#Issac Clarke
crusaderguy · 9 months
I made more.
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I know to the common fan crossover trope of the “Badass Brigade” (think Samus/master chief/doom slayer or doom slayer/kratos/goblin slayer) is that all members stay at their levels of badassness even when in a team but I like to think that once the get a team they would more then happily fall into roles just because their under less stress as a team.
Like chief would absolutely take a leader role just because he’s one of the most levelheaded and tactical while samus would be great lancer/face just due to the fact she the most personable and doom slayer is obviously the powerhouse who shoots first and asks questions later, issac is there to just because non of them know anything more technical then color matching and he’s a mechanic so he’s the smart one by default.
I just imagine there adventures going something like this.
Chief: alright we need information on portals that brought use here and get supplies to help us repair the ship.
Samus: I can head into that town outpost over there and ask around. I shouldn’t have to hard of a time, even if a pretty face doesn’t work my arm cannon will.
Doom slayer: *nods in agreement*
Issac: if samus’s ship still works on regular mechanical principles I should be able to at least get some of it working. Mind helping me get under the thing big guy?
Doom slayer: *proceeds to life the whole ship over his head with only a grunt as a show of effort*
Issac: … that works I guess.
Samus: glad he’s on our side.
Chief: yeah.
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doma-cusoppo · 1 year
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John dead'n space catching his breath. he's doing his best ok
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gasprices0 · 2 months
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If I were to claim 2 characters it would be Adler and Issac…
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maxmaxmaxart · 1 year
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you tellin me this space is death based????
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paseriptm · 1 year
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I can't wait for Dead Space remake to be released!🥳🥳🥳 This art is I did when I played the 2008 version.
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isaac-clarke · 7 months
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Isaac being so incredibly basic is one of my favorite things about him. Now he did look more grizzled in DS2 & 3, but I feel by that point it’s unavoidable from all the marker attacks and being shoved in an asylum for 3 years. Also all the trauma finally catching up post 2.
He’s not master chief nor doom guy and that’s part of his appeal to me. Pre the games he’s basically a background NPC with some surprise fictional S.cientology background trauma and that’s 💯
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random-reborn · 4 days
Just 4 Space Bros Hanging Out
Master Chief: *Reading*
Samus: *building a model kit*
Doom Slayer: *Gaming on his setup
Issac Clarke: *scrolling through the internet*
Issac: So... we can admit zombies suck, right?
Samus: Oh my god, someone finally said it!
Chief: I could do without the undead for a long time.
Slayer: Yeah, it's all fun and gunning until you gotta blow apart some of your bunkmates.
Samus: my issue is when there's so many, and they just don't stop coming.
Slayer: Ha!
Samus: Grow up.
Chief: Having to exterminate the flood as quickly as possible while they consume and take over your fellow soldiers was... exhausting.
Issac: Hey, at least those guys could stay dead. You could stomp the limbs off of the necromorphs, and they'll still writh at you.
Samus: How *did* you take care of those things anyway?
Issac: I blew that station up with the Marker and everything in it.
Samus: Oh yeah, a classic.
Slayer: The only way to do it.
Chief: Destructive and efficient.
Samus: And makes for a dramatic exit! Wait till you move up to planets.
Issac: Yeah, I think I'm gonna take a break from the whole "destroying ancient terrors" thing for a good while.
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gears2gnomes · 1 year
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AGDQ 2023 - Dead Space 3
"Twinkle, twinkle little Moon..."
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come-mist-eternal · 3 months
Me: Isaac Clarke is a smart, competent, full grown man who handles himself well under pressure and always manages to overcome obstacles put in his way.
Also me: hee hoo he looks like an angry kitten =3
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remyderatz · 2 months
Heya! Could I possibly bother you for a drawing of Isaac from Dead Space, in a baggy hoodie? I've been on a kick with that game lately, and I think Gunner Wright (his actor) has a face that'd fit your style beautifully~
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Guys please suggest characters 4 me to draw, I really wanna draw (and I'm stuck working on a project I DONT wanna work on so PLEASE)
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cacklingskeleton · 1 year
Oh shit I have polls :0
ok uhhhhhhh
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amaskofmyart · 15 days
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I can't tell if I am insane or really dedicated - but for a whole year and some odd months I have gone out of my way (mostly happily) to draw myself a promotional for every stream I do (twitch.tv/haunted_harlequin always be pluggin) - while this massive complilation is not EVERY promotional I've done, it's most of my best ones. Some I like more than others, others are classics I can't just not include. Plus, these all range throughout the last year so in a lot of them you can see the growth <3
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artbythermalcom · 9 months
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