#Infant Elephant
gallusrostromegalus · 11 months
Speaking of public health. What was the soul society reaction to the eradication of small pox like?
"You notice there's a lot less dead babies these days?" Iba asked in the middle of one morning's office work.
"Fewer dead babies." Komamura corrected without thinking. "Less is for things you measure by volume, fewer for things you count. We do not measure dead babies by volume."
"Oh. right." Iba nodded. "Yeah, that wouldn't be right."
After a moment, what his lieutenant actually said caught up with him. "Sorry- force of habit from living with a Librarian." Komamura shook his head and looked up from the monthly intake statistics analysis report, peering at Tetsuzaemon Iba through the narrow gap of his helmet. "What do you mean, fewer dead babies?"
"I dunno, it just occurred to me. When I started the academy in the 40's- right after the catastrophe- we did a student tour of the 7th division's recently deceased souls intake queue, remember?" Iba waved his hand leaning back in his chair, apparently uncertain of where he was going with this either, but articulating his thoughts.
"I believe so. I had just taken over from Captain Kotsubaki." Komamura nodded, patient. Chikane Iba was an excellent shinigami and had done a magnificent job running the third division, but she had a tendency to talk over and bulldoze her son, so Komamura had learned to be patient when the young man when he felt like he should share a thought.
"Yeah, yeah- Not gonna lie Boss, you scared the crap out of me back then." Tetsuzaemon laughed. "-But the thing that stuck out to me that day was just. The sheer number of Infants and little kids in the line. the guy giving us the tour- I think it was Old Ito, actually- He said that one in five babies in the living world didn't live to see their fifth birthday."
"An improvement even back then- it was one in three children when back when I started in the 1840s." Komamura nodded. "It's funny that I frightened you- Captain Aikawa apparently headhunted me for the 7th because Kaname told him about how the children at the library used to use me as playground equipment."
"Good grief." Iba blanched. "So, what, he threw you in the deep end with all the dead kids?"
"In Captain Aikawa's defense, I did volunteer to handle children's cases. As sad as a frightened infant is, it's infinitely preferable than dealing with the deceased who are angry."
Iba frowned, opened his mouth like he was about to object, reconsidered, closed it, considered further, rocking his head from side to side, and then nodded. "I- yeah, Yeah, that tracks."
"You were saying though?" Komamura laced his fingers in front of him, leaning forward to listen.
"Oh! Well- not as much these days but back then, every family had like seven and eight kids, you know? And I realized that, well- almost everyone I know has a dead sibling or two? Almost every mother lost a child- Gods know my mother's a basket case but even getting a cold could send her into fits. If something had happened to me when I was a tyke- I don't think she would have pulled through."
Komamura nodded enough for Iba to see his helmet tilt to indicate he as still listening.
"I- I don't actually know where I was going with this, but I was reading that report earlier and there's a note from Shita-san at the end that this is the first month we haven't had a kid under the age of five in the intake queue. Ever."
Komamura flipped though the pages of the report to read the hand-written note at the end. "That is excellent news!"
"Oh! Yeah! It's great!" Iba nodded enthusiastically. "It just- I don't know, I guess it just snuck up on me and I'm so used to hearing something went wrong I guess I don't quite know what to do with good news?" he shrugged.
Komamura pondered this for a moment. "Hm. Well. Take heart, to start. But I see what you mean- it's a tremendous achievement, but not one we contributed to, and a "No Dead Babies This Month" office party feels in poor taste at best."
"Oof, yeah- especially if next month there's an accident or something and there's a whole bunch in the queue." Iba nodded. He considered things for a moment.
"-What happened that there are le- fewer dead babies, actually?" Iba frowned. "-Whoever it is, it would be appropriate to toast them and make an offering in their name to the Gods of Good Fortune, I think. Also do more of whatever they did."
"That IS a good idea!" Komamura smiled under his helmet. Perhaps it was his training as a priest, but he did enjoy an offering of goodwill ceremony. Also, nobody would ask him to drink- just pour any alcohol he was offered on the statue of the relevant deity. "I think- It's probably in our statistics, if the tenth division doesn't have an idea already. Can you collect the cause of death data for young children for the last-"
He was interrupted by the thunderous footsteps of someone sprinting towards the office, immediately followed by a tall young woman with short white hair throwing the door open, red-faced and winded.
"THEY DID IT! THE MAD BASTARDS THEY DID IT!" She shouted with wild excitement.
"Isane-? Uh, Miss Kotetsu?" Iba flustered.
"Please keep your voice down-" Komamura said through gritted teeth, trying not to growl at being suddenly shouted at. "Who has-?"
He was interrupted by Miss Kotetsu bolting right up to his desk and shoving a newspaper into his face hard enough to actually wrap around his helmet in excitement.
"SMALLPOX! IT'S GONE!!" She shrieked with joy.
"-gone?" Iba asked, bewildered as Komamura gently took the newspaper from her and pulled it back to actually read it. It was a newspaper from the living world, dated that morning- someone had gone through some pains to get it back to the Seireitei at speed, but the news was worth it:
"So like. Nobody has it this year?" Iba tried.
"Nobody has it this year, or will ever have it again, if I'm reading this right." Komamura muttered in awe. "Thanks to an aggressive worldwide vaccination and disease protocol program, there have been no human cases of the disease for several years. Since there are no people infected, there is no way for the disease to come back..."
Both men stared into space, the news almost unbelievable.
"Well. That does explain the Less Dead Babies thing." Iba nodded.
"Fewer Dead Babies." Komamura and Isane corrected in unison.
"I mean yeah that sure is part of it because Smallpox was the number one killer of infants in the living world for a long time there, but there's a whole bunch of stuff that's really cut down on infant mortality in the last few decades in particular." Isane nodded.
"We were JUST Talking about that!" Iba said, excitedly. "-Good to know you guys in the fourth are keeping track of that, It was gonna take forever to pull out that data..."
"Oh, could you pull it out anyway Tetsu-kun?" She asked. "-That's most of why I came over- I mean, to share the good news first, but Unohana-Taicho is planning on using this to really push a widespread vaccination program in the Rukongai and having the numbers to back us up would be really helpful!"
"Oh! Uh, sure!" Iba blushed.
"...You know this young lady, Tetsu-Kun?" Komamura lightly teased.
Both of the young people twitched and bowed to him, pointing at each other and speaking at once.
"Oh! I'm sorry Sir, I'm fourth division third seat Isane Kotetsu, i just know Iba because we were in the same class at the academy-" She babbled.
"-this is Isane Kotetsu, she's the smartest person I know and she saved my life from a lizard one time!" He waved excitedly.
"...That lizard was not going to kill you." She sighed, covering her face in embarrassment. "-I mean, if you developed a sepsis infection from the contaminated wound it might have made you very ill but that would take weeks and we have antibiotics for that, the lizard itself wasn't all that dangerous."
"It was INSIDE my LEG!" Iba gestured to his right thigh.
Komamura slowly tilted his whole torso sideways at Iba, hoping that sentence might make more sense at a forty-five degree angle. "...How?"
"I. Uh." Iba stopped, realizing his story was maybe not one he should be telling his boss. "I was. um. Out camping with the lads back when I was in the 11th, and a lizard climbed into my cot and I was. not totally awake and thought someone was trying to cop a feel and well you know, that's behavior you respond to with force so I rolled over and tried to stab the intruder's hand and. Uh. Missed."
Komamura continued to stare at him blankly.
"There was. screaming. lotta flailing, blood, general mayhem sort of thing. And in the confusion the Lizard.... climbed. inside the hole. In my leg. Sir." Iba explained, slowly crumpling behind his desk.
Komamura sighed deeply.
"-but Miss Isane was right there and actually kicked Ikkaku halfway across the camp because he was trying to lure it out with a Banana and generally being useless and she just grabbed that sucker and ripped him right outta there and had the wound packed and sealed in less than a minute and I even got to finish doing boot camp!" He rallied, cheerfully waving at Isane in hopes of distracting his captain with how cool she was.
"...What happened to the lizard?" Komamura asked, warily eyeing her through the gap in his helmet.
"Oh! He was really, really human acclimated and sneaked into my medkit rather than go back into the wild, so Harry lives a very spoiled lizard life in a terrarium in my room at home! Though it's actually my sister's room now but he still gets all the mango and smashed beetles he can eat!" Isane nodded cheerfully.
"You named a lizard. Harry?" Komamura asked slowly.
"...Iba-san named him, actually." She blushed.
"Ironically!" Iba protested. "I'm only mostly stupid, sir."
Komamura sighed deeply and once again regretted that his disguise would not let him rub his face as needed. "Alright. Thank you for the announcement, Miss Kotetsu. We will get that data to you in a timely manner- was there anything else you needed"
"Oh gosh, there was something else, what was it-?" She tapped her chin, trying to remember.
There was the distant sound of explosives, and all three of them turned to see what looked like midday fireworks going off at the 4th.
"Oh Right! Unohana-taicho requests your presence at the 4th as. Um. 'Designated Non-Drinker and Unarmed Combat Specialist' because the party was getting kind of wild when I left actually-"
Komamura sighed, and picked up Tenken from his stand and started tying the zanpaktou to his belt anyway.
The following morning, a small party arrived at the local shrines to The Gods Of Good Fortune, bearing offerings on behalf of the living world's World Health Organization and the handful of names they'd been able to glean from the living world newspapers, and nursing varying degrees of of hangover.
Komamura lead the party, having gotten them up at a slightly malicious 5AM to be there first thing in the morning. Tetsuzaemon and his friends from the 11th he insisted come along and 'suffer with me, as my sworn brothers' were quite pained but doing their best to hold it together.
Shunsui was a veteran of this nonsense and was hiding the pain very well behind his longtime party companions, Ukitake and Unohana, who seemed so extraordinarily cheerful that Komamura had to conclude that they were both still significantly chemically altered. He couldn't fault Unohana- they were faint and only visible on the rare occasions she let her hair down, but just below her left ear there was still the faint divot scars from surviving her own infection.
Isane had celebrated just as hard as the 11th Division lads, but had also had the good sense to alternate beer and water and take both aspirin and some sort of horrible pink goop that apparently relieved nausea before passing out under a table and had woken up only slightly groggy.
Komamura's new friend Harry the Lizard- a remarkably loquacious and quick-witted reptile -had taken up residence inside his helmet, lightly intoxicated on the cocktail fruits people had kept feeding him, and was politely nestled in the thick fur of his neck to ward off the morning cold.
The rituals of gratitude for this miracle, and asking the Gods to bless those who had worked so hard went smoothly, and Komamura couldn't help but notice when he turned around that Miss Kotetsu had opted to lean on the shoulder of 'Tetsu-kun'.
It was not often Komamura started the day with the feeling that everything would turn out alright, but as he watched Tetsuzaemon cautiously but gracelessly take Isane's hand and her squeeze it back on the way back down from the shrine, he felt like the feeling might stay this time.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Just imagining, in a world where Wukogn wasn't immediately trapped in the scroll of memory after Azure freed the rest of the Brotherhood, he'd have some things to say. I'm thinking TMKATI au post Wu is Wikong reveal
Wu: MK... who helped you get me out of there?
MK: Oh, this only friend of yours. Called himself the Azure Lion?
Wu, immediately going pale as a ghost: Azure Lion!? MK, please tell me you didn't listen to him or make any deals!
Pigsy: What? Why would it be such a big deal? He's your friend isn't he?
Wu: Azure is anything but a friend! He's the reason I was trapped on the Furnace and under the Mountain to begin with, him and his rebellion!
Tang: Uh, what? But all the stories say it was because of the Havoc you caused!
Wu: The Peach Festival I crashed and ruined was hardly important enough for Heaven to do what they did to me, even with the pills and immortal peaches and wine I had stolen. It was just the catalyst. I was still a cub back then, a stupid, reckless cub who was impressionable enough to trust the wrong person. And then Azure had left me to take the fall for the rebellion he had started! Whatever you do, don't trust Azure!
Tang, taking in the implications: ...I'll kill him.
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Even if Azure did not realise it himself, he had built Wukong up in his mind to be the matyr of the Rebellion. And when Wukong surrendered, rather than die for it, Azure became convinced it was a great betrayal.
There's even hints of Macaque recognising/suspecting this sort of manipulation all the way back during their carefree Brotherhood days. There's a split second in "New Adventures" just after Azure convinces the others to make Wukong the leader of the rebellion, when Macaque is clearly unhappy/thinking about the situation. The only reason he doesn't speak out then and there is because Wukong seemed so sure of it. We see a similar look again just before they head out on their first attack.
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And of course there's the memory Tang wanders into in "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon" thats very telling;
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Peng: "Wukong is a traitor! He'll end us the first chance he gets!" Yellowtusk: "Yes. The Stone Monkey is unpredictable. Now he's thrown his lot in with the Celestial Host, there's no telling where his true allegiances lie." Peng: "You're characteristically quiet, Macaque!" Macaque: "I just think we should consider all our options before we—" Peng: "What's to consider? Wukong's made his choice. I say we strike him down now while we have the chance!"
The Trio are discussing attacking Wukong for aligning himself with "the Celestial Host" [i.e helping Tripitaka on the Journey so he can do parole] - the memory taking place within Camel Ridge.
Macaque's reaction brings up a super interesting twist to the story told in JTTW. Was the whole plan of disguising himself as Wukong and taking the scriptures not his own? Did the other three or an unknown villain working in the background insist he do so? Did he do it to stall Wukong so that his best friend/mate did not fall into a trap from the rest of the Brotherhood? Did Macaque die trying to give Wukong another option less the Monkey King risk being captured or worse at the hands of his former sworn brothers?
Macaque recognised that *something* was super wrong in how the Brotherhood treated Wukong, especially how Azure directed the situation. But being the same, barely-a-cub, age Wukong was at the time, Macaque wasn't sure/confident enough to speak out about it.
And ofc this whole thing with the Brotherhood would come to a boil in the TMKATI au when Macaque and Wukong are having their Big Fight.
Wukong/Wu had long since recognised that Azure was grooming/manipulating him for the fall, but isn't sure why he tried attacking him afterwards. Macaque is a bit proud in a "I told you so"-way and says that Azure had expected Wukong to *die* in the war as a matyr rather than live as a prisoner.
Wukong: "Why didn't you say anything!?" Macaque: "I was as young and stupid as you were! I only wanted to see you happy!" Wukong: "Oh yeah! Like you did when you left me under that mountain!" Macaque: "You weren't exactly grateful for the company at the time." Wukong: "Uh, need I remind you that before I was imprisoned, I had just spent 49 days being broiled alive!? I wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders. You could have atleast tried to visit me after a few years!" Macaque, uncharastically quiet: "I wanted to..." Wukong: "Huh?" Macaque: (*goes silent and leaves the room*) Wukong: "Wait! Mihou! What do you mean "you wanted" to!?"
note: Tang is accidentally privy to this convo cus he was in the stairwell when it started and got nosey. Then he kinda gets kidnapped by a baby bull demon before he can ramble his discovery to Pigsy and/or Sandy.
Wu gives the clipnote version of events to the gang as he's trying The Big Stupid, and they are horrified. The Monkey King, one of the most infamous tricksters in folkore, was ultimately a groomed teenager at the time of his punishment! And the Macaque was in the same boat, just more cautious...
When things are said and done - Wukong and Macaque go out of their way to tell their kids to always be wary of powerful people who put you on a pedestal. Perhaps not delving into their personal history (they are Normal Demon Parents™ afterall), but using the story of the Monkey King and his Brotherhood as an aesop. The Monkey King had many friends who thought he should lead them, but they shrunk away for whatever reasons when he chose to live and not die in heaven.
MK thinks its the saddest "superhero backstory" ever.
So when S4 of TMKATI comes about and the memory curse gets loose...
Azure Lion: "Ah, Monkie Kid-" MK:
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Legit the only reason Azure is able to get away unscathed is because he's the only one who knows how the Scroll works and MK and the rest of the babus want their parents back.
Red Son is on standby (fire ready) outside the Scroll in case Azure tries some sh-t. But of course that doesn't last long.
Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy: (*released from the scroll. Sees Azure Lion*) All three: "YOU."
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Then again this is all with the idea that someone else was additionally pulling the strings to ensure the demons downfall...
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fastenwick · 11 months
Random Terk from Tarzan appreciation.
I love how the animals look like animals no matter their gender.
For example, Terk.
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A female gorilla that looks like a gorilla, im love her. She is a bitch in the best way, sassy and a clumsy oaf. She was my favorite as a kid.
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moveleftslightly · 11 months
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Lusaka 2017.
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
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I'm Graham and Bonding - Paper
(plaintext under cut)
Slender Jesus is here to assign you an RPG
First Name
Last Name
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
HANDS ON YOU — lee heeseung
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IN WHICH; I-LAND 2 happened and you debuted first place as the leader of LUMIÈRE. Having been told that your group is involved in a lore crossover with ENHYPEN, you navigate work, friendship, and love while trying to make it in an industry filled with animosity and condemnation. When life throws you lemons, you gotta make lemonades chuck it right back!
PAIRING: idol!heeseung x idol!fem!reader
GENRE: smau, strangers to lovers, celebrity x celebrity, forbidden love, fluff, don’t let the first part of the smau fool you i swear it’s full on angst towards the end, slowest of the slow burns…
WARNINGS: contains profanities, horrible humour, kys/kms jokes, sexual innuendos, spelling errors, incorrect timestamps, probably some cringe-worthy moments, cyberbullying, racist and misogynistic comments made about reader, death threats, mentions/depictions of overworking, insomnia, eating disorders, not proofread etc. (i am not in anyway romanticising, encouraging or condoning the usage of these topics. purely for the plot and development of the story.)
STATUS: completed! (04/06/2023 – 08/08/2023)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: please read! literally my first attempt at a smau so please don't flame me 💀 i must warn y’all that the timestamps are really all over the place, so DO NOT pay attention to them until stated. the content and depiction of the characters in this smau do not in anyway represent them in real life. chapters with ‘(hw)’ next to them indicates that they are half-written, in case y’all accidentally skip over it! last but not least, if you do end up enjoying it please like, comment (absolutely love reading comments!), and reblog! without further ado, enjoy!!
p.s this was written way before the actual airing of I-LAND 2 and not meant to be connected with the real show/contestants in anyway.
TAGS: #tfwy handsonyou
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prologue - introducing LUMIÈRE part 1 | part 2
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profile. one | two
chapter 1 - number 1 hater
chapter 2 - infant
chapter 3 - #prayersformarklee ✊🤞
chapter 4 - dog-eater…? (hw)
chapter 5 - breaking records(?)
chapter 6 - still employed!
chapter 7 - bad publicity is still publicity
chapter 8 - to hee or not to hee
chapter 9 - the heist
chapter 10 - trigger warning
chapter 11 - soompitydimpity
chapter 12 - chronic insomnia
chapter 13 - to hee after all
chapter 14 - wild pokémon heeseungie
chapter 15 - artists
chapter 16 - that should be me
chapter 17 - bills
chapter 18 - the elephant in the room (hw)
chapter 19 - if you let me
chapter 20 - trouble? travel! (hw)
chapter 21 - caught in a lie
chapter 22 - always on your side
chapter 23 - princess syndrome
chapter 24 - you (hw)
chapter 25 - golden thread
chapter 26 - way back home (hw)
chapter 27 - uh oh…
chapter 28 - fight or flight
chapter 29 - close friends
chapter 30 - paradoxx invasion
chapter 31 - ramen
chapter 32 - 080923 (hw)
chapter 33 - driver
chapter 34 - demure and honest
chapter 35 - p-platonic?!?
chapter 36 - friends don’t look at friends that way
chapter 37 - bungeoppang
chapter 38 - back to the way things were..?
chapter 39 - wheel of fortune
chapter 40 - i miss holding your hand (hw)
chapter 41 - sooha (real)
chapter 42 - rizzseung
chapter 43 - project luminescence
chapter 44 - i will go to you like the first snow (hw)
chapter 45 - it’s awfully quiet…
chapter 46 - jake pick me era?
chapter 47 - my life without you is a misery
chapter 48 - your honour, i’m innocent
chapter 49 - breaking my silence
chapter 50 - he’s being exploited!
chapter 51 (finale) - number 1 fan (hw)
epilogue - forever ruined by you
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bonus chapter!
the exes talk
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Copyright© 2023 thatfeelinwhenyou All Rights Reserved
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
Hey hun, how are you?❤️ i saw you had only one tim bradford imagine. Can you do one from Tim’s pov where the reader is a part of the crew and she gets hurt during an operation with them and Tim who secretly has feelings for her has to save and protect her? Thank youu. Much lovee 💖💖
thank you so much for your request!
pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader, The Rookie x fem!reader
summery: see request :)
pt. 2
word count: 1.6k
warnings: age gap - reader is a rookie, reader getting hurt, season 3 spoilers, reader getting shot, blood, some swear words
note: enjoy :)) i hope it's something like what you had in mind
masterlist / taglist
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It was your last day as a rookie. Chen and West were just as excited as you were. Finally, those days of Tim-Testing, as Lucy likes to call it lovingly, were going to be over. It was sad having to part from Lucy, you two have been riding together with Tim since the start of your rookie days. It wasn’t sure if Tim or Lucy would stay your partner, it had still to be determined. 
As you all sat in the car, Tim spoke up about the elephant in the room; both of your future in the station. “I’m just going to say it, Chen, you don’t have what it takes to be an undercover agent. You don’t have the killer instinct. And you, y/n, I don’t know if you’d make a great detective”, his eyes stayed on the road as you and Lucy looked at each other. “And what do you mean by ‘the killer instinct’?”, Luca was curious, she really wanted to be an undercover agent, so she would take all the help and information she could get. 
“You don’t have what it takes, it’s that simple. You must make your targets your best friends and then, bham, stab them in their backs. You don’t have that.” 
“Okay, uhm, thank you for that. I, uh, really appreciate it. Since we’re on our confessing train, I just wanted to tell you something, before we probably part”, Lucy looked back at you from the passenger seat and winked at you. What exactly was her plan? 
Tim had a confused look on his face. He was thinking the exact same thing as you did; what the hell was Chen’s plan. 
“It’s a little weird with y/n in the car, but when will I ever have this opportunity again. Tim, I like you, and not just a bit, I really like you. And I don’t know what we should do about it, because I feel your connection to me as well.” 
Tim was shocked, Chen liked him? No, this couldn’t be, he didn’t want it to be. Because he had been secretly thinking about you and counting down the days you were officially without a TO. If Chen liked him, what would you think? Did you know and helped her confess her love to him? So many questions were going through his minds, but they immediately stopped, as he heard a loud and annoying laugh. 
Lucy Chen was laughing at him. She was laughing at his shocked face and his horror filled eyes. She was laughing at him how genuinely confused he looked and how his body tensed up immediately. 
“Chill, Bradford. I was just joking. See, I do have your killer instinct”, Lucy said tauntingly to him. All while you were snickering to yourself on the backseat. His eyes found yours through the rear mirror. “And what are you laughing about?”, Tim’s look changed from shock to a cute smile. He couldn’t stop himself, as he saw you giggling all by yourself. 
You instantly stopped laughing: “Nothing, I was just looking for potential crime.” Tim smiled; sure, you were. 
Time went by, calls were answered, and crime was stopped but nothing interesting really happened. It was your last day as a Rookie, you wanted to have one more day of supervised action, oh, how you wished you could have taken that statement back. Because as soon as that AMBER-Alert came in, chaos erupted. 
An infant was missing, the drug-addicted and known criminal father was suspected. But as you three arrived at his appartement, the baby was not there. What he did have was a gun. You didn’t see it, but Tim did. It was too late to warn you, so as you tried to calm him down, he took his gun and shot you right through the stomach.
You fell to the ground.
Pain shooting through your whole body.
Your eyes closed, feeling like you were dying. 
Tim saw the whole thing in slow-motion, he saw the bullet rip through your body. He saw your body hitting the ground. He saw as your eyes rolled back into your head and he saw the life leave your body. Fuck – he was scared. What if you died? He would never be able to tell you his feelings. 
As Tim stood there frozen, Lucy arrested the man. She read him his rights and stored him away in the car. As she came back, she expected Tim to be performing first aid, but he still stood there, stuck, and frozen to the ground. So, she rushed to you, put pressure on the wound, you didn’t react – not a good sign. 
“For god’s sake Tim, would you do something?! Call for backup!”, Lucy was screaming. Tim snapped out of it, seeing his love hurt on the ground, he had to do something. He called for backup, and he rushed to your side. Taking your hand into his, squeezing it and hoping you would feel it. 
Lucy saw him holding your hand, wondering why he would do such a thing, it was Tim after all. The ambulance soon arrived and transported you to the hospital, all whilst you still were unconscious. Tim rode with you to the hospital, refusing to leave you alone. 
And as you laid there in a hospital gown, eyes closed and a tube down your throat. The bullet hit your large intestine and cause internal bleeding. You were stable after surgery, but the doctors didn’t know how long you had to stay in a coma. That’s why Tim was sitting at your bedside day and night. He had taken some vacation days to stay there with you, in hopes you would wake up soon. 
“I know you probably won’t hear this or me or anything basically, but I just have to let it out. If you die and I have waited too long to tell you, I don’t know what I would do with myself.” His cheeks were stained with tears. He had not cried in a long time, so him crying over you, just showed how much he actually cared about you. 
“I like you, no, I love you. I have for a long time. And I have not had the guts to tell you, because I didn’t want the others to think you only graduated because you were dating your TO. I wanted to tell you this evening, but this motherfucker ruined my plan.” 
Silence grazed your room. The only thing you could hear was the machine monitoring your heartbeat. A steady rhythm was heard, peep, peep, peep. His head spun. He thought after he confessed his love, you might wake up, miraculously of course. But you didn’t. You were still lying there with no reaction to his words whatsoever. 
Days had gone by, and you still didn’t wake up. It was hard for Tim, you technically graduated from being a rookie. Chen, West and Nolan all came by that same evening to celebrate a little, Nolan of course celebrated you and his other two friends, him not graduating that day hurt him a little bit. Lucy also came by every other day too. She sat there with Tim, still wondering why he was sitting there every day and waiting for you to wake up. 
Tim had to leave you alone. His work called and he had to back to being a police officer. It hurt him, not knowing when you would wake up. So, when he got the call from the hospital, his siren was on, and he sped to you. Walking slowly and nervously to your room, he wondered if you heard what he said. If you knew that he loved, you. 
As he stood there, leaning in the doorway, and looking at you, you slowly opened your eyes. Looking at him, him lightly smiling at you, you were thinking back to the day it all happened. You always liked him but were always too scared to tell him. Not knowing he felt the same way, you laid there awkwardly and waited on him to say something. 
“I’m glad you woke up”, he said. He smiled, his concern for you leaving his body. Walking towards you and sitting down you your bedside, he looked at you. He looked at you with so much love in his eyes, you couldn’t believe it. Some snippets from the coma came to your mind. “I like you, no, I love you.” No, this can’t be true, Tim would never be this sentimental. 
He took your hand in his, squeezing it hard. “Is it true you like me?”, a grin prominent on your face. A crimson color was faintly seen on his face. He was blushing! “You heard?”, he wasn’t sure if he liked that you knew. On one side he was glad, because he wouldn’t have to confess his love to you, again, on the other hand, how would he proceed? 
“I don’t like you”, he looked at you with some kind of desire in his eyes, “I love you.” 
The beeping sped up; your heart was racing.  “I love you too”, you said and squeezed his hand back. And as if planned, West and Chen walked through the door, they had heard that you woke up over the radio and as they rode together, they had decided to pay you a visit. Tim stood up from the bed, having to let go of your hand. 
“How are you? I’m so glad you woke up!”, Lucy smiled and gave you a hug, the same did Jackson. You were glad your friends were here, but you’d rather be alone with Tim right now. Having just confessed your feelings to one another, you just wanted to spend some alone time together. 
“I’m good, thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate you all!” 
Tim had watched the interaction from the doorway. He smiled lightly, seeing you happy made him happy. A warmth spreading through his body, he was content. 
next part
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headspace-hotel · 9 months
there's a quote about the bible that says it is "shallow enough that an infant can wade in it and deep enough that an elephant can drown." This is also true of Minecraft
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ceeplays · 9 months
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Favorite Default Replacements & Game Override Mods (Part 1 - Object Overrides)
A compiled list of my favorite default replacement and override mods from the past year, plus a few classics that I just couldn't leave out. This is Part 1/3 of a collection of cc finds.
(More info and download links below the cut). ♥
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𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
I hope you all had a lovely, restful holiday, and that the bugs in For Rent haven't made you rage quit just yet. •ᴗ• I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been feeling extra grateful for all the stunning creations our modding community has been releasing. So, I figured I'm long overdue for another mod rec list and voila! - here we are.
This time, I'll be linking my favorite default replacement and override mods! While I mostly focused on newer releases, I also tried to add some overrides I don't frequently see mentioned on YT or in rec lists.
The original post got quite lengthy, so Tumblr forced me to divide this list into three (3) separate parts (sorry for the inconvenience!). - Part 2: Food & Kitchen, and World Overrides (here) - Part 3: Electronics & Font Replacements (here)
As always, I hope you find this useful, happy holidays to all who celebrate, & happy simming! ♥
Object Overrides:
@kirsicca : (1) The Modern Loveseat, (2) The Amaranth Sink, (3) Barely-Used BG Toilets
@surely-sims : (1) Growing Together Treehouse (becomes seasonal), (2) Vanity Make-Up Props, (3) Fire Alarm, (4) No Footprint Sleeping Bags, (5) Invisible Bassinet, (6) Basinet, (7) Booboo Billy Toy, (8) Nesting Blocks
@depthofpixels-cc : (1) Growing Together Treehouse Slide
@cowplant-snacks : (1) Seasons Holiday Tree
@lonvely : (1) Magnolia Promenade Trolley, (2) Toothbrush
@symphonysim : (1) Horse Grooming Tools
@dscombobulate : (1) Boxing Gloves, (2) Toothbrush
@superflare : (1) Infant & Toddler Sippy Cup
@simder-talia-blog (original creator unknown) : (1) Ice Skates
@elflike : (1) Ice Skates
@duplica-imite : (1) Ice Skates
@vroshii : (1) Ping Pong Paddle (becomes tennis racket)
@myxdollyt : (1) Fenty Make-Up Override, (2) Bratz Make-Up Override
@simmerwellpupper : (1) Game Controller (PS5 DualSense Controller)
@largetaytertots : (1) Default Replacement Haul (Lipstick, Pet Carrier, Mop, Pet Leash, Rake, Snow Shovel, Infant Toy, & more!), (2) Laundry Pile, (3) Folded Laundry, (4) Razor, (5) Cleaning Overrides (Sponge & Cleaning Spray)
@vixonspixels : (1) Female Roller Blades, (2) Folded Laundry, (3) Infant Bath Sponge, (4) High School Bus, (5) Restaurant Menu, (6) High School Homework, (7) High School Textbook, (8) University Homework, (9) Pencil, (10) Dog Leash
@bbygyal123 : (1) Infant Carrier
@apricotrush : (1) Scrub Daddy Sponge, (2) Presents, (3) Cleaning Spray
@serkisyan : (1) Playing Cards, (2) Make-Up, (3) Mail Envelopes/Bills, (4) Paint Brush/Easel Pencil, (5) Electric Toothbrush, (6) Charcoal Toothbrush, (7) Infant Bottle, (8) Cleaning Spray #1, (9) Cleaning Spray #2
@channel4sims-cc : (1) Aquarium Fish, (2) Kitchen Sponge, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Rubber Duck
@sims41ife : (1) Totoro Watering Can, (2) Laundry Bag & Pile, (3) Public Phone Booth (includes simlish swatches), (4) Game Controller, (5) Coffee Cup
@awingedllama : (1) Infant Crib, (2) Game Controller, (3) Bassinet
@cecesimsxo : (1) Infant Bottle
@ellcrze : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Sponge
@bellassims : (1) Mysims Trophies (become squishmallows), (2) Mysims tTophies (become tsum tsum plushies), (3) Mysims Trophies (become disney tsum tsums)
@cocoelleansims : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Grocery Bag, (3) Plopsy (becomes etsy)
@imfromsixam : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Infant Rug, (3) Stand Mixer, (4) Invisible Bassinet
@hydrangeachainsaw : (1) Game Controller #1, (2) Game Controller #2, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Bottle (warning - paywalled)
@pixelvibes : (1) Elephant Watering Can (warning - paywalled), (2) Infant Bath Seat (warning - paywalled)
the end! ♥
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Fluff, male reader, baby reader, reader is adopted by Yamada and Aizawa, domestic, cute
🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐🪐Yamada was exhausted as he held little (name) in his arms, making coffee while Aizawa made breakfast for them all. It was back to school already and nobody was nearly awake for this, little (name) staring dazed and confused before being seated in his high chair.
"We have... Apple and carrot" Shouts mumbled as everyone began eating, (name) smacking his hands on the plastic table for food "yeah yeah, open wide" the exhausted hero said and (name) opened up when the little spoon got close to his mouth and looked very happy when tasting his food before looking at Shotas food curiously when he ate some of his own breakfast "ABABABA!" He tried reaching for some of it but sadly his chubby baby arm couldn't reach "here, a little bit" Shouta handed (name) a small bit that was cooled off on chopsticks and (name) looked very excited as he shoved it in his mouth.
Getting dressed and preparing (name)s baby bag the family headed off to school, Yamada grinning at the fact he managed to get the itty bitty babe in a onesie that looked like the uniform, Shouta having to explain that an actual mini uniform probably won't go well with the choking hazards via buttons and tie that the babe would most definitely try to eat.
Aizawa took (name) first as he collected his belongings, his new son looking at the students happily as they passed. Aizawa had Shinso hold his stuff as (name) kept insisting on trying to play with it.
Shinso found his new brother fascinating, the babe most definitely had a quirk that could fundamentally do anything! He could be anything!
And currently the little one was "helping" their dad prepare for class.
The students started filing in, at first not noticing the tiny addition strapped to their teachers chest, Aizawa currently writing things on the smart board "President, you can give attendance" Aizawa said passively as he turned to grab the work to be passed out off the podium and the class froze at the infant who was staring back curiously before looking around.
"Sir?" It was kaminari who spoke up with a raised hand and Aizawa grunted as a response to the blond "what's with the baby?"
Aizawa knew they wouldn't focus until he addressed the tiny elephant in the room so with a sign he scanned the class "this is my son, the U.A daycare is under maintenance so he's here" Aizawa said simply and Izuku seemed fixated on the small babe.
He looked... Familiar.
"How old is he?" Mina asked curiously and the teacher sighed "he's under a year old"
(Name) stretched his little arms and the class cooed "now" Aizawa got to business and popped a pacifier in little (name)s mouth before getting on with class.
(Name) mimicked Aizawas hand movements much to the classes amusement as Aizawa let him hold onto his finger.
"Is that him?" Nemuri asked with a soft excitement as she stepped towards the duo, Aizawa going to the staff room to get the heroics notes. "This is (name)" Aizawa said simply and Nem squealed softly but stopped when (name) looked a little startled at the sound "he's so little... Look at his little socks" she said and Aizawa took him out of his carrier a d let the other hold him, (name) immediately trying to grab her glasses to no avail "he does that with Hisashi" Aizawa said as his son began fussing.
"I think someone needs a nap" Nem said softly and Aizawa took him back and put him in the Carrier though this time facing Aizawa and began soothing the boy.
Hizashi smiled as he held his new youngest son, little (name) waking from his nap mid class and looked at the Gen-Ed students half awake, looking like he just woke from a damn good nap and clothes slightly disheveled.
"Good morning sunshine" (name) let his dad clean the drool from his cheek before popping a pacifier in his mouth "oh-- we finished early... Well I suppose you all can talk amongst yourselves" Hizashi said but his students just looked fixated on the baby who gave them some half awake side eye "sir? Is that your son?" One student asked and Hizashi grinned "yes he his! This is my youngest son (name)!" He waved (name)s sleepy arm and the boy just let him do what he wanted "how old is he?" Another asked and the blond adjusted (name) before speaking "a few months, he's a wiggly little guy" (name) gave a prime example as he whined to be put down and his dad complied, gently setting the boy down and (name) began army crawling around his little blanket set out "he's not good at the whole moving thing yet"
(Name) wiggled on the floor till his arm got caught under him and the class stiffened as his little lip wobbled and then a cry broke out as Hizashi lifted the itty bitty into his arms and tried to soothe the babe who was absolutely loosing it to no avail till his son came up "can I try?" hizashi let Hitoshi hold the itty bitty as the bell rang, the blond letting the students leave.
When it was just the trio, Hitoshi held (name) close and pat his little back gently and... Started reciting words meanings from the dictionary?
It seemed to work as (name) calmed down "how" Hizashi asked his son who shrugged "works on Eri"
The two laughed as (name) looked around confused "it's lunch time baby, they went bye bye"
"Why does he have tear marks?" Shouta asked as he took the babe "lil guy crawled on his own arm and lost his mind" Hizashi said teasingly and Shouta nodded "bound to cry eventually"
"The machine beeped!" Midnight said as her and powerloader made tea and Shouta wandered to the bottle warmer and (name) began bouncing at the machine he quickly learned holds his food "yeah yeah, keep your diaper on"
(Name) made content sounds as he ate, the teachers talking about classes and students and upcoming events "I still can't believe you two are going to be the hosts for the sports festival" Snipe snorted and Aizawa shrugged "it's only logical"
When (name) finished his bottle, Aizawa burped him and let him look around in his arms, everyone waving at him and to the adults surprise he clumsily waved back "I am pretty sure that was his first wave" Hizashi said excitedly and the teachers cooed and thankfully Vlad had video of it all and sent it to the blond.
"So is he eating solids?" Powerloader asked and Shouta nodded "he's a monster with custard" at the mention (name) looked at him curiously and the man chuckled "papa!" Little Eris voice rang as she ran in excitedly "Hi baby! Nedzu let you out early?" With the help of nedzu and a Quirk specialist Eri had been learning to control her quirk in a safe environment "yeah! He said since I got a new baby brother that I could have extra lunch with him!"
Eri smiled as Shouta crouched so she could see the little babe whom she vowed to protect in her little heart and though he shared features with her abuser she was very aware that they were not one in the same and during her captivity she often grew curious about the little baby.
A few weeks passed, the dorms fully finished and the family moved though Shinsou was in the student dorms though his training he would hopefully be joining the Hero course.
It was the weekend and the Yamazawa family were hanging out at the in school park for teachers who were parents, little (name) having the time of his life on the baby swing as he was gently pushed by Hizashi as Shouta pushed Eri on a big kid swing "higher!" She squealed as Shouta pushed her only a smudge higher "could the Yamada/Aizawa please report the Principal Nedzus office"
Hitoshi met with his family in casual clothes, it being the weekend and not needing a uniform at this moment as they knocked on it "enter please!" Nedzu said as they walked in, eyebrows raising at the man sitting in formal attire "what's going on?"
"Well due to the... Departure of Overhaul, he's been declared deceased due to the video spread of you know what" Nedzu spoke carefully as there were two tiny sets of ears through one was far more interested in his dad's capture weapon.
"So what?"
"So now we must read the things that's been left behind for our dear (name)!"
A will reading?
"Yes! It seems our dear (name) has been left quite a fair amount!"
The family sat as the lawyer began reading, the babe left estates and and priceless things in vaults quite literally anything and everything"and finally (name) Chisaki is left a total sum of 65,154,375,000 Yen (450m), here are the codes for the safes along with deeds to the estate's"
The Yamazawa family was... Shocked to say the least.
"Holy shi--""language" Shouta said though he wasn't much better, the tiny baby in his arms in little shorts and a blue striped shirts and matching shoes was absolutely loaded, the lawyer leaving them.
"My my, isn't this interesting" Nedzu said with a content smile and watched the family look shocked save for the littles who didn't have a clue on what was happening though (name) was very curious about the cookies and treats on Nedzus desk "I-I don't know... What?" Yamada was speechless as he processed the fact his baby was a multi millionaire "could we possibly have the homes and material items left behind be appraised and checked? To make sure they aren't stolen" Hitoshi brought up and the other adults genuinely considered it "since you two are his legal adults, we could do that" Nedzu said handing the teen a cookie for his excellent point "that would be good seeing as he was a criminal" Shouta agreed with his sons point.
"I will make arrangements"
So much stolen items.
So so much stolen items.
All the estate's, vaults and everything checked and the amount of stolen items was astounding and they barely dented it.
Generations of stolen goods from the crime family.
And all while this happened, (name) was excited that he got new blocks as Yamada worked with a lawyer to draft trust funds and such so the money would be accessible to (name) when he was 18.
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ceruleanskies48 · 2 months
Dead Mothers of BES pt. 4 (Mizu)
Mizu, Taigen, Akemi, and Ringo are very different characters, but the two things they all have in common are shitty fathers and dead mothers (at least from our Season 1 knowledge). The shitty fathers part is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s dig into what we know about their dead mothers and what we might speculate.
Part 1: Akemi's mom
Part 2: Ringo's mom
Part 3: Taigen's mom
To close out this series, let's talk about the elephant in the room, Mizu's (biological) mom.
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How do we know she’s dead?
At the end of Ep. 8, Fowler says that one of the remaining white men (Skeffington or Routely) killed Mizu’s mother. While it’s true Fowler could be lying, I personally don’t think he is. This is the piece of information he leads with when trying to convince Mizu not to kill him, so it’d be very risky if it were false. He doesn’t know what Mizu knows, so if her mom were alive and she knew that, she would just kill him for lying. In addition, if Mizu’s mom were alive, it would be more advantageous for Fowler to say that and dangle information about her whereabouts to entice Mizu to keep him alive. 
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When did she die?
Assuming Fowler is telling the truth, she died at the time of the fire we see at the beginning of Ep. 3, when Mizu was an infant, assassins were sent to kill her, and she was passed to her maid to be put into hiding. Presumably her mother was killed shortly before or after that scene. 
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How did she die?
Either the assassins killed her, Skeffington/Routely personally killed her, or she died in the fire.
What was she like?
The fact that she had a maid taking care of Mizu suggests that she was well-off. This is also implied by the fact that the maid was paid to hide Mizu. The maid did so for 5 years (according to the character designers, Mizu was 6 when she met Swordfather, at which point her hair had grown back, so she must have been around 5 when the hut burned down since she was bald at the time), but the maid was likely paid enough to support them for all of Mizu’s childhood if she had not become addicted to opium.
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Mizu’s mom was most likely married to someone of the same race since she was able to carry the pregnancy to term and give birth without issue. This presumably would have been very scandalous if she were unmarried. Mizu thinks her mother was raped, but it’s more likely her parents were in love given that her mother took great risks in going through with her pregnancy and had the means to terminate it.
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If Mizu’s mom was Japanese, she must have been a noblewoman who fell in love with one of the white men. If she was white, she must have come to Japan with one of the four white men, perhaps as his wife or sister. In this case, her father was likely a very high-status Japanese nobleman given the size of the bounty put specifically on Mizu’s head. Assuming Fowler is telling the truth about either Skeffington or Routely killing her mom, it’s more likely that she was the wife of one of them, so the killing was motivated by betrayal at her infidelity. 
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The fact that Mizu was carried to term, not killed by her mother shortly afterward (once she saw her blue eyes), and put into hiding also implies that her mom loved her deeply. She knew her daughter’s existence and her blue eyes would cause huge trouble and danger for both of them, but she decided to keep Mizu anyway. This is also why I tend to believe Fowler that she’s dead. Given how much she loved Mizu and wanted to stay with her, it seems unlikely she wouldn’t have tried to find or contact Mizu if she were still alive.  
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schmergo · 2 years
A non-exhaustive list of my favorite types of little kids: 1. Little boys who clearly spend a LOT of time with their grandmas/ great-grandmas and say things like "Oh my stars!" and "I will take dainty bites" (for some reason, this type of kid also seems o exclusively wear, like, sports and military themed clothing and have one of those weirdly aggressive little-boy names like Rifle or Rowdy or Butcher.) 2.  Little girls who love and cherish spooky things like skeletons, ghosts, and bugs and treat them like doll babies 3. Kids who proudly exclaim, "I did it!" or "mommy will love this!" while holding up the most hilariously wretched abomination of a project you've ever seen. Honestly just admire the self-esteem. The hand-eye coordination will come later. 4. Kids who find a Good Stick or Big Leaf while outdoors and become inseparable from it, delightedly showing it off to passers-by 5. Very Serious Infants who always seem to be concentrating intently on something and seem to have the weight of the world on their shoulders. 6. Well-traveled sophisticated kids who tell you about eating lavender-flavored gelato in Florence, skiing in Switzerland, and going to their classmate's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese with equal levels of excitement because at the end of the day, they're still just kids 7. Extremely chaotic children who tell you bizarre stories punctuated by fits of giggles that make absolutely no sense. "Once upon a time there was a cow... who turned into a BANANA HEAD!!! And he... had a BUTT! And then there was... there was monkeys and T-Rexes everywhere! And a ninja! I'm going to play on the slide now, okay?" 8. Kids who tell you "facts" that are obviously made up ("Did you know that elephants are the biggest kind of dogs?”), or who tell you how to do basic things because they are used to people teaching them stuff and just assume that's how people interact 9. Kids who get so excited about holidays (including minor holidays like other people's birthdays or St. Patrick's Day) that they get overwhelmed and need to take a nap and end up missing the celebrations anyway. 10. Little toddlers who wear those coats/hats with little ears attached so they look like tiny teddy bears toddling around parking lots.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Xiwangmu is, of course, much more subtle than her husband and is keeping the fact she is trying to prepare Wukong and his cubs to potentially ascend to the throne a secret. The fact Wukong is already an experienced ruler in his own right, one that has proven himself over and over to his people in spite of having been a child when he was crowned and all the trouble the Havoc had brought, makes it easier for her.
As for Wukong, he's not sure why the new Empress is so interested in him and his cubs. He's certain she's plotting something to do with him, but he has no idea what or why and is scared to ask because she is by far much scarier than her husband is and while it's weird she seems to have adopted him and his cubs out of nowhere, he doesn't want to risk offending her. Xiwangmu, in her own way, is careful not to let Wukong in on her preparation for him, sensing that he would not appreciate that she sees him as a potential heir. This decision is proven correct when word of how Azure had initially manipulated Wukong into the first war came to light during the debriefing process, when Wukong and Macaque were questioned about their former brother's alongside DBK to determine what would be done about Yellow Tusk and the fact Peng had disappeared.
Xiwangmu: What say you about your former brother whom took the life of NY mate and husband?
Wukong: He had been a good man when we were younger, kind and caring. Supportive. I know not where his mind and morales had strayed to. He had his flaws, but I'm certain he was manipulated into this. There was no other way he could get the scroll.
Macaque, scoffing: Yeah, just like how he was the one to manipulate and groom you into becoming the scapegoat for the War against Heaven and then turned his on you the moment you couldn't live up to his expectations!
The Noodle Gang and MK, hearing this for the first time from the witness stands: Excuse me!? THAT LION DID WHAT!?
Yellow Tusk himself had also confirmed this small details when asked, assuring them that he could sense Azure's intentions had not been malicious, but his actions had certainly played a part in Wukong's role all thsie years ago. Just as they had now.
Oooo, once Xiwangmu learns that Wukong had been a mere manipulated teenager at the time of the Havoc, all bets are off. She snaps the pen she was holding, her arms literally aflame with anger. The monkeys all rear back in case her rage is directed at them.
Calmly as she can, Xiwangmu asks Macaque and Yellow Tusk to explain how Azure Lion treated Sun Wukong during this era.
How the celestial lion had been too cowardly to spearhead his own rebellion, and placed a naive child on a pedestal to redirect punishment. To place impossible standards of martyrdom on his Sworn Brother and turn his back on him when Wukong chose to live rather than die at the Emperor's and the Buddha's hands. How the Lion convinced his remaining brothers and many demon communities at large that Sun Wukong was a traitor to their freedoms. How he tried to take Wukong's family from him multiple times...
Just when she thought her hatred of Azure Lion could go no further...
It was bad enough that he robbed her of her mate and husband, but he had also robbed her grandson of his youth.
Wukong sitll has moments when he feels like he "deserved" the treatment he got in that era. Macaque, looking away from Wukong with guilt, adding to this belief when they broke up under the Mountain. It had been time with the Pilgrims that help Wukong realise that the way had been treated by Azure and the elder brothers wasn't right.
Yellow Tusk may be wise, but even he admits to being played a fool by Azure's ambitions. Only realising that his former brother's ideals was not the best for others when it was too late to change course.
If Azure was still in the room, Xiwangmu would be wearing his hide as a collar.
Ironically his experience with tackling such manipulations, actually makes Wukong an even greater candiate for the Emperor's potiential heir in Xiwangmu's eyes...
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ilcantodelsoleil · 1 month
so much of the hs!satosugu dynamic plays off of them enabling each other and unhinged moments but i will always be the proponent of quiet intimacy and popsicle sticky fingers and lingering glances superimposed onto the flesh of the soul like burns on skin.
"what?" gojo would say. "everything," geto would reply.
"you're speaking nonsense again, sugu."
pale fingers carding through paler hair. silver on ivory as in the tusks of a poached elephant– the line between commodity and weapon is nonexistent. gojo satoru with the ivory tusks, gojo satoru with the white hair like bleached bone. they are one in the same.
but geto, with his gentle silver hands, geto, whom gojo has never considered second best in spite of his silver hands, geto, who reforms this infant god into all but a boy. gojo suddenly understands what geto means by everything. they are everything. this quiet intimacy catalyses both the genesis of creation and their inevitable end.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
since all the races obviously have such different life spans wouldn't it be hilariois if
if half-foot pregnancies lasted like two months and then elf pregnancies were fucking
five years in length or something
that's a funny concept right-
I was thinking about that!!!!
Elves generally live 5x longer than tallmen so that would be a 45 months, (3.75 years) pregnancy LMAO
Half-foots would probably be around 7 months.
If that's the case no wonder elf population is on decline, besides the fact they have an infant for years.
I don't think thats the case tho. Based on nothing but fairies I think the gestation time is probably the same? Is gestation based on size maybe? A quick google search says the longest gestation time is elephants and it takes only 22 months.
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xsavannahx987 · 2 years
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All CC on this pack are base game compatible.
22 items
anna's living chair - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 100$
bear stump - new mesh. 4 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 30$
best of friends - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 35$
branching birds wall lamp - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 60$
bronco 100hp wall light - new mesh. 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 60$
bryan and angela - new mesh. 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 160$
franny bunny light - new mesh. 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 45$
giraffe measurer - new mesh. 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 90$
grassy frog curtain - new mesh. 4 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 100$
grassy frog dresser - new mesh, 4 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 250$
little tyke dresser - new mesh. 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 470$
panda crib - new mesh, 3 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. FUNCTIONAL FOR INFANTS. Cost 150$
panda mirror - new mesh, 3 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 375$
peter's safari mobile - new mesh, 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 35$
the happy elephant - new mesh, 1 swatch, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 520$
the palmer floor lamp - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 70$
tiny tike dresser - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 535$
tower of munch knowledge - new mesh, 3 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 250$
triple animal collection - new mesh, 2 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 170$
very bear table - new mesh, 3 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 85$
wildeness bookshelf - new mesh, 4 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. Cost 200$
wildeness crib - new mesh, 4 swatches, all lods and shadow (low poly). Fully tested in game. FUNCTIONAL FOR INFANTS. Cost 150$
To find all objects in game, type [ANIMALS ABOUND] in the search bar
CCs are always free but consider to buy me a coffee<3
@moonglitchccfinds @dreamstatesimsfinds @emilyccfinds @sssvitlanz
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