heir to the qasem riches. why? because he’s a masochist- okay not really because of just that- he’s a hardworker despite his title and often gets high grades but because that wasn’t really extraordinary in the clan he never got attention for it. what he did get attention for was being depressed and being ‘not presentable’ or ‘filthy’. even then he’s still pretty smart and hasn’t impregnated half the town like the eldest so he’s been entrusted with the riches (also he can’t exactly impregnate since his cock is non existent… yes he has a bussy)
reality tv show wise he was kind of forgotten and/or only known for being somewhat smart until he transitioned and society being society made that a controversy and his only personality trait. until people realized that he’s just so much hotter all of a sudden as a boy? gender euphoria does things to people. a lot of edits between you and him feature the man staring at you from afar. or hiding his arousal that he gets from your existence.
there are many more siblings and other fam members in mind (particularly screeching over the maternal grandparents, I’ll add them if I get more asks to this) but i need to go sleep soon so we’re skipping to youngest child.
you know him, you love him.
it’s yan! tsun!. yeah the boy is spoiled to the max. he somehow spends a million bucks per week (probably on Taylor Swift merch). he swears he doesn’t want to fuck you but he already has a million sex toys modeled after your pp or pps if you’re intersex, whatever it is. the only reason he hasn’t commissioned an accurate wax doll of you is cause he’s afraid it’ll suddenly fall out of the corner of his walk in closet through all those designer clothes and into the eyes of the camera men (he doesn’t care much about his fans/the viewers cause they’re faceless as far as he knows). like eldest he has his wholesome moments when tells you not to worry too much about the show or how you present. though it’s mostly off camera, a lot of fans see how close you are. he also shows his support subtlely when it comes to scandals, like boyloser’s for example wherein he started wearing “feminine” clothes and slaying in them just to slam on those people with paper thin, fragile as glass masculinity.
…but yeah there’s a clip that went viral of him sniffing your clothes.
(will definitely add the women of the family one day….) (most likely if I get another request for this or if this goes big yuh)
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
[Jackpotshipping/Ace and Joker are both laughing cus "We're old as hell! It ain't happening!"]
Maybe if they only stick it in the backdoor, eh?
[Cue them learning the term "geriatric pregnancy" and both panicking Hard.]
Why can I picture Starfruit just googling it after Jackpot said the previous statement and just showing the results to them?
[One half of their twins could still be a dumpster baby/hospital freebie thats a doppleganger for their bio one - just for funsies.]
Ooh! Ooh! Thought! There is this comic that makes rounds on tumblr about some fairies replacing a human child with a changeling - but they forgot to take the human child! So, the mom is confused by the second kid and the dad is like 'hey, twins, good job, honey'.
What if that happens? Like, some demons wanted the child of the Great Sage for some nefarious reason and to keep it hidden, they planned to replace the kid, but they fucked up.
And now Jackpot is 30% certain only one had been born, but 70% are like 'hey, free baby' XD
Referencing these posts about Jackpotshipping having more kids + possible destined Eclipse Twins.
Oh gosh, Ace and Joker are just bragging about how unlikely it is for them to have bio kids at their age, meanwhile Starfruit casually starts typing into his phone like;
Starfruit: "Yeah, oldest mortal human parent was 74." Ace, pauses mid-brag: "Excuse me?" Peach: "Lao Tzu's mom was also preggers with him for like 80 years. So she was like mega-old when she had him." Ace: "Excuse me!?" Starfruit: "Yeah and with changes in like nutrition and stuff, people are having their first bio-kid like a lot later than during ancient times. You guys are like... in your 50s or 60s? You're not out of the woods yet dudes." Ace & Joker: *caught between horror at the knowledge + offended that Starfuit thinks they look that old*
[comic that makes rounds on tumblr about some fairies replacing a human child with a changeling - but they forgot to take the human child!]
I remember that comic!
And that def sounds like a scenario Jackpotshipping finds themselves in. Like they're in the post-natal room after having their single kid (surprise miracle baby), look over, and see that there's suddenly two?? Like, when did that happen???
Joker: "I mean... that epidural stuff is wild. Thing 2 coulda slid out when we weren't looking." Ace: "Makes sense. But now I can't tell who arrived first." Joker: "Eh, lets just say they arrived at the same time. No one will question it. If they do; just say shapeshifting." Ace: "Hehe, gross. Welcome to the world Two-Pair!" Joker: "Oh man, Xiaozhēn [their grown-up dumpster "MK]" is in for a shock."
(Meanwhile with the most incompetent demons ever...)
NewGods!Jin: "I 'fink we forgot a huge step of that changeling plan." NewGods!Yin: "Eh. Probably ain't important. Plus they look better as twins." NewGods!Jin: "Too right. Also I can't remember which is the one we left." NewGods!Yin: "Me either."
I'm also reminded of that brief moment in Good Omens, where the Young parents see the accidental extra baby and are like "Yo, is that a twin?" and the nurse doing the antichrist-baby-swap panics like "Uhhh..."
The Jackpotshipping twins also don't know whos the "bonus" of the pair. The spell used to create a perfect copy of the bio baby is really powerful & rare and doesn't wear off like a hair-clone does. No way of knowing who was a freebie unless you ask Buddha himself.
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made-by-marlow · 2 months
The Pomegranate Tree [sdv Elliott x male farmer oc] Part Five: The Poet
A slightly crumpled dandelion sat on Elliott's desk surrounded by hundreds of fully crumbled papers with the boy's messy handwriting.
Random pieces of Elliott's hair were twisted into braids to keep his hands busy as he thought. The space had grown to be an organized mess. Chaos, but he knew exactly where to locate everything. The only mess that mattered was the mess of papers in front of him. Trying to bring a fictional human being to life like a mad scientist. To create a fictional life.
He thought about a love interest for the protagonist he inserted himself into. He thought about a girl with long brunette hair, and hazel green eyes. Brown overalls like the new farmer wore on occasion. Now that he thought of it, the character simply seemed to be a feminine version of the new farmer.
The girl needs a name. Hazel. Hazel is a name for both genders, right? The name felt nice and poetic when he learned the name of the farmer. The kind of name that a love interest in a romance novel would have.
Why not allow the love interest to be a man?
What would the readers think?
What would Hazel think of having a character based off him in his story?
It's creepy. Yet it was the perfect set up for a story. Something straight from a Hallmark movie. A young college drop out from the city, moving away from hustle culture to take a step into the small town. There, he meets the charming young poet Elliott projected himself onto, and falls in love.
He scratched the idea, ripping the paper out of his typewriter and tossing it in with the collection of other scraps. Hazel stained his mind. His dorky nervous smile. Soft looking hair that touched his shoulders. He needed to talk to him more before he meets again with Leah day after tomorrow. Who knows if she talked to Abigail. 
Memories of Hazel made him smile. Few adults besides Abigail participate in the yearly egg hunt, yet there he was. Elliott was happy to stand back and watch as the farmer ran around the town, gathering eggs, racing the kids and Abby with a smile on his face. A child at heart.
In the end, Hazel was more deserving of that sunhat than Abigail was. What was she going to use it for, anyway. Year after year.
Hazel was a positive change to the town. A change that brightened his life. More than he wanted the stranger to.
You can't write Hazel into your book.
Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door of his cabin. A rare occurrence. In a swift motion, all of the crumbled papers were swiped onto the floor, only a few of them falling in the small metal basket beside the desk. As the door creaked open, Hazel stepped inside.
"Hazel!" He can't see the writing. Please. Please do not look at the writing.
"Hey," Hazel smiled. A charming, soft smile. Young and genuine. "I got your letter. That I can come in anytime."
"Yeah, of course," Elliott smiled. "I'm just.... Writing."
The mess was obvious. Elliott prayed to whatever is out there that Hazel doesn't believe this is how he always lives, even if it's true. Papers scattered, bed unmade. Maybe Hazel's cabin was the same mess.
"Yeah, a novel." It finally felt like he was bragging rather than coming off as nerdy. "Well, I'm still in the brainstorming phase."
"Need a muse?" Hazel jokes. The joke made Elliott pause. Because really, he did. And he wanted Hazel. 
"Actually... yeah. I-" He tripped over his own words. "I'm trying to come up with everything from scratch." 
"Well everyone loves a good rom-com," Hazel says. Elliott imagines him reading some dorky rom-com alone in the living room. A peaceful moment as he smiles at words on paper. Funny how a good book can do that. Push you so deep into a new world that you forget all you're doing is looking at printed words on paper. 
"I was thinking that too." Elliott is embarrassed that Hazel has no place to sit besides the unmade bed. A collection of smaller red and gray blankets rather than one big comforter. Some host he is to leave this sort of mess for Hazel to come into. "Pardon the mess. I can clear the bed if you would like." 
"You should see the cabin," he jokes. Surprisingly relaxed, he takes a seat. His round face and brunette curls foreground wooden walls and red blankets. An image that Elliott would paint if he knew how. He tries not to think about it too much. "It turns out cats can make quite a mess if you don't give them every moment of your attention."
Elliott smiles at the thought of a cat running around that house. A small gray cat resting on Hazel's lap as he reads that rom-com. Adorable. A cute boy and a cute cat.
"A kitten?"   
"Her name is Doodlebug," Hazel says. "My grandfather's nickname for me growing up." Elliott considered Doodlebug a possible excuse to see the farmer's cabin sometime and meet this small creature. An excuse to see Hazel again. An excuse to indulge in the dopamine of petting a kitten. 
"Cute." He meant it. 
"So about this rom-com," Hazel changed the subject. "Do you have characters?" Elliott gets excited the moment someone expresses interest in his story. He wants to dump everything he has in his mind, but there's nothing. Nothing but the vague idea of a setting and protagonist. 
The two talk for hours until Elliott has pages full of romantic scenarios. Maybe one day, the ideas would become reality.
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osunism · 2 months
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Summary: A young widowed sorceress seeks protection under the aegis of the Honored One, but he has a better idea for keeping her out of the clutches of her dangerous clan.
Warnings: Gojo might be a lil’ toxic, there’s some smut in this story [a lot actually the attraction is pretty instant], and it’s already on AO3 if that’s the format you prefer.
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     Over the course of dinner, they talk. Gojo isn’t prone to ultra-spicy food, being a sweet-tooth minion, but he marvels at Asabé’s casual handling of Thai levels of spice. When he asks about it, she mentions off-handedly that the food from her homeland is much spicier.
     “It’s a shame you’re so averse,” she teases, “I’d cook a few dishes for you. But I can modify the spice levels easily. The ingredients I need are relatively easy to find here.”
     Gojo smiles. “You offering to cook? You do realize that I’ve already been paid, correct?”
     She shakes her head. “I know, but it feels imposing to be shacking up with you and not…contributing in some way. And you mentioned you didn’t cook. I’d hate to subsist on takeout for the duration of the case, even if the food is good.”
     Gojo surmises that being married to Mr. Hayashi was a frugal experience, but he refrains from commenting. Even he knows that bragging about wealth is a gauche and quite frankly, very silly thing to do. He is who he is, but it’s not his wealth that makes him better than everyone else. He could be penniless tomorrow and still be content. Not that he wants to be: the money fucking helps grease all the right palms when he’s working cases, especially abroad.
     “Well, if you insist, then please make a list of everything you need and I’ll send Ijichi after it.”
     Asabé blinks. “You mean the driver? Is he not just a driver?”
     Gojo laughs. “He’s whatever I need him to be. It’s why we pay him, after all. I’m not going to let you go outside and risk being spotted. This penthouse is more secure than an American military base, at least as far as jujutsu is concerned. It’s why you can feel free to unseal yourself anytime without fear. And…of course, you have me.”
     Something about the way he says that makes her pause mid-bite, before she swallows her food and hides her expression in a hasty sip of her drink. She licks her lips as Gojo watches her. He doesn’t wear his blindfold in his home, and she is beginning to understand that the blindfold is likely for his comfort rather than everyone else’s. It must be exhausting, seeing the world the way he does.
     “You know what we forgot?” Gojo says suddenly. “Dessert. Mochi would be clutch right now. Oh! I know, I think there’s some leftover ice cream in the freezer…”
     Asabé watches him, a little mystified. Sometimes she looks at him and sees a man-child, and then moments like before, she sees the Honored One, and a wintry distance in his interstellar gaze that reminds her of carvings of ancient gods and how they view humanity. When he looks over his shoulder and catches her gaze, a popsicle hovering inches from his lips, she sees something else that makes her shiver. She’s not quite sure what it is. Something about his eyes makes her feel too visible.
     Gojo smiles at her, and enjoys his popsicle.
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     The first night of security detail goes by like a high school first date. Gojo and his charge elect to watch movies, deciding on something lighthearted and funny. Without realizing it, Asabé finds herself moving closer to Gojo, their mutual laughter bringing them closer together until her knee is pressed against his. Gojo watches her cheeks flush with heat, her pulse racing at the contact.
     It doesn’t take long, but by the third movie, Asabé feels herself drifting, and she leans over. Gojo hesitates at first, but then offers her his shoulder, buffered with one of the pillows. Soon, she’s asleep, and Gojo allows his awareness to expand. For a moment, he is beyond the penthouse, his sight taking him beyond the windows, the skylight, and the warded park.
     There are several curse users within range of his sight, likely doing surveillance. His residence is very secure and he’s since learned how to spot tails. Unlike his beautiful charge, sleeping so peacefully, he has been hunted since birth. One does not survive to become the strongest sorcerer in the modern age by being unable to spot and foil assassins and kidnappers.
     Without a second thought, he sends a warning shot. Just an expansion of his cursed energy. He can see them startle like prey, and he grins. No, he will not hunt them just yet. Let the would-be sharks circle in search of blood. He will enjoy showing them just how far down the food chain they actually are when the time is right. For now, he is secure in the knowledge that they are too afraid to approach now that their prey has found shelter with an apex predator.
     Gojo returns to himself with a slow, controlled exhale. Asabé barely stirs, and he reaches up, runs his fingers over her neck and head. She makes a small moan of pleasure, curling into him. He wants to kiss her throat, right on the spot that beautiful noise comes from. He wants to know what other noises he can elicit from her. Instead, he scoops her into his arms, effortlessly, and carries her to the guest room. She turns her head, burying her face in his chest.
     Gojo stops momentarily, looking down at her. Everything his eyes are telling him says she’s asleep. Is she dreaming of him?
     Asabé breathes deep, smiling.
     “Mm,” she says. “You smell so good.” Her words are slurred, but Gojo smiles anyway. She is dreaming of him.
     Slowly, gently, almost reverent, he lowers her into her bed, tucking her beneath the covers. He stays there a moment, watching as she snuggles into the bed, and he entertains the thought of joining her. He wants to press his lips to her nape, and leave a trail of kisses down her spine until she shivers like a fly-stung horse.
     Instead, Gojo leans down, brushing his lips along her temple, keeping infinity between her skin and his. She shivers, tucking her head in her shrugged shoulders when his technique tickles her skin.
     Goodnight, beautiful.
Gojo leaves her to sleep, shutting the door behind him. He doesn’t go to his room, requiring little sleep. He thinks of Riko again, of Suguru’s insistence that he rest. He thinks of Fushiguro Toji’s strategy: wearing him down enough to get close and kill him. He has since made sure he never makes such a mistake again. He has since become even more powerful.
     Now…now he reads through the dossier of the case, opting to do actual work. He spots a detail that intrigues him: Asabé’s surname. She allegedly comes from a powerful foreign sorcerer family, and Gojo silently curses the jujutsu community for being so goddamned insular. The more conservative generation of sorcerers have little interest in the study or cataloguing of foreign-born sorcerers. Gojo is still disbelieving that they still cannot accept that there will be more foreign-born sorcerers as curses get stronger and their numbers in Japan continue to dwindle. It is the nature of things. It is one of the reasons why he is reluctant to kill younger curse users if he can convince them to come to Jujutsu Tech instead and nurture their skills and turn them to a good cause.
     He wants to make the same offer to Asabé, and being a citizen via marriage would make it easier to get her accepted into the school. But that won’t work. She’s already beyond high school age. Gojo leans back on the couch, reaching for a Jolly Rancher out of the dish on his coffee table while he works.
     Then, he has an idea.
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     In the morning, Gojo orders breakfast, and smiles when Asabé emerges, clad in a pair of pajama pants and an old t-shirt. Even being dressed like this does nothing to diminish how stunning she is. Gojo could see her in a potato sack and still want to know what her lips tastes like after they’re wet with wine. She blinks sleepily and blearily at him.
     “How are you this cheerful this early in the morning?” She asks, her voice husky with recent wakefulness. Gojo points to the coffee pot, and she glances from it to him with a grateful look in her eyes.
     While Asabé makes coffee, Gojo considers his idea before speaking.
     “So,” he begins, and watches as she peers at him over her mug. He laughs to himself. She brought her own coffee mug? He doesn’t cook but man she must think he’s a useless bachelor!
     “So,” he repeats, “I have an idea as to how we can reduce the number of enforcers and the like coming after you. It also may be able to allow you more freedom of movement within Tokyo. I know it sucks being confined to this gorgeous, massive penthouse all day like some princess in a castle, so it occurred to me that we can solve this problem one simple way.”
     Asabé’s brows knit together in consternation. “Alright…what is this idea you have, Gojo?”
     Gojo claps his hands together. “We get married!”
     It’s worth it just to see her sputter, coughing as she tries to process what he’s just said. Married?! Is he insane?
     “What do you mean ‘married’, exactly?” She asks. Gojo’s mouth opens, then closes.
     “I mean married…?” He ventures. “Look, if you’re married to me, the likelihood of curse users coming after you will drop significantly. They’re all scared of me, and they should be because I will absolutely kill them, so it stands to reason that they would never come after my wife.”
     Asabé shakes her head, disbelieving. “Isn’t this a little extreme? Wouldn’t it be just as effective if we simply said we were dating, instead?”
     Gojo shakes his head. “No, because if push came to shove, and I had to sacrifice a girlfriend for the greater good, I wouldn’t hesitate to do so. A wife carries more value, especially for my clan.”
     Asabé tries not to feel chilled by the casual way he says this. First with killing curse users, and then with valuing a wife over a girlfriend. Though, after the chill passes, she can see the cold logic in it. If she is ‘Mrs. Gojo’ the likelihood her father’s enforcers will take her by force will reduce. No one wants to be within the path of Gojo Satoru’s wrath. But marriage?
     “It wouldn’t be a real marriage,” Gojo assures her. “I’m not going to require you to act like my wife or anything. You’ll just be taking my name. That alone should buy you protection and mitigate the annoyance of me having to do pest control with curse users for however long your family wants to send them.”
     Asabé wonders how badly her father wants her back in the clan, likely to be married into another family soon after. He can only drain their expansive coffers so much before he gives up the chase. She wonders whom will outlast whom in this war of attrition. But still…she thinks of Jin, of his body spread across that mountain road, twisted at an unnatural angle, his viscera dark and red and slick amidst the glitter of shattered glass and rent metal.
     She thinks of his face, wide-eyed and slack jawed, his eyes almost accusing her of his death while her body healed and knit itself back together.
     Gojo frowns, seeing her vitals shift before his eyes.
     “Hey,” he says, his voice soft. Asabé doesn’t respond. “Hey, look at me. I’m right here, you’re not in danger.”
     Asabé blinks like a waking dreamer, or a fugitive from a nightmare. She gasps. At some point in her dissociative state, her mug had slipped from her grasp. It floats, suspended in midair, and Gojo peers at her, his expression gentle. An angel, coldblooded and logical, but compassionate too. She reaches for the mug, and once her grasp is sure, Gojo releases his technique. The weight of the mug becomes solid in her grasp once more.
     “Thank you,” she whispers, still mystified at what transpired. Gojo smirks.
     “Told you I was fun to be around,” he says. “So, what do you say: wanna get married and make some curse users shit bricks?”
     Asabé laughs, a sultry, simmering sound that makes Gojo’s scalp tingle.
     “Proposing to a widow after she finishes having a flashback of her dead husband is certainly a choice.”
     Gojo waves his hand. “It’s for a good cause! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind knowing you’re being kept safe.”
     Asabé looks up at him, her expression caught between shock and surprise. Gojo holds her gaze fearlessly. There’s something so guileless about it, and yet she can’t fathom how his mind works for him to say some of the things he does.
     “I suppose it can’t hurt,” she says slowly. “And we can dissolve the marriage once I’ve secured my safety from my family.”
     For some reason the idea of that nettles at Gojo’s pride, but his smile never leaves his face.
     “Exactly,” he says. “So is that a ‘yes’? I’m not buying us matching rings until you say yes.”
     Asabé sips her coffee, peering at him over the rim. “That depends,” she purrs. “You going to bend the knee and ask me properly?”
     Gojo swallows. Oh.
     Even sealed, her voice is rich and velvety, and he wants to actually taste it. He wants to hold her close and drink down that voice as he kisses her until her thoughts are nothing but petals scattered on the wind. He wants to lift her up on one of these quartz countertops, spread her legs, and hear that throaty voice moan his name until the sun sets and Tokyo’s skyline paints her in a smattering of neon.
     Fuck. He turns from her in time to hear the intercom buzz, indicating the food is here. He is also painfully hard thinking about his charge in every position he can successfully put her in. God he bets she looks so fucking good with her knees pushed back, folded in half, her cunt wet and—
     “Gojo?” Her voice calls. “Are you okay? You seem…distracted.”
     Gojo holds up a hand. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just went to bed a bit late last night is all.” He moves toward the door, answering it. The delivery driver attempts curiosity by trying to sneak a peek beyond Gojo, but he finds a pair of cerulean eyes boring into him before handing over the food and retreating back into the elevator without so much as a backward glance.
     Gojo turns, his little ‘inconvenience’ taken care of and breakfast in hand.
     “Let’s eat!”
     Over breakfast, Asabé is quiet. She’s surprised Gojo is so talkative, and most of the time it sounds like conversations he’s having with himself. Well, she would never credit him with being in his right mind. This world they inhabit can make one crazy. It’s one of the reasons she walked away from it.
     “So, tell me about your family,” Gojo says. Asabé frowns.
     “Not much to tell, really,” she says, almost bitterly, and Gojo knows it’s a lie even as the words leave her mouth. “They’re typical affluent sorcerers: think they own everyone and everything. My dad’s the advisor to his uncle, the Emir of Zaria, and they’ve got ties to the House of Saud by marriage.”
     Gojo nods. Sounds like typical sorcerer politics. Not much different than his own family. He wagers being a daughter of such an affluent family comes with its own baggage. He’s been lucky enough that most of the people around him who would hinder him are dead, either through betrayal or someone trying to get to him through them. He wonders how much different things would be if one of his ancestors had been smart enough to Pact their descendants into not trying to kill each other.
     Now he’s the head of a clan that has dwindled in size, boasting mostly members of extended branches with little to no cursed techniques to speak of, trading only on the ancient and indispensable coin of the Gojo name and legacy. His mother lives alone on the ancestral estate, and he barely talks to her, now save for on important festival days or when he wants to make use of the estate’s ancient hot springs.
     He is comforted to know that Asabé’s own relationship with her family is just as strained. At least he is not alone in being alone.
     “So, aside from the inherited technique, what else does your family do?”
     Asabé chews her bagel and washes it down with a slurp of orange juice.
     “Well, the Ruhín clan boasts a large arsenal of cursed tools, and some of them have developed weaker offshoots of the inherited technique, and then there’s our rivals, the Keita clan, whose technique allows them to make animals into servants by imbuing them with the essence of shikigami.”
     Gojo nods. He’s surprised at how much of a culture of sorcerers thrives outside of Japan. He wonders how many students Jujutsu Tech would have if they could approach these new sorcerers before they walked the path of a curse user, or if there is a way to get these insular clans to be more open about sharing their knowledge and sorcerers. Suddenly, his idea for changing jujutsu society from the ground up feels more of a monumental task than it did previously. He still believes it can be done, but Asabé’s existence and circumstances serve to remind him that he must think beyond the borders of his own country if he wants to truly shake the table.
     Ah well, he is the strongest sorcerer of the modern age. Nothing is beyond his ability to accomplish, even if it takes him longer than he would like.
     “Are there a lot of cursed spirits in your homeland?” He asks softly, his tone that of a curious scholar—a teacher seeking to broaden his educational repertoire. He’s only been to Kenya thus far,  but Africa is a huge continent by far, of course there’s bound to be more sorcerers. It’s simple math.
     Asabé nods. “My continent has been through much over the course of human history, with many wrongs that have yet to be redressed. Cursed energy and spirits abound, though our sorcerers lack the stringent organizational hierarchy of Japan’s own. As a result, the ones who fight curses could be technically branded curse users. They only work for pay, and most places where cursed spirits tend to gather aren’t around people who can afford a sorcerer’s exorbitant asking price.”
     Gojo nods. So the problem’s the same, no matter the country. Curse users whoring their skills out for insane fees, which leaves many civilians in the lurch. Sometimes he wishes he could solve the problem of capitalism and the ridiculousness of the jujutsu world at the same damn time. Asabé watches him with a curious expression.
     “Would you want to become an official sorcerer?” He asks suddenly. “You have a rare and powerful gift, and to be quite honest we could really use the help. I feel like hiding is such a waste of your talents.”
     Asabé smiles grimly. “I know what you’re trying to do, Gojo, and while I appreciate the praise, I also know it comes with the expectation of a foreshortened lifespan. I don’t want to sign up for this just to find myself in an early grave because some curse user or spirit got the drop on me.”
     “They’d never harm you as long as I’m there. I’d kill them before I let anything happen to you.” Gojo says before he realizes what he’s saying. His voice is fierce, a growl underpinning his tone, his eyes hardening like gems in a look of fearsome and possessive determination. Asabé gasps, and he can see the capillaries in her face open up, sending a rush of crimson heat to her cheeks. She puts her gaze in her coffee mug.
     “That’s…” she tries to find words. “That’s very reassuring, Gojo. Thank you.”
     Gojo grins. “So in order for our fake marriage to work, you’re gonna have to drop the formalities with me.”
     Asabé blinks several times. “Excuse me?”
     Gojo leans back in his chair, still grinning. “You heard me: you have to say my name.”
     “Try again, Asabé.” The way he says her name makes her shiver. It’s a name from her homeland, of course, but the vowel pronunciations of Hausa and Japanese are similar enough that he puts the inflections on it perfectly. Not only that, but his voice drops an octave when he says it, and she tries to ignore the warmth rushing through her veins, dripping to pool between her thighs. Has it really been so long that just him saying her name is enough to turn her on? And the way he’s looking at her, it’s as if he knows what he’s doing to her!
     “I suppose you’re right,” she says slowly, hesitant to say his name for fear of how it will sound when shaped by her lips, while an ember of what she now knows to be desire struggles to become a flame in her belly.
     “Satoru.” She says simply, so softly the vented air almost steals it away. Gojo watches the way her lips part around his name, the way they shape the syllables, the breathy little sigh that accompanies it. The way her eyes seem to soften as she realizes saying his name isn’t so bad.
     He wants to hear it again and again. He wants it as a refrain in his ear while he buries his face in her neck and does his best to leave his mark on her skin. He wants to unshackle her voice and hear her sing for him, only for him.
     Asabé is silent, as if there is precious little else of import to say after his name. Instead, they gaze at one another, realizing that despite their scheme, some threshold has now been crossed. The tension warbles a bit longer before the trilling and vibrating of Gojo’s phone interrupts them. He answers, reluctant to tear his eyes off the woman who is practically smoldering across from him. He watches her while he takes the call, listening intently, eyes focused.
     Asabé realizes what that feeling is when he looks at her. She feels naked.
     “Uh huh,” Gojo is saying while she’s imagining things that no woman should be imagining about this man. “Alright. Got it.”
     He hangs up, and she can practically feel his divided attention coming together to focus on her in full again, even though his gaze never left hers the entire call. Her gaze drops to his mouth. God, what a beautiful mouth he has, and she can tell it’s soft, probably smooth and sweet like the candy he likes to eat.
     “Asabé,” he says her name in a sing-song voice. “You’re staring at me like you want to eat me.”
     Asabé blinks again, startled. Of course she hadn’t been discreet about her…admiration.
     “It’s your eyes,” she says by way of excuse. “I cannot help it. I have never seen anything like them before.”
     Gojo smirks, wondering why a compliment he’s heard innumerable times over the course of his life makes his stomach go into knots when she’s giving it to him. Asabé gets up from her seat, coming around to him. He looks up at her, smiling, cerulean eyes bright and alert and expectant.
     “If I’m to be your wife I suppose that we should be comfortable with a level of intimacy that makes our union convincing.” She reaches down, tentatively brushing a few locks of silver-white hair from his face. He never takes his eyes off of her, even as her curious fingertips linger on his temple, trailing down his cheek, watching a spot of color bloom there.
     “You’re not wearing your infinity,” she whispers, her fingertips coming to linger on his lips. Gojo’s mouth smiles under her touch.
     “For my wife?” He muses, his breath warm and moist on her skin. “I don’t need to.”
     He kisses her fingertips, watches her eyes widen a little as his lips trail lower, planting a kiss in her palm. Asabé shivers, then cups his face in that same hand. Gojo leans into it.
     “Looks like we’re getting the hang of it already,” he says, looking at her with a knowing smirk. She laughs, that sultry and simmering sound that he’s growing to love.
     “And so we are,” she says, those honey eyes twinkling. “Satoru.”
     Gojo swallows. This woman’s voice is powerful even with the seal because why does his name sound so fucking good coming from her lips? He wonders what she will sound like moaning it in hsi ear. He wants to hear her scream it while she begs him to—
     “We should go out,” he says, willing those not-so-wholesome thoughts to the back of his mind. Asabé raises a brow. “A public appearance of us together is necessary to make the ruse convincing. Don’t worry, no one will dare harm you while you’re by my side.”
     Asabé takes her hand away and Gojo wonders why that bothers him. He wants her to keep touching him. God he wants her to kiss him. That beautiful mouth of hers is made to be kissed until—
     “That’s a good idea,” she says. “Where shall we go?”
     Gojo grins. “Well, I wouldn’t be a good husband if I didn’t take my gorgeous wife shopping, now would I?”
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     Asabé feels as if she has underestimated just how wealthy Gojo is because when their car pulls up to a shopping center that exclusively houses major designers, she wonders if maybe they should have gone with more conservative shopping options.
     That’s the old you, she thinks bitterly. Jin is dead, and Satoru is from one of the oldest and wealthiest families in the country. Accept it. Aside, you deserve nice things! Indulge.
Thus, her inner voice reasons.
     The amount of money Gojo is willing to spend seems, for lack of a better term, limitless. When she picks out a Versace bag? The Centurion card comes out, heavy and tapered and casual. The attendant ringing them up tries not to look shocked, more so at how beautiful they look together rather than at the fact that Gojo is casually spending money on items that cost more than most people’s rent.
     And throughout the shopping spree, Gojo is indulgent, leaning into the affection of their sham relationship with a relish that almost convinces Asabé it is not entirely feigned.
     He holds her hand while they walk through the busy mall, keeping her close. At one point, he leans in, presses a kiss to the top of her head, and she glances up at him with surprise, before smiling shyly as he winks at her from above the rim of his glasses.
     When they slide into Balmain, she models clothes for him: racy dresses that cling to her curves like a glorious art deco skin. Gojo sits in a chair, sipping offered champagne, legs spread as he watches his “wife” emerge from the dressing room to model clothes for him.
     “How about this one?” She asks, turning on the balls of her feet in the triptych mirror. Gojo’s lips are wet with champagne, and he sets it down. He doesn’t drink usually, and if he does decide to, he prefers a sweet dessert wine to anything else. This champagne is dry, possibly burned, as if it has been frozen rather than kept on ice. He does not pick it up again.
     “Why not get them all?” He asks casually. “You look good in everything, my dear. And even better in nothing.”
     Asabé feels her pulse leap at the words, and for a moment it’s as if everything around them is obsolete. She studies Gojo momentarily, who watches her with a bright and amused focus that makes her shift, squeezing her thighs together. Then, his tongue snakes out, tracing his beautiful lips, still moist with champagne. With one large, strong hand, he beckons her to come to him and Asabé can’t help it. Her steps go to him, faltering at first, before she remembers she is supposed to be his wife. She comes to stand between his spread legs.
     “You look incredible,” Gojo says, and she wonders if this is part of the ruse or if he means it. His hand comes forward, and he gives her a questioning look. She nods. His hand comes to rest on her calf, before slowly moving upward, tracing one of those long legs until her just barely begins to lift the hem of her dress.
     “I can’t wait to get home and peel this off of you,” he murmurs, shocking not only Asabé but the attendant coming up behind him, who startles at walking in on what is undoubtedly an intimate moment between them. In a sudden boldness, Asabé leans over until her face hovers a mere breath from Gojo’s own.
     “If you behave yourself,” she whispers, husky and sultry, “I’ll let you do anything you like tonight.”
     “Anything?” Gojo’s eyes are bright with anticipation. Asabé can see the attendant trembling as they discreetly attempt to collect the champagne glass.
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     The rest of their day is spent walking around Tokyo. Gojo never lets go of her hand, and sometimes he even brings it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. Whoever must be watching cannot be convinced that their relationship is genuine, and even Asabé forgets that this is a ruse sometimes. The way he speaks, the way he holds her close, the way he looks at her, all of it feels so real she momentarily forgets her heartache and fear.
     Gojo takes Asabé to a bridge overlooking a pond in a park. The sun will be setting soon, and he wants to see her eyes match the sunset.
     “You know,” he says, leaning against the railing. “For a fake marriage this was actually a lovely first date.”
     “Yeah…” Asabé says a little dreamily. “If this were real I’d definitely call you back for a second date.”
     “Only because I spent the equivalent of two homes on you today.” Gojo teases and she nudges him playfully, scoffing when he turns on his infinity to evade her.
     “It’s more than that, Satoru,” strange how she’s gotten used to saying his name after only a day. “You are good company. The money helps, and anyone would be happy to be spoiled by you.”
     Gojo turns to her, reaching up to cup her face in his hand, tracing an unhurried thumb along the sleek curve of her cheekbone, tender and almost genuine.
     “Yeah, but you’re not just anyone, Asabé,” he says. “You’re my wife.”
     And then he leans down and kisses her.
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Masterlist 🧿 Previous Chapter 🧿 Next Chapter
© 2024 Hajara Asiri. Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost anywhere without permission [reblogging posts is okay]. I only upload on Tumblr, AO3, and FFN.
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hi, so, there's this headcanon I've had about Gungi for a little while and seeing him in the bad batch trailer prompted me to share it :)
(btw go watch the trailer, it's SO good)
So, do we all remember that arc in tcw where Ahsoka gets captured by the Trandoshians? If not, quick recap. Basically, they capture her during a mission and drop her on this island to hunt her for sport. She meets former Jedi younglings there and they try to escape together. One of their plans is ambushing the drop ship when it comes in to bring more prey. They fail, but the prisoner on the ships just so happens to be a Wookie (Chewbacca, actually, if I remember correctly). Now that's all good and well, but you know what surprised me? Ahsoka spoke Wookie.
I mean I get that Jedi learn different languages in order to understand different species and people around the galaxy but Wookie seems awfully specific for me. We never really see her on a mission on Kashyyyk (unlike Obi-Wan who spoke the Twi'leks language and is regularly seen with Orn Free Ta and on a mission on Ryloth) or interacting with any other Wookies. Except for Gungi.
We see them interacting in the Kyber Crystal arc and it got me thinking.
Supposedly Ahsoka is nearing the end of her Padawan Training and expects to soon become a Knight. Which makes sense if you think about it. When she first became a Padawan Anakin thought she was too young, but Yoda disagreed. Despite her age she was ready to be a Padawan on a skill-based level. Throughout the show we see people saying how she's more skilled than her peers. An early knighthood is just as plausible as her early padawan training. Take the Wrong Jedi arc. by the end (at the age of 17) she was offered knighthood. she turned it down, but that's not my point
Long story short? My headcanon is that Ahsoka was scouting Gungi, hoping to make him her student when she becomes a knight and he a padawan. And I would have LOVED to see it.
Just think about it!
Ahsoka seeing this skilled youngling and immediately learning to speak Wookie so she can give him proper training.
Her watching him extra carefully during his Kyber Crystal Trial (or whatever its called)
eventually it's time for her knighthood and for Gungi to be assigned a Master and she just nags and nags and nags Obi-Wan about bringing it up in a council meeting till he finally concedes but you can't just become a knight and then immediately get a padawan ahsoka
but anakin did, Master, why am I any different? he trained me!
*sigh* I am aware, knight tano
anyway eventually they become master and padawan and suddenly Gungi has ETERNAL bragging rights, because his master is Ahsoka Tano, former student of Anakin Skywalker, part of Yodas goddamn disaster lineage
eventually he grows taller than her, but it takes a while because her montrals also still keep growing so it doesn't count, my young, inexperienced padawan and everytime Ahsoka has to interrogate a perp she is good cop and just talks all nice and calmly to them until they eventually do something incredibly disrespectful, so she calls her student for help in handling this perp. They fully expect a small togruta child to show up and suddenly this massive Wookie is just absolutely TOWERING over them
First time Mission with the rest of disaster lineage + Rex goes absolutely south and there is an endless amount of arguing, meanwhile Rex and Gungi stand off to the side like yeah its always like this kid
Rex thinks there's finally a second reasonable person there but PLOT TWIST, Gungi lives for the drama and is spilling tea with Obi-Wan in 2 days time (he also began learning Wookie as soon as Ahsoka started nagging him)
Even Rex learned the language, but SOMEHOW Anakin just,,, didn't get the memo and never learned it so everytime they're in a room together it's just,,, uh... u good bro
*responds in Wookie, telling him he's having a rough week*
nice to hear trainings going well, pal, keep it up
*stares into the camera like he's on the office*
and somehow they kill palpatine, destroy all the chips and are a disaster family till death doth them part
the end
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projecthipster · 2 years
Franny and Zooey, by J.D. Salinger
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“I don’t think it would have all got me quite so down if just once in a while—just once in a while—there was at least some polite little perfunctory implication that knowledge should lead to wisdom, and that if it doesn't, it's just a disgusting waste of time! But there never is! You never even hear any hints dropped on a campus that wisdom is supposed to be the goal of knowledge. You hardly ever even hear the word 'wisdom' mentioned!”
Everyone’s read J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, yeah? If not, I’ll review it in this series sooner or later. It’s great, it’s very hipster in its deep character breakdown, multiple layers of storytelling, and its analysis of cynical adolescent disillusionment. It’s one of the best-selling, best-reviewed, most-read books in all of literature. Sounds kinda mainstream, doesn’t it?
The discerning hipster, wanting all of Salinger’s great writing in a package that the mainstream sheep are less likely to know, and that subs adolescent disillusionment for young adult disillusionment, might instead turn to Franny and Zooey, his later and arguably only other novel. Franny and Zooey hit the scene in 1957, at the height of the Hipster-beloved beat era, though Salinger isn’t usually considered to be one of the beats, which is basically to say that I don't think he ever did drugs with Kerouac. Your hipness archivist read this book a couple of years after reading Catcher, mostly on a single slow day while working at a ski hill.
Some say it’s two short stories; truth, it’s more like a novella with a bonus opening chapter that could serve as a short story in isolation but works very well as a first chapter. That opening follows Franny Glass on a lunch date. She’s become obsessed with an obscure Russian religious text, but her boyfriend only wants to talk about his upcoming football game, leading Franny right into a panic attack about how much everyone is only in everything for the ego boost. That main theme is tempered a bit by Franny’s disdain for the dullness, the expectedness of everyone’s bragging topics. Certainly that’s something core to the hipster identity: the mundanity of the mainstream.  That’s part one, the shorter part, “Franny.”
The second part, “Zooey,” makes up most of the book. Smash cut to the Glass household. Franny’s brother Zooey is fighting with his mom. Franny is in the living room, a few days into a serious depressive funk, when Zooey is all but forced to talk her through it. That conversation, replete with italics to show just how emphatic and pointed everyone is, practically ranting, reveals the Glass family backstory, detailed as well in other Salinger stories that I haven’t read. Turns out, nothing about Franny’s identity crisis came on in isolation. The Glass children were child prodigies on a radio show, in the national spotlight until their voices changed and they suddenly dropped from America’s short attention span. That feeling of being puppets on a stage never really left any of them, and led eldest brother Seymour to commit suicide despite an outward appearance of success. Is it any wonder, then, that these siblings are a bit messed up, and see society as being a bit messed up? The conversation barrels on, Zooey trying to rescue Franny from her depression, until it reaches a surprisingly succinct and positive conclusion, which shows Salinger’s increasing interest in spirituality and alternative theological theory, and which I won’t spoil. Suffice to say, the final page has a lesson that you’ll remember if you’ve ever sat and wondered in light despair at why we all go on performing, and who for.
Reading this book will boost your hipster cred, because you can bring it up when people talk about The Catcher in the Rye. But more importantly, this book will raise interesting and impressively timeless dialogues about life and purpose in modern society by means of great writing and impressively concisely developed characters. 
I give this Hipster book five withering glances over an organic cigarette out of five.
Project Hipster is a futile and disorganized attempt to dive into the world of things that the internet has at some point claimed "are hipster," mostly through ListChallenges search results.
This review comes from the first list, Hipster Lit: If You Haven't Read 'em, Pretend You Have.
Stay deck.
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zekekaiju · 2 years
Shades of The Grave
James Mathews was a fairly normal young man. For the most part he followed all written and unwritten rules. He lived a mostly quiet life where he mostly did what he was told and mostly followed the same routine. Every so often he would do something he considered bold and daring. Nothing too extreme, not something where he could actually get hurt or get in trouble, just something he could brag about to the cute barista when he got his coffee. Which is how he got here in a graveyard at night taking a selfie. Of course he didn't just decide to do this. Someone at the office bet him he wouldn't.
"Find a grave, take a picture, go home, find a grave, take a picture, go home" James repeated this over and over. He did not want to be here. Finding a grave with a traditional tombstone look about it he quickly snapped a selfie. He considered leaving right then and there but he decided to check the photo first. It would stink to have to go back through the graveyard cause they couldn't see his face.
"Ahhh" James whirled around eyes wide. There was nothing, he could have sworn he saw something out of the corner of his eye in the light of his phone. He looked around quickly but there was no one around.
"Must have been a shadow." He muttered as he checked his phone. "Photo is there everything looks good time to go."
As he left the graveyard and hurried home he kept looking over his shoulder. Every Time he'd whip his head around there was nothing. Despite this, he couldn't shake the feeling of something following him home.
The next morning he awoke refreshed, well rested and feeling a little foolish. He wasn't a child anymore, he shouldn't be jumping at shadows. But he got the picture so he could rub it in Dan’s face and maybe brag a little to the cute barista. As he went about his morning, he completely forgot about the feeling of something following him home. His drive to work was uneventful, the barista wasn't at work so that was disappointing but otherwise his morning was fine. However once he got into the office he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. It wasn’t till after lunch that he realized what the problem was, someone kept looking over his shoulder while he was working. He would be working on emails and other work for a while when suddenly he had the unmistakable feeling of being watched. It was probably Dan trying to prank him after last night but everytime he turned around the person would duck out of the office. He did catch a few of his coworkers but most insisted they weren’t watching him. After lunch, he decided he was just gonna ignore it and let Dan stare at him all he wanted. He let the feeling wash over him and heighten. It grew and grew, never really settling into the background, only getting worse until suddenly a hand touched his shoulder.
“ ahhh” he shouted, spinning around to stare at a somewhat concerned looking Rebbecca.
“Sorry you startled me, what do you want?” He asked.
“It’s 5 o’clock, time to go home James”.
“oh thanks must have gotten caught up in my work.” he apologized sheepishly.
"Well hurry up you don't want to be the last one here"
James suddenly realized that he indeed did not want to be the last one here. In fact that sounded absolutely terrible. Working quickly he shut down his devices, packed up his papers and dashed out the door in record time.
He rushed out to his car slamming the door and panting in the front seat. As he calmed down he tried to figure out why he was so freaked out. It was just a late night at the office, he wasn't a child who was being left alone in a dark room, he was a grown man. Sighing to himself he started his car and started driving out of the parking garage. As he drove home he chastised himself. This irrational fear. There was nothing following him home from the graveyard, no one was staring at him while he worked and there was nothing to be afraid of at the office. Getting home without incident, he ate dinner and decided to turn in early.
On his way back from using the restroom in the middle of the night he froze. There was someone else in his apartment. A tall thin man shrouded in shadows was standing in the hallway. He appeared to have his back to James and was just staring into his bedroom. James stood there frozen for several minutes, he cursed himself for leaving his phone in his bedroom. Finally, he decided to switch on the light and make a break for it in the confusion. Bracing himself he flicked on the light switch and started sprinting forward only to stop short. The intruder was gone but how he was . . . It was his shadow, not an intruder, just his shadow. He really needed sleep.
Sleep didn't help, he woke up nervous and uncomfortable feeling like there was someone always staring at him. He was late for work because he felt the need to check his house over for intruders.
Everytime he sat down to work the feeling of being watched would build and build until he could practically feel the hands of the tall man on his back, but he never turned around; it was just his shadow. On the way home he nearly got into an accident twice as he would see the man in his back seat, or in the passenger seat, and on occasion running next to the car. It was stupid to be concerned; it was just his shadow. Anytime he got out of bed he braced himself when entering his hallway. The tall man wasn't waiting for him, it was just his shadow. Gradually he stopped going to work and stopped leaving the house altogether. It didn't help. A tall man didn't follow him home from the graveyard and haunt every aspect of his life; it was just his shadow.
Three months after Halloween, James Mathews was found in his home half-starved and barricaded in a closet. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital following a full investigation. He claimed that he was hiding from the tall thin man who only he could see. Every attempt by the man to point out his stalker revealed no one. Dan felt bad, James was an alright guy if a little annoying but how was he supposed to know that little dare would set him off. Plus now he had to fill his position. As he entered the interview room he looked at the potential candidate. Black hair, brown eyes, dressed in a respectable dark business suit he made a decent first impression. Rising from his chair he extended a slightly thin hand towards Dan which he accepted. "You play basketball in college?" Dan asked.
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fl5793 · 1 year
Karini: What if…?
Part 6: Modelling mayhem
All Out series
Hawks x blasian OC
Part 5 part 7
A young girl was on an earth dragon flying in the air
An older woman looked away feom the child as if she wasnt her own
A villain were battling heroes nearby so they both went past as if nothing was going on
“HEY WATCH OUT!!” Someone shouted and the woman was suddenly engulfed in flames as a nomu came after her
The lady then burnt the nomu to nothing but ash as the others looked at her for a few seconds before continuing fighting
The woman then noticed how the child was missing
“God! Where did you go now?” The woman askedherself angrily
The child was standing over a criminal and untieing it’s victims one by one
The criminal smirked and was about to attack her but the child moved a away and flew right above it where it used a blade to stab it in the neck
“EMILY!” The woman shouted and the child looked up at her smiling
The woman flew towards her now not being engulfed in fire but instead smoke
“You could’ve hurt yourself. DON’T do that again!” The woman ordered and Emily didn’t listen instead he bowed at the people who were looking her
The woman took Emily and flew off
Present day
“Same place I fought the villain and was in fact the same place I realized I loved to entertain others,” Emily says putting her hand in her pockets while slouching in a cushion
Emily was inside a modeling agency with Hawks and they were both bragging to each other about what they accomplished
Hawks was interested but didn’t believe she did all of that
“So your telling me at the age of 5 you not only saved a bunch of people but defeated a criminal?” Hawks asked in denial
“Well yeah, what’s wrong with that being true?” Emily smirked
“Cause it’s not. The only reason I can tell it’s not cause if you ever did something like you wouldn’t brag about it or mention it at all,” Hawks admits and Emily was embarrassed
“Fine fine I’ll admit how it truly ended,” Emily gives in
Emily was tied up in a string and was being hung upside fown beside a building
The woman turns into what was looked to be a fire dragon
She flew towards the criminal before punching him and knocking him out
The woman was able to turn her right hand into water and help slip Emily out
“Weeee!” Emily said excitedly as she slipped out
Emily flew off and untied the rest of the people while the woman rolled her eyes
“That’s my mom and she’s a hero just like me,” Emily bragged and started walking backwards trying to moonwalk
“She’s just as cool as my dance just now,” Emily continuously brags but The woman grabs her by her shirt and flies off
Present day
Hawks was laughing at her
“Listen I five years old of course I’m not gonna be able to save the world,” Emily pouts while looking away from him
“ But you caused more drama and even thought of yourself as some hotshot just cause you was walking backwards,” Hawks laughs even harder
“My moonwalking is way better now. It has definetly improved over the years,” Emily says when a producer came by
“Okay, you two need to get in the car now. We have a new place to shoot the commercial,” The producer says smiling sheepishly
“Commercial?!!?” They both asked
“We were told it was only a photo shoot,” Emily says confused
“Yeah since our main guy is out Hawks will replace him, it’s the reason why you two were here for so long. The commercial needs at least one guy,” The producer said and brought them outside
“Never agreed to this,” Hawks states by the producer ignores him
“Wait what commercial are you talking about?” Emily asked
“That smoking kills awareness stuff. Something like that,” The producer said and they both got in the car
“I only came to do a simple photoshoot now I’m also doing a stupid commercial,” Emily put her hands on her head
“Yeah, sadly the concept of Hawks photoshoot AND yours is gonna take place in the same area, because we are temporarily banned from where the commercial woulda took place. But hey you two get to be closer right!” The producer said in a happy tone while Emily just looks at her
Someone escorts Hawks away and she sighs realizing this won’t be an easy day
Emily walks inside the cabin and it was pretty... Wait it’s a church
“There was an old abandoned church inside the cabin. We overall have no idea what it is but it closely resembles a church so you and your crew will be nuns. Take this costume and put it on cause it has nothing to do with what I just said,” The producer hurried, and soon enough Emily was in her costume
“Why am I little red riding hood? This has nothing to do with thd fact that there is a church inside of a cabin,” Emily asked not expecting someone to respond
“To get acknowledged and accepted by the black community. Also as soon as the director says action you will run and a camera will follow you,” Emily’s assistant said ignoring her second question and pushed her in front of the camera
A man was getting into a chair and Emily accidentally lost balance and started wobbling
“How funny. You act like there’s an earthquake just cause you see a fat guy,” The director said in a monotone like voice
“No no, you don’t understand I-” Emily was interrupted as the director shouted “Action!”
Emily ran away from the camera
Emily fell to the ground and backed away from the camera in fear
“Please don’t,” Emily said then screamed in fear
“CUT!” The director shouted
“That was pretty good acting! For someone who just came out of a comedy,” The director was angry with the way it turned out but Emily played it cool
“Then what do you want me to do?” Emily asked getting up
“I want you to act like your spreading awareness for smoking addiction and not how much of a bitch you are,” The director said and Emily rolled her eyes
“She went back towards the start,”
“Action!” The director shouted and Emily ran
“Cut! Why are you so close to the camera? Stop running like a child and run like your in danger,” The director commented and Emily clenched her teeth
You not running right
Your stance is off
Why do you fall like your getting pushed
What is wrong with your acting skills?
You don’t belong here among real actors and actresses
Get the hell out of here and go back to the trash you belong
Emily was a 8 years old sitting on the floor covered in bruises
“The next time you do something so stupid I will kill you,” Avery yelled and threw a fireball at her burning her arm
“I want you to fight him as if you was trying to kill him not as some training partner,” Avery yelled and kicked her in the face
Avery got on her knees and squeezed Emily’s face
“You see all the marks on my face. They were made by your father and all those people who wanted to hurt me. DON’T BECOME LIKE ME!” Avery yelled at her and Emily nodded
Avery through her against the wall hard and started coughing out blood
Emily had tears running down her face and but didn’t make a sound cause she knew there was hell to pay
“Don’t you ever let yourself feel weak. Ya hear me. Once you’ve proven to me your not weak I’ll stop this all. I’ll even take away your quirk,” Avery smirked not even looking at Emily
“I love you, Mommy!” Emily responded as Avery stood up and looked back at her
“Don’t call me mommy,” Avery said and left the room
Flashback over
“ACTION!” The director said and Emily ran as if she was in danger
Emily tripped over a rock and hit her head against a log and causing her head to bounce back (basically when All might threw Deku and he bounced off of the truck)
“ I always screw shit up,” Emily said to herself letting a tear run down her face
“Why am I not dead?” Emily asked
“Because I protected you from getting a concussion,” Mio said and Emily sighed but instead started coughing
“Why do I always... Do this?” Emily asked and just closed her eyes trying to take a break
“Cut...” The director said quietly
“That was perfect. You finally got what I wanted,” The director praised
Emily looked away and smiled
“Next time this happens I suggest you fight with violence,” A voice said
“Was that you Mio?” Emily asked
“I didn't say anything,” Mio responded
Emily turned to her left and saw some girl was staring at her
“Who the hell is that?” Emily asked
“Aw shit! That’s my fiance,” Mio cursed
“FIANCE!” Emily shouted in shock
Years Later
Everyone was quiet in the room and Courtney just looked at Emily then back at her notebook
Courtney sighed and prepared her questions
“While I ignore the fact that Mio has a potential wife. Emily are you sure that you are fully and I mean FULLY okay if we talk about your um… background?” Courtney asked hoping for a yes
Emily was quiet and looked away from her
“Uh yeah,” Emily responded
“Okay Emily I totally understand your resentment towards your mother don’t you believe that it is somewhat getting worse over the course of time?” Courtney asked
“My relationship with Avery hasn’t changed since I was born. I.hate.her and you can’t change my opinion on her,” Emily said in a serious tone
“Emily I can tell when your lying it’s my quirk and just cause you do something certain when you lie-“ Courtney was interrupted
“WHAT! I’m not lying I truly do resent Avery she ruined my childhood-” Emily was interrupted
“That’s why you always send her birthday cards, try your best to give her money, and even visited her when she was in jail,” Emily couldn’t deny that fact right then and there
“Also you forgot it’s my quirk to figure out when you lie and tell the truth,” Courtney continues and Emily just sighs
“Me and my mom has always had bad blood ever since I turned 4. Thought I was grown enough to the point I didn’t need to feel loved,” Emily admitted
“What made you feel like she stopped loving you?” Courtney asked
“Because she…hurt me. When I was a baby I was always treated with respect and was raised to be perfect. After I got my quirk she just started to hurt me and just dissect me,” Emily explained and Courtney was surprised by her words
“Wait what do you mean by-“ A timer went off and Emily got up to leave
“Wait where are you going we still need to finish this question,” Courtney told her but Emily just left the room
“That girl is still hiding something and I need to find out what. Maybe then I could figure out who she is? And how to fix her,” Courtney groaned to herself looking at the figure that was once on the couch
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bumbleklee · 3 years
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | pregnancy series
request: sorry if this is confusing !! can i request the pregnant reader s/o of diluc, kaeya , and childe with the kids of mondstadt/liyue or maybe childe’s siblings acting as their protectors in a way. like helping her down stairs or making sure she isn’t tired from standing. sometimes checking on her or giving her gifts to give to the baby when it’s born because babies are exciting lol. their response being they have to be good sibling and asking to touch their stomach and feeling the baby kick. you can put the loving husband’s reactions to the lil protection squad the reader has unintentionally made lol
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: pregnancy
a/n: i wasn't sure if this was a request for the series or not but decided to put it here anyways because it’s *chefs kiss* 
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“Why didn’t you order your usual drink?” A straightforward voice broke you out of your conversation and you turned your head to the side to see Diona staring at you. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were narrowed at you. “You always order a Frisky Cocktail but tonight you just ordered water. Why?”
You hesitated to answer the young girl. But by the stare she was giving you, you knew she wasn’t going to let up anytime soon.
“Um, well,” You started, wondering if you could come up with a lie. You and Diluc hadn’t told anyone you were expecting yet but with a deep breath you said, “It’s because I’m pregnant.”
Diona raised an eyebrow at you, “You’re pregnant? Meaning you’re going to have a baby?”
Her ears perked up and a smile broke out onto your face, “That’s right.” Diona had the glimmer of a smile on her face as well and said something under her breath before tending to someone else at the bar.
Since that night, Diona had been more attentive to you. She bragged that she knew the news of your pregnancy before anyone else when you finally told everyone and she found herself talking to you more than ever. As your pregnancy progressed, Diona became even closer to you. She would give you gifts, mostly flowers or food, and ask you questions about the, now known, twins.
Truthfully, it was nice having Diona around when Diluc was busy. In fact, it made you so much more excited to meet your own babies. You wondered if they would grow up to be as ambitious or as compassionate as her.
On a day where Diona wasn’t working and Diluc was busy tending to his orchard, you invited Diona over and took the young girl to the lake. You basked in the sun as Diona collected rocks and chatted about her busy week.
“This is for you,” Diona said shyly, holding out a sweet flower to you.
You grinned, “Why, thank you.” You took the flower from her and slipped it behind your ear, “Does it look nice?”
Diona nodded and sat down beside you. Her eyes were glued to your growing baby bump and when you noticed, your smile softened. “Do you want to touch it?” She nodded again and reached out, her hand gentle on your belly. Suddenly, she ripped her hand away with a gasp. “What happened?”
“They kicked me!” She squealed, causing you to just laugh. From the grape vines, Diluc smiled to himself as he watched Diona take good care of you.
When Kaeya told the teenagers in town that you were pregnant, it was like a switch had been flipped on them. The boys, Bennett and Razor, had turned from rowdy pranksters to mature young adults (at least when you were around). Even Fischl, who was once lacking in the reality department, was so much more attentive to you and your needs.
The teenagers were, in fact, so obsessed with the fact you were bringing a new baby into Mondstadt that Kaeya felt comfortable leaving you in their care when you stopped going to work. He even had Lisa make them matching shirts that said ‘Y/N’s Protection Squad’ on them.
At first, it was a delight to have them around. They kept you company and anything you needed, they were there to help with. But soon it became bothersome.
“I can walk down the stairs fine, boys,” You said, laughing awkwardly as the teenagers held onto either of your arms. Where you were in your pregnancy, you didn’t need assistance down the stairs. Maybe when you were farther along but not now.
“We just don’t want you to fall Mrs. Alberich,” Bennett said politely. “Captain Kaeya said to help you with everything!”
“Did he now?” You said through gritted teeth. “Are you guys hungry? Why don’t you run along and grab us a table.”
Finally, Razor and Bennett let go of your arms to race down the stairs and towards The Good Hunter. You sighed in relief and took your time down the steps, relishing in the quick moment of freedom before you reached the table where the boys sat.
“Is this a good table? We can find another one if-”
“It’s fine,” You cut Bennett off and sat down yourself. As you were looking over the menu, Bennett spoke up again.
“Sorry if we’re being annoying,” He said, his head down, “We’re just excited to have a little brother or sister.”
Razor nodded in agreement, “Lupical...baby.”
Your heart melted at their words and you sighed deeply. While their help was unnecessary and sometimes annoying, it was nice to know that these kids would do anything to keep you safe.
“It’s alright,” You finally said, smiling, “Now, what do you want to eat?”
“So, you know how you said you were bored when I was away during the day?” 
Childe’s voice startled you and you almost choked on the soup you were eating before regaining your composure. You swiveled to the side to see Childe with his hands behind his back, holding onto something.
You raised your eyebrows, “Yeah?”
Your boyfriend pushed something around his waist and you were now staring at Qiqi. The little girl looked at you with wide, blank eyes. “Hello,” She said flatly.
“Did you steal her?” You asked Childe in a hushed whisper.
Childe laughed, “Of course not. I was talking to Baizhu about your problem and he suggested Qiqi to keep you company!”
You blinked slowly. Qiqi continued to stare at you. “Um, are you hungry?”
Qiqi nodded and without a word, hoisted herself onto the seat next to you. She picked up a spare pair of chopsticks and grabbed a dumpling off your plate, shoving it into her mouth.
When you turned around to face Childe again, he was already heading back down the harbor. Sighing, you turned back to Qiqi. She was still chewing on her dumpling and kicking her feet back and forth.
“So, what do you want to do?” You asked her. Spending time with Qiqi felt like babysitting more than anything but if Childe insisted that she would cure your utter boredom, then you trusted him.
“Qiqi wants to…” The little girl stopped for a moment and put her hand on her chin to think. Then she looked at you with gleaming eyes, “Qiqi wants to meet the baby!”
You smiled, “Oh, Qiqi, the baby isn’t here yet.”
She cocked her head in confusion, “But Childe said Y/N had a baby.”
“My baby is here.” You pointed to your small baby bump and Qiqi stared at it for a moment. Her hand reached out and she touched your rounded stomach gently. “You’ll be able to meet them soon.”
Qiqi pulled her head away and looked up at you with dazed eyes, “Meet who?”
The teenagers of Liyue were somehow more excited for your pregnancy than you were. Xiangling was constantly making specialty dishes that were packed with vitamins and healthy ingredients, Xinqiu was making a collection of children’s books to give to you, and Chongyun cleansed your house weekly of bad omen.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that you had grown attached to them.
“Can I adopt them?” You asked Zhongli one night after a day out with the teenagers.
Zhongli peered at you from the kitchen table, “The children? Unfortunately, no.”
You frowned and sat down across from him, a hot cup of tea in my hands. “Why not? I think they deserve to have a little sibling, don’t you?”
Your husband chuckled softly at you, “Darling, they have parents of their own. We can’t steal them away from their biological family.”
You knew he was right. Your pregnancy brain was just making you emotional and sensitive. You pouted and stirred your tea, “They’re the best, Zhongli.”
“I’m sure they are.” Zhongli smiled fondly at your appreciation towards the teenagers. He felt remorse for not being able to be there with you during the day but was glad you had company. He was also glad that you felt secure in the presence of them. “Besides, I’m sure they’ll look at our little one as their younger sibling nonetheless.”
You perked up, “You’re right! And that means we’ll have extra hands to help with them, too!”
Zhongli nodded in agreement. An idea formed in your mind and when Zhongli headed to bed that night, you stayed up to create it.
The next day, the teenagers rang the doorbell of your apartment to get you. Zhongli kissed you goodbye and you left, excitmenting running through your veins. You took the children to the harbor before reaching into your bag.
“I can’t explain how grateful I am for all three of you,” You told them, feeling nothing but pure love cloud your brain, “So I wanted to thank you with this!” You handed each of the teenagers a similar bracelet. It was made from pieces of different crystals and rocks strewn together with a string. “When my baby gets old enough, they’ll know that their big siblings are the ones with the special bracelets.”
Xiangling was the first to run forward and hug you, “I can’t wait!”
The boys joined in quickly after, “We’ll be by your side until then.”
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
I am Batman Part 4
Alright so- Justice League.
In my personal Batman Canon, Dick is about 14 (and Bruce/Bryce is 27) when the JL forms or at least, Batman and Superman first team up. (Plus uhhh I think Damian is conceived here. In this AU, it's Ra's who has been watching Batman find out that Batman is human and then stealing some DNA.)
There's always a MILLION reasons why they team up so fuck it, let's go with alien invasion.
Shapeshifters. Martians? I like legit watched ONE old cartoon for ten minutes with Manhunter and that's the reason.
Or whoever attacked them?
...yeah no shapeshifting aliens invading it is.
Manhunter approaches Superman first and then Wonder Woman. They begin hunting for others to help. It's Green Arrow and Flash who bring up Batman, the spirit in Gotham. they aren't sure if it'll work, but they need to try.
Bryce would like it known she doesn't like this. But she does come to them as the bat, creeping behind them, silent as a grave to growl and hiss at them. Talon cackles from a streetlight as Batgirl, named by the media, laughs her high laugh from a billboard.
"What do you want?" the shadow asks the heroes. "We have nothing for you here..."
Because it's true. The rogues that Batman fights are Penguin still, the man in and out of jail, with Riddler appearing alongside Condiment King and Kiteman. Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze have also appeared, though Poison Ivy seems more invested in convincing Batman to join her in her goals. Mr. Freeze just wonders how many of the spirits died due to illness. Bryce knows more will come soon.
She just doesn't know when. (this is my canon for Batman. 'safe' rogues were appearing first, then we get the really dangerous ones. Poison ivy is dangerous as fuck, but I prefer the headcanon she isn't as bad as some others.)
"We need your help, if you can." it's explained and then... for some reason... they think she is a spirit. She doesn't understand. She really doesn't- how can they not? Doesn't Manhunter read minds? What's going on. But they need to focus first.
Batman appears with the others, fighting off aliens. The few media drones who catch the battle hear the hissing of the Spirit, the entity, as it growls and snaps. It is GOTHAM and even the crime in the city stalls, watching with baited breath.
Bryce would like it known that she is NOT a fan of fighting shapeshifting aliens. She does it, but fuck is it bad. She's also you know, worried why no one sees through her.
They win though, with some help from Batgirl. Barbara isn't Oracle, but her genius knows little match (a young boy with a camera who watches the news with squinted eyes outclasses her, but it is only by a small amount). They win, and in the end the Justice League is formed.
They still end up with all their snazzy things and stuff cause the government, Clark's Alien tech, Diana's riches, Bryce's more liquid money and Green Arrow's money helps.
Bryce presses at the group, wondering why no one notices anything. Why they don't react to her. She even goes to Metropolis to see if Clark can recognize her. He doesn't. (And if it leads to a one night stand, well she does it for bragging rights and the chance to see how that stamina affects him). It is here she learns the truth:
They all fully believe Batman is a bunch of souls formed by Gotham. there are all sorts of questions how he can leave Gotham that Batman slaps a: magic and cause world needs me to on. They accept it.
There is a bunch of research about the phenomenon, as Bryce tries to understand how it works.
Also, like while this happens Dick ends up forming the Teen Titans at age fifteen and suddenly Bryce is dealing with baby superheroes and also parenting with the other JL members who have sidekicks.
"Talon is a child. He may be a spirit but..."
"Oh no, we get it." "Wait, you guys eat?"
It's fun. But back to the weirdness. As I said, it's either magic or Gotham.
I actually like Eldritch horror Gotham more then 'magic Bryce' so fuck it. Gotham has a personification who tracks down Bryce to explain shit. Said personification ends up basically living on the farm and keeps leading Bryce to more riches in the underground caves in Gotham. Which awesome, more money- how the fuck did no one FIND THIS SHIT GOTHAM?
... Gotham is a wine aunt and enabler for all of Bryce's children and flirts with Alfred.
Gotham protects Bryce and helps shift her aura and prevent people from going into her head. Gotham protects Dick and Barbara to as time goes on. At times as well, a shift of a wall, a loose floorboard, an easy to each gargoyle saves them each time. The family is thankful.
Gotham is still an enabler though.
Times goes on, and suddenly Bryce is dealing with more teenage bullshit. Talon convinces the titans he can have sex/kiss people and suddenly he's dating Starfire, and Batgirl is upset and Batman wants a drink please.
Dick finds himself banished to chop wood or clean the coop a few times. Bryce doesn't care WHAT you do Dick, just don't do it where someone sees and complains to her.
Then he breaks up with Starfire before dating Kid Flash. Bryce wants a refund on teenagers. Alfred laughs at her and Gotham teaches Dick places to hide.
However, Dick breaks up with KF for the reason he breaks up with Starfire: he will never tell them who he is.
Bryce watches as Barbara finally makes a move she's been slowly wanting to for a while. It's cute.
Bryce does have to get a hose a few times though, and now both are cleaning the barn. You break the rules of NOT doing that in the public areas of the house and you get punished.
Dick is seventeen when Bryce finds a young boy stealing tires. Not her tires, but some tires.
She isn't surprised to know who it is.
Part 5... soonish.
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rqnvindr · 3 years
pairing: baker!childe x gn!reader
genre: fluff, modern bakery!au, suggestive 
w.c: 1.5k
warnings: making out lol
synopsis: moving to a new country was quite the adventure. and you found new areas to travel further within the cute boy right down the road’s ocean eyes.
it had been a total of two weeks since you arrived in italy. getting settled was your top priority, but now that you’ve got your place set up and are getting used to college life in a new country, it was about time you started checking off some of the more leisurely activities on your checklist.
the streets were clearer, less busy than usual, on the weekend you enter the bakery. it seemed like an unpretentious, small business, with the simple, yet homely, beige walls and the old vinyl in the corner playing soft tunes. the bell rings when you enter, but no one seems to be behind the counter when you examine the array of cakes in the front display.
“welcome! i can help you when you’re ready to order!” a perky male voice interrupts you in the middle of eyeing a slice of strawberry cake. you look up to see a ginger with a warm smile, the crinkles around his blue eyes genuine. 
“hello! i was hoping to get this slice of cake right here.” you point to said strawberry treat.
“ah yes. my older brother has been WAITING for someone to try his new signature strawberry cake. but there honestly can’t be anything special about something that tastes the same no matter what.” you can practically hear the way he rolls his eyes as he takes the cake out to put it in a box. 
you raise an eyebrow. “complaining about your own products? that doesn’t seem like a very good marketing strategy, but i suppose reverse psychology will do its job.” 
“you sound like you know about sales quite a bit.” he smiles wryly. “are you a business major?”
“yup! i actually just moved here to study at the local university for an overseas program.” you only knew this guy for a maximum of 30 seconds, and he had already seemed so open and was able to read you like a book. it made you want to know more about him in exchange. 
“so your family bakes everything here?” you ask. 
“yes we do! my parents usually do the baking while my siblings and i work varying shifts here up front or stocking up the inventory. but we too, also experiment with different recipes to sell new things.” 
you hum in response. “you must have a lot of siblings then.”
the boy chuckles in response. “i do. i don’t know what i’d do without them.” he sounded so happy while talking about his family and it made you feel warm just hearing about how they worked together. 
“is this a competition for how much we can learn about each other within a span of a few minutes.” he smirks. “when we haven’t even learnt each others names yet?”
you inspect his attire, pausing at a name tag pinned to his shirt pocket. “ajax? nice to meet you, i’m (y/n).”
“well, (y/n), hope to see you again after trying my brother’s cake. hope it makes you realize that you gotta go for the chocolate or vanilla, not something that wasn’t meant to be a dessert in the first place.”
“i mean it was good so i came back for another one?” you can’t help but laugh when the same boy you met at the counter last week shakes his head.
“and you came to order right around closing time too, huh? guess this makes you a new challenge for me.” you avert your gaze to the ground, suddenly feeling nervous from his chastising. 
“fine, you can lose the pouty face. i’ll accept your questionable taste just this one last time.” he pushes his hair back with a sigh after packing up your order and you catch yourself staring. 
and of course, just when you allow yourself to indulge in the sight of a mysterious sea of unanswered questions in his blue eyes, he locks eyes with you. he knows you’re checking him out, causing him to smirk coyly. 
“ajax,” you begin, preventing the atmosphere from heading somewhere more tense. “have you lived here all of your life?” 
“as a matter of fact, no i haven’t. my family has been around, but i think we’ve finally found where we’re supposed to belong here. i’ve been living here long enough for people to start calling me by two different names too. ‘tartaglia’ and also ‘childe’.”
hm. so he was attractive and went by multiple names....
“‘tartaglia’? interesting, sounds like you’ve even earned yourself a name amongst the locals here.”
“i don’t know why they named me after the guy from that one play, though. maybe it’s because i leave a little bit of a stutter in people’s lives.” childe winks.
stutter, huh.
you thought he was just being a boastful young man. until you found yourself just happening to visit the bakery during times you predicted he’d be there. 
childe was like a peacock strutting his stuff out in the open, captivating, and divine. you had never met someone so adventurous yet down to earth at the same time. one moment he’d be bragging about his ventures with his friends, and then next thing you knew he’d do a 180 if his little brother called in the middle of your conversation. 
it wasn’t just his actions. he grew more bold with his words too. eyes shooting stars as he looked you up and down, noticing the new outfit you wore just for him when he purred about how good you looked and how it was always a treat to have someone as sweet as you visit after a long day at work. 
he was always full of surprises. you’re reminded of that when you find him standing behind the counter in a hoodie and jeans instead of his usual work attire.
“what’s up? disappointed that i’m not wearing the apron?” childe exits the space separating you two, and stands dangerously close to you. “don’t worry, i can put it back on when i show you the new frosting i’m working on.” he chuckles and rubs your shoulder, the small exchange of body heat making you feel warm all over.
“a new product, huh? is this to help your family business or to compete with your siblings?” you watch him count the cash at the register with your hands tucked underneath your chin. 
“sweetheart, even a guy like me can take on baking as a hobby rather than just a way to make ends meet or pick fights.” with that, he slides the cash register drawer closed. “come on, it should be processed by now.”
you slowly follow childe into the back. as promised, he puts the apron over his casual clothes, the sight rather domestic. 
he dips his finger into the light pink frosting after giving it one last stir and licks it off. the sight makes you shiver and lick your own lips.
“mmm. so i guess strawberry does taste pretty good. if done right of course.”
“what made you change your mind, mr.strawberry-anti?” you smirk.
“baking is a delicacy. i was never a ‘strawberry-anti’, just wary of how it’s supposed to mesh with desserts for the sake of compliancy. i made this frosting to test it out some more, and as a special treat. for you.”
before you can receive his gesture to claim your treat, childe gives you the same glimmering look that he always uses before pulling at your heartstrings even further. 
and it becomes way too much for you to handle when he leans his face closer to yours.
“here, have a taste.” childe teasingly presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. he continues to leave gentle pecks on your lips, and you let out shaky breaths every time he pulls away.
“why did you stop?” you whine and he hovers over your entire body this time, pushing your hips onto the counter.
“hm, not enough? come closer then.” you wrap your arms around his neck, this time, getting a real taste of his creation when he claims your mouth whole. 
you grip onto his hair when he adds more pressure into the kiss, pulling especially harder when he nibbles on your bottom lip. as if having unlocked the key to your greatest depths, he effortlessly slides his tongue into your mouth, and you moan upon tasting the lingering strawberry flavor mixed with the feeling of your tongues connecting.
much to your dismay, you both pull away for air. your breaths mingle hotly before he coaxes you into taking a bit more for yourself. not long after you savor the sweetness, childe’s lips are back on yours. the way he sucks the cream off your lips makes your head spin, making you forget about everything else but this one boy in front of you, the mystery boy in a foreign country who sent you through a rollercoaster during only your first month of living here. 
“ajax...” you breathe out his name when he lets go of your now swollen and red lips. the boy proceeds to kiss your cheek and jawline gently, laughing softly against your skin.
“i can’t help it, baby. it tastes even better on you.”
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Meeting and Dating Benny Rodriguez
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Benny met when you were younger. You’d lived in the neighborhood your entire life and with Benny and the boys being the only kids around your house; and the fact that you were a bit of a tomboy in general, they were who you made friends with.
- Like most young boys, they weren’t too keen on some little girl butting into their games, but you were persistent! It took you a couple weeks and a whole lot of effort but soon enough they let you stay and play without any complaints. After that, the rest was history.
- You’d sort of always just been one of the guys. The main reason you were allowed to stick around was because they nearly forgot you weren’t one. You played baseball, weren’t afraid to get dirty, and never acted all “prissy”; you were the only type of girl they’d ever be caught dead letting into their crew.
- And; without any opposition from you, that’s how things went on for a few years. It wasnt until you got a little older that you realized that being “one of the boys” maybe wasn’t the ...greatest thing in the world.
- You sort of always had a thing for Benny. It was easier to brush off and not realize when you were younger but as you got into your teenage years, it became more difficult to ignore.
- And thus, your dilemma finally became obvious. You’d spent so long being one of the guys that you were completely sure Benny only saw you as that; he sure acted like he did.
- So a million thoughts raced through your head. You wondered if you could change how he saw you, if you wanted to, how you’d do it, should you do it, when you’d do it, etc. Maybe you should try some makeup, change your clothes, your personality; should you stop hanging around him so much?
- You had no idea what to do ...so you tried a few things. You dressed a tad bit girlier; not enough to have the gang on you or ruin your ability to play, and wore your hair down, and ...nothing happened.
- All you got was a few comments from the guys asking “what’s up with the hair?”. Soon enough, you were grumpily pulling your hair up into a ponytail after getting not even the slightest reaction from Benny.
- After several attempts, you’re at a loss and somewhat frustrated. You debate just telling him but the day you decide to, you chicken out and stay home.
- Your mother tells Benny you aren’t feeling well when he asks if you can come out and play and you watch from behind the curtain guiltily as he leaves your front steps, casting one last look from behind his shoulder at your window.
- You don’t show up to the field for another day or two before deciding that you need to go back, missing your friends and fresh air. You figure you can play it cool like always, and you do, getting welcome back slaps on the back and shakes.
- You play for a few hours before the boys have to go home and you’re left on the field alone with Benny. You’re just about to walk out as well ...up until Benny calls after you. With a deep breath, you jog back over and stand in front of him.
“You feeling better?” he asks and you both nod, one after the other.
“That’s good. I missed you out here,” he says before seeming to realize what he said. He laughs slightly before following up with a “Yeah-Yeah sucks at playing your position.”.
- You both laugh before he asks “why don’t we play, just you and me. You throw and I’ll hit”. And you try to turn him down, telling him that you should be getting home, but then he gives you that smile of his and a “come on” and you just can’t refuse.
- So you get in position and the two of you play, swapping turns back and forth when you have to run and catch the ball.
- On one of your last few throws, he runs over to hand you the ball but doesn’t immediately let go. Instead, he leans in and presses a chaste kiss to your cheek before running back to his spot on the field, casting a look back at you and subsequently a smile as he does.
- The two of you kiss for real when you’re at the edge of the field, getting ready to walk home. He calls your name and you pause, standing still as he grips your shoulder and leans in, planting a peck on your lips.
“Why’d you do that?” you ask, though it’s obvious that you don’t mind.
He merely shrugs and grins at you. “I wanted to.”
- You can’t help but smile back, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders and walk you off the field.
- There isn’t a ton of pda in your relationship but there’s a bunch of contact: high fives, his arm around your shoulders, his leg touching yours when you sit next to each other. He just doesn’t want the guys on your case for the rest of the week for a measly kiss in front of them. 
- Affectionate hair ruffling. 
- Hand holding, usually when the gang isn't around; unless it’s Smalls. 
- Forehead and cheek kisses.
- Soft kisses.
- He has your picture on his dresser and you cant help but smile every time you see it. 
- When it really comes down to it, he’s got a huge soft spot for you. He may treat you like one of the boys most of the time but there’s a twinkle in his eyes that tells you you’re definitely different from them to him. 
- Excited hugs, usually after he accomplishes something big or you get good news. 
- Sitting in between his legs, usually with his chest pressed against your back.
- He doesn’t mind cuddling, even if it’s sort of in front of the gang, mainly because his style of cuddling is his arm draped over your shoulder and you resting against his side.
- As though he’d allow you to not have a nickname! He doesn’t really use petnames except; maybe, when he’s using them as jokes or sarcastically, but you’ve probably had a nickname since you were little that he still uses.
- Although, he does say “that’s my girl” to himself or just outloud whenever he gets all proud of you; like when you score a homerun.
- The boys definitely tease him about you. Its the one thing they have on him.
- He lets you win when you guys race. You’re absolutely aware of it but you think it’s cute so you both jokingly pretend he didnt.
- He’s always there to help get you out of a pickle. If you have a problem it is both your problems the minute you tell him.
- He always brushes off your praise with a halfhearted and playful scoff but in actuality, he loves it whenever he gets a compliment from you.
- There’s definitely been moments where you’ve been in his room with him and asked about some sort of clothing item and he just casually asks if you want it. And ...You’re damn right you do.
- Randomly being carried away from things isn’t all too uncommon for you. He likes to pick you up, whether it’s just by your armpits or in a piggyback ride.
- Walking home from school together. 
- Spending your summers together. 
- Expect a lot of random visits and him calling you to come hang out. If he wants to see you, he’ll just come knocking on your door. 
- Smalls is sort of like your adoptive child, even though you're only like two years older than him. You’re just always looking out for the younger boy and making sure he feels welcome and all that. 
- Getting introduced to Beast and Mr. Mertle. 
- Knowing tons of baseball facts because of him.
- Playing catch in the lot. He goes easy on you but to be fair; he goes easy on most people.
- Looking after him and making sure he doesn’t over exert himself.
- I’m sorry but you’ll have to just accept that baseball is his priority a lot of the time. It’s his “life” and you’ll just have to accept that if you want to be with him. 
- He would genuinely ask you to marry him in complete awe if you were to ever get him baseball game tickets. 
- He makes a big deal over your birthday, well, him and the rest of the boys. They all cheer when you arrive at the field, giving all their “look who it is’s”and slapping you on the back.
- Going to the movies ...after they put up another screen.... He’ll usually grab your hand and keep glancing over at you whenever you go, he just thinks you’re really pretty.
- Hanging out in the treehouse together. 
- Going to the fair with him. 
- Pool dates.
-  A lot of your dates get invaded by the gang, especially if they involve pizza …or food of any kind really. 
- His mother probably insists on giving him some money every time she hears he’s going to hang out with you because she wants him to be a little gentleman and pay for your “date”.
- Even though you’ve always sort of been seen as just one of the guys, you’re serious bragging rights for Benny; both to the other boys and to Phillips. All it takes is one visit to the pool with them and suddenly they’re all a little envious of their leader.
- Though, to be honest, all the boys in the group have probably; at some point, had a crush on you or thought that you’d end up together because it just makes sense, you know? They weren’t in love but they had those little “why am is my heart racing” type of moments with you.
- Even though he brags about you, he’s still a jealous boy. He pretty much glares at any other guy; besides the guys in the gang, you’re with. Even if he’s doing something else, he finds it difficult to concentrate. The minute you arrive back at his side, he’ll ask why you’re hanging out with them, usually with a subtle; or not so subtle, insult directed towards them.
- Even though he knows you’re capable of holding your own, he’ll still always jump to stick up for you because it’s just a habit of his.
- He’s protective of everybody in his gang so that obviously includes you. He isn’t above fighting; or at least embarrassing, someone who’s giving you a hard time or literally carrying you to a safe distance when you’re near something he deems dangerous. Plus, he’s always the first one at your side no matter what’s going on.
- The two of you don’t fight a ton. You’ve been friends for a while so you sort of already know what rubs each other the wrong way and can avoid them because of that. If you are fighting, it’s probably about something stupid and you wind up just leaving; for one reason or another, as he calls after you.
- That being said, you usually just resolve things after a bit of arguing; without you having to walk off. As an apology, he’ll give you a sincere “hey, I’m sorry, alright?” before making some joke along the lines of asking if you want to hit him. You’ll hug and he’ll kiss your head and everything will be settled.
- You don’t tell each other that you love each other a whole lot; it sort of just isn’t Bennys thing, but you show each other you do with your actions.
- In the future, you’re there at every single one of his games, cheering him on.
- He probably asks you to marry him right after highschool. He just can’t wait to make you Mrs. Rodriguez.
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Word count: 1232
Genre: floofy fluff
Request: No ;3
Warnings: None that I can think of? Lemme know if there is tho :)
Based on this quote even though it has so little to do with the actual story XD - “I know I signed up for this and all, but… if I die, it’s still your fault and I will not hold back on blaming you.”
You were well and truly trapped. The mission had gone south, one bad call after another had led you to where you were presently. It was supposed to be a simple mission, in and out. It's why SHIELD had decided to send only you, Natasha, and Wanda - leaving a lower-level agent in charge of the plane. It was a test run for you as you were the newest on the team and a refresher for Wanda, making sure her team skills were up to scratch with Natasha there as a glorified babysitter. The building was supposed to be mostly abandoned, a few HYDRA goons here and there to get target practice in but that was it.
Of course SHIELD had to have sent you in with bad information. This was your time to shine, to perform to the best of your abilities so a certain spy might notice you. Considering you were surrounded by some of the best in the business and a literal mindreader, you were quite proud that your little crush had gone unnoticed. Sure, you couldn't string more than two sentences together when Natasha spoke to you directly but she hopefully just thought you were a social recluse.
"Damn it. Did they not know they don't literally have to be a damned hydra. It's okay for one head to be chopped off and another not grow back." You spoke into your earpiece as you slit another hydra throat.
Chuckles rang back into your ear and for a second you forgot how to breathe. Natasha's gruff bark of laughter was the prettiest thing you'd ever heard.
Oh man. You had it bad.
You had it so bad that you briefly forgot you were behind enemy lines. That was, at least, until a bullet whizzed past your ear. That snapped you out of your daze pretty quickly. Not fast enough for you to dodge the bullet coming straight for your shoulder though. The pain that rippled through you was hot but not as hot as the annoyance of being shot at was. You sent a single bullet straight through the head of the goon who shot you first.
"Guys I've got some good news and some bad news."
"If you've got bullet holes in that new suit, Tony is literally going to kill you." Wanda spoke, her accent softening the words.
"Well, I guess I better start telling you what kind of flower arrangements I'd like for my funeral." You joked as you slowly made it to the extraction point.
"Don't die agent y/l/n"
"Damn. So formal. Lighten up Natty, I won't make you do a speech if you don't want to. I will, however, make sure Wanda mentions that in my final hours, you were so very cold and distant." Apparently being shot at gave you the confidence boost you very much needed in order to actually speak to Natasha.
"Hang on, I remember you literally stabbed Clint's hand when he called you Tashie and he's known you for years."
"Well, Clint wasn't delirious with bloodloss Wanda." A few more shots went off. "Head to the extraction point you two. We got what we came for."
Once we were all on the jet, Natasha started bandaging up your wound, careful not to touch it unnecessarily.
“I know I signed up for this and all, but… if I die, it’s still your fault and I will not hold back on blaming you.”
"Wow. Thank you y/n Don't blame the guy who shot you, blame the person trying to fix you up. You know if you would just sit still..."
You suddenly noticed how close you were to Natasha's plump lips. How easy it would be to just lean in slightly and capture them. With that in mind, you subconsciously began to move forward, feeling her lean in too, until a rough patch of turbulence placed some much-needed distance between you two. You could have sworn you heard Wanda mutter damn it but it was probably just your thoughts projecting.
By the time you had made it back to the tower, everyone had heard the news of how Natasha allowed you to live after calling her Natty.
"...even bandaged her up" Steve's voice echoed down the hallway as you, Wanda and Natasha made your way from the mission de-briefing. Maria had wanted you to go straight to medical but you had managed to convince her that not only was the job Natasha did good enough, but that Natasha was quite possibly in the wrong line of work considering her stitching was so good.
As you walked into the main living area, F.R.I.D.A.Y. started to play that "k.i.s.s.i.n.g" song that children sing.
"You are a CHILD TONY STARK!" Natasha shouted out. "I am going to kill him in the most painful ways possible."
"Well did you? Because from the interesting texts a young witch has sent, you came pretty close. " Tony sauntered out from an unknown location, standing in the center of the room with nothing but pyjama bottoms, a housecoat and a glass of what looked like whiskey. What happened next was pretty fast. Natasha launched herself at the billionaire. Steve tried to grab her midair as the whiskey came dangerously close to spilling over the sides of the glass. Natasha slid under Steve's legs and attached herself to Tony, putting him in a chokehold.
"One more word and you won't live to see another day."
You watched this all unfold and suddenly it dawned on you that perhaps the reason an international spy hadn't noticed your crush was because she was too focused on hiding her own.
"You're right you know." Wanda spoke quietly, watching Steve try to pry Natasha off a gasping Tony. "Literally everyone but you two could see that you have feelings for each other. We have bets going on. If you kiss her now, I win." She nudged me towards them with a wink "No pressure though. Although, if you were to help me win the bet, I'd split the money. All I really want are the bragging rites. Unless... that is you want Tony to win?"
You couldn't let Tony win. Over your cold dead body. With determination in your step, you walked over to where the supersoldier was still trying to save a now purple Tony. Natasha looked at you, loosening her hold just a fraction and you leaned in and kissed her. Sure, it was one of the most awkward positions you'd kissed someone in but it was worth it. Natasha let go of Tony instantly but only to wrap her arms around your neck and waist, pulling you deeper. Wanda clapping and whooping pulled the two of you from your trance. Your cheeks were as red as Natasha's hair and even the unflappable Natasha Romanoff was slowly turning the same shade as her hair.
"God damn it y/n You couldn't have waited a week." Tony threw his hands up in exasperation, a teasing look in his eye.
"Of course not. Wands had to win."
"I don't care what this is about. Come on y/n I'm taking you on a proper date. Right after we change out of these clothes." Natasha grabbed me by the hand.
She then stopped abruptly, dropping your hand "That is, if you want to?"
You picked her hand back up, smiling at her "Of course I do."
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