this seems dangerously close to perpetuating violent egg culture
Judging by the timing of this post, I take it that Mike Wazowski was a bridge too far for you.
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detectivebambam · 9 months
a very terrible evening to
people who ship riko moriyama with anyone, people who hate kevin day, people who think neil josten is soft, people who think the twinyards are skinny, people who attack nora, people who draw the girls without muscles, people who think killing abusers is wrong, people who have anything bad to say about david wymack, people who think andrew is a sociopath, people who think alison is a bimbo, people who think nicky is an innocent cinnamon roll, and people who ignore the foxes flaws in general
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adragonsfriend · 7 months
Star Wars is a statement about Good and Evil…
…not about grey morality.
It's kind of depressing that we live in a world so full of crap that people can’t process the very idea of an uncorrupted, genuinely kind and effective Jedi Order.
Star Wars is not a piece of media that is discussing grey morality (eg. The difficulty of discerning right and wrong in a messy, complicated world). It’s a piece of fiction that is making a statement about what evil looks like, and about how good must respond to it.
There’s a reason the main “baddies” in Star Wars are literally the “let’s see how many war crimes I can speedrun” people. The Sith are Lucas’ idea of what the most deliberately evil ideology would look like:
The Sith don't believe in peace, only war and suffering, Through suffering they gain the opportunity to withstand more suffering, By suffering more, they gain force powers, Using their force powers, they can gain victory in battles, By winning battles and killing their enemies, they are freed of any meaningful connection to anyone else in the galaxy.
Please imagine for a moment the state of mind it would require to genuinely, constantly, act on those beliefs.
Evil, for Lucas, does not improve anyone. It might give people the power to conquer galaxies, but it will not bring anyone an ounce of true happiness or contentment or love, ever.
Unselfishness, unconditional love, stewardship, action-based compassion, these are the ways he believes good must respond to evil, and these are the things which define the Jedi. The Jedi of the Order, Obi-Wan, Luke, Ahsoka, all share in these things, strive for these things. Fail, sometimes.
But they are not the Senate, worshiping greed.
They are not the Sith, worshiping pain.
They are not us, overwhelmed by the news and the petty incompetences of day to day life.
Imperfect as individuals—yes, even sunshine boy—but uncorrupted. Always seeking good.
And, ultimately, fictional. Like all art, a grand lie. A beautiful fabrication one writer was using depict his image of ideal good.
A reflection we can choose to see honestly and strive for, or distort and reject.
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maedelin · 6 months
Just wondering, folks. Have you ever considered, with all the lives and thoughts in Rogue's head, she's lived centuries more than him? I mean, since that seems to be an extremely large part of the argument I'm seeing. I just don't understand. No one argues about this with pretty much every other character set out there. Thor/Quite a few of the Terrans he's loved, Steve/Anyone that is from the Silent Generation (Pre-1928) and on, RoLo, Mystique/Maybe anyone and everyone at this point, IDK how old she is. Or...
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useless-moss · 26 days
Just saw a post where someone was complaining about dagcup and vigcup and calling it weird because Dagur calls Hiccup brother and Viggo is, quote, "so much older than Hiccup." They also apparently think Dagur and Hiccup are actually brothers? Idrk that part wasn't clear.
... Now, when I say it took every damn bone in my stubborn, opinionated, autistic body to not "well, actually" that post... Especially since one of the hashtags was "this is not a safe space for those shippers."
Just... You can not like something or not understand the appeal of the dynamic, but don't call or imply that the people who do like it are weird or creepy. It's fiction. Nobody is actually getting hurt, and nobody really cares. Let people have fun. I'm so sick of this debate.
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big-buff-goth · 8 months
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let me simp over villains in peace
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angelstraiqhtfromhell · 2 months
leave proshippers alone ffs. who are they hurting?
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bigassbowlingballhead · 2 months
you know you can enjoy a silly little rpf pair even when they're in real relationships with other people. did we forget what the F actually stands for?
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yazthebookish · 1 year
90% of people in this fandom are adults that don't need my approval over every theory and opinion they come up with.
Even if they agree with me and share the same opinion and theories as I do, it doesn't mean I brainwashed them. That idea is ridiculous to me they're adults they are able to make up their own minds based on what they read and form their own thoughts. No one has to come back to me to seek approval over what they say. I'm not babying an entire fandom of adults.
If that's how some of you function then that's a "You" problem, doesn't mean you can project on others but carry on I ultimately don't care I just find it ridiculous.
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yamisnuffles · 1 year
People who get genuinely upset that other people like villains are baffling. They're fictional characters! Who have done fictional things to other fictional people! I literally don't care if you, personally, only enjoy morally virtuous characters. Whatever floats your boat. But acting like that makes you morally superior is just so, so silly.
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svt-hari · 2 months
that anon is tripping 💀 people clown on mhj or use her ridiculousness for stuff all the time idk why you would be any different lmao like you said it’s not real and not that serious
yeah no i didn't think it was that serious when i made it KNDSKFJSEU min heejin is a total clown herself so i was like "why not add onto her stuff" it's not like i dragged others down. just hari herself!
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stuckysimp · 2 months
Off topic ig, but do y'all ever make an OC that makes you legitimately concerned about yourself?
Like they're the most HORRID person ever and you don't agree with their actions, but fuck they're fun to write
Because it's something DIFFERENT, you know? It's separate from the morally-grey and goody two shoes or rebel protagonists we're so used to
They're cruel and vile, they can actually act on their intrusive thoughts, and you can explore the mentality of a literal psychopath
But hey, it's fine right? I mean, we're just writing, and why not have a well thought out antagonist that I definitely don't enjoy writing
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
"If you truly can’t suspend your disbelief, then maybe the show about little green plant men who crash land on Earth and go on random sci-fi adventures isn’t the show for you, bro."
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cnmcn · 4 months
Shonen manga fans need to learn media literacy the most I think.
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
I wanted to post some unhinged stuff
then went how can I be unhinged
I am on tumblr
It's all unhinged
Anyway, not so hot take. I think shipping wars are dumb. You don't like a ship. Get over it. It's fiction. Stop being a baby just cause Ken and Ken are making out. Oh, you don't like that Barbie is into Jessica. To fricken bad. Go make your own dolls.
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hello people who are still here!
i'm trying to be more active again, so i'm going to post the incorrect quotes that i still have in my drafts, but i'm thinking about sharing some headcanons too. i'm also going to start reblogging more fanarts and fanfics! <3
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