#Inuyasha sword Tessaiga
ashitakaxsan · 1 year
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  Sōta asked inuyasha’s help ,in order to save Kagome from the horrible Noh Mask.Inuyasha’s immediate responce was vital.The hanyo confirmed Sota’s expactations by saving her,and vanquishing the Mask(chapter 27).
Since this great moment he became Inuyasha’s foremost fan,seeing him as  older brother and hero.
Btw,no offence for anyone who like Kagome,but I can’t avoid a question:Would’ve the excellent warrior miko Kikyo had been so easy target for the mask,the way Kagome was? No,she would fight it and kill it!
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anisaanisa · 1 year
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Boys and their toys ☆
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Round 1, Match 21: Grass Sword vs: Tessaiga
Grass Sword
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From: Adventure Time
Wielder: Finn the Human
Finn bought the Grass Sword from a wizard for $3, but later finds that it is cursed. It attempts to fuse itself with Finn’s arm, and comes back to him whenever he throws it away. Once Finn accepts the curse, he is able to control the sword and wear it as a bracelet. The sword can also regenerate if cut, and can turn parts of Finn’s body into grass when necessary.
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From: Inuyasha
Wielder: Inuyasha
Tessaiga was made from the fang of the Great Dog Demon. It is said to be able to kill hundreds of demons in a single strike. It can also absorb and make use of demonic power, and send people to the afterlife. It seems to possess a will of its own, and has been seen guiding Inuyasha on occasion.
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abby-meal · 2 years
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5 hours, 7 minutes.
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manga-panels-daily · 1 year
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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I can’t make any promises that I’ll be writing up any progressive daydreaming that’s been taking place since I’ve been studying Sonic Boom. I live in the moment of whatever I witness around me, and those daydreams could feel unimportant once a fandom has used up the last of its production in my eyes.
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justafewsmallsteps · 1 year
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Day 3 of @inukag-week 2023: Safe
Clutching at the red fabric and taking a big inhale, Kagome felt the tight tangle of anxiety come undone. She was fine now. Everything was going to be okay.
Inuyasha was here.
She didn’t know when it first began, because it happened so quickly and so naturally. She hadn’t thought about it the first time she jumped to the shelter of his arms—couldn’t remember when it became her instinct. Perhaps it began even on the first day they ever met.
When Kagome found herself in Sengoku that fateful day, lost beyond worlds, she’d run to Goshinboku to find her home, and there he’d been (her real home, though she’d never have guessed it back then). Sure enough, he saved her from the Mistress Centipede. Despite their rocky start, time and time again he’d prove his capabilities. Learning to depend on Inuyasha’s strength came fast by necessity. If she were in trouble, she believed that Inuyasha could and ultimately would deal with it—if only to ensure his Jewel Shard detector could fulfill her duties (at first).
Then they became friends, and she knew in her heart the way that he’d call for her, “Kagome!” had to mean he cared beyond her usefulness. Not because he had to save her, but because he wanted her to live.
She trusted him to defend her, to protect her, to find her—time and space and rules of the universe be damned.
She believed in Inuyasha. She put her whole heart into her faith in him.
And now, in her newest moment of terror, he was here.
“Kagome, would you quit being a baby already?” her husband admonished.
She was too horrified to be offended, and instead shouted, “No!” before smushing herself further into his arms. Okay, so maybe she was being melodramatic, but she couldn’t help it.
Inuyasha sighed over her antics. It was her weak spot after all.
Maggots. In their home.
Kagome hated bugs. She turned into such a sissy over them despite having faced far worse in her life.
With her body essentially glued onto him, Inuyasha warned, “I have to get closer to them to get rid of them, you know.”
She squealed, “No! Just use Tessaiga! You took out a wall in our house’s kitchen over a cockroach. Remember? I’m sorry I got mad before, just do the same thing now!”
He winced at the memory. It’d been years ago, but he still recalled the way she had screeched so loud that he had overreacted at the time. It’d been a lot of damage after all. He’d like to think he had a little more sense than he did back then.
“I’m not rebuilding our home because of some bugs.” Gross as the rotten heap of fruit was. The smell bothered him most, but even Inuyasha had to admit that the wriggling creatures were disturbing.
“Please, please, please just get rid of them,” she sobbed pathetically, this time burying her face into his chest and practically clawing up his torso to get off the ground. He doubted there were any near them, though she acted as if there was a huge infestation threatening to crawl up her legs any second.
Blowing his bangs up, Inuyasha relented to his wife and unsheathed his sword, which automatically transformed to its full size. Thankfully their home could accommodate it, but the contrast of the weapon compared to the compact pile of mush was comical.
Now, how to deal with this?
Not used to making such minuscule movements, Inuyasha did his best to scoop the mushy peaches onto the end of his sword. It wasn’t the worst idea. After all, he wasn’t keen on getting closer to the rancid smell. Unfortunately the resulting squelching sound made his wife let out a string of, “Ew, ew, ew!” before letting out a short scream.
His ear twitched. “You’re okay.”
She shook her head, gripping at him.
It didn’t seem like she was going to let go of him any time soon, and while he was used to carrying her around, the tight space and task made it cumbersome. But maybe he enjoyed, just a little, how close she was. He could do without her having a meltdown though.
“Okay, let’s go.” He held her to him with one arm, doing his best to navigate their way out the door along with the sword. Once out the door he carefully flung the offending pile of nastiness as far away as he could.
“Are they gone?” Kagome asked. She didn’t dare to pull away just yet.
He gave Tessaiga a good thwack to rid it of any remaining peach liquid. Then he sheathed it. “Most of ‘em. I’ll go back inside to take a look. You oughta get off me unless you wanna deal with them.”
A muffled sigh came from his chest. Kagome peeled herself off him sheepishly.
“Okay…” she replied as she stepped away.
“You wait out here.”
She nodded, and he disappeared behind the screen door only to emerge two minutes later. He chucked something once more as far away as possible, wiped his hands on his pants, and turned to her.
Kagome shoved herself back in his arms, this time hugging him with relief. “You got them all?”
“You checked near the sleeping mats?”
“Mhmm. You’re safe now.” His affirmations were tinged with affectionate mockery.
She didn’t care. “Thank you,” she mumbled as she clung to him. “You’re my hero.” Quickly (because they were outside) she kissed his lips to show her gratitude.
He stroked her back comfortingly. “Damn right.”
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officialinuyasha · 9 months
Tenseiga's Time Limit Explained
Sesshoumaru noticed Rin getting attacked by wolves immediately in InuYasha Manga Chapter 130 -
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In Chapter 131 - He even scared off the wolves.
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In the anime version, the wolves and scene where Sesshoumaru scares them off were removed. But its still daytime in a shrowded forest. Based on the time of the attack: This means Rin was revived very shortly after her death. In InuYasha Manga Chapter 126 and InuYasha Episode 143 - 3000 Leagues in Search of Father Kanta says his Father's Head was cut off three days ago.
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InuYasha Explains that demons don't die so easily which is why their bodies still move after their heads being cut off, and if Kanta's father's head was rejoined to the body, he can be resurrected. We know that by the time they caught up with the body, it died entirely.
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Sesshoumaru became the one to resurrect him with Tessaiga immediately after the body died.
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This is a key piece of information in regards to Tenseiga - It depends on whose being resurrected rather than the sword itself. In Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon Episode 25 -
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Toutousai says that he would be able to repair the broken Tenseiga in order to revive Setsuna in three days, Jaken says by three days it would be too late. That Setsuna needs to be revived within the next hour - The same amount of time frame when Sesshoumaru revived Rin. This is because Setsuna is a half-demon and can't survive the same amount of time the way a demons body can, even without its head. InuYasha Wide Edition 27 - Tenseiga https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/682161326105264128/inuyasha-wide-edition-27-translation-tenseiga
"those who died a long time ago can’t be revived, even if the Guardian of the Underworld is defeated."
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25. (Senseless) InuKag 🥹 please!🙏😘
When the choice was between InuYasha and Kagome, there was never a choice to be made–not in InuYasha’s eyes. 
He shoved her backwards, less than gentle when time was of the essence. 
A white hot blast of energy hit InuYasha square in the chest, stalling his heart and frying his mind. Time dragged on endlessly marked only by the years between the baubles on his necklace exploding. Tessaiga fell from his fingers as the ground rushed up to meet him. Every ounce of him cried out, insisting that he could not bear the agony that toyed with him.
Somewhere, he could hear Kagome screaming–begging maybe–and it was because of that fear that he forced himself back to his feet. He was not enduring this so that she could suffer anyway. From a cry in the distance, to stunning clarity, InuYasha opened his eyes to see Kagome standing before him, clutching his robes. ‘Come back to me’ she cried. ‘InuYasha please’ she continued. ‘Wake up, wake up, wake up.’ It all felt senseless. As the burn subsided and the world snapped into focus he felt as if he’d been asleep before now. 
“I hear you Kagome.”
She glanced up at him, crystal tears leaving her pale face blotchy and puffy. It was as if she expected him to go on a rampage, to slaughter the masses in a blind, senseless rage. But he didn’t feel senseless. He didn’t feel out of control.
“But you’re…” she rubbed at his face, as if he were the one crying. “Your eyes. Your cheeks.” When he didn’t immediately respond she took a step backwards. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Kagome handed Tessaiga back to InuYasha, watching him warily as he took it and then immediately cast it back into the dirt. It was as if the sword no longer recognized him, but, on the other hand… InuYasha could hardly say that he felt he needed it anymore. He felt untouchable.
“I’m fine.” He said finally. And then once more, when her eyes reflected her doubt too clearly, “I said I’m fine. Stop worrying!” 
She breathed a sigh of relief into his robes, embracing him as if she thought he’d turn to dust if she was not squeezing the wind out of him. By now the burn was gone, but if anyone asked, he’d attribute the flush in his cheeks and the pounding of his heart to the blast.
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luimagines · 20 days
Hey Pinky I am back with my Lynel Farm something that came to my mind because of irish!Reader but it has more with the mythology that kicked my brain. I am ancient compared to most people for the category of Anime. I watched Beyblade Metal Fusion as a kid but it's not about that even if it would be funny. But I write about another childhood series I saw, Inuyasha. As I don't know if you know this Anime I make a little headcanon. This is Inuyasha!Reader.
They lived in the feudal lands of Japan.
Reader may look young, like 15 to 17, but they are actually over 200 years old.
They are a Hanyou, which means they are half human and half Youkai, a half-demon.
Even though their mother had a title that is the same rank of a princess, they were treated horribly with only their mother as support.
But demons didn't accept them either as they were still part human.
Their father was a dog demon, a strong one at that, with the title of the Lord of the Western Lands.
And his blood is strong which is why Reader has white silvery hair with golden yellow eyes.
Except it's a new moon, in this phase of the night they lose all their abilities they have as a Hanyou, don't worry I will list them later.
At the new moon they have the hair colour of Reader with their eye colour as it's their human part and they hate the new moon as it also makes them vulnerable.
They wear the Robe of the Fire-Rat, it's from their father, with a white hadagi undershirt. And with this they are fireproof. They can walk through a forest fire and come out alive and without a scratch. And they always go around barefoot.
Their abilities are enhanced jumps, they can jump from a one story house up to the roof of a four story high house. They have superhuman strength like Reader punches through solid steel. Superhuman speed, they can outrun a horse without problems and as their stamina is inhuman as well. They can run through the whole day and still make it through the complete nightshift. Their agility and reflexes are nothing to brush off either, they can catch and destroy arrows mid air even if they stand with their back to their opponent or opponents. Their durability and accelerated healing will shock the Chain, especially Hyrule. They can get impaled through their stomach and survive it while fighting! And within a day the wound is gone without leaving a single scar.
As a dog demon they have enhanced senses of smell and hearing. They can smell the hints of blood from kilometres away and can hear what people were whispering from a great distance away. They also have dog ears which are very fluffy like the ones from an Akita Inu.
Their fighting style is unorthodox to say at least as they are extremely stubborn and refuse to back down, even when their life is in danger. As they won't back down and fight with their claws if their sword isn't available or they don't want to use it and they can solidify their own blood and make it into flying blades.
Now to their sword. It's called Tessaiga which is the sword that can "kill a hundred demons in a single stroke" and it looks like a Katana that's about to break until they draw it to protect someone, who is dear to them. Then it looks like an overgrown dog fang and its cross guard has a large patch of fur also similar to the one of a dog. But it only changes into this form by Reader's hand only.
But their demon blood is also their weakness. You see Tessaiga is practically suppressing and sealing Reader's demon half away to a certain content. When they are in life danger and don't have Tessaiga with them they can become a full-fledged demon and attack every living being they deemed as a threat.
They also have an older half-brother and they hate each other. A deceased wife and a daughter which is a quarter part demon.
Now to the group. They will be so suspicious of each other. Reader is half demon but not with Ganon, they don't even know who that is and they don't understand one word from each other. Reader will be confused with them as in their home people with pointed ears are normally demons but the Chain don't look, smell or fight like one.
But after they learned the language I think they will tolerate each other but begin to trust after a while. Well except for Wind he loved to be carried by them as they are fast and jump far away. Four screams at them because of Tessaiga's broken form until they show him the real one. Then he is all over them and their sword as it's made out of the fang tooth of their father and its attacks are very destructive. They also can fight through an army of monsters and even without breaking a sweat and without injuries on them.
But also can find traces far easier than Twilight as they have a more sensible nose than him. But they can't stand him, they have bad experience with wolves, one tried to court and kidnapped their late wife. So they often say to him "Wolf-Cub", it was an insult for the wolf demon back then.
But Reader and Legend will have so many fights as Reader is pretty hotheaded and got betrayed the worst possible way. Their first love pinned them with a seal and an arrow onto a tree. They were hated by humans and demons alike so they are harsh. Hyrule still wants to heal them after they encounter a tough opponent even if Reader can lift a Lynel and can bite through the neck of a Gleeok. Time will be impressed as he is not half as nimble as they are. Yes, Wild is technically 117 years old but he slept 100 years but Reader was only sealed away for 50 years until they were back kicking and screaming so they have his respect.
Sky will be the most suspicious one at first as they are a half demon after all. But he will notice that they are really protective over the people they care for and see as their friends and family. And as he asked about their life, after they trust the group. They talk about their daughter, their late wife, the adventures they went through, their deceased friends, their half-brother, how they met their wife and so on and Sky as the true romantic he is will ask more about the missus. Wars tries to get them to stop being so reckless even if they eliminate 100 monsters alone he can't allow that. Wild will ask about recipes from their homeland and they have some, which their mother shared with them when they got sick, which is a very rare occasion.
But they definitely disappear when it's the new moon until dawn so they don't see their human form. It's stuck with them since they were a child, to hide when its new moon as they are vulnerable at this time and feel pain. Or have their abilities anymore but if one of them saw that they will threaten the Link with his life.
I've got no notes. XD
I think you've covered most, if not, all of the bases. I know what anime you're talking about but I've never seen it. I have the faintest suspicion that this is more or less the timeline/backstory of the dog man half demon from the show. XD
Actually, I lied. One note.
I don't know if Twilight would register "Wolf-Cub" being an insult or not. He'd probably think it was just a nickname and that Reader just straight couldn't care less about him. Kinda like "Yes, I am a wolf. Thank you for noticing. Why say it like that?"
Unless he starts to think that it's actually a term of endearment because Reader is a dog demon and also calling him pup/cub from time to time like Time does (in fics- I forgot if that's canon or not.)
With all of this in mind, I think that it would lead to a funny one-sided hate/tolerate relationship where Twilight just doesn't register Reader hating his guts for literally no reason. XD
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weebnotheree · 9 months
~ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵 ~ || Ɓօօƙ 1
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|| 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 ||
Standing near the ocean, on a hill. Two people. A son and his father. Blood, dripping in the snow, staining its artic glow. Their hair and Sesshomaru's dog fur swaying in the wind.
"Father. Do you insist on going?" the son spoke with such intensity in his voice. There he stood a few meters behind the one he calls father. His father looked ahead, not turning to face him as he spoke.
"Do you intend to stop me, Sesshomaru?" his father declared.
"I will not stand in your way. However, before you go, you must entrust the sword Sō'unga and Tessaiga to me" he suggested, which was really a demnad for his father.
"And if i refuse? Will you kill me? Your own father" he groaned in annoyance of what he thinks what Sesshomaru is really after. "Do you desire power so much? Why do you seek power my son?"
"The path I walk is the way of Supreme Conquest. And it is power that will reveal the way for me" he voiced straightforwardly. His father slightly put his head down with disappointment. Why does he seek power? Unlike his other son Inuyasha. Thou they might have forgotten their second eldest of the brothers, the father has not. He is still in search of his son, not giving up. M/n and Inuyasha do not seek power like their brother Sesshomaru. But something else.
[Hard-heartedly: Lacking in feeling or compassion; pitiless and cold.]
"Supreme Conquest" he uttered hard-heartedly. "Tell me Sesshomaru. Have you someone to protect?" he asked. Wanting to test Sesshomaru, he awaits his answer.
He was looking at his father, standing in front of him. He squinted his eyes. "Protect?" he remarked. Who would he need to protect? He doesn't need to protect anyone. He only protects himself. Tension took over as they stood. Only the waves of the ocean could be heard crashing against the sand.
"The answer is no. I Sesshomaru have no idea of such" he says as he spreads out his right arm, with his pointer and middle finger in a position he usually uses. Like his poisonous whips from his fingertips. He stanced himself ready to fight as his father roared, turning into a giant dog demon. His answer made his father very angry. 
(sorry its like that *yk the effect in anime's when u try to pause and screenshot*)
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How could he forget? I mean yeah it hasss been an insanely long time BUT STILL.
ok but why are their voices deep tho o-o kinda deeper than i remember now that im going back an watching it.
But anyways I hope you enjoyed this s- prologue u-u. And I still am updt TBHK CH51 (warning, it's gonna be long. Soo yea) DONT worry!! It's just school that's taking up the time for me updating. But I've just been having the urge to upt SOME OF MY STORIES but school work is ugh...but hopefully I have it updt by 3:20 pm. AND/OR TOMRRW! srry if I keep saying ill udpt..its just bc I'm busy.  🥱 😴😵💫 and i be tired after school.
Bruh and it's so funny bc yall keep getting onto me about that Sagittarius sign 🤣. GUYS..i only put it there bc i thought it was the GENDER thing for a boy 😖 😖 I even looked it up and it was blue with that sign...smh  😤 but I Luv all signs, don't come for me!
And look forward to new stories. Yk i just keep getting new ideas AND i still don't have my devices still so these ideas are.....(_-_)and doing the stories during school is just *sighs* so yea look forward to those >~<   😞 😔 😭
AND the things small TINY celebrating..whatever u wanna call it, when I post the updt it's gonna say like "TYSM FOR 50K" but now the book is up to 60...k i think, or 56 point something but don't mind that bc that was when i DID hit 50K. BUT TY FOR READING MY STORIES AND FOLLOWING ME I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! IT ALWAYS ENCOURAGES ME TO WRITE MORE AND KEEP UPDT!! 🥺 🥺
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aerin-of-the-isles · 7 months
Hi! Could you do some InuKag fluff? Maybe tending to each other after a battle? Or just a sweet moment between them! 💕
Sorry, this took so long! I debated how to approach this, but I chose a protective Inuyasha version. I hope this is ok.
The day had been warm, a beautiful spring day. And yet a dark pall hung over the distraught inu hanyou, Inuyasha. His sword, Tessaiga, was planted firmly at the cave entrance as the day slowly turned to night. The barrier hummed to him in a pleasant way. He nodded his head at the sword and peer once more at the area around the cave. 
Evening birdsong reassured him and calmed him. He turned back to his Miko, Higurashi Kagome. Her seifuku was bloody from the wound she’d received in their latest battle.
“Keh,” he complained as he carefully gathered Kagome’s hair and slid her head into his lap. He’d had to clean her wound with that awful an-ti-sep-tic and bound it up. It wasn’t big and he’d barely had to stitch it up, but Kagome needed to rest after all that. 
He brushed her bangs away from her forehead, checking her temperature. He was worried and his youki was starting to swirl around her while his youkai barked orders at him. He took a deep breath and poured out some water onto the strip of his hadagi that he’d torn off. Gently, more gently than anyone would have believed, he placed the damp cloth against her forehead. Her fever had already dissipated somewhat and he felt his taut muscles release slightly. 
She was ok. She was gonna be ok. He’d been wo-concerned. Concerned. More than concerned? 
Drawing his brows together, he shook those thoughts out of his head. He leaned down and placed his hand on her forehead again, breathing a sigh of relief as her forehead felt the same as his own. His emotions swirled and he pulled her up and into his lap, cradling her. He tucked her tightly into his badly, being sure not to antagonize her wound. 
A quick tear ran down his face at the thought of the attack. He’d nearly lost her. If he had been even a moment slower! No! He shoved those thoughts away and took in his surroundings once more. The air settled around him, the chill of the cave beginning to seep into the rock of the cave. He pulled the fire rat righter around her and snuggled her legs closer to him. It only took a small flick of his wrist to add another log to the fire, warming the cave. 
It seemed as though only moments passed, but Inuyasha realized that Kagome was whining slightly. Her precious and fragile body was moving slightly, as if she was unable to get comfortable. He wriggled, too, trying to get more comfortable in the cave. It wasn’t as nice as sitting in a tree, but Kagome needed the warmth and shelter from the elements. 
Softly, Inuyasha began humming a lullaby from his mother. Kagome’s whining ended as she relaxed more thoroughly in his embrace. He was surprised when she wrapped her arms around his neck but even more surprised when she started humming with him. He smiled gently, his lips drawn up softly at the corners while he caressed Kagome’s luxurious hair. 
Inuyasha dozed briefly. His hands however, caressed her legs and he woke enough to realize that her legs were too cold. He added another bit of wood onto the fire and smiled as he settled Kagome’s sleeping bag on top of Kagome’s (shapely, lovely) legs. Her dainty feet had curled up, but once inside her sleeping bag, they relaxed and she sighed, rubbing her face against his hadagi. 
He gave a small chuckle at her little happy sounds. Warm and comfortable. Safe and lo-care for. Everything in him wanted that for her, every day. He grinned and thought about how she seemed like a cat, his little neko-Kagome. Curling into him like he was the only person who mattered to her made him swell with pride. 
They had this night to themselves but he ached at the idea of the morning. He would have to relinquish his sole rights to her then. He ran his claws through her hair and sniffed her, only too happy to indulge in his favorite scent. 
He relaxed and lulled himself to sleep, picturing a happy future with Kagome snuggling up to him every night. If only. 
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fuedalreesespieces · 5 months
the kin in kintsugi
ao3 summary:
“Oh, get over yourself!"
There was a flash of pink light, and Sesshomaru stumbled back. Inuyasha took the moment to roll away, seizing his discarded Tessaiga. Behind him stood Kagome, her bow lowered, chest heaving, furious beyond belief.
She’d shot his brother with a sacred arrow.
She’d shot Sesshomaru with a sacred arrow.
or: kagome ends sesshomaru. that's it, that's the fic.
read on ao3:
He'd told her to run, so of course she was going to do the exact opposite. 
“Hey!” she shouted, notching an arrow. Sesshomaru’s head barely bent in her direction. He was reverting to his human form, blood staining the bones below in fat, red droplets from his gushing wound. When she called out, his eyes met hers - and they were livid. 
Inuyasha’s blood ran cold. It was never a good thing for his brother’s placid face to betray any other emotion but mild, mocking disinterest. “Kagome!” he hissed. “Wench, I swear-” 
“Just give me a minute!” she shouted from above. “I have to shoot him once!” 
“Why?” he cried incredulously. “What you need to do is get the fuck away from there!” 
“And just where would I go? Fall off a cliff and die?”  
“That would be preferable!” Jaken croaked. Inuyasha hadn’t noticed the imp beside him and kicked him off his stubby toes. The creature’s staff toppled to the ground, the female side of his nintojo wheezing out small puffs of smoke. Inuyasha’s gaze flickered up at Kagome, who had finally dropped off the thin crevices in the tomb’s walls. She stumbled towards him while Sesshomaru’s human features began to settle in, his snout shrinking into a sneer that was hardly any less dog-like. 
“Inuyasha!” she called, breathless. “Do you still have your sword?” 
He scoffed and gestured downwards, where the sword already felt at home strapped to his waist. “I’ll finish that bastard off now, for good,” he declared, unsheathing it. In a blinding flash of light, the once tarnished blade enlarged into an enormous, gleaming fang. He dove towards Sesshomaru, hoping to catch the demon at his most vulnerable, in between transformations. He thought he nearly had it until a pale hand appeared in his vision and ripped through his shoulder. 
“Hm,” Sesshomaru hummed, his claws digging into Inuyasha’s flesh. He yanked his hand out, clumps of blood coating his smooth fingers. “How quaint, Inuyasha. Did you think you might have a chance against me?” 
full thing on ao3!
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Sword Showdown Bracket Round 1
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Round 1 is complete!
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Jack/Sumarbrander (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) vs. Sword of the Creator (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Doomblade (Kirby) vs. Dawnfang/Duskfang (The Elder Scrolls)
Sword of Protection (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Leo's Katanas (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Rose's Sword (Steven Universe) vs. Sasha's Heron Swords (Amphibia)
Serenade (Dead Cells) vs. Sunsword (Dungeons and Dragons)
Caliburn (Sonic and the Black Knight) vs. Blue Rose Sword (Sword Art Online)
Sword of Sanctuary (Lego Ninjago) vs. Stygius (Hades)
Ghirahim/Sword of Demise (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) vs. Myrtenaster (RWBY)
Riptide (Percy Jackson) vs. Sword of Heroes (Kung Fu Panda)
Sword of Light (Dragon Quest) vs. Buster Sword (Final Fantasy VII)
Aegislash (Pokemon) vs. Sword of Night (DC comics)
Sword of Fire (Lego Ninjago) vs. Ninja Sword (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
Lucky Seven (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) vs. Aatrox (League of Legends)
Zangetsu (Bleach) vs. Wirikidor (The Misenchanted Sword)
Galaxia (Kirby) vs. Masamune (Final Fantasy VII)
Pure Nail (Hollow Knight) vs. The Blade of Ahrah (Dust: Elysian Tail)
Excalibur (Arthurian legend) vs. Exor (Super Mario RPG)
Demon Blood Sword (Adventure Time) vs. E-Ming (Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven’s Official Blessing)
Nightblood (The Stormlight Archive) vs. Holy Moonlight Sword (Bloodborne)
Sword of Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride) vs. Murasama (Metal Gear Rising)
Grass Sword (Adventure Time) vs. Tessaiga (Inuyasha)
The Transistor (Transistor) vs. Firelink Greatsword (Dark Souls 3)
Diamond Sword (Minecraft) vs. Fusion Sword (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
Dragonslayer (Berserk) vs. Fierce Deity Sword (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
Sting (Lord of the Rings) vs. Crissaegrim (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Falchion (Fire Emblem) vs. Sword of Dios (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Darksaber (Star Wars) vs. Need (Valdemar)
Brisingr (The Inheritance Cycle) vs. Stripes I & II (Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt)
Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda) vs. Beacon (The Adventure Zone)
The Sword (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Glamdring (Lord of the Rings)
Excalibur (Soul Eater) vs. Eyelander (Team Fortress 2)
Monado (Xenoblade Chronicles) vs. Mortal Blade (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)
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sailorshadzter · 1 year
this is something like me mashing all of the demon inu x kagome moments into one & rewriting them all to fit my narrative heheheh
setting the plot- post naraku battle they've only just won.
“Don’t get any closer!”
Somehow in the fog of his violent, angry mind, he can still see it’s her that approaches, and he knows that deep down he doesn’t want to hurt her. He would never want to hurt her. “Get away from me!” He snarls, knowing that he is seconds away from becoming someone he isn’t, that  when it takes over, he can’t protect her anymore. In the distance, he can hear their comrades calling her name, but she does not back down. Despite his commands, she only comes closer. Her familiar scent fills his nose, the last thing that will keep him sane, the last thing that will keep him who he knows he is. 
“InuYasha…” His name is a plea upon her lips and those blue eyes are looking out at him with a softness he doesn’t deserve. The darkness is closing in around him and he can feel it, the steady thump of his heart just barely heard above of the rushing of his demon blood. A split second later and he loses what little bit of himself he has left- the last thing he’ll recall is her soft voice, still yet calling out to him.
She knows she should be afraid, but she isn’t. 
The growling beast before her isn’t the InuYasha she knows and she won’t back down until his amber eyes are looking back at her. “InuYasha,” she calls out again and she swears his ears twitch with the sound of it. “I’m here, InuYasha…” She continues on, taking a single step closer, ignoring Miroku and Sango’s shouts from somewhere behind. In the distance she can see Tessaiga, far out of her reach, but she knows she can get him back without the help of his sword. After all this time, he doesn’t need that sword, he needs someone who cares- he needs someone who loves him. 
In the aftermath of battle, with his bloodstained clothes and skin, he is not who he once was.
 But she knows him and so she won’t back down, not even now when his eyes are those she does not recognize. Even when his jaws snap at her and he flexes his sharp claws, she does not take a step back. Rather, she approaches, hands outstretched in a gesture of fealty, her clear blue eyes not once recognizing the fear that courses through her veins. “InuYasha…” His name is on her lips again, but this won’t be enough.
He closes the gap between them and the sharp inset of his claws brings a gasp from her lips. In the depths of his mind, he catches the scent of her blood, but no matter how hard he tries he cannot bring himself back. She knows that the crying of his name, the scent of her blood, of her tears, simply wouldn’t be enough this time. And so, as his claws sink deeper, as blood soaks through her shirt, she knows what she must do.
Leaning in, she presses her lips against his, a gesture she’s longed for all these months. 
A warmth floods through him, quite unlike what he’s felt before. It takes but a moment for the feeling to reach not just his brain, but his heart, and the feeling leaves him feeling as if he might overflow. InuYasha… Again, it is her voice upon his mind and somehow he knows, despite the chaos of his demon energy, that this doesn’t have to be the end. InuYasha… her soft voice is everything to him and he realizes then, it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, he wouldn’t let it be this way. 
The demonic energy is rushing from him as quickly as it came, but there was one thing that remained: Kagome. He realizes she’s kissing him, soft and sweet lips pressing against his own, and it is the one thing that anchors him to this place and to this time. “Kagome…” Her name is the first thing on his lips, the only thing on his mind as it clears. The scent of her blood comes next and she’s sinking into him, a smile on those rosy lips. 
“Are you alright now?” She asks, softly, words just for him.
He crushes her against him, tears hot as they gather behind his closed lids. “I am,” he says, his voice muffled against the top of her head. “Thanks to you,” he goes on softer than before, breathing her in, knowing as well as any one of them watching that without her… It could have been the worst possible scenario. “I hurt you,” he goes on, the stench of her blood overwhelming, a constant reminder of what he’s done- of what he’s capable of doing. 
“I’m alright,” she says softly, the truth. 
And so, right then, he kisses her as she’s just kissed him- it is soft, but it is warm. It is strong, yet gentle all the same. His arms come around her, tightly as he dares, knowing there was no other place he could ever wish to be.
So, there he would stay.
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helenawrites23 · 27 days
Soulmates (The Prophecy, part 1)
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+18, soulmates au, prophetic dreams, dreamscapes, angst with a happy ending, enemies to lovers, blood and violence dissociation, hopeful ending, ao3 link.
Inu Taisho's eccentric trials for his sons had no end. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru find themselves bound together by a prophecy that seems to be destined for tragedy. The fates have something else in store for them, though.
In which Sesshoumaru realizes that he and Inuyasha are soulmates. It takes him some time to come around.
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They made it to the temple just in time for sunset.
Sesshoumaru headed towards the ancient shrine in silence, not entirely aware of himself as he walked up the staircase. On top of the altar hung a scroll whose contents he cared not to read. After weeks of feverish nightmares and the occasional daydreaming, the words were seared into his memory.
As he took in the scent of burning incense, never to be extinguished in this bizarre dimension untouched by time, Sesshoumaru couldn't help but wish he were someone else. Never before had he resented the burdens he carried. From his name to his title, everything that made him who he was had been a reason for pride. Still, as the letters of fate were revealed to him in parchment, it dawned on Sesshoumaru how much easier it would all be if another's blood were running through his veins, or if his face were not his own but anyone else's.
He was who he was, though. The path before him was designed in advance, and as was customary with the Lord of the West, carnage lay by the end.
true power's secret
tis' an offer to your blade
the blood of the heart
Even at a distance, Sesshoumaru was irritated by the sharp stench of Inuyasha's apprehension. He was but a boy, he'd come to find – in more ways than one. His unwillingness to accept the fate that awaited them never failed to aggravate Sesshoumaru. Unlike his half-brother, he'd come to appreciate the beauty in their father's unique parenting methods. This was yet another test. Another outlandish way for Inu Taishou to challenge his elder's might, even from the grave.
Sesshoumaru unsheathed his sword with practiced ease, and after a moment's hesitation, his brother did the same. The internal pull that followed was certainly not welcome, but neither was it unexpected. By now he had grown used to the uncanny feeling of tensaiga calling out to its twin blade. Sesshoumaru saw it as yet another confirmation that there was a purpose to all this. Although they were often morbid, Inu Taishou's posthumous trials were anything but meaningless.
Sesshoumaru's sword was a tool of compassion. It had been created by his father as a means of healing and preserving life. Now that it had been remade into a weapon, though, it was time for tensaiga to fulfill its true purpose. Far from enraged, the prospect of battle had the blade hollowing in anticipation. Although Inuyasha's apprehension was still palpable to his senses, Sesshoumaru did not hesitate as he lunged forward.
This was all they were meant to be. Despite its owner's stubbornness, tessaiga rejoiced as it met its sister sword in combat. The fates had foretold they would be each other's end, and everything from their heredity to their bloody past had been a step in a shared path toward destruction. If there was ever a doubt that there could be more to them than bloodshed, Sesshoumaru made sure to clear such misgivings. Inuyasha's, as well as his own.
As their last stand ensued, that long-awaited joy did not fill Sesshoumaru's heart, though. There was only rage running through him. The memory of his father burned bright in his mind's eye.
He still loved Inu Taisho, somehow. He was the man whose power he had admired from afar since he was a child. The one who had trained him in the art of the sword. He was also the one who had disowned his mother and disgraced their family to form a morbid union with a human woman. The one who had violated Sesshoumaru's birthright to favor a defective, bastard child. He was his father, still – the one who had dimmed him worthy of nothing but a lethal crossroads and a prophecy of death.
Sesshoumaru couldn't help but be amused by the recurring theme. Love had never been anything to him but a prelude to hatred. He took in Inuyasha’s distressed, sweat-soaked face, and admited to himself that it worked just as well the other way around.
As usual, Sesshoumaru's transformation was a strange and painful ordeal. He could feel his inner beast breaking through his skin, hollowing to be let out. Something was holding it back, though. That unnamable something that always kept him from finishing off his inferior counterpart. For once Sesshoumaru didn't concede but fought it with all his might. There was the sound of steel falling on pavement, and then an overwhelming stench of blood.
Slowly, he became aware of Inuyasha standing before him – the distance between them so short that Sesshoumaru could count his eyelashes and every single freckle spotting his face. They'd been this close before. A memory that he both scorned and held dear in equal measure.
Tessaiga had been dropped. It hadn't been an accident, but rather a calculated move. Inuyasha was looking up at him with that same determination Sesshoumaru had seen on his face so many times before - the one he'd secretly grown fond of with time. The scent of blood wouldn't subside. Sesshoumaru looked down and realized that he'd almost made it. Tensaiga hung between them, just inches away from piercing Inuyasha's chest - held back only by two stubborn hands and an insurmountable amount of will.
tis' an offer to your blade
the blood of the heart
The words of the scroll echoed in Sesshoumaru's mind. He'd pictured the events unfolding differently. Their father's somber presage had come to him in dreams as Inuyasha's blade piercing his heart. Carnage as a gate to unlock power. Whether his or his brother's he hadn't been sure, and he'd found himself entirely uninterested in the intricacies of it. Either way, it would have been welcome. Sesshoumaru had half a mind to press on and be done with it, but once again found himself unwilling to finish Inuyasha off.
Will there never be an end to this? he wondered, and was startled by the dread the mere notion provoked. Inuyasha's hands were shaking, smearing blood all over his sword. A tool of compassion - Sesshoumaru's spurned guide in this strange world he understood less and less every day. It had been enraged and thirsty for vengeance, just minutes before. Why was it suddenly so very quiet?
His brother let go of tensaiga and Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, hoping for it to be quick if not painless. He'd never been quite able to understand the dark omen that bonded them. His inner beast was growling deep inside him, and he could feel it slowly taking hold again like water overflowing a vase. There was more than rage to it, though - something savage and unrestful simmering just below the surface.
Almost without noticing, Sesshoumaru eased the grip on his weapon. Inuyasha leaned forward, crossing the distance between them at last. It was then that Sesshoumaru wondered, for the very first time, if his brother had dreamed of this moment as well.
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When he woke up, Sesshoumaru was lying down on the grass.
The first thing he noticed was that he was back in his dimension. There was no temple to be found - no altar and no shrine. The condemning scroll that for so many nights had robbed him of sleep was gone as well. The second thing he noticed was that his brother was lying down beside him. Sesshoumaru wondered if Inuyasha remembered the kiss. He did, hazy as the memory was. His brother's unusual silence made him suspect that he did as well.
Inuyasha seemed weirdly calm. Sesshoumaru half expected him to be angry. Embarrassment would have also been an understandable response, all things considered. Once again there was nothing in the air but hesitation, though, and that hint of yearning that was always present, ever since that first and only time. He was really just a boy. Sesshoumaru wondered, nonplussed, why he'd ever felt the need to bring him harm.
The smell of blood hit him, and something that so far had remained dormant inside him stirred, wild and unrelenting. Sesshoumaru tore off a piece of his haneri and wrapped it around his brother's hands. As he tied up the last knot, he leaned down to kiss a bloody palm. Inuyasha contemplated him in silence, and he almost seemed afraid.
Sesshoumaru wasn't sure what to say to him. He didn't know how to put into words the restfulness he was experiencing. Could he ever verbalize how foreign it felt to him, this staggering absence of rage? This overwhelming need to nurture what before he'd only sought to destroy? He wished he could make his brother see that this was the last time - that there was no more need for bloodshed, for trials and great designs. At last, the true meaning of the prophecy was clear to him.
Words, a weapon that Sesshoumaru wielded measuredly and exclusively to hurt, always failed him at times like this. So, he unsheathed his weapon and held it up for Inuyasha to see. In the dark of the forest, the blade glowed bright - vibrating with the force of some new, boundless power.
“Tis' an offer to my blade,” Sesshoumaru said, holding onto Inuyasha's injured hands. “The blood of my heart.”
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