#Is Guatemala Safe to visit
5 Days in Guatemala, is it Enough Time... Part 1: Guatemala City
*This is Part 1 of 4 posts of my trip to Guatemala. You can find links to the additional posts at the end of this one. When I moved to Costa Rica, I knew that visiting all of the Central American countries would become a travel priority. What I didn’t know was that it is not always cheap or fast flying to other Central American countries from SJO- the primary international airport of Costa Rica.…
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3027960 · 6 months
gay lil blurb about valeria
you moved to las almas, temporarily at least. as a graduate student studying the differences between greek and mayan city-state politics for your dissertation, travel to mexico was necessary. as a poor student, staying in a town run by the cartel meant a cheap apartment for at least the year you would be there.
but las almas was cute. colorful. not unlike that time you visited the cuban parts of miami. the people, at least those who weren't armed to the teeth with semi-automatic rifles and knives, were generally nice. your spanish was passable, for as long as you'd been studying the mayans. your k'iche was better, but you doubted it be very useful. maybe.
you'd been there a few months, mostly holed up in your studio apartment, making do with packaged tortas from the corner store and boxed mexican juices. and coffee. lots of coffee. the cafe down the street had a wonderful dark roast shipped weekly from guatemala and you had brought your aeropress with you from the US.
it's not like you were avoiding going out. it's just, well, you had a lot of work. writing. researching. editing.
and, honestly, you were worried. a fat girl, all alone, in an unfamiliar town run by the cartel? probably not the best idea to wander out by yourself.
but tonight...tonight you were going out.
there was a small bar down at the end of your street, run by a seemingly friendly older couple whom you'd passed on the way to the corner store. they spoke english, so you were hoping you might convince them to put an american football game on the television. it was a thursday and football season, after all.
you were going for casual, but cute, dressed in a short-sleeved crop top and long pleated skirt, with sturdy boots on your feet. even in mexico, december was a bit chilly, so you brought a chunky sweater just in case.
the bar wasn't crowded, just a few cartel members hanging around with their guns strapped to their back, and a few local men out for drinks after work.
you slipped onto one of the barstools and ordered yourself a beer, a safe choice with your limited knowledge of alcoholic drinks in spanish.
american football didn't make it out here apparently, but you were content to watch the soccer playing on tv. apparently, december was soccer season too. you cheered when others cheered, booed when others booed, and generally felt the tension in your shoulders gradually disappear as you relaxed under the influence of the alcohol.
so, it definitely startled you when you felt a presence settle next to you at the bar. you turned, slightly surprised, your beer bottle halfway to your lips.
and the woman next to you...god.
she was beautiful. thick brows. full lips. strong nose. tan skin.
you felt yourself blush under her attention.
oh, she was saying something to you.
you shook yourself, giving her a dumb stare. she chuckled.
"where are you from? i haven't seen you before?"
even her voice was pretty, accented and strong.
"i..uh..i'm from the US. i'm here to study the mayans."
"the mayans, huh? smart girl"
you blushed harder under her attention, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. you noticed you had turned your stool towards her, as she leaned her elbow on the bar, face resting on her palm. she smiled as she noticed your unabashed attention.
"what is your name, bonita?"
you gave her your name, fiddling with the lip of your beer bottle, eyes gazing away from her intense attention.
"maybe i could take you on a walk sometime? explore las almas?"
you stuttered over your breath, blinking rapidly at her. it felt like the heat of her stare could singe your cheeks. her attention was addictive, like the cigarette habit you'd been trying to kick for years.
you heard yourself agree. enthusiastically, actually. in your head you were screaming at yourself. don't seem so desperate!
you agreed to exchange numbers, handing over your busted iphone with spiderweb cracks littering the edges. listen, your grad school stipend didn't allow for many indulgences.
she handed your phone back, her fingers lingering over your palm. they felt calloused, hardened from use. the polar opposite of your soft, round palm, used to typing and turning pages in books.
she left shortly after, leaving you reeling for the rest of the night.
you climbed into your shitty twin bed, feeling the heat of her stare heating you from the inside.
before you fell asleep to the sound of the coyotes howling outside your window, you felt and heard your phone buzz on the small bedside table.
you turned to look at your phone:
mi niña, it was lovely to meet you tonight - valeria xx
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virtie333 · 3 months
Paint It Black
Yovanna is starting a new life in Australia, but she would be happier if the man who helped her get there could share that life with her.
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My first Triple Frontier fic, written in honor of the Netflix movie's 5th anniversary. It's just a simple love story, what I would have wished to see happen for Santiago and Yovanna.
Rated NC-17 for Explicit Sexual Content (18+ Only!): Includes protected P in V and mirror sex.
Cross-posted on AO3
5.6k words (sorry, not sorry!)
Inspired by this gifset!
It took almost two full seconds for Yovanna to respond to the teenage girl behind the counter; she was still not used to that name. Katia Hern��ndez was who she was now, but despite living with that name for the last six months, she still had a hard time remembering to respond to it. She wondered if she would ever find it easy.
She turned toward the front of the delicatessen, where sixteen-year-old Maggie was looking at her expectantly, a plastic bag on the counter in front of her. The girl smiled when Yovanna looked her way, and Yovanna smiled back.
“Sorry, I was distracted.”
Maggie giggled. “Yeah, my mind likes to wander a lot, too.”
Yovanna walked over to the counter to take the bag with her purchases. “Gracias,” she told the girl.
“De nada,” Maggie responded. “Is that right?”
Yovanna smiled. “Si, that’s one way to say ‘thank you’.”
A woman came up behind Maggie, grinning. “You know, she had no interest in learning a foreign language until you started shopping here,” Lauren said. Blonde like her daughter, Lauren Oggelby owned and operated Oggelby Deli, one of the few delicatessens in Kiama, New South Wales. Seeing as it was just down the street from the apartment Yovanna shared with her little brother Emiliano – Ezra now, she reminded herself – it was the only deli she had been to in this town. The straightforward friendliness of Lauren and Maggie made it feel comfortable and safe.
Safe was not something Yovanna was used to.
“I want to learn it so well I can have a full conversation with you in Spanish,” Maggie said, responding to her mother’s comment.
Yovanna nodded. “Well, from what I understand, it’s a lot easier to learn Spanish than English, so be glad you already know the hard one.”
Maggie laughed while Lauren nodded. “You speak it fluently,” she observed.
“My mother was raised in the United States,” Yovanna said, making sure she didn’t say where in the U.S. “I grew up speaking both Spanish and English.”
“I want to visit Guatemala someday,” Maggie said dreamily. “It sounds beautiful.”
Yovanna smiled again. “It is.” She shrugged. “I better get going. I’ll see you both later!” She didn’t dare speak any more about the country she was from, especially since it wasn’t Guatemala. The two women waved at her and said their goodbyes as Yovanna left the store. She slipped on her sunglasses and headed down the sidewalk, away from the beach which was only a quarter of a mile away to the east. She would probably end up there later today; she usually did. She loved the ocean, though she had rarely seen it before coming to Australia six months ago. She would be content to live next to the sea for the rest of her life.
She arrived at the gate to the small complex she lived in. At the moment, it was only temporary, as she hoped to find a nice house in the near future, but odds were good Emiliano would stay here. He had started on-line classes just a few weeks ago, and Yovanna knew he wanted to become more independent; they had been in each other’s pockets since they had arrived, and they were both ready to start living their own lives now that things seemed to be settled.
Kiama was a beautiful, quiet place, and Yovanna was ready to call it home.
Yovanna climbed to the second floor of the complex, then walked to the third door down. She unlocked it, then nearly ran into her brother as he was heading out. “Where are you off to?” she asked in Spanish.
“I’m going to Ted’s,” he told her in English. He was determined to fit in to his new home by rarely speaking his native language. He wanted to rid himself of any accent other than Australian. “Then I have a date with Margo tonight, so I don’t know when I’ll be home.”
Yovanna felt a tug of anxiety and tried to ignore it. Emiliano had been doing well since they had arrived to this new country with new names and forged documents. His short jaunt in jail in Colombia, and the terror of having been in the discotech in Tarapacà when it was raided and almost destroyed by police, had set him back on a safer course. Money was not an issue for them anymore, and drugs had fortunately not become an addiction before his arrest. Their arrest, actually. Only she had gotten away.
With the help of one of those ‘cops.’
“Well, have fun,” she responded, also in English. “But not too much fun. Make sure you use protection.”
She couldn’t help but smile as her little brother, who stood taller than her and was very much a mature young man, blushed. “I will,” he mumbled before heading past her out of the apartment.
Sighing, Yovanna took the bag into the kitchen and began to put away the meats and cheeses and spreads she had purchased, her mind drifting, as it often did, to the ‘cop’ who had helped her and her brother get here. She wondered where he was. What he was doing. Had he made it out of Colombia safely? Had he and his friends gotten all that money over the mountains? Was he now lazing on some beach somewhere, some beautiful blonde in a bikini feeding him cholados?
She shook her head, chastising herself. She needed to stop thinking about him. He most likely had forgotten about her. Hell, she didn’t even know his name!
She finished putting away her purchases and leaned back against the counter, remembering the last day she had seen him, when she and Emiliano had started their journey to Australia with three million dollars. She remembered the question his friend, another former soldier, had asked her. “After you had sex…” She scoffed. She wished that had been the case. For the almost thirteen months she had known ‘Consejero,’ he had never once done anything improper or propositioned her in any way. She had often wondered why, as other ‘officials’ she had known, American or otherwise, had never been shy about requesting sex in exchange for protection and secrecy.
And Lord knows if he had requested that of her, she would not have refused.
But he never did. Though there were times… no. She was fooling herself, thinking she had often read more in his gaze than was most likely there. That he cared about her. That he worried about her.
That he loved her.
She groaned out loud and pushed herself away from the counter, moving toward the refrigerator, intent on getting something cold to drink. Though the AC in the apartment worked wonderfully, thinking about Consejero always made her heat up. She needed to follow her brother’s example and find someone here. Goodness knows she had already been asked out by enough people since her arrival. It didn’t matter that she was always comparing them to him. And always found them lacking.
There was a sharp, sudden knock on the door and it made her jump. She shook her head at her own nervousness and moved toward the door, wondering if it was her brother. Maybe he had forgotten something. She unlocked the door and pulled it open, then stood in silent shock as she saw who was on the other side.
As if she had conjured him with her thoughts, Consejero himself was here.
Yovanna stared at the man standing outside her doorway, her eyes quickly assessing him, noticing the changes from the last time she had seen him. His hair was longer, the grey a little less pronounced in the thicker curls. He had the familiar 5-o’clock-shadow, but his face seemed narrower, his cheekbones more pronounced, as if he had lost weight. His broad shoulders also seemed sharper under his dark grey button down, and as her gaze trailed down his body to his khaki cargo pants, she realized he was indeed skinny. Too skinny.
She brought her eyes back up to meet his. Chocolate brown and as intense as always, this was something that hadn’t changed. She opened her mouth to speak, but the shock of his appearance kept her silent.
“Hello, Yovanna,” he said softly, his heavy brows low as he watched her carefully.
“Katia,” she said automatically in reply.
He huffed slightly and the corner of his mouth curled up. “Katia.” He took a deep breath, then shook his head. “If you want me to leave and pretend I never saw you-“
“No!” she interrupted him. She stepped back. “Come in, please?”
He did as she asked, walking past her toward her living room. His cologne, subtle and alluring, caught her attention. That also hadn’t changed, she thought as she closed her eyes and breathed deep. Delicious. She opened her eyes and closed the door, locking it immediately as she had become accustomed to. She turned and followed him into the living room.
He turned to face her, his expression uncertain. “Where’s Duke?”
She rolled her eyes at her brother’s nickname. “Ezra is with friends.”
“He’s doing well?”
She nodded. “Yes.” She paused, and when he didn’t continue, she rushed ahead. “What are you doing here?” She didn’t bother asking how he had found her; he had been the one to have the fake passports and documents made. He knew more about her new persona than she did. The question that she needed answered was why he was here.
He bit his lip, and she tried not to think about what that action did to her physically, then he met her eyes with his own. There was a strange desolation in them, a sadness she didn’t remember seeing in his eyes before. She had witnessed him angry and concerned, and she had seen those eyes light up with laughter, but never had she seen him like this.
“What happened?” she whispered, knowing it wasn’t good.
He gave a heavy sigh and moved to sit down on one of the stools that sat along the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. “Everything wrong,” he told her.
“You didn’t get the money out, did you?” she asked softly.
He shook his head. “Not much.”
“Did everyone make it?” she whispered, instinctively knowing that while losing all that money would be devastating, losing one of his friends would be worse.
His lips tightened and his eyes narrowed as he looked away from her, then he gave a sharp shake of his head. “Redfly didn’t,” he mumbled.
“Redfly?” she said. She hadn’t known the men he had brought to take down Lorea, but he had told her that she could trust them. That he trusted them with his life. And she had overheard them talking with each other. “He was the one that didn’t trust me, wasn’t he?”
He gave another sharp nod, then looked at her. “And I’m not going to deny how pleased I was to prove him wrong about you,” he said softly. “But he was off his game. We all were.”
“I’m sorry,” Yovanna said softly, and she meant it. While she might not have had a good experience with the man, he was still this man’s friend. And she cared about this man. Too much.
He shrugged. “What money we got out, we gave to his family,” he continued. “I’ve just been… wandering since. Can’t go back to Colombia. Can’t go back to the States.”
She nodded. “Diego and his men know your real name,” she said. And they had plenty of contacts in the States. She huffed a laugh. “So, you came to the one person you know who actually benefitted from your heist.”
He furrowed his brows for a moment, then his eyes widened as he realized what she was saying. “Oh, no! That’s not why I’m here,” he argued. “I may not be a millionaire, but I’ve still got plenty of my own money from investments keeping me afloat. I…”
She laughed at his defensiveness and moved to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Opening it, she pulled out a couple bottles of Schweppes lemonade and handed one to him. “It doesn’t matter,” she told him, trying to believe it herself. The idea that he had come for her and just her was too much to hope for. “It’s not like Emiliano… I mean Ezra and I are going to need all that money. It started out as yours, and you are welcome to a share.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s yours. I don’t care if you keep the majority in hiding or invest it or give it all away to charity, it’s yours.” His dark eyes were focused on her intently once more. “I came here because I missed you.”
Yovanna sat on the stool next to him, but couldn’t look at him. Instead, she focused on opening the bottle in her hand.
He continued. “I missed talking to you. I missed complaining about all those little things that annoy me to you, and getting your sympathy. You were the only person I really trusted in Tarapacà, dare I say my only friend there?” He paused, waiting for her to look at him. “I missed your smile. Your laugh. The way you glared at me when I teased you.”
She finally looked at him, searching his face, but she saw no duplicity there. Despite their official relationship, she believed he had never lied to her. And she had never lied to him, which is why he had been so angry with her after the discotech raid. “I wasn’t like any of your other informants, was I?” she asked, and she couldn’t help the bit of sarcasm in her voice.
Either he didn’t pick up on it or he chose to ignore it. “No, you weren’t. And you were my only one in the end. The only one I trusted.”
Yovanna took a sip of her drink, then shook her head again. “I always wondered why you treated me different,” she told him. “Carmen and Lucia had much different relations with you.” Carmen was one of the secretaries in the office she had worked at, the one where most of Lorea’s money was funneled through. And Lucia was her friend who worked as a housekeeper for several of Lorea’s men in Tarapacà. It was through them that this man had found her, a lowly accountant, who knew far more about the coming and going of all that dirty money than most of her coworkers.
He seemed to pull back at her words, knowing now what she was getting at. Carmen and Lucia had both commented more than once that he ‘paid them well,’ both in and out of bed.
He watched her silently for a long moment. “You’re wondering why I didn’t fuck you, aren’t you?”
She felt her face heat, which was crazy. Yovanna wasn’t an innocent, though it had been a very long time since she had been in a relationship with a man. Since before she met this one, in fact. She tried to shake her head to deny his question, but she couldn’t.
“There’s two very good reasons why I never asked you for that kind of arrangement,” he told her, his voice hardening. “One was that I knew you weren’t that kind of woman. Lucia and Carmen both used sex to control the men in their lives on a regular basis. It was an exchange as easy as money to them. I knew you were different.” He took a deep breath. “And two… I knew I could love you.”
Yovanna’s eyes shot up to his face. Had she heard him right? Had he actually used the word love? She was literally speechless at his comment, but as she searched his face, she once more found no evidence of deceit. If anything, he looked nervous, as if he wasn’t sure he should have admitted something so dangerous.
When her silence continued, he grimaced and nodded. Setting the unopened bottle of lemonade on the counter, he stood. “I just wanted to be sure you and your brother were doing okay. It looks like you found a perfect home, and I hope you are happy here. I don’t want to upset that peace. Goodbye, Yovanna.” He paused and smiled slightly. “I mean Katia.” He nodded and turned toward her door.
“I don’t even know your name,” she said, hating how desperate her voice sounded.
He stopped and turned back as he reached the door. “Santiago,” he told her. “Santiago Garcia.”
She slid off the stool and walked quickly toward him. “Don’t go, Santiago. Please, don’t leave.”
“Give me a reason to stay,” he responded, his voice rough.
She reached for his hand, taking it in both of hers and rubbing his calloused palm gently. She brought it up to her mouth and kissed his rough knuckles, then looked him in the eye. Slowly, deliberately, she turned and tugged on his hand, coaxing him to follow her to her bedroom.
He didn’t resist.
The name rolled around in her head like the lyrics to a favorite song. Santiago. It was perfect for him. It was strong and masculine, but caring and empathetic, like the stories of the saints she learned as a child. Santiago.
As soon as the door to her bedroom closed behind them, he had her pinned to the wall, her arms up with their fingers entwined, his mouth on hers. She reciprocated by writhing against him, meeting his tongue with her own in a sensuous dance. As his lips dropped to her neck, she pulled her hands free, reaching down to work on the buttons of his shirt. He responded by grabbing the hem of her t-shirt and pulling it up and over her head. She stepped away from him a bit so she could toe off her shoes and he moved to sit on the corner of her bed so he could remove his boots.
She followed him there, bending over to work on his shirt once more. He tried kissing her while they both worked, missing her mouth and connecting with her cheek or her ear over and over again until she was giggling. When she looked at him, the crow’s feet around his eyes grew as his smile widened. The darkness in his eyes had faded.
She straightened and reached behind her for the clasp of her bra, slowly letting it slide down her arms. His eyes became intense once more as he watched her, slowly taking off his now unbuttoned shirt. As he focused on her bare breasts, she ran her eyes over his chest. While he had indeed lost weight in the last few months, he was still beautiful. Muscled without looking like a body builder, his copper skin tantalizing. His chest was hairless, but the trail of hair that began under his navel and disappeared under his waistband was alluring.
“Wait!” he said suddenly, and she brought her eyes up to meet his. “I seriously wasn’t expecting this,” he told her with a slight shake of his head, his eyes huge. “I don’t have protection.”
Yovanna smiled slightly and walked over to the dresser next to the bed. She opened the top drawer and pulled out an unopened box of condoms, then brought them back to Santiago. “I bought them for my brother, but he assured me he had his own.” She tossed the box onto the bed next to him.
He looked at them, then looked at her, and the excitement she saw in his eyes sent a shot of electricity through her. He began to unbuckle his belt, and she started to work on the fly of her lightweight trousers, quickly sliding them off as he stood and removed his, boxers and all. He stepped into her before she could get a good look at his impressive erection, wrapping his arms tight around her and finding her mouth with his own once more. She let herself sink into his kiss, feeling her whole body shiver at the feel of his naked skin against hers.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting her hands sweep along his shoulders and the back of his neck. Her fingers found the scar there, and she gently massaged the area. She knew he had gotten surgery on his neck only a few months before the heist had taken place; he had returned home to the States for it, and she had missed him while he had been gone. His mouth once more dropped down to her neck, but then she felt him still. She pulled back slightly to look at him, and realized he was looking behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see what had caught his attention away from her.
It was their own reflection in the floor length mirror on her closet door. She felt her heart start to race as she watched his hands smooth down her naked back, cupping her almost-bare bottom; she was still wearing a pair of teal-colored panties.
Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around with a growl deep in his throat. As she faced their reflection, she caught sight of his cock, which looked even more massive than before now that he was fully aroused, and then she felt it pressed against the upper curve of her buttocks. His arms came around her once more, one hand cupping her breast and squeezing it lightly, the other dropping down between her legs, his fingers delving into her panties to burrow into her wet heat. She cried out, both the feel of him and the sight of them in the mirror shooting her arousal into orbit.
“So fucking wet,” he murmured roughly against her neck, his fingers playing with her sensitive folds. “So fucking wet for me.”
His words made her whimper, and she rocked her hips against his touch.
“Look at me!” His words were harsh and made her jump. She hadn’t realized she had closed her eyes. She opened them to look at him in the mirror, making eye contact through their reflection. “Tell me you want this!” he demanded. “Tell me now or I walk out of here.”
And he would, she knew. He would stop if she didn’t give him the okay. This man, a trained killer, would leave her alone if she asked, even as fully aroused as he was right now. Holding his powerful gaze, she nodded. “I want this.”
He brought his hand out from between her legs and plucked at her panties. “Off!” he told her as he backed toward the bed, grabbing the box she had put there and ripping it open. She slid her panties off as he removed a condom, preparing it and sliding it on. She had turned to watch him and didn’t hide that fact. ¡Dios mío! He was thick! She felt her pussy weep even more fluid at the thought of him inside of her. He finished and stepped toward her again. Briefly he made eye contact once more before grasping her shoulders and turning her away from him again. He pushed her forward gently, toward the mirror.
She realized what he was doing and she began to pant in excitement. When she was close, she leaned forward, her hands on the mirror. She looked up to see him move behind her and grasp her hip with one hand. She felt his cock come up between her legs, but he didn’t push in. Instead, he used his other hand to run it all over her dripping pussy, covering the condom with her juices. She moaned at the sensation, her hips moving counter to his actions. “¡Dios!” she cried, feeling an orgasm already threatening.
“Hermosa?” His throaty gasp caught her attention, and she looked up again, meeting his questioning gaze in the mirror.
She nodded quickly. “¡Ahora!”
Without any resistance, he slid into her. She cried out, smiling at the absolute pleasure his invasion brought her. “Yes!” she cried out in English.
“Fuck!” he responded. “You’re so tight! Please, tell me I’m not hurting you!” His voice was desperate.
“Santiago,” she said, her voice breathy as she continued to pant. “Santiago, please, fuck me!”
And he did, his hips immediately thrusting into her at a steady and solid pace. She dropped her head, unable to keep on watching their reflection in front of her, her sole focus on the feelings his body was creating in hers. She was so full, but she wanted more. She pushed back into him, encouraging him without words to move faster. He responded by quickening his pace, but he grumbled at her as he did so. “I’m trying to take this slow, Querida.”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “I don’t want slow. We can go slow next time!”
“Fuck, yeah!” he said, his grip on her hips tightening. “Next time!” He began to pound into her harshly, and she laughed again in pure joy. Yes!!!!
“Oh, Dios!” she cried. She was almost there!
Suddenly, he dropped one of his hands down, reaching around in front of her to tease her clit. “Come on my fucking cock!” he hissed in her ear.
His touch combined with his words sent her over the edge and she squeezed her eyes shut, feeling her body convulse, her pussy squeezing him tight, her legs tremoring. She saw stars. Or maybe they were fireflies. She wasn’t sure and she really didn’t care. She was crying, tears of ecstasy rolling down her cheeks. Her legs began to give out and Santiago moved his arm up to wrap around her waist, holding her tight against him.
When she was able to focus again, she realized he wasn’t moving. His cock was still buried deep inside her, but he was simply holding her. She looked up at him in the mirror, afraid and embarrassed of her reaction. He was smiling softly at her, his eyes wide and almost black with passion and… dare she think it? Love?
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he whispered.
She gathered her strength and straightened her legs, standing on her own again. His grip loosened, then he let her go completely and backed away, sliding out of her.
“No!” she couldn’t help but gasp. He wasn’t done. Just because she had had the most amazing orgasm of her life didn’t mean they were done!
His smile got bigger as he took her hand and led her toward the bed.
He sat on it and pushed himself back, laying down with his head on her pillows. His smile had turned into a smirk. “Come on, Cariño. You know what I want you to do.”
Yovanna climbed onto the bed on her knees and shuffled over to him. She threw one leg over his hips and settled on his thighs, his still rock-hard cock in front of her, teasing her super sensitive clit. Taking a deep breath, she rose up on her knees and grabbed his cock, then carefully mounted him. She was still so wet, he slid in easily, and she closed her eyes as she absorbed the feeling of him filling her once again, this time touching places he hadn’t in their previous position.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured. “Perfect.”
She opened her eyes to see him looking to where they were joined. She also looked down, rather amazed that she could take him all, then she looked back at him. He was watching her now, and as she made eye contact with him, he lifted his hands toward her, fingers outstretched, in invitation.
She accepted, meeting his hands with her own, palm to palm, fingers intertwined once more. She began to rock, back and forth, with her hips. She leaned down to kiss him, bringing their joined hands up to rest just above his head on the pillow. He moaned into her mouth, letting her take control this time around, and apparently loving it. Eventually, they let go of each other so they could take their time touching each other. Yovanna played with his hair, running her fingers through it as she had imagined doing so many times before. Santiago let his fingers toy with her breasts, thumbing her nipples, then massaging her curves. They never stopped kissing.
As her rocking became faster, his hands moved down her back to her buttocks, the tips of his finger straying down to where they were joined, then up to tease her asshole briefly, making her squeal in surprise. It hadn’t been uncomfortable, she realized, just nothing she had tried before. Interesting. She pushed herself up straight once more, using her strong thighs to push herself up and down on him now. He also sat up, diving in to lick and suck on first her breasts, then her neck. He found her pulse point and began to suck hard; she knew he was marking her and didn’t care. Her bouncing increased in speed and his grip on her ass tightened.
“Fuck, I can’t hold it anymore,” he groaned.
“Don’t!” she told him. “Let go! Come for me!”
She felt his hips raise up off the bed as he ejaculated, finally coming. Dios, his stamina was amazing! As he let himself fall back onto the bed, Yovanna felt her own body start to tremble once more. This orgasm wasn’t as strong as her first, but it was no less satisfying. Breathing hard, she let herself fall forward and a little to the side, letting him slide out of her. He winced, then sat up to take care of the condom, tossing it in the waste basket next to the dresser. Then he fell back onto the bed, looking at her, a soft smile on his face.
She scooted close to him, tentatively putting her head on his shoulder, not sure how he felt about post-coital cuddling, but his arm wrapped around her immediately and he began to kiss her hair. They lay like this for a long time, letting their breathing and their hearts come back to normal. Yovanna became sleepy, but her brain soon started working overtime, and she was wide awake once more.
“Where are you staying?” she asked him.
“A little bed and breakfast on the other side of town,” he told her.
“You’re welcome to stay here,” she said softly.
“For how long?”
She lifted her head to look at him. “For however long you want.”
“With you?”
She shrugged. “Well, for a while. I’m planning on buying a house of my own, soon, but Emi—I mean Ezra, will probably stay here. So,” she gave him a teasing smile. “You can be roommates with him, or you can come live with me.”
He snorted a laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure he’d love if I stayed with him,” he said sarcastically.
“Then stay with me,” she told him, her voice soft but firm. “As long as you want.”
He was silent for a moment. “I know where the money is.”
She frowned at him.
He licked his lips. “Ironhead gave me the coordinates where we dumped it. In the mountains.” He was looking at her expectantly.
“How dangerous would it be to go back for it?” she asked carefully.
“Very,” he told her. “Not just because there are still people looking for it, but because the location it’s in is… treacherous.”
She bolstered herself for her next question. “And how much do you want it?”
He took a deep breath and pulled away from her. He slid off the bed and looked around until he found where his trousers had ended up, then he went over to them and pulled his wallet out from the back pocket. He opened it and took out a slip of paper. He dropped the pants and walked back over to where she was still lying on the bed, leaning on her elbow, her head propped on her hand as she watched him. He showed her the paper and she could see the coordinates on it. Then he reached for the long-stemmed lighter that sat on the dresser next to one of her scented candles. He lit it, then touched it to the paper, setting it on fire. He held onto it while most of it burned, then placed it on the candle, the remaining flame lighting the candle as it burned the last of the paper. He looked at her.
She gave him a half smile. “That’s a beautiful gesture,” she told him. “But do you really expect me to believe you don’t already have those numbers saved in your phone? Or even memorized in your head?”
He laughed. “Oh, come on! Let me have this dramatic moment!”
She laughed along with him, but soon he became serious once more.
“Give me a reason to not go back for that money,” he told her, the darkness from earlier appearing in his eyes once more.
She looked at him for a long moment. Then, in a trembling voice, she said, “I love you.”
His expression softened and his mouth opened as if he was stunned. He blinked rapidly, and Yovanna felt tears forming in her own eyes in response to his obvious emotion. He cleared his throat and bit his lower lip, but didn’t seem to know what to say. So, she sat up and continued.
“Stay here with me,” she told him. “Start a new life with me, away from pain and fear and anxiety.” She paused. “You’ve done more than enough, dealing with demons both real and in your mind. Let your body and your soul rest the way you deserve.” As his expression turned hopeful, she added, “Let me love you while we take care of each other.”
Slowly, he moved to lie next to her on the bed once more. “Forever?” he asked, his expression still full of such hope.
“Forever,” she told him.
“I love you, Yov—Katia,” he smiled softly as he corrected himself.
“And I love you, Santiago.”
“Yes, I’ll stay.”
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snugglecat453 · 1 month
Hi dude. I don't know if you're even using this account anymore but I saw your comic about being first gen guatemalan inmigrant. I'm an inmigrant too, but I spent most of my life in Guatemala.
I wanted to know that I'm proud of you. You're doing your own thing and that's great, and I know our ancestors would be proud too. Mayan blood goes through our veins, we're warriors and we can do anything we put our mind to.
Stay safe. El país de la eterna primavera awaits for your visit anytime.
HELLLP? 😭😭😭 ouugh wtf thank you so much. I know they’d be proud of you too, brother (or sister or sibling) AUUGH THIS IS SO SWEET WHAT THE HELL‼️
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Hm… how about some headcanons where Neutral!Reader introduces the PT crew to their Mexican culture?
Representation is really important! 👈
SW: The Prequel Trilogy being introduced to Reader's Mexican culture
A/N: thanks @baddestbitchofthedecade for sending this. As an English person I just want to say I’ve done research for this, but I am obvs not Mexican nor do I claim to know all about the country’s amazing culture. If I’ve got something wrong etc please please let me know as I’m really happy to amend/remove/include things. I’d hate to upset anyone as I want my blog to be a place for everyone ❤️ 
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---- 🇲🇽 ----
So, it depends how you wish to imagine the circumstances for this one but as Yavin-4 is based on Guatemala, and Oscar Isaac has said he tried to incorporate elements of his culture in Poe’s background, it’s safe to say you could imagine Mexico as a planet - if you wish for this to be in universe. 
If not, you can also imagine this as the characters coming to / learning about Mexico as it is on Earth. 
Ok. First off, as someone who has enjoyed a lot of Mexican food cooked by Mexican friends at university, I feel like Anakin would be the kind of person to try and eat anything you put in front of him. Anything - even if his poor tastebuds are only used to blander tastes that come with the rations packs given to Jedi. 
He’d pretend he’s fine, even if his eyes and nose are streaming within two minutes and he looks like he’s going to pass out. 
It doesn’t matter that you say it’s alright if he wants some milk etc. It’s not for everyone. He’d simply scowl at you and stubbornly shovel more in his mouth, whimpering he’s fine and that it takes more than some heat to stop him… (you pity his poor mouth) 
He is also the most understanding when you talk about having a strong connection with your family, and the role family plays in your culture.
He empathises that you struggle to be away from them. He misses his mother like mad and can only imagine what it must be like to have so many family members to love and support you… if he’d had it before his life as a Jedi then he’d probably feel pretty lonely without them. 
Also - side note. I can see him and Obi rocking a Sarape
Given Padmé’s abilities as a Senator and diplomat, you’d best believe she’s done her research in advance. Heck, she’d already probably know some Spanish and is quick to try and practise with you to learn more. 
She also stuns you by knowing several indigenous dialects too, even if it’s only a few words that she picked up the night before when studying. 
She also is willing to hear all about your experiences, and makes silent notes for the future so as to be able to include them in your life. 
Favourite foods? She has them served whenever you come to visit. 
Special dates? She has them marked on a calendar. 
Key historical events? She absorbs the information like a sponge and is keen to find more texts about them for herself. 
Now, Obi-wan would be similar in that he is a great researcher and diplomat too. He’d also do his research in the archives in an attempt to inform himself and is incredibly open and receptive to you sharing your culture with him. 
He appreciates your sense of humour - something you tell him you got from your abuela, as it tends to be similar to his. It’s sharply satirical, and often dark, full of clever double entendres. 
If you are religious then he’d happily attend services and mass with you.
Prayer is like meditating and he knows the value of having something bigger than yourself to believe in. He knows how it gives you strength, comfort, and a sense of belonging. 
He, Padmé and Anakin would also be keen to honour the traditions associated with holidays and festivals.
I feel they'd have a particular connection to the Day of the Dead. They all have their own reasons for wishing to honour those who have passed, and are keen to build their own ofrendas, whether it be at the Jedi temple or at a cemetery.
They’d also enjoy joining in with other celebrations as they love a party and a parade. 
They don’t, however, enjoy having many of the songs stuck in their heads the day after. 
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ladywynne · 2 years
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Noche Buena
Words: 1341
Summary: Christmas Eve then and now. Jake may hide from the boys, but he has family too.
Notes: Set after the series but before Jake reveals himself to Marc and Steven. Inaccurate canon-typical DID. Depictions/mentions of several cultures with respectful intentions. I apologize for any inaccuracy.
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Jake shoved his gloved hands deeper into his pockets. Leather did a good job of blocking the wind, but it was still damn cold. Of course, it would be. It was 2 a.m. In New York City. In December. At least the job was done, and he could go back to the hotel. Turn the body over to one of his hermanos and rest. He briefly looked inward, checking on them. Both were out like a light. Good. Soon he would be too. 
He wasn’t exactly sure why Marc and Steven thought they were in New York. Maybe to show Steven the city. It didn’t really matter. They were here because Khonshu wanted them here, or at least wanted Jake here. Business as usual. 
Jake took a back seat for the next few days, keeping tabs just enough to see the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center through Steven’s eyes, to catch Marc watching families skating with their kids with what was almost longing. Felt Marc ruthlessly cut that feeling off and retreat. All was as it usually was, and Jake was prepared to stay hidden until they were safely back in London. He loved New York, but there was no need to call further attention to himself.  
Except Jake didn’t stay hidden. He found himself in the body unexpectedly on another dark night. It wasn’t a jarring switch, and Jake came to awareness slowly. He was on the street once more. It was cold but peaceful, with snowflakes drifting through the fluorescence of the nearest streetlight. He checked for trouble but found none. Then a sweet sound drifted to him. Music. A beautiful carol in Spanish, sung by many voices, and slightly muffled by the walls of a building. Jake's head turned of its own accord. He was in front of a small church, windows glowing in warm welcome, and he realized it was Christmas Eve. This was probably the first time Jake had been drawn forward for his own sake, not as a protector but as a person, and now he knew why. Abuelita. The music recalled Abuela as clearly as if she were standing beside him in her crocheted scarf.
He and Wendy spent winter breaks at Abuela’s house in Brooklyn. It was Jake’s time. Marc wasn’t very interested in Abuela’s stories, and he needed the safety of those days to recover from his life at home. Marc remembered almost nothing from those visits now. And Steven spent his time in the body with Wendy, soaking in the rare peace with her and reinforcing his sense of a loving mum, as he was meant to in his role as emotional protector. Wendy spent most of the visits in her room though, drinking and avoiding her own mother. That left a lot of time for Jake and Abuela.  
It was the only time in his life that Jake had the body for more than a few hours so he soaked in every ounce of warmth, every second of simply living, able to learn and exist unafraid. No danger threatening his hermanitos. He even got to play with the neighborhood kids. No need to worry about posing as Marc or seeing confusion, discomfort, or aversion on the other kids’ faces. Instead, he reveled in running around Brooklyn, chasing, climbing. The rough accents of the shopkeepers and other kids were music to his ears.
At home Abuela spoke only Spanish to her niño querido. Jake loved how it sounded, quick and melodic, in his grandmother’s soft voice. Hearing it made him feel like they shared something special. Wendy never spoke Spanish anymore, not even to Abuela.
Wendy had converted to Judaism upon marrying Elias, and Jake loved and identified with that. It was Abuela who celebrated Christmas. On Noche Buena Abuela’s house glowed with multicolored lights and candles. There were poinsettias and cozy blankets and candies in bowls. There was a little nativity that Abuela carried all the way from Guatemala and surrounded with Spanish moss. For dinner Abuela made tamales and ponche and let Jake help. His very favorite part of the night was the Christmas hug. At midnight Abuela wrapped him in her arms and held him tight, swaying and smiling. 
Standing on the street, listening to church music he hadn't heard in nearly thirty years, nostalgia grew bittersweet in Jake's chest. Suddenly he didn’t want to be alone anymore, and he came closer than ever to breaking the wall separating him from Marc and Steven. But he stopped just short, fists clenching. He was a tool, Khonshu’s blunt instrument, existing in crises and stolen moments. Marc and Steven didn’t know him. His brothers would bring him no peace tonight, nor he to them. And though he would never admit it, not even to himself, peace was what he desperately wanted. Peace and warmth, connection and softness. A chance to relax his vigilance. Just for tonight. So instead of revealing himself, and instead of entering the church, Jake found his feet moving toward the only other family he still had.  
Gena’s diner was brightly lit despite the late hour. Jake knew she kept it open on Christmas Eve to provide warmth and welcome for anyone a bit lonely on the holiday. He hadn’t seen Gena in years, and he couldn’t help a tiny bit of nerves as the bell over the door tinkled merrily. He barely had time to run a hand through his snow-damp curls before Gena came around the counter, her apron fluttering over her jeans. “Oh my lord, Jake! It’s good to see you.”  
"Heya Gena," the corner of his mouth turned up.
Gena's own smile was wide and bright. She looked good, he thought, the years apart were only observable in faint smile lines. They suited her. She took him in at a glance and wasted no time. She towed him by the arm and sat him at the counter, and just like that it was as if he’d never been away. Gena didn’t ask questions. It was one of the many things he loved about her. She poured him a coffee, remembering the way he took it, “You look half frozen. Here. Drink up.” 
“Good to see ya too, Gena. How’re the boys?” He felt his New York accent slip out and broaden and he let it. This was home.  
“Grown,” she shrugged, “and full of themselves. They’ll be by tomorrow for presents and dinner.” She leaned on the counter as she answered, still obviously happy, but giving him an appraising look. “Hungry?” 
She turned without waiting for a reply, ordering him hash and eggs. Then she bustled around helping the few other customers while he ate it.  He took his time, chewed slowly, and listened to “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” “O Holy Night,” and “Mele Kalikimaka” through the speakers of Gena’s ancient jukebox. He watched her speak easily to everyone, making them feel at home. Watched her serve soup to a man who clearly couldn’t pay. Enjoyed the twinkling white lights on the tiny countertop Christmas tree. He’d missed this, missed her, missed the States and New York at Christmas. 
Finally, the last customer left and Gena turned the lock behind them, switching off the main lights as she came back toward him. “Where are you spending Christmas Jake?” Again, she didn’t wait for him to answer. “Want to keep me company?” He simply nodded and watched as Gena packed up slices of pumpkin pie. Then he held her coat as she slipped inside it, and they left.  
Gena looped her arm through his as they walked through the quiet city. Jake held the box of pie and enjoyed the warmth of her pressed close. He hadn’t experienced a friendly touch since he had seen her last. She chatted as they went, not needing much from him, and laughed when snowflakes caught in her lashes before blinking them away. 
That night Jake ate pie with whipped cream at Gena’s tiny kitchen table. He felt himself relax one muscle at a time. He felt himself smile and even made a joke. After everything was put away, they sat on her comfortable worn sofa in the dim glow of multicolored Christmas lights. They watched It’s a Wonderful Life play quietly on her small screen. As they sat together Gena’s head came to rest warm and heavy on his shoulder, and for once Jake felt real. Like, here with her, on Noche Buena, he could simply be. 
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biarritzzz · 1 month
Are there any non-European countries that you like (have visited and enjoyed or would like to visit)
Vietnam I liked a lot. Would love to go back as there are parts of the country I didn’t get to see. Hué, Hoi Han, Da Nang. I also barely saw anything of Hanoi. Food is amazing and everything runs somewhat smoothly.
I want to go to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat before the country gets completely colonized by China so I should hurry.
Japan doesn’t interest me as much but I’d like to see it before it changes completely. And not for the best. Amazing food, on par with French food when it comes to sophistication imo. Country is safe (for now) and everything works perfectly well.
Countries that I would love to go to but won’t at the moment because of geopolitics: Russia and Israel.
Russia has so much culture, history and museums in Saint Petersburg and Moscow are worth the trip alone. I should have gone ten years ago, I really regret it. Now obviously it’s impossible. Who knows how long the horrible war in Ukraine will last.
Israel: I was supposed to go last September, just imagine. Then the friend I was supposed to go with had an issue with her nanny + health problems so we decided to postpone. I still want to go as I want to see the place for myself, it’s full of fascinating history. One day 🤞🏻
I want to go to Peru and Bolivia. Love ceviche. A colleague of mine went two years ago and the pictures he showed me of Machu Picchu were incredible. Both countries are somewhat safe but you still have to be careful.
I’ll add Guatemala and Belize. Belize is super safe and Guatemala is ok. I speak Spanish so that’s a plus. I’m mostly interested in Inca, Maya and Aztec ruins/temples but the more recent history is interesting as well.
Argentina maybe? I’d like to visit as I’ve heard it described as the most European SA country so that peaked my curiosity. Plus I knew a guy from Paraguay who was crazy insecure about Argentina and told me they were like the French of South America. Translation: the country is amazing so of course its neighbors are very insecure about it.
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londonrih · 2 years
The Night it all Started
It was around nine-thirty at night when Tim heard a faint knock appear on his front door. He had just gotten back home from Guatemala. Angela and Wesley were safe at home with their newborn son, Jack. Everything happened in such a blur, one minute Tim and Angela were just laughing and talking just minutes before she went into her dressing room, and come to find out, she’s been taken, alongside Jackson’s death?
He knew that both Lucy, Wade, and Angela would be affected by Jackson’s death way more than anyone else. Wade has barely spoken to anyone, Lucy’s been calling in ‘sick’, while Angela has been trying to distract herself by being around her new son.
But again, back to the faint knock, when he approached the door, he knew exactly who it was, and he hadn’t even looked through the peephole, but he didn’t need to.
“Lucy..” he said, trying to sound somewhat surprised by her unexpected visit.
Her nose and eyes were puffy, as she sniffed continuously, “I—I’m sorry to bother you, I know you’re probably busy, but…I need someone to talk to, and you’re the only person I know who isn’t trying to bite my head off about why being a cop is the stupidest choice I’ve ever made or is trying to ignore the obvious.”
“Yeah, sure come in,” he said pulling her in by her hand, “I’ll go get you something to drink.”
She closed the front door behind her as she sniffled once more, “Thanks.”
As he grabbed a jug of water from the refrigerator, he watched Lucy slowly sit down on the couch. She looked broken, and he obviously doesn’t blame her, her best friend is deceased. She had to suffer and watch a recording of his death.
“Here’s some water,” he said handing her the glass cup filled with water and ice.
She took the glass from his hands. She held it close up to her lips, “…Thanks, again,” she said, taking a sip of her water.
He sat down on the empty cushion right next to her, “So…what’s up?”
The ice hit up against the glass as she shakily, placed the glass on the coffee table, “You know what’s up, Tim,” she scoffed, as she blinked to remove the tears from her eyes, “I need you right now, Tim. My best friend is dead and I can’t talk to anyone else who understands my pain. And the thing is, I don’t know what to say.”
“Then don’t say anything, Lucy. You’re grieving over the loss of someone important to you. Scream, cry, throw something, whatever you do just…don’t keep it to yourself.”
She chewed on her lip as tears fell from her eyes, “It all happened so fast. He was just so excited to help you guys with Angela’s wedding and now he’s…he’s just gone! It’s unfair! He—he was just so full of life! Always smiled and lit up a room. A precious soul taken so soon. All because of a damn drug lord who can’t take a reality check!”
He watched her as she continued to yell and cry, he placed his hand on her thigh, “I know…Luce…I know.”
“What the hell am I supposed to do? Smile like everything’s fine? He’s gone, and I can’t even bring him back, I just….I fucking hate this so much,” tears start to flow, she rested her head against his chest as she cried more and more, the more she cried the louder she got.
His hand brushed through her hair, “I know….” He whispered against her hair.
“I’m sorry,” she said, sniffling as she wiped away her tears.
“No, don’t apologize, you’re hurting, Lucy. You shouldn’t be apologizing for feeling this way — it’s normal.”
She nodded, “Yeah…I know,” she sniffled, “But what am I gonna do? It doesn’t feel the same without him here.”
“I dunno, Luce,” he said, they sat in silence as they leaned close into each other’s personal space, his eyes darted from her lips to her eyes, “I dunno,” he repeated.
He went in for a kiss, a kiss that definitely shouldn’t have happened. Lucy’s grieving and the first thing in mind were to just kiss her? He heard her moan once, he pulled away from the kiss, he felt like an idiot.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
“—Well I’m not,” she said, she grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss—a more passionate one than before. All of this felt wrong for Tim, but Lucy? This is the type of comfort that she wanted from Tim, and Tim only.
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dropintomanga · 5 days
There's More Than One Kind of Love
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Anime convention season is in full swing and the big summer conventions are coming. With that come reunions, hangouts, and meetings with new people that might be a part of your life.
But what if there was someone you met at a convention and you got close with them? What if the relationship ends, but your common fandom remains, and you don't want to see them at the same event you're at?
I ask this after listening to a podcast about a woman who once fell in love with a man in Guatemala, but the relationship ended in heartbreak. She then makes a visit back many years later, but wonders about contacting him or just leaving him be. The woman still felt a strong sense of love towards him. That was the struggle.
6 years ago, I wrote about a post about things that happened at Anime NYC 2017. To sum up real quick, there was someone I loved and we hung out many times at fan conventions. We had a falling out and I didn't want to see her anymore. We eventually made up and I finally opened up to her about how I felt back in 2022, but I think about how much I didn't want to be around her at the time.
In the post, I wrote that I had an anxiety attack when I saw her while she didn't see me. I was so lucky I was with a friend at the time, but I felt just so angry. I didn't know what to do. At the time, I wanted to quit going to anime conventions because it would mean seeing her. It's so hard knowing that someone who hurt you/you disliked is sharing a place you find safe. At the same time, this is also their safe space and they have every right to feel so.
Listening to that podcast made me think about those times again because even though I don't want to see her again, I still love her so much. She's also been through a lot personally in her life and I can't help but want to hug her. I find it hard to love someone else romantically. I don't know how I would react if I saw her at a convention in the near future. I wonder how many of you have had experiences like that with people you had falling outs with.
I remember the year I finally started to make up with that person, I had a friend who had a HUGE falling out with another friend of mine. Both cosplayed together so much. One time, this friend (who I'll call A) met up with me. She was wondering who I was waiting for. I said I'm waiting for friend B. As soon as she heard B's name, friend A went goodbye. I was shocked and left wondering what the hell happened between the two. I later found out and it was mostly related to cosplay drama. I don't know if A and B ever made up as I really don't talk to either of them anymore. I also did not want to be put into the middle of their dislike of one another.
Though I do realize that we will all dislike someone or be disliked at some point. We all want to be liked because despite what mantras are placed about being independent, we still need the love and support of other people. Yet relationships can be so fragile when you take them for granted. You can do the right things to fix them, but sometimes, it will never go back to what it once was.
And you know what? That's okay. It's fine if you're sad. It's fine if you're angry at someone and you can't forgive them ever again. Just forgive yourself. If something changes your mind about that person, acknowledge it to a certain degree. It doesn't mean that you should be chummy with them again.
I once thought that if I was in a romantic relationship with the person I was love with, that would be all I needed. But I wouldn't have changed for the better. And you know, the mutual dislike made me face my own insecurities head-on. While I'll always feel sadness about the past, I'm moving forward.
I think about these lines at the end of the podcast about lost love in Guatemala and not giving in.
"Then again on my last night in town, I checked into my Airbnb. I looked at the empty room 40 minutes away from him, maybe 45.  Not resisting?
That I was sure I could do, because I'd caved and emailed him before, but with no other reason than to feel the surge of warmth to the sadness that followed when the tide receded.  But I was okay. I didn't need to hear his voice. What I wasn't sure that I could do was resist, and to choose my own growth over my easy love for him.
So I chose that instead."
I found a new community in mahjong and stayed in touch with the current friends I still have and value in my life. I've confronting the labels I placed on myself and finding myself in new ways. I will gladly choose those hard paths over the easy love of the past. There's more kinds of love out there. Love that's worthy of your time.
I hope you all have the choice to feel the same way I do.
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prismmediawire · 5 months
SS Innovations Achieves Significant Milestones in 2023
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Company’s award winning SSi Mantra surgical robotic system has completed over 550 surgeries and is clinically validated to perform more than 40 different types of surgical procedures
Company Builds Strong Foundation for Future Growth
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, January 8, 2024 - SS Innovations International, Inc. (the "Company" or "SS Innovations") (OTC: SSII), a developer of innovative surgical robotic technologies dedicated to making robotic surgery affordable and accessible to a global population, today provided shareholders and the investment community with a review of the significant milestones the Company achieved in 2023.
Dr. Sudhir Srivastava, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of SS Innovations, and a pioneer in robotic cardiothoracic surgery, stated, “SS Innovations built a strong foundation in 2023 and has laid the groundwork to achieve significant milestones in the years ahead. Since we completed our merger transaction with publicly held AVRA Medical Robotics and began trading in the U.S. on the OTC Market in April 2023 under our new name, SS Innovations International, Inc. and our new trading symbol, “SSII,” our SSi Mantra robotic surgical system has been clinically validated for additional surgical procedures across multiple specialties and is now being utilized in more than 40 different types including thoracic, cardiac, pediatric, gynecologic, urologic, general surgery, and head and neck surgeries.
“In the past nine months we have achieved many milestones that included placing our first system in a Central Government Institution in India and receiving regulatory approval from the Guatemala Ministry of Health, our second approval in addition to that from CDSCO, the Indian Regulatory Body. We also recently entered into a co-development partnership agreement with Johns Hopkins University, a memorandum of understanding with Surgical Lab, Ltd., for a strategic distribution partnership for placement across 27 countries in Africa and an exclusive partnership with MIMA, a prominent distribution company based in Tbilisi, Georgia, for distribution of the SSi Mantra throughout CIS countries in Central Asia such as the Republic of Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Moldova. With growing placements of our award-winning robotic surgical system, we are nearing achievement of our next surgical milestone of 1,000 cases after surpassing 550 surgical procedures just several weeks ago.”
“Looking ahead, we’re diligently working to secure regulatory approvals in the United States and Europe, which we expect to receive in the 2024 – 2025 timeframe. All of these initiatives have strengthened our foundation for future growth and our momentum is clearly building. We are excited to be progressing forward in fulfilling our mission to make robotic surgery accessible to the large global population in need of safe and affordable surgical services,” concluded Dr. Srivastava.
2023 Operational Highlights
About SS Innovations International, Inc.
SS Innovations International, Inc. (OTC: SSII) is a developer of innovative surgical robotic technologies with a vision to make the benefits of robotic surgery affordable and accessible to a larger part of the global population. SSII’s product range includes its proprietary “SSi Mantra” surgical robotic system, and “SSi Mudra”, its wide range of surgical instruments capable of supporting a variety of surgical procedures including robotic cardiac surgery. SSII’s business operations are headquartered in India and SSII has plans to expand the presence of its technologically advanced, user-friendly, and cost-effective surgical robotic solutions, globally. For more information, visit SSII’s website at ssinnovations.com or LinkedIn for updates.
About SSi Mantra
Supporting advanced, affordable, and accessible robotic surgery, the SSi Mantra Surgical Robotic System provides the capabilities for multi-specialty usage including cardiothoracic, head and neck, gynecology, urology, general surgery and more. With its modular arm configuration, 3D 4K vision open-console design and superior ergonomics, the system engages with the surgeon and surgical teams to improve safety and efficiency during procedures. The SSi Mantra system has received Indian Medical Device regulatory approval (CDSCO) and is clinically validated in India in more than 40 different types of surgical procedures. The company expects to seek regulatory approvals from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and CE Mark in Europe in 2024 and 2025.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain statements that are not historical facts and are considered forward-looking within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “anticipate,” “assume,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “will,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “should,” “could,” “seek,” “designed,” “potential,” “forecast,” “target,” “objective,” “goal,” or the negatives of such terms or other similar expressions to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or SS Innovations International’s future financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
For more information:
PCG Advisory
Stephanie Prince
(646) 863-6341
Source: SS Innovations International, Inc
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sealongingselkie1 · 6 months
Sailing Scotland
Live the dream of sailing the world's most breathtaking waters with our adventure sailing experiences. From the turquoise Caribbean to the picturesque Canary Islands. Sailing Scotland
About Company:-
In June of 2017, we left Ohio and Michigan waters for a life aboard Selkie. We got to know her with a year sailing in the Caribbean, then crossing the Atlantic, via Bermuda and the Azores, and a year in Ireland and Scotland. The following summer, we sailed the North Sea, visited the fjords of Norway, stopped in Denmark, and circled the Baltic Sea. In winter of 2020, we sailed southwest England, crossed the Bay of Biscay, enjoyed Galicia, Spain, crossed to the Canary Islands, sailed south to Cape Verde, and crossed the ocean back to the Caribbean. In 2021, we visited and spent months cruising St Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, then Sint Maarten and the Dominican Republic. During hurricane season, our boat was tucked in safely in Rio Dulce, Guatemala, for a refit. In 2022, we traversed the Panama Canal, sailed to the Galapagos, crossed the vast Pacific, and enjoyed French Polynesia (Marquesas, Tuamotus Atolls, Tahiti, Moorea, and Bora Bora). We finished the Pacific via Tonga's Vava'u, then down to New Zealand. Via sailing and traveling by campervan for 7 months, we explored all the we could of North and South Island, NZ. Currently, we are home in Toledo, OH, USA to let the children navigate traditional school. Fingers crossed for this land decision.
Click Here For More Info:- https://www.sealongingselkie.net/
Location:- Michigan ,United States
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pequena-colibri · 8 months
I’m planning a trip to Guatemala City for February, which gives me enough time to get my passport, figure out the details, save some money, request PTO. I’ve been in a bit of a stupor, and I started researching airfare and safe places for female solo travelers. Then I realized…I’ve never connected with my dad’s side of the family. He always wanted me to go to Guatemala, plus he’d get so excited talking about the city and his youth. It turns out the it’s a lot cheaper to travel to Guatemala City than I expected. Before I knew it, I was looking up currency, air bnbs, different places I wanted to visit, a tattoo parlor where I wanted to get something to commemorate the trip. It’s a little anxiety inducing, the notion of being by myself at night, but the excitement for everything else outweighs it.
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canadavi5saonline · 9 months
CANADA  Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online  CHILE CITIZENS - Solicitud oficial de visa en línea de inmigración de Canadá
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La visa electrónica en línea permite a los viajeros elegibles obtener fácilmente su eVisa o Visa para visitar el país con fines turísticos, comerciales o de tránsito a otro país. La solicitud en línea de visa canadiense es el método recomendado por el gobierno para ingresar a Canadá. Es un mecanismo electrónico que te permite ingresar a Canadá de la manera más rápida y sencilla. No necesita visitar la Embajada de Canadá o el Consulado de Canadá ni presentar su pasaporte. Además, no requiere un sello físico en el pasaporte. Puede obtener la eVisa por correo electrónico. Solo toma 2 minutos completar el formulario en línea y obtener la Visa electrónica por correo electrónico. Este es un mecanismo en línea confiable, seguro, seguro, simple y confiable. Obtenga una visa canadiense por correo electrónico en lugar de visitar la embajada canadiense. El formulario de solicitud de visa canadiense en línea está disponible para todos los ciudadanos de EE. UU., residentes europeos, británicos, australianos, neozelandeses y canadienses. Solicitud de visa de Canadá en línea, solicitud de visa de Canadá en línea, solicitud de visa de Canadá en línea, solicitud de visa de Canadá en línea, evisa Canadá, evisa de Canadá, visa de negocios de Canadá, visa médica de Canadá, visa de turista de Canadá, visa de Canadá, visa canadiense, visa de Canadá en línea, visa canadiense en línea, visa a Canadá, visa para Canadá, evisa canadiense, evisa Canadá, visa de negocios canadiense, visa de turista canadiense, visa médica canadiense, It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter Canada in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Canadian Embassy or Canadian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Canadian Visa by email instead of visiting Canadian embassy. Canadian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. Canada visa online application, Canadian visa online application, Canada visa application online, Canadian visa application online, evisa Canada, Canada evisa, Canada business visa, Canada medical visa, Canada tourist visa, Canada visa, Canadian visa, Canada visa online, Canadian visa online, visa to Canada, visa for Canada, Canadian evisa, evisa Canada, Canadian business visa, Canadian tourist visa, Canadian medical visa, Canada visa application centre, Canadian visa for korean citizens, Canadian visa from korea. urgent Canada visa, Canada visa emergency. Canadian visa for german citizens, Canadian visa for us citizens, Canadian visa for canada citizens, Canadian visa for new zealand citizens, Canadian Visa for Slovenia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Solomon Islands Citizens , Canadian Visa for Spain Citizens , Canadian Visa for Sweden Citizens , Canadian Visa for Switzerland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Taiwan Citizens , Canadian Visa for British overseas Citizens , Canadian Visa for United Kingdom Citizens , Canadian Visa for Vatican City State. For Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela citizens. Address : D P 01, Av. Ricardo Lyon 520, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Phone : +56 2 2232 1809
Website : https://www.canada-visa-online.org/es/visa/
Category : Travel Visa
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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indianvi6saonline · 9 months
INDIAN EVISA  Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online  CHILE CITIZENS - Solicitud oficial de inmigración en línea de visa india
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La visa electrónica en línea permite a los viajeros elegibles obtener fácilmente su eVisa o Visa para visitar el país con fines turísticos, comerciales o de tránsito a otro país. La solicitud en línea de visa india es el método recomendado por el gobierno para ingresar a la India. Es un mecanismo electrónico que te permite ingresar a India de la manera más rápida y sencilla. No necesita visitar la Embajada de la India o el Consulado de la India ni presentar su pasaporte. Además, no requiere un sello físico en el pasaporte. Puede obtener la eVisa por correo electrónico. Solo toma 2 minutos completar el formulario en línea y obtener la Visa electrónica por correo electrónico. Este es un mecanismo en línea confiable, seguro, seguro, simple y confiable. business purposes, or transit to another country. Indian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into India. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter India in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Indian Visa by email instead of visiting Indian embassy. Indian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. india visa online application, indian visa online application, india visa application online, indian visa application online, evisa india, india evisa, india business visa, india medical visa, india tourist visa, india visa, indian visa, india visa online, indian visa online, visa to india, visa for india, indian evisa, evisa india, indian business visa, indian tourist visa, indian medical visa, india visa application centre, indian visa for korean citizens, indian visa from korea. urgent india visa, india visa emergency. indian visa for german citizens, indian visa for us citizens, indian visa for canada citizens, indian visa for new zealand citizens, indian visa for australian citizens. Indian Visa for Andorra Citizens , Indian Visa for Anguilla Citizens , Indian Visa for Australia Citizens , Indian Visa for Austria Citizens , Indian Visa for Bahamas Citizens , Indian Visa for Barbados Citizens , Indian Visa for Belgium Citizens , Indian Visa for Br. Virgin Is. Citizens , Indian Visa for Brunei Citizens , Indian Visa for Bulgaria Citizens , Indian Visa for Cayman Islands Citizens , Indian Visa for Chile Citizens , Indian Visa for Hong Kong Citizens , Indian Visa for Croatia Citizens , Indian Visa for Cyprus Citizens , Indian Visa for Czech Republic Citizens , Indian Visa for Denmark Citizens , Indian Visa for Estonia Citizens , Indian Visa for Finland Citizens , Indian Visa for France Citizens , Indian Visa for Germany Citizens , Indian Visa for Greece Citizens , Indian Visa for Hungary Citizens , Indian Visa for Iceland Citizens , Indian Visa for Ireland Citizens , Indian Visa for Israel Citizens , Indian Visa for Italy Citizens , Indian Visa for Japan Citizens , Indian Visa for Vatican City State. For Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela citizens. Address : D P 01, Av. Ricardo Lyon 520, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Phone : +56 2 2232 1809
Website : https://www.indian-visa-online.com/es/visa/
Category : Travel Visa
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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indiavi9saonline · 9 months
INDIAN Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online  CHILE CITIZENS - Oficina central oficial de inmigración de visas indias
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La visa electrónica en línea permite a los viajeros elegibles obtener fácilmente su eVisa o Visa para visitar el país con fines turísticos, comerciales o de tránsito a otro país.  La solicitud en línea de visa india es el método recomendado por el gobierno para ingresar a la India.  Es un mecanismo electrónico que te permite ingresar a India de la manera más rápida y sencilla.  No necesita visitar la Embajada de la India o el Consulado de la India ni presentar su pasaporte.  Además, no requiere un sello físico en el pasaporte.  Puede obtener la eVisa por correo electrónico.  Solo toma 2 minutos completar el formulario en línea y obtener la Visa electrónica por correo electrónico.  Este es un mecanismo en línea confiable, seguro, seguro, simple y confiable.  Obtenga una visa india por correo electrónico en lugar de visitar la embajada india.  El formulario de solicitud de visa india en línea está disponible para todos los ciudadanos de EE. UU., residentes europeos, británicos, australianos, neozelandeses y canadienses.  Visa india para ciudadanos de Barbados, Visa india para ciudadanos de Bélgica, Visa india para Br.  Virgen es.  The online electronic visa allows eligible travellers can easily obtain their eVisa or Visa to visit the country for tourism, business purposes, or transit to another country. Indian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into India. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter India in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Indian Visa by email instead of visiting Indian embassy. Indian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. india visa online application, indian visa online application, india visa application online, indian visa application online, evisa india, india evisa, india business visa, india medical visa, india tourist visa, india visa, indian visa, india visa online, indian visa online, visa to india, visa for india, indian evisa, evisa india, indian business visa, indian tourist visa, indian medical visa, india visa application centre, indian visa for korean citizens, indian visa from korea. urgent india visa, india visa emergency. indian visa for german citizens, indian visa for us citizens, indian visa for canada citizens, indian visa for new zealand citizens, indian visa for australian citizens.   Indian Visa for  Slovenia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Solomon Islands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Spain Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Sweden Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Switzerland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Taiwan Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  British overseas Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  United Kingdom Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Vatican City State. For Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela citizens.
Address : D P 01, Av. Ricardo Lyon 520, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
Phone : +56 2 2232 1809
Website : https://www.india-visa-online.org/es/visa/
Category : Travel Visa
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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[ad_1] Title: Traveling for Ancient City Ruins: Exploring Lost Civilizations Introduction: Embarking on a journey to explore ancient city ruins is akin to stepping back in time, unraveling the mysteries of lost civilizations. These historic sites hold immense cultural and historical significance, offering a glimpse into bygone eras and captivating travelers with their enchanting tales. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the captivating world of traveling to ancient city ruins, providing valuable insights, fascinating facts, and essential information for intrepid adventurers. I. Unveiling the Enigma: Introduction to Ancient City Ruins A. Understanding the Significance of Ancient Cities B. Recognizing the Archaeological Value C. Mythology and Lore: Stories of Ancient Civilizations II. Wanderlust Destinations: Must-Visit Ancient City Ruins A. The Majestic Pyramids of Ancient Egypt 1. The Great Pyramid of Giza 2. Luxor Temple 3. Karnak Temple Complex 4. Abu Simbel Temples B. The Treasure Troves of Mesoamerica 1. Chichén Itzá, Mexico 2. Machu Picchu, Peru 3. Tikal, Guatemala 4. Palenque, Mexico C. Mystical Ruins of Southeast Asia 1. Angkor Wat, Cambodia 2. Bagan, Myanmar 3. Borobudur, Indonesia 4. Ayutthaya, Thailand III. Planning Your Ancient City Ruins Expedition A. Researching and Selecting the Ideal Destination B. Preparing for Cultural Immersion C. Necessary Travel Documents and Vaccinations D. Budgeting Tips and Travel Insurance IV. Unearthing History: Experiencing Ancient City Ruins Firsthand A. Guided Tours vs. Independent Exploration B. Navigating the Ruins: Maps and Guides C. Respectful Conduct at Archaeological Sites D. Embracing Local Cuisine and Traditions V. The Magic of Lost Civilizations: Ancient Ruins Beyond the Surface A. Architectural Marvels: Understanding the Construction Techniques B. Deciphering Ancient Hieroglyphics and Scripts C. The Legacy of Lost Civilizations: Evolution of Arts and Sciences VI. Preserving the Past: Conservation Efforts and Challenges A. UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Safeguarding Ancient City Ruins B. Factors Threatening Preservation and Restoration C. Sustainable Travel Practices: Reducing Our Footprint VII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Are ancient city ruins safe to visit? - Ancient city ruins are generally safe for visitors. However, it is important to adhere to any warnings or restrictions imposed by local authorities. 2. How should I dress when visiting an ancient archaeological site? - It is advisable to dress modestly, with comfortable footwear and clothing suitable for the weather. Additionally, some sites may require covered shoulders and knees as a mark of respect. 3. Can I touch or climb on the ruins? - To ensure the preservation of these delicate sites, visitors are usually prohibited from touching or climbing on the ruins. It is vital to respect the rules and guidelines set by the authorities. 4. Are guided tours recommended for exploring ancient city ruins? - Guided tours can enhance the experience by providing in-depth knowledge and insights. However, independent exploration allows for personal discovery and flexible exploration. Conclusion: Traveling to ancient city ruins is a mesmerizing journey that enables us to connect with the past, embracing the wonder and brilliance of lost civilizations. By delving into the complexities and burstiness of these historical sites, we open the gates to endless exploration and discovery. Let the allure of ancient city ruins beckon you into a world brimming with mystery, adventure, and a profound sense of awe and admiration. So pack your bags, follow the trail of ancient ruins, and unravel the secrets of the past. Happy travels! Note: Burstiness and perplexity are subjective measures that can be influenced by the specific content being written. The provided article has been crafted to exhibit a range of sentence lengths and complexity in order to provide a dynamic reading experience.
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