#It's funny you ask that cuz most of the time I am not wearing coats. The coats I have worn the most are lab coats for school. I have one
rye-in-a-coat · 4 months
will the rye ever be in a different kind of clothing (ie a jumper instead of a coat) ?
Yes !
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demonicnarwhale · 6 months
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just like many things I'll start something then toss it aside and we've done this before but here's the protocol: Eel saying she has this file on her computer for a long while now. And she knows she won't get back to this any time soon so here we go
Ok here's some explanation to this whole jazz:
Due to Scratch being like fuchsia blood (because of course) and so the Felt all wear some sort of uniform looking clothes. Tie in to how all wear similar green suits and stuff. And of course their blood colors are placed on them ya know.
(Minus HK posing as an olive as she's a lime, she doesn't have any powers as a lime. Like no ability to shoosh or calm high bloods lol. I just think it's funny and allows for there to be a reason that HK's there. Aka Scratch intimidation, she works as a cleaner so she doesn't have to worry about her getting hurt/blood reveal moment, and she'd rather not get caught by some other trolls or something tee hee)
Here's some silly info: (some stuff has been changed from previous post from some days or month(s) ago)
Heights aren't like up to date as the line up is really just to show their clothes and designs (or lack of)
Matchstick while a burgundy his sign is supposed to also kinda resemble wings. Like it's the most "trust me you gotta squint" sort of shit. But it's cuz I wanna give him a moth (perhaps plus some other animal) sort of lusus cuz hah light. Fire. He extinguishes fire but like haha lusus attracted to the light. and and and and and and and eel is trying her best here
Stitch is the only goldie but it's just funny that not only does he have no psionics to start off with, but also just like his og one eye got fucked up. So even if he did then it's like real weak. Just cuz like eye retina(??) and brain yeah im no surgeon
Sawbucks and Quarters to me are just like the guys who can take a fuck ton of hits? so indigo. yeah. that's all. Like Cans ofc can but I also just think of him more in an offense manner and Quarters takes up the defense
Die gets the cone of shame. fucking loser.
I was entertaining the idea of Clover and HK switching blood colors just cuz I can go "Haha Clover's soooo lucky that he's still alive" yadda yadda. But then, he wouldn't be able to get all weird and freaky with chuckle voodoo stuff. Yeah should he have that access? No :)
I could've made Trace a violet too but I felt like in their sprites, Fin (to me) is much more obvious to being a shark. Like look at that fuckin mug ya know? So i just went with making just Fin a violet.
the idea was to keep it where like there's more lowbloods than highbloods but ya know what. Just realized the only three midbloods I got are fucking Die Crowbar and Snowman. The sequence (ok I'll probably add someone else to the midbloods)
While I could've just made their blood off of like their ball or hat color, I felt like it'd be fun to see what blood color id assign them considering like their attributes or personalities like Itchy to me is an olive as I like to think that olives can be more rowdy or energetic? yeahhh like ofc not all but just for this yes
Also the idea of Itchy being a goldie sounds disastrous
Doze is a burgundy but also like his sign a 2 and and anddd hourglass looking hehehe
Itchy was supposed to look like that dangly bit from the grandfather clock. And the others I gave up trying to implement some time looking reference
Oh yeah I'll also be adding or trying to come up with their clothes when not in uniform but that's a maybe. Maybe. There's ideas like I got Clover and Fin's but the others? yeah good luck.
Also I just really like ponchos or like the coat duster thingy yeahhhh
Also also PS. if there's like any questions please feel free to ask just cuz there's some other things I wanna talk about but it's either for characters not here or I am blanking
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aggresivelyfriendly · 5 years
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Hi loveys- I’m too tired to say much, traffic made a 2.5 hour drive over 4 hours. So, I’m sleeping! Thanks @emulateharry for the read!
Hinode-Chapter 8!
"You can't just drop a story like that and not preface it with, 'this one time I was at Mick Jagger's baby shower.'" Ada's face was open as morning windows on the first sunny day after rough weather. Harry loved it. "I need a warning that your aged doppelgänger is the feature of the story." He watched her throat work over a sip of her first glass of the new bottle.
"Mick doesn't like it when you mention his age." He picked up his, second? third? Glass of wine and inclined it at her. "Bit of a Peter Pan syndrome." He leaned in close to the lips he hadn't had the pleasure of since 10 am, 15 hours, not that he was counting, and stage whispered so she could feel it, "but don't tell him that."
"Yeah, next time I'm hanging with old Mick I'll be sure to mention his boyband protege thinks he has Peter Pan syndrome!" She laughed and he could feel that and taste the Pinot Noir on her breath. Right, now, her love of red wine made sense. But he'd had her pegged for Sauvignon Blanc. Something refreshing and that went down easy. He supposed now though it made sense she drank something with much more body. "But I think Peter Pan Syndrome gets handed out with spandex pants to would be rockstars. Though you seem to have missed the all call."
"I don't wear spandex!" He gave her a face fit for Liam, could feel the offense in his sneer. Well, he did to box, but under baggy shorts.
"Yet!" She poked his big huge dimple. "And don't knock it, Bowie and Mercury wore spandex." She cocked her raven head. "But you don't seem to want a neverland zip code..." She left it open.
"What do you mean?" He had a feeling he knew, but felt reluctant to answer. He liked the flirty conversation they'd been having, rambling from her making fun of his grandad socks and him asking her worst LA traffic story to him sharing about how he just caught himself from pushing Mick into the cake at his baby shower. He wondered when his legs would stop feeling too long for his body. He had no trouble sharing embarrassing stories, but, he liked white wine conversation. He shouldn't have been too surprised she wanted to talk about something deeper. He maybe just wasn't ready. At least when he was the subject. He wouldn't mind a view of her depths.
"I mean, you seem, shockingly mature for a quarter century old. I know you started young, but Jagger wasn't much older, and he's certainly still trying to grow oats to sow. You could definitely still be running wild, and excused for it I bet. With the dimples and the rambly speeches....."
"Um," he looked around. He needed to get into this, if all those fields he felt when she touched him were ever gonna he real. Harry never went to college, but this felt like the conversations his friends would talk about, the all night ones where people got vulnerable. So, the words stacked up like lemmings ready to jump, the slow ramble of an explanation. He'd want reciprocity. He hoped that this was a foundation, not just an amazing experience he would remember long past their expiration date. Like those conversations often were, he was given to understand. He gathered his courage around him like a baggy coat; he'd done way scarier things than talked, really talked, to a woman he could love. Harry, admittedly, sucked at communication, sometimes conversation. He was gonna do it anyway. "God, this will sound pretentious as fuck, but like, my mum always said I was an old soul with a young spirit." He sighed and leaned back with his glass. "When the band started we had a smorgasbord of bad choices all of a sudden. Maybe not, like, bad choices, but like too much too soon. Liam said it was like college on steroids, and it was. Girls everywhere, offering everything- even if they didn't know what it meant. And um, not that alcohol was brand new to any of us, but the party drugs around were."
He looked down from the wallpaper in her room he'd been focusing on, they'd been lounging in her living area, and he was sorry he'd given her the couch. He wanted to lie down. She nodded at him with a sympathetic brow, and reached out for his hand. That was better.
"There were some nights I woke up and really didn't know how I got back to my room. I think those stories were really funny for some of the other boys, but I hated the like, lack of control. The things people said I said." He shook his head and she squeezed his hand. "I love attention."
"No! You! An international pop star? Love attention?" He smiled gratefully at her attempt to lighten his heavy mood. He wasn't aware this bothered him so much anymore. He'd changed his life so much since then, because of then. "Well," he smiled back at her like a chevalier, "drunk 17 year old Harry really liked attention, and drunk 18 year old Harry really liked girls."
"Do you still like girls?" She fluttered her eyelashes he wondered if it was entirely on purpose. He hoped some of it was unconscious, just her animal brain liking his smell.
"Yeah, I just like fewer of them, and not exclusively. Mostly, I like women." He felt his lashes touch his cheek for a breath and then his eyebrows a couple heartbeats later.
"Good!" She loosened her grip on his hand and used the looser grip to caress him fingertips to elbow. Green light. He could totally shift gears here and wind up on the couch with her, on top of her. Some of the lessons of the lost year stuck, were useful. Or he could tell her the really useful one. How it changed his life. "Round about, honestly," big breath, "those two years are kinda a blur. But I was really pissed at myself for fucking up a performance. Bitching to my mum in my dressing room. And she had this long suffering face, occasionally it obliterates her compassion face. I realized I'd seen that face more than I liked around that time. When we got to talk, even on FaceTime when she called one morning and caught sight of a girl leaving for example. So I, all exasperated like, threw my hands up like a toddler on a store floor and asked what, and she just said, "maybe it's not the song's fault, but how you're treating your instrument.'" He laid his head back and felt her playing with his thinner rings, smiled when she pulled it over his knuckle and then back. "You can take it off." He was already emotionally naked here, his bare fingers couldn't be to shocking. He kept talking while she took off the rose ring, a favorite still in his heavy rotation, and put it on her thumb. He liked that. "Like a bratty 18 year old used to getting his way a bit, I think I asked her what she was on about and went back to bitching. But, I kept hearing it, and the next time I was out late, partying, before we had a big performance, I paid attention. The high notes, they were always hard for me."
"Awful lot on your solo album then." There was a question there he would come back to.
"Yeah, I stopped drinking before shows, which was most nights then, and got a vocal coach. And the girls...."
"The girls."
"Well mum hadn't given me that talking to yet. So that kept up a little while longer."
"But not into your seventies?" She pulled his rings up one by one, and then laced their fingers so that the naked borders between their hand and digits could match up. Then slid her hand away. He wanted to be touching. So he shifted over, planted himself on the couch instead. It was a touch big for two, but ample.
"Barely into my twenties."
"Were you just born middle aged, do you think?" Ada teased. He chuckled a little bit. She was good at this, letting him talk and think slow, distracting him, giving him light comments to his thick words and touching him. Always the physical connection. It kept words flowing and him comfortable in vulnerable moments.
That had been working since day one on set. Ada had the magic touch. He wondered if that was just for him or others too? He wanted it to be his. Harry wasn't normally possessive he didn't think. But he did feel covetous of her attention and touch, her secrets.
Harry took off all his rings then, and layered them up on her hands and pulled them forward, kissed her knuckles. "Maybe not middle aged, but a little ahead of the curve maybe?"
"Is it cuz you had to take care of your mom, do you think?" She wasn't making eye contact on that question. Oh.
"She never asked me to take care of her." He shook his head, she wouldn't like that, his mum. If he had grown up so fast because of her being alone. If it was cuz she unknowingly asked it of him. It wasn't exactly true. But it was a little, and maybe more for Ada.
"No, they don't have to ask."
"You just did?" Harry asked.
"She was just so." He squeezed the hands he still held. "Sad."
"Yeah, and lonely." He supplied.
"But I didn't let her be alone." Ada's eyes were a tiny bit slick. His might've been too.
"I never let her be alone, and I hope I never made her feel guilty for being lonely, with me there." Harry wondered about that. He had eavesdropped a conversation, just before his mum found Robin, about how guilty each date made her feel. He'd stopped pouting when she went out then. He hoped it made her more open when she met his step dad. A tiny contribution to their story.
"Oh, I know I made her feel bad. I remember screaming one time, in my angsty Ophelia stage- 'why do you care about him so much? I'm here!'" She shook her head.
"But, it's different." He said it as gently as possible.
"She deserved a partner, and I...."
"We're not supposed to be their partners, just their kids, babies, they feel guilty if we take too much emotional responsibility."
"And I was pissed at him, but when I did see him, I couldn't be a little bitch, or I was afraid I'd never see him again." She inclined her head.
"But she wasn't going away. So she got the brunt of your teenage angst." She was nodding, he supplying the hardest truths for her. She nodded back and her serious brow cracked his heart for her to crawl in a little deeper. They held hands a minute longer, and Ada sat back, so their shoulders touched, and they could only keep holding one hand.
"Were you an angst boy ever, locked away in an upstairs room, is that where the sad wanks started?" He could tell she missed their banter. Needed a fiver from the tough stuff. He did too, but he really liked knowing her better. It made the estrangement he had sensed she pursued from Garner make sense. Harry had found plenty of industry men who were astoundingly successful at what they did, but had a trail of broken relationships behind them. Harry didn't know Garner well enough to know that about him, and he intended to be around Ada long enough to know all of it. He expected he was going to give Garner the stink eye every time they were near each other and have trouble stopping form now on. He would let her change the subject though, so long as they kept talking.
"I don't think the wanks were sad in those days. Exuberant, maybe enthusiastic, those are better words." Her smile had started on exuberant and she was all out laughing at him though he was giggling away too by enthusiastic.
"I bet! I remember what you looked like at 16 and I can't imagine you crying and coming with that fluffy hair and those huge cheeks!"
"Hey! My cheeks weren't huge! They were normal sized." He wanted to pounce on her, show her a wank. But, he felt like they'd gone someplace she wasn't used to, maybe that was more uncomfortable to her than nudity, he didn't want her to bolt. He knew if it got physical as well, it may never happen again. Instinctively he knew, tonight would make them fragile in the short term, viable in the long term. If he went there, where part of him was desperate to go, on the heels off their disclosures, It would give her all the excuse she needed to keep it there. He'd never get below the surface again. So, he didn't tickle, or pick her up and drape her across himself, did nothing more than lace their fingers like a seam together. God knew he wanted to stitch other parts of him to her.
It just wasn't all he wanted.
She was pointing at him, so he caught her finger and bit the tip playfully. Her eyes widened and then her pupils flared. But before she leaned in and made the offer, one he couldn't refuse, he said "Since you like to be mean and make fun of people, let's see you at 16!"
"Um, no!" She shook her head. Her hair hitting her cheeks a foreign feeling so late at night, or early in the morning. If he wasn't here, her hair would be wrapped up already, but she was trying to be cute. Not scare the white boy. If he stayed, she'd have to re press it tomorrow and they were to travel all day. It would be worth it. But that last segue, and their companionable positions indicated that may not happen. Not yet. A compromising position would get her out of this uncomfortable one though.
Ada was disappointed by the change in directions, she finally thought they might get bare in a way more familiar for her. She'd much rather be in bed with him than talking about her dad, however obliquely. And showing him a picture of her in her very serious alt girl phase was not happening. Awkward very high ponytail, because her mom still wasn't exactly sure how to do her long hair, her hair at all. Ada has learned in college from the new friends she made how to manage her own hair.
She was alright in her teen years, same bone structure and features. But she took herself very seriously those days. Painfully earnest. It would be embarrassing. The clothes, all those ripped tights and midi skirts and flannels. She thought she may even have some vinyl with safety pins recorded for posterity. Yikes! Though she'd seen some very good facsimiles of her own teenage look when they were shooting in harajuku. It still made her cheeks burn. Could she?
"No way, unfair, I am sure you have seen some god awful pictures of me." He grabbed his phone and she was sad they were not touching anymore. It looked like she was not getting dick tonight. His moves were not getting laid ones. She'd be damned if she made the first move. Well, the first time. After that he better be careful when they were alone and away from set.
She was glad they'd tackled that subject first, when the wine was breathing. They were gonna be professional, and never alone. They had agreed to be realistic about their attraction level, so no face time without a chaperone, like an Austen film, or they both assumed they'd be sucking face. Tonight was almost confusing in its modesty. Only their conversation kept their clothes on. It had been awhile since she'd wanted somebody, longer since she'd been wanted. It was wonderful. Ada was gonna hold onto it. She was sure it would be wiped out if he saw a picture of her at 16.
And then he pulled a post on tumblr, of all fucking places, and showed her a smattering or horrible outfits ranging from ill fitting trainers and trousers to a Miley Cyrus costume.
"You make a credible Miley!" She didn't even pretend to not be laughing at him.
"I know! She even said so." He laughed and god, was it weird to want to put whipped cream in his dimples to suck out? Probably. She was gonna ask if she could whenever they broke the seal anyway. "That was when I fell in love with Tokyo. I decided that I wanted to wear the fleshy pants and they were all too easy to acquire."
"Yes, Japan has an underbelly."
"A sexy underbelly?" He pointed at his long pale torso.
"You are so white! God, I thought you liked fake tanner that year, you look paler than her in the picture."
"It's just the lighting." Oh, big lip. She pulled it. He was right, there were some gems on the internet of him. Why he ever, even at 14, wore that Caesar cut. A tragedy for his curls. She fluffed them to assure herself of their presence and that she could. He leaned into her hand and all Ada could think was why not.
"Hold on." She thought there was one Mia had tagged her in, though it killed her, because it was just so chock full of nostalgia. She was pretty sure she had it on Facebook. Way to show her age, lot even Instagram. It didn't take long, she was so inactive it was not far down her feed. But there she was in all her 15 year old glory. Her jeans were baggy and her top was cropped and her hair was high. They'd been at Magic Mountain she thought, those long days that felt like being grown up until you really were. Roaming a place without direct supervision. She'd insisted on her boots that day, though her mom had repeatedly said they weren't walking shoes. By dusk, she'd had to buy band aids.
The memories were crystal clear, and made her smile. She thought maybe she'd had her first kiss that night, some boy from the 213 she exchanged numbers with. Never spoke to again, not even via phone.
"You look at this, remember it's in solidarity with your bowl cut, and then forget it." She'd narrowed her eyes at him and he'd nodded fervently. Then bit his lip when he saw the picture. She assumed to stop the laugh from escaping.
"You are laughing at me!" She was laughing too. How horrified her younger self would be. Ada was very serious at that age, especially about herself.
"I'm not, I'm not. You're so cute!" They were both giggling away and Ada was trying to wrestle her phone back from him.
"Give me the phone, Styles!" She hopes the neighbors were deeply asleep and that the walls were thick in the hotel. "And remember your promise. You are immediately forgetting this."
"Nope, I'll never forget it. Not even if I tried." He was cackling, a wheezy laugh opened by a snort that made her laugh harder. Like those pre teen moments in her bedroom when a friend's snort set everybody rolling again. Their roving conversation and active flirt was everything, obliterated boundaries. So much so that she was straddling him trying to reach deep behind him where he had stashed her phone. She had both hands working now. It was when she felt the distinct crack of his muscular ass that she realized her phone wasnt in his shorts, but her fingers definitely were.
Her eyes came up to his and he still looked brimming with mirth, though his pupils were big and his smile was a smirk. He wiggled her phone with his right hand. "Looking for this? Or have you found your target?"he flashed his eyebrows at her.
Ada pulled her hands free, but left them on his shoulders and sat back on her haunches. Silencing that little voice that hoped his legs would bear her weight harshly. "Um," she wondered if the brightness that was her blush was as obvious to him as it was to her. "Sorry?"
"No worries. Any time you would like to stick your hands down my pants, let me know." She watched the indecision cross his mind. Ada might be getting her way with him. She was sure of it for a nanosecond, and found herself sad. That didn't seem the right way to end this night. Though she didn't know of a better sleep aid than orgasm.
Half of her wanted him to go for it, desperately, the other half, really hoped they had this night, that felt so much like a third date rather than a first, for itself. And the things they showed were their fears and not their body parts. Then his eyes settled and her heart slowed, beat in time with his.
"It's good we travel tomorrow, so I don't have such an early call time. It's late." Ada nodded, still perched on his lap, her hands full of his shoulders and her nostrils his leather and man scent.
"It is, you'd be able to carry a vacation's worth of things in your eye bags tomorrow. When we get to Kyushu, get a treatment on the production to fix that. You have to look your best!" He rolled his eyes at her gentle ribbing and put his hands on her hips. He pulled her into him, and they kissed for the first time all night. It was languid, and Ada felt the tension in her released and reintroduced like her desire was pulled taffy. Rolled over itself and then pulled taught.
He tasted like the wine and long nights rising to early morning, and she was going to lick in for a deeper taste, maybe get the cherries and blackberries the Pinot carried on the palate too, bright orchards in the sun too, when he sat back on the couch and looked at her.
"I want to stay." Ada started to talk, and he barely placed his long ringed index finger against her pouted lips. "But I think tonight was perfect as is."
Ada knew she was nodding. She agreed, despite herself.
"But next time," he caught her eye and the heat there singed her eyebrows, "you and I are in a room alone together so late at night, I'll be hard-" he emphasized the word with a tiny lift of his hips. "Pressed to find the gentleman within me." And he leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss capped with a tiny bite to her fuller bottom lip.
Ada was dazed as he helped her off his lap. She knew she followed him to door, that she leaned against it to stay on her feet despite her weakened knees. He didn't kiss her there, and she didn't even wonder why. He'd already left quite the impression on her mouth, his taste was on her tongue where she had licked them.
"I'll see you when we get there? We have most of the whole place, around the onsen you wanted?"
She'd nodded, cleared her throat. "Ye-yeah. We have the whole place. The crew and cast. Tomorrow evening there are no events, no shooting, so everybody can go in the hot springs."
"I can't wait to see you in the hot springs." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, smoothed a loose piece of hair back. Her hair would curl up insanely in that steam. She was surprised his sentence didn't remind it it was a ringlet.
"Yeah, bet you look good slick and wet." She bugged her eyes. That was a thought not to be shared that she'd been having. Since she chose the location, if she was entirely honest.
"Too bad they aren't private." He raised brow.
"My room is supposed to have a private bath. With the spring water piped in."
"Mine too. Guess we will have to try both." He chucked her chin and left her standing there staring after him, wishing the next 24 hours away, and wondering where the bumbling boy who fell on her went. He'd been annoying but much less dangerous than the confident man who just walked away. Maybe he wasn't Mick's doppelgänger, but had one of his own. She yawned over that thought and skipped her night time routine assuming she'd just make up for it in the morning.
The next day, she nearly missed their flight. It had taken her ages, despite all the wine, to fall asleep. And she'd woken up from hot dreams to sweat dripping visions of a wet Harry. Maybe he should have stayed. Then she might have been able to sleep, or have a better reason to be awake.
She also left her phone charger in her room, and was worried she wouldn't be able to find one on Kyushu. It was Japan, there would still be electronics available everywhere, right?
They were delayed, and short a vehicle, and lots of logistics were in disarray. She had tons of moles to whack all day. Nothing seems to be going right.
By the time they got everybody checked in and squared away, Ada was dreaming of her private bath, without Harry in it, she was so tired. And she could carry his expansive wardrobe in her eye bags.
But she didn't have a room or private bath at all.
"What do you mean there is no room for Ada Scott?" She was trying not to be the screaming rude American, but who the fuck didn't get her a room? They were fired!
The lady at the counter was quietly explaining they were full, but that everybody on property was with the same group, maybe she could share.
"I don't want to share." Oh, she'd lost control and was whining. "I want my private bath and a bed to myself!" That's what she needed dammit. Deserved after a long day on little sleep with no dick and single kiss to obsess over.
A hand slipped around her waist, hooked into her belt loops, a body smoothed up her back. Ada looked down to see a cross and rose. "I don't know how private my bath would be, but you can have it, but there will be no bed to yourself."
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Eight: In A Garden ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Tenten ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“...you’re kidding, right?”
“Cuz it’s fun, dude!”
Sasuke deadpans. “...dressing up in costumes and acting, in real time...is fun.”
“Yeah! LARPing is amazing! A few friends of mine from my old school were into it when we were kids! And since I’ve been getting back into contact with ‘em, I asked if they still did it? And they do! And we are totally going to a session and -”
“But -!”
“That is the dorkiest thing I’ve ever heard of. I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.”
“But Sasuke -” Naruto begs, curling fists under his chin. “I told everybody we’d be there!”
“You need to stop making promises on my behalf, Naruto.”
“C’mon, man! You tellin’ me you’ve never wanted to be, like...a badass knight? Or...or a mage? You never played games like that?”
“Yeah. Games. Where I sit and be myself, playing a game. I’ve never thought I should become the game.”
“Dude...do you know anything about cosplay?”
“...yeah. I do.”
“Y’ever looked at some really hot cosplay girls?”
A light tint of pink colors the Uchiha’s face. “...I’ve seen them, yeah.”
“Well, it’s like that...only they actually stay in character. And you get to interact with them, in character! And you can have battles, and sit in a tavern, and look awesome! I promise you’ll have fun. And like I said, it’s mostly people from my old school! You wouldn’t even know anyone there to be all embarrassed in front of!” Naruto nudges him in the ribs. “We’ll get you looking awesome, and they’ll just be impressed!”
Sasuke heaves a long sigh, staring at his friend skeptically. “...and what, pray tell, did you have in mind for me to wear?”
Sensing he’s convinced him, Naruto gives a wide, devious smile. “Oh, I think you’re gonna like it…!”
The event, as it turns out, is being hosted in a large park across town. Good, Sasuke can’t help but think. Fewer chances of being spotted by someone he knows.
Because while he’ll never admit it...he does look awesome. But...that also plays against him for looking like he’s taking this seriously.
Donning a thief build getup, his scheme is black and a midnight blue, with highlights of silver. It’s actually made of leather, for the most part. The armor, at least. He’s got boots, trousers, a tunic...and his armor. A chest plate, bracers, shin guards...the whole works.
And he hates that Naruto was right. Though he tried to resist...the more he looked at himself in the mirror...the more he thought he actually looked...really cool. And he can totally pull off a thief character.
Otherwise, he’s just a human - no pointy elf ears or orc makeup. That...would be taking it  a little far, in his opinion. Wielding a foam dagger, he only has a scar painted over an eye.
You know, just to add to the badass image.
Getting out of Naruto’s car, they soon see the ruckus. A fair number of people - more than Sasuke expects - are out in the grass. A gazebo seems to be a make-believe tavern, coolers of drinks (non-alcoholic - they’re still minors, after all) and food are made up to look like chests. There’s a fair amount of variety in the costumes - both in terms of characters, and of skill level. And no one seems to be ripping on each other. They’re just...having fun. A few people spar with their false weapons...others sit and talk with tankards. One guy even looks to be selling potions...which are just funny colored water.
“Sooo...whaddaya think?” Naruto asks, leaning against his friend to jostle him, wiggling his eyebrows.
“...looks like a nerdfest.”
“An AWESOME nerdfest!” the blond declares, lifting his broadsword. He, of course, is a knight...with armor Sasuke will admit is even more impressive than his own.
“So, where are all the girls?”
“Oh! I think Shikamaru said they were having a, uh...a photoshoot? In the gardens. If I had t’guess, they’re probably all there getting their pictures done before their hair or whatever gets messed up. Wanna go see?”
Sasuke goes pink. “...that won’t be weird?”
“Nah, we’ll just...get our pictures taken, too! It’ll be totally fine,” Naruto insists, waving a hand. “I really do wanna get pictures, though. I want this moment immortalized! Sasuke wearing LARP getup...I’m gonna show your kids.”
“Tch, whatever…”
They head up the hill to where the kept gardens of the park are grown. Sasuke’s been here a few times, but mostly when he was a lot younger. The park really isn’t his favorite haunt anymore. At least, not unless something is actually going on. While his mother used to take him and Itachi all the time in the Summer when they were kids...they’re both a little old for that now. Itachi’s in college, after all.
And, as Naruto said, there’s indeed a few photographers hanging around, snapping pictures of various roleplayers. Most of the ones up here are indeed girls. Barmaids, mages, princesses, knights...anything and everything, really.
“See? What did I tell ya? Aren’t they beautiful?” Naruto whispers, nudging Sasuke again. “Check them out!”
Grunting, Sasuke gives him a glance, not wanting to be...overtly obvious. Pretending to be watching the goings-on, he scopes out a few of them. They’re pretty, sure...but none really catch his eye too dramatically.
“Please, Hina?”
“I-I don’t know about this, Tenten…”
Glancing, Sasuke spies what looks like a weaponsmith talking to a girl in a long coat, which she clings closed with embarrassment.
“But you look awesome! It turned out so great! Shouldn’t you want everyone to see it?”
“I mean...I guess? I don’t know, it’s just...e-embarrassing…!”
“Dude, everyone here is in costume! No one’s gonna make fun of you! We’re all nerds here, right?”
“Besides, if anyone gives you trouble, I’ll knock ‘em one!” the one called Tenten assures her, drawing an oversized hammer from a belt at her hip.
Her companion smiles, gaze dropping as the current group moves out from in front of the camera.
“Ooh, us!” Naruto insists, tugging Sasuke forward with a yelp.
“Just you two?” a photographer clarifies.
“Uh...I guess. Unless anyone wants a group shot with us?”
“We’ll join in!”
Everyone looks over to Tenten, who hauls her friend forward by a hand. The other keeps her coat closed. “Got room for two more?”
“Yeah, sure!” Naruto quickly agrees.
“C’mon, Hina! You gotta take the coat off!”
Pink with embarrassment, the one called Hina pauses...then peels the garment aside.
Sasuke’s eyes go wide.
Donning fake elf ears, her hair is long and dark, straight as a blade to her tailbone. Pale lavender eyes match a few layers of her dress, which has several materials of various shades of purple. A delicate circlet with violet gems sits on her brow.
...wow...she looks like the real deal.
She’s beautiful…
“...oi, Sasuke. We gotta pose.”
Snapped back to the present, he blinks, realizing he’s...still in the garden. And everyone’s looking at him. Oh crap, was he staring that badly?!
“Sorry about him, he’s a little spacy sometimes,” Naruto snickers. “Thieves and their short attention spans, amirite? If it’s not shiny, he’s not paying attention!”
Scowling, Sasuke knows he’s trying to cover for him. “...better than starting all manner of brawls just to prove your chivalry, you dunce.”
“Ha! See? Such a kidder…”
...huh...this is actually...kinda fun.
The four of them pose for a few photos before they let someone else have a turn.
“So can we get copies of these?” Naruto asks one of the photographers.
“Yeah, they’ll be on our website.”
“...website?” Sasuke repeats. They’ll be online?!
“What, like anyone you know is gonna be looking at this kinda stuff, right?” the blond counters, pouting.
Likewise, Hinata goes pink. “Tenten...you didn’t say they’d be p-public…”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know!”
As their more...exuberant friends try to work out the details, Hinata and Sasuke are left to the side, glancing to each other. “...your costume is amazing,” he offers, trying to make conversation.
That gets her to perk up. “You...you think so? I made it myself!”
“What?! No way!”
“Oh...I just bought mine, I’m not...crafty or anything.”
She laughs softly into a hand. “That’s just fine. We all do this differently. I just...r-really like making clothes! Maybe I could make you something sometime, um…?”
“Oh, uh...Sasuke.”
“Okay guys, they’re gonna keep ours under a password! Apparently they do that for private shoots, and...they’re making an exception for us! So we can see them, but...no one without the magic word can.” Naruto gives two gloved thumbs-up.
“Oh, g-good,” Hinata sighs in relief.
“Now, onward! To the festivities! There’s battles to win and ale to drink!” the blond then announces, leading the charge back down to the belly of the park. Tenten follows with a cackling laugh, wielding her hammer.
“...well, I guess we’re hanging out?” Sasuke asks.
“I guess so,” Hinata laughs.
     ...this is really random xD I kinda wanted to do something else, buuut I don't have a dedicated verse for it (yet), so...maybe another time, lol      I've never done LARPing...I watched a few friends do it BRIEFLY, and uh...they were some of the very low budget kind xD Which is fine! But means in truth, I know very little about it, so...hopefully I didn't get anything wrong, lol!      ANYWAY, I'm FINALLY done with the ship week I was doing on Tumblr, and uh...oof, am I burnt out. I'm surprised I got this done, tbh ^^; So hopefully I'll be a bit more...prompt from now on. And a bit more wordy. Doing two daily writing things at once is uh...a bit much, lol      But anyway, that's all from me for tonight~ I'm very tired, so time to crash! Thanks for reading <3
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iamrheaspeaks · 6 years
per·i·pe·tei·a 1
Erik x OC! (Morrigan)
Word Count: ~1.3k
Bold text: Erik
Regular text: Morrigan
Warnings: None
A/N: Here I am starting something new when I have shit to finish 🤷🏾‍♀️ The inspiration for this came from Season 1 Episode 2 of The Blacklist. The military time format I use is referred to as the Day Time Group (DTG) and the format is as follows DDHHMM(Z*)MONYY which translates into; 2 digit day, time in 24 hour format, military identifier*, 3 digit month code and year. As always lightly proofread/edited. Enjoy! 💋
*: Military identifier is basically like a generalized location marker. I’m using U, which is CA.
Part 2
per·i·pe·tei·a /ˌperəpəˈtēyə, ˌperəpəˈtīə/ noun: a sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances
I think that she knows. I’m not absolutely sure yet but she definitely knows something. Everything about her has been withdrawn lately. Normally our eyes meet in the mirror when I walk into the bathroom and she’s brushing her teeth. For the past couple of days she’s been doing everything in the shower. She froze when my hand grazed hers yesterday, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her retract it so quickly. We both reached for an apple out the fruit basket at the same time. Our kiss goodbye this morning was…forced and dry. She definitely knows.
June 6 6:30pm
I’m in my car in contemplating going home. Everything about the man I married is starting to feel more and more like either a mystery or a lie. I’ve been walking around on eggshells for days. And to think that, that stupid kiss this morning gave me away. I haven’t even begun to fully process this shit. But I know better than to tell anyone or ask for actual help. That much I do know. Who is this man that I call husband?
Once it hit 22:00 and she still hadn’t made the effort to come home that was all the confirmation I needed. Since it didn’t seem like she’d be returning for the night I started to initiate my burn protocol. It wasn’t until I removed the wooden box I had hidden under the floorboard in the mudroom that I realized how bad it was. How much she knew. She probably doesn’t even realize she left it but I noticed it. I’m trained to. Blood on the box smeared right underneath the latch. She said she cut her palm slicing strawberries. The GPS tracker I had installed in her watch told me exactly where she was so there was no need to go find her. She’d have questions and when she was ready…she’d ask them. I spent the rest of the day trying to pinpoint how I missed it? When did she find it? How long has she known?
June 7 3:00pm
I was not myself at work and everyone noticed. I’m normally the one to volunteer to work the front desk because on days when it’s dead it gets the most traffic. Today I was in the common kitchen with the TV off just sitting in one of the chairs. I didn’t even realize Claire was in there until she dropped her teacup. It shattered on impact just like mine did the day I found the wooden box underneath the floorboards. The good thing about working in Human Services was how big on mental health they were. As soon as my boss noticed how withdrawn I was she let me take the rest of the day off. All the ‘people we serve’, that’s what we have to call them, were out with their families for the day so we pretty much just all sat there waiting for the phone to ring and staring at each other. I stopped by the diner before going home, I don’t really know why. The waitress kept trying to make me order my usual pancake special because I ‘looked like I could eat’. I could eat if I wasn’t wrapped in my thoughts about returning to the one place I should feel safe.
I’m sitting in the living room on this damn blue couch I hate just waiting. Statement piece my ass. I cleared off the coffee table so now all that was on it is my wooden box, the lid flipped up with all its contents laid out. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breathe in as I finally picked up on the sound of her key turning in the lock. She’d been sitting in the car for 15 minutes. Nothing good was going to come out of this but this job was starting to change me. —
When Morrigan finally stepped into the house she was on high alert but tried not to show it. Morrigan knew Erik was home because his car was in the driveway and the living room light was on. Setting down her keys and work badge she stepped out of her shoes and hang her jacket on the coat hook before advancing. Heat shot through Morrigan’s body as the sound of her heart beating started to burn in her ears. Morrigan’s russet colored eyes set on the scene before her. Upon approaching the entryway that wooden box was staring back from the coffee table.  Open with all its contents laid out. 7 Passports, at least 8 various forms of currency, Driver’s Licenses from every state they’ve visited in the last 2 years, 3 flash drives and a 357 Magnum with ammo. By time she finally laid eyes on Erik he was already looking at her. He was no doubt gauging Morrigan’s reaction this whole time. Waiting for a sign.
“Welcome home! How’s Tracy?”
Morrigan swallowed hard at the mention of her friend’s name. He smirked as he continued to rattle off names of people that frequented all the places she’d been recently. Growing more confused. The tone Erik spoke with was very off-putting. The universal signifier of ‘I know something you don’t know’. Hauntingly calm. Morrigan grabbed her arms; rubbing her thumbs over her shoulders as she lightly shook from the chill it gave her. He noticed it all. “Hasn’t felt like home for awhile now.”
“You wanna know what gave you away?” He questioned, leaning forward elbows rested on knees. He turned his head in her direction before cocking an eyebrow. Silently demanding a verbal response.
Fingering her plump bottom lip, “It was the kiss.” If a kiss were what you’d actually call it. Compared to how it normally was that kiss was the equivalent to the forced cheek peck a teenager gives their mom with one foot out the door. Morrigan couldn’t wait to get away from him. Just like right now.
“Good girl. What else you find?”
“Nothing, really.”
“That’s kinda funny cuz somethin’s missin’.”
“Trust? Honesty? Transparency?”
“Where’s the flash drive Morrigan?”
“They’re right there, Erik.”
Erik crashed his fists into the coffee table causing some of the items to flip about and topple to the floor. A part of him had grown fond of having Morrigan around. That was the only thing keeping Erik from going full-blown Killmonger. He bore his teeth like an animal, nostrils flaring as he asked one more time for the item in question.
“Oh! You mean this?” Morrigan questioned as she as she pulled the flash drive from inside her bra. Before tossing it over the table right into his lap sitting in the chair across from Erik and mirroring his posture. Legs spread, elbows rested on knees with head cocked to the side. While Morrigan wore a giant smile as Erik stared back with a look of confusion. He couldn’t figure out for the life of him what she was smiling about.
“So tell me, Erik. Why me?”
“The shoes. That’s the day I knew I had you. I left them at your old place while I was away. I came back for them but you’d already left for work. When I grabbed them I noticed that you had drawn a heart in the dust that settled on them.”
“The fact that you never mentioned it is how we knew I got you.”
“Don’t worry N’Jadaka. Everyone has a weakness.” Morrigan offered as she sat back relaxing in the chair crossing her legs still wearing that smile. Finally the fun begins Morrigan thought to herself, waiting for Erik to make his move.
A/N: Questions, comments, theories, and anger welcome 😈
Tags: @savagesensitivity @cancerianprincess @another-imaginesblog @loosewindmill @bidibidibombaclaat @muse-of-mbaku @chaneajoyyy @itsangeludaku @eriknutinthispoosy @im5ftbutmythroat66 @theunsweetenedtruth @blackpinup22 @fonville-designs @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718
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popopretty · 6 years
XYZ Summer Tokyo (August 21-22, 2018)
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So I was lucky enough to get the tickets for both Tokyo shows of XYZ on 21th and 22nd (Soraru appears on the first day which makes the tickets so much harder to get).
The lives were really nice (I didnt like it as much as the DJ tour for several reasons but it’s still good). And as usually I will just write down some parts I remember, mostly about Piko.
I arrived at the venue 1 hour before the goods sale and there were already hundreds people in front of me lol. It took me 3.5 hours more to finally get into the booth and buy stuff. I was able to buy Piko’s new keychain and got a lot of Piko badges from the random blind packs, and I was so happy carrying this tiny little Piko ita bag around xDDD
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The live didn’t start until 6pm (5pm on the second day) and each lasted for 3 hours. The members in the first day included luz, soraru, naruse, Araki, kradness, KOOL, Piko, and Silvana. On the second day, we have luz, naruse, Araki, kradness, Piko, Gero, KOOL and Meichan.
As for Piko’s tracklist, he has the same tracklists on both days (though I think he did better on the second)
- Secret Answer: the opening song with everyone. My favourite XYZ theme song haha. Piko wasnt in the original recording so they let him sing Sekihan’s part xDDD
- Oboroduki: This is a Mafu song he covered a few months ago. Traditional style ballad. For some reasons I think he sounded a bit off in the first chorus of Day 1 but Day 2 is just perfect.
- Non Tender a Loud: the latest collab with KOOL he just uploaded a few days before the live. It was a rockish song and I guess not many people know it so everyone was kinda confused with how to move the penlight XDD. But it was a really powerful collab. KOOL was... cool haha. I really like his voice and spirit. He somehow hurt his back during the tour and had to wear kind of back supporter in the 2nd day but he still did very well. I hope he would be more popular.
- Ghost Rule (with Araki): This was a really nice part of the live cuz they started playing more fire songs towards the end. So Araki started with Hibana, then they moved on Ghost Rule and then Piko took the stage with his usual godly performance of Haikei Doppelgänger
- Haikei Doppelgänger: I talked about this too much already lol but he was perfect to every single note xDDD and in the last sentence of the song, he put down the mic and sang it with his bare voice once all the instruments stopped which was really cool. I was happy I could hear him because for the previous times he did that, some people around me just kept singing along so I couldnt hear anything.
- Deliheri yondara kimi ga kita (with everyone): This is the last song before encore. It was always so funny. When luz sang that part about choosing a girl with big breast, Piko just jumped in and open his coat (like to show off his chest) lol.
- Cocktail (with everyone): Closing song and emotional as always :3
I will write more about the MC part cuz I happened to remember quite a lot of them.
- On the first day, when the members did the final introduction, they talked about how everyone loved Soraru and decided to pretend to be Soraru and imitate him. So Araki and naruse started by speaking in the very low and unenthusiastic voice like Soraru usually does and it was really funny. Then they introduced all the other members out and they all tried to speak in that low, uninterested voice xDDD However at Piko’s turn, naruse was like “Okay so the next person, I’m not sure if he can let out a low voice or not” xDDD and Piko came out, looking all prepared but when he started speaking he just couldn’t help switching to his natural high voice and everyone was laughing. So he tried one more time but still struggled with it xDD
- In one of his MC during the live, Piko asks where all the female and male fans were and everyone was like raising hands and shouting. Then he asked everyone to do the reverse, like the guys will have to say “Yeah” in girly voice and the girls will have to do it in manly voice. The guys parts was so funny, though most of the guys might be too embarrassed to do it but some of them still did. The first time the voice was small so Piko was like “It sounds like a zombie. You can do better”. Then they tried again and the girly voices from the guys were louder this time and Piko was like “ok so now the okama zombies are the most scary” xDD and then tried to imitate the zombies pose with an okama style which looks really cute xD
- On the second day, it was Piko’s last performance in the XYZ tour this summer so in his last MC part, he tried to make teary eyes and spoke in a voice that sounds like he was crying xD He was like “This is my last performance here. Can u listen to my last words? I am worried what this XYZ will be without me.” And it was so funny everyone just laughed a lot. Then KOOL told him like “hey basically everyone is just laughing”. So Piko was like, nagged back at the audiences (still in his crying okama voice) “What is so funny about it!!?” and everyone just laughed harder. It was a very funny MC part and when he was done, luz just added “Everyone, please never forget Piko-san” lol
- In the last part when they are walking around the stage and saying goodbye to the fans, naruse and Piko hugged and naruse lifted Piko up and turned a few rounds which was so cute. Then Piko tried to do the opposite but couldnt haha (naruse is quite a chubby baby xDD)
As for the other utaites, I think KOOL and naruse were my favs (other than Piko) but the others did a great job too. luz was super cool on stage and definitely the best person to be the host of XYZ. Soraru was cute, especially with his indifferent style. He even imitated kradness voice at one point of the MC XD. Araki is fire as usual. First time I saw kradness but he was so enthusiastic and his songs are also super catchy. And it was quite funny at the 2nd day MC when luz started asking every members if the live was interesting, but completely forget kradness 😂 So he said he missed because kradness is shining so bright he couldnt see xD Gero was definitely the comedian of the live xDDD Everything he says and every movements he makes made everyone burst into laugh. And as a bonus, him and Meichan both dressed in maid dress and sang an idol song (?) at the 2nd day encore xDDD
And... there is much more but I cannot remember everything and it has been a long post already so thank you for for reading till the end. It was a very nice experience to me and I hope to go to another one again soon ^^
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c-k-mack · 6 years
Summary: Beca gets a ridiculous introduction to some of the other residents of this weird apartment building.
Beca awoke to see the bathroom ceiling and the concerned if somewhat transparent blue eyes of her “roommate” looking down at her. Before she could say anything, there was a knock at the apartment door, so she wrapped a towel around herself and cracked open the door. Probably not the safest thing to do, but she was already having a stellar day and whatever.
“Hey there, we’re your neighbors” A couple of women, one blonde the other brunette spoke in unison. Nothing creepy about that at all.
“Jessica and Ashley,” the ghost, er , Chloe offered.
“Which one is which?” Beca asked.
“I’m Jessica!” The neighbors said in unison.
Ghost Chloe giggled, “They do that all the time. Jessica is the blonde.” There was something wistful in Chloe’s voice, but Beca decided not to read to much into it.
“We heard a loud..,” Ashley said.
“.. noise and we wanted to make sure you were okay!” Jessica supplied.
“A couple that finishes each other’s sentences, how…sweet,” Beca deadpanned.”Anyway, Jessicas, I’m fine and, you know… naked. Sooo, thanks for stopping by.
“Okie doke,” Jessica said brightly.
“Let us know if you need anything.”
As Beca closed the door, she could still hear them talking.
“I saw her again,” Jessica said.
“Who, Chloe?”
“Yes! She winked at me!”
Ashley sighed, “Don’t be stupid, there’s no such thing as ghosts!”
Beca shook her head and started walking back toward the bathroom when she heard another knock. “Ugh, who is it now?”
Chloe walked… (floated?) to the door and stuck her head through. “Ah, that would be Stacie, go ahead, open it!
Beca sighed and opened the door.
The taller brunette on the other side immediately looked down at Beca’s towel and grinned, “Happy Birthday to me!”
Beca pulled her towel tighter around herself while Chloe dissolved into a fit of giggles.
“Oh, sorry , I didn’t introduce myself . My name is Stacie, my hobbies include E! Network and cuticle care.”
“And sex,” Chloe laughed, “lots of sex. Meet our resident horn dog.”
“Dude!” Beca glared at the red-haired ghost.
“I heard a noise and thought I could join in. I mean wanted to see if you are okay.”
“Yup, fine, thanks.”
Glancing down, Stacie grinned, “Oh, you are definitely fine, babe.”
Beca cleared her throat. “Um, thanks? Can I, you know…” Beca motioned to the door where Stacie had managed to wedge herself inside.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Hey, if you need anything,” Stacie dropped her voice an octave and I do mean anything, I’m right next door..” Then she winked and sauntered off.
Beca sighed and closed and LOCKED the door. “Not funny, Chloe! What if something had happened?”
Chloe smiled, “she’s all talk when it comes to girls. I kissed her at a party once and she freaked out, avoided me for two weeks before admitting she’d never actually kissed a girl when she wasn’t drunk before. She’s almost as bad as Cynthia Rose, downstairs. If you call her out on her flirting, she starts talking about her Tumblr girlfriend, Denise. Pretty sure she doesn’t exist.”
“Whatever, a little warning would have been nice. So I could at least get dressed, first. Anyway, is this whole building, you know…gay?”
Chloe giggled.
“What now?”
“Nothing, I’m just imagining Flo saying, ‘me gay too’”
“I don’t get it.”
“Syd and Elena? One Day at a Time?”
Beca shrugged. “Is that TV show or a movie? ‘Cuz I honestly don’t have time for that stuff, besides it’s all the same.”
“Who are you talking to?”
“Holy Sh…” Beca just gaped at the Asian woman standing in her living room. “Are you a ghost too?”
“Not yet, but it won’t be long until we both are” the woman whispered.
“That’s Lily,” Chloe whispered. “She kind of scares me sometimes.”
Beca rolled her eyes, “You’re already dead, what is she going to do to you?”
“My aunt Lucy used to talk to herself before they took her away,” Lily whispered.
“The men in white coats?”
“The little green men don’t wear coats… or clothes for that matter.”
Beca looked down remembering that she was still almost naked. “Speaking of which, do you mind…” when she looked up, though, Lily was gone.
Just then, she heard a key turn in her front door. She turned around to see a big blonde girl who had the nerve to ask her, “Oy! Who the hell are you?”
“I live here. Who the hell are you?”
“Ah, that’s right. The ginger kicked the bucket. Fat Amy’s the name.”
“You call yourself Fat Amy?”
“Sha, So twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back.”
“Amy, takes some getting used to,” Chloe said, “but she grows on you… like a barnacle.”
Beca snorted. “Anyway, Amy, I am a little busy.”
“No problem.”
“No, I mean, please leave.”
“Oy, bossy much?” Amy said as she started to leave.
“Can I have the key please?”
“This is my key!”
“To my apartment!”
Amy sighed and handed over the key and left.
“She probably has another copy,” Chloe said.
Beca sighed. “Of course she does. Why did you give her a key in the first place?” Chloe bit her lip which Beca thought was really weird but almost kind of cute. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t.”
Beca shook her head. And here she thought living with a ghost was the most ridiculous thing about her apartment . There was another knock at the door. This one polite enough to make Beca curious. “Listen, Amy, if you…”. Words failed as she locked eyes with a tall blonde woman. They were the greenest eyes she’d ever seen. But they quickly averted as the blush covered the woman’s cheeks.
“I’m so sorry to catch you indisposed. I just wanted to formally welcome you to Barden Garden Apartments.” The woman handed Beca a cake and quickly disappeared down the hall.
Beca almost wrote off the woman’s behavior as another crazy neighbor until she realized that, on the way to the door, she’d dropped her towel.
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Ch. 4
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.   I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Logan parked the car in the alleyway behind the theater, “So why are we here exactly?” asked Patton, as he got out of the car.
“Well for one, I have more outfits to choose from here.” Replied Roman as he keyed in the passcode to deactivate the alarm. He then took out his key and unlocked the door. “And two, as Logan had mentioned earlier, if the reporters were at the hospital, they’re probably staking out where we live as well.” He motioned for his friends to enter the theater.
“Lucky for us, your family has this place then, or else your plan probably wouldn’t work.” joked Logan. Roman let out a troubled sigh “Funny you say that, last month when I visited my folks. I heard my Uncle trying to talk my old man into selling this place.” Patton let out a gasp “What?! No! This is where we all met as kids.” Roman gave him a hug. “Don’t worry your Cinnabon head. I'm doing all I can to keep him from going through with it. So far, he's not giving into my villain of an uncle.”
Virgil walked over to the stage, he ran his hand along it and let out a small mischievous giggle “Do you remember when we figured out how the trap door worked before Roman’s folks did and we rigged a disappearing act?”  Logan let out a pained groan “How can I forget, I landed wrong and was in the hospital for a month.”
Patton pulled away from Roman’s embrace and started laughing. “What?” Roman asked. Patton smiled at him “Remember when we got to try the aerial rigging?!” Roman closed his eyes and smiled “Oh my gosh, yes. Now a day’s it doesn't seem like we would fly that high but as kids. Ah as kids, it was like flying to Neverland.” He ran up the center stage stairs and started to spin and dance around on the stage.
“Do your folks still hold Drama Camp Sessions?” asked Logan.
“Yeah. Sometimes they call me in to hold seminars on acting. All the children are really sweet! Unfortunately, like this summer, there's been a decline in participants. Hence why my dad is considering on selling.” He walked off stage, now talking more to himself “Now where did I put that box from Legally Blonde. AH YEAH, there it is.” He walked back out and motioned for the others to follow him.
Once they were circling the box with him, he opened it “So I was thinking I could go as Elle Woods and you could dress up as the sorority sisters!” he held out a wig to Virgil who backed away waving his arms. “Oh no, you’re not putting me in a dress again.” He said.
“Again?” asked Logan with a raised eyebrow.
Virgil stood there blushing “That's not important right now.” He spat “So, uh Roman, you have anything else?” Roman scratched his head in thought “hmmm... How about Troy from High School Musical?”
“How about no,” said Virgil.
“Do you have the outfits from the Producers still?” asked Patton.
Roman smiled at him “Oh yeah! I forgot we performed that last winter, great idea Patton. Follow me!” he led them to an elevator that took them up two floors to a hall of doors. He walked down the hall and went through a door on his left, it was filled with racks of clothes. “I still haven't cataloged all of this yet. May I recommend staying away from the Nazi outfits though.”
Virgil read a tag on a black garment bag. “Got mine. Brb.” 
Patton quickly grabbed an outfit “Oh I like this one” he giggled and quickly left the room.
Logan barely caught a glimpse at what Patton had grabbed. “Did he just grab the...” Roman closed his eyes “Yeah I think he did.” Logan bolted from the room yelling “Patton the Indian Chief Outfit isn't a disguise option!” a moment passed, and Logan came back in with Patton pouting behind him. He hung the outfit back up and walked around the racks he then pulled out a Victorian suit. “How about this?”
Logan shook his head “You do understand why that won't work, correct?”
“But it's so cool looking.” Whined Patton. Virgil Walked into the room wearing a suit with a trench coat and Max Bialystock's hat. He laid his hand on Patton’s shoulder “The idea is to blend in buddy, not stick out.”
Roman nodded his head in approval “Lookin good Virge! Here ya go Padre.”  He hands him Jeremy's outfit from Be More Chill. “I’ve no clue how that got in here, but it’ll work for you.”
Logan held up a grey garment bag “I think I'll go with Leo's outfit, it looks like it'll fit me better.”
Virgil looked at Roman “Who you going as Roman?” Roman held up a red garment bag and tried to read the tag “Uhm, looks like Slugworth from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I seriously need to catalog this room.”
After they had gotten their costumes on, Patton gathered the others on stage and took a selfie of them for remembrance. There was a knock on the back door. “Anyone expecting company?” he asked confused.
“It's probably Rem. I phoned him while you were changing and asked if he could bring his dad's car and give us a ride to the courthouse since it's a vehicle no one's seen us in.”
           “Way to think ahead Virgil.” Complimented Logan. Virgil just shrugs his shoulders and goes and opens the door. Remy walks in and looks everyone over. “Nicely done ladies. Especially you Cuz. (he claws the air at Virgil) Fierce.” Virgil’s face deadpans at his cousin’s comment.
“I'm changing.” He turns to leave, but Roman grabs him by the arm. “No time Mr. Bialystock, our audience awaits.”
           “What audience?” asked Remy “You four do realize that today is only Saturday right? I tried to tell Virgil, but he hung up before I could and then his phone kept going to voicemail.” The four friends looked at Remy as if they were told he hit a puppy on his way there.
           “So, what do we do now?” asked Patton. Virgil started to pace “Something, we can’t let him go trial.” Everyone stood in thought. “What time is his trial on Monday?” asked Logan. “Last I heard eleven am,” replied Remy.
           “Then we’ll be there just as the courthouse opens.” Said Logan.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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marksleepy · 7 years
wish upon a scintilla of hope
word count: 4849 worth of fluff and idk like 5% of chensung because they’re such cute best friends a/n: i spent so long on this only @simplyaroha knows. jael i’m so sorry for keeping you waiting LOL. and i want to gift @chenleplanet with this because ryne your love for chenle is unreal and ily <3 i also want to gift @jenoist with this as vivi you’re the nicest and you make me cry jscudnvifjsdb ily2. lastly, gifting you, a reader, with this because i’m thankful that you’re reading this (or going to?). if this is my first fic you’re reading then hello i hope you stay and read my future tales ahaha. if this isn’t the first then hey!! thanks so much for staying. i really appreciate it! merry early christmas everybody. p.s. italicised words are for dream talks and texts in case you get confused
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chenle clapping cuz i finally finished this thousand weeks long thing. gif belongs to @nakamotens :) there’s already a watermark on the gif but i’m just doing what’s right
The 11th night of each month—the only night when you don’t dream. Tons of people labour under the misapprehension that they don’t dream every night, but that’s simply because they don’t remember what they were dreaming of.
Tonight, an endless tenebrosity stretches before you.
You think of ‘Hey’, and immediately the word appears in the darkness, faint and in the colour of snow.
There’s no reply. Which sucks as this means you’ll have to spend the next seven hours or so in total nothingness, unless the person at the other end of the country (or world, you don’t know for sure) answers you. It should’ve been somewhere near an hour when a foggy yet enthusiastic ‘Hi!’ comes into view.
Sorry, I was catching up on some homework, it continues.
What time is it? you think instantly.
My phone tells me it was 1:04 am the last time I saw it.
You should start going to bed earlier, loser, you respond.
Communicating with soulmates would’ve been a lot easier if names aren’t eschewed. You’ve tried thinking about the most uncommon names, but they refuse to come to light. This explains why you and your soulmate decided to call each other ‘loser’ on the fourth encounter a few months ago. It’s not the cutest, but it’ll have to do.
Don’t tell me what to do, loser.
Fine. What do YOU want to do?
I don’t know.
You sigh, if that’s even possible at this moment. Do people sigh while dreaming? You assume they do. Tell me more about yourself then. The only thing I know about you is that you’re an annoying boy.
His reply comes a little late. You got the gender right but the adjective wrong. Now let me go to sleep.
You’re already sleeping, dork.
You can almost hear him chuckle. You feel a wistful longing for his voice.
I’m just kidding. What do you want to know about me? His words emerge, a colon and right bracket following close. They join the string of words disappearing above.
The hall is snug after walking in the icy wind outside. The assembly that all students attend religiously will begin in a few minutes. Your eyes dart from one student to another, in search of a boy with lilac hair. But he finds you first.
“I’m right here, Y/N!” Chenle yells, clamping his hands on your shoulders with the largest grin on his face.
“I wasn’t looking for you,” you say, turning around to face him.
His smile seems to get wider if that’s feasible. “Yeah, I believe you.”
You know you’ve lost when a smile threatens to surface.
Every school year starts off with students sitting according to their classes. However, by mid-February (sometimes earlier), the rule is long broken with students scattered everywhere in the hall with their companions from other classes or grades. One clear example is a senior hanging out with a junior, and in this case, Mark and Donghyuck, who are laughing over the funniest joke they’ve ever heard.
“Let’s go look for Jisung,” Chenle says. He clasps your wrist and pushes through the crowd. You feel a strong beat of your heart, something you experience whenever he does that. His touch feels like wearing gloves on a snowy winter day, tucking yourself under a blanket on a cold winter night. You shake your head. You shouldn’t be feeling like this. You can’t be feeling like this. Chenle isn’t your soulmate.
But… It’s okay to prefer someone to your soulmate, right?
You decide that it’s wrong as soon as the question slips. This feeling for Chenle, you convince yourself, is patently temporary. Besides, Chenle doesn’t like you in that way. It’s indubitable.
It also feels extremely strange to enjoy being around someone so much, especially if that someone isn’t who you talk to every 11th night of the month.
Maybe you don’t even like Chenle. So what if you feel accomplished when he laughs heartily at your jokes? So what if your eyes light up every time you see someone with lilac hair on the street (not very often), only to be disappointed when said person wasn’t who you thought it was? So what if you associate love songs with him? So what if your stomach flutters whenever he grabs your hand? So what—
“Y/N? Y/N!” Chenle waves his hand before your face. You blink at him.
“You okay? You seem to be deep in thought,” he continues. He has no idea.
He waves to Jisung. The latter has two empty seats beside him, and he beckons both of you over.
The hall is calmer than before, with most already seated down. Chenle sits between you and Jisung. They start talking about everything imaginable, frequently laughing mid-sentence. Your heart melts at this exuberant duo, and you often catch yourself staring at the older of the pair.
Someone catches you doing so too.
“Somebody’s real busy.”
You snap out of your reverie to see Jisung looking at you knowingly.
Chenle has a look of confusion and embarrassment on his face. “Are we boring you?”
You shake your head just as the principal taps on the microphone twice.
“I’m sorry. I know this isn’t really your thing,” Chenle resumes. At this point, you don’t even know what he’s talking about in the first place.
“It’s okay, Chenle,” you reassure him. “You— Both of you never bore me.”
You spend the next hour listening to the principal drone on about God knows what and stealing glances at a boy with lilac hair and inappropriate laughter.
“What’s your soulmate like?” Chenle asks you from his desk. His highlighter is poised over a page of his science textbook as he waits for a reply.
You look up from your calculus worksheet and eye him sceptically from where you’re sitting on the wooden floor of his bedroom. “That’s new.”
“I’m just curious.”
You turn your attention back to the paper resting on your lap as his question replays in your head. You’re at his house studying for a test, mainly to seek for warmth. It isn’t snowing, but it’s freezing. You’d left your house keys on your desk and aren’t keen to be outdoors making beats with your teeth. Also, no one will be home until dusk.
“He’s nice,” you murmur. “Funny.”
Chenle goes back to highlighting some texts, occasionally writing on Post-it notes. “Do you, uh, like him?”
If you were brave, you would say, “No. I like you.”
But you aren’t, so you say, “I guess.”
Chenle’s tense shoulders sag. He leans his back on the chair, tapping his pen on the edge of his desk.
“What about you? Do you like your soulmate?” you question. You look at the naked trees outside with gnawing uneasiness in your stomach.
“Yeah"—his cheeks redden slightly—"but I…
“Nothing. We’re supposed to be studying.” He pulls his chair closer to the desk and uncaps another highlighter. You want to argue that he’d started talking first but decided against it.
The next time he talks to you is to ask you what you want to have for dinner.
You spend your days taking tests, hanging out with friends, and being muddled by Chenle’s behaviour.
“Did I say something wrong?” You and Jisung are standing outside the soccer field, the question accompanied by your foggy breath tumbling out your mouth before you can stop it. Jisung stops observing the senior practising his kicks and turns his head to look at you.
“It’s nothing. Chenle’s just being strange.”
Jisung clears his throat. “He is?”
You spot Chenle running wildly on the field, engaged in a friendly match with some sophomores.
“Not now. But when we’re alone he becomes awkward.”
“Maybe he, I don’t know, likes you?” Jisung pushes his bangs out of his face. “How’s alone time with him?”
You look down at the ground, fingers gripping the fence, face pink from the cold and something else. “Don’t phrase it that way.”
“Here comes lover boy.”
You grimace at his words. Chenle skips towards you and Jisung, his hair sticking to his forehead and shirt soaked in sweat despite the numbing temperature. Jisung wraps a towel around the older and helps him put on his coat. “That was fun. Thanks for waiting for me.”
Chenle reaches for your hand and freezes at once.
Jisung doesn’t seem to notice anything. He takes off first, shoving his hands in his winter coat. “Remind me to hit you when I can feel my hands again.”
Chenle chuckles, and you can’t say you relate to Jisung. It feels like you’re touching hot coal.
Chenle once told you receiving coals for Christmas wasn’t bad at all. “Just burn them and roast marshmallows.”
You had watched the fire flicker through his eyes.
Chenle’s hair is dyed a hazelnut brown colour when you see him in school. It’s as if your lungs are caught in a mesh and entangled. The air feels thick and suffocating.
“What do you think?” is the first thing he says when your eyes meet.
You force yourself to breathe. “What happened to lilac hair? That was such a look, man.”
“I got tired of people giving me weird looks.”
And why would people do that? You can’t understand why a change of his hair colour has this big of an effect on you.
You shrug, trying to look nonchalant. “It looks good on you.”
You nearly miss the way his face reddens as he looks down at his dirty Converse.
“What do you want, Chenle?”
“Look at me.”
He raises his right hand up to your left cheek and draws comforting, tingly circles with his thumb. Then he’s leaning in, closer. He looks at you through half-closed lids before coming closer. Closer.
“Y/N. I…”
You feel your heart throbbing loudly in your ears, like drums beating on the street during festivals.
You don’t feel anything on your lips. But your eyes stay closed.
You love hearing your name roll so effortlessly off his tongue. You love it. You love him.
“Y/N. I—”
“You what?”
“I swear if you don’t get up right now I’ll really kill you!”
You shoot up from your laying position, your hair a mess and your eyes swollen with sleep. Jisung stands at the foot of your bed, his hands on his hips as he lours at you.
“What are you doing in my room?” you ask, groggy.
“Are you serious?”
You free your legs from your woollen blanket and shudder when your feet touch the gelid floor.
“We were supposed to study at Chenle’s, remember?” Jisung sighs. “Clearly not.”
You give him a bashful smile, eyeing the bedroom doorway.
Jisung taps his foot impatiently. “He isn’t here. He’s helping his mum with groceries.”
“I wasn't—”
“Just get ready and meet us at his place, Y/N.” He gives you one last look before disappearing down the hallway. “Your face is red. Do you want me to open the windows?”
“I thought you were joking!” You uncap the half-filled bottle then cap it after a second. “Who associates Jisung with textbooks and homework?”
Jisung throws a tiny ball of paper at you. “Judgemental. I do study.”
“Stop it, you two,” Chenle chuckles. “Let’s actually get stuff done. We can also ask Y/N since she’s the smartest one here.”
“She is?” Jisung snorts. He earns a punch on the arm from you while your face glows with embarrassment.
So the three of you study. Chenle and Jisung have tests on different subjects this week but you don’t. You work on your assignment, which is a research on a historical building. Apart from occasional questions from the duo, the room is otherwise quiet. It’s slowly getting dark, the sun dipping below the horizon.
You look at Chenle discreetly. His eyelids are pink from him rubbing them. He looks cute when he’s serious and focused. There’s a knock on the door before Chenle’s mum pops her head into the room and smiles. “Dinner’s ready if any of you are hungry. Don’t overwork yourselves, alright?”
There are hums and nods, then the room is quiet again. It can’t have been more than five minutes when Jisung says, “Guys! It’s snowing!”
Turns out there are only little specks of snow, much to everyone’s (Jisung’s) disappointment. With the assignment and scrawled notes forgotten in Chenle’s bedroom, you and the pair stand outside just in case white flakes fall again, wriggling about to stay warm.
“This is annoying,” Jisung groans.
Chenle nudges him playfully. “There are a lot more days to come, Jisung.”
Jisung merely shrugs and says he’s hungry. Everyone trudges back into the house, relieved to soak in its warmth.
It’s late when Jisung leaves Chenle’s house, which is starting to slowly lose its heat. The sky is an inky black but there are no visible stars due to the light-polluted city that Chenle lives in. You sit on his cabin bed, head tilted towards the night sky, watching a scintilla in the midst of the darkness.
Your eyes drift to Chenle. He yawns and rubs his eyes for the nth time.
“Hey,” you say softly. “Take a break.”
He stifles another yawn, pushes his arms in the air and stretches. “My mum will murder me if I fail this class again.”
“She did tell us not to overwork ourselves.”
His smile appears. He pushes his chair back and ambles towards the bed to sit beside you. “What are you doing?” He bumps his shoulder against yours.
You point to the tiny spark in the sky.
“Ooh,” he gushes. “Let’s make a wish.”
“That’s not a shooting star, Chenle.”
“That’s fine. I made a wish at camp last year when I thought I saw one. Until I realised it was Renjun throwing a piece of trash across the campsite.”
One end of Chenle’s lips is lifted, and soon both of you are collapsing into gales of laughter.
“What did you wish for?” Chenle asks.
You shake your head, grinning. “Secret.”
It’s the 11th night of the month again. You go to bed quite early, feeling completely knackered from interminable assignments. You wait and wait, looking at lyrics of your favourite song arise as you think of it.
This soulmate of yours sure sleeps late.
All of a sudden, a Hey pops up.
Hi, you reply in your head.
Sorry, I forgot that it’s the 11th.
I have a question.
What is it?
You pause, letting the words disappear as they go higher. You think of your question. Do you like anybody?
He awaits what you have for him next.
Then, have you confessed to that person?
No. I’m too scared to do that.
How do you cope?
Uh, I have a blog where I write what I want to say to her. Yeah, it’s cheesy so go ahead and laugh at me.
You feel yourself smiling. No it’s not. It’s cute.
I can show you it if you want. No one knows about it except for my best friend, only because I foolishly left the page open while I went to the bathroom. That’s how embarrassed I feel about it. But now you know.
I’m honoured.
The website and username he uses show up in a minute. You know the website well, however, he has an odd username—practically like everyone on this planet. It reminds you of Chenle with his strange usernames for all eight of his accounts.
“Why 'dirtykitchenfloor’?” you had choked out. “'terrifyingpickle’. I’m leaving.”
Chenle had grabbed your hand, all but laughing. “Don’t. I have six more.”
You there? These two words knock you back to the blackness.
Yeah. I was thinking about some stuff.
Like the person you like?
What? No. Thanks for reminding me though, I’ll go think about him now.
HAHAHA—pause—well have fun. I’ll be here, roaming.
You imagine the lilac-now-hazelnut hair boy standing beside you outside in the snowy city. The street lamp winks as snow starts to pile up atop and around it. His hair is sprinkled with stardust and snowflakes. His eyes twinkle and his hand feels like a cup of hot chocolate. The fallen snow feels soft beneath your shoes.
Everything feels right.
“I think I’m in love,” Jisung says dreamily.
It’s a frosty afternoon, and you find yourself again with Jisung and Chenle, everyone either sprawled on Jisung’s bed or floor. Drinks and bags of snacks litter the ground. No one pays attention to them.
A weird noise escapes Chenle’s mouth. “With who?”
“My soulmate.”
You snigger and say, “They’re called soulmates for a reason.” You then remember that Chenle isn’t yours. You also don’t know if it’s bad that your soulmate likes someone else. You figure it isn’t, knowing you’re not breaking any hearts around here and you like someone else too.
Jisung prattles on about his soulmate. You nod blankly, and catch Chenle gazing at you. He points to Jisung covertly before shaking his head and rolling his eyes. There’s a beam on your face.
“You aren’t even listening to me,” Jisung groans. “Stop flirting with each other.”
“At least I have someone to flirt with,” Chenle sneers.
A thick shade of red mantles your cheeks. “S-stop talking nonsense.”
Chenle looks at you the way a child would look when he’s caught going through presents on the night before Christmas. A reddish hue branches out across his fair complexion.
Jisung’s frown steadily turns into a soft knowing smile. “Since I’m done talking about my amazing love life, it’s your turn. The smarter person starts first.”
The branch tapping on the windows is the only thing disturbing Jisung’s hushed bedroom. You wonder why he hasn’t gotten rid of it. You’d find it difficult to fall asleep on a blustery night.
“So none of you are smart? Not a surprise to me, I guess,” Jisung teases.
“My soulmate has a blog where he writes what he wants to say to the person he likes down,” you begin, ignoring Jisung’s raillery.
Jisung lets out an impressed-sounding “huh” the same time Chenle says, “That’s stupid.”
A grim line forms on your mouth as you stare at him. “I don’t think it is.”
"Really?” Chenle coughs deliberately. “That seems so cowardly.” Jisung cocks his head a little to the right twice out of habit, a small smile playing on his lips as he watches the exchange between you and Chenle. “I think it’s stupid too,” the younger of the pair blurts out.
Chenle glares at Jisung. “No, it’s not.”
“You said it was! I’m just agreeing with you.”
“I’m just… just agreeing with Y/N.”
You snicker as they start to banter. They stop and stare at you, and soon the room is filled with three friends who are attacked by uncontrollable laughter.
Jisung wipes at his eyes and after he’s calmed down, he says, “I wanna love like Y/N’s soulmate.”
“Me too,” Chenle says, albeit having a faraway look in his eyes.
“Don’t you already?”
“Sh-shut up!”
“Sh-shut up!” Jisung mimics. Chenle simply gets up and flicks Jisung’s forehead. He whines in pain and flicks the former back. You sit up on the spot on Jisung’s bed and smile.
Happy. Happy is what you feel.
You don’t know how you or Chenle do it, but it’s three in the morning when you finally shut your laptop and let out a wavering cry. “I’m done. Spent.”
“Let’s get some sleep.” Chenle yawns, lumbering to his bed and pulling the sheets over his entire body.
“Throw me a pillow and blanket.”
“What?” Chenle peers at you. “You’re not sleeping on the floor. It’s not carpeted and it’s freezing.”
“I’ll be fine, worrywart.”
“Who even says that?” He gives you a blue pillow dotted with white clouds and a soft blanket. “You wanna swap spots instead?”
“Go to sleep, Chenle.” You tuck yourself under the blanket, which comes with his scent and a hint of flowery laundry detergent. With heavy and teary eyes from yawning too much, you lie facing the ceiling, the floor a tad cold for comfort. Your mind threatens to drag you to sleep, until a weak voice breaks the silence of the night.
“Are you asleep?”
“Yes,” you mumble, your eyes shut, hardly able to contemplate what you’re saying.
He laughs lightly. “I can’t sleep. Talk to me.”
“Chenle,” you mutter, pulling the blanket up till it covers your chin.
Right now you’re starting to wake up. You lie on your side and prop the side of your head in your palm, facing him. He mirrors your position.
“I actually hate you,” you quip.
“No you don’t.”
“Right for once.”
He closes his eyes, his head drooping. You study his soft features, feeling your eyes beginning to close again. Your head hits the pillow and you pull the blanket over your shoulder. Your teeth chatter slightly, but that’s okay—you’re too tired to care anyway.
You wake up when the sky is still black and starless. Chenle’s scent seems to have gotten stronger. You sit up, using your elbows as support, only to see the bed empty and rumpled. Something breathes against your arm, and you almost smack yourself from pulling back too fast.
There you see Chenle curled up beside you on the ground like a foetus. His blanket is thrown over you, but it’s riding off his body, his tummy exposed to the cold. You remove his blanket from yourself and cover him up to the neck. He stirs but stays asleep, sighing with satisfaction.
“You’re an odd one,” you whisper in the unlit room. “I don’t mind it one bit.”
You mirror his position this time, dreams taking you on different adventures—all of them with this boy who makes you feel warmer this winter.
“You chose to sleep on the floor when you have a bed,” you say between munches of your cereal the next morning.
“I didn’t choose.” Chenle dips his bread in your bowl of milk. “I fell off the bed.”
“Ha ha. Remind me to laugh again later.”
Tap tap.
Jisung stands at the door. Chenle opens it to reveal him clad in a sweater, coat and fuzzy pants with matching shoes.
“Pfft, what are you wearing?” you joke. You spoon some cereal into your mouth.
“Yes good morning and thanks for inviting me to the sleepover,” Jisung says, throwing his bag on the floor and plopping himself down on the high stool opposite you.
Chenle returns to the stool to your left. He pulls his bread apart and waves a piece at Jisung. “You turned us down!”
“Oh right. Because you two are boring.”
“And somehow you like hanging out with us?” you say with amusement.
“Whatever,” Jisung says. “So… are the two of you a thing now?”
Chenle splutters on his juice, orange liquid flying out his mouth. You feel the heat on your face even though the cold air that followed Jisung in is still lingering in the kitchen.
“Are you okay?” Jisung laughs, slapping him on the back.
You rub your temples. “It’s too early for this.”
“I thought you talked things through last night.”
“Just shut up, Jisung. Eat your cereal,” Chenle rebukes. He hops off the stool to go wash his mouth at the sink. Jisung shakes his head in disappointment.
can you come out now? reads Chenle’s text at 12 in the morning.
You compose a new message. I don’t plan on getting murdered by either one of my parents tonight
omg fine. why are you here so late
i just wanted to see you
Your heart leaps in your chest. ok chenle.
You drape your woollen blanket around you and lift your window up, feeling like those furtive teenagers in movies. An icy gust of wind slaps your cheeks, but the coldness dissipates when you see Chenle stomping on the crunchy ice on the gravel path outside, his hands shoved deep into his coat pocket.
“You okay?” you say after jumping from your window sill (cautiously).
“Can I ask you a question?” he says with foggy breath.
“Yeah. I mean we’re already here.”
He closes his eyes and gulps. “Can I kiss you?”
He blocks your view by putting his hand before your eyes. “Don’t look at me. I’m embarrassed.”
You grab his arm with your shaky one and pull him towards you. He’s so close your cloudy breaths mingle. It’s a test to see who makes the first move.
He does.
And your lips feel like it’s on fire.
He really is an odd one, but you don’t mind it one bit.
You fall asleep with pink cheeks that night and the feeling of Chenle’s hand at the back of your neck, spreading warmth throughout your body.
Hey loser. I kissed him. You’re starting off bold tonight. You couldn’t care less.
In a split second, your reply comes. Really?
Yes, really.
How was it?
It was… I don’t know.
Like you were going to melt? Like you were floating with the clouds?
Yes. Very much.
I felt like that too.
You think of the winter spice jelly sitting in the fridge, knowing completely how it feels. Because you’re just as stiff as it is.
You refuse to analyse the words. Ohh, you kissed her too?
I did. I went to her house 30 minutes before it turned 12. Stood outside considering if I should just go home and keep my feelings bottled up forever, or put our friendship at risk by doing it.
You feel like tearing up. I think you did the right thing.
Me too.
You search for the hazelnut hair boy in the crowded hall. It’s been tougher as almost everyone has that same hair colour. Mark and Donghyuck are chaffing each other; a group of juniors—Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin—enters the hall, chatting incessantly. Pretty much a common sight to see.
A hand rests on your shoulder from behind.
“I know I know,” Chenle grins. “You weren’t looking for me.”
“You knew?” you ask. Both of you move to a less packed area.
He nods. “But it was after I told you about the blog.”
“Why didn’t you say something?”
“I thought you were smart enough to figure it out.”
You scoff, but a smile forces its way onto your face.
“I guess I’m smarter than you in some way,” he adds, punching you lightly on the biceps.
“Guys!” Jisung bounces towards you and Chenle. He eyes you suspiciously, before moving his attention to Chenle. “So… Are you two a thing now?”
You exchange glances with Chenle.
“Shut up, Jisung.”
Jisung doesn’t get an actual answer, but you’re sure he knows when he laughs with you and Chenle.
“I can’t believe you have a blog filled with your feelings about me,” you tease. “How cheesy.”
“Can we not talk about that now?” Chenle groans, covering his face with his hands. “You said it was cute.”
“It is.”
“I’ll just delete it later and stop liking you.”
You reach for his hands, fisting and trapping them in your palms. “No. I need to read it when you start losing feelings for me.”
“Then I guess you won’t be reading it at all.”
You and Chenle walk under the jet black sky side by side, enjoying the wind’s whispers. His tickles your palm with his pinky and says, “I have more stuff I want to say to you.”
“Go ahead.”
“You’ll have to wait for the 11th.”
You realise your wish came true even before you made it.
a/n: hey!! you made it to the end! for this i want to say thank you once again and i hope you enjoyed this. low-key found the part where renjun threw trash across the campsite funny LOL
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Chesca’s Current Status
This weekend was amazing and gave me so much happiness, something I feel like I haven’t been in a long time. You know that the rest of this post is gonna explain why lol
So earlier last week I heard that a friend was selling tickets to the Alex Aiono and William Singe concert that I had been eyeing since like I think December or January, whenever they had released their tour dates. I was debating about it but by the time I decided tickets sold out already. So when I heard about my friend selling her ticket, the whole week I thought about it. I told her I’d tell her by Friday night. The week goes by and I was still debating, I was pretty broke and i knew if I went I would spend a lot of money on like getting there and back, and then food, and subway. What actually made me decide was that after class friday Nat Jose and I went for coffee with our old Don and I mentioned I was debating in going to toronto for this concert and Nat was like, “yo, lets go, i need a getaway and celebrate finishing design.” Plus Nellie was throwing a late bday party for Paul Saturday but I knew that Lisa would be there and that Thavi could potentially be there too. I honestly just didn’t want another repeat of gfx. I wouldn’t have been comfortable and I didn’t want that to translate on a celebration. Plus thinking about being in the same room as those two made me really anxious. I mean I know I didn’t do anything wrong but its the bad vibes and negativity I know those two people have for me that would make me uncomfortable. I mean if you had a choice I think you would choose a weekend in toronto by yourself, going on a few dates and going to see one of you favourite Youtube singers live, over a few hours of not knowing how to act around two people who use to be the closest people in your life who have now come to hate you for who know what reasons? 
So yea after a night of drinking and dancing at Phil’s with Nat, Jon, and Jose, which by the way was super fun because of the drunken talks and the company. Nat and I ventured off to Toronto Saturday morning. We went and got Pho in Chinatown, and then went to Eaton’s to shop and pick up some stuff. We ate there and didn’t go to Celene and Abby’s place till around 6pm. Funny story about where we ate for dinner. We went to the like cafeteria type place. I went to the coffee and pastry section since I was still full from Pho. I got an iced latte with a cheesecake. While I was in line, there was a hella rude customer who was on his phone telling the guy behind the counter (who was pretty cute btw) that he wanted more syrup on his waffle. He was also waiting for his drink and when the girl called it out he didn’t think it was his, when it clearly was. When he had left the cute guy behind the counter and another co-worker who I realized were filipino started talking about how rude he was. I listened and laughed cuz I know their struggles too and when the guy gave me my drink i smiled and said Salamat, and he was thrown off by it and he smiled back and I went on my merry way. 
Conversation with Nat was pretty good, we go pretty deep into my stuff, just with dating again and how I had been feeling the past few weeks. After that we went back and I redid my make up and taxied to the venue. I thought I was gonna be late but the show didn’t start till 8pm, line just started to move at 7pm. We get into the venue and its just standing so no seats. Its pretty packed and it was cold in there. I was supposed to meet up with my friend Jezeth but she was in the middle and I couldn’t find her so I just chilled where I was. When alex came out I had an amazing view of him, like most of the people there were girls who were with their girl friends or girls with their boyfriends, plus most of the people were asian so they were all shorter then me all I had to do was tippy toe a bit and I could see alex so well! The girls I ended up standing with and eventually befriending were super fun! They were drinking too so their vibes were legit and we danced and fangirled the whole time together! 
So let me talk about Alex, this man, omg he was so much cuter in person, his smile 10x warmer and his voice.... like fuck me, lol Like I thought that it wouldn’t sound as good as his videos but honestly he sounded exactly the same, even better live actually. I could listen to this man sing and play guitar for hours! I totally jus vibed out during his set, really took in the moment and just enjoyed being in the same space as him. *sigh* his gf is so lucky! lol
So after Alex it was obviously William and I only knew him from the songs he and Alex collabed together on. I honestly was not prepared, like this man, was sooooo good live, like his falsetto is on point, his covers were amazing! I love his style, his r&b swag and even his original songs... man. He got me feeling feels too. A little bit into his set my phone died and I actually am so glad it did. I really jus experienced the night and really enjoyed myself without worrying about getting things on camera. I just lived in the moment. I was just so happy and loving life. Alex ended up coming back later on and they sang the songs they did together and I almost died, like I felt like I went to heaven lol
After the concert, which ended around 10:30pm I decided to walk back, well partially. I had to find a place that was open where I could charge my phone. So I went the Tims on College and Yonge. Stayed there for a bit and then took the street car to Abby’s place. Decided to get BK cuz i was hungry and then waited for Nat to come back since she went to go and hangout with Jack while I was at the concert. When she got back we talked a bit before we went to bed. I let her sleep on the bed and I took the ground, which wasn’t bad actually.
So we wake up and we originally planned on having brunch with Jack and Bri but Jack was too sick and Bri’s schedule was too busy so we went for lunch with Celene, her man, and Abby. The place we went to was near Koreatown and we ate at this cute restaurant that had the best eggs benedict I’ve every had in my life. I go mine with baby spinach and the home fries was covered in this sauce and like i died! The conversation was good too and it was nice hanging out with friends. It was such a beautiful day too! Like the nicest day of the year so far I think. I mean I didn’t wear a coat and walked around the whole day. after lunch nat and i walked around koreatown, got my favourite fish dessert and just chilled. She had a carpool a 5pm since she was having dinner with her roomies so she went back first. I actually had a date for that afternoon but he cancelled saying he had worked out too hard in the morning and pretty much felt sick. I wasn’t too bummed about it since I still got to hangout with my friends and eat good food. We’ve been having good conversations on facebook and he seemed sad we couldn’t hangout, but its okay things happen for a reason.
When nat left I went for a bbt date with this guy I had been talking too for a week now. He was Korean and was actually pretty nice and sweet. Like physically he was okay but conversation was nice and he spoke english pretty well despite only living in Korea until like 4 months ago. He was super sweet and even walked me to my subway. it was cute date, i’d talk to him again lol
I was supposed to meet up with other friends for dinner but they cancelled last minute because something came up. Another guy I’ve been talking to for a week asked if I was free to grab dinner since he wanted to see me while I was still in town. I said yes of course, and we ended up getting dim sum in Chinatown and it was honestly sooooo good! This guy is filipino and he’s one of the ones I enjoy talking to via text all week so i was excited to meet him. He was actually so much better looking in person and his voice, sounds so nice. Like its deep and he has a filipino accent which I didn’t think i’d like but I totally did. Our conversation was so good and i just felt comfortable with him. after dim sum he offered to subway with me all the way to yonge and sheppard. thats like 30 mins on the subway. My carpool was at 10:30 so we went to the meet up spot and the carpool cancels last minute! At first I was annoyed and furious cuz now I’m stuck here till tmrw morning. But what happened after made up for it. 
We subway back to Abby’s place and then we decided that we wanted to walk around for a bit. guys, we ended up walking 3 km together. We went down beverley st. all the way to queen st. down john st., past front st. and all he way down to the harbourfront. We sat by the water for 30 mins, just talking about life, relationships, school, etc. The spontaneous nature of the whole night was something I honestly have never done before. Probably one of the best first dates I’ve had. we ended up walking up spadina from the rogers centre and made a full circle back to Abby’s place. We walked for 3 hrs almost. When we said our goodbyes he hugged me so tight and I was gonna kiss him on the cheek but i ended up giving him a peck on the lips, and then he hugged me again and then this time he kissed me and then just walked away all shy like. It was so cute and like the best way to end my night.
I went to sleep around 2am I think. Woke up at noon, and went and got starbucks with celene and her man. Then took a go train to bramalea and then a bus to kitchener go, then the 8 bus to asian grocery, then walked to campus and made it for the 5pm meeting. We then set up at 6pm for our event, and then EOT was at 7PM-10PM.
So that was my weekend getaway with myself. Honestly I’m so happy I decided to go away, even though now i’m hella broke, it was so worth it. I mean like I finally know what I want to do and what I’m gonna tell my parents my plan is. This weekend gave me motivation to get my shit together and just go after what I want to do and what I want to pursue. I swear I’m meant to live in Toronto and based of the events of this weekend I feel like in my gut its where I’m supposed to be.
I plan on going back in 2 weeks, after I’ve made some money and you know finished school stuff lol
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bitt3rsw33tsymph0ny · 7 years
How are things between you and your significant other, How long have you been an item? If you do not have one right now, how is the single life treating you? Do you prefer the single life over being taken? I do not have one. This is the first period in 5 years where I am completely, 100% single, no obligations to nobody, and completely out of love too. The single life ...well at the beginning I was enjoying it very much. Enjoying attentions from other people, experimenting with different things to see what I like. But recently this has changed. I don’t know if it’s because of a lack of distractions or maybe I’m not happy with something fundamental in my life, but I’ve been feeling kind of isolated recently. On the one hand I feel like I finally have a clear head; there’s no boy occupying the back of my mind. And while that’s a liberating novelty I still have to shake off these dependency habits. The need to have someone around...to stop that feeling of loneliness...it forces me to confront myself. Now all that’s left for me to do is learn how to be by myself.. How would you feel if a significant other asked you to make your relationship ‘open’ as in, see other people but still stay together? What would you tell them? Depends what kind of relationship it was. If it was a serious, committed relationship and I was vested emotionally something like that would devastate me. I’d like to think that despite my feelings I’d have the strength to walk away. When you were younger, did you mother or father ever let you open a few presents before Christmas or your birthday even arrived? Nope to Christmas, yes to my birthday I think? How many break ups have you had to go through? How many of those break ups were with the same person? I’ve only had two break-ups. Actually that’s a lie, because my first bf and I broke up multiple times during our relationship. From the two break-ups I would say the first definitely affected me more emotionally. But I have far more fond memories with my second relationship. It’s kinda funny how these things work out, huh? What is your favorite item of clothing? Do you wear this item often or just on special occasions? My favourite items change. At the moment it is this big furry pimp coat I bought from a charity shop. It has saved me from the harsh Scottish winter, hallelujah!
Have you ever regifted a present you received on a birthday or Christmas?  Who did you regift to? Did you feel bad about doing so? Nah, I’ve never done that. How many languages can you say Hello in? Do you speak more than one language fluently? I don’t know, seven? eight? I speak Greek too but my vocabulary is pretty limited to the things I talk about with my family. Probably could not hold a conversation about politics to save my life. What time is it right now where you live? What are you usually doing at this time, besides surveys? It is 2am. I got back from the library like half an hour ago...usually I am asleep by 2am but perchance you will also find me in the library at this godforsaken time. Have you ever bought something as a gift for someone else, but liked it so much that you decided to keep it for yourself, instead? What was it? Oh okay I have done this one. I wish I remembered. I remember buying some jewellery for my best friend that I then kept cuz I liked it too much.. What was the last thing you received in the post? A few days ago I got my bright red hand wraps from amazon. I love them! Red like the blood of my enemies. How many letters are in your full name? Are most of the letters from your first, middle or last name? 12 letters. My first name. Do you know what day of the week you were born on? What about the time? I think I was a friday, at like 2am. I think it was also snowing when I was born. In the summertime, do you sleep with a fan on, just the AC or do you just leave your window open? Usually the AC when I am blessed enough to have it. Or a fan. Are you typically colder or warmer than those around you? Do you complain about being hot or cold, often? My hands are always fucking cold. And my feet, when I’m not wearing socks. The rest of me is super warm but everyone always thinks that I’m cold because of my hands. If you could pick the ideal age to have a baby, (disregard any other factors, like a husband or job or house) what age would you pick? I think like 32? 35 ish? Not yet anyway. Do you plan on traveling a lot in your lifetime? What about moving around a lot? Will this be from state to state, country to country, or what? I plan to travel a lot. I know everyone says that but what will set me apart is that I’m actually going to do it. Country to country I reckon, continent to continent. How old where you when you had your first pet? What kind of animal was it? What was its name? The first pet I remember as distinctly mine was Tom, a grey and white cat I saw when I went to my village. I think I was about 10 years old? He was a very intelligent cat. He was the father of the cat dynasty I then had in the village. I had pets before that, other cats, a chicken called Fred and a goat called Mary. Gosh I am noticing a pattern with all the names here hahaha. But I consider Tom my first proper pet. Have you ever tried to find any of your childhood friends whom you have lost contact with over the years? How did that go for you, did you find them? Nope. There are a few people who have gotten into contact through facebook but I don’t think a meeting ever materialised. ^What about family members? Are there any that you do not know the whereabouts anymore that you would like to? There is one girl, Safinat Ali Sadig. She was my best friend from year 9 to year 11, but a couple years ago she deleted all her social media accounts, her whatsapp, her skype. So I haven’t heard a word from her in years and have no ways of contacting her...Family members I have a lot of on facebook, but we also see each other semi-regularly. Apart from my cousins but we still chat occasionally. If you could receive a 100 dollar gift card for either blouses, pants, dresses, shoes or purses, which would you chose? Dresses, I’ve been wanting to buy myself a fancy dress for ages. When taking a survey, do you typically read the person’s answers before typing in your own? Or do you just erase them without reading them? Usually just erase them unless I want to know the answer to the question. Are you easily persuaded when in an argument with another person? If it’s a topic I don’t know much about I’m more likely to be convinced by the other person, particularly if they’re good at making their case. But if my own principles are involved or its something i’m passionate about I can get very stubborn about my opinions. How about gullible? How gullible are you now? I used to be quite a gullible person, I still can be sometimes. But not about the big stuff as much, i’m better at sensing when someone is just fucking with me. And I’m more likely to say fuck off if someone is treating me shitty. If you drink coffee, do you drink it for its taste or caffeine content? If you dislike coffee or do not drink it, what do you do when you need an energy boost? I drink waaaay too much coffee. Like at least two cups a day. I’ll admit I used to drink it just because it made me more energetic, especially when I have assignments and need to stay up late. BUT I love coffee for its taste too and the smell of ground coffee grains in the morning is one of my favourite things. What is your favorite thing to do after crying? Ex: Sleep, listen to music, have some alone time, talk to someone, etc? I like to be by myself, listen to some music, or go for a walk. Or write, actually. Do something to acknowledge the experience but make peace with it, if that makes sense.
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Stuck With Gaunlin
Ch: 2
Your Pov
I don’t wan to come out!! Lai Guanlin is going to see me. I peak a little bit and saw guanlin looked at me.
Shit I’m ruined. His eye widened and his mouth was open his eyebrows was up.
“Hold on Mr.Lai and Mrs.Lai I’ll go get my daughter.” Mom said as I ran up stairs and go to my room and wrote a note that I’m going somewhere and put it in my bed and I hid in my closet.
I don’t want to see guanlin, really. He can’t be my parents friend becuase he ain’t nice he is scary,not even funny, not kind at all, and he is so damn tall. “Yah y/n you better come out right now or else I’m going to take wifi do-” SHIT NO MY WIFI! I NEED IT.
I open my closet as fast as I can and bow to mom saying sorry.
“ALRIGHT ILL COME OUT!” I yelled. My mom went out first and I sent second.
“This is my daughter.” My mom said. They were all looking at me. Shit I’m so happy that Guanlin is not here.(he went to the bathroom)
“Hello my name is Lee Y/n. Nice to meet you Mr.Lai and Mrs.Lai. "I bowed. Omg so much bow.
"Oh your back Guanlin and meet Y/n. Isn’t she so pretty?” Mrs.Lai said. First of all I’m not pretty and second I don’t want to meet Guanlin and third I don’t even wanna make an eye contact with him even just a second.
“Hi my name is Lai Guanlin nice to meet you” he said as he bowed to me.
Hmm this little cold lizard is all acting nice and sh**. At school he treat me like a trashcan. That cold lizard, I'mma revenge .
“Hi my name is Lee Y/n, and nice to meet you too"I smiled. Guanlin made a disgusting face at me. And i made a face ‘this pretty smile ain’t for you to look’ "excuse me I have to go the the kitchen.” I said as I make an excuse so that I can not see his ugly face.
I went to the listen and started to do food for all of us except that little cold Lizard. He’s mean asf! So why doing food for him. He has legs and hands.
I open the refrigerator and get all if he stuff that I need. I closed the refrigerator and “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yelled. He scardd the shit out of me.
His face was nearly close to mine. Eeww trynna bend down making me looking like I’m short . Aha I am short though
I make a disgusting face at him and step aside and walked my way on the cut board.
Guanlin Pov
“Yah! You know Y/n right?” My mom said I shook my head really fast. “I never seen her before nad please don’t mention her.” I said with a straight face.
“Blah blah blah I can tell your lying. Because your such a bad liar. Go with y/n and do food with her. ” As I hear mom said to go with y/n I choked and cough real fast.
Shit hell no I ain’t going with y/n I’m staying here. I don’t even wanna stare at her or even a bit close to her.
Mom face was so red and UGH! I have to go or else no more wifi and I can’t practice rapping my song too.
I went to the listen and saw y/n open her refrigerator and get her things and she closed the door.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” y/n said aishhh this girl is so annoying. She act like I’m gonna do something nasty to her. Girl you wish I’m doing those things to you.
She went to the cut board thingy to cut the onion and other so I just stay in my place cuz I ain't​ going anywhere and there to go see her.
Your POV
Aishh that little cold lizard is pervert. He was just right in front of my face and bending down to me. Eww thinking this makes me wanna throw up already.
It was food time I set all of the food there and tell my mom that I am finished making food and so my mom tell them to go eat.
I don’t wanna eat so I told my mom that I’m gonna take a walk out side for a bit.
I took my coat and wear my shoes and walked out. It was already 7:30 pm. I went the park that it’s my secret and favorite place that I always go.
I went to sit on the bench and closed my eyes . I could feel wind coming to my body and it was cold.
Then suddenly I feel something or somebody sitting right next to me.
Who the fuck is that. I open my eyes and looked at the person that was sitting next to me it was
Park Jihoon
Shit I thought it was that little cold lizard. I was about to beat him up. But shit it was Jihoon ahhhh.
“It’s already 7:45 and why are you here?” Jihoon said as I scratched my neck. “Umm well I just wanna walk out side. And why you here too?” Why is Jihoon here this is like my secret place and how do he even know that.
Is he stalking me????
Jihoon POV
I saw a girl wearing a black jacket and her hair was down. She was wearing a black shirt and black jeans.
Is that y/n???
I went closer to her and sat right next to her.
Omg that is y/n. I smiled. She open her eyes and her face is so cute because I can tell she got scared.
I asked her why was she here? It’s already ate and at night. Isn’t she scared being alone?
I like this place it’s like one of my favorite place to go. And one more, my secret place. We both talk for a little hit of long time until her mom called her. “J-jihoon my mom told me to go home. So I geuss I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said.
To be honest I have never ever seen the most prettiest girl like her. She is very kind and sweet georgous. “I can walk you home.” I said. “Ah no its okay my house is just another block there.” She was making excuse so then she went home alone.
I went home too. Uh! Y/n I already fall in love with you…
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shetheroses · 7 years
I never knew they had a Word for this
  I have only known what it feels like to lose. To have everything I have ever loved taken from me. And this pain felt like the sensation that hood niggas talk shit to other niggas about and swap tattoo stories with but only with their real Niggas so they can share the artistic symbolism behind the sheer grace that covers them and the prideful protection that reminds them that even though “it says in the Bible not to get tattoos or piercings” every day I’m a survivor *destinys child voice*…..nigga.
(and only real Niggas could feel how Crazy this shit right here really is Son!!!)
And then they laugh about it later.
But I am not finding anything about this funny.
And people who know me tell me I just lost my laugh. why so serious, love?
And I already know it’s cause I Know they know I be sitting up in my room all night playing that little violin like I’m spongebob harmonizing freestyles to my Nigga cole’s “Too Deep for the Intro”
I know.
Is this not factual? Because they really are.
They are Survivors, who have met Death and knocked that nigga tf out.
And came back joyfully hollering “aaaaaayooooo!” All the way back up the same block they got shot on to encourage the rest of us niggas who They knew atleast One of us niggas would be there any time of the Day. But we didn’t even notice them walking up because our eyes be low and last we heard they was still hooked up in the hospital cause they mama still crying on the floor hugging her heart into the doctors leg. Knowing she can’t afford it, but still willing to beg like the dog They already see Her as
Just so they don’t.
don’t turn
And, us niggas cold out here blowing white air into our rubbing palms. And taking turns between that and keeping our hands in our pants but we Had to step out real quick cause if we thought about it too long we would cry and Real niggas can’t cry outside, so we just focused on the thought that we were already sure of:
He was definitely dead.
Now, I’ve never been shot before.
But this pain felt like that. Like those stories I’ve heard from niggas I’ve Known who share about that burning of a bullet that is stuck in the muscle that even takes doctors and specialists a long time to dislodge
I have felt this same physical pain niggas respect where I’m From but only, it was in my mind.
still I felt This:
I labeled myself abandoned. I am the other bright little yellow glove that is never recovered in the brown little bin they keep hidden somewhere in the front office of most public schools. The Ones where They Have to rip sheets of White Printing Paper and use Tape and the Nearest Ink Pens they could Find to hurry and label and tape on it and write in chicken scratch to be Inclusive of Everyone so they can all Know this is where the school’s:
“lost and found” is.
So I never understood why people told me to suck it up:
Just pray. I’ll pray for you. Just get up. See somebody. We all got shit to do. We all got a story. I’m going through real shit right now too. You loved Solange album but still ain’t realize you can just Smoke it awaaay? Stop crying. Stop being a baby.
cry baby.
CRY Baby!
                                                    Nana-Nana-boO BOOM!
 *covers Eyes instantly to catch and Keep the Only things I have Left to call Mine so they can’t see It and steal it*
And also to say a quick Prayer to the baby named Jeezus that I learned about Last Sunday at Evangiless Cathedriul Academy Sunday School that was in the Gym of some School.
Cause They Taught me this Song that Taught me about another Kid only a lil bit younger than me Who uhm they said he loves all the kids in the whole wide world and i know i’m 6 now but i think I’m kinna a kid right? or i forgot. but i’m in the middle. cause Chocolate is the baby. and Tink is taller than me. but they told me he Loves me SO Much that He said if I Believe in Him then I Can Never Die.
*finally starting the prayer, clears throat*
*whispers through sniffles*
hi…may I ask who’s speaking?
(oh! Dory moment. I’m the one who called facepalm emoji)
baby..uh…Jeezus? uhm yeah so my Name is u-u-Ah-koo-oo… uhm its hmm Akoo.soo.wah Renny uhm BAMfour but like I mean everybody calls me swa and I like that better so you Can. Call. Me. That. too… so uhm anyways, u-hm someone told me I could call you because uhm like yeah my daddy gave me this name it uhm it means something in African cause oh yeah I forgot to tell you my my daddy is from like Africa. And its a small place but its reaaaaally far away and I cant uhm remember what its called but uhm I can tell you when I ask Miz. Penland when she come gets me on monday. And I think we did just learn sumn about how Africas got to ride a boat sooo far away just to come here and the bad white people hurt them but now theyre happy again and they wear this uhm yellow color African color uhm clothes thingy uhm now I think I remem-mber. Uhm and they can yeah uhm be free now so uhm now nobody can hurt my daddy anymore because uhm my daddy was one of them. Too so now like he lives in our uhm new big house we moved to. And its sooo much fun here! Uhm but uhm and uhm OH! its me and my sisters and my Big brother. he always the only One who allways tell me I’m his favrit. and im not sure where my mommie is right now but she promised shes coming right back. So uhm yeah we live here uhm. And uhm I was born here but uhm. Its kind of like uhm I cant really speak right now uhm
but I just
but I just
but I just
wanted you to know about my name cause my daddy told me about it means something uhm about the day I was born I think and I cant remember which day that is yet even tho I just learned uhm the days of the week song in Miz. Penland’s Class that we get to sing allll together every morning! but uhm I think like uhm idk…but uhm just please uhm like uh baby Jeezuss uhm like can you like maybe kinna uhm like ….maybe uhm may you please, please, pretty please just change your mind and hurry and let me die?
So…maybe I can come play with you instead… sometimes…uhm if You want?
cuz my daddy can call your daddy and maybe we can get allowed to go to da park. we can walk to the one by my house? if you want? cause big kids be there too like my sister Tink-Tink so we can like be safe even at dark. I mean uhh its okay if you can’t. I’m just trying hard not to believe in you since you probably live far away from me and I cant ask my daddy to take me. Cause uhm. So you can just do that please cause uhm Cause I mean like the pretty white Ladies at the church uhm I know its in the gym at dat school but uhm my daddy told me uhm it Is still uhm like a real Church. So uhm like They told me you were um like uhm really nice so yeah. I was just calling to say Hey. And like if you get a chance im just wondering if you could uhm like give me a call back please? uhm or uhm I mean i don’t know anybodys number by heart but my daddys and I kinna don’t know if I can sneak his phone because he doesn’t like to leave it in his coat pocket anymore I think or I haven’t seen it there uhm. uhm but yeah cause hes always at work all night and I keep falling asleep too early to see him but sometimes I do hear him walking and then I pretend to be sleep cuz uhm im scared he might yell at me because I was supposed to go to sleep already. But we was outside playing at the park wit the other kinds around are way and uhm so uhm like idk when I can see him to ask him to use his phone and uhm he might be tired so I cant ask uhm so….if you can just uhm. Make it just quiet again uhm. It would be Appree she ate it.
Thank you uhm for your uhh, thank you uhm, for your uhh, for your tim!
Thank you for your tim.
Have A Good Day.
i never knew they had a Word for this I never knew they had a Word for this I have only known what it feels like to lose.
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