#In The Studio with the Rec Boys
ystrike1 · 1 year
Even though I become a side character, I’m being adored by an overprotective duke - By Studio Minto (6.5/10)
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"I hate society"
I like to suggest yandere stories for beginners on occasion. This one is very...young, with a light tone overall. The hints of darkness melt away into a happy ending.
Lionel and Leticia are both side characters in a magical otome game. Lionel is the fat guy, and Leticia is the useless twin sister.
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Leticia struggles with an inferiority complex, because she wasn't a gifted student in her previous life. She literally reincarnated into a magical realm, and she has very little magic. She gets bullied by her peers pretty badly.
If only she had an immensely protective husband handy, to save her from the bullies.
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Leticia isn't really being abused by her family though. Her talented sister in this life, Alexia, is just a regular spoiled brat. She was supposed to marry Lionel, but she likes somebody else...so she whines like a brat until Leticia is forced into the ducal marriage. Alexia isn't a weird sadist or anything. She just really isn't into poor Lionel.
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Leticia sees potential in him though. He's kind and quiet, because he is absolutely being abused by the other nobles. His magic is strong, but he cannot control it well. His childhood was ruined by critical adults and teachers.
Leticia makes learning fun for him...and he also loses weight...which would be hella toxic...but she already thought he was great with the pudge...so Leticia barely passes the decency test.
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Leticia becomes his beloved savior.
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Leticia catches the prince's eye.
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Timeskip she's gorgeous.
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Lionel is good at flirting, and he secretly hates people. He secretly resents everyone for looking down on him, but he's willing to be a shining Duke to be worthy of his fiance.
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He's also more handsome than the prince.
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The "plot" is her being doted on by two men. Lionel will obviously win, because he knows what she likes, and he molded himself into her ideal man.
This is definitely a beginner level "protective yandere" story. Leticia lives in a spoiled bubble, because she saved her depressed fiance. She will continue to be spoiled for the rest of her days, and her bratty sister marries her chosen man too. As far as I know there's no blood. Lionel is just secretly emo under his smile.
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kamreadsandrecs · 17 days
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starkidmunson · 5 months
glitter & crimson
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
It’s both exciting and terrifying to be in Chicago when they arrive Thursday afternoon. This is, unfortunately, very often as close to hometown shows as the band gets to these days. They have the night off, before the show tomorrow, when the band will find out if Steve and his friends actually show up to the gig or not. Despite not having a show, the band doesn’t get the whole day off; Paige had booked a few radio interviews before the gig to drum up attention.
He should have seen it coming when the radio host brought up the TikTok exchange. “So, be honest, have you guys coordinated with Harrington and his friends to get him to your show tomorrow?” 
“Not really. Our manager sent info and Steve gave it a thumbs up, but that’s really been it? But we’ve been busy with shows almost every night, and he’s had a lot of travel games the last few days, so we’ll have to wait and see if he’s able to make it out.” Jeff takes over the answer with ease, probably having predicted the attention.
“Did you really not recognize him, Eddie?” The host goads and Eddie lets himself chuckle.
“It may sound kind of ridiculous, but the genuine answer is yeah. I haven’t seen him in, like, 6 years. And, believe it or not, we didn’t exactly run in the same crowds. We knew of one another, I think, but there were hundreds of kids in our school.” Eddie always defaults to the truth in interviews; it’s the simplest route and leaves less room for people to poke holes in the narrative if he’s just honest.
“Will you guys be going to the Blackhawks game on Saturday?”
“We’ll just have to wait and see, man,” Gareth laughs, and just as quickly as the segment started, it’s over with their own latest hit playing them out of the studio.
A Thursday night off in the city wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but the band collectively made a trip to the bar closest to their hotel for wings and a few drinks. One of the guys must have posted something on social media about being out because as Eddie’s walking into his hotel, he happens to check his TikTok to find a message waiting for him.
harrington94 should I take it personally that you guys went out in my town and didn’t ask for recs or anything? 
eddiecc I honestly figured you’d be too busy and didn’t want to bother you.
harrington94 never too busy to show a friend around town. But I do appreciate having a down day, so thanks. 
Eddie wasn’t entirely sure how to answer as he processed Steve’s message. Friends? Is that what they were? Could they even really consider one another that? He ultimately decided not to think too much of it, in favor of keeping the conversation going. Maybe the more they talked, the less awkward the next two nights would be.
eddiecc I totally get it if you want to skip the show in favor of another down day.
harrington94 no backing out on me now, Munson. I’ve finally got the cool card with the Party. We’ll be there, no doubt.
Eddie feels a little smile creep over his face and his ears feel a little warm, but before he can answer that, text bubbles pop up again. He waits to see what else Steve is going to say before he does something embarrassing.
harrington94 now feels like a safe time to confess that I haven’t really listened to much of your music, though, so don’t think I’m rude if I’m not headbanging along with the boys.
That was more like the interaction Eddie had expected from their TikTok exchange. He never expected Steve to know their music and was shocked he even knew their band name when his response had been posted on TikTok.
eddiecc I honestly cannot exactly say I’m surprised to hear this. You never exactly struck me as a headbanger, anyway.
harrington94 i feel like that’s some kind of thinly veiled insult that I’m missing, but you’re not wrong.
The text bubbles appear again, and Eddie waits for him to finish the thought rather than respond.
harrington94 why don’t you text me instead? It feels easier than paying attention to this app I don’t really know how to use.
Eddie was quick to copy the number Steve sent and shoot off a text, weirdly enjoying the exchange the two were having and not ready to call it a night just yet.
A particularly ridiculous meme from Eddie had Steve snorting from his spot lounging across the sofa. The next thing he knew, a pillow was flying at his face. He was able to react quickly enough to block it with his arm, dropping the phone to his chest, before glaring at Robin. She was watching him from the recliner across the living room.
“What the fuck?” He asks, tossing the pillow back in her general direction, more gently than she’d tossed it his way.
“You’re grinning at your phone like you’re setting up a hot date. Please don’t tell me you’re talking to Heidi again.” Robin pleads dramatically, twisting her body in the chair to face him. 
“I’m not grinning at my phone, shut up.” He grumbles, ignoring how hot his neck feels as he blushes. Instead, he picks his phone back up to finish the thought he’d been typing before he’d been interrupted. “I’m just texting with Eddie, that’s all.”
Robin’s eyes widened immediately, and she sprung from the recliner toward the sofa. “Give me your phone!” She demands, grunting as she fell face first into the sofa, missing Steve by an inch. He manuveres away from her without looking up from his phone, making his way down the hall to his room. “Steve, come on!”
“It’s not a big deal! We’re just talking! It’s fine!” He insists, tucking the phone into his back pocket as he turns into his bedroom.
But maybe it was a big deal? Steve couldn’t tell; this was the part he was never really good at. He had a tendency to miss signs everyone else thought were obvious, and he didn’t want to risk making things weird with Eddie if Robin thought he was missing something that wasn’t actually there. The texts with Eddie had shifted from Steve confessing his knowledge of Corroded Coffin was strictly limited to whatever the Party played in the car when he drove them places, to Eddie confessing he knew next to nothing about hockey. It seemed to level the playing field between the two of them, and at least made Steve feel more at ease about the time they’d be spending together between the concert and the game. 
When Steve had asked how the tour was going so far, Eddie had shared a link to an instagram, where fans were finding something to meme from each night of the shows. To which Jeff and Gareth were making memes in response, picking on one another in a way that felt like with some of his teammates. The message that had prompted the most reaction from Steve was the last thing Eddie had sent before Robin threw the pillow; a meme of Eddie looking confused, which Jeff had edited “So he’s not Joe Jonas?” over his head.
In his room, Steve leans over to pick up his charger, but he feels his phone lift free from his pocket. “Hey!” He calls after Robin, who’s sprinting down the hallway, laughing like the menace she is.
“I just want to see what you’re talking about!” Robin says, unlocking his phone. He’s just about to catch up to her, as she slides on her socks into her bedroom, closing the door behind her, right in his face. 
“You’re being a child, Robs, c’mon. Give me my phone back.” He sighs, resting his forehead against the door. He jiggles the handle, but as he’d guessed, she’d locked it behind her.
“Do you like him?” She asks through the door, and he sighs again.
“I don’t know,” He answers, honestly and exhaustedly. “I don’t even know him, you know? We weren’t friends, it’s not like I could tell you anything about him other than Tommy used to buy weed from him and he would stand on tables and yell in the cafeteria.”
There’s a long silence before Robin opens the door, meeting Steve with a little smile. She shoves the phone back into his chest and pats his hand when he takes it from her. “I think this could be good for you. That this could be good for you.”
“I’m trying not to read too hard into it.” Steve mumbles, reaching up to run his fingers through his hair nervously. He glances back down at the screen, to see what while Robin had taken the phone, Eddie had sent another text.
Eddie: How were your games? Are you doing anything special for your day off?
It makes something twist in his chest, that Eddie even cares, and he doesn’t quite know why. It must show on his face, some part of how he’s feeling, because Robin just smiles and nods. Maybe she knows how he feels, part of their weird unspoken telepathy, because she walks further into her room and pats the edge of her bed as she goes.
“Are you going to let me paint your nails for the concert?” She asks. Everything inside of Steve appreciates how she always knows when to give him space to try and figure his shit out on his own.
“Obviously.” He laughs softly, following her into the bedroom to sit on her bed and watch her move around collecting things to paint his nails.
The following day, Steve spends more time than he would like to admit picking out an outfit to wear to the concert. He can hear the Party starting to get antsy in the living room, even though they’d still be plenty early if they left right now, so he decides to just roll with the white shirt and fitted khakis he’d dressed himself in several hours ago before he started overthinking his choices. He finished the outfit off with a black zip-up fleece and black and white Nikes. 
A final check of his hair had him walking out of his room and into the living room, where chaos erupted.
“It’s about time!” Dustin exclaims, practically bouncing up and down with excitement on the sofa.
“It took you that long to come out looking like that?” Mike asks, but Max just snorts and shoves his shoulder.
“Let’s just go.” Steve rolls his eyes, glancing over at Robin who jingles car keys she’s already holding, before leading the way out of the apartment.
In the car, he shoots Eddie a quick text to let him know they’re on the way. Eddie’s quick to reply, giving the message a thumbs-up reaction. Unbelievably, the Party somehow manages to get even louder than usual once they were inside, and it doesn’t take long for a security guard to find them. They’re led through the back tunnels of Wintrust Arena, and Steve gets a little nostalgic for playing hockey in college. He’s snapped out of it when a girl passes out their pass lanyards and gives each of the Party a voucher for free drinks and snacks. 
“This is too much, really,” Steve protests as she hands him the voucher, but Paige insists with a kind smile. 
“We get this kind of stuff from every venue and rarely get to use it to its full extent. The guys want to do this for you and your friends, just enjoy it.”
The Party loads up on treats at the nearest food station, while Steve and Robin grab beers with Paige. As she collects her drink, Paige hands Steve a palm-sized bag of earplugs. He frowns at them, which makes her laugh. 
“Eddie said this isn't really your usual kind of scene, and these shows can get loud,” she taps her own ears to show she has similar earplugs in. “Should also help prevent headaches or anything else that might keep you off the ice tomorrow.”
“Please, he’s too stubborn to stay off the ice. The amount of migraines he’s played through is outrageous,” Dustin bounds back into the conversation, earning a chuckle from Robin. Steve throws his arm around the younger boy’s shoulders, pulling him just a little too close and too tight. Dustin exaggerates choking noises, flailing around and making a scene, but Steve refuses to let up.
There’s more anxiety than usual thrumming through Eddie as he and Jeff make their way through the arena, to where Paige had said she’d take Steve and his friends for snacks. As they walk up on the group, however, Steve quickly pulls a younger boy with a head full of curls into a headlock. He lets the scene continue for a moment before he nudges Jeff.
“At what point fo you think we should intervene?” He asks with a smile, making Jeff chuckle. Steve, however, freezes, then shoves Dustin away. He turns to give Eddie a sheepish smile, and Eddie can’t help but raise an eyebrow. 
Steve lets out a huff of a laugh, running his fingers through his hair, shrugging and tipping his head in the boy’s direction. “This is Dustin. He’s like my little brother. I’m allowed to pick on him when he’s being a shithead.” Dustin nudges his elbow into Steve’s gut, who’s quick to smack his arm in response. Before Eddie can stop himself, he’s twisting a curl around his finger and biting back a grin. He does, however, make a conscious effort to not chew on his hair. He knows he’d never hear the end of it, fawning over Steve Harrington after a whole 10 seconds.
Eddie offers a hand out to Dustin, hoping Jeff and Paige would let his little tells fly under the radar. Just this once, they seem to, as he greets the Party. “Hey man, I’m Eddie. Nice to meet you.”
“I know who you are, holy shit, man.” Dustin eventually fumbles through, shaking Eddie’s hand and grinning up at him. 
Steve rattles off the introductions for each kid, like a proud mom, and Eddie greets each of them politely, but his eyes keep falling back on Steve. He catches his little smiles and the way he nudges different members of the Party, squeezes their shoulders, ruffles their hair. It’s gentle and sweet and it sends a warm feeling through Eddie’s chest. His smile softens as he watches their interactions. All too soon, Freak leans into the area they’ve gathered in and whistles.
“Shit, guys, we gotta go.” Jeff sighs, and Eddie pats his shoulder before he turns back to the group with a grin. 
“Just hang with Paige and try not to get into too much trouble, we’ll get drinks after?” Eddie asks, looking at Steve, who smiles back and gives a little nod.
As Eddie runs to catch up with Jeff and Freak, he wonders exactly what he’s gotten himself into here.
It’s more fun than Steve expects, the concert. The excitement of watching the show from the suite quickly bores the Party, as they realize it’s the same as watching hockey games from a guest box. They eat their snacks and drink some through the openers, but during the break before Corroded Coffin, Lucas and Dustin drag Steve around to the side stage. Robin promises to stay with the others, and reminds Steve to wear the earplugs. 
He’s grateful Paige had slipped them to him as they get beside the stage and he realizes just how loud the crowd is when the lights go down. From where they’re standing sidestage, he can see Eddie, Jeff, Gareth and Freak in a little huddle. They bounce around with their arms around each others backs, before yelling something Steve can’t quite make out. They’re handed their instruments by the crew. As they’re taking the stage, Eddie walks up in their direction and pokes his tongue out at them, before ripping into a guitar riff to make his entrance. 
Despite himself, Steve finds his head bobbing along to the drum beat, and even sings along to the songs he recognizes. It’s hard to take his eyes off Eddie through the whole production. He’s a little ball of energy, bounding around from one end of the stage to the other, bantering with the other guys in the band and drawing the fans into his chaos during talking breaks. During a drum solo, Eddie climbs onto the front of the kit and holds his guitar up in the air over his head. Steve watches, mesmerized, as Eddie holds his gaze for a moment that feels like an eternity but is probably only a few seconds. Eddie winks at Steve, then, before he leaps back into yet another riff. It shouldn’t have had so much of an impact, but Steve finds it kind of takes his breath away.
It’s over before long, and Paige is quick to guide Steve and the boys back to the club box. He smiles as they walk behind Dustin and Lucas, gushing over how great the show was. Back in the box, Steve and Paige agree to meet across the street at Fatpour. He charms his way into using the upstairs as a private room with a signature to the manager and flashes a smile and wave to the few people downstairs who seem to have recognized him. 
The band makes a loud entrance as the Party works their way through appetizers, and Eddie is quick to find his way to Steve. “You seemed to have enjoyed yourself, was it more fun than you expected?” He asks around a grin.
“I never said I wasn’t going to have a good time,” Steve defended through a smile, making Eddie laugh and Steve thinks that might be the best sound he’d heard all night, despite having just seen the concert. Eddie glances around then, locking eyes with a bartender to get their attention.
“What’s your poison?” Eddie asks in the most cliche way, wiggling his eyebrows a little, but Steve shakes his head.
“Strictly on water tonight. Gotta get up early tomorrow.” He says, and Eddie softens and nods. Once their drinks are in front of them, he holds his glass up to Steve in a mock toast.
“To making it the fuck out of Hawkins?”
“Cheers to that.” Steve laughs, clanking their glasses together and taking a sip.
“Any reason you stayed in the Midwest?” Eddie asks, before he can stop himself. “Sorry, you don’t have to… you don’t owe me an explanation.”
“Nah, it’s… a few reasons. Couldn’t go too far without them, and most of ‘em followed me here, anyway. And then the chips fell and I ended up on the Blackhawks and there’s kind of no other team I’d rather play for.” Steve explains, leaning a little closer to Eddie with a smile. “Speaking of; are you ready for the game?”
Eddie can’t help but grin back at Steve and laugh a little. “You know, I honestly have no idea what I’m getting in to here. All I remember from watching games on TV is that it’s violent.”
“Not always.” Steve defends quickly, before showing a slight mercy. “It’s cold in there, because of the ice. You’ll want to wear layers.”
“Layers. Noted.” Eddie stores the information away for tomorrow, suddenly concerned he hadn’t even thought about an outfit for the game before the conversation.
As they talk, Robin appears with a basket of cheese curds but pulls it away as Eddie reaches to take one. 
“What’s your favorite movie?” She asks, and Steve laughs and shakes his head at her.
“Is this a quiz? I’m not good at tests, I flunked out of senior year.” Eddie whines before he stops to think about it. “Uh, well. The answer you’d probably expect from me is Almost Famous, but it’s actually a close second to Dead Poets Society.” 
She narrows her eyes at him but slides the basket in his direction. “I can’t tell if you picked either of those because you thought it was the answer I wanted, or because they’re actually your favorite, so I have to give you curds.”
“They’re actually my favorites!” Eddie laughs around a mouthful of cheese curds.
“Dead Poets is one of Robin’s favorites, too.” Steve offers, and Robin nods.
“Steve will tell you his favorite movie is Risky Business, because he thinks Tom Cruise is hot, but it’s actually Go Figure. You know, the Disney movie about the ice skater who joins her school’s hockey—” Robin is grinning until Steve clasps a hand over her mouth.
“Robin is incredibly annoying when she wants to be,” He grumbles, and Eddie can’t help but laugh at their antics.
“Well, now you’ve got my attention. If Go Figure isn’t your favorite movie, what is?” Eddie asks.
Steve thinks for a moment. “I think Back to the Future feels like a safe answer.” He shrugs, and Eddie glances at Robin to gauge her reaction. She seems to approve, as she gives Steve a soft smile, pats his back, then stands from their table.
“I’ll leave you two alone, I suppose.” She says, leaning close to both of them. “Behave, got it? No funny business before the game.”
Steve flushes and flounders a little, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he just huffs and takes a sip from his water. While Eddie feels his whole face get hot in a blush, he can’t help but laugh a little.
“Is there funny business we could have gotten up to?” He dares to ask, and it’s worth it just to watch the way Steve blushes and bites at his lip. 
“Maybe. But I guess you’ve got to wait until after tomorrow’s game to find out.”
Wow! Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support you’ve shown this little idea I had! I might just keep this going as a series, with updates on Mondays (Tuesdays at the latest). This is also double the word count of part 1, oops, lol.
I'm going to try to tag everyone in the replies because I hit the character limit! Tumblr wouldn't take them all, so sorry to everyone I missed, I still love you and appreciate the support!
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Helloooo your recs give me life. You’ve probably done this before, but any recommendations for fics that include a brutally pining Derek and oblivious Stiles? Ideally canon-verse but aus are also loved. Thanks in advance!!
I'm sure I have, but I love pining in all fics. So I'm happy to make a million lists of it.
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Fun by Halevetica
(1/1 I 3,889 I Teen)
Stiles convinces Derek to go to the annual Beacon Hills bonfire with him, with the promise of fun. What he gets instead are a lot of assumptions that he and Stiles are dating, and Stiles' too-eager dismissals, which are decidedly NOT fun for Derek.
Game On by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 I 6,391 I Teen)
Derek first sees him from across the quad four days into fall semester. He’s sitting on one of the long benches, a marker pen in his mouth, grinning at something the kid lounging on the bench beside him is saying. When he laughs properly he pulls the pen out and throws his head back, his neck a long, lean line Derek is entranced by. He flicks the page in his book and highlights something, tossing the cap up in the air and catching it with his teeth.
Written in the Stars by Quixoticity
(6/6 I 26,586 I Mature)
Derek Hale is a lucky guy. He's got a great family, good friends, and a fulfilling job as a tattoo artist.
He's also one of the twenty-five per cent of the population born with a soul mark.
He likes his life, but he's waiting for his soul-match. The odds of meeting them aren't great but hey, Derek's a lucky guy. He has faith.
He can't believe how good his luck really is when one day his soul-match wanders right into his studio, all long limbs and copper eyes. There's just one problem: Stiles is there to get his soul mark covered up. Permanently.
Mating Habits of the Domesticated North American Werewolf by lielabell
(5/5 I 35,458 I Mature)
Derek doesn’t do pining. He doesn’t. So when it becomes clear that Stiles is much more interested in having Derek as a new best friend than a boyfriend, he puts on his big boy pants and makes it fucking work. He becomes the best goddamn friend a spastic teenager could ever hope to have.
too busy being yours to fall for somebody new by whiry
(12/12 I 64,278 I Teen)
Stiles, worried that Scott may actually leave him behind because of his newfound popularity, is desperate to cling to something away from the drama of Lydia Martin's amazing parties and the woes of high school lacrosse. What he finds is Derek Hale, a guy who seemingly hates Stiles at first, but slowly, and insistently, becomes friends with him. As their friendship grows, Stiles starts to wonder if they could ever become something more or if pushing what they have will lead him to being alone for good.
All the Weird Kids (Know How to Take it Slow) by Ionaonie
(26/26 I 112,477 I General)
Stiles never thought being part of a werewolf Pack would end up being so normal. Even being around Derek had a degree of normality about it. Even if he was still an overbearing jerk most of the time.
When it all comes crumbling down by Littleredridinghunter
(18/18 I 216,191 I Not Rated)
Stiles is recovering from the Nogitsune. Erica is the only one that is really there for him, Scott's too busy rekindling his relationship with Allison and Stiles feels like he's falling apart.
When a near-miss with a kelpie results in an encounter that he could never have predicted, Stiles begins to think his life might be getting back on track.
He's wrong.
Stiles' life is so messed up he can't even begin to explain it, maybe it's time for him to finally do something for himself and get out of Beacon Hills. But where will that path lead?
With Stiles involved, no doubt danger and death won't be far behind.
@the-diggler and @adventures-in-mangaland suggested this one!
Safety in Silence by Survivah
(5/5 I 66,901 I Mature)
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate.
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miupow · 3 months
because u guys wanted a vocal unit version...
cw// nsfw, minors dni! dom!svt, fem!reader, oral sex (m. rec), deepthroat
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mtl -> throat fucking (vocal unit ver.)
jeonghan -> you've always got a bratty attitude that hannie needs to fuck out of you, his big hand gripping tight at your hair and guiding your head as he uses your tight little throat like a pocket pussy <3 loves forcing you to do all of the work while keeping his hips completely still, lounging lazily on a chair or the couch <3
joshua -> joshua loves fucking ur throat oml... loves getting you on your knees for him so he can shove his cock as far down your throat as he can go <3 loves listening to you choke and gag around him as he praises so sweet,, such a good girl for him, aren’t you?
seungkwan -> kwannie loves getting his dick sucked but he’ll rarely take control; you need to get him really riled up before he’ll fuck your face the way you want ^^ he gets jealous so easily.. get a little too friendly with another one of the boys and he’ll remind you who you belong to with his balls slapping against your chin <3
jihoon -> ouuu sucking jihoon off in his studio while he white-knuckle grips the armrests of his chair… he lets you do whatever you’d like, suck him just the way he likes n make him roll his head back and let out those pretty high pitched moans!!
seokmin -> prefers giving over receiving, plus he’s such a sweetie i can’t see him being rough with you like that… loves when you sit on his face n sucks his cock, so sweet with his tongue swirling delicious circles on your clit <3 his high pitched moans muffled by ur cunt when you take him all the way down to the base <3
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rubyreduji · 8 months
sweat pumpin', heart thumpin' — lc
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summary: when you get horny at rehearsal you want nothing more than to go home and take care of your problem, but you get stopped when chan asks you to run a dance with him, in the end you find a way to help each other out
tags: smut (minors dni!), theatre/dancer!au warnings: brief mentions of idol x idol, sweat, age gap (reader is ten years older than chan), explicit unprotected sex, oral (f. rec), fingering, mirror sex, pussy drunk chan, praise, chan is obsessed with the reader wc: 4.0k an: horny theatre adults 🤥 lowkey the reader talks like she’s old as fuck but she’s only thirty-two
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Three hours. That's how long you've been at dance rehearsal. Three hours, yet it feels like it's been a lifetime.
The air in the room is humid from the heat radiating off of everyone's bodies. The studio is a mess with clothes long discarded on the perimeters of the marley and water bottles and dance bags crowding up the walkways. 
Your head and feet are throbbing as you run the routine again. Soonyoung is shouting the steps out as you do them but you've been tuning him out since the hour and a half mark. 
You're a dancer, you love your job, but you don't love five hour long night rehearsals right after your shift at your second job as a diner waitress. Your muscles ache and scream at you as you push them to do the moves again and again and again. There's no stopping though. Not when Soonyoung is in one of his moods and you could cut the tension between him and Jihoon with a knife, as Jihoon glares at the choreographer over the top of the piano. You're not sure if the producer knew those two were dating when he hired them on as the music director and choreographer but it's clear the two of them are struggling to separate work and home in whatever new fight they're in this week. 
Beside you Mingyu stops, huffing a bit before lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. You don't bother trying to hide the way you stare at his body. Everyone here knows he's hot, including himself. So you allow yourself to take a good, long look at his tanned, hardened abs, glistening with his sweat. You try to ignore the tingle you feel in your core but you can't lie to yourself and pretend you're not turned on right now when your underwear has been wet since the start of rehearsal.
Though it may be pubescent, you can't help it. You've had a long day, a long week, and now right before your weekend starts you're trapped in a dance studio with a couple dozen sweaty, sexy dancers. It also doesn't help that you're all dying of heat and stripping off clothes left and right. Minghao's shirt has been off since the end of the first number and Jeonghan's wearing those tiny shorts again, so tight you can see the outline of his balls. It's not just the boys who are driving you mad though, Sana has been walking around with her cleavage hanging out of her shirt and Mina's sports bra does nothing to hide the pebbling of her nipples underneath.
It’s not just you feeling the energy of the room though. You can see the strain of Jun’s dick against his gray sweats and you keep catching Vernon staring directly at Seungkwan’s ass. None of you can help it though, it’s hard not to get aroused by the sound of the pants and grunts surrounding you.
“Okay guys, that’s a ten!” The stage manager calls and you all let out a collective sigh of relief. Your body sags automatically, all of your perfect form leaving your muscles.
You trudge over to your water bottle, gulping down as much of the cool liquid as you can. You don’t want to sit, fearing that if you do you’ll never get up, but your knees physically cannot hold you up any longer and you allow yourself to sink to the ground. You kick off your shoes and dig around in your bag before pulling out a couple bandaids to patch up where your heels are starting to blister.
When you’re sure your break is over you glance across the room to see Soonyoung standing next to Jihoon’s piano, the two seemingly locked in a heated conversation. You’re a bit grateful, knowing that your stage manager isn’t stupid enough to come in between the two of them when they’re like this. Maybe they’ll argue for long enough that rehearsal will end early. If that happened you could go home and take care of your problem.
Even while on break you can’t escape the lust that clouds your brain. Only a few feet away from you, you can see the way Seokmin presses up against Jihyo, whispering in her ear as she giggles at whatever he said, her hand placed on his upper thigh. Just to their right Momo’s hands are all over Nayeon as she helps fix Nayeon’s form for a specific move. God you really hope you’re not leaking through your shorts.
You’re about to get up to start practicing again when Soonyoung walks away from Jihoon and over to the group.
“Great work today everybody. I know we were supposed to be here for two more hours but I’m sure you guys aren’t complaining about getting your weekend faster so let’s release early today. See you all again on Monday.”
Everyone starts to hurriedly pack up, ready to go home or out to a bar to start their weekend off. Your body doesn’t want to move yet so you stay put, now knowing you have all the time in the world to pack up.
Almost everyone is gone when you finally start to pack up. Almost everyone, besides Lee Chan. Just as you’re about to stand up and leave when he walks over to you, his form hovering over you, forcing you to crane your neck to look up at him.
“You know the Valerie part right?”
“Huh?” You’re not sure what he wanted, but you definitely weren't expecting that.
“You’re the understudy for the role of Valerie, so you know the Fast Pace choreography, right?”
“Could you run it with me?”
No. Is your automatic thought. You’re sweaty and tired and horny and you just want to go home. You’re getting one night to go home early and you’re not going to spend it doing even more rehearsing.
Lee Chan is the youngest person in the cast at the age of twenty-two. He’s new to the theatre scene, but his talent far outshines his novice, as shown by him landing the lead role in his first big professional musical. You admire his ambition to rehearse as hard as he can, but a part of you is worried the kid is gonna pass out from exhaustion.
You remember when you were like him, a prodigy back when you started. You had to learn the hard way to stop overworking yourself. Now being in your thirties, you still put out your best work, but without all of the extra hours.
“Kid, I’ve seen you run that number, it’s flawless. Take the night off.” You hike your bag up on your shoulder to try and signal that whether or not he wants to run it, you do not.
“Please! Just once. I promise I’ll be done after that. I’ll even walk you to your car!” Chan begs. You snort a bit at the ending offer, but it’s not enough to fully convince you.
“I’m not putting my Laduca’s back on.” You think about your forming blisters on your feet and cringe.
“You don’t have to! Please?”
Chan’s a cutie, you do have to admit that. Which is why you find yourself sighing and dropping your bag back onto the floor.
“Just once and then I’m going home.”
“Thank you so much!” Chan quickly runs over to the speakers and hooks his phone up. You move to the center of the dance studio, watching through the mirror as Chan hurries back over to you.
The rhythmic beat of the song starts to play and you slip into your stage persona. Your body moves on its own, the choreography ingrained in your muscles as you and Chan move swiftly around each other. You can feel the slight pain in your feet but your mind gets distracted by Chan running his hand down your back. 
You feel his body right next to yours and you try to suppress a moan. Somehow in between all of Chan’s begging you seemed to forget how sexually charged Fast Pace is. Chan presses his body up against yours and you do your best to continue on with the dance while ignoring the throbbing in your core. You’ve only run this dance with the understudy for Chan’s character and while the sexual tension is still apparent with him, you feel like you’re suffocating from it right now. Chan’s hands linger on you, his body pressing a bit too tight to yours.
Your breaking point is when you have to sit on Chan’s knee, his arm hooking around your thigh a beat. When Chan goes to unhook his arm from your leg his hand brushes against your inner thigh, not quite touching your crotch but enough to catch you off guard.
“F-fuck Chan,” you mutter.
“Are you okay?” Chan asks, his hand sliding up your back. You’re sure it’s to comfort you, but all it does is make your brain more fuzzy.
“Y-yeah, you’re just- uhm…nothing. I’m fine. Let’s just start over.”
“...Okay.” Chan moves over to the speakers to restart the song before getting back in place.
The song starts again and you push down every horny thought floating through your mind right now in favor of focusing on the dance. You think you’re doing pretty good until Chan’s body presses up against yours once more and you gasp.
“Holy shit Chan. Are you…hard?” You can feel the subtle press of something firm against your hip that could really only be one thing.
Behind you, Chan whimpers. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just…you’ve been my celebrity crush since I was like fourteen and it’s a dream that I get to be in the same cast as you. And you’re just so hot when you dance so I asked you to run this dance with me and touching you is driving me crazy but I didn’t mean to actually get a boner and I’m so sorry-”
You shut Chan up by surging forward, capturing him in a deep kiss. Automatically his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into him as he whines into your mouth.
“Wanted you so bad,” Chan mumbles in between kisses. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
You know professionally you really shouldn’t be hooking up with your castmates, but it’s clear nobody else in your cast seems to care, and if you’re being honest, giving Chan a chance to be with his teenage wet dream really gets you going. So you throw all professional advice out of your mind as you let Chan back you up against the mirrors.
You justify it by telling yourself you need this. Which, you do.
Chan’s hands are impatient as they tug at the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head and tossing it across the room. Chan’s mouth moves to the crook of your neck and you’re about to push him away, knowing that it’s gross and sweaty, but you hear Chan moan and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on even more. Chan’s fingers move up your torso to grasp your breasts, kneading them in his hands. 
You push him away for a moment, allowing you to grab your sports bra and pull it off your body, your tits fall free from the confines.
You can hear the shuddered breath Chan takes as he descends on you once more.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” Chan whines. His mouth is sloppy as he kisses at your chest, moving down so he can suck one of your boobs into his mouth. You bury your fingers into his hair, tugging slightly and making him moan against your skin.
“Channie,” you mumble. “Need you.”
“Fuck, yes, yes, okay.” Chan quickly pulls away from you to sink to his knees. Chan’s hands are shaking as he hooks his fingers into your waistband, pulling down your shorts and underwear in one go. Though you were expecting it, you gasp a bit at now being fully exposed to the room. 
You barely have a moment to collect yourself before Chan is throwing one of your legs over his shoulder and diving forward. You moan as you press your back into the mirror, trying to ground yourself as Chan’s lips close around your clit. His mouth is eager as he sucks at the bud, your pussy fluttering around nothing as he does so. 
Chan has a strong grip on your thighs as he feasts on your cunt. His skill is sloppy but it drives you even more crazy knowing how desperate he is for this. You can hear Chan moaning and feel the vibrations of his mouth rumble against your clit.
“Mm, yer’so wet,” Chan mumbles, already sounding a bit out of it. His mouth delves even further, his tongue swiping over your slit and collecting your arousal. His tongue laps at you, exploring your folds and making a mess of his face.
You push your hips further into Chan’s face, needing him against you as much as possible. Needing him inside of you. Luckily he seems to get the message and moves his hand from your hip to the inside of your thigh, trailing up before you feel his fingers brush against your entrance. His fingers drag against your folds for a moment before he pushes them inside you, making you groan out.
He doesn’t waste time picking up the speed of his fingers as he rapidly fingers you, his digits brushing against your walls as he pumps them inside you with no method. You can feel Chan shift under you and soon you hear the plap of his hand as he jerks his cock. His mouth is harsh against your clit as he sucks hard, his own pleasure causing him to work harder on you.
“Good boy, good boy,” you coo as you grasp Chan’s hair tightly, yanking slightly. Your whole body feels sensitive as you buzz with pleasure. You roll your hips against Chan’s fingers, desperate to be filled up even more.
You can hear the high pitched whines emitting from Chan as he gets more and more desperate to cum. It fills your head with a cloudiness that has you pushing the boy away from you so you can pull him to stand against. His eyes are hooded and his face is shiny with your slick but you don’t care, crashing your mouth into his.
Chan automatically grabs you, pushing against your body as hard as he can, sandwiching you between him and the mirror. You two are locked in a lip wrestle as Chan’s hips softly hump against your hip. You break away from Chan for a moment, both of you panting desperately, so you can pull his shirt over his head. Chan takes the moment to fully shed his shorts as well, leaving both of you completely bare.
Chan quickly descends on you once more, pushing your bodies flush. His skin is warm and soft against yours and you hate to admit how long it’s been since you’ve felt something so erotic. Your pussy clenches down, desperate to have Chan’s cock inside of you. The boy is just as desperate as his cock slips between your thighs, doing his best to get any friction against him.
“So needy,” you murmur as you trail your fingers down Chan’s chest.
Chan hums in agreement. “Wan’you so bad.”
“You’re so cute Channie,” you tell him, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. “You ever been with an older woman, baby?”
“No. Barely been with anyone at all. No time.” Chan’s fingers tighten on you as he ruts against you harder. His eyes are glossed over with lust in a way that can only be considered pathetic. You’re obsessed with it though. The idea that you now have this young, inexperienced boy at your will, eager to fuck you.
“You’re sure you can handle me, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Yes. Please. I promise I can handle it. Have all the stamina. I need you so bad. I’ve wanted you for so long, please let me have you.” His cock is leaking all over your thighs as he spreads his precum with each one of his thrusts.
You chuckle slightly. “Okay then baby. Fuck me nice and good.”
“Fuck, thank you. Thank you so much.”
Chan hastily lines his tip up to your folds, rubbing it there just for a second, before fully sliding inside of you. He lets out a long shuddered breath as you adjust to his size, your cunt hugging him tight.
“H-holy shit. Fuck you’re perfect,” Chan whines as he starts to thrust into you. You hook one of your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer. Chan buries his face into your neck, peppering kisses there as he thrusts into you desperate, void of any rhythm.
You tilt your head back and release a soft moan and it mixes with the wet sound of Chan’s cock sliding in and out of you. Despite claiming to be inexperienced, you can’t remember the last time someone has fucked you this good. Though his pace is inconsistent, his hips have power behind them as they roll into you, making his dancer background loud and clear. 
His cock is heavy as it drags in and out of, his girth spreading your walls out as you clamp down on him like a vise. Your mind hums pleasantly now that Chan has started to satiate that hunger that was gnawing at your insides. Chan’s restless as his hands drag over your body, touching you everywhere he can while his lips explore where his hands aren’t.
You can hear him mutter soft praises as he does so, more babbling to himself than to you. He once more takes your breasts in his mouth, lapping at your nipple before sucking the fat into his mouth. His mouth is loud as he works at your chest, getting your tits wet with his spit. You can feel your cunt clench as pleasure blooms in your chest, your body arching up to meet his touch.
“You look so pretty,” Chan tells you, a bit louder than all of his other mumbles. “So, so pretty. Want you to see.”
With that Chan releases his grip on you, sliding out of you and causing you to whine a bit, not ready to feel so empty so quickly. Chan is empathetic though and quickly enters you once more, but not before spinning around so he’s not behind you. You gasp loud as Chan starts to pound into you, even harder this time.
With hooded eyes you stare at the mirror in front of you, watching as Chan ravishes you. You know that objectively you and Chan are both very attractive people, but seeing the physical image of you together is even more than you imagined. You take a moment to admire the muscles of Chan’s arms and the way they’re tightly wrapped around you. Your tits bounce with each thrust and Chan reaches up to paw at them, his thumb brushing against your sensitive nipple.
Behind you, Chan is also focused on the mirror, staring at your forms over your shoulder. His face is screwed up in pure euphoria as he ruts into you with soft whimpers, completely entranced by the feel of your pussy around him.
Chan’s breath is hot against your neck as he starts to talk, his words slightly slurred together. “D’you know how long I’ve wanted t’do this? U-used to watch videos of you dancing and study your form and your body. Your sexy fucking thighs. I’d get s’hard.”
You’re aware that you’re well known in the dancing community, and you’re aware that you have fans, but hearing Chan talk about you like this is on a whole new level.
“‘Member that show you starred in, and the company would p-post rehearsal footage, but they dance were so fucking erotic. I’d, ah, f-fuck my fist thinking about you while watching them. Younger me would pass out if he knew that I’d get to fuck your perfect pussy.” Chan’s completely gone as he talks to you. You’ve never seen someone so drunk on pussy alone, but you find it flattering more than anything else. It doesn’t hurt that Chan’s words are making your cunt leak even more than it already is.
Chan takes a moment to suck a mark into your neck, his fingers trembling against your hips from how tight he’s holding you. His hips don’t stop though, steadily thrusting into you, the slap of his skin against yours making the most delicious beat you’ve ever heard.
As soon as Chan pops his mouth off of you, he’s back to sharing his story. “I think yer’even sexier now. C-can’t stop watching you in rehearsal. Nearly cried when I found out you were on this show. B-but m’glad you’re not the love interest…w-wouldn’t be able to focus with how, fuck, hard I’d be.”
“Chan,” you moan out, his words filling your mind with nothing but a cloud of lust.
His words continue, in the same breathy whiny tone, fucked out and pathetic. “Fuck, touching you like this, shit m’the luckiest man alive.”
Chan’s eyes are nearly invisible from how hooded his eyes are, his face completely blissed out. The mix of Chan’s expression and his words is enough to have you on the edge and you push your ass back against Chan hard.
“Chan, need you to make me cum. Can you be a good boy and do that?”
“S-shit, yes. Fuck, okay.” Chan grasps your waist hard and angles his cock inside of you differently, bumping into your walls until you let out a cry and he knows he’s found your sweet spot. You lean forward, bracing yourself on the mirror as Chan starts to slam into your g-spot, rough and unrelenting. He slips his fingers between your legs, rubbing at your clit to speed the process along.
Albeit, it is still quite a novice level, your vision whites out as your orgasm crashes over you. You drop all your weight against the mirror as your body arches and you let out a scream. Your pussy flutters against Chan’s cock as you pant hard, fogging up the mirror. Your body is hot and sweating even more than after rehearsal but you feel nothing but satisfaction as the tenseness in your body subsides and you come down from your high.
Behind you, Chan slips out of you quickly, just barely being able to pull out before he spills all over your back. He milks his cock for longer than you expect, but then again he is still quite young. Chan’s groans taper off and he finally gets a moment to catch his breath.
You feel completely refreshed from how you felt at the end of rehearsal, your body untensed and your horniness satiated. 
“Fuck, I really needed that,” you say as Chan grabs a tissue from the corner of the room and wipes your back off. “Thanks, kid.” 
“Thank me? Thank YOU!” Chan says as you start to dress yourself. “That was literally a dream. I feel like my life is fulfilled.”
You chuckle at the boy’s words. “You say that like you’re not starring in a musical right now.” 
“I mean yeah, but this was totally different. I wasn’t lying, I think you’re amazing. I’m lucky to even be in a show with you. I really have looked up to you since I was younger.” Chan stares at you sincerely as he talks and you try to not show how flustered it’s making you.
“Well I’m glad that I helped make your dream come true…maybe I can also help some fantasies come true as well.” You send Chan a wink as you saunter across the room to your bag.
You can hear Chan sputter a bit as you bend over (a bit exaggeratedly) to pick up your things. “Wait- does that mean what I think?”
You turn around and smile softly at the boy. “See you Monday, Chan.”
With that you turn your back to him and exit the dance studio, leaving the boy red in the face and stammering. Oh you’re going to have some fun with him.
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taglist: @ckline35 @toruro @jeanjacketjesus @namjoonbaby @n4mj00nvq @lovelyhan @ovai @scorpiobitch88 @tulipgarland4 @embrace-themagic @sulkygyu @leejihoonownsmyheart @synthetickitsune @yeosayang @miraclewoozi @d0nghyck @soonhoonietrash @yongi-lee @spilled-coffee-cup @morklee02 @17kwans @candidupped @ressonancee @m1nghaos @1-800-jeonwonwoo @anothershorthuman @dinoissupreme @speaknowlwt @hyneyedfiz @aaniag @mingyucookies @jwnghyuns @flwrshwa @valentxi @heavenly-mobo @pandorashbox @enhacolor @starlight-night0 @todorokiskitten @miriamxsworld @just-here-to-read-01 @sunnyteume @seuomo @tinkerbell460 @feat-sun @blxckswxnxge @erwins-left-tittie @chwecardcaptor @violetvoo
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821 notes · View notes
x0xomady · 2 months
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all stories with innapropriate content are labeled as such! please do not read if you are underage. you are responsible for the content you consume! 18+
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
but daddy i love him! (pt.2)- you are a senior and highschool that falls in love with the local british plug. (fluff, smut, 18+) moodboard
touchdown (pt.2) - harry is the number one quarterback and frat boy on campus. he is headed to the nfl when he meets the coaches daughter, a shy, cute, film student. (smut, 18+)
whole lotta love - harry takes you to his studio, when he starts getting overwhelmed and frustrated, he takes it out on you. (smut, 18+)
the after party (pt. 2) - after one month apart harry and his ex find each other in a toxic hookup cycle. during the biggest frat party of the year they continue that cycle in their own after party. (toxic, smut, 18+)
uppercut (pt.2) - the undefeated, underground boxer, harry styles, needs a nurse to stitch him up after the fight. that’s where he meets his innocent girl. (smut, 18+)
sex, drugs, etc. - harry is a rockstar in the year 1980. he cares about nothing but drugs and sex, that’s until he meets his flower. (smut, 18+)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
little love - blurb about how harry helps you through the anxiety and pains of labor. (fluff)
wake n’bake - little continuation of ‘grow you a garden’ you and harry wake up and decide to get high together. it’s just cute little convos with harry while you’re sleepy and high. (fluff)
grow you a garden - just a mini blurb about what it would be like to ramble with harry after sex. (fluff)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
my music recs - xoxo’s playlist
pinterest - 🎀
requests are open if you have any ideas!
217 notes · View notes
idwt-money · 2 months
Your drummer
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MDNI 18+
1.9k words
Nick Folio x Noah Sebastian x fem!y/n
CW: masterbation, threesome, slight angst, unprotected sex, oral sex (fem and male rec)
continuation of this 🫶🏼
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Fuck. Noah had been in the studio all fucking day. You hadn't gotten an ounce of attention from him almost all week. Your fingers could only do the job so well. You would fuck yourself out in the shower, but it wasn't anything compared to how Noah's cock stretched you out. 
You were currently hanging out with the three boys as Noah “finished up” a song's vocals in the studio. You had been waiting for fucking hours and you were, reasonably, on edge. your cunt was throbbing and your legs were shaking. 
“I'll be back..” You muttered as you ran to the bathroom. The guys turned back to their conversation as they nodded to your absence. 
You made your way quickly to the studio's bathroom and shut the door. You pulled your pants down, along with your panties and took no time to dive your middle and ring finger into your pussy. You bit your lip in an attempt to stifle your moans. Your free hand came down and started to perform tight circles to your clit. 
The pleasure became all too much in seconds and you were coming undone on your own hands. 
The world was spinning as someone knocked on the door. You stumbled to clean yourself up and wash your hands before opening the door. 
To your surprise it was the very man you just fantasized about. 
“What were you doing?” His voice was deep and coarse in your ears. 
“Nothing.” You crossed your arms and tried to push past him. He, of course, didn't allow it. 
“You don't think I couldn't hear your pathetic fucking whimpers?” He had come down to whisper in your ear.
You couldn't think of anything to say, pushing past him with more force than before. Being successful this time, you went and sat back down with the boys. 
“Are we almost done here?” You whined in annoyance. 
“Umm..I think so, baby.” Folio answered. 
Him calling you baby wasn't anything unusual. He called everyone baby, but something sparked in you. Your back was resting against the arm of the chair and your legs spread over Folio's lap. His hands were rubbing up and down your legs. You had shorts on and his hands weren't going anywhere they shouldn't, you knew Folio would never disrespect your relationship like that. 
Yet, you found yourself wishing he would pull something on you. You tried your best to rid the thought from your mind, but it was so hard. You were so touch deprived you couldn't get a grip on your own mind.
“C’mon. We're going.” Noah's voice boomed behind you. It shocked you but fuck you were so happy to go home.
What you weren't so excited for was the drive back home with Noah. It was about a 25 minute drive back and it was going to be god awful.
And you were right. 
“What's your fucking problem?” Noah was mad, of course.
“My problem? My fucking problem is that you've been so caught up in this album that you've barely fucking talked to me!”
You lived with Noah and Folio and usually you would ride with both but thankfully he drove here on his own.
“You know I've been busy, y/n. My work is everything to me!” 
You knew that but it didn't excuse his behavior. At night, he would barely talk to you before falling asleep. 
You bickered your way home, into your home, all throughout the house into the kitchen. Nick made his way to his room and shut the door, not caring for the argument at all. 
The midst of the argument you muttered under your breath. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” 
Maybe you had been bratty all day, but this was pushing it…
“Nothing.” You crossed your arms and turned away from your boyfriend.
He grabbed your face, forcing your eyes to lock with his. you've known Noah for...well forever basically. Yet, when he got in his "moods" such as this one, he was fucking scary. He was so much taller than you and it made him even more intimidating. 
"Been bratty all day and now? Now what? getting shy?" His jaw clenched after he spit his words out. You felt your core tighten as his eyes went over your facial expression. You felt like prey under his gaze and you knew Noah felt like a wolf preying upon a tiny little bunny.
“No! I just-” 
"I don't fucking care. What. Did. You. Say?" His patience was running thin and the hand that had originally found its home on your face was now gripping at your neck, pulling you towards his body.
"I said, um- if- if you're too busy..." You had managed to muster up faux confidence. You just prayed and hoped he couldn't tell it was fake. 
"Then I should go fuck your drummer." You gulped, your mouth instantly running dry. Your eyes scoured his face, desperately hoping to find a reaction.
"Not another fucking word. You want dick, I'll give you some fucking dick." 
That was when Noah had picked you up over his shoulder and started walking towards his roommates door.
Your heart was racing. He could NOT be serious right now! Fuck!! You were about to embarrass the fuck out of yourself. And for what? Something you said purely out of anger?
Noah didn't even knock on Nick's door before entering. He quickly explained the situation to the (reasonably) startled Nick. 
It took mere seconds for Nick to get a wild grin plastered onto his face. His tattoos were poking out through his shirt and he looked fucking delicious. 
You found yourself plopped down onto his bed. You brought your knees up to your chest and rolled your eyes. 
“Nick, it's just a stupid fight don't listen to him-” 
“Oh, baby. No, it doesn't seem like a stupid fight. Not at all. I don't mind helping a friend in dire need.” His eyes drank you in. 
Noah forced your legs open, pulling your shorts down. You knew you lost this fight when the wet patch on your panties was studied by both sets of eyes. 
Noah let out a chuckle, rolling his eyes. 
“I'll show you how she likes it.” 
His hands worked on pulling your panties down, now exposing you to the pair. Your face lit up bright red, which didn't last long when Noah plunged his fingers into you. There was no need to prep you, you were already dripping down your thighs and soon to be creating a mess onto the bed you were laid upon. 
Your head fell back and your mouth was gaping open. His finger felt like fucking heaven after so long without his touch. 
“Is this what you wanted? You dirty fucking girl.” 
You nodded your head and babbled some response before locking eyes with Nick. You had pleading eyes, all self respect you once had was now out the window. 
“Nick, kiss me. Please- oh my god, please!” Your words were barely decipherable between the whines and cries that escaped your mouth. 
Nick looked at Noah for permission, which was thankfully granted. 
He scooted closer and took your head into his hands. Your tongues almost immediately danced together, the wet sounds coming from your cunt and now the spit running down your chin was enough to send you spiraling over the edge. Nick held you as Noah's fingers guided you through your first orgasm. 
When you came down from it, you were shaking and tears had fallen down your face. 
You were taken out of Nick's grasp and watched him and he cautiously took his place in front of your pussy.
Noah stood on the other edge of the bed, watching the scene unfold in front of him. He was rock hard beneath his jeans. You watched it ache and pulse as you felt Nick slowly push into you. 
“You sick fuck. You're enjoying this too much.”
“You better shut your pretty little mouth before I have “my drummer” here, take his cock out of you and leave you wet and fucking needy.” He said, looking down at you. 
It wasn't long before Nick was ready to tear you apart from the inside. 
“I'm going to fucking break you. You have no idea how long I've wanted you.” Nick leaned over, whispering in your ear. 
Within no time, Nick's cock was itching a part of your brain you never knew you needed to be scratched. Something about this situation was all too good, it was something you only ever imagined. Never did you think it would actually happen.
You watched as Noah pulled his cock out, taking a seat beside you. He started to touch himself, jerking and stroking along the shaft. 
You reached your hand out for it, before Noah slapped your hand away. 
“If you think you're going to get to touch my cock after the way you've been acting, you're hilarious.” 
So this was a punishment. It wasn't the worst of what you had gotten before, at least you were getting fucked but my god did you want to wrap your hand around him and watch him get off. 
You turned your attention back to Nick and it made you that much closer to coming to your second orgasm. 
His hair was messy, his necklace was dangling and oh god did he look fucking amazing.
His cock was reaching places you hadn't been able to in nearly a week. You couldn't help yourself but bring him in for another kiss. 
This time it wasn't just you falling apart. Each second, each thrust was edging you both to the release you two desperately needed. 
You swore up and down that you could feel his cock twitching every time he pushed into you. 
“I'm so- so close…oh shit!” You cried as your orgasm washed over you. You heard Noah mutter something as your senses diminished. 
“Don't you dare cum in her.” 
An annoyed sigh came out of Nick's mouth but pulled out, spurting his load onto your stomach. 
After you regained strength, you saw Noah, still pathetically beating his meat, knowing his hand wouldn't be enough to actually make him cum. He knew he would have to cave in and let you give him something, anything to get him off.
“Baby, c’mon. let me help.” You gave him big fuck me eyes as you asked. 
You repositioned yourself to sit on your knees. The sight of you was something Noah couldn't say no to. You had somehow lost your shirt in your activities and your hair was messy from being fucked out. 
“Fuck. Fine…please..” He was desperate to let go at this point. 
You laid on your belly and took him into your mouth almost immediately. He tensed as you did so, making you give his thigh a pat, making him relax. 
While your head was bobbing up and down along your boyfriend's cock, Nick took the opportunity to get one more out of you and filled you with his middle and ring finger. 
The vibrations from your moaning made Noah grab a handful of your hair, pushing his cock past your mouth and deep into your throat. You gagged around it, yet it was so rewarding to hear his moans as he let his cum paint the inside of your throat. 
Nick was still busy at your cunt when you came up for air. You were laid out like a whore on display for him. You were humping and grinding onto his fingers. 
You were so overwhelmed and so overstimulated you came undone on his fingers in a matter of seconds. 
You thanked god that Noah had recovered from his own orgasm enough to carry you back to your room.
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blouisparadise · 3 months
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Upon request, here is another part of our possessive Harry rec list. If you missed them, you can find part one here and part two here. There are a ton of amazing fics on this list that we hope you'll check out. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Back Where I Belong | Explicit | 7,217 words
Harry’s trying to have a conversation with Nick, who he hasn’t seen in nearly three months, but the way Nick’s eyes keep darting over his shoulder every few seconds is quite distracting. It’s ironic, because at least a quarter of the reason that he’s even talking to Nick in the first place is because he needs a distraction. He’s all too aware of exactly what’s going on behind his back. Nick is the one who finally brings it up. “Do you think he’s doing it to spite you?” “He’s definitely doing it to spite me,” Harry answers tightly, resisting the urge to crane his neck around so he can see. He clutches his drink a little tighter, trying to keep his tenuous control over his own movements.
2) Come A Little Closer | Explicit | 9,867 words
Louis puts on lingerie. It's not, like, a thing.
3) Fuck U Betta | Explicit | 11,438 words
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
4) Please, I'm Begging | Explicit | 13,746 words
Louis is an omega who just wants to be with Harry
5) Rendezvous | Explicit | 15,357 words
"Harry's got a date tonight." Zayn greets him. Louis misses the good old times, when people used to say hello. "Why's he got a date, Louis?" Louis has no time for Zayn's nonsense, he's late to crash Harry's date. He only came here for one thing. "I need the fur coat." he announces. "No questions asked."
6) I’m Kind Of Into It | Explicit | 19,483 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
A pair of eyes follow him, narrowed and if Louis has judged right; assessing. Trying to see if Louis has a favourite. Waiting to see if he gives it up to one of the baying crowd. He doesn't. He straightens up and moves smoothly back towards the intriguing man in the front-row seat. He hasn't moved, bar to clutch his fingers slightly around the edges of the circle-shaped seat; his thighs pushing open a little further as he tucks his ass in; showcasing his dick somewhat. The dress pants do barely anything to cover the jut of that length and Louis makes it his personal mission to make him hard. It's insulting really that he's not already there. He's been dancing for three minutes and if that isn't long enough to incite some interest then what is?
7) Play By The Rules | Explicit | 21,835 words
Fed up with the excess energy that’s wreaking havoc on his personal and professional life, Louis asks his boyfriend to dom him in the hopes that it’ll help him relax. Unfortunately, Harry is a bit of a disaster when it comes to being a dom. So, Louis decides to get creative to try and encourage the dominant side out of him.
8) Worth The Wait | Explicit | 29,262 words
In all the words Louis would use to describe a baby shower, the last one he’d ever thought to use was depressing.
9) Can’t Fool Me | Explicit | 30,162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
10) Blue Songs Are Like Tattoos | Explicit | 30,739 words
“Good morning, University of California, you’re listening to KALX 90.7 FM Berkeley, this is DJ Harry Styles. If the owner of the tapes I’ve been finding around the studio doesn’t come forward and introduce himself, I’m going to continue tossing them straight in the trash!”
11) Like It’s A Game | Explicit | 32,223 words
There is little harry hates more than truth or dare.
12) All This Devotion | Explicit | 38,047 words
Louis is Harry’s work wife. The already blurry lines of their friendship are smudged further when they get caught up in a web of lies.
13) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don’t Bite) | Mature | 42,036 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
14) Strangers In Love | Explicit | 42,207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
15) Let Your Damage, Damage Me | Explicit | 57,077 words
A low and dangerous growl was ripped from the future King’s chest. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” the alpha snarled, eyes dark and nostrils flared. Even as anger rushed through him at the alpha’s brutish display, Louis felt breathless at the intense gaze of the man that was going to be his future mate. ‘Tomorrow I’m going to be under all that. He will be inside me, all muscles and rage.’ Louis felt his cheeks heat again, but refused to be cowed. So he put his best smirk on display, the one alphas despised to see, the one that assured them all he had the upper hand. “Thought you were expecting me, dear husband. I’m your future mate.”
16) Not Afraid Of Living On A Fault Line | Explicit | 55,218 words
His eyes widened when he realized he had just somehow managed to ask Harry to hang out. Judging by Harry’s own expression, he wasn't the only one who was shocked. Louis expected him to laugh off the ridiculous request but the beta looked up at him, almost hopefully. “Are you being serious?” “Um,” was all Louis could say, feeling every bit as speechless as Harry had been earlier. “Are you?” Harry shrugged. “I’ve been told I need to get out more.”
17) These Still Waters Run Deep | Explicit | 64,602 words
Having accepted his engagement to Viscount Andrew, Louis is aware that it isn’t a love match and has no wish to be swept off his feet… until he meets the viscount’s brother, Harry, who makes him second-guess everything.
18) King Of My Heart | Explicit | 83,712 words
Harry shrugged, his shoulders brushing against Louis’. “I think since I was young, I craved that feeling, though. I didn’t always hate being a prince, but over time, certain aspects of it just bothered me so much. I remember being four years old and realizing that every person in the world knew my name, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that. I told my mum as much and she tried telling me that being a prince is not a punishment. That it was a privilege that I should be happy about it, but no one asked me if I was. But looking up at the sky, I remember that all of this will one day mean nothing, and neither will I. All the pressure will then disappear and I could just be.” Louis stayed quiet, allowing Harry the space to open up because he knew Harry wasn’t looking for advice, but just someone to confide in. What he wished he could tell him was that in the short amount of time that he’d known the prince, in Louis’ eyes, he couldn’t be insignificant if he tried. He was brighter than every star up there in the sky. He was all Louis could look at and think about.
19) Echoes & Omens | Mature | 100,707 words
Echoes of the dead come in many forms. Their imprints forever tied to the ones who'd killed them. Louis Tomlinson is able to track the dead using their echoes, they call to him. He's used that gift to aid Scotland Yard in their investigations, with the hopes of studying Criminology at Cambridge University. He's lived a life of privilege and good fortune as a Marquess, son of the late Duke Tomlinson, with his life mapped out since day one. Until two terrible truths are revealed. One, he's adopted. Two, his biological parents are London's most notorious serial killers. Against his family's wishes, Louis travels to Chicago to uncover the truth of their incarceration. Much to his dismay, his biological mother's Lawyer, Harry Styles, wants to take his case. Together, they work to uncover what really happened all those years ago, but perhaps more is revealed than they could've ever anticipated. Trapped in a whirlwind of portents and omens, Louis and Harry find themselves pitted against an enemy they'd not foreseen.
20) You’ve Got A Higher Power, You’re Once In Any Lifetime | Explicit | 113,444 words
Giving up and letting them think they're right were never valid options in Louis Tomlinson's mind. In a society full of prejudices, finding a family and being accepted, also seemed like an unrealistic utopia. Louis sets out to do what no other of his kind ever has before and in doing so, he finds love, friendship and more about himself than he thought he would.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
seo changbin boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: tomboy by g-idle
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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this soft boy, oh gosh here we go...
he makes my heart skip a beat so this gonna be fun
changbin. the man, the myth, the legend
he's an amazing guy, what can i say? respectful, loyal, genuine... god it's so hard not to fall in love with him
idk as a boyfriend he is just the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. he technically acts the same way with you if he was just besties. the main difference is, once he's your boyfriend he tones up the affection to 100%. no holding back anymore
this man is SO TOUCHY
physical affection is totally his thing. he finds himself just wanting to touch you or hold your hand or anything like that because he just needs that contact
he's not ashamed of any pda. he doesn't care who's watching: he's kissing and cuddling and squishing your cheeks no matter who is watching! he's cute like that
even if the other members were to make fun of him for being a massive softie with you, he literally couldn't care less
"you're just jealous that i'm in a happy relationship"
he's so petty lmaooo
btw i mentioned cuddling... yeah there's gonna be a lot of that
changbin works out a lot. he's got a lot of muscle on him, so his chest and arms proved to be a perfect pillow give me one chance changbin ONE CHANCE IM BEGGING so it only makes sense to snuggle into his perfect body and enjoy having his arms wrapped around you
he likes doing spontaneous things with you. it's always a fun time around him. you're always getting up to some sort of mischief
also loves spoiling you omg
he doesn't make a big deal out of it but damn he buys you so many quality gifts because apparently he can't help it??
will talk to you about anything. usually when he speaks to you it's very casual and general chat. he's very comfortable talking about anything with you. if you want to talk about anything important or personal, he's very attentive and provides you with any support you need
for him, he's a very open person, especially if he has his trust in you. there are not a lot of things he would keep from you. how he views it is: he wouldn't date you if he didn't trust you. and with that, he can know in his heart that he can be vulnerable with you if needed because the mutual love and trust is there
likes to spend his nights just relaxing and unwinding from his busy day at work. there are occasions, of course, when he will stay late at night in the studio or bring some work back to do at home. he tries to make time for you but there are some things he can't help. he appreciates how supportive you are of his career, either way. and he always makes sure how much he loves you for being so kind to him as his partner
above all, he wants to be a source of comfort to you. and he sure does a good job at it
dates with him would include:
gym dates - i mean this goes without saying but if you MUST be told again, changbin loves/lives in the gym. he would love for you to share that part of his life, even if you aren't particularly keen on working out. he also proves to be a very good personal trainer so there's a plus! working to improve himself with you makes going to the gym even more of a joy for him. he would appreciate you joining him a lot and finds it all the more fun to workout with you
food date - a bit of a contradiction, i know. changbin not only loves food but also likes to taste and try different types of food. he loves going to different places in the city to try street food or other snacks that he wouldn't usually get by himself. makes for a fun experience with you <3
late night walks - changbin loves the outside but especially at nightime. he also thinks it's romantic going out for a walk in the dark with the city lights lighting the way. it's a good opportunity to have deeper talks with you as well as check out any nightlife
overall, he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet
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𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭
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pairing: minho x curvyfem!reader (afab)
genre: idol!minho. curvy!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. slight fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ ONLY. reader pov. established relationship.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. this shit's got some angst in it. reader had an abusive and fat-ph0bic ex in the past, and has trauma from that. reader is self conscious about their legs/weight. smut warnings below cut!!
word count: 5.0k
summary: you had thought that your scars from the past were healed, but evidently, your ex from college was still clouding your mind. thankfully, your boyfriend minho is right there to help you heal from the heartbreak.
18+ warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe out there, guys!). minho has a thing for reader in skirts/her thick thighs. fingering. minho eats reader out. DIRTY talk. dom!minho. sub!reader. making out. manhandling. praise kink. nipple/breast play. face riding. slight sub-space. excessive hair pulling. breeding kink is alluded to. pet names (babydoll, babygirl, kitten, etc.). degradation kink (minho calls reader a whore/slut). daddy kink. slighttt dollificaition/corruption kink. multiple orgasms.
a/n: started writing this last week after some of my good stay writing friends sortaa gave me the prompt to do a minho x thick reader. I originally planned for this to be just a short drabble but... here we are lmao. 💀 also, I am a thick girl myself, so I really appreciate writing/reading inserts where I can relate to y/n. anyways, enjoy you guys!! 😖
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
  The moment Minho opened the door to the studio, and saw you standing there, he completely froze up. And the look on his face, of utter surprise, left you shifting on either of your feet in sudden anxiety. 
 You knew you shouldn’t have come to the company to surprise him during his work day, especially since he and the boys were so busy preparing for their next comeback. 
 And you knew that you shouldn’t have rolled up to the recording studio dressed as you were, in the new outfit that you had bought at the mall the week before. Originally, you had wanted to wear it the next time the two of you went out on a date night together, but with his rapidly growing schedule of duties, you decided that you wouldn’t get such an opportunity for a while. 
 The outfit wasn’t all that scandalous… 
 Sure, the white, lacy tank top was pretty skintight and showed quite a bit of your cleavage, and the pink skirt that was embellished with white satin bows on the sides was quite short. 
 Okay, scratch that, the flowy, baby-pink pleated skirt was really fucking short. 
 Like, borderline porn-star level short. 
 The hemline was cropped so much that it barely covered your ass. 
 But that’s why you wore the long, white lace stockings. To hide some of the expanse of skin that you were exposing. 
 You had never been particularly fond of your legs. Being a curvy girl and all, they had always been rather… chubby for your liking. Sure, your tits were nice and big. But having thick thighs? That would be a hard hell no in your book. 
 Even still, your boyfriend sure did like your legs. He talked about his fondness for them all the time, and showed his love for them in all different ways; whether it was by always seeming to have a hand on your legs, massaging your thighs when you couldn’t fall asleep at night, or giving them lots of sweet kisses while he fucked you deep into the mattress late in the twilight hours of daybreak.
 So that’s why you decided to buy the outfit, to please him. Because even if you didn’t like your legs, you wanted to make Minho happy. And if that meant dressing up like a cute little doll - albeit leather slutty - then you were okay with that.
 There he stood, mouth completely agape, as his eyes roved down the length of you. Going all the way to your cute little white platform heels before shooting back up to your exposed chest. You could see the tips of his ears start to turn red from the sight of you all dressed up for what appeared to be him.
 “Hi, baby.” You mumbled, fingers fiddling with the frilly fabric of your skirt. Your gaze shot down to the floor in embarrassment, as you practically felt his eyes burn two holes into the fabric that barely covered your legs. 
 “Uhm- hi… kitten,” he finally managed to pull himself together, leaning against the doorframe. You caught glimpses of the room behind him. It was bustling with staff and some of his members, as everyone was busy preparing the tracks for their new album. “What are you… doing here so late at night?” 
 Your focus landed on his hand, which was gripping the side of the door. Veins popping from exertion, he was doing his best to hold himself together at that moment. Then you noticed how he tilted to the side a bit, seemingly hiding the sight of you from the rest of everyone who was just behind him in the studio. 
 Shrugging, you offered him a tiny, soft smile. “I don’t know… Just wanted to surprise you, that’s all.” You began, a frown already overtaking your face as the realization dawned on you that you might be a bother to him while he was working. “Sorry, did I come at a bad time? I can-”
 “No- no.” He suddenly blurted out in a frantic voice. Throat bobbing up and down as you watched him physically fight the urge to not lunge right at you. “You’re never a nuisance, baby…” Then he was moving, stepping forward only slightly and reaching out to tuck a few strands of loose hair behind your ear. The feeling of his long digits brushing across your cheek sent shivers down your spine. “It’s just that, I’m super fucking busy right now, and I’d hate for you to sit around here without getting the… proper attention that you deserve.” 
 The 'attention' that he was talking about was not the innocent one. You could tell by the way his eyes sparkled under the faint lights of the studio - brewing with so many tamped wants and desires. You could tell from his jaw, that ticked painfully tight at the mention of you sticking around in such an outfit, for everyone to see. 
 Just then you hauled out the carton of coffees that you had been hiding behind your back, presenting them to your boyfriend with a wide grin plastered on your face. “It’s okay, I understand… I thought you guys could use these while you work. It’ll help bring your spirits up.” Minho stared down at the coffees you had ordered from a nearby coffee shop. 
 For a moment, he just froze there, looking at the Americanos. Then, he was gently taking them from your hands with soft eyes that never failed to make your heart melt. “Thanks, dollface… I’ll be sure to hand these out to the guys.” 
 “Well, I should let you get back to work, I know you have a long night ahead of you…” You started, leaning into him and pressing a chaste kiss against his cheek. “I’m gonna hang out at that cafe just down the road for a little bit, then I’ll head home.” 
 As you began to tug away from him, Minho’s free hand shot out and clutched at your hip. Fingers digging into the skin there desperately, he pressed you close to his form. “Please- don’t go to that cafe tonight.” 
 Staring up at him, you rose an eyebrow in question. “Why not?” You asked, noticing the way his eyes widened a little bit in desperation. His lips pressed together in a firm line, cheeks blooming with a slight flush as he gaped down at you. 
 “I- it’s… it’s too late- not safe for you to stay out alone,” he gave your lips a soft kiss before he was tearing away from you again. You could see the furrow in his brows, and how hard he was fighting himself to have control over all of the urges that coursed through his mind just then. “Don’t want anything to happen to you. So go home and wait for me… I shouldn’t be too long at the studio tonight.” 
 You nodded gradually, flashing him an easy smile. “Okay, if you say so… just don’t work too late, okay?” You reached up, carding a few fingers through his shock of crimson-red hair. “I need you to come home with enough energy tonight.” 
 At that, he smirked wickedly, licking his lips with that perfect, pink tongue of his. “And why’s that, princess?” 
 “I think you know why…” 
 Before he could do - or say - anything else, you were dragging away from him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 
 “I’ll see you later then?” Just then you purposefully dropped your keys on the floor. And as you bent down to retrieve them, you made sure your ass was in clear view of Minho. You rose, flashing him the matching white lacy panties that you had on peeking out just from underneath your skirt. “Bye, baby… love you.” You said as you turned around and offered him another tiny smile. 
 The look of utter desire he had on his face at that moment was unmatched by any other expression he had ever had in the past. His eyes widened for what felt the millionth time that night, but you didn’t let him say anything else, as you were already sauntering away, swinging your hips from side to side alluringly. 
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 The night seemed to drag on painfully as you waited at home in your shared apartment for Minho to finish work. And when the sound of his keys at the front door finally rang out throughout the place, you were up in an instant, already in the entryway as he filed through the threshold of your apartment. You had taken off your white stockings soon after arriving home, hating the way the itchiness of the fabric irritated your skin.
 “Welcome home, baby.” You said, giving him a soft smile as he bent down and slipped off his shoes. 
 He stared up at you, gaze turning immediately dark as he once again took in your attire for the night. The shirt had rumpled since you had last seen him at the studio, and the skirt had risen a little bit more up your legs from your lounging on the living room couch. This resulted in you flashing him your white panties.
 You didn’t have any time to think or breathe or even speak, as within the next beat, Minho’s hands were wrapped around your waist, pushing you until your back hit the nearest wall. 
 His face neared your exposed neck, as his lips suckled on your jaw sweetly, teeth biting into your skin hungrily. When he drew back to take a shuttering breath, his mouth was already a little puffy from the violet bruises that he had given you in just the past few seconds. 
 “Fuck- I didn’t know how long I was gonna last at the studio tonight,” he murmured, dipping into you again and running his hot tongue over the length of your clavicle. “Every time I tried to focus on work, I’d lose myself in the thought of you - of you in this slutty little skirt. And fuck- I also came right there in front of everyone as I kept remembering how hot you looked like this.” 
 Minho’s hands were leaving your hips as he spoke the words in a low voice, fingers already finding their way under your skirt. Trailing up, up, up, he finally stopped when his palms came in contact with your asscheeks. 
 “I picked out the outfit just for you… saw it at the mall the other week, and I knew you had to see me in it,” You said, voice cutting off slightly as his nails dug into the flesh of your ass rather harshly. “Thought I’d surprise you at work after the long, hard week that you’ve had.”
 Minho kneaded either of your asscheeks, mouth hovering over yours as he stared down at you with lust taking over his eyes. You moaned into him at the feeling of him working you up so well- getting you so flustered without even doing that much, to begin with. 
 “You gonna be a good girl for me tonight, princess?” He purred seductively, tongue poking out between his two stunning red lips and tracing the line of yours. “Gonna let me fuck you in this pretty little skirt?” He swallowed down the strangled moans that threatened to leak out of you just then. “Gonna let me ruin it for you?” He suckled on your mouth, tongue pressing past your teeth and tasting you irrevocably. “Gonna let me have my way with you tonight, hmm?” 
 You were already a shaking mess beneath him, limbs going all melty and jello-like as he held you in his grasp. So close, yet not nearly close enough. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be your good girl… I wore this to please you, baby. I know how much you like these kinds of- outfits on me.” 
 Then without another word, Minho was moving. Hoisting you up into his arms and walking you across the apartment’s slick wooden floors. In no time at all, he was gently setting you down on the bed, as he took a seat just beside you. 
 “Come here and sit on daddy’s face, kitten.” 
 His command came out all gravelly and stern. He stared at you with beseeching eyes, cocking his head to the side as he watched your face transform. From one that was full of sensual mirth to downright horror. 
 “W-What?” You found yourself stammering out, a flush already creeping up your neck and pooling in your ears and cheeks. 
 Minho shrugged nonchalantly. Like him asking you to practically suffocate him with your thick thighs wasn’t that big of a deal. “You heard me, babydoll- want you to ride my face.” 
 You felt yourself dissolving onto the bed in embarrassment, the fears from years past already starting to creep into the corners of your mind. You thought you had gotten rid of them long ago, but as it turns out, the words your abusive ex had once told you continued to resonate in the back of your psyche for years afterward. 
 “I… I can’t, Min.” You said, shoulders slumping in defeat. The tears began to cloud at the rims of your eyes, as you started to recall all of the horrible things that your college ex had told you. About how you had ‘almost suffocated him’ with your heavy-set body the one time you tried to ride his face. He had constantly shamed you about your curvy physique. And even still, years later, the terrible things he’d tell you during and after sex continued to vibrate low in your soul. 
 There was a deafening silence that came over the entire room, and you saw the way Minho’s face dawned with recognition as he tried to fit the puzzle pieces together. You had told him about your ex before but had never gone too much into the specifics of everything. Especially when it came to sex. No, that shit was too embarrassing to ever bring to light again. 
 “Why… not?” He asked, tone quiet and wavering as he watched you crumble under the pain of remembrance. In the next breath, he was next to you, clasping your hands in his and trying to shake you out of your dazed stupor. “Baby- baby, listen to me. I’d never force you to do anything,” he began, raising your hands to his mouth and pressing kiss after soft kiss to your knuckles. “If you don’t wanna do something, that’s okay, darling. Just please, don’t cry, yeah?” 
 “But I want to do it!” You cried out, the tears blurring your vision and painting him out to be a red-haired splotch in the forefront of your mind. “It’s just- every time I think about it, I get so paralyzed with fear and I… then I suddenly can’t do it.” 
 Minho leaned into you, pushing a few gentle kisses to your lips. “It’s alright, kitten. There’s no rush for anything. You can take as long as you need.” 
 “I want to make you happy, Min.” You wailed, burying your face in the crook of his neck. One of his hands wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him as your shoulders shook with your sobs. 
 “I know baby, I know… but I’m not happy if you’re not happy.” 
 For a few minutes, you were completely silent. Letting the tears and emotions flow out of you like water. And your boyfriend Minho held you the entire time, offering up words of praise and love as his fingers gently stroked through your hair. 
 “It was… my ex, from college,” you finally found the courage to admit after a long bout of silence. Immediately upon mentioning him, Minho’s hand stopped moving in your hair. You felt him go completely still, as he waited for you to finish. “He… he was a real ass and- and he said some horrible things about my weight sometimes.” 
 “What’d he say, baby?” Minho asked, voice sounding strained as he did his best to hold back his anger for you. At your silence, he continued to rake his hands through your hair. “It’s okay, love- you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. All in your own time, yeah?” 
 You took in a deep breath, gulping in air as the memories from years past began to overtake you once again. “He said things like… I’d kill him if I sat on his face. Stuff like that,” you began, the shaking in your limbs beginning to come to a stop as you recalled everything. “And I guess… after a while, I just became so afraid that I never wanted to do something like that ever again.” 
 Minho pulled away from you then, grabbing ahold of either of your shoulders and squeezing there so that you stared up at him through your misty vision. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, baby- I can’t imagine how hard it was for you,” his thumbs gently danced underneath your eyes, wiping away your excess tears. “But I want you to know that I’d never tell you such things - I love you just the way you are, no matter what you look like, I’ll always love and adore you. 
 You nodded slowly, giving him a soft, genuine smile. The first one of the night. “Y-Yeah babe… I know you’d never do such a horrific thing. But like, I just wish I could get over that shit, ya know? Move on from it and all.” 
 “Well… what if I could help you overcome it?” 
 Staring up at him with wide eyes, you bit down hard on your bottom lip in thought, “H-How would you be able to do such a thing?” Your fingers began to fiddle with the short hemline of your skirt. The white satin bows at your sides brushed against your nails, the soft material soothing your racing heart somewhat. “I don’t know if-”
 “You trust me, yeah?” Minho started then, cutting off your nonsensical ramblings that were charged with nervousness. At your nod, he was brushing some of your hair out of your face, offering you a grin that gradually tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Then let me take care of you… let me make it all better, hmm?”
 You gulped over the lump that was forming in your throat. Already, you could feel the wetness surge again between your legs, and you squirmed in his hold. One of your boyfriend’s hands tore away from your waist, traveling up the back of your calf and landing on your exposed knee. 
 He pressed into you, his muscular chest rising and falling against your bosom which was barely covered by your tiny shirt. “Can I take off your panties, darling?” He purred soothingly against the shell of your ear, the sound of his deep, gravelly voice shooting a bout of shivers down the length of your spine. “Can you let me make you feel good tonight, kitten?” 
 “Y-Yes,” you found yourself mumbling quietly, nodding frantically as you felt your heart pound against your ribcage. “P-Please… help me forget about it all, daddy.” 
 Minho peered down at you, a sardonic kind of smirk blooming across his mouth, “That’s my good girl,” his hand moved away from your knee then, traveling up, up, up, and stopping at your inner thigh. “So pliant- such a good listener too,” he continued to praise you, fingers skating over your clothed core as he made his way towards your panties. “Makes me wanna give you everything you ever wanted, hmm…” His fingers danced along the edge of your panties waistband before he was languidly dragging them down your legs, and finally throwing them off to the side. 
 “P-Please, daddy,” you whimpered up at him, the tears brimming in your eyes again, but for entirely different reasons. You were sitting perched in his lap atop your shared bed, giving him a pleading stare and asking - begging - for him to do more, just with your whines alone. “Can you give it to me? Please, I’ve been so good…” 
 “Hmm…” He mused out loud, tapping a lone finger against his chin in thought. You felt his hand come between your legs again, cupping your warmth there. “I don’t know- do you think a good girl shows up to her boyfriend’s workplace dressed like a shameless whore?” His fingers traced around the edges of you, toying with your pussy lips and making you lose your fucking mind from the teasing of it all. 
 You cried out in agonizing bliss, moving against him just a little bit so that there was some friction between your legs. “I-I wanted to please you, daddy… everything was for you.”
 Minho flashed you a slight, playful frown, the light in his eyes burning with desire and fiery passion. “And look at you now… all hot and worked up and soaking wet, but with no respite in sight.” He cooed in that baby voice that he always used on you whenever he was feeling especially commanding in bed. “But you want daddy to play with your pussy- want me to fuck you wide open with my cock, even after everything you’ve done tonight…” He smirked down at you imploringly, like he seriously couldn’t believe you had dared to visit him at the company dressed up as you were. “You’re definitely a big dreamer, I’ll give you that.” 
 Before you could say anything else, Minho was laying back down on the mattress again, propping his head atop a downy pillow. You gaped at him, squirming in your spot beside him as you felt your arousal drip down your legs.
 Minho rose an eyebrow your way then, “Well, what are you waiting for?” He motioned with his head for your to draw closer to him, and you slowly began to make your way to his side. “If you’re good- you might just get daddy’s cock tonight… so don’t act up like a brat, yeah?” 
 The blood rushed through your veins wildly then, as you shifted on the bed and threw a leg around him. Carefully, you positioned yourself over his face. It was quite a rare sight- to have Minho be underneath you, flashing you that wicked smirk and studying you with those lust-filled eyes. 
 “Do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good, babydoll,” he coached in that whispery voice of his. The one he always used on you whenever he was trying to soothe you through your fifth orgasm of the night. “And if I die from suffocation of your pussy, I’d die a happy fucking man.” 
 His words set you into action and cast a light film of red fiery passion over your mind. In no time at all you were lowering yourself down on his face. 
 The moment you made contact, you were already a moaning mess. With his sharp nose pressing up into your clit, and his lips offering your cunt sweet kisses, your eyes immediately rolled into the back of your head. It felt so fucking good - everything felt so much better than you had imagined. 
 As his tongue dipped into you, lapping at your taste, you frantically ripped off your shirt, stripping yourself of your white lace bralette. At this, Minho stopped for a breath, his eyes hooded and swimming with shadows. 
 “See? You’d never kill me with just your thighs alone,” he mused, his voice rumbling against your cunt and making you yelp out in oversensitivity. One of his hands fell away from your hips, rising up to cup one of your breasts. “More like, you’d kill me with these beautiful fucking tits.” 
 With one hand, you were holding onto his head, threading fingers through his crimson locks as he got back to work between your legs. Meanwhile, your other palm was busy pressing against his, guiding his fingers as they traced across your chest, pinching and toying with your swollen peak there. 
 You ground against his face the whole time, head thrown back in pure bliss as the vilest of sounds fled from your mouth. With his nose buried against your throbbing clit, and his tongue thrusting into you with every other breath, you were quickly approaching your release. 
 “Fuck- you taste so fucking amazing, wish I could eat you every single day.” He mumbled against you. His lips sucked on you like you were the best lollipop he had ever had, the lewd sounds he was making casting across the entire dimly lit bedroom in sensuality. 
 “I-I’m gonna come-” You cried out desperately, chasing your high as you rode his face at a frantic pace. At your confession, Minho’s nails dug into the skin at your hips, fingers relentlessly toying with your breast as he delved with a renewed kind of vigor into your essence. 
 Your orgasm came over you in a blinding flash of whiteness, casting galaxies across your vision as Minho helped you ride out the wave of release. Your entire body melted against him, and just as you were slipping into the headiness of blissful weightlessness, your boyfriend was moving from underneath you. 
 Grabbing onto your hips, he was flipping your positions. And in the next breath, he was towering over you, leaning in and threading a few fingers into your hair. He pulled at the roots there, making you whine out in slight pain. The harshness forced your eyes open, and your gazes locked.
 “Now… I’m gonna fuck you so good, you’ll completely forget about that asshole from your college days,” he growled, his anger about your past abusive ex unbidden. It shined through in the way a dark look cast over his entire face. His lips attached to yours, as he sucked the breath right out of your lungs. 
 “D-Daddy… please, need your dick so fucking much,” you clawed out to him in your blurry vision, still cresting over your previous orgasm. Your hands wound behind his neck, holding his face close to yours as your kiss turned frantic - tongue against tongue, teeth clashing together. You tasted yourself on him, and the dirtiness of it all only made the pool of energy in your core grow deeper. 
 Minho yanked away from your lips, a string of saliva stretching taught between the two of you. With his strong, big hands, he grabbed ahold of either of your legs and pushed them apart. “Open wide for me, kitten… wanna see your tight little pussy as I stretch you open with my cock.” 
 You moaned wildly at his words, watching with shallow breath as he rid himself of his baggy sweatpants and black briefs. When he neared you on the bed again, you felt your heartbeat thump inside your ear. 
 “N-No condom?” You asked, voice coming out raspy from all of the cries and moans that you had been doing that night. 
 Minho stared down at you, as his weight dipped the mattress underneath you. He drew close to your frame that was splayed out of the bed haphazardly, still in your short skirt that had risen your waist exponentially. 
 “Nah- gonna fuck you raw tonight,” he began, just as he reached out to you, hand finding that same spot between your legs. Then he was drawing shapes against your puffy clit, index finger dipping into your entrance. “Gonna bust this tiny pussy wide open with my seed.” 
 You swallowed over the groan that wanted to escape from you then. And then the breath was completely caught in your throat, as Minho guided his cock through your folds. Your entire body shuddered at the feeling of it all, and you stared down between you, anticipating everything. 
 In the next beat, he was ramming into you. As soon as he sunk in, bottoming out, he set a hellish pace. Skin slapping against skin, he thrusted in and out. Already you were beginning to move up the bed, screaming out in mindless bliss. 
 “Holy shit- you’re so fucking hot, babygirl,” Minho purred lowly, as his hands gripped onto your waist, guiding you up and down on his cock with each pound of his hips, “Makes me wanna ruin you so much… you’d like that, yeah? Getting fucked over by my cock- bet it’d make you go all crazy and shit.” 
 “Mhm-” You groaned in a loud voice, eyes rolling into the back of your skull as his dick pressed into that gooey spot inside of you. His thumb ghosted over your clit, dragging you back across the cliffside of orgasm faster than you had thought. “Want you to ruin me, daddy… fuck me til I’m crying.” 
 As soon as you felt one of his hands travel up your sternum, stopping at one of your breasts, your eyes were shooting open. His fingers toyed with you, pulling and twisting your pert bud. “Oh, don’t worry, kitten,” he said, words trailing off as he pressed you so far into the bed with his rutting alone that you swore you saw the heavens cast over your mind. “I know how much of a cockwhore you are- how much of a slut you are, for dressing up so provocatively at my work- so I’m gonna give it to you nice and good… gonna have you screaming my name, mind all fuzzy and thoughts gone as I pump you full of my cum.” 
 Your eyes locked after that, and the spark that had been lit deep inside of your heart the moment you laid eyes upon Minho burned brighter. Because you knew that no matter what, he’d always love you. 
 And no amount of weight gain, or weight loss, was going to change that. 
 He was always going to be there for you, 
 Helping you survive through all of the pain and memories, 
 Guiding you on the pathway of forgetfulness, 
 Wiping your mind of all the heartbrokenness in just the right way. 
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
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A One Direction fic rec of fics that involve football (soccer) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
⚽ Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash
(E, 110k, uni) He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards
⚽ Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by @1diamondinthesun
(NR, 84k, high school) the American high school AU loosely inspired by She's All That.
⚽ Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame) by @theboyfriendstagram
(E, 84k, famous/not famous) A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
⚽ Way in the World by flowsque / @mortediunfiore
(M, 74k, both players) the one where Harry has a knee injury and an embarrassing crush on Manchester United's pretty number ten.
⚽ Caught In Your Gravity by @lululawrence
(NR, 62k, Ted Lasso au) an AU inspired by a 30 second trailer of Ted Lasso that doesn't actually have much in common with the show at all.
⚽ so grab your passport and my hand by @infinitelymint
(M, 32k, strangers to lovers) The one in which Louis plays football and Harry sings a lot, and somehow that means they're meant to be. They'll figure it out soon enough.
⚽ Higher, Further, Faster by hazzahtomlinson / @itsnotreal
(E, 31k, uni) the one where Harry decides to go to college regardless of what his team warns him about and has to face the consequences, some of which aren’t so terrible after all.
⚽ Dive (series) by @allwaswell16
(E, 21k, famous/famous) Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Along the way, he finds music, friendship, and love in the form of his pop star neighbour and the very fit movie star hiding out next door.
⚽ Hold My Breath by @zarah5
(M, 19k, injury) It's possible — possible — that his three-week ban from the football pitch makes Louis just a tad antsy. Surely it's not so bad that it warrants punishment in the form of his friends signing him up for a yoga class?
⚽ time slows down whenever you're around by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze
(E, 14k, flower shop) Louis plays "soccer" and falls for the wrong boy and Harry works in a flower shop and falls for Louis — again.
⚽ burn this flame by rainbowninja167 / @rainbowtitania
(E, 13k, famous/famous) When Harry gets invited to play in a celebrity charity match with Louis Tomlinson, Manchester United's star player, he's determined to impress him with brilliant football skills. The only flaw in Harry's otherwise foolproof plan? He has absolutely no football skills, brilliant or otherwise.
⚽ Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(E, 12k, neighbors) Harry and Louis become friends when Harry looks after Louis' cat during away games, until one night at a party changes everything between them. It's just a shame Louis' going to be away for the FIFA World Cup for three months.
⚽ Want you more than a melody by @softfonds
(E, 12k, mpreg) It's 2016, and Harry's life couldn't be better. His band is about to release their third studio album, he's dating the hottest football star on the planet, and tour is going to start the following year.
⚽ Just One Touch by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 11k, Dr Harry) When footballer Louis Tomlinson needs to get match fit in a hurry, team doctor and best mate Niall Horan prescribes an unusual form of treatment.
⚽ Down the Field by @creamcoffeelou
(M, 9k, coach Louis) Louis, a pro football player of Chelsea, is forced to retire after a severe injury to his foot.
⚽ every day and tomorrow night by @justanothershadeofblue
(E, 8k, high school) Harry stares. The new boy is beautiful, there’s no other word for him. 
⚽ Eat Your Vegetables by @bananaheathen
(M, 8k, famous/not famous) In which Louis is a celebrity footballer and Harry is the new team nutritionist.
⚽ Glass Heart by @musketrois
(G, 7k, coming out) “26-year-old West Ham footballer Louis Tomlinson was seen getting acquainted with 24-year-old pop sensation Harry Styles and others. Although it is not unordinary for these two professions to be social, we can’t wait to see what this budding relationship will bring to London’s social scene.” -Celebrity Blurb 25 March, 2017
⚽ Down To Be a Distraction by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 6k, famous/famous) The English national team is on the brink of winning the UEFA final and it all hinges on a penalty kick from team captain and national hero Louis Tomlinson, who was forcibly outed in the press right before the tournament. 
⚽ Game Changer by @neondiamond
(E, 6k, mpreg) A couple months before playing in his first long-awaited World Cup, Louis finds out he’s pregnant. Harry’s there for the ride.
⚽ The Air From My Lungs by Kikiberoski16 / @larrysballetslippers
(E, 5k, uni) Harry doesn't like to take showers in public for reasons he isn't willing to share, until Louis, the hot football captain, rocks his whole world.
⚽ the stars are coming home by lsforever / @kingonafiftymetreroad
(G, 5k, established relationship) After three years together and nearly a full year of marriage, Harry has finally been permitted to sit in for one of the team’s practices. 
⚽ every night with us (is like a dream) by moon_rose25 / @darkinfinity
(T, 2k, established relationship) A look into the life of a professional football player dating a physical therapist.
⚽ 2,870 Miles by @sadaveniren
(G, 1k, mpreg) Harry hated the BT Sports commentators, but considering he couldn’t fly to Baku while eight months pregnant this was all he had if he wanted to watch his husband in the Europa League final.
—Rare Pairs—
⚽ love and kickin'!verse by camiii
(E, 140k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) the fic where Nick has no interest in football but is dragged to a football match, Louis is the Arsenal player that catches his attention, and maybe there are some redeeming qualities to the game after all.
⚽ Devoted by @nouies
(E, 5k, Louis/Alisson Becker) A collection of drabbles about Louis’ life as the housewife of a professional football player.
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hazeracha · 4 months
• // things that remind me of bang chan <3 // •
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✧.* *ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✩‧₊˚ ✧.* ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˚ . ✧
the ocean - he’s an aussie boy 🌊
hoodies - always brings you comfort ( black hoodie preferably ) 🖤
headphones - has music playing 24/7 and has good song recs 🎶🎧
late night walks - mainly from his insta posts, he’s always out late at night 🌃
studios - always working creating bangers 💻
night sky - he loves the stars and the universe 🌌
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi!!! Your posts are always amazing and I have so many bookmarked because you create the best little collections. Anyway, I am in a big BL rut right now and I can't seem to get into anything. Any fast-paced, recs that can bring me out of my slump? Thanks so so much :)
Oooo, fast paced is pretty subjective lemme think...
Imma got with the narrative sense of the word pacing (rather than just an in-your-face fast-moving plot, although that too,) so: good tension, craft, and narrative. Here's my pulls - I went broad and into the well, in case you had seen some recent stuff.
10 Fast-Paced BLs to Pull You Out of a Slump
(I'm assuming you have seen KinnPorsche)
I did a quick pitch for each cause I'm drunk so maybe they're funny, all spelling errors are my own and the result of growing up in 3 different English speaking nations and 2 non-English ones.
Someone wanted more elevator pitches a while ago, here ya go!
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Our Dating Sim - nerds in love, reunion, deadlines, gaming, teasing, pining tiny idiots, ADORABLE
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2. Semantic Error - you cannot be a BL fan and not have watched this, the ultimate enemies to lovers, also the prettiest
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3. To My Star - neurotic actor (actual puppy), grumpy chef, sparks, cooking lessons, LOVE!
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4. We Best Love - defines fast paced in romance, literally when asked why his character fell in love so fast Yu said, "well I only had one 20 minute episode." Yet... we BELIEVED IT.
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5. HIStory 2: Crossing the Line - it's a perfect sports romance, don't bother me with trifles
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6. Not Me - also how do you say antidisestablishmentarianism in Thai? + hot boys kissing who probably shouldn't be and convoluted soap opera identical twins plot... someone at GMMTV thought it made sense, we just here for the tattoos and the the Pride scene
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7. The Eighth Sense - who let Korea be this angsty? SO MUCH TENSION.
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8. Unintentional Love Story - omg the plot, forced into a totally understandable betrayal, falling in love despite himself, put into a corner he can't get out of, the AGONY, the eyes EMOTING at us in PAIN
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9. HIStory 3: Trapped - hot cop falls in love with hotter mafia boss he is chasing for MURDER (bonus weirdly domesticated switch-blade wielding hit-man obsessed with geeky police tech support - COME ON)
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10. Long Time No See - assassins, cat fishing, either side of a turf war, HOT sex scenes then even hotter beating the shit out of each other and kissing while COVERED IN BLOOD (this came from KOREA?)
All kinds of flavors.
One of them just HAS to work!
If not, you could go for shorts. Try Strongberry:
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pjohoo-reclists · 10 months
Outsider POV Fic Recs
A list of fics where mortals get glimpses of the greek world and/or demigods. Last updated on 8/8/23. Enjoy!
This is War by Tibbitoo
Gen | 1.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Titan War, Violence, Angst
Because even though the movies get it all wrong, Paul Blofis knows. War is war, and seeing those demigods fighting for their lives, seeing the fallen on the ground, made him finally understand. This wasn't a dream, but a cruel reality where Good and Evil clashed in a bloody battle. This wasn't a book where Good always won. This was a real war. It was reality. His stepson's reality.
Start Over by RainKiss
Gen | 1.5k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Goode High School, poor education system, Paul is a good dad
Mr. Morelli is not a nervous person by character, but the file in front of him gives the scholastic transgressions of the new kid, who has been allowed to attend Goode High school—the place where he works.
Um.... Oops? by grainjew
Gen | 2.8k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Identity Reveal, Post TLO, Pre HoO
Scarlet Williams, sophomore at Goode High School, was stretched out in the back of her friend Percy's car when a twelve year old materialized in the passenger seat. The next thing she knew, apparently Greek mythology was real and liked trying to kill her friend. Great.
Riding on the Rolling Tide by mrthology
T | 3k | Complete
Jason Grace & Percy Jackson
AU, Slice of Life, Crack Treated Seriously
“I think that’s Percy Jackson!” “Who?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “The kid who jumped off the St Louis arch years ago, and then there was all that weirdness,” she added, waving her hands for effect, “with a kidnapping or something.” “Oh, the one that’s a demigod?” “Yeah,” she said. She still wasn’t sure if she believed in gods or demigods, but it was hard to deny it at this point. Monsters and worse walked among them, and Sarah hated it. At first, she’d thought it was some strange publicity stunt for an upcoming show or movie—studios had done stranger things to draw crowds, after all—but she knew better now. Gods were real, and so were monsters. ... After the Second Giant War, the Mist falls. The results aren't what anyone expected.
Someone to You by mrthology
Gen | 3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Triton, Amphitrite, Paul Blofis' Parents, Estelle Blofis
Triton is a Good Sibling, Big Brother Percy, Slice of Life
Anna wasn't sure what to think of Percy Jackson, truth be told, having only met him twice. She adored her daughter in law Sally and her little granddaughter, but there was something about Percy that put her on edge. She had no idea what - he was a kind boy, eager to help with his baby sister when most teenagers would run for the hills and clearly adored his mother - but there was just something about him, something about his too-bright eyes that made her feel uneasy. ~~~ Or, Paul's parents are taking care of Estelle for a few days. When picking her up, they meet Percy again as well as his older brother (what was his name? Tri?). At this point, Anna just wants to know what the dad looks like to have kids that look like THIS. Especially when, several days later, they meet the stepmother as well.
Here On The Sunny Side by mrthology
Gen | 4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Apollo
Post Trials of Apollo, New Rome University, Attempt at Humor
“Just talk to him.” Cody blinked. He could do a lot of things, but approaching Percy Jackson and just talking to him was not one of those things. “We can’t just go and talk to him!” Aida yelped, shifting nervously in her seat. Cody agreed. Percy Jackson was nothing if not intimidating. He’d done so much for Camp Jupiter and walked with more gods than Cody could begin to fathom. There were even rumours that Jupiter (or, Cody supposed, Zeus) had offered him godhood when he’d only been sixteen. Everyone in New Rome knew he spent time in his father’s realm below the sea, and even the Praetors seemed to defer to him at times. No. Cody couldn’t just go up and talk to Percy Jackson. Not many in New Rome would dare. ——— Or, Percy’s part of a group project at NRU. His group mates aren’t exactly sure what to make of him. Or of his mysterious paramour.
A Thin Barrier Between Two Worlds by Skywalking_through_life
T | 5.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Hudson River Spirit
Post Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, Eavesdropping
"'Man, If I avoided everyone with a bone to pick with me, I'd be a hermit. But I haven't figured out what I'm supposed to have actually done this time?" He could only see half of Percy's face, and even that at a distance, but there was no mistaking the lazy smirk he was wearing, or the way his arms were casually folded across his chest. He wasn't scared of this guy, which didn't make a lick of sense, because just the guy's voice was scaring Giovanni. What could the rest of him look like? "Don't play stupid, kid, it ain't a good look for you. You know good and well what you did." A sudden thud shook the wood of the old dock, making it creak and sway and causing bits of plank to fall. When the dust cleared, Giovanni bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from gasping, because now that he could see both people above him, he wasn't sure the person opposite Percy was, in fact, human. In which Giovanni learns that there is such a thing as knowing too much about the world around him...
The Overwhelming Specter of Your Mothers Book Club by 60sec400
Not Rated | 5.9k Complete
Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis
Meeting the Parents, Sally Jackson is a Good Parent, Oneshot
Martha Blofis stared at her son in shock. “What do you mean,” she said slowly, “that you’re married?” Her son fidgeted nervously. First, he ran a hand through his peppered hair, and then his eyes flickered down and away. Then he lifted them again and smiled meekly at her. “Paul,” she said, “I need you to tell me what in gods name you were thinking.” “Her name is Sally Jackson?” Paul said, his voice lifting as he weren’t quite sure what the name of his wife was. AKA Paul tells his mother he hasn't seen in four years that he's married. Really, the only thing she can think about is what she's going to tell her book club.
Percy Jackson and the Scrutiny of his Coworkers by pqrker
Gen | 6.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Original Characters
Marine Biologist Percy Jackson, Adult Percy Jackson
Jim turned back to the tank and looked at Marcie the seal, who was now staring at the spot his coworker had been standing just moments before with that same strange look of reverence in her eyes. Percy Jackson truly was the oddest person Jim Elpool had ever worked with. or 5 times percy's coworkers were confounded by his fish magic, plus 1 time they try to figure it out.
More Things in Heaven and Earth by Skywalking_through_life
T | 7.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post-Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, High School
"Sticking her head further out of the light of her doorway and into the dark hallway, she peered left and right, trying to catch a glimpse of movement in the shadows beyond the dim glow of the emergency lights. Nothing. But as her eyes fell on the bank of lockers outside her classroom where the first thud had come from, they widened in horror. A long smear of blood, thick enough to start to drip down the dented metal, stained two of the lockers." Ms. Lafayette is a teacher, not a detective. But that doesn't mean she's not curious - and concerned - when a trail of blood appears in the hallway outside her classroom in the early hours of the morning...
good doesn't equal Goode by vani_em
Gen | 7.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Paul Blofis
off screen Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, BAMF Percy Jackson, good dad Paul Blofis
One thing was clear: Percy Jackson was not Goode High School material.
In a Field of Dandelions by mrthology
T | 7.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Future Fic, Kid Fic, Domestic Fluff
"You okay there?" she asked once she was closer, smiling in what she hoped was a welcoming manner. The man smiled back, still looking a bit confused. Nicky's breath caught in her chest when he met her eyes. His gaze was a little too vivid, his bone structure a little too perfect. He seemed a little too much more than human. Part of her wanted to run, while another part wanted to follow him to the ends of the earth and beyond. "I think so," he replied, breaking the spell. "Just trying to figure out day one, I suppose. I'm Percy!" ----- Percy and Annabeth's eldest child starts school. Percy inadvertently causes a bit of a stir, and Annabeth isn't jealous, not at all.
[conduct] not unbecoming men who [strive] with gods by Skywalking_through_life
T | 8k+ | On-going as of 8/8/23
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Post Second Giant War, Slice of Life, Identity Reveal
"Some students find it hard to find a poem that they identify with," she said simply, even tone belying the gravity of the look she was giving him. "I…I can imagine that you, perhaps, might be one of them." For a moment, he just stared back at her, heart now thumping almost painfully fast as he tried to decide how to respond to that. She was right of course, but now that the moment he'd been waiting for had definitely arrived, was he really prepared to do this? "Are we talking about poetry?" He finally asked, mouth dry, as though he didn't already know the answer to his own question, "Or are we talking about…something else?" Or, a week in the life of Percy's senior year, featuring: a poetry project, a swim meet, prom, several identity crises, and maybe, just maybe, a long-overdue conversation with a certain sharp-eyed teacher.
some have entertained angels unaware by Skywalking_through_life
T | 21k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis, Minor or Background Relationships, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post Second Giant War, Field Trip, Powerful Percy Jackson
"Slumping at the table next to his now slightly raspy stepfather, Percy decided to make one last appeal. "Paul, you can't seriously think me dying of frostbite or exposure on the way to see the Statue of Liberty for the eighty-millionth time is a good death, right? Like, I could do so much better." Paul shrugged, eyes dancing. "I'm not the expert on death in this family, Perce. But I do imagine it's probably more heroic than dying of boredom in US Government class?"' Percy didn't think there was a god of field trips, but if there was...he was pretty sure that they hated him.
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The Mafia by @inyournightmares97
The Inevitability of You by @yehet-me-up
Soulmate series by @fantastic-bby (Mark, Jaebeom, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom)
Firework by @inyournightmares97
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Trust Issues by @jeonronwoo
Mark x gn!reader (wc - 1.7k) established relationship - angst, hurt/comfort
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Suits by @bambikisss
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Making a Move by @milfgyuu
Jinyoung x fem!reader (wc - 2.7k) roommates, friends to lovers - humour, smut, fluff
Destined by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader soulmates - angst, fluff, smut You craved meeting your soulmate, but you wished more than anything he could be your best friend, Mark. When Mark finally meets his soulmate, you get the chance to find yours and he’s not at all what you expected.
enough by @ahgaseda
Jinyoung x fem!reader mafia, exes to lovers - angst, smut to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
The Trial Period by @prettywordsyouleft
Jinyoung x fem!reader enemies to lovers - angst, fluff, romance, suggestive When the perfect studio space comes up, you leap at the chance to take it. Except, so has Park Jinyoung, someone you have hated for the past three years. Given three months to share the space before deciding who will claim it, can you push Jinyoung out by the end of your trial period, or will you find that the tactics you both use leads to something unexpected?
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Open Tab by @milfgyuu
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Youngjae x fem!reader (wc - 15k) strangers to lovers, mutual pining - fluff It took Choi Youngjae seven weddings to fall in love with you.
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I Think I Love You by @milfgyuu
Bambam x fem!reader (wc - 2.1k) coworkers/friends to lovers - fluff, crack Bambam rescues you from the company party and makes a rooftop confession to you under the stars. It’s kind of magical.
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oh my god, they were roommates by @babybirdgyeom
Yugyeom x reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers, mutual pining - fluff One night you couldn’t resist your roommate Yugyeom anymore and finally gave in.
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