#It is so important to me
cowboyunderscore · 1 year
my roman empire is razumikhin always calling raskolnikov “rodya” or “rodka”, but raskolnikov only ever calling him “razumikhin” i could (and do, to the disparity of my friends and family) talk about that for hours and write a million essays
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curseofhatred · 1 year
isn't it kinda funny that knives has been wrapping himself up like he's in a cocoon the whole time and then he was the first twin to manifest a wing?
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"i'm killing spiders to save butterflies"
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5+1 headcanons 👀
tagged by the glorious @romirola for a dose of headcanon this evening - i'm very happy to oblige! as always you may consider this an open tag from me if you'd like to join in on the fun, and we'll do a few no-pressure tags too: @zozo-01 @halscafe @autisticempathydaemon @thicchaco @mr-laveau @penncilkid mind if i pick your brain for a bit?? 💕💕
rules: share 5 redactedverse headcanons you hold, plus 1 headcanon you're still working on!
hcs under the cut!
william and vincent may not actually be biologically related [EDITOR: insert ‘blood relatives’ joke here], but they look similar enough that people often think they are.
this is not so much a headcanon as just my refusal to accept canon, but gavin coalesced LONG before 1990 - it was actually somewhere around the mid-1700s, although he only chose the name ‘gavin’ for himself in approximately the mid-1900s, not long after the end of WW2.
gavin and vincent are very good friends - they get on extremely well, and the double dates with freelancer and lovely are legendary, for several reasons.
the prime and imperium universe are not entirely separate from each other - sometimes, they bleed into each other without anybody really realising. it’s nothing too serious - a strange feeling of deja vu, or a weird dream, or a turn of phrase that just feels… right.
as beings of emotion, demons don’t naturally express themselves physically, making facial expressions and body language very difficult for them to both interpret and perform accurately without a lot of practice. because they aren’t designed to have physical bodies, they lack an innate sense of outwardly expressing and responding to emotional stimuli.
(well, +1) gavin might never admit it out loud, but he secretly daydreams a lot about being able to transform freelancer into a demon like him. even though he knows it’s never been done before, and may not even be possible, he doesn’t ever want to be apart from them and he wants so much more time with them than their human lifespan could allow.
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sunseekingz · 6 months
i read the words “somewhere in the west country of england james potter can’t breathe” and i knew i could never read that fic I GOTTA PUT ME FIRST
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yourebeingsilly · 1 year
no but the fact that ed is apparently healing before reuniting with stede and that he moves on and that he’s fine and that he’s getting better and that he’s “trying something different” and the “it’s a new day. no more booze. no more drugs” and the—
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aircushionedsoles · 11 months
do the new blur girlies know about the 99 bsides gig. do they even care.
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bspeaks · 2 months
did you guys also read intertwined by @concreteburialplot and it changed your life and youve never been the same since and you live every waking moment in hopes that a new chapter will appear soon or is that just me??
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zimms · 1 year
hi uh if we're doing cursed ships again, please can i bring back whiskeypoots
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pissfizz · 8 months
I live and die by the intersex Hajime hc btw
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sunflowermotel · 2 years
every four months i get the most intense surge of anger over how we were robbed of macriley. robbed blind i am so MAD
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voiddemon · 2 years
can't wait until black friday where they drop a new shadow kirby design where he has red eyes and my life becomes a living nightmare
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kodirox · 2 years
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bethiewhimsy · 1 year
last episode of fourth season tomorrow. gonna explode. new chapter this weekend. gonna explode. apparently we’re gonna get some exciting bsd news. idk what it is but it’s gonna make me explode.
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Staring at Vesper Elaina like. Scale of one to ten maam how fucked up am i allowed to write you
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yllowpages · 2 years
i need a full gifset of the moment where bucky is trying to rip out tony's reactor because that shit fuels my soul
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marsh-mall0 · 2 years
i want an eyebrow piercing so bad maybe then ill get bitches and be recognised as a flaming bisexual w no game
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