gladsontarga · 1 year
Para celebrar a sexta-feira santa em grande estilo, o Estado Fascista Terrorista de Israel bombardeia Gaza, na Palestina ocupada desde 1948 pelo apartheid israelense patrocinado pelo Tio Sam e seus asseclas limpinhos cheirosos, para lembrar ao ocidente que a terra santa está sendo bem defendida pelos escolhidos do deus acima de tudo em nome da liberdade de consumo, amém. Quem é o terrorista?…
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mariuskalander · 2 years
Israele Stato terrorista e dell'Olocausto me ne frego, ho perso la memoria! #IsraelWarCriminal #FreePalestine
— Mario Calandra (@MariusKalander) Feb 2, 2023
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josefranciscosimois · 4 years
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#Palestina #Palestine #PalestinaLibre #FreePalestine #IsraelWarCriminal #IsraelCriminalDeGuerra #IsraelWC  #SolidaridadConPalestina #SolidarityWithThePalestinianCause  #IsraelEstadoInvasor #Israel  #IsraelEstadoAsesino #GreatReturnMarch #ApartheidInIsrael #LaGranMarchaDelRetorno (en Buenos Aires, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Zl6fmgwKD/?igshid=177qr4syr8lm6
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puterahugoboss · 6 years
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"This is the israeli army" #israelWarCriminal https://www.instagram.com/puterahugoboss/p/BvgI-tvDJ7y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rk7y2m0an6w4
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akashmaphotography · 10 years
Celebrities for Palestine awaken conscience speak up; Marjorie Wright
Celebrities for Palestine awaken conscience speak up; Marjorie Wright
by Marivel Guzman
Marjorie Wright, American writer and producer winner of the 2009 Armin T. Wegner Award
Marjorie Wright is an American filmmaker of conscience, in 2008 wrote and Co-directed with Lucy Martens, “Voices From Inside, Israelis Speak,” a film that weaves historic footage with modern-day views of Palestine: its partition walls, “apartheid roads,” demolished homes and the Israeli…
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gladsontarga · 2 years
Cessar fogo? Israel mente para aparecer bem na foto e a imprensa baba ovo do $ionismo insiste que há um conflito com os palestinos. Palestinos esses que contra-atacam com pedras mísseis de precisão e toda a alta tecnologia do exército mais moderno do mundo apoiado pelo queridinho das liberálias limpinhas cheirosas e recém-declarado sionista Joe Biden, financiado pelo Congresso dos EUA e pelos…
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josefranciscosimois · 6 years
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. SOLIDARIDAD con PALESTINA, SIEMPRE. . . . #Palestina #Palestine #PalestinaLibre #FreePalestine #IsraelWarCriminal #IsraelCriminalDeGuerra #IsraelWC  #SolidaridadConPalestina #SolidarityWithThePalestinianCause  #IsraelEstadoInvasor #Israel  #IsraelEstadoAsesino #GreatReturnMarch #ApartheidInIsrael #LaGranMarchaDelRetorno (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqv2KOnAGeM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fb3ljnpfuhm0
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josefranciscosimois · 6 years
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Abu Salah. . Palestina LIBRE. ✌! . . #Palestina #Palestine #PalestinaLibre #FreePalestine #IsraelWarCriminal #IsraelCriminalDeGuerra #IsraelWC  #SolidaridadConPalestina #AhedTamimi #SolidarityWithThePalestinianCause  #IsraelEstadoInvasor #Israel  #IsraelEstadoAsesino #GreatReturnMarch #ApartheidInIsrael #AbuSalah #LaGranMarchaDelRetorno (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
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josefranciscosimois · 6 years
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#Palestina #Palestine #PalestinaLibre #FreePalestine #IsraelWarCriminal #IsraelCriminalDeGuerra #IsraelWC  #SolidaridadConPalestina #SolidarityWithThePalestinianCause  #IsraelEstadoInvasor #Israel  #IsraelEstadoAsesino #GreatReturnMarch #ApartheidInIsrael #LaGranMarchaDelRetorno (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
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josefranciscosimois · 6 years
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. "Estoy gastando mi infancia esperando cruzar el puesto de control israelí en Palestina. Decime por favor: ¿creés realmente que esto es justo?" ¡Palestina Libre! #Palestina #Palestine #PalestinaLibre #FreePalestine #IsraelWarCriminal #IsraelCriminalDeGuerra #IsraelWC #SolidaridadConPalestina #SolidarityWithThePalestinianCause #IsraelEstadoInvasor #Israel #IsraelEstadoAsesino #GreatReturnMarch #LaGranMarchaDelRetorno #ApartheidInIsrael (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
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The only documents needed to prove the crime the "State" of Israel is!
The only documents needed to prove the crime the “State” of Israel is!
The sources that have a death-penalty to both share and read here you go!
I’ve repeated these documents over and over… and I’m getting tired of standing still. So I’m gonna copy and paste the only documents I need to show that Israel was a criminal state in the planning – long before 1945. 
The dialogue between the Palestinian Mandate (~The Official Report of debates in Parliament)and His…
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The Little Boy and the Goats !
The Little Boy and the Goats !
I saw the flicker, the glimmering haze shooting and then hitting the jeep broken, illuminating a strong beam that lit the hill opposite. It was a few minutes after the sunset, almost dark at that late summer day. I knew the whole story then and my heart was full of fear and excitement.
What to do? To run away and leave the goats? There was no time to think, and I herded the goats, almost pushing…
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Demokratisk ekstremisme
Det heter at man våkner. Når man ser det som virkelig skjer i verden fra de ikke-vestliges perspektiv, med kritisk iakttakelse av egen nasjons holdninger. Jeg trodde jeg var våken, men det stemte nok ikke helt, for nå som jeg virkelig er våken merker jeg at jeg mangler tilhørighet, denne kulturen jeg er en del av er ikke den kulturen jeg har blitt oppdratt til å være en del av. Jeg må stadig…
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Is it just me that love Rafeef Ziadah?
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“مواطن من الدرجة الثانية”.. معاناة فلسطيني حاصل على الجنسية النرويجية
“مواطن من الدرجة الثانية”.. معاناة فلسطيني حاصل على الجنسية النرويجية
أوسلو- عرب نوردن
كتب/ حسن أبو بكر
Norden Arabs
” عشت في النرويج منذ عام 1993 وهذا العام أنا احتفل بمرور 20 عاما كمواطن نرويجي، لقد ولدت في غزة لكنني عشت أكثر من نصف حياتي في النرويج وأشعر بأني نرويجي وحصلت على الجنسية النرويجية، ولكن ذلك لا يعني شيئا للسلطات الإسرائيلية. فأنا بالنسبة لهم مجرد فلسطيني .
أنا أفكر بالنرويج.. أنتمي إلى النرويج أكثر من أي مكان آخر في العالم، لدي القيم النرويجية…
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Middle Eastern sportsmanship English hooligans sorry you lost your place as best supporters in the world! Long live human loyalty
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