#It be precious either way
moonchild-in-blue · 6 months
Sam Appreciation Post
Because I mentioned him on another post and I miss him and I wanna gaze upon his cutiepie puppy face 🥺💙
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ivy keeps collecting all the hot men 😮‍💨 petition to have more Sam on stage
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mxtxfanatic · 5 months
Fandom Gripe #23: I know that fandom is in some deep denial about its treatment of female characters that are canonically involved with fan favorite m/m ships, but do y’all realize that when you disappear female characters from the narrative wholesale to push the idea that your canonically straight fav was “secretly gay all along!” you’re making several bad implications? That 1) bi men don’t exist, 2) bi men do exist, but those who have genuinely loved a woman before cannot genuinely love a man after that (therefore bi men don’t exist in practice), 3) women cannot inspire genuine love and devotion in men, therefore any relationship with a woman is “lesser” than the one they later have a man (see previous parenthesis), or 4) to acknowledge the existence of a lovable woman who isn’t a terrible person, where if a relationship previously existed, it did not end because of “incompatibility,” is enough to destabilize the present relationship between two queer men?
Because why is the tgcf fandom allergic to acknowledging that He Xuan had a whole ass fiancée that he loved? Why does no one ever seem to remember that the kidnappings and murders of He Xuan’s sister and fiancée were the final straws that sent him on his rampage, and he still keeps a shrine to them in the present-day of the story? Why is her entire existence and significance to He Xuan as a man, character, and to his character arc disappeared in favor of pushing Shi Qingxuan—the brother of the man responsible for his fiancée’s death—into that same role, as if to say that her impact on He Xuan is significant... just not when it's from her? Why does He Xuan’s life in fandom essentially begin not just after her death but because of it?
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toothless101 · 6 months
Hiccup either has a sneeze that is so unproportionately large compared to his tiny self that he almost knocks himself over OR the most adorable kitten sneeze you’ve ever seen. The question is. WHICH ONE?????
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
my post about Danver’s racism hits so much harder knowing now that she had an Indigenous son and she lost him, implicitly to someone white and drunk like the woman she arrests in an early episode. She made a life with a man she loved and she had a baby with him - someone she likely felt growing inside her, that was born with her eyes, that looked nothing else like her but was her baby. Her special little boy. And then this town, out of nowhere, stole him from her in the most horrific way. So love nothing. Protect no one. Let nobody in. Until Navarro with all her problems and her heart and her belief and that connection which allows her to see Holden, to tell Liz what he said, comes crashing in. And everything changes.
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pharawee · 1 year
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People's reaction to Maya absolutely reeks of misogyny. And a refusal to engage with the fact her behavior is absolutely a result of the ways that able-bodied people treat disabled people. Which is absolutely wild for a show centered around the fact that what drew one of the MLs to the other is that he was one of the only people that treated him like a whole person instead of someone to be pitied, infantilized and made a spectacle of because of their disability. Like it's made very clear that ableism from others is a near constant and that a lot of people interact with you not because they actually want to know you as a person but because they want to feel good about themselves for being nice to the "poor helpless disabled person" The girl that told Kohei carrying the trash must be too difficult for him because he can't hear, the guys that let him score a basket because it would've been "pitiful" to defend against him, Yoko's cousin and her weird romance fantasy etc etc.
So Maya, as a disabled person who also deals with that bs on the daily, being stand-offish and critical or suspicious of an able-bodied man? Makes sense actually. Right now her character is there as conflict between the characters, it makes sense to not like her but hop off of all that "uwu this character is perfect sunshine baby and anyone who is mean or critical of them is a heartless bitch" bullshit
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 1 year
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Yut Lung Lee🐉
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loki-rhymes-with-adhd · 4 months
This week on: (Gay) Shit from DS9 I Can't Get Over
Julian and Garak's first interaction ever is one of the funniest things I've ever seen, considering I know their dynamic already. (I'm watching the whole series in order for the first time.)
And then they way he runs on to the bridge like
I fucking love him. I love *them* so damn much.
Also since joining this forum, I've seen several posts showing interview gifs of Andrew Robinson being like "oh yeah I decided pretty early on that Garak wanted to fuck that man, and Sid picked up on it and that became their dynamic" which kills me several times over in the best way possible.
Also also. This gif. That is all.
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archivists-axe · 1 year
okay but what if sasha and tim at some point made polaroid photos together.
sasha's idea actually, "it has its own charm".
(he thought that it's more in Martin's style but it doesn't mean that it's bad).
there was two photos, for them both.
over time these photos were forgotten a bit but they still were carefully kept in their photo albums with shiny covers.
after the truth of sasha's death tim is devastated. the circus took away another person in his life and he had no idea.
before the unknowning tim is looking around his flat - that's his last time here, after all. his eye catches the photo album almost unrecognisable under layers of dust. he knows that he will not see the real sasha, not-her will mess with his head again. but maybe somewhere in it will be a precious memory with real her.
and he found that polaroid photo. her favourite square-shaped glasses that she thrifted with him. her long hair ruffled by the wind and tim's hand. her smile showing teeth and making wrinkles.
that's not the sasha he remembers but the sasha he loved.
he cries. he cries all night because he can see her again.
he takes this photo with him. it's placed in shirt's pocket, next to his heart.
he dies with it. and he's glad. he hopes that she liked his little joke.
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waugh-bao · 8 months
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arsenicflame · 1 year
oh also i Really hope that izzy in drag next week brings a new wave of transfem izzy content i love her so much
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uo6ep · 10 months
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heres the goofball crying again
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fairyroses · 10 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Lexmas" (5.09)
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waterdeeping · 7 months
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I love you. But for the man that you are. Not the god you'd pretend to be.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 years
Short fic I whipped up today-- I know it's probably been done before, but I wanted a "Sonic's learning how to care for a toddler + hearing each other talk for the first time + Sonic naming him" all in one and haven't found all that in one fic yet so here we are!!
Looking after a toddler was harder than it sounded.
Especially when said toddler needed to be watched by the fastest thing alive, who was used to racing through everything with absolutely nothing holding him back.
Sonic studied the little two-tailed fox kit at his feet, trying to figure him out. Technically, no one had assigned him to watch this little one, but he'd found the poor thing getting bullied by some jerks. He'd taken care of the bullies, and the next thing he'd known, the little fox was flying after him. Yes, flying, using his twin tails as a helicopter of sorts.
That was all it took for Sonic to feel like the little kit was now his responsibility.
They hadn't actually spoken. Sonic wasn't sure if the fox kit could even talk yet, and he didn't see the use in trying to communicate with him vocally.
It was harder to keep on running when he now had to make sure the kit was safe. He hadn't realized how many needs one had until he needed to think of two mouths to feed, two places to sleep, etc.
It wasn't necessarily hard. It just took some getting used to. Nothing Sonic the Hedgehog couldn't handle!
He looked up and scanned their surroundings. They'd stopped for a break in a small, sparse forest. The fox kit was going back and forth from looking around nervously to gazing up at Sonic with owlish eyes. He stood not even a foot away from the hedgehog, clearly trusting him to protect him from any more danger.
Sonic waved a little to get the kit's attention, then pointed onward to the path they'd been following. The little one nodded vigorously, then spun his tails and hovered into the air. Sonic gave a single, firm nod, then took off down the trail.
As they sped along the way (the kit was able to keep up fairly easily, it was cool how flight seemed to automatically enhance speed), Sonic snuck a tiny glance back at his tiny friend. The fluffy little fox continued flying, unaware of Sonic's curious gaze.
Sonic still didn't know his name. Sure, he'd only been taking care of him for a week or so, but he learned the names of most folks he met the same day he met them. Granted, most folks he met weren't neglected orphan (?) toddlers.
Sonic had all but decided to adopt him at this point, despite not having known him for long. So would that leave the naming process up to him?
He smiled a little to himself as he continued running. Sounded good.
The thing was, though, he hadn't actually ever named someone before. Heck, he wasn't even yet twelve years old himself.
What kind of name would fit the little fox? He was small, still had all his baby-fluff, was a brownish-gold color, had big, bright, sky-blue eyes, with white fur across his stomach and muzzle (and obviously the tips of his twin tails).
An idea of a name, or nickname, was just on the tip of his tongue when suddenly the sound of robots, a lot of them, creaked up ahead over the hill. It was followed by maniacal laughter, and Sonic skidded to a halt and rolled his eyes with a scoff. He'd know that laugh anywhere by now.
Excited by the idea of a fight, Sonic was just revving up to spindash over the hill into the battle, but a squeak of fear suddenly made his heart lurch, and he almost fell over himself trying to stop.
The fox kit.
He was a literal toddler. He seemed about three years old, nowhere near old enough to fight or defend himself. Sonic couldn't just expect him to follow him into the battle and manage to avoid all the lasers and claws and spikes. He would get hurt too easily.
But . . . Sonic never ran from a fight.
He crossed his arms and frowned in frustration at the grassy ground, tapping his foot impatiently as he tried to figure out what to do. He wanted to fight, he had to fight. He didn't know what Eggman was up to. For all he knew, the crazed scientist was planning something big and dangerous, and might carry it to fruition if Sonic didn't stop him now.
But he also had to keep the fox kit safe.
An idea hit him, and before he'd given himself the chance to think it through, he spun around, scooped up the little fox into his arms, and took off back into the forest-- just not quite at his normal speed so the sonic boom wouldn't give him away to Eggman.
As soon as Sonic had found a safe-looking hiding place-- a hollowed-out nook beneath some tree roots-- he knelt down and gently tucked the fox kit into the little space. Just for extra security, he scooped up some big chunks of moss and tucked it around his friend's body. He held up his hands in a "stay" gesture, but a part of him worried that the little one wouldn't understand fully what was going on.
"Stay here," he said aloud, trying to look both gentle and stern, and the kit's eyes grew wide. "I'm just going to fight off the scary robots. I'll come back for you."
He waited till he got a nod from the fox kit, whose mouth was agape and eyes were still huge. The moment he'd gotten the acknowledgement, he spun around and blasted back towards where he'd seen Eggman and his robots.
The fight was quick and easy, routine at this point for him. Eggman yelled insults at him, he smashed through the bots, waited for the mad scientist to fly away in his orb-like flying thing (all the while shouting more threats at him) but for once Sonic skipped the stupid taunts and banter from his own end. He needed to get back to the fox kit.
When he skidded to a halt back at the hollow, his shoulders slumped in relief to see that his tiny friend had obeyed and was still huddled in the space. He was also still gaping at him in amazement.
Sonic grinned and flashed him a thumbs-up, then his own jaw went slack when the kit exclaimed happily, "You talk!" in the sweetest little toddler voice he'd ever heard.
"You talk?!" he exclaimed back, holding out his arms in excitement. "Buddy! Why didn't you say something before?!"
"You were quiet," the kit pointed out, his voice and words choppy and hesitant, making it evident that while he could talk, it was just barely. "I ph'ot I should be quiet too."
"Buddy," Sonic chuckled. "I just thought ya couldn't talk yet. That's all."
"'Course I can talk!" the fox chirped, sounding both indignant and proud.
Sonic snickered. "'Course you can talk," he echoed back teasingly. "Well then, what's your name, kid?"
The kit made a face. "Promise not to tell anyone?" He glanced around a few times before he added, still looking sour, "It's Miles."
Sonic tilted his head. "Miles? You don't look like a Miles to me."
The fox kit's annoyance at the sound of his own name was almost startling, he clearly didn't like it at all. The idea of not liking one's own name wasn't rare, but it seemed odd for a fox as young as this one to feel such a way.
But that meant Sonic could still name him. He grinned and winked at his new little pal, remembering the name he'd been thinking of earlier. "Okay. I'll call you Tails."
Barely a second after hearing his new name, the fox kit-- Tails-- lit up like it was the most exciting thing he'd experienced. Maybe it was.
"Yes! Yes, yes!" he exclaimed happily, jumping out of the hollow to fly around in a circle. "Tails! I'm Tails!"
And Sonic merely smiled. It seemed like he had a new baby brother.
(thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! This will be posted on Wattpad soon - my user is Chaton15 there - and this has made me want to write a ton more so I'll just post it as the first of a bunch of Sonic one-shots. 🤩)
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kaoruko-han · 2 years
I just like that wether we ship or not Kazuki and Rei romantically or not, there's no doubt that there's love between them. And I love the way the show don't shy away from it.
That Kazuki get to look at Rei and Miri asleep with tenderness, that Rei think about Kazuki and Rei as people he want to protect, that Kazuki said that at the time he was cleaning the apartment he couldn't stand to see Rei live like that, and that even to this day Rei is thankful to this with the way he say "I didn't care about you but then you started to clean".
Even in the opening it talk about love. In the ending too.
Love lived in earnest is such an important part of the story and them being two grown ass men don't make the writers shy away to show it sincerely.
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