#Yes in my mind this is a no demon AU but Jimmy is still such a fucking weirdo who would attempt something like this for attention.
dekujinsart · 5 months
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-leaves more MerMaya for Mermay and hides back under rock-
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lunadreamscaper · 4 months
VT/P.I.E. Headcanon list!!
This is all my personal takes and opinions, I guess also are canon in my “au”/spin off.
If there’s any you like from this you can take inspiration or adopt any of these if you like them I will not mind <3
But if you don’t like some of these (which is fine bc you don’t have to), please be kind, especially since some of these are based off/inspired by personal experiences as well as some of my Headmates experiences (that I got permission to use as headcanons 🙏🏻) I just hope people won’t find some of these upsetting? I don’t think they are upsetting but sometimes difference of opinions can be distressing so I understand 🫂
Anyways here goes:
Toast and Ghost have a queer platonic relationship (this one might be a hot take but also we need more rep like this Imo 🙏🏻)
The Level 25 demon from Spooker’s debut video is the one that turned Ghost into the Puppet. (And was probably the one who put those FNAF ghosts in Swift Taylor’s house lol)
Another lvl 25 demon one: I like to think it pulled “a Bipper” (Gravity Falls reference yes) and used Spooker’s body, that’s why you see Spooker as a “ghost” but then later on was normal/living again. Also why we see Spooker in the dimension where Housekeeper is trapped and later towards the end of the Puppet arc in the crypt where Ghost sees him. (Also watch the Haunted by Pennywise video 😭) I don’t think the demon lives in Spooker’s body like how people think demon!Jimmy does though.
Speaking of Jimmy, he’s a very traumatized alter (I’m a system in case anyone is concerned by that 😭🙏🏻 )
Ghost has some supernatural abilities? And is sensitive to dimensional shifts that happen (which happens a lot considering how unstable their world is) as well as understanding lower level paranormal entities, and sometimes visions of specific events (reference to Spooker’s debut video and “Johnny Ghost meets Freddy the dinosaur” video) and a few others that Jimmy also takes advantage of. Also dreams. He gets weird dreams sometimes.
Gavin Toast speaks in an American Accent sometimes, originally to separate himself from his twin.
I’ve already mentioned Ghost being intersex and demisexual I think but still adding it.
Dark Pit’s disappearance after joining P.I.E. In its early days has something to with Darth Calculus…
Ghost had a fear of umbrellas as a kid.
The Lvl 25 Demon and Stardust Sprinkleshine are a divorced couple/hsrs
Toast paid Josh to keep an eye on Ghost during his retirement arc (reference to my comic Heart Attack xD)
Timothy Casket and Chakalata Soup may have been business partners… before ending in disagreement.
Gavin maybe an Acalacam experiment that was only found out later by Darth Calculus (Gavin and Johnny T.’s father never learning that it actually sort of worked.)
Toast’s mother hates Ghost, except nowadays tries to hire people to kill him so he stops spending time with her son but ofc he keeps coming back like a damn revenant lmao
Spooker and Colon are boyfriends (sorry this is a ship but like they literally kissed in the 5 yr anniversary stream and I dreamt about it so I have to acknowledge it)
Spooker did used to have a crush on boyfailure Johnny Ghost though
The reason the VT world is so scuffed and has so many dimensions is bc they all live in the shattered remnants of a broken world.
My fan comic Supernatural Crossover, and Sherlock crossover on wattpad are technically canon to my spin off (except for the Gravity Falls one that one is retconned but fun fact Timothy Casket is in that one and I’m reusing the ideas from it for other things)
Timothy Casket totally wasn’t a serial killer and also totally didn’t get his kid(s) involved traumatizing them and changing the course of their lives forever.
Ghost has a twin brother but that’s mostly for Strive SMP shenanigans
Cardboard Friend is made up of many souls of children that possessed a cardboard toy creation made by Gregory…
There’s a cult out there somewhere with significant importance.
Johnny Ghost also has lead poisoning and some other issues bc of the old mansion’s condition (the one from the first Cardboard Friend video)
Johnny Ghost is also really pale because Cardboard Friend ate off his life force and sanity but got away probably in the Nick of time probably bc of some permanent effects?? (probably why that video made no fucking sense bc it was from Ghost/Gregory’s perspective)
It’s actually really traumatizing to separate twins from each other while they’re young. So if you take into consideration that Johnny Toast and Gavin were probably not allowed to interact and Ghost being separated from his twin too, that makes Ghost and Toast two twinless twins that trauma bonded to each other which is probably why they have a lot of separation issues.
Colon is a witchcraft practitioner (reference to “Moving didn’t go as Johnny planned” video)
I also used to believe Colon is a retired undercover cop or detective but also like ACAB and I barely remember why I came up with that so idk if I’ll keep it but I definitely need more Colon headcanons
Josh is also hired to babysit Woah for Spooker and Colon from time to time :3
Josh also makes really good pumpkin pie (since she was a pumpkin farmer) Ghost also really likes this pie.
Also Spooker is trans and pan while Colon is gay (these ones are special bc it was from a dream)
I’ll also add the universally accepted hc that Toast is bisexual (and demiromantic??)
Josh is also bi and polyamorous (maybe a demi girl but not sure yet)
Ghost is on the Spectrum, (most of pie probably is but the one I’m confident on is Ghost at least)
Sometimes paranormal entities can sort of fuse and/or mesh together to sometimes become stronger (but can separate… sometimes) *cough cough the paranormal tornado cough cough and CBF cough cough*
And lastly Ghost is 5’4, Toast is 6’6, Spooker is 5’7, and Colon is 6’1 (Gavin is the same height as J. Toast and Josh is either 5’3 or 5’5 I haven’t decided yet 😭)
Okay I’m gonna stop there for now but if I remember anything that’s important to me I’ll add them in like a reblog to this post.
Sorry it’s so long! Also had to keep some of these vague to avoid… spoilers ig?
If you’re curious about any of these tho feel free to ask and I can talk more about ‘em!! :3 <3
Maybe I’ll share some more Acachalla related headcanons but not today
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stillebesat · 2 years
Out Camping Part 1
Sanders Sides: Roman, Virgil Blurb: A Father and Son Camping Trip Fic Type: Camping AU Overall Fic Warnings: None. Taglist in reblog.
His mother had told Roman time and time again growing up that she hoped his kids would be just as rambunctious and energetic as he had been. Everyone who knew him had accepted that as a matter of karma. After all, Roman had practically lived for the spotlight since the very day of his birth and he had gone to great lengths to be the center of attention. Why wouldn’t his child be the exact same?
His mom had been wrong. Mostly. 
Roman glanced over to the passenger seat, the corners of his lips turning up in a smile as his usually reclusive eight-year-old son, Virgil, straightened. Roman’s phone dropped unnoticed to his lap as he twisted to fully see outside, his fingers curling against the window as they finally left the last signs of civilization and the more stubborn paparazzi behind. 
“Ready for our next grand adventure?” Roman asked, quietly. 
Virgil glanced over his shoulder, flashing him a quick smile. “Yes.” Came the fervent response. 
He chuckled, returning his attention to the open road before them. “Thought so.” 
It never failed to surprise people to find out that Virgil was his son. To the untrained eye, they were complete opposites. Where Roman was loud. Virgil was quiet. Where Roman thrived in front of an audience. Virgil shrunk away, preferring quiet evenings inside instead of days spent at concerts or amusement parks. 
Total opposites. At least around people. Roman glanced again to his quiet son, watching his eyes come alight with excitement, his hidden energy bubbling up to the surface with every passing moment until Virgil was practically bouncing up and down in his seat, quietly humming to the music playing in the background as the desert wilderness surrounded them. 
“Do you think we’ll see a coyote this time, Dad?” He suddenly blurted out. “Or a rattlesnake? I hope it’s a coyote. They’re cool!” The words tumbled from his lips as he whirled to his father, eyes wide. “Or maybe a mountain lion! A big horned sheep would be different too. Callie from school says you rarely see those, but I bet we can find one. No. Six! We’ll find the entire herd!”  
And there was the Roman within his son. Talking a mile a minute and using more words than most people heard from him in a year. Roman flashed a smile, reaching out with one hand to ruffle his hair. “With your animal magnetism, my little Prince, I don’t doubt we’ll be able to find those sheep.” Or whatever else he set his young mind to seeing this trip.  
Virgil grinned, turning eagerly back to the window. “How much longer?” He asked, fidgeting in place. “We’re nearly there, right?” 
“Uh…” Roman flicked his attention to the GPS on the console. “Does three hours count as nearly there?” 
Virgil groaned, flopping back against the seat in the exact same melodramatic pose Roman had used on his parents when he was younger…well still used, actually, on the stage. “That’s fiveever away, Dad!” He complained, pulling at his hoodie strings. “Drive faster.”
“And get another ticket? No.” 
“Oh, come on!” 
“Five over?” 
Roman exhaled. “I’m already doing eight, you speed demon. Be content with that.” 
Virgil pouted, looking up at his dad with wide green eyes. The exact same shade as his own. “Ten over?”
What had happened to five? Roman let out a laugh, giving in, his foot pressing a bit harder on the gas. And people thought his son was quiet and withdrawn. Ha.  “Alright, Virge. Ten over. No faster though, alright?” 
Virgil grinned with undisclosed glee, leaning over to see the speedometer inching upwards. “Okay.” 
Roman silently sighed. It was going to be a nightmare when his son grew old enough to get his driver’s license. He already knew that from taking Virgil to the tracks to race his dirt bike. The kid could make that hunk of metal go much faster than an eight-year-old had any right to make it go and Roman was sure Remus had jimmy-rigged the thing to increase the speed before gifting the bike to his favorite nephew. 
He relaxed his grip on the steering wheel as his son turned back to the window, watching the mile marker signs flash by. That was a worry for a different day. One thing at a time. For now he’d just worry about Virgil attempting to bring home the desert lizards or baby rabbits he’d inevitably find while they were out in the middle of nowhere.  To Be Continued. Part 2
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I'm back with a short writing for my Hermit! Xornoth au so here you go
There is a cat in his base that he did not remember taming.
Scott squinted at the animal with suspicion. The feline was looking right back at him while sitting on his coffin. Was Jimmy setting up spies now?
Well.. He was feeling a bit hungry. And if the cat was indeed a spy-
-Don't ever think about it.
The vampire being caught off guard jumped back hissing. What the.. Scott quickly composed himself and took a better look at the creature. It's eyes were now purple with a mix of red.. And there was a bit of mischievous glint in them. Wait a minute..
-.. Xornoth? - He asked confused.
-Hello dear brother. - Still in the cat form the being smiled and inspected him up and down with interest. - You're looking a bit.. Pale.
-Yeah i am a vampire now.. Did the world make you a cat? - At the question Xornoth scoffed.
-As if this world could manage to make me pllay by it's rules. - Saying that it jumped down to the floor and shifted back to theirs original form. Xornoth stood tall and towered now over Scott who now felt the unmistakable aura of his brother.
-Not to sound rude but.. What are you doing here?
-What? You didn't miss me while i was with the Hermits? You wound me my dear brother.
-Ah yes.. How are they doing? After that whole.. Moon thingy? - Scott asked his voice filled with concern.
-They're.. Fine. Pulling pranks and being themselves but i know.. By the way did you knew they have a gigantic metal ship? Full of weird techmology i tell you.
-Yeah i've seen it. So.. Will you tell me what are you doing here?
-Because i'm missing one hermit. Or rather Xisuma is missing but i am the one capable of finding lost people. And so happens you are too part of lost people category.. And the others there of course.
-Aww! Xor Xor were you worried about me and Gem?
Xornoth looked at the side mumbling something then to the ground swishing tail from side to side. After being silent for a minute they responded. - I have you know i do not appreciate unknown forces taking people away to god knows where..
The demon sighed heavily and looked up from the floor to stare into Scott's eyes. - Yes. I was worried. I do care. - Seeing as Scott was raising his arms for a hug it quickly added. - Not enought to do that mind you.
-So.. it's a rescue then?
-Do you fell like you need rescuong? Or is it better than Third and Last life?
-it's.. Definitely better and fun. Want to hang around or you're coming back to report to X?
-I report to Xisuma but i return. Those insane people are about to do big pranks. I much prefer to do those than being pranked because only they could prank a being like me i feel. So i will stay.
-Cool. Wanna join a League of villains?
-A what now?
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prismadog · 3 years
Found Family AU character facts/background (part 7)
well, folks, we've made it to the last one of these posts - minus the upcoming master post. these just seem to get longer and longer, or maybe it's just because the past two have been about siblings? idk, all I know is that I'm a bit tired of writing these atm.
this last one should - SHOULD be shorter, but we'll see. this one will feature our last two characters - Mr. there's-no-such-thing-as-a-demon Joel Smallishbeans and good ol' Copper Dad Pixlriffs.
*did you know that Mesoglea is a word? I didn't until I kept trying to type "Mezalea" and my computer kept wanting to change it. Mesoglea is a gelatinous substance between the endoderm and ectoderm of sponges or cnidarians, or something. there's your word of the day and it's all thanks to the red squiggly line that appears every time I type "Mezalea"
*edit: guess what? y'all get two of these in one day because I felt like writing this last one! [technically, it's already Saturday but to me, the next day doesn't start until the sun comes up so yeah...two in one day! whoo!] the master post will be tomorrow sometime but idk when.
Joel is the only child to the Mezalean King and Queen, and was less born to them and more born from the Mother Tree - they couldn't have children so they begged the Mother Tree for an heir, She granted them a child who they raised as their own.
he was often alone growing up, never really played with the other children, but he wasn't lonely - so he and others would say - because he had his terracotta clones. he built many of them with his own two hands and the Mother Tree gave them life. he was raised as a prince and often went to the Gathering of the Empires with his father.
he got on well enough with the other children but kept mostly to himself - that is until he met the princess of the Ocean Empire. he noticed the other noble children seemed afraid of her so he took it upon himself to befriend her - plus, she was so different from the humans/clones around him, she was interesting with her pink hair and pearlescent skin and unnaturally blue eyes.
they would meet at the Gathering and spend the whole time together talking about their kingdoms and their hobbies - Joel was really into building and playing pranks on people, Lizzie was into raising axolotls and has a brother who she looks after. the short meetings weren't enough and Joel talked to his parents about visits with the Ocean Empire - it only makes sense since the two empires boarder each other. unknown at that moment, the Oceanic rulers proposed the same thing to the Mezalean rulers.
visits began between the two kingdoms and Joel found himself in love quickly enough - he loved Lizzie, he loved her little brother, he loved the Ocean Empire itself. but he kept his feelings to himself for fear of rejection, that is until he was about 16 when Lizzie came to him with talk of marriage - their parents had been discussing it but didn't want to force their children into it. he and Lizzie talked it over then went to their parents together and promised a future wedding, he also promised that Jimmy could be his best man.
life was peaceful, there were plenty of long visits between kingdoms, him and Jimmy often got into trouble - then the King of the Ocean Empire was killed. Joel tried to be there for her but found travel between kingdoms difficult due to the ongoing storms surrounding the Ocean Empire, he still managed to write Lizzie and once was able to visit - though getting back was just as difficult as getting in.
then several months later the storms stopped and Lizzie wrote to him about her taking the throne - she had said the Queen returned to the sea, though, he didn't really understand what that meant. he returned to the Ocean Empire and was there for Lizzie's coronation. he started visiting regularly for a time and each visit seemed to last longer than the one before it - he was there so often that Jimmy suggested he just move in. he did, with both his parents' and Lizzie's permission.
two years after that, he asked Lizzie to marry him and she said yes. they had two ceremonies, a proper land-dweller one in Mezalea, and another smaller Oceanic ceremony. being King now to the Ocean Empire meant he was basically a trophy husband but he didn't mind, he was happy as long as he was at Lizzie's side. if there was a Gathering, he or Jimmy would go with her, though usually Jimmy stayed home to watch over the kingdom - but he made sure to bring him plenty of stories and food from the Gathering.
Joel received word from his parents that an illness had struck Mezalea and the King and Queen had caught it. he returned home immediately to help where he could, Lizzie often sent aid to him, as did the kingdom's ally Pixandria - he had hardly ever spoken to the Copper King but he was glad for the aid. his parents unfortunately didn't survive and he lost a good number of civilians to the illness. but it was cured, with the help of the Mother Tree and magic from the Crystal Cliffs, and he became King of Mezalea.
with the illness cured, visits started up again between Mezalea and the Ocean Empire, though there was a lot more time spent apart than together but he and Lizzie made it work. Jimmy sent messages and gifts between the couple, often getting some for himself, until of course Jimmy became of age and wanted to travel the world.
Joel and Lizzie saw Jimmy off - it never ceased to amaze him how his two best friends could turn into giant sea creatures that could wipe out a fleet of ships. they managed visits on their own and sometimes he got letters from Jimmy. the letters stopped for a time and Lizzie grew worried, worried enough that storms nearly threatened the kingdom - but then Jimmy finally wrote them again and things were okay, he was in a swamp settlement and the people were taking care of him.
he and Lizzie went out right away to see him and found him at home in the swamp amongst a bunch of fish-human hybrids. he watched as Lizzie lectured her brother then babied him, then helped set Jimmy up as the ruler of the swamp settlement - the Cod Empire. they left Jimmy sometime later but saw him again at the next Gathering.
Jimmy got on well enough with the other rulers, despite the cod head he wore, though Joel noticed some rulers picking on him. he helped Jimmy from time to time, just so his brother wouldn't be alone, but didn't worry too much since Lizzie wasn't worrying - she was extremely protective of Jimmy but if she wasn't stepping in, then there was no need to worry.
Joel had met many of the rulers when he was a child so he knew pretty much everyone there. the only ones he hadn't met before was Count fWhip of the Grimlands, Wizard Gem of the Crystal Cliffs, and King Joey of the Lost Empire. Gem was all right for a mage, he ended up becoming frenemies with fWhip due to the teasing of Jimmy, and Joey was just weird so he didn't really talk to him unless need be. he got to know Pix a bit more when Pix decided to ally himself with Lizzie and Jimmy, and he started calling the man "Copper Dad" since his main trade was copper.
Pixl was found by a pair of miners in a cave beneath the sands and was taken back to a large desert village, nobody really knew where he had come from, only that he was gifted with visions of death - of those around him and of rulers of the kingdoms outside of the desert. the villagers thought him odd and a bad omen, at first anyway, because he always knew who would die next and would light a candle for them when they passed.
they accepted him after a time, once they realized that he wasn't actually the cause - he would preach to them about Lady Death sometimes and how she would care for their loved ones. everyone in the village had a hand in raising him, as well as raising other children which was their way - it takes a village to raise a child.
Pixl learned how to farm and mine and care for animals, and he learned to build. his first build, guided by his visions, was the Vigil - it stood tall in the center of the village and was home to 12 different colored candles - only two of which were lit - one for Elfking Scott of Rivendell and one for Queen Katherine of the Flower Fields. the rest remained untouched. these flames never went out and the villagers often questioned him about them - he told them that there will be 12 mighty rulers that would change the world, for better or worse he didn't know.
over the years, he continued building up the village, he watched over the Vigil as Prophet of Death, and started working with copper and trading it for other goods. the people began to go to him for help and looked up to him as a leader, they named him the Copper King - a new candle was lit for himself when he was crowned, something he hadn't known would happen.
he continued leading his people and made a few alliances with other kingdoms - with Queen Katherine and the King of Mezalea. there wasn't a lot of contact between the kingdoms other than the Gathering, of which, he never failed to go to. over the years, he watched rulers age and die and watched their heirs take over. it took a long time for him to meet the children who would one day have their candles lit.
the next candle to be lit was for Pearl of Smallholding, though, he didn't know who she was at the time, he didn't even meet her until many years later. the next few happen fairly quickly - Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire, King Joel of Mezalea, and a couple years later Dwarf King Sausage of Mythland - these three he had watch grow up through the Gatherings. shortly after Mythland, Wizard Gem took over as the ruler of the Crystal Cliffs - he had known the previous Wizard and through them, knew of their protégé. a year after Gem was her twin brother, Count fWhip of the Grimlands - a new kingdom that managed to rise up from its own sort of desert. a few years later was King Joey of the Lost Empire and Codfather Jimmy of the Cod Empire - Joey's kingdom had once been named Maztec but had been in hiding for so long that it lost its name. due to his alliance with Joel, Pix decided it best to ally himself with Lizzie and Jimmy as well, somewhat through association but mostly because he liked them.
one candle remains unlit and no matter how much Pixl prays, the answers as to why remain a mystery. he still watches over the Vigil and keeps a count of each rulers' deaths - for some reason, the 11 rulers are allowed to revive themselves every time they die. he finds this odd as well, and a bit concerning.
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
do we know why the boys were not allowed to have facial hair on the show? i feel like it was more in character than to assume sam and dean had to time to just always be clean shaven in the middle of apocalypses, being demons or possessed, fighting gods ect. on the flip side, im still confused as to how cas grew facial hair in purgatory when i didnt think that was something that happened to angel vessels?
Hi there! There's actually quite a bit going on in this question (I think this is my way of saying sorry it's taken me a few days to get to it :'D)
I'll start by saying I don't think it was a matter of "not allowed" to have facial hair, but it's actually more complicated than that. Not to mention Dean especially was almost never what I'd call "clean shaven" outside of when they were beginning a hunt and posing as FBI.
There's a video I think on the s1 dvd's called something like "a day in the life of Jared and Jensen". Wait... I found it on the youtube...
It's only about 10 minutes long, and if you haven't seen it, it's worth watching all of it. It was shot during the filming of 1.20 Dead Man's Blood, so they hadn't even been at this a full year yet. About 2 1/2 minutes in, they go through hair and makeup, and talk about shaving.
Back in s1, Sam had to be more clean shaven to look younger, and Dean had to have a bit of scruff just to look a bit older. So at first it was to visually make their ages more obvious. But it's also about continuity on camera. Remember, each episode of supernatural was filmed over eight weekdays (with a couple days for weekends in the middle). Episodes are NOT filmed in scene order. It would make it almost impossible to show normal, chronological beard growth over the span of two weeks of filming, you know?
If they film scene 38 first, then scene 12, then scene 19, then scene 2 over the course of four days, their facial hair has to remain believably consistent, not grow and shrink :'D So having a designated easily duplicatable facial hair style (and hair cut, because head hair can grow noticeably in two weeks, too, especially when it's as short as Jensen's on the sides/back) makes visual continuity actually possible. Especially when they're filming entire EPISODES out of airing order.
Think about Jensen's beard in the AU bunker battle scene in the beginning of 15.04. That was the first episode filmed of s15, and those were the first SHOTS filmed of s15 before Jensen shaved off his hiatus beard for the rest of the season. Those scenes were probably filmed in a single day, two at most, before he had to resume "standard Dean." Also think about Demon Dean's slightly longer hair that went back to normal, or Sam's beard from the first three episodes of s14 before he shaved in 14.04. Those times the longer hair/facial hair was used to show a lack of self-care for various reasons.
I think Cas's Purgatory beard was used to show the same. He was doing "penance" in his own mind, but I do think it was also the seeds of his entire depression arc that would run right through 15.18 and then never get an actual resolution (sorry, I had to at least grumble about that a little bit...). I remember Jensen saying when he asked why Dean was clean-shaven in Purgatory and Cas wasn't, he was told by someone that "Dean has knives," and would actually continue shaving for some reason, while Cas wouldn't even bother using his grace/powers to maintain his appearance there.
I don't believe the show has ever made any sort of statement about angel vessels NOT growing hair/facial hair. Plus by this point in the series, we really do have to consider that Cas's body, not as much his vessel anymore. Jimmy was long gone, and the last at least two times Cas had been resurrected, that body was also remade for him. We're at least two degrees of remove from that being a normal vessel, so even if angel vessels aren't "supposed to" grow hair or change their appearance, Cas would have an exception asterisk attached. :'D
The thing is, we HAVE seen other angels change the appearance of their vessels. I mean... Lucifer, for one, especially in s13. He grew scruff, looked messy, etc. And it was explained to be a result of having been imprisoned and his grace seriously depleted to the point he couldn't even perform small magical tasks for himself.
So why did Cas grow scruff in Purgatory? Because television is a visual storytelling medium. If you had a friend in real life who usually looked like Cas normally does, and then saw him after months and saw the guy Dean found in Purgatory, what would your immediate thoughts be about how that friend had been doing lately? Did similar thoughts about how Cas's last few months in Purgatory alone, running from Leviathans, staying alive primarily to keep the Leviathans focused on HIM instead of on Dean?
I think the phrase "run ragged" applies to Cas's Purgatory look. Sometimes facial scruff combined with smudged on dirt is the fastest visual shorthand for "yikes this guy has had it rough lately." Hence his "get clean" scene in 8.07 restoring him entirely to "normal," including clean-shaven and a decent haircut somehow. I think he'd been entirely able to have given himself that look in Purgatory, but he just never bothered to. For whatever reason, Dean did bother. And that was part of the visual narrative telling us that Dean still cared, and that Cas (outside of his mission of keeping the leviathan away from Dean) didn't.
Like, even when Cas was human in early s9, when he was on the run and homeless, even when he was given opportunity to shave his scruff (at the beginning of the episode while brushing his teeth, and at the end after showering at the bunker and before being kicked out) he still retained the scruff. The next time we saw him in 9.06, when he was settling into his "new human life" as a sales associate, even though we understand he's still technically homeless, he's actually maintaining his appearance, demonstrated by his care for himself and the fact he bothered to shave. For him, it was a visual signifier of his growing to accept himself.
To go way back up to that video above, in the makeup trailer are dozens of photos of different looks for each of them. Yes, some are purely silly, but even as shown in 6.15 The French Mistake (the "I'm a painted whore!" scene) are a few similar continuity photos. Every day of filming, every change to makeup and hair (including FX makeup showing wounds, bruises, etc.) has to be documented for the sake of continuity. Or you'd have an episode with alternating scenes of them having longer/shorter/longer facial hair over the course of what's supposed to be a single day on screen. The easiest way to maintain that continuity is character consistency, only having a drastically different look occasionally, for a specific reason.
So why couldn't they have chosen to go with a beard for an entire season? It's just as easy to maintain beard consistency day to day on set as it is to just have them shave to scruff, right? Crowley did that... he was clean-shaven the first few seasons he was on the show, and then grew the beard, so why not Sam and Dean?
As I said above, the visual language of the show actually means something. These aren't real people who might casually decide to grow facial hair for fashion reasons. They're fictional characters being used to tell a specific story. Their appearance and their clothing choices are visual shorthand to give us information about their current mental state, their internal priorities, etc. It's all part of the story, and in this story, Sam and Dean generally care enough to maintain their chosen physical appearance. They only seem to grow beards when they're either being run ragged or otherwise lack the ability to care for themselves, whether by choice or by circumstance.
I think it's less "they were not allowed to grow beards" and more "this would not be in character in the visual language of the show."
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@spnwomenweek DAY 2 - AU
Dean watches the light come out of the preteen girl - Claire, he thinks her name is - and back into Jimmy. Cas, again, back home. The wound heals up. The torn, bloody shirt is even fixed. And, Castiel looks back at the kid, with some kind of sadness in his eyes as she practically runs to her mother.
"Dean, what Sam told Jimmy. She's a vessel. Half of Hell knows it by now."
Dean looks at Claire again. Short, crying into her mother's arms, no doubt about how scared she was. "How long were you in her, Cas?"
"Since I was taken out of Jimmy. Roughly a day, I suppose. I told Jimmy I'd protect her."
"What do you want us to do about it?" Dean asked. "We can't protect her, either."
"Better than the mother." Cas looks down. He's obviously thinking about something. "Call Bobby," he says, before walking over to Amelia.
Dean can't hear most of it, or at least, what Cas is saying, because he's staying his irrationally calm self. Something about "you can't take her from me". And then, strangely, Claire leaves the woman's arms and runs to Dean.
"He wants to take me," she says, plainly, sitting on the cement floor of the warehouse.
"And how do you feel about that, kid?" He asks.
Claire looks up at him and tilts her head, squints. There's a little bit of Cas still in her, maybe. Or maybe that bit of Cas is something Jimmy did. "Dean," she says simply, in the same tone of voice as Castiel, coming out of some kid whose outfit she got from Justice is blood-stained and dirty. Possession really fucked with him sometimes. Because this was a kid. A little kid whose life just changed forever. And his heart kind of softened at her. "You're Dean. I..." She shook her head. "I don't know. Living with mom sucks, you know? She hasn't paid any attention to me, and it's not just because she's working now. I don't like not having Dad around, that's why I said yes. And he's not coming home anymore. Mom doesn't want me. She keeps threatening to leave me with Granny." Claire looks up at him, with big eyes. "Can you teach me that thing you did to Uncle Roger? Like an action hero?"
Dean lets out a half-hearted chuckle. "Yeah, like an action hero. You know, my action hero boss could use a sidekick."
A small, hopeful smile spreads across Claire's face, before it vanished and she turned thoughtful. "Mom's not gonna let me go. You gotta hide me in the trunk. She's still fighting with Castiel."
"Hey, I'm not gonna take a kid from her mom."
"I heard what the vampire said to Dad. Mom's gonna die. I'm gonna die. It'll get worse than tonight. You can make fake custody papers, right? I have some stuff my mom had to sign in my backpack."
The vampire? Dean's gut twisted when he looked at Sam, wiping demon blood off his face. Of course, that's what a twelve-year-old would think. "Alright. Fine. Before I change my mind." He settled the leather jacket around Claire's shoulders. "I don't think you'll be that bad an action hero," Dean said as he guided her to the car.
"I'll be able to kick your ass in a week," Claire snarked back.
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featherquillpen · 3 years
Reclist: Eldritch/Inhuman Castiel
My interest in Supernatural, such as it is, begins and ends with Castiel, a gay angel who is portrayed by known human being Misha Collins, but is shown by visual storytelling (shattering glass, fallen trees, dramatic lightning flashes) and in dialogue ("I am a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent", "my true body is the size of the Chrysler Building") to be an incorporeal nightmare monster who just so happens to have possessed a suburban dad. I am a monsterfucker who absolutely wanted to read about a terrifying eldritch gay angel, but I discovered to my great disappointment that most SPN fanwork portrays him as a quirky human man lightly dusted with halo spice.
However, I have managed to find some fanwork that gave me the many-eyed, mind-breaking, dorky gay possession spirit that I crave, and I thought I would share my finds with all my fellow alienfuckers. Also, for those alienfuckers who are not in this fandom (excellent life choice, by the way) I have marked with an asterisk (*) those fanworks that I think work well without any knowledge of SPN.
Contra's trueform!Cas art
Contra's take on Cas's trueform is inspired and incredibly cute. I love how he draws Cas as his usual nearly expressionless human vessel, but then has a very expressive trueform expanding like a giant cloud of wings and eyes around him.
Carolina's trueform!Cas art
Carolina's take on Cas's trueform is very abstract and intriguing. In the example I linked, the blue and tan and white of Jimmy Novak's iconic outfit spill out in a chaos of triangles and wings and animal heads from Jimmy's body as Cas possesses him, as well as the red burn of Cas's handprint on Dean.
Friendly Pigeon's Giant Castiel series*
Friendly Pigeon heard Castiel say that his true form was the size of the Chrysler Building and decided to take that to its logical fanart conclusion. This art beautifully communicates the awe-inspiring scale of a cosmic being like Cas.
angel-derangement's trueform!Cas art*
This fanartist draws Cas so different every time, and so WEIRD that I am honestly inspired. These trueforms are inspired by everything from the lighting aisle at a hardware store to Lisa Frank. Feast your eyes.
Long Fanfic (>50k)
Cruel Angels* by orphan (107k)
The ultimate in eldritch!Cas. This author delivered to me everything I wanted: Cas walking the earth in a giant, freaky, many-headed form that sends everybody but Dean screaming for the hills. The sheer power, scale, and alienness of Castiel in this fic is unparalleled, and yet he always tries so hard to do the right thing, in his endearing way.
Cinderwings* by bendingsignpost (182k)
The Cas in this Cinderella-ish AU is technically not as alien as in most of the fics on this list, in that he is a corporeal humanoid being who just happens to have ginormous wings, but the fic does a great job of portraying Cas and angels in general as very culturally distinct from humans - a lot of the drama of this fic comes from Cas operating from totally different first principles than humans do.
So Says the Sword* by komodobits (85k)
An AU(-ish? it's complicated) where Dean says yes to being Michael's vessel, and Castiel is assigned to guard him. Castiel and Dean are basically locked in a holodeck together, under terrible circumstances, and bond with each other while they wait for the apocalypse. The Castiel POV is beautiful, his true form scene is awe-inspiring, and the fic is so poetically written in general.
Medium Fanfic (10 - 50k)
Broadway Musical* by Griftings
An exceedingly silly AU that includes references to Jewish angel lore, angels having three animal heads as per the Book of Revelation, and Cas having previously possessed a dinosaur as a vessel. I love that Cas has an internal conversation going with Jimmy throughout the fic, a stream of petty arguments and useful tips for playing human, which emphasizes how Cas is not his vessel.
closer (isn't close enough) by fleeceframe
A finale fix-it in which Cas is now an archangel. While Cas is roughly humanoid in this fic, you still get the immensity and power of his true nature. In this fic, he heals trauma damage directly from Dean and Sam's brains, and designs a heaven for bees, which is just... such wholesome weird angel content.
Autrement, Danger - or, The Account of an Exceedingly Long Day by awed_frog (31k)
The description of Cas's true form in this story was so poetic and beautiful I actually cried. This fic captures the concept of the sublime: the feeling you get in prayer or in contemplation of nature that you are very small and the universe is vast and frightening and breathtaking.
Short Fanfic (<10k)
Fata morgana. by orange_crushed (7k)
Castiel in hell, searching for Dean, from demon!Bela's point of view. I love how Bela's demon senses can see Cas's Grace fading and warping in hell. Cas is also just so hopelessly sweet amidst the bleakness of this story.
diamond star halo by jad (5k)
Castiel possessing Dean, from Sam POV. I love fic where Cas possesses other vessels than Jimmy, because it emphasizes that Cas is not his vessel - he is an incorporeal entity who needs help from humans to interact in the human world. Castiel!Dean in this story is just so weird and I love it.
Everyone is Trying to Get to the Bar by Balder12 (8k)
A very weird eldritch Cas made of blade-feathers and spinning wheels and tentacles, AND it's hurt/comfort! I'm such a sucker for fic where a monstrous/alien character is hurt and receives comfort, because monsters deserve love and care, too.
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
The Only Exception (Castiel x Reader)
Character: Castiel
Fandom: Supernatural
Categories: Reader Insert, GenderNeutral!Reader, Demon!Reader, Soulmate AU
Title: The Only Exception
  Requested by anon:
Can you do an imagine for Castiel from SPN for a Soulmate!Au where the first words they speak to each other is written on their wrist? So reader is a demon who is extremely well-known by both angels and demons as the most fearsome demon. But when Cas meets them, reader is actually somehow a pretty sweet demon who has no control over their fire power and just sets everything on fire by accident? Cas and reader meet and reader accidentally sets his coat on fire the moment they meet?
  A/N: Since the requester didn’t specify a gender for the reader, I’m using gender neutral pronouns. Anyway, hope you all enjoy! ;)
Castiel looked down to his wrist and tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out what that new marking was. It had to be something that only happened to humans, because he had never heard of anything similar happening to angels.
Concerned, the angel turned to his friends in the hopes that, with their human experience, they knew something about his sudden condition. As soon as he approached them, Dean nodded his head at him as a greeting.
“Dean” Said Castiel with his deep voice. “I have a problem”
“What is it, Cas?” The aforesaid replied, feeling how his brother Sam watched the scene in silence.
“I have this… mark” Slowly, the angel rolled up the sleeve of his brown trench coat to reveal his wrist, almost scared to upset the skin even further. “It appeared suddenly, and I don’t know what it is”
Dean’s brows furrowed in concern as he carefully examined the words etched on Castiel’s wrist, but soon enough he relaxed at the sight of it upon a closer examination. In fact, and much to his angelical friend’s dismay, Dean chuckled.
“What is it?” Sam curiously asked, standing up and getting closer to them.
“It seems like Cas here has a soulmate” There was a subtle hint of playfulness in Dean’s voice.
“Really?” His brother laughed too, all the more amused at the angel’s puzzled expression. “Wow”
Not many times had Castiel come across that term, but he definitely was vaguely familiar with it even if he didn’t quite understand the concept yet. However, he observed the brothers in confusion as he tried to understand what was so funny about it.
“What does that mean?” Castiel insisted, seeing as they were so amused.
“It means that someone out there is destined to be your true love” Sam explained with a big grin plastered on his lips.
Castiel’s blue eyes fell over Dean, who smirked and nodded to confirm Sam’s words.
“So is this marking harmless? Am I alright?” The angel asked to make sure.
“Yeah, you’re fine” Dean patted his back. “Those are the first words they’ll say to you”
While Sam and Dean left him alone to his own thoughts, also laughing and gossiping amongst them, Castiel stared at the words written on his wrist. He tilted his head to the side again and squinted his eyes, trying to imagine the scenario in which they could be said.
The words were ‘how ironic’.
After a month passed, Castiel had nearly forgotten about the words etched on his wrist. They had just become another mark on his body, like the mole’s on his vessel’s skin. Surely, he still had questions, such as… Was that alleged soulmate meant for Castiel or for Jimmy, the vessel? Either way, was his soulmate another angel or perhaps a human? What could be their story? How did those words come to be the first one they ever spoke to him? Naturally, he had no answers for any of those questions. So he tried to forget about the whole situation altogether.
Another case, another hunt. This time, Sam and Dean were having difficulties finding the source of the problem. They called Castiel, who gladly met with them even if he came to the conclusion that he couldn’t really help. It was no angels business. In fact, it looked like something having to do with demons, but not ordinary demons, but powerful demons such as Knights or Princes of Hell.
When Castiel told this to his friends, they both seemed unenthused by the idea.
“Great” Dean said sarcastically, taking out his phone from his pocket. “Guess who we have to call now…”
“Crowley…” Sam replied in the same resigned and exasperated voice.
“I’m afraid it’s the only way” Castiel sighed. “This is bigger than us”
“Are you kidding me? A freaking Knight of Hell?”
“Or a Prince of Hell”
“That isn’t helping”
“Hey, Crowley” Dean immediately said as soon as the King picked up, walking away to be away from the noise. “Got a question for you”
“What do you think, Cas?” Sam asked the angel, seemingly concerned. “Can we take this demon?”
“I would hope so” Castiel frowned. “Otherwise it would be like Abaddon all over again”
“Got it” Dean was back and saving his phone. “We got a lead”
“Well?” Sam asked him, hopeful.
“It might be a Prince of Hell, but Crowley told me about someone who can help us find them”
“Another demon, Y/N”
“Y/N?” Just like Ruby or Meg, Y/N was a well-known name.
“You know that Y/N?” Dean was surprised, since he hadn’t really heard it.
“Yes” Castiel nodded solemnly. “Y/N is a powerful demon”
“You say it like you know them” Sam commented, watching the angel’s absent expression.
“I don’t” Castiel looked at the taller man. “But I have heard about them, it’s a fearsome demon. Hopefully they will help us”
“Fan-freaking-tastic” Dean rolled his eyes as they all walked back to the Impala. “Just what we needed, begging to a demon”
Castiel followed in silence, being overcome by an unknown sensation. Knowing they were to summon Y/N and meet them… It made him… nervous. He knew as soon as he heard the name, but they had no other choice. So the angel tried to wrap his head around the situation and resign himself to do what had to be done.
The three friends exchanged restless glances as Dean dared to light the candle, finishing the summoning spell. Then they waited impatiently, expecting to see the demon appear at any second.
Soon enough, a figure appeared before their very eyes, materializing from thin air. Dressed in all black and with an attitude, Y/N cocked a hip to the side and gave them an annoyed look.
“Well” Y/N’s eyes fell over the pentagram drawn in the ground. “If it isn’t the Winchesters and the angel Castiel”
Sam loudly gulped at the realization that Y/N already knew who they were, and it looked like they had been waiting for the trio to summon them. Dean subtly reached out for his knife, ready to step in even if the demon was trapped in the pentagram.
Castiel wanted to pipe up, overwhelmed by the silence. And also because Y/N staring at him was making him uncomfortable. But he found that he was speechless.
“Do you know why we summoned you?” Sam asked instead.
“You’re clueless and need my help” Y/N shrugged coolly.
“So you gonna help us?” Dean asked, still wary.
“No” Y/N replied coldly, without thinking twice. “Not unless you let me out of this stupid cage”
“Why would we do that?” Sam let out a sarcastic chuckle.
“Um… because you need me?” Y/N huffed in outrage. “If not, I can just be on my way”
Seeing as none of the three reacted, the demon raised an eyebrow and lifted a hand, ready to snap their fingers. A smirk grew across Y/N’s face when Sam, Dean and Castiel jumped in anticipation.
“That’s what I thought” Rolling their eyes, Y/N reached out to take out a small blade from their pocket. “Here, in case I step over the line”
Seeing as none of them dared to walk closer, thinking it might be a trap, the demon rolled their eyes again and tossed the blade away from reach until it landed on the floor with a metallic sound.
“Good demon” Muttered Dean, genuinely impressed with that random act of kindness.
“Will you let me out now?”
“We don’t feel too inclined to do it, no”
“What’s the worst that could happen? I gave you my weapons, and I can’t possess you because of your stupid tattoos”
The three of them exchanged restless glances one more, uncomfortable with the amount of information Y/N knew about them. To the Winchester brothers’ surprise, Castiel stepped up.
The angel picked up the small knife that Y/N had surrendered and used it to scratch the paint to break the pentagram and hence the circle that imprisoned the demon.
“Cas!” Dean complained, taken aback by his actions.
The angel couldn’t defend them himself, but there was something that moved him to do it. An impulse, an instinct. Something told him they could trust Y/N, that the demon truly meant no harm.
“I come in peace, people” Y/N jokingly held their hands up.
Sam took a step back, moving his hands to the waist of his jeans where he kept his gun. It wouldn’t kill the demon, but it would slow it down.
Y/N stepped out of the broken circle and immediately the brothers took out their weapons, Dean carrying his demon killing knife and Sam his gun. It only made the demon smirk in amusement.
Y/N patted Castiel’s shoulder passing by and something unexpected happened. The both of them gasped.
“Hey!” Dean shouted, protective of his angelical friend. “What did you do to Cas?!”
“Nothing!” Both Castiel and Y/N said at the unison, albeit in different tones. The demon in defense and smugness and the angel to comfort them.
Yet they both had felt it, a strange and intense sensation that shook them to the core. Something important, something more than a physical reaction, almost like their souls had shuddered.
Castiel, fearing that his hypothesis was correct, remained silent. But he knew. And so did Y/N, who grinned as while staring at him, finally dedicating him the first words.
“How ironic…” Y/N said, still smugly and amused.
Castiel had played out that scene a thousand times in his mind. He had heard those words being spoken in his head a thousand more, yet he never expected that. He thought his soulmate would speak those words in awe, in excitement and surprise and thrill. Not smugly and nearly with mockery. Not to mention that he would have never thought his soulmate would be a demon.
“No” Was all he could muster, unable to accept the situation. “It can’t be”
“I think yes” To demonstrate it was true, that there was no mistake, Y/N rolled up the sleeve to reveal the words written in their wrist: ‘no, it can’t be’.
“What’s happening?” Dean mumbled behind them.
“Is Y/N Cas’s…?” Sam uttered, watching the scene in shock.
“I was wondering why my soulmate would say ‘no’ when first seeing me” Y/N rolled down the sleeve and sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, handsome”
“If you hurt Cas…” Dean was quick to step in to defend his friend.
“I won’t!” The demon exclaimed, offended. “Why would I hurt my soulmate?!”
“I don’t trust you” He insisted, watching the demon up and down.
“Okay, take this as a sign of good behavior” Y/N pulled yet another knife out of their pocket and gave it to Dean.
“You lied to us!” The aforementioned exclaimed, abruptly taking it.
“Hey, in my defense I wasn’t planning on using it” Y/N walked away from Dean, eyeing him and his brother, and positioned themselves next to Castiel. “Calm down, big boy, if I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve already”
“A nice demon?” Castiel muttered, carefully watching Y/N with his piercing blue eyes. “You must be the only exception”
“Maybe I got tired of being bad and wanted to try being good for a change” The demon shrugged innocently.
“Yeah, right” Sam huffed behind them.
“Although it isn’t as easy as I thought, it doesn’t always work out…” The demon sent Castiel an innocent glance, flustering him slightly.
Dean rolled his eyes and decided to intervene to put an end to that.
“Okay, enough flirting, will you help us or not?”
“As long as you let me get to know my soulmate better”
All glances fell over the angel as he uncomfortably stood there. He unequivocally felt that connection to his soulmate, the desire to stay close too. Nonetheless, his soulmate was a demon and he didn’t quite trust demons. Even if Y/N did seem like a surprisingly nice one despite the sarcasm and smugness.
When Y/N got closer to Castiel and hugged him out of the blue to reinforce those words, the angel tensed up. Yet the feeling was incredibly grounded and human as an internal warm sense of happiness spread across his vessel and shook him to the core once more, in the best way possible.
The warmth only increased, and he was starting to think that Sam and Dean would feel it too since it was so intense. It was starting to spread to the outside too. To his surprise, the brothers yelped and when he looked down, Castiel realized that external warmth was actually fire.
“Crap, sorry!” Y/N had broken the hug and extinguished the flames. “Didn’t mean to do that…”
“A clumsy demon?” Dean mocked Y/N. “That’s a first”
“I’m full of surprises, aren’t I?” The demon, however, acquired a carefree attitude despite the fact that they set Castiel’s trench coat on fire.
“You didn’t do that on purpose?” The latter asked, convinced by the guilt reflected in Y/N’s eyes.
“I might have been ‘born’ not too long ago, at least considering the demon lifespan” When the angel tilted his head in confusion, the demon elaborated. “I don’t entirely control my powers, okay?”
“That’s hilarious” Sam was grinning, but frowned when Y/N glared at him.
“What’s it to you?” In response, Sam held his hands up in surrender.
“Are you in or are you out, Y/N?” Dean insisted, losing his patience.
“I’ll help you” Y/N nodded. “With the condition that you let me go with you… And with Castiel here”
“This is gonna be great” The older Winchester did not like the thought of not only having to put up with a demon, but also with their infatuation with Cas.
As he motioned over to the car, both Y/N and Castiel got into the Impala, sitting closely together in the back seat. None of them would admit it, but they were filled with a strange excitement as a journey together awaited them.
Tagging: @thisismysecrethappyplace, @overpowered-insanity, @suenami3, @lonerlulu
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amwritingmeta · 7 years
Since Sam and Dean don't exist in au, Michael and Lucifer definitely skipped the true vessel bs then went to war with angels and demons in their true forms (angel blades sticking out of the ground proves it). That means au Cas is in his true form and Jimmy Novak is probably dead in a ditch somewhere. I hate the idea of Jack resurrecting Cas cause that'd be too easy and basically turns him into god. So when Misha comes back, how can they bring Cas back with him?
Nonny 1: i saw the ask in which the Anon is wondering if they would make Misha play AU Cas, but i don’t believe they would do that, in fact it really wouldn’t make a lick of sense, because Cas in that AU aint Cas, what made Cas the angel we know and love is that he was the one who pulled Dean out of hell, Dean who changed him and taught him free will, and in that AU dean was never born to begin with, so AU Cas would be just an angel.
Nonny 2: Hello! I was wondering about the possibilities and any possible theories on the bizzaro-Narnia AU-where-Dean-and-Sam were never born world. Do you think that it could be explored, or that we might see AU! Cas? Not as in an outright replacement, but maybe 1 or 2 episodes with him as a commander of a garrison of angels? You’re by far one of the most optimistic meta writers I’ve met and I really need some happy speculation to get me through hellatus. Sorry if you’ve covered this before. Thanks!
Hello, lovelies!
So, three wonderful asks that all have to do with this AU World that’s been so suddenly thrown into the mix. I’m glad I get to tackle this topic! Thanks fawert and Nonnies! (and forgive my reply taking sooo long!)
The basis for the following speculation is that I believe the narrative is closing as the writers are moving it towards endgame. Everything in S11-S12 is telling me this because S11 began the movement by forcing Dean Winchester to admit to himself that he is properly, truly, madly and deeply in love with Cas. Read more on my thoughts about this here.
In short:
Dean Winchester is our Protagonist
His character growth is what informs the narrative
He wouldn’t have been set on this particular path of character growth if he hadn’t met Cas
Dean’s growth is what is allowing him to let go of Sam, ending the brodependency, and granting him the insight to find his true self-worth, through self-acceptance
His self-acceptance has a whole lot to do with letting go of his toxic masculinity spiel
His letting go of this will be most clearly demonstrated by him fully embracing the fact that he’s in love with a man
Happiness with the man he loves is Dean’s reward for completing his character growth, reaching the internal goal of his character arc: which is self-acceptance
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(yeah) (he knows)
Now, I don’t know that this is where they’re taking the narrative, okay? Let me be perfectly clear about that. No one knows exactly what they’re planning (except the fuckers themselves) and they might go absolutely crazy in order to drag the narrative out for six more seasons.
However - and this is a big however, you guys - the writers have consistently, and with extreme due diligence, built a slow-burning love story between Dean and Cas that is beginning to peak - that’s what S12 gave us - meaning that going absolutely crazy to drag this love story out will jar with everything that’s come before.
Let’s not forget that our story is about love, and sacrifice, and love.
Love is mentioned twice by Metatron because our story has always been foremost about love.
The love between the brothers and the love between Dean and Cas. Without all that love - no sacrifice. (or manpain) (oh the manpain)
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The fact of the matter is that the love between the brothers was set up from season one to evolve beyond their brodependency, and it would never have done that if it hadn’t been for Cas affecting Dean’s character growth. 
I know I’ve said it before, but hell, let’s say it again: 
the Destiel love story is integral to the narrative because it informs Dean’s character arc. 
And Dean is our Protagonist. 
His character arc informs the entire narrative and every single secondary character arc within it. Including Sam’s. It’s true!
Here’s a very recent example that proves it:
Dean shooting off that grenade launcher, and tearing down that first symbolic wall in 12x22, is what set off the amazing steps away from the brodependency that both brothers had managed by the end of 12x23. 
Dean shooting off the grenade launcher:
a) injured Dean, which brought him tob) telling Sam to go lead the attack on the BMoL without him
I could meta about the symbolism here until my fingers go numb, but this is not the post for that, safe to say: Dean tearing down walls is what led to him letting go of parenting!Dean, finally seeing Sam as the adult he is and being able to place his full faith in his little brother’s ability to manage by himself, and to lead, without Dean there to watch over him or guide him.
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Fuck. Yes.
But to surmise: it was Dean the Protagonist who had to let Sam go - Sam couldn’t break free from Dean on his own.
Because Dean is the one who, primarily, needs to learn the big lessons that the narrative have been setting up for him through his character arc.
So my point is:
if they hurt the Destiel love story 
this love story, which is the very cornerstone of Dean’s character growth
by turning the tables and stalling said love story by, oh, I don’t know
bringing Cas back, but as a different character 
a character that doesn’t actually know Dean or have the shared history with him that our Cas does
->then they hurt the entire narrative they have built
And I cannot for the life of me believe that they would ever do that.
Not after nine years of carefully keeping this love story burning, removing a few coals now and again so that it wouldn’t flame up and singe the more delicate viewers, but still allowing it enough air to spread a lovely, warm glow, and (okay, enough of that now) (fine)
But you get my meaning here? Let’s boil my meaning down even further:
AU!Cas would effectively kill the love story
which would severely damage the overall narrative
would rob Dean and, by extension, Cas of their endgame rewards
which would cancel out the deeper purpose for all of Dean and Cas’ character growth
And so the mere thought makes absolutely no sense anywhere at all.
There will absolutely NOT be an AU!Cas to replace our Cas.
And I could slap Misha Collins for even hinting at the possibility of it, because he must know that all he’s doing is setting the speculation ball careening through the fandom. And it’s sadistic. (you are a sadist Misha Collins)
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fawert: I’ve already told you in a different post how much I loved your observations regarding the probable rules and circumstances of the AU World - eye-opening and I’m bound to agree with you because it looks the most plausible and, also, it’s gorgeous! And feeds my brain with all types of scenarios for Mary trying to survive that dystopian, war ridden place. *crackle*
Now, as for how they can bring Cas back, I’m speculating on what so many have already pointed to and speculated about (props to those who mentioned this first, I don’t know exactly who you are, sorry):
Spec 1 - Jack’s grace still lingering in Cas and reviving him
Though I sincerely don’t know how likely this is, I still feel the writers left themselves a loophole, because that grace can clearly perform fucking miracles and it was so obviously shown to us in 12x23 that Cas still possessed some of it, even if he couldn’t use it to ice Lucifer.
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There should be a reason for it planted as a visual when he heals Dean. That visual didn’t need to be there: Cas tells Dean in dialogue that he can’t use the nephilim’s power anymore because killing Dagon took both him and Jack, so why the visual? If the lingering nephilim grace is useless anyway, why have Cas use it in order to heal Dean at all? Why not have Cas simply use his own powers, as he has all season? Hmmmmmm. *brow in deep creases*
So I strongly speculate that what we have been shown is to set up that Castiel the angel of the Lord is dead. Him dying an angel death for the first time ever was not for nothing. Dean’s angel is truly gone, and should be mourned.
But also because of this angel death, and thanks to the lingering nephilim grace, Cas is about to finally get the full human experience. *crossing fingers*
Spec 2 - Jack reviving Cas
Personally, I don’t think this is likely. I was convinced Kelly would survive the birth, that Jack would end up healing her or saving her rather than killing her, and her “I love you” right before Jack bright-light shone his way into the world makes me feel slightly vindicated. Because Kelly is the Good Mother who loved her son and willingly sacrificed her life to ensure he was born with all of his powers.
So, to my mind, baby Nephi was Good.
But Jack, in the form he is in now, leaving smouldering footprints on the floor, scaring the bejesus out of Sam: this Jack is most likely not going to simply touch Cas and bring him back to life. 
Firstly (and to me, most importantly): because Jack reviving Cas immediately and somehow brainwashing or controlling him or convincing him to stay as his Protector cancels out Cas’ dramatic death, and the effect it should have on our Protagonist. 
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Cas died to further Dean’s character growth (and ultimately his own as well, of course) but if Jack revives Cas now, there’s no growth to be had for Dean.
We have seen Dean bereaved of Cas: Dean drinking himself into a near year long stupor
We have seen Dean pine for and wait for Cas: he kept Cas’ coat in the boot of his many, many different cars, expecting his return
We have seen Dean fight for Cas: he spent a year in Purgatory, keeping himself alive with the one aim to bring Cas home
We have yet to see Dean Winchester grieve for Cas without getting stuck in one of the 5 stages (and yes, everyone grieves differently, but for the sake of my argument, I’m assigning Dean the need to move through all 5 stages)
We have never seen him truly, deeply believing there is no hope for Cas to ever come back to him and accept this as a fact that is entirely out of his power of control.
For us to watch him, for the first time, go through each of the 5 Stages of Grief, he is first going to have to bury Cas’ body, put it in the ground, and yes, deny, bargain, get angry, get depressed over Cas’ death - he needs to go through all of this - but once he reaches acceptance for the first time in his entire character arc, then I would love it if this is the moment Cas is revived and finds his way back to the brothers. I would absolutely fall to pieces with happiness.
Especially if it’s human!Cas who’s finding his way back. I mean, just imagine the possibilities for character growth, for the joint love story to evolve and deepen into something undeniable.
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It would do such wonders for both Dean and Cas’ character arcs if Cas came back as a human and came back early in the season, so that we get to watch him do all that character growth, finding his place, finally, in himself, and through it, with the brothers, within the world at large and, ultimately, taking up the space next to Dean in the Impala. 
(Because Sam will be MoLing)
Secondly: because Jack reviving Cas immediately and somehow brainwashing or controlling him or convincing him to stay as his Protector only works if Jack indeed chose Cas as his Protector, but, to my mind, based on how I read the narrative of 12x19 and baby Nephi being good, Jack didn’t chose Cas: baby Nephi chose Cas.
The nephilim’s angelic side chose Cas.
Jack, as I see it, is the Opposite of the nephilim’s angelic side, and so I would put forward the possibility that this Newborn Jack will not feel tied to Cas in any way.
Newborn Jack could, absolutely, be the spitting image of Daddy Devil. Newborn Jack could be the Corruptor and Deceiver, and I believe this is the whole point for the Opposites, shown to us in how baby Nephi was presented through the 12x19 narrative rejecting Evil at every turn, and how we are presented to Newborn Jack through Sam finding him, smiling, in the corner of the darkened nursery.
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(first impressions will hopefully not last)
Now, here’s what I’d like, because my brain *crackles* with the dramatic conflict:
Rather than Newborn Jack darting off - which is one of the possibilities at the back of my head - I think they’ll choose to keep Newborn Jack with the brothers, keep his actual intentions ambiguous, and leave us wondering whether he’s an angel or a demon or a little bit of both, but mostly demon, it seems, or is he actually good? Hmmmmm? We just won’t be able to properly tell.
I can see them playing with a Dexter sense of danger around Newborn Jack, where he’s observing them all like they’re lab rats, but where, ultimately, their behaviour and TFW placing true faith in him making the right choices will lead to him connecting with his inherent Humanity.
Spec 3 - Regarding the bizzaro-Narnia AU-where-Dean-and-Sam were never born world
(Would love for this to be the official fandom denomination, btw - let’s throw it in the hat!)
Do I believe they’ll explore this world?
Yes: if the question is with regards to Mary being trapped in it.
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They may choose to build it as part of Mary’s self-acceptance arc, where she gets to see what the world would be like without her boys and what her choices actually did for the world. Namely: save the hell out of it. It could be poignant that Luci is stuck over there as well, but more for the plot than his character arc, I should think. He’ll come back all threatening and badass, I’m sure.
No: if the question is regarding expanding the SPN Universe to now include this other dimension, and possibly more of them, spinning the series into a time-traveling multidimensional party cracker of narrative possibility that will last for years and years to come.
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I sincerely doubt it.
Because of the aforementioned reasons of Dean as our Protagonist and his character arc and growth and endgame and building the narrative around this for twelve years. (more or less for twelve years) (I know Sam started out as the Protagonist) (though I would like to call bullshit on this for reasons) (whatever)
Spec 4 - Do I believe the bizarro-Narnia AU-where-Dean-and-Sam were never born world will affect the SPN reality we’ve come to know and love?
I can see something slipping through the cracks. Or Mary and Lucifer both returning with new information and it becomes a race to outwit the other, find the key to the universe first (or is that what Jack is supposed to be) or something crazy and huge like that.
But I am of the impression that the AU World is nothing more than a plot device, used to show us - the audience - what our world would be if it weren’t for the Winchesters.
As the narrative has entered the final act, as they are tying it up, looping it back to the beginning with callback after callback, this underlining of how all the misery, and heartbreak, and manpain that the brothers Winchester have been put through, has all been worth it makes perfect sense, and underpins the validity of the narrative as a whole. Which I like.
I truly can’t see the AU World serving any further purpose than that of the pure plot device that was Purgatory, which the writers cleverly used to show us exactly how much Cas means to Dean, and vice versa, and to grant Cas the chance to repent, so that he’d be able to believably move on from the severe error in judgment he was guilty of when he let the Leviathan into the world. This time it’s Mary’s turn to repent and to forgive herself, which goes nicely with her and Cas paralleling each other’s arcs for all of S12.
Spec 5 - Will we see an AU!Cas in any shape or form?
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Possibly through Mary, yes, but I sincerely doubt they’d bring AU!Cas into the middle of the heartbreak that will be grieving!Dean. I mean, they could. They might very well do that. But it’d be fucked up. And I agree with both fawert and our other Nonny who pointed out that Castiel would, most likely, not even be possessing Jimmy Novak anymore. (aka Misha Collins) (…the sadist) 
So what would be the point of bringing Castiel the angel of the Lord into the mix?
Castiel in our reality is dead. He has died. 
We need to feel his death with Dean. 
We want to feel it with him, not be distracted by some Cas wannabe stomping onto the scene, taking up our Cas’ vacant space. No, thank you. Right?
I think the writers will want to torment us (they are sadists along with Misha the sadist Collins) (all writers are) (yours truly included) (so, you know, stones thrown at glass and all that) Anyway, they won’t just revive Cas within minutes or even within the first episode. I believe he’ll be put in the ground. Or, to be honest, I would like for him to be put in the ground. Obviously they won’t burn him.
So, to point to the most important sentence on offer in this post:
There will not be an AU!Cas to replace our Cas.
(also Misha Collins is a sadist)
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
not only MP, now also misha said that cas will be back but we must consider there are also alternate universes, this is making me more nervous I don't want an alternate cas , all the character development and his history with dean lost, it's so upsetting :(
Yeah, I’ve had questions along this line, but I haven’t been able to really answer formally. Along these lines and also in my inbox this morning: (AN: all things in italics are other anon messages… sometimes my inbox helps me out with anons sort of answering each other… Eldritch Inbox):
Hello, i’m sorry if you answered this already, but i do have a question about a certain theory going about about the idea of an au!cas (possibly the one who got killed?) I guess i’m kind of confused about it and was wondering if you’ve either already spoken on it or can expand on the idea? thanks :)
Im worried now theyll just exchange Cas for AU cas and think thats fine because we still have the same actor. The flash did the same thing had the character leavd and brozgh the guys alernative version to stick around
While I can see them (hopefully) using AU Cas in good way for a few eps (tho it doesn’t make sense because there would be no reason for JimmyCas in the other world, but they often don’t address stuff that doesn’t make sense well) I don’t think they would decide to not bring regular Cas back. They have 2 seasons left. I don’t think they would get rid of 1 of the mains. 50% if you counted Crowley. Tho they did that with Angel and the relationship on that show in the last season. Hmm.
Okay, I really, truly 100% honestly don’t think they’re going to use AU Cas at all as a replacement for OUR Cas. If the show is going to open up more alternate realities, I can see OUR Cas (and Sam and Dean) meeting those alternate universe versions for an episode here and there, if only to MIRROR what our Cas is going through, but WHY would they bring Cas THIS FAR in his story, to the point where HE HIMSELF has developed and grown and learned SO MUCH ABOUT HIMSELF, and been prodded by practically EVERY CHARACTER EVER about WHO HE IS and WHAT HE WOULD CHOOSE TO BE if they were just gonna toss him out and bring in replacement copies with entirely different life experiences?
We don’t just love the concept of what would essentially boil down to a random character wearing Misha’s face, WE LOVE OUR CAS. Who we’ve watched struggle FOR NINE DAMN YEARS to get to this point in his understanding of humanity, his compassion, his sense of family, and his LOVE for the Winchesters… like two steps before he was ready to make some BIG FINAL CHOICES for himself… And I can’t think of ANY reason for the writers to just erase ALL of that and start over with a “blank slate” version of Cas. Honestly if that’s what they’re planning to do, I would forever be officially done with this damn show.
Talk about your Jump The Shark moments.
BUT! Considering the Cas we saw on screen looked identical to our Cas, down to the coat and tie, and the fact that the Apocalypse AU didn’t look like they had a Dillard’s, I’m assuming that we have not met a Castiel from that AU. What reason would he have for looking like Jimmy Novak in our Castiel’s outfit when AU Bobby looked the way he did, and when AU demons LOOKED like demons (not possessed humans), and when we heard AU angels were human-hating monsters too… Something tells me AU Cas would look NOTHING like Jimmy in suit and tie. It just makes no logical sense.
Even MAGIC in that AU didn’t seem to work properly. Crowley’s spell didn’t seem to be what closed the portal. It was the nephilim’s birth that closed it.
Which brings me back around to the beginning of the line (just like the structure of the episode, and the meta-ness of the title– a song that ends at the beginning…)
Kelly grabs Cas’s hand, after he’s seen the AU that the nephilim SHOWED HIM SPECIFICALLY, of what the world without the Winchesters would look like– remember in 12.09 when Cas was ADAMANT that the world needs every last Winchester? And he was willing to break cosmic-level deals to make sure the world could keep its Winchesters? To me, in this scene where Kelly needs reassurance about Castiel’s “vision of the future” the nephilim showed him, that is something that’s ALSO forefront on his mind:
Kelly: Tell me again. Tell me again what you saw.Cas: All right. I saw… I saw (he closes his eyes and concentrates on Kelly taking his hand in 12.19, exactly as she just did now)… I saw the future. (flashback to 12.19, with the nephilim’s power flowing through Cas and lighting his eyes up gold). I saw a world without pain, or hunger, or want. I saw the world that this child– that your child– will create. And it is a world without fear, and without suffering, and without hate. I saw paradise.
As he finishes recounting the memory for her, the lights flicker and we hear the Impala pulling up outside. Like the nephilim was alerting Cas to the Winchesters’ presence.
And then Cas learns that Lucifer isn’t in the cage. He can’t even believe it at first. So that’s something the nephilim obviously didn’t bother informing him about… Dean asks Cas if he’ll be able to torch Lucifer the same way he torched Dagon, and Cas attributes that 100% to the baby (who’s a little busy being born at the moment…). But in 12.19, Cas said it was a combination of their powers… so what’s the truth?
Even as Cas tells Dean that it was only the nephilim working through him, he heals Dean in a way that is VERY DIFFERENT from every other time in history. I’m not the only one who noticed. I refer you again to my inbox:
I think it’s interesting that literally seconds after Cas tells Dean he doesn’t have the nephilim’s power at his disposal, he heals Dean’s leg with the nephilim’s gold light. It makes me wonder if Cas has some of the nephilim’s power within him that could save him. OR when Cas healed Dean, maybe that power transferred to Dean. He seemed oddly invigorated after he was healed, ya know? Like more so than usual.
Hi so when I was watching the second ep after Cas first left the alternate dimension I noticed he seemed a bit off. Do u think there’s any way that he was like possessed or something?
BECAUSE YES! HELLO! I’ve been saying that the nephilim has somehow been using Cas since 12.19. Maybe it’s not “brainwashing” or “mind control,” but I’ve been struggling to explain the nuance here. Maybe more like “infection?” or “poison?” In a similar way the Lance of Michael “poisoned” Cas in 12.12, But that’s not even right.
Like the Angel Tablet was able to direct Cas to protect it over everything else, even his relationship with the Winchesters, I think the nephilim has that kind of power over him. And that for whatever reason, he Chose Cas as his protector.
Cas also tried to prevent Sam and Dean from going out back and seeing the portal in the first place. And then he downplayed it while also being mesmerized by it. But he’s absolutely certain that Jack OPENED the door, and that he will close it too.
Cas then goes up to talk to Kelly alone, and she asks him what’s wrong… and it looks like he’s SINCERELY HAVING DOUBTS. While Dean’s downstairs telling Sam that he has faith in US… 
WE DO NOT SEE WHAT GOES DOWN BETWEEN CAS AND KELLY aside from him holding her hand AGAIN and sort of robotically saying, “Don’t worry, it will be fine. Remember, paradise.”
Did he tell her about the portal between worlds, and the horror on the other side of the doorway her child had opened? When Crowley showed up at the exact right moment, seemingly already knowing about the portal and exactly how to close it (in theory?) When Lucifer shows up out front (seemingly NOT already knowing about the portal?).
And Lucifer’s reasoning is the same as Amara’s was, and the same as Jack the Nephilim’s is– “I can do better than god, so I’m gonna burn the place down and start over to make the world just how I want it.”
Right before Cas attacks, Dean says, “See you on the other side, boys.”
The other side of the house… the other side of the portal.
I think that’s what the nephilim WANTED. And also why he waited SO LONG to close it… because Crowley’s spell was never going to work there. But the nephilim wanted Sam and Dean and CAS TOO on THIS SIDE OF THE PORTAL. I think that AU was the nephilim’s solution to shoving Luci back in the cage. To send him to a world where his vessel bloodline is extinct. A world he can’t possibly destroy any more than it’s already destroyed. He wanted an apocalypse, that’s what Jack gave him.
Cas is knocked out in front of the house. I’m sort of enamored with the idea that he’s still unconscious out there, and the Cas we saw in the rest of the episode was nothing more than a construct– an illusion sent by Jack to act as a lure, for whatever reason. Because his actions after this are a bit confusing…
Sam and Dean lead Lucifer around to the portal and then cross over to lure Luci through. Dean plays bait while Sam and Crowley work the spell (why on THAT side of the rift? Why not on the “right side”?
Sam pulls Dean away to the rift as Crowley sacrifices himself, and for some reason they just stop there? They stand around watching Crowley’s demise. YET SOME VERSION OF CAS THAT DOESN’T EVEN RESPOND TO DEAN, JUST PUSHES PAST HIM AND SAYS NOTHING, just charges through the rift toward Lucifer, and then seemingly just– walks up to Lucifer, stabs him, and then turns right around and comes back out again?
We see Lucifer completely unaffected by the bullets Dean shot him with in the AU, as if Cas hadn’t been expecting Lucifer to be able to follow him out for some reason…
Kelly’s body has mysteriously returned to the bed after the light flash, and Jack’s huddled in the corner of his nursery staring up at Sam with those creepy yellow eyes.
I think Jack’s been using Cas all along, ever since 12.19, and I have seen nothing to break me of that belief.
It’s as if every time Cas gets near Sam and Dean, Jack loses a little bit of that control though. But Jack understands that Dean is both necessary as a motivation for Cas (he does everything for the Winchesters, not for heaven, not even for himself), as well as a potential risk. It’s as if Dean is what’s opening up Cas’s “doorways to doubt,” that he told Dean about in 4.16, right after Uriel told Dean that he was Cas’s “weakness.”:
DEAN: What’s going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?CASTIEL: My superiors have begun to question my sympathies.DEAN: Your sympathies?CASTIEL: I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I’ve begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt. This can impair my judgment.
Then in 4.18 Cas relents and gives Dean the nudge in the right direction he needs to stop Sam from making a deal with Lilith (which could’ve potentially STOPPED the apocalypse, but that was before we knew killing Lilith would START it… but feels almost like a test of Cas’s loyalty to Heaven as much as anything, because that entire EPISODE seems in retrospect like a strange loop of Chuck getting to know the players in his own game), and leads directly to him being dragged back to Heaven Boot Camp for reprogramming.
When Cas comes back at the end of the episode, he’s changed. He serves heaven again, not man, and certainly not Dean…
I think Castiel’s “death” in 12.23 is serving the same sort of function. I’m thinking of it as Jack’s answer to Heaven Boot Camp. I am still absolutely convinced that Jack has been influencing Cas’s actions since 12.19, and that Cas is imbued with Jack’s power (hence the golden light when he healed Dean). There is no other explanation for it. Why else give Dean that little cut on his face that we got to see healed with that weird gold light, if it wasn’t to tell us that it was Jack’s power that healed him? It wasn’t clear in 12.19 because Cas was healing an internal injury beneath Dean’s jacket. We didn’t see that healing at work, because we were supposed to be asking ourselves whether or not Cas was being controlled by Jack still… but NOW WE HAVE VISUAL PROOF.
Why would Jack go through all this trouble to keep Cas close while keeping the Winchesters away unless they (or Dean, really) were interfering with that control somehow? Like Cas and his doubts in s4? And even in s5?
Like every time Cas has been “programmed” in Heaven one of his primary objectives was to STAY AWAY FROM THE WINCHESTERS? Like in 7.17 when he was Emmanuel. One day with Dean and he remembered EVERYTHING. Like Naomi controlling him in 8.17, where one day with Dean and he broke free of her control, only to be ruled by the angel tablet and immediately feel the need to run away from Dean again.
We even learned that CROWLEY spent most of s6 trying to convince Cas to stay away from Sam and Dean. It was the foundation of his entire plan to crack purgatory for the souls… 
Instead of bringing Kelly back to the bunker in 12.19, KELLY (under the control of the nephilim already) STOLE THE IMPALA and ran away from the Winchesters. And then when Cas fell under Jack’s power he booped them unconscious and fled.
Because all of heaven, earth, hell, and purgatory KNOW that Cas needs to be kept away from Dean if they want to use Cas for their own ends… and that’s exactly what Jack wants. But how can he sever Cas’s connection to the Winchesters?
He doesn’t have a Heaven Boot Camp with the Dentist’s Chair of Horror.
My guess? The Cas we’re going to see in 13.01 is going to be disturbingly familiar to the Cas at the end of 4.20. Instead of serving Heaven, he’s going to be all aboard the Jack bandwagon. Because Jack still needs SOMEONE, but he needs someone whose faith in him is unshakable. And as long as Cas has ties to the Winchesters as anything more than a symbolic reason for following Jack’s plan for bringing “paradise” to the world, a symbol he’d been willing to sacrifice himself for, then Cas’s loyalty was always in jeopardy.
But resurrected as something NEW, bearing Jack as the source of his power instead of Heaven or God or wherever angel Grace is hooked up to as a power source, he may have much greater control over Cas.
At least, that’s how I’ve been thinking of it…
(and I suspect that Cas will be restored to himself by midseason, and Jack will have effectively moved into Big Bad territory by then…)
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