#It doesn't help that Maya made fun of him at one point but he had deserved it tho it only fueled the fire for rounder bat fishing.
dekujinsart · 5 months
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-leaves more MerMaya for Mermay and hides back under rock-
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amomentapart · 18 days
I think people make excuses for family/friends who treat them poorly because they want to believe that person is misunderstood or just having a hard time articulating their position. Like to me, after my dad passed away and I went on a road trip with one of my bff's and telling her how I feel really resentful that I'll never get resolution on a lot of issues I had with him, she said it seems like I'm making excuses for his behavior.
And of course I'm making excuses for him because if I don't the alternative is my dad and I were never going to get along, and even if I had 20 more years with him I'd definitely never get him to be genuinely proud of me or like me as a person or see me as someone who isn't just there to do his bidding, because that was the way he was. But knowing that and admitting that are two different things. And after his passing I've done my best to see him as more than someone who made me feel incredibly insecure, who wouldn't help me for any reason, who was basically the real life version of Ebenezer Scrooge before the whole lessons learned plot, because he was more than that to other people. I didn't get the version of him that people talked up at his funeral or still come up to me today.
And I have to remember everyone sees people differently. Your enemy is someone's wife. The kid you made fun of in school is someone's uncle that they love because he's sweet and goofy. When I die, most people are probably going to remember me as extremely quiet and stubborn and they're going to laugh to themselves about how I couldn't see obvious things in front of me, if they remember me at all because I don't think I spoke more than 10 sentences to anyone in high school outside of my friend group. But there are going to also be people who thought I was funny, who thought I was artistic and smart (and really loved her X-terra lol), and who liked going on vacations with me because I'm an excellent travel partner.
So to me, I think it's important to keep an open mind. Lots of people do suck. They fail to love people they're supposed to, they fail to do things they need to do. But just because they're flawed and have hurt someone, doesn't mean they've hurt everyone. And it does hurt being on the receiving end of that flaw, but in just the same way I hope people can remember me for being a nice sweet person instead of a flaky friend who sometimes won't respond or talk to someone for months because on my end I feel like friendship can't be taken away once you've bonded but that's definitely not how other people feel about it. I hope they make excuses for me because they saw me for more than my flaws
And I'm not saying excusing abusive behavior is okay, but I do think it's used as a coping mechanism for a lot of people. Because if I didn't I'd be spiraling a lot more than I already do about "am I not good enough? do they really not like me? am I really that bad at saying words in the right order? do they just think I'm ugly? am I not deserving of love?" and I don't appreciate spending a lot of my free time worrying about why other people are being weird. Yes, you're not supposed to care about what other's think but that's a lot easier to do when you don't know them and have to be around them all the time. Anyway, my point is, what Maya Angelou said is mostly correct: people only remember how you made them feel, but everyone's experience is going to be different and ultimately me experience is only mine. I can't force that on other people's perspectives.
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badedramay · 1 year
Omg THANK YOU for pointing out this weird trope that dramas have of “U just be cute and girly, I’ll be rich and support U”. To be fair it’s not just pak dramas; I’ve seen it in Turkish and K dramas as well. A girl is able to act as spastic and childish as Umeed because her well-off husband just smiles to himself at her antics and will pay for any damage she does 🤑.
I mean I guess this trope is better than an abusive partner trope, but I don’t get how it’s 2023 and drama writers often miss the mark on writing a female lead, especially when it comes to different genres like FT being more comedy. Most ramadan comedies feature a loud, hyper FL as if the writers are trying to hammer us with “see? She isn’t a rhona dhona type”. Because ya know, who needs even semi realistic characters when we exclusively have the two extremes on TV for our viewing pleasures?
I digress but typing this out made me appreciate yunhi way more. For all of its flaws, maya chose as close to a realistic female that I’ve seen in pak dramas in a while.
the rich man x poor woman, or Cinderella trope, is old as time and its appeal is not up for debate. it's fun wish fulfillment and I agree that some of my personal favorite rom-coms have been based on this trope. but I had said this before and I will say it again, this trope DOES come with a very unhealthy power imbalance that simply cannot be ignored. idk about Dizis but kdramas, despite being chokeful of the Cinderella trope, do try to completely veer off in the territory of "rich man becoming the poor woman's sugar daddy" because the woman's integrity and her self-respect are not compromised. the hero may help push a few buttons for the heroine but he doesn't take the entire financial responsibility of the woman to give her all the time to be her cutesy clumsy giggly self. at max we'll get the trademark wardrobe makeover scene and dinners at fancy restaurants but when the night is over, the heroine goes back to her own world. in fact, most of the romance in kdramas come from the rich hero fitting in the poor heroine's world than the other way round.
when it comes grumpy rich hero and bubbly poor heroine trope..we already know what the hero is bringing to the table that the heroine doesn't have in her i.e. his money. the tricky part then becomes what the heroine is bringing in the hero's life. like take Jab We Met, an iconic movie in the similar genre vein. Aditya was RICH rich as commented by Geet. Geet, while well-off herself, didn't reek of the kind of industrialist money that Aditya had. throughout their journey in the first half Geet relied on Aditya's money as their guarantee of safe way home. however, Aditya's money never became a substitute for Aditya himself. Geet offered Aditya a perspective of life that Aditya's money couldn't bring him while Aditya, ultimately, gave Geet the kind of reliable, unshakable love that Geet had dreamt of. in their story the power imbalance that their individual social standing could've colored their relationship was safely avoided from the beginning as Aditya was more than his money, Geet's manic pixieness didn't come at the cost of her fierce self-reliance.
Mr. Darcy was obscenely rich and Elizabeth's low social standing was a major conflict for him when it came to his feelings for her. but, all of Mr. Darcy's wealth couldn't make Elizabeth find him attractive because she just didn't like his personality. we hype up Mr. Darcy-esque heroes a LOT in our stories (even Farjaad is called as one because he's serious and rich) yet there's complete silence on the fact that Mr. Darcy needs an ELIZABETH BENNET to make the romance work. a smart, witty, self-reliant heroine that completely owns her individuality. the sparks fly when two headstrong individuals collide and the romance happens when BOTH of them, over time, see beyond their own judgements and prejudices to see the other person for who they are. Darcy changes his perspectives for Elizabeth, yes. but Elizabeth also learns to being more positively accommodating of the parts of Darcy that he has no control over like his wealth.
but yeah..all of this is nuanced writing that our PakDramas just don't want to bother with. the question of power imbalance only comes in when the story is about SOCIAL AWARENESS of yet another form of marital abuse. it's incredibly boring now. i won't say I am too old to enjoy wish fulfillment fantasy stories but i am definitely no longer immature enough to lap up just about any rom-com because it apparently celebrates "feminine joy". love me a rich af hero but only when he's paired with a heroine that can thrive without his wealth coming to her rescue, thank you very much.
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dorkousloris · 1 year
playing with sunstone got me imagine jestellra playing mmos aaaaaaa-
before they got to meet each other;; nvm. i made it way long so putting readmore.
there's a guild called "The Order of Stone" (yeah yeah) founders were obvs Ivor, Gabriel, Ellegaard, Magnus and Soren with a few veteran players. But was handed it over to Jack, Ivor and Soren wanted to focus on their real life stuff together but still check in online daily, Gabriel have to retire (he have family and a real job in real life) and Ellegaard couldn't make time anymore (she's a professor in uni), and Magnus is busy exploring the world around for a long while. (he still log in just to see how's the guild doing).
the first person to join that guild was petra- who is actually jack's daughter and it was him that introduce her to that silly mmo so why not? she became a increasing popular player, and is a multi-class player. Switch between Warrior and Rogue whenever she wants. She and her dad still plays to this day, even up to her high school years.
enter jessie, olivia and axel who are irl friends, who just learnt about this mmo recently (from axel) and they all try it out just to see for fun.
shit happened, a little confusion where to go and that was how jessie met petra. through they never met each other irl, they met first online.
being a long-time player, petra help them how to get through this game and points them to directions they want to see. she didn't exactly ask them about joining the guild-- it's usually her dad who does that to show how cool the guild was. but jessie was the one who asked first, and well, she off-mentioned it. next time they meet, they joined her guild.
flash forward to college years, no one actually knew each other other than their online selves for these years. it wasn't until the three came to the internet cafe where they had met lukas, aiden, maya and gill there. the four of them works there as part-timers, but they also stay because of the mmo. they're in a different guild ofc (called the Blazing Ocelots). that internet cafe is surprisingly owned by ivor and soren, along with their wife- harper.
it's also where jack used to come by then his daughter petra later on.
petra doesn't tell everyone who her character is other than ivor, soren, and harper. (they all knew jack so they knew her).
it only took petra and jessie to really, really meet in person until this time, its petra who try so cool casually asking if they could meet up. after learning they were both live in the same area, and jessie suggested the internet cafe. lets just say.
the dumbasses were so happy that they just log off the computers, and about to get off when they look at each other. suddenly realizing they're the only ones here. and how do they knew its each other? jessie was so fucking excitied she just said "I can't wait to meet Miss Butter!" SDGMDSMGSDMGMSDMG
now where do stella comes in.
no one knew where she is from or whatever -- actually harper does. harper may be married to her husband and hangs out with his husband... but she do knew her from hadrian. while in this au, these two are actually okay, it's just the recent years had put them a bit of strained relationship and stella need to get away.
so what did harper suggested? join that mmo! stella thinks that's silly but she did. this was during her high school, and she was a quiet loner despite so popular at school that joined. and realized she can be herself there than at school and so she did.
she is one of the people who don't join guilds and are considered solo. Stella's a Summoner so she focused on that and just work diligently through the main quests, and sometimes just... wandering. She feel herself here than in the real world.
That is. not until she (Llunastellar) meet Jessie (NetherWarrior) and Petra (Miss_Butter) <3
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
Goddddddd if that stuff about the Skam France showrunners wanting to write their own version of Normal People for their Maya season is true, then Skam versions truly have lost the fucking plot. (I can't very well call Skam France a Skam remake at this point when over half of its seasons are not a remake, but original farting writing.)
Like Ally said here, the goals for Skam were to strengthen teenage girls' self-esteem through dismantling taboos, making them aware of interpersonal mechanisms and showing them the benefits of confronting their fears. But like, also, Skam was created by a whole ass department, not just Julie Andem. Julie Andem was a writer (that was her job title in NRK despite having already been showrunner of several shows) who was sent to interview teen girls in order to know what they needed. But she was sent by a specific NRK department whose purpose was to create educational content for kids and teens. Julie Andem herself commented on that when she made the announcement that she'd be doing Skam Austin: she didn't come up with the Skam characters all by herself. There were discussions on which demographics in Norway they wanted to target and represent. If Skam entertained and educated people outside of Norway, that was all well and good, but their primary goal was to reach teenage girl demographics in Norway who they had noticed needed help, and the characters were conceptualized, developed and cast based on those findings.
What I mean to say is that this was hardly an ego project on Julie's part (and in fact she wasn't paid for the sale of the rights to the 7 countries, that is the extent to which she had no ownership of the characters and stories). It's not like she could watch Hannibal or Empire or Mr. Robot or Orange is the New Black (just to name a few shows that were big when Skam was first developed) and be like, "Oh, I want my teenies to be serial killers or inmates or hackers or music artists in the next season, because I'm kinda bored of this educational shit and I want to deal with themes these other shows explore. And maybe add that to my resume!"
When a Skam showrunner is like, "eh, I don't want to comfort my audience, I want to be grimdark and mean and heart-wrenching for art's sake, to be like these other creators who get to do the fun stuff this educational show doesn't allow me to do," that is 100% an ego thing. It's putting their own priorities as creators above that of helping teenage girls, which was always the point of Skam. Fuck, that IS why it's called Skam. And that's when a Skam season inevitably goes wrong, when other concerns come into play. See: Yann abandoning Lucas on that bench (not ~Disneyland~), any Sana season (islamophobia plain and simple), Tiff's and Bilal's and Maya's seasons (art over audience) or Kato (making ca$h money through Kato's endorsements as an influencer).
These people woke up one day and were like, "I am soooo fucking bored of Mr. Rogers being so wholesome. Why don't we write a divorce storyline where his wife cheats on him and he turns to pills????? I saw that on Breaking Bad!"
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ellestra · 3 years
Home for Christmas
Not all resolutions were given the depth I hoped for (it felt like to much of it was cut and come on Disney nothing was stopping you from making it longer) but I was very satisfied that Tomas made up with his girlfriend. Even if it meant they went to Maroon 5 concert instead of Imagine Dragons. And it was nice of him to thank Kate.
And I suppose many of the theory channels were disappointed but I loved that Jack turned out to be nothing more than comic relief. And almost a hero (maybe even joining all the LARPers). The real villain in the family clearly is Armand the VII. The MCU's next big bad.
I was also glad none of the LARPers got killed. I loved that people only listened to them when they put on costumes. After decade and a half the civilians in the MCU know now that costumed people are the ones in charge in emergency and you should listen to them.
I was pretty sure that Maya’s story resolution will end up with her just cutting ties with the criminal world so this ending was fine with me. I didn’t expect her to kill both her main anchor points - Kazi and Uncle - but I suspected she would ask Kazi to leave with her (but he was way too much 2014 Nebula). This is what her father wanted so it had to end there before her own series.
Still, I suspect Fisk is not dead. We didn’t see the body and Echo series still needs a villain. Whether managed to block the shot or survived it he is going to be pissed and that conflict would be nice starting point of Maya’s trajectory of becoming a hero. But that Christmas Eve should teach him not to underestimate women.
However, his turn in this was a little disappointing.  The way he was so easily left unguarded and vulnerable. The way you can't really feel how big a threat he is without watching Daredevil. The way he is basically on the run from the police anyway because Yelena managed to get him and Eleanor on tape. All this ending with him being taken down with so little effort makes Hawkeye being all worried about him getting involved feel disappointing. He's only scary because I watched Daredevil on Netflix. But there was not enough of that intensity here to really feel the danger (and him using Tracksuit Mafia as henchmen doesn't help as they are to inept to ever succeed). It needed more time to at least properly set up him being there in person. Although the way Vincent D'Onofrio just threw Hailee Steinfield aground looked awesome and properly Kingpin.
Although it wasn't as fun as the fight where Yelena is trying not to hurt Kate too much but also gets more and more annoyed but finally respectful was really well done. It is a start of a beautiful friendship for the next generation of Black Widow and Hawkeye.
I was also certain Yelena thing would be resolved by talking. Yelena’s interactions with both Kate and Clint were great. Of course Clint knew about Yelena and the whistle. Natasha would've told him who else (besides Laura and the she was hoping to get back and why it mattered so much. She already regained family that seemed irrevocably lot once (and saw that love isn't just for children) so she kept the hope it could happen again when Clint lost it. Of course she told him why. She kept Avengers going through the Blip all the way to getting means to reverse it even if it meant never seeing people she lost again. The important part was that they will be alive even if they had to deal with her loss afterwards. That they didn't get enough time together breaks my heart but I appreciate show taking the time to show us how much she mattered when Endgame didn't.
And I loved how in the end Clint admitted he and Kate are partners. Even if every time he says "Kate - no" she says "Kate - yes" they work really well together. It was great he took her in along with the dog (who got his proper name Lucky off screen - one more proof this episode left too much on cutting floor). Adopting new family members is a Burton family thing. Especially ones with really messed up family (although I was a little disappointed Yelena didn't come too). And now that he burnt the Ronin suit and got Laura's SHIELD watch too (he did marry Agent 19) he can properly retired (despite that great new outfit) and pass the name (Lady Hawk is a good movie but bad code name).
I just wish that Clint's time as Ronin didn't got swept under the carpet again like it never happened (yes, I'm complaining about lack of consequences). Kate sends her mother to jail for doing bad things but she doesn't even bat an eye when she learns about Clint. Yelena was right - just being one of Avenger is not a reason to ignore the bad shit they do. And yet, in the MCU, they never suffer any consequences (I suppose it's true to life but this is supposed to be a fantasy).
Still, I loved how Kate explains why Hawkeye mattered to her so much as a hero. The way he showed that you can still matter without superpowers or a suit. Just a guy with sticks and string fighting aliens and helping save the day and making her believe she could be a hero too. New Hawkeye even.
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Impressions of Bride and Prejudice (2004)
I finally watched this movie as it is currently free on YouTube! It's a really interesting "modern-day" adaptation (specifically a Bollywood musical) of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice which takes place in Amritsar, India, London, England and California, USA instead of the English countryside. It stars Aishwarya Rai as Elizabeth Bennet (now Lalita Bakshi) and Martin Henderson as Mr. Darcy (William Darcy).
Bakshis = Bennets
Jaya Bakshi = Jane Bennet
Lalita Bakshi = Elizabeth Bennet
Maya Bakshi = Mary Bennet
Lakhi Bakshi = Lydia Bennet (Kitty isn't included here)
Kholi Saab = Mr. Collins
Balraj = Bingley
Chandra Lamba = Charlotte Lucas
Kiran = Caroline Bingley
Darcy's mother (Catherine Darcy) = Lady Catherine de Bourgh
The Casting:
Aishwarya Rai as Lalita Bakshi. She's captivating and beautiful as Lalita, with intelligence and wits to match. The film understands why Elizabeth Bennet is one of literature's greatest heroines: she has a lot of self-respect, speaks her mind, and refuses to compromise on her values. What's most important is that she achieves the balance between the two clashing cultures: she cares about her family and respects Indian traditions yet is also a strong individual who keeps her dignity.
Martin Henderson as William Darcy. I don't like that Darcy is an American in this movie because (in general) Americans are usually less reserved than British people, so it takes away a key part of Darcy's character (his repressed emotions). He's much more sympathetic than book Darcy because he seems to be more open-minded towards Indian culture the more he learns about it (unlike book Darcy, who is stubborn and insists that his "good opinion once lost is lost forever"). In the book, Darcy's pride has several characteristics (belief in the correctness of his opinions, belief in his social superiority, bad treatment of others he thinks is beneath him). I don't like how the film simplified his pride into imperialism/ethnocentrism, which he lets go of pretty quickly. Plus his "rudeness" can easily be perceived as discomfort in a new cultural environment because he hasn't been exposed to Indian culture, whereas in the book it seems to be intentional (and Darcy acknowledges to Elizabeth that he was taught to treat others beyond his own social circle meanly). Overall I had rather too much sympathy for him because he's too easy to read; he's experiencing a lot of culture shocks which he isn't prepared for, and his imperialistic beliefs (which come from his mother) don't help. One of the reasons book Darcy is interesting is because he's mysterious; his emotions remain hidden and the only sign of his growing love for Elizabeth is his staring at her. This Darcy is just a typical white American boy who is in love with a woman far superior to him in terms of intellect and cultural awareness.
Nitin Ganatra as Kohli Saab. Mr. Collins is one of my favorite cringe characters ever and never fails to disappoint. In this movie, he's an accountant who lives in the Beverly Hills area in Southern California and is very arrogant because he thinks he's a big shot living close to celebrities in a one-of-a-kind colonial home (when in actuality he lives in a cookie-cutter house in a suburb). He peppers his speech with Western slang to show off how "American" (and thus wealthy) he is, yet still clings to outmoded beliefs that women should be submissive housewives. He represents the very worst of Western culture in that he's materialistic and looks down on Indian culture as beneath him. In his quest for riches he has lost his Indian identity and become greedy.
Notable Scenes:
The first dance. Balraj is happy to have fun and show off his awesome dancing skills. Darcy, meanwhile, observes that the mothers are eyeing Balraj for the marriage market and is worried that his friend may be trapped by gold-diggers. He's clearly uncomfortable and out of his element here, so Kiran helps translate the songs for him. It's interesting seeing Kiran as a translator here because it would explain why she's one of the few people Darcy hangs out with; she's a cultural intermediary here to help him acclimate to a strange new environment.
Darcy snubs Lalita. This part in the book where Darcy insults Elizabeth by proclaiming her "tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me" is significant in forming Elizabeth's hatred of Darcy. Not only is he impolite in refusing to dance with Elizabeth, he also shames her by criticizing her looks. In the movie, Darcy excuses himself from dancing with Lalita by saying that he's busy preparing for a conference (in this version, he's a rich businessman who operates luxury hotels). I wish they had kept the original insult in because without it, Lalita's dislike of Darcy has less merit. While it was impolite of him to not dance, he did use a proper excuse and didn't insult Lalita, so unlike in the book, it doesn't make sense why she would hate him so intensely after that one meeting.
A Marriage Has Come to Town song. In this song-and-dance number, Lalita and Jaya are preparing for the wedding to Balraj. The whole town is excited for the wedding and Lalita wonders if life for a woman is all about getting married to be a mere wife: "It seems they had nothing in their lives before today / and why are they so happy to give a daughter away."
Darcy and Lalita conversation #1: Lalita points out most Amritsar residents can't afford to stay at Darcy's luxury hotels; Darcy says standards are necessary, justifying the high price. Darcy says he finds arranged marriages strange and "backwards," hinting at an affinity with Lalita as they are both "romantics." Lalita, still thinking that Darcy is attempting to insult Indian culture, says that arranged marriages have evolved and may not be so evil as he thinks it is.
Lalita and Darcy "accomplished woman" scene. So they have the part from the book where they have Darcy's unrealistic list of the characteristics of his perfect woman and then it becomes a culture clash. Lalita says Darcy's whole hotel business is imperialism (the tourists visit without appreciating Indian culture and the jobs created only benefit the well-off). Darcy replies: "But I'm not British" ("American exceptionalism" is just another form of imperialism).
Dinner with Kohli Saab. I love watching all the "Dinner with Mr. Collins" scenes from all Pride and Prejudice adaptations because it reveals Collins' great arrogance in assuming himself to be of greater importance than he is, as well as his bad manners. This movie does not disappoint; Kohli Saab literally eats with his fingers, shoving rice into his mouth while talking at the same time. Meanwhile, he spews out misogynistic views of women, stating that he came to India to find a "traditional" wife who will serve and obey him; after all, there is "no life without wife." He notes that the Indian-American girls have "a conceited sort of independence" (not what he actually said in the movie, this is a quote from the book which really fits here) and that some of the Indian-American girls "have turned into the lesbian." Lalita later recalls that watching Kohli Saab eat is like observing "a Jackson Pollock painting."
"No Life Without Wife" song. An accurate reading of Kholi Saab: he's "crude and loud" and came to find a wife by flashing his "green card, new house, and big cash." The song reveals what a hypocrite he is; he's lonely and pathetic because there is "no life without wife" yet he won't respect his wife as his equal. I love the "Kohliwood" fantasy sequence where Lalita pictures herself unhappily serving Kohli as a submissive wife. After the song ends Lalita imagines herself marrying Wickham in the English countryside before it turns out Darcy is the groom; she runs away from him.
The Cobra dance. Maya shows off her dancing skills in an awkward dance. Kholi criticizes Indians for being "unsophisticated" (what an arrogant person) while Darcy, in a change of heart, praises how highly they value family.
Kholi's proposal. I love how he tries to train himself to power walk because it's trendy and before proposing stretches himself clumsily, knocking over a pot (he definitely isn't husband material). Lalita mocks Kholi's obsession with physical health, pointing out that many people are physically healthy but don't exercise their minds.
Visiting Kiran. Kiran is arrogant and takes the Bakshis over to her fancy apartment where the mother tries and fails to show some cultural knowledge. I find it interesting that the movie made Lalita and Kiran foils of each other. They are both intelligent women who are "multicultural" in that they can navigate both Indian and Western culture, but they use their cultural knowledge in different ways. Kiran uses it to belittle others and demonstrate her own superiority, while Lalita uses it as a means of gaining respect for herself and others.
Darcy ends up on the same airplane flight as Lalita. This is a cute scene where he gives the first class seat to Mrs. Bakshi just so he can sit with Lalita in economy class (he's totally in love with her!).
Kohli Saab's epic house tour. Love how he pays great attention to the jet tubs and the closets.
Meeting Darcy's mom. She's totally ethnocentric and possibly racist. The first thing she asks Lalita is "tell me about India" and she expresses her disappointment at Darcy's decision (because of Lalita, it's so obvious he's in love) not to buy the hotel in India because "everybody has their hand on India these days" (brings to mind spheres of influence/colonialism since the mother sees India as a place to make a profit). Then the mother reveals that she really isn't interested in India and only knows about its stereotypes: "well, with yoga, and spices, and...wonderful Eastern things here there's no point in traveling there anymore." Meanwhile Lalita retorts that "people haven't stopped going to Italy because Pizza Hut's around the corner."
The first proposal. Darcy's conflicted feelings for Lalita are effectively summed up (perhaps better than in the book, where he begins well but ends with a long account of the inferiority of Elizabeth's connections): "he loves her in spite of the fact that he tried to forget about her, he still wants to marry her in spite of the fact that his family (specifically his mom) will disapprove." Unfortunately, the emphasis on the social inferiority of Lalita's family is left out; Darcy doesn't say anything else until Lalita claims that he thinks her family is inferior and blames him for separating Jaya and Balraj. I don't like this because it seems like the separation of Jaya and Balraj was the only reason Elizabeth rejected Darcy. Also Elizabeth's admission that she did try to overlook her prejudice of Darcy doesn't make sense, because only after the first proposal does she do so.
Plot Changes. The major plot points are all included but the "order of events" has changed:
Lalita and Darcy become friends and she meets his family before his disastrous first proposal. There's a montage where they are traveling alone together, visiting the Grand Canyon and sharing a moment on the beach. I don't like this change because Darcy's separating Jane and Bingley wasn't the only reason Elizabeth rejected him, it was because she hated him (arrogant, proud, doesn't treat others nicely). By showing early on that Darcy is a good person, Lalita's prejudice against Darcy makes less sense because she now has a glimpse of Darcy's true character which in the book doesn't happen until the Pemberley visit.
Their early friendship disrupts Darcy's character journey because it reduces the significance of the first proposal to his character development. In the book, he doesn't start to reform himself until Elizabeth tells him that he needs to behave in a "more gentleman-like manner."
The first proposal is the consequence of all the miscommunication and false perceptions affecting Elizabeth and Darcy, and it motivates both characters to change. Elizabeth rightly scolds Darcy for being inconsiderate; he did the proposal for the selfish reason of purging his feelings so that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore and assumed that she would say yes. Elizabeth rejects him because of his rude manners and lack of consideration, and his defensiveness (where he portrays himself as the victim of feelings and implies he's such a good boy for wanting to marry her in spite of her horrid family) doesn't help. After realizing the extent to which Elizabeth hates him, Darcy writes The Letter to set things right, and Elizabeth realizes that she is not the best judge of character. Thus, giving us a fuller picture of Darcy's character and letting him charm Lalita before the first proposal reduces the significance of the event to the plot and character development.
Wickham and Lakhi have a connection early on, making Lakhi's attempted elopement inevitable. Right after the failed first proposal, Lakhi runs off with Wickham and Lalita and Darcy find out about it at the same time that Darcy comes to apologize and tell Lalita that Wickham is bad. I love that Wickham was punished really badly; after Darcy fights him, he gets slapped twice, once by Lalita and the second time by Lakhi. Even better is that Lakhi doesn't end up with Wickham.
The film uses the culture clash between India (Eastern) and Western cultures to examine what makes a good marriage.
Indian culture as presented by the film is more collectivist ("we" over "I"). It also promotes traditional gender roles, with women expected to be "meek and submissive" wives. In contrast, Western culture in the film is more individualistic and aspirational (careers and love are possible). But at its worst it condones exploitation of others for profit and cultural intolerance.
In the book, there are different kinds of "culture clashes:" traditional nobility versus new money (the Bingleys made their fortune in trade and Caroline is hoping to be an accomplished woman to make up for this), country versus city (Darcy offending Mrs. Bennet by claiming that the society is "confined and unvarying") and arranged versus romantic marriages.
The misunderstandings that propel the story (Darcy's dismissing of Elizabeth as "tolerable," him falling in love with her even though she still hates him, her belief in the legitimacy of "first impressions") are emphasized through the culture clash. Many of the conflicts in the film are a result of cultural stereotypes and conflicting beliefs.
Interestingly the film doesn't resolve the question it raises of how best to appreciate India and its culture. Lalita raises a lot of points about not oversimplifying Indian culture to a few stereotypes, but one could argue that India as represented by the film might be stereotypical. With the exception of the resort scenes and Goa beaches (which are tourist traps according to the film), the scenes in India heavily emphasize the "developing country" aspects of India with lots of pastoral scenes (cows crossing the road unharmed, farmland, dirt, shacks, dirty motorcycles fighting each other in traffic). Plus the "culture" as represented by the film's dance sequences seems to be the dominant Hindu culture with lots of elephants and saris and curry. Yes, I know this film is a romantic comedy, but the assertion that India is a complex, diverse country is contradicted by what we are presented. Presenting the rustic aspects of India would explain why the characters want to get out of India and go to the richer Western nations, but it harms the premise of the story that we shouldn't judge based on first impressions because the India scenes seem to confirm a Westerner's stereotypes of India (exotic people living in a primitive land).
Changing views on marriage: In the film, as in the book, we are presented with traditional and modern views on what makes a good marriage. Mr. Collins' marriage represents the traditional view in which marriage is a practical "economic proposition," much like a business deal where the marriage is made for the securing of material wealth and happiness comes last. Lady Catherine and other members of the aristocracy view marriage as a means of producing heirs (and bringing large amounts of money through dowries) to keep the property (source of power and wealth) in the family. The modern view of marriage is a partnership of equals who love and respect each other; happiness rather than material wealth/power is the priority. It threatens the power of the traditional nobles as it provides the potential for social climbing. Finally, it becomes another part of the culture clash, as it also ties in with the Western value of individualism, putting it at odds with the more collectivist Indian culture as presented by the film.
Elizabeth and Darcy in the book and in the film are united by their belief in a marriage based on love (the modern view). In the film, Darcy says he wants to look forward to starting each day with his wife, while Lalita says she wants a man who is a romantic and respects her for her mind. For instance, Elizabeth states that "only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony" and that Jane and Bingley should have some time to get to know each other before being rushed into marriage. To Elizabeth, mutual love and respect are essential for a marriage to succeed.
As for book Darcy, when Caroline catches him admiring Elizabeth and asks if he will marry her right away, he jokingly rebuffs her for making that assumption: "A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. I knew you would be wishing me joy." Significantly, he mentions love needing to come before marriage, hinting that he shares the same belief about respect (admiration) and love being necessary for a good marriage. In fact, a big reason he separated Jane from Bingley was because he feared that Jane did not love Bingley in return. In short, love in marriage is just as important to Darcy as it is to Elizabeth.
Bride and Prejudice, as shown by the title, focuses heavily on the theme of marriage and uses the culture clash between India and the West to emphasize the importance of first impressions in our treatment of others.
Even if you aren't into Pride and Prejudice, the movie is worth watching for the Bollywood dance sequences. I also liked the songs because they effectively developed the marriage theme.
The characters are mostly true to the book, except for Darcy, who isn't proud enough and is quick to reform his character.
Last but not least, the real villains of the story were imperialism and ethnocentrism.
Tags: @thatvermilionflycatcher @appleinducedsleep @princesssarisa
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daddywright · 3 years
I have only recently got into the ace attorney fandom, and this story was the first story I read, and I feel spoiled! I absolutely loved every chapter, so I'm gonna word vomit here and tell you everything I love about this!
"She offers him a smile. It’s small, tentative, but it possesses a strength that makes a hidden part of him twist and burn with quiet envy." the first time we see nick's wish to be as strong as mia!
Considering the fact that nick didn't have any prominent figure in his life, it makes sense that he would look up to gregory so much
"Phoenix looks up, and starts walking towards Mia Fey
He doesn't stop for two years."
"Larry’s arms wrap around him, squeezing almost too tight" People forget that Larry and Phoenix were good friends too, and Larry would help his best friend
"Nobody believed him, nobody but Mia" Maya is what Phoenix is to Mia and I adore that
"He wishes, desperately, that he’d said it while she was still alive. I loved you. For everything you did." Not you absolutely breaking my fucking heart
Also the first AA game felt unnatural in the sense of how seemingly unaffected Phoenix seemed at Mia's murder so I'm really glad you wrote it this way
Also quick break to mention how I absolutely fucking love your writing style and i wish I was literally half as talented as you cuz the last time I read something that made me feel this multitude of emotions was ocean vuong. And I practically worship Ocean Vuong. So now I worship you too
"You're a stranger to me // When will I stop hoping?" I never really realised just how badly nick musta been hurt by good ol' bratworth before this fic, but now that I have read it, it would have hurt him so bad
"Is this why you never answered my letters? Because I was a reminder? Because it hurt too much?" Honestly what happened to miles and phoenix's friendship hurts so much because it should have never happened, and miles didn't deserve that.
"Maybe Miles Edgeworth is not the man he thought he’d be, either." yo when I tell you this hurt I mean this huRT
Fun fact! My birthday is on the same day as DL-6 anniversary. Gregory Edgeworth died on my birthday. I feel horrible now
"monster. You were nine years old and he's a monster. " No one has made me feel this much emotion for what happened to Miles in a single sentence other than you. I commend you for that
"I love you," he says quietly. He has never said those words to anyone, except for Dahlia Hawthorne.
Maya sniffs in his ear, crushing him tight. "I love you, too."
He has never heard them back.
"Tell me everything. Every detail—" Miles is worried bout nick and why wouldn't he? gods you're so gay miles but tbf if I knew someone like nick irl i'd go ballistic too
"He determined the motive for his own assault...with amnesia. Naturally." My man's smart af and he is king
"Is that what she thinks of me? That I'm like that? That I don't care about who the bad guys really are?" Gumshoe noooo you're hella precious! Also this particular chapter was so well written! loved this soo much!
Also taking a minute to appreciate the pacing! Rarely do I ever come across an author who just hits that sweet spot of perfect pacing and you did! so thank you!
Alright so here are a few thoughts that I felt capcom needed to do which you did for us!
no. 1 - Address the trauma phoenix faced with not only dahlia but also with mia's death
no. 2 - Actually fucking flesh out a good relationship dynamic between larry and phoenix
no. 3 - actually! have! phoenix! be hurt! in bridge to turnabout! istg my man would not have dropped from a burning bridge to a freezing river only to have a cold
ok so I have a LOT of feelings for bridge to turnabout and HOO BOY BUCKLE UP
So I always thought that in this fic, miles must have felt fucking awful! I mean he very clearly hates who he was and what that has led to but that must have been doubled over with this case! Phoenix would have died if not for mia and it would have been indirectly miles's fault. I think about that alot
Like he said that he very much regrets whatever he did as bratworth in the phone call with gumshoe but i don't think he anticipated this. poor edgeworth
Also I think this was the final nail in the coffin for miles. Phoenix forgave him, after all the fucked up shit miles did, and that made that man go "how is this guy so fucking compassionate awwwww shit I'm in fucking love with this idiotic brave man".
my main thoughts were "holy shit phoenix must have been feeling awful." like to learn that you were in love with a person who turned out to be a murderer but then not a murderer cuz everything you felt about that was real and just...... it must have hurt. He never fell in love with dahlia. it was iris, always. and WHAT ABOUT MILES DURING THIS!!! Like to learn that the man you love was falsely led to believe that he was in love with a person he rarely met and then learn that his ex who is not murderous might still be in love with him because "that was real. that part was real." like damn. people just gloss over this
also I feel terrible for iris F in the chat for iris lads.
Dahlia literally haunting that courtroom scene. I felt mia's power. I felt her desperation. I felt everything and I am once again in awe of the absolute power your writing holds.
also godsdamn pearls had to go through all that shit huh. also FRANMAYAAAAAA THANK YOUUUU
I too, am a hoe confused as to what I should feel towards diego.
Ok anyways we jump to disbarment now
"He just winks at her and says Maya has other talents, and if Mystic Maya overhears, she puffs up at him like the fish from the aquarium she saw once, the one with all the spikes and silly eyes."
you know what constantly amazes me? your ability to change tones so effortlessly. When writing from edgey's pov, the language is sophisticated. precise. when writing from pearly's pov your language is simplistic, child-like. from phoenix's pov it's natural. grounded
"She never knew anybody who made faces like him, growing up in Kurain, and it’s one of the things that makes him special." Yo phoenix is the most amazing uncle ever and we all know it ok he's brilliant
“I think I did something really bad." trucy baby no it's not your fault
pearl and trucy bonding supremacy. my girls would fuck shit up
"She’d meant to do this properly, one day." Thank you for giving importance to maya's feelings. thank you for treating her like a real human being. thank you
“Everything that happened...for what? It’s only gotten people hurt. Pearly. Our mother.” Me. Me." I felt so bad for maya here. I wish I could tell you in precise words about how this exact framing of the sentence is what broke me. "me. me" maya deserved more, but mia did all she could
"What do scared kids need? ...Food." not you breaking my godsdamn heart again. phoenix just knows what's it like being a helpless child, and he'll be damned if he ever lets anyone face that again
“‘Course, Pearls,” he says reflexively, before frowning. “What for?” reflexively. if every man in the world could be like phoenix wright then the world would be worthy of the gods
"Another one?" give it 2 years edgey she'll be your daughter too
"after countless hours creating the man’s living space in his mind from the background snatches he’d seen in the man’s ridiculous video calls." NOT ONLY DO THEY VC FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON BUT ALSO MILES ACTUALLY SPENDS TIME TRYING TO RECREATE HIS ROOM?? BECAUSE HE WOULD ONE DAY LIKE TO BE IN IT??? good gods these bitches gay. good for them
"because just as day is light and night is dark, Phoenix Wright is an honorable man." damn straight. you love to see it (it being a 27+ year old man pining for another 27+ year old man)
also hey miles! how do you feel about the fact that the man you love changed his fucking major and degrees halfway through college just so he could see you again only for you to be incredibly rude to him and make him end up in jail! (i bully edgeworth cuz i love him)
"Wright finishes, shrugging like it’s nothing, like his commitment and belief isn’t the most extraordinary thing that Miles has ever faced." it's more than pining at this point. it's incredible faith and trust. Miles had someone who cared about him even after all those years despite him having changed so drastically, ofc he would be surprised. Miles loves phoenix and so do i.
Also the whole segment where they kiss is just !!!!! miles wants! it's beautiful! THEY'RE IN LOVEEE
receiving poisonous bottles which your ex tried to kill you with. My man can't get a break huh
Miles being chivalrous and protective and absolutely stealing my godsdamn heart (and phoenix's too)!
Klavier being the absolute king that he is we stan
The hostage situation section? gods miles must have been terrified.
Phoenix not being able to promise pearly that he'd always come back home and miles hearing it and like... ouch. my heart. you didn't need to do that (but i love your for it)
klavier baby I am so sorry
and thus my comment ends. I believe I have almost used up all of my commenting limits and i leave with these few parting words : HOLY SHIT YOUR AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU!
also I made a playlist on spotify for this fic! here's the link : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3k8lRHiO8ZXQDLpiTUL7SN?si=fc3b35b4ab064867
gods this was long huh
thank you so much for all the amazing things you said....i am crying on a Wednesday morning knowing my writing was appreciated this much. thank you!
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niobiumao3 · 3 years
Hawkeye show: What if we kept making each episode better and better?
Me: That seems unlikely.
Hawkeye show: Episode 5 :D :D
Me: x.x
One thing I think the Hawkeye show has done better than FATWS did is emphasizing how much Clint isn't actually trying to kill Yelena or Maya or most of these people. That's why he's nowhere near as effective in the fights with them; he's making every effort to stay on top without producing maiming or killing blows.
FATWS struggled on this somewhat as it regards Bucky, I think due to lack of really talking about it as directly as Hawkeye has. It made Bucky look unskilled, as opposed to especially Episodes 4 and 5 of Hawkeye, where's it's obvious if Clint wanted to he'd have taken care of most of these people in short order. Like Bucky he has a lot more experience killing people, years wise, nonstop, than most of the rest of the characters (and unlike Yelena or Maya has the benefit of training with Natasha all those years). Even Yelena admits that the trail of bodies he left in his wake is impressive.
And yet they don't make Yelena or Maya look unskilled or incapable in showing this about Clint. They aren't made to suffer to prop him up. Maya catches Clint by surprise and nearly kills him (which rattles him, as we see in the Uber ride; he was trying to help her, instead of the more expedient thing, and it almost costs him). There's a little suggestion of Yelena being, like Kate, wildly over-confident and blinded by anger and grief over losing Nat, (a lovely parallel with Maya and Clint both, actually--grief and anger blinding them to reality), but otherwise she holds her own in a confusing, multiperson fight.
It's some very deft storytelling and it's not easy to pull off the nuance of 'older, experienced character a doesn't want to cripple or kill characters b and c, who want to kill them and are very capable, chaos ensues' without making any of a, b, or c look like a fuckup. They're managing it very well and I love it.
Numerous other people have also mentioned how Clint's entire life is defined by all these powerful women in it, which is a wonderful change from many other characters like him. It's not men who are shaping his interactions, it's women: Natasha, Laura, Kate, Eleanor, Maya, Yelena. Men are problems for all of them, but his entire story has been about these women. The only man to really come into it in a meaningful way has been Kingpin.
And I think we've got about all the confirmation we need at this point that a) the watch is Laura's, b) she was a Mockingbird-esque or Widow-like character. Joss Whedon denied us Clintasha, so instead Laura is, well, very much like Natasha. Of course I'd rather have just had Clintasha but as that's no longer on the table this is a fun alternative: saving Nat wasn't some one-off, it was Clint's past interactions with a woman paying forward into his behavior.
Just like with Kate.
Not kidding this series has been payoff after payoff.
ps Disney if anything happens to Grills I'm coming for you I don't fucking care about comics canon.
pps I mean we all knew it was Kingpin but I'm very happy to see him. Charlie Cox arm truthers win. :)
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lady-byleth · 3 years
My friend, I want to hear more of your opinion regarding the questionable how-did-we-get-here relationship between Soushi, Kazuki, and Maya. I actually had fun watching Maya crushing on Kazuki in S1 and to an extent in Exodus. Then there's the canonical ship tease between Soushi and Maya, which is IMO flimsily written? (They had a stronger chemistry in S1). I don't know where I'm going with this. All I know is that everything derailed the moment Maya's characterization shifted.
I have a lot of thoughts about this, though full disclosure, I haven't watched The Beyond cuz everything past the movie is just...no.
If you ask me, the ship tease between Soushi and Maya doesn't work whatsoever because in season 1 she vaguely resents him and treats him like the number 1 reason for Kazuki's problems. Which, in her defense, isn't necessarily wrong but disregards a lot of his own problems
She isn't downright nasty to him but she is very clearly aware of the fact that Kazuki cares about Soushi more than anyone else and while she doesn't like that she knows getting Soushi to stop being so cold would help Kazuki mentally a lot, which she doesn't like cuz she'd prefer being that person for him herself but she's emotionally mature enough to put those two fools first
Meanwhile every canon piece of media ever has made it a point to mention that Soushi also cares about Kazuki more than anyone, especially post reconciliation in season 1 and their connection in the movie, and past Heaven and Earth he repeatedly implies that he knows he won't be around for long, especially in late Exodus. He doesn't make it a secret that he won't survive the season and actually makes an effort to build up Kazuki's support system for him, including Maya.
And since he was also fully prepared to die for the island as early as season 1, him suddenly giving clumsy hints towards Maya makes zero sense, especially when they already established a much deeper emotional connection to Kazuki as early as the first episodes of the series.
From my perspective, Maya giving up on Kazuki because he's more focused on Soushi and Soushi pushing them together cuz he knows Kazuki will need someone who cares once he's gone is more in line with their personalities and their previous characterization
Maya still being in love with Kazuki and just not pursuing it is very much something she would do cuz she never puts herself first, never has. That's shown as early on as her friendship with Shouko.
Kazuki never showed any interest in girls whatsoever, and even when he figured out Shouko liked him in the novel he didn't even see her as an option, so if they actually show something developing with Maya that'd be weird
Soushi doesn't know what being selfish means unless it comes to Kazuki so him showing interest in Maya is also weird cuz of how one track his mind is concerning Kazuki
The love triangle being Kazuki -> Soushi -> Maya -> Kazuki is weird when you consider their behavior and characterization for most of the series.
It being Maya -> Kazuki <-->Soushi while Soushi keeps himself back because of the circumstances of his return and impending death to instead instead try and push Maya and Kazuki together makes more sense
Idk if that what you wanted to hear but that's how I view it. Again, haven't watched The Beyond cuz everything after the movie has just been...kinda meh, especially when they began pushing the Kazuki and Soushi dynamic to the background and even forgot that Kazuki would lose his goddamn mind if Soushi jumped in front of a gun of him in season 1
Just...remember his reaction to Idun kidnapping Soushi? Kazuki thought he was dead and BEGGED HIS FATHER to let him go on a suicide mission to get revenge? He even outright compares his feelings to what his father felt when Akane died. Remember that? Cuz I sure do.
Everything less than that level of devotion is ooc and not my Kazuki
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Maya is the sister of Gary Kayes, the Chicken Feed food truck owner, and from time to time, she helps him out. Everything seems to be as usual until a certain android comes along.
Suddenly, she sees herself faced with the task to explain emotions to an android who seems to be kinda lost in the world.
Pairing: DBH!Connor x OC!Maya
Words: 1.450
Warnings: small cursing? (It's Hank you know....)
A/N: So, this is my first series for DBH. I hope you enjoy it, guys. Feedback is always appreciated. Have fun :)
It was raining… again… well, as always…
As Maya looked at the gray sky, she asked herself how much water could be held in clouds generally AND if Detroit was the only place on earth where it rained so much. The weather forecast already announced snow coming the next few days. Different weather phenomenon, still wet. Maya was sure she could already smell the upcoming weather change in the air. There was something special before it started to snow.
Gary, Maya's older brother and the proud owner of the Chicken Feed, greeted the next customer Pedro and brought her out of her thoughts back into reality.
As Pedro spotted Maya, he greeted her with a wide, winning smile, showing off his white teeth and curved one brow what should look like flirting she guessed.
"What a beautiful sight for sore eyes. You should show up more often, sweetheart."
"Come on, bro. You already know that: no flirting with my baby sister.", Gary said playfully very serious.
"Yeah.. yeah… yeah... Calm down Gary, you just think no one would ever be good enough for her."
"Because it's the truth.", Gary said convinced but with a smirk on his lips.
"Excuse me, brother, but do I have to say something about it, as well?", Maya asked with crossed arms and one tapping feet. Gary turned his head slowly into her direction and pretended to think.
"No, not really.", Gary admitted grinning and shook his head. Maya rolled with her eyes and caught sight of a familiar, old car that had just arrived: Hank Anderson. He came over for his usual lunch break. It seemed to be a day like everyone else. Hank left the car and crossed the street, almost hit by an independent driving taxi.
"Hey, Hank. The usual?", Gary asked as the older man stood in front of the truck. Hank nodded.
"Hey, Hank! Long time no see."
"Hey, Maya. Good to see you.", Hank greeted her with a smile.
"Plastic with you?", Gary asked as he saw the android sitting in Hank's car. Maya looked curiously into the same direction and tried to catch a glance at it. The android left the car and crossed the street to reconnect with its partner.
"Only temporary.", Hank answered after he gave Pedro a small amount of money for the next bet. Pedro waved goodbye and left. The android stood behind Hank and waited patiently. Hank needed a moment to realize that the android was behind him.
"Oh, god damnit!", Hank cursed as he noticed the android next to him. The android was soaked by the pouring rain but it didn't seem to care at all.
"You don't have to follow me around like a poodle!", Hank grunted but the android didn't seem to be impressed.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but my instructions are very clear.", the android answered. Maya noticed its smooth voice. She liked the sound of it and was intrigued immediately.
"Your new partner, Hank?", Maya asked very interested and looked at the android with a smile.
"Yeah...Unfortunately.",Hank muttered under his breath and rolled annoyed with his eyes.
"Don't listen to him. Hank's always a bit moody. I'm Maya. What’s your name?", she introduced herself to the android because she knew no one else would do it. It looked at her, inclining its head to the side. In that moment, she noticed the incredible warm shade of his soft brown eyes. As the light incided into them, she even noticed a hint of gold.
"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife.", he introduced himself politely.
"Nice to meet you, Connor.", Maya said smiling. The android watched her curiously, nodded and showed a soft smile as if he was imitating her behavior.
"Since when are you Hank's partner? I haven't seen you around here before."
"Officially, I became his partner today. But we already worked together yesterday."
“Every second is far too long.”, Hank muttered.
"Ignore him. He doesn't mean it like this.”
“Yes, I do!”, Hank insisted but Maya waved his complaint aside with her hand before she focused back on Connor.
“And how's working with Hank, so far? I hope it's not too challenging.", Maya asked and leant out of the truck while she listened to Connor with interest.
"I'm programmed to adjust to unpredictable human behaviour-"
"Here you go.", Gary said a bit louder than necessary and gave Hank the ordered food and drink to cut off the android. He shoved Maya out of the way to stop her conversation with Connor. Hank took the food and walked to the next table.
"Hey! Don't leave this thing here!", Gary shouted.
"Don't worry. It follows me everywhere.", Hank said. Connor looked after his partner excused himself from Maya politely and followed Hank as promised.
"See.", Hank said, pointing out. Maya turned back to work but now and then, she glanced over to the place where Connor stood, talking with Hank. She wasn't very good at hiding her curiosity because slowly, Gary appeared into her field of view and stood next to her.
"What are you staring at?", Gary asked as he saw that Maya was distracted by something.
"W-what? Nothing!", she hurried to say and turned away.
"Don't lie to me, little sister. Your attention has faded since this plastic thing appeared."
"Don't call him that! That's rude."
"And you shouldn't refer to it as him. That's rude to real living beings."
"I can't believe that you say things like this!"
"Maya, I don’t want to have this kind of conversation again with you!"
"Yeah...right...because you won't ever change your opinion.", she muttered annoyed.
"That's right.", Gary said seriously and turned back to the next customer.
Once again, Maya was distracted by the android. He spoke with Hank about something even if Hank didn't seem to be delighted about it. There were snippets she heard about calories in the food and a question about a highway earlier this day. Maya heard how Connor asked if Hank might want to know something about the android. Immediately, Maya had several questions in her mind she would like to ask. Hank shook his head but stopped and asked something about the androids goofy appearance and weird voice. Maya couldn't understand this point of view. Both were things she already liked about the android.
Maya was indeed fascinated by Connor. He was tall with a slim figure. His brown hair was looking soft with one hair flip falling into his face. Maya imagined how smoothly it would be if she would slide her fingers through it. Maybe it was as soft as feathers. She had never seen an android like him before with his fancy suit and friendly, polite appearance. Maybe humans would trust him more easily because he looked so...cute? CyberLife really outdone themself with this model.
"Come on! Stop that shit!", Gary muttered under his breath more angry as he saw Maya's glance at the android as it crossed the street to go back into Hank's car. Maya made a face and stuck out her tongue to her older brother.
Then, she had an idea. She took a cardboard cup and filled it with Hank's favorite lemonade: pineapple passion. She took the cup, put a straw in it and left the food truck under Gary’s observing glance.
"Here you go.", Maya said and placed the drink in front of Hank.
"Thanks but I.. I didn't order this."
"I know.. I-It's on the house.", Maya said and looked over to the car where Connor sat with closed eyes.
"Y-yeah?", she responded...a bit too late. Hank noticed that and watched the young woman with a raised brow. He looked from her to his car and back at her.
"What's so interesting over there?", he asked even if he already knew the answer.
"Uhm, oh...nothing."
"Bullshit. You're watching the android, aren't you?", Hank stated and watched how Maya's cheeks turned slightly pink.
"Uhm.. w-what? No! No, of course not!", Maya chuckled nervously but Hank saw that it was a white lie.
"Maya?", Hank asked more serious to build a bit of pressure on the young woman.
"Connor seems to be nice.", she admitted low.
"This piece of plastic?", Hank asked confused with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Maya noticed it and frowned why everyone seemed to despise the android.
"I like him.", she admitted with a shrug and was about to leave but looked one last time to the car. Hank watched her closely. Two more times, the young woman looked over at his car before she bumped into the corner of the truck and finally, she disappeared inside.
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mewtonian-physics · 3 years
An Honest Review of Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
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Spoilers under the cut!
Hi! Penny (not that one) here with the next installment of my Nancy Drew game reviews!
In case you haven’t seen the previous reviews, a quick overview of how I’ll be doing this:
I’m going to include several different factors in my review of each game. First, the plot; obvious enough. The plot is, after all, the driving force behind the game. I’ll also be talking about what I think of the characters, as well as how fun it is to play/replay, and the general atmosphere/setting of the game too. And, of course, I’ll talk about my opinions of the music. I’m not going to be doing any ratings or anything like that, no numbers will be coming into these reviews; I’m just going to say my honest thoughts. (Even when they are not nice thoughts.)
Please remember that these reviews will be my entirely subjective opinions! If you disagree with me on any points, that’s absolutely your prerogative, and in fact, I’d love to discuss it with you and hear some perspectives aside from my own. These reviews are not meant to hurt or invalidate anyone’s feelings, but only to put forth my own.
So without further ado, my review of The Final Scene!
I really like the plot of this game. This is one of those games where it kind of has two plots going on, but it ties them together so seamlessly that most of the time you can barely even tell. See, Nancy is tagging along with her friend Maya Nguyen, who is going to interview a famous TV 'hunk'--and no, this does not mark the reappearance of Rick Arlen, thank god--but when she goes in to interview him, Maya disappears! Nancy is told that her friend is hidden somewhere in the Royal Palladium theater, but here's the problem--the theater is going to be demolished in just three days, which doesn't leave her much time to find Maya and get out of there. With the police being incredibly unhelpful and the clock ticking down, Nancy has to either find Maya or stop the demolition before the theater is destroyed with her friend inside it! Her search for Maya is interspersed with the discovery of the history behind the old theater, weaving the kidnapping plot together with the hunt for the theater's true owner in such a way that they fit perfectly. After all, the owner might be able to stop the demolition in time to save Maya--but only if Nancy can figure out who it is before time runs out! It's a really stellar and well-crafted plot, and it deserves all the praise I'm giving it.
I also really enjoy the backstory they give this game. I am a fan of Harry Houdini (look up his relationship with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle some time, it's hilarious) and stage magicians in general, so it's really fun for me.
This is another game with a quite colorful cast of characters. We have Brady Armstrong, a popular actor; Simone Mueller, his agent; Nicholas Falcone, an activist; and Joseph Hughes, the theater's caretaker.
I would be remiss to not mention just how fantastic Nancy's interactions with the characters are in this game. She's so sassy and sharp with everyone, her impatience and fear for Maya coming out in fire. Thank you, Nancy.
As for the characters themselves... they are a bit of a mixed bag in terms of quality, as far as I'm concerned. I really couldn't care less about Brady. I find him annoying and whiny (I'm so sorry your life is so hard, Mr. Famous Actor) and he seems to share all of Rick Arlen's worst personality traits, so really, it's just a hard thumbs-down on this one.
Simone, though. Wow! Pardon the language, but she is such a bitch, and I love it. The absolute nerve she has! Using Maya's disappearance as nothing more than a publicity stunt is a truly coldhearted move, and it really just establishes her as exactly who she is: a ruthless, ambitious, calculating woman who is willing to do anything to get what she wants.
Nicholas is popular for obvious reasons. He's passionate about his work, is fun to talk to, and has a long history with the theater that further drives his resolve. Also, I love the way he is just so unimpressed with Brady. Me too, Nick. Me too.
Joseph, on the other hand, is just a sweet, harmless old man who doesn't want to lose the theater he loves so much... except it turns out that he's not so sweet and harmless after all. In fact, he's so desperate to save the theater that he is willing to go to any length to do so, including kidnapping. I remember how absolutely horrified I was when he was revealed as the culprit, but in the end, his character was so well-developed that I could almost understand how he got there. The theater was essentially the only home he had--of course he wouldn't want to lose it! Unfortunately, he went way too far trying to keep it.
...Yeah, I have some complaints about the gameplay here, and by 'some complaints' I mean the 3-day mechanic. While it makes sense in the context of the plot, I hate it. It'll come back in a later game, and I hate it there, too. Having to try and figure out exactly what I have to do each day to get the plot to move forward is something that really frustrates me, especially since I also have to figure out what I can't do until the next day, when hey, maybe I just want to do that thing now. Also I have a special hatred for the key machine just because of how much time it took from me. Yes, I know that's a me problem. I know. I don't replay this game often because even years after I first played it, it still frustrates me to no end. Fuck the 3-day mechanic. Let me do what I want.
The setting is so lovely! I love exploring the theater, I love looking at all the posters. It's so real and beautiful-looking, but clearly has been falling into some disrepair, which also adds a bit of a spooky vibe to it. Details like the gum and the popcorn really help immerse the player--what's a theater without a little mess, after all? And I positively adore the old touches like the game in the lobby--and I hate the key machine, but it really does add a lot to the setting. But you're on thin fucking ice, key machine. Thin. Fucking. Ice.
The more hidden areas are also incredible, especially the magician's room--I wish I could go there in real life! But, um... I never want to see that card machine. Ever. God, that thing creeps me out.
The music in this game is sooooooo good! In fact, I'd say it's perfect. It has this lovely old-timey sound to it that, when combined with the incredible way the theater is rendered, really makes me feel like I'm there. It also has several tracks which are downright creepy! This isn't at all a game I would consider one of the scary ones, but it has a more subtle fear to it, and some of the music really brings that out. Maya's theme is also superb. I love how dramatic and intense it sounds, and the mixed-in shouts at the beginning of it. It's perfect. I have so much love for this game's soundtrack, I think it was really well-made.
This is another of those games that I would definitely recommend. The characters are good, the plot is great, and the atmosphere and music are just stunning. It definitely has less enjoyable elements (*cough* 3-day mechanic *cough*) but any fan of the series should definitely play it at least once.
See you next time, when I review game #6: Secret of the Scarlet Hand!
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Flat Whites & JJ
Mia: Mum can take four of us, so three of you are still going to need to find your way there, Dad's away on a Golf weekend 🤷 Grace: I'll ask if any of the fam can take the rest of us 🤞💜 Mia: Aw, thanks so much, babe Mia: so you're cool not coming with us then? Grace: there's like 1000s of them so 🤷🙄 someone'll will totally be talked or bribed into doing it 💅 Grace: oh yeah sure, it's like not even a problem, babes Mia: 😂😂😂 for real, got to have some upsides, yeah? Mia: Great 💗 Mia: the rest of you, you can only bring what you can hold on your laps, Dad took the range so we're in the sports, the boot is like non-existent 💁🙄 Grace: ugh IKR?! 😂😂😂 Grace: at least we can take SO MUCH of the stuff whoever's behind the wheel, you're so welcome huns Mia: Love a helpful queen Mia: Asia, are you even coming with us or are you going to ditch us for your boyfriend, again 💅 Asia: Of course I'm coming!!! Asia: Literally just got my hair done 👌👌✂ Asia: [and a million pics that nobody asked for] Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍😍 Grace: WOW! SO CUTE Mia: Yeah, but are you coming with us or coming with us like Maya's party where you left SO early with him instead of having a good time with your besties Ella: 😏🍵 Hollie: wasn't so early she didn't have a good time with ME tho! 💃💘 views to prove it Asia: UM like isn't it LAW that what happens at parties stays there?! 🤫🤫 Asia: & he doesn't even wanna come with soooooooo Jimmy: 💔 Ella: Oh, so we're your 2nd choice? 🤔🤔 Mia: 💔 is right, so rude Asia: ???!! Asia: not even Mia: We all heard you, you can't deny it Mia: at least own it, babe, omg Asia: you asked if he was coming?? Mia: Literally no one is concerned about him but you 😂 Mia: shame he's not, I might need your seat, actually Mia: but that's cool, yeah? seeing as you've got so many options Asia: ?????????? Mia: 🤫🤫 Grace: Why might you need her seat though? Spill on who you're trying to bring, thank you Mia: I'm not trying to make this convo all about me Mia: so cringe Mia: we're meant to be planning, thank you Jimmy: Go on, we're obvs all DYING to know Mia: Have to wait and 👀 Mia: be a nice surprise for you all Janis: How will we ever bear the suspense? Jimmy: there's only one of you who's getting mouth to mouth if you stop breathing, soz Janis: Things are looking up, Asia 🤞 Jimmy: I'm SO not going if Asia's not going, FYI Janis: 💔 Mia: There'll be room in whatever you're showing up in Mia: assuming she doesn't ditch you too, it's her thing rn Jimmy: put her on my lap ✔ you don't mind, do you, babe? Ella: 🤢 Jimmy: green's right Jimmy: no need to be jealous, El Ella: Don't ever call me that Jimmy: Babe 💔 come on Jimmy: this TENSION between us Ella: Repulsive and delusional, cute 🙄 Ella: Why are you even in this chat, though 👏 it's not nice to make fun of Asia, or helpful rn Jimmy: Bit rude to chuck me out of a chat she started Jimmy: but alright we can plan without her Jimmy: Mia* Mia: You aren't funny, new boy Jimmy: is that @ Asia's boyfriend or? Jimmy: he's got a name Janis: You aren't funny, babe Janis: what's to plan anyway, we have tents, we have lifts, sorted Hollie: Is Asia coming? Mia: Grace, can you please explain to your sister how much more there is left to do Mia: and Asia why are you like making people ask after you??? hello, answer a question, would you, silence ain't cute Grace: Janis does lowkey have a point, babes, it is chill Grace: she doesn't need or want to be involved in our outfit planning, obvs 😂😂 Asia: I LITERALLY SAID I'M COMING Ella: 🔉 Ella: Why are you shouting though Asia: why are you the volume police, Ells?? OH MY GOD Mia: Obviously Mia: but there's actually important stuff still to do, thanks, like who's getting the drink, for one Mia: Asia needs to calm down and find herself a seat, and a whole new tent if she's going to bring everyone down with her attitude??? Mia: don't take your relationship drama out on us tbh Jimmy: The unfunny dickhead with the unflattering fake ID, duh 👋 Jimmy: Love me again now, don't you? Mia: Don't get excited Mia: I want 2 bottles of vodka Jimmy: You gonna put me on a timeout, an' all? Cute Mia: El? Ella: Same Janis: You know it's a weekend Janis: you two don't need 4 bottles between you Janis: and you aren't even meant to have glass anyway Mia: You suddenly care about the rules? Mia: We'll pay you now, chill out 😂😂 Jimmy: I was waiting for the #flex Jimmy: can rest easy and count my 💰 now Mia: 🙄 you wanna pay for us Mia: literally none of us will be impressed Jimmy: and live off bread and water for the foreseeable? You're alright Jimmy: So poor, me, you just put the reminder out yourself Mia: 💔 Mia: like we're all SOOOO rich Jimmy: 🙄 Mia: like, bang on about it more, so not boring Mia: is anyone else going to order or are you just going to keep him waiting forever? Mia: what's wrong with you lots, like are you being shy Hollie: you bringing up Maya's party has me 🤔🤔🤔 maybe we should chill out with the 🍾🍾 idk Mia: You make those little videos sober, don't think you need to worry about being any more cringe, babe Mia: why are we going if to not have fun, come on now Hollie: WOW, ILY too babe Mia: it is what we 💗 about you Mia: so funny Hollie: 👌👌👌 Mia: OMG, this MOOD Mia: you're all stressing me out, actually over this Grace: Vodka is like totally fine for all of us, okay? Just get enough to have fun with, like Mia said Grace: without getting CRAZY like Hollie warned Grace: then we can all just move on Jimmy: 👍 Mia: Yeah, this is so much fun Mia: 🙄 Mia: I'm over this convo Jimmy: 💔 Mia: El, be ready in 15, okay? Grace: Is that everything? Mia: 🤷 Mia: Like I'm doing all the work for what? Mia: You wanna be boring, you'll have to work it out yourselves Grace: I'm literally asking so you don't have to do it all yourself, honey Mia: I said, I'm over it Mia: We're going shopping, you can all do what you want Grace: Ugh Grace: everyone stop Ella: The problem is you're doing nothing though? 💁 Grace: Excuse you? Ella: What? 😂 Grace: That's like the opposite of helping Grace: I'm trying to sort everything out Ella: 👌👌👌 Grace: Do you wanna talk to Asia rn? cos I don't think you appreciate how upset she is Grace: That's what I'm doing Ella: Such a saint 🙏 Ella: she's got nothing to be upset about, just like the rest of you, this is such a joke Grace: mhmmm Grace: we all know you wanna call the whole thing off, Ella Grace: but maybe the rest of us wanna go, so like ?? Don't be so rude Ella: That's why me and Mia are the only ones who have made any suggestions in this chat??? Ella: Okay Grace: 4 bottles of vodka isn't a suggestion, it's a shopping list Ella: We all know you can't handle your drink Ella: so why don't you ask for some cocktails in a can and get realistic about it Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: El, leave it Mia: this chat is so hormonal Grace: Call off your clone please, so over her Ella: Ha, now who's excused Ella: what was that about green? Grace: yeah cos I was so in favour before Grace: okay Grace: I literally don't care, count me out if this is how it's going to be the whole time Ella: The tantrums 😂 Ella: your sister finally invites you to something and this is how you act Grace: my sister isn't the one being a total bitch, you are Grace: eat something, you'll feel better Ella: Seen enough changing room meltdowns to know that's not worked for you, hun 😚 Mia: This is so toxic and we all know why Asia: I don't Mia: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: God 😂 Mia: she speaks Hollie: stop shading her Mia: And another one Hollie: her and her bf will be done before the tents are set up, like hello? Hollie: it's not worth dragging her over Asia: 😱😱😱 Asia: Hollie! Mia: Wow Mia: it says so much about you that you only pipe up when things get bitchy Mia: both of you, where was this enthusiasm earlier? Damn, say how you really feel, Hols Hollie: I have to do my own dirty work 🤷 Hollie: if Ells had a twin too, I could sit back and get comfy too Mia: No one's asked you to be such a bitch Mia: this is why people don't fuck with you, so uncomfortable 😬 Hollie: yeah cos only you two are allowed, isn't it? Hollie: is it a boy you've invited? Mia: 😂 show me where Hollie: maybe where Ells is about to pull Gracie's weave out? Hollie: or when you uninvited Asia cos you're so salty that she has a bf Mia: Grace is trying to threaten she's not coming and Asia is clearly doing the same since no one uninvited her Mia: like, try to hide your drama behind us some more Mia: we're shopping for outfits, MY mum is driving us, I've paid for my drinks? Mia: sort your lives, honestly Hollie: my drama is you, you're being cringey bitches and I'm so done 👌 Asia: So I can come with you? Ella: Mime to a sad song, you'll feel better Ella: duh, Asia Hollie: I'll feel better when that boy you have a crush on, who I won't name to the entire chat cos I'm not that bitch, slides into my DMs again Hollie: thanks so much though, Ells Ella: It's tragic you think that means anything Ella: as if you've ever made it to the tent being put up Hollie: It's sooooooo funny that you think that's going to get to me Hollie: I don't want a 💍 and you know it Ella: that's lucky Ella: don't think they do engagement rings in man-sized Jimmy: Well I'm fucked then Jimmy: soz babe, the proposal's cancelled Mia: Are you two legit still here? Mia: That's even more pathetic than you three, you're in luck Jimmy: waiting on my shopping invite, no manners, you Mia: You've got your list Jimmy: But how can I join the cult if you don't tell me the dress code Jimmy: Kool-Aid's on order, like Mia: 🦗🦗 Mia: less reaction than your fake proposal bombshell, I am SO sorry, sweetie Jimmy: I proper felt that, you should go to drama school Ella: and Brits are meant to be decent at sarcasm Ella: try harder, new boy Jimmy: What's sarcasm? Please tell us, attack dog #1 Ella: Get Grace to, seeing as she's such a martyr Ella: Asia's stopped blubbing now Grace: Get over yourself and my name out of your mouth, hun Grace: your changing room meltdown atm isn't my problem Ella: OMG, a real-life 👼 Ella: deigning to talk to us commoners for a sec Ella: you wanna talk about names in your mouth, be sure to tell Asia what you said about her after she left Maya's, k 😘 Grace: Jesus loves everyone babes, even you Mia: 💁 so true Mia: make sure your hands are clean before you start pointing the finger, Gracie Grace: Oh please, I was drunk after I left that party cos OBVS I can NEVER handle my drink, DUH Grace: Do we wanna take a moment to talk about what you both said about my sister and her boyfriend after they invited us to this festival or no? Mia: Try on another excuse, see if that one fits Ella: 😏 Ella: doubt it Grace: we for sure don't wanna take any moments to discuss body image, unless of course you really would like to leave the chat and focus on your ootds Ella: 🐢🌵💚 Asia: ??? Asia: what does that even mean?? Ella: She knows Ella: Asia are you at home? Asia: not my home Asia: why? Ella: to pick you up Ella: you still need to get stuff too, right? Asia: OH Asia: I'll get him to drop me off rn Ella: 🙌 we'll wait 💗 Asia: 👌💗 Mia: We'll do nails and tan after, Dad's paying Asia: I can't tan too dark tho it'll clash with 💇 Mia: 'course, babe, that'd be so cringe Mia: you'll look amazing 😘 Asia: 💗💗💗 Mia: k, toodles 👋 Asia: SO excited Ella: Us too 💃🍾 Hollie: 🙄🙄🙄 Ella: Your negative energy is really draining Ella: speak up if you've got a problem, Hols, maybe we can help Hollie: I just can't remember stepping into a time machine and popping out again when we were like 12 tbh Ella: Your backne is acting up again? Ella: Worst timing, the sun will do it wonders though, don't worry Hollie: 😂 Ella: See, that's more like it Ella: positivity, ladies Hollie: Mia, are you really doing this? Mia: Doing what, babe? Hollie: you know Hollie: 🥶🥶🥶🥶 Mia: I really don't, though Mia: sorry 😕 Mia: DM me if you don't want to say it in front of them, yeah Hollie: okay Hollie: be really cool if you could swat Ells off your shoulder first though Hollie: just saying Mia: Why are you being like, jealous Mia: so weird Mia: we're all friends, 'cos we're not 12 😂 Hollie: check your inbox Hollie: you won't be BFFs with her when you read that Ella: Beg an invite harder Hollie: you'll be begging to keep yours, babes Hollie: gonna have to do your own tan, uh oh Ella: You'd know all about that Ella: 🍊🍪😷 Asia: OMG yay! I understood that time Ella: 😂 it'd be hard to miss, right babe Ella: bless Asia: 😂😂
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katiecomma · 3 years
Book Review - One Last Stop
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I would like to start this review by saying this: these words are entirely my opinion. This is a review of a piece of writing that is based on my opinions and experiences and feelings. That being said, if this book made you feel represented, if you related to the characters, if you loved this book my opinions do not invalidate any of that. We are looking at this from different minds and different perspectives and different life experiences. Which is one of the most wonderful things about art: the interpretation. So, you are still represented and relatable and loved no matter how I feel or what I have to say.
On to the review. I'm going to put it below the cut, because it is CHOCK FULL of spoilers. So if you don't want to be spoiled do not continue.
I will also say, this is not a super positive review. I didn't love this book. I didn't even really like it very much.
I'm going to divide this into talking points.
1. The New York Trope
I hate hate HATE the New York Trope. Again, this is a personal thing that's specific to me. It's not to say it's a bad trope, it's just one that I'm SO SO SOOOOO tired of. I hate the idea of someone who could never find a place ANYWHERE else no matter where they've tried to go, making their way to New York where they believe they will finally belong. And then magically, even though they're a loser or an outcast or whatever... they do! They awkwardly stumble into the perfect little found family of weird people that so perfectly suits them it's like where they were made to be. I hate it. Again, this is personal. And it may just be lingering bitterness, but I moved from a small town to the big city and found it almost IMPOSSIBLE to make friends. Those cool people that you wish you were friends with, already have their own groups of friends and they don't often just adopt random new people that they don't really know and make them "part of the family." Yes, I know... I'm bitter. It's fine. See? This is the personal experience swaying my opinions that I was talking about. In addition to having that personal opinion of the trope, I'm just kind of tired of it. I feel like the New York Trope has been very overdone.
2. Forced Trans Rep
I was excited for the trans rep in this book. Afterall, it starts at the very beginning of the very first chapter when August answers a roommate ad that states: "Must be queer & trans friendly." I was like: awesome! I am so on board for this! LET'S GO!
I feel the need to break here to say that I love Niko. He is amazing. And I love his character.
Ok... so, the ad specifically states trans friendly. It breaks trans out from queer, which suggests that someone within the apartment is trans. We meet the three roommates: Niko, Myla and Wes... and nobody mentions the trans thing again. Which is awesome. I'm still on board this rep train. We are led to believe one of the roommates is trans. And we don't need to know which one. Why do we need to know? It doesn't matter. The representation is there, in my opinion.
And then the awkward scene I didn't like. There are baby/kids pictures of all the roommates all over the fridge. August recognizes everyone except a little girl who only looks a little familiar, wearing a princess dress at Disneyland and making a grumpy face. August asks who it is. Niko, very casually goes: "Oh, that's me." At which point August has some internal dialogue that felt very much to me like: Ok, I thought there was something off about him, he's not really a normal guy. That's a paraphrase... but that was the vibe I got. I sent it to a few other people who confirmed that I'm not crazy, it vibes that way. So... in addition to this scene feeling forced to "out" the trans person in the apartment (which felt SOOO unnecessary since the ad let us know there was a trans person in residence), August's reaction came across as accepting, but not feeling like Niko was a normal guy. Which... I really didn't like. It made me not like August at ALL, who is the main character.
The whole thing just felt really unnecessary to me. Especially when there's a scene later on that does it better! There's a scene later where August is asking Niko about his psychic abilities and she goes: when did you know?... and Niko replies: "That I was trans?"... and August waves it off and goes: "No, that you were psychic." That in my opinion would have been a way better reveal moment. It doesn't seem forced, and August waves it off like it's no big deal.
I may be crazy... but that drove me a little nuts. And really made me dislike August. I understand it's important to point out that everyone could have a little bias buried in them still, and it's important to overcome that... but I really didn't need anything to make me dislike August more... which leads into my next point.
3. August Is An Asshole
Yes, I understand there are assholes in the world.
Yes, I understand that they are redeemable.
But I did not like August for most of this book.
I understand that part of it is supposed to be her defensiveness... and her want to be a loner.
But August is an unapologetic asshole and says dickhead things to the people who are trying to help her or care about her. And I just didn't like that.
Again, I understand she's had a shitty life... but there just wasn't a lot in this book to redeem August for me and make me like her. I spent a lot of the book being like: I hope this nice girl doesn't fall for her because she's a bit of a dickhead.
4. August's Self Hate
In addition to being a bit of a dick... August has so much self-hate I found this book hard to read at times. Every time there is a description of her doing ANYTHING it is tinged with self-hatred to the point that the book was frustrating to read. There is a scene where she's been out in the rain and she's wearing sneakers. She gets on the train and her "sneakers squelched unattractively." So even when things are out of her control she projects self-hate onto them. And I HATED IT SO MUCH. It was infuriating. Even after Jane starts to like her and tells her that she's attractive and that her body is attractive the narrative is still very much "why does she like me though?"
I've had this conversation/rant with a few other people... and I understand that self-hate is very engrained in our society. I understand that girls, especially chubby girls, have this on their mind a lot of the time. One friend said that it would be unrealistic to have a book where the chubby girl doesn't hate herself, the suspension of disbelief of that would not be possible. (I feel I should point out this friend is chubby also).
But as a fat girl I need to say: I'M FUCKING TIRED OF THIS. I HATE IT SO MUCH. I want a main character like Lizzo, walking around with her skin on display and being confidant. I know that's a leap, honestly, but I would even go for someone acknowledging their body but not in a hateful way. Or having a little bit of a confidence issue but nothing like what was in this book. August hates herself so much that honestly... I was kind of mad about it.
One of the best fictional fat girls of all time is Suki from Gilmore Girls. You know why I loved her? Growing up and now? Because her weight is NEVER brought up. It's never the point of any of her jokes. It's never suggested she should lose weight. She never has any plotlines around dieting for her wedding or trying to fit into an old dress. Her weight is NEVER AN ISSUE. THIS IS WHAT I WANT IN FAT GIRL REP!!!!
Sorry... this point in particular is very close to home for me. As someone who's recently found her confidence it was very hard for me to read an entire book where everyone around the chubby girl is being nice to her but she's rude to them and self hating to herself.
Do girls like this exist? Of course! I was one of these girls! But it's frustrating to read sometimes.
5. Jane's Promiscuity
I found this was a sloppy way of getting them to kiss. And I'm not a HUGE fan of the slut and virgin trope. I don't mind someone having experience. But it seemed like Jane slept with half the women in the US before she was 24. And the only reason there was for her to have SO many partners was for August to kiss her more.
Quick explanation if you haven't read the book: Jane starts getting her memories back via sensory experiences. So they decide she'll remember her partners better if August kisses her to help her remember kissing other girls.
So in the end it just felt like a REALLY lame excuse for them to kiss.
At this point, I feel you being like: did you like ANYTHING about the book at all?
I did!
6. Wes and Isiah and Maya and Niko
I loved pretty much every character BUT August.
Wes and Isiah's love story was much more interesting to me than August and Jane's. Wes had the self-hate going on too... but Wes' was related to being a disappointment to everyone in his past and not feeling like he could be anything else. And he didn't want to burden Isiah with a disappointment. But they were cute as HELL and I loved the development of their relationship.
Maya and Niko are just perfect, and wacky and wonderful and were adorable from the start.
7. Jane
I loved Jane's character (other than the previously mentioned promiscuity). She was fun and happy-go-lucky and had an interesting problem and an interesting history (again, aside from the promiscuity).
8. Queer History
It was only touched on briefly in the book, but I loved the idea that Jane was front and centre for a lot of events in queer history. I liked what it brought up. I liked the way it made August want to learn more about her community. I honestly wish there had been a little more. Especially since Jane lived through it all.
I loved loved LOVED Red White and Royal Blue.
One of the things I loved most about that book was the way she broke down walls and stereotypes. The way that Pez is so effeminate, but only shows interest in women throughout the book, and NEVER labels himself. Having queer rep throughout politics. Having a divorced woman as president. There was so much representation in that book, but it didn't feel forced the way it did in this one. One Last Stop seemed very centred around these tropes and stereotypes... and that drove me a little crazy. I expected more from Casey McQuiston after reading Red White and Royal Blue.
In conclusion. I will not be keeping this book. I will not be rereading it. I did not care for it much at all.
Ok. Rant over.
I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: if you disagree with me. If you felt something because of this book. If this book spoke to you and made you feel seen and represented. None of my bullshit opinion changes that. FEEL THOSE THINGS! Take the art that means something to you and keep it close.
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