#Io is best girl of Code Vein
meaig · 10 months
So, I finally finished my first run of Code Vein a couple of weeks ago after putting it away for so long.
Spoilers to the "To Eternity" ending below:
One thing I'm curious about in "To Eternity" ending is what became of the crew. Our MC got the biggest nap ever together with Io, and she said that the fights over blood beads became bigger than ever, but what became of our friends? What was their fate?
I guess they continued to do their best to help others with blood beads (and I imagine the first part of the opening cinematic to be their future in "To Eternity"), but it would be nice to get a glimpse on their life after all that transpired, since the situation did not get better.
Or maybe the scientist girl was able to discover a way to break free from the Mist and free the Successor sooner or later. 🤔 I think it would be nice to see this outcome brought to life somewhere.
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
Look, I was just scrolling through Code Vein tags on tiktok, I'm not leaving Genshin for this soon I swear, just pls dont be paid because it caught my interest. I like RPG games, so that is probably why [. . . "Bloody scenes". . . That aint stopping me--]
Hydro Harbinger does not like me leaving at all
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While the dlcs are complete and utter dog crap, largely just reskins and stuff, it is a wonderful game and I would highly recommend it. The combat may take some getting used to but it is a very cool game overall that I very much enjoyed my playthrough of.
As for Childe not liking it, well Code Veins has a very good character creator, so who knows maybe you could bring our Murderous Tartar Sauce along for the ride with you...that is if you feel ok of depriving Zhongli of his wallet for a while lol.
Edit: I just looked at reddit and take a look at this and you can see what I mean by the character creator being pretty good, I mean it may not be a 100% but I think that this is a good example:
Also, and you will understand this when you start playing it if you decide to, Io is best girl of Code Vein and deserves all of the love you can give her. There are 3 endings I think and I feel it is worth it to try and get the best ending, which requires a bit of work to do, because it is...well I won't spoil it.
The requirements for that one are a little hidden so don't be afraid to loo them up because I would never have known how to get it otherwise lol.
If you do decide to go down that blood soaked road, maybe you can understand why my next batch of brainrots will contain an idea for a reader who has arrived in Teyvat with some interesting friends and a very interesting condition.
Now if only they could stop their acolytes and mother from trying to make plants that bleed so they can eat their greens lol.
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yuuaaa · 5 years
Started Code Vein and Io is best girl
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The one time I ever played a video game in recent days was Code Vein, because of all the gacha I play, anyways Y’all ever sit and wonder about vestiges? 
They’re just fucking rock candy that you produce at random and any time some other revenant grabs that shit they immediately succumb to bloodthirst and become the lost or are like the Main Character in the games and allow you to see the person’s memories. Imagine just bleeding out rock candy, better yet imagine grabbing some random rock candy lookin’ ass crystals and living through people’s memories while they narrate their own memories while you walk down the linear paths they set out for you to watch their memories from afar.
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xxcrossroadsxx · 5 years
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The girls of Code Vein wish you a happy New Year!
Art by Kurumi Kobayashi.
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king-mecha · 4 years
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I love Code Vein and Io is best girl
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lordrose97 · 4 years
Adventures in Gaming: Part 1
Decided to show my experiences in gaming out of boredom.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
I installed this game out of curiosity. I didn’t expect to find myself enjoying it so far.
Slender: The Arrival
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Fun fact: I’ve made no progress in this game whatsoever cuz my fear and...anxiety? Gets the better of me.
In other words, I’m a fucking bitch.
Need For Speed: Payback
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I love this game. See that car? She’s a beauty.
In all seriousness, this game is a lot of fun.
Code Vein
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Code Vein recently added a photo mode, so I decided to mess around with it. Here’s Siduri taking a selfie with best girl Io.
Jump Force
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Trying to get a handle on Keroca’s appearance. Don’t necessarily play against other people cuz I’m mostly going up against spammers and guard break cheese.
A Hat In Time
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This shouldn’t have made me laugh, but it did.
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rarecanons · 5 years
Scents that Code Vein characters would have
• Definitely has a bit more of a book and paper smell to him since he loves to read, spends a lot of time planning things on paper most likely, and of course mapping out the areas you explore.
• Every so often though, you will catch the scent of the tomato and oden sandwiches that he loves to eat.
• Alcohol can smelled from him and his breath on occasions, mostly sake though
• Gun powder or metal from making modifications to his gun when MC gives him the custom gun parts that they find
• Of course when he makes Onigiri, you can always tell from the smell of rice, seaweed, and whatever other ingredients he can find to add to them
• He’s as much of an alcohol lover as Yakumo, but more of a Brandy or Whiskey type of guy. Depending on what he’s in the mood for.
• Always has some type of cologne on, mostly wearing it to impress a certain someone (*cough* *cough* Eva).
• Being someone who keeps in shape, he usually smells like the protein powder that he adds to his drinks.
• Has also more of an Earth-y smell to him from all of his wandering and exploring in the depths.
• Also smells of metal from the suit of armor that he wears all the time.
• Oil and tools from spending most of her time working on weapons and fixing things that everyone brings in.
• Probably a bit of sweat too from working so hard.
• She would also have a liking of things that smell sweet, probably not anything too strong, but more of a soft vanilla or chocolate.
• Spices, she always smells of spices since she is ALWAYS craving spicy foods (even though revenants don’t really need to eat).
• If not spices, probably more of a subtle perfume of some sort.
• This girl loves her tea, she smells of it whenever she is brewing some for everyone after a long day.
• Also the organic soap that MC brings her, she loves using it because she doesn’t want the gift to go to waste.
• A soft rose perfume that Jack probably got for her.
• Probably tea or some type of herbs from when she is hanging out with Coco and Mia.
• At first she has more of an earthy smell, she probably never knew too much about cleaning till after she met MC.
• Would probably take on the scent of whoever cleans her for a while, but would prefer the scents that MC enjoys the best.
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jesuistrefatugie · 4 years
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I got code vein recently...
And proceed to make all my Bnha Oc's and one from RWBY. From the top it's Hinami Hikaru, Roulette Vixen(RWBY), Takara Kemono, Rie, and Kambi Bederven(My freind's Oc)
Hinami is my main one. She uses the Queenslayer blood code with a Queenslayer sword and halberd, with the blood veil Night Thorn. And is about to enter the Crown of Sand at level 99 with best bro Yakumo. I plan for her to get the Dwellers in the Dark ending.
Roulette is my secondary one. She uses the Atlas blood code with a Queenslayer greatsword and sword, with the night fang bloodveil, might change that. And is working her way through her Memories, at level 50 or 51 with Jack. Her main companion is best boi Louis or maybe best girl Io when I get her. She's gonna get the To Entirety ending
Still have to make one for the Heirs ending...
(Also heights are off, I took these with my phone, height-wise it's Kambi, Roulette, Hinami, Rie and Takara as the shortest.)
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kk095 · 5 years
Amy's ICU Arrest
Check out my newest story! Feel free to leave feedback, and I hope everyone likes it 🙂
There were a few typos in my initial draft, so bear with me a bit!
The intensive care unit (ICU) is a department in most hospitals that focuses on patients who are critically injured or ill, and often on the verge of death. The ICU has advanced equipment that typically isn't found in other departments of the hospital, and ICU staff members receive extensive training and have in-depth expertise, giving their gravely ill or injured patients the best chance possible given the circumstances. Despite all of this, patients still succumb to their injuries and illness in the ICU.
Our latest ICU casualty was 27 year old Amy Russell. Amy was a petite, nerdy white woman standing at 5'4 with big blue eyes, brown hair with bangs, fair skin, and a small tattoo on her left ankle. Amy was a nice, quiet girl who kept to herself most of the time, and had a promising career in IT.
Amy ended up in our ICU after being involved in a bad car accident while driving home from work. Amy had an open fracture in her right femur, a ruptured spleen, lacerated splenic artery, lacerated splenic vein, and a lacerated left gastric vein. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was taken up to the operating room shortly after arrival at the emergency department to treat her injuries and stabilize her. Amy's surgery was touch and go for awhile, but she pulled through. The surgical team had to remove her spleen, ligate her splenic and left gastric veins, cauterize her splenic artery, and repair her open femur fracture via internal fixation and intermedullary nailing.
Since she was still in rough shape after surgery, it was decided that she would be sent to the ICU for observation and be left on sedation for pain management purposes. After surgery, Amy's vital signs were: BP 107/70, heart rate 104bpm, o2 saturation 100% on a high flow oxygen ventilator, and she had a GCS of 10. The ICU team also had Amy set up on an antibiotic cocktail to limit post-operative infection, and weaned her off of fluid resuscitation and blood products since her vascular injuries were repaired. Initially, it seemed like Amy was on a slow and steady path to recovery.
Amy laid in the ICU bed intubated, with the tube connected to a blue tube holder, and hooked up to a ventilator. There were EKG electrodes scattered all over her chest, which was covered by a blanket. There was a large bandage covering a majority of her abdomen from the intense surgery she just endured, and her right thigh was immobilized and covered with bandages. The ICU nurses checked on Amy every few minutes after surgery.
She remained stable for several hours, but the situation changed in the middle of the night. Just shy of 3am, Amy became hypotensive, displaying a BP of 85/47. A bedside FAST scan was ordered, a d-dimer was ordered, and a chest x ray was performed. The FAST scan and x-ray didn't show anything new, and the d-dimer was slightly elevated. The ICU team felt that Amy could've developed a post-op PE, but felt uneasy about administering anticoagulant drugs due to her freshly repaired vascular injuries. The ICU team elected to have a pulmonology consult before deciding on their next move.
The pulmonologist arrived within the next few minutes. Their assessment of Amy concluded that she didn't have a pulmonary embolism even though she had certain diagnostic indicators. The pulmonologist thought Amy was suffering from something known as a fat embolism. This is a scenario where bone marrow (typically from a broken bone) ends up in blood supply, and becomes lodged elsewhere in the body. These incidents are particularly lethal when the stray bone marrow becomes lodged in the lungs or brain.
Since fat emboli are an uncommon occurrence, the pulmonologist wanted to order a CT angiogram. Since she wasn't stable enough for transport to radiology, it was decided that a bronchoscopy was ordered to look for pulmonary edema, a textbook symptom associated with fat emboli. Repeat labs were also drawn to check for changes in hematocrit, hemoglobin, co2, and platelet levels.
The bronchoscopy confirmed pulmonary edema, and the labs had abnormal results; hematocrit was 27.3%, hemoglobin was 9.1 g/dL, co2 was 37 mEq/L, and her platelet levels were down to 114,000 per microlitre. The ICU team administered vasopressors to increase BP, hung 2 units of platelets from the rapid infuser, started her on an IV drip of iron to help with hemoglobin and hematocrit, a bag of albumin was hung, and a central venous pressure (CVP) monitor was set up. Additional electrodes were stuck onto Amy's chest, and a separate display monitor was set up for the CVP.
All of the interventions did little to nothing to improve Amy's condition. Her BP remained low, she developed tachycardia, and developed petechial rashes on both her axillary areas. Since Amy's condition wasn't improving, the doses for all her medications were upped, her ventilator settings were altered, and a 3rd and 4th unit of platelets were started on the rapid infuser.
Her course of treatments continued for another hour or so, but things changed around 4am. At that time, Amy's ET tube became filled with blood and her blood pressure was taking a nosedive. A few nurses rushed into the room and began suctioning her ET tube out. The attending physician and a few respiratory techs were notified of the sudden change.
The nurses kept suctioning out blood, but Amy wasn't moving any air. The respiratory techs had to reintubate Amy, which proved to be a difficult task. Shortly after reintubation, Amy went into cardiac arrest.
Deep, rapid chest compressions were started by one of the nurses. The nurse could feel a few of Amy's ribs pop just beneath her gloved hand as she delivered strong, forceful compressions. Amy's skinny chest caved in rhythmically during the initial phase of the code. Just a few feet away, another nurse detached the ventilator and hooked an ambu bag onto Amy's ET tube. A 3rd nurse stuck defib pads onto Amy's bare chest, and another nurse was injecting the first doses of epinephrine, atropine, and sodium bicarbonate into the young woman's IV. The heart monitors showed pulseless electrical activity (PEA), so CPR, ambu bagging, and drugs were the only course of action that could be taken right away.
Amy just laid in the bed, eyes closed while her chest took an absolute beating. The nurses pumped away on her frail, skinny chest. Her head bobbed during each individual compression, and her feet swayed at the other end of the bed, showing off the delicate, silky wrinkles in the soles of her size 6 feet.
The first 3 minutes worth of resuscitation efforts failed to convert the young brunette out of PEA, so a 2nd round of drugs were injected intravenously. Amy continued to receive fast, hard chest compressions, but the first nurse got tired, so they swapped out with another nearby nurse. The monitors chirped loudly in the half second in which CPR was stopped during the switch, but began beeping rhythmically once compressions were restarted. About 2 minutes later, Amy's ET tube refilled with blood, so suction had to be applied for the 2nd time. The tube was cleared, only to refill just 30 seconds later. While the breathing tube was suctioned out, Amy also started developing a nosebleed, and was bleeding from her IV sites. Amy went into rapid onset DIC, so FFP and more platelets were hung from the rapid infuser.
At the 6 minute mark of the code, Amy remained in PEA. Since the DIC compromised her IV sites, an IO was drilled into her left thigh since a central line placement wasn't a practical option at that moment. After one of the resident physicians drilled the IO in place, the next round of drugs were injected intraosseously.
At the 7 and a half minute mark of the code, Amy finally converted to V-Fib. The defib pads were charged to 250j, and a shock was delivered after all personnel stood clear. Amy's back arched, and her chest was thrust into the air briefly, but the shock failed to convert her out of V-Fib. A cycle of hearty, vigorous chest compressions were performed before the next shock.
A 300j shock was delivered in the coming seconds. Amy's body jerked and her toes curled slightly, wrinkling the soles of her feet. Post shock, her toes released from the clenched position back into a relaxed state. Shock #2 failed to produce a pulse, so a 3rd shock was delivered shortly thereafter at 360j. Amy's lifeless body jolted violently on the bed as the dose of electricity coursed through her dying body. This shock sent Amy back into PEA, so CPR and ambu bagging was resumed, along with the next dose of drugs going into the IO.
The next few minutes came and went with no change, with Amy's downtime just passing 10 minutes. Blood leaked from her nose and rolled down by her mouth and her cheeks from DIC. Blood was dripping down both her arms from her former IV sites. Amy's complexion was a ghostly, sickly whitish grey, and she was cool to the touch.
Approximately 3 minutes later, Amy's ET tube had to be suctioned out for the 4th time in such a short period of time. The plastic suction tube made a slurping sound as it gulped up all the blood that clogged the breathing tube. Just a few inches away, one of the nurses was pounding away on Amy's chest. The nurse had a red, flushed look on their face due to the tiring nature of giving compressions. However, they knew their inner complaints were nothing compared to what Amy was going through, so they kept going.
Several more unproductive minutes passed, with Amy deteriorating to an agonal rhythm. Yet another cycle of drugs were given, but once again failed to work effectively. The entire ICU team was growing more and more tired from giving chest compressions, and the once loud, hectic room became eerily silent, knowing that the end appeared to be near for the young woman they've been working on.
The ICU team coded Amy for another 5 minutes, but she was maxed out on drugs, asystolic, and had blown pupils. At that point, the ICU team ceased their efforts, calling time of death at 4:34am after an 18 minute code. The ambu bag was detached and the flatlined monitors were switched off. The nurses quietly removed the EKG electrodes and defib pads from Amy's bruised, battered chest. Lastly, her body was covered and a toe tag was placed before she was sent off to the morgue.
Amy's autopsy revealed that she died from multiple small to medium sized fat emboli. The particles of fat and bone marrow originated in her femur fracture, eventually becoming trapped within the pulmonary artery of the right lung and the left interlobar artery. The ICU team diagnosed Amy correctly, but the discovery was made too late, which unfortunately led to the beautiful young woman's death.
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shiinonomee · 5 years
And Unto the World You Awaken
She wakes to a terrible thirst, a strange girl, and not much more.
Word Count: ~1,000
OC centric, Second POV, Code Vein Fic
Sweat sticks your skin to the pavement and clings hair to your forehead and neck. Skin dry, lips cracked, throat burning. Your eyes peel open and the sun splits your head with a sharp ache.
“Good. You’re awake, now.”
The voice soothes the fear rattling around inside you like a bird flapping its wings against a cage. A silhouette leans over the spot where you lay, mercifully blocking the light from your eyes. You can’t see much, but what you can is surreal.
Choppy cotton-colored hair, porcelain skin, liquid gold eyes.
“You’ve been sleeping here for some time. Can you sit?”
Moving is a chore, but as you try to push yourself upright she is there to help you. Her hands are gentle and delicate on your shoulders, but certainly ready to catch you, should you falter. You wobble a bit but don’t fall as you take in the world around you.
Your eyes adjust to the light once it is no longer assaulting them directly; you can see the deep cracks running through the road—torn up in some places, with pieces missing like parts of a puzzle. Rubble piling up to form makeshift barricades; like the city has turned into a maze. Every building in the distance is a shell, broken and toppled. You try to recall how you came to be here and come up short.
“It’s alright...” She says, moving to kneel beside you and gaze out at your desolate surroundings, “I don’t remember either.”
It shouldn’t comfort you, but it does.
Everything is quiet for a time. Your head still pounds, and your throat still cries for drink. It hurts so badly that you don’t even want to attempt speaking.
“Do you know your name?” She asks you, and you think for a moment before shaking your head. “That’s okay, we will give you a new one. I am Io. Come with me.”
She stands. She is short and dressed in a torn white romper and brown cloak with what looks like a doily wrapped around one leg. She is barefoot. You find it no stranger than waking in the middle of the street with no memory.
She takes a few steps forward before you realize you haven’t moved. She does the same after a while and turns to look at you, tilting her head with curious eyes. You can think of no reason not to follow her, and knowing you would be alone with your apparent amnesia and this terrible discomfort if you don’t provides a very good reason in favor of it.
Your joints creak and crack as you stand, groaning in protest the whole way up when you stand. Your movements to follow her are slow and sluggish. She waits for you patiently—and when she deems you fit to go it alone she turns again and continues off in the other direction.
You do your best to match her step for step, but fatigue and ache attempt to coerce you back to the ground with every passing moment. Every time you fall behind she seems to sense it, halting her progress to turn to you and wait.
Never with a single complaint; only ever encouragement.
“Come, now,” she says, “we‘re nearly there.”
You don’t question where she is taking you, only take comfort in the fact that you may rest once again once you make it there. Your eyes stay transfixed on the ground before your feet until your boot hits something white and spindly.
It digs into the pavement—or maybe reaches out from it.
You look upward to see where it leads and find a great white tree shining back at you—a beacon in the sunlight.
Like a switch flipped, something in you reacts. You rock forward with a heavy pulse in your chest, and dry heave an animalistic growl as if the effort of it threatens to make you sick.
“Hush, now. Everything is alright.”
Io’s voice soothes like a mother’s would for a fussy child, and you fight against the need. The want.
Want for what, you can’t say—you just know that with every painful, desperate pulse it threatens to steal away the last of what you have of yourself. Something else wants to claw its way to the surface, and it seems like it might just swallow you whole.
Io takes your arm in her hands; raises it to her lips. A tiny shock of pain makes it easier to see through the haze of desperation that has you hissing and spitting like a frightened cat. Your breaths rasp out, haggard as you struggle to keep hold of yourself.
You watch as she extends your arm outward, toward the tree’s roots. A single bead of blood traces a stripe along your skin, and then it drips. Down, down onto the thirsty roots below. More follow after that.
And then the tree responds.
You vaguely register the branches unfurling—tree creaking to life as it sprouts beautiful red teardrops. Another pulse nearly rocks you to your knees. Io holds your hand in her own, and reaching out with the other, she plucks one of the fruits from a low branch.
Instinct drives you to snatch it away when she extends it to you, and you begin feeding on the bright red juice before you can even fully understand what is happening. The stuff runs down your throat and eases the pain in your head.
“There, isn’t that better?” Io, eternally unbothered and unruffled, looks on contentedly. “You were on the verge of frenzy; but this will slake your thirst for a good while, so you needn’t worry.”
The drowsiness hits you almost as soon as the fruit’s juice is gone. The sweetness dances on your tongue and you sink to the ground, lowering yourself onto the roots as a more pleasant tiredness floods your senses. You watch as Io thoughtfully looks up at the bountiful harvest.
She plucks another fruit from close by, and as your eyelids begin to flutter shut you see her begin to feed delicately. Gold eyes flood with red.
And then sleep takes you.
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lord-pigeon · 3 years
So replaying GE2 and if you kinda ignore the anime high school-esque vibe, it actually grew on me quite a bit. Like, if I had to say what each strength of the GEs were, it'd probably be that GE1 has the most solid plot and pacing, GE2 has the best character development, and GE3 has the best immediate cast. For GE3, when I say immediate cast, I refer to the Protag, Phym, Ein, and Hugo. It's a super cute family, albeit a little bit at the cost of everyone else. But goddam if I'm not fucking attached to the hip to Phym and Hugo cause they did damn well with them. Then there's Code Vein, which is uh, certainly something. More below cause I'm just rambling and don't wanna clog dashes.
GE2 has a gigantic cast since it combos GE2 and GE1's casts, but I think it does really well for a sequel. If you want a plot that isn't pulled out of its ass probably not the best GE, but I really love the dynamics everyone has with each other. GE2's main squad feels both very human, but also very tropey, which is a funny thing to say, but hey if it works. Ciel really does seem like a sheltered, unaccustomed 16-year old girl, and Gil a traumatized 22-year old adult, and its obvious that a naive, low self-esteemed 19-year old isn't gonna get along with the above adult at first. I mention the ages cause it actually seems like it plays a bit of a role, that everyone on the team is so dispersed between 16-22.
In GE1 you had Kota and Alisa, basically the same age and the other two of the Three Amigos. Everyone else was an adult and kinda babysat, with the exception of Soma, but even then, Soma was a whole ass bucket of worms. So it was kinda allowed to focus more on plot and Soma's background cause let's be honest, he's the real protagonist of GE1 until you get to Ren. So there was always a bit of a power imbalance cast-wise. In GE2, it kinda shows that natural conflict that comes with the imbalance, and some of the personal issues that the cast deals with. Maybe it's because I'm bias since I like character studies more than overarching plots, but it's nice seeing development over time.
GE3 got bullied a bit by making all the character development for the rest of the cast happen at the ass end of the game behind about 100+ missions. Still happened, but unless you were an immediate cast member, you weren't relevant until after the final first arc fight. I personally really liked it cause again, I felt it made sense with how tight-knit the Pennyworths are and obvious parents are obvious, but it's a bit of a shock after the other two's more ensembles.
Which brings me to a wild card point of Holy Shit after GE2 and GE3 I really just can't play Code Vein anymore. Like I love the tragedy of the Bad Endings, but getting through it just is like Eh. I feel Code Vein was really burdened by the pairings they set up, platonic or romantic in nature. GE1/2 had their big casts, where everyone had a role or was important in some manner, even if they were a joke character like Emil, and interacted a lot with other characters. Though GE3 was more grounded, characters still had major interactions and connections, particularly with Phym as the catalyst.
Code Vein just feels like it was burdened because each character Had to be closest to whoever had the Vestige that level. Probably for uwu be sad points, but it is so jarring replaying it. The Io/Protagonist shipping is so thick it actually is painful if you are just bored by her, or already headpatted her in a previous run. The protagonist is allowed to get close to other characters, but there's always seems to be a wall of sorts, usually because of Io. So the connects that were made in GE aren't really as prevalent in Code Vein and it just feels stilted. The closest character is maybe Louis, but even then, he kinda falls off in importance in the middle of the game before coming back for the end. Inb4 this turns into Just Trust My Vibes Bro but the feeling between cast members is almost more cold? Yakumo is warm in the beginning but after the whole arc he has he kinda just stops being relevant. Eva and Jack are their whole thing that, I'll be honest, just seemed shoved in there like an overly-important sidequest. I think the best was Nikola and Mia, since Nikola was established a critical part of her character from the very second she showed up. Ironically, she remained the warmest in terms of relationships.
I dunno, conclusion is that jfc I want someone to rewrite Code Vein some to make it more like the vibes I got from GE cause they're clearly trying to make it happen, but it didn't work out. Maybe I want more character-study games like GE2 or the Tales franchise. Maybe I just want more classic fuckin JRPGs because I find them fun. Waaaah
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eclipsedmemory · 4 years
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Name: Ayubi M. Valentina Nicknames: Ayu, Bibi, Ai Age: 24 (Main Verse), age varies verse Gender: Female Species: Human - Former ( Verse dependent ) / Now Revanant ( Main Verse ) Blood code:  Queenslayer Family:  Sophia (Sophie) Valentina ( Mother - Deceased ) , Lydia Valentina ( Aunt - Deceased ) Unknown ( Father - Deceased ) - Deceased via collapse - - - Below is future family - - - Jack Rutherford ( Husband ) Melody Rutherford ( Daughter ) Traveling Companions: Louis Akamiya, Io , Elizabeth Cross, Oliver Collins & Co ( Later Jack and Eva ) Biography       Sophie grew up in poverty and no way to obtain an education. However, as she grew older many men came along to Sophie and praised her for her beauty. They would even give the girl money for it or just for her to speak to them. Sophie then came up with the idea of becoming an escort. ( Please NOTE an escort is a person who attends social events and/or entertainment                             for money. They do not have sex for money! )     This earned her quite a bit of money, so much to the point she was able to get new wardrobe, a good home to live in and furniture. With her charm and beauty, she became actively sought out for, and it helped her get out of the streets and into an actual life. However, as life began to continue Sophie fell in love with one of her clients she actively worked alongside, and one thing led to another, and became pregnant. Sophie feared for the worse, as unfortunately clients were very picky in the her looks and how her body appeared. So Sophie only had a matter of time before she would start showing. By no means was she going to get rid of the baby, despite the father wanting her too, but she adamantly refused and cut ties with him all together.     During the first months Sophie worked herself to near exhaustion to earn enough money to at least keep her on her feet and keep her baby healthy for the first 5 years. Quickly before she knew it, she was giving birth to her little girl, Ayubi.      The first 5 years for Sophie was relatively peaceful for her. As she had prepared enough money to give them a realtively easy life, and everything for Ayubi by then. But time passes quickly when you are so happy right? Soon 1 year turned to 5 years, and Sophie had to begin to pick up cliental again, which was hard as many knew of her being a mother now. But it was enough for her to put food on the table for her little girl, and enough to pay for a cheap apartment to keep them out of the cold. However, this took a tool on Sophie as she constantly skipped meals as there was not enough money for rent, and food the for both of them. So she would opt out on food and have Ayubi eat. ~~~ Below is now Ayubi’s perspective and her background! ~~~     Years went by and the same life style continued as Ayubi’s mother worked tirelessly to provide for her daughter and herself (Despite she was neglecting herself far too much). Making sure Ayubi was able to attend school, have clothes and such. Ayubi watched as her mother worked and it broke her heart. Even to the point she was left alone often due to her mother working. Yet, Ayubi didn’t mine because she knew her mother was doing it for her own happiness, and she picked up painting as a pass time, which would grow to be a major role in her life to turn into her passion.      One day when Ayubi came home (she was 16) from school, she found her mother on the ground unconsious and not responding. Later at the hospital her mother was diagonosed Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy a disease that makes the heart thick and makes it hard for the heart to pump blood. Ayubi’s mother was one of the few patients that was in need for surgery and medication. However, them already having a hard time could not afford the treatments. So Ayubi dropped out of highschool and picked up a job in a local grocery story for part time. (This is the same store which Jack’s family runs.) However, not long even a year later her mother succumbed to her illness and passed away. Leaving Ayubi alone and in depression.     If not for the promise she had made to her mother, and her friend Jack Ayubi would have allowed her depression to take her life as well. However, she promised her mother she would go back to school and go to college for her passion. ~~~ Below is the events leading up the Code Vein history~! ~~~    Time skip ahead, Ayubi graduated highschool and had gone to college for art paid fully by a scholarship she earned! During this time she was happily looking around for a job with her best friend, Jack Rutherford (who she had feelings for a very long time now), who has been by her side ever since she began to work in his shop when she was 16. Now 24 she was now beginning her life, but fate was not kind on her, as during this time is when the events of the great collapse was happening. Jack and Ayubi just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time..when the building was coming down upon them, Jack had pushed Ayubi out of the way and leading to his death. Yet not long after, Ayubi too still was killed within the ruble.      It was later shown when Jack awoke that he and Ayubi were picked as one of the first test for the new parasyte BoR. Turning he saw Ayubi sleeping and it was then he was told that not all test subjects awaken. Jack then volunteered to go into the now rest mist the confined the horrors of the great collapse in a barrier from the outside world. In return they would allow Ayubi to stay alive and not recycled ( which they did after a certain time period if the subject would not awakened ), in return for his hard work, which would later he would be ahead of the operation Queen Slayer. Little did he know Ayubi would awaken just few months later. Hearing what had happened with Jack, Ayubi as well volunteered to be apart of the operation and soon was placed in the mist. Soon Jack and Ayubi met again and reconsiled with one another, and proceeded with the operations.     ~~~ After the defeating of the Queen ~~~ After the Queen was defeated from Jack & co (the final blow being from Ayubi), Ayubi stabs her through the heart with her Blood Veil, killing her, but inadvertently draining some of the Queen’s blood in the process. With Ayubi pushed to the edge of frenzy by the Queen's blood, Gregorio and Jack solemnly thank them for her bravery and sacrifice, with tears in his eyes Jack kills her with the intent of ending her suffering before she became fully corrupted. Which lead her to fall off a cliff but she survived however, awakening years after the fact at the bottom of a ravine, her memories of the incdent having been lost. She was kept company by Io, a mysterious girl in white who treats her with the utmost care as she tends to Ayubi and nurses her back from the brink of frenzy. Unfortunately, she is soon accosted by scavenging Revenant faction and taken captive, with Ayubi being forced to hunt for Blood Beads, incentivized by an apparent threat to Io's well-being, Ayubi departs with her assigned partner, Oliver Collins. Their mission changed however after meeting Louis Amamiya & Elizabeth Cross mid-hunt.      Not long afterwards, Ayubi encounters Oliver nearly on the verge of having succumbed to the miasma. With the help of Elizabeth fixing his mask and giving her blood, while Ayubi feding off the Lost, the managed to get Oliver out and into saftey for the mean time, before they faced one of the revanants before them, who had turned into a Lost themselves. After defeating revanant, Ayubi discovers a Vestige which Louis warns her not to touch. Io seems to know something she doesn't however and with her encouragement and support, Ayubi forgoes Louis' warning and picks up the Vestige.      Though it initially begins to cause frenzy in Ayubi, Io soothes her and continues calmly coaching Ayubi through the process. Finally, Ayubi then unleashes the power of the Queen's Blood, purifying the Vestige and entering the memory of revanant they killed. After the encounter, an amazed Louis suggests that Ayubi use her power to help save the Revenants in Vein from starvation and ultimately, extinction. As Io helps her stand, Ayubi accepts Louis's offer and the duo join him and the rest of the Revenants on their quest to save Vein. Along their journey, Ayubi discovers another vestige in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. Upon absorbing it, the vestige is revealed to belong to Ayubi herself, containing her forgotten memories of Operation Queenslayer and granting her access to her original blood code, "Queenslayer".         This also helps Ayubi reconcile fully when she remeets Jack, which at the time she did not remember him at all. More on this will be on another ~!
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