#Interaction Syobai Iroha and Yoruko
a-tale-never-told · 1 year
So how did you enjoy the prologue? Any favorite characters or least favorite yet?
//Well, there is a lot to cover with this, so I guess I'll share what I like and what I thought could have been done better. Spoilers ahead for those who did not see the game//
//So one of the things I did like in the prologue is the characters and how they interact. Well, almost all of them since the entirety of them is supposed to be a new cast of characters that we have never seen and heard before, and I have to admit and give credit where it's due, the cast is almost near great for me, with a few exceptions//
//I think my favorite character so far has to be either Yoruko or Hibiki because those two are the ones I can relate to the most honestly. Yoruko is your resident tsundere, except she's more than that, and also the most realistic person here, especially during the beach scene. I honestly find her pretty compelling as a character so far and her crush on Sora is honestly pretty heartwarming to see//
// Hibiki is actually a better Hiyoko in my opinion. Yeah, I just said that. I get that she's supposed to be the "mean girl" of this game, but honestly, she's surprisingly tame compared to people like Hiyoko or Celeste. I know that people are not the biggest of fans about how she treats Kanade, but it never really bothered me or annoyed me because most of the time, she isn't really saying anything truly harsh, except for one time when she went overboard, and that Kanade is such a bland and boring character that I couldn't care less//
//Also, I have heard and said much worse than Hibiki, so. I can definitely see why Mod Bubbles likes her a whole lot, and I'm super happy she got the character development she should have gotten in the game. Runner-ups are Setsuka, Shinji, Iroha, Sora, and Hajime for me, mostly because they are the most chill people there for the most part//
//The island setting is also neat, and considering that this is on both the island and the cruise, I would find myself enjoying this. Monocrow is an okay host. Obviously, he's inferior to the quirky, sadistic Monokuma. But I do like how Monocrow at least has some standards for the most part, like how he criticized Syobai for stabbing Sora//
//But sadly, when there are the joyful things in life, there are, of course, the cursed things that are meant to suffer and this prologue has a few of them. So let's talk about them.
//First is Yuki's voice acting. I'm dearly sorry to whoever voiced him, but what is that voice coming from that character's mouth?! You have a high school-aged teen, why does he sound like a 12-year-old boy?! I know that this is rather nitpicky, but I will argue that Yuki is supposed to be the same age as these guys, perhaps even older considering the events of the last game. So why does he sound like that? It makes no sense! Other than Yuki's, the voice acting is pretty damm great for this game, and props to those that gave it their best effort//
//Second is Yuri, good lord Yuri. Where do I even start with this piece of perverted shit? Y'all thought that Teruteru was awful? Oh, he doesn't got anything when compared to Mr. Cosmonaut over there. I'm not kidding when I say that half of his dialogue and the entirety of his character is mostly him simping over women like a Mineta-esque clone of him, and shitting on Yuki and the dudes for.... being dudes. What the hell is this?//
// I believe Linjulij (Linjulij? I don't know how you spell his name correctly) lost a bet with some Russian men in Saint Petersburg and got so enraged about losing 200 bucks to these pricks, and decide to write and make Yuri into this perverted, man-hating asshole just to spite them. At least that's my theory, I have zero idea of what Yuri's character was supposed to be. He's so bad that he might be one of my most hated characters in this franchise, to the point that when he opened his mouth, I told him to shut the fuck up every. single. time. That's how bad he is to me//
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// I think we all need to stop classifying Teruteru as the resident pervert in this franchise because there are characters that are significantly far worse than him. And people still think he's the main pervert? What? What the hell are you smoking, guys?//
//But the worst aspect to me of this prologue, was the early reveal of Mikado as the Mastermind so early on. I don't about you guys, but I am personally not a fan of this kind of writing when they reveal things far too early in the overall plot or story. We just got into the prolouge and already, we know he's the mastermind. Why don't they just kill him already when he's there? It would have been so much easier for Mikado as a character if the reveal that he was the mastermind came during or at the end of the first trial. That way, it's revealed semi-normal and feels natural. Have Mikado try to gain the trust of the students a bit by acting as their protector and savior, manipulating them untill he's revealed in the first trial. That way, the fear of being with the mastermind feel more deep as they thought this guy was going to protect them, only for him to be the person behind the whole operation//
//Don't get me wrong, this sort of twist is unique and can work, it's just that the overall execution of it was just bad and not really satisfying to me at all. It could've been handled far better than it had originally played out. It was unnecessary to reveal it like that, and it was completely unnecessary to have Rei and Teruya here just to show up and warn them, and then get their ass kicked by Mikado. That's it. What was even the fucking point of them being there aside from warning them and then just disappearing?! God, this frustrates me looking back//
//Other than that, I will say that the concept itself is at least unique and far different from any Fanganronpa I've seen or heard of before. And the decision of Mikado being a contestant is again, while flawed, a pretty great twist in all honesty. It just sucks of how the execution of it could've have been handled better than it did. That's just my thoughts though//
//Overall, despite those massive fuck ups, I did really like the prologue and it serves as a decent opening to the game in general. I was originally going to bring up Syobai and his character in this, but he's a topic for another time. The verdict? Not a bad start for this game. Let's just pray to god that the rest of the game is better going forward.//
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Iroha Nijiue!
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//Well well, seems we got quite some characters here from the Another series then very well, let's begin;
Iroha Nijiue:
Iroha reunites with one of her siblings who is with the Kisaragi Foundation and ends on a sour note.
Iroha gets married but her husband dies and is alone.
Years after the tragedy when Iroha is discover and arrested by Future Foundation, she is no longer with Syobai and is working as a freeter.
Hibiki Otonokoji:
After Hibiki has calm down, her and Yoruko have a talk and Yoruko decides to help her for the trial of Kanade.
Hibiki starts to bond with Iroha's siblings and even becomes friends with them.
Hibiki fights her sister in a sword fight after Kanade wakes up but ends up corner.
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kanade as escape and causes a black out, she corners Hibiki but gets decked.
She gets the life sentence for her crimes which Hibiki visits her.
Kanade gets call out by Katsuo and then decked in the face.
Yoruko and Sora travel around the world and spread Divine Luck after the tragedy.
Sora decides to give Divine luck to Nikei, Emma and Hajime.
As waking up those in Utsuroshima's killing game, they were able to get Sora into Akane's body.
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Tsurugi yells at one of Iroha's siblings for not doing anything and being related to a member of Void.
Tsurugi and Nikei have a very long conversation about the situation which leaves Tsurugi very conflicted about the entire situation.
Tsurugi gets killed by Rei.
Yuki Meada:
Yuki travels with Yoruko and Sora after the tragedy.
After Yuki gets his body back, Shinji adopts Yuki learning that his mom and dad are dead thanks to Akane and Utsuro.
Yuki is a head and is stuck in a jar.
Shobai Hashimoto:
Shobai sneaks on Jabberwock Island as everyone is busy with missions to get the Neo World Program.
Shobai hijack a car and takes off with Iroha.
He helps with the situation on Utsuroshima.
Yoruko Kabuya:
Setsuka and Yoruko have a conversation about Hibiki, which Yoruko realizes her hypocrisy.
Yoruko attempts to shoot Kanade but misses her.
Sora and Yoruko go to a bar to get a drink, turns out Sora doesn't like alcohol.
Rei Mekaru:
Rei gets really drunk but after that starts to see a therapist about everything and plans to go back to the US to become a teacher when Tsurugi returns.
Rei gets into karaoke and starts singing heavy metal in a drunk rage.
Rei visits the graves of her former Classmates and adds one more.
Shinji Kasai:
Shinji meets Kanata a bit more properly before the tragedy.
Shinji invites Yoruko, Sora, Yuri, Setsuka and Hibiki over for dinner which they all discuss plans for the future.
Shinji after the events of Utsuroshima's killing game goes into retirement from the next generation of hope.
Teruya Otori:
Teruya stops an argument between Tsurugi and Rei.
In the Afterlife theater, we get to see him interacting with Haruhiko, Satsuki and Kiyoka.
Teruya is revive along with everyone else.
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
Anyway I'm bored and decided to make some SDRA2 fankids, but couldn't decide on what pairings to make, so I spun a wheel with all the characters for some inspo and possible combos:
Teruya x Nikei: #1 Mikado hater. Sorry both your parents died super unfairly, little one. Hopefully you don't end up consumed by revenge or some other thing that will also lead to your own unfair death.
Sora x Yuki: Oh wholesome canon ship, nice. Time to roll out the AU where everything is good and they can have their little happy family.
Emma x Shinji: I don't think these two even interacted but they'd be pretty good parents I think? So their kid can't end up too bad. Just keep them away from the snow and ice.
Hajime x Sora: I feel like this child would be genuinely very terrifying but also a huge loser. Not sure why but the Vibes are there.
Yuri x Hajime: AU where everyone truly does survive after the simulation ends and somehow Hajime killing Yuri ends up as a funny meet cute story they tell their kid many times during their childhood. Between this and Yuri's dream of dying for women, this kid definitely does consider murder to be romantic. Rip to them.
Hajime x Nikei: Hell fucking yeah I got my OTP. Not sure how they'd be with kids though... Hopefully it works out? They got practice taking care of Iroha so it can't be too bad- unless they inherit their parents' bad luck. Then it's really, really bad.
(Then I got Hajime for the fourth roll in a row, so I promptly kicked him out of the wheel so he'd stop having so many damn kids).
Setsuka x Yuri: Their kid is definitely fun at parties. And very annoying literally anywhere else. But hey, they have Setsuka as a mom- what more could you possibly want?
Sora x Hibiki: Honestly no ideas for this one. Head empty.
Setsuka x Yuri: What are the odds I got the same combo twice. Guess their first kid gets a sibling/twin? Good for them.
Kanade x Nikei: This kid is so fucked. Like literally straight up fucked. Not as much as my Kanade/Syobai fankid (that I made without the wheels interference, just for fun) since Nikei has like, morals, but still. There's no way they turn out even remotely alright. The therapy bills will be astronomical.
BONUS: I wanted at least one Mikado baby and the wheel didn't give me a single one, so I just spun for one character as the partner and got Shinji. A cross between the worst boy and the most wholesome boy... That's ought to be interesting.
So uh I might try to think about some of these later while doing homework (or procrastinating on doing my homework). If I get any good ideas I might even draw one of them...
Also only one WLW ship (which isn't even one of the ones I like) and no Yoruko representation. Big L.
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Who is able for interactions?
Hold on, I'll copy paste it-
-Iroha Nijiue (Main unless arc isn’t about the time travelling trio.) -Tsurugi Kinjou (Present and past) -Rei Mekaru -Tadahiro Akiyama -Yoruko Kabuya -Syobai Hashimoto -Mifuyu Akiyama -Teruya Otori (Past) -Setsuka Chiebukuro (Past) -Utsuro (Past) -Akane Taira (Past) -Sora!Yuki -Xander Matthews (Past) -Himiko Suzui (If sent death threats, the comments will be deleted) -Kouhei Sasaki
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
Ok, um can I get the SDRA2 cast trying to set up Shinji and Yuki together? Because they are so obviously into each other and they just don't see it and the rest are like UGH YOU LIKE EACH OTHER JUST KISS! Pls and thank u
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I’m working on your requests, I swear, they are all on their way, I try my best to get them out!
I hope you like it like this anon, I actually had a funny scene in mind thanks to my friend, so it’s more humour than anything, I hope you don’t mind. If you do, feel free to send the ask again!
Island Matchmakers
-Yuki and Shinji have been getting along really well recently, which for most of their classmates meant, that they need to get together and smooch immediately
-Those people being Setsuka and Nikei, who managed to rope in Yoruko, Yuri and Mikado and eventually everyone was involved in one way or another, so isn’t that nice…
-”We need to get them together in some way!” Declared Nikei, putting his hands on the table with a loud bang and making almost everyone flinch
-The problem was just, that almost none of them had any idea how to actually matchmake. Iroha was currently not in the meeting because she was dressed as a bush and was observing Shinji’s and Yuki’s interactions and probably sketching them doing lewd things like hand holding or something while thinking about ways to get them together
-They knew Shinji and Yuki would never get together if they just let the situation be, there was literally a chance of 0% that either of them would get a move on, even if they are really into each other and it was painfully obvious
-Mikado’s idea was a love spell, which got quickly shut down, because it wouldn’t be real and forced and the other wouldn’t believe the enchanted one, so Mikado was pouting in his chair for the remainder of the meeting. 
-The problem was just that no one had any other ideas for the longest time, because Shinji and Yuki were difficult cases, some lovey dovey cliche crap wasn’t going to cut it with them 
-Syobai really wanted to go, so he waved with his bottle of soda around and suggested: “How about…. ugh, the fuck do I know… fireworks? A firework show or something?”
-That!...... was actually not an awful idea.
-”Sounds good. But where are we going to get the fireworks?” Asked Nikei, making notes as if he needed to remember something that they discussed so far
-Mikado shot up from his seat again, declaring: “I can do it! Fireworks are mere childsplay for a wizard of my caliber!”
-Everyone was a little hesitant about leaving the fireworks to Mikado, but at the same time, they didn’t really have any alternatives, so they gave him the go to make a fireworks show for Shinji and Yuki , which got the wizard very excited for some reason, which is enough reason to worry
-So, on the next day, Shinji and Yuki went jogging together with Hajime ‘conveniently’ skipping and running alone in the early morning hours, so Yuki and Shinji could be alone, while everyone was hiding in the bushes, observing how they took their break together
-”They’re so gay…” declared Yoruko in astonishment, Teruya’s eyes twinkling when he whispered back: “I know, right?!”
-The nice moment got cut short when suddenly dozens of fireworks shot out of the bushes, directly at Yuki and Shinji
-Shinji immediately dropped down on the ground, so he wouldn’t get hit, while Yuki was not as lucky and got hit in the head by one, hitting the ground hard 
-Through some kind of luck though, Yuki was completely fine, but Shinji immediately jumped up and picked Yuki up bridal style, yelling when more fireworks shot at them and making a jump to dodge before running off with the luckster still in his arms, the two getting chased by the fireworks and slowly getting out of sight
-All the gazes went to Mikado, who was laughing and clapping and then declaring: “I predict they will get together by the end of the day!”
-One deep, shared inhale, followed by a loud: “MIKADO, WHAT THE FUCK-!” Is what the wizard got, making him cry and explain: “But you said you wanted a fireworks shooooooow!!”
-Hajime facepalmed, stating: “We meant shoot the fireworks FOR them, not AT them!”
-Mikado’s face drops as he responds: “Huh, that actually makes more sense-” He then got probably chained up by Teruya and Hajime or thrown in the ocean again 
-But, despite everyone’s believes that the plan failed, Shinji and Yuki actually got together the next day and were all blushy and lovey dovey, making everyone’s jaws drop, because how the fuck did this disaster that almost killed them bring them togehter?!
-They owed Mikado an apology but could at least now bare witness to Yuki and Shinji being cute gays™ 
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So, I’m having no inspiration at all in the moment and I’m really emotionally unstable right now. I decided to make a crack post of the Sdra2 cast playing Family Feud. If I made a mistake on how the game is played, sorry to confuse you. I don’t know too much about this game. Hope you enjoy! And I’m sorry that I’m not finishing the requests. Thank you for those who are waiting patiently!
Sdra2 cast play Family Feud Pt. 1
Monocrow made an announcement over the tv, “Everyone, go to the trial room. I have a special surprise for all of you!”
Once everyone made their way to the trial room, everything was different compared to the original trial room. Most of their stands are on different sides of the room, left and right, and theirs another table with 2 buttons on top of it. Seriously, what the hell is going on?!
“Ah, you’re all wondering why I told you all to come here. Well, today, we’re gonna play a game!” Monocrow announces.
“What game?” Shinji asks the black and white crow.
“Have you all heard the game Family Feud?” Most of them said yes, while some of them shook their head because they never heard that game or they don’t know the mechanics of it.
Monocrow starts to explain the mechanics of the game. After they all absorbed the information needed, they all nod in agreement.
“Anyways, I’m gonna group you guys into different groups! You will all have a chance to play! No on will be left behind!”
The ones who didn’t want to be part of the game, specifically Syobai and Kokoro, groans.
“Wait a minute, why do we all have to play this game?” Setsuka curiosly questions the crow.
“The winning group of each game will have immunity from getting murdered! If someone who didn’t win plans on murdering them, I’ll execute them immediately. And the winning groups will not be executed in case they commit murder.”
Okay, everyone is interested in the game now.
First game:
Team 1:
Team 2:
Monocrow: “Sora, Iroha, please come up up here!”
Monocrow: “Okay, there are 8 answers on the board. So, when making love outside, what animal would get into the action?”
Iroha:“A squirrel.”
2. Squirrel: 11 point
3. Bear: 5 points.
Iroha: “We’re gonna play.”
Monocrow: “Emma, when making love outside, what animal would get into the action?”
Kanade:”a dog”
1. Dog: 53 points
The second team cheers in victory as they got the highest answer.
Monocrow: Setsuka, same question.
Setsuka: “A rabbit.”
Hajime: “A cat”
4. Cat: 4 points
Monocrow: “Okay! Now, Emma?”
Emma: “A raccoon.”
7. Racoon: 3 points.
Monocrow: “Iroha?”
Iroha: “A bird, Monocrow”
Monocrow: “What the?! Do you think my kind are interested in preverse human interactions?! This is why we don’t do what humans do to make a child! We just wait until the mother is in her late 20’s and Bam!! A chick has been laid!”
Monocrow: “this is what you get for violating my kind, young girl!”
Iroha squeals next fear behind her sketchbook.
Monocrow: “Kanade, one more strike and the opposing team could steal.”
Kanade: “uhh, a lizard.”
Monocrow: I don’t even think it’s possible for a lizard to just randomly lay on a naked, active person just to sleep! What are you thinking?!”
Monocrow goes to the other team.
Monocrow:”Sora, you can steal if you get at least one of the answers on the board.”
Sora: “Chipmunk.”
Monocrow: “would Alvin and his brothers even want to join something like that?! Now you’re ruining children’s childhood!”
The second team gave each other a high-five for winning this round.
Monocrow: “let’s reveal the answers on the board!”
8.Fire ants
Monocrow: “Now, give it up for Yuki and Kanade!”
They both get in front of their stands as Monocrow prepares the next question.
Monocrow: “Top 7 answers on the board. When you were a child, what did you use as a partner to practice kissing?”
Kanade was the first to press the button.
Kanade: “sister”
Monocrow:”...........where’s your sister right now?”
Kanade: “um, probably hiding somewhere or hunting for a weapon.”
Monocrow: “Yeah! Big yeah! Her sister!”
5. sibling: 7 points
Monocrow is becoming sick thinking about her answer.
Monocrow: “Yep, there’s gonna be 7 more people who will be in the same room in hell with you.”
Monocrow: “Yuki?”
Yuki: “A pillow!”
1. Pillow: 30 points
Yuki: “We’re gonna play!”
Monocrow: “Syobai, same question.”
Syobai: “My hand.”
Monocrow:”..........do you ever wash your hands before-“
Before Monocrow could finish, Syobai shook his head.
Monocrow:”.........disgusting! Is hand on the board?!”
6. Hand: 5 points
Monocrow:”*gulp*, Y-Yoruko?”
3. Mirror: 12 points
Monocrow:”Kokoro, please don’t make this any weirder.”
Kokoro:”..............stuff toy.”
4. stuff animal: 11 points
Sora: “Doll”
2. Doll: 17 points
Without words, Monocrow points at Yuki to answer next.
Yuki: “The neighbour’s kid?”
Monocrow: “Syobai, answer correctly then you’ll win this round.”
Syobai: “An orange.”
Monocrow: “An orange?! What?! What are you all doing at your house?!
Monocrow:*to Yoruko* “You with your mirror!”
Monocrow: *to Syobai* “You using your drug powder-covered hands!”
Monocrow: *to Kokoro* And to those stuff animals waiting for all of you to put on a show!
Monocrow: “An orange!”
7. Orange: 4 points.
As the first team clap for their success, Monocrow is just there, feeling weird about the answers that’s been surveyed by many people. Are humans that weird?
Monocrow: “Okay! Time for the final round before the next group of contestants!”
Syobai and Setsuka stands in front of their podiums.
Monocrow: “There are 6 answers in the board. Name something a man has in his pants when he’s going on a hot date?”
Syobai hits the button first.
Syobai: “Protection.”
1. A Weanie Beanie : 46 points
Syobai: “We are definitely gonna play.”
Monocrow: “Okay, Yoruko, name something a man has in his pants when he’s going on a hot date?”
Yoruko: “Of course, money!”
2. Money : 23 points
Monocrow: *points at Kokoro*
Kokoro: “Car keys”
Monocrow: “You, Sora!”
Sora: “I’m just gonna say the first thing in my mind, a b*ner
Monocrow: “.........What is wrong with teenagers nowadays!? Now thinking about doing it just before they graduate! That’s nasty!”
Monocrow: “But is what she said on the board?”
5. A “Pitched tent”: 5 points
Yuki: “Uh, some cologne?”
Monocrow: “Okay, one more strike, then the other team can get a chance to steal.”
Syobai: “A pepper spray just in case she turns out lunatic.”
Monocrow: “Don’t you have any manners for ladies?”
Syobai: “Not unless they turn out slutty or just taking advantage of me for money or drugs.”
Monocrow: “....Okay then, Iroha! Get at least one of the 2 remaining answers left on the board, then your group wins!”
Iroha: “..........A sound-proof hotel love suite room key ?”
Monocrow: “God, kids these days say dirty things now.”
Monocrow: “Anyways, the winner of this game is Team 1!”
The members of that team shouted “Yes!!” when the crow announces their win. Poor team 2, now they’ll have to try to survive without the immunity.
Monocrow: “We’ll be back with the next round of contestants! And let’s hope that they’re not as nasty as some of the people in this game, and I’m specifically talking about you, Syobai, Sora, Kanade and Iroha!”
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k2-b0 · 5 years
Sora’s interactions with Kokichi would be hilarious. He’d probably team up with Sora or not trust her. He’d probably only trust Yoruko. Syobei would probably help Kirumi with her murder plot or help Ryoma. I’ve also imagine Kaede, Himiko and Maki being Yoruko, Iroha and Sora with Kokichi tricking them into waking in on the boys bathing. XD
i like the implication that syobai just fucks around & only contributes when its murder time (which i mean. canon.) Toujou probably pays him to help her kill hoshi dkhdjxhsj
also, i feel like ouma would actually be better off with the sdra2 cast? like. hajime is into the whole health scene, & have u SEEN ouma. boy looks like he hasn’t eaten since birth. + shinji is like gonta but smarter & more persistent in his friendships, so id think they’d both smother ouma with their friendships until he’s forced to relent & accept it. he’d probably have a lot of fun with the sdra2 kids reactions too
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 years
How would you rank the SDRA2 cast and what’s your opinion on all of them? I’ve also find it sad that the sequel is getting attention and a translation before it’s original story. As we don’t know much on the original and have to be spoiled about the original./
Well to answer the second part of this, it is pretty sad that the original isn’t as well known compared to the sequel. I’m not to familiar with LINUS’s way of promoting his series’ but I think it’s mainly because of promotion and the advancements in animation. I doubt the Western fandom knew anything about Another Despair Academy when it first came out; it also doesn’t help that it’s really hard to find videos for playthroughs of that game which is how many fans even watch the DR series. You also have to admit that SDRA2 looks significantly better in terms of art style and character designs making it more appealing and attractive in comparison to the original. I can only hope that more people will look into DRA with the success of SDRA2.
Now for the first part of the question. I’m putting this under the readmore since it ended up getting long and it contains spoilers for both SDRA2 and it’s original game Dangan Ronpa Another: Despair Academy or DRA.
To start, I love Sora. She’s more serious as a protagonist and is straight to the point when interacting with others. I also thought her actions in Chapter 4 made her a more compelling character. Granted trying to kill a big friendly guy was not a good thing to do, I can understand what she was trying to do in saving her friend. I also love that she’s more proactive with her actions; whether it’s cutting through the bullroar of a character or actually looking for answers for their identity and the killing game itself. I appreciate that about her.
For Kokoro, I do like her but not so much that she’s a fave. I love that she puts her analytical powers to great use during the first chapters and how she was even able to give the other students a clue even as she was dying. That was wonderful to see. But I’m just not into her because of how monotone her personality is and how she didn’t make much of an effort to interact with the others. Though I did like that she tried to reach out to Emma in an act of friendship.
I have conflicting feelings for Iroha but I ultimately love her. The feelings come from her stance as a Void member and why a timid, fragile girl like her is even involved in a dark group like them. I’m interested to learn more about her but I’m worried that she may disappoint me if the reasons for her involvement and her lack of commitment aren’t as compelling. But I do love her design and the amount of potential as to how she ended up with Void to begin with is what makes me consider her to be a fave.
Yoruko is another girl I like very much. She’s a great friend that does her best to support Sora and she has very respectable morals. I would love her more but I don’t know much about her backstory or how involved she is during the Daily Life segments. Once I learn more about her with the translations then she’ll definitely rise to a favorite.
And for Kanade….I have conflicting feelings for her. On one hand, I actually like her as a villain considering that she set up that elaborate murder scheme and her nightmare sprites are both terrifying and awesome. But on the other hand, I really don’t like how she obsessed over her sister while killing off anyone that Hibiki loved/liked. That’s just messed up. She’s great as a villain but I don’t condone her abusive and incestious love.
I consider Emma to be one of my favorites too. She has a great character design, I love her tranquil personality, and I like how she utilized her acting talent while committing her murder. It’s something you’d expect and she pulled it off perfectly. And just like Iroha, I’m also interested in knowing what her life was like that led her to join Void. There’s so much potential from a cool talented girl like her and I can’t wait to read about it in the future.
Just like her twin, I also have conflicting feelings for Hibiki. I feel sorry that she grew up with such a monster of a sister and how she was defenseless in stopping her. On the other, I didn’t really care for how bratty and self centered she was in the first chapters. And I’m also confused as to how she can pull off bullying her sister considering how much of a serial killer she is. Like, how did that work? I don’t know. She has my sympathies but I’m pretty indifferent towards her.
I’m also really neutral with Setsuka. I liked her outfit and how she was trying to be cool in front of the others but I really didn’t feel much for her. I guess her personality didn’t stand out to me as the others. She was alright.
Now for the guys!
Yuki is okay for me. He’s not a fave but I do like that he’s been a good friend for Sora. But I’m kinda nervous over what will happen to him in the final chapters. I know that he the other personality Utsuro who is a SHSL Despair and I’m worried over how he’ll transform again. It also doesn’t help that he’s taking the killing game alot harder than past protagonists. Which I can respect and appreciate to be honest; a killing game is a traumatic experience so I like that Yuki isn’t taking it as well like the canon predecessors. I just hope he has a happy ending after all of this.
Hajime is on the same level as Setsuka; I like his design but I just didn’t care for him. His personality of taking care of his health followed by switching to a standard evil villain wasn’t that appealing for me. But I do like his Void segments which are a great way to expand his character. I like that.
For Syobai, I can proudly say he’s my all time favorite character in SDRA2. There’s a couple of reasons for that. For starters, he reminds me alot of Hagakure (my all time favorite DR character) because of his scruffy appearance, his sleazy appearance and his carefree attitude. He really comes off as a dynamic character because of his shady background as a trafficker along with how his actions in the killing game tend to vary based on the circumstances. Whether it be trying to sabotage the others (trying to stab Yuki, helping Emma with her fake alibi) or helping the group showing a noble side (tending to Sora’s wound after stabbing her, helping out in the later trials). I can see that he slowly starts to be more involved and care for the group as the killing game continues. He fascinates me and I’m dying to know about his backstory and what will become of him at the end of the game. I only hope that he shows signs of having a good heart so I can love him even more!
I like Shinji. He’s a good man and I respect everything he does. From trying to be friends with everyone in the group in an attempt to win over the Voids, to him sacrificing himself to save Yuki and Sora from being executed. That was very honorable and I respect how caring and full of love he is. My only issue with him is how he gets too nervous when talking with girls; I’m not a fan of that trope. But I still love him regardless. And he’s quite handsome too!
Sadly I can’t say the same for Yuri. While I get that he was trying to come off as a ‘knight in shining armor’ for the girls, I didn’t like how he kept pushing on that image even when the girls weren’t interested. He came off as too self-centered with his desire to be immortalized that it makes him look like an arrogant a-hole instead of an ideal man. Plus he kinda looks alot like Nagito and I’m not a fan of that guy. >.>
For Mikado, I have conflicted feelings for the guy. On one hand, I think he makes a great and effective villain for the DR story. I’m also interested to know whether his powers are an actual thing or if he’s actually a computer program that allows him to use his powers in the virtual world. (It’s not confirmed that the story takes place in a virtual world but it is a possible theory given the circumstances). But on the other, I kinda don’t like him. Mainly because he comes off as too OP and untouchable. Like he’s practically getting away with everything and the students can’t stop him. It just rubs me the wrong way.
I’m pretty neutral towards Nikei. He’s an okay guy and I do love that he tried to betray Mikado since the beginning. But apart from that, I’m just not really interested in him as a character.
I actually like Teruya but I don’t know much about him in the SDRA2 storyline. I do like that he grew more mature since his appearance on DRA and that he still has that friendly side to him. I also like that he’s also proactive in the events of the story (serving as Kokoro’s bodyguard when she attempted to interrogate Emma). I still need to know how he interacts with the others before I can consider him to be an official fave. Also I think he’s pretty hot and he looks great in a speedo. Don’t judge me.
Now for Bonus characters!
Rei is also another character that I’d love to learn more about. I saw bits and pieces of her appearance on DRA and she was pretty much Togami if he were a girl. From what I’ve seen of her, her personality is more composed since DRA and is more cooperative with Teruya. I also think her new design looks really cool. I also like to believe that she’s still alive and will still be involved in the killing game in some way. (This would also tie in with the theory of everything being a simulation).
And last but not least, I personally like Monocrow. He definitely stands out from Monokuma since he’s more refined as a killing game mascot. He’s still obsessed with the killing game but he also has a dramatic appeal that he pulls off very well with his deep, foreboding voice. It’s like if Gundam Tanaka was reincarnated as a toy bird with an evil streak. I like it alot!
And those are my opinions for all the characters in SDRA2. Although my opinions for some of them may change once the official translations for the playthrough come out so this is what I think so far. Thank you for asking me this anon! I hope you enjoy my answers!
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
Ok so how about the whole sdra2 cast reacting to the reader having a big heart like being very positive and kind even in the killing because they genuinely care about them? Bonus if they committed suicide in the killing game since they don't want anyone to get killed. (wait, does this sound morbid? Ack! I didn't really intend to be it like that! I'm really sorry if this sounded strange.. 😥)
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You don’t need to apologize to me for something so futile! Of course I’m doing your request, don’t worry about it! I hope you enjoy it! ^^
I’m just sorry I took so long, I have a lot of requests and I occasionally need a break from it all, I hope you understand!
Warnings for suicide!
SDRA2 cast with a stupidly huge heart
-No matter the situation, you were always there for everyone, having an open ear and an open mind for everyone that needed it
-You helped Mikado with his cooking, even if he didn’t need it, but you just wanted to show him that you still cared for him and would always be there for him, even if he was the mastermind of the whole situation, you still believed unconditionally in him
-You tried to talk everyone out of their negative thoughts and to offer all of the comfort and all of the platonic love you could give to everyone, going out with Nikei to look for some scoops, hanging out with Yuri and listening to his stories, playing a card game with Yuki, doing some karaoke with Kanade and Hibiki, you name it, you did it. You just wanted to make sure everyone was okay and happy
-And people loved you! Yoruko always came to you to talk about things that happened to her at work and rants her heart out, Teruya needs to let all of these feelings from the first killing game out and you are so patient with him and he appreciates it so much
-Even Mikado comes to you, not for advice, he really doesn’t need that, but just for friendly chatter and some good jokes
-And even Kanade tolerates you as long as you don’t get too handsy with Hibiki, which you respected but you two handled out the occasional hug as long as it doesn’t last longer than three seconds and Kanade is allowed a hug after that
-Kokoro can read you like a book, you were just so predictable, but somehow, your kindness always exceeds her boundaries of imagination, she simply couldn’t understand why you would go out of your way so much, just to help someone, even if it would inconvenience you
-She quickly concluded after you came with some tea for her (because she got lost in her work again rip), that the world needed more of you simply made people happy
-You were the second motivational coach the island needed, you and Shinji constantly shouting encouragement at everyone else, but unlike Shinji, you can also yell at the girls that they can do it and that you believe in them
-Shinji thought it was cute, how you yelled your little heart out and sometimes lifted you up so you would be seen better
-You always try to give Iroha the inspiration she needs for new pictures, but you literally never need to do that, because everything you do already gives her so much inspiration and she has drawn so many philosophical pics with you as the main figure and it was super sweet and got you super excited and you gave Iroha a big hug
-You also tried to take better care of your health and asked Hajime for everything you needed to know, you needed to be healthy to take care of everyone after all! Hajime is happy that someone listens so closely to his advice
-You didn’t interact much with Syobai apart from the occasional talk, because he isn’t too much of an interaction person, but he appreciates you not forgetting about him but also respecting his boundaries
-You like to steal Emma’s coat occasionally or dress up as stupid things which make her always laugh
-You just got really close to all of them in an awfully short time, it was almost ridiculous how quickly everyone accepted you
-All of them became your friends in an awfully short time and you didn’t want to lose any of them, it would simply be too much to bare for you, which is why you were on edge this whole time, because even if you love all of them, there were some candidates that would be okay with murder and you knew this
-And you couldn’t think of anything to prevent the killing from happening. It was just a matter of time. Maybe Syobai, or Mikado, or Hajime or maybe even Kanade would begin with the killing, the thought was too much for you
-So, when Monocrow pressured them into finally getting a sacrifice, you handled something out with him, which surprised you that it actually worked: When someone dies in the next 24 hours, no one will be pressured or forced into killing again
-Monocrow was surprisingly fine with it, expecting you to kill someone and probably being very excited for that outcome. But no
-You were standing on top of the belltower, letting the wind race through your hair and taking just a deep breath. This would be it. This would be your final day and the last time you would ever see any of them ever again
-You send a message to each and everyone of them with your handbook, making sure to personalize all of them before sending them out, waiting for the others to come to the belltower to say one last goodbye to them
-You were crying, but you were happy, knowing they wouldn’t be pressured into killing anyone
-Everyone sprinted towards the belltower like the end of the world was coming, yelling up at you to think about it, not to do it, that they could do it together, it would be okay, but no, you made a deal with Monocrow, you would go through with this
-Hajime and Shinji sprinted forward so they could catch you if you decided to just fall forward
-But, you didn’t do that. You addressed each and everyone of them while slowly walking back, it was almost not noticeable until you were out of sight, wishing them the best of luck and telling them that they can make it, you made a deal with Monocrow that you wouldn’t be pressured into killing anymore
-So you chose that as your final will. No killings. Please. All of us have suffered enough. It is time to build our own glorious future. But to make a street of success, heads would have to roll and you would boost everyone into the direction they needed
-They realized too late that you wanted to throw yourself down the railing inside of the belltower, yelling for you and sprinting towards you, but the last thing they saw was you as you were already falling, your eyes closed and your face scrunched up to a teary smile, because you couldn’t be sad, knowing you helped all of them so much
-And then the impact came and the smile vanished, just like the life and everyone was so shocked, they didn’t even hear the body discovery announcement, god it was just so awful
-What were they going to do without you? You were a rock for them,  a rock to rely on, and now you were gone…
-People cried a lot, even if they knew it wouldn’t bring you back
-And the island was never the same without you buzzing around and making everyone’s days better
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
Could I have just somee general HCs avout Syobai interacting with the cast? Like Sora saying (Hajime would yell) to him to stop smoking cuz its bad for health, Syobai and Teruya discussing selling methods, etc.
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This ask has been sitting in my inbox for so long and I’m sorry for not doing it sooner anon, but I have a lot to do for something and I have 30 requests in my box and I am trying to get to everyone, but I am just taking so awfully long, I’m sorry!
Also, on another sidenote, Syobai is actually the hardest character for me to write, isn’t that wild? That is also the reason why Syobai asks always take a little longer than average, so I’m sorry for that
It is btw also possible that asks don’t come through to me, because tumblr is a hellhole, so if you have to wait an awfully long time, then there is a chance that I didn’t get your ask and you are free to resend it, but please be patient with me!
Oof, long authors notes, I’m sorry about that. Let’s just get started, no one wants to listen to me ramble after all xD
Syobai and the cast
-Syobai is usually not someone that goes actively out of his way for interaction, he just wasn’t a person to get particularly close to someone, maybe the reason for that was, that they could be dead the next day, so he kept his distance
-That hasn’t changed too much on this island, he still did very much his own thing, but he simply couldn’t avoid the occasional encounter with someone, if he wanted to or not
-For example Sora, who would always suggest him calmy to quit smoking since it was bad for his health, which he couldn’t care less about
-Of course, Sora was easy to avoid, but Hajime, who practically ripped the cigarette out of his mouth and yelled at him to take better care of himself was something else entirely, it was simply not possible for him to ignore someone so loud and obnixious, so he would have to smoke when the boxer wasn’t around, to his great annoyance
-He was still more of a silent observer than anything, but so was Teruya, who was very wary of the group at first and kept his distance, shuffling around like he wasn’t part of any business. Syobai didn’t know what Mikado did to him, but he struck up some conversation, finding out that Teruya was actually the former ultimate  merchant and immediately exchanging tips and tricks on trading and selling methods and Teruya was a goldmine for that information. Syobai actually learned one thing or the other!
-Which is why he occasionally meets up with the merchant in private, talking some more about business but also just talking. Syobai was still a human and needed the occasional contact
-He probably spent the most time with Sora, Yuki and Yoruko, even if it was simply because of pure coincidence that he always encountered them and then simply tagged along for some stupid stuff. Sybai was occasionally up for some stupidity, even if it didn’t seem like it
-He had some form of strange rivalry with Yuri where they always try to outdo the other. There was no special reason for that, it just happened at one point, but it was kinda entertaining to have intense eye contact with the spaceman while they tried to determine who had the better sitting technique on wooden chairs. It was funny
-You can’t convince me otherwise that he wouldn’t meme constantly and make fingerguns at everyone that gets it
-He doesn’t talk too much with some people, mainly Iroha, Hibiki and Kanade, Mikado and Setsuka, mainly because his character wasn’t particularly compatible with them and they didn’t share too many interests with them to have an engaging conversation with them, he just wanted to save himself and others from awkwardness
-That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t admire them in some way. They were all ultimates, they all made something out of their lifes, it was impressive how different people could be and still end up in the same place in the end. And even if he doesn’t talk much to them, he could always count on a sketch from Iroha or a good play of billards with Setsuka is he simply asked for it
-It was a comforting thought, to just know that someone was there to support him, should he ever be in need of that. That some form of mutual alliance would always remain, no matter if he had excessive contact with someone or not
-He was thankful that people weren’t too demanding of him, but Sora and Yoruko still gave him the occasional kick in the butt he needed to get up and go about his business
-Kokoro was actually quite fascinated in talking to him, mainly because she had trouble to determine what was going through his head and what emotions she was feeling, a problem she didn’t have for quite some time actually. Syobai entertained her and had the occasional quip talk with her, but it was never anything longer than 5 - 10 minutes, mainly because both of them weren’t long talkers
-He was part of the group, even if he distanced himself and insisted that he wasn’t, he was part of their class and he was secretly thankful have a team of ultimates behind him that could take care of themselves or him, if something happened
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