#i do really like dark stuff in video games but it just feels cheap in forces
vaugarde · 1 year
ok so i know ive complained abt shadow and infinite’s backstory in sonic forces but can i also just say how uncomfortable it is that shadow allegedly murdered a ton of people in a facility... kinda like what happened in the ARK
like i already think him joining GUN was kinda a bad writing choice but cmon
also the fact that infinite going sicko mode was not bc his squad died but bc shadow called him weak is the perfect example to point to for how WEIRD forces’s writing is. say what you want about how batshit the adventure games and 06 got with their plotlines but at least all the death and violence in those games were taken seriously and had narrative weight. here its just like “SEE we put VIOLENCE in the game guys!! we TOTALLY nailed what made our earlier stories so good!!”
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malicedafirenze · 2 months
Unfiltered thoughts about Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco
Untagged spoilers below the cut, click at your own risk
For a proper review that makes a bit more sense, see here. This is just my unedited notes I took while reading
Love that Remy and Zidan are back to being bitchy
Lol only one bed but on purpose 
Did Eugenie just fuckin decapitate a guy with her long nails are you fucking kidding me 😂
Ugh Valenbonne showing up in person. Idk if I dislike it bc he’s a hateable bastard or because it lacks believability…
The overgrown castle and night empress cocoon give big video game boss lair energy 
She‘s described with „dark skin, the same shade as Remy‘s“
Oh I‘m glad Remy is finally giving his father a bit of honest ranting about his abusive bs 👀
Lil bit cringe that the kids at the Fata Morgana would ask if Remy, Zidan and Xiaodan are lovers, and take an interest in how Zidan slakes his thirst
Remy telling the kids stories feels a bit indulgent 
Malekh offering to let Remy take control 😍
Again, very self indulgent, could do with more subtlety but well
Good to know that she pegs him sometimes I suppose 😄
They‘re just so transparently horny the whole time. Like I‘m here for it but it gets cheap so quickly if there‘s extended focus on that
Ooov the villain was Aluria‘s colonialism? 👀 (remy‘s mother, re. her motivations, in his dreams)
Vampire pigeon 😂
Them arguing while fucking is funny but also a bit goofy 🙈🙈
I‘m on board with some bdsm familiar shit on display, but the presentation of it somewhere between kink and obligation is a bit off
Lady Rotteburg‘s apologies for her treatment of Remy ring a little hollow/indulgent too
I find it odd that Remy still meets with and gives info to his father‘s messenger?
Ooh okay that was in discussion with Malekh
I find it a bit toothless that xiaodan (and malekh) are so utterly supportive of remy‘s choice re. humanity/vampirism. They seem a big too perfect and potentially boring to me at the moment?
Ok good Zidan is weirdly controlling re. Remy‘s dreams shortly after
I‘m 12 Chapters in and a bit dismayed that I‘m finding it alright so far :')
Missing any acknowledgment of pressure/equalizing when Zidan drags Remy underwater 😑
Malekh‘s past with the night king 🤝 Raihn from TSatWoN
That the whole gathering of court leaders would pause to speculate on what remy has with zidan and xiaodan feels kinda cheap
I‘m here for the exhibitionism but I find it odd in its presentation. Like, ok their whole thing is submission, but it‘s still a weird af combo of a council meeting and an orgy
Like ffs her mother is watching 🙈
I just don’t love how much of the actual dialogue is so self indulgently about „oooh so a reaper is in bed with the third and fourth court leaders“. Like sure make that part of the conversation but it‘s so cheap if that‘s all there is to it
Some of the exposition is presented in sort of plump dialogue 
I‘m bothered that apparently Remy still doesn’t know precisely what being a familiar entails
Elke recapping the development between Allegra and herself feels v much like it could have been much better woven into the story :‘)
So much interpersonal stuff is just really plump. „Hi remy sorry for my lord attacking you I seriously want to be friends. Ok sure I‘ll then immediately answer your deeply personal question that perfectly mirrors your own internal struggle re. getting turned“
Ok them fucking on Ishkibal‘s throne to help Malekh make new memories of it is fun and hot
Gah why does everyone else need to keep talking about it afterwards though, including with Valenbonne 🙉
Still feel like everyone‘s being entirely too generous and forgiving towards valenbonne
I don’t mind the focus being political, but I feel like there’s too much tell vs show
Remy being hurt by Thaïs being one of the traitors rings a lil hollow, calling her a friend when they‘ve only interacted a handful of times and one of those was her being pushy af
And Xiaodan figuring out all the details of the priestess‘ plan is also a bit much? idk
Them both being in a frenzy and remy getting malekh back by insulting him is cute
The whole thing where it uses the nth court leader instead of names is so grating 
I‘m not a fan of how valenbonne is still their ally tbh
Increasingly bothered by everything that makes him appear sympathetic again
He apologizes but he‘s not really rueful about any of the horrible shit he‘s pushed remy to do??? 
This Jost twist is also kinda coming out of nowhere??
Not sure I got completely why and how Ishkibal is using the Night Empress‘ body
I do not like Valenbonne being all badass, using breaker to protect Remy etc, who is this for 😭
Valenbonne‘s „I should have died the day I realized you were still out fighting in those caves“ rings so fucking hollow what 😭😭
“I think the only legacy he wanted to leave behind was you” 
How tf is any of this earned
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doodle17 · 8 months
Just got back from the fnaf movie
Please remember if you reblog go tag with every fnaf spoiler tag you can think of btw!
Was so... godamn...
First of all: absolutely loved how it wasn't overly violent. I'm not a prude, but when it comes to gore and violence, I'm very particular. Everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of gore, and luckily this movie had none!
It was still pretty gruesome. Like the guy getting his face eaten by Mr. Cupcake and that one girl who got bitten in half by Freddy. But even then, all you could see was the silhouette and her lower half fall to the floor. And 90% of the other scenes you do see, but they kind of let the sounds of what's happening fill in the gaps as the camera goes somewhere else, like with Mr. Cupcake.
Even when you see their bodies later on in the parts and services, the end results of what happened earlier aren't even that bad! Tbh it's almost too dark to even see anything
I loved that! It made it perfectly fine for me to watch and not squirm uncomfortably or feel sick. It actually shocked me! Most gore just makes me roll my eyes and want to gag but this stuff literally made me say "WOAH that's MESSED UP" (enthusiastically) out loud a few times!
Also the parts with the animatronics playing with Abby.... GOD that really filled a void in me that I never knew I had... Watching them play and build a fort and be goofy... Really made me smile so hard!... Uh, as if they didn't kill a bunch of dudes earlier.... Hmm..
All the little references made me point at the screen and squeal! That MatPat cameo my goodness! It made me laugh too lol, which I was pretty surprised about! I wasn't expecting to laugh, smile and cry in a scary movie but here we are!
Every Balloon Boy jumpscare got me, because even though it was, as all those video game critics say, "a cheap spook with a loud noise" I can guarantee a lot of other people did too
I think I was pretty pleased with how they did the springlocks. The reveal... The way Abby said "They can see you now." As they turn to William... Their real Killer... HOT DAMNNNNN AND THEN HE SAYS THE FUCKING LINE AND PUTS ON THE HEAD JUST- CHILLS DUDE (I should probably mention how loud this movie made me btw)
And that part legitimately made my eyes water too! When they dragged him away, the music and him twitching... All I could think was "JUSTICE!"
And I love that they made William a horrible father from what we saw when he talked with Vanessa. It always irks me the wrong way when people try to portray him as a sad parent who lost his daughter and that's why he did what he did. Like- no. He wasn't okay in the head you guys, he was NOT a good father, EVER. I'm sorry but no, he literally neglected, emotionally, and possibly, physically abused his kids.
And I love what they did with characters too! I like how the movie just did its own thing that to me, felt like What fnaf REALLY is.
I never like fnaf lore as it is now. I like when the premise was simply: "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him." Before all that sci-fi stuff got involved. And the Movie is just that! "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him."!! It was awesome!
And I like how it explains that there's the possibility that while the kids posses them, they also have somewhat minds of their own. At least that's what I got from some stuff revealed. There's ways been a part of me that thought the animtronics themselves had minds of their own, so to see that it could be a possibility (in the movies canon at least) was really cool!
Also... Living tombstone fnaf 1 song :) in end credits!
And to end this off, sadly there wasn't a post credit scene sadly (unless you count that CoryxKensin getting jumpscared by the BB toy after the fancy credits)
But!!!! Did anyone else notice the fnaf 2 music box playing in the end credits? And the one noise that says the letters and stuff during the secret fnaf 2 minigames...?
I mean, Matthew did say he signed for 2 more movies... So who's to say we won't get a Fnaf 2 movie based off the evidence of what we heard there, huh? Just a little thought I decided to leave here before we end things off :)
FORGOT TO MENTION that both me and Cherri SCREAMED the lyrics for the fnaf song at the end lol,and two girls next to us started recording us lol (not in a mean way we all talked and ranted for a good 3 minutes afterward it was fun!)
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
I turn 21 tomorrow! And I thought in celebration, and to be on theme, what would be the boys dream celebration for their birthdays? Like nothing holding them back, what would they do if they could?
Happy birthday Alieanon!! I have NOT forgotten the rest of your Time asks, I've just had zero energy to spare lately outside of drafting. But at least I can give you some insight into this ask!
Under the cut because it got long.
Twilight - He'd get the entire group together for a camping trip: a whole weekend out in the woods spent hiking and bullshitting around a campfire and drinking cheap beer. There's nobody to yell at you for being too loud out in the middle of the woods, and nothing like a campfire and some crickets to soothe the soul.
Wild - EDM festival in Termina, hands-down. He'd go out at 11pm, pull an all-nighter, end well after the sun comes up at an all-night diner, then pass out for 14 hours straight.
Warriors - Spa day. And I mean, an entire goddamn day. Start with a soak in the mineral pool, do a little hydrotherapy, a mani-pedi, a full body massage, hair masque... Not sure who's footing the bill, but it's going to have a lot of zeroes after it.
Sky - He's a simple guy. He starts by sleeping in, maybe gets to go flying for fun in the early afternoon, or maybe goes axe throwing with the guys. Has a nice dinner with his Sunny, gets a little alone time with her for the evening. She makes him a cake, it melts his heart to pieces, the two of them spend the evening making heart eyes at one another across the table. It's disgusting.
Legend - Ideally, no one knows Legend's birthday. Nobody even knows how old he is. Hyrule knows, of course, but he keeps it to himself. Legend gets blushy and awkward when Hyrule gives him a cupcake and a little wrapped gift. They spend the evening curled up in their room watching movies on somebody's tablet.
Hyrule - He's off? Of work??? He barely knows what to do with himself. The others are kind of surprised that he's off, too, until Legend remembers that it's his birthday and they all decide that Hyrule needs to party. Rulie is very happy to go wherever everyone else wants to go. They end up at an indoor skydiving place and Hyrule gets to feel the exhilaration without triggering his fear of heights.
Four - He isn't one to get excited about or acknowledge his birthday, partially because he is on the younger end of the friend group. He'll go out at the others' insistence and let them buy him drinks, which would help loosen him up. He actually does rather like to dance, too, so he and Wild in particular could have an exhausting night out.
Wind - He'd have so much fun at a place like Barcade, drinking and kicking everyone's asses at video games. He'd get loud and obnoxious, and they'd probably be asked to leave, but he'd be happy hanging out on the boardwalk until the early hours of the morning just enjoying the salty air and the sound of the surf.
Champion - Champion would also have a lot of fun with something like axe throwing, or an archery range, or even just an indoor climbing gym where he could do something physical just for fun. He'd drink maybe just a little bit more than he should, but he doesn't hold his liquor brilliantly either. He will be quite happy to spend the night in the safety of his own bed, thanks much.
Time - To go all out? All out?? His first instinct would be to remain at home, alone, undisturbed in his study with a nice bottle of wine and a good book. But if he really looked inward and thought about it, I'm sure he'd invite Malon for a long weekend somewhere quiet, like Lurelin or to some cozy mountain town out near Tabantha, just a private cabana or cozy bed and breakfast for two.
Dark - Ideally? Naked on the beach trashing his liver. Realistically? Down at the seedy corner bar trashing his liver.
Shadow - He'd cajole Four into taking the day off so that the two of them could wander around town together just doing stuff. Nothing in particular. Window shopping or people-watching or just getting cheap takeaway and sitting out on the pier ragging on one another. He's not much of a party guy and just likes to be near the people he trusts.
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umbramatic · 1 year
Trust The Fungus
This is a review ramble thing of The Super Mario Bros Movie (the 2023 one, not the one from 30 years earlier the title is joking about, but more on the 1993 one later). There will be spoilers.
(You will see me using the word "cringe" a lot in this. Disclaimer: I do not actually believe in cringe culture at all in the slightest in ANY form, it's just a useful shorthand for a special sort of deep revulsion within the soul. Anyway.)
So like, we all went into this expecting cringe because Illumination, right? The animation studio that peaked with their FIRST MOVIE, Despicable Me, and has put the low in lowbrow ever since. The animation studio who actively animates on the cheap for profit margins. Those guys. 
But I, to start, want to report there are minimal amounts of cringe! Sure, "look at us, we're adorable" was cringe in the trailers and it's cringe here. Sure Mario hating mushrooms was a specific flavor (mushroom flavored?) of unnecessarily ironic that made me roll my eyes a bit even when the REST of the unnecessarily ironic humor didn't. But overall, it was good! Honestly I genuinely liked this movie a lot! 
You probably haven't heard of Monster Hunter: Legends Of The Guild, a low-budget animated Monster Hunter movie Capcom quietly pushed to Netflix when the live-action one turned out to be shit. I always thought that one wasn't that great as a movie on its own but unlike the live action one was fantastic at actually being a MONSTER HUNTER movie - sort of an inverse of the Dark Knight Trilogy's modern "good movie bad Batman movie" reputation. This one is honestly quite similar, even though I at least personally think it stands on its own better than Monster Hunter: Legends Of The Guild does. 
A large part of this is one of the movie's biggest strengths: the fanservice. And no I don't mean "Princess Peach in a bikini" fanservice. I mean THE LORE. There is soooooo much Mario lore here, and Nintendo homages, and different characters popping up left and right. 
Every time I saw a reference or cameo I, like many, was like
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And that in a way being the main draw over the plot and characters WOULD be kind of a bad thing but it's just so much fun and there's so many of them I don't care. On a related note everything's so on brand, it again genuinely feels like a MARIO movie. We all know Nintendo's kind of the Disney Lite of the video game world in terms of being overly controlling - lost ROM sites and fan projects and such sure are testament to that huh - but here it kind of worked in their favor because they very obviously kept Illumination in line. You can bet your bottom dollar that Shigeru Miyamoto poured over every frame of this movie and if there was something he didn't like it got the Paper Mario treatment. 
Granted, we do start the movie with the Mario Bros living in real-world (if Nintendofied) Brooklyn, a take Nintendo is still apparently okay with despite Odyssey kinda sorta retconning it, and we see the Mario Bros having JOBS and a (a VERY Italian American, can confirm) FAMILY and it all feels akin to my gender and body dysphoria (Charles Martinet is Mario's dad though, that's really cute) but also it makes sense for the story they're trying to tell and it doesn't last long. 
I should talk about the cast. I was pretty chill with how everyone did. Sure they shouldn't have been stuntcasted this fucking hard in the first place. Sure Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong took some growing on me. Sure I have noted Sociopolitical Problems with Crisp Rat and they should have cast literally anyone who is less Problematic(tm). Burt everyone did fine for what they were. 
(Also say what you will about the Ironic(tm) humor, despite that kind of stuff Mario and Luigi's relationship feels real and genuine and I am here for it. I'm normally not THAT into same-gender sibling relations because that's not what I grew up with and NOW the gender situation is complicated but c'mon, they were cute.)
Also Jack Black got to sing. That alone made this movie worth seeing for me. The music was SUPER good when it's stuff like Bowser's singing and the cool remixed Mario tracks. The licensed music was a lot less necessary and in one case apparently replaced a perfectly good Donkey Kong remix  and almost all of it could have been cut... Aside from the I Need A Hero sequence, that was inspired. 
Speaking of Bowser. I like that they basically nudge nudge hint hint at Mario and Peach being an item but never actually do anything about it (just like the games!) whereas Bowser is UNDENIABLY horny on main for Peach and sees Mario as competition (also just like the games!) . Speaking of the references, they even use Bowser and Peach's Odyssey wedding outfits, which is cute. 
(Also can we make Girlboss Peach game canon please?)
This movie does have a sense of... "This world operates on video game logic. We will try to explain it but we will not JUSTIFY it" and I think that's neat. At first I thought that was a factor as to why this movie was less popular with critics than fans, but I went with my mostly non-gamer family (more on them later) and not only could they follow it fine, my mom told me after the movie she understood video games and video game logic BETTER after seeing this movie so I dunno. 
I will say. For a movie that is trying to distance itself from and replace the 1993 one as much as possible there are a lot of funny parallels. The Brooklyn origins leading to a secret portal beneath the city, Bowser's minions trying to isolate and strand our heroes, having One Toad In Particular help our heroes, the funky ass cars/karts, the princess of choice being more serious and also an isekai victim, the final fight being taken BACK to Brooklyn...  It's amusing. 
But overall I had fun. I want to see it again. I went to see it with my family and they enjoyed it too. Though if I had a nickel for every time a video game movie I saw on my birthday with my family that had a wedding scene that gets memed on by said family due to an upcoming wedding in said family I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. Damn. Now I want Hollywood movies for every major Nintendo franchise that hasn't gotten one. And by "major" I mean "important enough to get into Smash". ROB and Game And Watch movies when? (More seriously I want Zelda and Fire Emblem and full-length Pikmin movies. God please.)
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mysticaldreamwitch · 2 years
From Olympus
This is a OC x Dream ship and therefore NOT canon by any means, I just enjoy them, please don't feel offended. Characters: Dream of the Endless; Senka (OC) Pairing: Senpheus (Dream x Senka) Warnings: none Featured music: From Olympus by Darren Korb
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The day was dark and rainy outside, and instead of going into the damp darkness of the day, Senka had decided she would take the easy way out instead. Cuddled up on her couch, fuzzy socks on her feet, a blanket around her shoulders, holding a controller in her fingers. Getting this flat warm was a nightmare, but eh, the rent was cheap. And who was she to complain about getting her feet a little cold. She'd gone through much worse.
On the screen across from her, a young man dashed through a couple of ghosts, beating them up with bare hands, slashing between them as if he was a vigorous lion. This is how she loved to play this game. Just unga-bunga and hope for good boons. She knew that there was more to it, that people had builds for this kinda stuff and some could delete bosses in the matter of seconds. But that was not her thing, not really. But she wanted to get through the story, including side stories. And she wanted to make some progress on those. But, to her surprise, much like always it happened, she wasn't alone for long.
"What are you playing, my little nightmare?" A voice came from the kitchen, making her flinch, almost dropping her controller, before sighing out, immediately recognising the tone. "Blood and Darkness, Morpheus, why!?" She paused the game, and turned her head, pale eyes set onto the King of Dreams, the corner of his mouth forming a little smirk. He found it amusing to startle her. "Can't you, like, at least knock? I almost had a heartattack!" The nightmare complained, as Dream made his way over to sit beside her on the couch, eyes curiously assessing the pause screen shown to him. "Almost is not quite, my dear." He noted, the smirk becoming more and more obvious, while he watched her scoot a little closer to him. His arm found its way around her waist with easy, even through the blanket, while his lips pressed a light kiss against the side of her head. Senka closed her eyes, enjoying and soaking up the attention of the Dreamlord, her head leaning up against his shoulder with practiced ease. He wasn't particularly warm, especially compared to her underneath the blanket and sweater, but that could be changed. And it should be too.
"I didn't mean to distract you, little nightmare." Dream noted after a moment of silence between them, quietly speaking close to her ear. "You may continue your game." - "You sure?" The pale woman turned, looking at him a little uncertain. "You just came here, you don't wanna just sit here and watch me play video games, do you?" A soft scuff escaped the dreamlords mouth as he had to smile, raising his head, to press a gentle kiss into the unruly silver hair of his companion. "I would gladly watch you do anything, little nightmare…even playing video games."
Senka pressed her lips together, then made a light "hmm" sound, showing she understood, before turning her head back, facing the tv once more, and leaving the pause screen. Morpheus felt how she tensed up beside him, her hands doing quick work on the controller, while the clicking of buttons and the energetic music filled the room. His eyes followed her moves closely as she cleared the area, collecting something akin to a dark purple crystal, before being faced with two more doorways, of which she chose the left.
"You still haven't told me what this game is." He remarked after another chamber, and another collected reward. "Oh yeah right, sorry. It's called Hades. A friend recommended it to me. It's a rougelite, but it's surprisingly less frustrating then I thought it would be." She explained to him, smashing an enemy into a wall, causing it to dissipate into smoke. The Lord of Dreams blinked slowly, trying to absorb the information given to him. Most of it he had a faint idea of, but by god, what was a 'rougelite'? Obviously noticing his confusion, Senka quickly elaborated on what she had said previously. "It's a game where you do runs, so you play through the game, you die and then you start all over again. For example, in this game, you're Zagreus, the son of Hades, trying to break out of the underworld to seek out your mother Persephone. You know the story?" Her voice became rather excited when she talked about it, and something in Dream didn't want to admit to it, yet he had promised to be honest to her at all times. And they didn't call him the Prince of Stories for nothing.
"Yes, I do know the story. But I am sure they have found some way to tell it differently from how I know it." He was very aware of the many variations myths like this could take and, quite frankly, always have taken. To see them reworked and re-imagined was quite a recent, yet welcome development in Morpheus eyes. His heart stung a little however when he noticed a light disappointment cross the face of his night howler, as she nodded. "Yeah, figured you know it. You know everything." She noted, her eyes back on the screen, when she walked through another door, finding herself in a glade. A cloud-like river dwelled around the pathway and stairs, on the top of which a man set on the ground, whom she talked to.
"Is something wrong, there, sir? I mean shouldn't you be up and about, competing for eternal pride and glory and all that?"
"What's the use? Let's say we fought, if anybody asks. Now, go. I've no quarrel with you, besides. I'll just remain here, comfortably at rest, for some untold millennia, I guess. Have a nice... whatever time it is."
"Patroclus…" Morpheus noted the name, reading it out loud quietly, eagering a nod from his friend. "Yeah, he's Achilles' boyfriend and I'm trying to get them back together, but I'm stuck. You have to wait for like a certain dialogue option to appear in order to get prompted to talk to someone else, and all that jazz. I have them both maxed out on nectar too, so it's just a waiting game at this point." She informed him with a deep sigh, as she went onto the next chamber. "This game has so much dialogue, it can take a while…like its inside. The game has like six dialogue options at all times basically, and it usually picks one who haven't had before. I heard people say, they played this game hundreds of hours and they never had a single line repeated, at least not as far as they could recall. And then there's situation specific dialogue too, like depending on how you stand with people…it's super cool. Also the dialogue is funny as fuck."
Her enthusiasm made Morpheus smile wider than he would like to admit. It was so sweet to see her genuinely excited about something. "You really like this game, I can tell." He chuckled, and pressed another kiss against the side of her head, making her giggle in return. Happiness bubbled in her stomach and she couldn't help to grin at him. "Oh this game is a nightmare tho. Everyone is hot and I want to fuck them all. All some of them not all, cause Zeus sucks, Poseidon is cool surfer uncle, Hades is 'father'- " The used the word in a very specific tone he could interpret as an impression of the main character. " - Athena is distant aunt, Dionysus fucks, I love them, Artemis is bestest girl, Ares turns you into death bayblades, I love him to, Hermes is a small subby boy, who I want to top, Aphrodite is just as bad as always, Demeter is grandma…and don't get me started on all the chthonic gods. Like…okay, hold up, let me- ah no, wait-" She paused the game once more, then pulled away, stretching as far as she could to reach her phone on the other side of the couch, where it had been charging. "I can show you a picture." She said, while she unlocked it, opening a search engine and typing in a name.
Pushing herself back as she did so, Morpheus helped by pulling her up, curiously looking down onto the phone screen when she showed him the picture of a pale woman, with golden eyes, a flowy purple dress, and dark hair, which sprawled out behind her, small stars in the vastness of the dark locks. "This is Nyx, Mother Night. She's kinda Zagreus mom too, she raised him." Senka turned her head, curiously taking in Morpheus' reaction to the picture. He had once mentioned that his parents were night and time, so showing him this picture of the personification of night, she hoped to get some kind of reaction out of him. "Does your mom look like that too?" She then asked, unable to hold back her curiosity any longer. For a moment she thought she had offended him somehow, then he laughed softly and smiled. "No, they don't. But…I imagine if they were a person, this could come close." He mused, finding the idea of it quite ridiculous, yet he could see his friends' point. The pale skin, the dark hair, the starryness in their appearance; all aspects he shared. While the golden eyes were certainly a very prominent feature in his sibling Desire.
Having amused him was quite a good sign for Senka, who relaxed, happy that she didn't offend him with the question. "Well, yeah, there's her, her sons, Hypnos and Thanatos. Who you can date. Well Thanatos, not Hypnos. Yeah, you can date in this game too, you can also decorate the house of Hades…you can do a lot of stupid stuff in this game." She tossed the phone aside, about to pick up the controller once more, then quickly turned, snatching the phone again. "Hold up, I have to show you my wife!" Morpheus rose his eyebrows at her words, his cheeks starting to strain a little from his suppressed smiles. "Your wife?" - "Well my game wife. There." Pale hands handed him the phone, on which a lady was on full display, holding a whip in one hand, the other by her side, a judging look in her eyes as she looked towards the viewer. Her skin was blueish in tone, with dark blue hair to match. She had a golden armor around her shoulders, as well as several other golden accessories on her ears and worn as jewelry, while on the back a single bat-wing had sprouted. "Her names Meg, Megaera, First of the Furies, and I wived her. As in I dated her. And now we're hooking up. Well, her and Zagreus, not her and I, but I would. Even with the whip." Morpheus took his time to look at the picture, feeling a little jealous just for the hint of a second, before reminding himself that it was all in good faith. And therefore, he could make fun of it. "Looks like I have to step up my game then, so I won't lose my little nightmare to the First of the Furies." He joked, his hand softly tightening around her waist, as he pulled her closer, his eyes fixed onto her face while she looked up to him, a small grin on her lips. "Maybe you should, lord of Dreams." She replied in a teasing tone, which he gladly took as an invitation to lean down and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle manner. It was what he had come here for in the first place, but he wasn't mad about the delayed display of his affection. Seeing her enjoy this game and get all giddy and excited about it was much worth the wait.
It was a long, quiet moment in which they shared their kiss, warm breaths intermingling with one another, as they breathed each other in, mouths slowly moving against one anothers. The gentle noise of their small, careful kisses seemed insignificant in comparison with the room, but that was how they liked their kisses. It was just about feeling each other and assuring, that they were there and real. Morpheus' fingers softly dug into the side of his night howlers shirt, who, in turn, moved her hand onto his leg, stroking along his thigh. A quiet sigh left his mouth at her touch, the tone getting swallowed by her lips, which lazily opened after a moment, yet he didn't have any intention to suddenly pick up the pace. A warm sleepiness seemed to surround the both of them as they continued, enjoying the comfort of shared intimacy.
It was the Dreamlord who eventually pulled away. "Come on…I want to see what else you can show me in this game. You've peaked my interest…" he whispered against her skin, his nose gently bumping hers.
There we go, let me know if you guys liked it 😅
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Sleeping Dogs Review
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Most of what I knew about this game came from Dunkey's video. I knew it was a beat-em-up sort of thing with elements from Yakuza and other open world games mixed with a Chinese flare and a decent amount of cursing but it didn't exactly break many molds that I heard of despite its audacious story premises.
One day the main menu theme came up on my YouTube theme and I've been listening to it ever since and that was enough to put it back on my radar so I put it on my Steam watchlist. I thought maybe I'd pick it up when I was done with Yakuza as a sort of side game thing but then I saw that you can drive in this game and that set me over the edge, maybe it wasn't just a Yakuza clone, I was going to play it. I bought it during one of the Steam sales for super cheap, definitive edition too so it has all the content, not as big of a fan of the remixed menu music but it's fine.
Immediately what stuck out to me was the atmosphere, everything is all warmly colored with a dark wash to it, gangs, slums, tightly packed market spaces, a variety of NPCs roaming the streets, it seemed like a good time. But let's take a shortcut to combat for a bit. The combat is very reminiscent of Yakuza with things like interact-able environments where you can throw someone through a window and stuff but it doesn't feel heavily reliant on weapons which is fine with me, it gives it a bare knuckle brawl sort of vibe that you'd see on the streets. It also adds countering though which is pretty cool, that alone can make the combat seem different and varied because you can give it more flow.
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Other than that, it's your run of the mill combat system. A lot of other things are pretty reminiscent of what I've mentioned with Yakuza such as side-quests, finishers, even the karaoke but the ability tree has a little gimmick worth mentioning. It's split up into two paths because if you don't know, you play as a cop posing as a gang member so you get cop points and triad points and you use those to unlock different abilities. This doesn't affect the run as a whole because there's only one ending but there is side material where you can act as a cop and take down a quick riot in the back alleyways with a few of your other cop buddies. As well as the main quests being split between those two but any quest deals with the system where doing things lawfully rewards you more cop points and not so lawfully more triad points so there's that.
It has some cool finishing moves like you can do wall kicks and then jump kicks. There was this one part where you had to take pictures for this lady and this guy photobombs you in front of the sunset, it's really funny but the goal is to try and get him out of the way so what I chose to do is pick him up and throw him into the ocean, it's just so great the kind of comedic moments you can create.
The NPCs and cars can be the same models and walk right next to each other but the world is so vast and there's so many variations that it's fine. Sometimes an enemy will grab you from behind and it tells you to kick which is meant to kick another enemy in front of you but sometimes there is no enemy to kick so you're left at a stalemate until the reaction command decides it wants to change to something else.
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The actual Steam port itself could use a little more because I was using my PS4 controller but it only recognizes Xbox so when it says "press X" I would but where the X is on the Xbox, is the place where the square is on the Playstation, so I messed up all the time. The camera is also a bit shoddy at times, especially while driving, it made me dizzy (which is easy to do nowadays but still) you can hold back on the analog stick and it shows a reverse view. You can do U-turns a little easier though if you get the hang of pressing circle and then 180 the control stick. So yeah, I think if you don't like this game initially, give it a look up online because there's a ton of stuff that you can do that the game doesn't tell you and it made the experience that much more enjoyable for me.
But other than that, if you can see it, you can usually drive it, doing those side missions unlocks bonuses which sometimes include vehicles and clothing. There are some dumb missions sometimes though, I'll say that much. Like this bus vs bus one that took absolutely forever, basically anything you have to run them off the road and destroy their car is a really tedious mission to try and beat. You can paint them usually too but it's kind of odd for bikes especially because of how far away the camera is and how dark the lighting is, there's no way to swivel or zoom or anything, it's just static. But yes, you can run into parking meters and get money from them so I guess it evens out. It wouldn't even be too farfetched to say you can drive the Batmobile.
I'll talk about the DLC in a separate post later on but as far as a rating goes, I'm a bit mixed. Because a 7/10 seems fair but in terms of personal value, while I think it delivered better on what it was trying to do, there are games that I've given lower scores and liked more such as Resident Evil 3 Remake, Metroid Other M, Prince of Persia Warrior Within so I might bring it down to at least a 6. Is it underrated? Yes, there's nothing really wrong with it, I like it's asian representation and there's a lot of care there, but despite that I just don't feel overly passionate about the game.
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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aobakukkii · 3 years
✬Bokuto Relationship Headcanons✬
Bokuto x Gender Neutral Reader
(+small male reader bonus part at the end because the guys deserve it)
Just really fluffy stuff for you and best boy
- Having someone like Bokuto as your partner will be an incredibly rewarding experience, if you are willing to adapt to his antics. He actively seeks out fun, excitement and chances to grow and expects you to be his personal portable power bank on his journey. For him, one must always try to become the most ideal version of oneself and this also involves moving someone out of their comfort zone because boy does not like feeling restrained. He picks up cues on how to handle people extremely well and makes sure that both of you feel happy and secure on your path. Most of the time Bokuto radiates positive energy and hype, so his s/o really does not have to worry and just put faith into his skills.
- Bokuto likes to express his feelings through physical affection. He is awfully touchy with people he is close with and his s/o gets to feel it double. Bokuto is build for the greatest of cuddles and hugs and he just finds it so easy and convenient to hold his s/o close or touch any given part of their body throughout the day to say “I love you and I deeply care about you”, although his s/o could always ask him to say it out loud and he would shower them with sweet-nothings and compliments.
In return, he wants his s/o to accept his affection, return it in their way and finally their attention. He’s not per se the most jealous person (only to a certain extent) and completely understand that sometimes people need their alone time, but he’s self-absorbed to a degree that he wants and needs to be the center of your love and attention at least a little bit everyday. Otherwise he can become really whiny. To stop him just do something (in his eyes) really cute and everything is forgiven.
- One word that Bokuto does not know of is shame. He wants to show off and attention and this has an impact on how he displays PDA when you don’t stop him. He prides himself a lot on having the best s/o ever and sadly won’t accept nothing as an option because he can’t help himself. He is fine with keeping it on a low level like holding hands, leaning onto each other or throwing his arm around your shoulder, but if you let him go as he pleases him he may just make you sit on his lap or pick you up and spin you around once you guys meet.
- Contrary to what some might think, Bokuto does appreciates relaxed dates to recharge. The most common quality time with him is chilling at one of your places after work/university/school and just play video games or binge shows. However daily responsibilities won’t stop him from dragging you out at night for some “late-night adventures” like getting some food and/or taking a walk and talking about random stuff while appreciating the privacy and beauty of the dark so hopefully you’re into that as well.
He regularly checks for new or popular spots in and around town for you guys to visit on your days off. A popular restaurant, local sightseeing spots, an interesting exhibition, any amusement park (probably his favorite date spot) or some escape room, he wants to see them all. He also really loves to travel to near and far with you and take cheesy, but cute, couple selfies. However his schedule sadly limits his abilities to do so often besides local stuff and short trips.
- When you guys are apart, especially for a longer period of time, he quite literally trashes your phone with the amount of notifications and videos he sends you throughout the day. He begs you to install Snapchat (if you don’t already have it) and vlogs you his training, things you might find interesting and bad jokes in hopes of making you smile. Speaking of bad jokes, expect a lot of memes for another cheap laugh. If you’re somewhat responsible you should not produce content at a similar rate (you both need to get something done after all), but as long as you reply ever so often you make his day.
- In a relationship with Bokuto, you will receive a lot of support but also have to give a lot of support. He feels like it’s his responsibility to bring you back up and make you feel special and that’s exactly what he needs in return. He is without a doubt resilient and some kisses, hugs and compliments can get him back on track most of the time, but he couldn’t handle if the person he trusts the most does not have his back or rejects him when he needs them.
Nevertheless, his style of love involves a lot of spoiling his s/o rotten and if he gets spoiled in return, you should be well prepared for possible hardships.
- Have I mentioned that he is perfect if you take care of him? He won’t have a problem with including you in his friend-circle (his teammates and you have a lot of passive contact through his vlogs anyway) or inserting himself into yours. He’s ready to indulge in interests you might have as long as he can spend some time with you. It’s pretty easy to get him hooked onto something as long as you love it.
- It’s really important for him that try to cheer him on during his games and that you are active enough to play at least a bit of volleyball with him (not like you could keep up with him otherwise). He’s a patient teacher, but you will probably learn the most about being a setter for countless demonstrations of his straights. If you already play volleyball at any level really, he’s even more satisfied. The experience of playing with you is one of the biggest confidence boosts he can get for his games and he's determined to use the techniques he showed you to win! Another big boost is to wear his merch or even better his spare training clothes (or option 3: both) when you attend the games in person. Show others that you're his #1 fan!
Fanboy BONUS~
Warning: Suggestive, but nothing graphic
- If you guys speak English (don’t worry, he passed his English exams), expect him to use surprisingly creative yet lame bro pick-up lines. You just know that he practices those with Kuroo.
- Remember the show off part? With a boyfriend he adds an “own the haters” attitude on top of it. When gushing about you, he can’t stop saying how HIS BOYFRIEND is the most fantastic thing in existence.  He’s maybe a bit overbearing sometimes, but his motivation is just so pure that barely anyone minds.
- He’s a top, deal with it. You can learn it the easy or the hard way, but he will assert it in your relationship in any way he wants.
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bangchanstudio · 4 years
Never Have I Ever | Changbin (1/?)
pairing: seo changbin x fem! reader
genre: university au, awkward friends to ? something more?
tw: drinking games, p*rn, smoking, smut-ish/suggestive, dom!changbin tendencies ?
word count: 5.3k
synopsis: your friends get together towards the end of fall semester to blow off steam before finals. and by blowing off steam that means getting blackout drunk at your place by playing stupid drinking games that everyone is too stubborn to stop when they know they should. normally, you’re the best at holding your liquor but not tonight, tonight your friends vowed to get you drunk with a game of never have I ever, collectively agreeing to go against you so you’ll finally be the drunk one doing dumb stuff. so, that’s exactly how you end up here sitting in the dark watching p*rn with your best friend’s friend.
note: i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing so here
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“So party, your place, 9pm?” Hyunjin asked before unlacing his arm from yours and heading towards his next class. It was chilly and the loss of body heat from Jinnie made you wrap your coat tighter around yourself. “I’ll text the group chat to remind everyone!”
“Sure sounds great,” you called before heading in the opposite direction back to your apartment. It’s not like you had a choice when it came to these sort of arrangements. After all, the only one in your friend group with an apartment to themselves was you. This semester was kicking everyone's ass so maybe a party is exactly what everyone needed. Normally, parties were the last thing on your mind, but they were always pretty fun when it was just you and your friends. No weird smells at frat houses, with strangers, strange drinks, and stranger pick up lines.
After calling your best friend Chan, you both decided to meet at the market down the street from your apartment building to get drinks and snacks for that night. It was almost December but the cold made it feel as if we were already in the dead of winter, minus the snow. Your body welcomed the overly warm building as you spotted Chan waving for you by the cafe ready to go with a trolley.
“Mocha?” He offered stretching out his arm offering you the heavenly cup, which you so gratefully took and sipped at.
“Have I told you how amazing you are today?” You asked linking your arm with Chan’s as you made your way to the liquor isle.
He giggled looking away in that cute schoolboy way he always did when you complimented him. “Well, not today, particularly.”
“Well, you’re amazing Christopher Bang.” He gave you a knowing look at the use of his full name. Chan has been your best friend since high school. You had transferred from the states and he was the first one to invite you to his lunch table with his seven extremely loud, noisy, and obnoxious friends. You didn’t say a word the whole lunch period, and you thought maybe they wouldn’t invite you to sit with them again realizing how weird and quiet you were. But they did, they invited you again the next day and the day after and everyday after that. Before you realized it you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
They made you feel loved and cared for and like you actually had a family.
“What do you say?” Chan asked holding up a bottle of tequila in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other.
“Well, we did vodka last time. Let’s do tequila!” You preferred tequila anyway, slutty though it may may be dubbed. “Let’s get the limes before we forget.”
Before long the trolley was filled with a couple of bottles of tequila, cheap booze and snacks. Mainly shit for nachos since Jinnie and Felix agreed to bring pizza. The cashier was ringing up your stuff rather slowly, the guy looked like he had just been dumped or something judging by the way he kept glancing between you and Chan with a salty look, you almost wanted to clarify that, “No, we’re not dating.”
But it was common for people to think you were. Some people even thought you were in an open relationship with a couple of your friends considering how clingy and inseparable you all were with each other. The thought still confused you but who cares what anyone else thought.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Chan called you out of your thoughts while handing his card to the cashier, “would it be okay if Changbin came over?”
Changbin. You hadn’t hung out with him since the start of summer at Seungmin’s house party. He had moved away after high school and you didn’t keep up with him the way the guys did. It had been over a year since you could say you were actually friends, not that there were any hard feelings. He just moved away and that was that. You were annoyed at the slight ache of your heart at the sound of his name. Don’t be stupid.
After a year he actually transferred to the same uni as the guys and you, but you didn’t speak more than a few words and small talk at lunch or whatever. This semester had been hard on everyone so it’s not like there was time to hang out and much less everyone at the same time, and anytime you did hang out with the guys, he was never there and vice versa. A small part of you wondered if he was avoiding you, but that was stupid. You weren’t important enough to be avoided.
Chan took note of your hesitation, he was the only one who knew how annoyed you were at the whole situation of Changbin leaving. As good as you were at holding your liquor you weren’t invincible and the only time your girl friend convinced you to go to the BTP open party first weekend of the semester he was the one you called to help you get home and along the way spilled your guts both emotionally and literally.
“It’s cool if you’re not okay with it, he doesn’t know about the kick back I was just—“
“No, it’s fine,” You said cutting Chan off and mustering up a fake smile, “Invite him. The more the merrier, right?”
You couldn’t have been more wrong.
It was getting close to midnight when Chan walked in. Your apartment was warm both from the booze and from the heater. Jinnie and Felix were cuddled together on the dark gray sofa, Minho was the only one actually eating the food everyone brought, Seungmin and Jeongin were playing video games and Jisung was sprawled on the floor with his head in your lap watching YouTube videos. Your hand stopped suddenly in his hair as you saw who walked in behind your best friend.
“Hey guys! Sorry we’re late,” Chan greeted before kicking his vans off at the entrance and making his way over, sitting on your other side as to not bother Jisung.
“Heyyy, look what the cat dragged in,” Hyunjin cooed cocking an eyebrow at Changbin before glancing at you. He pushed Felix to the side and went to fetch the tequila. “Now that everyone is here we can finally get this party started!”
You shifted nervously on your bum as Jisung sat up right giving space so Changbin could sit next to him, subconsciously you scooted so close to Chan you were almost on his lap.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, glancing sheepishly at him. “No it’s okay,” He said placing a hand on your knee. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.” “No, no, it’s okay, really!” You said, the boys were bickering amongst themselves over what drinking game we should start with, so no one was paying attention to you guys. You were grateful. “It’s not like we’re ex’s or anything.”
Chan rolled his eyes laughing, his dimples coming through. The sound made you relax, and smile.  
All the while, Changbin was observing you without you even noticing. He didn’t mean to avoid you, he wasn’t even completely sure why he did that. Maybe it was the fear he felt of losing you when his parents announced they were moving away, afraid of losing what could be. Maybe it was how he saw the way you looked at Chan and figured he didn’t have a chance. Maybe it was the fact that he felt a certain way towards you that he couldn’t totally understand therefore wanted to avoid it at all costs. He still remembered the look on your face when he told you he was leaving.
Was it sadness he saw in your eyes? Even if it was, you covered it up quickly not wanting him to see. He wanted to see it, though.
“Okay listen up homosexuals!” Jinnie announced clapping his hands, “we’re going to start with something easy.” “Truth or dare!” Jisung yelled, startling you into a small jump, “Oh sorry, (Y/N).” You playfully shoved Ji’s shoulder, “Yeah truth or dare!” “No,” Hyunjin said exasperatedly, “That will come later, we’re starting with: Never Have I Ever.”
Everyone collectively groaned in protest.
It was a hard game to play because it was so easy to manipulate each other into getting drunk. There was little that was hidden between everyone, you guys were practically an open book with each other.
“Sounds fun to me!” Chan said giving a sly smirk. “Yeah same here,” Seungmin agreed a little too enthusiastically. “I’m good at this game.” Jeongin piped in, cutely raising his hand.
You puffed your cheeks out and furrowed your brows in cute frustration, “but I don’t wanna~” You whined crossing your arms.
“Too bad princess, it’s been decided.” Hyunjin said devilishly as he poured everyone's shot glass. You fidgeted it around annoyingly as your friends played Rock Paper Scissors to decided who would start the game. You were bad at rock, paper, scissors too so you didn’t bother joining in.
“Yes!” Felix shouted in triumph, “Okay let’s go! First one. Never have I ever… Kissed a stranger.”
“Oh come on!” Jisung protested, “That’s not fair, everyone has!” “Not me,” Felix said giving a smirk of satisfaction.
Everyone took a shot except Felix and Jeongin.
Minho went next, “Never have I ever… Sent someone a naughty picture.”
“What!!” “No way!” “Seriously?!”
Everyone was shouting their annoyance before taking another shot and refilling each others glasses. You mumbled a thanks to Chan for filling yours. Minho was the only one who didn’t shoot.
“Never have I ever…” Seungmin glanced your way before continuing, “Made out with the same sex.”
Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed, not that it was something to be embarrassed about. It only happened once and she was hot and you were drunk and for god’s sake it was opening weekend! But… how did he know?
“Hey that’s discrimination,” Jinnie protested as he and Felix linked their shot arms around each other’s before drinking. “Lucky we’re okay with it.”
You stared at your glass biting your lip, Seungmin’s stare was burning holes in you, “aren’t you going to drink, (Y/N)?” He asked.
Everyone snapped to look at you, including Changbin who raised an eyebrow. His baseball hat hid most of his eyes, but you had memorized the way his face moved since the day you met him.
“Really?” “What, when? WITH WHO?” “You never told me,” Chan said laughing, covering his mouth with his hand in shock.
You licked your teeth and scrunched your face up trying not to curse Seungmin to hell before shooting your shot back and slamming the glass on the table without any salt or lime to follow.
“You’re such an ass.” You replied staring Seungmin down, whipping the bit of liquor off your chin.
He shrugged nonchalantly before nodding at Jeongin to continue which was unfair as he was still pretty innocent and everyone always had to drink to his never have I ever’s.
Changbin was next and you made eye contact with him for the first time in weeks. His dark eyes made your heart stop, they were unreadable as always and you felt exposed under his gaze. You quickly blinked away not wanting anyone to notice. “Never have I ever.. had a friend with benefits.”
“What?!” Jisung exlaimed, “Liar!” Changbin laughed shaking his head, “One night stands and friends with benefits are not the same.”
More groans were heard around as everyone took a shot, except you and Changbin.
“What? Really?” Jisung asked nudging you.
You blinked at him.
“What? Is it that surprising?” What did they take you for? “Like Changbin said, one night stands and friends with benefits are not the same thing.” You shrugged cheekily crossing your arms over your chest.
Jisung was next, “Never have I ever, given a lap dance.”
Boy were you on a roll, finally! “I haven’t!!” You shouted startling Jisung.
“No way!! What about opening night?!” Why was everyone trying to bring up dirt from opening night? It was starting to seem suspicious.
“What about opening night? You mean the pole dancing?” He nodded expectantly, “Pole dancing does not equal lap dance, oh innocent one.” You cooed pinching his cheeks.
“Okay my turn!!” You shouted gleefully, trying to think of something they’ve all done that you hadn’t. You hummed, musing, nibbling your lip, “Oh, I know! Never have I ever watched p*rn with someone else!”
“Why is that so oddly specific?” Chan asked taking his shot. “Because I know y’all are dirty,” You said watching as every single one of them took a shot.
Except one person.
Chan looked over at Changbin suspiciously, Changbin shrugged as if they were communicating telepathically, “Seriously? Never?”
“Nope, never." Changbin said before laughing.
“I guess we know a future dare.” Hyunjin said looking between you and Changbin with an evil grin.
You didn’t like the sound of that.
The game continued on for what seemed like forever and with each question your sanity slipped further and further away. Eventually the tequila was switched for regular booze as most of you were starting to crossover from tipsy to drunk.
Never Have I Ever: Slept nude - drink Skinny dipped - drink Hooked up with someone you just met - drink
“Okay okay okay, last one,” Chan stirred his accent getting thicker the more he drank, “Never have I ever… thought of someone else while having sex.”
Fuck. Me.
You glared at him, which all he did was return a stupid grin before hiccuping. Everyone was quiet looking to see who would be the one to drink. Chan really knew all of your dirty secrets and you tried to make a mental note of never telling him anything ever again, even though you knew that wouldn’t work out well.
As you held up the glass to your lips you made eye contact with him again. Changbin also drank to that. You paused for a moment, remembering your one night stand at the BTP party and how the guy was nice enough and cute enough, and buff enough… but he wasn’t enough. He wasn’t as good looking as Changbin, he wasn’t as hot or as toned as Changbin, his voice wasn’t as sexy as Changbin’s and his arms weren’t as sexy as Changbin’s, and your drunken ass told Chan that as he held your hair back on your bathroom floor as you puked up everything you had ever digested that day and cried to him about the guy not being Changbin.
What. The. Hell.
“Ohh~” Everyone cooed darkly looking between you too. “That’s kind of hot,” Jinnie said before deciding we were moving on to truth or dare.
“I need some fresh air,” You said, before grabbing your coat and rushing out the front door into the cold December air. There was a knot that had begun to form in your chest, you knew if you didn’t get out of there you would probably have a panic attack.
“Fuck you, Christopher Bang!” You shouted before climbing the stairs on the side of the building up to the rooftop. It was late and cold, so no one would be up there. No one was ever really up there, the sight wasn’t anything special. You could see campus from here and some hills in the distance. You pulled out a vape pen and sucked in a deep breath of menthol. The familiar feeling of smoke filling your lungs took the edge off. Not that it was something to be proud of, but we all had our vices.
You tensed as you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and cursed yourself for forgetting your pocket knife down in the apartment. One could never be too safe but assuming it was just Chan you started,
“You’re such an asshole Christopher Bang I’m never telling you anything ev—“ You deadpanned as you turned around to see Seo Changbin at the top of the stairs. Your eyes widened and you quickly hid your vape in the your jacket pocket. “I— I’m so sorry I thought you were Chan.”
He waved dismissively, “Can I… Can I join you?”
You nodded and for some reason you didn’t want anything more than to just disappear at that very moment.
“It’s…” you started, looking over the edge of the apartment building, “It’s nice to see you again. I mean we see each other on campus and stuff but I mean, you know, all together again.”
You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut annoyed with how stupid the words coming out of your mouth sounded. You were surprised when Changbin chuckled. He liked it when you got flustered.
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you too.” His hands were in his pockets but it seemed like they were clenched. “Chan mentioned you did well on your performance midterm.”
Chan talked about you with him? “Oh, that… yeah it was okay. I still need to do better.”
“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.” You met his gaze, “You’ve always been so hard on yourself.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t say anything at all. The silence drew on, sitting somewhere between awkward and comfortable silence. But at the same time, that’s how it always used to be. Changbin was never overtly clingy, at least not to you, and you never were to him always keeping a respectful distance. Not because he was mean but… you just assumed he didn’t want to cling to you.
“I’m sorry for not reaching out when you left.” You mumbled breaking the silence at last. “No, it’s okay.” He said, taking his hat off, ruffling his hair and putting it back on. You smiled at the gesture and he smiled back catching you staring, “What?”
“Nothing. I just missed this.” He nodded in agreement before suggesting you two go back inside before the guys started to worry.
You returned to a painful game of truth or dare. And by painful you meant extremely embarrassing you could literally die.
“I have to do what?!” You were standing, hands on hips, foot tapping impatiently waiting for someone to explain what happened while you went to pee out the alcohol.
“Just pick a shot glass and drink, whichever you want.” Chan said for the third time.
“Okay but what’s the catch? Do I die? Am I poised? Do I turn into a fucking pumpkin?”
“You have to sit on said persons lap.” Jinnie deadpanned.
“I… what?”
“Choose a glass and drink it and whoever poured that glass, you have to sit on their lap for twenty minutes.” Everyone seemed giddy with Hyunjin’s explanation but you could feel your cheeks burning at the small chance that you would end up picking his glass and— no, no, no, shut up there’s literally seven other glasses that means the odds are 1 out of 8.. that’s good.. right?
You whined and stomped over to the coffee table where the shot glasses were formed in a circle. Logically, they just poured them out and placed the glasses in front of them right? You smiled, grabbing the glass that was closet to Chan, convinced that it was his. If you had to do such a weird and uncomfortable thing, at least do it with your best friend, right?
You threw back the glass feeling the hot liquid drip down your throat. “There! Happy? So now I just sit here?” You asked pointing at Chan.
Seungmin shook his head mischievously, “No, you sit over there,” you followed his finger to Changbin who was seated on an accent chair next to the sofa, he was smirking at you and god he looked so hot with that black t-shirt and,
“Wait- what?! Why?” You asked in protest. “Weren’t you paying attention!” Jisung shouted standing up and pushing you over to Changbin. “We switched up the glasses dummy. We knew you’d just go for Chan’s glass so we switched them around.”
“Sorry baby girl, can’t save you this time.” Chan said apologetically.
Jisung pushed you down into Changbin’s lap and you could feel him tense up. The guys couldn’t stop laughing and Hyunjin even took a picture, probably to blackmail you with later.
“S-sorry.” You stammered, so low you weren’t sure Changbin heard it. To your surprise he wrapped his arms around your waist and arms and secured you in place. That only made everyone lose their shit once again. You were sure your cheeks would be stained permanently red from now on.
What you didn’t realize is that most of tonight was a set up. No thanks to Chan. He knew how you felt, and he knew how Changbin felt. Chan was tired of being the middle man when neither of you wanted to confront your feelings for each other, so that’s what led you here. The night continued and you felt that every minuted was an eternity.
You were extremely aware of everything going on at that moment, despite the alcohol that still lingered in your veins. You were painfully aware of Changbin’s arms and how his muscles flexed with even the smallest movement or shift from them, of how his breath seemed to become shallower with the time that passed, of how hot his hand felt on your skin between your jeans and top that rid up, though, it was only a graze, or of how you could have sworn you could feel his heart beating from his chest pressed against your back. Maybe that was your own? Since this was your dare and Changbin was also suffering for it, the only mercy the guys offered you two was a pass until the 20 minutes were over.
“Okay, (Y/N), time!” Felix called as his timer went off. You immediately tried yeeting yourself off of Changbin but his grip stopped you
“But what if I like you here?” He asked, whispering in your ear. You were certain no one else heard but your eyes would have given everything away if someone had looked your way. There was a knot in your throat and butterflies in your stomach and that definitely made you… hot. He released you after a second, which you gratefully and not so gracefully sat on the cool floor, thankful for the guys being distracted and bickering for once.
Chan offered you a glass of water, though, he was probably doing it to sober you up but you really just needed to cool off.
“Changbin, truth or dare?” Minho asked “Truth.” “Have you ever thought about sleeping with (Y/N)?”
You chocked on the water you were chugging spitting it all over the front of your shirt, Chan was by you in an instant rubbing your back and telling you to look up so it would pass.
“Damn, talk about getting straight to the point,” Felix mused.
Chan helped pat dry your face and shirt while you peaked at Changbin through the corner of your eyes dreading what was going to come out of his mouth. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long for a response.
“Yeah, of course.”
Yeah, of course?! What was that suppose to mean?!
The younger boys celebrated and high fived each other, before turning to Minho. “You owe us 20 each.” Jeongin said, Minho rolled his eyes before taking out his wallet.
Why were you friends with these assholes again?
“(Y/N)” “What?” You flinched in response to Hyunjin’s voice. “Truth or dare?”
You weighed your options. You really didn’t want to say truth for fear of them asking you the same thing and there was no way you could admit to wanting to sleep with Seo Changbin.
“Dare.” The dark grin that spread across Jinnie’s face made you instantly regret your choice, though you were positive you would have regretted it either way.
“I dare you to watch a p*rn video with Changbin.”
And that is how you ended up here, at 2am, kind of drunk, locked in your own bedroom, in the dark, with the only light source being from your laptop that sat in the middle of your small bed. You hugged your knees to your chest, staring at P-Hub’s home page. Changbin was sitting cross legged next to you leaning back on his arm.
“So…” He started, awkwardly. “Why don’t you choose?” “Me? Why don’t you?” He exhaled rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll probably choose something terrible. Don’t girls have better taste in adult videos anyway?” “What does that even mean?” You asked before jumping at the sound of someone pounding at the door.
“We don’t hear any video playing !!” It was Chan.
Mental note: kick his ass.
You sighed in defeat pulling the computer closer to you before typing in “morning sex” into the search bar.
“Really? Didn’t take you for a morning sex type of girl” Changbin mused. “I’m not, but that doesn’t mean it’s not cute to watch.” You replied scrolling through the videos looking for the least uncomfortable looking one. Maybe something vanilla will be less awkward. “So… you watch porn often?” He asked after a moment.
You stopped scrolling, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath, “What do you care?” You turned to face him, but his face face was… so much closer than you were expecting. Your eyes widen slightly and your voice caught in your throat.
He was so… breathtaking. His dark eyes and soft skin unreadable… as always.
Clearing your throat you focus your attention back onto the screen. Though, you could feel Changbin’s eyes on you, observing you.
You finally settled on a video that looked innocent enough… well, as innocent as p*rn could be. The title was “Sensual morning s*x ended up with hard doggy.” Classy. The title didn’t even make sense but I guess that was budgeting for you.
Before you pressed play, you turned to face Changbin once again, trying not to linger on the thought of how his cologne smelled really… attractive. “No words.”
“No promises.” He replied before reaching over your lap and hitting the spacebar to play the video.
It started out slowly, with the guy’s hand going down her stomach. It’s quiet, though, he doesn’t waste any time on teasing and instead going straight into fingering her and palming her clit. It’s not long until you can hear her moans start to pick up at the sound of his fingers going in and out of her wet core. You couldn’t believe you were watching p*rn with Seo Changbin.
The girl in the video adjusts herself so that she can take the guys cock into her mouth while she’s on her back, him on his knees somewhere between letting her control his pleasure and him wanting to take over.
“Her boobs are pretty,” you muse, more so out of slight jealousy considering yours weren’t the biggest… they barely filled a b-cup.
“Aren’t you suppose to be here for the dick?” Changbin asked laughing a little louder than normal, that was the only thing that gave away his nerves.
You shrugged, “I guess it’s okay, it’s just when girls see things like this we tend to compare ourselves even though we don’t mean to.” What were you saying? Maybe you were still tipsier than you thought. Liquor had a way of bring out the truth in anyone.
“Your boobs are really nice.” You inhaled so quickly at Changbin’s compliment you started chocking again.
“How would you know that?” You asked hitting your chest to catch your breath.
“We went skinny dipping during the senior trip, remember?”
Oh, right. You did.
It was Hyunjin’s idea of course, and because it was Hyunjin’s idea Felix went too. Of course, Felix invited Chan who in turn invited Jisung, Changbin and you. The others didn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to sneak out so it was just you guys. You snuck out of the cabins and trekked your way through the dark forest. That was the only time you ever held on so close to Changbin, gripping his arm, trying to keep up with their pace with the only light being from your phones to guide you.
Once you made it to the lake there was hidden booze and strip poker, followed by everyone jumping into the lake butt naked. You were all drunk so no one really remembers the skinny dipping part, and you almost forget it yourself.
“I.. almost forgot about that.” You said playing with the the hem of your shirt. “I don’t ever want to forget.” Changbin hummed. His eyes going back to the screen.
As much as you didn’t want to admit it even this vanilla video was turning you on. Or maybe it was the thought of Changbin being so close to you.
The guy finally put his dick in her and her moans were so pretty. The video was aesthetically pleasing, on a comfortable and wide couch. The sunlight was coming in through the blinds, it made her skin look so pretty. You didn’t realize earlier but the video is from his point of view so you could only make out his decent cock size and his hands on her thighs. Her moans started echoing around your room as he pounded into her, her boobs jiggling slightly at the pace. He held one of her legs up over his shoulder and massaged her boob with the other.
You didn’t realize how intently you were watching, biting your lip in anticipation of their sounds. Sounds really turned you on, probably more than watching did. You closed your eyes letting your imagination slip away little by little. You imagined being in that girls place. How long was it since you got laid?
“Fuck.” You muttered before realizing the word left your lips, your eyes springing open. “Sorry.”
Changbin wasn’t watching the screen anymore, you realized, he was watching you. The way your eyes had been so fixated on the screen, how you bit your lip so hard he thought you might bleed. The way you squeezed your eyes shut, your chest starting to rise and fall more shallow. He could tell you were imagining something. His eyes were dark with lust, his mind wondering how you would sound saying his name. Moaning from the pleasure that he was giving you.
His gaze made you shrink back into yourself, it made you wet and tremble. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat and say something, anything to break this fog that was starting to swallow you.
“Wh-what are you thinking about?” You stuttered out, the moans from the computer screen sounding so distant now and drowned out by how loud Changbin felt.
“I’m thinking of..” He started, placing an index finger on your lips, tracing them ever so slowly. His eyes, hungry. “How your pretty lips would look around my cock.”
You were taken aback by his bold words, but there was no denying he was stoking a fire that was starting to form at the pit of your stomach. He slipped a finger into your mouth, you whimpered at the sensation, wrapping your tongue around his finger and closing your eyes, listening as his breathing deepened.
“Damn, (Y/N), I really didn’t take you for a slut.” He stuck a second finger into your mouth, making you moan slightly. “Look at me when I talk to you.”
He grabbed your jaw with his free hand, the sudden movement making you fall onto your back and him on top. His hat fell to the side and his messy hair made him look even more dangerous. The sudden movement made him snap out of his daze and sit up.
“Fuck, (Y/N), I’m so sorry that was uncalled for.” Changbin got to his feet, securing his hat firmly back on his head. “We finished the video, I’m going to head out first.”
Changbin rushed out and you followed soon after composing yourself only to find an empty and dark apartment.
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meruz · 4 years
Hey I can't find this in your FAQ so sorry if it's been asked before! Your traditional art is so stunning and vibrant, would you happen to have any brand recommendations for people trying to get into painting? Maybe specific gouche paint, brushes, papers etc. Thank you so much and have a nice day!
no one has ever asked me this before because this is like the first time ive started putting traditional art on my blog! LOL umm to be honest I’m very far from pro on this front, most of my knowledge comes from a handful of classes I didn’t pay a lot of attention to and lots of youtube videos but here’s my recommendations:
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A lot of my paints are winsor newton designer’s gouache because this is what my teachers made me buy when I was a freshman at art school LOL. it’s definitely kind of pricey, I think it’s like $10.99 for a tube which I was NOT a fan of as a college student and is still not my favorite thing now. But they’re overall worth the price if you really want solid, high quality opaque paints. Though I’ve heard their student grade winton paints are decent as well?
I’ve heard less good things about brands like reeves and artist loft... but I think turner is alright? m.graham is supposedly great.
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I also bought a set of holbein acryla gouache when it was discounted on amazon a while ago and have found it very solid. One thing you have to know about acryla gouache is that it uses a binder more like acrylic paint (hence the name acryla). Paints are made out of pigment + binder and most gouache is essentially watercolor but with extra pigment/chalk to make it opaque - the binder is water soluble so these paints can be reactivated with water. Acryla gouache is NOT water soluble when dry and it dries pretty fast so it’s overall less flexible. But other than that you can pretty much treat it like any other gouache and I find they keep a little better too, less likely to get gunky or stiff.
All paint brands have a handful of starter packs which are slightly discounted but if you want to build your own starting palette I’d say get a warm and cool tint of all the primaries, get a lot of white (working with gouache somehow involves a lot of mixing with white lol), and get a brown, maybe like burnt sienna or raw umber for underpaintings. No need to get a black, mixing darks builds character, looks better, and having one out of the tube can become a crutch. If you find a white watercolor paint tube that’s cheaper you can buy that instead of a gouache white. Again, they have pretty much the same make-up. And white paints are generally opaque enough that the composition between gouache/watercolor shouldn’t matter too much.
I’ve never used a block tray of gouache. Like those paints that come in little blocks in a tray? I know there's a bunch out there but I’ve never used them and I don’t know anyone else who does so I have no opinion on them.
I’ve been kind of exploring this myself. I recently bought a cheap set of flat brushes off amazon LOL and I like them a lot?
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Theyre probably not The Best or anything but I found flat brushes suit gouache plein air painting really well because its suits the kind of color blocking shapes I want to make. Also these had the right handle length to fit in my painting bag. That’s like the main reason I chose them tbh.
Honestly a lot of my art supplies philosophy is “give it a whirl with whatever you have lying around and when it feels like you're missing something specific keep an eye out for when that stuff goes on sale”
GOTTA BE HONEST I’m using cheapo paper. Because I’m making these paintings half for study and half to give my parents something to hang in the living room.
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You can actually see some of them curling in on themselves here lol. If you’ve seen the sketchbook I’m holding in any of my pics of paintings it’s one of the canson mixed media books.
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and its FINE... I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it lol.. I like that the texture is very fine but it doesn’t hold a lot of water and definitely distorts. Also I keep ripping off the surface with painters tape but that might just be on me. Oh buy artist tape. Just because its so satisfying to have clean edges.
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I’m using painters tape instead of artist tape because I found it in the basement but if youre buying supplies buy artist tape because it’ll be kinder to your paper. 
I guess anything heavyweight for watercolor/mixed media will be fine? some people like a lot of texture but if you’re painting small you might want to avoid it and pick hot press over cold press. Honestly I feel like a lot of this is going to depend on what your specific needs are.. how big do you want the paper to be.. do you want a sketchbook or would you rather carry around loose paper... etc. Maybe go to an art store and touch all their paper. I feel like its easier to understand sizes and texture when you’re seeing it physically.
When I go on a trip, I normally bring a softcover heavyweight stillman & birn sketchbook because I tend to obliterate metal spiral books in my bag LOL. Also I don’t rip any pages out of my travel sketchbooks so I don’t need perforation or anything. Also they go on sale a lot in the art store I go to haha. I havent used gouache extensively in it but it takes inkwash/maker pretty well.
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On the higher end, I personally haven’t used it that much but my friends who do traditional illustration professionally swear by arches watercolor paper. It comes in lots of different sizes.
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Whatever you use, if you really want it to lie flat you’re gonna want to soak and stretch it on a board but I don’t bother with that because I am lazy.
You didn’t ask about palette but I’m taking the opportunity to be a shill because I personally use a sta-wet palette and I LOVE it.
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One of the biggest frustrations about gouache for me was how quickly it dries after it leaves the tube. And even if you can reawaken it with water its not quite the same? and consistency is SO important when it comes to applying gouache so I don’t want to be over-watering my paint.. ugh. Anyways, I don’t have to worry about that with the sta-wet palette and really its been a game changer for me. sta-wet is a brand name but there are a bunch of other wet palettes not by masterson that I’m sure are just as good. I mean, it’s just a box with a sponge basically, that can’t be hard to replicate.
The only thing - and I personally have not had this issue but I have friends who have - is that if you leave it wet for too long it could grow mold? or a mouldy smell? Just wash your palette with soap and don’t leave it for weeks on end and it should be fine.
If you’re not feeling a palette that’s always moist, the best palette I used in school was a simple glass palette. you can buy one I guess but it’s so easy to DIY, I think the way we did it in school is getting a piece of glass and mdf from the hardware store cut the same size and then duct taped them together on the sides so it wouldn’t be sharp.
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costs like nothing.
what else...get a palette knife if you like to mix paints? and like to save paints... mixing with the brush means you lose paint in your brush in the mixing process so a knife is a good way to maximize that process. I don’t use it much but sometime if I have to mix a lot of one color I’ll pull it out of my bag.
I don’t know anything about easels, I sit on the dirty ground like a gremlin when I paint.
Ok yeah that’s all the supplies tips I have. hope some of it was helpful! always try to save money with art supplies, I think. Especially if you’re just starting out - it’s less stressful to use cheap supplies too lol. Good luck! Happy painting!
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
so i watched The Guardians of Justice on Netflix
ok, so it’s a dark comedy series about DC spoofs. but you know...it actually went pretty hard core and straight more often than not i think, and the underlying storyline is actually really good. minor spoiler, but i won’t give anything too big away that the trailer doesn’t; the story is basically what does the Justice League, and the world, do after a seemingly disillusioned Superman kills himself on national tv.
now i admit, some of the gimmicks kinda messed up (not ruined) some bits. there's a vast mixture of live action, animation (in so many different styles), comic panel/cutouts/narrator, and ‘video game over lays’, as well as some odd editing jumping. sometimes it works, sometimes it reminds me of the commercial segments from Robocop, but there’s a few times where it doesn’t work. there’s one part where there’s silly cartoon elements over live action that’s framed like a video game; that just...was too much. stick to 1, maybe 2, styles per scene and i think it’d help tighten it up better. i also felt at times some of these elements were thrown in because the editing team didn’t think the episode was being “funny enough” maybe, so tried to cover that with over the top goofy that was out of place?? idk, i know it’s a dark comedy and a spoof, but it should work as such without being too cheap about it...luckily it didn’t do it too often as we go down the episode list.
i know i said this is DC spoofs, but i really get strong Squadron Supreme too, especially with Golden Goddess; she is far more Power Princess than she is Wonder Woman.
and even with the characters all being spoofs, they do actually stand out and are explained/developed as their own characters. they don’t rely on the viewer to just go “oh Knight Hawk is Batman, so just know Batman stuff”, naw; he’s a fairly fleshed out character in his own right and you can follow his motivations and growth pretty well. i think it actually can stand on its own as a decent super hero series.
and to top it off, it’s not that long. it’s only 7 episodes and they’re about 30 min each. but they’re paced and feel like 45 min episodes. i didn’t feel too lost as information was being presented, nothing felt too much like heavy padding or filler, or cut down. that is...until the last episode. ep6 feels like it would’ve been a good (mid)season finale cliffhanger, but then we go into e7 and boy is that opening alone was just over loaded with “this was stuff we had planned out to do but...” idk, i could be wrong, it could’ve been planned that way from the start, what do i know. but yes, the last episode relied VERY heavily on mixing all the media types and...kinda worked??? again, it felt like “we were gonna spread all this out but we ran out of time so here it all is at once”
Last episode aside (that didn’t necessarily ruin the series, just felt like it could’ve been more than one episode), I highly recommend this series to super hero fans who also like comedy spoofs. this is not Scary Movie level of stupid spoofing, this is really pretty good, and almost didn’t need to be a spoof honestly. if this sounds interesting do go give it a watch.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What would happen at an s-class slumber party? Including Saitama I guess. Like who falls asleep first, who plays games, etc
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I got these two asks like, literally ten minutes apart and idk what prompted all of these sleepy time curiosities pertaining to the S-Class but I am HERE for it. I’m gonna put them together into one masterpost because they’re roughly the same thing lol. Thanks for requesting stuff y’all! 😄💖
I was having trouble thinking of a possible scenario that could explain why the S-Class would even want to be in the same room together for more than 30 minutes, let alone have a sleepover. The best I could come up with is Sitch paid them all a handsome sum to sleep in the Hero Association lobby and stand guard because there’s an S-Class threat hit squad on the hunt for his executive ass. And, being the cheap-asses that they all are, they took the offer.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get crackin fellas:
Tornado of Terror: She’s grumpy as all hell to be here (even though she got paid the most), so she just falls the fuck asleep and tells everyone to wake her up at the first sign of trouble because she thinks she’s the only one who’s capable enough to deal with it. She brings a pillow, a blanket, her jammies, and a teddy to sleep with. If anyone dares to open their mouth about Sir Stuffers then she’ll gladly explode their head.
Silverfang: Volunteers to take first watch, but because he’s an old shit he falls asleep 20 minutes into his shift. He doesn’t bring anything to sleep with because he convinced himself that he has the willpower to stay up all night but Charanko “accidentally” mixed melatonin into Silverfang’s tea before he left for the mission so now he’s passed the fuck out and not waking up anytime soon.
Atomic Samurai: Same as Silverfang: thinks he can stay up to stand watch and falls asleep 10 seconds into his shift. Except, he doesn’t need to be poisoned to accidentally fall asleep because dealing with his disciples is a triple full-time job and as a result, daddy Kami is always ready to pass the fuck out at any time. He’s basically a narcoleptic past 8pm. To sleep with, he brought a ratty-ass pillow and a bottle of night juice (saké).
Child Emperor: is nocturnal and completely fine with staying up all night, so he’s on watch the whole time. Although, the sound of candy wrappers makes it hard for anyone else to sleep and as a result, everyone is ready to punt this kid by 3am. He shows up in gym shorts and a t-shirt because what’s the point of getting dressed with these hooligans and spends the whole night hanging out with Zombieman. Although, he did bring a sleeping bag and pillow just incase he wants to take a power nap.
Metal Knight: Shows up in a power suit like this mf in Pacific Rim. Everyone thinks he’s just controlling a drone remotely but Sitch told him if he doesn’t show up in person then he doesn’t get the money, so he’s sitting in this tin can the whole time and trying his best to stay awake (he passes out by midnight). He’s also in his underwear. Idk why that was worth it to mention but there you go ❤️
King: Mentally on the verge of a breakdown at the thought of spending the whole night with these jackasses but shows up anyway because he wants that PS5 and is willing to do anything to get it. He gets there in his jammies, sets down his pikachu sleeping bag, and falls asleep without saying hi or offering to take watch. Everyone thinks that he’ll wake up naturally at the first sign of trouble and finds it really impressive that he fell asleep so fast, but he really just passed out from hyperventilating so hard. He would normally be perfectly fine with staying up all night because he’s a gamer and he does it all the time anyway, but anxiety really do be like that sometimes.
Zombieman: Is nocturnal like Child Emperor when he wants to be, but can also fall asleep in .2 seconds on a bed of nails. He’s perfectly fine with staying up all night because he constantly does it when following leads on a case and doesn’t bother bringing anything to sleep on. In fact, he shows up in full gear because he’s mildly paranoid and he wears it all the time anyway, it’s basically a second skin by now. He spends the night playing cards with CE and taking occasional sips from a flask to calm his nerves. They also take turns telling spooky ghost stories by the light of Zombieman’s lighter, to which he pretends to be scared. When he wants to smoke, he does it by Bofoi’s machine because fuck that guy.
Drive Knight: Forgot to change his Duracells the day before and falls over the second he walks in the door. Everyone thinks he’s a lazy ass for falling asleep so soon but he’s actually in a robo-medical emergency.
Pig God: is perfectly fine with staying up all night because, as I’ve said on multiple other hcs, he’s a hardcore gamer and being nocturnal is basically second nature. However, like Child Emperor, the sound of him constantly eating in the dark has everyone ready to jump his ass by midnight. He’s dressed in his pajamas as well, and they’re so big that they share the clothing measurements of an actual humpback whale.
Superalloy Darkshine: Falls asleep by 9pm on the dot every night and knows it’s pretty much impossible for him to stay up all night so he shows up in his Bedtime Thong(tm) with a sleeping bag and kindly asks everyone to wake him up if there’s trouble. Nobody listens but he pretends they do. He also brings a “small stash” (actual grocery bag filled to the brim) of protein bars to snack on incase he gets hungry in the middle of the night and offers a few to everyone, to which they decline (ultra-vegan keto-friendly gluten-free sugar-free flavor-free protein bars taste like actual garbage). And because he drinks a swimming pool of water every day (gotta stay at peak physique, yo), he gets up at least 12 times in the middle of the night to pee and he pisses so loud for no reason that it sounds like there’s a waterfall in the next room.
Watchdog Man: Carries his human-sized doggy bed in with his mouth and falls the fuck asleep without even announcing his presence. Nobody even notices he’s there. Sitch forgets to pay him.
Flashy Flash: Is fine with staying up all night to stand watch because he had to do it so many times in the ninja village anyway, but fuck me if he isn’t pissy about it. He shows up in full gear because, like Zombieman, he wears it so often that it’s basically a second skin at this point. By 2am he fucks off to take a shower because being in the same room with these people actually makes him feel unclean and he doesn’t leave the bathroom until the sun starts to rise. His hair, however, looks twice as shiny.
Genos: Shows up, points his arm cannon at the door incase of possible intruders, and doesn’t move for 12 hours. He brought Saitama along because why not and mr caped baldy greatly regrets it.
Metal Bat: Shows up in gym shorts with his bat, a blanket, and a pillow and fucks off to the corner of the room to brood. He takes watch for a few hours in between power naps, and sleeps with his phone .2 inches away from his face incase Zenko calls. When she does, he wakes up at the speed of light and loudly answers the phone like there isn’t at least 7 other people sleeping within close proximity to him. It’s never for an emergency, she just calls like 3 times into the night because she had a bad dream or she’s wondering how he’s doing. But regardless of what it is, Badd is ready to run all the way home and be with her. He just took the job because he wants to buy her a bigass gift with all the money he’ll be receiving.
Tanktop Master: Same as Superalloy, except he snores like a motherfucker. He doesn’t need waterfall piss to keep everyone up because this mf sounds like a lawn mower. He shows up in his Tanktop Pajamas (which is basically just a Tanktop with pajama bottoms) and takes watch in between power naps, to which he sleeps on a Tanktop Sleeping bag (just a regular sleeping bag, there’s literally nothing different about it) with his Tanktop Pillow (also just a regular pillow, literally nothing special about it).
Puri-Puri Prisoner: sleeps naked. Dick out.
Saitama: Gets bored as hell by 10pm and tries to wake up King so they can play video games together on his gameboy that he smuggled in, but the poor bastard is OUT. Saitama tries to sleep, however, he forgot to bring anything to sleep on so he tries to roll up his cape and use it as a pillow but, alas, he gets a neck cramp so bad that he actually almost starts to cry.
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luvdetroit · 3 years
Hey! I 've just read the first chapter of the dbh series you wanted to start, and I really like the plot 🥺 Do you plan on continuing it? 👉🏻👈🏻
hey, sorry for the late reply! i actually do have it planned out a bit differently than i originally wrote it in the first chapter. i think this planned version is better than the one i posted. there are many other ideas that i have in my drafts, i just haven’t released them yet.
thank you for reading it! i'm happy you enjoyed it and i'm sorry for saying this but i think i'll just scrap this idea and go with my new one (VOW). it will be somewhat similar, just more complex? and hopefully interesting!
not sure if you are even interested in hearing about them but i’ll drop them here! maybe if you or anyone is interested, i will follow through with posting them (have been feeling very bad about my writing recently).
for anyone who does read my ideas, please do not steal! i really worked hard on thinking about these and would be really hurt if anyone took them. they aren’t super original or anything, but i still created them 😩
these are really roughly written so please don’t judge 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️
please do comment or send me a message in my inbox about which idea you like more, if i should do a specific one or all of them even! 💞💞💞
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pairings: various! x fem!reader
genre: meta (?), angst, fluff, etc
plot: metafiction. mc surfs the web to buy d:bh and finds a seller who is willing to sell the game for cheap (suspiciously). mc contacts the user and a deal has been made.
we will flesh out the seller later, he ain’t all that important rn. so mc gets the game after maybe two days? and in the packaging the seller wrote a letter to her, it is pretty cryptic. we can get into detail on the letter and stuff later.
so mc starts the game up right away because she is excited to play it. on her first play though everything is pretty normal. there are a few differences/odd occurrences but mc doesn’t bat an eye because it’s her first time playing so she wouldn’t know.
gradually as she plays, the characters (connor and markus) are more aware of them being in a game. (sense they are in the same series and are prototypes it only makes sense for them to be able to sync themselves/go beyond their coding).
connor and markus have broken the fourth wall/have become aware with other players. they grow a deep hatred for the player. sense they can’t throw their anger at the creators of the game, they can do so with the player.
at first, connor and markus only did minor things that didn’t really stand out to the player. when connor/markus breaks the fourth wall and directly talks about the player, the player thinks it’s apart of the game.
but when connor/markus mentions the player’s name that is when they freak out a bit, but assumes the characters got their names from their playstation.
it’s only when connor/markus states some personal stuff about them do they feel fear. (connor/markus can sync with the smart tv that also contains all their info).
connor/markus have tried to sync with the game/tv enough to transport the player in the game so the player can experience first hand what it’s like to live in their world. but their connection weakens each time the player resets. their memories are also wiped out.
over time connor/markus are able to retain their memories a lot faster but forget the previous players of the game. even if they don’t remember the previous players they still think of one goal. transport the player into their world, let them suffer, seeing first hand how THEY feel.
connor/markus will be slightly oc. they will have somewhat of a dark side.
i didn’t explain this in the summary bcus i’m dumb but the game can’t be destroyed (it’s like a possessed object). even if you throw it out or something it will still go back to you bcus you own it. the only way to get rid of it is selling it.
ik some wack logic but sjakwkw
sam is the seller of the game. (his username is GAMER BOY 69). the game is sold for $10 with free shipping and no tax.
mc: does this really only cost $10? why is this so cheap?
sam: i’m just being generous
sam: are you willing to buy it?
mc: can you show proof that you actually have it and it isn’t broken?
sam: sure, hold on a second
[sam sends a video of him filming the game packaging and saying his username (in a bit of embarrassment) and mc’s. he reassured her that it isn’t broken and works perfectly fine. he tells her he didn’t like the game so that’s why he’s selling it.]
sam’s letter is in a white envelope, his writing is slightly messy, almost jittery (from nerves). he feared he was being watched by, ‘them’ so he wrote cryptically.
sam’s note: i’m sorry i did this to you. i really am. i just didn’t have any other choice. don’t play the game, please.
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pairings: various! x fem! reader
genre: dark au, cult au, angst, fluff, etc
plot: in this au kamski doesn’t publicly make androids n stuff
so amanda stern is still kamski’s mentor in this au
she, ‘disappears’ at some point and is listed as a missing person
kamski knows she isn’t gone though bcus she told him her plan
basically amanda is very manipulative and warped kamski’s young mind into thinking humans being lesser beings and that kamski can really create something even more superior, androids.
kamski and amanda are humans but they are excused because of them being intelligent and having that sort of mindset- humans being filth on this planet
instead of kamski making cyberlife public
he instead also disappears after a few years later (once he’s done w college)
it’s a gap between amanda and his disappearance to not completely draw suspicion
cyberlife is created in secret, hidden from the public
belief: humans are disgusting and should be replaced by something far superior, androids.
rules: only those who have the same mindset as kamski and amanda can join the cause and contribute. (so human co workers of amanda and such help gather material and thirium (blue blood) to create more androids in secret).
practices: a member has to willingly be able to sacrifice any body part kamski chooses to replace for an android part or partake in any experiment kamski may have. if not, they aren’t fully in the cause and should be ridden of.
kamski wants to take a oblivious civilian in for a secret test of his
he wants to test out how human his androids can be and if it can blend in with humans in normal day to day life.
so he releases one of his androids, connor (rk800) out into the world. his mission is to find a human he can initiate a relationship with. once he finds that human, he slowly grows a relationship with them over time- kamski is studying all of this through connor’s eyes.
kamski is amazed by this new discovery- his androids do blend in with humans well.
the last secret test for mc is connor telling her his true nature. (telling her he isn’t human, he’s an android). connor breaks this to mc at his, ‘house’ which is connected to their secret compound/underground base.
kamski wants to know how mc will react to this news because her actions depends on whether she’s just another piece of human scum or not. this will validate whether she can join their, ‘organization’ or not.
mc will be confused by connor’s sudden news at first. she won’t believe him until he pulls back his skin to show his porcelain interior.
she’ll be surprised then and question whether their relationship was all real or not.
connor reassures her that he does share her feelings. he admits that at first this was a mission but he truly does feel for her. he asks her if she still has feelings for him even after knowing he isn’t human and mc (after a bit of thinking) says that she does.
this makes connor happy as well as kamski bcus mc got through the test. this is the first android-human relationship too.
a few days pass just to really make sure mc doesn’t act any different and really is telling the truth about having feelings for connor still- when connor informs mc that his creator wants to meet her in person one day.
connor and mc go to his place and he leads her downstairs to his normal looking basement- and there is this really intricate hidden puzzle/door that opens to their underground compound.
connor leads mc to a room and meets kamski. kamski comments on mc- on how he was surprised that mc quickly took a liking to connor and how she still has feelings for connor even after finding out the truth. he’s impressed and approves of the relationship.
he tells her he hopes she keeps her word about this organization being a secret because he wouldn’t want anything bad happening to her so soon.
after that connor and mc go about their relationship like normal. although, connor has been experiencing these odd feelings lately. he’s also been oddly wanting to act out violently towards the most smallest things. like mc talking to someone else, smiling at someone else, touching someone else, even if it was platonic.
it didn’t sit right with him. he never voiced these new feelings to kamski though. he was too afraid kamski might tell him he has something wrong with his software. he doesn’t want kamski to call him defective and replace him for another connor. he doesn’t want to be seen as not good enough for mc.
connor doesn’t act on any of his thoughts. he doesn’t let his emotions control him.
after about two weeks kamski calls connor and tells him he wants him to meet someone (rk900) and that he should bring mc.
so connor visits the compound and meets kamski in a lounge area with mc. they both enter the room with kamski casually laying on a lush couch. a small smile is brought on his face when he noticed connor and mc’s presence. he greets them both and tells them that he’s happy they could make it.
connor opens his mouth, about to ask who the person kamski wants him to meet when rk900 walks in with two cups of tea + thirium in his hands.
rk900 places a tea down in front of kamski, the other tea and thirium on the opposite side of kamski’s before returning his attention to connor and mc. his eyes scrutinizing connor and mc.
kamski’s smile widens at connor’s reaction and stands up, clasping rk900’s shoulder with one hand. he prompts rk900 to introduce himself.
rk900 introduces himself somewhat stiffly in a monotone voice.
rk900: my name is conan.
it was short and to the point. he offers an open hand for a handshake.
connor looks over conan, completely ignoring the hand offered to him, then at kamski with all sorts of emotions. the main ones being confusion and fear. at this point connor is wondering if conan is going to replace him for a reason connor does not know.
kamski breaks the awkward silence/tension in the room.
kamski: “well, connor? aren’t you going to greet your brother?”
connor takes a few moments to process this information and absentmindedly inquires, “brother?” in a small voice. his brows furrow slightly and his gaze draws towards his look alike. from up close, conan looks exactly like connor with a few differences. he was slightly taller than connor and had cool greyish blue eyes. why would kamski decide to make me a brother? i didn’t ask for one.
kamski: “yes, brother. i just thought it might be lonely to live alone in that big house of yours so i have gifted you with your own brother.”
at this point connor is having a mental breakdown. kamski doesn’t do things without a logical reason. he’s not telling me the full truth.
connor finally breaks out of his thoughts, his eyes darting back to kamski and he nods shortly, ignoring conan’s still outstretched hand and his presence altogether.
connor: [in a stony voice] okay, is that all?
conan drops his hand.
the corners of kamski’s lips twitch, threatening to split into a menacing smirk at connor’s cold reaction. kamski clicks his tongue mockingly and sits back down, grabbing his tea.
kamski: “that’s not how you should treat your brother. [sighs] that will be all, but you have to teach conan how things work around here. that’s what a big brother should do, after all.”
connor bites back a disgruntled sigh of his own and settles for a slight frown.
connor: “why wasn’t he informed before meeting me? didn’t he go through the same test runs as me?”
it took everything in connor to not let his irritation show through his tone.
kamski pins connor with an annoyed glare, a small bit of amusement shining through.
kamski: “why are you testing my patience connor? are you not happy with my gift?”
kamski’s words were light mockery, with a dark undertone to them. connor knew better than to irritate his creator further. he bows his head slightly to him.
connor: “i apologize for causing you further inconvenience. i..am just surprised by the new addition, that’s all.”
kamski simply nods lazily. waving a hand, he tells them they are dismissed.
connor turns away from his creator and him to the exit with you following right beside him silently. he places his hand on the small of your back and presses you close to him possessively. the slight tapping of a pair of shoes follow behind connor and you. connor ignores it.
connor walks through the maze of hallways without pause, part of him hoping his, ‘brother’ would get lost and never return.
he knew better though. without even looking, he knew conan wasn’t even a step behind and it irritated connor to no end.
once the three enter the, ‘main area’ which was basically the center of the compound, connor turns around to face conan.
connor: [monotonously] “give me your hand, i’ll transfer the data so this all can be over with.”
connor outstretches his hand. part of him wants to pull it back because he doesn’t want to touch him.
conan looks at connor’s outstretched hand to connor’s face.
conan: “no, i can’t do that. kamski specifically told me to get the information from you the, ‘human’ way. he wishes for us to talk to each other like brothers.”
connor looks even more bewildered at that bit of information..why would kamski do this without his consent? this..has to be some sort of test. maybe conan is just playing the role as his brother to spy on him and catch him doing something that may incriminate him? does kamski know about his odd..’glitches’? did he make rk900 just to dispose of him and replace him?
no, he couldn’t have known..the cameras in his opticals were shut off weeks ago. so why was rk900 here? what is kamski getting at?
connor also took notice of how..machine like conan is. conan walks stiffly and has a rigid stance. in that sentence he brings up what kamski wants rather than his. he follows kamski’s orders as if they were law without question.
connor still has his hand in front of him and ignores what conan says
he’s like, “it would be easier if we just did this.” (he’s irritated and is insistent)
and conan refuses, again repeating, “we have to follow kamski’s orders.”
and connor taunts conan
he’s like, “can you not think for yourself? i thought you were supposed to be alive.”
at that, mc finally speaks, telling connor off, “that’s enough, connor. i think you should just follow what kamski says. conan is just as alive as you and needs some of your guidance.”
connor’s eyes slightly widen as well as conan’s. connor’s frown deepens at your words. you’re defending him. why? you should be on his side, not him.
conan still has a blank face but his eyes are now trained on mc, curiosity being one of the emotions flickering in his eyes.
connor notices conan looking at mc and narrows his eyes in disgust.
connor: fine..we can discuss everything at my place.
connor turns and places his hand back on mc’s lower back, pressing her as close to him and far from conan as possible.
conan follows on without question.
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pairings: various! x fem! reader
genre: dark au, angst, fluff, etc
plot: the main plot is androids taking over and humans as pets
so mc is obviously gonna be a human, she is like in one of those sort of adoption places but it’s more like a buy your pet thing
and mc is gonna be 18 y/o because yes
- mc and her parents live in a house that is located in a rather secluded area in the woods
- when word gets out about androids dominating humans and turning them into slaves- mc’s parents decide to live underground. mc is 3 y/o during this time. (the father is an artist/architect, this was originally just a project for himself). years pass with them being undetected. (it was 2038 when androids dominated humans)
- 15 years passed without them being detected and mc is 18 y/o (year is 2053)
- mc’s father scavenges for food and such once a month
- underground they still have a tv, tablet, and phones to keep up with how everything is going in detroit
- mc feels trapped after living underground for basically her entire life and learning second hand about androids, the revolution, etc
- mc starts doubting her parents and their reasons. she questions whether if there are bad androids out there who will snatch her up.
- mc asks her father if she can help him scavenge one day but he along with her mother are against that (this is on her birthday when she turns 18 y/o bcus she thinks she’s mature enough to)
- this causes a big argument between her parents and her and she voices her doubts to them- this ends with mc locking herself in her room. after awhile when it’s night time, her father visits her and apologizes for yelling but tells her she still can’t go up there because it’s too dangerous.
- mc hides her anger and lies to her father about her understanding. when it’s about midnight mc decides to sneak out and go above ground.
- mc is wandering in the woods mindlessly basking in everything- she kind of becomes careless (she doesn’t act cautious when wandering around). she maybe follows a bird she sees (owl) out of curiosity and nears markus and his crew (simon, north, and josh). they were having a picnic or just stargazing.
- simon hears rustling and light footsteps coming towards them so he alerts the others, he’s like, ‘do you guys hear that?’
- the others listen and do hear the footsteps and rustling coming rather close and quickly. all of them are tense (because they have experienced a lot of..attacks in the past so obviously they got their bars raised)
- so mc bumps into markus and everyone is surprised by mc’s sudden appearance
- mc stops in her tracks and looks at markus, it takes her a minute to really look at him bcus it’s dark and her human eyes are very poor at catching details
- she recognizes markus and is frozen. she also faintly recognizes his friends because they are also a big part of the android revolution (or so she’s been told by her parents).
- after a beat of silence north says, ‘a human?’ in a rather disgusted tone.
- josh observes you and asks out loud, ‘how can a human be this far out of the city?’
- north: ‘maybe it escaped from it’s owner or something.’
- after observing you, markus reaches out to you (you are still frozen and too scared to move) and places his hand on the nape of your neck. he realizes you don’t have a chip installed there to tell him who your owner is. (let’s say every human at birth has a chip installed to their nape to identify them and their owner)
- markus informs the others that mc doesn’t have a chip which startles them.
- north: ‘wait..it’s a fucking wild?’
- josh: ‘how could it live this long on it’s own if it is a wild?’
- (markus had his eyes on you the whole time) he asks you if there are more of you in the forest and you slowly shake your head no. they all know you are lying though.
- north: ‘there are more like it in the forest..how come we didn’t know about this?’
- josh: ‘this is pretty bad..if there are more wilds out here hiding this could damage the trust we built with the others. everyone will be outraged if they find out we let wilds slip under our noses.’
- simon approaches you slowly and asks again if there are more people like you out there
- when you shake your head again markus holds your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up so that you can look at him in the eyes.
- with a dark look in his eyes markus says, ‘don’t lie to us again kitten because i’m not in the mood to play nice. now, tell us the truth. are there more of you out there?’
- you are scared now and regret ever leaving the hideout. knowing it would be futile to lie again, you nod. (you are unable to say anything because your throat feels constricted).
- north: ‘where are they?’
- you don’t say anything because you don’t want to give your parents away. you continue to berate yourself for your stupid decisions.
- north sighs (clearly irritated by you not answering their questions immediately), ‘well? aren’t you going to speak? or can you not speak?’
- josh tries to calm north down, ‘intimidating it isn’t going to make it talk’
- north: why are you defending it? have you gone soft now?
- josh: [sighs] are we really going to do this? i’m just trying to tell you that yelling at it won’t get us anywhere-
- north: babying it isn’t getting us anywhere and i don’t see /you/ doing anything.
- simon steps in before the argument could get even more heated and pushes the two away from each other, “that’s enough. can you both not argue for once? now is not the time.”
- a little bit of pressure on your chin directs your attention from the two arguing to markus.
- markus: show us and i promise we won’t hurt you.
- mc thinks about this, ‘deal’ and realizes at that moment she doesn’t know what the hideout even looks like from the outside bcus she was so caught up on other things.
- mc makes a half baked plan to pretend to know where her hide out is, lead them, then find an opening to escape
- mc responds after a bit of pondering, (in a feeble voice), “okay.”
- north: [annoyed and slightly surprised] that’s it? that’s all it took?
- markus lets go of mc’s chin and gives mc a slight nod, telling her to show them the way
- before mc could take any step north butts in
- north: shouldn’t we restrain it first? tie it’s hands so it doesn’t do anything stupid?
- mc really dislikes north and is pretty scared of north out of all of them.
- markus notices your discomfort and shakes his head at north, “no. we don’t need to."
- north: [irritated] but she is a fucking wild- she’s dangerous-
- markus: [interrupts north + raises one of his hands up] i said, we don’t need to.
- north huffs in annoyance but doesn’t say anything else. part of you is satisfied by seeing north being put in her place.
- markus returns his attention to you and silently tells you w his eyes to lead the way.
- you turn your back towards markus and observe the vast amount of trees before you and walk in the direction you remember vaguely running from.
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Breeze Pelt x Jay Feather Headcanons
I may make a Jay x Breeze x Fallen headcanon post later but I wanna focus on two people for now! Headcanons under cut
-As we all know they hated each other in the past, but stuff can change
-They first started talking when all the other medicine cats stayed behind in their clans due to a lot of cats getting sick and Breeze Pelt was bored and struck up a conversation since nobody else was there that he wanted to talk with
-That same day he managed to make Jay Feather genuinely laugh, while the leaders were speaking he made a joke about Firestar and Jay laughed, Breeze Pelt saw stars.
-While Jay Feather knows a relationship like this is wrong, they like the thrill of it all and Breeze Pelt sure as hell doesn't mind running away from patrols.
-Jay Feather and Breeze Pelt both train in the dark forest, one because they get to see each other and two, because Jay Feather and Breeze Pelt feel strangely at home there
-The first time Breeze Pelt made a move was before a moonpool visit that Jay Feather and the other medicine cats were going to, Breeze Pelt pulled him aside and held the others hand while using every pick up line and flirty remark in the book
-Maple Shade ships them both
-Once, Breeze Pelt invited Jay into his home in the Dark Forest and he confessed to him over a movie (Jay can see in the Dark Forest btw)
-He didn't even outright say 'I love you' They were just watching a show and the characters kissed, Breeze Pelt just said fuck it and went for it
-It went well, and after talking they started dating
-Once Breeze Pelt tried to just make pancakes and coffee, he burned both and Jay Feather was pissed, it was 7 in the morning and they were making pancakes.
-Jay Feather, due to being a medicine cat, can go WEEKS without sleep, all they need is coffee and they're good, which concerns Breeze Pelt so whenever jay Feather isn't in the Dark Forest he convinces Maple Shade to make a portal and bring them there so they can sleep
-Breeze Pelt loves coffee, but unlike Jay he likes more stranger coffees, his favorite is Dirty Chi coffee, while Jay Feather will just get a cappuccino or a frappe from Starbucks.
-Breeze Pelt is the type of person who never tells anyone if he's sick till he vomits and or pass out, which leads to Jay Feather needing to keep a close eye on him and scolding him ALL THE TIME.
-Jay Feather likes wearing dresses, not to formal occasions, just for fun and because they like to wear them, they're comfy. And it's not really a problem since Breeze Pelt isn't the type to judge.
-Breeze Pelt enjoys reading, so Jay Feather, being as loaded as they are, always nearly buys out the whole book section whenever they're shopping at a book store.
-Breeze Pelt paints his nails black since Jay Feather both hates it but also thinks its cute, so its fun watching his lover stammer over what they're about to say.
-Jay Feather tops, even though they're blind, since they mainly fuck in the Dark Forest since that place doesn't snitch on anyone, it doesn't matter.
-Jay Feather doesn't mind being bottom, they just like making Breeze Pelt work for it
-But one time, they almost fucked in the Thunder Clan kitchen
-That was because Jay Feather was getting coffee during a late night shift and Breeze Pelts horny ass snuck in through a window and, you know what happened
-They like banging in chairs
-for example, Jay Feather is trying to work on medical files, Breeze Pelt sits on their lap, starts kissing they others neck and, you know what happens
-They have very high energy so they can go 12 at night to 12 in the afternoon
-Breeze Pelt likes using his claws whenever he can, he wants everyone to know Jay Feather is his
-Jay Feather is the same but with hickeys
-Jay Feather is weirdly really into pain, which Breeze Pelt abuses alot
---NSFW over---
-When the two are in the Dark Forest, they both play a lot of video games, which Jay Feather are pretty decent at.
-Their favorite games to play are GTA, Among Us and a few others
-Jay Feather is a amazing cook, most medicine cats are. Whenever Jay realizes Breeze Pelt hasn't eaten, they will legit whip up a 4 course meal in 15 minutes just to get them to eat something
-They have 3 kids, Blaze Eye, Quail Wing and Eagle Feather.
-Jay Feather likes podcasts. Their favorite podcast is The Corporate Casket.
-When Leafpool found out, she was very worried that Jay would make the same mistake that she made. Jay Feather had to be refrained by Breeze Pelt from smacking her and remind her that they're not a fucking idiot
-They're wedding was AMAZING let me show some photos
-What the wedding area looked like-
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And Jay Feather ofc wore a dress, and bought Breeze Pelt a REALLY pricey suit because they weren't letting this wedding be a complete cheap shit show, this is the dress and the suit was just a normal black suit, so you can prolly just imagine that
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-Breeze Pelt and Jay Feather both bite their nails, Jay Feather does it out of stress and Breeze Pelt does it out of boredom
-Breeze Pelt, despite knowing they cant, sometimes he imagines running away with Jay Feather and leaving the stressful clan life behind
-They do often talk about this, but they know its just a dream.
-Breeze Pelt is surprisingly the 'everything needs to be clean' one out of the two which makes Jay Feather laugh whenever they see the other rush to clean something in 2 seconds
-jay Feather gets surprisingly violent randomly, mainly when he doesn't get enough sleep but Breeze Pelt tries his best to keep his lover calm
-The only sport Jay Feather can do without looking stupid is ice skating since Hawkfrost taught them and a few others, Breeze Pelt likes roller skating so it works well
-Jay Feather gets misgendered due to their long hair, they are mistaken for a girl. This pisses Breeze Pelt off a lot, so when he can he will track the person down and either kill them, torture them or anything in-between
-Breeze Pelt is pan and Jay Feather is gay
-Breeze Pelt was the first person Jay Feather came out to as non-binary, Breeze Pelt just smiled and asked if they had a new name, pro-nouns and if they wanted to go shopping for anything. Jay Feather nearly cried
-Jay Feather has a really good gay-dar, so when Breeze Pelt came out as pan, Jay Feather just sat there and said, "I've known for months, its not new."
---Well thats it! requests are open, if you want to request anything, you can-- Amber
-Jay Feather often wakes up angry in thee middle of the night from talking with Yellow Fang or anyone else when they do, they figure out who Breeze Pelt is and just lay into him and calm down.
-in this au, Breeze Pelt is adopted, but unlike Jay Feather nobody knows
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bates--boy · 3 years
Well, at least it wasn’t performing in a mall, but the gap between doing a public performance at a mall and performing for the opening of a boutique wasn’t that wide, and it certainly wasn’t doing an opening for a bigger band that they can wiggle into the limelight with. (Peter couldn’t wait until a bigger label signed them on.)
          He finished helping their DJ set up the table and let Adel take over going through the setlist with her so he could scan the place. The boutique was urban, heavy on the hip-hop money aesthetic. The racks were few and bare, probably some of the cheaper stuff so that should anyone start feeling their fingers get sticky during the party, the boutique wouldn’t be at such a huge loss. Black velvet walls with velvet chairs like the VIP section of a club, with epoxy floor tiles through which rainbow neon LED lights glowed like a portal to a land of sin.
          (It made Peter miss the nightclub, and Van. And the Mad Hatta.)
          (It made Peter miss Wonderland.)
          (Shit, he was completely out of Wonderland at home.)
          He hurried to Naseem to help set up the huge speakers, and Tarsha to plug in and test the mics, and he scurried over to help set up the stacks of flyers when Mike looked him right in the eye and said, “Peter, sit your ass somewhere and calm down.”
          So Peter perched himself on one of the loudspeakers, watching the mingling in the crowd. Everyone appeared in black clothing or as dark as their closet had, and Peter, with his all black hoodie, jeans, and  Just a hint of a smile appeared on his face, as if it’s cautious to fully form until Peter decided with full conviction that the knot in his stomach that traveled as prickly static to his fingers and toes all came from either mind-blowing excitement or world-ending anxiety. He noticed movement from the corner of his eye, and the smile shone fully as Naseem ambled back up the lit platform, a flute of bubbling champagne in each hand.
          “Don’t drink too much,” Naseem said, holding a glass out to Peter. He shrugged, raising his own to his mouth. “Or do. This stuff’s pretty cheap.”
          Peter took the glass with a nod and took a sip, managing to stifle a disappointed sneer as he resigned to twirling the flute in his fingers. “Thanks.”
          “Whatcha doin’ up here, all Batman and shit?” Naseem said.
          “Scoping out how high our chances are of getting somewhere with this performance.” Peter angled a bit to give Naseem some room to sit, and he prayed the speakers were sturdy enough to hold their weight without caving in. 
          “Whattaya mean?”
          “You know, like...” Peter gestured to the air. “This is a first step to our dream, but it’s such a small step. This place isn’t even big enough to pack a hundred people. I’ve seen birthday parties bigger than this. And how are we gonna get these people to visit our website or listen to our music? No one’s taking the flyers! Would they even remember us once our show’s over? That guy’s on his fourth glass!”
          And when Naseem’s hand patted Peter’s back, Peter suddenly felt deflated. Silly. Embarrassed, even, his cheeks gaining something past their usual color as he rewound through his thoughts like a cringeworthy cassette. 
          Despite his soothing back rub, Naseem spoke with a scolding baritone as he said, “You know, most first-time artists would kill for even an opportunity like this. Have you ever thought about keeping a gratitude journal?”
          Peter only gave a low, throaty “Hmmm...” and Naseem went on, “Anyways, we’ll figure something out. Mike’s thinking of hitting up those writers of... what the hell was that podcast called? The one with the weird town and the music as weather?”
          “Welcome to Night Vale,” Peter replied.
          “Yeah, that weird shit Adel’s crazy about.” Naseem said. “We’re advertising and putting our music out there. Shit, maybe we’ll get lucky and one of our songs become TikTok-able.”
          Peter made a face, and turned partway to Naseem so Naseem would see that face. “That’s lucky to you?”
          “Yeah? Why wouldn’t it be?” Naseem snickered. “Don’t act like you don’t use it, TikTok user shuggaondarimm.” At the mortification that suddenly paled Peter’s face, Naseem threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, I know about your account, dude. By the way, nice twerk videos, but really stupid of you to hop on that nutmeg craze.”
          Naseem didn’t even seem to notice Peter’s lips pulled tight and his eyes boring into the floor when he asked, “So, about your scoping... what’s the verdict?”
          Peter passed his tongue over his lips and cast his gaze back over the crowd. “Well... everyone’s drunk, so they might be hyped up enough to like our music--”
          “Or be so brutally honest about hating our stuff that they’ll throw things at us.” Peter raised a brow at him. “What? Weren’t you trying to be realistic?”
         “And weren’t you trying to be uplifting?” Peter shook his head. “Anyways, we already have some hip-hop fans here, judging by their dress and their decision to show up for our show first thing instead of arriving fashionably late, so that could be to our advantage. Though the boutique’s closed off for a private opening, our music can maybe carry out to the other mall shoppers, and there has to be at least a handful of people who are into the obscure, underground hip hop scene who can then share this new collective with their friends--”
          Peter checked over his shoulder, finding that Naseem’s eyes were indeed burning into the back of his head, and sighed. “Basically, we have a 30% chance of getting anywhere with this.”
          “Wow, all those factors, and we still come up short?” Naseem snorted. He shook his head. “You’re too sprightly to be a pessimist.”
          “That’s not pessimism. Besides, it’s not exactly a bad thing.” He shrugged and raised his glass to his lips. “God likes underdogs.”
         “I thought you don’t believe in God?”
         Peter cleared his throat mid-sip. “Can’t you let me be fake deep for a moment, please? I’m nervous, you know!”
          Naseem started to reply (probably something witty, judging by the return of that smooth and disarming smile) when Tarsha came up behind them and tapped Naseem on the shoulder. “We’re set up. Let’s get this started!”
          Naseem and Peter got off the speaker and drained the rest of their drinks. “Well, Attrossity, looks like we get to gamble.”
          The background music, an unidentifiable trap-hop bass, died slowly, and the glow from the platform grew brighter. Mike stepped up front and center, the professional, the veteran, the man who carried this dream for years on his shoulders.
         “Ay yo yo, what is up, my peopleeeeee?!”
          “WHOOOOOOOO!” cried the half-drunk and fully-drunk crowd, sloshing alcohol as they raised  their cups in the air. 
          “We gotta little treat for ya tonight, hosted graciously by BoomBox Boutiques.” Mike turned halfway to the crew behind them, heads bowed and one hand clasped around the other wrist, a pose they all agreed on. “Nefertiti!”
         Tarsha raised her microphone.
          Adel’s mic shot in the air.
          “Bet Chaker!”
          Naseem raised his mic.
          Peter, fighting the giggles bubbles up from his stomach (yes, it was excitement. It was definitely excitement) as his fist-clenched microphone shot in the air.
          Mike slapped his chest, an audible thump so close to his microphone. “And yours truly, Mickey V, just like the boxer. MizFists. Remember our name, because we are gonna tear the fucking! Roof! Dooooown!”
          Oh, shit, these people really liked the idea of the ceiling collasping on their heads, because they were already throwing their arms out and screaming before Mike even signaled with his chin for the DJ to start the music.
        A shift in the air. Bass in his blood. The house was gonna jump and they were gonna tell them how high. There should be a camera to document this moment, a slowmo pan-out of shots of Karlstad’s newest and greatest. Peter, even in this small space and this go-nowhere event, felt like a god among his people as Mike led them in with the first verse.
          Comin’ in like hawks, now, ta pick ya bones           Swoop ya up, send ya crashin’ to da stones           Get to the meat of the matter, but not with cherrypickers           Can’t live a life off their knees, these fucking bootlickers!           Try to copy what’s fly, think they can land on their feet           And endin’ their lives as outlines on the streets           Can’t even say it’s a shame            They heard the sirens, they knew about the game.
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