#Insect protein for dogs
boggospetfood · 2 years
Discover why your furry friend needs a bug in their bowl! Learn how insect protein can give your dog the best nutrition and health benefits. Find out how this sustainable and eco-friendly source of protein can provide your pup with essential nutrients that traditional animal proteins lack. Don't miss out on this buzz-worthy trend! Click the link to read full blog.
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ok so daisuga and they live together and Suga absolutely hates mosquitoes. whenever he sees one he goes apeshit trying to kill it. at first it starts with randomly trying to grab the mozzie out of the air, then he's clapping loudly trying to squish it, and when that doesn't work he goes feral like a cat trying to get a laser. he's jumping over things and diving under things, knocking things over. meanwhile Daichi is just sitting drinking his tea or w/e, and not phased. when Suga finally gets the mozzie Daichi applauds him, like 'well done.' Suga dubs mozzies his personal nemesis, Daichi is 'meh' about them
Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the long wait. Please never be afraid to send a message, even though I'm a slowpoke.
Suga goes feral when there're a mosquito in the room. Daichi had put nettings in the windows in their room, since summer is hot and they need air circulation. He doesn't like them, but he isn't as bothered by them. If he gets a sting, he treats it with a warm cloth and tends to forget about it. He is more worried about Suga, who tends to scratch them, until he gets an open wound.
Sugawara has tried everything. He goes trough insects-prays when they are on a hike and needs to live with that sticky residue on his body the whole day. He buys an mosquito-coil to hopefully keep them away and buys everything he deems somewhat useful in his war against them. Daichi wants him to not use money on useless shit, but this is a war in his mind. That is why, once he sees an mosquito in the room when he literally uses the coil as incense, he gets so upset.
He hears them buzz and then he can't rest until the thing is dead or out of his house. Daichi is no help, but at least he gets a little bit of praise from him when he kills the intruder. Sugawara wants to get a cat or chameleon that can haunt them, but Daichi says that is stupid reason to get pets.
He doesn't smell like chemicals in the summer for them still to come towards him!!!
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Suga: It was an mosquito, Daichi 😎
Daichi: Mmmmh-hhhh 😗(not convinced).
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fjordfolk · 2 years
i may be off my high grain-free horse, but i will never pass on a weird protein
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thebirdart · 7 months
Some features of the earth urchins compared to the four hedgehogs of the world of Sonic!
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One day I asked myself the question of how would be the anatomy of Sonic and I began to investigate the anatomy of the ground urchins but I liked so many details of them that I put together some characteristics of these animals to compare them with the four hedgehogs of the world of Sonic.
us start!
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Starting with obvious facts:
In the world of Sonic only showed to have four hedgehogs; Sonic, Amy, Shadow and Silver, (the green does not count because it is still Sonic)
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They all appear to be of a "same species of hedgehog".
For we know 16 types of earth urchins on our planet.
On the other hand I thought Silver was of a different species like Shadow. (By the shape of its spikes) But I don’t see the point, so they must be the same species. Although Shadow might be a little authentic in his design, I’ll explain later.
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(Data: the hedgehog Atelerix algirus and the hedgehog Hemiechinus auritus are the ones who take care more to be pets at home)
-Ground urchins eat insects, worms, molluscs, snakes, some fruits, small vertebrates, acorns, young birds and eggs.
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(the hedgehog thought about it a little before attacking)
-Sonic and the others eat things that could be considered human; chili dogs, coffee beans (this is done by Shadow), strawberry cake (eaten by Amy and Sonic hates it), hamburgers (by SonicBoom), apples (by a drawing of Silver), and so on.
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The ground urchins have very good flexibility, an arched spine and strong and flexible muscles, that allows them to become ball. Comparing it with the deformed hedgehogs (Sonic) there is not much difference since all present good strength and flexibility, except Silver that can not be made ball.
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The spikes of hedgehogs are made of keratin, which is a protein substance. I guess the same applies to Sonic and so on. Although in Sonic Unleashed when he is electrocuted we can see that it does not have "bones" in its large spikes, it is a little obvious to know but data that goes without saying.
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The skeleton of ground urchins is similar to other mammals, only that its spine is a little more curved, as well as other details; as that its clavicle is well developed so that it can dig hard. This is very different from Sonic’s body and so on as it would resemble more a human structure.
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Although also to keep in mind Sonic’s feet are… a closed thing…
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By the way the snout and mouth are very different too. Sonic has a snout but the nose and mouth are different from the ground urchin. And another fact: the hedgehogs take incredibly long walks if it is for food; something like 7.2 km/h and if we combine it with the particularity of Sonic being very fast this powerful detail does not overlook.
Time when I jumped out of my spot when I was reading this.
I love this, I have no idea if the creator of Shadow has taken this as a reference but did you know that hedgehogs have a blue border that surrounds their dark eyes? This can only be seen when hedgehogs look to the side. So the great "eyeliner" of Shadow could be a real detail of the animal but taken as a reference to leave it beside your eyes on the outside.
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The tail of the common hedgehogs is bare, but the tail of the deformed ones appears to be of the same color as all their other spikes.
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I think, canonically, the characters of the Sonic world can mate. But I didn’t see anything that highlighted this, I mean, we can witness Cream’s mother.
Male hedgehogs have a small penis, (bulge), located in what would be their navel and have intra-abdominal testicles (they remain in the abdomen instead of leaving through the scrotum) and the female vulva is a small button that is located in front of the anus.
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I guess since they’re characters from the '90s, it’s obvious that this wasn’t thought of at the time of their creation. There’s not much to think about since they’re characters who may or may not wear clothes (Tails-Nine and Sally-Amy) and yet we wouldn’t see anything, not even the nipples! Because hedgehogs have five nipples, both female and male, and you’ll notice that Sonic has nothing.
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But I found a picture of Sally where she has more clothes. I suppose it must be a hallmark that female characters wear clothes. (Although Sally is not a canonical character, of course.)
Sight: they do not have good view, it is said that hedgehogs have no sense of space, but they can distinguish shapes. Although the hedgehogs are blind and may have collisions with objects, they continue to travel great distances and this does not cause them to slow down, they continue with the same speed as if they had good eyesight.
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Smell: very developed, so I guess the four hedgehogs can smell very well from several meters, maybe Sonic can smell Eggman without making noise, will smell of egg?
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If you hid a chili dog under the ground in a box, Sonic could find it.
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Hearing: the ear of hedgehogs can detect high frequency sounds, their developed sense allows them to locate their prey underground.
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Tip: If you saw the Sonic Prime series you will notice that Sonic’s ears move often before a sound. I think a good detail added for the blue hedgehog, this is also added in the IDW comics, I did not find the panel but it is when Amy stays listening to the ground and knows that two hedgehogs are close, those hedgehogs were Shadow and Sonic.
But although hedgehogs have a very sensitive ear I do not consider it the same for the four hedgehogs as they would go crazy at the sounds of Eggman machines, explosions or a simple click of the computer mouse. (Ground urchins get stressed too fast with a simple computer click)
Taste: These animals have a peculiar… sense of taste. They like the taste of a hundred feet. So it’s not uncommon for Shadow to like bitter, for Sonic to like spicy, and for Amy to like sweet, what would Silver like? Healthy or the first thing he finds in his world to eat?
Types of sounds hedgehogs make
Sounds of joy: these little things purr like a cat, and they can even mix it with whistles. Could it be that Shadow purred when he was with Maria?
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Bullying sounds: they emit a sound through the nose from a strong breathing, they do it when they feel attacked or are upset. (I don’t know if they thought of it this way when they made Shadow growl annoyingly in Sonic Prime. The same with Amy and Sonic when they got jealous or bothered with each other at Sonic Boom)
Whining sound: when they feel pain they emit a sound like a scream, I could notice this in a video of a hedgehog that was in the water of a bathtub. (although there are always exceptions)
Sleeping sounds: Hedgehogs snore, I guess they all snore too?Hedgehogs fall asleep anywhere. In the Sonic game where Amy’s birthday is celebrated, Tails mentions that Sonic can sleep anywhere, even in the most unusual.
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Data: the hedgehogs have nails/claws that they use to dig the earth and since the of Sonic characters are put gloves to not show their hands I think they should not have pads like normal animals but rather human hands. Well, Sticks is the only one I’ve seen without gloves and she’s a badger and badgers have pads. So all Sonic characters should have hands without the characteristics of their species.
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The behavior of one ground urchin and the other four is very different, except Shadow, he should stay on the side of the ground urchins.
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Since hedgehogs are solitary, they only come together when it’s mating season. (Although Sonic likes to spend time alone…but he’s not a lone wolf like Shadow)
UNGIMIENTO (I couldn’t find the word in English)
When tasting a taste or perceive a new smell, or rare, the animal bites the source of this flavor or smell (Animals, objects, people, whatever) to then make a frothy, thick and white drool that with the tongue are smeared on the side peaks and those near his face. (Scientists don’t know why they do this) If I imagine it for the four deformed hedgehogs maybe this does not exist for them, as they smell new things all the time.
EXTRA DATA: Hedgehogs can swim but they don’t like to stay in the water too long because they can drown, I saw a documentary that mentioned this. I like that touch they gave Sonic that in the water he is scary, I don’t know if it’s something canonical or fandom but it was nice to see him be the only one with a life jacket in the Olympics.
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Remember when they did that twitter and tiktok special where they asked Sonic what would happen if he was a worm? Well, hedgehogs eat worms. And did you know that the Egyptian hedgehog is prey to foxes? While it’s another kind of hedgehog this is funny. In Sonic the movie the character Longclaw is the "mother" of Sonic… the funny thing about this is that she is an owl and owls eat hedgehogs.
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Who had the idea to give a friend and mother predators to Sonic?
That’s all. I hope you liked these characteristics that I came up with. See you later!
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phaeton-flier · 8 months
Every few months there's some article like "random scientist talks about insect protein" and then there's a bunch guys posting about YOU WILL EAT THE BUG and it's the funniest type of conspiracy thinking. Nearly 100% self induced. I wonder if they saw articles about Clownfish being popular after Finding Nemo and started talking about THEY'RE GOING TO SHOOT YOUR DOGS AND FORCE YOU TO MAINTAIN A FISH TANK. FOR ENVIRONMENTALISM.
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theverynothumankai · 1 month
More About My Nonhuman ‘Types
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Vancouver Coastal Sea Wolf: They’re a rare, semi-aquatic subspecies of wolf. They live almost entirely/exclusively off of aquatic animals. Personally, my favorite food is salmon. I have lots of reddish-brown undertones, with contrasting dark brown/black fur and warm gray fur. I am very fluffy. 
Canada Lynx: They’re one of the four living species in the genus Lynx. They are specialized to hunt snowshoe hare, but can eat other things when that is not abundant. I do adore snowshoe hare. I am quite large and fluffy, with giant paws and legs. 
Red Fox: They’re the largest of the true foxes. They live mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, but adapt very well and are seen in many different habitats. They are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. I love birds and eggs especially, but will not deny some tasty berries. I am very friendly towards humans, so I’m a bit domesticated. I am quite fluffy, yappy, playful, and vibrant orange/red.
Nurse Shark: They’re a small, bottom-dwelling, slow-moving shark that is native to Atlantic and Eastern Pacific oceans. They are known to be calm and docile. They eat lots of crustacean, as well as squids, octopi, and some fish species. I am dark brown, long, and very content. I love humans, I love the sea, and my favorite food is squid. 
Snow Leopard: They’re a large cat that is native to the mountains of Central and South Asia. They have big paws that keep their weight well distributed on the snow, and their fur is spotted white-grayish. They eat blue sheep, ibex, Himalayan tahr, marmot, pika, hares, small rodents, and game birds. They tend to be alone, they can’t roar, and they are quite nomadic. I personally am gray and white with lots of faded black spots all over, and I’m quite fluffy. My paws are huge, as well as my thick tail. I love sheep loads, and I love rolling around in the snow.  
Maned Wolf: They are a large canid native to South America. They have long legs, red coats, and raised black manes. They actually are neither wolf nor fox, but a distinct species. They are omnivores, and they eat rodents, armadillos, birds, eggs, fruits, and plants. I have very long legs, black socks, deep red fur, and am very long and angular. I love birds and plants especially. I will very happily be the creature of your nightmares, but just know I actually quite like to socialize and will definitely cuddle on sight. I love to play with my fellows, and tag is my favorite game in the world.
Norwegian Forest Cat: They are a large long-hair domestic cat bred in Northern Europe. They are known for their muscular builds, diverse colors, and double layered fur. They are known to be tough and able to endure long, cold winters. They eat (or need) high quality animal protein. I’m very fluffy and varying shades of orange, with hints of white here and there. I love the snow, the outside, and climbing things. Fish is my favorite, and I love hunting them and mice too.
Coyote: They’re are a medium-sized wild canid which is native to North America. They are nocturnal, and hunt in packs. They are very visual predators, but also use scent and hearing. They are omnivores, eating both meat and plants/fruits. I love howling and the night sky, and playmates. Humans spook me a bit, but I also am curious towards them and often test my limits interacting with them. I have reddish brown, with gray and white here and there. My ears are pretty big. I love the rain.
Side-Striped Jackal: They are a canine native to Africa. They specifically dwell in woodland and scrubs. They are omnivores, and they eat insects, fruits, small vertebrates, carrion, and plant material. I love howling, the night, and I have incredibly large ears. Thunderstorms scare me, and I love the woods. Humans are my best friends, and I am incredibly playful. Carrion is my favorite.
Dhole: They are a wild dog native to Asia. They are known to be great swimmers, runners, and jumpers. They have auburn fur, amber eyes, black tails, and upright rounded ears. They are hypercarnivores, and over 70% of their diet is meat. Personally, I love deer and rabbits. My face and neck is very fluffy, my coat is thick, and my eyes are gentle. I feel a lot of peace and contentment as a Dhole.
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Raccoon: I look like a regular raccoon, but with small gold feather wings behind my shoulders and little straight gold horns at the top of my head. I love human junkfood and sweets, so chips and ice cream. I also adore fruit. I am very fluffy and pretty darkly colored. 
Dragon: I’m a SeaWing/SilkWing hybrid, and I grew up around SkyWings/was raised by SkyWings. I have dark blue, almost black, scales with hints of purple in them. I have webbed talons, gills that allow me to breathe under water, and antenna with fins on them that I use to sense vibrations in the water. I have bright white glow-in-the-dark scales all over my body, as well as bright white glow-in-the-dark freckles on my snout and spots and stripes on the edges of my wings. I have four wings that are the shape of SeaWing wings, and I grew up with wing buds like SilkWings do. I’m a vegetarian, but will eat meat if I must. I love the sky, and flying, and I often forget that I’m not a SkyWing due to being raised by them and treated the same as them. I am a great fighter due to being raised by them, though. I’m also a great swimmer since my wings allow me to have more momentum. I cannot spin silk, but can speak aquatic. I mostly am in the sea now, because my SkyWing family is now gone/out of my life somehow. 
Dragon: I’m a Night Fury/Light Fury hybrid. I can shift the colors of my scales to be either white or black (or along that spectrum) for camouflage or preference. When I’m not using them for camouflage, they’re usually a combination of white and black. I love the sea, the snow, and fish. I love to loaf, play with humans, and play in the mud. I had really bad tears in my right wing, which rendered me incapable of flying for quite a bit, until humans patched me up and I was able to heal and eventually fly again. I’m not too sure if I have a rider or not, but I do know I like to hang around humans. 
Dark Fey: I’m a Forest Dark Fey, from the Maleficent movies/universe. I have dark brown wings, brown horns, pointed ears, and love the forest with my whole soul. I find peace in trees, love my fellow Fey, and adore to fly. 
Avian: I’m a feather-winged human-looking creature with a feather tail as well. I’m still not sure what my wings/feathers look like, but I do know I enjoy flying really high in the sky and running around on all fours.
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Whale Shark: They’re the largest known species of fish, and are endangered. They’re found in tropical oceans around the world, and are known as gentle giants of the sea. They eat krill, jellyfish, and crab larvae. I see them as my family, and I would protect them with my life. I wish I was one, sometimes feel I may be, but know I am not. I love them loads. 
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Hylian: Hylians are a race of humans, although they are different from them. Hylians have pointed ears, are usually shorter, and have some magical abilities too. I mainly look like myself, except with pointed ears and am much more adventurous and nomadic. 
Orphinki: Orphinki are an OC species of mine. They’re like large lizards, except with feather manes, wise eyes, extra long tails, and colorful scales. They live for hundreds of years on average, and there are many types of Orphinki seen in many different habitats/environments. I am a Woodland Orphinki, have green scales and green and brown feathers, and love to eat fruit. I don’t like humans, but more in an afraid of them way. 
Sable: They’re a species of marten, they’re fairly small, and they’re omnivores. They’re found in the forests of Asia. They eat smaller mammals and hares, as well as other things. I’m quite small, have little black and white markings on my face, and love to eat hare. I am ferocious, yet playful and friendly at the same time. I will bite you very hard, but it is purely friendly 90% of the time. 
Owl: I’m all kinds of owls, but often connect with the bigger species, and the Barn and Snowy owls. I love to hunt (mice especially), I love the night, and I’m fairly curious of humans. 
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honeycomb-butch · 2 years
A biotech company in Georgia has received conditional approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the first vaccine for honeybees, a move scientists say could help pave the way for controlling a range of viruses and pests that have decimated the global population. It is the first vaccine approved for any insect in the United States.
The company, Dalan Animal Health, which is based in Athens, Ga., developed a prophylactic vaccine that protects honeybees from American foulbrood, an aggressive bacterium that can spread quickly from hive to hive. Previous treatments included burning infected colonies and all of the associated equipment, or using antibiotics.
Before you start imagining a tiny syringe being inserted into a bee, the vaccine, which contains dead versions of the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae, comes in the form of food. The vaccine is incorporated into royal jelly, a sugar feed given to queen bees. Once they ingest it, the vaccine is then deposited in their ovaries, giving developing larvae immunity as they hatch.
Scientists long assumed that insects could not acquire immunity because they lacked antibodies, the proteins that help many animals’ immune systems recognize and fight bacteria and viruses. Once scientists understood that insects could indeed acquire immunity and pass it to their offspring, Dr. Freitak set about answering the question of how they did so. In 2015, she and two other researchers identified the specific protein that prompts an immune response in the offspring and realized they could cultivate immunity in a bee population with a single queen.
Their first goal was tackling American foulbrood, a bacterial disease that turns larvae dark brown and makes the hive give off a rotting smell. The disease ran rampant during the 1800s and the early 1900s in bee colonies in parts of the United States. While American foulbrood is not as destructive as Varroa mites, the bacterium can easily wipe out colonies of 60,000 bees.
Chris Hiatt, who keeps bees in North Dakota and California and is the president of the American Honey Producers Association, participated in the vaccine trial over the summer with about 800 queen bees in North Dakota.
“For beekeepers, you just don’t want to be reliant on antibiotics,” which most beekeepers give once a year or when there are flare-ups, he said. “Antibiotics can wipe out some of the beneficial microbes. This has the potential to add other things, too.”
Annette Kleiser, the chief executive of Dalan, called the vaccine “a huge breakthrough.”
“Bees are livestock and should have the same modern tools to care for them and protect them that we have for our chickens, cats, dogs and so on,” Ms. Kleiser said. [...] “When we started, there was no regulatory path,” she said. “No one has ever developed an insect vaccine — they’re wild animals who fly around,” compared to domesticated livestock and pets with vaccine protocols. She added, “We’re really hoping we’re going to change the industry now.”
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Environmentalists are fear mongers who's only job is to repeat lies of Marxists and scientists who's money comes from lying about reality. Because disagreeing with the narrative often gets your funding removed. This video is why I'm posting this:
And here's a few things to consider as to why this entire thing is stupid.
1. Mao, in his infinite wisdom created an incentive program, specifically to kill sparrows. Because during his reign he decided to in prison and kill farmers who wanted to keep their labor for themselves.
The reason that this is important is because farmers who have been doing it for a long time have a general understanding of what you should and should not do when it comes to the environment around the farm and environmental factors regarding the farm. And one of the interesting thing about birds, they do what they can to control insect populations because insects provide more protein than seeds do. However, because some sparrows were eating seeds that they were trying to plant he created a program in which people could kill sparrows and present them to members of the Communist party and get paid for it. Needless to say they nuked the entire population of sparrows in that region.
2. I can guarantee you that zero of these environmentalist, zero of the scientists, and zero of the news media groups reporting on this in a very fearful way, are reporting about what will happen to the rivers pollution-wise if they straight up just destroy the dams.
3. None of the above groups mention the devastation to the grids that they provide electricity to either. Fact is other than nuclear hydro is one of the cleanest forms of energy that we have. Specifically because wind and solar are not recyclable, and they create a lot of pollution in their creation that takes near decades to offset for just one.
Long story short? Environmentalist do nothing but skirt the truth lie about consequences and just go along with this stupid feel-good "sounds about right" narrative that we need to just destroy and remove everything that we have in place as if we haven't made progress in the leaps and bounds trying to get to a point where we are more friendly stewards of the environment. Hell, we used to do controled burns in forests in order to stop massive wildfires from happening. And if I had to take a while yes that is probably due to environmentalist groups trying to pretend that control the burns are somehow bad for the environment. When if you don't do controlled Burns wildfires become very likely and devastate forests, wildlife, and people's homes. And actually insect populations.
Hence why every time I end up talking to an environmentalist I envision decking them in the face. Because 9.9 times out of 10 they are absolutely moronic and severely uneducated in the b******* they believe in. And what's more, they are quite literally as bad as PETA. Who has been responsible for the death of hundreds if not thousands of animals over the years since their inception.
Because in the words of some of their group, it would be better for a dog to be put down then live in a loving home, where they get to be petted get to go out and play with other dogs, get a hot meal and a roof over there head. Because to people like those in PETA pets are basically abused chattle slaves.
Long story short, almost all of these groups are divorced from actual reality. And the only reason I bring up PETA is because they are a great comparison for the amount of destruction they cause. As well as the attachment to deranged pseudoscience that is funded by money that is only given to scare the public. Because unfortunately, between financial interest groups, the government, and other factors, fear sells quite well. And allows these groups to line their pockets and pad their importance on a global stage.
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nefja · 6 months
Weird meat proteins my dog's guts hate: goose, horse, insect
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bunnyburrow-pie-fox · 2 years
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Zootopia 2 Hopes & Predictions
With Zootopia 2 announced, I wanna share some things I want to see, some things I would love to see but don't think will be shown, some things I don't want to see, and some other predictions.
• Unrealistic Hopes
- Bogo and Clawhauser confirmed as/becoming a couple - Bucky and Pronk directly confirmed as husbands in canon (and not just hinted at) - Reptiles and avians - Nick is bi - Jack Savage - Finnick speaking roles (since his voice actor, Tommy Lister Jr., passed away in 2020) - Jack Black voicing a panda as a clear nod to Kung Fu Panda but the character has absolutely no similarity to Po other than species - Some sort of reference/nod to The Bad Guys
• Wants
General - More Gideon Grey -- More of Gideon's new relationship with Stu and Bonnie - Learning Mrs. Otterton's first name - Learning Bogo's first name -- Learning Bogo's backstory - More Mr. Manchas - Nick's family - Mr. Otterton speaking role - Explanation as to how sloths function in a society like this - Judy Big (Fru Fru's child) - More Sam (the otter from Zootopia+) - Lore of Zootopia's founding - Canon confirmation that predators get their necessary meat-based proteins from insect-based foods - Continued inclusion of adult-based humor - Michael Giacchino doing the score again Characters & Species [Note: I know some of these species are already included in Zootopia 1 but I just wanna see more of those] - More rabbits and foxes as characters in the background - Deer - Bears (that aren't polar bears) - Equines - Hares - Goats - Cows & Bulls - Guinea pigs - Llamas - Camels - Bison - Hyenas - Ferrets - Uncommon* mammals (capybaras, chinchillas, anteaters, African wild dogs, meerkats, etc.) - Nice sheep - Tiger side character (with a speaking role) [* Uncommon in terms of typical animal-based things] Locations - More Bunnyburrow (especially the towns & buildings) - Judy's home - Deeper exploration into Sahara Square - Deeper exploration into the Rainforest District - Places (like Bunnyburrow) that are around Zootopia but not actually part of it - Shadier, seedier underground-type places - A mall - A movie theater - More of the museum - Spaces built mainly for large mammals like elephants and rhinos, as a sort of contrast to Little Rodentia
• Unwants
- Humans in any capacity - Deaths (especially of main characters like Nick and side characters like Judy's parents, Finnick, or Gideon) - Gideon becoming antagonistic again - Nick and Judy somehow having kids - More copoganda - Chris Pratt voicing a character - James Corden voicing a character - Any reference to bitcoin/NFTs - Any use of AI-generated art or voices
• Maybe-wants?
[I'm on the fence about whether I'd like to see these or not] - Explanation as to how domestic dogs and cats exist in this universe (which they do, or at least cats) - Explanation as to why there are no avians, reptiles, or marine mammals - Some inclusion of the scrapped shock-collar plotline - Explanation as to how ice cream is made - Lore of Zootopia's universe (like how animals evolved to become sapient and anthropomorphic)
• Predictions
- Nick and Judy will have another falling out but will get back together - Bogo and Clawhauser will be heavily included again - Bonnie and Stu will be side characters again - Finnick will be seen but won't have any sort of major role - The story won't be as good or topical as the first but the writing will be on-par - The story will be set either very soon after the first movie or a couple years later; it won't be too far in the future. - Nick and Judy will remain cops at the end of the movie - Zootopia+ will be referenced at least once - Flash will appear again
Sorry for the long post, I'm just thinking about the possibilities a lot.
I'd love to hear your opinions, wants, predictions, etc.!
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boggospetfood · 2 years
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bonescribes · 1 year
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! ! (   season  edition  !   )  
*  repost  ,  don’t  reblog.  bold;  always  applies.  italicise; sometimes  applies.
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𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑬𝑹. —  cold  drinks  after  a  long  day  ,  hiking  in  the  woods  just  outside  the  city  ,  swimming  in  a  lake  ,  spontaneous  picnics  ,  the  warmth  of  the  sun  making  you  drowsy  ,  the  buzz  of  insects  flying  by  ,  blooming  wildflowers  ,  the  scent  of  bark  and  leaves  ,  snapping  twigs  in  half  ,  a  blade  of  grass  between  your  teeth,  light  sunburn  on  the  tip  of  your  nose  ,  barking  dogs  ,  rosy  cheeks  ,  children  laughing  in  the  distance  ,  sunflowers  reaching  for  the  sun  ,  fresh  ice  tea  ,  resting  your  head  on  someone’s   lap  ,  warm  yellow  ,  the  sound  of  waves  crashing  .
𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑼𝑴𝑵.  —  cool  breezes  that  feel  just  right  ,  piles  of  leaves  , rust  red  ,  oversized  sweaters  ,  knitted  blankets  ,  pumpkin  spice ,  the  scent  of  freshly  baked  goods  ,  open  windows  letting  the  fresh  air  in  ,  cold  cheeks  and  hands  ,  rain  boots  ,  carving  pumpkins  ,  soft  scarves  ,  a  comforting  embrace  from  an  old  friend  ,  the  scent  right  before  a  storm  ,  wild  mushrooms  ,  ripening  berries  ,  a  cup  of  hot  tea  , purring  cats ,  blueberry  muffins  ,  braided  hair  , wearing  your  partner’s  shirts  ,  an  alarm  pulling  you  from  slumber  ,  burning  candles  .
𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹.  —  the  crackling  of  a  fireplace  ,  hot  chocolate  with  marshmallows  ,  the  smell  of  fresh  cookies  ,  fuzzy  socks  ,  beanies  pulled  over  your  ears ,  a  strong  pot  of  coffee  ,  dark  clouds  gathering  on  the  horizon  ,  the  sound  of  wind  shaking  the  ship house ,  melting  ice  ,  snowflakes  in  your  hair ,  melancholy  afternoons  ,  curling  up  with  a  book  while  the  world  stands  still  ,  cough  drops  on  the  nightstand  ,  excitedly  giving  gifts  ,  long  coats  with  deep  pockets  ,  pale  blues  ,  flour  on  the  tip  of  your  nose  ,  warm  soup  ,  stubble  turning  into  a  beard  ,  the  scent  of  leather  .
𝑺𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮.  —  the  smell  after  it  rains  ,  waking  to  the  sound  of  birds  singing  ,  the  crack  of  thunder  ,  soft  pinks  ,  energy  drinks  or  protein  shakes  ,  the  scent  of  fabric  softener  ,   tidying  up  , the  sweet  taste  of  fresh  fruit  ,  competitive  spark  in  eyes  ,  sand  beneath  your  feet  ,  sweat  on  your  brow  ,  catching  your  breath  after  running  ,  light  green  ,  frosted  cupcakes  ,  electricity  in  the  air  ,  forbidden  kisses  ,  the  sharp  hunger  after  a  work  out  ,  daring  romances  ,  high  ponytails  ,  unexpected  storms  ,  picking  flowers  ,  running  barefoot  in  the  grass ,  iced  coffee  .
tagged: @thuganomxcs (i am in love with your new dash icon lmao) tagging: @goldspun, @immolatiism, @trattcria, @bishonenprince, @vancreux, @zelotae, && you ! <3
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marblecarved · 3 months
your muse's seasonal aesthetics.
bold what applies and italicize what applies sometimes. please repost, don’t reblog !
summer: cold drinks after a long day, hiking in the woods just outside the city, swimming in a lake, spontaneous picnics, the warmth of the sun making you drowsy, the buzz of insects flying by, blooming wildflowers, the scent of bark and leaves, snapping twigs in half, a blade of grass between your teeth, light sunburn on the tip of your nose, barking dogs, rosy cheeks, children laughing in the distance, sunflowers reaching for the sun, fresh ice tea, resting your head on someone’s lap, warm yellow, the sound of waves crashing.
autumn: cool breezes that feel just right, piles of leaves, rust red, oversized sweaters, knitted blankets, pumpkin spice, the scent of freshly baked goods, open windows letting the fresh air in, cold cheeks and hands, rain boots, carving pumpkins, soft scarves, a comforting embrace from an old friend, the scent right before a storm, wild mushrooms, ripening berries, a cup of hot tea, purring cats, blueberry muffins, braided hair, wearing your partner’s shirts, an alarm pulling you from slumber, burning candles.
winter: the crackling of a fireplace, hot chocolate with marshmallows, the smell of fresh cookies, fuzzy socks, beanies pulled over your ears, a strong pot of coffee, dark clouds gathering on the horizon, the sound of wind shaking the house, melting ice, snowflakes in your hair, melancholy afternoons, curling up with a book while the world stands still, cough drops on the nightstand, excitedly giving gifts, long coats with deep pockets, pale blues, flour on the tip of your nose, warm soup, stubble turning into a beard, the scent of leather.
spring: the smell after it rains, waking to the sound of birds singing, the crack of thunder, soft pinks, energy drinks or protein shakes, the scent of fabric softener, tidying up, the sweet taste of fresh fruit, competitive spark in eyes, sand beneath your feet, sweat on your brow, catching your breath after running, light green, frosted cupcakes, electricity in the air, forbidden kisses, the sharp hunger after a work out, daring romances, high ponytails, unexpected storms, picking flowers, running barefoot in the grass, iced coffee.
tagging: you ! if you see this on your dash and you'd like to do it for your muse, feel free to steal this !
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hunting-songs · 3 months
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Muse  Aesthetics : Season  Edition  ! Repost  don’t  reblog .   Bold  always applies.   Italicize  sometimes  applies.
✹ SUMMER ✹ — cold drinks after a long day,hiking in the woods just outside the city, swimming in a lake, spontaneous picnics,the warmth of the sun making you drowsy, the buzz of insects flying by,  blooming wildflowers, the scent of bark and leaves, snapping twigs in half, a blade of grass between your teeth, light sunburn on the tip of your nose, barking dogs, rosy cheeks, children laughing in the distance, sunflowers reaching for the sun, fresh ice tea, resting your head on someone’s lap, warm yellow, the sound of waves crashing
☁ AUTUMN ☁ — cool breezes that feel just right, piles of leaves, rust red, oversized sweaters, knitted blankets, pumpkin spice, the scent of freshly baked goods, open windows letting the fresh air in, cold cheeks and hands, rain boots, carving pumpkins, soft scarves, a comforting embrace from an old friend, the scent right before a storm, wild mushrooms, ripening berries, a cup of hot tea, purring cats, blueberry muffins, braided hair, wearing your partner’s shirts, an alarm pulling you from slumber, burning candles
❅ WINTER ❅ — the crackling of a fireplace, hot chocolate with marshmallows, the smell of fresh cookies, fuzzy socks, beanies pulled over your ears, a strong pot of coffee, dark clouds gathering on the horizon, the sound of wind shaking the house, melting ice, snowflakes in your hair, melancholy afternoons, curling up with a book while the world stands still, cough drops on the nightstand, excitedly giving gifts, long coats with deep pockets, pale blues, flour on the tip of your nose, warm soup, stubble turning into a beard, the scent of leather
❀ SPRING ❀ — the smell after it rains, waking to the sound of birds singing, the crack of thunder,soft pinks, energy drinks or protein shakes, the scent of fabric softener, tidying up, the sweet taste of fresh fruit, competitive spark in eyes, sand beneath your feet, sweat on your brow, catching your breath after running, light green, frosted cupcakes, electricity in the air, forbidden kisses,  the sharp hunger after a work out,daring romances, high ponytails, unexpected storms, picking flowers, running barefoot in the grass, iced coffee
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blubushie · 7 months
The Spanish Dancer sea slug, native to Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Red Sea. It can grow up to 25cm, though some reports from the Dead Sea clock it in at 40cm. It is a luxuriant red colour with an orange-yellow underbelly and a splotchy red line cutting across it. A specimen measuring ~90cm in width was found on Australia's west coast (Hey, that's where you live!). 'Pangolin' originates from the Malay word for 'roller', which is 'penggulung'; this is because it curls up into a ball and uses its hard scales as a shield when threatened. All eight species of pangolin are under some kind of threat and are protected under national and international laws, two of the eight are critically endangered (do NOT try to make these the centrepiece of your project, they're elusive and endangered). Puffins can flap their wings ~400 times a minute and can fly 88km an hour (!?). Their beaks also change seasonally-- they are a dull grey in the winter and become their more iconic orange in spring, most likely to attract mates. Black-footed cats are considered the most deadly species of wild cat with (a cute little face to die for) a hunting success rate of 60%, compared to a lion's rate of 25%, which is lower than that of a domestic cat's, 32%. The black-footed cat's rate is second only to African wild dogs at 85%. The plant genus Rafflesia, known as the Corpse Flower is capable of Horizontal Gene Transfer, a behaviour documented in bacteria that has only recently been discovered in plants. Rafflesia is a parasitic plant that steals genetic material from its host and nearby plants, merging it into its own genetic code and using its proteins to sustain itself. Once it is grown, the flower continues its parasitic behaviour and emits a foul stench likened to corpses, used to attract pollinators like carrion flies. Humans have been unable to cultivate Rafflesia because the method with which its seeds germinate, let alone infect a host is still unclear. Ant-mimicking spiders have evolved to resembles ants, complete with their extra set of legs disguised as antennae. Most ant-mimicking spiders have unique abdomen and body structures that resemble an ant without any closer inspection, but many have more nuanced methods of deception. Some species can even mimick ant pheromones and behaviour, a huge crux in how ants identify each other, making it easier to invade ants and prey upon them. The Hercules Beetle is one of the largest flying insects measuring up to 7 inches long, when including their horn, and almost 2 inches wide. The horsehair worm is a parasite that preys on grasshoppers, crickets, and some beetles and are found in water or wet areas. They are, simply, a worm capable of squirming in and out of intricate knots and formations, a capability which makes multiple worms of great lengths capable of taking over one host (there's videos out there of researchers tying them into knots of increasing complexity and tightness, fascinating stuff!). After the laid eggs have hatched, the worm forms a protective cyst around itself and waits to be consumed by a suitable host. The cyst them dissolves and allows the worm to eat itself out of the digestive system and feast on its host's innards (I love parasites...). Once it has taken its fill, it has matured and it exits the host to lay its eggs and repeat the process. Horsehair worms pose no threat to humans or animals outside of its host pool, so their presence simply indicates and abundance of or dead crickets in the area.
The oarfish is also nicknamed the 'Doomsday Fish' due to its presence being a sign of destruction to come-- 20 oarfish allegedly washed up on Japan's shores just before the Japan 2011 earthquake. Whatever the case, oarfish reside deep underwater, in the Twilight Zone, so seeing them at all is strange. They are long, ribbon-like fish with bulging eyes and red spines that swim vertically through the waters, using its shimmering skin to camoflague itself by blending into the dark and the rare patch of light. Sand vipers have their located located on top of their heads to better see out of the sand they bury themselves in for hunting purposes. This is also why a suitable substrate is important if you want to care for them. They also require more open space than hiding spots in their enclosure, unike other species of snake. Sand vipers also prefer higher temperatures and require basking in temperatures of around or even greater than 40 degrees Celsius (I've always wanted a pet snake). Peregrine falcons can dive down towards their prey at a speed of 320km/h and quickly strike their neck with their talons, killing their prey in the fraction of a second. This has been caught on video, and in many of them there is only a quick, black blur before the prey drops like a stone onto the ground, suddenly lifeless (eerie and impressive!). Ragdoll cats were first bred by Ann Baker in the 1960s. They have a large, weighty build with long, think fur. They often have blue eyes though they are born mostly white, their unique markings darken over time to a deep brown. The horror game Outlast was modelled after the Richardson Hotel in Buffalo, New York, which had previously been an insane asylum. You'd go into an insane asylum if you weren't a coward (joking). Axolotls (like from Minecraft) are salamanders that, unlike most salamander species, never transition to land. They remain aquatic into adulthood. They are native to only one area, Lake Xochimilco, Lake Chalco, and its surrounding smaller bodies, located in the Valley of Mexico (it also has a relative that resembles a wyrm dragon, very similar sans legs and larger, but I couldn't remember the name <\3). The Megasoma elephas (Elephant Beetle) has been used in a Pentagon-sponsored university program where electrodes were inserted into elephant beetle pupae, allowing for some remote control of the adult beetle's flying behaviour (developing technology, I guess...). Habitat destruction and the use of the male adult's head as jewelery charms have contributed to its decreasing population, though they are not considered endangered. The emerald cockroach wasp paralyzes cockroaches using its venom then drags the body to its burrow. There, while the cockroach is still living, the wasp lays its eggs directly under the cockroach. The entrance will be blocked off to prevent early escape. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae feast on the cockroach's bodily fluids, then its non-vital organs, keeping the still-alive bug kicking it for as long as possible, then, the growing wasps eat the rest of the cockroach, thus putting an end to its miserable life, and emerge through the cockroach's chest, splitting it in half, then dig out of the burrow to repeat the cycle (I love parasites...).
[Animal Fact Anon. Uh, are you a hunter trying to starve me out into the open? Because you're driving me wild! Happy Valentines day, xoxo, I'm not actually hitting on you.]
1. Horsehair worms freak me out
2. I've seen an oarfish when I was at sea! It was dead though :(
3. On the topic of the relative to axolotls "sans legs", were you maybe thinking of caecilians?
4. Oml I love parasitic wasps!! My favourites are spider wasps :]
Thank you for the facts animal anon!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! <3
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clarafell · 1 year
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! ! (   season  edition  !   )  
*  repost  ,  don’t  reblog.  bold;  always  applies.  italicise; sometimes  applies.
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𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑬𝑹. —  cold  drinks  after  a  long  day  ,  hiking  in  the  woods  just  outside  the  city  ,  swimming  in  a  lake  ,  spontaneous  picnics  ,  the  warmth  of  the  sun  making  you  drowsy  ,  the  buzz  of  insects  flying  by  ,  blooming  wildflowers  ,  the  scent  of  bark  and  leaves  ,  snapping  twigs  in  half  ,  a  blade  of  grass  between  your  teeth,  light  sunburn  on  the  tip  of  your  nose  ,  barking  dogs  ,  rosy  cheeks  ,  children  laughing  in  the  distance  ,  sunflowers  reaching  for  the  sun  ,  fresh  ice  tea  ,  resting  your  head  on  someone’s   lap  ,  warm  yellow  ,  the  sound  of  waves  crashing  .
𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑼𝑴𝑵.  —  cool  breezes  that  feel  just  right  ,  piles  of  leaves  , rust  red  ,  oversized  sweaters  ,  knitted  blankets  ,  pumpkin  spice ,  the  scent  of  freshly  baked  goods  ,  open  windows  letting  the  fresh  air  in  ,  cold  cheeks  and  hands  ,  rain  boots  ,  carving  pumpkins  ,  soft  scarves  ,  a  comforting  embrace  from  an  old  friend  ,  the  scent  right  before  a  storm  ,  wild  mushrooms  ,  ripening  berries  ,  a  cup  of  hot  tea  , purring  cats ,  blueberry  muffins  ,  braided  hair  , wearing  your  partner’s  shirts  ,  an  alarm  pulling  you  from  slumber  ,  burning  candles  .
𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹.  —  the  crackling  of  a  fireplace  ,  hot  chocolate  with  marshmallows  ,  the  smell  of  fresh  cookies  ,  fuzzy  socks  ,  beanies  pulled  over  your  ears ,  a  strong  pot  of  coffee  ,  dark  clouds  gathering  on  the  horizon  ,  the  sound  of  wind  shaking  the  ship house ,  melting  ice  ,  snowflakes  in  your  hair ,  melancholy  afternoons  ,  curling  up  with  a  book  while  the  world  stands  still  ,  cough  drops  on  the  nightstand  ,  excitedly  giving  gifts  ,  long  coats  with  deep  pockets  ,  pale  blues  ,  flour  on  the  tip  of  your  nose  ,  warm  soup  ,  stubble  turning  into  a  beard  ,  the  scent  of  leather  .
𝑺𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮.  —  the  smell  after  it  rains  ,  waking  to  the  sound  of  birds  singing  ,  the  crack  of  thunder  ,  soft  pinks  ,  energy  drinks  or  protein  shakes  ,  the  scent  of  fabric  softener  ,   tidying  up  , the  sweet  taste  of  fresh  fruit  ,  competitive  spark  in  eyes  ,  sand  beneath  your  feet  ,  sweat  on  your  brow  ,  catching  your  breath  after  running  ,  light  green  ,  frosted  cupcakes  ,  electricity  in  the  air  ,  forbidden  kisses  ,  the  sharp  hunger  after  a  work  out  ,  daring  romances  ,  high  ponytails  ,  unexpected  storms  ,  picking  flowers  ,  running  barefoot  in  the  grass ,  iced  coffee  .
---- tagged by: @trattcria (thank you so much!)
tagging: @catncore & @madeimpact & @domina-noctisim & @wolfvirago & @reapinghook & @rosecoloredmuses & @pixieacoco & @shorestar & @s-talking & @distortsverity & @justiica & @conseille & @vampire-tales & @s-ubtlety & @nenegyo & @msteroso & @starsgifted & @shibemuses & @skydragn & @deathdanse & @dnangelic & @theircurse & @dangaer & @duessperare & @donutghoul & anyone else who wants to do it! 💜
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