#Interaction ft - maya
narixyang · 1 year
closed starter for @mayxlee at nari's house
Since running into Javi at the spring festival, Nari had known she needed to catch up with Maya and see how her friend was handling that bit of news. Planning a dinner at Nari's house, the boys were in the other room on their games, giving her and Maya the living room to finish eating, watch some TV together, and primarily to talk. Nari was kicked back on the couch, plate of food in her lap as she ate some of the pasta dish, eyes shifting from the TV towards Maya. "So...I ran into your ex at the spring festival thing," she commented, not wasting any time with getting to the topic. "Do you need my help running him out of town or are you doing okay?"
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javidleon · 1 year
LOCATION — Deja Brew.
WHO — Maya ( @mayxlee ).
Cradling a sugary coffee that most certainly wasn't helping Javi's headache from the night before, the man sat in one of the corner tables at Deja Brew and prayed for time to slow down. Andres had spent the night with the babysitter, which meant that Javi had taken it upon himself to hit up one of the local bars — which really was a bad idea that he should have seen coming, because now he only had less than an hour before he had to pick his son up again and he was running on cheap tequila, very little sleep and whatever concoction he had in his hand. He was just considering going outside for a cigarette, as if that'd make matters any better, before the bell above the door rang signaling someone's entrance into the café and he instead found himself momentarily glued to his seat. Stunned, just like he had been the first time, he saw Maya approaching the counter to order. There was really no internal debate within himself because once again, before he could put any amount of rational thought into it, he was getting up from his seat and walking over to the counter by the time she was reaching for her wallet to pay. "I got it," he interjected her conversation with the barista. "I'll pay for whatever she's having."
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antihcroes · 1 year
@mayapenelopes liked for a (lyrical) starter! skin - sabrina carpenter
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"don't drive yourself insane, it won't always be this way."
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virtuousouls · 10 months
"loneliness is about the scariest thing there is." (cassie for any)
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maya thought about that statement for a moment, with first instinct to disagree. but she had never really been alone. she had her father. then kazi. then the gang. she had felt no fear. not until that night with kazi. she had fear then. fear of losing him. now, maybe she did understand the statement better. but she would never show fear. never seem weak. "what about death?" maya scribbled on to her pad, holding it up to the other. most people feared death. if they didn't, they were idiots. fearing death kept you safe.
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midxnights · 2 years
@museumbcauty​ continued from here!
“I - you what? You got detention? Riles, what happened?” Maya found herself blinking in shock, her best friend was one of the last people on earth she’d ever expect to end up in detention ... well aside from those two times in middle school, but one of those had been because of Maya herself. If Riley was in detention and it hadn’t been because of her best bad influence (Maya) then something was seriously wrong.
If wasn’t even the implication that Riley had been using the skills she’d been picking up, because while that was still shocking Maya had been nothing but supportive there, it was more so just the fact that something serious enough had happened for Riley Matthews to end up detention. “Does your dad know?” She asked as she made her way to her car, well the car she shared with her mom - thank god she was off today. “But I’ll be there soon and I’ll get you to the museum, don’t worry.”
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sparkagrace · 2 years
TEJODORE 💕💕💕💕 I know I’ve wished you a happy birthday on a couple of different platforms and in a couple of different timezones, but I obviously also needed to do it this way, because I will take any opportunity to tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life 🥰🥰
I don’t really think I know a before-tej time anymore, because even though it hasn’t even been that long since we first started talking, it feels like I’ve known you forever. You’re one of the kindest, funniest, sweetest people, and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you at this point. We’re Mej now lol, and I think that says it all 😂
I’m so in awe of you, your kindness, your openness, your incredible talent. I love that I get to scream with you about Evanstan, Sebastian and Stucky (and I will make you love Chris again), and scream at you for the brilliant fics you share with us that blow my mind and have me crying and laughing all day 💖💖💖
I love how I can share any and every unhinged thought with you and you’ll be encouraging & never judgmental. I don’t think I would’ve written more than like, 2 fics this year if it weren’t for you, my brainstorming with you, and your endless support. I can’t ever thank you enough for making being in this fandom such a wonderful experience (and for being there right with me when fandom isn’t).
I love YOU. You weirdo, you sweetheart, you ridiculously Capricorn angel (or llama (ft fur knife) to your friends) and I hope you have the most wonderful day, with all the chocolate cake you desire, and ideally a Seb with long hair 2015 style sighting. And I hope this next year will be everything you hope and deserve, with nothing but wonderful things and all the love in the world. Sending you all the snuggles and smooches 💛✨💛✨💛✨💛
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Mayaaaaaaaaaa! 😭😭😭 You're so wonderful. You've really made sure to wish me a happy birthday everywhere. Like it's inescapable and I'm so happy you're in my life. I can't remember a before-Maya either. You've just always been there. Like when did we actually meet? When was our first interaction? It doesn't matter because all I know is that somehow we've spoken pretty much every day and we're now a package 💖
I think I fully might have separation anxiety now when you're on vacation because I feel lost without you. You're the sweetest and kindest person I know, and I feel extremely blessed that our paths crossed this year because I have no idea how I ever functioned without you ✨ You're encouraging and reassuring, and snap me out of my funks and shake sense into me when I'm spiralling or having weird anxiety dreams, especially over the last few weeks 💘
I love that I can message you any time with headcanons, theories and fic ideas, and that you will be there as a sounding board and give me the motivation to finish. I am sorry I am torturing you with treading water but your comments mean the world to me 🥰️🥰️🥰️
You've really made fandom a great and fun place to be, and I'm grateful that we're in the same space and know that we've 100% got each others' backs throughout everything ❤️️❤️️❤️️ Your kindness and generosity is limitless and you're so supportive of everybody.
I cannot wait to read countermoves - what a sweet surprise. I feel spoiled by all the ways you've made the day so special! 💗
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hollingshall · 2 months
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Under the cut you will find events and outings happening on the Toronto University campus, as well as what’s happening at a few student hotspots around town, through the month of SEPTEMBER. These are not RP wide events or anything your character is required to be part of, but to help serve as inspiration for interactions and let y’all know what month we’re at in game. 
SEPT 1: Welcome back bonfire at the Ravine. 
SEPT 2: Labor Day.
SEPT 3: Classes begin for the fall semester.
SEPT 8: Screening of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, hosted by the TU Star Trek Society 
SEPT 9-13: TU Rush Week 
SEPT 13: Kappa Gamma Phi & Alpha Nu Psi’s joint Invite Only party, to welcome new members 
SEPT 21: International Day of Peace Sit-In in the TU courtyard 
SEPT 22: First day of fall
SEPT 27: Above the Dot presents: TU Locals, ft. Downtown Sasquatch, Maya Matlin, and Hell Hath No Fury 
Karaoke night at Little Miss Steaks, every other Thursday
Open Mic at The Dot, Tuesdays at 7
Yoga in the TU courtyard, each Saturday and Sunday
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damagcdsouls · 3 years
liveshaunted @miinkus​ gets a thing (3/3)
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maya isn’t expecting to come across farkle minkus at this party, but there’s also a part of her that isn’t surprised, she’d run into him at plenty in high school. she makes her way over to him, beer in hand, eyebrows raised. “yo minkus.” she greets, the two hadn’t ever really been close, but he had been one of the few people she’d actually talk to occasionally. “feel like i haven’t seen you since high school, what’re you up to nowadays?”
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elifalvey · 2 years
location — a hiking trail.
time — late morning.
status— for maya ( @mayxlee​​ ).
     It was hot out. Something that Elijah anticipated, to some extent. But stupidly enough he hadn’t checked the weather app before making it all this way along the trail he was walking through and came vastly unprepared. The sun was beaming directly above him and no amount of shaded trees helped the heat. With only a t-shirt, a pair of loose fitting shorts, and a water bottle that was reaching its last few sips, he wondered just how much longer he had left until he reached the end. Everyone passing around him seemed far more equipped than he was to handle this, and he was starting to think that he should’ve started off with a smaller hike before plunging right in to the difficult stuff. “You know,” he started, as he noticed someone approaching him — although honestly, he could’ve been talking to nobody and it wouldn’t have made a difference. “I think whoever owns this trail should really invest in some helicopters. Airlift the weak. Would save me a ton of time and potential dehydration.”
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souriisms · 3 years
@ofsilversprings​ liked for a starter!
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"i just want a nice, easy life. what's wrong with that?”
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narixyang · 2 years
continued from here for @mayxlee
Head tilting towards Maya as the other woman considered options, Nari gave a soft laugh when she finally decided on pastries. "They'd love that. Hell, at their age they've taken to being endless pits when it comes to eating. They'll pretty much eat anything unless I cook it. In which case they'll just bitch and moan and ask for takeout," she rolled her eyes. Nari was no expert in the kitchen, but she tried to make sure what she made was nutritious and decently flavored. Pushing the last batch of ice cream into the freezer for the next day, Nari laughed warmly and shook her head. "Oh, no she absolutely loves them more than me, she's said as much herself. Once those boys were born, I was old news." Nari's mom adored being a grandmother, so she knew it was never much of a hassle for the woman to say yes to taking the boys for a night when she needed the break. "You want any ice cream to go?"
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javidleon · 1 year
LOCATION — Harper's Home.
WHO — Maya ( @mayxlee )
After being in Providence Peak for months now, having run into two separate members of the Lee family in person, it was no surprise that word had spread amongst the rest of them that Javi had moved from New York — a fact that he was sure Maya must have originally been hiding from her mother, if the jovial text he received on his personal phone earlier that morning from the woman was anything to go by. Before he'd seen Lainey outside of the Jade Palace, he was so sure that every single person even associated with Maya hated his guts. In some ways, he was afraid that they would. Actually talking to her made him realize that wasn't the case, somehow. Being invited to a family dinner by his almost-mother-in-law definitely drove that point home.
When he first received the message, he wasn't too keen on responding. Because hell, he'd been ignoring every single card sent from Harper since he and Maya split, what's one more text to mark as read and move on from? However, over the course of the following few hours, he found his mind circling back to the idea. Circling back to the why, and the how, and where he and Maya had left things the last time that they spoke. It was like a little thorn, poking at the back of his brain, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to rid himself of it unless he showed up. Thus, he found himself around the dinner table at Harper's home. Supposedly an invitation had been sent to all of the children, but so far, Javi was the only one to arrive. He blamed his father's stupid rules about punctuality, engrained in him since childhood. Even though he found the situation a lot less awkward than he had initially been expecting, he still sat up a little straighter as he heard the click of the front door. Hopeful that it was Lainey — still, rather than Maya's brother — his eyes glanced to the entrance of the room, only to find it was none other than Maya herself. ( @mayxlee )
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antihcroes · 1 year
@inspotlight liked for a taylor swift lyrical starter!
we are never ever getting back together
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"this is it, i've had enough."
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virtuousouls · 10 months
@featherskies | continued from here
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maya hadn't expected the other to know sign language. it was rare back in her normal world, never mind this place that was straight out of a fantasy book. but considering this girl seemed to be foreign to this place too, the fact she knew sign wasn't as shocking. "can't give you any dating advice," maya signed back, she had never dated anyone. "but the best place to find food is in the kitchen off the main hall. apparently we can just take what we want." that was suspicious. people always wanted something. but even with her on guard nature, this place had an aura of serenity about it that was hard not to get sucked into.
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midxnights · 2 years
@mayapenelopes​ liked for a midnights starter!
midnight rain
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“i guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted.”
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kendrasmason · 4 years
“god, these pictures before we got in the uber are so cheesy.” she laughs, scrolling through the endless photos on her phone. “you blinked in a lot of them while my bracelet kept getting stuck to my dress. also can we talk about the derp toby kept going in every photo?”
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