#It just kept rotating in my brain
cy-fi-theansweris42 · 2 months
I've been thinking about the story of the Psychic 7 more and the world of Psychonauts, and I think part of the reason why it just stuck so intensely in my brain is because of the little glimpses we get of their past, and how towards the end of the game, after everything that's happened, the group is reunited. Yes, there's things to work out, things they have to talk about (primarily looking at you, Ford), but despite everything, they're all together again.
Let me explain. (Also, please keep in mind I haven't played the game in almost 2 years and I only recently started rereading things for the games, I could miss some details).
In the world of Psychonauts, the world is not kind to psychics.
We're told this right away in the beginning of the first game. When Raz is reciting the text from the pamphlet for the summer camp, he has these lines:
Raz: You were born with a special gift but the people around you treat it like a curse. Your mother is afraid of you and your father looks at you with shame in his eyes. Come to Whispering Rock psychic summer camp and you can show them all! Back home your powers make you a loner, an outcast, a circus freak, but in this dojo in this psychic dojo they make you a hero. 
As they show different campers in this scene, we know that these words hit home for them. They can all relate to the words Raz is reciting. Even by Raz's time, even after there's been a Psychic organization helping people for years, psychics aren't fully accepted.
To anyone that's ever felt othered, felt like they didn't belong somewhere, these words are relatable. We instantly relate to our main character, and potentially to the other psychic characters we meet. We know what their struggle is like.
Now like I said, this was in Raz's time. But back in the Psychic 7's time? There wasn't an organization like the Psychonauts. Back then there would have been even less reason for them to be accepted, so I think things were potentially even worse back then. There was far less known about how psychic powers worked since Otto and the others were the ones to do the research, and no doubt people were probably more afraid of psychics then.
However, despite living in a world that was even less accepting of psychics, the Psychic 7 still found each other. They still found each other, found others just like them, and they basically formed this little family.
Personally, what makes this hit even harder is the fact that none of them were exactly young when they all found each other, they were all adults and well into adulthood. They all had different backgrounds, different experiences. Lucy had already married and lost a husband, Bob had already lost both parents, Helmut was a struggling performer, Cassie escaped a dangerous environment, and more. They were all adults with different lives and came from different places, but they still found each other. Making friends as an adult is hard, but they still found each other and not only became friends, but became a little family.
And then, after Maligula, after losing Helmut, after being separated for so long, once they all see Lucy, they hug. They're back together again. They're not missing any members of their family again.
So that's what really makes it Hit Different for me. The fact that, despite the world they all lived in at the time, the Psychic 7 found and made their little family, and even after so much time and tragedy and separation, they came back together.
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sidver · 5 months
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ketzzzel · 8 months
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so i watched wendigoon's faith video...
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meowthplushie · 5 months
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so you ever draw something that makes you remember how gay you are
(kind of a sequel to my suit palette art ghdhg)
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quirinah · 2 months
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i! ro! ha!
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nostalgic-muffins · 5 months
curse you nightbringer for debunking one of my satan hcs!!
uhhhh anyway the hc is that after lesson 20 ends and mc leaves satan doesnt know what to do w himself so he just buries himself in his books. just like how it was before mc came. but instead of reading to distract himself from his anger he reads double the amount before to distract himself from the fact that hell probably never see mc again or smth.
while at the local library, satan finds a book on cats. he realizes hes never read this book and he wants to keep his mind off mc, so he decides give it a go.
he ends up really enjoying the book. so much to the point that he checked out any book on cats he could find. not only that, but there are now at least nine stacks of books in his room, purely on cats. hence the books that fell once mc returned in lesson 21 (i think it was lesson 21...? im pretty sure it is.)
this is also why one of mc's options are "youre cheating on me with cats?" this is completely new to mc.
but then nightbringer came along w the cat day saga.... it was a sad time for me. dont get me wrong, it was cute and silly and stuff but like.... MY PRECIOUS HC.... GONE WITHIN SECONDS....
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vero-niche · 2 years
gotta admit, probably would have been more touched by the new mob psycho episode if. if uhh. if dimple didnt look like this the whole time
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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layzeal · 1 year
i genuinely believe that teen wwx finding out that lwj kept his rabbits would have been a decisive event on wangxian becoming closer in wwx's first life
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alackofghosts · 1 year
a fragile kind of hope
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*screenshots the highlights of my youtube to mp3 downloads folder as if it were some fancy aesthetic spotify wrapped image or whatever* 
#I don't know how spotify works I'm not sure how the images people share are actually generated  but you know what I mean lol#Though I do wish the native windows music player thing kept track of like.. how many times you listened to a song or something#merely because I think it would be really funny for me since I'm very much a like 'listen to the same 3 songs on rotation for literally#4 months at a time. then eventually rotate in another few songs to replace those. never revisit any of them again' type person#And like most media I have a lot of trouble connecting with music or ascribing it the same deep meaning that most other people seem to get o#ut of it like. I think maybe it has something to do with my emotional range in general being very shallow (I am neutral 90% of the#time and even when I'm not I just don't feel things very strongly. when I do feel antyhing it's weak fleeting emotions usuually that#I don't even remember a few days from then. You know how babies don't have object permanence? It's like I don't have emotional permanence lo#l. Which is probably standard for like. severe childhood neglect situations where nobody was around for you to mirror their#emotions in early childhood or whatever usually happens when people are being raised. Like if nobody was there to encourage the development#of emotions and show what those look like then maybe your brain just doesn't develop them properly or etc. etc. ANYWAY gjhjhb)#I think maybe that has somehting to do with why it's just really hard for me to care about media of all kinds - and even when I do it's not#very deep. Also probably why I've never really been in a fandom or gone to a concert or been really into anything like that. Because people#form deep emotional connections and memories and attachments to their favorite media and I just like... don't#I can still like things!! But it's always in a more like.. intellectual kind of cognitive way if that makes sense? Like if I liked a TV show#it would never be becaise I find the message heartwarming or the characters relatable or because it made me FEEL something. It would be bec#ause the lore is cool and I like to analyze it. Or I think there's an interesting social dynamic going on which is fun to kind of pick#at the innerworkings of. And if I like a song like.. it's not because This Music Got Me Through A Hard time In My Life or because#I relate deeply to the lyrics or it makes me feel a certain way - it's usually because the overlapping of instruments or thetones that are#used interests me or there's something intruguing or cool about it to hear. Part of why I like classical or choir music is that there's oft#en so many instruments playing over each other it's like a little puzzle to try and hear each part seperately or etc. etc.#Which isn't to say that I can NEVER relate to or feel some sort of attachement or idea related to a piece of media. but just that it's not#ever very strong. like not powerful enough to be some significant motivator or pivotal aspect of my personality or etc.#BUT ANYWAY. I still can like things to a degree probably not just the same exact way as others lol.#So I rarely even listen to music that often (maybe once a week or so? I'll listen to like one song or two. but I'm not like a 'have music on#in the background playing in the house all the time' or 'listen to music while I get ready' type) but when I do it's very repetitive. I do#think it would be interesting to see the statistics then lol. I thought windows media player used to track statistics so I wonder why the#'updated' version of that on windows 10 doesnt??? Maybe bc they assume everyone is using streaming services instead? stinky#I don;t think the built in music player on my phone tracks anything either. It's more of just a file accessor or something. hmmgbb#That alone will never convince me to actually use some service to get music though lol. I don't need the statistics. yttmp3 for life babey
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genderfluid-druid · 1 year
#hmm#hmmmm#just had a conversation that i have not fully processed yet#which i am currently not feeling any emotions about which canNOT be right#there have gotta be emotions there but i WOULD believe that they are very very very very firmly suppressed#i do think my brain is kind of doing a meta world tilt shift thing right now that may not be perceptible to the mind's eye#kind of like how if the earth itself started slowing down in its rotation it might be hard to tell what the fuck was happening#you see. in the year of our lord 2016 i went through the worst shittiest most devastating breakup of my life#which left me in what we'll just call a Poor Mental State through much of 2017#and which i only finally clawed out of when i realized i had to stop exposing myself to contact with the ex by unfriending/blocking#which. very healthy choice. should've done that much sooner and i recommend it to anyone in a similar situation#anyway#the crisis dragged on for longer than it should have because ex and i were still trying to be friends when we really really should've. not#we kept driving each other crazy and i was still in love with the guy even though. HAHAHAHAHAHA SHITTY BREAKUP.#so basically my brain was in a constant state of 'i need him to care about me' butting up against 'i am terrified that he doesn't' and#of course that second one became self-fulfilling because i was annoying the shit out of him#crisis finally hit an inflection point when i got it through my head that i just had to accept that i might never be friends with him#that i was gonna have to stop talking to him and let it go#and for the rest of my life assume friendship was not a viable option#and that is how i lived for six years#and he moved to Colorado and got married#and i tried to date some people and hooked up with some others#and that brings us to today#when someone walked up to me at a wedding and said 'oh are you drake? i'm M's friend! didn't you two like date or something?'#🙃#okay TO BE CONTINUED bc apparently there's a tag limit did you know that? I've never hit 30 tags before. ok one sec
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lemememeringue · 2 years
please tell me more about the fake divorce ocs that's the funniest shit I've ever heard
they got drunk and married in vegas over spring break and the drive home was rly awkward bc they kept seeing billboard ads for divorce attorneys
that same spring break he introduced her to his friends from high school and she ditched her new husband for the night for one of his friends that just had a lesbian epiphany
she calls him "bear" bc he's so cuddly <3 (he is not cuddly) and he calls her "my dearest lady" bc he's badly larping as a victorian
they're poly-married to another couple (half of which is the lesbian from two paragraphs ago) and between the four of them they have seven degrees and one braincell and I love them dearly
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Matching - Portgas D. Ace
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This is a little idea I had for a larger Ace fanfic I'm working on. I might revise this! Please let me know if he's in character or not...I'm starting to have my doubts.
It had been the better part of a week. No, maybe a whole week at this point. While before you’d spend most of your free time around him, now you were constantly “busy.” Heck sometimes he even finds it difficult to find you on the Moby Dick! Was this the end of the honeymoon phase everyone warned him about?
Were you starting to get tired of him?
You kept sneaking around...without him! Before you used to sneak around together! Worse still is…every time he pops up to see you, you always seem like you're hiding something. It's like quickly stashed papers, and tightly clenched fists. It’s the way you spin on your heel, and tense up, when you used to not do that at all.
What was maddening was how when the evenings would hit, or even at random parts of the day, you’d run and crash into him with a huge hug. You’d beam at him bright and genuine just upon seeing him, heck you’d be practically vibrating with joy as you’d squeeze the life out of him. He’d almost turned to fire once.
Maybe you weren’t tired of him?
When you did cuddle with him, your eyes seemed to linger on the tattoo on his arm. He’d even woken up to you tracing it with your finger once before. You’d looked sheepish that he’d caught you admiring it…actually you looked a little…panicked too…
You’d squirmed in his grasp when he asked you about it. Saying things like how it’s pretty, and how it’s a tattoo unique to him, so you were admiring it. You're pretty good at dodging his line of questioning whenever he voices his suspicions about your behavior. You were also incredibly sneaky about distracting him with your affections, and by the time he’s regained his original line of thought, you’d already be gone. 
There's something fishy in the air and it's not the sea king he caught the other day.
He only finds out what it is you'd been scheming behind his back when he gets back from a mission. He was so distracted for most of it. He couldn’t figure out why you were so clearly avoiding him sometimes…were you having second thoughts? What was going on? Was this an elaborate prank?
He was still in a daze as he made his way back to the Moby Dick. You used to bring peace, yet right now you’d thrown him into turmoil. He hated the way he was doubting you. He hated not knowing what was wrong.
“Hey look Ace’s back!”
“How’d it go champ?”
“Aaaaaaacee!” It was your voice that pulled him back completely.
He’d barely had a moment to look up than you’d thrown yourself on him with a hug. The force of it all almost send him toppling backwards. His hat had been knocked off his head, and he could feel the press of its medallion on his throat. He's relieved at how genuinely happy you are to see him, yet still an unease twists up his stomach in knots.
You pull away much too quickly, pulling his arms and rotating them, checking for any damage. The way you're checking up on him to make sure he's not hurt and that he's okay floods his entire system with warmth. Yet he can't help the constriction in his chest and the nagging as to what it was that had you sneaking around before he left if you missed him this badly?
He can hear the crew laughing at the obvious display of affection.
“Being bold there little missy,” they taunt you.
You shrink in on yourself a bit, embarrassment catching up to you. However when you take his hand in yours, and whistles and cheers break out, “I was doing it for Ace,” the timidity in the lines of your shoulders and face brings the heat to his own face, “I thought he might like it.”
He squeezes your hand in his. Yet his brain screams at him, then what was all that sneaking around about?
Unsure how to deal with things, he just studies you closely as you ask him about how things went and how the mission was. You're not up to anything really, or at least it doesn't seem like it. You're as attentive and engaged as ever, things are just as they used to be before.
You drag him to the kitchen, knowing he must be hungry as he usually is after a mission. You even sit with him in your little corner of the mess hall while he eats, something you hadn’t done much prior to his departure. He's talking to you about the guy with the interesting abilities that he'd fought with his mouth full, and you're indulging him.
Yet even as he tries to fall into your old pattern, the confusion only festers further. What had been going on with you?
He feels absolutely awful, doubting you with the way you’re listening to him like he's the most interesting guy in the world. To be fair, to you, he really is. He keeps talking and chewing and answering your questions, yet the thing he really wants to talk about is bubbling just below the surface. Somehow all the tension and excitement peaks and he goes head first into his plate of food.
When he finally comes back to, there’s no food on his face, and he’s resting on his arms on the dinner table, his plate off to his side. You’re still next to him, gently brushing your fingers through his hair, patiently de-tangling any clumps you come across. He groans while sitting up and blinking the sleep away.
“You’re up,” you observe aloud, “here let me clear these out of the way for you.”
You get up from beside him, unthinkingly pulling your sleeves up your forearms, and reach for the plates around him. He notices something odd about one of your hands as you walk away with the stack of plates in your hands, but before he can say much you're already on your way to the kitchen counter. He watches you, lethargically shoving food in his mouth as you hand the dishes over to Thatch, who looks at your hands, then looks his way for a moment with an amused grin.
He could actually hear the next thing as the cook raised his voice, “nah leave those dishes to me, go hang out with your loverboy.”
Had the pirate not shoved you away with a plate of food in hand, Ace got the feeling you would have pointedly ignored Thatch’s teasing to do the dishes. You walked back, your brow and lips pursed in a kind of indignation. He couldn’t help the little huff of amusement. You’d gotten much better at handling their teasing over time, but he wouldn’t deny it was cute how it would get to you sometimes.
You took a seat beside him again, sliding the plate the cook had given you towards him. Your…well he could only hope he was still really your beloved, just stared at you in silence as he chewed. For some reason it made you squirm.
That’s it. He’d had enough. He has to figure this out. You’d said it yourself, it’s really important to communicate things! That’s how relationships last!
“You’ve been real weird lately,” was what came out as he grabbed the new plate of food, “you been avoiding me?”
His brow furrowed at the way your gaze immediately fell, taking your expression with it, and how you began to fidget with your fingers - a nervous - wait. Ace’s hand extended to grab your left one, bringing it up to his face.
There on your left wrist, right where your pulse sat, in black ink sat the letters ASCE, arranged horizontally and smaller, but a perfect replica of his own otherwise. Instinctively he rubbed his thumb across it, almost as though he was checking to make sure this wasn’t an illusion and that wasn’t just normal ink from a pen.
You were looking back at him, he could see it in the way your shoulders bunched near your ears, and the wobble of your lips, and how you couldn’t keep eye contact for too long, but kept glancing back at him…you were nervous. He absentmindedly began drawing circles on your wrist, just staring at you.
“I was avoiding you, I guess,” you admitted, “I was hoping to surprise you with that,” your free hand moved to play with the hem of your shirt, as you shrunk even more, “was it presumptuous of me? Should I have asked first?”
“For a second I thought I’d managed to chase you away,” he admitted quietly, looking back down at the mark of permanence you’d etched into your skin, “that you’d gotten sick of me.”
You snatched your hand away before he could think, moving in to embrace him, “get sick, of you? Then I’d be a tasteless heathen or…whatever, unworthy of you- totally - completely - absolutely unworthy of you!”
Your arms tighten around him, “I’m so sorry I put you through that love.”
“All that sneaking around was for this tattoo?” He couldn’t help the involuntary little crack in his voice. “You really did surprise me darlin’.”
He pulls away from you first and his hands find your wrists, and his eyes again fall onto the symbol, the symbol of him, lovingly tattooed into your skin. A mark to let people know just who put the ring on your finger. 
He didn’t look up from it, even when you spoke up again, “Ace,” he just traced circles over the mark that sat proudly in bold black letters, “I’m really sorry that I made you feel that way - wait does that sound? It’s not-no wait. It’s my fault!” He glanced up at you for a moment as you struggled to put what you wanted to say into words, working strenuously to apologize sincerely.
His lips wobbled upwards.
He couldn’t help it.
You’d gone out of your way, to tattoo his mark onto your body. He couldn’t help but stare at it as he continued to rub circles with his thumb. Not only that, you were straining yourself so much all because he voiced that damned insecurity of his.
“I didn’t mean to put you through that?” You tried again. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I didn’t want to hurt you.” You paused, and he felt you move closer. “I’m sorry if what I did hurt you-no-I’m sorry that I did hurt you.”
There was a pricking at the corners of eyes, as he finally took his eyes off your little gift to him to look at you. There was a kind of relief, or maybe it was appreciation? Maybe even a tinge of surprise? He was touched, that was one thing he knew for sure-if the fire that burned in his chest was any indication. He was a sick bastard for appreciating this, wasn’t he? Seeing you so genuinely apologetic - it was alarming really, did he really deserve this apology when he was doubting you? How could he ever hope to compete with this?
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, doll,” his voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he continued to rub circles into your wrists.
“No I do,” you insisted, “Ace, I’m happy you’re communicating how you felt to me,” you responded quietly, but firmly, “so don’t downplay how it felt when I was the one being sneaky.”
“You didn’t mean any harm though,” his lips pull into a gentle smile as he slowly brings your tattooed pulse up to brush his lips against it before flicking his gaze to meet yours, “you were here prepping this lovely gift for me and I was only thinking of myself.”
A smirk tugs at his lips at the way you have to shake yourself out of whatever spell he’d placed you under, “just because I didn’t mean any harm, doesn’t mean I didn’t do any harm,” you press on, shuddering a bit when he brushes another kiss to your pulse, “if you did the same, I’d probably have felt the same way too, you have nothing to feel bad about.”
“Forgive me for doubting you, cariña?”
He almost laughs at the affronted look you give him, firing back a, “forgive me for hurting you, love?”
“Nothing to forgive,” he’s smiling more now, “I’m glad you were being so sneaky, made this surprise all the better.”
“Don’t downplay your feelings Portgas D. Ace,” he could hear your frown, “your feelings are important to me, you’re important to me.”
“My full name cariña?” He couldn’t help but tease.
“Yes,” you answered immediately and he looked up to see how upset you looked - it was almost annoying - he’d rather not dwell, “I want you to get just how upset you were off your chest.”
That got a chuckle out of him, despite the irritation that was rising.
“I don’t want to think about it too much,” his smile fell for a moment, “I don’t want to ruin this happy moment with stupid emotions in the past.”
“But I don’t want them to fester-” 
“Mi amor,” he looked at you, almost pleading, “it’s true I felt like you were ignoring me, but seeing your little surprise makes me the happiest man on the five seas.”
Seems that was enough to quiet you. Though… “six, if you include the All Blue.”
When you chuckled at him, he felt his smile returning. He honestly couldn’t care less about the past. He’d said his piece, you’d talked it out, he didn’t care anymore.
“So, you know I love you right?” The timid way in which you asked was enough to knock the wind out of him.
Yet, he grinned, and brought your marked pulse up to lips again, “I love you too.”
“Oi get a room!” The two of you startled at the sudden shout coming from the other end of the mess hall. “Sure we can barely see you in your little corner, but the lovey-dovey energy in here is off the charts!”  
“Shut up Thatch!” Ace fired back. “You’re just mad you can’t gossip to Marco about it!”
“You’re the one blocking the show!”
“It’s real funny though,” there was a pause, “who’d have thought the wild Fire Fist was actually a huge pile of mush!”
With the newfound yelling, people started to file into the mess hall. Which was when he noticed it was mostly empty prior to that. Of course among the people who filed in was the aforementioned first division commander.
“You like your little surprise Ace?” He asked the younger man.
“Wait you knew?”
“Who else would she ask yoi?” The medic gave him a lazy grin before turning to you. “So, did you get to say what you wanted to say yoi?”
Ace studied you as you shook your head looking both disappointed and sheepish.
“What did you want to say?” He couldn’t help but ask.
You huffed, a sheepish smile wobbling your lips, as you moved to his left side, your right hand pushing his upper arm to show more of his tattoo.
"See,” you held up your own tattooed wrist next to his arm, “now we match."
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Ace later: “I’m gonna marry her.”
Marco (who is next to him): “aren’t you already married?”
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theold-ultraviolence · 2 months
Silly-goofy-cursed NSFW Eddie Munson headcanons that nobody asked for but have been on my drafts for centuries, and rotating in my brain for much longer.
(REPOSTED. Warnings include: Eddie being silly and cursed during sex, gender neutral, but Eddie refers to reader as ‘my lady’ once. itty bitty hint of a piss kink but not really, panty stealing and sniffing, mentions of food involved during sex, in a sexy way but also in a disgusting way. If I missed anything else that might need a warning let me know!)
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He once admits to you that he gets so overwhelmed when he's inside you that he has to run a mental countdown in his brain or else he's gonna cum in two seconds.
You tease him by going, 'like the count from Sesame Street? - and he goes, 'EXACTLY like that'
The next time you're doing it after he confesses, he starts counting out loud but imitates the count's voice; so he's on top of you, suddenly going, 'ONE, TWO, THREE, AH, AH AH!' which just makes you laugh. And in turn, just makes you cum harder because you're squeezing around him so hard from laughing.
You're laid there all sweaty and panting after three rounds, and he breaks that dreamy haze going, 'ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX ORGASMS, AH AH AH' and you wanna punch him in the face as you burst out laughing and shove him into the pillows.
And on the subject of laughter. One time he was being silly and made you laugh so hard that you nearly peed yourself on the bed - which just made him laugh harder, not helping your case at all.
You rushed to the bathroom just in time, but that dumbass followed you and watched you pee, and just kept laughing like a maniac, literally rolling on the floor.
But he low-key watched you feeling some type of way about how intimate the whole scene was.
You tease him about him having a piss kink which he ardently denies over and over, even if he blushes bright red when you bring it up. He doesn't really venture into that kink, but, once the two of you grow more intimate, he's totally unashamed about peeing in the shower while he's in there with you (this is inspired by that one scene with Adam Driver in Girls)
NOW on the subject of showers...he'll always join you, but when he doesn't, be it because of time restraints or what have you, he'll still burst into the room when you're showering, just to draw a giant dick on the fogged up mirror, for you to find.
Sometimes they're super detailed monster cocks. And he'll write silly messages, too.
He sometimes jokes that if he passes away before you (we're ignoring canon though) he'll haunt you by drawing dicks on everything, just as he did when he lived (so dramatic of him).
He'll randomly start to talk like a medieval knight, kneeling before you, with his arms extended to present you with a condom and going, 'my dear lady, I come bearing a tribute I've acquired amidst the hardships of my journeys'
You'll follow along out of amusement but it ends up in you two full-on roleplaying about him being a wounded knight who has returned to his lady after a long, arduous journey. The journey is him running to the pharmacy to buy the condoms mentioned above.
He refers to his dick as 'my little friend' sometimes. You can't take Al Pacino's scene in Scarface where he goes 'say hello to my little friend!' seriously anymore, because it reminds you of Eddie. You tell him that, and the next time you go down on your knees, he pulls out his dick and impersonates Al Pacino, grabbing his dick and poking you in your face going, 'SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!"
He's so cursed.
His favorite thing in the world is to tickle you until you're wheezing out laughing, and then taking advantage of you doubling over and clutching your tummy from laughing so hard to plunge his fingers inside of you with no warning - transforming your laughter into moans. He takes such pleasure in hearing your mind short-circuit for a second while you process the amusement and pleasure all at once.
He's totally the type to be smelling his fingers randomly during the day to see if he can still catch a whiff of your scent lingering on them. He's absolutely obsessed with the scent of your essence.
So obsessed that he has admitted to stealing your panties and keeping them close in his pocket during the day.
You asked if he's been stealing the clean ones or the ones from the laundry. Of course, it's the latter.
And when you're not home, he jerks off with your dirty panties pressed all over his face, taking deep inhales of them, licking and biting them as he strokes himself.
Also, the idea of him keeping a dirty Polaroid of you in his wallet is a classic, but once you move out with him, he's started to put those Polaroids (of you together, or just you alone) on your fridge. Never fails to bring a smile and a jolt of arousal in you, first thing in the morning when you're opening up the fridge in search of a carton of milk.
He's huge on after-sex pizza and wings, and eating it right there on the bed, with the grease from the back of the box staining the bed. And even after a full meal, he wants to fuck right after, never mind the grease on your face from all the cheese and sauce, or the bloated feeling that lingers after eating a giant meal. And can you even deny him?
This also applies to drive-thru Taco Bell which you eat right there in his van. (shoutout to @thembohux for inspiring this one). He's so gassy afterward that it should be disgusting as hell because the van becomes a biohazard environment, but again, can you deny him?
Another time involving food was when you spent a weekend getaway with him in a motel room. He woke up very early to bring breakfast in bed from a diner nearby. He wanted to be doting and cute by bringing in waffles, eggs, and fresh coffee to wake you up. It was all very sweet and loving until he started to get in the mood, just, by your mere presence.
As he always does.
You could literally be sitting there with bed hair, dark circles under your eyes while eating breakfast, and feeling like a zombie first thing in the morning and still, he'd get turned on by you.
That's how you ended up laying on your back (amidst the already messy sheets from the night before that were already too disgusting with dried-up bodily fluids) as Eddie poured the maple syrup from the waffles all over you, taking his sweet time and licking it up from your body. He didn't know maple syrup could be so delicious until it mixed with your juices.
You left that motel room blushing and feeling so bad for the poor maid who would have to clean that room. Eddie just jokes that she'll have to go in there with a biohazard suit on, and burn the sheets.
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