#It's hard to believe that I expected Split to be a light hearted kids hangs out and dads commiserating type of story
wolfsbanesparks · 8 months
76. Did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of Split?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask!
Ooh this is a fun one! I spent a long time writing Split so lots of things changed over the course of the story. So in no particular order:
I was originally going to have a much more light hearted story featuring Billy, Jon, and Damian just hanging out (but then I was caught up in The Plot). One scene I considered writing involved Aquaman more or less babysitting them while they went swimming. Billy would have been stressed and uncomfortable because he 1: can't swim well and 2: is trans. it would have been a much more casual, low stakes coming out scene. The main reason I didn't include it was because there didn't seem to be a good place to slow down and have this scene when Billy was trying to be a part of the action.
I also almost wrote a chapter from Black Adam's POV, taking place near the end where he gets the message from his scarab beetle that followed them to the Rock of Eternity. Ultimately I cut it because it would have messed with the climactic pacing of those final chapters and it worked better as a dramatic entrance and a fast paced battle. I just let it be implied that it happened.
I also thought about having Tawny's chapter include his trip to the Rock of Eternity, showing the damage and danger before the other got there and giving an idea of the instability that having the Champion of Magic separated like that could cause. I could have made it work, but I wasn't sure where the chapter would go to not interrupt the flow of the rest of the story so I merely alluded to what happened in his POV when he came back to the Watchtower.
I'm sure there were more, but those are the ones that I can think of right now that I thought through and almost included.
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sarahjkl82-blog · 3 years
Artistic Instinct Chapter Nine
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Header thanks to the lovely @yespolkadotkitty
Summary: Marcus Pike and OC Anushka Pierce have been selected to work on a 5 eyes (Australia, Canada, NZ, the UK and US) intelligence team to track down art forgeries as a part of taking down an international white terrorism cell. Marcus is trying to escape his broken heart, Anushka is just trying to escape what the world expects of her.
Word count: 6500
Warnings: Language as always, warning of racist language (Nush talking about her mother's experiences), yearning, fluff to second base (yes, my darlings- IT IS ON!), alcohol is mentioned, food, anxiety attacks.
Pairing: Marcus Pike x reader (OC)
This comes with a MASSIVE THANK YOU to the lovely @yespolkadotkitty , who read, re-read, pointed out the constant flipping between tenses and gave me the confidence to try to write something. This is the first thing I have written since angsty poetry as a teenager. Apologies if it is shit!
People often think artists
Create with their hands
But really they create
with their hearts
So please be gentle
For we wear our vulnerability
On our sleeves
And freely give all we have
Hoping someone will fall
In love with the parts we offer
R. Evelyn
Chapter Nine
The sharp buzz of the door startles you out of your daydream. Laden with roughly the entire contents of your spice cupboard, vegetables, meat and prawns, your hands are crisscrossed with creases from where the weight of the totes has gouged at your skin. A smart-looking kindly gentleman greets you, “You must be Ms Pierce. Mr Pike has asked for you to wait here for him.”
Wow! Marcus’ place has a concierge - who did he have to blow to get a place like this?!
Throwing the bags onto one of the hotel lounge-like chairs, you slump into another as you rub soreness from your hands. A small ping tells you that the lift has arrived - you look over in the direction of the noise, a tremor of excitement rippling through you. An adorably scruffy Marcus, wearing old jeans and a t-shirt, steps out - his face utterly beaming on seeing you. “Hey! How are you doing?” he leans in to kiss your cheek twice - hang on, when did this start being a thing?
“Why didn’t you let me pick you up? You’ve carried so much over- lemme see your hands,” his brow knits on seeing the rapidly reddening welts as he takes your hands in his, brushing his thumbs gently across your palms.
“You live four roads away from me - they’re not that bad! And anyway, you can help me now- which floor do you live on?” You outwardly roll your eyes at the sweetness Marcus shows you, secretly enjoying the stroke of his fingers and the ghostly press of his lips still burning a hole in your cheek.
Marcus takes all of the bags from the chair, refusing point blank to entertain you helping him to take them upstairs - you watch as his arms twitch under the weight, enjoying the mixture of confusion and shock at your strength across his face, “you carried all of this?”
Nodding at him, you try to take a bag again, but he dangles it just out of reach, “Watch it - you do realise that I have two other brothers apart from Ads? I will think nothing of rugby tackling you to the floor and pinning you down,” you warn, enjoying the flush brought to his cheeks.
“You’ll be the death of me,” Marcus flusters as he calls the lift, handing you the smallest, lightest bag.
Exiting at the top floor, you’re taken aback by the amount of light and quiet that washes throughout the building. Feeling so removed from the shadows cast from the tower blocks and the hustle and bustle of the streets below, the broad daylight offers a sense of serenity, a peace that invites itself into the soul and makes itself at home. As Marcus unlocks the door to his flat, you kick off your shoes at the entrance, “You don’t have to do that,” he offers through the keys in his mouth, holding the door open with his elbow, still refusing any help from you.
“Oh believe me, if I didn’t, my mum’s radar would go off and I would be cruising for a bruising,” you giggle, taking in the glorious spaciousness of his apartment, “I promise my feet aren’t too stinky and that I put on clean socks.”
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” Marcus’ eyes crinkle at you, “Can I get you something to drink or eat?”
“A coffee would be ace - strong and black please,” you reply, your gaze drinking in the details of his home. Books line the shelves along one wall - such a mixture of titles ranging from airport bestsellers to obscure art catalogues - the relief to see actual paper and hardbacks adorning the shelves rather than trinkets and plants when so many keep their books electronically in their pockets.
A couple of large canvases lie propped against another - long hours preventing them from being hung - their bright colours sure to bring joyful hues to quite a stark room. There are a few photo frames dotted around - mostly pictures of a moment in time rather than poses - of people you assume are friends and family from back in the States. Handing you a steaming mug, Marcus looks over your shoulder as you look at a photo of an older couple dancing and laughing at a wedding, “That’s my mamá and papá at my oldest sister’s wedding. It was such a magical day - just so much love in the air.”
“You can feel the joy radiating from them,” you offer, lowering your gaze from him to grab the frame next to the picture of his parents, “Are these your sisters or cousins? You all look very alike.”
“Yeah, my little sisters,” he grins proudly. “This one is Beth - she’s two years younger and is a paediatrician in Texas. Has two kids with her wife, Sophie. And this one is Cat - she’s doing her own thing out on the West Coast as a musician. They definitely inherited all the clever and cool genes.”
“Hah! You’re kinder to your sisters than I am to my brothers,” you grin, “They’re all total idiots but due to some weird genetic and biological insistence, I still love them.”
Taking a gulp of your coffee, you turn back towards him, “Come on you, we’d better get to work if you want a curry this evening.”
He pouts, looking more like a sulky little boy than a middle aged man. You can’t help but laugh at the sad puppy dog eyes he is conjuring at the thought of work, “Oh poppet, what’s wrong?” you teasingly mock.
“I kinda hoped you were a magician who could just magic a curry outta nowhere so we could watch films til the others arrive,” Marcus grumps shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Well, there is UberEats for that but you horrible lot put me up to this so you’re going to help,” you wag your finger at him, “But as you’re the only one here, you get the honour of being the chief taster,” you add, tapping him playfully on the nose.
With a soft huff and a furrow of the brow, Marcus guides you into the kitchen where, whilst he was making your coffee, he has helpfully already put all the fresh produce in his fridge as the sides are delightfully blank apart from the bags of spices.
“What are we making today, Chef?”
“Ok, meat dishes are a spiced yoghurt leg of lamb, a keema - don’t you give me that look, a cardamom butter chicken, and, a prawn and courgette curry,” you turn to Marcus’ fridge to find the lamb, “Needs to come to room temperature before we cook it.”
“My tummy is rumbling already,” Marcus adds, his eyes glinting excitedly as he licks along his lower lip, the skin glistening damply. You have never quite figured out whether your love of his lips is due to their fullness or the association with the kindness of his words.
“Hah- you’re not getting away without having some veggies, too, mister,” you cluck as you hand him a bag of onions and several bulbs of garlic to skin, chop and crush for the various dishes.
“Ok, Moooom,” Marcus dramatically rolls his eyes at your dictate, “I admit, I’d rather eat sugary or salty things over green stuff but I can make an exception for curried veg.”
The arch of your eyebrow virtually reaches your hairline at him teasingly calling you mom, so you reach for the towel, twist it and flick him hard on what you’d hoped would be his hip but catch him square on his arse instead.
A yelp of pain and wide eyes greet your action, “Did you just…? Oh, it is on.! You might think you’re tough from your brothers but my sisters taught me sneaky tactics.”
“Come at me, bro!” you taunt from the other side of the kitchen, putting up a boxing stance.
Brandishing the hand without the paring knife in your general direction, he answers, “Nope, gonna use the element of surprise and attack when you least expect it!”
Tutting your tongue at Marcus’ weak ass response, you grab the spices you need to prepare under the power of your pestle and mortar. With the waft of roasting cumin soaring through the air and your battle with your boss at a supposedly declared ceasefire, everything starts to feel comfortable and easy again. You could be six years old and standing on the chair next to your mum, watching like a hawk as she lovingly prepared meals for your family with an ever burgeoning belly. It was then, during those hours shared in the galley kitchen that became your time with her when normally it felt pretty split between her work as a GP and your brothers.
What the fuck… You jump out of your skin when a warm, solid wall presses you out of your nostalgic reverie, “Hah! Pinned ya! Sneaky tactics- told ya they worked,” a deep, soft voice whispers in your ear.
Your heart flutters like a bird trying to escape its rib cage with the closeness of Marcus, the heat rising through your body from your proximity to him - a visceral response to the glorious cocktail of masculine smell from his aftershave and body wash.
What do I do next?
Why can’t I bloody think straight?
Wiggling yourself around so that you face him, his face now so close that you can feel his warm breath upon your cheeks. Your eyes playfully catch the steady gaze of Marcus’ deep soulful pools. It would only take the smallest of movements to reach forwards and kiss him right on that stupidly gorgeous, plush Cupid’s bow and crease. But… what if he doesn’t want that? He’s my fucking boss - that would be a stellar move to make…
Instead of the tiny incline forwards to press your lips against his as every inch of you screams to do so, you drop to the floor and crawl out from between his legs, “Not pinned well enough it seems,” you tease haltingly as your tongue sticks in your dry throat.
As you check the browning of the cumin seeds, out of the corner of your eye you see Marcus’ head drop sadly, hearing a small sigh - his hands still upon the work surface and feet not having moved from the position he had pinned you in moments earlier.
Did he want to...? No, surely not.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, Nush,” Marcus humbly apologises, pushing himself off the side, “I hope that I haven’t made things awkward.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” you softly say, pouring the roasted cumin into the mortar, ready to be ground, “I was the one who flicked you on your arse - I am the one who should be apologising.”
You beckon gently to Marcus, who has now taken refuge in the furthest corner of the kitchen from you - wringing his hands instead of chopping the onions, “Come over here - I want you to experience one of my most favourite smells of childhood. These are roasted cumin seeds and when you grind them, they release the most heavenly scent.”
After a few grinds, you offer the bowl towards Marcus’ face as he closes the gap between you, “I… Wow! I wouldn’t have thought it would make such a difference but it’s almost like you’ve entirely transformed it. See,” the dimple deepens in that right cheek of his, “you are a magician.”
“I love how spices - a bit like paint - can take on completely different characters depending on how you treat them. Leave the spice whole and you have this mild and fragrant taste. If you crush them, then their attitude comes back tenfold with a vengeance. Toast them, and they may as well be Clark Kent in a phone booth.”
Looking up you see Marcus gazing at you with a sweet half smile on his face - could he like me… like that?
“Sorry, you don’t need to hear me blathering on,” you fluster, waving your hand in a dismissive gesture as the heat rises through your face.
Shaking his head gently without dropping your regard, “No. No, please don’t ever stop. Your passion for things is beautiful.”
“Growing up, I didn’t realise that other people didn’t have whole cupboards filled to the brim with herbs, spices and seasonings. I mean, for all the damage the British Empire reeked, you’d have hoped that the spices would have entered more of their culture, but no! Apparently, my family was the weird one for having food with a flavour,” you shrug your shoulders at some of the ridiculous things you’d heard as a child - accusations of differences you’d never thought to be of note.
Marcus chuckles at your indignance, “It’s funny you should say that. I didn’t realise that my mamá had an accent until it was pointed out to me when I was a kid.”
Noting your slightly confused expression, Marcus explains, “She’s Argentinian- came to the States as a political refugee as she was a journalist following the disappearances during the Dirty War. Met my dad, and I came along very soon after, and the rest is history..”
You can’t help but laugh at the flush on Marcus’ cheeks as he recounts his personal history to you, “Love can’t be held back when it hits and it’s obvious that they’re still crazy about each other now from that photo.”
“Exactly, no point in wasting time when you know what you want,” Marcus grins, looking at his feet.
“My parents have a similar story. My dad is as English as they come - I mean we’re on a freaking island so there’s no true thing as being completely English. My mum is from Pakistan - Karachi - it’s in the South.”
“She came over due to the fighting between East and West Pakistan - the two countries that are now Pakistan and Bangladesh. It kept interrupting her studies to become a doctor so she came to England and restarted her degree here.”
Marcus’ brow creases in thought, “Why did she restart her degree? Could the credits not just be transferred to the college she moved to in the UK?”
“Hah- yeah. It was the seventies, during a time where all Southern Asians were P*kis - no matter where they were from on the Indian subcontinent- and thought of as dirty, lesser beings. There were constant race riots for anyone who wasn’t ethnically white or English. She would never have been taken seriously with her mediocre medical training from some Adobe hut in the middle of a jungle,” you fume, pounding the seeds into fragments. The mortar being threatened with the same fate too.
Marcus’ fingers wrap around your wrist to try and prevent your rage at the ignorance of others from causing you an injury, “I am so sorry,” he pulls you into a warm, tender hug, tucking your head under his chin, “How long before food can take care of itself so we can put a film on? I think we both need a rest.”
“Hmmm, ten minutes and then most things can simmer or be switched off ready for a reheat or proper cook this evening,” you say, leaning reluctantly out of his comforting arms to go check on the bubbling saucepans of food.
“‘K. I’ll go get things set up so you can flop for a bit,” Marcus touches you gently on your shoulder as he goes to set up the front room. You go to squeeze his hand but it’s removed from your shoulder too quickly for your response.
“You ready?” Marcus calls through the wall as you turn off the heat from the final pans.
“Mhm,” you mumble in response to his question - double, triple checking that everything is off. Too many fire alarms ruining perfectly lovely meals or moments.
“What did you pick?” You ask, curling up on the other end of the sofa to Marcus, “Do you have no cushions?”
“Shit, no -I’m a guy, what can I say? - lemme grab the pillows from the bed,” Marcus jumps up, calling through from his bedroom, “Bet you have loads on your couch.”
“A fuckload, but, mainly to hide the fact the springs have gone. It’s like a precarious balancing act of comfort on there,” you surreptitiously sniff the pillow, inhaling the smell of Marcus’ shampoo, “Did you give me your pillow?”
A confused look is shot at you from the other end of the sofa, “Whaddya mean?”
“Smells of your hair,” you say as you squish it into the perfect comfy shape, “Like a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus.”
“That’s a sharp nose you’ve got. I gave you the other side though,” Marcus huffs through a chuckles he shakes his head at your somewhat strange comment, “Guess I’ve been sleeping across both sides then.”
“Best thing about sleeping alone- getting to starfish across the bed. Unless of course…”
Marcus can’t help but laugh at your awkward dig to find out whether he’d brought home the goddess from Friday’s antics, “So you wanna know if I brought home Kemi?”
“She was very beautiful. You’d have been mad not to,” you try to school your expression as best you can, keeping your eyes glued to Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly singing about true love, desperate to hide the jealousy coursing through your veins.
“Must be mad then. Didn’t even kiss her,” Marcus honestly answers whilst copying your tactic of staring at the tv, “She could see that there was someone else I liked so it would have been cruel to have done anything.”
You mull this over in silence, trying not to speak, to ask a million questions.
“Can I talk to y…”
You both jump as an alarm goes off on your phone to remind you to turn the lamb down in the oven.
“Oh shit. Hold that thought,” you jump up from the sofa, heading in the direction of the kitchen with zero thought of what the man at the end of the sofa is desperately trying to tell you. Fiddling with Marcus’ ridiculously swanky oven until it looks like it is doing what you want it to do, you walk back in with two ice cold beers from his fridge.
“Raided your fridge,” you cheekily grin, holding one out to Marcus, the condensation running, down your fingers, “Hope you don’t mind!”
“Good thinking, Batman,” Marcus nods in appreciation, “Any more alarms set to scare us both?”
“Only due to go off when the film is done, so…” you yawn widely, “We’ve got a while yet.”
Marcus’ hand that was slung over the back of the sofa, lifts to stroke your shoulder, “You sleepy? C'mere, you.” With a soft tug of your t-shirt sleeve, he pulls you into his side - your willingness to sink into his broad chest very apparent. Your ear is pressed against him, his heartbeat singing a lullaby to you as his fingers stroke and caress the silken waves of your hair. You wonder at how this man - a total stranger a week ago - has seemingly knitted himself into becoming a cocoon of safety for you, his gentleness and calm offering a haven of tranquility in your otherwise cacophonous world, as the light in the room slowly fades to black.
“Uh oh.”
“Hey, welcome back, sunshine!” a gentle pair of fingers stroke back the hair that had drifted into your face as you dozed.
“Sorry for falling asleep. Again,” trying to finesse your way through the heat flaming your cheeks, you offer an awkward grin towards your chuckling pillow, “Guess we’d better start getting things finished as we’ve only got a couple of hours until everyone arrives.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Marcus! I don’t want to move either but this curry won’t finish cooking itself.”
“Spit spot, there’s work to be done,” Marcus trills as he adopts his best attempt at a British accent.
“What the fuck was that? Did you just turn into Dick Van Dyke or something?” You tease mercilessly at the appalling sound coming from those lips, choking back laughter at his mock offended face.
“C’mon, you’re right. We’d better get moving,” Marcus stands with a stretch and a creak before reaching back to tug you to your feet.
Back under the glowing lights of Marcus’ kitchen, his presence is now constantly close to yours as you glide together around the space - stirring, chopping and checking. Every time he passes, above the general aroma of cumin and coriander, the onions and garlic, you can smell the cedar and amber upon his skin- a deliciously masculine scent that only seeks to entangle your senses further.
“Here, try this,” you hold out a heaped teaspoon of mince curry to Marcus, “This is the keema - I promise that I only put in the two chillies you chopped for me, this time.”
“Mmm, that’s so good,” he says thickly between chews, stealing the spoon from you as he dives in for a second, third, fourth spoonful.
“Hahaha! Leave some for the others- and you need to try it with some raita and fried onions too,” you check through your dog-eared, yellowed and slightly sticky recipe book that your mum had handed you the day you’d left home at eighteen - a memo of all the times you had cooked them together.
“Shit, I’d better start the chicken,” going through the spices in front of you, you search for the cardamoms that would make the butter chicken sing, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Marcus’ head snaps up from the green beans he was preparing towards you, “What’s up, sweetheart?”
“I can’t find the cardamoms for the butter chicken - gah I knew I’d fuck this up!” you cry, scraping your trembling hands through your hair, eyes flashing around the room wildly as your cortisol rises, making you want to run and scream at your failure to feed your friends.
“Whoa - where’s this coming from? C’mon, look at me. Look at me, Nush,” Marcus has his hands on either side of your shoulders, squeezing them gently, “There’s enough here to feed our whole office for the week with the daals you prepared yesterday, the vegetables we’re about to make and the meats that we’ve cooked up already here. Andy is bringing all the rice and naan, Kiri is bringing beers and Dian is on gin and tonic duty. You have done more than enough and I will not allow you to get this upset over one missing ingredient especially when there is a small store downstairs that I’m sure will have it, if we cannot find it after we look for it together.”
After seeing your numb nod as an agreement, Marcus moves his hands to the side of your head to focus your gaze on him rather than the panic seeping through you. As he strokes his thumbs across your cheeks, you allow your eyes to close and your breathing to regain a normal pattern.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising?” Marcus searches your now open eyes.
“My reactions are ridiculous. Most people tell me to stop being so stupid and that just whips the storm inside my head even more,” you whisper, “But you. You know how to slow everything down and stop the spinning.”
The corner of Marcus’ mouth twitches, “D’ya wanna know a secret?” You nod at him, “As you know, I was married before. When it ended, I totally spiralled. The world kept spinning too fast and I experienced constant anxiety, very nearly burning out of my role.
“I was lucky. My boss was understanding but made me promise to get some support. He knew of someone mental health trained within the FBI who was there for mainly hostage negotiations - not part of the true psych team but someone who could help without it turning up on your record.
“Kwame worked with me for almost a year - pretty much to the point my decree absolute came through. Our sessions were done on a track - by running with me, he was teaching me the skills I needed to control my fears. By my feet hitting the tarmac, he was grounding me. By going over running techniques, he was teaching me how to control my breathing- taking longer and deeper breaths. And running is just repetition. A mindful repetition that allows your brain to have a bit of a break.
“So when I see you start to spiral, I try to give you the same steps he taught me. Get you grounded, opposite me so you copy my breathing and hope that gets you on the right track.”
“Thank you,” you drop your head forwards, relaxing onto his chest. He feels so - safe.
“You don’t need to thank me. Well, okay maybe you do as look what I’ve just spotted,” Marcus holds the offending spice aloft.
“Oh my god, I could fucking kiss you. You have just saved the curry,” you dramatically declare, clutching the cardamom jar to your heart before placing it next to the other ingredients on the counter.
“Go on then.”
His comment makes you snap your head over to catch Marcus’ tremulous gaze, his eyes darting between the floor and your lips. He takes a small step, closing the small distance between the two of you, threading his fingers between yours. Each slow movement offers an unspoken opportunity for you to step away. To tease him and move on with the day.
But why on Earth would you?
With your heart racing faster and faster, you lure him ever closer with your eyes, soft but absolute in their conviction of what was about to pass between you. A small part of you understands that when you kiss him, something will change forever. That within his lips you may find the place to call home - the aching in your stomach may cease and life could start to make sense again. The anxieties of the week washing away, the pain of your collective pasts and the hint of a brighter, happier future before you.
When he doesn’t move again, you seize the moment. Pushing up onto your socked tiptoes, you tilt your chin, inclining your face until your lips come to rest upon his in the sweetest, chastest kiss. Drawing back slightly to check that Marcus is okay with a raise of your eyebrows and widened eyes, he holds your gaze steadily, similarly stunned - a mirror of each other with racing hearts and slightly parted lips. It’s like in that moment everything around you ceases to exist as anything other than extraneous nonsense - all the noise inside your head silenced by that one touch.
A small dumbstruck smile creeps across Marcus’ lips before he lowers his head to press another gentle kiss upon you. Then another. Then another. Each press of your lips a little longer. A little deeper. Your lips part to allow his tongue entry as every single thought is quietened by the taste of him. Dropping hands for his to cradle your face and yours to thread through his hair as your bodies press together tightly.
Oh the taste of him is utterly exquisite! From where you’ve been using him as chief curry taster, there’s an element of spices with the tiniest hint of mint. And how you have missed having that beautifully solid warmth of his body next to yours. Inhaling his breaths that fall upon you, your hearts match each other’s rhythms as your lips explore each other, every sensation drawing together to create a humming ball of energy, like you are standing at the point where lightning strikes the Earth.
Hands fisted tightly in each other’s clothing - both stuck in the quandary of wanting to tear the fabric from your bodies but also frightened of pushing the other too far. Finally pulling apart, you gaze upon Marcus - all lust blown pupils and dopey smiles. Your foreheads come back to rest against each other, unable to quite let go just yet, not wanting to break the spell and return to reality.
“I have wanted to kiss you since perhaps the first time I met you,” Marcus murmurs as his lips gently ghost over your cheeks, “Maybe even from seeing the photo in your file when Andy drove me here from the airport.”
“Was the person, me?” You quietly ask, finally with the confidence to finish that conversation, “The reason you didn’t kiss or sleep with the goddess?”
He drops his eyes as he gives you a small nod, “Normally, I’d have just asked you out but I was scared of fucking up. It’s been a long time since I felt a spark with anyone.
“You’ve entered my life in this whirlwind of intelligence, beauty and tenderness - I didn’t want to frighten you or make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t reciprocate.”
A thousand thoughts flood your mind as Marcus says those words. All at once, you want to tell him how safe he makes you feel. How much now that you’ve started kissing him, you never want to stop. How the cruel critics of slumber, silence themselves when you feel his heartbeat against your cheek.
Instead you stand there, silent.
Trying to stroke out the creases you’ve created in his t-shirt as you attempt to find words to put into a logical order, you notice his face twitching when the material under your fingers makes contact with his sides, “Oh Marcus, are you ticklish?”
“Um, no,” Marcus tries to deny breezily as he takes a small, hesitant step back from you, pretending to steady himself.
Making a small movement towards him, your hands at the same level as the point of the bunched fabric - you ask, “Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah,” Marcus is now eyeing you suspiciously - desperate to kiss you again but also a little worried as to what havoc your fingers might reek.
“Then, why are you moving away from me?”
“No reason…” his usually deep voice now a little tighter and higher, “Nush… What are you about to ARGH!”
His knees crumble beneath him as you attack his sensitive sides, “Gah! Quit it, woman,” he weakly commands between wheezes and hoots of laughter.
Taking full advantage of Marcus’ prone and vulnerable position, you take the opportunity to straddle him - effectively pinning him to the floor, “This is how you pin someone.”
“I let you pin me,” Marcus corrects you with a wink.
“Oh really?” you contest, entirely unconvinced by his bravado.
“Yeah,” he says with a small wiggle, bringing his hands to the back of your head, “Cos y’see, I can flip our positions quite easily.”
Suddenly, you find yourself flat on your back in Marcus’ kitchen with zero air in your lungs to form any sensible thought other than to kiss him hard. His large hands cradle your head as he props himself gently above you on his elbows. You feel his entire body covering yours. Deliciously pressing against every single inch of you and oh how it takes every bit of the minutismal amount of self control you have to not beg him to fuck you senseless into that floor.
“Shit, is that your door?”
“Fuck,” Marcus pushes himself up to kneeling between your legs, “Can we pretend we’re not in?”
The harsh realisation of an evening with your colleagues, albeit lovely people, sinks in to you both.
“Nope,” you groan, popping the p with a deflated gusto, “Hang on, don’t buzz them up until I’ve tucked my boobs back into my bra.”
“I dunno, makes for easier access,” Marcus lopsidedly grins with a wink as he heads for the door.
“You certainly didn’t seem to make hard work of it earlier,” you mumble at him, before you affix a smile to your face, “Hey! How are you all doing?”
A sea of never ending hugs envelopes and separates you from Marcus as everyone piles into his apartment. The stupid grin still firmly in place on your face since you’d first kissed, you find that every time you look over at him, he’s gazing right back, mirroring that lovestruck smile.
“Oh my god, it all smells so amazing,” Dian waxes lyrical, squeezing you tightly as she inhales a lungful of exotically scented air, “What’ve we got?”
You take her by the hand into the kitchen to show all the different things you had bubbling away. Andy ducks into the kitchen behind you, laden with bags filled with pilau rice, naan and chapatis, and a beautiful small bunch of spring flowers in his other hand - tiny tête-à-tête daffodils with multiple heads along each stalk, brilliant yellow and red tulips standing like soldiers and the otherworldly looking stems of hyacinth, wickedly scenting the air under your nose as he thrusts them under there.
“Hey pretty girl, here’s all the bits you asked for. You deserve a much bigger bunch for what I’ve roped you into but I know you love the early blooms,” he offers by way of apology, sticking a kiss to the side of your forehead, “Smells fucking good though as ever. Hope you don’t mind but I’ve brought a box to take some home for Greg - he was a jealous arse this evening so I suppose I should share.”
“You know the way I cook, enough for several small armies,” you wonkily grin at him, truly thankful for the part he’d had to play, “‘Fraid there’s no easy way to say this and you will have to be the one to break it to Greg, but there’s no butter chicken tonight.”
“You’d better have a damn good excuse for this slatternly behaviour, madam,” Andy gives you a serious side eye for this infraction.
“Initially Nush couldn’t find the cardamoms but then we ran out of time. Plenty of food here, though,” Marcus answers for you, his hand gently holding your hip as he reaches around you to grab a couple of beers from the fridge.
You see Andy catch Marcus’ hand lightly stroking your side as he walks back to Kiritopa, but are entirely grateful when his expression and mouth say nothing. The light chatter in the kitchen, whilst Dian dips a teaspoon into all the pots, is interrupted by a small knock at the door. Sticking your head around the kitchen door, you spot Marcus opening the door to a nervous-looking Harper. Andy sidles past you, to pull her into the main room, rather than her previous position of standing on the doorstep, utterly awkward and obviously feeling quite out of place.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind me coming. I know I wasn’t there Friday but I don’t really do large crowds and drinking.”
You walk over to her amidst the chorus of “not to worry”s and “lovely to see you”s, “Fancy something to drink now? Got plenty of soft options and I think I’ll stick alongside you as I’ve got to make sure I don’t burn stuff.”
“Including yourself, this time,” Harper retorts quickly with a small smile and a raise of her eyebrows.
“Hah, chance’d be a fine thing,” Andy laughs, slapping your shoulder before turning back to clink bottles and talk with Kiri and Marcus.
Through the full length doors of Marcus’ balcony, evening spring sunshine streams through, bathing the group of your co-workers in a gentle, diffused light that flows around the room coating you in a golden glow. You all eat your fill and then some, with full tummies and tired eyes - the kitchen still full of half eaten dishes.
“Can we make this a weekly thing?” Kiritopa asks through a mouthful of food, hopefully.
“Not unless we take it in turns or get a take away - I don’t have the physical or emotional energy to make this level of curry every weekend,” you pointedly remark, looking up from your coke to meet Marcus’ eyes.
You’ve spent the evening barely speaking to each other for fear of alerting the others but surreptitiously brushing past so that you can sneak touches. Tender hidden strokes that feel like the kindest stitches on hidden, gaping wounds.
Marcus stands up to help usher the evening to an end and get you to himself again, “I have some boxes for y’all to take food home as otherwise, I’ll be eating this for weeks - delicious as it is.”
Everyone thankfully takes their boss’ hint and head into the kitchen to grab platefuls to reheat after long days. Slowly saying their goodbyes, your friends drift off in the direction of their homes as you throw yourself in an exhausted heap of bones on his sofa. Two strong hands grip you under your arms, to drape your torso across his lap.
“Hey tired girl,” you slightly open your eyes to spy a smiling Marcus gazing down at you. His fingers draw lazy patterns over the sensitive skin of your neck.
“I’d like to take you on a proper date this week. Wanna do this properly. Make a bit of a fuss.”
“Yeah? Not just pin me down and ravish me on the kitchen floor?” you grin widely at him.
“Well, I’d hardly call that a ravishing…” your eyes widen, eyebrows raising at Marcus’ comment, excitement pooling in your tummy, “Yeah, I saw there’s an Argentinian restaurant in Blackheath so how about steak, Malbec and homemade ice cream before I bring you back to either yours, or mine, for another, even better ravishing?”
“That sounds amazing, although with the amount of food in my belly, I may never have to eat again,” you give your stomach a rub, “But the ravishing…”
Hauling you up to sitting across his lap, you protest loudly, “I am going to crush your legs.”
“Stop making ridiculous comments and c’mere,” Marcus demands as he gently turns your head towards him, stealing a delicate kiss from you.
“I...should… - argh! Stop kissing me for a second,” you beg halfheartedly, “I should go home.”
“Please stay,” Marcus desperately entreats you, “I’m not expecting anything but I’d love it if you stayed. I know you’ve got nothing here but give me two minutes and I can have a spare toothbrush for you. I’ll drop you home early tomorrow morning so you can grab some clothes and then we can go into work together?”
It feels as though the wind is knocked out of your lungs with the depth of Marcus’ need to be around you.
How does he do it?
“There’s no games with you, are there?” you twist in Marcus’ lap so that you now straddle his thighs, placing your hands on either side of his ridiculously handsome face.
“No,” he shakes head slowly, all the while holding eye contact with you, “I’m too old and I know what I want.”
“What’s that?”
Stroking his hands up and down your sides as he nuzzles your neck, he clearly and confidently declares,
Tag list of glory (as ever, please ask to be put on or dropped from the list): @astroboots @silverwolf319@sirowsky @leonieb @disgruntledspacedad @bison-writes @the-ginger-hedge-witch @danniburgh @sugarontherims @green-socks @tardisfangurl @absurdthirst @pedropascalito-deactivated20210 @mouthymandalorian @mrsparknuts @zukoyonce @agirllovespancakes @yespolkadotkitty @lunaserenade @theravenreads @lv7867 @songsformonkeys
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toutallyahoe · 4 years
LUCKY ~ Matsukawa Issei (Haikyuu) (1/?)
requested by: --
pairing(s): matsukawa issei x male reader
a/n: *casually jamming to siu by maretu while being called a child by someone*
anyways, jokes aside, im posting lucky here because i literally have no content to give to yall atm
so enjoy me simping for mattsun
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chapter one | chapter two
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SWEAT DRIPPED DOWN MATSUKAWA ISSEI'S forehead as he let out soft pants. Dark eyes narrowing as the black haired male watches the setter of the opposite team, a second year named Yahaba Shigeru, setted to Kindaichi Yūtarō for a quick. With quick movements, Matsukawa Issei blocked the first year middle blocker's quick and had earned him and his team a point.
The winning point.
"Gah! I'm sorry!" Yūtarō apologized to his team as he bowed to which earned him some "it's alright!" or "you'll get it next time Kindaichi!" aswell as a "you suck" from a fellow first year, Kunimi Akira which immediately earned Akira some offended shouts from the tall first year.
Issei landed in his feet gracefully as he stood tall and proud of his block. God, it always felt good to successfully shut down a spike, and Issei knew that feeling well. The black haired middle blocker then felt his back being patted and Issei immediately looked behind him and saw his friend, Hanamaki Takahiro smiled lazily at him.
"You almost missed that one, huh Mattsun?" The male had said, tone lace with amusement and eyes glint with mischief. "Getting old there, buddy?" Takahiro continued in a sing sang voice as he saw Issei gave him an unimpressed look for a second from his comment.
On the outsider's point of view, it would've looked like Issei was pissed at Takahiro's comment. But the black haired male's face splitted into a grin as Issei rolled his eyes and gave a soft punch onto Takahiro's shoulder.
"Shut up, Makki," Issei had laughed as he turned to look at Yūtarō who was still looking down on his blocked spike that won Issei's team.
"Better luck next time, Kindaichi," Issei called out as the said male looked at him and then nodded with determination plastered in his features.
"I will get past your blocks! Just you wait senpai!" Yūtarō had said as both Takahiro and Issei looked at each other then and then at the determined first year, then back to each other. The two older males then bursted up laughing as they gave their underclassmen an amused nod.
"Hear that Mattsun?" Takahiro said. "Kindaichi will get pass your blocks!" His voice oddly had a mocking tone on it which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of his peers. The others could only sighed while Yūtarō looked a bit offended.
Issei only laughed at that as Yūtarō looked at his upperclassmen, a bit rather annoyed from them looking down at him... or were they just like that? Yūtarō doesn't really know much as he was still new to the team but the way that they are just so casual with his proclamation? Not at all feeling threatened by it? It made the first year middle blocker a bit miffed. Either way, the first year middle blocker swore he will not be shut down by his upperclassmen's blocks in the future.
"Oi, stop rilling up the first years, you two," Iwaizumi Hajime had said in exasperation as he softly slapped both the back of the two males head. Takahiro and Issei only snickered, not minding their ace's actions as Oikawa Tōru who was behind them whined on why Hajime was much more lenient on using violence to others but goes full force on him. The comment from the volleyball captain only earned him angry shouts of threats from the ace aswell as a hard punch or two, immediately showing the difference of how the ace treats the others and then Tōru.
"Ouch! Iwa-chan not the face!!!" Tōru cried out as he then screamed when Hajime had hitted him, in the face. The whole volleyball team didn't even bat an eye at Hajime beating the fuck outta the resident trash lord named Oikawa Tōru as they minded their own business.
This was normal...
"Oh, are you joining us going to the store this time Mattsun?" A fellow third year named Yuda Kaneo asked as he approached Takahiro and Issei and then handed the two some towels which had earned him some thank yous from the two. "You've been skipping an awful lot lately and it's Oikawa's turn to buy us snacks," Kaneo continued as the said male let out a hum and then shrugged his shoulders. Issei was about to speak but the light brown (some can say that it was pink really and Takahiro doesn't care really what others think of his hair) haired male.
"Nah," Takahiro said as he shakes his head. "This fucklord right here has some stuff to do," Takahiro continued he patted Issei's back. Issei only snorted at what his friend had called him as he jabbed Takahiro with his elbow but didn't say anything else. Kaneo only nodded in understanding as the third year began to walk towards the others and started to chat with fellow third years, Shido Heisuke and Sawauchi Motomu.
"So, what's the plan with him?" Takahiro lazily asked as he swung one of his arms at Issei's neck to bring down the black haired male a bit to his height (the difference were only little really as Issei seemed to only be three centimeters taller to Takahiro) as the light brown (maybe pink again) haired male gave a grin.
"Same as usual," Issei had said as he shrugged Takahiro's eye roll. "What do you expect?" The black haired male huffed as his friend gave him a blank stare.
"You two are so boring!" Takahiro had said as he took his arm away from Issei and instead threw both of his arms in the air. "You don't YOLO at all, do you?"
"Bitch, what?" Issei had asked as he looked at his friend like the male was crazy which was debatable really.
"Ugh, gay, you and him are so boring," Takahiro had said as he saw Issei rolled his eyes at him.
"Oh, wait..." Takahiro had said as he brought his arms to his side. Issei only raised a brow at his friend quick shift of mood. What was this salmon color haired asshole planning?
"Why don't you come with us and invite him?" Takahiro had said as the black haired male let out a hum and thought about it. Should he? He could invite him and hang out with both him and his friends. That's not really a bad idea. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
"Eh, I'll think about it," Issei had said. As much as Issei loved to hang out with his team and probably bully their captain, Issei also enjoyed his alone time with a certain [Hair color] haired male.
"Makki! Mattsun!" The two said males let out groans as they heard their captain called out their ridiculous nicknames in a sing sang tone. "Oi! Don't just groan at me!" Tōru had whined as he approached the two males. Man, Tōru always wonders on why are his friends a bit of a bastards?
Scratch that— why are all his friends full time bastards?
"Are you going to join us, Mattsun?" Tōru had asked as he turned to the said male who shrugged at him. As much as Matsukawa Issei have respect for the chocolate brown haired male, Oikawa Tōru was also a dumb ass who's any ounce of respect you feel for him gets yeeted off a cliff when you realized the volleyball captain believes in very stupid things... like aliens for example.
"No thanks, I don't need to see your ugly mug more," Issei had flatly shut down (like how he shut down Yūtarō's quick which the first year was still lowkey sulking in a corner somewhere with Akira insulting him none stop) as the black haired male turned his back from the volleyball captain. "Dealing with you in practice is enough already."
Takahiro snorted at Issei's cold hearted reply as he watched the volleyball captain dramatically gasped at his friend's words. God, why was Tōru a dramatic hoe? Hanamaki Takahiro will never know... not that he wants to anyways.
"So mean!!!" Tōru cried. "Iwa-chan, Mattsun is being mean to me!!!" He cried as he turned to the black haired ace for support, only to get none. Like usual. Instead, the said ace only gave him a blank look and flipped him off which made the chocolate brown haired male cry out more. "Wahhh!!! Not you too Iwa-chan!!!"
"Shut up Shittykawa!!!" Hajime screamed as both Takahiro and Issei (who turned back to look at Tōru) snickered as they watched their ace threw a volleyball directly at their captain's face. God, seeing their dumbass captain getting beaten always made their day. Sadistic bastards the two are.
"Matsukawa-san?" The said male turned to who called him and saw that it was their libero, Watari Shinji who looked a bit worried for him for him which made Issei raised a brow.
"Um... [Last name]-san is here," Shinji had said as Issei perked up hearing the [Hair color] haired male's last name. 'Huh... he's early...' Issei had thought as the libero looked worried at the tall middle blocker. "And he said... you should hurry up..." Shinji then quietly added, "he seemed a bit pissed senpai..." which immediately answered Issei's mental question on why the libero looked worried for him.
Issei let out a hum as he said a quiet thanks at the second year libero who hesitantly nodded and walked away to join the others who started stretching.
"Eh? Uptight-san has been coming here more than usual," Tōru had wondered out loud, not at all embarrassed at showing that he was listening to a confidential message, well, not really confidential— but still, it was still rude to listen to conversations that clearly doesn't involve with you. Not that Tōru cares.
"Shittykawa, don't just insult people! Especially him!" Hajime had said as he slapped the back of the volleyball captain's head which earned the ace a loud whine from the male. Why was he friend's with this guy again? Right, because he was forced too when they were kids. Fuck.
"But Iwa-chan!" Tōru cried as he rubbed the back of his head on where the ace had slapped him. "Don't you think it's weird that Mattsun always gets in trouble with Uptight-san???" The chocolate brown haired male asked as he pouted.
"What did you do anyways, Mattsun?" The captain had asked as he turned to look at the black haired middle blocker. Issei and Takahiro only looked at each other with blank stares as they were mentally messaging each other if their captain was really this fucking dumb.
"Jeez, Dumbkawa," Takahiro started and hearing that ridiculous and very insulting nickname made the volleyball captain whine on how "mean" he was. Takahiro doesn't give a single fuck though as the nickname was very true. "I knew you were dumb but I didn't think you were that dumb!"
"What do you expect from a guy who believe aliens exist?" Issei added. "Dumbkawa, how did you even graduated middle school again?" The black haired male continued as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, with your small peanut size brain, how?" Takahiro joined in as he did what Issei aswell, crossing his arms over his chest as they blankly looked at their captain who was now on the floor, dramatically on his hands and knees as he cried how cruel his friends were. Each words the two males spouted had pierced Oikawa Tōru's heart with imaginary arrows. And fucking hell did it hurt. What the fuck, why are his friends such assholes? Damn.
The volleyball captain was about to loudly cry out and proclaim how much of a bastards his friends were when everyone then kept quiet when they heard someone new had talked.
"What is going on here?"
Everyone frozed. No one moved a single muscle as the whole volleyball team robotically turned their heads to the direction of the voice to see a male student wearing the school's uniform. It would have been a regular student if it weren't for the white arm band on his right arm where the word "PRESIDENT" written in large red bold text.
It was none other than the student council president, [Last name] [Name].
And the [Hair color] haired male was certainly not amused as he looked at each one of them with a cold blank stare that sent every member of the Aoba Johsai males volleyball club shiver down their spines as [Name]'s arms crossed on his chest.
"I am asking once again, what is going on here and why are you all so loud?" [Name] had said as he then turned to the volleyball captain who immediately let out a yelp when the [Hair color] haired male's stare was directed at him. "Especially you, Oikawa Tōru."
The chocolate brown haired male sweated from the blank stare directed at him. The volleyball club captain, Oikawa Tōru was absolutely on the verge of pissing himself as this was no ordinary student. This was the student. The student who had shown prowess to lead their fucking school without a sweat. The one where everyone student body absolutely respects and adores, just like him!!!
This was the [Last name] [Name] for heavens sake and this guy was no laughing matter!!!
"Oi, [Name], why are you here?" Issei's bored voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife as Tōru let out the breath he never knew he was holding when [Name]'s stare turned to the black haired third year. It took a minute or so for Tōru to realized what just happened as he then guffawed at how casual Issei was to talking to the [Hair color] haired male as the rest of the team watched, everyone easing up a bit.
"EH?!?" Tōru loudly screamed in shock, eyes widened as he seemed to not believe what he was just witnessing. [Name] didn't seemed to be bothered by the third year setter's shock cries as he looked at Issei and rolled his eyes at the black haired middle blocker.
"I told you to hurry up and change, I don't have all day," [Name] had said as Issei snorted at his words.
"Actually," Issei started. "You told my teammate to tell me to hurry up, so, ha!" Takahiro and Issei swore they heard the [Hair color] haired male mutter something in the lines of "god he's such an idiot" and "he's just being a smartass as usual [name], don't mind him" to himself in which the two were absolutely amused by it.
Takahiro had to stop himself from snickering when he saw the usual stoic and proper [Hair color] haired male let out a sigh as he uncrossed his arms off his chest and instead began to rub his temple.
"Just hurry up already Issei, I have to walk you home and aswell as going to the convenience store to buy something," [Name] said in exasperation as the black haired male rolled his eyes but nodded.
"You only have five minutes to change or else I'll leave you," [Name] had said.
"Also, hello Hanamaki, good to see your doing well," The said male gave a thumbs up to him as [Name] gave Issei a look and then turned his back to them as he began to walk to the gym's door and went outside.
As the doors shut. Oikawa Tōru had to processed what just fucking happened. When the realization hitted him like Hajime spiking volleyballs at him for being a trashy dumbass, the volleyball captain immediately was in Issei's face as he bombarded the tall third year questions.
"Matssun!!! What is your relationship with Uptight-san?!?"
"Why aren't you scared at him?!?"
"How the hell do you even know him that well?!?"
"When were you close?!?!"
"Didn't you spiked a volleyball at him last year?!?"
"Are you two friends?!?"
"How can you made him feel other emotions besides annoyance?!?"
"What do you both do?!?"
"How did you even befriended him?!?"
Questions after questions were fired at Issei as his captain was shaking him back and forth by his uniform. Issei looked unamused by the volleyball captain's actions as he then grabbed Tōru's hands off his shirt while Takahiro had sneaked (it wasn't that hard with the male being too busy shaking his friend like a rag doll) behind the chocolate brown haired male and then slapped Tōru's head, hard.
"Ow!" Tōru cried as he turned to glare at Takahiro while rubbing the back of his head to ease the slight pain he was feeling. "What the hell, Makki?!?" The said male only stuck his tongue out at the captain which earned a whine from Tōru.
"Dumbkawa, Mattsun and Prez have been dating for literally two years now..." Takahiro said like it was the obvious obvious truth. Well, it was besides for the trashy captain of Seijoh. "Why do you think Prez has been coming here for awhile now and fetching Mattsun?" The male rhetorically asked as he then gave the dumbstruck captain a lazy grin.
"Are you seriously that dumb, Dumbkawa?" Issei and Takahiro had asked in sinc as they gave their captain very judgemental stares that made the third year setter wail on how cruel their words were.
"Did you seriously didn't know?" Hajime asked, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at his friend who snapped his head towards him and then screamed "YOU KNEW TOO IWA-CHAN?!?"
"The whole team knew... well, besides you it seems," Kanoe commented as the rest of the team watched their captain freaked out on the news that their Matsukawa Issei, resident fucklord (along with Takahiro) was dating the student council president, [Last name] [Name].
"Why didn't no one told me about this?!?" Tōru cried as the whole team stared at him with a "are you fucking serious?" look.
"They didn't even tried to hide their relationship— so shut the fuck up Shittykawa!!!" Hajime had yelled as he got irritated when the volleyball captain still wont shut his loud mouth up from crying and wailing on how everyone in the team was cruel on not telling him about Issei's love life.
 "You did not tell them that we were dating?" [Name] had asked as he glanced at the black haired male who shrugged at his question. The two were already walking home together as Issei ditched his team to walk with his boyfriend and the black haired male was telling his boyfriend about what happened after he had left the gym. Yes, Matsukawa Issei was dating the [Last name] [Name] and Issei still wonders how he managed to nabbed a snacc like this guy.
"Well, it's not really their business," The black haired male said in a bored tone. "And besides, everyone in the team seems to know," Issei had said as he shoved his hands onto his pants pockets. "Well, everyone besides that trash of a captain of mine," Issei continued as a grin formed on his lips when he heard [Name] chuckle.
"Weren't we obvious though?" The [Hair color] haired male wondered out loud. "I mean, I always dropped by when I have the time."
Yes, it was true. When [Name] wasn't busy doing his student council duties, he does, in fact, dropped by the gym to greet and watch the males volleyball club practice. It was a wonder how Oikawa Tōru did not noticed how he was always talking to or being beside Issei. Perhaps the chocolate brown haired male was definitely an idiot.
"Well, you know how Oikawa is," Issei had said as he took one of his hand out off his pockets and instead grabbed [Name]'s [Skin color] hand where the [Hair color] haired male instinctively intertwined their fingers together. A soft flush on [Name]'s cheeks which made the black haired male grin.
"The guy's has volleyball for brains," Issei had said as he then laughed at the [Hair color] haired male's retort.
"Like you aswell?" The black haired male squeezed [Name]'s hand as he sent the male a playful glare.
"You love me though," Issei had said as he saw the corner of the [Hair color] haired male's lips twitched a bit as [Name] then looked away. The black haired male wasn't bothered though when his boyfriend looked away from him. In fact, Issei thinks it was cute to see the almighty stoic and stubborn student council president of one of the powerhouse of the prefecture act a bit cute and flustered.
Issei smiled as he heard his boyfriend mutter three simple words. Three simple words that made him feel all warmth and tingly in the inside. It was disgusting, but Issei came to enjoy that feeling.
"I unfortunately do."
God, Matsukawa Issei was definitely lucky to be dating [Last name] [Name]...
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next >
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spencerreidimagines · 4 years
Chance Encounters
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//Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: none
Prompt(s): Sharing an umbrella
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'Ah, there it is...' Spencer thought to himself, a slight smile tugging at his lips. That lilting voice that would seep through his apartment walls throughout the day. It was so light, peaceful.
Spencer paused for a moment and shut his eyes, his ear turned to the door to salvage each note, the book that he was reading lightly resting down on his lap. With each breath that rolled through his lungs, he further released himself, and sunk into his chair, his ear perched and alert, hanging on every note. This bodiless voice has been a treasure to him ever since he'd moved in; everyday, around noon, he would make his way out to the living room with a book on hand, and await the song that seems to soothe his qualms and aches.
There were times when he wished he had the courage to go and introduce himself to the woman behind this lovely voice, but those times would pass as he would think himself into spirals of doubt, and settle on leaving things as they are. This is merely a highlight to his daily life, no need to complicate it with personal introductions.
Lost in his thoughts, he'd missed the abrupt stop in her singing, a thump as the door snapped shut after her, and a latch click followed by a light tumble of steps down the hallway. His phone beeped soon after that, causing him to startle a bit before digging into his pocket.
Morgan: You coming tonight, pretty boy?
Spencer furrowed his brow, and tapped back,
Spencer: We had plans tonight?
Morgan: Yes, my cousin is performing in a show downtown. Don't tell me you forgot, I just told you yesterday
Spencer: Oh, right! yes! I will be there.
Morgan: Well hurry it up, the shows about to start.
Spencer: Right. On my way
Spencer then shut his phone then scrambled to gather his things; It's not often that he has the opportunity to see live theatre, so he jumps at any time that he can to experience it. He then strode across the room, stepped into his shoes and fled out of the door, hoping to make it on time.
Upon a dazzling stage, a woman's spine bowed to the will of her partner's hand, as her dress fluttered about the white stage light above them, her legs dipping and curling like the wind and her arm stretched beyond her hand, held in an elegant point. Spencer's heart sped with an inward breath of surprise, his eyes glued to the stage before him and fluttering with every movement.
Derek bumped Spencer's shoulder, a knowing smile rested on his lips, "You digging my cousin, poindexter?"
Spencer startled and flicked his eyes next to him for a moment, "Shut, up, I'm trying to pay attention," mumbled, skirting around answering his question, a sporting half smile.
Morgan chuckled, "Hey, it's cool, man," he righted himself in his seat, "I'll introduce you two after the show,"
A twitch of his lips, and a spare glance confirmed Spencer's delight with his offer before they both righted themselves in their seats for the rest of the night.
As Spencer began to clap, he scanned the stage for the dancer that struck his mind the most. When he found her, her smile was so wide that her eyes nearly crinkled shut with mirth, and she clutched her stage-mates hand in thanks, and bounded off of the stage with the speed and determination of a newborn calf that had just learned to run.
Morgan sent a side-eye Spencer's way and flicked his head towards the openings on the sides of the stage. He went to step out of the aisle, then caught himself and leaned back towards his companion, "Don't be too nervous, pretty boy, you've got nothing to worry about." He then chuckled at the dissipating storm of doubt in Spencer's eye, then threw his coat over his jacket and sauntered down the aisle beside their seats.
Spencer's breath tumbled out of him as he processed Morgan's words, yet couldn't fight the hand that rose to brush his curls back from his forehead. He then gathered his coat in his arms, and fell into step after his friend backstage.
Spencer entered upon an embrace between the two of them, with (y/n)'s face spilling over in warm glee  peeking over Morgan's shoulder. The warmth from her smile spread to his cheeks as he absentmindedly followed the nooks of her crinkled nose.
"I'm so glad you could make it," she squeezed from her throat, her breath caught by the strength of their hug, "I was so worried that you were gonna miss the chance to see if all of my hard work paid off."
"You think I'd miss this?" Morgan asked incredulously as they pulled apart, "you've been talking my ear off about it for months" They shared a chuckle and he patted her head, "You did great kid, I'm proud of you."
Her smile merely grew, and her eyes lit up at this sentiment, "I'm proud of me too." She said then punctuated it with a sharp nod before catching spencer's as he awkwardly stood by the entrance and picked at the lining of his coat. Nerves were set alight as she met eyes with Morgan once more, and discretely pointed in his direction mouthing, "Is that him?" with a slight giddy smile ghosting across her lips.
Morgan nodded, sporting that same knowing smile from before, "Go get 'im, tiger," he said as he stepped to the side to allow her to pass.
With a steady breath, she wiped her already clammy palms along her tights, and feigned a confident walk in his direction, her nerves still rumbling in her stomach, 'I didn't expect him to be so cute,' she thought to herself, as she stopped before him and slightly waved her hand to get his attention.
"Hi, you must be Spencer," she began, offering an open handshake to him. He startled a bit when he heard her voice, then offered her a small smile as he fumbled his jacket around until he got a hand free to meet hers, "My name is (y/n), Derek has told me so much about you." She finished with an embarrassed chuckle making her cheeks warm.
"Morgan's talked about me?" he responded, surprised and confused as he looked up to Morgan for confirmation, and only getting a thumbs up and an wink before turning his eyes back down to the woman before him.
"Uh-huh," she confirmed, "all good things, don't worry."
He chuckled as he thrust his hand into his pocket, "I would hope so," they shared an awkward smile before their eyes broke as they searched the room for something else to say to each other. "You were amazing tonight." Spencer settled on.
(y/n) giggled a little, bashful that he had noticed her on the stage filled with so many others, "Oh, thanks. I'm sure Derek has talked your ear off about how much I would vent to him after rehearsals."
Spencer sucked in through his teeth and rocked back on his heels, "Oh, yeah, this piece really handed it to you from what I've heard."
"That doesn't even begin to cover it," she responded through rolled eyes and a sigh, "I had to curate an entirely new work ethic for this show...it was worth it though." she added as an afterthought, a light smile rested on her lips.
"Was it?" he asked, a curious wrinkle in his brow.
(y/n)'s smile grew slightly, "Mhm, the exhaustion feels earned rather than expected. It's honestly what keeps me coming back to this stage."
"Earned exhaustion, huh?" He muttered, more to himself than anything, "That's certainly a new description of something that's usually disliked by most."
"I guess I'm not like most people then," she responded, with a shrug, "I'm not saying that I'm in a rush to be tired, but this tiredness is usually a sign of a good show for me. If I'm not tired when I get back, then I didn't give as much to that night's show as I should've."
"Hm, that seems like a pretty harsh rating system."
"Believe me, many of cast mates would disagree," she said, her pushing a tasteless chuckle from her chest, "But the beauty of it is, if I feel I didn't do as good as I should've, I get to come back and do it better the next day."
He matched her smile with intrigue, he had been so oblivious about the vigor of this field, and he'd found himself yearning for more elaboration from (y/n); she seems to talk about it with so much warmth and distant glee in her eyes. And (y/n) found his forward yearning of her daily life so inviting that she would answer any asking question that he threw at her.
"I'm guessing that method only works when you're given the proper chance to rest?" He asked, soft intrigue piercing through her flushed thoughts.
"Oh absolutely," she responded, "I never sacrificed my sleep throughout this entire process; hard work can't really amount to anything if I don't give my body a chance to rest, it'll give out on me," she said with a shadow of dread, as if she had learned that the hard way, "which reminds me that I have to get back home soon."
She drew back from her words with a sorry gaze directed up at him, "I really don't mean to cut this short-"
Her words were sliced with a sharp clap of thunder, followed by rain slapping against the door of the exit. Both of their shoulders jumped at the sound, and soon after, (y/n) slapped her palm against her forehead with a heavy sigh.
Spencer watched this carefully, "You don't have an umbrella, do you?" He asked, to which she shook her head, and began to gnaw on her bottom lip as she thought through her options.
After a moment, Spencer had suddenly remembered the weight of his umbrella in his hand, and in a split second, made the decision to offer, "I could stand outside with you while you wait for a cab; I wouldn't mind."
She smiled, her cheeks growing warm at the thought of being so close to him, "That would be wonderful, but you don't have to, Spencer, I live like ten minutes down the street."
His brows shot up, "So do I." he responded, soft wonder in his voice peppered with nerves, "I, uh, can walk you home if you would like."
"Oh, um, sure." she said, a giddy grin spreading across her cheeks, "I would love that."
As they shrugged their coats onto their shoulders, they shared a rising giddiness in their stomachs at the prospect of being so close to each other under an umbrella, nearly sharing a breath. She didn't miss the shy hand that wrapped around her hip as they exited to the brisk night air, a gentle sheet of rain dribbling down onto them as they fell into step beside one another.
"Well, this is me," (y/n) said as they arrived at her apartment building, "Thank you for uh, walking me home." She said sheepishly. "I hope it wasn't too out of your way."
"Of course, and not at all," he responded, shaking out the umbrella and reaching into his pocket for his keys, "I wasn't expecting to be walking myself home too,"
"Oh, this is your apartment building?" She asked incredulously, "Wow, what a wonderful coincidence," she muttered, biting her smile back, "what floor do you live on?"
"Six," he said, as he held the door open for her.
"No way, that's my floor" she muttered, only bearing to look down at her shoes as they approached the elevator, "room number?"
"A5," he said, cautiously.
An airy laugh of disbelief left her lips as the elevator opened for them, "We live across the hall from each other." Her eyes were wide and eager as she stepped into it.
Spencer could only bear to turn to her, as a breath tumbled out of his chest, "You're the voice that I've been hearing," he said, a slight smile turning up the corners of his lips.
"You...can hear when I sing?" She asked, her cheeks burning with embarrassment, before her words began to tumble out of her, "I'm so sorry, I hope I haven't been disturbing you-"
"Oh, no, you've been doing the opposite, honestly," he said, rushed before she shrank back into herself, "I...look forward to hearing your voice from across the hall, i-it's beautiful," his words fell meek and sheepish as he darted his eyes anywhere but hers.
"Really?" She asked shyly, looking up to meet his skittering eyes.
"Yes," he said with a sigh, meeting her wide eyes, "I've...I've been wanting to introduce myself to you for so long."
She giggled and glanced down as the elevator took them to their floor, "Well, I'm glad that Derek has taken care of the hard part for us."
Once the door parted, and the both of them stepped out and made their way to their doors, (y/n) followed the urge to hug him before the night ended; and Spencer was washed in the smell of rain and cherry blossom as she whispered a small good night into his shoulder before entering her room. And for the first time in a long time, Spencer found it within himself to view the coming future with a tentative excitement bubbling in his core.
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stay-mon-army · 3 years
The Soccer Incident
Warnings: A couple swears
Word Count: 2,534 words
Pairing: Junhoe x female!reader
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Koo Junhoe was a contradiction. He was an anomaly in the usual order of things, and everyone seemed to love him for it. He was one of the most popular people in his university because he didn’t quite fit into any one category. He was a physical education major, he was the star player on the lacrosse team, the most sought after male player in the intramural soccer club on campus, he was arguably the most attractive jock in the whole school, and he was the reason there was a Jiu Jitsu club on campus. You would think hearing all of these accomplishments that he was a total meat head jock- there’s no way any man this invested in physical activity could ever be interested in more stationary, softer intellects.
However, Junhoe was also a creative writing minor. He was a part of a small writers group that he had compiled of poetry writers (like him) and fiction writers (a passion he deeply admires but didn’t have the same calling for). He had a few poems published in the school’s English journal, and was never caught without his leather bound notebook for his poetry.
Junhoe was one of the most versatile students in his university- but this never seemed to cross Junhoe’s mind. He didn’t see any reason why people would expect anything else from him. Why were people always surprised when they learned that the star lacrosse player was also a poet? Why were his friends in Jiu Jitsu club always laughing when they saw him scribbling away in his journal before meeting started instead of stretching like the rest of them?
Not everyone judged Junhoe so harshly, and there’s no way he could miss the way girls watched him when he walked around campus. Like he could ever be oblivious when the girls in his writing group created love interests that could almost be his doppelganger. Junhoe’s gay-dar was also almost flawless- it wasn’t just the girls that gave him heart eyes in passing.
However, there was one girl that totally ignored Junhoe— (Y/N) was the conundrum that Junhoe couldn’t figure out. He knew she liked boys- he’d seen her at parties with boyfriends, but she didn’t seem to notice him at all. He’d only tried to talk to her once, and she’d been kind, but she’d been late to class and had to rush off. Of course, it was just Junhoe’s luck that the only girl that Junhoe had eyes for was also the one who looked right through him.
He didn’t know much about her— it wasn’t like he was some stalker. He did know, however, that she was also a creative writing minor and was a junior- just like Junhoe. They had previously been in two classes together, which was how she had managed to catch his eye. She would come to class either dressed to the nines- perfectly designed outfits that matched all the way to the jewelry- or looking like she’d just rolled out of bed- her hair in a messy bun, a pair of sweats baggy and hanging from her waist haphazardly. To him, she always looked beautiful.
The thing that really won his heart, though, wasn’t her look or their similarities; it was the way that she always gave him blunt, brutally honest feedback on his pieces. Most of their others in his creative writing classes either don’t know enough to give good feedback, or were so infatuated with him that they gave nothing but blind praise for everything he wrote. (Y/N) was the only person except the Professor who could give advice that Junhoe could use— ideas that sparked Junhoe’s mind to make even better, deeper poems that expressed exactly what he meant.
Her straightforward nature had won him over, but was also the thing that stopped him from shooting his shot. Nothing scared him quite like the idea of being rejected by her— he could imagine it now and it gave him chills. His mind paints the picture without his consent; asking her out the next time they pass, her blank face staring before it morphs into one of pity, her soft voice explaining she’s not interested, her turning away— scurrying off before he can make it more awkward.
No, he’s perfectly fine admiring from afar. It hurt less; he’d rather her not know he exists than to be another weird boy hitting on a classmate he barely knows.
Fate seemed to have other plans for Junhoe, however. Or, more accurately, his best friend, who happens to run the intramural club. He had shown up slightly early for the club meeting that day and was surprised to see Donghyuk with (Y/N) and her best friend, (Y/BF/N), who was the best female player on the intramural team. He really was contemplating running in the opposite direction as quickly as he could, but he was a second too slow.
“Yo, Jun, come here!” Donghyuk waves him over, a wide grin on his face, knowing exactly what he was doing to the poor man.
With a deep breath and a lot of internal cursing of Donghyuk’s existence, he slowly jogged towards the trio.
“Dong, what’s up, man?” Junhoe had no idea what was coming out of his mouth, or why he suddenly sounded like some of the more asshole boys in his sports classes, but he was too focused on remembering to breathe and not trip to care much. Donghyuk’s eyebrows bounce at the greeting, obviously making the same judgement that Junhoe did, before nodding at him, playing it off.
“You know (Y/B/F/N),” Donghyuk gestures to the two women beside him. “This is her best friend, (Y/N). She’s going to take up Miyoung’s spot while her wrist heals.”
Junhoe nods at (Y/B/F/N), who smiles at him. He doesn’t know where he gains the confidence, but he looks directly at you and says, “Don’t we have a creative writing class together?” The automatic look of confusion makes Junhoe’s heart freeze, then instantly knock impossibly fast against his rib cage.
But then your eyes burst with realization, a huge grin splitting your face. “You mean Dr. Scott’s class? God, I’m barely alive for that class; how are you awake enough that early to know the other kids in that class?” You were laughing with him— though it took him a second to laugh along because wow you were having a conversation.
“I just really like the class— I zone out in most other classes.” It wasn’t a lie, he just didn’t point out you were his favorite part of the class. All his other writing classes over the semesters without you had been almost torture with all the fawning, ass-kissing girls.
“Yeah, Jun is actually a pretty shit student because he’d rather write poems and join every sports club on campus than do his damn homework.” Donghyuk nudges Junhoe, laughing as Junhoe balks at his words.
“Well his poems are good so it must pay off a little! I’ll be the judge today if the same can be said about his sport skills.” You chuckle, and try to ignore the look that (Y/B/F/N) is shooting you that Junhoe thankfully doesn’t catch.
Junhoe is too busy having to physically restrain himself from fawning over your praise. Luckily your friend jumped in just before he could combust with the effort.
“We should go get ready. Let’s go stretch under the shade over there, (Y/N)!” She loops her arm around your bicep, lightly tugging you away from the boys. You wave at them, looking simultaneously absolutely adorable and like you were afraid your friend would kill you when you reached the aforementioned shade.
When you finally turned to look at (Y/B/F/N), Donghyuk whacks Junhoe’s bicep hard, making him wince and rub the abused spot. “Make a move already, idiot. Are you blind, or just stupid? Did someone put you in a particularly tight chokehold recently?”
“Wh-what?” Well that told Donghyuk all he needed to know and he sighed as he rubbed his face.
“She likes you too, dipshit. Just ask her out already.” Junhoe stared at his best friend for a solid minute before he burst out laughing.
His eyes welled with tears as he gasped around peals of laughter, holding his ribs as his sides spasmed from the force of his laughter. He couldn’t believe Donghyuk had said that when he’d just done so much to try not to seem like a crazy person.
“You’re hopeless, I swear.” Donghyuk shakes his head, leaving Junhoe’s still cackling figure to go greet a couple other students in the club who had arrived.
Although Junhoe is able to physically calm himself down and begin to stretch for the game, his mind wouldn’t stop thinking of Donghyuk’s words, and he repeatedly had to stop himself from looking over his shoulder at you to see if you were looking at him too. Finally Donghyuk called everyone to the side of the field to split into teams.
Just Junhoe’s luck that he was on the opposite team as you. He had wanted to work with you to win— the idea of you two playing soccer together and beating the other team made his heart race in a way that confused him. It was just a little passing crush on you, why was he so invested in doing things with you?
Get yourself together, Junhoe, and get your ass out there.
He took a deep breath and huddled up with his team, splitting up positions and delegating who would play when, since there were so many members on both teams that they would change out players. Junhoe was to be the first member in the goal, which he wasn’t ecstatic about, but he accepted it with a grin. He could play any position just as well as the next person, so he knew he could keep the goal safe from the other team. He really would’ve preferred to be out on the field to show off his skills though—especially with you out there. You had pulled your hair from your face and you had shed the light jacket you had on previously to show off a band t-shirt, a group he absolutely adored to listen to while writing that he never would have expected you to like as well.
As he took his place in the goal at their end of the field, he watched you stand next to your friend, laughing at something she said, pushing her lightly. He couldn’t help but smile wide at how happy you looked—totally at ease despite the fact you were about to play soccer with a group that you barely knew.
Donghyuk shouted out a “start game” from his position on the sidelines (he was sitting out this first half, but he would later take Junhoe’s position, as he preferred to stay on the side, watching the action instead of running around). Junhoe’s team was a surprisingly good mixture of members; while not the best players, they seemed to work together beautifully today, and Junhoe’s job was mind-numbingly easy.
The ball almost never came to their side of the field, except for a handful of close calls that Junhoe quickly dispatched with calculated ease. His team was winning 3-0 with only about 10 minutes left for this half before they switched out the members. Hearing this minute warning seemed to light a newfound fire under your ass, however, and you suddenly seemed to learn exactly how to play soccer like a pro. Your goalkeeper had kicked the ball at you after saving it from another goal. Seemingly in a matter of seconds you were one with the soccer ball as you effortlessly handled it all the way across the field to his goal until you were only a few feet from him. You made eye contact and he could see the fire and drive in your eyes for a goal, and he made a conscious decision in that second to let you make the goal. He would let the ball through—what was one small goal anyway, and it was only an intramural game.
However, his plans changed quickly when you punted the ball—hard. Instead of going into the goal cleanly, like he was expecting, it went straight for his forehead, knocking his head back with a sharp thwack sound. He fell to the ground with a harsh groan, his hands coming up to rest on his face as the world spun and warped, pain spreading across his whole head. He lay on his back, cradling his head in his hands, as he grunted out swears that would make his mother smack him harder than the soccer ball had.
“Oh my god, are you alright? Jesus, I’m so so sorry.” Your voice was high and anxious, and racing closer to him. He moved his hands and opened his eyes, squinting against the harsh sunlight to see your face looking down at him. You were sweaty from all the running, and your hair was starting to fall back into your face, but he still couldn’t help smiling.
“God, you’re beautiful, (Y/N).” He didn’t know what that ball did to his head, but he didn’t really mind the sudden courage it gave him.
Your face dropped into shock before you burst out into glorious laughter, your face lighting up into the widest and most adorable smile Junhoe had ever seen.
“You’re crazy, Junhoe.” You brush a strand on his hair from his face before pressing a hand softly to his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into the touch softly. “No, no, don’t close your eyes. We don’t know if you have a concussion yet.”
His eyes flutter open and look at you with soft eyes. He gathers the last bit of pain-drunk courage to blurt out, “Go on a date with me?”
You nod, looking down at his splayed figure. “It is the least I can do after almost taking your head off with a soccer ball.”
“Good kick, by the way.”
You both laugh at that as you stand, slowly taking his hands and helping him to his feet as well. He winces and places the heel of his hand between his eyebrows, where the most pain is currently radiating.
“Let’s get you an icepack.” You chuckle, putting his arm around your shoulder and walking him towards the nurse’s office. Donghyuk didn’t seem to even ask if Junhoe was alright, he was well aware that he would be fine with some rest and ice. Instead, he just jumped into his place with an accomplished grin on his face, starting the game right back up.
You didn’t need to help Junhoe all the way to the nurse, or stay with him for the 20 minutes he sat there with an icepack to his forehead, but the conversation you had was funny and sweet. And truth be told, you had noticed Junhoe many times in the past and had been drawn to him. You were more than happy for any excuse to interact with him outside of class. And thanks to this upcoming date, you would finally get the chance to get to know him that much better.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 夏彦 SR [忆中人] [Tears of Themis] Xia Yan SR [Reminiscent Person] Card Story Translations (Part 3)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist  / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Xia Yan’s personal tag will be #Tears of a PI. Personal master-list under construction! *Only the messages left before I start Mo Yi’s new Fairytale SR...  (*´艸`*)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / SMS
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Location: Staff Lounge
The lights came back on again, and I found myself standing in the Staff Lounge.
The Gamemaster that had disappeared earlier was facing me, all smiles.
Gamemaster: Hello young miss, it's been quite a while. I waited a really long time for you two to split up.
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MC: So that was you. You really scared the living daylights out of me just now.
Gamemaster: I didn't have much of a choice; I had to take the chance to steal you away.
MC: So, what exactly is being tested in this segment?
He gave me an inscrutable smile.
Gamemaster: Didn’t you guys already find the slip of paper? What did it say?
MC: Find me, take me… You mean, he’s supposed to find me?
Gamemaster: That’s right. We'll dress you up to look like the Staff to see if that boyfriend of yours can recognize and single you out from the rest.
Gamemaster: Okay, we're running short of time, so hurry and get changed in the changing room.
Waiting inside the changing room was a veil along with a matching dress with a couple of skull-like ornaments hanging from it…
It looked like something right out of the "Corpse Bride"; a movie that was more popular during this period. The only difference from the movie was that this veil was very heavy.
After putting it on, the black veil that hung in front of my eyes made it hard to make out what was in front of me.
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MC: This… is really opaque...
MC: I think I'll be better off holding it first...
After changing into the "costume" with ease, I walked out of the changing room, only to see five other girls of similar build to me, all warning the same outfit.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: In the Secret Room
The Staff Member opened another one of the Lounge's doors. It was clearly obvious that it led to another, completely new room.
MC: Why does this place have that many rooms...
Gamemaster: It's something that I painstakingly designed myself to utilize every single bit of space available here.
Gamemaster: Plus, this house didn't exactly come cheap either.
Putting the veil on, I lined up with the rest of the girls, mimicking their posture with my back to the door.
Gamemaster: Now young miss, you cannot move or make any sound from now on.
Gamemaster: You have to listen closely to me from now on.
MC: Okay. Rest assured; you have my full cooperation.
After thoroughly warning me a couple more times, the Staff Member opened a door that led to a corridor.
Xia Yan's rapid footsteps sounded closer and closer to the room.
Xia Yan: (Y/n)? Is that you? Are you here?
His tone was filled with worry, but I could not reply.
Gamemaster: Congratulations, Mister. You and your bride have already reached the last stage of the Cursed Castle.
Gamemaster: Please choose a bride to take with you. The curse will only be unraveled if you pick the right bride.
Xia Yan released the deep breath that he had been holding, his entire body seemingly relaxing from its former tenseness, only his voice held the slightest bit of shakiness.
Xia Yan: That's great. I was really worried about you just now even though I know that this must also be part of the game line-up.
I could only judge his current position from where his voice came from since I had my back facing him.
But I had an odd feeling that Xia Yan was currently looking straight in my direction.
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MC: (I think I'm overthinking things. There's no way he'd be able to tell who's who from this far away, right…?)
MC: (Not to mention how we're all wearing such a long veil…)
Gamemaster: Sir, you can stand 5 meters away from these few brides to observe them closely…
Gamemaster: You can order them to do something, but it cannot be to turn around or to remove their veil.
Xia Yan: No need. I don't require them to do anything.
Xia Yan: Can I go over now?
Gamemaster: Have you already decided? You only have but one chance.
Xia Yan: Of course. I'm very certain of my choice.
My heart started beating more and more fiercer the closer Xia Yan stepped towards me.
My hand was grabbed tightly by his, and I could feel the heat coming from the palm of his hand.
Gamemaster: Since you've already come to a decision, then how about you ask the bride to turn around?
He exerted a little force on his arm, forcefully turning me the other way around. But the veil covering my eyes was lifted before I was able to make a full turn.
I was caught off guard as everything before my eyes suddenly came into clear focus again.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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I was caught off guard as everything before my eyes suddenly came into clear focus again.
Reflexively, I looked back at the person behind me under the dim light.
A pair of eyes sparkling with absolute mirth entered my field of vision.
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He leaned down, inching closer to the cover of the veil, his warm breath fanning out on my face.
MC: Xia… Xia Yan…
The heavy veil obscured the figure of another, who was standing beside him. He was the one and only person in my world at this moment in time.
Xia Yan: Found you; my bride.
MC: ……
I was acutely aware of the fact that this whole “bride” business was only a part of the game’s story, but yet, I couldn’t help the blush that adorned my face as it heated up.
Those two words were just like little fawns, messing up my already restless heart even more.
Xia Yan: I told you that I'd definitely find you.
This moment saw his eyes filled with absolute seriousness and resolution.
He resembled a knight from the fairy tales I'd read back when I was a kid, solemnly vowing to the princess.
MC: How… How did you recognize me?
I stumbled over my words before eventually finding my voice.
He paused for a moment, as if he didn't expect me to throw such a question at him.
Xia Yan: Why wouldn't I?
MC: I had my back to you and the veil is so long...
He grinned at that.
Xia Yan: Because you're you!
Xia Yan: Your face, your voice, your silhouette; I’ve already committed them to memory.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
"Because you're you!" “Your face, your voice, your silhouette; I’ve already committed them to memory.” 
Those two lines continued repeating themselves in my mind all the way till we walked out of the room.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Rest Area
Xia Yan: What's on your mind, (Y/n)?
MC: Oh, nothing! I was just lost in my thoughts.
Xia Yan: Come on, hurry up! The Store Owner’s calling us over!
The Staff Member dressed in the black swallowtail coat from earlier was beckoning us from afar.
Xia Yan dragged me along while I was still caught up in a daze.
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Xia Yan: Mr. Gamemaster! I never thought that you’d be the owner of this establishment.
Owner: What, can’t the owner take customer feedback?
Xia Yan: Of course not; it was just a little surprising.
Owner: Haha, the both of you cleared it way too quickly that you’ve even broken the highest record to be recorded in establishment.
Owner: Our Store will customize a special gift as a prize for you guys.
MC: A customized gift? What kind?
Owner: Let's keep this a secret first. You'll know once you come fetch it.
Owner: Come, come. The two of you should take a picture together in commemoration.
We both stood before the camera at the owner’s warm insistence.
Owner: What are the two of you being all shy for? Get closer! How about you hold your boyfriend’s hand, young lady?
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MC: Oh, er…okay, sure…
I held onto Xia Yan’s hand a little awkwardly. Well, we did sign up for this challenge as a couple after all.
Owner: Do something, strike a pose, anything. It’s not like you’re taking a wedding photo or anything, so why are you standing so straight like that?
Xia Yan: *Coughs* W-Wedding...photo…?
Xia Yan started coughing, a blush on his face, almost as if he had been choked by his own saliva.
I reached a hand out towards him, attempting to help him catch his breath.
And that was how this somewhat comical moment got recorded on camera.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
A week later.
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Location: Coffee Shop
The day where we’d arranged to meet with the Experience Hall’s Owner arrived, and Xia Yan and I decided to go receive our prize together.
Coincidentally, Li Xu, Xia Yan’s Client, wanted to thank Xia Yan for his work, so we decided to meet him in a nearby coffee shop.
Li Xu: Hello, Xia Yan, Miss (Y/n). 
Li Xu was sitting alone in a corner of the Coffee Shop. Upon seeing us enter, he nodded and gestured towards us.
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Xia Yan: How was it?
Li Xu: Thanks to the information you’ve given me, I prepared for an entire week ever since I got my hands on the questions and memorized every segment a good many times over.
Li Xu: I even went and watched lots of videos on “guess the drawing” and “Charades”, but it was still pretty tough, in the end.
Li Xu: Thankfully, I managed to hold out till the time limit was over and passed it.
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MC: (Why does he sound like he’s describing his finals instead…?)
Xia Yan: It’s great that everything went well. Now, I can report back the good results.
MC: Report?
Xia Yan: Yup. Didn’t I tell you before that he is… a relative of an acquaintance of mine?
Li Xu: Thank you for helping me, Detective Xia. I’d never have made it past that challenge alone...
None of us were aware of the person who had been seated at the table behind him, nor for how long said person had been present. And it was this exact same moment that the girl seated behind him suddenly stood up, coming up straight before him.
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???: You liar! So, you hired a Detective!? Our Tacit Understanding between each other was all just a lie!? That detective was helping you behind the scenes!?
Li Xu: J-Jia Jia? What are you doing here?
???: Never thought that I’d turn up here now, did you? And here I was wondering why you’d come to a place like this that’s so far away from your home... 
???: You liar! I’ll never believe you again!
Seeing his girlfriend about to leave, Li Xu hurriedly stood up and grabbed onto her hand.
Li Xu: No, listen to me...
The way that Li Xu stuttered simply went to show that he was very guilty about it, thus confirming the suspicions that the girl before him harbored in her heart.
She flung his arm away, picking up the bag that she had left atop her chair and made to leave.
Seeing how she was determined to leave, Xia Yan and I both shot out of our seats.
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MC: Miss, you’re really misunderstanding Mr. Li.
MC: He did hire the Detective, but the Tacit Understanding between the two of you isn’t fake.
???: Who are you and on what basis am I to believe what you’re saying?
Xia Yan: Hello, miss. My name’s Xia Yan, I’m the Detective who’s in charge of this investigation.
Xia Yan: And this is my assistant, (Y/n).
???: I’m Deng Jia, his girlfriend.
Deng Jia glared at Li Xu as she spoke. And Xia Yan hurriedly attempted to help Li Xu explain himself. 
Xia Yan: Li Xu only wanted me to investigate and see what the game itself entails. All I did was to tell him the possible questions that might be asked.
Xia Yan: He derived all the answers to those questions on his own.
Deng Jia looked at Li Xu a little suspiciously.
Deng Jia: You didn’t ask this detective to find out what my habits and my likes and dislikes are?
Li Xu: Of course not, why would I!?
Li Xu’s eyes widened in shock at the accusation.
Deng Jia: So you spent the money to hire this detective, all just to find out the contents of the game? Who in their right mind would do such a lose-lose transaction?
Li Xu: No… My cousin’s a friend of Detective Xia’s...
Xia Yan: I didn’t take any money from him; I only helped a friend, who came to me with a request, out.
Listening to Li Xu going round in circles about the matter, Xia Yan couldn’t do anything but to cut in and interrupt him.
The girl’s fury simmered down quite a bit after hearing the explanation, but she still harbored a few suspicions.
Deng Jia: Even if that’s the case… What you did was still a hasty effort made at the last minute.
Xia Yan appeared somewhat clueless as to how to carry on with the conversation, shooting me pleading look for help.
I sighed, turning to explain it all to Deng Jia patiently.
MC: Miss, calm down and think about it. He could have asked you about your likes and dislikes beforehand...
MC: But things like habits are very trivial and small, so not even a Detective can find out about all your little quirks in the mere span of a few days.
MC: Besides, the memories you two share are complex, so how would he remember all of it, if he didn’t make the extra effort to notice everything that went on?
MC: And, even if he did prepare all of those in-time, then what about the last segment where he had to choose a bride? How, then, would he be able to cheat?
Deng Jia seemed to have remembered something, her expression slightly faltering. Li Xu stood dumbly by the side, rooted to his spot, rubbing a hand over his arm that hung by his side.
MC: So, how about you here what Mr. Li has to say, Miss?
Deng Jia pursed her lips, silently looking at Li Xu. Li Xu breathed a deep sigh before finally raising his head and fixing her with a serious look.
Li Xu: I didn’t cheat; I remember all your habits and your likes and dislikes very clearly.
Li Xu: I also remember that it’s been 3 years since the first time we met. The first time you ever talked to me was to ask if you could borrow a pen of mine, and that we went for barbeque the first time we ever went out for a meal together...
Li Xu: The first time we ever went out together alone was to the Library, and the place where you agreed to be my girlfriend was the second tree to the left downstairs of your house...
Deng Jia: Okay… Okay, enough! I get it.
Listening to his chain of silly, yet absolutely direct confessions, Deng Jia’s cheeks reddened.
Even the anger that she had harbored in her voice steadily disappeared.
Deng Jia: If you’re not afraid of being tested, then why look to a Detective for help?
Li Xu: Only because I wasn’t sure if you’d be unhappy or dissatisfied with me after playing this game…
Li Xu: I don’t want you to be mad, but I was afraid that you’d ignore me after, just like the other couples who’ve gone through this; so I did my homework in advance.
Li Xu: I know that I can’t speak very well since I’m a bookworm, so all I can do to make you happy is to study things up in advance.
Li Xu said everything in all but a single breath, looking as if he had used up all his confidence to convey that. He lowered his head but couldn’t withstand the urge to secretly peak up at his girlfriend.
And it was at this moment, that all of Deng Jia’s anger vanished into thin air.
Deng Jia: I… I…
Her face was red and she looked a little shy about it.
Deng Jia: It wasn’t in my intention to put you to the test. It hasn’t been long since we got together, so it’s normal if you don’t understand me all that well.
Deng Jia: You’re always very quiet, so I thought that maybe we could learn more about each other through this game.
Deng Jia: I never thought… That you’d actually still remember things from that long ago.
Her face gradually reddened as she stepped forwards and grabbed onto Li Xu’s sleeve.
Seeing that, Xia Yan and I quietly took our leave from the coffee shop.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Downtown
We both heaved a huge sigh of relief upon stepping out of the coffee shop.
MC: I thought that they were really going to fight and break up right then and there, but it was thankfully only a false alarm.
Xia Yan: Yeah, if his girlfriend was truly mad, then I’d only have brought him more trouble than help.
MC: Thankfully, Deng Jia doesn’t seem like an unreasonable person either.
MC: But I feel like Li Xu’s stepping on eggshells way too much around her; it’s almost as if he’s afraid of saying the wrong thing...
Xia Yan: Actually, Li Xu told me that he had been harboring a crush on her for nearly 3 years now and finally confessed after no longer being able to keep it a secret any longer back when he first came to me with this job.
Xia Yan: He honestly never thought that his revered goddess would agree to dating him, so he always feels as if he’s unworthy of having such a girlfriend.
MC: So that’s why he’s being so careful around her? Fearing that he might say something wrong, or do something wrong?
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Xia Yan: That’s how it is...
Xia Yan spread his hands and shrugged at that, sighing helplessly.
Xia Yan: And that’s precisely why I didn’t want to take any money from him for this. Anything and everything he wanted me to look into was clearly only to allow himself to have some assurance and an easier peace of mind.
Xia Yan: Although, I can understand where he’s coming from.
Xia Yan: Who wouldn’t hesitate and waver before their most favorite person in the world?
Xia Yan: It’s only because he’s way too concerned about how they’d think that he turned to self-doubting.
Xia Yan’s voice sounded a little off, but he didn’t show any hints of there being something wrong when I turned to look at him.
It was as though he had just been thinking about the matter with utter seriousness.
MC: But he’ll only be missing out on more of the beautiful things if he’s walking on eggshells that much.
MC: They’d be unable to pass the stage either, if Deng Jia didn’t understand him well enough.
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Xia Yan: It’s unfortunate, but apparently, Li Xu didn’t seem to notice that fact.
MC: Li Xu was all caught up about whether or not he was worthy of his girlfriend that he neglected what his girlfriend really wanted; a companion to accompany her.
Xia Yan: Yeah, he ended up ignoring the most important thing… Which was what his partner truly wanted.
Xia Yan halted in his footsteps, quietly looking at me, eyes full of smiles.
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MC: What? Why are you suddenly staring at me?
Xia Yan: Nothing! Let’s hurry and get our prize!
I don’t know if it was just my imagination, but Xia Yan’s tone sounded much lighter, and much more carefree than how it was just now.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Experience Hall Front Desk
Owner: You’re here now, are you? Your prize is already finished.
Upon entering the store, the Owner walked towards us with a smile, a small box in his hands.
MC: Is this our prize?
Owner: Yup, hurry, open it up and have a look at it.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Xia Yan took the paper box from the Owner and slowly opened it.
Sitting quietly within the box was a pair of exquisite dolls. They were about palm-sized and were made in Chibi style.
MC: Oh… Are these… Dolls of us?
There were two dolls, a girl and a boy, both with happy smiles on their faces. And the color of their clothes was exactly the same as the outfits that Xia Yan and I had previously worn here.
Owner: That’s right, this was made according to both of your appearances.
Xia Yan: No wonder you insisted that we take a photo together. So, it was for the sake of making these dolls.
Owner: How are they? Do you like them?
MC: Yes, I do! I honestly never thought that these would be what we’re getting; thank you Owner!
Xia Yan: I really like them too. Sorry for troubling you with making these.
After chatting with the Owner for a bit, Xia Yan and I left the Experience Hall.
Before we left, the Owner beamed at us and told us that he hoped we’d come by again once they had another theme rotation.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Downtown
The sun was already sinking westward when we walked out of the mall, the light of the setting sun filling the streets.
MC: The sunset’s really beautiful today.
Xia Yan and I both unconsciously stopped to quietly admire the beauty of this short-lived scene.
Xia Yan: Right, you should take the pair of dolls home.
Xia Yan: You’ll be able to see me every day upon returning home if you place them against the headboard of your bed.
His smile appeared much warmer under the light of the setting sun. His smile was contagious, for I found myself smiling along with him in no time at all. 
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MC: No can’t do! I can’t take them with me if that’s how it’s going to be.
Xia Yan paused, doubt flickering across his features.
Xia Yan: Why…? Do you not like them?
MC: Of course, I do.
MC: But I can only take one of them home. I’ll entrust my doll to you!
MC: You can put it on your nightstand; that way, I’ll also be accompanying you!
Xia Yan: M’kay.
The fiery red sun was slowly entering the cluster or clouds up in the sky, and before we knew it, there were a couple more people around us stopping to admire the scene.
Xia Yan: I've actually also had my own share of worries, just like Li Xu, about whether we'll be able to successfully re-connect with each other.
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Xia Yan: Is 8 years apart really… Have I missed too much of your life in my absence?
Thinking back to all the questions I had gotten wrong back in the Maze, I let out a helpless sigh.
MC: We've really grown and changed in those 8 years.
MC: But thankfully, we're still the same as how we left off, despite having changed so much.
Xia Yan: Thankfully, we're still the only ones who know each other the best.
MC: Hey, Xia Yan? You should really tell me more about your life during these 8 years whenever you have the time.
Xia Yan: Sure. I want to hear what you've gone through too.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Xia Yan's House
Xia Yan had only just gotten home when his phone rang.
Taking out his phone, a familiar number entered his sight.
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Xia Yan: Hello? What’s up, Brother Yang?
Yang Xiao: Nothing; Li Xu asked me to convey his thanks to you.
Xia Yan: Don’t make me take up jobs like this ever again… This time’s the only exception so don’t make an example out of it!
Yang Xiao: I don’t want to bother you either, but I really didn’t have any options this time!
Yang Xiao: I can’t not help my distant cousin if he needs help; I even held him in my arms and played with him when he was little!
Yang Xiao: Come find me if you encounter any trouble. Looking at how caught up you always get, I owe you one, and we're also pretty similar to boot.
Xia Yan gave a wry laugh at Yang Xiao’s merciless teasing.
Xia Yan: Stop making fun of me, Brother Yang.
Yang Xiao: Anyway, thank you for this time; seriously.
Xia Yan: No need to be so humble. Honestly speaking, I should be the one thanking you instead.
Hanging up the phone, he picked up the gift from the Experience Hall.
The exquisite doll laid quietly in his hands, the brilliant smile on its face was exactly the same as hers.
Xia Yan looked at the masterpiece in his hands tenderly, a smile playing on his lips.
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Xia Yan: Let us slowly make up for the 8 years that we've missed.
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mommymooze · 4 years
Big Girls, Big Hearts
The Golden Deer are devouring their lunch on a sunny fall afternoon. The conversation is lively as they are quite the boisterous bunch. Rumors are spreading about strange things happening in Remire Village. Everyone is working themselves into an anxious state about the perplexing rumors being overheard. Hilda decides it is time to lighten the conversation.
“You know, every year they hold a ball at the Academy. The students get the chance to get to know each other better in a more friendly environment and its sort of a reward for working so hard as well as a possible way to find future partners.” She grins widely.
“A ball?” you ask. “With dressing up and dancing? I’m a commoner. It’s only for nobles, right?”
Hilda scoffs. “No silly! It’s for everyone! Dancing and romancing!  Time to find love and intrigue, hugs and kisses.”
“Um, this is an optional event, right?” You ask nervously. You’ve never been to a ball. Never had to learn to dance. You would rather beat up 500 bandits than go to a single ball.
“Come on (y/n) . You are the bravest person I know. What’s so scary about a little dance? Getting to hold a special someone in your arms for a bit, maybe even a kiss in the moonlight…Ooooh so exciting!” Hilda clasps her hands together daydreaming wistfully.
“Maybe I can catch the plague by then.” You grumble at your empty plate in front of you.
“No! Don’t even think that. We are going to get you ready and dressed up and you will not believe how beautiful you will look.” Hilda stomps her foot at you.
“Yeah, like putting lipstick on a pig, but with fat swollen lips because I’m allergic to it.” You further groan.
“Pish Posh! We can accentuate your good qualities yet keep you comfortable. I may let you wear shoes with less than 3 inch heels even.” Hilda puts her finger on her chin plotting further ways of dressing you up.”
“Balls are for petite cute girls like you and Marianne. My arms are like tree trunks. I am bulgy and lumpy. Not a sweet and delicate flower such as yourself.” You moan on, hoping she gives up soon.
Hilda puts her hands on her hips. “Yes, I can be a delicate flower. I also wield an axe just like you. Those things are heavy and take strength to swing around. Yes, I will admit to having a few muscles. Not everyone wants a delicate maiden that falls over from the slightest breeze. Some want a good hunk of warm and loving body to squeeze them back until they can’t breathe. Everyone knows you are incredibly strong. Didn’t I hear about you carrying Dedue to the infirmary not that long ago? I bet Felix or Sylvain couldn’t do it at all, but you just whisked him up and hauled him across the monastery like he was a little kid and ran him up the stairs to the infirmary.”
You blush furiously. “What was I supposed to do? I walked into the greenhouse just as he slipped on the wet rocks and he was knocked out. I couldn’t just leave him there.” You are hiding your face in your hands, feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Hilda laughs. “(Y/n), We watched you carry him bridal style running to the infirmary. I heard that when he found out he blushed for a half hour straight.!”
You want to crawl under the table, settling for crossing your arms and burying your face in them.
Hilda tugs your arm, “We are hitting up the dressmaker in town. Gonna get you a killer dress, show off those muscular toned abs and legs, and get you set up for the night of your life.”
“Nightmare of my life more like.” You mumble to yourself.
The battle at Remire is terrifying. Thomas turns into a really creepy ghosty old guy. The Flame Emperor shows up being threatening. The worst part is the villagers. They are going crazy killing everything, even their own families. They didn’t know they are attacking their own loved ones, their own friends. The Deer try so hard to rescue as many villagers as possible. You work to subdue as many of the possessed ones you can. They are still someone’s family and hopefully the madness is temporary. When the battle is over you look at the village, not much is left of it. The smell of smoke and burnt everything is thick in the air, choking everyone, making their eyes burn.  Finally, after the cleanup is done and all the villagers are treated for injuries, it is time to head back to the monastery.
The Golden Deer are unusually quiet as they silently march back to the monastery. Even Hilda is quiet after what she had seen. Ignatz makes his way over to you as the group keeps walking back to the academy.
“You ok?” He softly whispers to you.
You take your sleeve and wipe the tears from your eyes. “Yeah, I just got a lot of smoke in my eyes there. Thanks.” You mumble back, hanging your head a bit lower than it was before.
It is a long walk back. Everyone finally makes it into the monastery gates and the group splits up, everyone going their own direction.
Claude takes you aside. “Are you going to be okay? I’d be happy to chat if you want to. The professor is a great listener too.” He says with a look of concern in his eyes.
You don’t know where your tears are coming from now. They haven’t stopped since you were in Remire village. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. Professor Byleth comes over and puts her arm around your shoulder, leading you to her room. She pulls out a tea set and prepares tea.
“You know I lost my parents in a fire. Watching the village burn brought the whole thing back.” You stare down into your teacup.
“I’m sorry.” Byleth responds. Her face is not extremely expressive, but you can tell she is being very sympathetic from her body language.
“Do you think I can talk to Seteth about helping them out some? Isn’t this something like what the church would do? It is so late in the year and many of them don’t have secure homes to live in.” You ask, the tears slowing.
“My father and I spent a lot of time at that village. That was where the church found us.  I will talk to him as well.” Byleth nods.
You return to your room to try to sleep after such a nightmarish week.
The next morning you check with Seteth about assisting the village. You find that he has already spoken with Captain Jeralt and Lady Rhea feels that this is an excellent idea. After a few days of gathering supplies and materials, a small caravan heads out to Remire. Professor Byleth, the Golden Deer, Shamir, Jeralt and all his former mercenaries who had been incorporated into battalions, Alois and some of the Knights of Seiros, and surprisingly, Dimitri and Dedue.
The town elders meet with your group, discussing their wants and needs. Repairs to the structures that are salvageable should begin quickly. Tasks are divided between those that are experts in certain areas assisted by warm bodies that can lift, move or hand things to others. Ignatz is working on a map of the to be reconstructed village. Since assistance has arrived so quickly, there are fewer residents that will be leaving for other towns, happily staying now that they have some support. Everyone has something they can do. Cutting trees, clearing branches, gathering wood and kindling, sifting through burnt houses for useful items that can be salvaged like utensils, plates, and tools. The young go with the old to fields gathering heather, reeds, and straw for thatching the roofs.
You start with gathering salvaged bricks together to repair buildings. Even Lysithia can carry a few bricks at a time, you tell her 30 are needed at this house, 15 needed here. A few Knights head off to a local riverbank for sand and water to make the mortar.  You clean and prepare the bricks, measure the materials and have someone stir the mortar mixture. Soon you find yourself up on a ladder with a full mortarboard spreading an even layer of the compound, then place a brick, lay more mortar between it and the next brick. Starting with the smaller repairs first there are now several restored residences that will keep the wind and weather out.
As the sun goes down, everyone gathers in the center of town around large cauldrons full of soup, together with fresh baked bread made by the residents from the supplies brought by the Academy volunteers. Many of the townspeople are crying thanking everyone for their help. The Knights certainly push that this is by the grace of the goddess and the church. Others are simply happy to help in any way they can.
You grab some soup and take a seat near Dimitri and Dedue. They greet you and welcome your presence.
“I am surprised by your bricklaying knowledge. I had no idea of your talents.” Dimitri smiles.
“My older brother was a bricklayer, I helped him out often when I was growing up. I can’t wait to get my hands on some hammers and nails once the brickwork is complete.” You grin. “I am surprised to find the two of you here.”
“Hey your Princeliness, Dedue, (Y/n). Mind if I join you?” Claude takes a seat next to you. “We really appreciate your help. We did not expect other houses to send anyone.”
“I am very interested to see firsthand the reconstruction after disasters such as this.” The prince says excitedly. “It is wonderous seeing everyone come together with a single mindset of rebuilding. Everyone is helping in so many different manners. The strong are carrying bricks and trees, cutting wood, lifting loads. The weaker are preparing food for everyone, gathering materials and completing more delicate work. I am amazed at how much has been accomplished in just a single day.”
“Agreed. Many hands make light work.” Dedue nods. “I am happy to lend my strength.”
“Both of you are certainly welcomed with open arms. There is plenty of heavy lifting to do.” Smiles Claude. “I hope we can replace a few homes before we leave. Talking with the elders, there are some families doubled up in the same house. At least if each family has their own place it would be much more pleasant making it through winter.”
“Another important thing is to provide these people support and comfort.” You softly speak. “Let them know there are others out here who care for you as your fellow man. I do not know any of these people, but I do know about losing things to disaster. People that had no idea who I was helped me, kept me going when my life was crushed by disaster. Now here I am, helping out someone else that I have no idea as to who they are. I just want to help them. I hope it keeps them going as well.”
Dedue nods and smiles. The two house leaders agree that this is a great learning experience for everyone. You take the empty dishes leaving them to chat amongst themselves and head over to Byleth who is sitting with her father and their former mercenaries.
“Byleth, Jeralt. I wanted to thank you personally for helping bring this together. It didn’t sit right with me leaving these people behind and in such a ruined state.” You say, a smile finally crossing your lips.
“If Seteth would have said one word about not helping with this I would have punched that ‘No’ right off of his face.” Jeralt laughs. Byleth smiles. “This is a great learning experience for everyone. I think all of the classes should complete a project like this. Hands on learning is the most practical. Even Lorenz is finding some hidden talents as a result of this experience. I think he has a greater respect for Leonie too. That girl can turn a pile of trash into 100 different useful things.”
After dinner there’s not enough light to work on building without making it dangerous. So you decide to knit a sock or two. That way you can talk to everyone and when you’re done, someone has a new pair of socks. Win-win! There is plenty of chatter to go around the campfires with everyone in the village telling interesting stories of its history, or funny residents who did silly things, famous village romances or deeds. They also share stories of when the Blade Breaker came to town to save or help them. Being in a village isn’t all peace and quiet. There were some exciting and spicy tales shared until the cobwebs filled everyone’s heads and it was time to sleep.
The next day is just as busy with more homes being made whole by the end of the day. Construction is started on two different houses. One for a larger family, one for a smaller. Everyone gives their all in some way or another. Gathering kindling, firewood, food, finding the animals that were scattered by the calamity. Suddenly Saturday morning arrives, the last day the group from Garreg Mach will stay for rebuilding. What a difference everyone has made! Every family in Remire has their own place to stay without having to share. There are a long row of stalls for wares in the new Marketplace. There is even a barn and stable to keep horses for the community. Firewood is stored to keep the homes warm. It is everything the smaller village needs to get them through the winter. There is a celebration in the village center and tears are shed. However, these are all tears of joy as new friendships have been forged and the feeling of a job well done can be left with the people. The march back to the monastery is full of high spirits and happy hearts.
Back at the monastery you look forward to a warm bath and sleeping in your own bed. Just as you’ve changed into your nightgown there is a knock on the door.
“Um, I was just about to go to sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?” you anxiously respond to the knock as you stand at the door.
“It’s just me.” Says Hilda. “Come on. We’ve got some girl talk to do.”
You roll your eyes as the chipper pink ponytailed girl comes bouncing in your dorm.
“You haven’t forgotten the ball now, have you?” She winks.
“Oh yeah, that.” You stammer. You kinda sorta did forget.
“Tomorrow we’re going to town and getting a dressmaker to take your measurements. I know exactly what you need to wear.” She bubbles out excitedly. “I think you would be adorable in yellow. I saw the most darling shimmery satin material that would make you look like a princess.”
“A muscular, big shouldered princess.” You whine.
“Girl, you have no idea how to work with what you have, and you have a lot going for you.” Hilda smirks. “Now, I’ve been thinking. I know that you can’t wear lipstick, but I was hoping you can do some lip gloss. It has different things that go into it. Some are even flavored. Have you ever tried any?”
“Um. No.” You shrug sheepishly.
“Great! Hold still now.” Hilda has you in her grip as she plunks you down in your chair and starts carefully applying some gloss to your lips.  “There. How is it?”
You mush your lips together. They aren’t tingling or stinging. They don’t feel like they are getting fat. She pulls your mirror from your dresser to show you your lips.
“They’re just shiny.” You say, looking confused.
“Shiny is healthy. Gloss makes your lips slippery. It’s really good for you in the winter. When the cold air hits them, they stay soft and won’t peel. Your lips are really pretty. They’ll be lined up around the building wanting to get a turn to kiss those cute shiny lips.” The pinkette grins.
“But this is a dance. Where is the kissing coming from? Do I have to? I’m so confused.” You plunk back down on your chair with a big frown.
“Listen and listen good. Pretty soon we’re going to graduate, everyone is going to go their own way and you’re my friend and I’m just trying to help you get the most out of life. The ball isn’t just a celebration for nobles. It’s a chance to get to know the other students better in a different environment, a casual and fun environment. So many people have met the love of their life at this very same Academy event! Who knows what will happen on that glorious evening? The magic is calling for you, I can hear it!”
You look at her like she has two heads.
“Come on! Loosen up! I told you I will get you through this. Let’s start with the dance lessons. If you are dancing with a guy, he’s supposed to lead. If you dance with a girl, then either of you can lead, just agree who is to lead before you start. So I am going to lead. That means you put your left hand on my shoulder on the same side, and put your right hand into my palm on the other.” She grabs your hand and waits for you to put the other on her shoulder. “Good. Now don’t stomp on my feet, you have socks on, so put your toes on mine so you can follow me. The lead person is going to take their right foot and step forward, since you are following, you take a step back on your left foot. You will be moving backwards mostly, so the lead person watches to make sure you don’t crash into anyone…” Hilda goes through the basics of the box step for the waltz. You don’t quite crush her toes, and just maybe you do get the hang of it a bit. She tells you to look at her face, don’t look down. Stop looking down. Looking down will mess you up. You crash and fall over on the bed laughing once and she makes you get up and try again.
“Enough for your first lesson. You did great.” Hilda smiles. “So tomorrow after breakfast, we hit the dress shop.”
You yawn, “Sure…” and wave as you see her out the door. You would have bad dreams about going to the ball and stomping on everyone’s feet, but you’re too tired to even do that and actually just have a good night’s rest.
After breakfast Hilda practically drags you to town.
“Maybe I should just wear pants.” You grumble.
“Come on, you would look so cute!” She giggles.
“Cute is a bunny or a baby chick. I feel more like a silly goose.” You whine.
She hauls you into the dressmakers where a tall redheaded woman with a lowcut red dress assists you. “Hello dahlings.” She greets you at the door. Hilda curtseys, so you do too.
“Madame Palmyre, I’ve brought you another beauty in need of a dress for the ball.” Hilda proclaims.
“Hmmm. Hmmmm. Well. Athena. Hmmmm. No, Artemis! With the shoulders of Atlas. Oooooh. Yes.” Madame coos and ahhs as she walks around you touching your shoulders, lifting your head, raising your arms. “We must measure, quickly!” and shuffles you to the back where you are hastily stripped to your undergarments.
Madame’s hands work at a fast pace. She’s put special strings around various parts of your body, writing numbers down. Hilda stands next to her and they chitter and chatter with each other for a while. You decide to put your clothes back on.
“Lovelies, I shall have it ready two days before the ball. She will be magnifique!” Madame Palmyre raises her right hand with a flourish and a wide smile.
Hilda drags you to the cobbler to see what sort of shoes would be best. You glance at the boots longingly.
“No. “The Goneril girl shakes her head. “Cute. Not clunky.”
“Hilda, I have feet shaped like a duck.” You groan.
“Come on, work with me.” Hilda finally finds the shoes she is looking for. “Check this out. There is almost no heel, the toe is rounded but the way it is made, it gives you room for your wider foot to be comfy. Still cute!”
You look at the shoes, then at your friend. “I know you know what you are doing. I am so clueless. Just promise me I won’t want to cut off my feet by the end of the ball and I will wear whatever you want me to.”
“Gotcha, fam!” Hilda smiles as she puts in the order. The cobbler takes your measurements and says they will be ready next Sunday.
Hilda takes you to the final store of the day, which is great because this is really getting confusing and exhausting and overwhelming.
“Hey Mattie!” Hilda greets the owner. “We’re here for lipgloss and earrings.”
“But I don’t have pierced ears.” You look at her puzzled.
Hilda grins. “You will.”
You are a brave girl in battle. You fight and punch bad guys in the face. Intentionally letting someone stab holes in your ears is a whole different story. You were brave when they created the first hole and stuck the earring through. But when they stabbed your other ear with the needle, the needle that kept getting bigger the more you looked at it, the tears were shooting out of your eyes like rain.
“It’s done, its done. You’re fine! Look! So pretty!” Hilda is patting you on the back showing you the mirror. Mattie gives instructions to turn the earrings frequently and keep them clean. They should be well healed by the time of the ball. She helps you pick out some mint and honey flavored lip gloss.
You feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Not even fresh treats from the bakery tempt you. You just want to go back and hide. And maybe punch out a Duscur bear. Do something more familiar and relaxing.
That night you can’t sleep well. You always sleep on your side and no matter how you crunched up or mauled your pillow it still hurt your ears. You are going to die from lack of sleep long before the night of the ball. That is a welcome end, you think to yourself.
The next morning, dark circles hang heavily below your sleep deprived eyes, you barely make it to class in time. Lysithia notices something different as soon as she comes into the room.
“Your ears are pierced. That is so cute! I’ve been thinking about it. I may do that too some day.” The white haired girl muses.
“Hey (Y/n), Lysithia! Look who has more holes in her head! Just kidding.” Claude says as he taps his own earring while looking at yours.
Hilda strolls into the classroom followed by Marianne. They come to sit beside you.
“My ears are killing me. You better take good notes. I am going to sleep through class.” You warn the mischievous pinkette.
“And you’ll be cute doing it too. Yes, sometimes beauty can be painful, but it will go away soon.” Hilda tries to reassure you.
“I wish I could use magic on it, but it might make your earrings stick to your ears.” Marianne comments looking at her hands.
You rest your hands on your books and your chin on your hands. Nothing is touching your ears and you fall asleep before Hanneman comes in and starts his lecture about crests.
The excitement surrounding the ball continues. Your stomach starts to twist in knots every time you hear the word “Ball”. You have your new shoes and Hilda makes you practice dancing in them and walking around your room in them so they are broken in enough to not hurt you on the night of the..you know.
Hilda drags you to town the Sunday before the ball to get a fitting for your dress. She’s being a real stinker, because she makes you wear a blindfold so you can’t see it.  It comes with a special bustier, lifting your bust to be plump like a partridge (Madame Palmyre’s words). You had no idea what a bustier is in the first place. They picked and primped on you for a few minutes and then took the dress away, letting you get back into your comfy clothes. It wasn’t too uncomfortable, but you certainly wouldn’t battle in the dress, you chuckle to yourself.
Hilda continues with dancing practice. Marianne joins so you can observe them dancing as well. Marianne, the best dancer in the Deer glides gracefully across the floor. You feel like you are stomping around like a moose with four left feet. You are getting better though, you hardly step on Hilda’s feet any longer.
Soon, too soon, the fateful day arrives. The ball is this evening. They have classes in the morning so that everyone can get ready or in your case, panic in the afternoon. You just know you have a fever, you’re sick to your stomach. You should go to the infirmary so they can pronounce you on the brink of death and give a written note excusing you from the…the thing.  Class finally ends, before you can escape, Hilda, Annette, and Dorothea grab you and physically take you to Hilda’s room for hairstyling and makeup. You try to excuse yourself because you forgot your lipgloss, but they are on to you and will not let you go. You have no idea how they can fit so many females in the same room and still have room to work on them all. You hope you can escape when getting lunch, but no, they are too evil and have lunch brought in for everyone.
“(Y/n), I have the perfect jewelry to match your look.” Hilda giggles. She holds up gold crescent moon earrings, bracelet, and a matching necklace. Many “oohs” and “ahhs” are heard from the others. The stones in the bracelet are perfect, they are a pale yellow and black, matching the colors of the dress. Hilda sends you off to your room with Annette and Dorothea to get you into your dress. The songstress shows you how to put on the sheer and dotted with gold sparkles thigh high stockings without ripping them, teaching you how to fasten them to the garter belt. They adjust the lacing of the bustier so that you can breathe easily and move, yet your bust is enhanced, which is quite embarrassing, but then you look over at Dorothea and she’s super enhanced and ready to spill over the top of hers any second. Finally they help you lift and pull the dress on. Soft yellow chiffon at the top, gathered under the bust into its empire waist. A black airy stretchy panel starts there and goes to the bottom of the dress, flaring out a bit. The front is just past your knees, the back a few inches above your ankles. It visually pulls your waist in. Dorothea has that perfect hourglass figure with a waist so tiny that you could almost enclose it with your hands. You have much more um, meat, around your waist, the muscles alone make you twice as wide as her, but with the black panel it flares so you really do look, dare you think it, feminine. You thought the slightly puffy sleeves would make your shoulders bigger, but they just give you more freedom of movement. This is the most comfortable and beautiful dress you have ever worn. Madame is a magician.
Dorothea nearly has tears in her eyes. “Our baby looks all grown up.” She sniffles.
“Wow.” Declares Annette. “I need to meet this seamstress. She really knows her stuff. Its like you’ve been magically transformed. If I didn’t know it was you under there (y/n) I would say it was a different person.
“Come on, you are going to make me cry.” You were emotional before, but seeing the whole outfit, you do feel like the princess Hilda wanted you to look like.
Suddenly it is time for everyone to head to the ball. Many of the women head off to meet their dates. Hilda and her date, Marianne, look adorable together. They have the same purple flowers in their hair and their dresses complement each other perfectly. They walk with you toward the sound of music playing. The students are filing into the large room for the dance, the variety of colors and styles are striking. Everyone looks so beautiful.
You wander over to where the Golden Deer have congregated on the side of the room. Raphael is wearing a shirt that fits across his chest, although his muscles in his arms still look like they are about to burst through the sleeves.
“Hey, (y/n). Glad to see ya. You sure look pretty.” Raphael grins. You take it as an amazing compliment, he usually only notices food.
Ignatz is nervously pulling at his collar. “I haven’t been to a Ball before. The monastery really went all out for this. The food, decorations, and presentation are a work of art.”
The house leaders are called to the front accompanied by Hilda, Hubert, and Mercedes. They perform a special dance together that includes changing partners. Of course, Claude has to ham it up by dipping Edelgard who is a bit shocked but recovers well from the unexpected move. The special dance ends and the surrounding students now fill the dance floor.
Leonie sits next to you with a plate of appetizers and sweets. “Go grab some food, (y/n). They have some amazing things on the banquet tables. I tried this gray stuff, it’s delicious.”
You quickly shake your head. “My stomach is so jittery. I’ll stick with apple juice.” You weakly smile as you take a sip.
Looking to the left, there is an anxious Lysithia trying to drag a dressed-up Cyril out to the dance floor. You laugh because he looks more nervous than you. Hilda has Marianne out on the floor, the couple gliding along smoothly like the floor is made of ice. Annette is smiling widely as Ashe is guiding her safely around the other couples. They look too cute.
“Ahem! (Y/n)” you suddenly hear a male standing next to you, breaking you from your trance.
You jump a little in your seat to see the Prince of Faerghus bowing low and asking you for a dance.
You stand up and stammer, “Oh, yes. Thank you.” You place your right hand into his left as he leads you among the dancing couples. Hilda’s dance practice pays off as you have yet to stomp on the Blue Lions leader’s feet or trip over your own. You chat about how happy he is having participated in the rebuilding of Remire and how some day he will rebuild Duscur as well. Just as the song ends, he bends closer to your ear.
“I think Dedue would like to have a dance with you as well. He is a bit shy, but if you wait patiently close by him he may gather enough courage to ask you, unless of course you ask him first.” Dimitri smiles as your face turns completely red.
You can feel the burn of the blush all the way to the back of your neck.  You curtsey as the song ends and he leaves to find another partner. You just happen to be close to where Dedue is standing, the tall man is against the wall, his hands behind his back, eyes flitting from couple to couple. You decide to stand not far from the Duscur male.
Watching the students dance, Claude pulls Professor Byleth out onto the floor. You laugh at the shocked look on her face. Balthus is dancing with Manuela. He has a grin from ear to ear as he twirls her around, making her laugh. Perhaps this is what everyone needs, to have a night to forget about their problems and issues going on and simply enjoy themselves, if just for a little while. You find yourself swaying with the music as you look over at Dedue who takes a step towards you.
“Are you enjoying the ball?” Dedue asks softly, smiling pleasantly.
“Yes. I was not looking forward to it, however now that I am here it is nice. It is good to see our friends simply being happy.“ You answer him. “Would you like to dance?”
Dedue bows, “It would be my honor.” He says, taking your hand in his.
He is so incredibly tall. The top of your head is well below his shoulders. You have to crane your neck to look into his face, but it is worth it to see his gentle smile.
The white haired man looks down at you, “You are small.”
You nod as you smile, trying not to laugh because compared Dedue, absolutely everyone is small.
Dedue continues, “You are very strong.”
You blush, mashing your forehead into his chest. This giant man just said you were strong.
He is not finished. “And cute.”
Your ears are burning because you are blushing so hard. You’ve never been cute before. You’re having a hard time looking into his eyes while you are blushing so hard, so you decide to focus your sight on his strong handsome chin. Breathe, don’t forget to breathe.
“You have many wonderful talents. Not only fighting and helping Dimitri.” You tell Dedue, daring to look in his eyes again. “In the village I was impressed by your construction skills. Your assistance helped us complete more buildings than we had originally planned. Thank you.”
You both smile at each other as you continue to dance for the rest of the song, as it ends, you curtsey, he bows.
Before you take one step toward exiting the dance floor, Claude mysteriously appears behind you, taking your right hand in his. He kisses the back of your hand.
“May I have this dance, my Deer?” Claude smiles widely at you.
“I cannot say no to our Leader-man. That would be against the rules. Not that you pay much attention to rules, Claude.” You laugh as you place your left hand upon his shoulder.
Dancing with Dimitri and Dedue had been proper and elegant. Their steps carefully measured, in perfect time with the music. Dancing with Claude is like holding on to a leaf in a whirlwind. You moved up, then down back then right then spun and twirled. One time he had spun you around you thought he was trying to fling you into the middle of the orchestra. You think it strange, then funny, then you begin to laugh. He twirls you away from him, then pulls you to twirl the opposite way around toward him, your chest lightly crashing into his as you laugh together.
His steps suddenly fall back in with the tempo of the music, you following. Your laughter calming, you gasp a bit as you are slightly out of breath, and dancing very closely with Claude. You feel his right arm around you, his fingers close to the center of your back, his chest is warm against you.
“Hilda told me that if I play my cards right that I might get to dance with a beautiful princess tonight.” Claude purrs softly in your ear. “I think I have a winner here.”
You blush profusely, trying to look away from his dazzling emerald eyes and failing. Claude’s grin is as wide as you have ever seen it. Suddenly the music concludes. The orchestra takes a brief break.
He bows and you curtsey back.
“Thank you, princess (y/n).” Claude Grins.
“Thank you, Duke von Riegan.” You smile.
Hilda runs up to drag Claude off to gossip about who knows what as you grab a seat and catch your breath. You will have to honestly thank Hilda for making you go to this. You catch your breath in the quiet during the orchestra’s break. Your heart has simmered down after beating at such an excited rate for so long.
You glance about the room. Looking left you see the orchestra has returned, preparing to begin, to your right you see two different redheaded gentlemen headed your direction. Oh my…
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slightlymore · 4 years
Rumours | Part 1
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Thank you love!! I hope you like this
Part 2 Rumours were that Johnny Suh was very good in bed. Those whispers travelled all around the university campus caressing the ears of every student, standing in pairs while covering their mouths, eyes wide and curved lips, drinking in the juiciest gossip of that year.  
“I’ve heard he can make you cum all night and you have to beg him to stop”. “Greg never manages to make me moan as he’s already shaking by himself”. “God, Fiona, dump his ass already, he’s not even that great”. “The guys said that his penis is the biggest one on campus” “I would sell my soul for him to touch me with one single finger” “I’ve heard that he is able to fuck all night” “His pussy eating technique is impeccable” And many more. You’ve heard all the rumours possible and sometimes you inserted yourself in those groups of people on purpose, just to feel up to date. Johnny here, Johnny there, all of this information, but no real witnesses. You were amused at the whole situation and wondered what the truth really was.  How come everyone swore about this information but no one actually slept with Johnny before? Where did all of this come from in the first place? The thing is, Johnny never addressed any rumours about his out of world cock or god-tier skills and no one explicitly asked him if it was true or not. He would only laugh as someone complimented him or gave him knowing looks. It was just like that. Canon. But you wanted to see for yourself. You had to know the truth. You were waiting for the right moment to go and ask. Deadass.  And thanks to the universe, the opportunity came when you least expected it. When the professor told you that for the new semester you’ll have to work in pairs everyone groaned and rolled their eyes. There was not a single soul happy to work in teams. Yet, weird energy lingered around the classroom as the professor was about to share your partners. Because Johnny was there as well. The silence was total as if everyone kept their breath in while on the edge of their seat. Was it because Johnny was mysterious and no one could talk to him? Was that the only chance to have him around? No. You could go and talk to him and he would raise his honey eyes at you and smile widely. It was because everyone was shy out of their own mind and they didn’t want to admit that they dreamed about fucking Johnny every night while humping their pillows. This situation was ideal because it was inevitable. “I’m not hanging out with him because I want to get into his pants” people would comment. “Pfft, I’m not that type of person. We’re just working on a project together” they would explain. Even though everyone knew. Everyone knew that Johnny Suh was the most desired man in the whole university. “Fuck, I hope he’s bi” you heard a low whisper behind you as you were all waiting for his name to pop up.  You kept in a chuckle. You couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t curious to talk to him as well. You wanted to know. The funny thing to you was the fact that people took for granted that they would get laid in the first place. You weren’t that conceited. You didn’t want his dick. You just wanted to know the truth. 
“Johnny and Y/N,” the professor said with a monotone voice, unaware of what he has just announced. You felt your eyes widen at your luck and didn’t even feel the multiple light slaps you received from people around you, as congratulations, or, who knows, maybe envy. Johnny looked around as to search for you. He didn’t know who you were, obviously. When he linked eyes with yours you raised your hand a little as if greeting him. Hey, yes, YN is me, haha. God, you’ve never felt so awkward in your whole life. He smiled at you though and imitated your gesture before turning his back again. 
“What’s your favourite prompt?” a voice asked while the chatter of people leaving the room intensified. You ignored it, sure it wasn’t directed to you, but then the voice said your name. “Huh?” you raised your head, the pencil case in mid-air as you were packing your bag. “For the project” Johnny explained after letting out an airy chuckle. “Did you look at the list already?” he asked. He was standing on the stairs, at the side of the room, hands tucked inside his pants’ pockets, polite smile on his lips, bag wrapping his chest. “Oh-” you babbled not expecting him to approach you that way and you grabbed the paper. You could swear that it wasn’t written in a language you were able to read. “Uhm-” you hummed again. “I have no idea. Do you have something in mind?” you asked instead. There was no reason for you to feel this nervous. You didn’t want to sleep with him. You just wanted to know the truth. Calm the fuck down, Y/N.  He went silent as if he indeed had something pop up in his mind then he looked down at you again. “Let’s have lunch together if you don’t have other plans” he suggested. 
Your hands were tightly wrapped around the backpack straps as you were walking towards the corner of the campus Johnny choose as his lunch spot. “I like to eat outside” he explained seeing your confused face when you walked out of the main building. “It’s fine. It’s a nice day” you reassured him. Even if your heart has never beaten that fast before. Having to eat with him in the hall as everyone was staring would have been terrible. Eating with him alone where no one could see you? A dream come true but terrible as well. You weren’t ready to sleep with Johnny Suh. Who were you kidding? What were you thinking? Pairing you both wasn’t a blessing. It was a curse. You were already regretting it. You would be such a disappointment. You could count the number of dicks you’ve sucked before on one hand and you didn’t even need all 5 fingers to do so. Deep in your thoughts you almost missed Johnny as he indicated with his chin the place, saying that you’ve arrived. It was a nice spot, high up on top of a little knoll that accommodated a big tree as well. You sat in the shade on the soft green grass and looked down at the campus. “Quite nice, isn’t it?” Johnny asked. His hair was being caressed gently by the breeze and the little rays of sun poking through the leafage made it shine brightly as if it was gold. Then he looked at you. There it is, you thought. Here it comes. That’s it. You gulped down and tried hard to stop yourself from ripping the grass around you. What were you about to do before? What were your intentions with Johnny? Talk? You had no idea and you didn’t care as his scent inebriated you.  He leaned in slowly. You let your eyelids close a little as he was approaching. Your pulse was throbbing inside your ears and your palms got suddenly sweaty. “So, I was thinking, number 6? Or we can read all of them one by one and decide” he spoke after a while as he finally reached his bag near you. He unzipped it and took out a beautiful bento box that he put on his knees. You gasped for air, trying hard to not get noticed and silently cursed at yourself. Okay, rewind. You really thought that Johnny Suh would kiss you after knowing you for 5 minutes?  Of course, he wouldn't ask you to suck his dick. On campus! In the middle of the day! God, you were so embarrassed. You tried hard to escape all the prejudices around him and there you were, panties wet just like every other person.  Talking! Just talking. That was your mission. Focus.  “Does it bother you?” you asked on a whim after a while. Having decided that number 6 was indeed the best choice, you finally started to eat. He let you taste his food and you excused yourself for not offering your sandwich as well but it was quite terrible and he wouldn’t want to experience that. “What?” he asked even if the little line around his mouth told you that he knew what you were talking about. “The rumours” you answered with a little voice. You were so eager to know the truth about it. Like it was a mystery, not the life of a real person. But now, in front of him, you realized how stupid your intent was and that it wasn’t your business. He didn’t answer for a while and just put the lid back on his bento box. Then he smiled. “Believe it or not, you’re the first person to ask me that”. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t ask since we barely know each other-” you started to excuse yourself, afraid to come off as rude. You really wanted to abort the mission and run away.  “No, it’s fine” he assured you. “I actually appreciate it a lot” he added. You swallowed the last piece of sandwich you had and just stupidly looked at him. “It does bother me a little” he answered your question. “Because it makes me just that” he added. You nodded seriously. “A sex god”. He went silent for a split second then laughed as if not expecting such wording.   “Yes, I guess you can say it that way” he spoke again when he was able to breathe again. You smiled timidly as well, noticing his slightly red cheeks. Okay, so maybe he wouldn’t hate you if you asked. Maybe it was fine. Maybe you could finally get the answer to that big mystery.  “So…” you started, feeling more confident already. “If it’s true or not?” he surpassed you. You hummed, unable to stop your heart from racing. So close. You were about to know.  A little leaf danced on top of your head, swirling until reaching your face and hitting your nose. You closed your eyes and chuckled surprised.  The leaf then fell on your lap as you touched your face. Johnny’s hand appeared in your peripheral vision. His fingers brushed against your thigh with the intent to retrieve the leaf, but for some reason, they kept on casually lingering there. You turned your head and looked at him but the sun was right behind his head and you couldn’t quite see his expression when he spoke again. “I think you need to discover the answer to that by yourself” he whispered. You continued to stare at him as if under a spell and you thought of nothing besides the way his body got up and slowly descended the hill. When he turned his head to you while waving, you could swear that he winked at you.
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deobidrabbles · 4 years
[summary] You and Younghoon are chosen for 7 Minutes in Heaven
[genre/warnings] angst??? fluff??? idk but definitely smut in part 2 bc that’s what anon requested
[a/n] requested by anon; this is going to have to be split into 2 parts bc I’m afraid it’s going to be too long!!
“Hurry up and get in there,” Your friend called from across the table.
Your eyes followed Younghoon as he walked into the dark coat closet. You crossed your arms across your chest in protest. There was no way you were going into a dark closet with Younghoon. Despite being the most popular and most handsome guy on campus, his charms didn’t work on you. In fact, they actually did the opposite; they repelled you. The way he walked down the halls so confidently and stared at girls as if they were pieces of meat disgusted you. The rumors about him didn’t help his case either. His body count must’ve been the highest you’ve ever heard of. The fact that he was rumored to have more partners than you had fingers made him the most unattractive man in your eyes. Who would’ve known your childhood crush would end up turning into your current enemy...
“I’d rather kiss the bottom of my shoes than kiss him,” You huffed in annoyance.
Just thinking about him made your skin crawl. The worst part was that he knew how much you hated him and instead of just letting you despise him in peace, he picked on you everyday for it. It was cute when he teased you when you were young but now you just wanted to punch him in the mouth anytime he spoke to you. He leaned against the doorframe and called you over by curling two fingers, “Sorry that isn’t the rules of the game so get over here and kiss me.”
You rolled your eyes and took a huge swig of your drink, you were going need it if you were going to spend the next 7 minutes in a dark closet with him. You trudged into the closet and the door creaked as it closed behind you. Your phone light illuminated his face and you could see a cocky grin on his lips. The proximity of his body to yours was making you gag, so you pushed his chest away from you, “Get away from me. You’re too close.”
He chuckled as he stumbled backward, “That’s kinda the point of this game. I’m starting to think you’ve never played...”
“Just shut up for the next 6 minutes and 30 seconds so we can both get out of here alive,” You threatened.
It was a half empty threat in all honesty. A part of you wanted to play this game just because he was playing but the other part of you didn’t want to play because he was playing. Your head spun and the alcohol wasn’t helping. In a dream world, you and Younghoon would spend the next 6 minutes catching up and reminiscing in your childhood memories together. At the end of the time, the two of you would vow to hang out more like you used to. Sadly the reality was that the next 6 minutes were going to be just straight up torture.
“Why do you hate me so much?” Younghoon pondered.
“Because you ditched me the second you became popular and then acted like I never even existed! You didn’t feel guilty about it at all but you should’ve especially when you know we used to spend everyday together as kids,” You confessed.
In the low light from your phone, you could see him reach one arm up to scratch the hair in the back of his head. Meanwhile, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever bullshit excuse he was going to give as an explaination for his wrong doing. He looked down from your eyes out of embarrassment, it was obvious that he wasn’t expecting to be called out for being a terrible friend. He cleared his throat before he spoke, “I actually think about those days a lot because I miss them. Things were so simple back then when it was just you and me.”
His response caught you off guard and had your heart sinking into your stomach. Your eyes squinted at him because you were skeptical of his feelings. It was hard to believe that Younghoon still thought about you even though he had plenty of other girls and friends to pay attention to. The more you looked at him in the dark, you could see that his smirk had turned into a frown. He looked so warm and innocent like he did when he was young; he had suddenly became the Younghoon that you knew and secretly missed all these years.
You scoffed in disbelief, “Yeah right. You’re just saying that,”
He cautiously closed the space between the two of you and took ahold of your hands. There was less than 6 inches from his face to yours; he was so close that you could feel his hot breath wash over you as he shakily exhaled, “No I’m actually glad we’re in here alone so that I can finally tell you that I miss you. You would’ve never given me the chance before but now that we’re stuck in this closet together for a couple of minutes, it seems like the perfect time.”
Your ears stopped listening after the words ‘I miss you’. Just as you stopped listening, time seemed to stop too. Nothing he said after that mattered anyways because those were the words you had been wanting to hear for years. His voice saying those words replayed in your head and before you knew it you were leaning in to kiss him. When your lips met his, sparks exploded in your stomach and a rush of heat spread throughout your body. So much built up pain, anger and jealousy melted away with just this one kiss.
He responded quickly by moving his mouth against yours softly. Your lips moved in harmony until he broke the rhythm to swipe his tongue along your lower lip. You grant him access into your mouth by pulling him closer and slightly parting your lips. His tongue is gentle, carefully caressing and tangling with yours. The kiss ended just as quick as it began when your friend swung the door of the closet wide open, exposing the two of you in an embrace.
You quickly pushed him off of you and scurried upstairs to an empty bedroom to hide. Your actions left Younghoon in a state of shock. He stood there in the closet alone and confused as your group of friends hooted and hollered in celebration. It seemed like that kiss was something they’d been waiting awhile for too.
[Part 2]
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otomefoxystar · 3 years
The One - Chapter Six
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing: Eisuke X OC ( Charolette)
Warnings: Abuse, Kidnapping, Pregnancy
Nothing could have prepared Eisuke for the panic he felt when he woke up and realized Charolette missing wasn’t a dream. He had fallen asleep at his desk leaning back in his office chair. His neck and shoulders hurt from the way he was sleeping. Soryu stormed into his office.
“ Did you sleep in here?” He asked, shocked. No answer.
“ Do you have any idea what time it is?” Eisuke looked at his watch 10:38. Fuck, when was the last time he slept this late?
“ I know you’re worried about Charlotte, but you have got to pull yourself together. We are all worried about her, but we have the black dragons and the police at our disposal.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“ I know. I know. It’s just we HAVE to find her Soryu.”
“ Okay, let’s gather everyone together so we can come up with a plan, after you shower.” Soryu had a suspicion that there was something more to the story that Eisuke had intentionally left out.
When Eisuke finally came down from his room, everyone looked at him with worried expressions. He took in a deep breath and sat down.
“I just can’t shake the feeling that it could be the same person that attacked her.” Baba blurted out. Soryu looked at him.
“ Hmm, I wonder. Eisuke, the attack happened here so the attacker would either have to be a guest or an employee, correct?”
“ Yes, that’s right. I’ll have Kenzaki get a list of all the names for that day. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.”
“ Because you’re a goddamned mess,” Mamoru stated. Eisuke ignored his comment and went back up the stairs to his room.
“ I think he blames himself.” Baba glared at Mamoru
“ I’m not gonna walk on eggshells because his feelings might get hurt. He needs to stop being a princess. I’m gonna go to the office, call me when he gets those names.” Mamoru got up to let himself out.
“ I understand what Mamo is saying, but I think boss is really depressed. He isn’t himself.”
As soon as Eisuke sat down at his desk he called Kenzaki to get the names he needed. He couldn’t imagine what was happening to Charlotte right now. He wondered if Baba was right maybe it wasn’t someone after him, but who has been after her this whole time?
Morning and night seemed to run together, Charolette didn’t sleep well if at all that night. She dreaded the moment that Yuri would come in, she needed to figure out how to escape. There were no windows where she was, she wasn’t even in a house. It was like she was in a garage or somewhere for storage. There was a bed and a bathroom, but nothing else. It was cold and the only light radiated from a single lamp hanging on the ceiling. She went to stand up, and upon standing she realized she was attached to some kind of chain that extended up to the ceiling and was hooked to an iron like collar that was around her neck. She could move around freely, but unless she could somehow get out of the collar she wouldn’t be escaping.
Her hope dwindled and she heard the door open. She looked over to see Yuri bring some food into the room. He set it on a plastic bucket that was next to the bed.
“ Eat” It was not an offer, it was a demand. She looked at the food, and as much as her body craved nutrients she was hesitant to eat it.
“ I didn’t poison it, I wouldn’t do that. I love you.” Had she heard him right?
“ You would do this to someone you love? kidnap them and restrain them? That isn’t love.” He glared at her, and she cowered, then he smacked her across her face.
She rubbed her face, where he had hit her. “ You will learn your place woman! you are not to speak to me in such a way.” She picked up the fork but stopped as she looked at the meal that was in front of her. “ Why aren’t you eating?” He came up close to her face. “ You will eat it, every fucking bite unless you want a repeat from a moment ago.” She began to slowly eat until the plate was empty “ That wasn’t so hard was it ?” He took the plate “ I’ll be back later, I have to go to work. I’ve brought you some magazines. He set them down on the bed and left locking the door once again.
She heard him start the car and drive away, and her situation suddenly became very real and her eyes filled with tears, and she began sobbing into the pillow. Tired from sobbing, she fell asleep. Hours had gone by and she wondered how she was going to eat lunch if he was at work. It makes sense now that she knew she was pregnant. Her increased appetite could be problematic. She decided she should spend her time looking for a way to get out of the chains she was in. Going into the bathroom she noticed an ugly bruise on her cheek from when he had hit her.
She looked at the device locked around her neck, if only she knew how to pick a lock then maybe she could get this thing off, but she didn’t know the first thing about picking a lock. Things seemed so bleak, she clawed at her neck yanking turning whilst crying. She sank to the floor into a crying mess. She stayed there with her back against the tub with her legs drawn up against her chest. She didn’t know how long she had been in the bathroom, but she heard the door unlocking and she had to steady her heart. “ Charlotte are you in the bathroom?” He went into the bathroom and he saw her huddled on the floor. “ Charlotte?” She looked up at him “ Please let me go, Yuri.” He chuckled. “ Haven’t you figured out that is never going to happen?” Tears stung her eyes. “ Why are you doing this Yuri? What do you want from me?” He squatted down and caressed her face, she flinched. “ I want you, I need you all to myself. You are always with that fucking CEO Ichinomiya or that blond artist asshole. He took you away from me once, that’s not going to happen again.”
She looked at him in disbelief “ Do you think so poorly of your employer?” He traced the bruise on her face with his fingertip. “ They took you away from me.” She swatted his hand away. “ I was sick, they took care of me. You attacked me, you tried to rape me! If Ota hadn’t been there then you would have succeeded.” He laughed again “ Well he isn’t here to save you this time, is he? I have you all to myself.” He smiled “ You're fucking deranged, no matter what you do to me I will never belong to you!” At that, he hit her again and laughed maniacally. “ You are a feisty one I’ll give you that, but soon you will learn that your place is here with me. Your dinner is waiting for you…When you’re ready.” He turned and left, locking the door once again.
She finally got the energy to walk back to the bed where she saw her meal on the plastic bucket, as much as knew she should eat, she didn’t have the motivation. Then her hand went to her stomach, she had been so wrapped up in the situation she was in that she had forgotten about her pregnancy. She took in a deep breath and sat up straight eating the dinner that was made for her. Her stomach didn’t settle well and she rushed into the bathroom retching the food that she just ate. She wiped her mouth and wondered what would happen if Yuri was to figure out she was pregnant?
Eisuke handed the list of names to everyone when Hikaru walked in seemingly out of breath. “ Are you alright?” Luke asked “ No, no I’m not! This was delivered at my house.” He opened a small box and dumped out the contents onto the coffee table. “ It’s Charolette, whoever has her is taunting us.” There were pictures scattered across the table of her bruised and beaten with a black eye, a swollen and bruised cheek, and a split lip. Then there was a picture of the collar attached to her neck.
“This could be fatal to her current condition.” Soryu swallowed thickly “ Fatal? The amnesia, how?” Luke looked over Eisuke, and it clicked for Mamoru “ What are you two not tellin’ us?” Luke shook his head “ I can’t it’s patient, doctor confidentiality.” Baba furrowed his eyebrows “Isn’t this a special circumstance?” Luke stood his ground “I can’t” Hikaru looked between Luke and Eisuke “ But Eisuke seems to know” Eisuke stood up “Because I was there” Eisuke looked around “ None of you are going to let this go are you?” He sighed “ Okay” Luke glared at Eisuke “ It’s fine, it would have come out eventually.” He cleared his throat. “Charlotte's pregnant” Soryu studied Eisuke, and he contemplated his behavior lately. “And you're the father” Eisuke chuckled “ I sometimes forget how perceptive you are Soryu.”
Ota shot up out of his seat “ It’s true? Are fucking kidding me!?” Baba stood up and squeezed his shoulder. “ Ota” he shrugged off Baba’s grip “It’s not confirmed, I don’t know who else she’s been with. It only happened once.” Ota moved in towards Eisuke “ No! She’s not like that, she doesn’t sleep around. She hasn’t had a boyfriend in almost a year. And not to mention as far as I know you two aren’t in a relationship and have never have been” Hikaru came up behind Ota “ Ota calm down, we all want to find Charlotte.” Ota had a crazed look on his face “ No, this doesn’t add up. You forced her to sleep with you! Eisuke sighed “This is ridiculous! I didn’t force her to do anything.”
Eisuke crossed his arms “You used the fact that you own her as leverage. You didn’t give her a choice.” Eisuke inhaled sharply “ I cannot fucking believe you! Why Charolette, you could have any woman you want so why choose Charolette?” Everyone looked at Eisuke expecting an answer. “ Because I knew she wouldn’t screw up. I had to convince these people that we were in love, that we were together.” Ota started laughing “It’s all coming together now. That’s why she got so drunk that night. All of this is your fault, all of it. For her getting attacked, the amnesia, and on top of that, you got her pregnant! Now she could lose the baby YOU put inside of her, how much of a douchebag can you be!?” Then Ota closed the distance between them and punched Eisuke right in the jaw. “Fuck you Eisuke! You better fucking find her!”
Soryu went to go after Ota “No, let him go.” He said wiping the blood from his mouth. “He’s hurting just like the rest of us” Baba interjected Eisuke stood up straight “ No, you’re wrong Charlotte is the one hurting, we are merely worried we can only fathom what she is going through. Question the employees first.” Eisuke began to walk off “ you’re in love with her.” Baba stated it wasn’t a question but a fact. Eisuke paused for a moment, but then continued up the steps. Baba smiled, seeing that as confirmation.
When Eisuke closed the door he knocked over a chair in frustration. He knew Ota was right, he had forced Charolette to sleep with him for his personal reasons. She fell pregnant, ended up with amnesia and it was all his fault. All the torment she had been through was his fault.
When they rescue her he's going to let her move on with her life without him in it. It was what was best for her, even if she was still pregnant. He would give her enough money to live a happy life with their child in peace without any interference from him. First, though he was going to find her and he was going to ensure her safety and take care of the scum that took her. Then…he would let her go.
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me..
Ch. 5
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunately have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Language, hint of possible mentally abusive marriage, hint of possible PTSD, Angst. Fluff. I think that’s it...
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2123
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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Jensen's clock went off in what felt like only minutes, when really it had been about three hours. 
You felt his arm lift off you, reaching around him to slap at the offending sound that was coming from the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. 
You didn't want to move. It felt like you had just fallen asleep. 
Jensen was right about one thing... 
As people we do crave that human’s connection and affection with someone... 
You hadn't slept that well since the night before Damon and yourself had split up, even if it was only for a few hours. 
You felt Jensen start to brush your hair out of your face, thinking you were still asleep, trying to gently wake you. You weren't really ready for this to end. Who the hell would be? 
You did know that y/f/n would be waking up soon, she doesn't know you're gone, and would probably freak out. So as much as you’d have gladly stayed wrapped up here in the covers with Jensen’s warm body pressed against your own, you knew all good things must come to an end, and it was time to go back to your separate realities.. 
Moving around, and forcing your eyes open you look up into the most beautiful forest green eyes you have ever seen. Little light lines forming around the edges when he smiled at you. 
"Good morning." He said, voice pretty ruff from being asleep so hard, and man if the circumstances were different, you’d have to admit that it did things to you...
"Good morning" 
You try to unwrap yourself and sit up, but the fact that Jensen still had his arms wrapped around you, as well as one of his long bowed legs draped over yours. Moving just wasn't going to happen. 
"Just a few more minutes.....Please." He mumbled, a look on his face you understood all too well before he decided to bury his face into your hair where you couldn’t see him anymore. You were having the same problem. You knew when you got up, this may never happen again. You knew that once you left his arms. 
That was it... 
You were alone again... 
In that instance you reminded yourself that he wasn't yours to begin with. The two of you weren't together. The man just lost his wife, and family for Christ sakes. He didn't want to be with someone like you. Some of the twitter comments echoing through your head.
"Jensen, you got to get ready for your panel. You've got a long day ahead of you." You say, trying to convince him that he needed to get up. 
The longer you laid there you knew the harder it would be to leave. It was gonna hurt like a bitch either way, but it was better to make a clean break, the longer you prolonged this, the harder it would be for the both of you…
"I don't have to be down stairs for another hour." He said, sounding a little disappointed at the fact that you wanted him to get up, and that just made you feel guilty. So you settled back down into his hold, and decided you’d just deal with whatever came as far as the gut wrench heartache you were sure was to come later when you had to leave him..
"I'm not looking forward to this today." He was almost whispering, like he was afraid someone would hear outside the door. "I'm not ready to answer questions about Danneel, and what happened; or is going to happen between us." 
He fell silent, and you felt his fingers brushing through your hair again, and it took all the will power in your body not to nuzzle further into his neck..
"Then don't. Tell from the start that you will not be answering any questions concerning Danneel, or your personal life. If they really are your fans they will respect that you're not ready to talk about all of it yet." 
You could literally feel the tension returning to his body that wasn’t there a moment ago as he started to think about all the fan interaction he had to do today..
"I hope you're right." He said, silence falling over the two of you. 
You had lost all your will to try and get up now. Not wanting to leave him this stressed out. You hated to see him struggle like this. 
"Will you be there today? For the panels and stuff?" He asked, stress and tension apparent in his voice, and it made your heart hurt...
"I'll be there." You tell him, tracing the lines on his chiseled chest muscles through his thin shirt. The fabric there did very little to hide what was underneath.. 
You both laid unwilling to move, until your phone started to ring. 
"Shit that's y/f/n. She must have woken up." You say, rolling away from him as best as he’d let you, grabbing your phone.
"Where the hell are you?" She asked as soon as you said hello. 
"I was just wandering around so that you could sleep." You lied, hoping she believed you. "I'll grab some fresh coffee and head back to the room." Untangled his limbs from yours and sat up on the side of the bed staring at you with an unreadable expression on his perfectly sculpted face... 
"Okay fine." She said, sounding relieved. "Don't take too long. Coffee sounds good."
With that she hung up the phone, and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You take one more look at Jensen who is still looking at you with the same expression. 
"I need to get going." You tell him standing up, he never said a word. Coldness returning to his expression. 
Just as you got to the door he finally spoke. 
"Why did you lie?" He asked, sounding a little hurt, and it stopped you in your tracks with your hand on the door knob. 
You turned around to look at him. He was standing in the middle of the room, staring at you. His expression is hard and almost unreadable..
"Why did you lie to her? Why did you tell her that you were just 'walking around, letting her sleep in?' 
Your heart was hammering so hard in your chest that you thought it might stop beating.. You didn’t know that would affect him the way it obviously was.. You took a cautious step forward, and he took one backwards away from you.... 
You messed up.... 
He's all fraggle right now, and you just smacked his the fuck out of his ego without even recognizing you did so.
"Jensen, I thought you wouldn't want many one to know I stayed here with you last night. I thought you wouldn't want people spreading rumors." You say softly, trying not to upset him anymore than you already had, because God knows you didn't want to upset him. You hated to see that hurt look on his face. 
"We didn't do anything wrong." He said flatly. "Are you ashamed that you stayed here with me?" He asks, still keeping his distance, and for a split second the question confused you… Then it hit you… There was more to issues in that relationship than just cheating… Fuck...
"No, I'm not. I just didn't want to give Danneel another reason to post anything to social media that will cause you anymore trouble." You tell him, and he takes a step closer to you, biting his bottom lip hard.
"I'm sorry." He said, looking at the ground now. "I don't know where that came from. I guess I'm still a little touchy." 
He looked pathetic and you hated it. You were used to the strong willed, slightly arrogant, cocky actor that he was at cons and on stage, this new, almost vulnerable Jensen threw you, and you didn’t know how to handle it really. It was like walking around a bomb. 
You walked up to him slowly reaching up, and putting your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer to him without hesitation, locking his arms around your waist as if he let go of you even a little you’d disappear from him.. 
“If you want me to tell her where I was I will. I'm not ashamed to be around you. I just don't want people to have anymore material to give you crap about it at this convention, or on social media. You’ve gone through enough shit, and I don’t want to be the reason people cause more drama for you." You tell him, reaching running a hand through his tousled hair. He leans into your touch just like he had last night in the hallway, closing his eyes and hanging his head a little lower. 
"I'm so tired of being alone. Even though I was with Danneel. We weren't really together. I was never there. She was always in Austin, using the kids as an excuse not to come anywhere with me. We'd go months without seeing each other. Last night was the first night in a long time I didn't have to be by myself. I'm not ready to let that go." 
Slowly he puts his hand on the back of your neck and brings his lips so close to yours they were almost touching. 
“I really want to kiss you right now.”
The husky, deep, growl in his voice sends a shiver or anticipation down your spine. You wanted someone so bad as you wanted him right now. 
Every nerve in you seemed to be vibrating. You wanted more than anything to kiss him. 
Make him forget about her... 
Make him see what it was like to be with someone who really did appreciate him... 
Reaching down he gently brushed his lips over yours, sending electricity through your body like a jolt of lightning, before fully taking your lips in his. The kiss was a little rougher than you expected, still his kiss was soft and sweet, taking his time, gently moving his hand tighter around your waist. Then just as suddenly as he started he pulled away. Leaving you just as breathless.
"Move into my hotel room tonight so we can spend some time together, get to know each other a little better. I'll order some takeout, and we can get to know each other a little better." 
Leaning down he pressed his forehead against yours, his arms still locked around your waist, holding you to his body..
"Jensen, you just left your wife YESTERDAY. Do you think this is such a good idea? I really, really care about you; I don't want to be some weekend rebound." You blurt out, before you could stop yourself, but before you could kick yourself too hard he puts his finger under your chin, making you look up at him.
"Just because I told her I wanted a divorce yesterday doesn't mean that our actual marriage ended yesterday. That ended before the twins were even born. She refused to come with me anywhere. Would make sure her, and the kids were gone before I would get home so that they didn't have to see me. She WANTED me to catch her, or I wouldn't have caught her. Our 'marriage' has literally been over for years. You're NOT some 'weekend rebound'.
One of his hands wandered up to the back of your neck, and he brushed his lips over yours again... 
“I'm drawn to you, I want to get to know you, see where this goes. I feel something with you I haven't felt in years, and you do to or else you wouldn't have stayed with me last night." He says, running his thumb gently across your bottom lip. 
"What do you say y/n?” He asked. "Wanna give me a shot?" He said, his voice deep and rough. Making your stomach quiver with things you haven't felt in years. Things you shouldn’t be feeling this early on, yeah he was famous, but you didn’t know this man, not really...
There wasn't a chance in hell you could walk away from him. It was too late. You feel hard and fast for this guy, and he knew he had a hold on you. It was over there was no point in fighting it, and even if you wanted to you couldn't. He had a hook in you deep. 
"Okay, lets see where this goes." You manage to say before his lips capture yours again in a chaste kiss, and you melted into him. 
The way he made you feel scared you, but hey what's life if you didn't take a chance.
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
binge tag: @sarahbaker2010​
169 notes · View notes
sinner-as-saint · 5 years
Run-through: While on a mission, you’re stuck in an area of a building with your fellow Avenger, Bucky Barnes with whom you may or may not have a love/hate relationship. And while waiting for someone to come rescue you, you both find quite an interesting way to keep yourselves occupied.
Themes: language, dirty talk, smut
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   “Ah, fuck this shit!” you exclaimed, kicking the old, rusty metal door one last time before sitting down on the dusty ground, panting and leaning your back against the same door the was shut. You had been trying to get that door to open for the past 15 minutes, with no success. So you gave up, hoping that the team would be able to track you down and come and get you out of this stuffy room.
“You’re trying in vain, doll. Save your energy, trust me,” your mission partner said. And God knows how much you hated the sickly sweet tone he used on you.
“Funny you say that, Barnes. You’re not even trying to get us out of here,” you replied, sarcasm dripping from your words as you leaned your head back, closing your eyes as you were exhausted.
 You and the team set out on a mission earlier. The plan was simple; get off the Jet, sneak into this hauntingly old, gigantic abandoned building, take down whoever was in there, search the place for anyone held captive, destroy the remains of whatever barbaric transactions were taking place there and leave. But when you all decided to split just so you could search the place better and faster because the place was huge. HUGE. And, that’s when everything went to shit.
Steve, Nat and Clint were searching the east wing while you and Bucky were assigned to search the west wing, and the others explored the massive dungeons.
You and Bucky, despite sometimes being each other’s nightmare, were a very high-powered duo. Nothing could go wrong when you both worked together because your strength and skills complimented each other’s extremely well. But that was until the floor above you decided to collapse; trapping you in what seemed like an emergency panic room. Honestly, you only went in there because it seemed a little absurd when you thought about why someone would think of having a panic room in such a place.
So long story short, the floor above you collapsed for whatever reason and trapped you inside with Bucky and his annoying self. And you figured that the rest of the team were really far away because you could only hear static noises through the comms. You prayed to God that they found you as soon as possible.
“Guys? Anyone? Sam? Seriously, come and get me out of here. I don’t wanna die in this horrible place, with Bucky of all people. God, come on, where are the Avengers when you need them?” you tried reaching out to anyone who would hear but all you got was more static noises and you let out a long, dramatic sigh. Then you heard Bucky who let out a chuckle.
“You’re really dramatic you know that?” he asked, sitting down as well, his back against the wall facing you. The room was quite small so you were only approximately 10 feet away from each other.
“Is it dramatic to not wanna die in this awful place b-“you got cut off by a broken voice coming through the ear piece you had on.
“Hang on kid…heavy….we don’t-….coming…in...couple-…hours,” was all it said. And you soon realized that the voice was Tony’s.
“Tony? Tony can you hear me? Hello?” but you got no reply back. This time, even the static noise was gone.
Your face lit up when you heard that they were coming to get you, but did he just say a couple of hours? What the hell?
“At least now we know that they’re coming. Looks like all that whining finally paid off, huh, doll?” Bucky said, looking at you dead in the eyes.
“Yeah, what are we gonna do for another couple of more hours?” you sighed, leaning tour head back against the door, once again making a little thud sound.
He smirked.
“You know, I might have some things in mind,” he suggested, and even though you couldn’t see him, you knew he must have had that damned, cocky smile on his face.
You opened your eyes, grabbed your gun and aimed it at him.
“I will not sleep with you, ever. I wouldn’t fuck you even if you were the last man on Earth, Barnes,” you said, slowly lowering down you gun and placed it beside you again.
He laughed.
“I never said anything about sleeping with me. I was merely suggesting that, uh, game you and Nat were playing the other day. What is it, 50, 30 questions?” he asked and you shook your head weakly.
“We’re currently trapped in an old building, under a floor that just collapsed with our friends looking for us without any idea of where we could be because they can’t track us. And you wanna play 20 questions?” you couldn’t believe he just said that.
You knew he was quite a weird person but you never thought it’d come to this.
He shrugged. That damned, cocky smile still on his perfect face.
“I mean, we can’t just sit here and look at each other for hours. Might as well get to know each other better, and as Steve said, you and I need to work on our issues. So, 20 questions it is!” he sat up straight, still facing you.
He did have a point though.
“Okay, fine. I’ll go first. Barnes, how do you manage to reach such a soaring level of stupidity?” you sassed and he bit his lip.
Damn… wait what?
“Skills, doll. I’m next, what’s the one thing you’ve always wanted in life?” he asked, looking at you attentively.
You thought over it for a moment.
“Control. My turn, would you like to go in the future or the past?” you were beginning to notice an odd light in his eyes and you didn’t know why.
“The future. My turn, did you sleep with Thor the night you were both drunk, flirting shamelessly during the New Year’s party?” he asked, and your jaw was about to hit the floor.
Damn it, you knew this asshole would ask some dumb shit like this to make you uncomfortable. Why did you even agree to play this game?
“I, I can’t answer that. That’s private,” you simply said and he moved closer to you, to a point where he sat directly in front of you. Your boots touched his and his eyes stared into yours, unmoving.
“I supposed you’re forgetting a dirty little rule you made, doll. An unanswered question equals discarding an article of clothing. Now, answer me, or take something off,” he spoke calmly as he reminded you of the stupid rule you made the last time you played with Nat. You mentally kicked yourself for making such an immature rule in the first place.
“You’re such a pig! Okay, fine.” You zipped down your jacket and took it off. Leaving you in your leather pants, a tight, white tank top, under which was your red, lacy bra – the outline of which was very visible.
And suddenly, your skin felt very hot as Bucky took in your appearance. You were still very clothed but something about the way he was looking at you made you feel, naked. Very naked.
You avoided eye contact as much as possible while asking him your question.
“Okay, who do you think about when you masturbate at night?” you asked, keeping a straight face as one of his eyebrow raised.
He tilted his head to the side slightly and smirked again.
“What makes you think I think about someone? What if I say I watch porn like any other guy?” he asked, smirking.
You laughed.
“Because, you are not like other guys. Bucky, you can barely use Google. Now just answer my question, or take something off,” and it was your turn to smirk.
He let out a frustrated breath and took of his jacket. Under which he wore nothing. So within seconds, Bucky sat facing you, shirtless. And for the first time, you weren’t complaining.
“Like what you see, doll?” he asked, again with that damned, cocky smile on.
“Screw you Barnes, it’s your turn,” you said, eyeing him shamelessly.
His skin was so smooth. He barely had any scars except for many healed cuts around the point where his shoulder met his metal arm. And you suddenly felt bad for all the horrible things he had to go through alone.
“Hello? Y/N?” he waved his other arm in front of your face, dragging you back you reality.
“Yeah, sorry,” you said sheepishly.
“I asked, were you scared of me the first time we met?” his words weren’t laced with sarcasm anymore, but they did have a hint of mischief coating them.
“Absolutely not. My turn, do you ever take our bickering at heart? I mean, have I ever hurt you by saying something really harsh?” you asked, surprising yourself because you didn’t know where this question came from.
Did you really care about what he thought?
He smiled.
“Nah. Cause I know deep down, you’re a good person with a good heart. And really nice boobs too,” he answered, and a very smug expression displayed all across his face while his eyes stared at your cleavage.
You threw your jacket at his face, making him laugh as you shook your head.
“I’m sorry, but they’re there and you expect me not to look? Whatever, my turn, have you hooked up with Thor before?” he asked again, smirking.
He inched closer to you, placing his leg in between your ankles. And his eyes never left yours.
“I said I can’t answer that! Plus, you can’t repeat a question,” you argued but he wouldn’t listen.
“Rules are rules, sugar. Take it off,” he said, and tugged at your tank top.
Something took over you and without thinking, you got rid of the tank top. So you sat there, in front of him, only in a lacy, red bra and leather pants. Your hair did cover parts of your chest but it didn’t help the growing hard on in Bucky’s pants.
He didn’t think you did, but you noticed. And a devious, really, really unholy thought went through your head.
You folded your legs under your thighs and sat down on them again. This caused him to have to look up to you slightly.
“My turn, are you hard right now?” you asked, nonchalantly and you saw how his jaw almost dropped.
“I, uh, what?” he asked, as if unable to believe what he just heard.
“Oh you heard me, do you have a hard on right now, soldier?” you asked again, inching closer and closer to his lap until you straddled him.
His eyes rolled back when you moved your core against his hard length slightly. When he opened them again, you were smiling down at him.
“Yeah, yes I do,” he answered, smirking again. Why was he being so smug? You thought you had the upper hand in this situation.
“My turn, have you ever thought about me while using that little light pink vibrator on yourself, doll? And don’t lie, I heard you once or twice,” he cooed, kissing the side of your neck with certainty as he knew you could never answer that.
Your eyes widened in shock as you let out a little moan while Bucky left a trail of love bites along your throat.
His hands grabbed your ass and he pushed you into him slightly. You whimpered at the friction.
“I’d rather not answer that,” you simply said, getting off his lap abruptly.
You stood in front of him and unbuckled your pants, slowly taking them off. You watched how his chest rose and fell quickly as you took your time in slipping out of your tight pants.
You were turning him on and you liked it.
Once you got out of your pants, you dropped them on the floor and that’s when Bucky stood up as well.
“Oh wait. Are we done playing?” you asked innocently, as if unaware that your matching set of deep red lacy underwear wasn’t driving him crazy with desire.
He nearly moaned just at the mere sight of you.
“Don’t tease me, doll,” he said sternly, slightly grabbing your jaw with his metal arm. You giggled, grabbing him by the back of his neck, pulling him down so your lips hovered over his ear.
“You wanna know a secret? I always, always think about your metal fingers every time I use my vibrator,” you whispered innocently, placing a little kiss on his jaw line. And he let out a growl.
“Fucking shit! Do you have any idea of what I wanna do to you right now, doll?” he sounded like he was clearly frustrated. And you liked that.
He pushed your body backwards until you were trapped between him and the wall. His hand was at your waist and one was around your neck, causing your head to slightly lean backwards. His cold fingers wrapped around your warm neck made a certain wetness pool in your underwear.
“No, actually, care to enlighten me Barnes?” your wrists wrapped around his arm, giving him the hint that you liked it there.
He leaned in, his lips hovering over yours as you felt your heart beat insanely fast in your chest. A fiery, desire filled warmth filled your entire body as his dirty words filled your head.
“I want nothing more than to strip you naked and have my way with you, doll. And I know you want the same. I know you think of me when you get yourself off at night, but I assure you, I’ll make you feel better than your toys ever could babygirl. I wanna hear you scream my name as I make you come multiple times until you forget your own name, you want that, doll?” as he spoke, you felt a warm liquid dripping down your thigh. When you realized what it was, your blood rushed to your face. Bucky literally had you dripping wet with only his words.
“Fuck…” your voice trailed off as his hand caressed your inner thigh.
You let out a moan as his hand gripped your throat a little tighter. You smiled, looking up at him while slightly grinding your lower abdomen to his.
“You’re into choking, huh? And very needy too I see. Tell me, doll, what do you want?” he asked, pressing his entire body against your so you could feel all of him.
His skin on yours felt just right.
“I want you, Buck. Right now!” you said, loud and clear but he wasn’t done yet. He planned on teasing you even more.
“Watch that tone with me doll! Now tell me, where do you want me?” his words sent shivers throughout your entire body.
His hands traveled up and down your skin, causing goose bumps along the way.
“Down there,” you replied, pointing your finger downwards your body, smirking at him as he sank to his knees.
His hands ran up and down your things, causing your body to shake as he chuckled.
“You’re so responsive, baby, I’ll make you feel so good I promise,” he whispered while kissing your inner thighs. Licking the droplet of lust which oozed out of you earlier. The whole of it was so vulgar that your eyes rolled back.
Your hands tangled into his hair as he slowly slipped your underwear down your legs, causing you to shiver at his bare touch.
Once you stepped out of the red underwear, his mouth latched on to your core. His tongue moving back and forth from your entrance to your clit, while his eyes looked up at you. Having his head in the middle of your shaky legs was spine-tingling.
His hands wrapped around your hips, spreading you slightly while nuzzling his mouth deeper into your core as you let out multiple moans and groans.
“You taste amazing baby,” he said, detaching his mouth from you for a brief moment as he slipped two metal fingers deep inside you, slowly. He watched you frown in pleasure as you tugged on the roots of his dark hair.
“Bucky… oh my god” you moaned shamelessly. And he smirked again.
He kept his fingers buried in you, constantly rotating them or slipping them in and out of you as he stood up once again, claiming your lips.
His mouth was wet, and you could see your wetness all across his beard.
His tongue slipped past your lips and gently stroked the top of your mouth. His fingers worked relentlessly between your folds and you felt a warm pressure forming in between your hips just as his metal fingers curled up inside you, brushing against a weak spot you barely knew you had.
You moaned into his mouth, your hands still tangled into his hair.
“You like my fingers in your cunt, huh, doll? You like it when I touch you like this, don’t you?” he asked, panting against your mouth as he felt his pants grow tighter and tighter.
But when you didn’t answer, his frustration got the best of him.
He slipped his hands out of your heat, making you whimper. He harshly grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
“Answer me when I talk to you baby, don’t be a brat, yeah?” but you could barely form a proper sentence to reply back so when you said nothing, he messily grabbed a chunk of your hair, tugging at it lightly and brought you to your knees.
You knelt in front of him, your core still dripping and throbbing because he didn’t grant you your release yet.
“Bucky, I –,” he cut you off immediately.
“Shh princess, now get to work,” he held your head gently as you unbuckled his pants quickly, almost desperate to please him.
You pulled down his pants and underwear and almost immediately took him into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his tip for a little while, making him grunt in pleasure.
“You look so good on your knees, doll, with my cock in your mouth,” he moaned out loud, pushing himself into your mouth slightly.
You bobbed your head around his tip, taking him inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat. You repeated the same thing over and over again until he quickened the pace at which he moved in and out of you, which notified you that he was really close to coming undone.
But since he didn’t let you cum, you weren’t gonna let him cum either.
You removed him from your mouth and slowly licked the slit on the top of his tip, tasting his pre cum as your hands toyed with his balls, earning a moan out of him. You smiled in satisfaction as you rose up to your feet.
His eyes widened when he realized what you just did.
“But -, but baby, I –,”
“Shh, just fuck me, soldier. I want you so bad, Bucky, it hurts. Please,” you pleaded, unhooking your bra and letting it fall on the ground, leaving you both completely bare.
“Come here, doll,” he whispered, smashing his lips to yours. Kissing and biting your mouth as his lined himself at your still dripping entrance.  
He brushed his tip up and down your entrance, not fully entering you and it drove you crazy.
“Bucky, please, n-no more teasing,” you moaned, and he chuckled.
His hand at your throat held your neck a little tighter, choking you slightly.
“Else what, huh, doll?” he saw how needy you were for him and it filled him with a sense of pride.
As response, you just moaned when he slowly entered you. Allowing you to feel every vein on his length and feel yourself stretch to your maximum so he could fill you up completely.
“Ah fuck! Bucky!” you moaned as he slipped out of you and slipped in you once more.
He groaned as he filled you to the brim, slowly moving in and out of you.
“You feel so good, doll. All wet and warm for me, damn it!” he grunted out as you rotated your hips against him, adding more the sensation.
His filthy words and his movements around your body caused an assortment of swear words to leave your mouth. A mouth which he soon started to nibble on.
His teeth tugged at your bottom lip while he moved in and out of you at an increased pace. His metal arm was still gripping your throat while the other one held your hip, probably leaving a deep purple bruise as a memoir – adding to those around your tits and along your neck.
The momentum he created with his length at your core further increased the tightening pressure in between your hips and you desperately needed to come undone. With each passing second and each stroke of Bucky’s length, you felt you orgasm building up quickly and you knew immediately that you wouldn’t last longer.
Your quiet screams only encouraged Bucky to move quicker. You felt your legs starting to shake as you knees felt weak, unable to hold your body weight.
“Bucky, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned against his cheek as ragged breaths left his sinful lips.
“Not yet! Look at me,” he gripped your jaw, forcing your eyes to stare into his, “Who is making you feel this good, huh, doll? Tell me, who?” he grunted, sweat dripping from his forehead to his sharp jawline.
He applied more pressure at your throat and he fucked you until you could no longer form a complete sentence. He somehow managed to hit all the right spots.
“Y-you are, Buck…” your words turned into a moan as you could no longer hold it back. So, you came hard, with a quiet scream. Mumbling how good he made you feel against his cheek.
 You felt his length pulsating inside of you as you rode out your orgasm, and you knew he was close. With a couple more strokes, Bucky came undone as well, his warm liquid hitting your walls which made you squirm against his bare body.
“Fuck, baby, you were so good,” he whispered, his hand leaving your neck and caressing your cheek as he slowly slipped out of you.
“You too, Buck,” you giggled, and kissed his lips one more time.
He broke the kiss and spoke up again.
“You didn’t fuck Thor though, did you?” he asked, making you laugh as he pressed your body against his once more.
“No, but why does that bother you?” you grabbed his face in both your hands and kissed his nose, making him smile down at you.
“Good, because I don’t want anyone else touching what’s mine,” he nuzzled his face into your neck and kissed his way up to your lips again before whispering a quick, “you’re mine.”
 The two of you hurried to get dressed and as soon as you zipped your jacket back up, somebody pushed down the door.
Dust particles flew around for a bit, making your vision blurry for a while before you could focus again on who was in front of you.
“There you guys are! Are you okay? We’re so sorry we took so long, the entire west wing collapsed and we didn’t know where you guys were,” Nat explained, pulling you in for a wind pipe crushing hug.
“Its okay, Nat. Actually, that gave Bucky and I plenty of time to, uh, work on our issues,” you explained, briefly looking at Bucky who had the same cocky smile on his face and Steve beamed.
“That’s great! Now let’s go home,” Steve said, ushering you and Bucky out of the room. But that was until you heard Tony’s voice.
“Uh, are we just gonna collectively ignore the bright red bra that’s on the floor?” he asked, pointing towards it a few feet away from where you stood and everybody’s gaze fell on your forgotten bra on the floor.
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rouiyan · 4 years
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⧏ part of the before i met you collective ⧐
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synopsis: "how could i ever say no?"
✧ lee donghyuck x (fem.) reader, best friends to loverz
✧ genres : plotless fluff, tiny angst ✧ word count : 2k ✧ disclaimer : swearing
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✧ author’s note — guys, hyuck deadass has my whole heart.
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“ahh,” you hold your mouth wide open, eyes never leaving the screen, in the direction of donghyuck who had just returned from the kitchen, snacks in hand. he’s in his usual getup of an oversized hoodie paired with basketball shorts, glasses propped upon the bridge of his nose and a messy flop of hair cascading over it. 
he sighs, “geez, give me a break. i barely just sat down.” he pinches open a bag of spicy potato chips and pops one into his mouth before reaching to get another one for you. you’re clicking furiously and muttering various curses under your breath at the opponent and donghyuck's weak heart can’t help but flutter at how worked up you get every time you fail to land a punch. he’s about to put his hand down and wait for a time when you're not so focused but your mouth snatches at the chip and he almost jumps, his hand fearing consumption.
it takes your absolute all before you finally beat the boss, you eyes almost rolling back into your head and refusing to roll back out because of how exhausted they are. school was about to start, in three days to be exact, and if you didn't finish the game now, well, it was now or never. donghyuck sat by your side, mouth full of greasy potatoes, occasionally sipping from whatever drink he had brought. there was no reason for him to be here, he just insisted that he felt you tended to need some emotional support whenever you gamed, claiming that you were always far too 'out of it' to actually care for yourself. he said, as he always does, that it was his job to care for you. and that held true; no matter if you had a boyfriends at the time or not, donghyuck manged keep his word.
turning to look at him, your breath ragged, you see that his hood is pulled well over his forehead. chuckling, you take a fistful of the front of his sweatshirt and gently yank him towards you while grasping at the material of his hood with your other hand and tugging it back. this action causes his heart to topple and his eyes to stutter wide. your nose is close enough for him to move bare centimeters and place a gentle kiss on it. your lips are close enough for him to move bare millimeters and place a gentle kiss on it. he gulps. this can't be good.
giggling and awfully unaware of your best friend's crush for you growing by the second, you scrunch your nose at him (the very nose he wanted to kiss) and purse your lips, "i wanna see your face, silly." all donghyuck can do is swallow his feelings and instead be left breathless by your side profile. the more rational side of his mind is busy scrambling for a reply that doesn’t make him sound like the lovesick idiot of the century while the more irrational side is left in a blundering mess, bouts of adoration emitting from within. he collects himself and makes sure his countenance doesn't give away his rumbling inner thoughts. “you like what you see?” 
your smile grows fonder, if possible, at his comment but he doesn’t dare to take his eyes from your face just because he knows the little blush that’s to appear. soon enough it blooms across your cheeks and he lovingly coos at the sight while your smile reverses into a small pout. “ugh, so flirty,” he hears your muttered reply although he's unsure if he was meant to. your head is already turned back to the screen after the little exchange and he holds onto it as you press ‘resume,’ replaying it in his head just to see that bright smile and little pout that he could never get sick of.
a few more chips are fed to you while you continue playing, which would be completely fine if not for your incredibly low spice tolerance. it isn't long before donghyuck notices your aggressive hissing that is definitely not from the sight of your character frolicking through a field. he's on the cusp of bringing it to your attention when you abruptly speak between two seethes, "hyuck, get me water please," he immediately moves from his spot to get water from the kitchen when you voice out your struggles once again. "actually, just get me anything. it doesn't matter." 
donghyuck watches as your tongue curls at the tingles and he gauges the severity of the situation. he quickly snatches the drink he'd brought with him, despite knowing you wouldn't like it very much, and brings it up to your lips. you take one, two, three gulps before you turn to look at him with wide eyes. he swears your about to hurl the contents onto him and he winces in preparation but it never comes. you thickly swallow, the liquid almost threatening to bubble up once again, a gag reflex. the spicy sensation is gone but is now replaced by blatant disgust as your mouth hangs open as if you’d been force fed. 
"red bull? hyuck, you're fucking kidding me!"
he bites back a smile as he settles his eye on your disbelieving face, "you said it didn't matter!"
"yeah, i did say that but that's red bull! literal poison!"
"hey, you’re not gonna die from one sip." a smirk is now forming on his face, he feels equally bad and equally good for being the center of your current attention.
"i can't believe you're still drinking that, hyuck." the pout returns and donghyuck silently rejoices, "i thought you said you were cutting back."
he bathes in your eyes for a split second before he simply replies, "i am."
"so what's that?" you eye the can suspiciously, upset that your best friend still succumbs to the unhealthy beverage. 
"it's just a little energy boost, princess. i gotta stay awake to keep you company."
the nickname that accidentally slips past his lips catches the both of you off guard, his cheeks flaming a deeper red with each moment passing. you seem to handle the flustered silence better than he does, even going as far as furthering his state by scooting closer to him and placing both hands on one of his shoulders, propping your chin upon them. he can feel your fresh breath tickle and fan the skin under his ears and he knows that if he just so much turns his head in the slightest, he will be face to face with you in all your glory, without much space in between. he's not sure if he's ready for that.
clearly you don't give a shit because you tilt your head upwards to give him a kiss to the cheek. a soft, billowy kiss that leaves him stuck in that same trance, perpetually. withdrawing, you try poking at his sides to see if his expression will budge from the fazed out gaze he's sporting, but to no avail. "hyuck? are you okay?" he can hear you but he knows he's way too 'out of it' to answer. damn, you were supposed to be the one that was 'out of it.' 
the sudden quietness of the room unsettles you and you're suddenly aware of his reaction. weird, you think, hyuck is never like this. hyuck's always and constantly flirting back and making sure he has the last word. you have an inkling on what this could be about but you almost instantly flush down the idea of bringing it up but it's hard to suppress because your gut instinct tells you that you’re right, that you should go for it. no, he really can’t like you. no, you're just deluding yourself... unless, you're not.
"hyuck," you blurt before you can even stop yourself. his head snaps up at the sound of his nickname. "do you like me?"
where it was previously beating a mile a minute, donghyuck's heart is now at a complete standstill. he can still hear it thumping louder than ever in his ears but he knows there's no way he'll live through this. taking a second to zone out of the whole situation, he notes that your character on the screen is now being mauled by a mob of freakish creatures, though the volume is turned low. he notes how your fingers are absentmindedly drumming on the fabric of your sweats as you usually would when you're nervous and that your blinking more than normal. maybe that was a sign you liked him back? maybe, but surely no. there's a dull ache in his heart that yearns for him to be selfish and just say no. he'd spare the potential loss of your presence by his side and just cope with always being the 'best friend.' but then he thinks of you meeting someone, that's not him, and dating someone, that's not him, and maybe one day even marrying someone, that's not him. he admits that the pain will be far greater than the dull ache he's experiencing now and perhaps that knowledge is exactly what he needs to persuade himself. donghyuck steels his heart because he thinks he's finally found the perfect reasons, the perfect timing, the perfect amount of courage to confess. 
and he also knows that, if this were to go downwards, it might as well be the last time he sees you like this, dressed down in the dead middle of night, hair a tangled yet endearing (or so he thinks) mess, and eyes wide, holding galaxies upon galaxies of stars, none of which could compare to the sheer light you radiate. donghyuck makes sure to revel in your presence, for what could be the very last time, to capture your features, the ones he already has committed to memory. he breathes.
then, without warning, "hyuck…i love you," wait, what?! "hyuck, i love you as more than a friend." your pupils are shaking and there's tears that are unshed but visible. there's so much more that's stuck in your throat refusing to come out but the few words that made it past the threshold of your mouth already say enough. donghyuck expects the grim reaper to appear in a matter of seconds, he expects to be able to detach his spirit from his physically unmoving figure and watch as you say those words over his dead body. any minute now. but the more he sits there the more he realizes that this is real. you are real.
you can feel the emotions building up inside of you while he just stares at you. unmoving, he stares and stares and stares until you think that you've only imagined the last few moments. your crying now and perhaps that's the only things that slaps donghyuck out of his trance. he rushes his arms around you in the most automatic matter. it isn't until your the front of your face soaks the entirety of the front of his hoodie that you feel a little less shitty. your face is smushed flush against his chest and when you finally come to your bearings, you notice his heartbeat contracting erratically on your forehead. emerging from his embrace yet still in his hold, you meet your eyes with his. they're wide and scared, reminding you of just moments ago. 
"i was- i was going to say that, exactly that but i- i guess you beat me to it."
"then... do you wanna be my boyfriend?" i want to be your girlfriend.
"damn it y/n, stop stealing my lines!" can i be your boyfriend?
"is that a no?" just say yes. i want to hear you say yes.
"n- no, yes. i mean no, it's not a no. and yes, i want to be your boyfriend." how could i ever say no?
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copyright © 2020 rouiyan all rights reserved.
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 4 years
Scars: Year five, Chapter four
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood, bruising, sexual assault, ràpe, alcoholism, implied abuse
Remus tried to fall asleep yet all he could think about was what he had witnessed last Tuesday evening.
The memories of what he'd done and seen flashed through his mind as if on repeat.
Remus walked into his dorm to read a few books, clean up a bit and maybe even take a nap, what he didn't expect to walk into was Y/n sitting upon his bed. The last person he wanted to see.
So, he just ignored she was there and went on with what he had planned to do.
He didn't give a flying fuck that he was pretty much being a rude asshole by then. He simply cared that the woman he loved attempted to completely betray him and his friends and was now pissed about that.
" Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the library snogging someone?"
His voice had a venomous tone to it that he'd never had before and it hurt Y/n like a hit to her heart with stone.
" Can we talk, just for a minute even?"
She had to hastily add that last part after seeing the look of disgust on Remus's face. The boy shorted and sneered back at her saying, " If you just wanted to talk you could've done that months ago, instead you sat back and bloody left us!"
He marched right out of the room like lightning after thunder and left a heartbroken girl wondering whether she would ever get her love back.
Remus later walked into a hallway during his Prefects round, almost passing right by a broom-closet, as he heard a woman's voice reach out. She sounded strained as if she were begging on her knees and Remus wasn't entirely sure what she had said, but it was clear that she needed help.
He switched back over to where the closet was and yanked open the door, ready to punch somebody in the face to relieve his anger, only to come face to face with Y/n being pinned against a wall, duck tape hanging off her mouth, clothes almost all off as Charlie Chadington invaded her personal parts, watching as she cried and writhed before him.
He stood there agape for a few moments, simply staring in shock between Chad and Y/n before his senses came back and he switched to defensive mode. His brain started working again and he started piecing things together.
" You've been blackmailing her haven't you? Is this why you could- why you never answered any of our- Godric Y/n..."
Chad went back to leaning over the girl.
" You never told him? She never told you Lupin?"
Remus halfheartedly shook his head.
" Guess I'll just have to explain huh?"
Y/n immediately reacted and started to writh again before she was elbowed in the stomach by Chadface Jr.
" Keep still doll face or I'll make it hurt worse than it did in the mountains."
Remus launched out and punched the asshôle square in the nose.
Chad pulled out a switchblade and held it against the struggling girls heart, threatening to move it closer into the skin than needed. " Now listen here Lupin, you keep up that funny business and I'll just go ahead and hurt her with a knife too. If you wanna hear some cold hard truth then you'll shut that door and come in, keep your hands to yourself and listen closely yeah?"
Remus did as told and clenched his knuckles when he saw just how much damage the older boy had been doing to his love. Chad chucked a shirt at the girl and she scrambled to get it.
" Come on dollface, put that shirt on. I can't be having fun with you if we have guests."
As soon as she pulled the thing over her head he replaced the knife back over the girls chest and placed the duck tape accordingly where it had been before, covering her entire mouth.
" So Lupin, she hasn't told you or any of your marry band of friends about how close we are and how we date back? Let me just start by explaining how we met if you didn't already know, this pretty little doll's mum owed my dad some money. So her mummy dearest sent her over to live with my dad and I in payment. When we realized that her pretty little face didn't respond too well to our methods of treatment we got her mother to live with us as a maid because she knew how to make her shut up and stick with it."
Remus's face paled as realization kicked in again. Chad looked back over from Remus to Y/n and gently caressed her face in his hand,
" Isn't that right dollface? Dad and I had trouble with you unlike all the other girls so we had to come and hire up some help. Then, Lupin, after realizing we had such a good pet my dad couldn't help but re-open so all the other men could have a taste. And I knew her from Hogwarts too so I knew that I could still have my little play thing here as well, as long as I played the right strings. Which meant blackmail; she stays away from you all, I don't tell the whole school about what a whore she is. Until she came back two weeks ago telling me that it was still too much and she wanted to have her friends back. So of course I let her have her friends back, she gets her friends I get my plaything. S'long as I still got to have her body she still got to have her friends. Now if you don't mind leaving us be and walking out so I can finish my dessert-'
Remus's blood was boiling and his face was flushed with rage at what he'd been doing to Y/n. Remus knew Y/n would've never consented to any of the things he'd been doing either.
So he lunged, knocked the knife out've the man's hand and punched him in the face with a force harsh enough to knock him out, yet it didn't. Remus wanted to savor this moment and he also had something else to do.
He kneeled down to the knocked over man's level and grabbed his face, pulling out his wand and pointing it directly between his eyes,
" Obliviate, Bastard."
Remus soon stood and moved over to where Y/n had been sitting by the door. He kneeled next her and sharply pulled her body into his before untying the rope around her wrists and pulling the duck tape off her mouth to where he could hear her sobs.
The boy grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up to sit on his knee before pulling her face into his shoulder.
" Bloody Shite Y/n, why didn't you tell me before?! I could've done something to help."
" I was afraid you wouldn't believe..."
" Y/n, I've believed you about this stuff since we met... I may've been mad at you but I'm not too pissed to see when the woman I love is being hurt by somebody."
" You love me?"
" I love you like you're the reason I breath Y/n, I always have. I love you like we'll be married with kids someday and I'm just a boy in love. So do you know how much it hurt me to see you drift away? It killed me love... I see now why you left but the pain you brought will likely never go."
" I love you too Remus... and I'm sorry I made you go through all that. I didn't want you or any of the boys to get hurt."
Remus still regretted all his horrible suspicions towards the girl sleeping on top of him and it didn't help anymore than before when he'd had to explain these things to their friends the night after.
When Remus Lupin awoke he found his head nuzzled into the crook of a woman's neck, her hair slightly in his face. The boy pushed backwards and removed his head from her neck, yawning into the air. When the boy turned his head again to lay back down with her for another five minutes before getting up, he had to stop and doublecheck his eyes had been seeing correctly.
Remus Lupin looked in-between the girls shoulderblades, right below her neck and running slightly across her shoulder. There were words, obviously carved into the girl's skin with a knife or wand, either one, they were slightly puffy and a nasty red color.
Abomination of my flesh.
Remus moved over and gently pulled the covers off of Y/n's body to reveal all sorts of other engravings, scars, cuts and dark bruises that looked likely to never heal unless with a certain spell or potion littering her arms, front, back and neck. She looked so at peace that Remus couldn't find it in himself to wake her.
The boy was so caught up in racking his eyes over her body to look at the wounds that he didn't even notice the gentle sobs wracking his body.
Was this why you were so distant?
Sobs were completely wracking his body to bits in that moment and it took all of Remus not to pull the girl back into his arms again.
The boy was slowly realizing why Y/n hadn't said a word to any of the boys on the train back to school or the welcome back feast, he was yet again piecing together the girls entire problem.
Should've never been born.
Another sob
More sobs
Another sob
Bruises littering her shoulders and arms
More sobs
Eventually the boy stood up and moved over to the nearby wall, punching and kicking it.
Over, and Over, and Over again.
Until his knuckles bled and his heart broke for her even more than already so.
Remus found himself in a heap on the floor in someone's arms moments later and he felt Y/n's fingers gliding through his hair as he fought the urge to kick something over again. However he found himself curling into her grip again as sobs wracked his system. ________________________________
" Okay Rem just try not to disturb your knuckles. They're split y'know."
Y/n stood from her crouched position by Remus' feet and sat next to him on the bed, her legs atop his as she wrapped his splinched knuckles in gauze and medical tape after lathering them in healing gel.
Remus had to ignore the feeling of her thighs pressed against his and the look of her h/c hair in the autumn light as she bit her tongue in concentration, the shirt he'd leant her slightly falling off her shoulder to reveal a peach colored strap. Remus hadn't realized when she had finished and only did once her legs had left his.
He looked up at her slightly and saw how she had Ben biting her lip again. Remus swiftly reached up moved his hand along her cheek, gently caressing her face with the pad of his thumb before moving the finger over to her lips.
" Stop biting that lip."
The teenager parted her lip with his thumb before briskly attaching his to hers in a heated kiss. When the two teenagers broke apart Y/n found herself gazing into Remus's eyes before tearing her gaze away to look at the wall.
" I know why you got so pissed off Remus. I just need you to know I don't need help with it, I've been going to Lily about it. She wasn't very surprised but she's been a big help. She knew about why I hadn't been hanging out with you guys and really kept me alive during those times. She even helped when Snape hexed me with that one made-up spell of his that slits your skin open. But really Remus there's no need to worry."
The boy growled lowly and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
" Well I'm your boyfriend now so it's my job to keep you from harm, which means if I have to knock some sense into someone again I will."
Y/n turned and smirked at Remus, placing her hands on his shoulder, her face on her hands.
" I never agreed to date you."
Remus shook his head and scoffed at her lightly before panic set in and he turned to her with worry and concern. " I didn't force you into anything did I?"
Y/n smiled gently at him and wrapped his arm back around her again.
" I didn't agree to anything because you haven't asked yet Rem, not because I didn't want to."
After a long pause where Y/n nuzzled her nose into his neck Remus turned towards her.
" You're still letting me help you fix them up though."
Y/n smiled at Remus and he nudged her side with a playful smile as she did the same. The two of them erupting in a playful shoving session.
" Yeah yeah whatever, you're allowed to do that as long as you go and check whether or not Lily's dealt with the stench of alcohol yet so I know whether it's safe to go downstairs to change into clean clothes."
Remus nodded. Then, he snapped to attention and moved off the bed to his dresser. The male pulled open one of the drawers and rifled through for a moment before pulling out a set of clothing from the stack of clothes within. He stood up and handed them to Y/n.
" They're from when you used to keep clothes in here for days when we didn't trust you not to jump off the astronomy tower when we turned our heads. I don't know if they'll still fit but they are clothes."
Remus awkwardly scratched his neck after turning so she could change.
" Also, speaking of that topic... did you stop wearing the bracelet after we drifted apart? I haven't seen you wear it at all this year."
Remus turned around, looking timidly at the woman before him as she finished pulling his shirt over her head. Y/n bit her lip again and looked down.
" They would've taken it if they'd seen me wearing it so mum kept it for me while I had to stay there, she gave it back the day before I came for school. I wore it up until Chad started blackmailing me and after that-'
" Speaking of him blackmailing you, Sirius told me that on the full moon after he sat you down he saw more bruises on your waist and sides and the other ones from before had healed by then which means that he'd done it to you again while we had gone. Confirm my suspicions?"
Remus looked at Y/n with a calm, quizzical look. A look most would assume was calm, but Y/n, no Y/n knew Remus. And she knew he was pissed.
The girl stayed silent and looked down at the floor again as Remus' suspicions were confirmed. The boy in question simply nodded, and not his lower lip to suppress the slur of curse words threatening to come out of his mouth. Then, he inhaled sharply and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to his side and squeezing her tight.
The boy stood afterwards and turned, made his way to the door before looking back at Y/n.
" Yeah, that's what I thought... I'll be back soon okay. Stay here and I'll conjure some food for you, eat while I'm gone. If I see Lily or Kayla down there I'll get them to come up and join you. This is goodbye for now love."
Y/n soon stood and met him by the door, a grim look on her face.
" Kayla doesn't talk to me anymore, we fought too much last year and now that she's dating Lockhart we never talk. Where are you going?"
" Somewhere important dove, I'll be back as quick as an owl okay?"
" okay..." ________________________________
" What the bloody hell did you do Remus?"
Her tone had an accusatory note to it as she eyed Remus's split eyebrow and cut lip.
The boy pulled something out of his pocket and walked back over to Y/n.
" Nothing Madam Pomfrey can't fix darling. I also made you a new bracelet with the same spell I had dad use to make the old one."
" Remus Godamn Lupin your lip is busted and your eyebrow is split! I don't care how much damage you did to someone else I just don't want you hurt, at least let me fix it."
The taller boy sighed and kneeled before her position on the bed before gently slipping the red rubber band of the bracelet over her left wrist. Y/n's breath hitched as he pulled her sleeve back and examined the wounds running up it.
" You've forgotten I'm here for you to go to when you feel an urge, these look so fresh N/n."
Remus's face dropped as he gently ran his hand along the criss-crossing of jagged and jarred cuts running up her arm. He looked morbid, sad, and Y/n knew he was disappointed in her.
" I know that you told me not to Rem and I-'
Remus swiftly silenced the girl with a look as he went back to carefully turning her arm over, " I'm not mad at you, I know you can't just stop and be over with it. It comes and goes and I know how you are Y/n, things trigger you and you get upset, it's okay Y/n. I'm here now and that's all that matters."
And she broke down again, just as she'd done before at the boys house last school year. Right in his arms, where she felt at home.
_____________________________ Drop a vote, drink some water, eat some food and remember You Are Loved! ^ - ^
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heart-of-flames · 4 years
Lauren x Female!MC
Word Count: 3432
Summary: You know that Lauren worked too hard and that she rarely took care of herself when she got like this. You just needed to figure out a way to get her to take a break.
Note: One of my Ko-Fi commissions that I was given permission to post. I hope you’re all doing well and I hope you enjoy it. 
While you were growing up you had always been a bit different than the rest of the kids your age-- barring the fact that you were Fae. While others, namely your brother, enjoyed the rambunctious attitude that all children seemed to possess-- getting into trouble wherever they went. You had always enjoyed a softer approach to things. While Aziel got lectured in the hall for breaking a priceless vase; you were situated in an almost forgotten alcove. Tucked underneath your handmade winter shawl, you curled up with your escape to the world. Books. 
For books had always been your escape into another world. They had always been your closest friend when you didn’t have anyone else to turn to. When you were feeling sad you would pick up your worn copy of Until Dawn. The story of how one boy, with a moon-shaped scar, was able to fight against all the opposing forces in his life. How he had been able to look for the light even in his darkest of times-- it was a solace you desperately tried to maintain. 
And with that solace came the belief that everything would turn out okay. That as long as you stayed on the high road nothing could ever truly reach you. That if you maintained the attitude of the boy with the moon-shaped scar you could get past anything. It was a belief that got you through your formative years. 
Though as the years passed on, that belief started to dwindle inside of you. Withering away with each passing remark and carefully leveled glare. Trying to remember the past, the story of the boy, but it seemed to slip further and further from your grasp. Until there was nothing left but slivers of what used to be. 
Of what would never be again. 
As you age you became what the world desired of you-- cold. Gone was the little girl who smiled at the passing family in the market square. Gone was the little girl that was too shy to ever ask for anything. Gone was the little girl who saw the world as a magical place-- filled with wonder and cheer. 
In its stead, a woman remained-- strong and unwavering to everything life threw at her. The warmth slowly being replaced by ice. At least that was what you always tried to portray. No one could truly hurt you if you didn’t allow them to-- if you didn’t show them. 
If you didn’t flinch as their venomous words pierced through your heart. Or trembled over the barely concealed fury in their gaze. If you were able to get through all of that? It meant you get through anything. Even if it meant you became more detached because of it.
You couldn’t allow your heart to be broken any more than it already was. 
No matter how much you wished you could let people in once more. 
Even as your body, and your mind, was changing there was still one thing that connected you to your past self-- books. Throughout everything books and reading was the one thing that tied you back to everything you used to be. As you flipped through worn and crumpled pages you were plunged back into days long passed. Days filled with over-eager eyes trying to soak in everything they could and hidden smiles with Kiera as she snuck you yet another book that you shouldn’t have been reading. 
Good things must always come to an end it seems, you muse as you watch the shifting landscape from behind your window. The thought filled you with a nostalgic sadness that seemed to wrap itself around your heart and refused to let go-- instead, it simply squeezed tighter each time it beat. It had a melancholic effect, one that you didn’t appreciate at all, but you knew there was nothing you could do until it passed. However long that may be. 
Turning, you allow a despondent sigh to escape your mouth. You didn’t know how to pull yourself out of this funk you were in but, as a small smile began to form on your lips, you believed you knew who could help you. 
Someone you knew would always be able to put a smile on your face-- however slight. 
The scent of the medical ward assaults you as you step in. Pine and the softest hint of mistletoe, which was probably due to it being the holiday season. You still couldn’t figure out how Lauren was able to make the ward feel so homey. Usually, medical wards, at least the ones you have been to, had a sterile environment. Filling you with a sense of discomfort, because you knew you weren’t supposed to be there. You knew that your presence wasn’t truly wanted.
But with Lauren?
She always made everyone, both humanoid and draconic alike, feel welcomed. Always offering smiles as people either entered or exited. Her soft voice filling the seemingly endless silence during her exams-- as if she knew how uncomfortable someone was becoming. 
A smile blossoms on your face at the thought. Your eyes automatically scan the ward for any sight of your favorite healer. Finding her with relative ease, your smile falls from your face at the frazzled state she was clearly in. Her normally neat braid was disorderly; strands of hair being pulled from its confines as if she had been constantly running her hands through it. Whiskey brown eyes tinged with dark blotches underneath-- a clear sign that she hadn’t been sleeping well. Or at all. Her posture hunched in on itself as she sat at her desk. Pouring over various documents that littered the normally clean surface. 
With a worried frown now prominent on your features, you move towards her. Watching her jerky movements and overall crumbling composure. It was a sight that concerned you greatly because Lauren was always so poised. An innate elegance that many could never hope to grasp exuding from her every move. 
She was anything but graceful now. 
Stopping just behind the beautiful healer, you clear your throat. Not wanting to startle her while she was working; as you were well aware of how concentrated she could become. Even still, Lauren gave a slight jolt at the noise. Her body whipping around to face you with a shocked look painted on her features.
She settles down once she realizes it was you, however, a small smile starting to form on her lips. “Edelgard,” she breathes. “I wasn’t expecting you to drop by today? Is everything all right, my love?” 
You nod. “Everything is fine, Lauren, I just came to see you.” You pause as you once again take in the sight of her. Your frown once again makes an appearance on your face. “But are you alright? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
“I’m fine,” she replies with a flippant wave of her hand. “You know how this time of year can get around here. People thinking they can ice skate without the use of protective gear.”
You wince slightly at that. “Have there been any bad ones?” 
“The worst was someone having their skull split open and a few cracked ribs, but nothing too life-threatening.” She shrugs. “But that doesn’t mean the paperwork is any less severe.” 
You frown as you watch Lauren look back down at her desk-- following her gaze with your own. The sight causes your heart to thud against your chest. Various documents lay scattered about on her desk with her neat scrawl written across. Each one detailing why each patient had been admitted and what had been done to them once they were. From what you could see there were dozens of them on her desk, but there was so much more that hadn’t even been opened yet. 
“Lauren,” you murmur. “You need to sleep. You can’t stay cooped up in her doing this paperwork. It’s not good for you.”
She smiles softly. “You sound just like Asa.” She shakes her head as she brings a new document towards her. “But I have to get these done. I’m used to working like this during this particular season.” She glances back up at you with a soft smile that never failed to warm your heart. “Go have fun and enjoy the festivities. I’m sure Silas would love to have company right now. Or maybe you can help Catherine with hanging up decorations around Haven.”
“I would rather spend the day with you.” 
“I know, my love.” She sighs softly. “I will try to finish as fast as I can so we can get a late dinner at the inn. How does that sound?” 
You know that Lauren was trying her best with what she was given. Just as you knew she hated disappointing you-- even in small ways. So, with a smile, you bring your lips quickly to her cheek. Loving that her scent filled your nose as you did so. 
It was the scent of vanilla with hints of chestnut and some form of wood you couldn’t name. The outdoorsy smell with the softness of the vanilla was something you would forever associate with Lauren. With the warm feeling, she brought to your chest every time you saw her. Bringing you back to the times that you were a child. Back when the world was a bright and magical place. 
It was the scent that brought you home. 
Moving away from her inviting embrace, you speak. “That’s more than okay, Lauren.” You squeeze her bicep in a gentle warning. “Just don’t overwork yourself, alright?” 
She smiles. “Alright.” 
With that, you step away from her and begin to make your way out of the ward, but with each step, a heavy feeling started to settle over your heart. That only grew the further you were away from Lauren. 
You wanted nothing more than to turn back, but Lauren’s soft voice filled your head. Her words from earlier and the earnest conviction laid within her tone halted any form of rebellion. She rarely asked for anything-- you weren’t about to disregard her wishes now. 
Even though everything within you was begging you to. 
“I don’t know what to do, Weiss,” you whisper to your dragon as you place various meats into her trough. Your eyes meeting the compassionate golden gaze of the dragoness. Her white scales glowing in the dim torch-light of the cavern. 
Yes, you do, dearest one, you just don’t wish to do it. Was the calm response through your mind. Her silky voice whispering through your mind like a gentle wind. Not overpowering in the slightest, but it was a presence that you would always know was there. 
You scoff. “What do you mean? I would always do anything I could for Lauren.” 
I know that, dearest one, which is exactly why you’re heeding her words. Even though you wish you weren’t. 
You frown at her words. You knew what Weiss was explaining, but some part of you still rebelled against it. Maybe it was the part that still wished to honor Lauren’s words? To honor her wanting you to have fun while she was cooped up working. Even so, the mere thought of Lauren alone during the holiday season was heartbreaking. She already gave so much to Haven-- too much at times-- and you refused to have her give this up. You couldn’t bear it. 
Glancing up at the beautiful dragoness, you smiled at her. Knowing that you didn’t have to vocalize your next words-- for she could feel them-- but you were compelled to. 
“I love you, Weiss. I hope you know that.” 
Her head lowers towards you. Golden eyes glowing with all the warmth of the sun. I do know my dearest one. I love you just as much. 
Bringing a hand up, you scratch just under her jaw-- a spot you knew she liked having itched. A warm smile blossoming on your face at the small coos she let loose at the sensation. Your gaze locking with hers with a message clearly passing from her to you. 
Go to her. 
And after one more scratch, you do as she says. Your body rushing towards the one destination you wanted nothing more than to get to. 
To Lauren. 
You skidded to a halt just outside the entrance of the ward. Your body almost colliding with the wall opposite you as you came to said abrupt halt. Air rushing into your lungs as you inhaled sharply. Doing everything you could to resupply them after your manic run. 
It wouldn’t do to be winded when you spoke to Lauren. 
After a moment, your chest doesn’t feel like it’s on fire anymore. Nor do you feel like your legs are about to collapse out from under you. With a solemn breath, you take a step forward into the familiar ward. Your eyes taking in the same sight you had that morning, and it didn’t fail to elicit the same reaction from you. 
If possible the frown was even deeper than before. 
Lauren still sat hunched over her desk, but her braid was completely gone now. Long, golden-brown hair fell in a gentle mixture of waves and slight curls around her face. Nimble fingers tracing over the various papers that still lay in front of her. Though one of her hands would periodically come up to brush the strands of hair from her face. A clear sign of the frayed edges that was Lauren’s being. You knew that Lauren needed a break, but you didn’t know how to make her have one. 
If Lauren was anything it was stubborn. Especially when it came to her work. 
With silent, almost cat-like, steps you make your way across the room. Halting, in front of Lauren’s desk as she sat oblivious to the world around her. Such a fact would normally cause a worried frown to pull at your brow, but another cursory glance of the room showed you the reason Lauren was fine with being in such a state. 
The dragon lay with his head on one of the various carpets throughout the ward. His green scales glowing against the hearth fire that fell on them. His deep rumbling breaths filling the silence of the room-- when it wasn’t filled with the scratching of Lauren’s quill or her mumbling. Bronze eyes having been trained on Lauren’s form turn towards you. Clear relief taking over his features at the sight of you. 
I’m glad you’re here, Edelgard, his soft voices rumbled through your mind. Lauren hasn’t been taking care of herself. Nor has she been heeding my words. I truly hope that you have better luck breaking through to her. For you’re the only person I could see doing so. 
You dip your head towards Asa in a sign of silent understanding. You knew exactly how Lauren could get when she was truly invested in her work. Not to mention when it was a season of high injury rates because people enjoyed doing idiotic things. Even so, the fact that she wasn’t listening to Asa? 
You shake your head at the many ideas flickering through your head. You had to convince Lauren to take a break before she became a patient of the medical ward herself, which was something no one wanted. If you had to you would even go to the Matriarch-- as you knew she had a soft spot for Lauren and wanted to see the healer safe. That would be your second course of action, however. 
Steeling yourself, you move to the side of her desk. Your mind working over everything you could potentially say. With a soft sigh, you kneel next to Lauren’s chair. Your hand resting against hers-- halting her manic writing. 
Startled brown eyes turn to meet your violet. Her full lips forming an ‘o’ as she registered that you were kneeling beside her. Even still, it took her a moment to form a cohesive sentence. 
“E-Edelgard?” She asks with confusion laced within her tone. “What are you doing here?” 
“I came because I wanted to see you,” you murmur. Your hand stroking hers with a soft touch that you knew she enjoyed. “Which I’m glad I decided to do because you look even worse than you did this morning.”
Lauren smiles. “Thanks.”
You roll your eyes playfully at her. “You know I didn’t mean it like that, Lauren.”
“I know.”
You take a moment to respond. Speaking with Lauren was one of the easiest things you have ever done. She was like an open book to you. Easy to read and even easier to open up to. For there were no lies hidden within her soft brown eyes. There were no hints of deception within her elegant tone. There was only Lauren.
And there was never anything better. 
A soft hand on your cheek pulls you out of your reverie. Your eyes rising to meet a sparkling gaze. A gaze that would normally cause a smile to form on your lips, but only caused worry to gnaw in your stomach. You could clearly tell that Lauren was tired. That she needed rest and time to simply be herself-- without the responsibilities that being Head Healer demanded of her. 
Your hand comes up to grasp the one on your cheek. Your head turning to place a soft kiss on its palm. “You need to rest, Lauren. You’re no good to anyone in this state.” 
“I’m fine, Edelgard.” She sighs. “There is no need to worry about me.”
“There is every reason to worry about you, Lauren. You haven’t slept in days. You’re not listening to Asa nor are you able to sit up straight without swaying like you’re drunk.” You sigh with frustration. “You need to rest. The paperwork can wait, but your health can’t.” 
Lauren stares at you for a moment with an unreadable expression, but it soon smooths out into one of adoration. Her eyes softening with the love she held for you. Dipping her head, she rests her forehead against yours for a moment-- brushing strands of chocolate brown form your forehead while she did so. Her nimble fingers running through the long strands; an action she knew comforted you. 
“I suppose you’re right,” she whispers. “I’m no good to anyone in this state. Plus, I think I’ve been writing the same sentence for the past hour.”
You chuckle at that and with an ease that came with muscle memory, you stand with Lauren trailing behind you because of your linked hands. Your gaze never wavering from hers as you did so. 
“Then you’re going to have to rest that beautiful mind of yours.” You grin. “But I know you’re not going to want to leave the ward when you still have things to do within it.”
She smiles back at you. The same soft look from before becoming even more prominent on her face. Especially as you led her to one of the various beds the ward had to offer-- the one that was conveniently the closest to Asa. 
Laying down, you pull Lauren along with you and tuck her into your side. Her head resting on your chest as you wrapped your arms around her-- pulling her tighter against you. Turning towards the night table that was situated beside the bed, you open the drawer and pull out a well-worn book. As you always kept a stash of them within the ward whenever you had to stay the night with Lauren. 
Glancing down, you couldn’t help the smile that blossomed on your face at the peaceful look that was written across Lauren’s face. Her languid breaths ghosting across the expanse of your skin. It was a sight that filled your heart with warmth and brought you back to the many nights of your childhood. Where days didn’t truly matter because you had everything you could ever need right within arms reach. 
It couldn’t be more true now. 
With a soft exhalation you open the book, one that had clearly been well taken care of, and begin to read. “There’s a legend as old as time itself. A legend that depicted a boy that grew up with nothing but came to have everything. The legend of the boy with a moon-shaped scar…” 
All the while Lauren’s soft breathing became deeper and deeper as she fell asleep to the story of the boy with the moon-shaped scar. Your soothing voice that last thing that she was aware of as she slipped into the warm embrace of sleep.
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
All For The Best
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Chapter Ten
A/N: So, I haven’t updated this in weeks, and for anyone who’s been reading, I’m sorry. I’ve simply had no motivation or reason to believe that updating mattered, but it’s here now. And hopefully I can get back to writing again.
Word Count: 1.8k
Pairings: Steve Harrington x OC, Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers x OC
Summary: Just as the night comes to a close and everything seems to go back to normal, it gets a little worse first.
There was a split second where Hawthorne still hadn’t felt the effects of River’s powers hit him yet. But the moment it kicked in, he felt like he had a splitting headache. He wasn’t used to it, of course. Before now, he’d never had to handle the kind of powers his sister had. And with the chaos going on around them, he could hear everyone’s thoughts hitting him constantly. He couldn’t even pick anything out of the noise, which made it worse. 
Hawthorne tried as hard as he could to block it out and drag River away to safety. By now, they were out of fireworks and had nothing else to defend themselves. Save for Hawthorne, though he knew he’d only be able to do so much when he couldn’t totally control these new powers right off the bat. His main concern, though, was keeping River safe now that she was unconscious. It was overwhelming, especially with El in trouble. 
From a safer spot on the upper level, close enough to everyone else if they needed help, he could see Billy hunched over El. Something was clearly happening, and he knew better than to interfere, but he kept an eye on them just in case Billy tried anything. 
Any attack the Mind Flayer threw at them, he fended off the best he could. While he had a decent idea of River's powers, he still wasn't quite sure how she could handle them so well. But he was slowly getting the hang of it. Admittedly, if you took away the telepathy part, he was enjoying this. For once, he was actually being of some use and not totally wanting to run away. Something about it gave Hawthorne just enough confidence to keep up the defense. With no other plans and their firework supply depleted, he had to be brave long enough in the hopes that El might be okay. And since he could tell El was using her powers to try breaking Billy from his possession, he thought interfering might be a bad move.
To his amazement, though, Billy stood, seemingly snapping out of whatever hold the Mind Flayer had on him. Not far from them, Max and Mike came running in. Hawthorne was relieved to see them. In the chaos, they hadn’t had time to look for them, so it saved him some stress. He spotted a few injuries on both of them, but they weren’t dead, and that might as well be a win for them.
Hawthorne handed River over to Steve as he rushed over to the rail, watching as Billy fended off the Mind Flayer. That was the last thing he’d expected to see tonight, but he supposed stranger things had happened. Though Hawthorne hated Billy, he was relieved to see that El was fine and out of harm’s way because of him. That was all that really mattered to him. 
Even from the other side of the room, it was easy to sense Max’s distress as it became clear Billy wasn’t making it out of this alive. The Mind Flayer had him caught as he took one final hit straight to the chest. Knowing River would be safe here with Steve and Robin, he raced down to the lower level of the mall. He ran as quick as he could, and he could already hear Max’s thoughts. They were a mix of concern, confusion, grief, and anger. He wasn’t even sure she knew what she was feeling. 
The Mind Flayer collapsed as Hawthorne reached Max, who collapsed in El’s arms. He knelt down and pulled them both close so they wouldn’t have to see Billy’s lifeless body splayed on the floor. Both girls were sobbing messes, but he didn’t mind at all. They’d been through so much, and they deserved to let it out. 
He only tried to get them standing when a hoard of soldiers charged in, hurrying them outside to safety. Outside, it was raining, and the fluorescent lights of the Starcourt sign painted the asphalt with bright pinks and blues. Hawthorne tried to focus on small details like that to keep himself grounded. He was a little better at drowning out the thoughts of everyone around him enough to keep his head from pounding. 
Ambulances and firetrucks waited outside. They were given medical attention while the soldiers and Dr. Owens did a sweep of the building. Hawthorne wasn’t too badly injured, all things considered. Only drained and ready for a nap. He wiped at the blood dripping from his nose as a paramedic looked him over. 
It was hard to think he’d made it through another world-ending catastrophe when he’d been so convinced the first time was pure luck. Maybe he had it in him after all. Hawthorne kept an eye out for Joyce and Hopper, hoping they both made it out just fine. Clearly they’d been able to close the gate if the Mind Flayer had gone down, but there was still worry lingering in the back of his mind. Anything could have happened to them after closing it.
Once Hawthorne was patched up, he went to check on El. He knew she’d probably been the most physically and mentally taxed of them all. But she seemed okay. As okay as she could be, anyways. 
Thankfully, Hawthorne spotted Joyce coming out of Starcourt. She was greeted by Will rushing over to hug her. Though she seemed relieved to see her son, something was wrong. Even without River’s powers, he could sense it. For just a moment, he let down the mental walls he’d put up in the hopes of figuring out what was troubling her. He mostly caught glimpses of images, probably her memories as she recalled what happened in the base, but he got the gist. Hawthorne wished he hadn’t looked because his anxiety took over the moment he realized what was wrong.
Hopper was gone.
All the hope he had of everything going back to normal was instantly crushed. Grief settled in, like he’d been punched in the gut. Which might have been preferable to this. This was so much worse. 
Hawthorne caught Joyce’s gaze for a second, and she gave him an apologetic look. One that made his heart ache and twist. In that one look, he could tell she was just as grief-stricken as him.
It wasn’t long before River came to, and his hold on her powers finally gave. She had them back, and it felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. How she controlled that much power was beyond him. For once, though, he was glad he didn’t have to deal with that everyday. 
Steve was sitting with River in an ambulance, a shock blanket wrapped around them as she was getting her arm set in a sling for now. Though she was clearly still in pain, she looked relieved to be outside. Though he didn’t want to ruin that, Hawthorne knew he had to tell her about Hopper. Someone had to. 
Hawthorne tried not to let his grief show as he walked over. River’s arm was a bit swollen, but it looked better than he thought it would. “How’s your arm doing?” he asked.
“Not too bad,” she said. “Could be a lot worse.”
He wasn’t sure if it was because she had her powers back or if she just knew him that well, but her brows furrowed, and she seemed to sense something was off. She looked him over, probably checking for injuries, before finally asking, “What happened?”
Hawthorne opened his mouth to speak, but it took him a few tries before he could say anything. He was worried about how horribly she was likely to take it.
“Hopper didn’t come back,” he finally said. As he expected, River’s entire demeanor shifted drastically. Before, she’d at least appeared to have some hope, but now that was gone. 
“What do you mean?” He was sure she knew the answer, but he’d expected her denial.
“He’s gone. Joyce came back, Murray came back, but no Hopper.” It felt way too real the more he had to say it.
River finally seemed to be processing the weight of the reality. Tears welled up in her eyes, and his heart sunk. Hawthorne hated to see her like this, but he knew he’d done the right thing by telling her. She curled up into Steve’s side, and he took that as his cue to let her be. 
Despite the loss tonight brought, everyone else was intact physically, if not mentally. Hawthorne let Rex out of Jonathan’s car. The poor dog mostly seemed shaken by all the noise and people, but he was otherwise okay. Naturally, though, his instinct seemed to be checking on River, because he found her rather quickly. Noticing her saddened state, Rex hopped up with some help and curled up next to River. Hawthorne knew she needed the comfort, so he let Rex stay with her. Tonight felt like the longest night of his life.
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Joyce let Hawthorne stay at the Byers house for the night since the rest of the kids were staying. Besides, River took Rex and went with Steve, and he wouldn’t be able to sleep in the cabin alone. He’d never sleep if he did. And he was sure El shared the same sentiment. Being around their friends might be for the best. 
Nancy even stayed, which he’d been hoping for honestly. He was glad to see her and Jonathan were doing better. It gave him some peace of mind among everything else that was going horribly wrong in his life. 
The kids were working out sleeping arrangements, though they all seemed content to sleep in a pile to keep each other close and comforted. Hawthorne would have been fine taking the couch for himself, but Jonathan insisted he join him and Nancy in his room. It was probably for the best. He was a tall guy, and curling up on the couch wouldn’t have been comfortable. 
Jonathan’s bed was big enough for the three of them when they piled together. Hawthorne had Nancy laying on his chest and his arm wrapped around Jonathan as he held him close. He felt much better being able to hold them. It grounded him, and he knew they were safe now. 
Surprisingly, Nancy was the first to pass out, though neither of them blamed her. That left Hawthorne and Jonathan, who tried to keep their voices low for her sake. 
“How are you feeling?” Jonathan asked, looking up at him with concern in his eyes. 
Hawthorne didn’t want to lie to him. He felt awful. “Tired,” he answered. “But I don’t think I’ll be getting much sleep after this.” He didn’t think he really could when his mind kept drifting back to what he’d seen from Joyce.
“That’s okay. You lost your dad today. I don’t think anyone will blame you for feeling like shit for a while.” Coming from Jonathan, it was oddly reassuring. He always had a way of making Hawthorne feel like the world wasn’t totally against him. 
Though he didn’t feel his best, it was enough for him knowing that he had both of them to help him through his grief. He kissed Jonathan’s forehead and relaxed for now. Even from here, Hawthorne could just make out the kids hushed voices, clearly unable to sleep just as much as him. It comforted him knowing he wasn’t alone. Especially once Jonathan fell asleep, his breath becoming even and tension leaving his body.
He wasn’t sure how long he was awake, but the silence, interrupted only by the occasional whisper from the kids, was starting to lull him to sleep. Though he wasn’t sure he wanted to sleep, not knowing what might await him in his dreams, Hawthorne felt himself giving in. He deserved some rest after such a long night. Tomorrow, he could worry about everything else. Even when he finally fell asleep, his protective grasp on Nancy and Jonathan didn’t loosen.
Taglist: @charmedtenderness @nxncywheeler​ @koibecomedragons​
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