#Infinite the jackal mention
cosmo-production · 4 months
Gadget the wolf aka the rookie headcanons! how did he become one my favetie sonic characters I don't know
(btw if your confused hes like the placeholder in posters in stuff for the avatar/the rookie in forces)
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(any pronouns because there an avatar but in this instance I'm gonna use he/they)
there an introvert for the most part with a lot internal monologue going on but is always willing to infodump on that monologue if you ask
they do little be of everything on there downtime, they were mostly coasting along not sure what they wanted to do before joining the resistance so now he focuses his time on that kind of stuff
when it comes to the rest of the resistance, he's a bit of a copycat due to hero worship or this case copy-wolf. its one his main ways of adapting to new situations so he's picked up a few habits from sonic and friends
Habits like copying Shadow's or Omega's voice when he wants to be the bad cop, sonic's quips when he is confident, tails' pacing when he thinks, and trying to weld the cube hammer like how Amy would use the piko piko hammer to mixed results, even tried summoning it with anger alone like amy did in sonic x, amy just put it in his hand and told Eggman to play dumb
that fang sticking out is a baby fang that hasn't fallen out yet for some reason, everyone finds it charming but do tease him about it sometimes
their eyesight is pretty bad without their glasses but the wolf nighttime vision that wolves have been kept in tack
After forces, they have been freelancing, so to speak. Sometimes they are out there helping out, but sometimes they come back to the resistance to join on some missions. However, they are usually not on the same threat level as typical Sonic adventures. He helps with smaller crimes so Team Sonic can focus on Eggman. Anything like stopping a bank heist, busting gangs, or just chao stuck in a tree, he's your guy!
He becomes a bit of a workaholic; it is a way of dealing with the effects the war had on his mental state, and heaven forbid, infinites around because that triggers a lot of repressed emotions like a time bomb! Infinite is confused and kind of impressed by how this little guy suddenly went berserker on him.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
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there’s a universe where forces in a tails centric game where we follow him as he grows into his own hero i can feel it in my bones
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solfinite · 9 months
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listening to infinite's theme led me to drawing this au of mine again (i always forget abt it im sorry dear au) also an attempt at designing a mobian metal
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paiirupie · 1 year
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sonic forces au stuff i drew a few days ago, but couldn't post cuz the tumblr app says there's a problem w connection each time i try to post images.....tumblr really said nuh uh
[ image id: two sets of images. in the first one, infinite and sonic standing next to each other. both of them are wearing different outfits than usual. infinite is wearing his mask and a militar uniform with a red cape and black boots. one of his arms is raised with is hand making a fist while the other arm is behind his back. his head is to the side but he's looking directly into the viewer. as for sonic, he's looking to the side with a expression of determination. both of his arms are raised, one hand making a fist while the other is extended to the side. he's wearing a jacket and there's a bandage in one of his legs. in the second image. infinite and sonic are still standing next to each other but with a few differences in their apparence. infinite is no longer wearing his mask, leaving his face exposed. he's wearing an eye patch and his expression is of annoyance. his hair is also shorter and his cape has been ripped apart. he's holding a sword to the level of his waist. meanwhile sonic now is looking up with a victorious expression on his face. one of his arms is raised again with his hand making a fist and the other is resting to the side. now he wears half the jacket and the bandage has been replaced with a teared red fabric. it's implied the teared fabric used to be the rest of infinite's cape. end id. ]
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shadfinite · 9 months
ok but the thing is shadow and infinite isnt a "healthy" or "good" relationship at first. it takes them years to be good for each other. they shouldn't have been together! they should have broken up years ago! but they didn't and they are working through it and eventually things work out. EVENTUALLY Infinite stops enabling Shadow's self destructive behavior and EVENTUALLY Shadow stops tolerating the admittedly unacceptible way Infinite treats him.
See, Infinite doesn't know what it's like to be with someone who doesn't want to hurt him even a little. Every relationship he's ever been in has been a really unhealthy and dangerous power dynamic (he's been the weak one and the strong one before). It takes him YEARS DECADES maybe even CENTURIES to realize Shadow is NOT LIKE THAT. Shadow didn't even really want to specifically hurt Infinite when they first encountered each other in the Mystic Ruins. He was just doing a job. It takes Infinite such a long time to understand that. He's so obsessed with Shadow but he has this one conflicting core understanding with Shadow that he simply cannot wrap his head around. He needs to stay in control so that "when Shadow tries to fuck him over he has a way to regain the upper hand."
Shadow thinks he's lesser than everyone, even Infinite. Even though Infinite literally started a war and wanted to destroy everything just because he was bored. If Infinite wants all the power over him, Shadow is okay with that because surely he deserves it for being such a miserable creature. When Infinite calls him names and treats him poorly he just lets it happen because Infinite is the first person he's met in a long time who will treat him in a way he understands. To Shadow, this is unfortunately what true love looks like. Being attacked is familiar, and Shadow knows that when people are kind to him he doesn't know how to deal with it. He thinks Infinite is giving him a form of stability that he can't live without.
What's confusing for both of them is that they do have moments of tenderness, and they do have inexplicable boundaries that they never cross with each other. They've never discussed their limits, but there are things they would never do to each other because it'd be too much.
They have moments of vulnerability, where they are just sitting beside each other and Infinite is telling Shadow how beautiful he is. And Shadow believes it because he's pretty sure that Infinite wouldn't waste his time being nice if he didn't mean it. Shadow introduced Infinite to a part of himself he didn't know existed, a part of himself that doesn't want to have to try to hard to reach for the top. But that vulnerability is terrifying at first and neither of them want to acknowledge it. It just happens and then its back to business as usual again. They don't talk about it.
They will do things to each other that cause conflict or anger, enable each other's worst habits, but they won't try to change each other's identities. That's the hard limit. They might have an argument where they harp on each other's bad behavior, but it's just talk. They'd never do anything to each other that would actively contribute to a crisis because one thing they both understand on a fundamental level is that changing the answers to core questions like "What is my purpose?" or "What do I believe is right?" is mind breaking. They never force each other to do things that challenge the status quo or threaten to shake their already deteriorating stability.
But this boundary is also part of the problem. They, for a long time, don't let each other grow and absolutely get worse! They break each other down, but they keep making excuses for why they should stay together. People who constantly fight with each other should not be together!
And when I say "together" I don't really mean together. Their relationship is a situationship at best, but Infinite still refers to Shadow as his boyfriend. Shadow insists they aren't even friends, but doesn't really passionately refute when Infinite says they are together. He just deflects. Of course he wants to be Infinite's partner, but that commitment is terrifying and he doesn't get how Infinite can be ready to commit like that even though it's been YEARS. It feels so impermanent because Shadow's perception of time is based on his immortality. That's one thing Infinite doesn't have (doesn't really think he has).
Two things jade them: time and people.
Shadow and Infinite won't challenge each other's core values, but time and people will. For Shadow, this comes in the form of his admittedly slightly larger support system: people like Rouge Amy and Big especially, but also Sonic to some degree. Infinite stagnates. His only support system is Shadow, really. He also has, like, Big and Sonic and Wave, but he isn't ever vulnerable with them in the way Shadow is with his. Shadow starts to grow, Infinite doesn't.
Infinite is definitely the worse off in this relationship. Shadow always knew that. They both knew it when they got together. Shadow has a savior complex. He thought he could fix it.
It in fact gets worse. Infinite is just bound to break that unspoken boundary they set, and Shadow has to put his foot down. Only then do they break all of their walls down and talk about those unacknowledgable moments. Only then do they get better. They can't work out unless they start to see each other as equals, but it's a really slow process for them to explore what that looks like or how its possible.
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trashcreatyre · 7 months
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They are sooo lame
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head-empty404 · 3 months
when one of your favorite characters is from a bad game :']
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parackalism · 4 months
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
Would it be weird if Moon and Infinite bond over Sonadow, or is it just me??
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sparksintheheart · 5 months
It's a known fact that pirates are thieves, filthy scum, murderers, and above all liars. They lie to get what they want. Or who they want. They lie to royalty, they lie to naval officers, they lie to their fellow pirates, they lie to their own crew, and they even lie to people they care about.
But above all... They even end up lying to themselves...
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h0u-h0u · 2 years
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back at it again w more low effort doodles 
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vaugarde · 2 years
ok so i know ive complained abt shadow and infinite’s backstory in sonic forces but can i also just say how uncomfortable it is that shadow allegedly murdered a ton of people in a facility... kinda like what happened in the ARK
like i already think him joining GUN was kinda a bad writing choice but cmon
also the fact that infinite going sicko mode was not bc his squad died but bc shadow called him weak is the perfect example to point to for how WEIRD forces’s writing is. say what you want about how batshit the adventure games and 06 got with their plotlines but at least all the death and violence in those games were taken seriously and had narrative weight. here its just like “SEE we put VIOLENCE in the game guys!! we TOTALLY nailed what made our earlier stories so good!!”
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scorpiolight-madd · 2 years
I know you have multiple Sonic Paracosms and they seem to connect (like an expanded universe for Sonic Lore), did you struggle at all with creating your paracosm/lore/character interactions or was it relatively easy?
Are there any paras that you feel are underdeveloped in your paracosm?
Also do you have any paras that could be considered the 'star' (like most of the action happens to them or because of them) or does the role bounce around a lot?
Sorry for all the questions, but I am curious!!
Ok I’m gonna answer these one at a time so strap in
Also don't apologize for asking questions, answering them is like my favorite thing in the world
Ok so for the first question there actually isn’t a lot of crossover save for one story arc in Rebellion (the sonic boom/underground crossover one, also sometimes referred to as SB:U or Trouble Keeps you Running Faster (or TKYRF for short) bc I struggled to name it for a while). In that arc, the Phantom Ruby ends up traveling through dimensions after Infinite’s defeat in the Reloaded dimension (which is the paracosm that’s just a rewritten version of the games with some OCs added).
Sage and the Infinite from Rebellion end up tracking it down, and Rebellion!Infinite feels a strange pull towards the Ruby, while Sage has analyzed it and believes that it will help her to more efficiently protect her family and allies. The two end up fighting over it, but Sage gets it, only for Reloaded!Infinite’s influence to corrupt her almost immediately, as he’s trapped inside the Phantom Ruby. (He was also the one drawing his alternate dimension self to take the Ruby)
Also it may be subject to change but here's what she looks like when she's under the Phantom Ruby's control
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ANYWAYS a lot of stuff happens in that arc that im not gonna get into bc what's important to this question is that when she goes into the Phantom Ruby to confront Reloaded!Infinite, she ends up going into his memories and encountering facsimiles of the people he encountered in his dimension. They're not identical to how they actually appear in that paracosm, as their characterizations and even appearances are filtered through Infinite's perception of them.
So, while there is a crossover, the only actual crossover character interaction is between Sage and Infinite, and replicas of the cast from Reloaded.
As for underdeveloped characters, I'm not exactly sure. I feel that I have their characters all fleshed out pretty well, even down to the side characters. However, I do run into the problem of under-utilizing them pretty frequently, and that characters tend to not do much for the plot unless its an arc solely dedicated to them, like Amy's arc about losing her hammer, and how Knuckles seems kinda locked into his storyline about finding the Master Emerald shards, and neither of them do much outside of that.
Only a few characters straight up don't have their own arcs, like Silver.
The focus 100% bounces around depending on the story arc, sometimes even straight up focusing on complete side characters. Like I said before, Knuckles and Amy get their own story arcs, Knuckles recovering pieces of the Master Emerald and with it, his memories, and Amy losing her hammer and learning to not base her entire worth and identity on one singular skill. There's also Sonic re-bonding with his siblings, Sonia learning to let herself relax and not forcing herself to take on the burden of the entire rebellion, and Manic's character arc about trying to hide his PTSD from being held captive bc he doesn't want his siblings to split apart again, and how he eventually discovers healthy coping mechanisms to help him recover.
There's ALSO the birth of Team Chaotix, with Espio being introduced as an antagonist with a bunch of other mercenary side characters, until Vector finds out that he's just a struggling teenager trying to take care of his little brother.
WOAG THATS A LOT OF TEXT anyways thank youuuuuuuu for the questions
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0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month
oh yeah forgot to mention but i had a fever dream last night that was literally just 2 different ways for infinite to torture sonic onboard the death egg using a tails clone and telling sonic that he’d also been captured
one: infinite saying that if sonic were to try anything, tails would be harmed or killed
two: infinite telling sonic that tails is only alive because eggman needs him for something and will dispose of him once the task is completed. about a month into captivity, the jackal says something along the lines of “just thought you’d like to know, the kit is no longer useful to the doctor” and just leaves him with that
even when diseased i cannot escape forces brainrot
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Fandom: Sonic Forces
Character: Infinite the Jackal
Pairing: Romantic
Type of Fic: Scenario/short
Oh wow, someone used my suggested request format ^^ Sure! You gave no plot so I just threw down what I had in mind.
Yandere! Infinite The Jackal Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Sadism, Manipulation, Reality warping, Unknown on if Infinite actually killed your friends, Infinite likes to mess with darling's psyche, Deception, Kidnapping implied, Stalking implied, Vague forced relationship, Thoughts of licking tears mentioned, Blood mention, Violence.
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Your resistance was futile. In fact, it was only amusing. You had such a weak leader...
It was expected that you, a member of this pitiful resistance, were weak too.
Infinite could easily run circles around you... both physically and mentally. You were no match for the Phantom Ruby embedded in his chest. He radiated power... he could crush your resistance easily.
However... here Infinite is, taking the time to harvest fear from you. Your perceptions of reality are warped. You have no way to tell what is illusion... and what is real.
He made it seem your friends hated you for your failure. He also made illusions of their blood on your hands.... Infinite liked seeing you suffer, tears slid down your face in a steady flow of sadness.
Infinite liked to see you cower. You're on your hands and knees... shaking like a leaf before him. He made your deepest darkest fears come to life.
"How's it feel?" He taunts, strolling around you with his hands behind his back. "You smell so scared... scared that you're all alone and at my mercy...."
Infinite used to think your attempts to fight him were cute. It was adorable to see someone like you so determined. It was too bad you decided to fight on the side of Sonic.
Sonic... he's been a persistent fool. One that got on Infinite's nerves whenever he tried fo fight him. Soon... he won't have to worry about him.
You won't have to worry about him, either... or the resistance. You should be thinking of your own survival. The others were as good as dead....
But with your mind affected by the ruby... far as you knew they already were.
Infinite didn't kill you. He thought that was because he wants to make you feel fear and pain first. Although... now that he has you in front of him... he didn't like the thought of killing you.
He wants to keep you like this.
When he saw you grovel in front of him... he liked it. The idea of you having no one else to rely on but him... he likes that, too. Even if you did fight back, he'd make you too weak to move.
The jackal stops in front of you, claws reaching out to grip your chin. You stiffen in fear with wide eyes. It gives him great joy to see those orbs slowly stare up at him.
"The only person here is me. Your friends are dead. Their blood runs through the streets at my hands. It's just you...."
The sight of you crying is beautiful. Infinite has never cared for anyone since he lost his group of fellow jackals. Now he's met you... someone he adores the fear you harbor for him...
Which means he loves you, in his eyes....
You may not lean into his touch now, but with time he knows you will. Under the influence of the ruby you have no idea what is truly real. He has infinite illusions to plague your mind.
He loves to torment you. He loves to break your mind with his power. The feeling of you in his claws is warm and delicate....
However... when he touches you just like this... you know he's real.
It terrifies you. To know your enemy is the only thing real besides you. You must be so nervous. You must be expecting him to execute you like he supposedly did the rest.
He won't... he'll just make you think he will.
Clawed gloves dig into your skin and pull you closer. The jackal kneels so he has you in a better grip. Oh... if he didn't have his mask he'd lick those tears off your face.
Yet it will take time before he shows his face again to anyone.
"You're not real...."
"Wrong. I'm the ONLY thing that's real."
You try to pull away from his grasp, he doesn't yield in the slightest.
"What's the point of leaving? You'll be lost in your little fantasies. You'll need someone to help you. After all, I'm the only one who can reverse the effects."
That makes you stop. You're lost in what to do. Seeing you so conflicted makes Infinite grin under his mask.
"I'll release the Phantom Ruby's hold on you..." Infinite starts, trying to get your hopes up...
Only to crush them with what he says next.
"Only after I have my fun. Then I'll take you in. You have nowhere else to go, anyways."
You flinch when he holds your cheeks, leaning closer with a laugh. His claws draw blood... the metallic substance drips onto the jackal's gloves. He doesn't seem to care.
"You only have me... you'll only ever have me. Now, entertain me before I finally end this war."
You can't fight anymore... you both know this...
The resistance, YOUR resistance, is as good as over.
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trashcreatyre · 3 months
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I both really like this one and hate it loll
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