#It's just nice
gummi-ships · 10 months
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Kingdom Hearts - 100 Acre Wood
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faithdeans · 1 year
i love being online because i am only my words, and the heart i show you
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themetalvirus · 1 year
By the way I like that people call me biscuit in asks now. Like ha ha that's literally me lol ha ha that's my name
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challenge-ant · 8 months
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
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i’ve been lax on posting lately so here’s some more rottmnt stuff b/c i’m back on my turtle bs. (I don’t think i ever did much with tmnt online before. Which is odd since it’s what a lot of people know me for irl. i’ve very much been obsessed with tmnt since about 2010 so yeah, you’re going to have to deal with this for a bit.)
also, this is technically a partial screenshot redraw from this screenshot. 
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I just really liked that pose and wanted to try rottmnt style. It worked to a varying degree. I think his hoodie needed to be floofier but the angle kinda threw me off.
oh well. I’m experimenting
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prettyblondguys · 3 months
I love sewing, it's like hmmmm I am a little old man doing my little old man things
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somecallmekay · 2 months
Late night trains through the dark my beloved
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peachships · 5 months
Thinking about how I would talk to Will about my severe arm pain in my right arm and he'd just hold up his stump and say "I feel ya on that one, honeybun"
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
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Ryo & Kaori being goofy compilation
(I feel like Ryo genuinely enjoys Kaori going feral anxjdkcnc)
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to-the-all-blue · 6 months
I'm in love with fanartists who make Nami plus size. I'm kissing you all on the mouth and dropping 100000$ into your bank accounts
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asteracaea · 4 months
one of my favorite little joys in life is new music fridays
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: The Lights of Prague by Nicole Jarvis
Another highly personal one.
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(My copy of The Lights of Prague, flanked by two of my bat plushies. Picture taken in Old Town Square, after dark.)
Prague, not long after the introduction of gaslights on the street. The guild of lamplighters doubles as elite monsterfighter squad, whose job is to keep the normal population safe from the numerous beings active at nighttime. Meanwhile, said monsters have their own hidden society. Both worlds get thrown in disarray by a series of experiments, that, if successful, would let the pijavice, vampire-like creatures, go out during the sunlight hours. Lamplighter Domek and pijavice Ora get sucked in the middle of the conflict, struggling to keep up with the conspiracies as well as their feelings for one another.
The reasons why this book is so special to me are personal more than anything else, but I still feel that it would serve as a good example for changes in the fantasy genre.
This was the first thing I bought when I arrived to Prague for my one year in film school. Then it took me almost two years to read it, because I was reading everything but this book. The thing is, this is the EXACT kind of story I would have LOVED as a teenager, but apparently, I grew out of it and kind of lost interest. The book itself is good, and I really regret not getting to it ten - fifteen years sooner. It is also, all in all, not really that special or different from the ones that I did read back then.
What did stand out for me was the casual queerness. I bought it because of the Prague connection, and was fully expecting it to be completely straight, like the books I used to read as a teenager. It wasn’t. Ora is bisexual, having had two major relationships with women, as well as multiple with men, and Domek’s friend Cord (as well as his mystery boyfriend) is gay. It is all treated very casually, but it is very visibly there.
As I said before, I know this exact kind of book. I used to devour them around 2009 - 2012 (ish). Back then, this kind of casual queerness just didn’t happen. It did not.
Following the progress of queer representation is often frustrating because of how slow it is. It feels like it should be so normalized by now, and yet we are still stagnating and waiting for crumbs to drop. However, the progress becomes very visible the moment you look at the bigger picture in history, and compare media we have today with the way things were even ten years ago. Once upon a time something comes along that hits you over the head with this progress, and I feel like it’s a good thing to stop for a second and appreciate it.
So yeah, that is what The Lights of Prague symbolises to me.
Here is Nicole Jarvis’ personal webpage. About the pijavice, I only found this entry on the Monster Wiki.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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khunspikesficrecs · 7 months
Title: a temporary abundance
Author: fleet_off (@fleet-off)
Rating: Teen and Up
Pairing: Vegas Theerapanyakul/Pete Saengtham
Once Pete has kissed what is torn and licked Vegas clean again--only then will he tell him that sometimes he freezes Pete’s breath in his throat just by how pretty he is. But they are enjoying a quiet morning, today, so he can find other ways to express the sentiment. - In the midst of one of their more temperate stretches, Pete rests his head in Vegas’s lap.
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fixatedonfandom · 2 years
tf2 prompt
It's nice to collect my prompts in a secret folder but I figure I could put my imagination on display for the little people who live in my phone. I already wrote and published the Mask Off prompt I came up with but I've got some more.
Scout…may or may not have lied on his application to Reliable Excavation and Demolition. Nothing too serious! They had his real name, they had his work history, they had his skill, all of that. But he might have stretched the truth a little bit on the age section. Technically, yes, he was still legally allowed to apply. But how many places were going to look twice at an application from a guy who would have only just turned 18 by the time the contract was set to start? So he bumped it up a little. Not by much! Just…he jimmied the number up to 19. But that was kind of an ugly number, and he'd technically still a teenager, so he moved it up one more time to hit 20. That should've been good, but he wasn't sure if that base had some kinda alcohol policy, and be didn't want to be the underage kid who ruined it for everyone, so he said 21 instead. Better make it 22 just to be safe, actually. Yeah. 22 was good. So, he turned in the app, flubbing the age but nothing else, he swore. After that…he kinda forgot about it. Until he got hired. Then he really forgot about it
Then Scout moved onto base, freshly turned 18 and more than excited about his new job, and was handed the file that contained information about all of his new coworkers, and himself. He flipped to his own page first, and got smacked in the face by remembering his little white lie.
Now he was Scout, 23 and a grown-ass man, instead of Jeremy, barely 18 and having never paid a single tax in his life.
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catgirlcommie · 1 year
i feel like my generally improved mood and me just being less depressed recently has led to me having less and less severe delusions which is nice. like i still get em but definitely not as much as during my worst years and usually i can ward them off just by being smart. like do not look outside too much when it’s dark and such.
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kookies2000 · 2 years
So I was just scrolling through Tik Tok and I get this trailer,
Perro: Hi! I'm Puss therapy Dog!
Puss in Boots: Definitely not!
Kitty Soft Paws: Finally! You need therapy.
🤣 I'm really happy that I've been seeing more kids media today introducing therapy to the younger generation.
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